E8 Mechanical Integrity

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1- What is Mechanical Integrity.

2- Definitions.

3- SECE and Performance standards.

4- AIM System.
5- Important of Mechanical Integrity through RAGAGEP.
6- Code and Standards of Mechanical Integrity.
7- Maintenance strategies.
8- Mechanical Integrity activities and RACI Matrix.
 Able to manage asset integrity through different life stages
of project.

 Know the good engineering practices for AIM.

what is process safety?

what is process safety?
 OSHA PSM believes it is important to maintain the mechanical integrity of critical
process equipment to ensure it is designed and installed correctly and operates

 This PSM element is the systematic implementation of activities, such as maintenance,

inspections and tests (proof, verification and validation) necessary to ensure that
important equipment SECE will be suitable for its intended application throughout its
life cycle Preventing a catastrophic release of a hazardous material or a sudden release
of energy.
AIM system is ensuring the integrity of assets throughout the life cycle of the assets.
Preventing a catastrophic release of a hazardous material or a sudden release of
energy LoPC.

Ensuring high availability (or dependability) of critical safety or utility systems that
prevent or mitigate the effects of these types of events.

life cycle design, manufacturing, storage, use, handling or transport,


Asset process and auxiliary tanks, vessels and piping systems, control systems, safety
systems, buildings and other structures, and transport containers, firefighting and
detection (SECE).
SECE Performance standard (FARSI )

 Functionality

 Availability

 Reliability

 Survivability

 Interdependence
 Maintaining containment of hazardous materials and ensuring that
plant barriers (safety systems - hardware) work when needed is the
primary focus of this PSM element.

1. Prevent catastrophic releases related to equipment failures.

2. Decrease equipment failures and improve equipment performance.
3. Improve safety and environmental performance.
4. Decrease maintenance costs.
5. Spare parts management.
6. Improve plant profitability, safety and environmental performance.
7. Contractor Performance.
8. Compliance with legalization and international standards.
 PSM mechanical integrity requirements apply to the following equipment:
 Pressure vessels and storage tanks.
 Controls (including monitoring devices and sensors, alarms, and

 Pumps.
 Emergency shutdown systems (ESD).

 Piping systems (including piping components such as valves).

 Relief and vent systems and devices (PRV, PSV, PVRV).

 The employer must establish and implement written procedures to

maintain the ongoing integrity of process equipment.

 Assets are uniquely identified on an asset register which
provides up-to-date asset lists and equipment records, including
location and equipment specification data. The asset register
provides a basis for inspection and maintenance planning (SAP
& maximo).

 The asset inspection and maintenance programmes are risk-


 Adequate numbers of competent personnel are available to carry

out the inspection and maintenance programmes
 There are procedures to ensure that findings and
recommendations from the asset inspection and
maintenance programmes are appropriately prioritized and
followed up.

 Deviations from approved inspection and maintenance

programmes are approved by specified named competent
individuals commensurate with the risk
What is your maintenance
strategies ?
Maintenance Strategies

Before the failure After the failure


Time Run to
Predictive RBI
based failure

 Inspection, test and preventive maintenance (ITPM).

 Repair activities.

 Rectifying deficiencies.

 Quality assurance processes, including procedures and

training, that underpin these activities
 ITPM Program will identify and implement maintenance tasks
needed to:

1. Assess the current condition and/or rate of degradation.

2. Test the operation/functionality of assets.

3. Prevent asset failure by restoring asset condition.

 Mechanical integrity Program Policy.

 Mechanical integrity Program Procedures. ITPM plans,

inspection standards, assets to be included.

 Quality Assurance (QA) Procedures.

 Maintenance Procedures. Repair, replacement,

 A deficiency occurs when an observed condition is outside the established

 Equipment Deficiency Management Process

1. Acceptance criteria are established that define proper asset performance/conditions

2. Equipment condition is routinely evaluated
3. Deficient conditions are identified
4. Proper responses to deficient conditions are developed and implemented
5. Equipment deficiencies are communicated to affected personnel
6. Deficient conditions are appropriately resolved
7. The Mech. integrity program is updated based on learnings from the deficiency
audits correction. (ITPM)
 Quality control (QC)
Execution of set of procedures to ensure that a design or manufactured
product or performed service/activity adheres to a defined set of quality
criteria or meets the requirements of the client or customer (Product Oriented).

 Quality assurance (QA)

Activities performed to ensure that equipment is designed appropriately.
ensure that the design intent is not compromised. Providing confidence that a
product/service will continually fulfill a defined need the equipment's entire life
cycle (Process Oriented).
 Detect deficiencies at each stage of asset life:

➢ Design
➢ Procurement
➢ Fabrication
➢ Receiving
➢ Storage and Retrieval
➢ Construction and Installation
➢ In-service Repairs.
➢ Temporary Repairs
➢ Decommissioning / Re-use
➢ Spare Parts
 Required Documentation for QA Activities

➢ Manufacturer data sheets

➢ Material verification reports
➢ Pressure test sheets
➢ Hardness readings
➢ NDT interpretation results
➢ As-built drawings
➢ Weld maps
➢ Stress relief charts
Design QA Maintenance QA
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