Importance of Training Needs Analysis Fo

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Volume 22, Nomor 2, OCTOBER 2021

P-ISSN : 1412-968X
E-ISSN : 2598-9405 Hal.151-160



Shandy Puspita1, Andres Dharma Nurhalim2

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Wiyatamandala

Correspondence email:

Abstract: Human resources are the main element of an organization. To

meet the need for good performance improvement in an organization, one of
the ways that can be taken is by conducting training and human resource
development. Pragmatically, training and development programs have a
positive influence on both individuals and organizations. Training needs
analysis is an activity that needs to be carried out systematically to find any
gaps between the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a person needed by the
organization that can be improved through training. This behavioral needs
analysis will later assist the organization in using resources effectively and
prevent unnecessary training activities.

Keywords : Human Resources, Training And Development, Training Needs


Abstrak: Sumber daya manusia merupakan elemen utama dari sebuah

organisasi. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan peningkatan kinerja yang baik dalam
sebuah organisasi, salah satu cara yang dapat ditempuh pihak adalah
dengan melakukan pelatihan dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia.
Secara pragmatis, program pelatihan dan pengembangan memiliki pengaruh
positif baik bagi individu maupun organisasi. Analisis kebutuhan pelatihan
merupakan suatu kegiatan yang perlu dilakukan secara sistematis untuk
menemukan adanya kesenjangan antara pengetahuan, keterampilan dan
sikap seseorang yang dibutuhkan oleh organisasi yang dapat ditingkatkan
melalui pelatihan. Analisis kebutuhan perilaku ini nantinya akan membantu
organisasi dalam menggunakan sumber daya secara efektif dan mencegah
kegiatan pelatihan yang tidak perlu.

Keywords : Sumber Daya Manusia, pelatihan dan pengembangan, analisis

kebutuhan pelatihan

Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis, Vol 22 No 2, October 2021
Shandy Puspita1, Andres Dharma Nurhalim2

improvement to make preparations for

future responsibilities to be more mature in
carrying out their work. The trend
continues to occur where employees are
increasingly varied with flatter
Human resources are the main organizations and increasingly fierce
element of the organization compared to global competition, training and
other elements such as capital, technology development can encourage staff to handle
and finance because human resources heavier tasks, responsibilities and
function as other controlling elements. obligations. Analysis of training needs is
Discussing about human resources will not planned and carried out to obtain a number
be separated from other management of data or information about the conditions
activities or processes including strategic and needs of employees in carrying out
planning, management development and their duties. Needs analysis helps
organizational development. The relevance organizations and individuals in finding
of this aspect of human resource solutions to problems to improve
management is so close that it is difficult performance. Therefore, the analysis of
for us to leave the discussion of one training needs conducted prior to the
element and another element separately. implementation of the training must
Training for human resource development involve three analytical activities, namely
is a must in an organization when direct organizational analysis, performance
job placement cannot guarantee employee analysis and individual analysis. This is a
success. New employees often face note for all organizations so that training
uncertainty over their roles and needs analysis activities are used as a
responsibilities, therefore the demands of reference and even a benchmark for
work and the capacity of employees must organizers in preparing and implementing
be balanced through orientation and training programs, so that the training
training programs, in other words, the two programs carried out are in accordance
programs are indispensable. After with the goals and objectives. Based on the
employees are trained and acquire skills in description above, the writer wants to
their jobs, employees need further know more about the results of the

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Shandy Puspita1, Andres Dharma Nurhalim2

analysis of training needs for the practical methods rather than theory. When
development of human resources in the an individual has attended training to be
organization. better and more motivated it can be said
that the employee or staff is more
productive. (Dominiak, 2011)

Training Method

LITERATUR REVIEW According to (Rachmawati, K,

2008) there are two methods used by
companies for training, namely: on the job
Training refers to the methods used training and off the job training.
and the skills they need to do the jobs.
a. On the job training, namely this
According to (S, 2011) training is vital for
training is done to learn the field of
companies. Training is a process of
work while actually working on it.
teaching certain knowledge and skills and
Several forms of on-the-job
attitudes so that employees are more
training include: counseling
skilled and able to carry out their
/understudy, apprenticeship
responsibilities better according to
training/apprenticeship training.
standards. Meanwhile, according to (Rivai,
The advantages of the on the job
2015), training is part of education that
training method according to (G
involves the learning process to acquire
Dessler, 2017) namely: this method
and improve skills outside the education
is relatively inexpensive for people
system that applies in a relatively short
who are trained to learn while
time with methods that prioritize practice
working, do not need expensive
rather than theory. Based on this
outside facilities such as
definition, the meaning of training is to
classrooms or certain learning
teach skills to new and permanent
equipment, this method also
employees so that they can carry out their
provides learning, because people
responsibilities and comply with standards.
who are trained learn by doing and
Training can also improve skills outside of
get quick feedback on their
education that apply in a relatively short
time and a pleasant atmosphere and use

153 Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis, Vol 22 No 2, October 2021

Shandy Puspita1, Andres Dharma Nurhalim2

b. Off the job training, training that knowledge to a group of people who will
uses situations outside of work, is be directed.
used when many workers need to
e. Audiovisual-Based Training
be trained quickly as well as in job
mastery. Several forms of off the Training is carried out using
job training include: lectures, video audiovisual equipment such as films,
presentations, vesicular training, power points, video conferencing, audio
role playing (Role Playing), case cassettes which can be very effective if
studies, self study, laboratory used.
training. (Garry Dessler, 2011)
f. Simulate Training
suggests that there are several
methods of conducting training, Training for employees to support
including: their daily work by making the room
exactly the same as the actual conditions.
a. On-the-Job Training
Training Objectives and Benefits
This training method is carried out
in the workplace by giving employees The objectives and benefits of
tasks related to their job descriptions. training, (Mangkunegara, A, 2015),
b. Apprenticeship Training
1. Increase the appreciation of the soul
This training method is a structured
and ideology
process through the combination of formal
learning with on-the-job training. 2. Increase work productivity

c. Job Intraction Training 3. Improve the quality of work

This training consists of a sequence 4. Improve the determination of human

of tasks for each job that is taught in resource planning
5. Improve morale and work spirit
d. Lectures
6. Increase stimulation so that employees
This method is an easy and fast are able to perform optimally
way, which is done by teaching to provide

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Shandy Puspita1, Andres Dharma Nurhalim2

7. Improve occupational health and c) Stages of training evaluation; At

safety the training evaluation stage, it is
focused on how to measure the
8. Avoid obsolescence
results of the training and compare
9. Improve employee development the results of the training against
the predetermined criteria
Process of Training Stages
Training Needs Analysis
Conceptually, the training and
development program according to Training needs analysis is a needs
(Kartika, 2012) generally includes three analysis in the workplace specifically
stages of process, namely: intended to identify priority training needs
in order to realize organizational goals.
a) Stages of training needs analysis
The information needs will be able to help
(training needs analysis); Before
the organization or company in using
the training is held, a training needs
resources (time, funds, technology, and so
analysis is carried out to be able to
on) effectively while avoiding unnecessary
diagnose various dimensions of
training activities. Training needs analysis
problems and future challenges.
can be understood as a systematic and
These are also referred to as future
comprehensive investigation of various
problems and challenges. This is
problems with the aim of correctly
also known as the assessment of
identifying several dimensions of the
the training process. At this stage
problem. This is done in such a way that
the training needs of the company
ultimately the organization or company
or organization, tasks and
can find out whether the problem really
individual needs need to be
needs to be solved through a training
program or not (Irianto, 2017). According
b) Stages of training implementation; to (Mangkunegara, A, 2015), training
The training implementation stage needs analysis is a systematic study of an
basically focuses on how to design educational problem by collecting data and
and select training procedures information from various sources, to
along with determining and obtain problem solving or suggestions for
implementing training programs. further action. Training needs analysis is

155 Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis, Vol 22 No 2, October 2021

Shandy Puspita1, Andres Dharma Nurhalim2

an analysis of workplace needs that is which parts of the organization need a

specifically intended to determine what the training program. Job-level analysis aims
priority training needs are. Information on to identify the content of the training
these needs will be able to assist needed so that the workforce can perform
companies in using resources (time, funds, their work duties competently and better
etc.) effectively while avoiding after participating in a training program.
unnecessary training activities. Training Individual analysis aims to identify the
needs analysis is a diagnosis to determine characteristics of the workforce such as
the current and future challenges that must what skills and abilities are lacking in the
be faced today and future challenges that workforce to be able to complete their job
must be met by training and development duties.
programs (Rivai dan Sagala, 2013). So it
can be concluded that the analysis of
training needs is to identify problems that This study uses a literature study in
exist in the company or organization which several articles are identified by
through training programs. According to descriptive and exploratory analysis by
(Suwatno dan Doni, J, 2011), straining comparing or reviewing the content or
needs analysis is one of the components of discussion and conclusions of each theory.
training that is useful for knowing the need Articles are obtained from existing books
for training that must be carried out in an on human resource management to support
analytical process, both at the theoretical analysis and hypotheses about
organizational, position, and individual human resource management, then based
levels. This analysis aims to find out on empirical studies.


There are several things to consider new systems and technologies. and
before conducting a training needs established work standards. The second
analysis. In the first step of training needs situation relates to the use of computers,
analysis, the organization requires an new procedures and technologies adopted
assessment phase which is characterized to carry out efficiency reforms in the
by one main activity the situation in which company's operations. The third situation
the organization is required to carry out an relates to the training carried out and based
analysis including performance issues, on certain requirements, for example legal

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Shandy Puspita1, Andres Dharma Nurhalim2

responsibilities (for some health and safety 2. Collect information about job content
in the workplace). Training needs analysis and job context;
is a workplace needs analysis that is
3. Define standard performance and
specifically aimed at finding out what
actual performance in operation;
exactly are the priority training needs.
Needs information will assist the 4. Engage stakeholders and gather their
organization in utilizing resources (funds, support;
time, etc.) effectively and prevent
5. Provide data for planning needs.
unnecessary training activities. Training
needs analysis can also be interpreted as a The final result to be achieved in
systematic and comprehensive the training needs analysis is to be able to
investigation of various problems to identify employee performance gaps. The
identify several dimensions of the problem performance gap can be identified as the
accurately. Thus, the organization will find difference between the expected
out whether the problem should be solved performance and the individual's actual
through a training program or otherwise. performance. Performance gaps can be
Analysis of training needs is done by seen through identification and
method (asking questions to get answers). documentation of competency standards or
Questions are given to each employee, and requirements that must be met in job
followed by verification and performance and then adjusted to the
documentation of various problems that actual performance of individuals in the
will ultimately identify training needs to workplace. The training needs analysis
solve problems. Problems that require stage has the following main elements:
training are always related to a lack of
1. Problem identification
skills or knowledge where performance
standards cannot be obtained. Thus, the 2. Development of performance
above explanation clarifies the difference standards
between actual performance and
3. Participant identification
situational performance. The functions of
the training needs analysis are as follows: 4. Expansion of training criteria

1. Collect information about the skills, 5. Estimated cost

knowledge and feelings of employees;

157 Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis, Vol 22 No 2, October 2021

Shandy Puspita1, Andres Dharma Nurhalim2

The next step is making a training implementation and evaluation. This

design which is a step on how to be able to evaluation stage is the most important
ensure that the training will be held. The point in any activity because it is often
overall tasks carried out in this stage overlooked even though it is an important
include: part of ascertaining whether the training
has succeeded in achieving its objectives
1. Identify the learning objectives of the
or otherwise. According to Kirkpatrick, the
training program;
evaluation of training and human resource
2. Establish training methods; development must pass through four
stages, including:
3. Appoint the organizers and other
supports; 1. The reaction stage, where the
evaluator measures the reaction or
4. Setting up the training sequence
response of the trainee. Measurements
5. Identify evaluation instruments; were made by looking at the interests
and enthusiasm of the participants, as
6. Overall training schedule (estimated
well as whether they were active or
not during the training.
7. Plan for each session;
2. Stages of learning evaluation, where
8. Teaching materials, such as the evaluator measures changes in
notebooks, textbooks, handouts, etc.; knowledge, skills, or behavior in the
work of employees.
9. Instructional assistance;
3. Stages of behavior. At this stage, the
10. Evaluation form.
behavior that is measured is more on
the behavior of employees at work
which has an impact on their
Training Evaluation
To ensure the success of the
4. Stages of results. The intended results
training has been carried out, an evaluation
may vary, depending on the objectives
is necessary. Systematically, training
to be achieved through the training.
management covers the planning phase
For example, increasing productivity,
including training needs analysis,

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Shandy Puspita1, Andres Dharma Nurhalim2

improving communication between specific purposes, while development is

sections, and so on. more focused on increasing knowledge for
future work where the process is carried
CONCLUSIONS out integratively with other activities for
better work behavior. Training needs
Human resources are a prominent
analysis is a workplace needs analysis that
element in an organization compared to
is specifically aimed at finding out what
other elements such as capital, technology
are the priority training needs in an
and funds because humans themselves will
organization. With this needs analysis, it
control these side elements. Training and
will later assist organizations in utilizing
development can be defined as the planned
existing resources effectively and
efforts of the organization to improve the
efficiently (both time and cost) and prevent
knowledge, skills and competencies of
unnecessary training activities.
staff. Training and development are the
organization, operational level, to the
same two concepts, namely to increase
individual level so that the results obtained
knowledge, skills and abilities. However,
are maximized, as well as data from the
regarding the purpose, these two concepts
analysis of training needs obtained can
can be distinguished. Training is more
improve the quality of training and
focused on increasing current abilities for
employee performance.

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Shandy Puspita1, Andres Dharma Nurhalim2

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