Ganapati Cult in Orissa
Ganapati Cult in Orissa
Ganapati Cult in Orissa
The Ganapati Cult occupies a significant origin of Ganesh or his birth are extremely
position in the Brahmanical religion of Orissa. confusing. According to Brahma Purana,
The discovery of Ganesh images from different Parvati created him by meditation and else
parts of Orissa highlights popularity of this god. where in the same work, it is also stated that
Ganesh is the remover of all obstacles and Ganesh was created out of the dirt of Parvati's
bestower of success. His elephant head body. Association of Ganesh with Siva and
suggests cool brain and the Parvati has been referred in the
steed, and his mount rat suggests Puranas, where he is called
perseverance. These two Ambikanandana.
qualities are important to The Ganapati Cult is said to
achieve success. He is the only have come into existence in
god, who is worshipped first around the sixth century A.D.
among the realm of gods and The earliest cult image of
goddesses of the Brahmanical Ganapati, so far known, is
pantheon. found in the niche of the Siva
Ganesh was probably a temple at Bhumara dated to the
non-Aryan deity worshipped by sixth century A.D. Almost all
the ancient tribes of India. The the temples of India bear the
antiquity of Ganesh cannot be image of Ganapati and the
pushed back to the Vedic period. Orissan temples are no
During the Vedic period, the four Vedas do not exception to it. He is represented as a
refer about the worship of Ganesh. Ganesh also Parsvadevata in many Siva temples of Orissa
does not find a place in the assembly of Vedic and in some places, there are independent
deities. Most probably Ganesh was introduced temples built for his worship.
to the Brahmanical pantheon at a later period. During the seventh century A.D. Ganesh
As a leader of the Ganas, Ganesh is also for the first time appeared in the Orissan
called Ganapati. In the later mythology, Ganesh temples. The earliest Ganesh image is found
has been referred to in the name, Vinayaka. The in the Parasuramesvara temple of
mythological accounts with regards to the Bhubaneswar. In the right side Torana of the
Orissa Review * September - 2004
entrance gate and in the north-west corner of mouse, and the god has a standing position,
the northern wall of the Parasuramesvara holding in the upper right hand a broken tusk,
temple, the image of Ganesh has been carved. in the lower right hand a Japamala and in the
Here his attributes are Kuthara, Modaka, lower left hand a Kuthara placed upside down.
Japamala and a radish and he is seen without A snake is shown as the Upavita and the head
his mount rat. He is depicted alongwith the wears a Jatamukuta.
Saptamatrikas. During the same period the The images of Ganesh found in the
image of Ganesh as Parsvadevata is found in temples of Orissa fall into three categories, i.e.,
the Svarnajalesvara temple at Bhubaneswar, Asina (seated), Sthanaka (standing) and Nrutya
Paschimesvara temple at Talcher and (dancing) from the point of iconography. The
Dakshinesvara temple at Budagaon in the Asina Ganesh is found in Orissa from seventh
Ganjam district. to eighth century A.D. During this period the
The eighth century images of Ganesh are image of Asina Ganesh image is seen to be
found in the Muktesvara, Sisiresvara, Vaital, seated in Bhadrasana and in some cases in
Kedaresvara and Lingaraj temples in Padmasana like Parvati. The number of
Bhubaneswar; Siva temple at Delang; Sthanaka Ganesh is rare in Orissa. This type
Batesvara temple at Balur in the Ganjam of images were carved in the ninth century A.D.
district; Ramesvara temple at Baud, mostly installed by the Somavamsi rulers of
Kichakesvari temple at Khiching in the Orissa. Among the three categories, the dancing
Mayurbhanj district; Jagannath temple at Puri; Ganesh images surpass the other two forms in
Maninagesvara temple in the Balasore district artistic excellence. This form of Ganesh
and Kali temple in Koraput district. became popular after the eleventh century A.D.
Probably this style of Ganesh images were
From the ancient times, the
started by the same Somavamsi rulers of
Mahavinayaka temple near Chandikhol in the
present Jajpur district is a famous Ganesh
Pitha, Similarly, the other Ganesh Pithas in From the above discussion, it can be said
our state are located in Khiching at Mayurbhanj that Ganesh, who appeared on the temple walls
district and Karamula in the Dhenkanal district. of Orissa became very popular from 7th century
The images of Ganesh found in Orissa A.D. till now. The day dedicated to the worship
can be divided into two broad groups, because of Ganesh is known as Ganesh Chaturthi
which is the fourth day in the light half of the
of the presence of the mouse, the characteristic
month of Bhadrav.
mount of the god. The first variety of Ganesh
images are without the mouse and they are
seated, rarely standing, holding in the four
hands a radish, a Japamala, an upraised Pradeep Kumar Gan is an ICHR Fellow in the P.G.
Kuthara and a bowl of Sweets. The snakes Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and
are shown as the belt and the Upavita. The Archaeology, Utkal University, Vani Vihar,
second variety of image is shown with the Bhubaneswar- 751 004.