The story introduces Mahmud Pasha, a wealthy Egyptian man of Turkish origin who dislikes Egyptians. While visiting Pasha's mansion, the narrator and Professor Daryen witness a mummy awakening in Pasha's underground tombs. The mummy, the Egyptian king Hur, curses Pasha for mistreating his descendants before Pasha dies of terror.
The story introduces Mahmud Pasha, a wealthy Egyptian man of Turkish origin who dislikes Egyptians. While visiting Pasha's mansion, the narrator and Professor Daryen witness a mummy awakening in Pasha's underground tombs. The mummy, the Egyptian king Hur, curses Pasha for mistreating his descendants before Pasha dies of terror.
The story introduces Mahmud Pasha, a wealthy Egyptian man of Turkish origin who dislikes Egyptians. While visiting Pasha's mansion, the narrator and Professor Daryen witness a mummy awakening in Pasha's underground tombs. The mummy, the Egyptian king Hur, curses Pasha for mistreating his descendants before Pasha dies of terror.
The story introduces Mahmud Pasha, a wealthy Egyptian man of Turkish origin who dislikes Egyptians. While visiting Pasha's mansion, the narrator and Professor Daryen witness a mummy awakening in Pasha's underground tombs. The mummy, the Egyptian king Hur, curses Pasha for mistreating his descendants before Pasha dies of terror.
“The Mummy Awakens” is the story of Mahmud Pasha. He is Turk in origin, French in taste and Egyptian by nationality. He has a great collection of art, paintings and statues. He loves the people of French origin. He does not believe Egyptians as cultured beings rather he expresses his hatred towards them. He has extraordinary love for French politics and culture. There we should not miss the point that once Turks used to rule over Egypt and this was replaced by France. The writer has grudge against both the nationalities Thus having a Franco-Turkish character in his story he speaks high of Egyptian cultural traditions and very low of Turkish and French. the mummy awakens summary The narrator starts the story with an air of uncertainty. In order to give certainty to his story, he shifts its narration to professor Daryen who is a true witness to the event of Mummy being awakened. They decide to visit the mansion of Mahmud Pasha who is an elite and a very famous personality. When they were in, they were struck by the beauty of art in Pasha’s house. He was multi-dimensional personality. He was a Turk in origin, Egyptian by nationality and a Frenchman by tastes who didn’t have a good opinion of the Egyptians. The late Pasha was one of the richest men in Egypt, and was highly cultured and conscientious as well. As far as he was concerned, the time he spent beneath a French sky was the happiest in his life. Most cultured French people knew him only as an amateur enthusiast for the fine arts or else as a poet who composed beautiful romantic poetry in French. On that particular day I took my place beside the Pasha. “Your Excellency”, he said to the Pasha, “this mansion of yours would need a little modification to become a museum in its own right.” “I owe it all to my eclectic taste,” the Pasha commented.
Meanwhile a person was beaten by his
servant and Pasha also ordered that the person should be arrested by the police. He then took professor Daryen into his garden where diggings were taking place. Daryen was also interested in archeological expeditions. They visited things around and a huge stone was removed. After the stone was removed, there was a vast space which led to a direction. It led to the tomb of the Egyptian king; Hur who was lying in the tomb as a mummy. They saw that the mummy of Hur began to move. They were greatly terrified because there was a mummy and a complete darkness. The mummy even began to talk as Daryen felt him behave like that. The mummy called Pasha his slave. His face resembled the person whom Pasha had beaten and asked to be arrested by the police. He asked Pasha why he was cruelly treating his decadents because the person whom Pasha had belonged to Hur’s decadence. The mummy began to roar in terror. Pasha couldn’t bear that roaring accent of Mummy and died of terror. The two servants there got mad but Daryen got saved for some miracle. What was the poor man supposed to say? Life had been restored to the mummy, but it seemed to have abandoned the Pasha even though he was still alive. Hur got the impression that the Pasha was not prepared to say anything. “What’s the matter with you?” Have slaves become masters and masters slaves? How is it, slave, that you can own such a large mansion, while my own descendants work in it as your servants? A curse upon you, slave!” Hur’s threats had spread a new sense of terror into the room which finally put an end to whatever self-control people had left. Shaykh Jadallah soon fell to his face on the floor, and the lamp fell with him. As my own good fortune would have it, I lost consciousness at this point and I was no longer aware of either world. What about Hur’s tomb and the now deserted mansion?
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