Porous Co VO Nanodisk As A High Energy and Fast Charging Anode For Lithium Ion Batteries

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ISSN 2311-6706

e-ISSN 2150-5551
CN 31-2103/TB

ARTICLE https://doi.org/10.1007/s40820-021-00758-5

Porous ­Co2VO4 Nanodisk as a High‑Energy

and Fast‑Charging Anode for Lithium‑Ion Batteries
Cite as
Nano-Micro Lett.
(2022) 14:5 Jinghui Ren1, Zhenyu Wang2,3, Peng Xu1, Cong Wang1, Fei Gao1, Decheng Zhao1,
Shupei Liu1, Han Yang1, Di Wang1, Chunming Niu2, Yusong Zhu1, Yutong Wu1,
Received: 26 August 2021
Accepted: 22 October 2021 Xiang Liu1, Zhoulu Wang1, Yi Zhang1 *
Published online: 2 December 2021
© The Author(s) 2021


• The ­Li+ diffusion coefficient of ­Co2VO4 is evaluated by theoretical calculation to be as high as 3.15 × ­10–10 ­cm2 ­s−1, theoretically
proving ­Co2VO4 a promising anode in fast-charging lithium-ion batteries.

• A hexagonal porous ­Co2VO4 nanodisk (PCVO ND) structure is designed, featuring a high specific surface area of 74.57 ­m2 ­g−1 and
numerous pores with a pore size of 14 nm.

• The PCVO ND shows excellent fast-charging performance (a high average capacity of 344.3 mAh ­g−1 at 10 C for 1000 cycles with
only 0.024% capacity loss per cycle for 1000 cycles).

ABSTRACT High-energy–density lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) that

can be safely fast-charged are desirable for electric vehicles. How- PCVO ND anode

ever, sub-optimal lithiation potential and low capacity of commonly High capacity, safe potential

High Li+ diffusion coefficient

used LIBs anode cause safety issues and low energy density. Here we Porous nanodisk structure

­ o2VO4, can be attractive

hypothesize that a cobalt vanadate oxide, C Excellent fast-charging performance

anode material for fast-charging LIBs due to its high capacity (~ 1000
mAh ­g−1) and safe lithiation potential (~ 0.65 V vs. ­Li+/Li). The ­Li+ 400 fast-charging (10 C)
Specific Capacity (mAh g-1)

­ o2VO4 is evaluated by theoretical calculation

diffusion coefficient of C 300

to be as high as 3.15 × ­10–10 ­cm2 ­s−1, proving ­Co2VO4 a promising 200

anode in fast-charging LIBs. A hexagonal porous ­Co2VO4 nanodisk 100 LIBs

(PCVO ND) structure is designed accordingly, featuring a high specific 0

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
­ 2 ­g−1 and numerous pores with a pore size of
surface area of 74.57 m Cycle number

­ i+ and electron
14 nm. This unique structure succeeds in enhancing L
transfer, leading to superior fast-charging performance than current commercial anodes. As a result, the PCVO ND shows a high initial
reversible capacity of 911.0 mAh ­g−1 at 0.4 C, excellent fast-charging capacity (344.3 mAh ­g−1 at 10 C for 1000 cycles), outstanding
long-term cycling stability (only 0.024% capacity loss per cycle at 10 C for 1000 cycles), confirming the commercial feasibility of PCVO
ND in fast-charging LIBs.

KEYWORDS Lithium-ion batteries; Anode; Fast-charging; High-energy; Cobalt vanadate oxide

Jinghui Ren and Zhengyu Wang author have contributed equally to this work.
* Yi Zhang, zhangy@njtech.edu.cn
School of Energy Science and Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, People’s Republic of China
Center of Nanomaterials for Renewable Energy, State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, School of Electrical
Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710054, People’s Republic of China
Department of Computational Materials Design, Max-Planck-Insitut Für Eisenforschung GmbH, Max‑Planck‑Straße 1, 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany

5 Page 2 of 14 Nano-Micro Lett. (2022) 14:5

1 Introduction promise in safe and high-energy anodes for LIBs [13, 14].
However, its fast-charging performance deteriorates because
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are widely used for portable of the enormous volume change (~ 400%) and low ­Li+ diffu-
electronic devices in the past decade because of their high- sion coefficient (4.60 × ­10–14 ­cm2 ­s−1) during cycling [15].
energy density, long cycling life, low self-discharge, the Thus, it is essential to develop novel anode materials for fast-
absence of memory effect, and low environmental impact [1, charging LIBs simultaneously featuring suitable lithiation
2]. In recent years, LIBs have aroused extensive attention as potential, high capacity, and fast lithium diffusion.
the power source for electric vehicles (EVs). At present, EVs Recently a novel spinel cobalt vanadate oxide (­ Co2VO4)
have advanced rapidly in terms of both range and cost yet exhibits several attractive features in LIBs, such as suitable
there is still a lack of consumer acceptance and low market ­Li+ lithiation potential, high capacity, and high electro-
penetration of current EVs [3]. The main reason is that the chemical stability [16]. Through mixed intercalation and
current LIBs in EVs require a long charging time (hours or conversion reaction mechanism originated from the multiple
longer) in a safe manner compare with conventional gasoline valence states of V and Co element, the ­Co2VO4 anode can
vehicles [4]. Thus, improving the fast-charging performance deliver a high stable capacity of 706.8 mAh ­g−1 at 1.0 A g­ −1
of LIBs is critical to mainstream adoption of EVs for a sus- after 1000 cycles with a relatively low, yet safe ­Li+ lithiation
tainable future. potential (~ 0.65 V vs. L ­ i+/Li) [17]. Based on these good
As a result, the US Department of Energy has set a goal electrochemical performances, we hypothesize that C ­ o2VO4
for designing a LIBs pack that can withstand a 200-mile can be an attractive anode material for fast-charging LIBs.
charge in only 7.5 min [5]. Achieving this goal requires We first evaluate the L ­ i+ diffusion coefficient of C
­ o2VO4
LIBs’ anode materials can be charged to a specific capacity by ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) calculation which
of 175 to 200 mAh g­ −1 at a current density of > 10 A g­ −1 [6]. shows the L ­ i+ diffusion coefficient of C­ o2VO4 is as high as
–10 2 −1
Nevertheless, current LIBs commonly used anodes do not 3.15 × ­10 ­cm ­s , proving ­Co2VO4 a promising anode
meet the requirements. Graphite is the most popular anode in fast-charging LIBs. Then we design a hexagonal porous
material for commercial LIBs because of its high theoretical nanodisk (PCVO ND) structure which can reduce the elec-
capacity (372 mAh g­ −1), high cycling stability, and low cost tron and ion diffusion length, further enhancing the lithium
[7, 8]. However, graphite is unsatisfactory in fast-charging ions and electrons transfer. Moreover, numerous internal
LIBs due to its lithiation potential (~ 0.1 V vs. ­Li+/Li), which pores of PCVO ND can buffer the volume change of PCVO
is close to lithium metal’s potential (0 V vs. ­Li+/Li) that ND, leading to good long-term cycling stability at a high
lithium dendrites can quickly grow while charging at high rate (maintain a high stable capacity of 344.3 mAh g­ −1 at
rates. The lithium dendrites on the surface of the anode can 10 C after 1000 cycles with only 0.024% capacity loss per
puncture the polymer separator and connect the positive and cycle). The result demonstrates that PCVO ND is an ideal
negative electrodes, causing a short circuit that will lead to high-energy fast-charging anode for LIBs.
fire or explosion [9].
As an alternative, spinel L ­ i4Ti5O12, with a high working
potential (~ 1.55 V vs. L +
­ i /Li), can be fast-charged without 2 Materials and Methods
the concern of lithium dendrites growth and safety issues
[10, 11]. Therefore, ­Li4Ti5O12 has been widely studied and 2.1 Theoretical Calculation Details
already used as an anode for fast-charging LIBs in electric
buses. Nevertheless, the energy density of LIBs based on Our calculations were performed using the plane-wave
­Li4Ti5O12 anode is severely limited by the low theoretical Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) [18–20]
capacity of L ­ i4Ti5O12 (175 mAh g­ −1) and high lithiation within a projector augmented-wave (PAW) pseudo-poten-
potential [12]. Besides graphite and L ­ i4Ti5O12, Si is also a tial method [21]. The Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) [22]
commercially available LIBs anode. Si possesses an ultra- form of GGA exchange–correlation functional was applied.
high theoretical capacity (4200 mAh ­g−1) and a low, yet The Hubbard U correction [23] is introduced to describe
safe lithiation potential (~ 0.22 V vs. L ­ i+/Li), holding great the effect of localized d electrons of Co and V ions. The
U value of Co ions is 5.0 eV, while the U value of V ions

© The authors https://doi.org/10.1007/s40820-021-00758-5

Nano-Micro Lett. (2022) 14:5 Page 3 of 14 5

is 2.7 eV. To study the Li diffusion, ab initio molecular the mass produced by the dissolution of the smaller crystal
dynamics (AIMD) simulation was carried out under the nucleus and then grows, which is caused by the descend of
Born–Oppenheimer approximation. To speed up diffusion interface energy of the total surface of the particle phase
and shorten the simulation time scale, AIMD simulations [25]. Next, the solution was filtrated and washed several
were performed at 500, 750, 1000, 1250, and 1500 K with times with deionized water and ethanol to collect a precipi-
a time step of 2 fs after reaching the desired temperature. tate. The precipitate Cwas dried in an oven at 80 ℃ for 12 h
All these structures were equilibrated for 50 ps before dif- to obtain the precursor. Finally, the ­Co2VO4 precursor was
fusion properties were analyzed. MD simulations in the calcined in a tubular furnace at 350 ℃ for 4 h under Ar/H2
NVT ensemble with a Nosé-Hoover thermostat [24] were (90%/10%) atmosphere, which mainly removed water in the
applied. The supercell of C­ o2VO4 used for diffusion study precursor to form the porous C­ o2VO4 nanodisk. The Sche-
comprises 2 × 2 × 2 primitive unit cells (16 formula units). matic illustration of PCVO ND synthesis is shown in Fig. 1.
­Li+ are intercalated in the interstitial sites between ­CoO6
octahedra and ­VO4 tetrahedra, where each of ­Li+ is sur-
2.3 Characterization
rounded by 6 O ions. ­3Li+ are intercalated in the 2 formula
units of ­Co2VO4. A kinetic energy cutoff of 500 eV and
The crystalline characteristic of as-prepared samples was
a Γ-centered 1 × 1 × 1 k-point mesh was adopted to carry
identified by X-ray diffractometer (XRD, Rigaku MiniFlexll)
out sampling integral for Brillouin zone. These parameters
with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 0.15406 nm) at a scanning angle
are necessary for convergence of the total energy to within
(2θ) range of 10° to 90°. X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS,
­10–5 eV per atom and force less than 0.01 Ev Å−1 per atom.
Thermo Scientific K-Alpha) measurements were performed
The diffusion coefficient (D) is defined as the slope of the
using an Al Kα X-ray source. Nitrogen adsorption–desorp-
average mean square displacement (MSD) over 2dt:
tion isotherms were conducted by a Quantachrome instru-
1 ments Autosorb-IQ3 system. The morphology and surface
D = lim [⃗r(t)]2 (1)
x→∞ 2dt details of PCVO ND were analyzed by scanning electron
where ⃗r(t) is the displacement of the i-th lithium ion at time microscopy (SEM, JEOL JSM-7800F Field Emission) and
t. transmission electron microscopy (TEM, JEOL JEM, 1011).
The average mean square displacement (MSD) is defined
as a measure of the deviation of the position of a particle 2.4 Electrochemical Measurements
with respect to a reference position over time:
i=1 The electrodes were prepared by mixing 70 wt.% active
1 ∑[ (
(2) material (PCVO ND or graphite or L ­ i4Ti5O12 or Si), 20
) [ ( )
[⃗r(t)]2 = ⃗r t + t0 ]2 − ⃗r t0 ]2
wt.% acetylene black, and 10 wt.% polyvinylidene fluoride
where N is the total number of ­Li+ in the system. (PVDF) in N-methylpyrrolidinone (NMP) to form a slurry.
The slurry was cast on copper foil and dried in a vacuum
oven at 80 ℃ for 12 h. The active material mass loading
2.2 Materials Synthesis on each electrode for graphite, ­Li4Ti5O12, Si, and PCVO
ND is around 0.6 mg ­cm−2. The CR2025 coin-type half
The hexagonal porous ­Co2VO4 nanodisk (PCVO ND) was cells were assembled in an Ar-filled glovebox using the
synthesized by a simple, low cost and scalable route. First, as-prepared electrode as the working electrode, lithium foil
0.94 g ­NH4VO3 (AR, Aladdin) and 0.46 g Co(NO3)2·6H2O as the counter electrode, and a Cellgard 2400 microporous
(AR, Aladdin) were dissolved in a mixed solvent containing membrane as the separator. 1 M ­LiPF6 dissolved in ethyl-
140 mL deionized water and 20 mL ethylene glycol at 80 °C ene carbonate (EC) and dimethyl carbonate (DEC) (1:1,
under vigorous stirring to form a homogeneous solution. in volume) with 5 wt.% fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC)
Then, 2.8 g C­ 6H12N4 (HMT) (AR, Aladdin) was added to was used as the electrolyte. The GITT test was carried
the above solution under stirring for 4 h. With the assistance out on a LAND battery-test instrument (CT2001A) to
of HMT, the larger crystal nucleus continuously absorbs obtain the ­Li+ diffusion coefficient of PCVO ND. Cyclic

5 Page 4 of 14 Nano-Micro Lett. (2022) 14:5

voltammetry (CV) curves between 0 V and 3.0 V with a for electrode materials. C ­ o2VO4 exhibits several advan-
scan rate of 0.2 mV ­s−1 were tested by an electrochemi- tages in high-energy–density LIBs, such as high capacity
cal workstation (CHI-660D). Electrochemical impedance (~ 1000 mAh g-1), relatively low yet safe lithiation potential
spectroscopy (EIS) curves were recorded by CHI-660D (~ 0.65 V vs. L ­ i+/Li), and excellent electrochemical stabil-
electrochemical workstation, and the frequency range is ity [16]. Thus, we hypothesized that C ­ o2VO4 could be an
100 kHz to 0.01 Hz. The fast-charging performance of attractive fast-charging anode material for LIBs. To prove
PCVO ND was measured at 4 C and 10 C using a LAND- it, we first calculated the ­Li+ diffusion coefficient (DLi) of
CT2001A system (1 C = 1000 mA ­g−1). For comparison, ­Co2VO4 for all paths found by the AIMD simulations. The
graphite, ­Li4Ti5O12, Si was also measured at 400 mA ­g−1 DLi was calculated based on the averaged mean square dis-
and 4000 mA ­g−1. Besides, the lithium-ion full cell was placement of Li ions over time. Convergence of DLi was
assembled using L ­ iCoO2 and PCVO ND as cathode and achieved by MD simulations of 50 ps approximately. The
anode, respectively. The cathode was fabricated by mixing Arrhenius plot for the variety of DLi at temperatures from
70 wt.% ­LiCoO2, 20 wt.% acetylene black, and 10 wt.% 500 to 1500 K is shown in Fig. 2a. The extrapolated DLi
PVDF in NMP to construct slurry and then spread on Al at 300 K was 3.15 × ­10–10 ­cm2 ­s−1 which was 1 ~ 6 orders
foil. The PCVO ND was first pre-activated in a half cell of magnitude higher than that of commercial graphite
to form a stable solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer and (4.0 × ­10–11 ­cm2 ­s−1) [26], ­Li4Ti5O12 (1.0 × ­10–15 ­cm2 ­s−1)
then taken out as anodes for the LIB full cell. The electro- [27], and Si (4.60 × ­10–14 ­cm2 ­s−1) [15], theoretically prov-
lyte and separator in the full cell were identical to those ing ­Co2VO4 a promising anode material for fast-charging
in a half cell. LIBs. The trajectory of ­Li+ diffusion was described by its
time-averaged spatial occupancy probability in the crystal
structure, of which top view and side view is displayed in
3 Results and Discussion
Fig. 2b, d. The probability densities of Li ions were localized
in the space between pairs of point-sharing C ­ oO6 octahedra
3.1 Theoretical Calculations
and ­VO4 tetrahedra. Migration could occur via the channels
connecting octahedrally coordinated interstitial sites along
To design fast-charging high-energy–density LIBs, high
subdiagonal of a, b, or c axes, where each of interstitial site
capacity, fast lithium diffusion, suitable working poten-
is surrounded by 6 O ions.
tial, and high cycling stability are four essential parameters

O ) ·6 O
3 2 H 2 O NH 4V 3 HMT

Oil bath


− −
Li e e




Li e



Ca 35
+ Li
Li e− −

/H 2



e− e−


fast-charging hexagonal porous Co2VO4 nanodisk

Fig. 1  Schematic illustration of PCVO ND synthesis

© The authors https://doi.org/10.1007/s40820-021-00758-5

Nano-Micro Lett. (2022) 14:5 Page 5 of 14 5

Besides the inherent property of anode materials, mate- 4L2

rial structure design is also important for achieving good D= (3)
𝜋𝜏 ΔEt
fast-charging performance. The porous nanodisk structural
design can reduce the electron and ion diffusion length at where L is lithium-ion diffusion length, t is the duration of
the electrode level, further accelerating the electrochemical the current pulse, and τ, ΔES, and ΔEt are the galvanic titra-
tion, voltage change between steps, and voltage change dur-
reactions. Thus, we designed a hexagonal porous C ­ o2VO4
ing the pulse period, respectively. Based on GITT measure-
nanodisk (PCVO ND) structure and then investigated DLi
ment and Eq. (3), the average DLi of PCVO was 6.95 × ­10–10
of our PCVO ND experimentally by galvanostatic intermit- ­cm2 ­s−1, showing the same order of magnitude that AIMD
tent titration technique (GITT) with a pulse current density simulations have achieved. The DLi of our PCVO ND was
of 100 mA ­g−1 for 10 min between 20 min rest intervals higher than that of commercial anode materials (graph-
(Fig. 2c). The DLi can be calculated by the following equa- ite, ­Li4Ti5O12, and Si) and higher than that of previously
tion [27]: reported fast-charging anode materials [28–32] (Fig. 2e),

(a) −5.5 (b)

log(D) (cm2 s-1)


−7.0 Co
−7.5 O c
V a
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
1000/T (K-1)

(c) 4.0 −8 (d)

Potential (V, vs. Li+/Li)

3.0 −10
log10(D) (cm2 s-1)

2.0 −12

1.0 −14 b
0.0 −16
40 50 60 70 80
Time (h)

(e) −8
commercial anode materials previously reported anode materials PCVO ND

Graphite CeVO3
log10(D) (cm2 s-1)

−12 Co-MnO
Silicon @C-CNT
−14 bulk
Li4Ti5O12 a-MoO3

[27] [26] [15] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32]
Anode materials

Fig. 2  a Arrhenius plot of overall diffusion coefficient, where the error bar corresponds to statistical uncertainty in the fitting of the mean square
displacement to time curve. b Top view and d side view of isosurfaces of lithium ion probability density during an AIMD simulation. c GITT
curve and corresponding L ­ i+ diffusion coefficient of PCVO ND. e The comparison of L ­ i+ diffusion coefficient of PCVO ND with commercial
anode materials and other previously reported anode materials

5 Page 6 of 14 Nano-Micro Lett. (2022) 14:5

experimentally confirming PCVO ND’s feasibility in fast- structure. The BET specific surface area of PCVO ND was
charging high-energy–density LIBs. These detailed DLi are 74.57 ­m2 ­g−1, much higher than that of other cobalt vana-
summarized in Table S1. dates (Table S2). The large specific surface area of PCVO
ND is beneficial to contact between electrode and electrolyte
and can provide more reactive sites, promoting the electrode
3.2 Structure and Morphology of PCVO ND reaction kinetics. And the BJH analysis revealed that PCVO
ND presented a uniform and small pore size of 14.06 nm
Figure 3a shows the XRD pattern of PCVO ND. The dif- among our PCVO ND sample. The numerous mesopores
fraction peaks at 2θ of 30.1°, 35.5°, 37.1°, 43.1°, 47.2°, in PCVO ND shorten the transmission distance of ­Li+,
53.5°, 57.0°, and 62.6° were indexed to the (220), (311), improving the kinetics of the electrode reaction. Moreover,
(222), (400), (331), (422), (511), and (440) diffraction the porous structure provides a certain space to alleviate the
planes of spinel C­ o2VO4 (JCPDS No.73–1633) [33], indi- volume expansion problem of PCVO ND during the cycling,
cating PCVO ND has high crystallinity. PCVO ND’s face- prolonging the electrode’s cycle life.
centered cubic spinel structure was displayed in Fig. S1a, The morphology, structure, and element distribution
composing of Fd-3 m space group and cubic cells. Both Co of PCVO ND were characterized by SEM and TEM.
and V atoms occupy the tetrahedral and octahedral crystal- Figures 3d and S2a show the low-magnification SEM
lographic sites in the crystal structure of ­Co2VO4. The two images of hexagonal ­C o 2 VO 4 nanodisk with a width
adjacent octahedral sites were formed as a chain by sharing of ~ 0.15 μm and thickness of ~ 150 nm. The high mag-
their two oxygen edge-shared corners. The solitary octahe- nification SEM image (Fig. S2b) revealed a rough sur-
dral sites in two different chains were connected to the two face of PCVO ND in which many pores exist, providing
separate tetrahedral sites by cross-linking their individual more reactive sites for active substances. Furthermore,
oxygen corners to complete the entire cubic structure. The the TEM images (Fig. 3e, f) confirmed the nanodisk mor-
stable crystal structure was beneficial to improve cycling phology and mesoporous structure of PCVO ND. The
stability. To investigate PCVO ND’s chemical information, purple round areas presented pores in PCVO ND (Fig. 3f)
XPS measurement was carried out and the result is shown and the mesopore size was about 15 nm, in agreement
in Fig. 3b. The Co, V, and O elements can be clearly indi- with BET results. High-resolution TEM image of PCVO
cated in the full survey spectrum of PCVO ND. Figure ND (Fig. 3g) revealed a regular atomic arrangement and
S1b shows the Co 2p spectra in which two intense peaks lattice spacing of 0.252 nm, corresponding to the crys-
at 780.1 eV and 796.5 eV can be assigned to ­Co2+ [35]. tal planes of (311) of spinel ­C o2VO4 [33]. The selected
Figure S1c displays the high-resolution spectra of V 2p area electron diffraction (SAED) (Fig. 3h) showed well-
in which two peaks at 516.4 eV and 523.7 eV originated defined diffraction spots with hexagonal symmetry, indi-
from V 2­ p 3/2 and V 2­ p 1/2, respectively. The two peaks cating the polycrystalline nature of C ­ o 2VO 4. Figure 3i
were ascribed to ­V4+ [36]. The O 1 s signal could be fit- showed a low-magnification high-angle annular dark-
ted into three oxygen components around 529.9, 530.8, field (HAADF) STEM image of PCVO ND and corre-
and 531.85 eV (Fig. S1d), which were attributed to the sponding element mapping. Energy-dispersive spectros-
metal–oxygen bonds (M–O), hydroxyl species of surface copy (EDS) mapping images revealed that PCVO ND
adsorbed water molecule (M-OH), and oxygen ions in low was composed of Co, V, and O elements, which were
coordination ­(OL), respectively [35, 36]. homogeneously distributed in the nanodisk. Accord-
The Brunner-Emmet-Teller (BET) and Barrett-Joyner- ing to the EDS pattern (Fig. S3), the mass fractions of
Halenda (BJH) methods were used to study the porous Co, V, and O atoms were 49.72 wt.%, 21.93 wt.%, and
structure of the synthesized PCVO ND, and the results are 28.35 wt.%, respectively. By calculating based on rela-
shown in Fig. 3c. From Fig. 3c, the nitrogen adsorption–des- tive atomic mass, PCVO ND exhibited the mole ratio
orption isotherm of PCVO ND matched to a typical type of Co/V/O was 1.96: 1: 4.12, close to the stoichiometry
IV curve [37], confirming PCVO ND mesoporous structure. of ­C o 2VO 4. These results demonstrated that the porous
And the H3 type hysteresis indicated PCVO ND disk-like ­C o 2VO4 nanodisk was successfully synthesized.

© The authors https://doi.org/10.1007/s40820-021-00758-5

Nano-Micro Lett. (2022) 14:5 Page 7 of 14 5

(a) (b) (c)


dV/dW (cm-3 g-1 nm-1)

PCVO ND PCVO ND 14.06 nm
Co 2p O 1s 180

Volume (cm3 g-1 STP)

Intensity (a.u.)

Intensity (a.u.)
V 2p
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
60 Pore Size (nm)
C 1s
30 adsorption
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
2-theta (degree) Binding Energy (eV) Relative Pressure (P/P0)

(d) (e) (f)


500 nm 500 nm 50 nm

(g) (h) (i)

nm )
52 1
= 0.2 4 (31
d VO
Co 2

10 nm 1/5 nm

Fig. 3  a XRD pattern of PCVO ND. b XPS full survey spectrum of PCVO ND. c Nitrogen adsorption and desorption isotherms of PCVO ND
(Inset is the corresponding pore size distributions). d FESEM image of PCVO ND. e and f TEM images. g HRTEM image. h SAED pattern. i
STEM and the corresponding elemental mapping images indicating the homogeneous distribution of all three elements of Co, V and O

3.3 Electrochemical Properties of PCVO ND the formation of SEI film and the peak at 0.34 V was related
to the transformation from ­Co2VO4 to CoO and ­LixVO2, as
Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was measured to evaluate the shown in reaction Eq. (4) [17]. These peaks disappeared in
lithium storage mechanism of PCVO ND. The initial the subsequent cycles because the formation of SEI had been
three CV curves of PCVO ND measured at a scan rate of complicated and the transformation in reaction Eq. (4) only
0.2 mV ­s−1 between 0 and 3 V (vs. L ­ i+/Li) are shown in occurred in the first cycle. In subsequent cycles, two new
Fig. 4a. It can be found that the cathodic behavior of the cathodic peaks at 1.64 and 0.58 V appeared, corresponding
first cycle was different from that of subsequent cycles. The to the transformation from CoO to Co, ­Li2O and the intertca-
first cycle only showed two cathodic peaks around 0.06 and lation of ­Li+ into ­LixVO2, as shown in reaction Eq. (5) [17].
0.34 V. The cathodic peak around 0.06 V corresponded to In the delithiation process, PCVO ND showed two oxidation

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peaks at 1.32 and 2.36 V due to the oxidzation of Co and the discharge platform in 0.65 V, consistent with CV results. The
­ i+ from ­Lix+yVO2. The CV cures overlapped
extraction of L 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 50th, and 100th discharge and charge volt-
well, apart from the first cycle, manifesting the remarkable age curves almost overlap, revealing high reversibility. The
stability of PCVO ND. discharge and charge capacity in the first cycle were 1227.0
and 944.1 mAh ­g−1, with an initial coulombic efficiency of
Co2 VO4 + xLi+ + xe− → 2CoO + Lix VO2 (4)
76.9%. The high discharge capacity in the first cycle is due
to the formation of the SEI film. Figure S4 shows the cycling
CoO + Lix VO2 + (y + 2) Li+ + (y + 2) e− ↔ Co + Li2 O + Lix+y VO2
performance of PCVO ND at 0.4 C. PCVO ND displayed a
high initial reversible capacity of 911.0 mAh ­g−1. The capac-
ity showed a slight decrease before the 50th cycle and then
The PCVO ND was measured at 0.4 C within the voltage
increased slightly in the subsequent cycles. The capacity was
range of 0.01–3.0 V (vs. ­Li+/Li). Figure 4b displays PCVO
recovered to 817.9 mAh g­ −1 after 100 cycles, correspond-
ND’s galvanostatic discharge–charge curves of the 1st, 2nd,
ing to a high capacity retention of 89.8%, suggesting high
3rd, 10th, 50th, and 100th. Each discharge curve existed

(a) 0.6 (b) 3.0

1.32 V

Specific Capacity (mAh g-1)

Charge Capacity
2.36 V 0.4 C
0.3 2.5 1200 Discharge Capacity
Voltage (V vs. Li/Li+)

0.2 C
1st 0.2 C
Current (mA)

0.0 2.0 2nd

0.4 C
−0.3 1st 1.5 10th 0.8 C
1.64 V 2C
0.58 V 2nd 50th 600 4C
−0.6 3rd 1.0 100th
10 C
−0.9 300
0.34 V 0.5
0.06 V Scan rate: 0.2 mV s-1
−1.2 0.0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Voltage (V vs. Li/Li+) Specific Capacity (mAh g-1) Cycle number

(d) 800 120 (e)

Specific Capacity (mAh g-1)

Coulombic Efficiency (%)

1000 our work
Coulombic Efficiency

Charge Capacity
10 C
Discharge Capacity
Cycle nu

400 60 600
20 1000
The requirement of anodes for EVs’ fast-charging LIBs by US Department 0 800 1 )
of Energy (175 to 200 mAh g-1 at a current density of >10 A g-1) [6] Cu 1 600
rre h
0 0 nt
2 400 mA
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ns (
ity 3 200 city
Cycle number (A
g -1 pa
) 4 0 Ca

(f) Peak 1 (g) (h)

2.0 0.4 120 Diffusion
Peak 2
Contribution ratio (%)

1.0 0.2
log (i, current)
Current (mA)

0.0 0.0
0.2 mV s-1
−1.0 0.4 mV s-1 −0.2 peak 1, b = 0.89 69.5% 73.6% 77.0% 80.5% 83.7%
0.6 mV s-1 peak 2, b = 0.79
Peak 4
−2.0 0.8 mV s-1 −0.4 peak 3, b = 0.91 20
1.0 mV s-1 peak 4, b = 0.94
Peak 3
−3.0 −0.6 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 −0.8−0.7−0.6−0.5−0.4−0.3−0.2 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Voltage (V vs. Li/Li+) log (v, scan rate) Scan rate (mV s-1)

Fig. 4  Electrochemical properties of PCVO ND. a CV curves. b Galvanostatic discharge and charge curves at 0.4 C. c Rate performance. d
Cycling performance at 10 C. e A comparison of electrochemical properties. f CV curves at different scan rates. g Log(i) versus log(v) plots at
specific peaks. h Contribution ratio of the capacitive and diffusion-controlled capacities at various scan rates (1 C=1000 mA g­ −1)

© The authors https://doi.org/10.1007/s40820-021-00758-5

Nano-Micro Lett. (2022) 14:5 Page 9 of 14 5

cycling stability. Similar results have also been reported for cycle at 10 C for 1000 cycles). A LIB with such PCVO ND
the electrochemical performance of transition metal oxides anode can be fully charged within 5 min. Thus our PCVO
in the literature [38, 39], which may be due to the continu- ND met the requirement of anodes for fast-charging LIBs
ous activation and improvement of ­Li+ ion accessibility with in EVs by the US Department of Energy and showed better
cycling. The exceptional electrochemical performance of fast-charging performance than previously reported fast-
PCVO ND electrode at 0.4 C was verified by electrochemi- charging anodes, summarized in Fig. 4e and Table S3. Such
cal impedance spectroscopy (EIS) test. Figure S5a, b showed excellent fast-charging performance could be attributed to
Nyquist plots and equivalent circuit model of PCVO ND the following reasons: (i) The various valence states of V
electrode before cycling and after 1, 10, 50, and 100 cycles. and Co element and the combined intercalation and conver-
­R1 and ­R2 represent internal resistance, including electro- sion reaction mechanism lead to a high theoretical capacity;
lyte resistance, the internal resistance of active material, and (ii) The high ­Li+ diffusion coefficient of ­Co2VO4 can facili-
contact resistance between the current collector and active tate fast electrochemical reactions, and the porous nanodisk
material, while ­R3 represents the charge transfer resistance. structural design can reduce the electron and ion diffusion
The internal resistance of the PCVO ND electrode before length, further enhancing the electrochemical kinetics;
cycling is much larger than that for the following cycles, (iii) Numerous internal pores of PCVO ND and uniform
mainly due to the much-enhanced ion and electron transfer nanoscale pore size buffer the volume change, and the close
in the electrode. Subsequently, there was little change in contact between electrode and electrolyte by PCVO ND’
the impedance of the PCVO ND electrode, indicating low large specific surface area stabilize the SEI film, leading to
transfer resistance and good stability of PCVO ND. superior long-term cycling stability of PCVO ND at a high
Above good electrochemical performances (suitable lithi- rate.
ation potential, high capacity, high cycling stability) along To further investigate PCVO ND’s stability, the mor-
with high L­ i+ diffusion coefficient from both theoretical and phologies of PCVO ND before and after 1000 cycles were
experimental results in Fig. 2a, c indicated that PCVO ND examined. Figure S6a–d showed the SEM images of the
has excellent potential in fast-charging LIBs. Thus PCVO PCVO ND electrode before and after 1000 cycles at 10 C.
ND was tested at high rates. Increasing the rate from 0.2, The PCVO ND exhibits a high structural stability and still
0.4, 0.8, 2, 4 to 10 C (Fig. 4c), PCVO ND anode delivered maintains a hexagonal structure after 1000 cycles (Fig. S6c,
average specific discharge capacities of 857.7, 755.5, 684.6, d), confirming the excellent long-term cycle stability of
575.9, 485.3, and 305.2 mAh g­ −1, respectively. Meanwhile, PCVO ND. The structure of the PCVO ND after 1000 cycles
returning the rate from 10 to 0.2 C, PCVO ND anode’s was also investigated to conform the stability of PCVO ND.
specific discharge capacity recovered to 1021.3 mAh g­ −1, The XRD pattern of PCVO ND after 1000 cycles at 10 C
exhibiting good rate performance and excellent reversibility. is shown in Fig. S6e. Compared to the pristine PCVO ND,
The high fast-charging capability of anodes after long-term the peaks of C ­ o2VO4 were absent in the electrode after
cycles is of practical importance for applications in EVs. 1000 cycles. Meanwhile, two new peaks at 44.3° and 65.7°
Thus PCVO ND was further tested at 10 C for 1000 cycles corresponded to the (015) and (110) diffraction planes of
(Fig. 4d). Notably, the capacity decreased during the first ­LiVO2, respectively [17]. The HRTEM image of PCVO ND
70 cycles and gradually increased in the subsequent cycles. after 1000 cycles at 10 C (Fig. S6f) confirmed the exist of
This phenomenon was observed in many transition oxides. ­LiVO2 (lattice spacing of 0.201 nm). And the lattice spacing
The rapid capacity decrease is resulted from the conversion of 0.151 nm corresponded to the (220) of CoO [17]. The
reactions, generated volume expansion and formation of XRD and HRTEM results demonstrated that PCVO ND still
SEI layer [16, 25, 34, 42]. The subsequent capacity increase followed the reaction mechanism: CoO + ­LixVO2 + (y + 2)
might be attributed to the increased crystallinity of active ­L i + + (y + 2) ­e − ⟷ Co + ­L i 2O + ­L i x+yVO 2 after 1000
materials and gradual activation progress during the cycle cycles, further confirming the stability of PCVO ND cycled
[17, 36, 38]. Figure 4d showed that PCVO ND exhibited at a high rate.
excellent fast-charging capacity (a high average capacity of To get deep insight into the excellent lithium storage
344.3 mAh ­g−1 at 10 C for 1000 cycles) and outstanding kinetics of PCVO ND, CV measurements were carried at
long-term cycling stability (only 0.024% capacity loss per different scan rates ranging from 0.2 to 1.0 mV ­s−1 (Fig. 4f).

5 Page 10 of 14 Nano-Micro Lett. (2022) 14:5

The shapes of the characteristic peaks were similar with decay (1819.7 to 27.2 mAh g­ −1). Thus, Si anode was not
increasing scan rates. The kinetics of charge storage mecha- further studied in this paper. Figure 5b shows the potential
nism could be analyzed by the relationship between current versus capacity plots of PCVO ND, graphite and ­Li4Ti5O12
(i) and scan rate (v) which can be described by the following at 400 mA ­g−1. ­Li4Ti5O12 displayed the lowest discharge
equation: capacity of 164.1 mAh g­ −1 and intercalated L­ i+ at the high-
est potential (~ 1.55 V vs. ­Li+/Li). Such low capacity, along
i = avb (6)
with high operation voltage, sacrificed the cell voltage and
In this equation, a and b are adjustable parameters. The cell energy seriously. In contrast, PCVO ND showed the
value of b ranges from 0.5 to 1.0 (0.5 for a diffusion-con- highest discharge capacity of 910.9 mAh g­ −1. And the inser-
trolled charge storage mechanism and 1.0 for a capacitive tion of ­Li+ into PCVO ND occurred at a lower potential
charge storage mechanism [40]. The values of b can be cal- (~ 0.65 V vs. ­Li+/Li). The energy density formula in Fig. 5c
culated by the fitting the log (i) versus log (v). As shown is defined as:
in Fig. 4g, the values of b were calculated to be 0.89, 0.79,
Cn ∗ Vn
0.91, and 0.94 for peaks 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The E= (9)
C1 ∗ V1
values of b were in the range of 0.8–1.0, suggesting a high
pseudocapacitive contribution of lithium storage in PCVO where the E is the energy density relative to the LTO anode,
Cn is the specific capacity of different anodes, Vn is the volt-
ND electrode. This was further confirmed by quantifying the
age difference between discharge platform and commercial
capacitive ­(k1v) and diffusion-controlled storage contribu- 4 V cathode materials (n = 1, 2, 3, 1 means to LTO, 2 means
tion ­(k2v1/2) using the following formula: to graphite, 3 means to CVO) [41].
i = k1 v + k2 v1∕2 (7) The estimated energy density of PCVO ND (regarding
both potential and capacity) was 15 orders of magnitude
higher than that of L ­ i4Ti5O12 if the two are coupled with a
i∕v1∕2 = k1 v1∕2 + k2 (8)
typical 4 V cathode (Fig. 5c). Thus, ­Li4Ti5O12 is not suit-
As shown in Fig. S7, a 77.0% contribution was obtained able in high-energy–density fast-charging LIBs.
from capacitive charge storage when scan rate was For graphite, it intercalated ­Li+ at the lowest voltage
0.6 mV ­s−1. A summary of these contributions by both (~ 0.1 V vs. L ­ i+/Li) close to that of the Li-plating, which
components was plotted at different scan rate (Fig. 4h). The resulted in a safety risk due to high surface Li-plating
capacitive contribution increased from 69.5% to 83.7% with (Li dendrite, a potential cause of short circuits). In order
scan rate increasing. PCVO ND involves a pseudocapacitive to compare the PCVO ND’s safety with graphite at high
charge storage mechanism concluded from above analysis. rates, the PCVO ND and graphite anodes were charged and
The high pseudocapacitive storage contribution might origi- discharged at 4000 mA ­g−1 for 1000 cycles. Both PCVO
nate from porous structure of electrode, which contributed to ND and graphite anodes showed high cycling stability
increase surface area and enhance charge transfer kinetics. (Figs. 5d and S8). Nevertheless, PCVO ND anode dis-
played a high average capacity of 579.2 mAh g­ −1, while
graphite anode showed an average capacity of only 12.1
3.4 Comparison with Commercial Anode Materials mAh ­g−1 (Fig. 5d). SEM images of PCVO ND and graphite
anodes before and after 1000 cycles are shown in Fig. 5e-j.
In order to evaluate the practical application, the elec- There were no visible Li dendrites in PCVO ND elec-
trochemical performances of PCVO ND were compared trode after 1000 cycles (Fig. 5f, g). Li dendrites (with a
with that of anodes in commercial LIBs. Figure 5a shows wire-like shape) were clearly found in graphite electrodes
the cycling performance of PCVO ND, graphite, Si, and (Fig. 5i, j). Besides, the EIS of PCVO ND electrode cycled
­Li4Ti5O12 at 400 mA ­g−1. It can be seen that the initial at 4000 mA ­g−1 from before cycling to after 1000 cycles
capacities of PCVO ND, graphite and ­L i 4Ti 5O 12 were was also tested. The results are shown in Fig. S9. The
1226.9, 245.5, and 91.9 mAh g­ −1 while they were 817.9, impedance had minor differences between the 100th and
262.7, and 79.4 mAh ­g−1 after 100 cycles. Their cycling per- 1000th cycles, confirming that the Li dendrites have not
formances were excellent, except Si showed a fast capacity

© The authors https://doi.org/10.1007/s40820-021-00758-5

Nano-Micro Lett. (2022) 14:5 Page 11 of 14 5

(a)1800 Discharge of PCVO ND

(b) (c)
LiMO2 (M=Ni, Co, Mn) 15.0 times
Specific Capacity (mAh g-1)

Discharge of Si 4000 mA g-1 4.0 16 (this work)

Discharge of Graphite Li4Ti5O12

Voltage (V vs. Li+/Li)

Energy(E) vs. Li4Ti5O12

800 Discharge of Li4Ti5O12 V1 V2 V3 Graphite
3.0 E=
PCVO ND 12 V1*C1
2.0 8
400 Unsafe 4.6 times
1.0 region
C1 C2 C3 1 times
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 300 600 900 1200 Li4Ti5O12 Graphite PCVO ND
Cycle number Specific Capacity (mAh g-1)
(d) 800
Specific Capacity (mA g-1)

4000 mA g-1

400 Discharger of PCVO ND

Discharge of Graphite
Discharge of Li4Ti5O12

200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
Cycle number

(e) PCVO ND before cycle (f) PCVO ND after 1000 cycles (g) PCVO ND after 1000 cycles

100 μm 20 μm 20 μm

(h) graphite before cycle (i) graphite after1000 cycle (j) graphite after 1000 cycles


100 μm 20 μm 20 μm

Fig. 5  a The cycling performance of PCVO ND and commercial graphite, Si and L ­ i4Ti5O12 anode materials at 400 mA ­g−1. b The poten-
tial versus capacity plots of PCVO ND, commercial graphite, and ­Li4Ti5O12 at 400 mA ­g−1. c The energy density comparison of PCVO ND,
commercial graphite, and L ­ i4Ti5O12. d The long-term cycling performance of PCVO ND, L ­ i4Ti5O12, and graphite at 4000 mA ­g−1 from the
200th to 1000th cycle. e SEM image of PCVO ND electrode before cycling. f and g SEM images of PCVO ND electrode after 1000 cycles at
4000 mA ­g−1. h SEM image of graphite electrode before cycling. i and j SEM images of graphite electrode after 1000 cycles at 4000 mA g­ −1

5 Page 12 of 14 Nano-Micro Lett. (2022) 14:5

(a) (b)200
4.0 100

Specific Capacity (mAh g-1)

Coulombic Efficiency (%)

3.5 160
100 mA g-1 80
Voltage (V, vs Li+/Li) 1st
3.0 120 60
100th Coulombic Efficiency
2.5 80 40
Charge capacity
Discharge capacity
2.0 40 20

1.5 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 25 50 75 100
Specific Capacity (mAh g-1) Cycle number

Fig. 6  a Galvanostatic charge/discharge curves for the 1st, 50th, and 100th cycles at a current density of 100 mA ­g−1 over the potential range of
1.5–4.0 V. b Cycling performance of the ­LiCoO2// PCVO ND full cell at a current density of 100 mA ­g−1

been formed after 1000 cycles. These results confirmed the 4 Conclusions
commercial feasibility of PCVO ND in safe, fast-charging,
high-energy–density LIBs. Our studies showed that ­Co2VO4 was a promising anode
material for high-energy–density fast-charging LIBs due to
its high capacity (~ 1000 mAh g­ −1), safe lithiation poten-
3.5 Full Cell Performance of PCVO ND tial (~ 0.65 V vs. ­Li+/Li), high ­Li+ diffusion coefficient
(6.95 × ­10–10 ­cm2 ­s−1), and high cycling stability. In order
According to the outstanding performance of the Li// to further enhance L ­ i+ and electrons transfer, we designed a
PCVO ND half cells, we investigated the full cell perfor- hexagonal porous C ­ o2VO4 nanodisk (PCVO ND) structure,
mance using PCVO ND as anode and commercial ­LiCoO2 which features a high specific surface area of 74.57 ­m2 ­g−1
materials as the cathode. According to the principle of and numerous pores with a uniform pore size of 14 nm
capacity balance, the mass ratio of PCVO ND to ­LiCoO2 in PCVO ND. The porous nanodisk structural design can
was controlled to be about 1: 6. The half-cell battery with reduce the electron and ion diffusion length at the electrode
the active material was pre-activated to form a stable SEI level, further enhancing the electrochemical kinetics. Moreo-
layer and then taken out to fabricate the full cell. Figure 6a ver, the close contact between electrode and electrolyte by
presents the full cell voltage profiles after the 1st, 50th, the large specific surface area of PCVO ND stabilizes the
and 100th cycles at the voltage window of 1.5–4.0 V at SEI film, leading to superior fast-charging performance of
100 mA ­g−1. The initial charge and discharge capacities PCVO ND. As a result, the PCVO ND showed a high initial
are 126.4 and 121.8 mAh ­g−1, respectively, exhibiting a reversible capacity of 911.0 mAh ­g−1 at 0.4 C, excellent
high coulombic efficiency of 96.3%. Besides, the cycling fast-charging capacity (average capacity of 579.2 mAh ­g−1
performance of lithium-ion full cell is shown in Fig. 6b. at 4 C and 344.3 mAh ­g−1 at 10 C for 1000 cycles), outstand-
The full cell exhibits a good discharge capacity of 116.4 ing long-term cycling stability (only 0.024% capacity loss
mAh ­g −1 after 100 cycles with a capacity retention of per cycle at 10 C for 1000 cycles). Due to its superior fast-
95.5%. From these results, it is evident that the ­LiCoO2// charging performance and simple preparation, the PCVO
PCVO ND full cell exhibits outstanding performance in ND has high commercial feasibility in high-energy–density
terms of reversible capacity, stable cycling behavior and fast-charging LIBs.
high coulombic efficiency, confirming the potential of the
Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National
PCVO ND as an anode material for LIBs. Key Research and Development Project (2018YFE0124800) and

© The authors https://doi.org/10.1007/s40820-021-00758-5

Nano-Micro Lett. (2022) 14:5 Page 13 of 14 5

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