Cheat Paper
Cheat Paper
Cheat Paper
+TCP is connection-oriented
disadvantages between circuit-switched and +The purpose of DNS caching is to speed Step1: set up before sending data.
packet-switched networks. up the domain name resolution process by Hand-shake (exchange information to each
+advantage storing the DNS records of recently visited other.)
Circuit-switched networks offer bandwidth, websites and domain in a local database or Step2: tcp connect is established, data is
low latency, and real-time applications, we can say DNS caching also reduces the exchanged full-duplex communication.
while packet-switched networks provide network traffic and the load on the DNS Step3: communication tar-down.
resource efficiency, scalability, fault servers. If u do step1 and step2 don’t do step3 is still
tolerance, and flexibility, making them Q2. What is the role of the root DNS waiting a shutdown by himself.
popular in modern communication systems.
servers? the tld DNS servers? -Reliable: Steam of data will be delivered in
A2. The role of the root DNS servers is root order; no mussing pieces.
Circuit-switched networks have inefficient
severs know tld server IP addresses. And tld -Has congestion control.
resource usage, limited scalability, and
(the Top-level domain) DNS servers are +UDP is faster so they use this but loss
higher latency, while packet-switched
authoritative name servers that store information.
networks have variable performance,
complexity in management, and require information about the domain names and IP -connectionless
sophisticated fault tolerance protocols. addresses of the second-level domain -unreliable(no guarantees)
2.(a) Give an example of a client-server under a specific tld, such as .com, .org, .net . -no congestion control.
application that runs on top of TCP. +Why does an application have more -more scalable than client-server model.
(b) Give an example of a client-server control of what data is sent in a segment? DNS – domain name system
application that runs on top of UDP. - Because UDP encapsulates in a segment -Main responsibility: name to IP address
(a) A client-server application that runs on whatever the application gives it. translation
top of TCP is a web browser and web +Why does an application have more -Distributed collection of DNS servers(e.g.
server.(b) A client-server application that control on when the segment is sent? BIND : Berkeley Internet Name Domain)
runs on top of UDP is DNS . - Because UDP does not have delays due to -Use UDP port 53
3. some website have multiple IP addresses flow control and congestion control. -DNS servers store RRs(resource records)
for reasons such as load balancing, fault +Protocols: is a rules for formatting, +Type of resource records
tolerance, and geographic distribution. transmitting, processing data. - A (IPv4) store IP addresses
4. The two major benefits of using a reverse (Protocols is the way to communicate). - AAAA (IPv6)
proxy is load balancing and security. . If we break a protocols a another device - TXT (comments)
5. HTTP/2 able to use of single tcp will don’t know what u communicate. - CNAME (alias)
connection, instead of our connection for +Throughput is the amount of data that can - NS(name server)
each item, the single tcp connection allow be transmitted over a network in a given - MX(mail exchanger) is a type of DNS
multiple items to be fetched by chopping amount of time. record that specifies the mail server for a
them into the chunks. +Network Delay Factors: domain. It is used by email systems to route
5. What is the purpose of the socket API? -Propagation Delay: depends on link speed, messages to the correct destination.
The socket API purpose is communicated length of link. +Why web appeal to general population
between computers over a network, -Transmission Delay: time required to push -info is on-demand
enabling programs to create, manage, and pkt(packet) out. -allow everyone to publish
send/receive data, establish connections, -Queuing Delay: The time a packet spends -easy navigation with hyperlinks
and manage network protocols. in a router's queue waiting to be -front-end to other services
6.What is a access network? Is a transmitted. Or time waiting for other pkt to -user can interact with websites.
communication network that connect end be transmitted. Protocol e.g. http(1, 1,1, 2, 3)
user device, such as computer, tablet to WAN -Processing Delay: The time it takes for a +http in TCP and TCP is port 80 and TCP in
such as internet. router to examine the packet header and client-server protocol.
7.Which layers in the Internet protocol stack determine where to direct the packet. Or pkt -http is a stateless protocol
does a router process? How about a host? integrity check queuing read dst address. -http protocol uses cookies to create a
-Routers work at Network layer, so it + way for processes to communicate: session on top of the stateless protocol
processes on Network layer, Date-link layer *Client – server model. + web cache
and Physical layer. -server application(always on). -aka reverse proxy always live close a client.
-host processes all the layers in the Internet +Run on always-on host. +forward proxy always live close a
protocol stack. +has a fixed address. server(e.g.
8.We have said that an application may -client application(client take to the server) +Forward proxy sit on a web server.
choose UDP for a transport protocol +make requests of the server. +A reverse proxy is a server that sits in
because UDP offers finer application control *P2P (peer-to-peer) front of web servers and forwards client
(than TCP) of what data is sent in a segment -no dedicated server. requests to those web servers.Proxy benefit
and when. -host = peers. reducing speed balancing fast response.
-every host is both a client and a server.
+Submission port 465/587 The port 587 use Process mean is program -Ack – acknowledgement number is valid.
for encrypted email transmissions using 2.procides integrity checking -SYN and FIN connection
SMTP Secure(SMTPS). The port 587 3.reliability establishment/termination, RST reset.
differs from the port 25 is port tcp/25 used - data arrive,data arrive correctly,data arrive +The “three-way handshake”
for server-to-server communication to in order, data arrive without duplication 1.When B receives SYN, it allocates
transfer email messages mail servers, while 4. congestion control resources to connection.
port tcp/587 is used for client-to-server -gives fair share of overall bandwidth to all 2.When A receives SYN-ACK send B send
communication to submit outgoing email. connection. SYN, ACK
+bit torrent -transport layer provide socket-to-socket 3.And A start connection with B and SYN
- swarm a collection of all peers(peer mean communication. contain a data
friend) participating in distribution oof a -socket provide himself by port number. +Closing a TCP connection
particular file -socket pair has IP and port number. 1.When A send a data with FIN and ack is
- peers download fixed-size chuck. +Socket in TCP is listen that particular don’t know
- downloading and uploading occurs socket .TCP socket are pair servers socket 2.When B receives a data B start send A ack
simultaneously(simultaneously mean in a and client socket. back
same time). +Why people use UDP 3.If A don’t respond back B send a FIN and
- peers in swarm register with a tracker. +No congestion A send SYN
- a new peer is given a small umber (e.g. +Small header bytes +Each side of a tcp has timer ack needs to
50) of neighboring peer. +Don’t waste a times be received before timer expired. Timer:
- peers ask neighboring peers for list of +Connection state (RTT + e1 0)
available chunks. +Socket is like a file communicate to +If A don’t know B receives A need to
- rarest-first strategy another socket. retransmit how A know that because of stop
- offer chucks to those neighboring peers +Talked about UDP(User datagram watch or timer have a round trip time.
giving you their own chucks at faster rate. protocol) +Back-to-back segment:
-5 unchoked peers = 4 good + 1 optimally -add 8 bytes overhead. -If A loss a data with seq = 92 and another
unchoked. -Src/dst port identify src/dst sockets(IP, Port data with seq number is 100 and then B
+Five-layer Internet protocol stack is : number) receive seq number 100 and B figure out
-Applications,Transport (segment -Length: 216 -1 max byte seq number 92 and send ack = 92
(datagram)),network (packet),link (frame) -Checksum check datagram without error. + receive window :
-physical +Transport layers offer 2 things : Specifics number of bytes the sender is
+email -Multiplexing and demultiplexing willing to receive.
-How work a email send eg. Smtp(simple mail -Checksum ( aka hashes, digests) (number of free bytes in the receive buffer)
transfer protocols) one protocol talking to TCP pdu is segment. + optional headers
another protocol Application send file transport-connection-oriented, reliable -Timestamps (used for RTT computation)
chopped file into pieces and go to physical -application send/receive stream of data -MSS (maximum segment size)
layer and transmit physical layer go to link andto/from transport layer. -SACK (selective ACKs)
network and then transport collect(ប្រមូល) -transport layer maintains state of -Receive window scaling is multiple size
connection between endpoints. with receive window can storing a data.
information get to application.
+State means variable/buffers – send and +socket programming
+How to choose transport layer protocol?
receive buffers. +TCP setup use (AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM)
-TCP sends and receives buffers. And then use connect and use send.
-do you need guaranteed
-TCP header min 20 byte. +UDP setup use(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM)
delivery?Guarantee delivery when u miss a
-Header length- of 4-byte words of header And use sendto to send message.
some information a guaranteed delivery
-TCP asks layer 3 how length a file.
send you a message back.
-TCP no length because length is
-do you need guaranteed throughput?
-do you need data to arrive within a set time?
+ Sequence number first
-do you need encryption, authentication?
-Sequence number n indicates that the data
+Network layer is host-to-host
byte in this segment is the n byte of the
communication, Transport layer is process-
steam. is a byte number of the stream
to-process communication.
+Acknowledgement number of m:
+Two main layer 4 protocols:
- am waiting for you sequence number m
-UDP: unreliable, connectionless
to arrive(have received everything up to m)
-TCP : reliable, connection-oriented
- is the next seq number expected
+Transport layer
- In networking acknowledge means yes, I
1.extends services provided by network
got it.
layer by providing
process-to-process communication.