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Citation: Jiang, Yinzhu, Hu, Meijuan, Zhang, Dan, Yuan, Tianzhi, Sun, Wenping, Xu, Ben
and Yan, Mi (2014) Transition metal oxides for high performance sodium ion battery
anodes. Nano Energy, 5. pp. 60-66. ISSN 2211-2855
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PII: S2211-2855(14)00010-X
Reference: NANOEN324
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Sun, Ben Xu, Mi Yan, Transition metal oxides for high performance sodium ion
battery anodes, Nano Energy,
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Transition metal oxides for high performance sodium ion
battery anodes
Yinzhu Jiang a,*, Meijuan Hu a, Dan Zhang a, Tianzhi Yuan a, Wenping Sun b, Ben Xu c, Mi Yan a,*
State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials
CAS Key Laboratory of Materials for Energy Conversion, Department of Materials
230026, China,
Laboratory of Smart Materials and Surface, Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of
(M. Yan)
To explore high performance anode materials for SIBs is highly desired subject to the
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SIBs for the first time. The sodium uptake/extract is confirmed in the way of reversible
g-1at 100 mA g-1 is achieved over 200 cycles; as high as 233 mAhg-1is sustained even
Keywords: Sodium ion battery; Anode; Transition metal oxide; Conversion reaction.
1. Introduction
Energy storage plays a crucial role in succeeding for renewable energy integration
[1-5]. Among the various available energy storage technologies, lithium-ion batteries
(LIBs), being used as power sources of portable electronics for decades, are currently
considered as the dominant candidate to power the next generation of electric vehicles
of LIBs faces severe challenges from the increasing cost of lithium and the limited
size of reserves (0.006 wt% abundance on earth) [6,7]. On the other hand, there is no
doubt that the sodium resources are inexhaustible and unlimited everywhere around
the world (4th most abundant element, 2.64 wt% on earth). Similar to LIBs,
sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) could provide an alternative chemistry and might thus
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become economically more competitive especially in large-scale energy storage
systems (ESSs) [8-11]. Most SIB research were focused on exploration of stable and
[12-14]. There are continuous efforts on exploring the anode material, most of which,
nongraphitic carbonaceous materials for sodium storage due to the large interlayer
distance and the disorder structure [8]. Stevens and Dahn reported an initial reversible
capacity of hard carbon as high as 300 mAh g-1 [15]. However, some disadvantages
are revealed for non-graphitic carbonaceous materials such as the large irreversible
capacity and poor capacity retention [14-17]. Some approaches on Na-alloying metals
such as Sn and Sb based materials were also confirmed with sodium storage
capability [18-23]. The SnSb/C nanocomposites exhibited 435 mAh g-1 at 100 mA g-1
after 50 cycles; also, a capacity of 274 mAh g-1 was sustained when applying a large
current density of 1000 mA g-1 [19]. Monconduit et al. reported a good cycling
performance of bulk Sb (600 mAh g-1 at C/2 after 100 cycles) subject to the
The conversion-type materials (eg. transition metal oxides, TMO), with superior
lithium storage properties, are also proposed to act as anodes for SIBs. The concept
was first demonstrated with the spinel NiCo2O4 which delivered ~200 mAh g-1of
reversible capacity after an initial discharge of 618 mAh g-1 [24]. Balaya et al.
investigated the sodium storage of Fe3O4 anode, which exhibited an initial discharge
of 643 mAh g-1 but accompanied with nearly 50% irreversible capacity and very poor
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capacity retention [25]. Recently, α-MoO3 was demonstrated with highly
electrochemical activity for sodium storage, delivering high first cycle sodiation and
desodiation capacities of 771 and 410 mAh g-1 respectively. Moreover, the α-MoO3
anodes showed favorable rate performance 100 mAh g-1 at a current density of 1.117
A g-1 and long durability over 500 cycles [26]. K. Edstr m et. al examined
nanostructured Fe2O3 for both lithium and sodium storage. A specific sodium capacity
of 250 mAh g-1 at 130 mA g-1 was attained after 60 cycles [27]. However, there are
also contradictory reports that transition metal oxides such as FeO, CoO and NiO
showed almost no electrochemical activity with Na-ion [18,28,29]. In all, there are
limited investigation on using TMOs SIB anode and the mechanism remains poorly
In this paper, we develop a series of TMOs including Fe2O3, NiO, Co3O4 and
Mn3O4 thin films as anodes of SIBs. The results show high electrochemical activities
of all these TMOs in SIBs. Especially for Fe2O3, as high as 386 mAh g-1capacity at
capacity of 233 mAh g-1 is achieved even at an ultra-large current density of 5,000
mA g-1, which is one of the best rate performances among all SIB anodes ever
reported. Further investigation clearly indicates that both the traditional conversion
sodium storage performance. This work demonstrates that TMO based materialsmay
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2. Experimental section
ferric nitrate in ethanol and ethylene glycol (4:1 in volume), porous Fe2O3 thin films
steel substrate heated at 180°C (feeding rate:2 mL h-1). The distance and the applied
voltage between the nozzle and substrate were 4 cm and 15kV, respectively. The mass
0.002mg (Sartorius CPA26P, Germany) before and after deposition. The deposition
conditions of NiO, Co3O4 and Mn3O4 thin films are listed in Table S1, the other
Characterization: The crystal structure of the film was characterized with a Rigaku
D/max 2550PC X-ray diffractometer (XRD). The morphology of the film was
observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM; Hitachi S-4800, Tokyo, Japan).
eV (Al Kα).
CR2025 coin-type cells using the as-deposited films on stainless steel substrate as the
working electrode and sodium foil as the counter and reference electrode, respectively.
Cell assembling was carried out in an argon filled glovebox, in which the oxygen
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concentration and moisture level were maintained less than 1 ppm. Celgard 2300
propylene carbonate (PC) (4:4:2 by volume). The cells were charged and discharged
between 0.005 and 3.0 V (vs Na/Na+) at 0.1 mV s-1. All the electrochemical
Four transitional metal oxide films prepared by ESD technique were identified as
crystalline for Co3O4, Mn3O4 and amorphous for Fe2O3 and NiO by the XRD analysis
(Figure S1). XPS results of the as-prepared samples verify the valence state of the
transition metals (Figure S2). The morphology and cycling performance of Fe2O3,
NiO, Co3O4 and Mn3O4 thin films are shown in Figure 1. The amorphous Fe2O3 film
grids cross-linked together (Figure 1a). Such a reticular architecture ensures a good
wetting of the electrolyte, accommodates the volume changes along with the
discharge/charge reactions, and facilitates the fast diffusion of Na-ions as well. Mn3O4
thin film exhibits a similar structure as that in Fe2O3 film, with larger pores between
straighter grids (Figure 1c). There are also some minor cracks in the grids, which
might be harmful for the structure integration during cycling. In contrast to the
reticular structure of Fe2O3 and Mn3O4, Co3O4 film displays a different morphology,
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with ~100 nm-diameter nanospheres distributed among cross-linked nanowires.
Besides, a few scattered nanoclusters can also be observed on the film (Figure 1e). As
for the NiO film, the morphology has transferred to the agglomeration of
The electrochemical activity on Na-ion and cycling stability of the four TMO films
conditions. All the TMO film anodes considerably delivered the first discharge
capacities of 949 (Fe2O3), 257 (Mn3O4), 582 (Co3O4) and 744 mAh g-1 (NiO),
capacity retention (Figure 1b). Similar to the Fe2O3 anode, the Mn3O4 film also
shows superior stability upon cycling, with 61% initial charge capacity over 200
cycles (Figure 1d). In contrast, the capacity decays continuously upon cycling either
in Co3O4 or NiO (Figure 1f and h). As stated, the reticular structure in both the Fe2O3
and Mn3O4 films might be beneficial for the relief of volume change and thus keep
presents the voltage profiles of the first two discharge/charge curves for the four TMO
anodes applying a current density of 100 mA g-1. It is found that the voltage hysteresis
of Fe2O3 and Co3O4 is roughly 0.75-1.0 V and 0.86 V between the characteristic
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red-ox plateaus respectively, while a higher voltage hysteresis of NiO (1.12 V) and
Mn3O4 (1.30 V) is recorded, suggesting a faster sodium reaction kinetics for Fe2O3
and Co3O4 electrodes. To further explore the electrochemical behavior along with
Na-ion uptake/extraction, cyclic voltammetry (CV) was applied for the evaluation of
Fe2O3anode are also included for comparison. During the first sodiation process, a
(Figure 2b), a long plateau in the range of 0.9-0.6 V is also found. Considering the
fact that the galvanostatic battery test and CV can’t be operated in the exact same
condition, there might probably be a little variation between the peak position of CV
and the plateau range of voltage profile. Nevertheless, it can be concluded that the
strong peak at 0.54 V corresponds to the long plateau discharge, which might be
process, the reduction peak centered at 0.54 V has shifted to 0.65 V with an obvious
intensity drop, due to the decomposition of the liquid electrolyte and formation of an
Fe2O3 electrode in LIBs system. The CV curves and voltage profiles of Fe2O3 in LIBs
behavior between SIBs and LIBs [30]. In the first lithiation process, there are two clear
peaks at 1.3 V and 0.72 V in accordance with the two plateaus in the voltage profiles,
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respectively. In the case of SIBs, only the last reaction occurred. Besides, the reduction
peak of Fe2O3 in SIBs is lower than in LIBs, which would provide a higher output
In the research of TMO based anodes for LIBs, there is a general understanding of
the sloping curve that follows the conversion plateau in the discharge curve. In our
case of SIBs, a similar long sloping tail until the termination of discharge is also seen
TMO based anodes exists in SIBs as well, a series CV curves at scan rates of 0.1-6
mV s-1 was measured for the Fe2O3 anode (Figure 2c). Upon increasing the scanning
rate, the current increases and the redox peaks vanishes gradually, finally leading to a
current and scan rate (Figure 2d), we can extract a capacitance of ~572 F g-1
contributes for the sodium storage, as characterized by the sloping tail in the discharge
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The morphological and compositional changes of the Fe2O3 film after discharge
and charge process are shown in Figure 3. After the complete discharge on 0.005V,
the initial reticular structure can’t be observed (Figure 3a), replaced by the crossed
pattern (Figure 3b) shows diffraction spots/rings that are characteristic of three phases
reaction during sodiation. The results show consistency with that of XPS investigation
(Figure S4). As shown in Figure 3a, the newly generated nanoplates might be
small quantity of Fe2O3 phase was caused by the oxidization of Fe in the air
to 3.0 V, the porous 3D reticular structure returned back as well as a fresh film
(Figure 3c), except for a few minor cracks observed. The SAED pattern also confirms
the complete oxidation of metallic Fe by the fact of only Fe2O3 phase indexable. The
residual Na2O phase might be caused by electrolyte decomposition, which has also
been confirmed in the previous report of α-MoO3 [26]. The SAED investigation and
In addition to the high reversible capacity and excellent capacity retention, the
Fe2O3 electrodes also display outstanding high rate capability (Figure 4a). The Fe2O3
electrode delivers specific capacities of 610, 561, 474, 418, 371 and 323 mAh g-1 at
current densities of 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 A g-1 respectively. Even cycled at an
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ultra-large current density of 5.0 A g-1, a record capacity of 233 mAh g-1could still be
sustained, which exceeds most SIB anodes previously reported including nongraphitic
carbon and Na-alloy metals [15-26]. After cycling at high rates, a specific capacity as
high as 604 mAh g−1can be recovered when the current density is reduced back to 0.05
A g-1. Worthy of noting is that the anomalous Coulombic efficiency is observed at low
the Fe2O3 anode at high current densities (Figure 4b). Interestingly, there are minor
capacity drops with the increase of the current density and the capacity kept rather
high and stable even after 200 cycles: 386 mAh g-1at 100 mA g-1, 331 mAhg-1 at 200
mA g-1 and 273 mAhg-1 at 1000 mA g-1. The pseudocapacitance-type behavior might
play a key role in the superior rate capability of TMO anodes, which inspires the
4. Conclusions
Mn3O4, Co3O4 and NiO, and characterized the relative electrochemical properties with
application of anodes for SIBs. The sodium uptake/extract was confirmed in the way
large reversible capacity of 386 mAh g-1at 100 mA g-1 was maintained over 200
cycles; meanwhile, a high capacity of 233 mAh g-1 has been sustained even cycling at
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stability and superior rate capability of the TMO electrode offer great potential
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Figure 1 SEM images of the as-prepared Fe2O3 (a), Mn3O4 (c), Co3O4 (e), NiO (g)
film, cycle performance of Fe2O3 (b), Mn3O4 (d), Co3O4 (f), NiO (h) at current density
of 100 mA g-1.
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Figure 2 (a) The 1st, 2nd and 3th charge–discharge curve of Fe2O3, (b) CV curves of
Fe2O3 composite electrode at a scan rate of 0.1 mV s-1 for the first three cycles within
a potential range of 0.005 to 3.0 V (vs. Na/Na+), (c) CV curves for a Fe2O3/Na cell
that was initially discharged down to 0.005V. The cell was cycled between 0.005 and
1.8 V at scanning rates varying form 0.1 to 6 mV s-1, (d) The linear variation of the
current (taken as constant over 1.6 to 1.8 V voltage ranges) as a function of the scan
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(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3 SEM image and SAED patterns of Fe2O3 electrode after (a and b) first
discharge to 0.005 V vs. Na/Na+ and (c and d) first charge to 3.0 V.
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(a /g
0 A
/g i0.
C 5a
A rg
a p
1 .5
1 5
0 1
0 m
0 er04
b 0
Figure 4 Rate performances (a) and cycling performance (b) at different current
densities of 100, 200 and 1000 mA g-1.
1. A series of transition metal oxides is successfully demonstrated as anodes for
sodium ion batteries.
2. The sodium uptake/extract is confirmed in the way of reversible conversion
3. The pseudocapacitance-type behavior is observed in the contribution of sodium
4. For Fe2O3 anode, a reversible capacity of 386 mA h g-1 at 100 mA g-1 is achieved
over 200 cycles;
5. As high as 233 mA h g-1 is sustained even cycling at a large current-density of 5 A
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TOC graphic:
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Figure 1 SEM images of the as-prepared Fe2O3 (a), Mn3O4 (c), Co3O4 (e), NiO (g)
film, cycle performance of Fe2O3 (b), Mn3O4 (d), Co3O4 (f), NiO (h) at current density
of 100 mA g-1.
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Figure 2 (a) The 1st, 2nd and 3th charge–discharge curve of Fe2O3, (b) CV curves of
Fe2O3 composite electrode at a scan rate of 0.1 mV s-1 for the first three cycles within
a potential range of 0.005 to 3.0 V (vs. Na/Na+), (c) CV curves for a Fe2O3/Na cell
that was initially discharged down to 0.005V. The cell was cycled between 0.005 and
1.8 V at scanning rates varying form 0.1 to 6 mV s-1, (d) The linear variation of the
current (taken as constant over 1.6 to 1.8 V voltage ranges) as a function of the scan
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(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3 SEM image and SAED patterns of Fe2O3 electrode after (a and b) first
discharge to 0.005 V vs. Na/Na+ and (c and d) first charge to 3.0 V.
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900 Discharge
Specific Capacity (mAh/g) 800 Charge
700 0.05A/g
600 0.1A/g
500 0.2A/g
400 1A/g
300 5A/g
0 10 20 30 40 50
Cycle Number
Figure 4 Rate performances (a) and cycling performance (b) at different current
densities of 100, 200 and 1000 mA g-1.
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*Graphical Abstract
TOC graphic: