Untitled Presentation
Untitled Presentation
Untitled Presentation
Why shoes smell: Bacteria is the reason they start to smell. Bacteria are small
single celled organisms that make your feet smell. They like dark and damp places
like sneakers. When they have dark and damp places they multiply. They multiply
when they eat your dead skin cells and the oils on your feet. After they eat they
remove the waste from themselves by making organic acids. The organic acids is
what gives the bad smell.
Procedure and Material
Get 3 pairs of new shoes and get 3 pairs of old shoes. Then you get 6 agar plates
and 6 swabs. Next, swab each shoe and rub onto agar plate. Label each agar
plate cover with name of shoe (new #1, New #2, New #3, Old #1, Old #2 and Old
#3) and date. After that, you put them in a dry and dark place because bacteria
like dark and dry places to mimic a shoe. Wait 4-5 days and observe which sample
Date: 2/1/2024
End of Experiment
New Sneakers
Old Sneakers