464) Compund Intrest Sheet-1
464) Compund Intrest Sheet-1
464) Compund Intrest Sheet-1
1. A man P purchased a land for `4,32,000 on the 4. What is the rate of compound interest if a
outskirts of a city. Due to some reason, its value sum becomes 1331/729 times of itself in
3 years?
depreciated at 25% per annum and he sold it it to Q
यदि कोई राशि 3 वर्षों में स्वयं की 1331/729 गन
ु ा
after 2 years. At this time, the city expanded and new
हो जाती है तो चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज की िर क्या है?
projects of infrastructures started coming up. As a (DP CONSTABLE 2023)
result of the expansion, there was an appreciation of A) 22 %
real estate prices at the rate of 50%. What would be B)
33 %
the value (in `) of the land after 2 years, from the 𝟕
C) 21 %
time Q bought the land from P? 𝟕
D) 11 %
5. A certain sum of money becomes 512/162
`4,32,000 25%
times of itself in 4 years. Then find the rate
Q of interest if compounded annually.
एक ननश्चचत िनराशि 4 वर्षों में अपने का 512/162 गुना
हो जाती है | यदि चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज वार्र्षिक संयोश्जत हो,
50% तो ब्याज िर ज्ञात करें ?
Q P a) 33.33% b) 22.22%
c) 25% d) 27.5%
6. A certain sum of money becomes 625/256
(a) `5,46,750 times of itself in 1 years. Then find the rate
(b) `5,57,450 of interest per annum if interest is
compounded quarterly.
(c) `5,76,040 एक निश्चित धिराशि 1 वर्षि में अपिे का 625/256 गि
ु ा
(d) `6,05,570 हो जाती है | यदि िक्रवद्
ृ धध ब्याज नतमाही संयोश्जत हो,
2. A certain sum of money becomes 2.25 तो वार्र्षिक ब्याज िर ज्ञात करें ?
times of itself in 2 years. Then find the rate
a) 25% b) 66.66% c) 80% d) 100%
of interest if compounded annually.
7. If the amount on a certain principal in 3
एक निश्चित धिराशि 2 वर्षों में अपिे का 2.25 गुिा हो years at 12 % rate of interest compounded
जाती है | यदि िक्रवद्
ृ धध ब्याज वार्र्षिक संयोश्जत हो, तो annually is Rs. 12,000, what will be the
amount (in Rs.) after the 4th year?
ब्याज िर ज्ञात करें ?
यदि ककसी मल ू धि 3 वर्षो के शलए 12% की िर से
a) 25% b) 50%
c) 15% d) 75% बढ़कर 12,000 रुपये है , तो िौथे वर्षि के बाि राशि (रु
3. At what rate of compound interest does a sum of
में ) क्या होगी?
money become 2.197 fold in 3 years, compounding
(a) 13440 (b) 14440
(c) 15440 (d) 12440
8. If the amount received at the end of 2nd
2.197 and 3rd year at compound interest on a
(SSC GD 2022) certain Principal is Rs. 9,600 and Rs.
10,272 respectively, what is the rate of
(a) 30% interest (in %)?
(b) 20% यदि ककसी मलू िन पर िस
ू रे और तीसरे वर्षि में शमलने
(c) 27% वाले शमश्रिन, चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज की िर से क्रमिः
BY Gagan Pratap
9,600 रूपये और 10,272 रूपये है तो ब्याज की िर 15,625 रुपये की धनराशि, वाशषिक रूप से चक्रवृद्धि
शकये जाने वाले शकतने प्रशतित ब्याज दर पर 3 वषों में
(% में) क्या होगी?
21,952 रुपये हो जाएगी?
(a) 7 (b)8 (a) 12% (b) 8%
(c) 6 (d)5 (c) 9% (d) 10%
9. A sum of money after a period of 2 years becomes 14. If a certain sum of money of
Rs.34,560, and it becomesRs.41,472 after a period of Rs.345600 amounts to Rs.439400 in 3
years. Find the rate of compound interest?
three years, being compounded at ‘R’ rate of 345600 रू का िन 3 वर्षि में 439400 रू हो जाता है|
interest. What is the value of R? चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज की िर ज्ञात करें ?
'R' 𝟐 𝟏
a) 6𝟑% b) 8𝟑% c) 12𝟐%
d) 7𝟏𝟑%
BY Gagan Pratap
(DP CONSTABLE 2023) how many years it will become 8 time of
a)24 b)22 c)20 d)16 itself?
19. At what rate of interest per annum ” ”
compounded annually, will an amount of
₹8,000 yield a compound interest of ₹904.2
in 2 years? (a) 15 वर्षि (b) 18 वर्षि
(c) 12 वर्षि (d) 20 वर्षि
(SSC MTS 2023) 24. The amount doubles itself under Compound
interest in 15 years. In how many years will
(a) 6% (b) 8%
c) 10% (d) 5.5% it become 512 times of it?
20. A sum of money lent on interest, compounded semi- 15 वर्षों में चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज के तहत राशि अपने आप
annually amounts to `54,000 in one year and to की िोगुनी हो जाती है । ककतने वर्षों में यह अपने
`65,340 in two years. What is the rate of interest per आप की 512 गन
ु ी हो जाएगी ?
annum? (UP POLICE SI 2021)
(A) 145 (B) 135 (C) 125 (D) 155
`54,000 25. A sum of money placed at compound
interest triples itself in 8 years. In how
`65,340 many years will it amount to 243 times
(a) 20% itself?
कोई धि 8 वर्षों में िक्रवद्
ृ धध ब्याज की िर से अपिे
(b) 10%
का 3 गुिा हो जाता है तो ककतिे वर्षों में , यह धि अपिे
(c) 16%
का 243 गि ु ा हो जाएगा?
(d) 12%
(a) 15 years (b) 40 years
21. At what rate per annum will (c) 27 years (d) 80 years
Rs.48000 yield a compound interest of 26. A sum of money becomes 13.824
Rs.7566 in 9 months, compounded times of itself in 30 years then in how
quarterely. many years it was 2.4 times of itself?
यदि ब्याज नतमाही संयोश्जत हो, तो 48000 रू की कोई धि 30 वर्षों में िक्रवद्
ृ धध ब्याज की िर से अपिे
धिराशि पर ककस ब्याज िर से, 9 माह में 7566 रू का का 13.824 गुिा हो जाता है | तो ककतिे वर्षों में , यह
ृ धध ब्याज प्राप्त होगा धि अपिे का 2.4 गुिा हो जाएगा?
a) 5% b) 16% (a) 15 years (b) 10 years
c) 20% d) 15% (c) 20 years (d) 5 years
22. The ratio of two amounts is 16:25. If 27. A sum of money placed at compound
they are lent out at compound interest for interest becomes 27 times of itself in 15
7 years and 5 year respectively, then the years. In 25 years, it will become how
equal amount is received. Find the rate of many times?
interest per annum. अगर कोई धि 15 वर्षि में िक्रवद्
ृ धध ब्याज की िर से
िो धिराशियों का अिुपात 16:25 है । यदि वे िक्रवद्
ृ धध
अपिे का 27 गुिा हो जाता है | 25 वर्षों में , यह धि
ब्याज की िर से क्रमि:7वर्षि और 5 वर्षि के शलये उधार दिए
ककतिा गुिा हो जाएगा?
जाते है तो बराबर धिराशि प्राप्त होती है तो वार्र्षिक (a) 729 times (b) 243 times
ब्याज की िर ज्ञात करें ? (c) 135 times (d) 81 times
(a) 15% (b) 40% 28. If a certain sum of money becomes
(c) 25% (d) 20% equal to 64 times of itself in 27 years. In
23. If at compound interest a certain sum how much time it will become 512 times
become 2 time of itself in 5 years, then in of itself?
BY Gagan Pratap
अगर कोई धि 27 वर्षि में िक्रवद्
ृ धध ब्याज की िर से 33. A sum of money amounts to `28,224 in 2 years and
अपिे का 64 गुिा हो जाता है तो ककतिे समय में वह to `29,635.20 in 3 years when invested on compound
BY Gagan Pratap
एक ननश्चचत िनराशि चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज की िर से 4 वर्षों
(a)Rs.1,415 (b) Rs.1,310
4900 रू हो जाती है और 8 वर्षों में 7350 रू हो जाती (c) Rs.1,290 (d) Rs.1,285
है | तो 12 वर्षों में यह िनराशि ककतनी हो जायेगी?
a) Rs.11025 b) Rs.10500 42. A sum of money becomes 35,680 after 3 years and
c) Rs.9800 d) Rs.12550 53,520 after 6 years at a certain rate percentage p.a.,
38. if some amount becomes 6500 in 3 years and 6760 in interest compounded yearly. What is the compound
4 years at compound interest then find the amount interest on the same sum in the first case?
after 2 years? (approximately)
कोई धनराशि शनशित चक्रबृद्धि ब्याज की दर से 3 बषो में ननश्चचत िनराशि
बढ़कर रु 6500 तथा 4 बषो में बढ़कर रु 6760 हो जाती
है तो 2 बषो के बाद वह धनराशि शकतनी हो जाएगी ?
A) Rs.6160 B) Rs. 6340 ि
B) Rs, 6250 D) Rs 6430
(a) 11,893 (b) 10,842
39. If a sum of money Rs.48600 (c) 11,983 (d) 11,938
becomes Rs.115200 in 4.5 years. Then in 43. Rs.4800 becomes 7500 at a certain
7.5 years it will become how much if it is rate of interest compounded annually in 2
given at compound interest annually? years 8 months. Then in how many years
Rs.19200 will amounts to 37500 at the
48600 रू की राशि 4.5 वर्षों में 115200 रू हो जाती है
same rate of interest compounded
तो 7.5 वर्षि में यह िनराशि ककतना हो जायेगी यदि annually?
ृ धि ब्याज वार्र्षिक संयोश्जत हो? 4800 रुपये की िनराशि एक ननश्चचत चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज
a) Rs.159600 b) Rs.204800 की िर से 2 वर्षि 8 माह में 7500 रुपये हो जाती है ।
c) Rs.230400 d) Rs.172800
40. A man invests ₹5,000 for 3 years तो 19200 रु की िनराशि ककतने समय में बढ़कर
at compound interest. After one year, the 37500 रुपये हो जाएगी यदि समान िर पर वार्र्षिक
money amounts to ₹5,450. What will be चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज संयोश्जत हो?
the amount (to the nearest rupee) due at
a) 3 years 4 months b) 4 years
the end of 3 years?
c) 5 years 4 months d) 4 years 4 months
एक आिमी चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज पर 3 साल के शलए
₹5,000 का ननवेि करता है । एक वर्षि के बाि, 44. The interest calculated at a certain
rate on a certain sum of money, x for 2nd
िनराशि ₹5,450 हो जाती है । 3 वर्षि के अंत में िे य year and 3rd year is Rs 770 and Rs 847,
राशि (ननकटतम रुपये में ) क्या होगी? respectively. Find the sum money x (in
(DP CONSTABLE 2023) Rs)?
A) Rs 6475 एक निश्चित राशि पर एक निश्चित िर पर गणिा की
B) Rs 7405
गई ब्याज, x िस
ू रे वर्षि और तीसरे वर्षि के शलए क्रमिः
C) Rs 5575
D) Rs 6970 770 रुपये और 847 रुपये है । राशि x (रुपये में ) ज्ञात
41. A sum of Rs.5,000 amounts to कीश्जये?
Rs.7,200 in 8 years at a certain rate A) 6300
percent p.a., interest compounded yearly. B) 7000
What will be the compound interest on a
C) 4160
sum of Rs.6,550 in 4 years at the same rate
of interest? D) 6000
45. The compound interest on a certain
Rs.5,000 िनराशि ननश्चचत
sum at a certain rate percentage p.a. for
प्रनतित Rs.7,200 the second year and third year are 3,300
and 3,630. What is the amount of the same
Rs.6,550 sum at the same rate in 𝟐 years, interest
compounded yearly?
BY Gagan Pratap
ि िनराशि ि एक निश्चित राशि पर 163 % प्रनत वर्षि की िर से 3 वर्षि
a) 10,200 b) 7,620
(a) 36,000 (b) 38,115 c) 11,400 d) 9,600
(c) 37,215 (d) 36,300 50. A sum of ₹7,500 amounts to ₹8,748
46. A sum of money was lent at 12.5% after 2 years at a certain compound
rate of yearly compound interest for interest rate per annum. What will be the
three years. If the present value (i.e. simple interest on the same sum for
after three years) of the sum of money is 𝟑
𝟒 𝟓Years at double the earlier interest rate?
₹13,851, then how much money (in ₹)
was lent? ₹7,500की रालश एक निश्चित वार्षिक िक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याि दर
एक धिराशि तीि वर्षों के शलए 12.5% वार्र्षिक पर 2 वषि के बाद बढ़कर ₹ 8,748 हो िाती है पहिे की ब्याि
ृ धध ब्याज की िर पर उधार िी गई थी। यदि दर की दोगि
ु ी दर से 𝟒 𝟓 वषि के लिए उसी रालश पर सािारण
BY Gagan Pratap
एक रालश का (वार्षिक रूप से संयोश्ित) िक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याि
53. A sum of `3125 amounts to `3515.20 in 3 years at x% की एक योििा में निवेश करिे पर, वह 2 वषों में
p.a., interest being compounded yearly. What will be Rs.33800 और 3 वषों में Rs.43,940 हो िाती है ।
the simple interest (in `) on the same sum and for the
यदद उसी योििा में 2 वषों के लिए दो गुिी रालश का निवेश
same time at (x+2)% p.a.?
ककया िाए, तो 2 वषि के अंत में प्राप्त होिे वािी रालश
`3,125 x%
ककतिी होगी?
`3,515.20 (a) Rs. 67,600 (b) Rs. 71,240
(x+2)% (c) Rs. 60,420 (d) Rs. 62,480
` 56. A bank offers following 4 schemes
for investment. If a customer wants to
(a)554 (b)562.50 invest an amount of Rs P, then which
(c)565.50 (d)550 scheme is more beneficial for a customer
after a period of 1 year?
54. Jonathan had borrowed a sum of I) Rate of interest 24% per annum
money 3 years ago at 10% interest per compounded quarterly
annum compound annually for a 5 year II) Rate of interest 24% per annum
period, with the amount to be paid at the compounded half-yearly
III) Rate of interest 24% per annum
end of the period being Rs 161051.
compounded annually
However, there is no pre-payment penalty IV) Rate of interest 24% per annum with
and Jonathan has received some bonus simple interest
payment now, with which he has decided एक बैंक निवेश के लिए निम्िलिखित 4 योििाएं प्रदाि
to clear his debt. How much does
करता है । यदद कोई ग्राहक P रुपये की रालश का निवेश
Jonathan have to pay now to clear his
debt? करिा िाहता है , तो 1 वषि की अवधि के बाद ग्राहक के लिए
जोिाथि िे 3 साल पहले 5 साल की अवधध के शलए कौि सी योििा अधिक िाभदायक है ?
BY Gagan Pratap