522 - Assignment 2 HoLeQuocBao Mới Nhất
522 - Assignment 2 HoLeQuocBao Mới Nhất
522 - Assignment 2 HoLeQuocBao Mới Nhất
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I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
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Grading grid
P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 M2 M3 M4 D1 D2 D3
Summative Feedback: Resubmission Feedback:
1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the topic
The pandemic has had a positive impact on office workers. That means that after the pandemic, many
people have chosen to work from home instead of going to the office as usual. Through the statistics of the
annual edition of Owl Labs, it is said that 70% of people say that virtual meetings make them less stressful
and 64% now prefer Hybrid meetings (OWL LABS, 2021). In addition, quite a lot of people cannot fit this way
of working from home, so there are problems with the quality of work. Thereby this is the reason for doing
this study. To be able to find and analyze the causes of this distraction in employees.
Sacombank is the first leasing company in the field of joint stock banking, Sacombank-SBL has initially
entered the rental market in Vietnam while leasing services are still unfamiliar to businesses. However, this
difficult beginning cannot stop the collective efforts of SBL employees in turning challenges into
opportunities to become one of the pioneers in bringing rental services into the business. This creates an
effective capital flow for the economy and plays an important role in reducing pressure on the joint stock
banks - this is also the mission that Sacombank has carried out with Sacombank-SBL since its first
establishment. on July 10, 2006 (Sacombank - SBL, 2016).
Typically, the productivity of a given worker will be measured against the average of similar employees.
Because much of the success of any organization relies on the productivity of its workforce, employee
productivity is an important factor to consider for businesses. Therefore, for a large corporation like
Sacombank, it is always necessary to consider employee productivity in order to be able to specifically assess
the effectiveness of their company. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to identify and examine the
factors affecting “Employee Productivity”, based on secondary research articles
1.2. The reasons why you choose the topic
Sacombank is an organization that has the potential to train and develop employees with the above context,
especially young people with great talent and passion. Currently, in the world, there are many Scientific
research on factors affecting employee satisfaction working from home. This is a real topic that requires
data collection and evaluation analysis to identify various factors affecting employee productivity at
Sacombank. Therefore, specific research on this topic in the report will focus on Factors Affecting Employee
Productivity in Sacombank.
1.3. Objectives of the topic
The main objective of this report will be divided into 3 objectives which are:
➢ Systematize the theoretical basis of employee productivity and factors affecting employee
➢ Identify and analyze factors affecting employee productivity at Sacombank
➢ Proposing the best solutions for improvement to help Sacombank increase the employee's budget so
that the company can be better.
1.4. Research questions of the topic
Based on the objectives of the topic, this research paper will be made to:
➢ Systematize the theoretical basis of employee productivity and what factors affect employee
➢ What are the factors affecting employee productivity at Sacombank?
➢ How to propose the best improvement solutions to help Sacombank increase the budget for
employees so that the company gets better and better?
1.5. Scope of the topic
There are many factors that have been studied related to employee productivity in the company, but limited
scope of research will focus on factors such as: Job Satisfaction; Working Environment; Motivation;
Organizational culture and Leader’s style. This study was conducted through surveyed employees at
Sacombank from July 30 to August 4, 2021.
1.6. Meaning of the study
In this research report, we will identify the factors that affect the employees and assist the company in
improving the employee's working capacity, mainly to optimize the factors. raised to help the company
better for employees. Understanding employee needs and supporting them to overcome obstacles at work
to achieve top results and retain employees are all goals. Furthermore, using employee close-ups, the
analysis applies a number of techniques to see the aspects that affect management capacity in the company.
2. Literature review
2.1. Employee productivity
Employee productivity can be referred to as workforce productivity which is the assessment of the
performance of a worker or a recognized team (TechTarget Contributor, 2021). Productivity can be assessed
based on the output of an employee in a specific period of time. Typically, the productivity of a given worker
will be measured against the average of similar employees. Because much of the success of any organization
relies on the productivity of its workforce, employee productivity is an important factor to consider for
businesses. High-performance, effective organizations have a culture that encourages employee
engagement. As a result, employees are willing to participate in decision making, goal setting or problem
solving, which then leads to higher employee performance. According to Sibson (1994), productivity means
doing high quality work with great efficiency. In essence it is some output per man hour. Output must be
saleable and usable and of good quality. Other simple definitions include the amount of output per unit of
input (labour, equipment, and capital).
2.2. Factors affecting Employees' productivity
According to Lawrence (2010) argues that skills development in organizations is an important plank in
improving organizational performance. For an organization to be competitive, it must have the skills
required for its field. This means that organizations that strive to get their employees to acquire the
necessary skills will ultimately outperform those who frown at such undertakings. Armstrong (2006) defines
motivation as the psychological process that arouses and directs people's goal-oriented behaviour. They ask
why people do the things they do and they answer that they are mainly motivated to fulfill their wants and
their needs. They continue to suggest that motivation can result from two types of rewards. First is extrinsic
reward which is the pay off, such as money a person receives from others for performing a given job. The
second is intrinsic reward which is the satisfaction in performing the task itself and a feeling of
accomplishment. Because each organization has a separate working environment, each individual who
wants to cooperate with the organization must also have its own criteria to be able to cooperate with the
company for a long time. The purpose of this article is to evaluate employee preferences through 5 factors
affecting employee productivity in Sacombank include staff skills; Work environment; motivation;
Organizational culture and leader's style. Identifying such differences creates opportunities for human
resource policies adjustments.
Job satisfaction
According to Brikend Aziri (2011), Job satisfaction represents a combination of positive or negative feelings
that workers have towards their work. Meanwhile, when a worker employed in a business organization,
brings with it the needs, desires and experiences which determinates expectations that he has dismissed.
Job satisfaction represents the extent to which expectations are and match the real awards. Job satisfaction
is closely linked to that individual's behaviour in the work place.
Job satisfaction represents a combination of positive or negative feelings that workers have towards their
work. Meanwhile, when a worker employed in a business organization, brings with it the needs, desires and
experiences which determinates expectations that he has dismissed. Job satisfaction represents the extent
to which expectations are and match the real awards (Aziri, 2011).
Working Environment
Work environment can be divided into two components namely physical and behavioral the components.
The physical environment includes factors related to the office users' the ability to physically connect to
their office environment. Behavioral environment includes components related to how connected people
working in the office are with each other, and the impact the office environment can have on an individual's
behavior (Abdi F. , 2016).
Work environment refers to factors including the context in which employees work and the impact on
workers. While some items include the obvious, such as wall treatment or the number of houseplants,
others are more confusing, such as corporate politics or co-workers with personality traits. Doesn't fit the
company culture. Professionals working in both full-time and part-time positions are significantly affected by
their office environment as they have to perform their duties within it. Often, workers are required to adapt
to this workplace ethos (Glassdoor Team, 2021).
The influence of the working environment, that is mainly includes physical, social and psychological factors,
which have been extensively examined in the past two decades. In some studies, employees 'motivation, job
satisfaction, work' engagement, job performance, and health were found to be significantly influenced by
psychosocial environment of the working organization. Therefore, Sacombank's working environment is also
a platform for employees to work together in harmony and progress in a healthy and developing
Motivation involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that trigger behavior. In everyday
usage, the term "motivation" is often used to describe why a person does something. It is the driving force
behind human action. Dynamic not updating refers to operating system factors; it also involves guiding
elements and maintaining guidelines for action towards this goal (by default such facilities are rarely directly
observed). As a result, they often have to infer why people do what they do based on observable behaviors
(Cherry, 2022). According to Armstrong (2009), high performance is achieved by physically active people
who are prepared to exercise discretionary effort in most roles; there is scope for individuals to decide how
much efforts
Maslows' Hierarchy of Needs Theory was developed in 1940 to show how needs are arranged in hierarchical
system whereby people are motivated to satisfy higher needs as lower needs become satisfied, so most
employees work hard to ensure that their needs are met, thereby increasing performance. Employees are
motivated by different needs, so management should try and understand employee needs and respond to
them to avoid poor performance in their organization. Maslows has classified the hierarchy of needs as
follows; physiological need, belonging needs, esteem needs, and safety needs. Psychological motivation that
directs a person to a Goals are the driving force (Hedgar & Hodgets, 2008).
Organizational culture
According to Daniel and Aneil (1995) Explicit involvement and involvement of a company employees predict
current and future financial performance. Denison also suggests that culture can be studied as an integral
part of the process of change and that certain cultural characteristics can be used as predictors of
organizational performance and effectiveness (Daniel & Aneil, 1995).
An organizational culture where employees are seen as an integral part of an organization's growth fosters
employee commitment to the organization. They align their goals and objectives with those of the
organization and feel responsible for general welfare of the organization. When their efforts are in turn
appreciated by management and rewarded appropriately, they get great job satisfaction. In such an
organizational culture, employees are committed to achieving their goals and thus have positively influence
the overall performance of the organization. In an organization like sacombank, managers must eliminate
negative factors that slow employee performance in order to promote a positive workplace positive
organizational culture or environment.
Leader’s style
According to Kradwoski (2004) A leader is seen as someone who is able to persuade others to his point of
view and therefore a course of action. The leader, therefore, can take his followers with him through a
process of instructing and influencing others to achieve some goal. The leader must interact with his
followers in some way so that he can affect them. In an organization, the leader tries to influence the
behavior of the employees with the intent that they assist the organization in achieving its goals. Any leader
can inspire the people he is leading, make the right decisions and show it's the best way to achieve whatever
they set out to do. Leadership is like that responsibility for leading others to achieve organizational goals.
The manger is basically the leader for the people under him. Thus, according to Kotler (2020), Managers
must positively inspire their workers to achieve better results. They are leaders. Managers can be
overwhelmed by their responsibilities because they expect so much from them. To get all the necessary skills
needed to ensure that managers are leaders, they must predict what will happen in the near future and plan
for it. Therefore, an organization need to nurture new managers who will take the organization to higher
levels of performance (Kotler, 2020).
Therefore, in order to be able to lead the human resources to work most effectively, Sacombank needs a
leader who can lead their employees to work well and support them to achieve their goals. previous goals.
Not only that, it is also necessary to have a clear and standard plan for employees to follow. A good leader
will always listen to employees and always help them overcome difficulties, so they can be more productive
at work.
3. Research model and Research Hypothesis
3.1. Research
Based on the literature review, the report has a model of 5 main elements: Job satisfaction; Working
Environment; Motivation; Organizational culture and Leader's style will directly affect the productivity of
employees in the organization:
Job satisfaction
Working Environment
Motivation Productivity
Organizational culture
Leader's style
4. Methodology
In the research scope, to study the factors impact Employees’ productivity at Sacombank Corporation, the
report uses some methods as follows:
- Reliability Cronbach’s Alpha Scale
+ Cronbach’s alpha is a measure of internal consistency, that is, how closely related a set of items
(questions) are as a group for a factor need to measure
+ These items (questions) will likely have been developed based upon theoretical knowledge of the
topic. The model has as many factors as possible, at least as many times as possible.
+ A good factor scale:
• Cronbach’s alpha at least 0.6 (new research at least 0.5)
• Corrected Item (question) Total Correlation at least 0.3
• Cronbach’s Alpha if Item Deleted less than Cronbach’s alpha of the main factor
- Exploratory Factors Analysis
+ Factor analysis can be used to find meaningful patterns within a large amount of data
+ It’s possible that we will find that a certain group of items (questions) seem to cluster together.
The group of items (questions) seems together to measure a factor to need to explore
+ A good result factor analysis
• Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy (KMO) in [0.5-1]
• Value Sig of Bartlett’s Test less than α (1%, 5%, 10%)
• Value Initial Eigenvalues of every factor at least 1
• Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings factors at least 50%
• Max Value Loading of an Item (questions) in a factor of at least 0.5
- Creating the Value of Factors
+ Method 1: Using Factor regression mode (SPSS)
F= 𝑊1𝑋1 + 𝑊2 + … . … . + 𝑊𝑘𝑋𝑘
Model testing:
+ Null hypotheses 𝐻𝑜: 𝑅2 = 0 "Model does not exist". “The factors DOES NOT impact to talent
+ Alternative hypotheses 𝐻𝑎: 𝑅2 ≠ 0 " 𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑠𝑡". “The factors IMPACT TO talent retention”
Short hypothesis testing:
Coefficient of 𝑋𝑖 testing:
+ 𝐻01: 𝛽01 = 0 " 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑋1 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑠𝑡"
+ 𝐻02: 𝛽02 = 0 " 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑋2 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑠𝑡"
+ 𝐻03: 𝛽03 = 0 " 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑋3 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑠𝑡"
+ 𝐻04: 𝛽04 = 0 " 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑋4 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑠𝑡"
+ 𝐻05: 𝛽05 = 0 " 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑋5 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑠𝑡"
Model assumption testing:
+ Assumption 01: The residual of the model is normally distributed
+ Assumption 02: The autocorrelation does not exist in the model
+ Assumption 03: The multi regression does not exist in the model
+ Assumption 04: The heteroscedasticity does not exist in the model
2 EP2 I actively peruse or initiate projects for the benefit of Company (Abdi F. B., 2016)
3 EP3 I effectively work with staffs and I am friendly to new ideas and (Abdi F. B., 2016)
2 OC2 I like the way decisions are made in my organization (Abdi F. , 2016)
3 OC3 I’m comfortable with how employees are treated (Abdi F. , 2016)
6. Analysis Result
6.1. Sample Data Research
Variable Frequency Percent
Gender Male 89 40.5
Female 131 59.5
Age From 18 – under 25 65 29.5
From 26 – under 32 100 45.5
Over 33 55 25.0
Income Under 3.000.000 VND 38 17.3
From 3.000.000 VND – under 5.000.000 VND 53 24.1
From 5.000.000 VND – 10.000.000 VND 61 27.7
Over 10.000.000 VND 68 30.9
Total 220 100.0
Table 7 Sample data
Based on the data collected in Table 7, we can see that the study included 220 employees of Sacombank. In
which, the structure is divided into 3 parts according to gender, age and income of each person. First, the
male gender structure accounts for 89 people (accounting for 40.4%) and the female gender structure is 131
people (accounting for 59.5%). This proves that women are very talented and confident in expressing
themselves in professional work environment of Samcombank. Moreover, Sacombankk is always looking for
talents, whether male or female, because women's expertise and qualifications are now equal to or higher
than that of men.
Next is the Age structure, from 18 to 25 people is 65 people (for 29.5%), from 26 to 32 people is 100 people
(for 44.5%), and over 33 are 55 people (25.0%). Samcombank's personnel structure is mainly concentrated in
the young age group from 18 to 32. This means that the number of people of working age is always high and
it also means that people over 40 have very few opportunities to work at the corporation.
Based on the structure, Income under 3 million VND is 38 people (accounting for 17.3%). This could be
employees are still in the process of training or testing. From 3 to 5 million VND is 53 people (accounting for
24.1%), from 5 to 10 million VND is 61 people (accounting for 27.0%), over 10 million VND is 68 individuals,
which is 30.9%. The income of Sacombank employees from level 4 and above corresponds to the market,
whereas the salary of Sacombank employees from level 1 to level 3 is lower than the average. On the other
hand, employees benefit from a generous compensation package that includes allowances, incentives and
benefits. Thus, with the above sample size of 220 people and the structure of gender, age and income, it
ensures the representativeness of employees at Sacombank.
6.2. Descriptives Statistic Analysis
The focus of this study will be on factors affecting talent management at Sacombank. Therefore, descriptive
statistics research will be used to look at employees' expectations to retain talent and the factors affecting
talent at the company. In addition, the study used a proportional score of 5, with less than 3 points
indicating disappointment and more than 3 points indicating happy happy.
Symbol Content Mean
EP1 I well understand and obey to policies and procedures of Company 3.80
EP2 I actively peruse or initiate projects for the benefit of Company 3.87
EP3 I effectively work with staffs and I am friendly to new ideas and concepts 3.89
EP4 I work hard to attain my goals 3.74
Total 3.83
Table 8 The employee's opinion on Employees’ Productivity
Through the data of Table 8, we see that the employee's perception of the Productivity of Sacombank's
employees is 3.83 people, showing that they are satisfied with the Productivity of the Company's employees.
Moreover, the factor "I work well with employees and I am friendly with new ideas and concepts" is clearly
understood in the organization with agreement level 3.89 and the factor "I work hard to achieve my goals"
received the lowest agreement from employees with a perception level of 3.74.
Through this, we can see that in Sacombank, they are always supported and approved by the ideas of
employees. This not only helps the company have a healthy working environment but also is accepted by
their superiors. Not only being mentioned with professionalism, Sacombank's working environment also
attracts many young people because of its youthfulness, solidarity and friendliness, and always helping each
other in their work. Extra-curricular activities are also organized by Sacombank to connect colleagues and
relax and entertain (Jobsgo, 2021).
Symbol Content Mean
JS1 Generally, I am satisfied with my job 3.32
JS2 I find my job very interesting. 3.70
JS3 I am satisfied with my salary and other incentives 4.07
JS4 I am satisfied with my current job position. 3.21
Total 3.58
Table 9 The employee's opinion on Job Satisfaction
Based on Table 9, we can see that employees at Samcombank are very satisfied with their jobs. Regarding
the questionnaire we can see that in the section "I am satisfied with my salary and other incentives" there
are 4.07 showing that the monthly salary of employees and the standard salary have made their satisfaction
in better job. Sacombank spent nearly 64 billion VND on remuneration for members of the Board of
Directors (1 general director and 14 deputy general). On average, each member of the bank's executive
board last year received 4.24 billion in working remuneration, equivalent to nearly 353 million per month
(Cafeland , 2020). In addition, about the opinion "I am satisfied with my current job position" only 3.21
shows that Sacombank is also more or less unable to meet the expectation of employees' development
ability because they may still not be satisfied with their current position. at theirs. This can also be good
news, if you think about it another way, the people there are always trying harder to develop at work.
Symbol Content Mean
WE1 I believe in and take pride in my work and my workplace 3.06
WE2 My working Environment feels me encouraging to coming up with new and better
ways of doing things
WE3 The emotional climate of the organization is generally positive and supportive 3.77
WE4 My working Environment gives me a feeling of personal
Total 3.32
Table 10 The employee's opinion on Working Environment
According to Table 10, we can see that employees feel the “working environment” is quite high at 3.32. In
which, the category "The emotional environment of the organization is generally positive and supportive" is
the most satisfied by employees with a perception level of 3.77. In addition, the item "I trust and take pride
in my work and my workplace" received the lowest approval rating of all of 3.06. This shows that their work
environment is always positive and they are proud of it. Moreover, many of them are proud of the current
job that Samcombank offers. A good environment will help employees feel comfortable in the workplace
and be more productive, thereby being more effective in their working process.
According to Table 11 we can see that the level of satisfaction about "organizational culture" is very low, the
index is 2.46 on a scale of 3, which means that employees are not really satisfied with this issue of the
company. In which the category "I like the way decision making in my organization" was rated the lowest
with only 2.31 and the category "The company I care about empowering employees" had the highest index of
2.97. The above may also be because the company does not meet many requirements set forth from
employees and the company has the same training regime, so the difficulty of promotion is also mentioned
above, so it leads to a high index of culture. at the company is also low.
For table 14 we will look specifically at the section: Employee productivity. Through Cronbach's alpha index
of 0.852 is greater than 0.6, which means that the homogeneity of internal variables is very high. In addition,
all 4 items have a total correlation greater than 0.3 and Cronbach's alpha if their items are deleted is less
than Cronbach's alpha of the coefficient "Employee productivity" (<0.852). Therefore, all 4 items (questions)
have a huge influence on employee productivity and they qualify for the measure of the "employee
productivity" factor.
6.3.2. Job Satisfaction
Table 15 Cronbach's Alpha of Job Satisfaction (first time)
Fist time for Table 15 we will specifically look at 4 questions in the "Job satisfaction" section. In which the
following table is given, we can see that Cronbach's alpha is 0.6. That is, the consistency of the internal
margins is not too high to meet the standard (0.600). For items 2 and 3, they all have a total correlation
greater than 0.3, and Cronbach's alpha if the item is deleted is less than the Cronbach's alpha of the "job
satisfaction" coefficient (<0.6). In addition, about 2 items of the question "Generally, I am satisfied with my
job" (question 1) and "I am satisfied with my current job position" (question 4) have a total correlation less
than 0.3 (0.279 and 0.246 <0.3) and Cronbach's Alpha if the Deleted Item is higher than Cronbach's Alpha
(0.603 and 0.669>0.600). Therefore, if we remove the 2 items that are question 1 and question 4,
Cronbach's Alpha coefficient can also continue to increase. In conclusion, the remaining 2 items (questions)
had a significant effect on qualifying retention for measuring "Job satisfaction" factor.
Table 16 Cronbach's Alpha of Job Satisfaction (second time)
JS2 .463 .
JS3 .463 .
Second time based on Table 16, we see that Cronbach's alpha is 0.600 equal to 0.6. Also, all corrected items
(questions) total correlation greater than 0.3 and all Cronbach's alpha if deleted item is less than Cronbach's
alpha of the prime factor (<0.600). Therefore, the 2 items (questions) are "I find my job very interesting."
and "I am satisfied with my salary and other incentives" are eligible to measure the " Job Satisfaction" factor
6.3.3. Working Environment
Table 17 Cronbach's Alpha of working Environment
In Table 17, we will look specifically at the four component questions of the “Working environment” factor.
We can see that Cronbach's alpha is greater than 0.6 (0.752), which means that the consistency of the
internal variables is high.
In addition, all 4 items have a total correlation greater than 0.3 and Cronbach's alpha if deleting their items is
less than Cronbach's alpha of the coefficient " Working Environment " (<0.752). Therefore, all 4 items
(questions) have a great influence on employee productivity and they qualify to measure the “work
environment” factor.
6.3.4. Organizational Culture
Table 18 Cronbach's Alpha of Organizational Culture (first time)
Fist time, for Table 18 we will specifically look at 4 questions in the "organizational culture" section.
According to the following table, we can see that Cronbach's alpha is 0.724. That is, the consistency of the
questions is high to meet the criterion (0.6). However, for items 2, 3 and 4 they all have a total correlation
greater than 0.3 and Cronbach's alpha if the item is deleted will be less than Cronbach's alpha of the
"Organizational culture" coefficient (<0.724). In addition, an item of the question "I'm comfortable with the
communication style of the company" (question 1) has a total correlation less than 0.3 (0.299 < 0.3) and
Cronbach's Alpha if the Deleted item is higher than Cronbach's Alpha (0.773 > 0.724). Therefore, if we
remove the item that is question 1, the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient can also continue to increase. In
conclusion, the remaining 1 item (question) has a significant influence on maintaining the standard to
measure the "Working culture" factor.
Table 19 Cronbach's Alpha of Organizational Culture (Second time)
Second time Based on Table 19, we can see that Cronbach's alpha is 0.773 which is greater than 0.6.
Furthermore, all items are fixed (question) the total correlation is greater than 0.3 and the Cronbach's alpha
if the first item's deleted item is less than the Cronbach's alpha of the "Organizational Culture" factor
(<0.773). However, Cronbach's alpha if the deleted item of the variable “My company give attention for
empowering employees” is higher than 0.773 (0.837 > 0.762). Therefore, if we remove the entry “My
company give attention for empowering employees” (OC4, Cronbach's alpha coefficient can also continue to
increase. In conclusion, the remaining 2 items (questions) had a significant effect on employee productivity
and were eligible to measure this factor. "Organizational Culture".
Table 20 Cronbach's Alpha of Organizational Culture (Last time)
OC2 .721 .
OC3 .721 .
Cronbach's Alpha .837
Last time Based on Table 20, we can see that Cronbach's alpha is 0.837 which is greater than 0.6. In addition,
all items corrected (question) total correlation greater than 0.3 and all Cronbach's alpha if deleted item is
less than Cronbach's alpha of the prime factor (<0.837). Therefore, the 2 items (questions) are: “I like the
way decisions are made in my organization” and “I’m comfortable with how employees are treated” are
eligible to measure the “Organizational Culture” factor.
6.3.5. Motivation
Table 21 Cronbach's Alpha of Motivation
M1 .485 .661
M2 .591 .594
M3 .482 .665
M4 .450 .681
For table 21 we will look specifically at: Motivation. Through Cronbach's alpha index of 0.714 is greater than
0.6 ie the homogeneity of internal variables is relatively high. In addition, all 4 categories have a total
correlation greater than 0.3, and Cronbach's alpha if deleting their items is less than Cronbach's alpha of the
"Motivation" coefficient (<0.714). Therefore, all 4 items (questions) have a huge influence on employee
productivity and they qualify to measure the “Motivation” factor.
6.3.6. Leader's Style
Table 22 Cronbach's Alpha of Leader's Style
For table 21 we will look specifically at: Leader's Style. Through Cronbach's alpha index is 0.821 greater than 0.6 the
homogeneity of internal variables is very high. In addition, all 4 categories have a total correlation greater than 0.3 and
Cronbach's alpha if deleting their categories is less than Cronbach's alpha of the "Leader's Style" coefficient (<0.821).
Therefore, all 4 items (questions) have a great influence on employee productivity and they qualify to measure
the “Leader's Style” factor.
Based on Table 23, we can see that the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Sampling Coverage Measure (KMO) is 0.811 in.
[0.5-1]. And the sig value of Bartlett's test is 0.000 which is less than 5%, which means correlation matrix is
Based on table 24, The initial eigenvalue of an element is 2,796 which is greater than 1 and the Total
Extraction of load factor squared is 69.905% greater than 50%
Employees’ Productivity 1 .850
Based on the results in Table 25, we can see that the Maximum Loading Value of all items (questions) in a
factor is greater than 0.5. Therefore, the “Employee Productivity” factor has four questions: “I well
understand and obey to policies and procedures of Company”, “I actively peruse or initiate projects for the
benefit of Company”, “I effectively work with staffs and I am friendly to new ideas and concepts" and "I work
hard to achieve my goals". Therefore, we can conclude that the factors that guarantee the validity converge
and differ in the analysis.
Table 26 KMO and Bartlett's Test of Independence factor
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .766
df 120
Sig. .000
With the results from Table 26, we can see that the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measurement of the
appropriateness of sampling (KMO) is 0.766 in [0.5-1]. It means that the variables are sufficient to conduct
an EFA test. Followed by the sig value of Bartlett's Sphericity Test is 0.000 which is less than 5% which means
the possibility of factor correlation
matrix is assumed
Based on the results in Table 27, all initial eigenvalues of a factor are greater than 1 and the Extract the sum
of the squared load factor is 66.553% greater than 50%. Therefore, we can conclude that more 66% of the
variation of factors is explained by the research model
Table 28 KMO and Bartlett's Test of Independence factor
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .740
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 1119.947
df 91
Sig. .000
With the results from Table 28, we can see that the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measurement of the
appropriateness of sampling (KMO) is 0.740 in [0.5-1]. It means that the variables are sufficient to conduct
an EFA test. Followed by the sig value of Bartlett's Sphericity Test is 0.000 which is less than 5% which means
the possibility of factor correlation matrix is assumed
Table 29 Total Variance Explained of Independence factor
Based on the results in Table 29, all initial eigenvalues of a factor are greater than 1 and the Extract the sum
of the squared load factor is 70.597% greater than 50%. Therefore, we can conclude that more 66% of the
variation of factors is explained by the research model.
Table 30 Rotated Component Matrix of Independence factor
Rotated Component Matrixa
1 2 3 4 5
Job Satisfaction 2 .888
Job Satisfaction 3 .734
Working Environment .871
Working Environment .865
Organizational .925
Culture 2
Organizational .907
Culture 3
Motivation 1 .646
Motivation 2 .816
Motivation 3 .700
Motivation 4 .634
Leader's Style 1 .839
Leader's Style 2 .704
Leader's Style 3 .785
Leader's Style 4 .700
Based on the results in Table 30 we can see that the Maximum Loading Value of all Items (questions) in the
factors is greater than 0.50. Therefore, we have five components. The first element consists of two
questions: “I find my job very interesting” and “I am satisfied with my salary and other incentives”
The second element consists of two questions: "I believe in and take pride in my work and my workplace"
and "My working Environment feels me encouraging to come up with new and better ways of doing things".
The third factor consists of two questions: "I like the way decisions are made in my organization" and "I'm
comfortable with how employees are treated".
The fourth factor consists of four questions: "There is a Salary Scheme for all employees from time to time",
"Compensation packages such as bonuses are given to employees", "I am satisfied with my fringe benefits"
and "My organization has promotions based on each employee's performance".
The last element consists of four questions: "I am satisfied that leadership in my organization embraces the
dynamics of the current situation", "Leadership in my organization is accountable to the needs of
employees", "I believe leadership in my organization is competent enough to address issues affecting
employees" and "My organizational leadership style includes consensus building with staff".
6.5. Creating The Value Of Factors
Based on the results of EFA exploratory factor analysis in Table 26 - Rotated Component Matrix, the study
summarizes the factors in the table below:
Factors Symbols Content
1 Employees’ EP1 I well understand and obey to policies and procedures of Company
2 (Y) EP2 I actively peruse or initiate projects for the benefit of Company
3 EP3 I effectively work with staffs and I am friendly to new ideas and
1 Motivation M1 There is a Salary Scheme for all employees from time to time
6.6. Changing Research Model (Depend On The Exploratary Factors Analysis Result)
After conducting Cronbach's Alpha and EFA, we changed the order of factors that directly affect the
Dependent Variable as follows:
Working Environment
Motivation Productivity
Organizational culture
Leader's style
Based on the factors identified by the changing research model, we have a direct impact on talent retention
in a corporation, the report identifies four main hypotheses:
• Hypothesis 1: Job Satifaction impact to employees’ productivity in Sacombank
• Hypothesis 2: Working Environment impact to employees’ productivity in Sacombank
• Hypothesis 3: Motivation impact to employees’ productivity in Sacombank
• Hypothesis 4: Organizational Culture impact to employees’ productivity in Sacombank
• Hypothesis 5: Leader’s style impact to employees’ productivity in Sacombank
Table 32 ANOVA
We can see Sig value in Table 32 is 0.000 less than 5%, therefore, we can reject 𝐻𝑜 and conclude that the
regression model statistically significantly predicts the outcome variable with significance 5% model exist. In
summary, there are one of five factors are: “Job Satisfaction”, “Working Environment”, “Motivation”,
“Organizational Culture” and “Leader’s style” affect on Employees’ Productivity at
Sacombank. Thus, the linear regression model is suitable for the population of Sacombank’s employees
6.7.2 Model assumption testing
- Assumption 01: The residual of the model is normally distributed;
+ Null hypotheses H0: The residual of the model is normally distributed;
+ Alternative hypotheses Ha: The residual of the model is not normally distributed.
the model
From Figure 3, we can see that a normal distribution curve is superimposed on the frequency graph, which is
bell shape, consistent with the normal distribution graph. The mean of Mean is close to 0, the standard
deviation is 0.73056, which is close to 1. Therefore, it can be concluded that the residuals of the model are
normally distributed.
- Assumption 02: The autocorrelation does not exist in the model;
+ Null hypotheses H0: The autocorrelation does not exist in the model;
+ Alternative hypotheses Ha: The autocorrelation exist in the model.
- Using DURBIN-WATSON STATISTIC (DW) or RUNS TEST for Error (residual) of the model
Table 33 Model Summary
Model Summaryb
Based on table 32, value DURBIN-WATSON is 1.923ϵ [1-3], we do not reject 𝐻𝑜, the autocorrelation does not exist in
the model.
- Assumption 03: The Multil Regreassion does not exist in the model;
+ Null hypotheses H0: The Multil Regreassion does not exist in the model;
+ Alternative hypotheses Ha: The Multil Regreassion exist in the model.
- Using DURBIN-WATSON STATISTIC (DW) or RUNS TEST for Error (residual) of the model
Collinearity Statistics
Furthermore, based on Table 34, we get that the VIF coefficients of all variables are less than 10. That means
there is no multicollinearity between the independent variables. Therefore, we do not refuse
𝐻𝑜 and multiple regression do NOT exist in the model.
- All must have citations
- Assumption 04: The heteroscedasticity does not exist in the model;
+ Null hypotheses H0: The heteroscedasticity does not exist in
the model “Residual and indenpent variables (Xi) is NOT correlation.
+ Alternative hypotheses Ha: the heteroscedasticity does not exist in the model “Residual and indenpent
variables (Xi)
is correlation.
N 220
N 220
N 220
N 220
N 220
Sig. (2-tailed) .
N 220
Based on Table 35 and choosing to define the significance level α as 5%, we can see all the sig values of
Spearman's rho correlation is higher than 5%, we cannot reject , so residual and zero variables. In other
words, the variable variance does not exist in the model.
6.7.3 Factor hypothesis testing
To test whether the independent factors have an impact on the dependent acceleration or not, there are
hypothesis as follows:
- The null hypothesis (𝐻1.0): 𝛽1=0 “Leader's Style factor DOES NOT IMPACT TO Employees’ Productivity of
the company”.
- The null hypothesis (𝐻2.0): 𝛽2 =0 “Motivation factor DOES NOT IMPACT TO Employees’ Productivity of
company “.
- The null hypothesis (𝐻3.0): 𝛽3=0 “Organizational Culture factor DOES NOT IMPACT TO Employees’
Productivity of company“.
- The null hypothesis (𝐻4.0): 𝛽4=0 “Working Environment factor DOES NOT IMPACT TO Employees’
Productivity of company “.
- The null hypothesis (𝐻5.0): 𝛽4=0 “Leader’s style factor DOES NOT IMPACT TO Employees’ Productivity of
the company”.
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 2.729E-18 .050 .000 1.000
Leader's Style .213 .062 .213 3.437 .001
Motivation .277 .057 .277 4.866 .000
Organizational Culture .069 .052 .069 1.343 .181
Table 36 Coefficients
Based on value sig in table 36 with significance α = 5%, we have:
- Value sig of X1 (Leader's Style) is 0.001 less than 5%, so we reject 𝐻1.0. Therefore, with the significance 5%
is “Leader's Style “factors impact to Employees’ Productivity of Sacombank”.
- Value sig of X2 (Motivation) is 0.000 less than 5%, so we reject 𝐻2.0. Therefore, significance 5% is
“Motivation” factor impact to Employees’ Productivity of Sacombank”.
- Value sig of X3 (Organizational Culture) is 0.181 less than 5%, so we reject 𝐻3.0. Therefore, significance 5%
is “Organizational Culture” factor impact to Employees’ Productivity of Sacombank”.
- Value sig of X4 (Working Environment) is 0.146 less than 5%, so we reject 𝐻4.0. Therefore, significance 5%
is “Working Environment” factor impact to Employees’ Productivity of Sacombank”.
- Value sig of X5 (Job Satisfaction) is 0.000 less than 5%, so we reject 𝐻5.0. Therefore, significance 5% is “Job
Satisfaction” factor impact to Employees’ Productivity of Sacombank”.
6.7.4 Comment
Table 37 The factors impact to Employees’ Productivity of Sacombank Corporation
Factor Sig. Conclude
Based on Table 36, the coefficients in the Denormalization Coefficient are positive (all higher than 0) is a
positive relationship, that is, if Samcombank performs well 4 the above factors, it will increase the ability to
improve employee productivity for the business. So, the relationship between the independent variables
"Work Environment", "Motivation", "organizational culture", "Leader's style" and dependent variable have
the same direction. This means that the four factors mentioned above affect Employee Productivity at
Finally, the Beta coefficient of the "Job Satisfaction" factor is the highest with 0.340. It means that job
satisfaction is the main determinant of employee dedication and loyalty. The remaining four parts
the factors "Leader's Style", "Motivation",,"Organizational Culture' and "Working Environment" have a B
factor of being relatively similar at 0.213, 0.277, 0.69 and 0.84, respectively. It means weak This factor has
the lowest impact on employee productivity.Moreover, employees at Sacombank are free to be creative and
work in the areas they believe in the most.Therefore, work efficiency is always of high value. In addition, the
contributions and efforts of individuals and groups are always recognized by the corporation and create
favorable conditions for them.
7. Recommendation
Based on the five key factors that have been identified, the report recommends recommendations in the
order of each factor:
For Leader's Style - develop a positive attitude
The first (and most important) step is to change your mind by eliminating negative thoughts and habits and
replace them with positive alternatives. When you do this, you will activate the catalyst of changes in
attitudes and how your team responds to you. Once you have applied the above, add following into the mix:
• Always praise improvement, no matter how small.
• Praise great ideas in team meetings - call on teammates who come up with ideas.
• When commenting on an employee's work, always find something positive to say about it and re-
read the comment first.
For Motivation-Offer learning and development opportunities
Showing employees that you're willing to invest in their professional development can encourage
engagement within the company, reduce the risk of roles becoming stale, and re-energize and regenerate
dynamically. force for everyone. And it do not always need a direct link to their role. Personal development
opportunities - such as a creative written or foreign language courses - can be equally effective.
For Organizational Culture- Always support each other
Create an organizational culture where people always come first. From there employees can know that they
are also considered in the organization and their productivity will increase. Thereby training people with
high capacity and always follow the organization in the long run
Working Environment- friendly and appropriate
Always provide offices and workplaces with the best working equipment. Besides, we always support
latecomers so that they can quickly adapt to the environment. Create a dynamic and friendly working
environment together
For Job Satisfaction - Establish Trust between Senior Management and employees
Senior management needs to establish trust with employees at all levels. Employees must be able to put
their trust in people in positions of leadership. Leaders may earn this trust by acting with honesty and
credibility in everything they do. This entails both doing and saying what you say. Communication is
frequently a vital component of trust. When unpleasant news is conveyed, employees can manage it. What
they despise is the idea that there are secrets. Clear and frequent communication, as well as an attempt to
explain the why behind actions, can help to reduce trust concerns.
8. Conclusion
Based on descriptive statistical analysis, we found employee expectations for employee productivity, and the
factors affecting their productivity are well managed at the company. Model, included four independent
factors measured by 20 questions and one dependent variable, employee productivity, was measured by
four questions, then assessed using Cronbach's Alpha and exploratory factor analysis. The criteria "Working
Environment", "Organizational Culture", "Motivation", "Leader's Style" and Job Satisfaction "all have an
impact on employee productivity at Sacombank, according to research conducted using Multiple Regression
analysis. In addition, the study also makes recommendations to further develop these factors to increase the
ability to improve employee productivity in the organization.
9. References
Cafeland . (2020). Retrieved from https://cafeland.vn/doanh-nhan/doanh-nhan/sep-ngan-hang-nhan-luong-
Campbell, M. (2021). Retrieved from https://newmanu.edu/top-5-skills-employers-look-for
Cherry, K. (2022). Retrieved from https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-motivation-2795378
Daniel, & Aneil. (1995). Corporate Culture and Organizational Effectiveness.
Glassdoor Team. (2021, 6 29).
Hedgar, & Hodgets. (2008). Modern Human Relations at work.
Inuwa, M. (2016). Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance: An Empirical Approach.
Jobsgo. (2021). Retrieved from https://jobsgo.vn/blog/moi-truong-lam-viec-
Kotler, P. (2020). Marketing Management. Northwestern University.
Naseem, D., Sikandar, A., Hameed, N., & Khan, R. (2012). Factors Affecting Employees’ Performance:
Evidence From Pakistan.
OWL LABS. (2021). State of remote work .
Sacombank - SBL. (2016). Retrieved from https://sacombankleasing.com/en/about-
Sacombank. (2021). Retrieved from Sacombank đạt giải thưởng môi trường làm việc tốt nhất châu á năm
2021: https://www.sacombank.com.vn/company/Pages/Sacombank-dat-giai-thuong-moi-truong-
TechTarget Contributor. (2021).
We are students at the University of Greenwich (Vietnam) at the Danang campus. Currently, we are
surveying managers in Sacombank Corporation on the factors that impact employees’ productivity. With the
desire to improve ability employees’ productivity in the company, we provide feedback from staff to the
leaders of Sacombank, to make recommendations to management levels to increase the level of employees’
I hope to receive your help. All data provided in this questionnaire is for research purposes only and will
be kept confidential.
Sincerely thank you!!!
1 5
Employees’ Productivity
Pham Quang Tin - Hồ Lê Quốc Bảo - Research Project
Table of content
01 Introduction
06 Data and data sources
02 Literature review
07 Analysis Result
03 Research model
08 Comment
04 Research hypothesis
09 Recommendation
05 Methodology
10 Conclusion
The pandemic has had a positive impact on office workers. That means that after the pandemic, many people
have chosen to work from home instead of going to the office as usual. Through the statistics of the annual
edition of Owl Labs, it is said that 70% of people say that virtual meetings make them less stressful and 64% now
prefer Hybrid meetings (OWL LABS, 2021). In addition, quite a lot of people cannot fit this way of working from
home, so there are problems with the quality of work. Thereby this is the reason for doing this study. To be able to
find and analyze the causes of this distraction in employees.
Typically, the productivity of a given worker will be measured against the average of similar employees. Because
much of the success of any organization relies on the productivity of its workforce, employee productivity is an
important factor to consider for businesses. Therefore, for a large corporation like Sacombank, it is always
necessary to consider employee productivity in order to be able to specifically assess the effectiveness of their
company. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to identify and examine the factors affecting “Employee
Productivity”, based on secondary research articles
The report will be divided into three primary research objectives:
Tên công ty
Systematized the theoretical basis of
employees’ productivity and the factors
that affect Employees’ productivity.
of the topic
Proposing improvement options to help
Vingroup improving Employees’
The research question
Based on the objectives of the topic, the report will be conducted to answer
the following question:
What is the theoretical basis to study the factors affecting the Employees’
productivity at a corporation?
What are the key factors affecting Vingroup Employees’ productivity?
What recommendations are relevant to improving Employees’ productivity at
In this study, Employee’s productivi
includes factors as follow:
Research model
Research Hypothesis
·Hypothesis 1: Job Satifaction impact to employees’ productivity in Sacombank
·Hypothesis 2: Working Environment impact to employees’ productivity in Sacombank
·Hypothesis 3: Motivation impact to employees’ productivity in Sacombank
·Hypothesis 4: Organizational Culture impact to employees’ productivity in Sacombank
·Hypothesis 5: Leader’s style impact to employees’ productivity in Sacombank
Based on the data collected in Table 7, we can see that the study included 220 employees of
Sacombank. In which, the structure is divided into 3 parts according to gender, age and income of
each person.
Descriptive Statistic Analysis
1 Employees’ Productivity 3.83
5 Motivation 3.86
5 Motivation .714
All Cronbach's alpha of the whole 6 variables are > 0.6, it means that the consistency of internal
variables is high.
Exploratory Factor Analysis - X
• (KMO) is 0.740 in [0.5-1]. It means the variables was
adequate to proceed with EFA testing
• Value sig of Bartlett's Test of Sphericity is 0.000 < 5%,
it means the factorability of the correlation matrix is
The sig value in Table 32 is 0.000 < 5%, therefore, we can reject Ho and conclude that the
regression model statistically significantly predicts the outcome variable with significance 5%
model exist.
In summary, there are one of five factors affect to Employee's productivity.
-> Thus, the linear regression model is suitable for the population of Sacombank’s employees
Model assumption testing
For the assumption model testing, all the assumptions are adjusted to be based on the research
model as
• Assumption 1: The residual of the model is normally distributed (HISTOGRAMS NORMAL
• Assumption 2: The autocorrelation does not exist in the model (DURBIN-WATSON STATISTIC)
• Assumption 3: The mulpti Regression does not exist in the model (using Variance Inflation
Factors (VIF)
• Assumption4: The heteroscedasticity does not exist in the model (using SPEARMA’S RHO
Factor hypothesis testing
Finally, the Beta coefficient of the "Job Satisfaction" factor is the highest with 0.340. It means that job satisfaction is the
main determinant of employee dedication and loyalty. The remaining four parts
the factors "Leader's Style", "Motivation",,"Organizational Culture' and "Working Environment" have a B factor of being
relatively similar at 0.213, 0.277, 0.69 and 0.84, respectively. It means weak This factor has the lowest impact on
employee productivity.Moreover, employees at Sacombank are free to be creative and work in the areas they believe in
the most.Therefore, work efficiency is always of high value. In addition, the contributions and efforts of individuals and
groups are always recognized by the corporation and create favorable conditions for them.
For Leader's Style - develop a positive attitude
The first (and most important) step is to change your mind by eliminating negative thoughts and habits and replace them
with positive alternatives.
For Motivation-Offer learning and development opportunities
Showing employees that you're willing to invest in their professional development can encourage engagement within
the company, reduce the risk of roles becoming stale, and re-energize and regenerate dynamically.
For Organizational Culture- Always support each other
Create an organizational culture where people always come first. From there employees can know that they are also
considered in the organization and their productivity will increase
Working Environment- friendly and appropriate
Always provide offices and workplaces with the best working equipment. Besides, we always support latecomers so that
they can quickly adapt to the environment. Create a dynamic and friendly working environment together
For Job Satisfaction - Establish Trust between Senior Management and employees