Importance of Training Needs Analysis Fo
Importance of Training Needs Analysis Fo
Importance of Training Needs Analysis Fo
Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis, Vol 22 No 2, October 2021
Shandy Puspita1, Andres Dharma Nurhalim2
analysis of training needs for the practical methods rather than theory. When
development of human resources in the an individual has attended training to be
organization. better and more motivated it can be said
that the employee or staff is more
productive. (Dominiak, 2011)
Training Method
b. Off the job training, training that knowledge to a group of people who will
uses situations outside of work, is be directed.
used when many workers need to
e. Audiovisual-Based Training
be trained quickly as well as in job
mastery. Several forms of off the Training is carried out using
job training include: lectures, video audiovisual equipment such as films,
presentations, vesicular training, power points, video conferencing, audio
role playing (Role Playing), case cassettes which can be very effective if
studies, self study, laboratory used.
training. (Garry Dessler, 2011)
f. Simulate Training
suggests that there are several
methods of conducting training, Training for employees to support
including: their daily work by making the room
exactly the same as the actual conditions.
a. On-the-Job Training
Training Objectives and Benefits
This training method is carried out
in the workplace by giving employees The objectives and benefits of
tasks related to their job descriptions. training, (Mangkunegara, A, 2015),
b. Apprenticeship Training
1. Increase the appreciation of the soul
This training method is a structured
and ideology
process through the combination of formal
learning with on-the-job training. 2. Increase work productivity
responsibilities (for some health and safety 2. Collect information about job content
in the workplace). Training needs analysis and job context;
is a workplace needs analysis that is
3. Define standard performance and
specifically aimed at finding out what
actual performance in operation;
exactly are the priority training needs.
Needs information will assist the 4. Engage stakeholders and gather their
organization in utilizing resources (funds, support;
time, etc.) effectively and prevent
5. Provide data for planning needs.
unnecessary training activities. Training
needs analysis can also be interpreted as a The final result to be achieved in
systematic and comprehensive the training needs analysis is to be able to
investigation of various problems to identify employee performance gaps. The
identify several dimensions of the problem performance gap can be identified as the
accurately. Thus, the organization will find difference between the expected
out whether the problem should be solved performance and the individual's actual
through a training program or otherwise. performance. Performance gaps can be
Analysis of training needs is done by seen through identification and
method (asking questions to get answers). documentation of competency standards or
Questions are given to each employee, and requirements that must be met in job
followed by verification and performance and then adjusted to the
documentation of various problems that actual performance of individuals in the
will ultimately identify training needs to workplace. The training needs analysis
solve problems. Problems that require stage has the following main elements:
training are always related to a lack of
1. Problem identification
skills or knowledge where performance
standards cannot be obtained. Thus, the 2. Development of performance
above explanation clarifies the difference standards
between actual performance and
3. Participant identification
situational performance. The functions of
the training needs analysis are as follows: 4. Expansion of training criteria
Dessler, G. (2017). Manajemen Personalia (T. A. Darma (ed.)). Penerbit Erlangga.
Dessler, Garry. (2011). Human Resource Management (11 th). Pearson.
Dominiak, M. (2011). To Increase Productivity in Lean Times, Invest in Training.
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