Figure Abstraction Male, Female Workbook
Figure Abstraction Male, Female Workbook
Figure Abstraction Male, Female Workbook
We are now ready to explore the figure abstraction. Just as we used the head abstraction to navigate
the landmarks and rhythms of the head, we will now work on the figure. This system will help to assist
you when working quickly, doing exercises like quick sketch, or when inventing or embellishing figures
from photos or life. Keep in mind if this is your first introduction to this system, it might be a bit
overwhelming. I know, it was for me. I now rely heavily on it as it has become intuitive. One must keep
in mind that the lines track along muscle insertions and as such are very logical. Be careful not to
create abstractions that don’t have a basis on functional anatomy. As with most things concerning the
figure, anatomy is the linchpin. We will get into that soon enough. For now, have fun exploring and
experimenting with these lines.
- TIP -
The objective of this lesson is to become familiar with the three main angles of the human form
by using a navigation system knows at Watts Atelier as the “figure abstraction.”
Part 1: Watch the video as I draw from the basic figure abstraction.
1) Start with the straight-on view. Try drawing with the charcoal, and make them fairly
2) Next, on to the profile. Notice the stylization and simplification of the lines.
Note: The key lines I use most are the neck to the hip and acromion process to crotch. The
acromion process is part of the clavicle you can feel when you reach over to your shoulder. I
now create custom abstractions for different body types and poses. You will as well, but that
will take some time.
Part 3: After doing some run-throughs with the basic abstraction, take a look at the tracing
layovers I created using these abstractions.
2) Purchase a Visual Pose book (see book suggestions on materials page), and start
doing tracings over the images to track the lines.
3) Once you have found the lines as best as you can, take the tracing and attach to your
reference holder, and freehand draw them again.
Below is an example of a figure abstraction from the back, profile, and front. This grid, or navigation system,
was pioneered by Frank Reilly. You will see many in use, but not all track correctly or attractively. Abstractions
are very complex and useful, but you must be very knowledgeable to create them. Make sure they are founded
on the “form follows function” concept. At Watts Atelier, we have one of the strongest uses of this concept I’ve
seen. We will explore these more in depth as we venture further into complex phases and more anatomical
training. This is going to be a great system for you to pour some serious time into. Good luck, and stay patient
with this one.
- TIP -
This abstraction is very simple. I use
derivatives of this as I work up my
figures. The abstraction gets more
complex as you learn more anatomy.
Remember, the lines are meant to
bend with the pose. These are static
poses. You will find it challenging
to say the least as you begin to
animate this wire frame. It is well
worth the effort.
- TIP -
Stick in there. These are
excellent exercises for
developing lightning-quick
analyzation skills, superior
dexterity, and great design
sense. I think of these ab-
stractions as the “marrow”
of figurative drawing.
Have some faith and lots of
patience and perseverance.
You will get this!
Notice this back pose and how I draw through the forms and not around them. This is a much more efficient
way to navigate the complexities of the human form. After you have established the rhythm grid, you can add
the bumps and undulations to your heart’s desire. Right now, I would like you to simplify, not complicate.
This is an art in and of itself that took me hundreds of drawings to get the hang of. One of the most efficient
ways to ingrain these abstractions is through the practice of quick sketch from the live model. Working from
Visual Pose books with tracing layovers is also helpful!
- TIP -
These tracing layovers I have
done are meant as a spring-
board for you. Check the sug-
gested reading for the Visual
Pose books. Order one and
set out to do these tracing
layovers as many times as
possible. Do it once a week
on a designated day. Couple
this with a quick sketch class
from the live model, and you
will get the hang of it in no
- TIP -
These simple grid lines can
actually be harder in some
ways than creating a more
complex grid system. It is
important to remind yourself
that these are the foundation
for the shadow mapping and
rendering to come. If this is
not working, you could find
yourself rendering over
inaccurate placement. This
won’t work, trust me.
- TIP -
Notice how simple these
lines are, yet we know
exactly what the pose is
doing. This is what cap-
turing the gesture is all
about–the quick read. We
will get to adding layers
of information on top of
this soon enough. Each
layer needs to be locked
down or there is no point
going to the next.
Here we find ourselves dealing with a seated three-quarter/profile pose. Many artists find the profile easiest
due to not having to deal as much with matching the symmetry from one side to the other. As we move onto
other advanced abstractions, you will see me leave out or alter many of these lines. As your anatomy improves
and you begin applying it, you will notice these alterations and begin to understand them. At first, simply
mimicking or copying them will be your best bet. There is plenty of time to fill in any gaps. If you like to know
everything as you go, you will find learning drawing and painting to be a very difficult path.
- TIP -
After doing tracings over the
photos and locating rhythm
lines to the best of your
ability, proceed to freehand
draw the abstraction grid
with the Conté charcoal
pencil. Continue to practice
these layovers with the sug-
gested Visual Pose books.
Incorporate this practice
weekly, and you will be up to
speed in no time.