Respuesta Metabolica Al Trauma Cap 1 Fonseca
Respuesta Metabolica Al Trauma Cap 1 Fonseca
Respuesta Metabolica Al Trauma Cap 1 Fonseca
Physiologic Response Clinical Implications
Mediators of the Response Modulation of the Response
Neuroendocrine Response Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Lipid-Derived Mediators Nutrition As Therapy
Cytokines Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis
Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils Stress Gastritis
njury produces profound systemic effects. Hormones, or leukopenia, tachycardia, and tachypnea. When the
the autonomic nervous system, and cytokines all inflammatory response impairs function of organs or
produce a series of responses that are teleologically organ systems, the term multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
designed to help defend the body against the insult of (MODS) is used. As greater sophistication in the care of
trauma and promote healing. Classically, these responses the multiply injured patient has permitted careful obser-
have been described as the stress response, a term coined vation and analysis of the metabolic changes that accom-
by the Scottish chemist Cuthbertson in 1932.1 However, pany trauma; similar advances in the field of molecular
some of these responses may be counterproductive. The biology have allowed the identification and measure-
cascade of interactions is orchestrated in the severely ment of the precise hormones and inflammatory media-
traumatized patient to produce a host of responses that tors involved in the body’s response to trauma. This
follow a recognizable pattern, but the depth and dura- chapter reviews the mechanisms and consequences of
tion of these changes are variable, usually proportional the metabolic response to traumatic injury and some
to the extent of the injury and the presence of ongoing common approaches to the problems produced by these
stimulation. Stresses other than major trauma produce metabolic derangements.
alterations in the metabolic responses; examples are
burns, sepsis, and starvation. Each results in marked PHYSIOLOGIC RESPONSE
variations in the metabolic response, and this variability
persists during the later chronic and recovery phases of Tissue damage produces an inflammatory reaction that
the original injury (Fig. 1-1). causes local effects, such as tissue edema, vasoconstric-
The body’s initial response to insult (the acute phase) tion, and thrombosis. Other mediators released into the
is directed at maintaining adequate substrate delivery to systemic circulation act at sites removed from the injury.
the vital organs, in particular oxygen and energy. Cuth- For example, they stimulate the autonomic nervous
bertson’s pioneering work recognized the increases in system, with concomitant production of hormones, cyto-
basal temperature, energy expenditure, and oxygen con- kines, and arachidonic acid metabolites. The orches-
sumption, and also the loss of potassium and nitrogen.2,3 trated response seen with severe injury has been
The term systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is described as having two phases that overlap, the ebb
used to describe the body’s response to infectious and phase, which occurs immediately and may last as long as
noninfectious causes and consists of two or more of the 24 hours after injury, and the flow phase, which may last
following—hyperthermia or hypothermia, leukocytosis for weeks.
2 PART I Principles in the Management of Traumatic Injuries
Burn size
115 70%
2800 6875 5500 110
2700 105 60%
6250 5000
2600 100 50%
2500 5625 4500 95
2300 5000 4000 90
2200 85
2100 4375 3500 90
600 -5
625 500 Mild starvation
FIGURE 1-2 Changes in resting energy expenditure associated with trauma, burns, and other common clinical conditions. (Adapted From
Wilmore DW: The metabolic management of the critically ill, New York, 1977, Plenum Press.)
cortisol promote muscle breakdown, protein catabolism, platelet aggregation, altered pulmonary vascular reactiv-
and amino acid release. ity, and changes in endothelial permeability.
The effects of the flow phase of the metabolic response
to trauma are partly attributable to hormones such as CYTOKINES
glucagon and cortisol, but not entirely, because the cata- Protein mediators, collectively called cytokines, are pro-
bolic consequences extend beyond measurable elevated duced at the site of injury and by diverse circulating
levels of these hormones.20,21 This finding has implicated immune cells. Monocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages,
other factors such as cytokines or the suppression of and other cells release cytokines. They can act locally as
other hormonal axes such as those of somatostatin and paracrines by way of direct cell to cell communication or
growth hormone. systemically when produced in excess by way of endo-
crine mechanisms. The most important cytokines in
LIPID-DERIVED MEDIATORS trauma are tumor necrosis factor (TNF), the interleukins
Cyclooxygenase products of arachidonic acid metabo- (IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, and IL-8), the interferons, and various
lism are present in increased amounts in human studies growth factors such as granulocyte-macrophage colony-
of injury. Thromboxane A2 accentuates neutrophil stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and platelet-derived growth
aggregation and, with prostacyclin, has potent and oppos- factors (PDGFs). They enhance immune cell function
ing vascular effects that may have a role in pulmonary and are responsible for the systemic effects of inflamma-
hypoxic vasoconstriction and systemic vasodilation. tion and sepsis, such as fever, leukocytosis, hypotension,
Lipoxygenase products are also released in large quanti- delayed gastric emptying, and malaise.
ties and affect the permeability of the pulmonary vascu- Thought to be the most proximal mediator of the
lar bed. inflammatory response, TNF was originally described as
Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is a phospholipid the catabolic factor cachectin.22 At least two forms of TNF
metabolite released by a number of cells, including neu- exist.23,24 TNF influences cellular attraction as part of the
trophils. The response to PAF at the endothelial surface local inflammatory response, leukocyte migration, and
results in enhanced superoxide production, enhanced systemic hypotension.25,26 It also promotes muscle
4 PART I Principles in the Management of Traumatic Injuries
Critical illness
Increased morbidity
Increased mortality
Longer length of stay
Longer recovery
FIGURE 1-4 Factors whereby enteral nutrition may result in undernutrition of critically ill and injured patients—the potential role of
supplemental parenteral nutrition. (Adapted from Thibault R, Pichard C: Parenteral nutrition in critical illness: Can it safely improve
outcomes? Crit Care Clin 26:467–480, 2010.)
inhibit the production of eicosanoids and may thus blunt hydrocortisone therapy attenuates the stress response
the physiologic response to cytokines, such as fever, asso- and decreases the likelihood of hospital-acquired pneu-
ciated with TNF, IL-1, and IL-6. In patients with sepsis, monia.54 Further research is needed to establish practical
ibuprofen has shown some improvement in clinical therapeutic strategies, particularly in traumatic brain
parameters, but has not been proven to decrease the injury, in which high-dose steroids have been associated
duration of shock or improve mortality.46 with an increase in mortality.55
Control of hyperglycemia in critically ill surgical Human activated protein C (drotrecogin alfa [acti-
patients has been shown in a large, prospective, random- vated]) was one of the first approved recombinant agents
ized trial to decrease morbidity and mortality. Intensive targeting the procoagulant and generalized inflamma-
insulin therapy (IIT) requires maintenance of blood tory response that occurs during sepsis. It had been ini-
glucose levels below 110 mg/dL.47 Subsequent analysis tially found to reduce death rates in patients with severe
found that increased mortality from hypoglycemic events sepsis.56 Ongoing surveillance proved that there was no
negates the benefits of IIT in clinical practice. Trauma survival benefit in patients with severe sepsis when com-
patients, however, were a subset found to having bene- pared with placebo, and the drug has since been with-
fited the most from IIT.48 Further investigation is neces- drawn from the market.57
sary to determine safe and effective mechanisms for Pharmacologic manipulation of the response to trau-
glycemic control in trauma patients. matic injury has been met with limited success. Research
The role of glucocorticoids in modulating the stress continues to attempt to identify agents that protect the
response remains unclear. In severe cases of injury, sepsis, patient from the deleterious effects of the host response.
and critical illness, the adrenal system is unable to supply Knowing which patient may benefit from a particular
the overwhelming demand for glucocorticoids, and a medication may be a function of that individual’s unique
relative adrenal insufficiency ensues.49 Pharmacologic DNA. Current studies have identified specific genetic
factors such as even a single dose of etomidate have also polymorphisms that are predictors of adverse outcomes
proven to increase rates of adrenal insufficiency and in severe trauma and sepsis.58 Future investigation may
mortality in the critically ill.50 Multiple trials have failed help develop individually tailored treatments.
to identify a definite improvement in mortality, although
low-dose corticosteroid therapy may decrease the dura- ADULT RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME
tion of shock states and improve short-term survival.51-53 The adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is an
In trauma patients, there is some evidence that acute illness characterized by noncardiogenic pulmonary
6 PART I Principles in the Management of Traumatic Injuries
edema. This refractory hypoxemia arises in part as a A recent study comparing a special enteral formula-
consequence of lung inflammation secondary to the tion of eicosapentaenoic acid, gamma-linolenic acid, and
mediators of the acute response to trauma. Damage to antioxidants versus a standard formulation to patients
the alveolar-capillary interface results in intrapulmonary during the early stages of sepsis (without organ failure)
shunting of blood, raised pulmonary vascular pressures, yielded different results.69 The study, funded in part by
and surfactant depletion. the product manufacturer, revealed no significant differ-
The syndrome is primarily treated by mechanical ven- ence in mortality between the two groups. A significant
tilation, and the National Institutes of Health Acute reduction in the appearance of cardiac and respiratory
Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network has identified failure occurred in the study population given the special
that low tidal volume ventilation (6 mL/kg predicted enteral formulation versus those given the standard
body weight) was superior to using traditional tidal formula control. Subjects in the test arm also experienced
volumes (12 mL/kg of predicted body weight) in treat- a benefit of fewer days on mechanical ventilation, fewer
ing hypoxemia.59 When therapy fails to keep pace with days in the intensive care unit, and shorter length of hos-
progressive lung dysfunction, alternative therapies— pital stay. The concept of immunonutrition continues to
such as high-frequency oscillatory ventilation, prone evolve and, particularly within the last 5 years, the approach
positioning, and extracorporeal life support (ECLS) or to the modulation of nutrition by timing to feed, amounts,
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)—may route of administration,and composition of the nutri-
be indicated.60-63 tional product have yielded new information regarding
how to optimally feed injured and critically ill patients.
The advantages of enteral nutrition over parenteral DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS PROPHYLAXIS
nutrition have been clearly demonstrated, and the gas- The hypercoagulable state exists immediately following
trointestinal tract should be used whenever possible. severe traumatic injury, and an even more severe injury
Recently, a role for supplemental parenteral nutrition may be followed by increases in the hypercoagulable
has been advocated (Fig. 1-4). The traditional prefer- state.70 When this condition exists in combination with
ence is to feed patients by the enteral route for reasons patient immobility and direct venous injury, Virchow’s
that include a reduction of the number of enteric organ- triad for venous thrombosis is complete. Tissue injury
isms that may be responsible for bacterial translocation. may be responsible for the release of tissue thromboplas-
Stimulation of the enterocyte brush border and gut- tin, which initiates the conversion of factor VII to enzyme
associated lymphoid tissue is an important protective factor VIIa. Therefore, it is important to provide deep
mechanism against the proliferation of the offending venous thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis with subcutane-
organisms.64 The route of feeding may also have an ous mixed or low-molecular-weight heparins when pos-
impact on the production of cytokines after injury; sible, except in cases in which specific contraindications
thus, use of the enteral route may confer an additional exist, such as intracranial hemorrhage, known peptic
advantage.65 ulcer, solid organ laceration, and hematoma. An alterna-
Considerable attention has focused on nutrients that tive is the placement of a sequential compression device
attenuate the metabolic response to injury. Nutrients on the limbs. The overall efficacy of DVT prophylaxis is
that appear to enhance the immune system include argi- well established; it is important that prophylaxis be main-
nine, glutamine, and nucleic acids. The immune system tained for the duration of the hospital stay or at least
may be enhanced by altering the relative amounts of until the patient is fully mobile.71
omega-6 versus omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.66,67 Traumatic brain injury with intracranial hemorrhage
Other nutrients may act as oxidants, preventing damage prohibits the use of chemoprophylaxis. Recent data have
by free radicals, such as the common antioxidants vita- demonstrated a three- to fourfold increased risk of DVT
mins A, C, E, and the trace element selenium. in brain-injured patients. This patient population
There has been lukewarm interest in the concept of requires early application of appropriate nonpharmaco-
“immunonutrition”to ameliorate the end-organ damage logic measures and an early decision on the placement
from critical illness and sepsis, which may later result in of inferior vena cava filters (removable, if possible) for
acute renal failure and ARDS. A study of supplementa- pulmonary embolism prophylaxis.72
tion with an enteral diet of omega-3 fatty acid, gamma-
linolenic acid, and antioxidants versus an isocaloric STRESS GASTRITIS
enteral formulation was reported in 2011. These nutri- Stress gastritis is common to the multiply injured inten-
ents are typically thought to modulate the systemic sive care unit population, and patients left untreated may
inflammatory response.68 The study randomized 272 have clinically significant gastrointestinal bleeding. The
adults who had developed acute lung injury and required principal risk factors for stress gastritis are head injury,
mechanical ventilation. Enteral nutrition was provided to mechanical ventilation, and abnormal coagulation pro-
both patient groups using a standard protocol, and the files. Prophylaxis using histamine-2 receptor antagonists
study supplement was provided twice daily to the study or proton pump inhibitors is very effective.73
cohort of patients. The study was halted early because of
futility. The ventilator-free and intensive care unit-free SUMMARY
days were lower in the omega-3 group and, although not
significant, hospital and 60-day mortality were higher in Injury produces a series of physiologic changes mediated
the omega-3 group. by local and systemic agents and systemic effects, mainly