1 - NT Training Day 1
1 - NT Training Day 1
1 - NT Training Day 1
Today we introduce the program and the training. Participation Training will
therefore continue on Monday 24th of April, 2023, while Bible reading
commences on Monday, 1st of May, 2023. Please take note.
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2023
I also left you a 1-minute video welcome note online. If you have not seen it,
kindly use the link. https://YouTube/frkGkJxvzoM
Difficult right? Yes, with man, but not with God, for with God, nothing shall be
impossible. If it was easy, why will you need God to help you?
But through God and with God, you can do all things. God has helped Tens of
Thousands before you. He will help you too in Jesus’ name.
As of today, Wednesday the 19th of April, we have over 63,000 entries (from
Nigeria, across Africa and beyond, spread across about 67 WhatsApp groups)
who have registered for the May edition of the New Testament Bible reading.
These 63,000 people have chosen to take on this 29 days journey to read the
New Testament in one month.
You will not be the first to do this and by the grace of God, you will not be the
last. As we said earlier, through the grace of God about 139,000 believers have
done this before you. Trust God. I'm sure everyone who actively joined this
group did so for this one purpose.
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2023
You came because in the midst of no time, you believe that God can help you to
create time to read the Bible massively daily, you came to encounter God like
many others this one month. As you have come to experience God, I pray that
He will encounter you in Jesus’ name.
Let us pray!
Our Father in heaven, we thank You because You love us, thank
You because You have a reason why You brought each person
We may not know each person individually but Father You do.
You have a purpose for their lives, You love them individually
and affectionately.
No one can come to You except You draw him, never will You
draw anyone for nought. You brought them to show Your glory.
In the end, it all shall be to the praise and glory of Your name.
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2023
For those asking or wondering what SGS means or who we are, kindly read this:
These are the present channels that you can key into:
God laid it on our hearts to help as many people as possible to read up the New
Testament in one month. We believe that this will help them continue reading
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2023
The Lord led us to begin some systematic teaching series online to bring people
closer to God and grow in the knowledge of Christ, we use YouTube, Mixlr and
other media to get the Word of God across from 6 pm to 7 pm every Friday.
To get a reminder of our meetings, ask questions and access past messages in
compressed audio files, join the group on Telegram with this link:
Just as you are strengthened by the Word, we want to help believers to equally
get strength and capacity through individual prayers. Hence, participants will
be praying on their own in the Spirit for 24 hours spread over a period of three
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2023
weeks. If you are interested, stay connected to our platforms for the
announcement of the next edition. It comes up once in two months as well.
Our Website: Our website is now fully available and functional which serves
as a one-stop centre to know everything about SGS, the leaders, history access
all SGS programs and more:
YouTube: we have wonderful contents that will bless your life on YouTube. You
can also listen to our teachings old and new here. Subscribe and turn on
Facebook: Like our page on Facebook to access many of our written teaching
series over the years and get updates from SGS:
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2023
Telegram: https://t.me/sgsbiblereadingtestimonies
Please, take 155 seconds of your time to go through this video and message by
Peter Tan Chi. I tell you it will bless you tremendously: YouTube/x6K0qH-PwUA
You may read the "scripted video" by Peter Tan Chi below if you are unable to
access the video. I tell you it will bless you tremendously.
Why are you not attending a small group? I don’t have time.
Why don’t you come and worship on Sunday? I don’t have time.
Have you heard of those excuses?
The people are doing the same, we are the problem. We will not
do it anymore.
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2023
What do I mean?
You know his excuse? You know, which is valid: I'm busy, I have
meetings, I run a big organization.
One day, during his regular physical check-up, the doctor said,
"I see something in your lungs. I think you have cancer". The
moment he heard the word "cancer", suddenly he has time.
Time for what? Go and see the doctor; Physical check-up; Bible
study; Prayer time...
Why? Let me tell you why. Facing death has an amazing power
to alter your priorities.
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2023
So do not ever deceive yourself to say you don’t have time. You
will make time for what is important and you will not have time
for what is not important.
If you have gone over it, May I ask, Is the Bible important enough to get your
attention for the next one month?
We are all busy. Do not think our leaders are bunches of lazy people who have
no job. We own businesses, many times on the road, working Sunday to Sunday,
morning till evening, and even some late nights and midnights. Apart from the
duties to church, ministry and to family. Among our leaders are several fulltime
business owners, professionals, professors, architects, medical doctors,
lawyers, pastors and many more, from nearly all age groups and works of life
across nations. It's all about priority!
We needed to say that before we consider ourselves "Mr or Mrs busy" like many
of us do to excuse ourselves from the things we don't consider important. Don't
be deceived!
This "I-am-busy" syndrome that prevents us from fellowshipping with God will
die here in Jesus’ name. THAT IS WHY WE ARE HERE!!!
AS FROM MONDAY, 24th of April, 2023, we will continue to prepare you for
this one-month journey.
You will be hearing from one of our "Platoon Leaders" early in the morning of
each day. (Definitely Nigerian time. Those outside this time zone should kindly
adjust to it. You are definitely covered. No cause for alarm)
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2023
The remaining were either removed, offended or exited the group before the
one month elapsed. In this Eighteenth edition, we have about 55,000 entries
already. The question is will you be one of those that will finish or those who
will quit?
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2023
The training to continue next week Monday will be split into six days so that
you won't be overloaded. We have about 9 short lessons to equip you with. In
the end, we will also inform you of the modalities which have proven to work
by God's grace to deliver the maximum result in all our editions.
One of our modalities involves dividing everyone into smaller groups, headed
Your team leaders will begin to reach you via calls, chats or SMS as from
tomorrow, God willing.
Do not be alarmed when you hear from them. Their duty is to add you to a sub-
WhatsApp group, to closely monitor your progress and ensure that you reach
the finish line. Please note that your membership in this general group remains
Please be reminded that the actual Bible reading begins on Monday, 1st of May,
2023. Prepare your heart to encounter God.
Now you know what SGS is, you know what we want to do in the next few days
ahead of the reading and when the reading is commencing. Stay tuned for more
information during the course of the week. Don't be distracted or offended, you
know why you are here; I promise you; you are about to encounter God like
never before.
Your batch leader will open the group shortly for comments if they have not.
The group will be closed later tonight, to be opened twice daily for about 2hrs.
If you don't hear from our leaders today or tomorrow, do well to exercise
patience. We have thousands of leaders and tens of thousands of participants.
You will be reached. If you have not been reached by Wednesday, you can begin
to raise alarm so that your batch leaders can investigate why and fix it.
Note that the video version of this training which is more engaging is
available on YouTube through this link: https://youtu.be/zQU5PjrZVzQ
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2023
The Audio version is also available on the Class group for those who may
want to listen on the go.
By all means, make sure you go through the training and every other training
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2023
Try to answer the questions below, if you can't, you may need to go through the
training again. You may send the answers to the class or your team group when
you are added:
Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material, 2023
Website: www.sgsministry.com
Email us: officesgsministry@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpiritualGrowthSchemeSgs/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/spiritualgrowthscheme
Twitter: https://twitter.com/growthSGS?s=09
Get Information on Telegram: https://t.me/sgsinformationcentre