Cambridge O Level: French 3014/01

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Cambridge O Level

FRENCH 3014/01
Paper 1 Translation and Composition October/November 2022

1 hour 30 minutes

You must answer on the answer booklet/paper.

* 1 7 4 3 8 8 0 9 3 2 *

You will need: Answer booklet/paper

● Answer two questions.
● If you have been given an answer booklet, follow the instructions on the front cover of the answer
● Use a black or dark blue pen.
● Write your name, centre number and candidate number on all the work you hand in.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
● At the end of the examination, fasten all your work together. Do not use staples, paper clips or glue.

● The total mark for this paper is 50.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

This document has 4 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

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1 Traduisez en français :

Sandrine adores going for a walk on the beach, to relax and admire the scenery. As she is a
decorator, she often looks on the ground, hoping to find beautiful stones or a piece of wood to
decorate her flat or the houses of her clients.

One day in July, while she was walking on the warm sand with her dog, she saw a bottle which
had a strange shape. When she cleaned it, she noticed something inside. She put the object in
her bag and went back home, impatient to discover what it was.

She went into the kitchen and when she opened the bottle, she found a sheet of paper. It was a
message written in German, and there was an address. Unfortunately, Sandrine did not know this
language. But her friend Angela, who was a teacher of German, could help her. She took a photo
of the message with her smartphone and sent it to Angela.

Two hours later, she received the translation which informed her that a grand-mother and a grand-
father, on a seaside holiday with their grandchildren, had written the note. They had not mentioned
the date or the place where they had thrown the bottle, but they were asking the person who
would find it to contact them.

Sandrine decided to reply. She chose a pretty postcard in order to write to the grandparents. She
explained what had happened and invited them to come and visit her. After three long weeks, the
postman brought her a letter from Germany. The grandparents were happy to have received a
reply and accepted her invitation with great pleasure.

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2 Écrivez en français une composition d’environ 250 mots sur un des thèmes suivants :

(a) L’été dernier, alors que vous passiez vos vacances avec votre famille dans un terrain de
camping, vous avez été réveillé(e) en pleine nuit par un orage. Racontez cet incident.

Mentionnez votre réaction et vos émotions en vous réveillant, ce que vous avez vu, et ce que
vous avez fait.

Voici le début :

Je venais de m’endormir quand soudain…

Continuez le récit.

(b) Décrivez un événement sportif auquel vous avez assisté ou participé et qui vous a marqué(e).

(c) « Les amis en ligne ne sont pas de vrais amis. Ils peuvent aussi être des ennemis. » Êtes-
vous d’accord ? Justifiez votre opinion. [30]

(d) Vous avez remarqué que le supermarché où vous faites vos courses, jette les produits
invendus mais encore mangeables. Comme vous êtes contre le gaspillage, vous écrivez une
lettre au directeur du supermarché à ce sujet.

Mentionnez l’objet de votre lettre, pourquoi vous n’êtes pas content(e), ce que le directeur
devrait faire au lieu de jeter les invendus et pourquoi, et offrez-lui votre aide.

Voici le début :


Je vous écris à propos de….

Continuez la lettre.

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