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Retractable Fall Arrester

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REtRaCtaBlE fall aRREStER
Self-retracting lifelines for all arrest situations. In case of a sudden fall, the in-built break mechanism locks immediately and prevents the user
from falling further, thus limiting the break force to below 6 kN.
Area of application : Work on scaffoldings, cradles, window cleaning, roofs, towers, steel frameworks.

EDgE tWin
• Twin lanyard webbing type retractable fall arrester
• Suitable to use in scaffhold and construction industry
• 40 mm wide webbing
• 2 metres in length
• Aluminium alloys metalic housing, double breaking system with
in-built shock absorber, snap hook and karabiner
• Conforms to EN 360:2002

EDgE 2.5 mEtRE mini BlOCK

• Webbing type retractable fall arrester
• 47 mm wide webbing
• 2.5 metres in length
• Fitted with an inertia breaking system with in-built shock absorber,
snap hook and karabiner
• Weight : 1 kg
• Conforms to EN 360:2002

• Webbing type retractable fall arrester
• Compact and lightweight
• 30 mm wide webbing
• With shock absorber and snap hook
• Swivel steel snap hook with fall indicator
• Maximum load capacity 100 kg
• Conforms to EN 360:2002

Model Housing Webbing Webbing length

EDGE 3N Polyamide 30 mm 3 metre

EDGE 6N Polyamide 30 mm 6 metre

EDGE 10N Polyamide 30 mm 10 metre

EDGE15N Polyamide 30 mm 15 metre

EDgE ligHt DUty
• Wire rope type retractable fall arrester
• Polyamide casing
• 4 mm galvanised steel rope / stainless steel rope with swivel snap
• Maximum load capacity 100 kg
• Rated at 25 kN tensile strength
• Included conduit rope
• Conforms to EN 360:2002

Model Housing Rope Type Rope Dia Rope Length

EDGE 6 Polyamide Galvanised 4 mm 6 metre

EDGE 6 S Polyamide Stainless steel 4 mm 6 metre

EDGE 7.5 Polyamide Galvanised 4 mm 7.5 metre

EDGE 7.5 S Polyamide Stainless steel 4 mm 7.5 metre

EDGE 10 Polyamide Galvanised 4 mm 10 metre

EDGE10 S Polyamide Stainless steel 4 mm 10 metre

EDgE 15
• Wire rope type retractable fall arrester
• 15 metre in length.
• Durable polyamide casing
• 4 mm galvanised steel rope / stainless steel rope with swivel snap
• Maximum load capacity : 100 kg
• Strength : 25 kN
• Included conduit rope
• Conforms to EN 360:2002

EDgE 20
• Wire rope type retractable fall arrester
• 20 metre in length
• Heavy duty polyamide casing
• 4 mm galvanised steel rope / stainless steel rope with swivel snap
• Maximum load capacity 100 kg
• Strength : 25 kN
• Included conduit rope
• Conforms to EN 360:2002

Model Housing Rope Type Rope Dia Rope Length

EDGE 15 Polyamide Galvanised 4 mm 15 metre

EDGE 15 S Polyamide Stainless steel 4 mm 15 metre

EDGE 20 Polyamide Galvanised 4 mm 20 metre

EDGE 20 S Polyamide Stainless steel 4 mm 20 metre

EDgE HEavy DUty

• Heavy duty wire rope type retractable fall arrester
• 4 mm galvanised steel rope / stainless steel rope with swivel snap
• Durable polyamide casing
• Maximum load capacity : 100 kg
• Strength : 25 kN
• Included with conduit rope
• Conforms to EN 360:2002

Model Housing Rope Type Rope Dia Rope Length

EDGE 25 Polyamide Galvanised 4 mm 25 metre

EDGE 32 Polyamide Galvanised 4 mm 32 metre

Height Safety
Height Safety Devices
For the last 38 years IKAR GmbH has been at the forefront of its field in the
development of height safety devices.
In 2003 IKAR GmbH has successfully completed the horizontal field test for
height safety devices with self-retractable lanyard from steel wire rope Ø 4.5
In 2005 IKAR GmbH successfully completed horizontal field tests with self-
retractable webbing lanyard. With the development of an energy absorbing
element within the lanyard, this reduced the impact force, which affects the
worker and the anchorage point to less than 3 kN in the event of a fall.
In order to further increase the safety of our users, in 2010 we tested and had
licensed a height safety device, which protects the worker with forces of less
than 3 kN when working in a mobile elevated platform.

Our experience in the field of developing and

using height safety devices have shown that
the current standards are not sufficient to
ensure the safety of users of double height
safety devices. The next big challenge for
Europe and the world are the additional
tests for double height safety devices to
increase the safety of the users. The IKAR
double height safety devices already passed
these additional tests today.
We will further collaborate in the field in
order to increase the safety-related status
of personal fall protection equipment for
the maximum safety and protection of our
IKAR height safety device technology— one step ahead of safety.

flexible according to EN 360:2002

Housing: Plastic or aluminium

lifeline: Webbing or galvanized steel lifeline as specified below
Sturdy, low-maintenance height safety device with webbing or galvanized steel
lifeline. Lightweight plastic or aluminium housing with a rotational attachement eye.
The rotational attachement eye prevents the webbing or rope from twisting.
Height Safety Devices are available with CSa z259.2.2-98- and anSi/aSSE
z359.14-2012/lE certification.
Explanation for the device names :
H = Height Safety Device
W = Swivel attachment point
S = Galvanized steel lifeline
B = Webbing lifeline
P = Plastic housing
number = Length of the retractable connecting element
Example : * iKaR fall Protection Devices function in any location
HWB 3, 4 means : Height Safety Device with swivel and strap, length of the harness position and have been tested in a simulated fall trial
strap 3.5 m over an edge, CnB 11.060 2008 Sharp edge type a

Type Order No. Connecting Device Housing Weight Dimensions Carabiner Hook
(mm) (mm)
41-HWB 1.8 1.80 m Web* Aluminium 0.7 kg 237 x 78 x 60 140

41-HWB 2 (Sweety) 2.00 m Web* Aluminium 0.8 kg 240 x 84 x 61 140

41-HWB 2.8 2.80 m Web* Aluminium 0.8 kg 240 x 84 x 61 140

41-HWB 3.5 3.50 m Web* Aluminium 1.1 kg 270 x 88 x 64 140

41-HWPB 3.5 3.50 m Web* Plastic 1.2 kg 326 x 104 x 78 140

41-HWPB 5.5 5.50 m Web* Plastic 1.5 kg 300 x 130 x 78 140

41-HWPB 7 7.00 m Web* Plastic 1.8 kg 300 x 165 x 80 140

41-HWPB 9 9.00 m Web* Plastic 2.3 kg 335 x 168 x 88 140

41-HWPB 12 12.00 m Web* Plastic 3.4 kg 370 x 195 x 95 140

41-HWPB 15 15.00 m Web* Plastic 5.3 kg 400 x 195 x 95 140

41-HWS 4.5 4.50 m Steelrope* Aluminium 2.7 kg 400 x 130 x 78 185

41-HWS 6 6.00 m Steelrope* Aluminium 3.0 kg 400 x 145 x 80 185

41-HWS 9 9.00 m Steelrope* Aluminium 3.7 kg 455 x 160 x 85 185

41-HWS 12 12.00 m Steelrope* Aluminium 5.4 kg 490 x 190 x 95 185

41-HWS 18 18.00 m Steelrope* Aluminium 6.9 kg 540 x 220 x 97 185

41-HWS 24 24.00 m Steelrope* Aluminium 8.4 kg 575 x 250 x 97 185

41-HWPS 3 3.00 m Steelrope* Plastic 1.9 kg 390 x 104 x 78 185

41-HWPS 4.5 4.50 m Steelrope* Plastic 2.1 kg 400 x 130 x 78 185

41-HWPS 6 6.00 m Steelrope* Plastic 2.5 kg 420 x 145 x 80 185

41-HWPS 9 9.00 m Steelrope* Plastic 3.2 kg 460 x 168 x 88 185

41-HW9S 12 12.00 m Steelrope* Plastic 4.9 kg 500 x 195 x 95 185

41-HWPS 18 18.00 m Steelrope* Plastic 6.3 kg 540 x 195 x 95 185

41-HWPS 24 24.00 m Steelrope* Plastic 7.3 kg 570 x 250 x 97 185

HWDB 2 according to EN 360:2002

Connector : iKv 21 according to EN 360:2002

Housing : aluminium
lifeline : Webbing
Sturdy, low-maintenance, double height safety device with webbing lifeline,
for 1 person. The lifeline 2 x 2 m incorporates a sewn fall indicator.
Lightweight aluminium housing with a rotational attachment eye.
Swivel double action hooks IKV 21 with a gate opening of 24 mm, alternatively
large swivel double action hooks IKV 32 W with a gate opening of 60 mm on
the end of each lifeline.

* iKaR fall Protection Devices type HWDB 2 and HWB 1,8

DW function in any location position and have been tested
in a simulated fall trial over an edge, CnB 11.060 2008 sharp
edge type a.

HWDB 1,8 DW according to EN 360:2002

Connector : iKv 21 according to EN 360:2002

Housing : aluminium
lifeline : Webbing
Using the IKAR DW to connect two single HWB 1,8.
The internal energy absorber reduces the arrest forces to less than 3 kN
per device. The combination of the swivel connector and the integral
swivel of the HWB devices allows a maximum flexibility.
The lifeline 2 x 1.8 m incorporates a sewn fall indicator.
Lifeline available with aluminium double action hooks IKV 11 with gate
opening 24 mm or alternatively large swivel double action hooks IKV 32
W with a gate opening of 60 mm.
Explanation for the device names :
H=Height Safety Device, W=Swivel attachment point,
S=Galvanized steel rope, B=Webbing strap, P=Plastic housing,
number = Length of the retractable connecting element
Height Safety Devices are available with CSa z259.2.2-98- and
Example :
anSi/aSSE z359.14-2012/lE certification
HWB 1,8 means: Height Safety Device with swivel and strap,
length of the harness strap 1.8 m.
Type Order No. Connecting Device Housing Weight Dimensions Carabiner Hook
(mm) (mm)
41-HWDB 2 2 X 2.0 m Web Aluminium 1.90 kg 250 x 165 x 60 180

41-HWDB 2 R 2 X 2.0 m Web Aluminium 2.80 kg 250 x 165 x 60 280

41-HWB 1,8 DW 2 X 1.8 m Web Aluminium 2.26 kg 290 x 170 x 60 135

41-HWB 1,8 R DW 2 X 1.8 m Web Aluminium 2.26 kg 290 x 170 x 60 280

acccon Click Block aCB 1.8 according to EN 360:2002, CNB 11060 2008 Type A

The IKAR Height Safety Device ACB 1.8 is designed for fall protection in mobile
elevated working platforms.
The self-retracting lanyard is tested and certified for the protection in mobile
elevated working platforms. The lanyard is tested over a ’double’ sharp edge.
Innovative technique in the area of internal energy absorbers ensures a
maximum arresting force of less than 3 kN at the anchorage point. The lanyard
length is 1.8 m, furthermore a connector strap of 400 mm from the harness
can be used.
Optional further lanyards and Connecting Elements:
Connector strap 400 mm, Order no. 45-iK 30 B 40 R as lanyard,
iKv 30, TriLock steel carabiner 25 kN with pin, Order no. 4000000030
iKv 13, Steel carabiner 25kN with pin, Order no. 400000SK00

Type Order No. Connecting Device Housing Weight Dimensions Carabiner Hook
(mm) (mm)
41-ACB 1.8 1.8 m Web Aluminium 960 g 240 x 83 x 63 130

Robusto according to EN 360:2002

Housing : Plastic or aluminium

lifeline : Webbing or galvanized steel lifeline
Sturdy, low-maintenance height safety device with galvanized steel
lifeline or webbing as retractable connecting element. Version with
aluminium housing or plastic housing, approved for vertical and
horizontal work.
IKAR fall protection devices feature a very high safety standard and
worldwide proven technology.

Explanation for the device names :

H = Height Safety Device
S = Galvanized steel lifeline
B = Webbing lifeline
P = Plastic housing
* iKaR fall Protection Devices function in any location position and
number = Length of the retractable connecting element have been tested in a simulated fall trial over an edge, CnB 11.060
2008 sharp edge type a
Example :
HPS 12 means : Height Safety Device, plastic housing and steel rope, Height Safety Devices are available with anSi/aSSE z359.14-2012/
length of the steel rope 12 m. lE-certification.

Type Order No. Connecting Device Housing Weight Dimensions Carabiner Hook
(mm) (mm)
41-H 12 12.00 m Steelrope* Aluminium 5.9 kg 450 x 195 x 90 185

41-H 18 18.00 m Steelrope* Aluminium 9.5 kg 550 x 240 x 100 185

41-H 24 24.00 m Steelrope* Aluminium 13.5 kg 630 x 275 x 110 185

41-H 33 30.00 m Steelrope* Aluminium 18.0 kg 640 x 320 x 120 185

41-H 42 42.00 m Steelrope Aluminium 27.2 kg 750 x 370 x120 185

41-H 65 65.00 m Steelrope Aluminium 38.0 kg 780 x 390 x 150 185

41-HPB 7 7.00 m Web* Plastic 2.9 kg 370 x 195 x 100 185

41-HPB 12 12.00 m Web* Plastic 4.4 kg 550 x 240 x 100 185

41-HPS 6 6.00 m Steelrope Plastic 3.0 kg 430 x 150 x 91 185

41-HPS 12 12.00 m Steelrope Plastic 4.6 kg 470 x 190 x 114 185

41-HPS 18 18.00 m Steelrope* Plastic 6.7 kg 540 x 225 x 96 185

Height Safety
type HRa
HRa according to EN 360:2002, EN 1496:2007

Housing : Plastic or aluminium

lifeline : galvanized steel rope
IKAR height safety devices with rescue hoisting facility (type HRA) are equipped with a
winching unit. In case of a rescue after a fall, this winch unit can easily be snapped-in
by a second person e.g. in case of unconsciousness through gas in shafts or channels.
The person who has suffered the accident can therefore be rescued quickly and safely.
The unit is completely closed and has no wearing parts. All parts are made from stainless
steel, aluminum or shockproof plastic. Different steel rope lengths ensure that a suitable
device is available for every application.
(Special steel rope lengths and V2A stainless steel or Dyneema ropes are possible on
IKAR height safety devices with rescue hoisting facility have a very high standard of
safety using technology which has proven its excellence throughout the world.
Height Safety Devices are available with CSa z259.2.2-98- and anSi/aSSE
Eyebolt AP-Fix
Explanation for the device names : IKAR height safety devices with Deflection Roller
H = Height Safety Device rescue hoisting facility and winch
HRa Wall Holder
chain, the unique alternative for
R = Rescue hoisting device HRA Wall Holder
every rescue situation. The
quick-release holder
S = Let-down function winch chain enables easy use
for wall mounting
of the winch in the HRA device,
P = Plastic housing all HRA
even if the load fastening point
devices from
number = Length of the retractable of the device is located in a very
9.5 – 33 m
connecting element high position.
Example : Application example: Entering shafts. The
HWB 3, 4 means : Height Safety Device height safety device is stationary mounted
with swivel and strap, length of the on a vehicle rendering the load fastening
harness strap 3.5 m point very high, with the result that a rescue
via a hand-crank device is not possible.
Order no. 41-54 / WHg

Type Order No. Connecting Device Housing Weight Dimensions Carabiner Hook
(mm) (mm)
41-HRA 12 12.00 m Steelrope Aluminium 7.0 kg 450 x 195 x 180 85
41-HRA 18 18.00 m Steelrope Aluminium 11.5 kg 570 x 240 x 200 185
41-HRA 24 24.00 m Steelrope Aluminium 16.0 kg 630 x 275 x 220 185
41-HRA 33 30.00 m Steelrope Aluminium 21.0 kg 640 x 315 x 230 185
41-HRA 42 42.00 m Steelrope Aluminium 40.0 kg 740 x 370 x 235 185
41-HRA 65 65.00 m Steelrope Aluminium 43.0 kg 780 x 390 x 240 185
41-HRA 18 P 18.00 m Steelrope Plastic 10.3 kg 620 x 231 x 152 185
41-HRA 18PD 15.00 m Dyn.-Rope Plastic 9.2 kg 620 x 231 x 152 185
41-HRA 12 E 12.00 m VA-Rope Aluminium 7.0 kg 450 x 195 x 180 185
41-HRA 18 E 18.00 m VA-Rope Aluminium 11.5 kg 570 x 240 x 200 185
41-HRA 24 E 24.00 m VA -Rope Aluminium 16.0 kg 630 x 275 x 220 185
41-HRA 33 E 30.00 m VA-Rope Aluminium 21.0 kg 640 x 315 x 230 185
41-HRA 42 E 42.00 m VA-Rope Aluminium 40.0 kg 740 x 370 x 235 185
41-HRA 12 D 9.00 m Dyn.-Rope Aluminium 6.0 kg 450 x 195 x 180 185
41-HRA 18 D 15.00 m Dyn.-Rope Aluminium 10.1 kg 570 x 240 x 200 185
41-HRA 24 D 20.00 m Dyn.-Rope Aluminium 14.1 kg 630 x 275 x 220 185
41-S30 Winch chain drive, available for all HRA devices, Weight approx. 3.0 kg


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