E4 Operation Procedures

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1- Meaning of operating procedures.

2- Purpose of operating procedures.

3- Types of operating procedures.

4- Development of operating procedures.
5- Participation in operating procedures.
6- Content of operating procedures.
7- Operating procedures requirements.
8- Operating procedures criteria.
 Know the important of SOP as a framework provide
the policy, safe work and producing.

 Guidelines for how to operate the plant safely in all

conditions and different modes.

what is process safety?

what is process safety?
 Operating procedures are written instructions (including procedures
that are stored electronically and printed on demand) that:

– List the steps for a given task.

– Describe the manner in which the steps are to be performed.

– Describe the process, hazards, tools, protective equipment, and

controls in sufficient detail that operators understand the hazards, can
verify that controls are in place, and can confirm that the process
responds in an expected manner .
 Keep the process within the SOE (Safe Operating
Envelope) and options to adjust in case of excursions to
avoid Shut Down the plant .

 Inform operator about the process safety hazards ,

Type of Operating Procedures :

 Procedures for normal operations, including start up, operate, and shut down.

 Procedures also provide instructions for troubleshooting when the system does not
respond as expected.

 Procedures should specify when an emergency shutdown should be executed and should
also address special situations, such as temporary operation with a specific equipment item
out of service.

 Operating procedures are normally used to control transitional activities such as

transitions between products, periodic cleaning of process equipment, preparing equipment
for certain maintenance activities, and other activities routinely performed by operators.
Development Operating Procedures :
 Approved operating manuals and procedures are identified,
available, accurate, up-to-date, understood and used, and are
commensurate with the operational risk, and include human factors

 Development of SOP Team :

- Design/engineering team.
- Maintenance team
- Operation team.
- Maintenance team & Contractor
- HSE and Process Safety Rep.
 It creates a sense of ownership.

 Involving operators increases acceptance and following of


 To ensure the procedure matches vs what is done.

 It reduces the likelihood for errors occurring.

 Purpose of the operation/process.
 Equipment/materials being used.
 Process steps – who, what, where, how, why.
 Hazards and risks:
- controls required and order in which applied.
 Use illustration (Pictures, photos, drawings, flowcharts, checklists).
 PPE requirements.
 Availability/accessibility of spare parts, together with the
necessary standard
 Revise the procedure until it’s clear and easily followed.

 Include operators to reduce the likelihood of error.

 Involve someone not familiar with the procedure to

demonstrate it can be followed.

 Explain ‘what’ ‘how’, ‘why’.

 Use the same operators` language.

 Review of procedures after any MOC.

 Annual review and update if needed or accident

happened or new technology will used to be finally
improper SOPs.
 Available for all critical activities, i.e. those associated with
maintaining SECEs.
 Relevant to the critical activity covered.
 Specific to the tasks to be undertaken as part of the critical activity.
 Accessible to those who have to use the operating procedure (Hard
and Electronic).
 Comprehensible to those who have to use it, in terms of language
and complexity.
 Up-to-date, i.e. should be maintained
 Time pressure.
 Workload.
 Staffing levels.
 Training.
 Supervision.
 Technical issues limit the SOP effectiveness.
 Difficult to select the appropriate SOP from large
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