AI HL Topic 3 Revision
AI HL Topic 3 Revision
AI HL Topic 3 Revision
The king has four adult children, each of which has a luxury palace located at the
points (1, 1), (3, 1), (1, 3), (3, 3). Each child owns all the land that is
nearer their palace than any other palace.
The king has a fifth (youngest) child who is now just growing up. He installs her
in a new palace situated at point (2, 2). The rule about ownership of land is then
(b) Sketch a new Voronoi diagram to represent this new situation. [2]
(c) State what the shape of the land, owned by the youngest child,
is. [1]
(e) Find how much land an older child has lost. [1]
Ani opens an office equidistant from three of the cafes, B, C and D. The
equation of the perpendicular bisector of [BC] is 3y = 2x − 1. 5.
Elena wants to eat at the closest restaurant to her. Write down the restaurant
she should go to, if she is at
To make the hat, sides [OA] and [OB] are joined together. The hat has a base
radius of 6. 5 cm.
(a.i) Write down the perimeter of the base of the hat in terms of π. [1]
(b) Find the surface area of the outside of the hat. [2]
5. [Maximum mark: 5] 21M.1.SL.TZ1.9
A triangular field ABC is such that AB = 56 m and BC = 82 m,
each measured correct to the nearest metre, and the angle at B is
equal to 105°, measured correct to the nearest 5°.
(a) Calculate the total surface area of one piece of candy. [4]
(a) Write down the size of the angle of depression from H to C. [1]
The ground level station A has coordinates (140, 15, 0) and station B,
located near the top of the hill, has coordinates (20, 5, 250). All coordinates
are given in metres.
The local town is planning to build a highway that will intersect the borders of
the field at points D and E, where DC = 210 m and CÊD = 100°, as
shown in the diagram below.
The town wishes to build a carpark here. They ask the farmer to exchange the
part of the field represented by triangle DCE. In return the farmer will get a
triangle of equal area ADF, where F lies on the same line as D and E, as
shown in the diagram above.
(c) Find the area of triangle DCE. [5]
(d) Estimate DF. You may assume the highway has a width of
zero. [4]
Let sin CAB =
Find cos (2 × CÂB).
11. [Maximum mark: 14]
(b.iii) find the time at which it would fly directly over the airport.
When the aircraft is 4 km above the ground it continues to fly on the same
An aircraft’s position is given by the coordinates (x, y, z), where x and y are the
aircraft’s displacement east and north of an airport, and z is the height of the
aircraft above the ground. All displacements are given in kilometres.
bearing but adjusts the angle of its descent so that it will land at the point (0, 0,
Find the direct distance of the aircraft from the airport at this
km h
, find the value of
12. [Maximum mark: 17] SPM.2.AHL.TZ0.5
The following table shows the costs in US dollars (US$) of direct flights between
six cities. Blank cells indicate no direct flights. The rows represent the departure
cities. The columns represent the destination cities.
(a) Show the direct flights between the cities as a graph. [2]
(b) Write down the adjacency matrix for this graph. [2]
(c) Using your answer to part (b), find the number of different ways
to travel from and return to city A in exactly 6 flights. [2]
The following table shows the least cost to travel between the cities.
(e) Find the values of a and b. [2]
A travelling salesman has to visit each of the cities, starting and finishing at city
1. 5 cos (0. 1t )
r = ( ) where all displacements are in metres.
1. 5 sin (0. 1t )
(a) Show that the ball is moving in a circle with its centre at O and
state the radius of the circle. [4]
(b.i) Find an expression for the velocity of the ball at time t. [2]
(b.ii) Hence show that the velocity of the ball is always perpendicular
to the position vector of the ball. [2]
(c.i) Find an expression for the acceleration of the ball at time t. [3]
The string breaks when the magnitude of the ball’s acceleration exceeds
20 ms
(c.ii) Find the value of t at the instant the string breaks. [3]
(c.iii) How many complete revolutions has the ball completed from
t = 0 to the instant at which the string breaks? [3]
14. [Maximum mark: 5] 22N.1.AHL.TZ0.3
An artificial ski slope can be modelled as a triangular prism, as shown in the
diagram. Rectangle ABCD is horizontal, and rectangle CDEF is vertical.
The maximum height of the ski slope, CF, is 17 metres and the steepest angle
of the ski slope, FB̂C, is 21°.
The width of the base of the ski slope, AB, is 44 metres. Mayumi skis in a
straight line, starting from point E and finishing at the base of the ski slope.
(b) Find the value of the least steep angle that Mayumi can ski. [3]
15. [Maximum mark: 7] 22N.1.AHL.TZ0.4
In a competition, a contestant has to move through a maze to find treasure. A
graph of the maze is shown below, where each edge represents a corridor in the
maze. The contestant starts at S and the treasure is located at T.
The competition rules state that the contestant can walk along a maximum of
four corridors.
(c) Explain why the number of ways the contestant can reach the
treasure is less than the answer to part (b). [1]
⎝ ⎠
p + 9
q − 2
⎛ ⎞
⎝ ⎠
2q + 1
(b) Find the acute angle between the two lines. [4]
17. [Maximum mark: 8] 22N.1.AHL.TZ0.9
2 −4
The transformation T is represented by the matrix M = ( ).
3 1
(a.i) Find an expression for the velocity of the particle at time t. [2]
(b.i) Find an expression for the acceleration of the particle at time t. [1]
(c) For 0 ≤ t ≤ 10, find the time when the two particles are
closest to each other. [5]
At time k, where 0 < k < 1. 5, the second particle is moving parallel to the
first particle.
(d.ii) At time k, show that the two particles are moving in the
opposite direction. [2]
19. [Maximum mark: 14] 22N.2.AHL.TZ0.4
A company has six offices, A, B, C, D, E and F. One of the company managers,
Nanako, needs to visit the offices. She creates the following graph that shows the
distances, in kilometres, between some of the offices.
Nanako wishes to find the shortest cycle to visit all the offices. She decides to
complete a weighted adjacency table, showing the least distance between each
pair of offices.
Write down the value of
(c.i) p. [1]
(c.ii) q. [1]
(c.iii) r. [1]
(e) By deleting vertex F, find a lower bound for Nanako’s cycle. [4]
(f ) Explain, with a reason, why the answer to part (e) might not be
the best lower bound. [2]
20. [Maximum mark: 18] 22M.2.AHL.TZ1.7
A transformation, T , of a plane is represented by r′= P r + q, where P is a
2 × 2 matrix, q is a 2 × 1 vector, r is the position vector of a point in the
The triangle OAB has coordinates (0, 0), (0, 1) and (1, 0). Under T, these
1 √3 √3 3
points are transformed to (0, 1), (
, 1 +
) and (
(a.ii) By considering the image of (1, 0) and (0, 1), show that
√3 1
⎛ ⎞
4 4
P = .
⎝ ⎠
4 4
(c.ii) Hence find the angle and direction of the rotation represented
by R. [3]
, centre (a, b), followed by a rotation about the same centre (a, b).
(d.i) a
Write down an equation satisfied by ( ).
b [1]