Man Engine Shop Manual - D0826 Luh

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Underfloor engines

D 0826 LUH

1997 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

Print no.: Repair Manual

81.99298.4202 A 14 2nd edition
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft
Dachauer Str. 667 oder Postfach 50 06 20

Reparaturanleitung – A 14 (2. Ausgabe)

Unterflurmotoren D 0826 LUH

– englisch –

Druck-Nr. 81.99298.4202

Printed in Germany

Engines for buses Series Vehicle model Chassis no.

(trade name) beginning with:

D 0826 LUH 01 ......... EURO 1 ................... KOM ................... NL/NG/EL ................... WMA8.., WMAA..
D 0826 LUH 03 ......... EURO 1 ................... KOM ................... NL/NG/EL ................... WMA8.., WMAA..
D 0826 LUH 05 ......... EURO 1 ................... KOM ................... NL/NG/EL ................... WMA8.., WMAA..
D 0826 LUH 06 ......... EURO 1 ................... KOM ................... NL/NG/EL ................... WMA8.., WMAA..
D 0826 LUH 08 ......... EURO 2 ................... KOM ................... NL/NG/EL/NÜ ............ WMA8.., WMAA..
D 0826 LUH 10 ......... EURO 1 ................... KOM ................... NL/NG/EL/NÜ ............ WMA8.., WMAA..
D 0826 LUH 12 ......... EURO 2 ................... KOM ................... NL/ND/EL ................... WMA8.., WMAA..
D 0826 LUH 13 ......... EURO 2 ................... KOM ................... NL/NÜ/NG .................. WMA8.., WMAA..

Engines for floor assembly of low-floor buses

D 0826 LUH 12 ......... EURO 2 ................... KOM chassis ...... NL/EL ......................... WMAA..
D 0826 LUH 13 ......... EURO 2 ................... KOM chassis ...... NL/EL ......................... WMAA..

Engines sold for installation

D 0826 LUH 12 ......... EURO 2 ................... VE engines ......... 162 kW (220 PS) 2400 rpm
D 0826 LUH 13 ......... EURO 2 ................... VE engines ......... 191 kW (260 PS) 2300 rpm

Previous engines, designation until 11.1993

Engine Code no. Installed in vehicle model

D 0826 LUH 03, 06 .................................... (895 / 898) .................................... NL 202 / NL 202 F

D 0826 LUH 01, 06 .................................... (896) ............................................. NG 272
D 0826 LUH 03, 05, 06 .............................. (A 12) ........................................... EL 202

Note: See “SD 205” for a survey and explanation of type designations and vehicle identification numbers
(chassis number).

RA - A 14 1.00 - 1
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Repair Manual A 14
(2nd edition)

Underfloor engines
D 0824 LUH/213
D 0826 LUH 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08, 10, 12, 13


This manual is intended to provide assistance in performing repairs correctly on the engines listed here.

This publication assumes that persons who use it possess the requisite technical knowledge in handling
diesel engines.

Pictures and the corresponding descriptions are typical one-time representations; they do not always corre-
spond to the engine in question, but this does not necessarily mean they are incorrect.
In such cases, plan and carry out the repair work in accordance with the sense of the instructions.

Repairs on units such as the fuel injection pump, alternator, etc. should be entrusted to our after-sales
service or to the after-sales service of their manufacturer.

Section 9.13 presents a survey of the engines dealt with in this manual.

Important information concerning technical safety and protection of personnel is highlighted as follows.

This draws your attention to working and operating procedures that must be complied with in
order to prevent injury.

This draws your atttention to working and operating procedures that must be complied with in
order to prevent material damage or destruction.

This draws your attention to an explanation that helps you to is understand the work or opera-
ting procedures to be followed.

When carrying out repair work, always follow the safety instructions in section 1.30.

Best wishes from

MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft
Munich Plant

We reserve the right to make modifications in the course of further development.

© 1996 MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft

Reprinting, copying or translation, even of extracts, is not allowed without written permission from MAN.
All rights under the copyright law are strictly reserved by MAN.

VLWD 1 / RL: 10.1997 Übersetzung + Satz: emes GmbH Druck: MAN-Werksdruckerei


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Contents Section/Page

Cross-reference list of engines and series/vehicle models............................................................. 1.00 - 1

Safety regulations .......................................................................................................................... 1.30 - 1
Description and differentiation criteria............................................................................................. 1.40 - 1
Pictures of engine ........................................................................................................................... 1.70 - 1
Sectional view of engine ................................................................................................................. 1.70 - 2
Diagram of the engine lubrication system....................................................................................... 1.71 - 1
Diagram of the fuel system with in-line injection pump ................................................................... 1.71 - 2
Diagram of the flame start system with in-line injection pump ........................................................ 1.71 - 3
Diagram of the engine control system ............................................................................................ 1.71 - 4
Diagram of the turbocharger system with intercooling.................................................................... 1.71 - 5
Exhaust emissions and limit values on emissions .......................................................................... 1.80 - 1
Compressed air injection ................................................................................................................ 1.80 - 2
Table of malfunctions and their probable causes ........................................................................... 1.90 - 1

Injection pump
In-line injection pump: Checking/setting the start of pumping......................................................... 2.21 - 1
Removing and installing the in-line injection pump ......................................................................... 2.22 - 1

Injector nozzles
Removing and installing the injector nozzles .................................................................................. 2.31 - 1
Testing/repairing the injector nozzles ............................................................................................. 2.32 - 1

Flame start system

Removing and installing the flame start system.............................................................................. 2.51 - 1
Repairing a flame glow plug............................................................................................................ 2.51 - 2

Water pump/thermostat
Removing and installing the water pump ........................................................................................ 3.21 - 1
Repairing the water pump............................................................................................................... 3.22 - 1
Removing and installing the thermostat insert ................................................................................ 3.23 - 1

Oil sump/oil pump

Removing and installing the heat exchanger .................................................................................. 4.20 - 1
Removing and installing the oil sump ............................................................................................. 4.31 - 1
Removing, installing, dismantling and assembling the oil pump ..................................................... 4.32 - 1
Removing and installing the PCV valve (crankcase ventilation) ..................................................... 4.34 - 1

Replacing the cap in the crankcase ................................................................................................ 5.11 - 1

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Contents Section/Page

Removing and installing the clutch pilot bearing............................................................................. 5.21 - 1
Removing, installing and repairing the flywheel.............................................................................. 5.22 - 1
Fitting a new flywheel ring gear ...................................................................................................... 5.23 - 1

Fitting a new front crankshaft oil seal ............................................................................................. 5.51 - 1
Fitting a new back crankshaft oil seal (on the flywheel end)........................................................... 5.52 - 1
Removing and fitting the flywheel housing ..................................................................................... 5.53 - 1
Removing and fitting the timing chain housing, checking the axial play on the camshaft .............. 5.54 - 1
Removing and installing the crankshaft .......................................................................................... 5.56 - 1

Piston/connecting rod
Removing and installing a piston with its connecting rod ............................................................... 5.61 - 1
Measuring piston protrusion ........................................................................................................... 5.62 - 1
Fitting new piston rings ................................................................................................................... 5.63 - 1
Removing a piston from its connecting rod and fitting it back on.................................................... 5.64 - 1
Fitting a new big end bearing ......................................................................................................... 5.65 - 1
Removing and installing oil injector nozzles ................................................................................... 5.66 - 1

Cylinder liners
Removing and installing cylinder liners/measuring protrusion........................................................ 5.71 - 1

Intake/exhaust manifold
Removing and installing the intake manifold .................................................................................. 6.11 - 1
Removing and installing the exhaust manifold ............................................................................... 6.21 - 1

Turbocharger, troubleshooting, checks before replacing ............................................................... 6.31 - 1
Checking the boost pressure .......................................................................................................... 6.32 - 1
Note regarding the boost pressure regulating valve (waste gate) ................................................. 6.32 - 2
Measuring the end/radial play of the turbine/rotor shaft ................................................................. 6.34 - 1

Rocker arm mechanism

Removing and installing the rocker arm mechanism ...................................................................... 7.11 - 1
Dismantling/assembling the rocker arm mechanism ...................................................................... 7.12 - 1
Setting the valve clearance............................................................................................................. 7.13 - 1

Cylinder head/control

Removing and installing the cylinder head ..................................................................................... 7.21 - 1

Tightening and re-tightening the cylinder head bolts ...................................................................... 7.21 - 4
Checking the cylinder heads for cracks .......................................................................................... 7.22 - 1
Checking the combustion pressure ................................................................................................ 7.24 - 1

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Contents Section/Page

Removing and installing valves....................................................................................................... 7.31 - 1
Removing and installing the valve guide......................................................................................... 7.32 - 1
Turning valve seats......................................................................................................................... 7.33 - 1
Regrinding valves ........................................................................................................................... 7.34 - 1
Renewing the valve seat................................................................................................................. 7.35 - 1

Removing and installing the camshaft, fitting new camshaft bearings............................................ 7.51 - 1
Checking the valve timing ............................................................................................................... 7.52 - 1

Add-on units
Removing and installing the air compressor with drive gear........................................................... 8.11 - 1
Checking the V-belt tension ............................................................................................................ 8.51 - 1
Fitting a new poly-V-belt tensioning device..................................................................................... 8.51 - 2

Notes on installation..................................................................................................................... 8.99 - 1

Technical data
Type designations, explanations..................................................................................................... 9.11 - 1
Characteristic data .......................................................................................................................... 9.12 - 1
Table of engine settings.................................................................................................................. 9.13 - 1
Checking and setting values ........................................................................................................... 9.21 - 1
Torque values ................................................................................................................................. 9.51 - 1
Torque values based on the MAN standard ................................................................................... 9.51 - 5

Running in the engine ..................................................................................................................... 9.61 - 1

Special tools
Special tools ................................................................................................................................... 9.71 - 1
Do-it-yourself special tools.............................................................................................................. 9.72 - 1

The following service information bulletins have been integrated in this repair manual:

SI no.: Contents:
94 06 09/0 ...................... Altered fixing of the air compressor drive wheel
95 06 07/0 ...................... Notes on the needle-travel sensor
95 09 06/0 ...................... Cleaning/machining cylinder head gasket contacting surfaces
95 12 05/0 ...................... Fitting a new solenoid valve for compressed air injection
96 06 04/0 ...................... Repair option when the cylinder liner protrusion is inadequate
96 10 22/0 ...................... Replacing the poly-V-belt tensioning device
97 01 27/0 Updated summary on cylinder head gaskets and fixing.
97 08 23/0 ...................... Exhaust manifold: change to Torx bolts

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Term Section/Page

Air compressor................................................................................................................... 8.11 - 1

Alternator ........................................................................................................................... 9.21 - 14

Bar-type filter ..................................................................................................................... 2.32 - 3

Big end bearing.................................................................................................................. 5.65 - 1; 9.21 - 5
Big end bearing N I ............................................................................................................ 5.56 - 5; 9.21 - 5
Bolts tightened by angle..................................................................................................... 5.22 - 1; 7.21 - 4
Boost pressure (turbocharger), checking........................................................................... 6.32 - 1
Boost pressure regulating valve (waste gate).................................................................... 6.32 - 2
Bypass valve (oil filter) ....................................................................................................... 4.10 - 2

Camshaft............................................................................................................................ 7.51 - 1; 9.21 - 11

Camshaft bearing............................................................................................................... 7.51 - 2
Camshaft end play ............................................................................................................. 5.54 - 2; 9.21 - 12
Cassette gasket (water pump) ........................................................................................... 3.22 - 3
Checking and setting values .............................................................................................. 9.21 - 1
Clutch pilot bearing ............................................................................................................ 5.21 - 1
Clutch surface .................................................................................................................... 5.22 - 2; 9.21 - 8
Combustion pressure......................................................................................................... 7.24 - 1; 9.21 - 14
Combustion process .......................................................................................................... 1.40 - 1; 9.12 - 1
Compressed air injection ................................................................................................... 1.80 - 2
Connecting rod big end bore.............................................................................................. 5.65 - 2; 9.21 - 5
Connecting rods................................................................................................................. 5.61 - 1; 9.21 - 5
Corrugated hoses .............................................................................................................. 6.11 - 2
Crankcase.......................................................................................................................... 5.56 - 2; 9.21 - 1
Crankcase cap ................................................................................................................... 5.11 - 1; 8.99 - 1
Crankcase ventilation......................................................................................................... 4.34 - 1
Crankshaft.......................................................................................................................... 5.56 - 1; 9.21 - 6
Crankshaft bearing............................................................................................................. 5.56 - 2; 9.21 - 6
Crankshaft end play ........................................................................................................... 5.56 - 4; 9.21 - 6
Crankshaft oil seal ............................................................................................................. 5.51 - 1; 5.53 - 1
Cylinder head..................................................................................................................... 7.21 - 1; 9.51 - 2
Cylinder head bolt tightening diagram ............................................................................... 7.21 - 4; 9.51 - 2
Cylinder head bolts ............................................................................................................ 7.21 - 4; 9.51 - 2
Cylinder liner protrusion ..................................................................................................... 5.71 - 2; 9.21 - 1
Cylinder liners .................................................................................................................... 5.71 - 1; 9.21 - 1
Cylinder numbering method............................................................................................... 7.13 - 1

Description ......................................................................................................................... 1.40 - 1

Differentiation criteria ......................................................................................................... 1.40 - 1

EDC parts .......................................................................................................................... 1.40 - 3

Engine control system (diagram) ....................................................................................... 1.71 - 4
Engine pictures .................................................................................................................. 1.70 - 1
Engine sectional views....................................................................................................... 1.70 - 2
Engine settings (table) ....................................................................................................... 9.13 - 3
Exhaust gases ................................................................................................................... 1.80 - 1
Exhaust manifold ............................................................................................................... 6.21 - 1

Flame glow plug................................................................................................................. 2.51 - 1

Flame start system............................................................................................................. 2.51 - 1
Flat gaskets (notes on installation) .................................................................................... 8.99 - 1
Flywheel............................................................................................................................. 5.22 - 1; 9.21 - 8
Flywheel housing ............................................................................................................... 5.53 - 1
Flywheel ring gear.............................................................................................................. 5.23 - 1; 9.21 - 8
Fuel system (diagram) ....................................................................................................... 1.71 - 2

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Term Section/Page

Heat exchanger .................................................................................................................. 4.20 - 1

Illuminated indicator............................................................................................................ 2.21 - 1

Injection pressure ............................................................................................................... 2.32 - 1; 9.13 - 3
Injection pump .................................................................................................................... 2.11 - 1; 9.13 - 2
Injector nozzle .................................................................................................................... 2.31 - 1; 9.13 - 1
Installation, notes on........................................................................................................... 8.99 - 1
Intake manifold ................................................................................................................... 6.11 - 1

Piston.................................................................................................................................. 5.61 - 1; 9.21 - 3

Piston-in-cylinder clearance ............................................................................................... 5.61 - 2; 9.21 - 3
Piston pin ............................................................................................................................ 5.64 - 1; 9.21 - 3
Piston protrusion................................................................................................................. 5.62 - 1; 9.21 - 3
Piston rings ......................................................................................................................... 5.63 - 1; 9.21 - 4

Lamellar sealing rings ........................................................................................................ 6.21 - 1

Lifter bore N I ..................................................................................................................... 7.51 - 2; 9.21 - 12
Locking pins........................................................................................................................ 2.21 - 1; 2.22 - 1

Main bearing....................................................................................................................... 5.56 - 1; 9.21 - 6

Malfunctions ....................................................................................................................... 1.90 - 1
Minimum oil pressures........................................................................................................ 9.21 - 13

Nozzle body, nozzle needle................................................................................................ 2.32 - 1

Nozzle holder...................................................................................................................... 2.31 - 1

Oil filter cartridge ................................................................................................................ 4.20 - 2

Oil injection nozzle.............................................................................................................. 5.66 - 1
Oil pump ............................................................................................................................. 4.32 - 1; 9.21 - 13
Oil pump gear ..................................................................................................................... 4.32 - 1; 9.21 - 13
Oil sump ............................................................................................................................. 4.31 - 1

PCV valve ........................................................................................................................... 4.34 - 1

Pressure regulating valve (oil pressure) ............................................................................. 4.32 - 4

Reconditioned connecting rod ............................................................................................ 5.64 - 1; 5.65 - 2

Rocker arm ......................................................................................................................... 7.11 - 1
Running in overhauled engines .......................................................................................... 9.61 - 1

Safety instructions .............................................................................................................. 1.30 - 1

Setting the control gears..................................................................................................... 5.54 - 3; 9.21 - 11
Slit size (oil pump) .............................................................................................................. 4.32 - 3
Small end bushes ............................................................................................................... 5.64 - 1; 9.21 - 5
Solenoid stop valve............................................................................................................. 2.51 - 1
Special tools ....................................................................................................................... 9.71 - 1
Start of delivery................................................................................................................... 2.11 - 1; 9.13 - 1
Starter motor....................................................................................................................... 9.21 - 14
Supercharging .................................................................................................................... 6.31 - 1; 9.21 - 14

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Term Section/Page

Table of malfunctions (engine malfunctions) ..................................................................... 1.90 - 1

Technical data.................................................................................................................... 9.00 - 1
Thermostat......................................................................................................................... 3.23 - 1
Timing chain housing ......................................................................................................... 5.54 - 1
Timing gear diagram .......................................................................................................... 1.71 - 4; 9.21 - 11
Timing gears ...................................................................................................................... 5.54 - 1
Torque values .................................................................................................................... 9.51 - 1
Turbine/rotor shaft end play ............................................................................................... 6.34 - 1; 9.21 - 14
Turbocharger, troubleshooting........................................................................................... 6.31 - 1
Type designation................................................................................................................ 9.11 - 1

Undersize levels N, NI, NII, etc. ......................................................................................... 5.56 - 5

Undersize piston ................................................................................................................ 5.62 - 2; 9.21 - 3

Valve clearance ................................................................................................................ 7.13 - 1; 9.21 - 12

Valve guides ...................................................................................................................... 7.32 - 1; 9.21 - 10
Valve lag ............................................................................................................................ 7.31 - 4; 9.21 - 9
Valve seat ring ................................................................................................................... 7.33 - 1; 9.21 - 9
Valve timing, checking ....................................................................................................... 7.52 - 1; 9.21 - 11
Valves ................................................................................................................................ 7.31 - 1; 9.21 - 9
Valves, regrinding .............................................................................................................. 7.34 - 1
V-belt.................................................................................................................................. 8.51 - 1
Vibration damper................................................................................................................ 5.51 - 1

Water pump ....................................................................................................................... 3.21 - 1; 3.22 - 1

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There need not be any problems associated with working with motor vehicles, their service fluids
and repair equipment, provided that those involved in their operation, maintenance and servicing
are trained appropriately and think actively.

This quick overview contains important safety instructions, grouped together in subject areas, which pro-
vide the knowledge required to prevent accidents that can cause injury and damage to property and the
environment. You will find additional information in the Operator’s Manual for the engine.

If an accident happens in spite of all the safety precautions that are taken, in particular if you come into
contact with corrosive acid, if fuel penetrates your skin, if you are scalded by hot oil, if antifreeze squirts into
your eyes, or if you have a similar accident, contact a doctor immediately.

1. Preventing accidents that cause injury

1.1 Before putting the engine into service, at start-up and during operation:
• Before putting the engine into service, read the Operator’s Manual carefully
until you are familiar with the critical points. If you are unsure of anything,
ask your MAN representative to explain.
• Only authorised personnel should start and operate the engine. Ensure that
the engine cannot be started by those not authorised to do so.
• Do not get too close to moving parts when the engine is running. Wear
close-fitting working clothes.
• Do not touch the engine with your bear hands when it is still warm:
– You might burn yourself –
• Keep the area around the engine, ladders and steps free of oil and grease.
Accidents as a result of slipping can have serious consequences.
• Caution:
Gas lines and tanks are subject to high pressure (max. 200 bar).
• Comply with the safety instructions for filling (point 5).

1.2 During maintenance and care work:

• Never carry out maintenance work with the engine on.
• Secure vehicles to prevent them from rolling away.
• When working on the air suspension system or suspension system, support
the frame.
• Change the oil when the engine is warm. Do not touch oil drain plugs or oil
filters with your bear hands.
– Caution: You might burn or scald yourself –
• Take account of how much oil is in the oil pan, and use a sufficiently
large container to prevent oil from overflowing. Comply with the relevant
regulations for preventing damage to the environment.
• Only open the cooling system when the engine has cooled down. If you
have to open the cooling system when the engine is warm, refer to the rele-
vant part of the Maintenance Manual.
• Do not tighten or open pipes and hoses that are subject to pressure, such as
those in the lubrication oil system, coolant system and hydraulic system (if
one is connected):
– There is a risk of injury through fluids and gases escaping –

RA - A 14 1.20 - 1

• Wear protective goggles when working with compressed air, for example
when cleaning the radiator or ventilator.
• Only keep operating fluids (antifreeze) in containers that cannot be mistaken
for drinking containers.
• Read the notes on preventing accidents when handling batteries (point 2).

1.3 During inspection, adjusting and repair work:

• Only authorised, trained staff should carry out inspection, adjusting and repair
• Secure vehicles to prevent them from rolling away.
• Secure units/engines when removing them.
• Do not stand under an engine suspended from the hook of a crane.
– Keep lifting equipment in good working order –
• Work only with tools that are in perfect condition. Worn spanners / wrenches
slip. – There is a risk of injury –
• Collect brake fluid. Brake fluid is classified as special waste and must be
disposed of appropriately. Comply with the relevant regulations for prevent-
ing damage to the environment.
• Brake fluid is poisonous.
Do not let it get into food or open wounds.
• When inspecting injection nozzles, do not inhale the fuel spray, and keep
your hands out of its way.
• Be sure to follow the instructions for preventing injury and damage when
working with the electrical system and electronic ignition system.
• When working on the vehicle’s electrical equipment, disconnect the battery.
Disconnect the negative cable first and reconnect it last in order to avoid
short circuits.
• Important: Oxyhydrogen (explosive) gas can form in closed battery boxes.
When disconnecting the batteries, permanent consumers such as the
tachograph that cannot be switched off can cause sparks that ignite the gas.
Ventilate the battery box with compressed air before disconnecting.
• Only tow-start the vehicle with connected batteries (minimum charge:
40%). Do not use a boost charger to start a vehicle. Boost-charge the
batteries only when the positive and negative cables are disconnected.
• Disconnect the batteries of vehicles that are not being used, or recharge
them every 4 weeks.
• Caution:
The acid in batteries is poisonous, corrosive and explosive.
• Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for handling batteries.
• Do not use unsuitable measuring devices to measure voltage. The input
resistance of a measuring device must be at least 10 MΩ. Only disconnect
or connect the wiring harness connectors of electronic control devices with
the ignition off.
The high-pressure gas system
• Only trained staff should work on the high-pressure gas system.
• Never carry out welding work on filled high-pressure gas tanks.
• The vehicle uses compressed natural gas

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• Before carrying out welding work on the vehicle, bleed the entire gas
system, including the high-pressure gas tank, and fill the high-pressure gas
tank with an inert gas such as nitrogen (N2).
• When painting the vehicle:
High-pressure gas tanks must not be filled to more than 100 bar.
• During electric welding, the welder must be earthed as near as possible to
the point being welded. Do not lay the cable of the welder parallel to electri-
cal lines in the vehicle. Disconnect batteries, and connect the positive and
negative cables so that they conduct electrical current.
• The frame is not designed to be used for earth return purposes. When
mounting extensions – such as a wheelchair lift, for example – additional
negative cables with adequate cross-sections must be laid. If you do not do
this, the earth connection is made via cables, wiring harnesses, gear shafts,
gear wheels, etc. This causes serious damage.
• Read the Guidelines for Welders.
Polyamide pipes
Important: – Risk of injury and fire
• You will find the adjacent warning plate on the inside of the diesel fuel and
heating oil filler doors. It warns you not to weld or drill near plastic pipes.
• When painting the vehicle:
High-pressure gas tanks must not be filled to more than 100 bar.
• During painting work, electronic components can only be subjected to high
temperatures (max. 95 °C) for short periods. At a maximum temperature of
85 °C, it is possible for two hours. Disconnect batteries.
• When working with parts containing asbestos, heed the information given at
the end of this section.

2. Preventing injury and damage when handling batteries

• Do not handle batteries near fire, sparks or open flames. Do not smoke.
• Avoid sparking; do not connect and disconnect electrical consumers or
measuring devices to the battery terminals directly.
• Before connecting and disconnecting the batteries, switch off directly
connected consumers (terminal 30), such as the tachograph and interior
lighting, by means of the appropriate fuses in the central fuse box.
• Avoid short circuits as a result of incorrect connections or working with an
openend spannner.
• Do not remove terminal covers unnecessarily.
• Wear eye and facial protection.
• Batteries contain corrosive acid. Wear appropriate protective clothing and
acid-proof rubber gloves. Do not tip the battery; acid can come out through
the vents.
• Keep children away from acid and batteries.
• Exercise even more caution after a long drive or after charging the battery
with a battery charger. A highly explosive gas mixture is formed.
• Ensure that there is good ventilation.

RA - A 14 1.20 - 3

3. Preventing engine damage and unnecessary wearing

• Do not ask more of the engine than it is designed to give.
• When malfunctions occur, determine the cause immediately and remove it so that no major
damage occurs.
• Before carrying out repairs, clean the engine thoroughly. Be sure not to let any dirt, sand or other
foreign bodies into the engine during repair work.
• Use only original spare parts. Installing parts from another manufacturer that are “just as good” can
cause serious damage, for which the workshop carrying out the work carries the responsibility.
Read the section entitled “Limiting liability for accessories and parts”.
• Never run the engine without lubrication oil or coolant.
Hang an appropriate information sign on engines that are not ready for operation.
• Keep to the specified maintenance intervals.
• Do not switch the engine off immediately after a drive. Instead, let it idle for about 30 seconds to
allow the temperature to stabilize.
• Never pour cold liquids into an overheated engine.
• Do not fill the tank with engine oil beyond the max. groove. Do not exceed the maximum
permissible operating inclination of the engine. If you do, the engine can be seriously damaged.
• Use only service fluids cleared by MAN (engine oil, antifreeze and anti-corrosion agents). Maintain
high standards of cleanliness. The diesel fuel must be free of water.
• Control and monitoring devices (e.g. the charge indicator, oil pressure, coolant temperature,
electronic acceleration system, CNG level and CNG filter) must be in perfect working order.
• Read and follow the information on running the alternator (see the Operators’ Manual).

4. Limiting liability for accessories and parts

In your own interests, we recommend that you use only accessories expressly cleared by MAN and
original MAN parts in your MAN vehicle. The reliability, safety and suitability for MAN vehicles of these
accessories and parts has been established. Although we observe the market continuously, we cannot
make an assessment for or vouch for other products – even in cases where they are approved by an
official, or officially recognized, body such as the German TÜV.

Additional installations/extensions
When installing extras or making extensions, be sure to follow the safety instructions and regulations
of the manufacturer.

When vehicles are not used

When buses or trucks are not used for over 3 months, special measures must be taken in line with
MAN works standard M 3069 part 3.

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5. Preventing damage to the environment:

Undiluted antifreeze must be treated as special waste. When disposing of used coolants (a mixture of
antifreeze and water), comply with the regulations of the relevant local authorities.

Cleaning the cooling system

Cleaning fluid and wash water can only be drained into the sewer system provided this is not prohibited
by the relevant local authorities. In addition, the cleaning fluid and wash water must be passed through
an oil separator with a sludge trap.

Cleaning the filter element

When blowing out the element, ensure that the filter dust is sucked off by the suction system or caught
in a dust trap. Use respiratory equipment. When washing the element, protect your hands by wearing
rubber gloves or using protective cream, since cleansing agents have a severe drying effect on the skin.

Engine oil, filter cartridges, box-type filters, filter elements and desiccant elements
Dispose of used oil in the proper manner by taking it for processing. Ensure that oil does not get into the
sewer system or the soil, since this can cause water contamination. Filter elements, box-type filters and
filter cartridges (oil and fuel filters and the desiccant elements of the air dryer) are special waste and
must be disposed of in the proper manner. Comply with the regulations of the relevant local authorities.

Used engine oil

Prolonged or repeated skin contact with any kind of engine oil removes the natural oil from the skin. This
can lead to dryness, irritation or inflammation. In addition, used engine oil contains dangerous sub-
stances that have caused skin cancer in animal experiments. Provided you comply with the basic rules
of hygiene and of health and safety at work, there is no reason to expect harmful effects from handling
used engine oil.

Precautions for protecting your health

• Avoid prolonged, excessive or repeated skin contact with used engine oil.
• Protect your skin by using suitable skin cream or protective gloves.
• Clean your skin if it comes into contact with engine oil.
– Wash thoroughly with soap and water.
– A nailbrush is an effective aid.
– Special products are available that make it easier to clean dirty hands.
– Do not use petrol, diesel fuel, gas oil, thinners or solvents.
• Apply a fat-based skin cream to your skin after cleaning it.
• Change clothing and shoes impregnated with oil.
• Do not put oily cloths in your pockets.

Be sure to dispose of engine oil in the proper manner.

– Engine oil is a water pollutant –

Do not pour used oil onto the ground or into lakes, rivers, canals, drains or the sewer system. These are
punishable offences.
Collect and dispose of the used engine oil carefully. Your sales representative, supplier or local authority
will provide information on collecting points.

Extract from “Merkblatt für den Umgang mit gebrauchtem Motorenöl”

Steindamm 71, D-20099 Hamburg

RA - A 14 1.20 - 5

6. Handling parts containing asbestos

• Certain parts of these vehicles may contain asbestos.

The spare parts and, where necessary, their packaging are
labelled accordingly, as in the picture.

• When parts containing asbestos are machined, asbestos dust

may be released.
To prevent any damage to health, take appropriate precau-
tions and comply with the following:

• Whenever possible, work in the open air or in well ventilated


• Whenever possible, use hand-operated or slow-running ma-

chines, if necessary with a dust trap.
If fast-running machines are used, they should always be fit-
ted with a dust trap.

• Whenever possible, moisten parts before cutting or drilling


• Moisten the dust, put it in a tightly closed container, and have

it disposed of properly as special waste.

1.20 - 6 RA - A 14

The Repair Manual – A 14 describes the underfloor engines of the D 0826 LUH .. series. These are rear
engines located in a horizontal position under the chassis. The series has a modular structure; in other
words, vertical and horizontal engines with different ratings are built on the same modular principles and
use, as far as possible, the same components. Vertical and horizontal engines differ in the positioning of
their add-on units.

1. Combustion process
The combustion process in these D 08.. engines involves direction injection via a four-hole nozzle into the
piston’s chamber.
– In Euro 1 engines, direct injection is through five-hole nozzles into the piston’s combustion chamber with
increased injection pressure of up to 295 bar.
– The D 0826 LUH .. engines have compressed air injection to reduce diesel fumes.
Electronic diesel control (EDC) system for Euro 2 engines
– In Euro 2 engines, direct injection is through eight-hole nozzles into the piston’s combustion chamber
with increased injection pressure of up to 320 bar.
The injector nozzle of the 1st cylinder is equipped with a needle-travel sensor for this purpose.
EDC = electronic diesel control. The electronic engine management system continually checks the
actual values, compares them with the stored target values, and brings them into line with these optimal
values. The management system used is matched to the engine type.

2. Supercharging
– D 0826 LUH .. engines have a turbocharger and charge-air cooling (L):
After precompression, the intake air required for the combustion process is cooled down to about 50 °C
in the intercooler and fed to the cylinders.

3. Crankcase/crankshaft drive
– The D 02.. and D 08.. series of naturally aspirated engines are built without replaceable cylinder liners.
– The supercharged 4- and 6-cylinder D 08.. engines up to 230 hp have not had cylinder liners since
This does not entail any reduction in quality, since it represents a tried-and-tested technology that has
already been used for some considerable time in competitors’ engines and in the naturally aspirated
D 02.. and D 08.. engines.
Repairs in the case of piston seizures can be carried out by enlarging the bore in the crankcase by
0.5 mm and using oversize pistons.
If this is not enough, the bore can be further enlarged and cylinder liners with standard pistons can be
– The cylinder bore or cylinder liner internal diameter in D 08.. engines is 108 mm.
– The piston stroke in D 0826 LUH .. engines is 125 mm (see “Technical data”, 9.21).

4. DIN/ISO power
At the beginning of 1990, the engine type designations were changed.
– The basic designation and the type of engine installation were retained (e.g. D 0826 LUH).
– Power variants, such as X, Y or Z, were dropped.
– A consecutive number (01, 02 and so on) was added to indicate the power variant.
This number indicates the power, engine speed and specifications for acceptance (TÜV, ECE,
88/77 EEC, etc.). TDS-N maintains the consecutive numbers.
Previously, the engine power was determined on the basis of the DIN standard (i.e. with a fan fitted). Later,
the horsepower and kW data was determined on the basis of the ISO standard. Since the engine power is
now, and will continue to be, measured without a fan fitted, the power values are correspondingly higher
than those obtained on the basis of the DIN standard.
Since 01.10.1988, the following ruling has applied for these details:
– The terms DIN and ISO will in future no longer be used.
– Measurement will be on the basis of EU directives: • 80/1269 EEC (corresponds broadly to DIN)
• 88/195 EEC (corresponds broadly to ISO)
– In the section entitled “Technical data”, power is specified on the basis of the EEC directives.

RA - A 14 1.40 - 1

EDC parts for D 0826 LUH 12, 13

1 Control unit 2
2 Fuel injection pump
3 Sensors for engine speed
and pumping start
4 Injector nozzle with needle
movement sensor
5 Pedal value sensor 3

5 4

The EDC control unit stores the characteristic data of the engine.
These reference values are used for selecting the optimum injection moment and the correct injection
The injection process is adjusted – as in the past – using a mechanical centrifugal advance mechanism.
The pump is switched off in all EDC engines using a hydraulic shut-off device (EHAB).
The special Repair Manual for this is the RA T 17 A.
1 Control unit
2 Regulator
3 Fuel injection pump
4 Optimum injection moment and
optimum injection volume

Accelerator setting

Boost pressure

Charge air temperature

Water temperature

Fuel temperature
Road speed

Engine speed 4

Brake actuation

Clutch actuation

Retarder actuation 2 3

Brake actuation

1.40 - 2 RA - A 14

D 0826 LUH/213

1 Precompressed combustion air to the intercooler 6 Exhaust gas to the turbocharger
2 Combustion air from the intercooler 7 Port for air injection
3 Intake port 8 Exhaust outlet, port to the exhaust pipe
4 Intake air for the turbocharger
5 Branch for intake air to the air compressor

RA - A 14 1.70 - 1

D 0826 LUH/213

1.70 - 2 RA - A 14

Diagram of the engine lubrication system

6-cylinder engine
with in-line injection pump, 9 8 7
lubrication by means of engine lubrica-
tion system

Key 6
1 Gear oil pump
2 Pressure regulating valve
3 Heat exchanger
4 Full-flow oil filter (filter cartridge)
5 Bypass valve
6 Switch for oil pressure warning 11
7 Main oil passage
8 Oil injection nozzle for piston
crown cooling 1
9 Timing gears – intermediate gear
10 Turbocharger
11 In-line injection pump

2 3 4 5

Engine lubrication system

The forced-feed lubrication system supplies the lubrication points of the crankshaft, camshaft, rocker arm
bearings, injection pump, air compressor and turbocharger.
A pressure regulating valve on the oil pressure pump and a bypass valve on the oil filter prevent the over-
loading of the oil circulation system.
The oil is filtered in the full-flow filter through a filter cartridge. The bypass valve is part of the filter cartridge.
In addition, the pistons are cooled by an oil spray from the piston spray nozzles.

RA - A 14 1.71 - 1

Diagram of the fuel system with in-line injection pump


8 7 6


1 Fuel tank 7 Leakage oil line
2 Initial filter with sight glass 8 Injector nozzle
3 Manual delivery pump 9 High-pressure line (pump – nozzle)
4 Pump delivery pump 10 Fuel filter
5 Injection pump 11 Return line
6 Overflow valve (fitted on the injection pump)

The fuel is drawn in from the fuel tank by the fuel delivery pump through the initial filter.
The fuel delivery pump is fitted on the injection pump and driven by its camshaft.
From the fuel delivery pump, the fuel is supplied to the injection pump via the double fuel filter at an over-
pressure of approx. 1 bar.
The fuel required for the cold-start system is derived from the overflow valve inlet and fed to the flame glow
plug via the solenoid valve.
The injection pump distributes regulated amounts of fuel at high pressure to the injector nozzles of the
different cylinders.
Excess fuel delivered from the injection pump and the injector nozzles is returned to the fuel tank via the
overflow valve and along the return line.
The in-line injection pump is connected to the engine lubrication system for cooling and lubrication.

1.71 - 2 RA - A 14

Diagram of the flame start system with in-line injection pump





1 Fuel tank 7 Solenoid shutoff valve
2 Initial filter with sight glass 8 Electrical connection
3 Manual delivery pump 9 Flame glow plug
4 Pump delivery pump 10 Intake manifold
5 Injection pump 11 Fuel filter
6 Overflow valve (fitted on the injection pump) 12 Return line

The flame glow plug is located in the induction pipe. At engine oil temperatures of +20 °C the flame glow
plug is preheated for cold starting.
When the engine is started, the solenoid valve opens and the fuel is fed to the flame glow plug. In the open
flame created by the flame glow plug, the intake air is preheated as it flows past.
The flame is maintained after the engine is started, thus improving warm-up operation and reducing blue

RA - A 14 1.71 - 3

Diagram of the engine lubrication system



1 Crankshaft gear
(with intermediate gear marked by “1-1-1” together)
2 Intermediate gear
3 Camshaft gear
(with intermediate gear marked by “2-2-2” together)
4 Injection pump drive wheel
5 Oil pump drive wheel (main pump)
6 Oil pump delivery wheel
7 PTO (power take-off)
(air compressor or hydraulic pump)

The rotary motion of the crankshaft is transferred through the spur gear mounted on it to the idler gear and
from this to the oil pump gear, fuel injection pump gear and camshaft drive sprocket as well as to the power
The oil pump drive gear of the additional pump is driven directly by the spur gear on the crankshaft.
The camshaft actuates the valves by means of tappets, push rods and rocker arms.

1.71 - 4 RA - A 14

Diagram of the supercharging system with intercooling D 0826 LUH ..

3 4



10 9 8


1 Intake air from the air filter 7 Cooling air

2 Turbocharger 8 Charge air approx. 50 °C
3 Intake manifold 9 Fan
4 Charge air approx. 120 °C 10 Cooling water circuit
5 Intercooler 11 Exhaust manifold
6 Radiator 12 To exhaust

In engines with turbocharging (T), the intake air required for the combustion process is precompressed in a
turbocharger and supplied to the cylinders directly.
In engines with turbocharging and intercooling (L), the air passes through an intercooler in order to in-
crease further the cylinder charge and to reduce the thermal stress on the radiator.
The intake air required for the combustion process is cooled to approx. 50 °C following precompression
and then fed into the cylinders.

RA - A 14 1.71 - 5
1.71 - 6 RA - A 14

About 99.6 % of the exhaust emissions from combustion engines are non-toxic:
– Nitrogen, oxygen (residual oxygen from the intake air), carbon dioxide and water –
The amount of carbon in diesel exhaust is about 0.3 parts per thousand, and consequently represents an
extremely small proportion.
– Nevertheless, its presence is undesirable –
The remaining 0.3 to 0.4 % are made up of the following pollutants: CO (carbon monoxide), HC
(hydrocarbons) and NOx (nitrogen oxides).

Exhaust treatment systems are used in order to reduce the amount of gaseous pollutants and soot.
There is a conflict of interests between NOx emissions on the one hand and economic efficiency (fuel con-
sumption) as well as soot emissions on the other. Reducing NOx emissions has the effect of increasing fuel
consumption and soot emissions. Although engines can be adapted to reduce this conflict of interests, it
cannot be completely avoided.
Consequently, an additional exhaust treatment system may be necessary in order to comply with very low
emissions limits.

Tried-and-tested solutions for treating the exhaust gases from diesel engines involve passing the gases
through particle filters and two-way catalytic converters (oxidising catalyser).

Particle filters are only able to retain solid particulate emissions. Invisible pollutants can pass through
them without being stopped.

In contrast to particle filters, two-way catalytic converters minimise the amount of invisible pollutants
such as CO and HC. However, emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) have to be kept as low as possible by
adapting the engine since they are not trapped by the oxidising catalyser.

Low-sulphur diesel (S < 0.05%) is required in order to use an oxidising catalyser because sulphur contami-
nates the noble metals in the catalytic converter and this results in a sulphur build-up.

Sulphur constituents of the fuel are oxidised to sulphates if the temperatures in the oxidising catalyser rise
too high. These sulphates are counted as particulates.

Sulphate formation can result in particle emissions 200% greater or more than with low-sulphur fuel at ex-
haust temperatures above 350 °C.

It is possible to achieve a reduction in particulates of between 10 and 20% just by running engines built
from 1992 onwards with low-sulphur diesel, even if there is no exhaust treatment system fitted. This effect
is achieved by the fuel alone, and it also cuts sulphate levels by about 70%.

At present or in the near future, almost all vehicles are or will be delivered ex-works fitted with low-
emission engines in accordance with Austrian law (amendment to KDV), Swiss law (FAV 2) or the Euro 1 /
Euro 2 standard.
Engines which comply with the Euro 1 standard also satisfy the requirements of the Austrian laws
(amendment to KDV) and the Swiss laws (FAV 2).

The low-emission engines currently available are detailed in the technical data on page 9.13 - 3 or else in
the current WMI information.

Information and tables giving a survey of exhaust emissions legislation throughout Europe (production
conformity) can be obtained from department TDB on request.

RA - A 14 1.80 - 1

Compressed-air injection

The D 0826 LUH .. engines have compressed-air injection to reduce diesel smoke.

Reason: Highly supercharged turbodiesels with charge-air cooling do not deliver any exhaust gases to the
turbocharger at the moment of drive-off. The speed of rotation of the turbocharger thus remains low, and
the amount of air that gets into the cylinders is only roughly the same as for a naturally aspirated engine.
Since the excess fuel is not fully combusted in this operating state, there is heavy emission of particulates.
Reducing the amount of fuel, which used to be the conventional solution to this, results in a loss of perfor-
mance and is to be avoided. Compressed-air injection solves these problems.

Sequence of operations: When compressed air is injected into the induction pipe, the excess fuel is com-
busted largely without any residue. As a result, the engine develops high drive-off power. This in turn deli-
vers more (clean) exhaust gases, which speeds up the turbocharger and results in greater delivery perfor-
By the end of compressed-air injection, the speed of rotation of the turbocharger is high enough to provide
sufficient charge pressure. The turbocharger takes over supplying the air without any perceptible transition.

Structure, how it works: Compressed air (A) is delivered from the air compressor 1 of the brake system
to the compressed air reservoir 2 , from which there is a line to the engine’s induction pipe. A solenoid val-
ve 3 is controlled by the electronic control unit 4 , which is influenced by the speed of rotation and the
driving speed. It lets the air into the cylinders for 0.7 seconds. The non-return valve 5 prevents the com-
pressed air from escaping to the turbocharger and thus ensures high charge pressure.


1 –5 See text

6 Accelerator
7 Time delay element
8 Intercooler
9 To the brake system
VF Driving speed
M Engine speed

Air/exhaust gas flow

A Compressed air from the air compressor

B Exhaust gas from the turbocharger
C Precompressed combustion air to the intercooler
D Cooled, precompressed combustion air

1.80 - 2 RA - A 14

Compressed-air injection (continued)

When the accelerator is depressed, the sequence of operations is as follows:

− The accelerator is depressed at time 0.
− Compressed-air injection begins after 0.4 seconds.
− Injection lasts 0.7 seconds, and the charge pressure increases temporarily during injection to approx.
1.4 bar.
− The charge pressure (pLL) is effectively 0.6 bar after approx. 1.2 seconds.
• The broken line indicates the flow without compressed-air injection:
• The lower of the two charts illustrates the differences in charge pressure and speed of rotation.
• The upper of the two charts shows the clear difference in exhaust gas cloudiness.

1 Time (t) in seconds (s)
2 Charge pressure (pLL) 4
in bar
3 Injection duration
4 Revolutions (n 1/min)
5 Exhaust gas cloudiness 3
in %

––––– With air injection

- - - - - Without air injection
. . . . . Visibility limit 2

RA - A 14 1.80 - 3

1. NL 202 compressed-air injection, version with KEN control unit

The control unit processes the following information:

Driving speed signal (pin 8, line 240.1).

This signal comes from the tachograph, terminal C 3, via line 240 to signal amplifier 88.25902.0013. As
of the signal amplifier output this line is called 240.1. The switching point is at 13 km/h, which means
that air injection is not activated when the driving speed is above 13 km/h.

Engine speed signal (pin 15, line 452).

This signal comes from the alternator terminal W. This signal is only effective between 300 and 1200
rpm, and even then only when there is simultaneously a signal from the proximity switch on the

Proximity switch signal (pin 1, line 803).

This signal only becomes effective at an accelerator position of at least 90% of the way to full throttle
(about 3 ... 4 mm before full throttle).

Reservoir pressure signal, pneumatic (pin 14, line 804).

This pressure switch has a switching point of 6.5 bar and is located in the reservoir line near the rear
axle. In vehicles fitted with a Duplex diesel particulate filter, for reasons of limited space it is located in
the roof duct near the air tank. When the reservoir pressure falls below 6.5 bar, air injection is not

The following principle applies:

Air is only injected when:
• A gear is selected.
– This information comes from the neutral position switch in the gearbox and switches off the signal off
the proximity switch on the accelerator via a relay.
(This was not previously the case: Air could be injected when the engine was running and at a
• The engine speed is between 300 and 1200 rpm.
• The accelerator is simultaneously almost at full throttle (as of 90% of the way to full throttle).
• The air pressure in the reservoir pressure circulation system has reached at least 6.5 bar.
• The driving speed is not more than 13 km/h.

1.80 - 4 RA - A 14

Electrical circuit diagram 81.99289.4782 as at 11.89

NL 202 compressed-air injection, version with KEN control unit

RA - A 14 1.80 - 5

2. NL 202 / NG 272 compressed-air injection, version with Wabco control unit

The control unit processes the following information:

Driving speed signal (pin 12, line 240.1)

This signal comes – in the case of tachograph 1314 from terminal C 3,
in the case of tachograph 1318 from terminal B 7 – via line 240 to signal
amplifier 88.25902.0013. As of the signal amplifier output this line is called 240.1. The switching point
for NL buses is at 13 km/h and for NG buses at 20 km/h, which means that air injection is not activated
when the driving speed is above 13 km/h or 20 km/h, respectively.

Engine speed signal (pin 24, line 452)

This signal comes from the alternator terminal W. This signal is only effective between 300 and
1200 rpm, and even then only when there is simultaneously a signal from the proximity switch on the

Proximity switch signal (pin 23, line 803)

This signal only becomes effective at an accelerator position of at least 90% of the way to full throttle
(about 3 ... 4 mm before full throttle). To prevent inadvertent multiple injection (air consumption!), the
signal only becomes effective at a positive signal edge (i.e. only when the accelerator is being
depressed, not released).

Gear recognition signal (pin 8, line 250.1)

This signal comes from the gearbox control unit and has different output signals depending on the
gearbox type.

Reservoir pressure signal, pneumatic (pin 14, line 804).

This pressure switch has a switching point of 6.5 bar and is located in the reservoir line.
When the reservoir pressure falls below 6.5 bar, air injection is not activated.

The following principle applies:

Air is only injected when:
• A gear is selected.
• The engine speed is between 300 and 1200 rpm.
• The accelerator is simultaneously almost at full throttle (as of 90% of the way to full throttle).
• The air pressure in the reservoir pressure circulation system has reached at least 6.5 bar.
• The driving speed is not more than 13 km/h in the case of the NL and 20 km/h in the case of the NG.

Note: This control unit has an error memory that can be read using blink code.

1.80 - 6 RA - A 14

Electrical circuit diagram 81.99289.5082 as at 04.94

NL/NG compressed-air injection, version with Wabco control unit

RA - A 14 1.80 - 7
1.80 - 8 RA - A 14

Malfunctions and their possible causes

Our recommendation

A repair is not complete until both the damage and the possible causes have been eliminated. Finding out
the cause is often more difficult than eliminating the damage. We therefore recommend that, before you
start removing and disassembling parts, you get an exact description of the malfunction that has occurred.
Then proceed to ask well informed questions to limit the number of possible causes, and investigate and
eliminate these one after the other on the basis of the table and your own experience. This helps to limit
the amount of repair work done only to what is actually required, and to counteract complaints that parts
are being replaced too soon and about costly working time and downtime.


The list below is intended to be an aid to the memory of the expert so that no possible causes are over-
looked when eliminating malfunctions. It is assumed that the person using this table is familiar with the
contents of the Repair Manual, the Operator’s Manual and Maintenance Instructions and the Maintenance
Recommendations for the engine in question.

Malfunction Probable cause What to do

(There is an entry in this column only when it
is not clear from the probable cause what
has to be done.)

Engine does not start • Fuel tank empty

• Fuel tap turned off
• Air in the fuel system
• Fuel lines leaking,
broken or blocked
• Condensation in the fuel • Drain the fuel filter and tank
• Air filter clogged
• Exhaust pipe clogged
(exhaust backpressure too high)
• Electric circuit interrupted • Turn the battery master switch on
• Shift gear lever to “N”
• Replace defective fuses
Repair loose, corroded and broken ca-
bles and contacts
• Batteries empty
• Starter/starter solenoid defective • See under “Starter”
• Start of delivery incorrect
• Injection nozzles choked
• Valves do not close or are jammed
• Crankshaft drive blocked externally • Remove any objects hindering the
movement of the ventilator, alterna-
tor, etc.
• Internal engine damage
(piston seizure, possibly due to water
in the fuel)

RA - A 14 1.90 - 1

Malfunction Probable cause What to do

(There is an entry in this column only when it
is not clear from the probable cause what
has to be done.)

Engine starts but does • PTO engaged • Switch off the hydraulic pumps, etc.
not get into full swing Run the engine until warm, and only
or dies out then subject it to full stress
• Fuel filter clogged
• Fuel quality does not meet require- • See Maintenance Recommendations
ments or is badly contaminated for the required fuel quality
• Air filter clogged

Engine does not start • Engine stop defective

or starts only with • Start of delivery incorrectly adjusted
difficulty when warm • Injection pump incorrectly adjusted • Call the manufacturer’s service dept.
or defective
• Compression inadequate or pressure
difference between the cylinders
greater than 3-4 bar

Engine does not start • Paraffin in the fuel filter • Replace the box-type filters
or starts only with Use winter diesel/heated fuel filters
difficulty when cold • Flame start system defective • Check/replace the solenoid valve
and flame glow plug

Rough idling when the • Air in the fuel system

engine is warm, engine • Fuel lines leaking, broken or clogged
misfiring • Lower idling revs set too low
• Valve clearance incorrect
• Injection nozzles or injection lines
• Start of delivery incorrectly adjusted
• Turbocharger defective • Call the manufacturer’s service dept.
• Injection pump incorrectly adjusted • Call the manufacturer’s service dept.
or defective
• Compression inadequate or pressure
difference between the cylinders
greater than 3-4 bar

Engine speed fluctu- • Not enough fuel in the tank

ations during operation • Air in the fuel system
• Revolution counter defective
• Injection nozzles defective

Engine does not switch • Stop rod linkage bent or blocked

off • Injection pump incorrectly adjusted • Call the manufacturer’s service dept.
or defective

Performance unsatis- • More is being demanded of the

factory engine than it can give
• Air in the fuel system
• Fuel filter/air filter clogged
• Fuel quality does not meet • See Maintenance Recommendations
requirements for the required fuel quality

1.90 - 2 RA - A 14

Malfunction Probable cause What to do

(There is an entry in this column only when it
is not clear from the probable cause what
has to be done.)

Performance unsatis- • Fuel supply inadequate • Fuel delivery pump worn or defective
factory • Oil level in the oil pan too high • Check the dipstick and whether its
guide pipe is correctly inserted
• If you find coolant or fuel in the oil,
check the cylinder head gaskets,
liner seals and piston rings
• Exhaust pipe clogged
• Inlet pipe leaking
• Turbocharger leaking or defective
• Compression inadequate or pressure
difference between the cylinders
greater than 3-4 bar
• Rated speed incorrectly adjusted
• Injection pump incorrectly adjusted • Call the manufacturer’s service dept.
or defective

Coolant temperature • Coolant level too low

too high, coolant loss • Air in the coolant circuit
• Radiator badly contaminated, grill
• V-belt for the water pump drive incor-
rectly tensioned (slipping)
• Cap with working valves on the ex-
pansion tank/radiator defective or
• Temperature gauge defective
• Water pump leaking or defective
(bearing damage)
• Thermostat defective, does not open
• Coolant lines leaking, clogged or

Lubrication oil pressure • Oil level in the oil pan too low
too low • Engine temperature too high
• Oil filter clogged
• Oil pressure gauge defective
• Selected oil viscosity unsuitable for • See Maintenance Recommendations
the ambient temperature (too thin) for the required viscosity
• Oil in the oil pan too thin (contains
condensation or fuel)
• Bearings badly worn
• Oil pump wheels badly worn
• Safety valve in the oil circuit defec-
tive (does not close, spring fatigued
or broken)

RA - A 14 1.90 - 3

Malfunction Probable cause What to do

(There is an entry in this column only when it
is not clear from the probable cause what
has to be done.)

Lubrication oil pressure • Engine too cold

too high • Selected oil viscosity unsuitable for • See Maintenance Recommendations
the ambient temperature (too thick) for the required viscosity
• Oil pressure gauge defective
• Safety valve in the oil circuit defec-
tive (does not open)
• Oil lines/passages clogged

Lubrication oil con- • Lubrication oil quality does not meet • See Maintenance Recommendations
sumption too high requirements for the required quality
• Oil level in the oil pan too high • Check the dipstick and whether its
guide pipe is correctly inserted
• If you find coolant or fuel in the oil,
check the cylinder head gaskets,
liner seals and piston rings
• Leaks in the lubrication oil circuit,
particularly in the turbocharger and
oil cooler
• Piston rings badly worn
• Valve stems badly worn or bent

Fuel consumption too • Driving style too dynamic

high (e.g. when moving off and breaking)
• Fuel quality does not meet • See Maintenance Recommendations
requirements for the required fuel quality
• Fuel loss through leaks in the system
• Increased power input through
defective auxiliary consumers such
as hydraulic pumps, ventilator, etc.
• Start of delivery incorrectly adjusted
• Injection pump incorrectly adjusted • Call the manufacturer’s service dept.
or defective
• Valve seats leaking

Black smoke • Air filter clogged

accompanied by a • Air inlet lines through to turbocharger
drop in performance leaking
• Exhaust pipe blocked
(exhaust gas back pressure too high)
• Turbocharger defective • Call the manufacturer’s service dept.
• Intercooler leaking or defective
• Start of delivery incorrectly adjusted
• Injection nozzles defective or carbon-
• Injection pump incorrectly adjusted • Call the manufacturer’s service dept.
or defective

1.90 - 4 RA - A 14

Malfunction Probable cause What to do

(There is an entry in this column only when it
is not clear from the probable cause what
has to be done.)

Blue smoke • Engine/coolant/intake air still too cold

• Lubrication oil is getting into the
combustion chamber (pistons/piston
rings worn, piston rings broken)
• Valve stem/guide worn
• Excessive pressure in the crankcase
(crankcase ventilation system

White smoke • Engine/coolant/intake air still too cold

• Fuel tank empty
• Air in the fuel system
• Fuel lines leaking, broken or clogged
• Coolant is getting into the combus-
tion chamber (cylinder head/cylinder
head gasket leaking)
• Fuel filter clogged
• Fuel quality does not meet • See Maintenance Recommendations
requirements for the required fuel quality
• Injection nozzles defective
• Injection pump incorrectly adjusted • Call the manufacturer’s service dept.
or defective

Engine knock • Incorrect engine operating • Let the engine run until it is warm,
temperature then subject it to stress
• Check the thermostat
• Start of delivery incorrectly adjusted
• Valve clearance incorrect
• Valves jammed
• Piston pin or crankshaft bearing
• Piston rings broken

Engine too loud • Intake or exhaust pipe leaking

• Timing gears worn, excessive
• Excessive valve clearance
• Turbine wheel and compressor • Call the manufacturer’s service dept.
wheel in the turbocharger dirty
(rough running, imbalance)
• V-belt slip

RA - A 14 1.90 - 5


Malfunction Probable cause What to do

(There is an entry in this column only when it
is not clear from the probable cause what
has to be done.)

Only to be dealt with by a trained

vehicle electrician or the
manufacturer’s service department
Pinion gear will not • Battery insufficiently loaded
turn or only turns • Terminals loose or oxidised, bad
slowly earth connection
• Starter terminals or carbon brushes
short circuited to earth
• Carbon brushes jammed or have bad
Pinion gear not • Pinion gear or starter ring gear dirty
engaging or damaged
Pinion gear engaging • Starter solenoid defective
but stationary • Free-wheeling clutch slipping
Pinion gear continues • Starting switch defective
to turn after the starting • Starter solenoid defective
switch is released
Pinion gear does not • Starter defective
disengage after
successful start-up

1.90 - 6 RA - A 14

Start of pumping with illuminated indicator

In-line injection pumps are now delivered with a start of pumping sensor. This makes it a
simple matter to set and test the start of pumping.
Only the illuminated indicator [4] is allowed to be used with D 08.. engines for checking and
setting the start of pumping of the in-line injection pump.
The “High pressure overflow method” (see SI 88 09 07/0 plus supplement) must not be
used for checking/setting.

Connecting the illuminated indicator

Unscrew screw plug 1 .

Remove locking pin 2 if it is fitted.
Locking pin 2 as special tool [5].

1 2

Insert illuminated indicator [4] into the receptacle in

the fuel injection pump. Make sure guide lug 3
enters groove 4 .
Tighten knurled screw 5 by hand.

5 6

Sliding section 6 is installed turned through 180° in some fuel injection pumps. In this case,
groove 4 is underneath so the illuminated indicator has to be inserted the other way up.
This makes no difference as far as determining the start of pumping is concerned. It merely
means lamps (A) and (B) come on in the reverse order. Both lamps always come on at the
start of pumping.
2 3
KDEL 1600 – Connect the cable with the red termi-
nal to the positive battery terminal.
KDEL 1601 – Connect the cable with the black ter-
minal to earth. 4

1 Illuminated indicator
2 Connection terminal for illuminated indicator
3 Fuel injection pump
4 Connection for illuminated indicator on fuel
injection pump

RA - A 14 2.21 - 1

Important for Euro 2 engines !

In the case of injection pumps for EDC engines, the

start-of-delivery indicator is bigger, but the locking
pin still fits precisely enough. The screw plug has
changed and now has a hexagon socket 3 .

1 Screw plug from Euro 1 pump,
hexagonal outside and hollow inside, 3
for the block bolt
2 Previous locking pin [5] with fixing groove
3 Screw plug from Euro 2 pump
with hexagon socket and smooth inner 1
4 New locking piece for all engines, 2
as special tool [5.1]

! ! ! Vent the EDC fuel system only when the ignition is on !

2.21 - 2 RA - A 14

Checking the start of pumping

− Turn the engine by hand until engine cylinder 1 is

approaching the start of pumping in its compres-
sion stroke. Watch the lamps of the sensor when
doing this.
• Lamp (A) comes on shortly before the start of
− Continue turning the engine slowly until lamps (A)
and (B) come on. Now read off the start of
pumping mark on the flywheel.
• The engine has been moved beyond the start of
pumping if only lamp (B) is lit. In this case, turn
the engine back to before the start of pumping
and repeat the procedure.

When reading off the start of pump-
ing, take care to observe the scale of
degrees on the flywheel disc at right
angles to the middle of the flywheel
disc across the lug in the observation
Even the best method of setting is
rendered useless if the reading is
incorrect due to a parallax error.

Setting the start of pumping

− By hand, turn the flywheel to the start of pumping mark for the 1st cylinder in its compression stroke.
− Unscrew the mounting bolts on the drive gear of the fuel injection pump.
− Insert the illuminated indicator [4].
− Turn the fuel injection pump camshaft towards “early” before the start of pumping (anticlockwise as
viewed onto the input).
− Turn the fuel injection pump camshaft towards “late” (clockwise as viewed onto the input) until lamp (A)
comes on. Continue turning it slowly until lamps (A) and (B) come on.
− The engine has been moved beyond the start of pumping if only lamp (B) is lit. In this case, turn the
engine back to before the start of pumping and repeat the procedure.
− First tighten the mounting bolts on the drive gear of the fuel injection pump to 10 Nm and then finish
them off to 30 Nm.
− Check the start of pumping again.

RA - A 14 2.21 - 3
2.21 - 4 RA - A 14

Fuel injection pumps with start of pumping sensors obtained from VZ have their camshafts
fixed in the delivery position using a locking pin. Any attempt to twist or even turn the fuel
injection pump camshaft without first removing the locking pin will result in it breaking and
parts falling into the governor. Naturally, this also applies to pumps which are locked for
installation as part of their repair.

Illuminated indicator [4] parts number: 80.99605.6002

Locking pin [5] parts number: 81.11523.0042
Parts number of new version [5.1] for Euro 2 engines: 80.99605.0217
These parts can be obtained from VZ.
Two versions of the illuminated indicator are available. Both versions have the same parts number.
Illuminated indicator KDEP 1600 must be connected to the vehicle's battery to draw its power supply. In
contrast, illuminated indicator KDEP 1601 has its own power source (9 V block cell).
Before using an illuminated indicator delivered from VZ, check its designation.
Illuminated indicator KDEP 1600:
Connect the cable with the red terminal to the positive battery terminal.
Illuminated indicator KDEP 1601:
Connect the cable with the black terminal to earth.
Connecting illuminated indicator KDEP 1601 to the positive battery terminal will destroy the indicator!

Before installing the fuel injection pump

Unscrew the screw plug.
Check whether the locking pin (arrow) is fitted and
whether the camshaft is locked in the delivery posi-
(i.e. whether the locking pin is located the right way

Note: Initially, the locking pins were “turned round”

(i.e. with fixing groove 2 facing outwards) and left in
this position after the fuel injection pump had been
In order to avoid serious damage to the governor as
a result of incorrect handling, remove the locking pin
completely when performing repairs and leave it in
the workshop for use as an ancillary tool.

RA - A 14 2.22 - 1

− Unscrew the injection lines at the injection pump.
− Unscrew all the connectors for fuel feed and return lines, remove the banjo unions with the lines, and
put them safely to the side of the engine.
− Remove the electrical connection for the engine stop or stop cylinder.
− Disconnect the linkage from the accelerator on the lever.
− If necessary, remove the pipes to and from the intercooler (free the injection pump).
− Unscrew the oil line to the engine lubrication system.
− Unscrew the nuts on the fixing flange, and remove the pump.


− Turn the flywheel 1 to the start-of-delivery mark (FB) of the first cylinder in the compression stroke.
− Loosen the fixing bolts 2 of the injection pump’s helical drive gear so that it can be turned in the slots.
− Turn the drive gear anticlockwise (looking at drive) in the slots until the stop of the fixing bolts to the
− Insert the injection pump with loosened camshaft bolts, and tighten them with nuts through the fixing
flange on the engine.
− Pretighten the fixing bolts 2 of the drive gear through the inspection hole 3 to 10 Nm.
− Remove the locking pin, and tighten the fixing bolts 2 to 30 Nm.
− Set the start of delivery (2.21 - 1).
− Remove the light-signal transmitter, and screw on the screw plug.
− Make the fuel connections, connect the injection lines and line to the engine lubrication system, and
close the inspection hole.
− Fit the charge-air pipes.
• Only vent the EDC fuel system when the ignition is on !
Note for repairs:
Tighten the injection lines correctly – do not bend –.
Special case: injection lines for D 08.. – Euro 2 – engines.
Installation notes: see 2.22 - 3.

2.22 - 2 RA - A 14

Injection lines for all engines

In the event of repairs, tighten the injection lines correctly – do not bend –.
Reinforced injection lines are installed in some engines. In future, all engines will have these
The lines do not look any different to conventional lines, so that the following notes apply in
principle to all injection lines.
On no account should injection lines be bent. The engines must be supplied with the lines
fitted – even if this is difficult, as in the case of underfloor engines, for example. If
necessary, the lines can be shaped slightly and carefully over round objects to avoid instal-
lation stresses.

The lines must be screwed on free of stress, and

they must not touch each other.

Tightening torque for union nuts ................... 25 Nm

In the event of any leakage, the lines must not be

tightened any further.

In such cases:
Unscrew the lines, and tighten them again to the
specified torque.

If a leakage cannot be corrected in this way, the line must be replaced. If a line is tigh-
tened to excess, its effectiveness is reduced because its cross-section is narrowed.

Peculiarity of D 08.. series Euro 2 engines:

In D 08.. series Euro 2 engines, the union nuts of the injection lines have to be tightened as
At initial installation: .................. 10 Nm + 60° (one hexagonal side)
At subsequent installations: ...... 10 Nm + 30° ( ½ hexagonal side)
Apart from that, the above applies to D 08.. series Euro 2 engines as well.

RA - A 14 2.22 - 3
2.22 - 4 RA - A 14

Removing the injector nozzles

Unscrew and remove the pressure lines on the

injector nozzles and the fuel injection pump.

Fuel may emerge during this work –
collect any which does.
Do not let any fuel flow down the

Unscrew and remove the leakage oil lines (fuel

return) on the injector nozzles.
Remove the pressure lines.

Undo the pressure screw 1 of the nozzle holder

using a socket wrench [7].
Screw an adapter [8.1] 2 onto the nozzle holder.
Screw on an inertia puller [8] 3 , and drive out the
nozzle holder.
Remove the sealing ring of the injection nozzle.
Test and repair the injector nozzle (2.32).

RA - A 14 2.31 - 1

Prior to installing the injector nozzles:

Apply “Never Seeze” mounting spray to the inside of

the pressure screw, to the pressure screw thread
and the jet bearing (see shaded area).

Installing the injector nozzles

1 Injector nozzle
2 Pressure screw 2 3
3 Pressure line
4 Sealing ring
5 Fuel line connector
6 Sealing ring 1
Insert a new sealing ring 6 .
Insert the injector nozzle 1 into the cylinder head.
Insert the pressure screw 2 , and use a socket
wrench or pin spanner [7] to tighten it to the specified
Screw the pressure line 3 onto the nozzle holder
and injection pump, and tighten it to the specified
!!! Note: Tighten the injection lines correctly
(page 2.22 - 3) ! ! !
Screw the leakage oil line (fuel return line) onto the 5
nozzle holders with new sealing rings 4 , and tighten
the banjo bolt 5 to the specified torque.

1 Previous grooved nut spanner

Mounting nut 2 prevents pressure screw 3 from
tilting when being unscrewed. 1
The previous grooved nut spanner has been re-
placed by an improved design [7].
The new version for Euro 2 engines has a slot for the
needle movement sensor. 3

Application notes:
− Clean the notches in pressure screw 3 .
− Spray the pressure screw with antiseize.
− Put on grooved nut spanner 1 .
− Screw mounting nut 2 onto the threaded piece of
the injection line by hand. Do not lock it.
− Use a spanner to unscrew the pressure screw.

2.31 - 2 RA - A 14

Injector nozzle with needle-travel sensor

EDC engines have an injector nozzle with a needle-

travel sensor for the first cylinder.

In these engines the fuel system can only be

ventilated with the ignition on.

New needle-travel sensors have altered connectors.

When the needle-travel sensor is replaced, the
connector’s mating component on the vehicle’s
wiring harness must be changed.
For instructions, see the Repair Manual T 31 (2.) /
T32 (2.) or service information bulletin 95 05 30/2.

If the EDC indicator light comes on temporarily for no reason:
The needle-travel sensor is causing a malfunction to be reported when there is none.
Check the needle-travel (see the Repair Manual T 17- A1).
Note also service information bulletin 97 04 30/0.

RA - A 14 2.31 - 3
2.31 - 4 RA - A 14

Checking the injector nozzle

A nozzle testing device is used on the injector

− To test its opening (ejection) pressure.
− To test it for leaks.
− To test its spray pattern.

Use pure test oil or pure diesel fuel for the test.
Clean the nozzle and check it for wear before the

Test the nozzle together with the associated jet

Connect the feed connection of the nozzle to the
pressure line of the testing devices.

1. To test the opening pressure:

With the pressure meter turned on, slowly press the
hand lever until the nozzle begins to eject with a
slight vibration or buzzing.
Read the opening pressure from the pressure
If the pressure is too low, use a thicker shim 7 ; if the
pressure is too high, use a thinner one.

In the case of high mileage, there is less initial

tension in the spring 6 .
This reduces the injection pressure slightly.
When carrying out repairs to the injector nozzles,
always set the ejecting pressure to the upper limit
(+ 8 bar).
Shims are available in thicknesses of 1.0 to
1.95 mm in steps of 0.05 mm.
2. To test for leaks:
Press the hand lever of the testing device until the
needle of the pressure meter is about 20 bar below
the specified test pressure.
The nozzle is considered to be non-leaking if no
drops are released from its mouth within 6
10 seconds.
3. To test the spray pattern:
With the pressure meter turned off, operate the
hand lever quickly.
You must be able to hear the nozzle vibrating/
buzzing, and its spray must be well atomized. 4
Nozzles that fulfil these 3 conditions can be reused.

Note: The vibration/buzzing indicates that the jet

needle is still moving easily. 7
1 Seal
2 Cap screw
3 Nozzle
4 Washer
5 Pressure pin
6 Spring
7 Shim 8
8 Lock ring

RA - A 14 2.32 -1

Disassembling an injector nozzle

Place the jet bearing and nozzle in the holding

device [9] with the feed opening facing downwards,
and fix the holding device in a vice.
Screw off the retaining nut, and remove the jet body,
washer, pressure pin, spring and shim.
Take the pressure tube support out of the device,
and remove the bar-type filter.

Repairing an injector nozzle

Clean the inside of the jet body 1 with a wooden rod

and petrol or diesel fuel.
Clean the jet needle 2 with a clean cloth.
Clean carbonized jet needle profiles on the turning 1
lathe with a thin piece of wood that is not too hard
and that has been dipped in oil.
Check the cleaned parts for wear, replace them, if
necessary, and de-grease the new parts.
Note: To avoid corrosion, do not touch the lapped
surfaces of the jet needle with your fingers. Jet
needles and nozzles are matched in pairs and must
not be mixed up.

Assembling an injector nozzle

Put the cleaned bar-type filter in the pressure tube

Put the pressure tube in the holding device [9].
Install the shim and spring.

Insert the pressure pin and washer.

2.32 - 2 RA - A 14

Dip the jet body and jet needle into filtered diesel fuel
separately, and test their sliding capability.
When the needle is pulled out of the jet body by one
third of its length, it must return to its original position
by the force of its own weight when released.
Install the injector nozzle, ensuring that the pins are
arranged correctly.

Screw on the retaining nut, and use the special

socket spanner [10] to tighten it to the specified
Use the testing device to test the injector nozzle.

Ensure that the bar-type filter is sitting correctly

in the jet bearing.

Occasionally, extensive repairs are carried out

without success after complaints about poor tractive
effort, high consumption and excessive smoke
combined with severe engine shaking.
This cause has been traced numerous times to 1
slipped bar-type filters 1 in the nozzle supply line.
A slipped bar-type filter throttles and prolongs
injection, and this causes the symptoms described
The bar-type filter can be pressed approximately
5 mm into the jet bearing.
If it is pressed in any deeper than this, the jet
bearing should be replaced.

If you test a nozzle that has a slipped bar-type filter,
no fault is evident, because the ejection is much
slower than in the engine. The only way to find out
whether a bar has slipped is to measure how far it is
pressed in.

RA - A 14 2.32 -3

Categories, vibration and spray pattern

Category I

Good vibration throughout the whole range of the
attainable lever speed.
The lowest test speed is one downward movement
per second.

Spray pattern
At low test speeds, the spray pattern is dispersed
with coarse atomisation.
The faster the lever speed, the fuller and more finely
atomised the spray pattern becomes.

x = needle stroke
y = time for a downward movement of the hand lever

Category II

Good vibration at fast and slow lever speeds.
In between, there may be small vibration-free

Spray pattern
At low test speeds, the spray pattern is dispersed
with coarse atomisation.
In the vibration-free range, the spray is straight, thin
and non-atomised. The faster the lever speed, the
fuller and more finely atomised the spray pattern

a = vibration-free range

Category III

Vibration only at slow and fast lever speeds.
In between there is a wide vibration-free range (a).

Spray pattern
Up to a high test speed, the spray is straight, thin
and non-atomised. Beyond this, it becomes full and
finely atomised.

2.32 - 4 RA - A 14

The flame glow plug is a wearing thermal part and must be replaced every two years.

Removing a flame glow plug

Remove the electrical connection 4 from the flame glow plug.
Unscrew the union nut on the fuel line 3 .
Loosen the lock nut 2 on the glow plug.
Screw out the glow plug 1 .

Installing the flame glow plug

Turn the lock nut 2 on the glow plug upward until the stop.
Screw in the glow plug 1 with “Curil - T“ sealing agent until the stop of the lock nut, and align it with the fuel
Connect the fuel line 3 and the electrical connection 4 .
Tighten the lock nut 2 .




Removing and installing the solenoid shut-off valve

Detach the electrical connection 5 from the upper part of the valve.
Unscrew the fuel feed line 6 and fuel line 7 to the flame glow plug.
Remove the fixing bolts 8 on the lower part of the shut-off valve from the bracket, and remove the valve.
The shut-off valve cannot be repaired. Replace defective valves.
Screw the shut-off valve onto the bracket.
Screw on the fuel lines with new sealing rings.
Make the electrical connection.

Checking the solenoid stop valve for leaks

Unscrew and remove the fuel line 7 to the flame glow plug.
No fuel should emerge when the engine is running and has warmed up.

RA - A 14 2.51 - 1

Repairing the flame glow plug

Use a screwdriver to unscrew and remove retaining
screw 1 on fuel feed 4 .
Remove strainer filter 2 and metering insert 3 .
Clean the parts which have been removed and check
them for wear or damage. Fit new parts to replace
any damaged ones.
Put in metering insert 3 .
Insert strainer filter (filter sheet) 2 .
Screw in retaining screw 1 .

4 3 2 1

2.51 - 2 RA - A 14

Removing the water pump

Drain the coolant and collect it in a clean container.

CAUTION – Danger of scalding!

Do not open the screw cap if the coolant temperature is above 90 °C.
– Comply with the Maintenance Manual –

Treat undiluted antifreeze as hazardous waste !

Follow the instructions issued by the relevant local authority when disposing of used

Remove the V-belt.

The figure shows a V-ribbed belt (poly-grooved belt).

Check the belt for cracks, oil fouling, overheating and

Replace damaged belts.

Remove the inflow and outflow pipes.

Remove the fixing bolts and the water pump intake

The water pump can also be removed and installed
with a supplementary air compressor fitted.

Remove the fixing bolts.

! ! ! Do not forget the cylinder bolt with hexagon
socket (arrow) ! ! !
Remove the water pump pressure unit.

RA - A 14 3.21 - 1

Clean all the sealing surfaces on the water pump

and engine block.
Fit new gaskets/sealing rings.

Installing the water pump

Put the water pump pressure unit in place dry with a

new gasket.
Tighten the fixing bolts to the specified torque.

Put the water pump intake unit in place dry with a

new gasket.
If there is a connecting pipe, fit a new O-ring 1 .
Tighten the fixing bolts to the specified torque.

Fit the inflow and outflow pipes.

Fit and tension the V-belt.
As specified in MAN standard 324, top up the coo-
lant with antifreeze and ventilate the system
(Maintenance Manual, Operator’s Manual).

3.21 - 2 RA - A 14

Exploded view of the water pump

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 V-belt sheave
2 Lock ring
3 Water pump bearing
4 Water pump housing
5 Cassette seal 4
6 Impeller with angle lip
7 Housing gasket
8 V-ribbed belt (poly-grooved belt) 7

Note: Newer cartridge seals (replacement for

previous cartridge or slip ring seals) do not 8
have an angled lip packing or a thrust ring, see
3.22 - 3.

Dismantling the water pump

Clamp the water pump in a vice.

– Use protective jaws –
Use puller [11] to pull the V-belt sheave or flange off
the shaft.

Unclip the retaining ring from the front pump hous-


Turn the water pump over and place it on a press.

Use a suitable pin (diameter of bearing shaft) to
press out the bearing with the bearing shaft.

Note: The vane impeller of the pump comes free

during this pressing operation.

RA - A 14 3.22 - 1

Use a suitable pin to press the slip ring seal out of

the pump housing. Fit a new slip ring seal.
Refer to the special instructions regarding the use of
cartridge seals, see page 3.22 - 3.

Press the ceramic thrust ring and angled lip packing

out of the vane impeller.

Do not replace the water pump unless it is leaking

The design of the slip ring cartridge seal is such that it allows small quantities of coolant to
pass through. This emerging coolant leaves a trail underneath the drain hole of the water
pump. There is no need to replace a water pump just because of this trail.
Consequently, clarify the following points before fitting a new water pump or repairing one:
− Does the cooling circuit repeatedly display a visible water loss?
− If so, does the water loss represent spillage from the expansion tank (e.g. if it is too full)
or is it a sign of any other leaks in the hoses, radiator, etc.?

Do not fit new water pumps unless there is a visible loss of fluid by dripping when the engine
is running or after the engine has been stopped.

3.22 - 2 RA - A 14

Assembling the water pump

Use press-in bush [12] to insert a new cartridge seal

into the water pump housing as described below.

2 3 4 5 1
Remove the vane impeller and remove the
Place a new seal with its transport plastic cap
4 onto shaft 2 and use mounting tool [12] 5
to press it in until the tool comes up to the stop
on the housing.
Remove the plastic cap.

Fitting the water pump cartridge seal correctly

The water pump cartridge seals have undergone several stages of development and im-
provement over the past few years.
All cartridge seals used previously have been replaced. It is essential to comply with the
spare parts catalog.

Note the following points during repairs:

Retaining lip packing 1 on the new cartridge seal is not vulcanised.
Fit the seal in “wet” condition, i.e. coat holding lip packing 1 and water pump shaft 2 with
a mixture of 50% water and 50% spirit or coolant (35% to 50% antifreeze mixture to
MAN 324 and the rest of the mixture water) for assembly. Do not use other lubricants.
The seal on collar 3 is coated with sealing varnish. Consequently, there is no need to
apply sealing compound if the receptacle in the water pump housing is in perfect condition.
However, if the hole displays even slight scoring or other minor damage, it is necessary to
apply a bead of “Loctite Transparent” to the collar 3 with this seal as well.
The new seal can be identified by the red or green plastic cap 4 fitted for transport.

Investigations have shown that most cases of damage to the water pump can be traced
back to the use of unsuitable coolants. Only the named radiator anti-corrosion and anti-
freeze agents authorised by MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft in standard MAN 324
guarantee trouble-free operation (see the Maintenance Recommendations booklet).

RA - A 14 3.22 - 3

Use press-in bush [13] to press in the bearing and

bearing shaft until making contact against the pump

Note: The bearing and bearing shaft are one com-

ponent and cannot be stripped down any further.

Clip in the retaining ring.

Use a plate or flange to press the V-belt sheave onto

the bearing shaft until it is in abutment.

Turn over the water pump and place it on the bearing

shaft end.
Position the vane impeller on the bearing shaft.
Insert press-in plate [14] into the holes in the vane

Slowly press the vane impeller onto the bearing

shaft. Use a feeler gauge whilst doing this to check
when the required clearance gap is reached.
Rotate the vane impeller and check the clearance
gap at several points.
Install the water pump, see 3.21 - 1.

3.22 - 4 RA - A 14

Removing the thermostat insert

Drain the coolant and collect it in a clean container.

CAUTION – Danger of scalding !

Do not open the screw cap if the coolant temperature is above 90 °C.
– Comply with the Maintenance Manual –

Treat undiluted antifreeze as hazardous waste !

Follow the instructions issued by the relevant local authority when disposing of used

Remove the water pipe from the upper part of the
thermostat housing 2 .
Water pipe connections:
1 To the radiator
2 From and to the expansion tank

3 To the water pump


Unscrew and remove the thermostat housing. Re-

move the insert.
Check the function of the thermostat insert (opening

Exploded view of the thermostat, engine end, in the

case of a manual gearbox
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Upper part of the
thermostat housing
2 O-ring
3 Thermostat
4 Thermostat housing
5 Gasket
6 Coolant pipe
7 Screw plug

RA - A 14 3.23 - 1

Exploded view of the coolant pipe connection for

the thermostat, engine end, in the case of an automatic gearbox

1 Pipe socket
2 Blanking plate 2
3 Gasket
4 Coolant pipe

Installing the thermostat insert

Put the thermostat insert in place with a new gasket.

– Ball valve 1 at the top –
Put on the thermostat housing cover. 1
Screw in and tighten the fixing bolts.
Fit the inflow pipe to the radiator.
Top up the coolant as specified in MAN standard 324
(Maintenance Manual, Operator’s Manual).

Fitting a new temperature sensor

Pull off the electrical connection.
Unscrew and remove the temperature sensor from
the cooling water pipe.
Fit the new temperature sensor with a new seal.
Screw it in and tighten it to the specified tightening
Push on the push-on receptacle of the electrical con-
Bend the push-on receptacle slightly if necessary in
order to ensure a better contact.

3.23 - 2 RA - A 13

Removing the heat exchanger

Drain the coolant and engine oil (Operator’s Manual).

CAUTION – Danger of scalding !

Do not open the screw cap at coolant temperatures over 90 °C.
– See the Maintenance Manual –
Coolant and engine oil from the heat exchanger may be hot.

Undiluted antifreeze, used oil and filter catridges are classified as special waste.
Follow the safety regulations for avoiding damage to the environment.

Expose the heat exchanger housing.

To do this, remove the engine ventilation system.
If necessary, remove wiring holders.
Disconnect electrical connections from the oil pressu-
re transmitter and temperature transmitter.
Unscrew the fixing bolts of the heat exchanger hou-
sing, and remove the housing.
Remove any gasket remains from the sealing sur-
Unscrew the fixing bolts of the heat exchanger, and
take the heat exchanger out of the housing.
Check the heat exchanger for damage, and replace it
if necessary.

1 Heat exchanger housing
11 12
2 Oil filter housing 9 10
3 Threaded connector for
oil filter (testing/repairing:
see page 2)
4 Oil filter
10 1
5 Banjo bolt for oil filter
housing (insert with
Loctite 648) 2
6 Gasket for heat
exchanger housing
7 Heat exchanger
8 Gaskets for heat
9 Coolant ventilation line 8
10 Fixing bolts for heat
exchanger and housing
11 Temperature transmitter
7 4
12 Oil pressure transmitter


Installing the heat exchanger

Insert the heat exchanger in the housing with new gaskets, and tighten the bolts to the specified torque. In
the case of a new heat exchanger, be sure to use the correct size.
Place the heat exchanger housing on the engine block with a new gasket, and tighten the fixing bolts to the
specified torque.
– Ensure that the gasket is sitting correctly, and watch out for different bolt lengths.
– Use new sealing rings for all banjo bolts.

RA - A 14 4.20 - 1

Checking/replacing the threaded connector

When changing the oil filter element, check that the

threaded connector 1 is undamaged and securely
Replaced damaged threaded connectors. Check
loose threaded connectors with a size 8 Allen key or
pin 2 applying normal manual force, and screw them
Install undamaged or new threaded connectors as
– Carefully clean the thread on the threaded connec-
tor and in the oil filter head using acloth for oil and 1
a wire brush for adhesive residue.
– Clean the outer thread of the threaded connector 4
and the thread of the oil filter head using a solvent, 2
and then ventilate it for a sufficiently long period of
time. While doing this, prevent any further
contamination from running oil. 3
– Apply “Loctite 648“ liquid bolt locking agent to the
threaded connection and the threaded hole in the
oil filter head, and allow it to dry well.
– After applying the locking agent, screw the threa-
ded connector quickly into the oil filter head 3 to
the specified torque using an M 12 x 20 DIN 933
full-thread screw and 2 13 DIN 125 washers
(otherwise there is the danger of cross distortion in
the thread run-out).
Adhesive hardens very quickly. When loosening
the M 12 x 20 hexagon screw after 10 to 15 minu-
tes final hardening, ensure that the threaded con-
nection does not turn with it. Use an Allen key or
pin to hold it steady.
– Check: The collar of the threaded connection
must close flush with the oil filter head 4 .

Installing an oil filter cartridge

Lightly lubricate the sealing ring of the new filter

cartridge (arrow).
Screw the filter cartridge by hand until the sealing is
in contact, and then continue to turn the filter car-
tridge by hand about ¾ of a revolution until it is
securely fitted.

After a trial run:

Check the filter cartridge does not leak. If necessary,
tighten it by hand.
Check the engine oil level.

Tightening torque of the filter cartridge.......... 25 Nm

Note: The bypass valve at the filter head is part of

the filter cartridge.

4.20 - 2 RA - A 14

Removing the oil sump

Drain the engine oil, and dispose of it appropriately (Maintenance Manual).

Important ! Treat used oil as hazardous waste.

Comply with the safety regulations for preventing environmental pollution.

Take care when performing the following work!

Oil sumps are unwieldy and heavy. They can contain residual amounts of engine oil.
Use lifting tackle such as a hoist or a jack, etc.
If necessary, get someone else to help you.

Screw off the guide pipe for the oil dipstick at the
Remove the oil filler nozzle.
Remove the oil filter.
Remove the alternator and starter.
If necessary, disconnect fuel lines and wiring har-
nesses and put them safely aside.

Remove the fixing bolts of the oil

Remove the oil sump.
Clean the oil sump.
Remove gasket remains from the
oil sump and crankcase.

If there is leakage, fit new sealing

rings to screw plugs and new gas-
kets to screw caps.

Installing the oil sump

Replace the oil sump gasket.
Place the oil sump against the crankcase, and insert the fixing bolts.
! ! ! Check that the gasket is positioned correctly.
Tighten the fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Insert the oil drain plug with a new gasket, and tighten it to the specified torque.
Screw on the guide pipe for the oil dipstick at the flange.
Fit the oil filler nozzle and new oil filter.
Ensure that the engine is completely assembled.
Fill up with engine oil (Maintenance Manual).
Check there is no leakage from the oil sump.

RA - A 13 4.31 - 1
Kapitelnummer - 2 RA - ?

Removing the oil pump

Removing and installing the oil sump (4.31).

Unscrew the holder for the oil suction pipe.

Unscrew and remove the mounting bolts on the suc-

tion pipe flange.
Remove the suction pipe and the seal.
Clean the sealing surfaces.
! ! ! Do not allow any dirt to get into the oil duct.

Note: Removing and installing the oil pressure

regulating valve (arrow), 4.32 - 4.

Removing the oil pump gear

Removing and fitting the timing chain housing, 5.54.

Unscrew the mounting nut for the oil pump gear.

Remove the washer.
Use an extractor or a bolt (M 8) to force the oil pump
gear off the taper.

Note: If you use a bolt, turn the gear so the hole is

lined up with the web on the housing.

Removing the oil pump

Unscrew and remove the mounting bolts (arrows)

and pull the oil pump out of the timing chain housing.

RA - A 14 4.32 - 1

Dismantling the oil pump

Pull driving and driven gears 1 and 2 out of housing 2
3 with the shafts and oil pipe 4 .

Check the gears and the pump housing for wear. 4

Place the gear and shaft into the support bush [16]
2 and use a suitable pin to press out the shaft.

Assembling the oil pump

Place the gear into support bush 2 .

Oil the shaft and insert it.
Put on spacer sleeve 1 and press in the shaft until it
is flush with spacer sleeve [16].

The spacer sleeve ensures that the press-in depth of

16 mm is achieved evenly all round.
The shafts must be free from scoring after being
pressed in.

4.32 - 2 RA - A 14

Checking the slit size

Measure the height of the gear at various points and

note down the values.
Measure the depth of the housing and note down the
Slit size = Depth of housing - height of gear

Technical data, 9.21 - 13.

Installing the oil pump

Clean the sealing surfaces of the timing chain hous-

ing and the oil pump.
Position the oil pump on the timing chain housing. Fit
the mounting bolts with washers. Screw in and
tighten the bolts.

! ! ! The input shaft must turn easily.

Checking the slit size with the oil pump installed

Position a dial gauge as shown in the picture.

Turn the shaft in one direction up to the stop and set
the dial gauge to zero.
Push the shaft in the opposite direction and read off
the deflection shown on the dial gauge.
Fit the oil pipe with new O-rings and push it into the
oil pump.

RA - A 14 4.32 - 3

Removing and installing the pressure regulating

Note: The pressure regulating valve is accessible
from outside.

Remove the sealing ring 1 , compression spring and


Check the valve piston for wear and replace it with a

new one if necessary.
Assemble the valve as shown in the picture. Fit it
with a new sealing ring and screw it in.
Tighten the screw plug to the specified tightening

Note: Technical data, 9.51 - 1.

Fitting the oil pump gear

Place the oil pump gear (with its inside taper free
from grease) onto the taper of the input shaft which
must also be free from grease.
Put on the washer, screw on the mounting nut and
tighten it to the specified tightening torque.

Fitting the timing chain housing, 5.54 - 3.

4.32 - 4 RA - A 14

Removing and installing the PCV valve

(crankcase ventilation) 1

PCV valves on engines being serviced after long

periods in service must be replaced due to general
wear and tear.

Uncover PCV valve 1 if necessary.

Release clamping bracket 5 at the base of the PCV

valve. 2 1
Release clamping brackets 2 on the air suction duct
at the top of the PCV valve.
Remove PCV valve 1 and O-ring 4 .
Fit a new O-ring 4 .
Position PCV valve 1 and line it up with the intake
line to the suction duct.
Position hose section 3 and tighten hose clamps 2 .
Fasten clamping bracket 5 at the base of the PCV 5

RA - A 14 4.34 - 1
4.34 - 2 RA - A 13

Replacing the cap in the crankcase

Knock out the old cap.

Remove remnants of sealing agent from the bore
with fine-grain abrasive paper.
Clean the bore with “OMNIFIT cleaner/activator”.
Apply “LOCTITE 648 green adhesive” to the bore so
that there is an uninterrupted band of adhesive
extending down 5 mm from its edge.
Unpack the caps, and immediately knock them in at
right-angles with the pins [60] (see page 9.72 - 1 for
how to do this) until 1.5 mm to 2 mm is left
By adhering strictly to this amount of protrusion, you
ensure that the required minimum distance of
0.5 mm between the cap and the external wall of the
cylinder pipe is maintained.

Note: Only use ultrasonically cleaned parts (i.e. parts that have undergone a special cleaning process) with
slightly chamfered edges. These components can be ordered individually from our central parts store
(packed in air- and dust-tight plastic bags).
Do not touch the cylindrical edge of the cap; the surface must remain completely free of grease.

RA - A 14 5.11 -1
Kapitelnummer - 2 RA - ?

Removing the pilot bearing

Remove the clutch, see Repair Manual B 6.

Unclip the retaining ring.

Use internal extractor [17] and counter support [18]
to pull out the pilot bearing.

Installing the pilot bearing

Place the pilot bearing on the press-in pin [19] and

push in the bearing up to the stop.

Clip in the retaining ring.

Install the clutch, see Repair Manual B 6.

RA - A 14 5.21 - 1
Kapitelnummer - 2 RA - ?

Removing the flywheel

Unscrew the flywheel mounting bolts.

Brace them using a large screwdriver on the flywheel
ring gear if necessary.

Note: Only use bolts tightened by angle when per-

forming repairs on all D 02.. and D 08.. engines, see
5.22 - 3.

Unscrew and remove two bolts on opposite sides

and replace them by two guide pins [do-it-yourself,
9.71 - 7].
Unscrew and remove all the bolts.

Remove the flywheel.

If necessary, use two long bolts (M 10) to force it off.

The flywheel is heavy.
Use lifting gear.

Clean and check the flywheel.

! ! ! Turn or grind down any clutch friction surfaces

which have suffered scoring and/or scorched spots.
Hair-line cracks are permissible provided they do not
extend to the outer edge or the screw flange.

Reworking the clutch friction surface, 5.22 - 2
Fitting a new flywheel ring gear, 5.23 - 1
Technical data, 9.21 - 10

RA - A 14 5.22 - 1

Reworking the clutch friction surface

Depending on the flywheel version, the friction surfaces of the flywheel can be reworked up to a specific
dimension if they have suffered heavy scoring and/or scorched spots.
• The reworked dimension must not be less than the minimum dimension “A” measured between the
friction surface and the crankshaft connection surface.
• Reworking the friction surface also reduces the screw-in depth of the mounting bolts for the pressure
Shorten the mounting bolts by the reworking dimension to make sure that the bolts will not reach the
bottom of pocket “B” thereby falsifying the tightening toques.

Modified mounting bolts for flywheels

For D 02../ D 08.. engines, the mounting bolts for flywheels have been changed
from torquing (expansion) bolts to bolts tightened by angle.
Only use bolts tightened by angle when performing repairs.
These can be recognised by angle symbol 1 .
Check the removed bolts or the spare parts catalog for the required length (L).

Tightening method for bolts tightened by angle:

− Preliminary tightening: ...................... 100 Nm
− Final tightening: ................................ Turn through a further 90°
(¼ turn after preliminary tightening).

• Bolts that have been loosened must be replaced!

5.22 - 2 RA - A 14

Installing the flywheel

Place the flywheel on the guide pins. Make sure the

alignment pin (arrow) is lined up with the hole in the

Push on the flywheel up to the stop.

Oil new bolts tightened by angle. Screw them in and
tighten them using the angle tightening method.
− Preliminary tightening: .... 100 Nm
− Final tightening: .............. Turn through a further
90° (¼ turn after
preliminary tightening).

RA - A 14 5.22 - 3
5.22 - 4 RA - A 14

Fitting a new starter ring gear

Removing the flywheel, 5.22 - 1.

Spot-drill the flywheel ring gear and use a chisel to

break it off.

! ! ! Do not damage the flywheel when doing this.

Note: The maximum lateral run-out (face run-out) of

the flywheel ring gear must not be exceeded. Con-
sequently, the lateral run-out of the flywheel on the
contact surface of the flywheel ring gear should be
measured before shrink-fitting the flywheel ring gear.
Fit a new flywheel if the required value is exceeded.

Clamp the flywheel on the hub of a lathe.

Set a dial gauge on the contact surface of the ring
gear with a slight preload.
Turn the flywheel through a few rotations by hand
and read off the deflection on the dial gauge.

Heat the new flywheel ring gear to approx. 200 –

230 °C and press it on up to the stop.

! ! ! Watch out for the position of the chamfer

(magnified view) ! ! !

The parts are hot!
Wear protective gloves.

Check the lateral run-out.

The face run-out of the flywheel ring gear must not
exceed max. 0.5 mm.

RA - A 14 5.23 - 1
Kapitelnummer - 2 RA - ?

Removing a vibration damper

Screw out the fixing bolts for the vibration damper,

and remove the vibration damper.

Check the vibration damper for damage (e.g. sepa-

ration of or fine cracks in the spray-coated rubber
section). Fit a new damper and oil slinger if neces-

Removing the front crankshaft oil seal

Use extractor hook [20] and impact puller [21] to pull

out the sealing ring.

Installing the front crankshaft oil seal

Note the following during repairs!

Oil the bearing surfaces on the crankshaft when installing the sealing ring.

Depending on the manufacturer and manufacturing period, the radial shaft seals for the crankshaft oil seal
of D 02.. and D 08.. engines may have different sealing lip shapes and sealing lip coatings.
Oiling the bearing surface on the crankshaft is the correct method for all possible variants when the sealing
rings are being installed. – Greasing the sealing lips is no longer allowed! –

Oil the bearing surface on the crankshaft.

Position the new shaft seal.
– Do not damage the sealing lips –
Position press-in plate [23] with plug-on handle [22]
and drive in the shaft seal until it is flush with the
recess in the timing chain housing.

RA - A 14 5.51 - 1

Installing a vibration damper

Put the vibration damper in place with the oil spray

ring. Screw in and tighten new fixing bolts to the
specified torque.

Bolt: MAN no.:

M 14 x 1.5 x 95 -10.9- 1 ................ 51.90030.0036
With washer 2 ................................. 51.02205.0021 2
Tightening torque
Pretightening ............................... 150 Nm
Final tightening ............................ 90°

• Bolts that have been loosened must be replaced.

5.51 - 2 RA - A 14

Removing the back crankshaft oil seal

Removing and installing the flywheel, 5.22.

Use extractor hook [20] and impact puller [21] to pull

out the sealing ring.

Installing the back crankshaft oil seal

Note the following during repairs!

Oil the bearing surfaces on the crankshaft when installing the sealing ring.

Depending on the manufacturer and manufacturing period, the radial shaft seals for the crankshaft oil seal
of D 02.. and D 08.. engines may have different sealing lip shapes and sealing lip coatings.
Oiling the bearing surface on the crankshaft is the correct method for all possible variants when the sealing
rings are being installed. – Greasing the sealing lips is no longer allowed! –

Oiling the bearing surfaces does not apply to PTFE (Teflon) sealing rings. As before, these
sealing rings must be installed absolutely free from oil and grease as described in
SI 91 02 19/0 for series D 25/ D 28 engines.

Generally speaking, PTFE sealing rings are not fitted in D 02../ D 08.. engines, and no such rings are avail-
able as spare parts. However, a series trial was performed on the following engines:
– D 08.. naturally aspirated engines from engine number xxx7339543xxxx to xxx7343557xxxx and
– D 08.. turbocharged engines from engine number xxx7339522xxxx to xxx7342557xxxx
in which PTFE sealing rings were fitted on the flywheel end. Normal series rings should be used in these
engines whenever they are repaired. However, they should not be fitted in the usual way by pressing them
in until flush. Instead, they should be pressed in about 2 mm lower than the edge of the flywheel housing so
the sealing lips do not run in the tracks of the PTFE rings.

Oil the bearing surface on the crankshaft.

Position the new shaft seal.
– Do not damage the sealing lips –
Position press-in plate [24] with plug-on handle [22]
and drive in the shaft seal until it is flush with the
recess in the timing chain housing.

RA - A 14 5.52 - 1
Kapitelnummer - 2 RA - ?

Removing the flywheel housing

In installed condition: 3
Remove the gearbox and support the engine.
Remove the rear engine mount 1 .
Removing and installing the clutch, see Repair Man-
ual B 6.
Removing and installing the flywheel 2 , 5.22
Removing and installing the starter 3 .

2 1

Remove the fixing bolts of the flywheel housing.

! ! ! The flywheel housing is bolted to the oil sump


Remove the fixing bolts.

Remove the flywheel housing.
Clean the sealing surfaces.

If the guide pins need replacing, they
must not protrude more than 30 mm.
Otherwise, they will project through
the flywheel housing and contact the

Fitting the flywheel housing

Apply sealing compound to the seal and position it

on the crankcase.
Slide the flywheel housing over the guide pins onto
the crankcase.
Do not damage the sealing lips of the shaft seal.
Insert the mounting bolts – including those for fixing
on the oil sump – and tighten them to the specified
tightening torque.

RA - A 14 5.53 - 1
5.53 - 2 RA - A 14

Removing the timing chain housing cover

Remove and install the water pump (3.21).

Remove and install the fan and hub (3.31).
Remove and fit the vibration damper (5.51).
Remove the crankcase ventilation system and guide
roller for the alternator V-belt and tensioner.

Remove the fixing bolts of the timing chain housing

Remove the timing chain housing cover.

Timing gears

1 Crankshaft gear (with intermediate gear

marked “1-1-1”)
2 Intermediate gear
3 Drive gear for the oil pump
4 Injection pump gear
5 Camshaft gear (with intermediate gear
marked “2-2-2”)
6 Flange-mounting for the air compressor

Removing the intermediate gear

Remove the injection pump (2.12 / 2.22).

Remove the hexagon bolts.

Remove the thrust washer.
Pull off the intermediate gear by hand.

RA - A 14 5.54 - 1

Checking the camshaft end play

Use a dial gauge to check the end play.

Fit a new end stop on the camshaft if it is worn.
• End play, see Technical Data, 9.21 - 12.

Removing the camshaft sprocket

Use a large screwdriver to block the sprocket.

– Do not damage the tooth flanks –
Unscrew and remove the mounting bolts.
Remove the camshaft sprocket. Use an assembly
lever to help it off if necessary.

Fitting a new end stop on the camshaft

Unscrew and remove the mounting bolts.

Pull out the end stop.
Fit a new thrust washer.
• Thickness of the thrust washer, see Technical
Data 9.21 - 12.

Removing the timing chain housing

Unscrew and remove mounting bolts (arrows).

Take the timing chain housing straight off so the
O-ring on the oil pipe of the oil pump is not damaged.
Recommendation: Fit a new O-ring.
Clean the sealing surfaces.

5.54 - 2 RA - A 14

Fitting the timing chain housing

Apply a little multipurpose grease to the new seal

and stick it onto the crankcase.
Put the timing chain housing on straight so the
O-ring on the oil pipe (arrow) of the oil pump is not
! ! ! Do not damage the oil sump seal.

Note: Apply Loctite 648 to the stud bolts used for

fixing on the fuel injection pump if new ones are to
be fitted.

Screw in the mounting bolts and tighten them to the

specified tightening torque.

! ! ! Make sure the seal is correctly seated.

Fitting the camshaft gear

Place the camshaft gear on the centering pin

(arrow), and insert and tighten the fixing bolts.
Tighten the bolts finally after installing the interme-
diate gear.

Fitting the intermediate gear

Put the intermediate gear in position.

Align the camshaft and crankshaft with the marking,
and insert the intermediate gear.

• Crankshaft gear to intermediate gear marked with

1-1-1 or prick-punch marks (see enlargement)
• Camshaft to intermediate gear marked with 2-2-2
or prick-punch marks (see enlargement).

RA - A 14 5.54 - 3

Put the thrust washer in place, and insert the fixing


Secure the flywheel.

Tighten the fixing bolts of the thrust washer and

camshaft gear to the specified torque.

• Standard torque values (9.51).

• Install the injection pump (2.12 / 2.22).

Fitting the timing chain housing cover

If new centring pins have to be fitted in the timing

chain housing cover, the new pins should be driven
in up to the stop, i.e. they must not protrude by more
than 24 mm. Shorten them if necessary.

Fit the timing chain housing cover with a new seal

and put it in position. Screw in the mounting bolts
and tighten them to the specified tightening torque.

Fit the positive crankcase ventilation.

Installing the vibration damper, 5.51.
Fit the idle pulley for the alternator V-belt and the
Installing the water pump, 3.21.
Line up the V-belt sheaves and tighten the V-belt.

5.54 - 4 RA - A 14

Removing the crankshaft

Remove the oil sump (4.31).

Remove the oil suction pipe (4.32).
Remove the hub and vibration damper (3.31).
Remove the timing chain housing (5.54).
Remove the flywheel (5.22).
Remove the flywheel housing (5.53).

Unscrew the big end bearing.

! ! ! Number the connecting rods and connecting rod
bearing covers in the order of installation if they are
not already numbered.

Press out the piston with the connecting rod at the

cylinder head end.

Removing and installing a piston with its connecting

rod, 5.61.

Unscrew and remove the mounting bolts from the

crankshaft main bearing caps.
Remove the bearing caps and put them down in the
order of installation.
Numbering of crankshaft main bearings: 1 = Fan end
Mark the bearing shells to identify them with their
bearing caps if this has not already been done.

RA - A 14 5.56 - 1

Use a hemp rope or leather strap to lift the

crankshaft out of the crankcase.
! ! ! Using a steel cable can lead to irreparable
damage to the bearing surfaces of the crankshaft
Take the bearing shells out of the crankcase and
identify them according to the bearing cap
numbering if this has not already been done.
Clean the parts and check them for wear. Fit new
parts if necessary.

CAUTION – Danger of accidents !

Do not stand under suspended loads.
Keep all lifting tackle in good

Use compressed air to clean the oil ducts in the

crankcase and in the crankshaft.

Clean the bearing shells and check them for expan-

Lay out the bearing shells together on a flat surface
in order to do this.
Measure and note down expansion dimension “A”.
Measure and note down dimension “B”.
Expansion dimension = A – B

Insert the bearing shells into the crankcase and

bearing cap in accordance with the numbering.
Fit the bearing caps without the crankshaft.
Measure the inside holes of the crankshaft main

Always fit new mounting bolts for the
crankshaft main bearing cap.

5.56 - 2 RA - A 14

Measure the inside holes of the crankshaft main

bearings when they are fitted in measuring directions
1, 2 and 3 as well as in measuring planes a and b.
Use a micrometer for this.

Note the appropriate repair level for the diameter and

length of the crankshaft journals when using new
bearing shells.

Check the crankshaft journals for wear and measure

them with a micrometer gauge.

Technical data, 9.21 - 6.

Installing the crankshaft

Thoroughly clean the bearing shells and journals.

Insert the bearing shells into the crankcase.

Numbering of crankshaft main bearings: 1 = Fan end

Note: Note the repair level when

using new bearing shells.

Oil the bearing surfaces of the bearing shells and

insert the crankshaft.

CAUTION – Danger of accidents !

Do not stand under suspended loads.
Keep all lifting tackle in good

CAUTION – Danger of crushing !

Parts of the crankshaft may have
sharp edges, e.g. the sprocket.
Wear protective gloves if necessary.

RA - A 14 5.56 - 3

Put on the crankshaft main bearing caps with the

corresponding bearing shells.
– Pay attention to the numbering –

Always fit new mounting bolts for the
crankshaft main bearing cap.

Screw in new bearing cap bolts and tighten them in

stages until reaching the value for the preliminary
Use torque angle gauge [25].
Make sure the crankshaft turns easily.
Technical data, 9.21 - 6.

Note: It is not possible to replace

individual bearing caps which have
been damaged. Fit a completely new
crankcase in such an eventuality.

Checking the crankshaft end play

The end play in 4 and 6-cyl. engines is determined
by the 4th crankshaft main bearing (fitted bearing).
During repairs, note the appropriate repair level with 1
regard to journal diameter 1 and journal length 2 .

Technical data, 9.21 - 6.

Fit a dial gauge holder and dial gauge onto the

crankcase. Set the dial gauge to the crankshaft with
a slight preload.
Move the crankshaft axially and read off the play on
the dial gauge.
! ! ! Completely replace the crankshaft main bearing
shells if the maximum permitted end play is ex-
Check the crankshaft turns easily after installing it.

Installing a piston with its connecting rod, 5.61 - 3.

Complete the assembly of the engine.

5.56 - 4 RA - A 14

Note regarding dimension levels N, N I, N II, etc.

Crankshafts, connecting rods, tappets, valve seats
and valve guides have reworking levels. Some of
these are used in series production; others during
Crankshaft journals and crank pins have 6 machining
levels. The first 3 of these,
N = normal dimension,
N I = normal dimension I and
N II = normal dimension III are intended for series
production whilst the remaining 3 are provided for
There is a coloured mark on crankshaft 1 for each
machining level.
See Technical Data, 9.21 - 6.

Type plates with a box for N I / N II 1 are used to

make sure this difference is always observed during MAN - Werk Nürnberg
The following letters are punched into the box pro-
vided if N I parts are installed in an engine: Motor-Nr. / Engine-no N I / N II
P = Crankshaft – connecting rod bearing N I
H = Crankshaft – main bearing N I
S = Lifter bore N I
N II is used for the next installation level. This must
be punched into the type plate and the crankshaft
must be identified using the appropriate coloured

The type plate is on the front right of the engine


RA - A 14 5.56 - 5
5.56 - 6 RA - A 14

Removing a piston with its connecting rod

Removing the oil sump, 4.31

Removing the oil pump suction pipe, 4.32
Removing the cylinder heads, 7.21

! ! ! Number the connecting rods and connecting rod

bearing covers in the order of installation if they are
not already numbered.

Release, unscrew and remove the connecting rod

bearing cover bolts.

In D 08.. engines, never re-use con-
necting rod bearing bolts after they
have been released once.

Remove the connecting rod bearing cover with its

bearing shell.
If necessary, give it a few light taps with a plastic
mallet to help it off.
Use a hardwood block to remove any combustion
residue (carbon) from the top edge of the cylinder
! ! ! Do not damage the cylinder liner surface.

Press out the connecting rod with the piston at the

cylinder head end.
Put the piston and connecting rod down with the
corresponding connecting rod bearing cover.
Check the piston and piston rings for damage.
Fit a new piston if there are cracks in the edge of the
combustion chamber recess.

Note: Repair pistons are available with 0.2, 0.4 and

0.6 mm undersize in the compression level for re-
worked crankcase sealing surfaces.

Connecting rod bearing covers are
numbered to identify them in relation
to the connecting rod big end
Identify them and group them in rela-
tion to the crankcase.

RA - A 14 5.61 -1

Determining the piston-in-cylinder clearance

Use a precision hole gauge to measure the inside

diameter of the cylinder liners in
– three planes of measurement from top to bottom
– radially at equidistant positions at 45° intervals.
Note down the values.

Read off the piston diameter of the piston crown of

new pistons.
If the pistons have already been in service, use an
outside micrometer to measure from the bottom edge 1
of the piston perpendicular to the axis of the piston. 8
See Technical Data, 9.21 - 4.
Note down the value.

Subtract the piston diameter from the largest cylinder

liner diameter. 2
The result of the calculation is the piston-in-cylinder
See Technical Data, 9.21 - 4.

Note: Change the cylinder liner and piston if the pis- 3

ton-in-cylinder clearance is too great.
1 Piston with concave combustion chamber 4
2 Measurement level for pistons which have been in
service 5 6
Different pistons have different measurement lev-
els. See the Technical Data.
3 Combustion chamber recess offset towards the
injector nozzle side.
See also page 5.61 - 3.
Stamped into the piston crown:
4 Piston diameter and index
5 Compression level
6 Parts number (last 4 digits)
7 Manufacturer's data
8 Kompressionshöhe

Example for piston-in-cylinder clearance in D 08..

Cylinder Ø..........................108.000 – 108.022 mm
Piston Ø .............................107.835 – 107.865 mm
Possible installation play..... 0.135 – 0.187 mm
Wear limit.............................. 0.30 mm

Selecting piston length for repairs and reconditioned

engines, 5.62 - 2.

5.61 - 2 RA - A 14

Installing a piston with its connecting rod

Note: Whenever it is necessary to fit new pistons, measure the pistons or read off the di-
mension on the piston crown to determine whether oversize pistons were fitted.
In this case, use oversize pistons, 5.62 - 2, 9.21 - 3.

Oil the cylinder liner and piston.

Put on piston ring clamp [26] or sleeve [27].
– Arrange the piston ring joints offset by about 120° –
Insert the piston and connecting rod into the cylinder

! ! ! Do not damage the oil injector nozzle during the

installation procedure.

The pistons are offset. Also, the combustion cham-

ber recess is arranged outside the centre of the pis-
ton crown and has to be located towards the injector
nozzle when the piston is installed.
– Note the installation position! –

Installation position of the piston with its connecting rod in the cylinder liner.
Section through the engine from the belt sheave towards the flywheel.

1 Injector nozzle
2 Combustion chamber recess
3 Projection on connecting rod
4 Recess in piston for oil injector nozzle
5 Oil injector nozzle

3 4 5

RA - A 14 5.61 -3

Insert the connecting rod bearing shell into the con-

necting rod big end and oil it lightly.
Guide the connecting rod and pull it against the crank
Insert the connecting rod bearing shell into the con-
necting rod bearing cover and oil it lightly.
Put on the connecting rod bearing cover. Make sure
the parts are the correct ones for the specific con-
necting rod and are identified as such.

Numbers on the connecting rod bear-
ing cover and the connecting rod big
end must be on the same side.

Insert the mounting bolts and tighten them in stages

until reaching the specified values for the preliminary

In D 08.. engines, never re-use con-
necting rod bearing bolts after they
have been released once.

Use torque angle gauge [25].

Put on the torque angle gauge so the angle hook is in
contact with one side of the housing.

Technical data, 9.51.

5.61 - 4 RA - A 14

Measuring piston protrusion

Remove the cylinder head, 7.21.

Attach the engine barring gear [28].

Position the piston to be measured at TDC.


Place the dial gauge holder and dial gauge [29] on

the clean crankcase sealing surface.
Set the dial gauge with a slight pre-load to 0.

Turn the dial gauge carefully, lifting its pointer so that

it does not touch the liner collar.
Lower the dial gauge pointer to the piston crown, and
read the piston protrusion.

See the technical data, 9.21 - 2.

RA - A 14 5.62 -1

Notes on repairs and reconditioned engines

Selecting the piston length for crankcases with reworked sealing surfaces.

Reconditioned engines may have reworked cylinder head contact surfaces. The reworking step – 0.2; 0.4
or 0.6 mm – is stamped onto the joining surface of the crankcase and cylinder head on the flywheel side of
the crankcase behind the cylinder head.

The pistons are adapted to the different engine types by means of small differences such as diameter,
combustion bowl and piston-in-cylinder clearance.
Each piston is marked so that it can be recognized.

When assembling or disassembling, observe the

following points:

1. Pistons undersized by 0.2, 0.4 or 0.6 mm are

used with a compression height of “X”. This mea- 1
surement is embossed on the piston crown under
a 3-digit number (last three digits of the part num-

2. On no account rework the pistons (piston

crowns), since they are hard-anodised. 2

3. After replacing a piston, measure the piston prot-


1 Piston with combustion bowl
2 Measurement height for used pistons 7
Different pistons have different heights (see the 4
technical data).
3 Combustion bowl nearer injector nozzle side 6
The following is stamped onto the piston crown:
4 Piston diameter and index
5 Compression height
6 Part no. (last 4 digits)
7 Manufacturer’s data
8 Compression height

Technical data (9.21 - 3)

If repairs are necessary, the spare parts list and the

data stamped on must be adhered to.

5.62 - 2 RA - A 14

Arrangement of piston rings

1 Compression ring
(double-sided trapezoidal ring) 1
2 Compression ring
(tapered compression ring)
3 Oil scraper ring 2
(wedge-section ring with tube spring)
Note: Different piston rings are fitted on the various
engines and engine variants. Refer to the spare
parts list.
Technical data, 9.21 - 6.

Removing piston rings

Removing a piston with its connecting rod, 5.61.

Clamp the connecting rod in a vice.
– Use protective jaws –
Set piston ring compressor pliers [30] as follows:
– To 102 mm in D 02.. engines
– To 108 mm in D 08.. engines

Position the piston ring compressor pliers on the

piston ring joint and unclip the piston rings from the
Carefully clean the piston ring grooves using a wood
cutting. Take care not to damage the piston ring
grooves when doing this.

Note: The oil scraper ring is subject to a higher tan-

gential stress due to the tube spring.

Checking the ring gap

Insert the piston rings individually into the cylinder

liner and use a feeler gauge to measure the ring gap.
Fit new piston rings if the ring gap is too great.
Technical data, 9.21 - 6.

RA - A 14 5.63 - 1

Installing piston rings

Use the piston ring compressor pliers to clip the pis-

ton rings into their respective piston ring grooves.
– Make sure the “Top” identification mark is upper-
most –

Note: The oil scraper ring is subject to a higher tan-

gential stress due to the tube spring.
Different piston rings are fitted on the various en-
gines and engine variants. Refer to the spare parts
Technical data, 9.21 - 4.

Checking the piston ring end play

Use a feeler gauge to determine the piston ring play

at various points in the piston ring grooves.
Fit a new piston and new rings if the play is too

5.63 - 2 RA - A 14

Removing a piston with its connecting rod

Removing and installing a piston with its connecting

rod, 5.61.

Clamp the connecting rod in a vice.

– Use protective jaws –
Unclip the piston retainer.

Push out the gudgeon pin whilst holding the piston

Remove the piston and put it down.

Checking the gudgeon pin and small end bearing

Use a micrometer to measure the diameter of the

gudgeon pin. Check the pin for wear.

Use an inside micrometer to measure the diameter

of the connecting rod eye (small end bush).

Note: Use ready-to-install, new small end bushes or

replacement connecting rods if the bush has to be

RA - A 14 5.64 - 1

Clamp the connecting rod in a vice.

– Use protective jaws –
Insert the appropriate bearing shells.
Screw on the bearing cap to the specified tightening

Use an inside micrometer to measure the diameter

of the small end bearing.

Measure the inside hole of the connecting rod bear-

ing shells when it is fitted in measuring directions 1,
2 and 3 as well as in measuring planes a and b.
Bearing shells with bearing holes within the tolerance
limits can be re-used provided they do not have

Measuring the connecting rod big end bore (basic

bore), 5.65 - 2.

5.64 - 2 RA - A 14

Fitting the piston to the connecting rod

Clamp the connecting rod in a vice.

– Use protective jaws –

Position the piston on the connecting rod with a re-

taining ring.
Insert the gudgeon pin and push it through until it
makes contact with the retaining ring.

During the assembly procedure, make

sure the piston, connecting rod and oil
injector nozzle are lined up correctly
(as shown in the picture).
– Note the installation position! –

Installation position of the piston with its

connecting rod in the cylinder liner.
Section through the engine from the belt
sheave towards the flywheel. 1
1 Injector nozzle
2 Combustion chamber recess offset
towards the injector nozzle
3 Projection on connecting rod
4 Recess in piston for oil injector nozzle
5 Oil injector nozzle

3 4 5

Clip in the second retaining ring.

Installing a piston with its connecting rod, 5.61 - 3.

RA - A 14 5.64 - 3
5.64 - 4 RA - A 14

Checking the expansion of the bearing shells

Removing a piston with ist connecting rod, 5.61.

Lay out the bearing shells together on a flat surface.

Measure and note down expansion dimension “A”.
Measure and note down dimension “B”.
Expansion dimension = A – B.
Technical data, 9.21 - 7.

Note: Use bearing shells of the ap-

propriate repair level when performing
repairs on the crank pins.

Press new bearing shells into the connecting rod big

end and the connecting rod bearing cover.

Note the installation position!
The rod shell has a red paint mark on
ist side.
Do not damage the running-in coa-

Big-end bearing bolts that have been

loosened must be replaced.

Lightly oil the bearing surfaces on the bearing shells.

Installing a piston with ist connecting rod, 5.61 - 3.

RA - A 14 5.65 -1

Measuring the connecting rod big end bore

(basic bore)

Screw on the connecting rod bearing cover (without

bearing shells).
Use an inside micrometer to measure the basic bore
as follows:
In measuring directions 1, 2 and 3.
In measuring planes a and b.

Fit a new connecting rod if the deviation is beyond

the tolerance band.

Check the connecting rod for parallelism and any

twisting of the gudgeon pin eye in relation to the bea-
ring basic bore.
Fit a new connecting rod if both of the bores are not
in parallel or are twisted in relation to one another.

Measuring the connecting rod eye (small end bush),


Measuring the connecting rod bearing

Measure the inside bearing bore of the connecting

rod bearing shells when they are fitted, as follows:
In measuring directions 1, 2 and 3.
In measuring planes a and b.
Use the same measuring instrument.

Bearing shells with a bearing bore within the toleran-

ce limits can be re-used.
– Scrap with a larger bore.
– Replace with a smaller bore.

Note the dimension level of the bearing shells.

Technical data, 9.21 - 7.

5.65 - 2 RA - A 14

Removing the oil injector nozzle

Note: The oil injector nozzles can

also be removed and installed without 1
removing the crankshaft.
The crankshaft has been removed
here in order to give a better view.

Unscrew oil pressure valve 1 on oil injector nozzle

2 and remove it.
Remove the oil injector nozzle together with the
valve. 2

Checking the oil injector nozzle valve

Use a small screwdriver to check whether the valve

spring is still pressing valve piston 1 against the
valve seat 2 . Fit a new oil injector nozzle valve if it is
Note the opening pressure.

Installing the oil injector nozzle

Position the oil injector nozzle and make sure the

adjusting ball (arrow) on the oil injector nozzle body
is placed in the hole provided for it (arrow).

Screw in the oil pressure valve and tighten it to the

specified tightening torque.

Check the spraying direction.

The jet of oil must reach the piston crown without
Never attempt to straighten out oil injector nozzles
which are bent.

RA - A 14 5.66 -1
5.66 - 2 RA - A 13

MAN information:
• Series production D 02.. and D 08.. naturally aspirated engines have been built to date
without replaceable cylinder liners.
• Since mid-1996, cylinder liners have no longer been fitted in supercharged 4 and
6-cylinder D 08... engines up to 230 hp.
• This change does not mean there has been any drop in quality, since this is a tried-and-
tested technology which competitors have been using for some time and which is also
employed in D 02.. and D 08.. naturally aspirated engines.
• Because cylinder liners are not used, the cylinder tube in the crankcase remains thicker.
This means there tends to be less cylinder distortion.
• In principle, an engine without liners benefits from a more favourable heat transfer, par-
ticularly since there is no chance of corrosion between the basic bore in the crankcase
and the cylinder liner.
• There is no longer any effect caused by inaccuracies in the cylinder liners (e.g. devia-
tions in dimensions and materials).
• Repairs in response to piston seizure can be carried out by increasing the basic bore in
the crankcase by 0.5 mm and using oversize pistons.
• If this repair measure proves inadequate, it is possible to enlarge the basic bore even
further and revert to using cylinder liners with standard production pistons.
• The cylinder liners in D 08.. engines above 230 hp will be removed at a later date.

Checking cylinder liners

Removing and installing the cylinder head, 7.21.

Removing and installing a piston with its connecting
rod, 5.61

Use a hole gauge to measure the inside diameter of

the cylinder liner.

Measure the cylinder liner in three measuring planes

(from top to bottom) and radially at equidistant posi-
tions at 45° intervals.
Note down the values.

Determining the piston-in-cylinder clearance, 5.61 - 2.

Fit a new piston and cylinder liner when the wear

limit is reached.

RA - A 14 5.71 - 1

Removing the cylinder liner

Removing and installing oil injector nozzles, 5.66.

Normally, it is very easy to pull out the cylinder liner

by hand.
If this is not the case, use fitting device [31] and
plate [32] to loosen the slip-fit liner and then remove

Installing the cylinder liner

! ! ! Clean the liner seat before the installation pro-


Position the cylinder liner and push it in by hand

without tilting it.
The liner must make level contact with the seat
The collar should not bear on the outside diameter.

Install the oil injector nozzle.

Check cylinder liner protrusion 1 beyond crank-

case 2 .
Place dial gauge holder [29] and a dial gauge on the
crankcase sealing surface. 3 1 2
Measure protrusion 3 at 4 points around the cylin-
der liner.

Permitted cylinder liner protrusion = 0.01 – 0.06 mm

Reconditioned engines may be fitted with cylinder

liners with a 0.5 mm protrusion at the outside diame- Dieser Austauschmotor hat einbau-
fertige und leicht wechselbare
Bear this in mind when changing their cylinder liners.
The version of the cylinder liner is identified by the
plate on the valve cover (shown here). 51.01201-

5.71 - 2 RA - A 14

MAN information:
Modified basic bore tolerances for cylinder liners
on engines which have been in service
The same close dimensional tolerances used to apply to basic cylinder bores in repairs as
for series production.
These tolerances have been exceeded in engines which have already been in service and
are due to mechanical and thermal distortion. However, tests have shown that such toler-
ance violations do not have a negative effect on the operation of the engine.

Consequently, the following dimensions apply dur-

ing repairs:

A1 = Dimension for the housing bore in the area as

far as 50 mm below the liner collar
A = Dimension for the housing bore in the remain-
ing bore area

Bore Engine D 02.. Engine D 08..

A1 Normal dimension ............. 105.995 – 106.035 mm 111.495 – 111.535 mm

A Normal dimension ............. 105.990 – 106.035 mm 111.490 – 111.535 mm

A1 Repair level + 0.5 mm ....... 106.495 – 106.535 mm 111.995 – 112.035 mm

A Repair level + 0.5 mm ....... 106.490 – 106.535 mm 111.990 – 112.035 mm

RA - A 14 5.71 - 3

Repair options if the liner protrusion is too small

Repair the liner collar support in the crankcase

using Loctite 648 and cylinder liner 51.01201.0318. 2

– Remove the cylinder liner.

– Use a wire brush to remove rust and grease from 1
the basic bore and liner collar support. 3
– Lightly oil the basic bore except for the top 20 mm
1 .
– Remove all grease from the outside of the cylin-
der liner. Take particular care at the liner collar.
– Apply a thin coat of Loctite 648 to recessed collar
support surface on the liner 2 which has had the
grease removed from it. Also apply Loctite 648 to
collar support surface 3 of the cylinder liner.

– Inset the cylinder liner into the basic bore. Take

care not to touch the surfaces coated with Loctite
and keep them free from grease.
– Put on the cylinder head and tighten it to 20 Nm. 3 1 2
Leave it assembled like this to cure for at least
3 hours or overnight if possible.
– Measure cylinder liner protrusion 3 after the ad-
hesive has cured.
– Nominal dimension ................... 0.01 – 0.06 mm
1 Cylinder liner
2 Crankcase

Repair the liner collar support in the crankcase us-

ing a facing lathe and cylinder liner 51.01201.0371.

– Remove the cylinder liner.

– Face turn the liner collar recess to a depth of
4.2 mm. Proceed as described in the manu-
facturer's instructions.
– Measure the liner collar at 4 points as a check.
• 4 Measure the dimension 4.2 mm at these
points as a check.
– Clean the basic bore and lightly oil it.
– Fit cylinder liner 51.01201.0371 with a liner height
of 4.24 mm.
– Measure cylinder liner protrusion 3 .
– Nominal dimension ................... 0.01 – 0.06 mm

5.71 - 4 RA - A 14

Removing the intake manifold

The different paths of the air in the different engines, 1

due to their different designs, mean their intake
manifolds 1 also differ. Before removal, uncover the
intake manifold as when removing the injection lines,
the lines of the flame start system, the charge-air
pipes, the turbocharger, etc.

Do not allow any dirt into the intake
ports. To avoid damage, pay the ut-
most attention to cleanliness when
working on the intake unit.

Undo and remove the fixing bolts of

the intake manifold on the cylinder 3
Remove the intake manifold.
Clean old gasket remains from the
sealing surfaces on the manifold
flanges and the cylinder heads.
Dismantle the manifold, and clean
the sealing surfaces and the inside
of the manifold.
Assemble the manifold with new 1
gaskets. Insert the screw plugs 2
with “Loctite 648”.

Installing the intake manifold

Put the intake manifold in place with new gaskets 1 .

Insert the fixing bolts 3 , and tighten to the specified

! ! ! Be aware of different bolt lengths.

Fit all add-on parts such as injection lines, lines of the

flame start system, charge-air pipes, turbocharger, etc.
Ventilate the fuel system (see the Maintenance Manual).

RA - A 14 6.11 - 1

Installing bellows hoses on intake units

Only push bellows hoses far enough onto the pipes

they are to connect so the end of the pipe in question 4
does not protrude beyond the first fold 1 . 3
Shorten the pipe if necessary.
Pushing the bellows hose too far onto the pipes
causes the ends of the pipe to chafe through the 2
walls of the hose 2 as the result of movement of the
bellows and the vibration of the engine.
It is also very important to line up 3 the ends of the
pipe in relation to one another since the danger of
chafing is increased significantly if the axes of the
pipes are offset or at an angle. 1 1

Fit bellows hoses 81.96320.0081 and 81.96420.0156

in order to compensate for longitudinal movement
representing about 5 – 10% of the manufactured
length of the hose 4 (push the bellows hose to-
gether slightly).
The manufactured length of all other bellows hoses
is the same as their installation length.

Air injection malfunctions

2/2-way solenoid valve 1 for air injection:
The previous solenoid valve (81.52160-6112) is re-
placed by 81.25902-7007 at the end of its useful life.

Repair option for diaphragm:

• If only the diaphragm 1 of solenoid valve is de-
fective 81.52160-6112:
⇒ Use repair set 81.52160-6113.

• If the valve body 2 is also damaged:

⇒ Replace the solenoid valve.

• The previous repair set (81.52160-6113) is
replaced by 81.52160-6127 at the end of its
useful life.

• Repair set -6113 is for

solenoid valve -6112.
Repair set -6127 is for both solenoid valve versi-

6.11 - 2 RA - A 14

Removing the exhaust manifold

The design of the exhaust ducting means different

engines have different exhaust manifolds and differ-
ent turbocharger configurations.

Protect the exhaust intake on the
turbocharger against dirt.

Remove the turbocharger, connecting manifold and small heat

shield from the exhaust manifold.
Loosen and remove the fixing bolts of the exhaust manifold on
the cylinder heads. Remove the exhaust manifold and heat shield.
Clean gasket remains from the sealing surfaces of the exhaust
manifold and the cylinder heads.

4 5 6
1 Exhaust manifold
2 Heat shield
3 Connecting manifold
4 Gasket for 3
5 Small heat shield
6 Exhaust manifold gasket

Take the exhaust manifold apart, clean the con-

necting pieces, and put it together again with new
lamellar sealing rings 1 .

RA - A 14 6.21 - 1

Installing the exhaust manifold

Fit the exhaust manifold with new seals and put it in

position. 2

The raised part of the seals (bead) 1 should point

towards cylinder head 2 , the lower part towards
exhaust manifold 3 . 1

Exhaust manifold bolts that have been loosened must be replaced.
When carrying out repairs, note the change in tightening for Torx bolts.
In D 02.. and D 08.. series engines, the previous exhaust manifold bolts are being replaced
by Torx bolts with a collar.
Once the spare part stocks have been used up, VZ will supply only the new bolt type.
Note: Washers are no longer required under the bolt head when installing Torx collar bolts.
Torque for Torx collar bolt ................................................................................ 50 Nm +90°

Previous bolts Replaced by

M 10 x 50 bolt + washer M 10 x 48 Torx collar bolt without washer
Heat-resistant .................................. 51.90001-0168 ..........................................................51.90490-0029
Highly heat-resistant ....................... 51.90001-0180
M 10 x 65 bolt + washer M 10 x 57 Torx collar bolt without washer
Heat-resistant .................................. 51.90001-0166 ..........................................................51.90490-0030
Highly heat-resistant........................ 51.90001-0156

Put the heat shield and exhaust manifold in place with new gaskets and new exhaust manifold bolts. Tigh-
ten the bolts to the specfied torque from the inside to the outside.
Screw on the connecting manifold with a new gasket.
Screw on the small heat shield.
Install the turbocharger.

Key 4 5 6
1 Exhaust manifold
2 Heat shield
3 Connecting manifold
4 Gasket for 3
5 Small heat shield
6 Exhaust manifold gasket

6.21 - 2 RA - A 14

Carry out the following checks before replacing the turbocharger:

The turbocharger is often replaced when engine oil consumption is too high, when engine power is
inadequate, or when there is unusual intake or exhaust noise.
The manufacturer’s subsequent inspection of the supposedly defective parts often reveals that there is
nothing wrong with the turbocharger.
To ensure that only defective turbochargers are replaced in future, the following checks should be carried

When oil consumption is too high

− Check the air filter for contamination.

− Check the intake line for a reduction in its internal diameter (e.g. caused by damage or dirt).

In both cases, higher oil consumption is caused by an increased vacuum.

− Check the outside of the turbocharger for traces of oil.

Excessive oil consumption caused by the turbocharger itself is the result of bearing wear and leads to
mechanical damage relatively quickly.

When engine power is inadequate

Satisfactory engine output requires that the following be properly adjusted/set:

− The start of delivery.
− The valve clearance.
− The engine regulation (full throttle stop).
− The retarder (engine brake) throttle, which must be fully open.

In addition to this, check:

− The combustion pressure.
− The air filter for contamination.
− The intake system for a reduction in internal diameter and leaks.
− The exhaust system for damage and leaks.

If you do not detect any possible cause in the above checks, check the turbocharger for:
− Carbonisation in the turbine area, which impairs the movement of the wheel assembly
(can be eliminated by axial movement).
− Dirt in the compressor area.
− Damage caused by foreign objects.
− Scraping of the turbine rotor on the housing.

If a considerable amount of dirt has accumulated, clean the compressor end and check the bearing

Important! Do not damage the aluminium compressor wheel.

When there is unusual intake or exhaust noise

− Check the intake and exhaust system in the area of the charger group.
Defective gaskets can lead you to think the turbocharger is defective. Replace them.
− If there are still unusual noises, check the bearing clearance.
Turbochargers in good working order do not make any noise.

RA - A 14 6.31 -1

Oil accumulation in charge-air lines and the intercooler

A small amount of oil collects in the charge-air system. This is supposed to happen, is caused by oil mist,
and is desirable.
The oil mist is required to lubricate the intake valve seats.

If more oil accumulates than usual, that is, if oil pockets develop in the lower air box of the intercooler, for
example, this can lead to oil disintegration or uncontrolled raising of the engine speed when the oil is sepa-
rated. In such cases, you must eliminate the cause.

Possible causes:

− The engine is overfilled with oil.

• Check whether the correct dipstick and guide pipe combination is installed.
− The engine oil used is unsuitable (see the Maintenance Recommendations brochure).
− The engine is being run on impermissibly steep inclines.
− The crankcase pressure is to high. This may be caused by a defective oil separator valve or piston ring

Compressor carbonisation

This can occur when the charge-air temperature is permanently high, for example when the engine is con-
stantly run at full load.

Carbonisation lowers the charging pressure but does not negatively affect performance or acceleration.
Carbonisation can lead to increased exhaust clouding.

If exhaust emissions test values are no longer met:

− Remove the compressor housing, being careful not to let it get jammed.
• If it gets jammed, the compressor wheel blades may get damaged or bent, and the resultant
imbalance can ruin the turbocharger.
− Remove carbonisation in the compressor housing with a suitable cleaning agent.

Never spray in cleaning agent while the engine is running.
This is: – a) ineffective, b) dangerous.

− In problem cases, use oil types that are less likely to lead to compressor carbonisation.
You can request the names of these oils from VLST (fax: +49 89 1580-3981).

6.31 - 2 RA - A 14

Checking the boost pressure

The boost pressure can be measured using a pres-

sure gauge [33] connected to boost pressure-
dependent stop regulator 1 on the fuel injection
pump. 1

The engine must be at operating temperature in order for the boost pressure to be checked. The boost
pressure stated for specific speeds is established under full-load after the speed has been constant for
about 3 minutes.

The applicability of the reference values is limited if the speed cannot be maintained under full-load, e.g.
because the vehicle is unladen or there is no suitable incline available.

The values can only be achieved during acceleration at high speeds when the turbocharger is “running on”.
The vehicle should be fully laden for boost pressure tests in order to obtain realistic test values.

If no other clear cause can be determined to explain why the specified boost pressure reference values
were not obtained, the following points should be checked (for reasons of cost, in the order specified):
− Is the radiator or intercooler dirty?
− Was the full-load stop reached?
− Does the throttle butterfly on the engine brake open fully?
− Is the air filter excessively dirty?
− Are there any leaks in the pipes or hoses in the boost air circuit or on the intercooler?
− Are there any leaks on the exhaust manifold prior to the turbocharger?
− Is the start of pumping correct?
− Are the settings for the valve play and the timings correct?
− Is the compression too weak?
− Are the injector nozzles defective?
− Is the flow resistance in the exhaust system too great (exhaust pipe blocked)?
− Is the turbocharger faults (bearings, blades)?
− Is the injection volume correct?

Minimum boost pressures

Refer to SI 96 01 22/0 for the boost pressures as a supplementary document to the “Checklist for
power/consumption complaints” SD 087.

RA - A 14 6.32 - 1

Note: Boost pressure regulating valve (waste gate)

The turbocharger of some engines is equipped with a boost pressure regulating valve. The boost pressure
regulating valve has the job of controlling the boost pressure created by the turbocharger so that it remains
within a tolerance range.
If a defined boost pressure is exceeded, the valve opens and diverts part of the exhaust gas mass flow past
the turbine. As a result of this reduction in mass flow, the power output is lower. The performance of the
compressor is reduced proportionately, and the boost pressure is reduced to the defined value. This control
process is repeated each time there is a change in the engine power.
The boost pressure control valve is set by the manufacturer and must not be changed. No additional main-
tenance work is necessary for these turbochargers over and above the regular engine inspections.

1 Control box
2 Valve head 1 2
3 Compressor housing
4 Turbine housing

3 4

6.32 - 2 RA - A 14

Measuring the end play

Remove the turbocharger.
Mark the position of the turbine housing in relation to
the bearing carrier.
Loosen the tension ring on the turbine housing, and
then remove the turbine housing.
Place the dial gauge holder with magnetic base [34]
and the dial gauge with pre-load on the face of the
turbine shaft.
Push the rotor shaft against the dial gauge. Set the
dial gauge to 0.
Push the rotor shaft in the opposite direction. The
value obtained is the end play.
See the technical data, 9.21 - 14.
If the play is exceeded, replace the turbocharger.
Install the turbine housing.
– Use the marks to do this. –
Put the tension ring on again, and tighten it to the
specified torque.

Measuring the radial play

The radial play is measured at the turbine end only,
using a dial gauge or a feeler gauge.
The turbocharger must be removed.
Dial gauge:
Remove the turbine housing.
Apply the pointer of the dial gauge to the side of the
Push the turbine wheel towards the dial gauge. Set
the dial gauge to 0. Push the turbine wheel in the
opposite direction. The value obtained is the radial
See the technical data, 9.21 - 14.
Install the turbine housing.
– Use the marks to do this. –
Put the tension ring on again, and tighten it to the
specified torque.

Feeler gauge:
Push the turbine wheel to one side, and measure the
gap between the turbine housing and the turbine
Push the turbine wheel to the opposite final position,
and measure the gap.
The difference between the two gaps is the radial
See the technical data, 9.21 - 14.
Carry out the measurement at two different points.
If the play is exceeded, replace the turbocharger.

Note: You can also use a feeler gauge to measure

the radial play on an installed turbocharger.

RA - A 14 6.34 -1
Kapitelnummer - 2 RA - ?

Removing the rocker arm

Remove the valve cover.

Residual oil may leak out.
Treat used oil as hazardous waste.
Comply with the safety regulations for
preventing environmental pollution.

Turn back the valve adjuster screws.

Unscrew the rocker arm bearing block.

Take out the push rods. Check for distortion and

wear in the ball cups.

Dismantling and assembling the rocker arm mecha-

nism, 7.12

RA - A 14 7.11 -1

Installing the rocker arm

Insert the push rods. When doing this, make sure

each push rod fits into the cup of the tappet.
Put on the rocker arm bearing block.

Lightly tighten the mounting bolts and line the rocker

arm up with the valves.
Tighten the mounting bolts to the specified tightening

Setting the valve clearance, 7.13

Fit the valve cover with a new seal and put it on dry.
Tighten the mounting bolts to the specified tightening

7.11 - 2 RA - A 14

Dismantling and assembling the rocker arm


Removing and installing the rocker arm mechanism,


Clamp the rocker arm bearing block in a vice.

– Use protective jaws –

CAUTION – Spring preload!

Unclip the retaining ring and remove it.

Remove the thrust washer.
Remove the rocker arm.

Take the parts individually off the rocker arm shaft

and check them for wear. 6 2 4 2 1
1 Retaining ring
2 Thrust washer
3 Outside spring
4 Rocker arm
5 Rocker arm bearing block
6 Middle spring
5 3
7 Rocker arm shaft

Use new, ready-to-install or reconditioned rocker

arms if new rocker arm bearing bushes have to be

RA - A 14 7.12 -1

Assembling the rocker arm mechanism

Apply a coat of Optimol WHITE T assembly paste to
rocker arm bushes 1 and shafts 2 .
Clip a retaining ring onto the rocker arm shaft.
Put the thrust washer, outside spring, thrust washer,
rocker arm (end flush with the collar facing the bear-
ing block) and the bearing block onto the rocker arm

Clamp the rocker arm shaft on the bearing block in a

vice so the end of the shaft is in contact.
– Use protective jaws –
Put the parts onto the rocker arm shaft in sequence
(see picture above). Compress the springs and clip
in the retaining ring.

Installing the rocker arm mechanism, 7.11

MAN information:
Measures to take if the valve stem/rocker arm contact points are worn
Anti-wear caps have been introduced on the end of the valve stem in series production of
engine types D 0826 LUH ..
These anti-wear caps, parts number 51.04120.0007, can be used on all series D 02../
D 08.. engines undergoing repairs.
They are placed on top of the valve stem so the rocker arm no longer makes direct contact
with the valve. Instead, it presses onto the cap.
Oil the valve stem before fitting the anti-wear cap. It is possible to perform a repair using
anti-wear caps even when the wear (formation of grooves) has progressed to such an ex-
tent on the end of the valve stem that the caps no longer make full contact.
Always replace rocker arms when there is wear (flattening) on the rocker arm tappet.

7.12 - 2 RA - A 14

Adjusting the valve clearance

Do not set the valves unless the engine is cold.

(Max. cooling water temperature 50 °C.)

Remove the valve covers.

Residual oil may leak out.
Treat used oil as hazardous waste!
Comply with the safety regulations for
preventing environmental pollution.

The engine barring gear [28] 1 can be fitted on

newer engine types. 1

Diagram of cylinder order and valve arrangement in

6-cyl. engines.
I Fan end I II
II Power output
A Exhaust valve
E Intake valve

Setting the valve clearance in 6-cylinder engines:

Turn over the engine until the rocker arm has moved
the cylinder to be set into the unloaded position.
The rocker arms of the synchronous cylinder are
then in overlap.
I Rocker arm in overlap with cylinder: I 6 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 3

II Setting the valve clearance with cylinder: II 1 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 2 | 4

Firing sequence: 1 - 5 - 3 - 6 - 2 - 4

Valve clearance (with the engine cold)

with D 08.. Intake/outlet .............................. 0.50 mm

RA - A 14 7.13 -1

Push feeler gauge [35] between the valve stem and

the rocker arm.
Unscrew the locknut and use setting key [36] to turn
the set screw until the feeler gauge can be moved
with a slight level of resistance (sucking).
Tighten the locknut. Check the play again.

Tightening torques
Locknut on valve adjuster screw....................40 Nm
Rocker arm bearing block on cylinder head ..65 Nm
Valve cover on cylinder head.........................22 Nm

Fit the valve covers with new seals and position

them. Remove the engine barring gear.


Clean the tray of the engine enclo-

sure or noise shield on low-noise
Do not forget to remove any cleaning
wool or cleaning cloths, etc.!

Fire risk!

7.13 - 2 RA - A 14

Removing the cylinder head

Drain the coolant and collect it in a clean and suffi-

ciently sized container.
Removing and fitting pressure lines from the injector
nozzle and pump, Removing and fitting the fuel leak-
age oil line, 2.31
Removing and fitting the cooling water pipe, 3.24
Removing and installing the intake manifold, 6.11
Removing and installing the exhaust manifold, 6.21

Remove the valve cover.

In supercharged engines, it is possi-
ble for oil to get into the intake mani-
fold via the PCV valve and to run
down onto the cylinder heads.
Generally speaking, this does not
mean the cylinder head gasket has to
be replaced.
In such cases, tighten the manifold
bolts and fit new intake manifold
seals if necessary.

Turn back the valve adjuster screws.

Unscrew the rocker arm bearing block.
Take out the push rods and check for distortion and
wear in the ball cups.

• Dismantling and assembling the rocker arm

mechanism, 7.12.

Unscrew the cylinder head bolts in the reverse order

to that in which they are tightened and remove them.

• The tightening diagram is on page 4 and 9.51 - 2.

Remove the cylinder head and put it down so the

protruding end of the injector nozzle is not damaged.
Remove the cylinder head gasket.

• Checking the cylinder heads for cracks, 7.22.

RA - A 14 7.21 - 1

Before installing the cylinder head:

• Clean parts you have removed.

• Clean the sealing surfaces of the cylinder head and crankcase.
! ! ! Be sure only to work with scrapers and by hand with sanding blocks and fine
sanding paper. See service information bulletin SI 95 09 06 / 0.
• Blow out the threaded holes in the crankcase.
• If there is repeated leakage, check the crankcase and cylinder head sealing surfaces
with a straightedge for flatness/warpage. See service information bulletin SI 95 09 06 / 0
for this as well.
• Sand the cylinder head surface flat (max. 1 mm).
• You can rework the crankcase sealing surface as specified in the technical data (page
9.21 - 2). Comply with the piston undersize steps when doing this.

Two cylindrical pins (arrows) for each cylinder head

each are inserted in the crankcase in order to fix on
the heads.
! ! ! Make sure they are present.

It is essential to maintain the protrusion of max.

4.5 mm when fitting new cylindrical pins 8 x 10 -6h-
DIN 7.

Closing the holes in the crankcase

and cylinder head

Check the following in D 08.. en-

Holes 1 in the crankcase and holes
2 in the cylinder head must be
These holes must be closed as de-
scribed below if they are present.

7.21 - 2 RA - A 14

Check the following in D 08.. engines:

The holes in the cylinder head 2 and holes 1 in the
crankcase must be closed.
If these holes are present, they may be 5 mm or
6 mm in size, depending on the construction status
of the engine. They must be closed as described in
the following procedure.
The following tools are required in order to do this.
MAN parts numbers 9.71 - 8.

• Blind rivet gun
• Mouthpiece for rivet gun
• Adapter for rivet gun
• Rivet – 5 mm
• Rivet – 6 mm
• Drill bit – 5 mm
• Drill bit – 6 mm
Drill bit with cross-bracket, do-it-yourself
• Mat for protecting the contact surfaces,

Do-it-yourself tools
Weld a piece of steel about 40 mm in length onto each drill
bit to act as a cross-bracket. Thus, each drill bit forms a “T”
This “T” prevents the drill bit falling into the engine block.
Make a mat out of aluminium, plastic or rubber to absorb the
impact of the rivet gun.
Dimensions: 200 mm x 200 mm with a hole Ø 15 mm in the

• By hand (not using a drill), turn the appropriately sized drill bit into the hole and pull it out again. Repeat
this process until you have a clean hole.
• Screw the mouthpiece into the rivet gun.
• Always operate the rivet gun with a pressure reducer, operating pressure 3 – 5 bar.
• Insert AVDEL plugs into the rivet gun.
• Place the mat onto the cylinder head or onto the engine block and insert the mouthpiece of the rivet gun
loaded with AVDEL plugs through the 15 mm hole in the mat into hole 1 in the engine block or hole 2
in the cylinder head.
• Fire the rivet gun and press in the rivet.

Important! When the rivet gun is fired, the discarded pin of the previous rivet flies backwards out of the
rivet gun. Also, this pin drops backwards out of the rivet gun if the gun is held with its firing side upwards.
Use the collector on the rivet gun. Should lack of space make it impossible to use the collector, insert the
rivet from above into the mouthpiece of the rivet gun whilst the gun is still outside the engine area. Make
absolutely certain that the discarded pin of the previous rivet drops out of the back of the rivet gun before
you return the rivet gun to the engine area.

RA - A 14 7.21 - 3

Special notes for D 08.. engines (SI 97 01 27/0):

Cylinder head bolts
Engines belonging to the D 08.. series have been fitted with angle-tightened cylinder head
bolts with an asymmetrical thread since the beginning of series production.
• The cylinder head bolts of naturally aspirated engines are hexagon bolts.
• Supercharged engines may have hexagon bolts or Torx bolts.

Bolts to be fitted in the event of repairs

• The cylinder head bolts must not be used again after they have been loosened.
• When carrying out repairs, always replace all the bolts on the cylinder head.
When replacing all the cylinder head bolts during repairs to a supercharged engine, you can
use Torx bolts. Do not fit Torx bolts to naturally aspirated engines.
Never use angle-tightened hexagon bolts and Torx bolts together!


Angle-tightened hex bolt (MAN no. 51.90020-0284)

Spanner width 19.
Angle-tightening symbol on the bolt head.

Angle-tightened Torx bolt (MAN no. 51.90020-0356)

Torx spanner width E 18.

Initial tightening of the cylinder head bolts at the factory

The cylinder head bolts are retightened for the first time at the factory.
The engines then receive sticker 51.97801-0211 (German/English)
or 51.97801-0213 (French/Spanish).

Tightening diagram 7 1 4 6

Applies to all D 08.. engines.

5 3 2 8

7.21 - 4 RA - A 14

Installing the cylinder head

Important !
Always replace cylinder head gaskets if they
have been tightened before.

We recommend proceeding as follows in order to avoid any

possible distortion between the cylinder heads and manifolds:

− Put on a new cylinder head gasket 3

dry, observing the hole pattern.
− Put on cylinder head 2 , letting it clip 1 2
into pins 4 in order to centre it. 3
− Oil the threads of cylinder head bolts
1 with engine oil.

− In D 08.., oil the contact area of the

bolt head with Optimoly White T as-
sembly paste.
− Screw in the head bolts lightly so they
are finger-tight.
− Fit straight edge [37] with its ground
surface on the exhaust end.
– Tightening torque 20 Nm –
− Tighten the cylinder head bolts as
described in.
− Unscrew the straight edge. Screw on 4
the intake and exhaust manifolds and
tighten them to the specified tighten-
ing torque, see 6.11 and 6.21.

Insert the push rods.

Installing the rocker arm mechanism,
Setting the valve clearance, 7.13.
Fit the valve cover with a new seal and
put it on.
Complete the assembly of the engine.

Tightening torques/angles for initial tightening after repairs

Hexagon bolt -0284 Torx bolt -0356

1. Pretightening ............ 10 Nm 1. Pretightening .............. 10 Nm
2. Pretightening ............ 80 Nm 2. Pretightening .............. 80 Nm
3. Pretightening ............ 150 Nm 3. Pretightening .............. 150 Nm
4. Pretightening ............ 90° 4. Pretightening .............. 90°
5. Final tightening ......... 90° 5. Pretightening .............. 90°
6. Final tightening ........... 90°

• See page 6 for instructions on how to retighten the cylinder head.

RA - A 14 7.21 - 5

Retightening after repairs

Supercharged engines:
Angle-tightened hexagon bolts are retightened after a repair.
Angle-tightened Torx bolts are not retightened after a repair.

Initial retightening
− Hexagon bolts only
− When the engine is either warm or cold
− After approx. 50 km
− After 20 hours of operation
− Continue to turn by 90° (¼ of a revolution) without prior loosening.
− Check and, if necessary, set the valve clearance.
− Apply sticker -0211 or -0213 to one of the cylinder head covers, and remove any existing stickers.

Erster Nachzug der Zylinder- Premier resserrage des vis de

kopfschrauben erledigt culasses effectué

First retightening of cylinder- Primer reapriete de los tornillos

head-bolts completed de culata efectuado

51.97801-0211 51.97801-0213

Second retightening
− Hexagon bolts only
− When the engine is either warm or cold
− After 20,000 km to 30,000 km
− After 400 hours of operation
− Continue to turn by 90° (¼ of a revolution) without prior loosening
− Check and, if necessary, set the valve clearance.
− Replace sticker -0211 or -0213 with sticker -0212 or -0214.

Zweiter Nachzug der Zylinder- Second resserrage des vis de

kopfschrauben erledigt culasses effectué

Second retightening of cylinder- Segundo reapriete de los tornillos

head-bolts completed de culata efectuado

51.97801-0212 51.97801-0214

7.21 - 6 RA - A 14

Checking the cylinder heads for cracks

Depending on the operating conditions, valve land
cracks 1 can occur after varying mileages.
These cracks are generally of no importance. Most
of them only continue up to the depth of the recess
for the valve seat inserts and do not let water
Base your decision on whether to continue to use
cylinder heads with cracked valve lands on the
following criteria:

1. If there is a fine, hair-line crack in the land, there is no need for any further examination, even if the
crack extends from the intake valve seat insert to the exhaust valve seat insert.

2. If there is a gaping crack with a slight curvature of the land towards the cylinder, the exhaust valve must
be removed and the exhaust valve seat insert checked for cracks.
The cracks in the seat insert can also be seen in the land area.
If there is no crack or only one crack in the valve seat insert, there is no need to replace the head.
If there are two or more cracks in the valve seat insert, the head must be replaced.

3. If the valve land has several adjacent or partially converging cracks, and parts of the cylinder head are
therefore in danger of breaking off, the cylinder head must be replaced, irrespective of whether or not
there are cracks in the valve seat inserts.

4. If the valve land crack is visible below the valve seat inserts (i.e. in the inlet or exhaust port), the cylinder
head must be replaced.

5. If there are cracks in the underside of the cylinder head running between the nozzle bore and the intake
or exhaust valve seat, the cylinder head must be replaced.

RA - A 14 7.22 -1
Kapitelnummer - 2 RA - ?

Checking the combustion pressure

Check and, if necessary, set the valve clearance

Run the engine until it is warm and the coolant has
reached a temperature of approx. 60 to 80°.
Remove the injector nozzles (2.31).
Starting with the 1st cylinder:
Put in a new sealing ring and insert test connection
[39] of the compression pressure plotter [38].
Use special spanner [3] to tighten the union nut.
Screw the compression pressure plotter onto the test
connection using the extension.
Insert a test sheet into the compression pressure
Use the starter to turn over the engine until the nee-
dle on the compression pressure plotter does not
deflect any further.
Precondition: The charging status of the battery is
Connect the compression pressure plotter to the next
cylinder and test all cylinders as described above.

The starter can also be operated directly from the

compression pressure plotter, depending on the ver-
sion of the compression pressure plotter.
Connect the electrical connections to the starter ac-
cordingly in order to do this.

Remove the compression pressure plotter.

Treat the contacts of the jet bearings with “Never
Installing the jet bearings with nozzles and new 2 3
sealing rings, 2.31.
Connect the injection and leakage oil lines.

1 Injector nozzle 1
2 Screw sleeve
3 Pressure line 4
4 Sealing rings
5 Fuel line connector
6 Sealing ring

The union nut 2 is retightened using
an open special socket spanner [7]
when the injection lines are fitted.

RA - A 14 7.24 -1
Kapitelnummer - 2 RA - ?

Removing valves

Removing and installing the rocker arm mechanism,

Removing and installing the cylinder head, 7.21.

New valve springs, spring seats and
caps can also be fitted with the cylin-
der head fitted.
The piston in question must be at
TDC to do this.
Valve mounting lever [40] used in
figure 2 is required for this.

Attach valve mounting lever [40] to the cylinder head.

Screw in set screw 1 so assembly lever 2 is point- 2 1
ing upwards slightly.

Note: The working procedures described here can

also be performed on a valve jig if there is one in the

IMPORTANT – Danger of crushing!

Valve springs are subject to a high
spring tension.
Wear protective gloves if necessary.

Push the valve mounting lever downwards and take
out retaining keys 6 .
Lift the assembly lever thereby releasing the pres-
sure on the valve spring. Then swivel the lever away
to the side.
Remove spring cap 5 , valve spring 4 and 4
washer 3 .
Turn over the cylinder head.
Pull out intake valve 2 and exhaust valve 1 .
Lay out the valves or mark them in the sequence of
their installation. 3
Measure the valve springs and fit new springs to
replace any fatigued ones.
Technical data, 9.21 - 10.

RA - A 14 7.31 - 1

Check the valve stem for pitting and wear.

Check the valve seats 1 for severe notches and
burned-out spots.
Regrinding valves, 7.34 (if necessary).
Note the machining limit (H) when doing this.
No further machining of the valves is permitted.

(H) = Valve head height,
from the theoretical centre of the
valve seat to the end of the head.

Check the valve guides for wear. Measure the inside

diameter using a plug gauge if necessary.
Check the valve seat rings for burned-out spots.
Checking the cylinder heads for cracks, 7.22.
Regrind the valves if necessary. Watch out for valve

Removing and installing the valve guide, 7.32.

Turning valve seats, 7.33.
Regrinding valves, 7.34.
Renewing the valve seat, 7.35.

7.31 - 2 RA - A 14

Installing valves

• Minor damage to the valve seat can be corrected by regrinding it.
• New valves must always be reground.
• Valve seats must be reground evenly throughout.
• Valve springs for D 08../ and Euro 2 engines have symmetrical coils.
• Any installation position is possible.
• The pictures show the white marking at the top.
• If oil is discharged from the exhaust system, the only solution is to install the valve stem
seal (51.04902.0027) at the exhaust valves.

Oil the stem of the valve, and then install it.

Turn the cylinder head, and attach the valve installa-

tion lever.
Install the washer, valve spring and the upper valve
spring retainer.

Use a mounting lever to press the valve springs to-

gether. Insert retaining keys.

Make sure the retaining keys are
correctly seated because severe
damage may result if the keys jump

RA - A 14 7.31 - 3

Measuring valve lag

Place a dial gauge and dial gauge holder [29] on the

cylinder head.
Bring the probe of the dial gauge against the cylinder
head and apply a preload to it. Set the dial gauge to
0 then swing it over to the valve head and read off
the lag.

Rework the valve seat ring (see 7.33) if the valve lag
is too small or if there is valve protrusion after face
grinding the cylinder head parting surface.

1 Valve lag – exhaust valve

2 Valve lag – intake valve

Technical data, 9.21 - 9.

Face grind the cylinder head parting
surface, reworking dimension: max.
1 mm.
Note the injector nozzle protrusion
after face grinding the cylinder head
parting surface. If necessary, replace
the standard CU sealing ring by a ring
of suitable thickness.

1 Injector nozzle protrusion

2 CU sealing ring

Sealing rings are available in the following thick-

nesses: 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0 / 2.5 / 3.0 mm

2 1

7.31 - 4 RA - A 14

Removing the valve guide

Removing and installing the cylinder head, 7.21.

Removing and installing valves, 7.31.

Use pressing pin [42] to press out the valve guide

from the combustion chamber side.

Installing the valve guide

Oil the new valve guide and use the same pressing
pin and spacer sleeve to press it in from the rocker
arm side.

The only difference between valve guides is their

length. 1 3
1 Intake = Long guide
2 Exhaust = Short guide
3 Press-in depth 14.1 – 14.5 mm (both guides)

The spacer sleeve ensures that the press-in depth is

After this, ream the valve guides to the nominal di-

Note: The valve seats must be re-

worked (see 7.33) after fitting new
valve guides.
See the Technical Data and the in-
structions provided by the manufac-
turer of the valve seat turning ma-
chine used in your workshop.

RA - A 14 7.32 - 1
Kapitelnummer - 2 RA - ?

Turning a valve seat

(using a Hunger lathe)

Insert the pilot in the valve guide, and clamp it

securely. The collet chuck (arrow) must be flush with
the valve guide.

Clamp the turning bit into the appropriate lathe side

for the valve seat angle (45° in the picture).
Attach the handle in such a way that the bit is drawn.

Put the lathe head 1 on the pilot shaft.

Turn back the cut adjuster 2 clockwise all the way.
Put the tip of the turning bit 3 on the quick-adjusting
screw 4 on the centre of the valve seat with the
coupling nut 5 unscrewed, and then apply it
carefully to the valve seat.
Lightly press the drop pin 6 onto the pilot, and
clamp it tight with a screw 7 .

Mount the holder 1 parallel to the axis and free of

tension. Turn back the turning bit by means of the
quick-adjusting screw 2 , and tighten the coupling
nut 3 slightly.
Adjust the cut (one graduation mark = 0.10 mm) by
turning the knurled screw 4 anti-clockwise, and fix
the knurled screw with the clamping screw 5 .
Hold the large knurled screw 6 , and turn the valve
seat by turning the handle.
If necessary, release the coupling nut, wind back the
turning bit by means of the quick-adjusting screw,
and repeat the turning process.

RA - A 14 7.33 -1

Note the specified seat angle.

1 2
1 Exhaust total ∠ 90°, cut adjuster ∠ 45°
2 Intake total ∠ 120°, cut adjuster ∠ 30°

– See also figure 2 for bit adjustment –

Continue to adjust the cut until the valve seat is

clean and free of pores.

As little material as possible should be removed from the seat contact surface when re-turning the valve
seat inserts. The standard value is the valve retrusion.

If the sealing surface of the cylinder head is reworked (max. 1 mm), the seat rings must be reworked in
order to reach the valve retrusion.
If new valves and seat inserts are used, the seat bore must go deeper into the cylinder head to match the
reworked cylinder head sealing surface.

The valve seat insert has to be replaced if, as a result of machining the cylinder head sealing surface and
valve seat insert, the theoretical valve seat (A/B) sits too deep in the cylinder head, or the seat area (C) has
become too wide. The valve retrusion and degree of wear (H) of the valve have to be taken into account.

7.33 - 2 RA - A 14

Regrinding valves

Apply abrasive paste to the conical surface of the

valve seat.
Lubricate the valve guide, and put the valve in place.
Turn the valve grinder, applying moderate axial
pressure, to grind the valve seat.

Keep the valve stem and valve guide
free of abrasive paste.

The valve seat must have a perfectly uniform surface

after grinding 2 .
If a valve seat ring in perfect condition is used, the
width of the ground surface will be correct.

1 Conical valve surface 3.3 to 3.8 mm

2 Valve seat = ground surface 2.0 to 2.5 mm
(H) Valve head height (basic size)
Intake........................................... 3.4 to 3.5 mm
Exhaust ....................................... 3.0 to 3.1 mm
Wear limit: 0.5 mm under the basic size

1 Valve seat ring

2 Valve
3 Valve seat good
1 2 1 2
4 Valve seat too wide

Valve seats that are too wide tend to
collect residual carbon, and the val-
ves thus develop leaks.

Valve seats that are too narrow pre-

vent a rapid flow of heat from the
valve head to the cylinder head, and
so the valves burn.
3 4

RA - A 14 7.34 -1
Kapitelnummer - 2 RA - ?

Removing the valve seat ring

Use an arc welder to put two short welding beads on

the valve seat (arrows).
Use an internal extractor to pull out the valve seat.
Clean the contact surface of the seat ring in the cyl-
inder head.

If you have access to a valve machining device, use

it with the appropriate sectional steel to turn a groove
in the valve seat ring.

Place disc or something similar un-
derneath the arms of the support in
order to avoid damage to the cylinder
head sealing surface. Turn screw into
the internal extractor. Line up the
arms of the support and pull the valve
seat ring out by turning nut.
Take a measurement to determine
whether “N” or “N I” valve seat rings
were fitted.

Use an internal extractor to pull out valve seat 1 .

Clean the contact surface of the seat ring in the cyl-
inder head.

Installing the valve seat ring

Heat the cylinder head to approx. +80 °C in a water

Cool the valve seat rings to approx. -200 °C and
insert them into the cylinder head.
After the temperatures have equalized, use pressing
ring [42] to settle the pieces against the stop for
checking purposes.

• Machine the valve seats after cooling.

• Clean the cylinder head after machining. Use a
leakage tester to check for leaks.
• Heating the cylinder head too strongly (above
+200 °C) compromises the firm seating of the
tapped hole stoppers (sealing caps) meaning that
they have to be replaced.
• To do this, blow out the ducts and clean the
tapped holes with OMNIFIT Cleaner/Activator.
Apply LOCTITE 648 green adhesive to new
tapped hole sealing caps and press them in using
press-in pin [60] (do-it-yourself, page 9.72 - 1).

RA - A 14 7.35 - 1
Kapitelnummer - 2 RA - ?

Removing the camshaft

Removing and installing the rocker arm mechanism,

Removing and installing the oil sump, 4.31.

Removing and installing the flywheel housing, 5.53.

Removing and fitting the timing chain housing, 5.54.

Remove idler gear 1 and camshaft sprocket 2 ,


Unscrew and remove the mounting bolts on the end

stop. Remove the end stop.

The timing gears and the timing chain
housing have been removed in the
following pictures.
It is also possible to fit a new cam-
shaft without removing these parts.

The engine is turned over here so the tappets slide

towards the cylinder head and disengage from the 1 2
cams so the shaft can be removed.
Use insertion pin [43] 1 on the timing chain housing
to push out the camshaft. Guide the camshaft on the
flywheel end 2 when doing this.

RA - A 14 7.51 - 1

Check the tappets and fit new ones if necessary.

Refer to the note regarding dimension

levels N, N I and N II on page 5.56 - 6
as well as the identification on the
type plate when fitting new tappets.
With the lifter bores, the number fol-
lowing the “S” (N I box in the type
plate) specifies the number of N I
holes in the crankcase. These have to
be determined by measuring.

Fitting new camshaft bearings

Use pressing pin [44] to drive out the camshaft


! ! ! The notches 1 on the new bushes must point

towards the fan end and the oil bores 2 must line up
with the oil bores in the housing.

Use pressing pin [44] to drive the new bushes into

the crankcase flush with fan end.

7.51 - 2 RA - A 14

Installing the camshaft

Put insertion pin [43] into the crankcase.

Put the camshaft into the insertion pin.
Insert the camshaft into the crankcase in this way.
! ! ! Do not damage the bearings.

Position the end stop.

Insert the mounting bolts and tighten them to the
specified tightening torque.
Checking the camshaft end play, 5.54 - 2
Remove the end stop and install it again after fitting
an appropriate thrust washer. Re-check the play.

Technical data, 9.21 - 12.

Put the camshaft sprocket onto the camshaft and

centring pin.
Insert the mounting bolts and tighten them by hand.
– Give them a final tightening after installing
the idler gear –

Fit the timing gears, 5.54 - 3.

Block the flywheel, and tighten the camshaft gear 1
and intermediate gear 2 to the specified torque.
Reference torques, 9.51.

Fitting the timing chain housing cover, 5.54.

Installing the flywheel housing, 5.53.
Complete the assembly of the engine.

RA - A 14 7.51 - 3
7.51 - 4 RA - A 14

Checking the valve timing

Any twisting of the screwed-on camshaft drive sprocket can lead to serious engine damage.
Consequently, check the valve timing to ensure the camshaft drive sprocket is seated correctly after any
engine malfunction which could lead to twisting, e.g. failure of the air compressor.
Precondition: The tappets must not be bent!

Proceed as follows:
− Fit the engine barring gear onto the flywheel housing.
− Remove the valve covers.
− Set the valve clearance of the 1st cylinder correctly.
− Turn the engine to about 30° before TDC in the opposite direction to its direction of rotation.
− Place a dial gauge onto the inlet valve spring cap on the 1st cylinder with a slight preload. Zero the dial
− Slowly turn the engine in its running direction and observe the needle on the dial gauge.
• The intake valve opens as soon as the needle deflects
− Read off the degree scale on the flywheel and compare it with the timings on page 9.21 - 12.

Note: Fitting one dial gauge each on the intake and exhaust valve head of the 1st cylinder makes it possi-
ble to check all valve timings and the valve lift by turning the engine further.

Control diagram for D 0826 LUH ..

Values in degrees relate to the crankshaft


1 Engine’s direction of rotation

2 Intake opens
3 Exhaust closes
4 Exhaust opens
5 Exhaust closes

RA - A 14 7.52 - 1
Kapitelnummer - 2 RA - ?

Removing the air compressor

Remove the air compressor’s intake air line 1 .

Remove both coolant lines 2 from the air compressor.
Remove the compressed air line 6 from the air compressor to the connecting piece.
Unscrew the oil delivery line 3 , and collect any engine oil that runs out.
Unscrew the oil return line 5 .
4 = type plate for the air compressor.


Unscrew the safety stand 7 from the engine and air compressor.
Remove the fixing bolts 8 from the front air compressor flange fixing.
Remove the air compressor from the timing chain housing.


RA - A 14 8.11 - 1

When replacing the air compressor

Remove the air compressor drive wheel. To do this,
loosen the fixing bolt 4 .

When loosening or tightening the
fixing bolt of the air compressor drive
gear, do not clamp the drive gear in a
vice (not even one with soft metal
jaws) because this can damage the
teeth and distort the gear. For this
reason, use the installation plate 1
[45] as shown.

In D 08.. underfloor engines as of
engine number xx7581527xxxx with a
2-cylinder air compressor, the fixing
of the air compressor drive gear is
different (see the assembly directions
on page 3).

Fix the air compressor drive gear 2 to the installa-

tion plate 1 using 4 bolts 3 tightened 30 Nm.
Loosen the fixing bolt 4 by a few revolutions.

Push off the drive gear. To do this, screw the bolt 5

into the middle threaded hole of the installation plate
against the fixing bolt 4 until the drive wheel is
Unscrew the thrust bolt and fixing bolt, and then
remove the drive gear with the installation plate.

8.11 - 2 RA - A 14

Clean the surface of the flange 1 , and fit a new

O-ring 2 with silicone grease.

Thoroughly clean the air compressor drive gear and

crankshaft end of the air compressor on and around
the contact surfaces (grease-free).
Place the air compressor drive gear with the installa-
tion plate [45] on the air compressor crankshaft.
Insert a new fixing bolt for the drive gear 4 (oiled
only *), and tighten it to the specified torque.
! ! ! Note differences ! ! !

* Install the bolt using oil as lubrication. Do not

lubricate it with Optimol White T, which was used
for the previous bolts.

In D 08.. underfloor engines as of engine number 4
xx7581527xxxx with a 2-cylinder air compressor, the
fixing of the air compressor drive gear is different.

Previous version:
Driver claw on the central bolt 4

Current version:
The driver claw 3 is fixed to the air compressor 5 1
drive gear with M 8 cheese head screws 5 .

1 Central bolt
Hexagon bolt M 16 x 1.5 x 55 -10.9-
2 Air compressor drive gear -0100 4
3 Driver ring for the power steering pump
4 Power steering pump
5 Cheese head screw M 8 x 16 -8.8-

RA - A 14 8.11 - 3

Unscrew the oil pump cover 2 .

Remove the oil pump gears and shafts 1 .
Unscrew the oil pump housing 3 , and remove both
driver rings 4 .
Check removed parts for wear, and clean sealing

Place the driver ring 1 on the air compressor crank-

shaft, lubricate the driver ring 2 or the oil pump drive
gear, and install it in the oil pump housing.
Put the oil pump housing 4 in place with a new gas-
ket 3 , ensuring that the two driver rings engage.
Insert fixing bolts 5 , and tighten them initially by
– Tighten them finally on installing the cover. –

Lubricate the oil pump gears and shafts 1 , and in-

stall them in the oil pump housing, guiding the drive
shaft into the driver wheel as you do so.
Apply Loctite 574 sealing agent to the sealing sur-
face for the oil pump cover, and put the oil pump
cover 2 in place.
Tighten the fixing bolts 3 , including those of the oil
pump housing 4 , evenly to the specified torque.

Remove the fixing bolts of the installation plate 1

from the drive gear, and then remove the installation
Screw the driver claw onto the drive gear, and
tighten to the specified torque.
Screw the threaded sleeve and banjo bolts with new
sealing rings into the air compressor, and tighten

Note: See the standard torque tightening values

(9.51 - 4).

8.11 - 4 RA - A 14

Installing the air compressor

Clean the sealing surface on the timing chain housing.
Install the air compressor in the timing chain housing – not forgetting to fit a new O-ring–.
Insert fixing bolts 8 , and tighten them to the specified torque.
Screw the safety stand 7 onto the engine and air compressor.

Note: See the standard torque tightening values (9.51 - 4).

5 3

Connect the intake air line 1 .

Fit both coolant lines 2 with new seals.
Connect the compressed air line 6 from the air compressor to the connecting piece with pressure relief
valve (17 bar).
Screw on the oil return line 5 .
Screw on the oil delivery line 3 with new seals.

After a trial run, check all the oil and coolant levels in the engine.
Check that there is no leakage from the lines.

RA - A 14 8.11 - 5
8.11 - 6 RA - A 14

Checking the V-belt tension

using the “KRIKIT” V-belt tension tester

Since the life of a V-belt – in particular that of an

open-flank type belt – depends primarily on its tensi-
on, a tester should always be used to check the ten-
The tester can be applied in various positions, de-
pending on the accessibility of the V-belt.

Lower the pointer 1 to the scale before measuring.

Place the tension tester [46] at a central point bet- 1
ween two belt sheaves in such a way that the edge
of the contact surface 2 lies against the side of the
To measure the tension, apply pressure evenly to
the pressure pad under the rubber loop vertically to
the upper side of the V-belt until you hear or feel the
spring under the pressure pad spring off.

Important! Continuing to press after the spring has

disengaged results in an incorrect reading.
Do not knock the tester before taking a reading from it.

The value for the tension force of the tested belt is

read at the point where the upper side of the indica-
tor arm meets the scale.
If the value measured does not correspond to the
specified value, the V-belt tension must be adjusted.

− Check the V-belt for cracks, oiliness and signs of

overheating and wear.
− Replaced damaged V-belts.

Refer to the relevant Operator’s Manual for how to

change/adjust the tension of a V-belt.

Specified tension force

Belt width Tension force in N (kg)

After 10 mins. Servicing after
New installation running time longer running time

9,5........................... 500 (50) ............................... 450 (45) ............................... 400 (40)

12,5........................... 550 (55) ............................... 500 (50) ............................... 450 (45)
20,0........................... 750 (75) ............................... 700 (70) ............................... 600 (60)
22,0........................... 750 (75) ............................... 700 (70) ............................... 600 (60)
2/3VX........................ 900 (90) ............................... 900 (90) ............................... 750 (75)
3/3VX...................... 1350 (135) ........................... 1350 (135) ........................... 1125 (112.5)

RA - A 14 8.51 -1

Fitting a new tensioning device for poly-grooved belts

Inadequate durability of the hydraulic damper in buses with a D

0826 LUH .. engine and an additional air compressor can cause
the wearing of the pressure spring and hydraulic damping de-

In the event of repairs, replace the pressure spring and hydraulic

damping device with a rigid holder. See SI 96 10 22/0.

Remove the pressure spring and hydraulic damping

device 1 . 1

Spare parts
1 holder .......................................... 51.97485-0011
1 hexagon bolt M 8 x 25 -10.9- ....... 06.01284-7115
1 washer A 8.4-200 HV ................. 06.15013-6111
1 washer A 8.4-140 HV ................. 06.15191-0209
1 hexagon bolt M 10 x 65 -10.9- ..... 06.01014-9218
1 washer A 10.5-200 HV ............... 06.15013-6112

Installing the holder

1 2 3
1 Holder (-0011)
2 Hexagon bolt M 10 x 65 (-9218)
3 Washer A 10.5 (-6112) 4
4 Hexagon bolt M 8 x 25 (-7115)
5 Washer A 8.4 (-0209)
6 Washer A 8.4 (-6111)

1. Loosen screw 7 .
2. Loosen screw 8 by approx. ½ a revolution. 2
3. Use screw 9 to tension the poly-grooved belt by
tightening it to a torque of 35 Nm. 3
4. Tighten screw 7 .
5. Tighten screw 8 .
See table on pages 9.51 - 5 and 6 for the standard 8 9
5 6 4
torque values.

8.51 - 2 RA - A 14

Installing flat gaskets

Flat gaskets are often installed using a sealing compound or adhesive to facilitate installation or improve
sealing. As a result, particularly when parts that have different thermal expansion (e.g. aluminium and cast
iron) are connected, the gasket may move when the engine is running and leakage may occur. This is
known as the step or sewing machine effect.
Example: The cover of the front crankshaft seal. The use of a sealing compound or adhesive here causes
the flat gasket to move inward as time goes by, due to a difference in thermal expansion. Oil is thus lost,
and this oil loss may under certain circumstances be attributed to the leakage from the shaft seal ring.

The only way to ensure that flat gaskets are installed perfectly is to comply with the following:
− Only use original MAN gaskets.
− The sealing surfaces must be clean and undamaged.
− Do not use adhesives or sealing compounds. If necessary, to make installation easier you can use a
little grease to stick the gasket to the part to be installed.
− Tighten bolts uniformly to the specified torque.

Replacing the screw cap in the crankcase

− Knock out the old screw cap.
− Remove any remains of sealing agent from the hole with fine-grained abrasive paper.
− Clean the hole with “OMNIFIT – cleaner/activator”, MAN part no. 04.10190.9002.
− Apply “LOCTITE 648 green adhesive (FL 50 ML)”, MAN part no. 04.10160.9164, to the hole in such a
way that 5 mm from the pressing-in end there is a band of adhesive around the hole.
− Immediately after removing the screw cap from its wrapping, use the pins [24] to drive home the screw
cap at a right-angle until it retrudes by 1.5 mm to 2 mm.
• The correct retrusion ensures that the minimum distance of 0.5 mm between the screw cap and the
external wall of the cylindrical pipe is adhered to.

Note: Use only specially (i.e. ultrasonically) cleaned parts with slightly chamfered edges. You can get
these packaged individually from the central parts store (packaged in air- and dust-tight plastic bags).
Do not touch the cylindrical edge of the screw caps. The surface must remain completely free of grease.

Surface-grinding the crankcase/cylinder head

After repairs are carried out in the cylinder head area, leaks and/or piston ring/liner wear often occur.

Cause: Grinding the crankcase surface and/or cylinder heads with an orbital sander and
coarse-grained abrasive paper.

Consequences: – The liner protrusion is ground away

(if the cylinder liners are left in during grounding).
– The surface gets scored and is no longer level.
– Remains of the abrasive get into the cylinder.

What to do: When carrying out repairs, clean the cylinder head contact surfaces by hand
using only a scraper, a sanding block and fine-grained sanding paper.

Steel cylinder head seals are used only for the combustion chamber flange, the cylinder head bolt
reinforcements and the copper/Viton inserts.
Soft gaskets are used throughout, but the points mentioned provide the seal. Thus, traces of corrosion in
the other parts of the cylinder head/crankcase contact surface do not have any effect on the tightness of
the cylinder head seal, and it is therefore not necessary to make these parts completely smooth.
Repairs that become necessary because of improper sanding of the cylinder heads/crankcase are not
covered by the warranty agreement.

RA - A 14 8.99 -1
8.99 - 2 RA - A 12

Underfloor engines
D 0826 LUH ..


RA - A 14 9.00 - 1

Contents Section/Page

1. Model designation
– Explanation ................................................................................................................ 9.11 - 1
– Keys ........................................................................................................................... 9.11 - 1

1.1 New model designations

1.2 Exhaust and noise limit regulations ................................................................................ 9.11 - 2
1.2.1 Exhaust gases ................................................................................................................ 9.11 - 2
1.2.2 Noise limits ...................................................................................................................... 9.11 - 2

2. Characteristic data
– Engine type, no. of cylinders, swept volume, compression ratio, firing sequence, etc. 9.12 - 1

3. Table of engine setting values

– Injector nozzles .......................................................................................................... 9.13 - 1
– In-line injection pump ................................................................................................. 9.13 - 2
– Engine setting values, table from SD 203 .................................................................. 9.13 - 4

4. Checking and setting values

4.1 Crankcase ....................................................................................................................... 9.21 - 1
4.2 Pistons ............................................................................................................................ 9.21 - 3
4.3 Connecting rods .............................................................................................................. 9.21 - 4
4.4 Crankshaft ....................................................................................................................... 9.21 - 6
4.5 Flywheel .......................................................................................................................... 9.21 - 8
4.6 Cylinder heads and valves .............................................................................................. 9.21 - 9
4.6.1 Valve springs .................................................................................................................. 9.21 - 10
4.6.2 Engine control system...................................................................................................... 9.21 - 11
4.6.3 Valve clearance .............................................................................................................. 9.21 - 12
4.6.4 Timing settings ................................................................................................................ 9.21 - 12
4.7 Engine lubrication ........................................................................................................... 9.21 - 13
4.8 Cooling system ............................................................................................................... 9.21 - 13
4.9 Electrical system ............................................................................................................. 9.21 - 14
4.10 Air compressor ................................................................................................................ 9.21 - 14
4.11 Turbocharger .................................................................................................................. 9.21 - 14
4.12 Checking the compression pressure ............................................................................... 9.21 - 14

5. Standard torque tightening values

5.1 Values deviating from the works standard ...................................................................... 9.51 - 1
5.2 Standard values (works standard) .................................................................................. 9.51 - 5

6. Running in
6.1 Running the engine in ..................................................................................................... 9.61 - 1

9.00 - 2 RA - A 14

– Explanation
Key: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
x xx x x x(x) x xxxx /xxx

Fuel type
No. of cylinders
Rating variants
Engine installation
Reduced rating in accordance with engine specifications or special
designation requested by customer

Example: D 08 2 6 LUH /213

1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 8. Key

The example shows a diesel engine with a 108 mm bore, a 125 mm stroke and 6 cylinders for a bus with
an intercooled underfloor rear engine (LUH) and a rating of 157 kW = 213 hp.
(Underfloor = under the chassis)

– Keys (incomplete, only the most common terms, for other terms see SD 205 – 02.92).

1. Fuel type: 5. Supercharging: (not M-process engines)

D = Diesel T = with turbocharging
E = Compressed natural gas (CNG) L = with turbocharging and
G = Propane/butane gas (LPG) intercooling
C = with combined supercharging,
2. Bore: without intercooling
02 = Ø 102 mm K = with combined supercharging
08 = Ø 108 mm and intercooling

3. Stroke: 6. Rating variants:

2 = 116 mm (D 02..) X = First power version
125 mm (D 08.. naturally aspirated) Y = Second power version
120 mm (D 08.. supercharged)
125 mm (D 08.. LUH / 213 / 01 to ..) 7. Engine installation:
.UM = Underfloor mid-vehicle engine
4. Number of cylinders: .UH = Underfloor rear engine
4 = 4 cylinders .LUH = Intercooled underfloor rear engine
6 = 6 cylinders

Note: Only the letters of keys 5 to 8 (those essential for differentiation) are used in the technical data.

RA - A 14 9.11 - 1

The engine model designations were changed at the beginning of 1990.

− The basic designation, consisting of keys 1 to 5 and engine installation no. 6, is unchanged.
− Rating values such as X, Y, and Z are no longer used.
− Key 7 has been added for consecutive numbering (01, 02 etc.).
6 7
xxxx xx

Engine position
Rating, engine speed,
acceptance regulations, emissions
Example: D 08 2 6 L UH 01

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Key
The consecutive numbers are assigned by TDS-N. The numbers are codes for the rating, engine speed
and acceptance regulations (TÜV, ECE, 88/77 EEC and others).
Example: D 0826 LUH 01 → 198 kW / 2400 / –56% NOx; 84/424 EEC = Euro 1 / Stroke 125 mm
This means: Rating 198 kW = 270 PS at 2400 revolutions per minute,
NOx value –56%, which corresponds to the directives of 88/77 EEC, see. 1.2.1.
SILENT = external noise limits based on 84/424 EEC, see. 1.2.2.

1.2 Exhaust and noise limit regulations

The MAN engines that already meet the specified requirements and are available for the different
series are contained in the table on page 208. The series complies with the specified Euro 1
values because values approximately 10 % higher are permissible for conformity of production
(COP). These engines are thus also called Euro 1 (COP).

1.2.1 Exhaust gases

ECE-R 49, effective since 15.04.82:
The defined limits of CO 14 g/kWh, HC 3.5 g/kWh, NOx 18 g/kWh are referred to as 100% values.
The improved emission limits (88/77 EEC) are expressed as reduced (–) percentages of these

88/77 EEC, valid as of 01.10.90:

Improved limits: CO –20%, HC –30%, NOx –20%, based on ECE-R 49,
Euro 1: CO –68%, HC –69%, NOx –56%, based on ECE-R 49.
Euro 2: CO –71%, HC –69%, NOx –61%, based on ECE-R 49.
In g/kWh: Euro 1 Euro 2 FAV 2 (CH) KDV (A)
NOx 8.0 7.0 9.0 9.0
HC 1.1 1.1 1.23 1.23
CO 4.5 4.0 4.9 4.9
PT (particulates) 0.36 > 85 kW 0.15 0.7 0.7 > 85 kW (1.1.93)
0.61 < 85 kW 0.4 < 85 kW (1.1.93)

1.2.2 Noise limits

An overview table of vehicles with engine types in accordance with 84/424/EEC or ECE-R 51 that
are available from the factory, including those versions with a limited range of fittings, can be
obtained from TDT, as well as retrofitting for older engines that are no longer in production. Please
also note the service information bulletins for low-noise vehicles:
90 10 16 Group 10
89 10 18 Group 10
92 02 05 Group 10.
The MAN SILENT vehicles meet the requirements for low-noise trucks. For more information, see
the overview table available from TDT.

9.11 - 2 RA - A 14

D 0826 LUH engine

Design ................................................................................. In line, horizontal
Method of operation ............................................................ 4-stroke
Process ............................................................................... Diesel process with direct injection into the
combustion bowl, depending on engine type,
through 4-hole nozzles (Euro 1) or multiple
hole nozzles (Euro 2)
Supercharging ..................................................................... Turbocharger, intercooling and electronically
controlled air injection when starting from rest
Number of cylinders ............................................................ 6
Swept volume
D 0826 LUH /213 / 01 to .. .......................................... 6871 cm
Compression ratio
D 0826 LUH / 213 ........................................................ 16.5 : 1
D 0826 LUH 01 to 10 ................................................... 17 : 1
D 0826 LUH 12 ............................................................ 18 : 1
D 0826 LUH 13 ............................................................ 16.5 : 1
D 0826 LUH / 213 / 01 to .. ......................................... 108/125 mm
Firing sequence .................................................................. 1 - 5 - 3 - 6 - 2 - 4
Cylinder 1 is ........................................................................ Opposite the power end
Lubrication .......................................................................... Forced-feed by means of gear oil pump
Cooling ................................................................................ Pump circulation (water cooling)
by means of impeller pump
Coolant temperature approx. .............................................. 80 to 90 °C
Max. permissible momentary temperature .......................... 95 °C
Engine weight, dry .............................................................. Approx. 650 kg

For filling quantities and specifications, see the Maintenance Recommendations (print no. 81.99589.4092).

RA - A 14 9.12 - 1
9.12 - 2 RA - A 14

3. Table from SD 203

The following table lists the engine power, the setting values for the start of pumping, the nozzle designa-
tions, the values for the emissions test from SD 203, and an explanation of the injection pump designations.

RA - A 14 9.13 - 1

Injector nozzles

Nozzle type
D 08.., with combustion bowl ....................................... 4-hole nozzle
for Euro 1/Euro 2.............................................. 4-hole or multiple-hole nozzle
Nozzle designation
DL ......................................................................... Normal-hole nozzle
DLL ......................................................................... Long-hole nozzle
Nozzle holder
KD – design .................................................................. With retaining nut
(e.g. L 82 P 11)
Injector nozzle protrusion over cylinder head contact surface
D 08, supercharged ................................................... 1.15 to 2.13 mm
Fuel filter ......................................................................... Optional: simple-box filter cartridge
with paper element or duo filter

In-line injection pump

Make ......................................................................... BOSCH
Type ......................................................................... Reciprocating piston pump with own camshaft
and end flange-mounted
Governor designations
Idle/limit speed governor............................................... RQ (e.g. RQ 250 / 1300 MW 84)
Variable speed governor............................................... RQV (e.g. RQV 250 / 1300 MW 83)

Note: The start of pumping must only be checked or set in D 08.. engines with an in-line
injection pump using the light signal transmitter. Checking or setting the start of pumping
using the high-pressure overload method is not permissible.

Explanation of injection pump designations

PES 6 MW 100 / 321 RS 1153 X
PES ......................................................................... In-line injection pump with own camshaft
and end flange-mounted
6 ......................................................................... Number of cylinders
MW ......................................................................... Pump size = 8 mm, 10 mm piston stroke
100 ......................................................................... Piston diameter in 0.1 mm
/ ......................................................................... Change reference:
/= standard model, A = 1st change etc.
321 ......................................................................... Installation number - indicates the position of
installation for the camshaft, the governor, the
spray adjuster and the delivery pump
R ......................................................................... Camshaft’s direction of turning
R = right, L = left
1153 ......................................................................... Design number 1000....1499,
for piston stroke and reinforced design
X ......................................................................... Supplementary letter for different setting using
the same combination number
Designation of “Z” – backward

9.13 - 2 RA - A 14

MAN information / notes:

Power / torque:
The following rules have been in force since October 1, 1988 for these particulars:
The terms DIN and ISO will no longer be used in future.
Measurements will be taken on the basis of EC directives:
• 80/1269 EEC (corresponds approximately to DIN)
• 88/195 EEC (corresponds approximately to ISO)
In future, all information should be converted to this directive.
In the following information, we have retained the DIN figure for older engines whereas we give the data
for newer engines on the basis of both EC directives wherever this information is available.
The differences in the power and torque ratings for the same engine are a result of the different measur-
ing methods. There is no conversion factor available.

Start of pumping:
The start of pumping is specified in degrees of crankshaft angle before TDC. In all engines in which
there is a receptacle for the illuminated indicator 80.99605-6002, only ever use the illuminated indicator
to check and/or set the start of pumping. The “High pressure overflow method” must not be used for
All values for the start of pumping are specified for the static test. Refer to SI 94 03 22/0 regarding dy-
namic measurements of the start of pumping.
The stroke of the fuel injection pump at the start of pumping is 1.0 mm in distributor-type injection

Nozzle discharge pressure

The nozzle discharge pressure is specified in bar. The tolerance is + 8 bar. Attempt to achieve the upper
tolerance limit during setting.
The following applies if two values are specified:
− The higher value for setting new nozzles
− The lower value for setting nozzles which have already been in service

Jet bearings with nozzle

The jet bearings with nozzle used in series production engines have the last four digits of their MAN
parts number punched into the jet bearing. This combination parts number gives an indication of which
nozzle is fitted. Jet bearings complete with nozzle are not available as a spare part with this number.
The specified parts numbers are only given for your information.

Checking values for the statutory exhaust emissions test

The values for the statutory exhaust emissions test (AU) appear on a grey background.

Idling speed AU
Injection cut-off speed AU
K-value AU

Omitted values
It was not possible to obtain all values in time for publication of this document. These omitted values will
be included in the next edition.

Engines no longer included in the survey

Use older editions of SD 203 and the A 14 Repair Manual for engines which are not included in this edi-

RA - A 14 9.13 - 3

D 0826 LUH/213 D 0826 LUH 01 D 0826 LUH 02 D 0826 LUH 03 Engine:

157/213/2400 198/270/2400 184/250/2100 157/213/2400 kW/hp/1/min
EURO 2 EURO 1 FAV 2 EURO 1 Emissions category
15° +1 12.5° -1 14° -1 13° -1 Start of pumping
265/250 265/250 265/250 265/250 Injection pressure
1x51.10102-0237 51.10102-0202 51.10102-0202 51.10102-0202 Nozzle
1x51.10101-7386 51.10101-7377 51.10101-7349 51.10101-7349 Holder with nozzle
5x51.10102.0273 Nozzle
5x51.10100.7387 Holder with nozzle
DLSA 154 P 625 DLLA 134 P 180 DLLA 134 P 180 DLLA 134 P 180 Nozzle designation
0 433 175 119 0 433 171 159 0 433 171 159 0 433 171 159 Manufacturer’s no.
585 ±35 585 ±35 585 ±35 585 ±35 Idle speed
2490 2490 Setting value – injec-
tion cut-off speed
2520 2520 Min./max.
600 ±100 600 ±100 600 ±100 600 ±100 Idle speed (em. test)
2520 2520 2205 2520 Injection cut-off speed
(em. test)
2760 2760 2415 2760 Min./max.
2.0 2.0 2.2 2.0 Partic. emission value
PES 6MW 100/ PES 6MW 100/ PES 6MW 100/
Injection pump
321 RS 1215 321 RS 1210 321 RS 1186
51.11103-7126 51.11103-7127 51.11103-7221 MAN no.
EDC RQ RQ RQ Governor

D 0826 LUH 04 D 0826 LUH 05 D 0826 LUH 06 D 0826 LUH 08 Engine:

157/213/2400 169/230/2400 184/250/2100 198/270/2400 kW/hp/1/min
FAV 2 EURO 1 EURO 1 EURO 1 Emission category
14° -1 14° -1 13° -1 12° -1 Start of pumping
265/250 265/250 265/250 265/250 Injection pressure
51.10102-0202 51.10102-0202 51.10102-0202 51.10102-0202 Nozzle
51.10101-7349 51.10101-7377 51.10101-7349 51.10101-7349 Holder with nozzle
DLLA 134 P 180 DLLA 134 P 180 DLLA 134 P 180 DLLA 134 P 180 Nozzle designation
0 433 171 159 0 433 171 159 0 433 171 159 0 433 171 159 Manufacturer’s no.
585 ±35 585 ±35 585 ±35 585 ±35 Idle speed
2490 2140 2490 Setting value – injec-
tion cut-off speed
2520 2180 2520 Min./max.
600 ±100 600 ±100 600 ±100 600 ±100 Idle speed (em. test)
2520 2520 2205 2520 Injection cut-off speed
(em. test)
2760 2760 2415 2760 Min./max.
2.4 1.8 2.7 0.7 Partic. emission value
PES 6MW 100/ PES 6MW 100/ PES 6MW 100/ PES 6MW 100/
Injection pump
321 RS 1186 321 RS 1201 321 RS 1210 321 RV 19567
51.11103-7008 51.11103-7239 51.11103-7220 51.11103-7138 MAN no.
RQ RQ RQ RQV Governor

9.13 - 4 RA - A 14

D 0826 LUH 10 D 0826 LUH 12 D 0826 LUH 13 Engine:

198/270/2400 162/220/2400 191/260/2300 kW/hp/1/min
EURO 1 EURO 2 EURO 2 Emission category
12.5° -1 4° -1 0° -1 Start of pumping
265/250 270/250 320/300 Injection pressure
51.10102-0202 1x51.10102-0234 1x51.10102-0237 Nozzle
51.10101-7349 1x51.10100-7391 1x51.10100-7386 Nozzle holder with nozzle
5x51.10102-0234 5x51.10102-0237 Nozzle
5x51.10100-7364 5x51.10100-7387 Nozzle holder with nozzle
DLLA 134 P 180 DSLA 154 P 492 DSLA 154 P 625 Nozzle designation
0 433 171 159 0 433 175 085 0 433 175 119 Manufacturer’s number
585 ±35 585 ±35 600 ±30 Idle speed
2565 2500 Setting value - injection cut-off speed
2595 2560 Min./max.
600 ±30 600 ±30 600 ±100 Idle speed (em. test)
2520 2520 2520 Injection cut-off speed (em. test)
2760 2760 2760 Min./max.
2.0 1.1 1.4 Particulate emission value
PES 6MW 100/ PES 6H20 / PES 6H20 /
Injection pump
321 RS 1215 320 RS 8 320 RS 11
51.11103-7137 51.11103-7537 51.11103-7529 MAN no.
RQ EDC EDC Governor

RA - A 14 9.13 - 5
9.13 - 6 RA - A 14

4.1 Crankcase

D 08.., supercharged and reconditioned engines

! ! ! The basic bore tolerances of cylinder liners for used engines have been changed. See also
RA - A 13, page 5.71 - 3.

Case bore for cylinder liners

Press fit (A1) Standard size .................................................. 111.495 to 111.535 mm
1st oversize (0.5 mm) ...................................... 112.995 to 112.035 mm
Press fit (A) Standard size .................................................. 111.490 to 111.535 mm
1st oversize (0.5 mm) ...................................... 111.990 to 112.035 mm
Note: (A1) = Size for case bore in the area up to 50 mm under the liner collar.
(A) = Size for case bore in the rest of the bore area

Collar diameter in case

Press fit (B) Standard size/1st oversize ................................. 116.0 to 116.1 mm
Depth of collar groove © ........................................................ 4.00 to 4.03 mm
Cylinder liners - external diameter
Press fit (E) Standard size ..................................................... 111.475 to 111.490 mm (111.490 h 5)
1st oversize (0.5 mm) ........................................ 111.975 to 111.990 mm (111.990 h 5)
At collar (F) Standard size/1st oversize ................................. 115.740 to 115.880 mm (116 d 10)
Height of cylinder liner collar (D) ............................................. 4.04 to 4.06 mm
Case bore/external diameter of liner (A - E) ........................... 0.010 to 0.035 mm
At collar (B - F) ....................................................................... 0.120 to 0.360 mm
Liner protrusion (D - C) ........................................................... 0.01 to 0.06 mm
Cylinder liners – inner diameter
Press fit (G) Standard size ..................................................... 108.000 to 108.022 mm (108 H 6)
After installation (G) ................................................................ 108.000 to 108.022 mm
Max. wear limit ....................................................................... 0.15 mm above normal size
= 108.172 mm
1st oversize (0.5 mm) ............................................................. 108,500 to 108,522 mm

RA - A 14 9.21 - 1

All engines
Length of cylinder liners (H), length of cylinders ............................ 216.7 to 217.0 mm
Permissible conicity over length of cylinder liners, cylinders ......... 0.008 mm
Permissible out-of-roundness ......................................................... 0.005 mm
Surface roughness, min. ................................................................. 4 to 7 µm
Permissible out-of-roundness ......................................................... 0.005 mm
Depth of continuous score marks, max. ........................................ 12 µm
Permissible concentricity ............................................................... 0.04 mm

There are three steps for all motors for reworking the crankcase sealing surfaces = cylinder head inter-
Carry out reworking in accordance with the piston undersize steps in compression height.
Step I ........................................................................................... – 0.2 mm
Step II ........................................................................................... – 0.4 mm
Step III ........................................................................................... – 0.6 mm
Roughness of the cylinder head and crankcase sealing surfaces . 16 µm

When checking and reworking the cylinder bores, the tolerances and regulations in illustrations
51.01101.0429 (D 08 supercharged) apply. They are available on request from MAN-Nbg.,
dept. TAT-N.

Case bore for main bearing

D 08.. ........................................................................................... 82.000 to 82.022 mm (82 H 6)

MAN information
− Since mid-1996, cylinder liners have no longer been fitted in supercharged 4 and
6-cylinder D 08.. engines up to 230 hp.
This change does not mean there has been any drop in quality, since this is a tried-and-
tested technology which competitors have been using for some time and which is also
employed in D 02.. and D 08.. naturally aspirated engines.
− Repairs in response to piston seizure can be carried out by increasing the basic bore in
the crankcase by 0.5 mm and using oversize pistons.
If this repair measure proves inadequate, it is possible to enlarge the basic bore even
further and revert to using cylinder liners with standard production pistons.

9.21 - 2 RA - A 14

4.2 Piston

Pistons display slight differences to adapt them to the

various engines. Such differences affect the diameter,
combustion chamber recess and piston-in-cylinder 2

Each piston carries an identification mark.

1 Piston diameter and index
2 Compression level
3 MAN no.: (the last 4 digits)
4 Manufacturer's data
5 Measurement level for pistons which have been in
service measured across the gudgeon pin eye.
1 4

The spare parts list or the stamped data must be 2 3

referred to for repairs.

Piston diameter

D 08.. supercharged*
Alcan, measured 13 mm above the bottom edge of the piston 5
Normal size .............................................................................................. 107.876 to 107.885 mm
1st oversize 0.5 mm ................................................................................. 108.376 to 108.385 mm

Schmidt, measured 12 mm above the bottom edge of the piston 5 *

Normal size .............................................................................................. 107.879 to 107.893 mm

Piston-in-cylinder clearance ............................................................................. 0.115 to 0.146 mm

Max. wear limit ............................................................................................. 0.30 mm
Piston protrusion from upper edge of the crankcase ........................................ 0.099 to 0.396 mm

Piston compression height 2

D 0826 LUH / 213 / 01 to 06 / 10 / 12
Normal size .............................................................................................. 73.0 mm
Undersize I ............................................................................................ 72.8 mm
II ........................................................................................... 72.6 mm
III .......................................................................................... 72.4 mm
D 0826 LUH 13
Initially only normal size ............................................................................ 72.9 mm

Bore for piston pins .......................................................................................... 40.003 to 40.009 mm

Piston pin diameter .......................................................................................... 39.994 to 40.000 mm
Max. difference in piston weight per set in an engine ....................................... 40 g

Note: * The Mahle pistons have been replaced with Alcan or Schmidt pistons.
There is a choice between Alcan and Schmidt piston.

RA - A 14 9.21 - 3

Pistons (continued)

D 08.., supercharged

Width of the piston ring grooves

1. Ring groove KS .................................... 2.690 mm
Alcan ................................ 2.685 mm

2. Ring groove KS and Alcan ................... 2.54 to 2.56 mm

3. Ring groove KS .................................... 4.04 to 4.06 mm 2

Alcan ................................ 4.02 to 4.04 mm

Piston rings

1. Compression ring (keystone ring) 2 3

Height ................................................. 2.575 to 2.595 mm
Joint clearance 5 .............................. 0.30 to 0.55 mm
End play KS .................................... 0.95 to 0.115 mm
Alcan ................................ 0.90 to 0.110 mm

2. Compression ring (tapered compression ring) 3 4

Height ................................................. 2.478 to 2.490 mm
Joint clearance 5 .............................. 0.30 to 0.50 mm
End play KS and Alcan ................... 0.050 to 0.082 mm

3. Oil scraper ring (narrow-land drain oil-control ring) 4

Height ................................................. 3.975 to 3.990 mm
Joint clearance 5 .............................. 0.30 to 0.60 mm
End play KS .................................... 0.050 to 0.082 mm
Alcan ................................ 0.030 to 0.065 mm
Max. wear limit
Joint clearance ................................... Max. 1.5 mm
End play .......................................... Max. 0.15 mm

9.21 - 4 RA - A 14

4.3 Connecting rods

Piston pin bushings – internal diameter ................................................ 40.050 to 40.066 mm (40 E 6)

Piston pin radial play ........................................................................ 0.050 to 0.072 mm
Connecting rod big end bore (bore for bearing shells in con rod) ......... 69.000 to 69.019 mm (69 H 6)
Cylinder shape, max. deviation ..................................................... 0.01 mm
Right-angle to contact surface, max. deviation ............................. 0.05 mm
Parallelism big end bore - big end bearing boss, max. dev............ 0.02 mm
Connecting rod width on the big end bearing boss ............................... 38.841 to 38.880 mm (39 c 8)
Connecting rod journal width (crankshaft) ............................................ 39.000 to 39.100 mm (39 H 10)

Connecting rod end play .................... 0.120 to 0.259 mm

Big end bearing radial play

Glyco ......... ................................ 0.030 to 0.094 mm
Miba .......... ................................ 0.036 to 0.094 mm

Difference in connecting rod weight per set ......... max. 50 g

Big-end bearing bolts

D 08..-engines:
Bolts that have been loosened must not be
used again.

Spread of the connecting rod bearing shells

Glyco ......... ................................ 0.5 to 2.0 mm
Miba ........... ................................ 0.6 to 1.6 mm

Spread distance
Glyco ......... ................................ 69.5 to 71.0 mm
Miba ........... ................................ 69.6 to 70.6 mm
Wall thickness 2 of the connecting rod bearing shells
Normal size ................................ 1.977 to 1.987 mm
Normal size I .............................. 2.027 to 2.037 mm
Oversize ..... 0.25 ........................ 2.102 to 2.112 mm
Oversize ..... 0.50 ........................ 2.227 to 2.237 mm
Oversize ..... 0.75 ........................ 2.352 to 2.362 mm
Oversize ..... 1.00 ........................ 2.477 to 2.487 mm

Normal size ................................ 1.982 to 1.992 mm
Normal size I .............................. 2.032 to 2.042 mm
Oversize ..... 0.25 ........................ 2.107 to 2.117 mm
Oversize ..... 0.50 ........................ 2.232 to 2.242 mm
Oversize ..... 0.75 ........................ 2.357 to 2.367 mm
Oversize ..... 1.00 ........................ 2.482 to 2.492 mm

RA - A 14 9.21 - 5

4.4 Crankshaft

D 0826 LUH / 213 / 01 to .. ........................................................... 108 / 125 mm

Main bearing journal diameter 1 D 08..

Normal size .............................................................................. 76.981 to 77.000 mm (77 h 6)
Normal I (-0.10 mm) ............................................................ 76.881 to 76.900 mm (76.9 h 6)
Repair size 1 (-0.25 mm) ............................................................ 76.731 to 76.750 mm (76.75 h 6)
2 (-0.50 mm) ............................................................ 76.481 to 76.500 mm (76.50 h 6)
3 (-0.75 mm) ............................................................ 76.231 to 76.250 mm (76.25 h 6)
4 (-1.00 mm) ............................................................ 75.981 to 76.000 mm (76.00 h 6)

Connecting rod bearing journal diameter 2 D 08..

Normal size .............................................................................. 64.981 to 65.000 mm (65.00 h 6)
Normal I (-0.10 mm) ............................................................ 64.881 to 64.900 mm (64.90 h 6)
Repair size 1 (-0.25 mm) ............................................................ 64.731 to 64.750 mm (64.75 h 6)
2 (-0.50 mm) ............................................................ 64.481 to 64.500 mm (64.50 h 6)
3 (-0.75 mm) ............................................................ 64.231 to 64.250 mm (64.25 h 6)
4 (-1.00 mm) ............................................................ 63.981 to 64.000 mm (64.00 h 6)

Thrust bearing journal length 3 D D 08..

Normal size .............................................................................. 34.000 to 34.062 mm (34 H 9)
Repair size 1 .............................................................................. 34.500 to 34.562 mm (34.5 H 9)

Nominal diameter of crankshaft journal for front gear ............................ 16.997 to 17.008 mm (17 j 6)


Crankshaft journals
Roundness, max. deviation ............................................................ 0.010 mm
Cylinder shape, max. deviation ...................................................... 0.015 mm
Permissible radial runout in 6-cylinder engines, in the end bearings
Bearing II and VI ............................................................................. 0.03 mm
III and V ..................................................................... 0.06 mm
IV .............................................................................. 0.08 mm
Radii at the connecting rod journals ...................................................... 3.7 to 4.0 mm
Radii at the main bearing journals ......................................................... 3.2 to 3.5 mm
Surface roughness of the connecting rod journals ................................ 1.5 µm (polished)

9.21 - 6 RA - A 14

Crankshaft (continued)

Width of the thrust bearing shells 3

Normal size, Normal I ......................... 33.780 to 33.850 mm 3
Oversize 0.25 mm and 0.50 mm ... 34.280 to 34.350 mm
0.75 mm and 1.00 mm ... 34.780 to 34.850 mm
Crankshaft end play, max. ......................... 0.150 to 0.282 mm

Wall thickness of the thrust bearing shells 4

Normal size ................................... 2.468 to 2.480 mm
Normal I 0.10 mm oversize ........... 2.518 to 2.530 mm
Oversize 0.25 mm ......................... 2.593 to 2.605 mm
0.50 mm ......................... 2.718 to 2.730 mm
0.75 mm ......................... 2.843 to 2.855 mm
1.00 mm ......................... 2.968 to 2.980 mm

Wall thickness of the main bearing shells 2

Normal size ........................... 2.468 to 2.480 mm
Normal I 0.10 mm oversize.... 2.518 to 2.530 mm
Oversize 0.25 mm ................. 2.593 to 2.605 mm 4
0.50 mm ................. 2.718 to 2.730 mm
0.75 mm ................. 2.843 to 2.855 mm
1.00 mm ................. 2.968 to 2.980 mm
Normal size ........................... 2.470 to 2.480 mm 2
Normal I 0.10 mm oversize.... 2.520 to 2.530 mm
Oversize 0.25 mm ................. 2.595 to 2.605 mm
0.50 mm ................. 2.720 to 2.730 mm
0.75 mm ................. 2.845 to 2.855 mm 1
1.00 mm ................. 2.970 to 2.980 mm

Main bearing radial play ..................... 0.040 to 0.105 mm

Spread of the main bearing shells

Glyco .......................................... 0.5 to 1.5 mm
Miba ............................................ 0.6 to 1.6 mm

Spread of the thrust bearing shells

Glyco .......................................... 0.05 to 0.50 mm
Miba ........................................... 0.20 to 0.60 mm

Case bore for the main bearing ......... 82.000 to 82.022 mm

Internal diameter of installed main bearing and thrust bearing

shells 1
Normal size ................................ 77.040 to 77.086 mm
Normal I 0.10 mm undersize . 76.940 to 76.986 mm
Undersize 0.25 mm ................. 76.790 to 76.836 mm
0.50 mm ................. 76.540 to 76.589 mm
0.75 mm ................. 76.290 to 76.336 mm
1.00 mm ................. 76.040 to 76.086 mm

RA - A 14 9.21 - 7

4.5 Flywheel

Diameter of holder for starter ring gear

D 08.., SAE 3 ........................................................................... 363.735 to 363.792 mm (363.3 u 7)
D 08.., SAE 2 ........................................................................... 398.435 to 398.492 mm (398 u 7)
Internal diameter of starter ring gear
D 08.., SAE 3 ........................................................................... 362.971 to 363.060 mm (363 J 8)
D 08.., SAE 2 ........................................................................... 397.671 to 397.760 mm (397.7 J 8)
D 08.., SAE 2, 3 .......................................................................... 0.675 to 0.821 mm
Installation temperature ....................................................................... +200 to 230 °C
Permissible lateral runout
Before installation ....................................................................... 0.2 mm
After installation .......................................................................... 0.4 mm
Removal of material from clutch friction surface max. ........................ 1.5 mm
Minimal permissible size of “a” in D 08.. ............................................ 33.7 mm

9.21 - 8 RA - A 14

4.6 Cylinder heads and valves

Thickness of the cylinder head gasket

Before installation, approx................................................................................ 1.22 to 1.38 mm
After installation and tightening, approx.. ......................................................... 1.15 to 1.25 mm

Cylinder head height (comply with the specified nozzle and valve retrusions, 9.13 - 2)
Normal size .................................................................................................. 97.8 to 98.0 mm
Minimum size .................................................................................................. 96.8 mm
Surface roughness of the cylinder head and crankcase sealing surfaces .............. 0.008 to 0.016 mm

Valve retrusion
Inlet .......................................................................................................... 0.25 to 0.71 mm
Exhaust .......................................................................................................... 0.45 to 1.05 mm

Valve seat angle

Inlet .......................................................................................................... 30° or total ∠ 120°
Exhaust .......................................................................................................... 45° or total ∠ 90°

Theoretical valve seat in the cylinder head

Intake .......................................................................................................... A = 4.3 to 4.4 mm
B = Ø 46 mm
C = 3.3 to 3.8 mm
Exhaust .......................................................................................................... A = 4.0 to 4.1 mm
B = Ø 40 mm
C = 3.3 to 3.8 mm

Valve head diameter 3

Intake ....................................................... 48.90 to 49.10 mm
Exhaust ....................................................... 41.80 to 42.20 mm
Valve head height 4
Intake ....................................................... 3.0 mm
Exhaust ....................................................... 2.3 mm
Wear limit ............................................... 0.5 mm under basic size
Valve stem diameter 1
Intake ....................................................... 9.965 to 9.980 mm
Exhaust ....................................................... 9.950 to 9.965 mm
Valve radial play
Intake ....................................................... 0.020 to 0.050 mm
Exhaust ....................................................... 0.035 to 0.065 mm 2 4
Wear limit ....................................................... 0.1 mm
Internal diameter of the valve guide
(installed) ....................................... 10.000 to 10.015 mm (10 H 7) 3

RA - A 14 9.21 - 9

Cylinder heads and valves (continued)

Valve seat base bore in the cylinder head

Normal Intake ...................................................................... 51.000 to 51.030 mm (51 H 7)
Exhaust ................................................................... 44.000 to 44.025 mm (44 H 7)
Normal I Intake ...................................................................... 51.200 to 51.230 mm (51.2 H 7)
Exhaust ................................................................... 44.200 to 44.225 mm (44.2 H 7)
Depth of the bore for the valve seat rings
Normal Intake ...................................................................... 10.8 to 10.9 mm
Exhaust ................................................................... 11.0 to 11.1 mm
Normal I Intake ...................................................................... 11.0 to 11.1 mm
Exhaust ................................................................... 11.2 to 11.3 mm
External diameter of the valve seat ring
Normal Intake ...................................................................... 51.10 to 51.11 mm
Exhaust ................................................................... 44.10 to 44.11 mm
Normal I Intake ...................................................................... 51.30 to 51.31 mm
Exhaust ................................................................... 44.30 to 44.31 mm
Valve guide bore in the cylinder head
Normal ................................................................................. 16.000 to 16.018 mm (16 H 7)
Normal I ................................................................................. 16.250 to 16.268 mm (16.25 H 7)
External diameter of the valve guide
Normal ................................................................................. 16.028 to 16.046 mm (16 s 7)
Normal I ................................................................................. 16.278 to 16.296 mm (16.25 s 7)
Normal, Normal I ......................................................................... 0.010 to 0.046 mm
Permissible runout between the valve guide and valve seat .............. 0.04 mm
Valve guide protrusion from the valve spring seat surface ................. 14.1 to 14.5 mm
Valve stroke with specified valve play
D 08.. supercharged, Intake ........................................................ 9.4 mm
Exhaust ..................................................... 11.5 mm
Valve play, see engine control system, 9.21 - 12.

4.6.1 Valve springs

Exhaust, intake
Approx. relaxed length ............................... 59.5 to 61.0 mm
Spring force length 45.0 mm ................. 410 to 470 N
33.5 mm ................. 745 to 825 N

These valve springs have symmetrical coils.

They can be installed in any position.

9.21 - 10 RA - A 14

4.6.2 Engine control system

Diagram of the timing gears



1 Crankshaft gear
(with intermediate gear marked by “1-1-1” together)
2 Intermediate gear
3 Camshaft gear
(with intermediate gear marked by “2-2-2” together)
4 Injection pump drive gear
5 Oil pump drive gear (main pump)
6 Oil pump delivery gear
7 PTO (power take-off)
(air compressor or hydraulic pump)

D 08.. backlash between:

1 Crankshaft gear ............. and 2 intermediate gear .................................. 0.0 to 0.465 mm
2 Intermediate gear ........... and 3 camshaft gear ....................................... 0.062 to 0.324 mm
2 Intermediate gear ........... and 4 injection pump gear ............................... 0.01 to 0.27 mm
2 Intermediate gear ........... and 5 oil pump drive gear ................................ 0.1 to 0.266 mm
6 Oil pump delivery gear ..................................................................................... 0.1 to 0.22 mm
3 Camshaft gear ............... and 8 air compressor gear .............................. 0.1 to 0.15 mm
hydraulic pump gear .............................. 0.056 to 0.475 mm

Note: The air compressor gear and hydraulic pump gear 8 can be adjusted.

RA - A 14 9.21 - 11

Engine control system (continued)

Rocker arm bore ................................................................................. 23.000 to 23.052 mm (23 H 9)

Rocker arm bearing shaft diameter .................................................... 19.957 to 19.970 mm
Rocker arm bush internal diameter .................................................... 20.000 to 20.021 mm (20 H 7)
Rocker arm radial play ........................................................................ 0.030 to 0.064 mm
Permissible runout of the push rods ................................................... 0.4 mm

Case bore of the valve tappets

N ................................................................................................. 20.000 to 20.021 mm (20 H 7)
N I ............................................................................................... 20.250 to 20.271 mm (20.25 H 7)

External diameter of the valve tappet stem

N ................................................................................................. 19.944 to 19.965 mm
N I ............................................................................................... 20.194 to 20.215 mm

Valve tappet running clearance, max. ................................................. 0.035 to 0.077 mm

Internal diameter of the camshaft bush ............................................... 51.000 to 51.030 mm (51 H 7)
Camshaft bearing diameter ................................................................. 50.910 to 50.940 mm (51 e 7)
Camshaft bearing radial play .............................................................. 0.060 to 0.120 mm
Camshaft end play, max. .................................................................... 0.140 to 0.270 mm
Max. wear limit .................................................................................... 1.5 mm
Thickness of the axial thrust washer ................................................... 4.830 to 4.860 mm (5 b 9)

Intermediate gear on bearing axis

Radial play .................................................................................. 0.035 to 0.076 mm
End play ...................................................................................... 0.250 to 0.522 mm

4.6.3 Valve clearance (adjust when the engine is cold)

Intake, exhaust ............................................................................ 0.50 mm

4.6.4 Timing settings (with specified valve clearance)

With camshaft ............................................... 51.04401.6266 ................ ..............51.04401.6290

Intake opens ................................................. 20° before TDC .............. ..............18° before TDC
Intake closes................................................. 12° after BDC ............... ..............32° after BDC
Exhaust opens .............................................. 63° before BDC............... ..............63° before BDC
Exhaust closes.............................................. 29° after TDC ............... ..............29° after TDC

9.21 - 12 RA - A 14

4.7 Engine lubrication

Minimum oil pressures

Idling speed ............................................................................ 1.0 bar
At 1600 rpm ............................................................................ 3.0 bar
At 2600 rpm ............................................................................ 4.0 bar

Oil pressure transmitter with warning contact (check, vehicle side)

Warning point, warning lights come on .................................. 0.25 to 0.40 bar

Valve opening pressures

Bypass valve in filter M + H ............................. 2.3 to 2.8 bar
Knecht ............................ 2.1 to 2.9 bar
Oil pressure regulating valve (on oil pump) ............................ 5.0 to 6.0 bar

Pressure valve of the oil injection nozzles

Opening pressure ................................................................... 1.4 to 1.6 bar
Closing pressure .................................................................... 1.3 bar
Fully open ............................................................................... 1.9 to 2.1 bar

Spray hole diameter of the oil injection nozzles.............................. 1.75 to 1.85 mm

Oil pumps
Housing depth ....................... (32 H 8)32.000 to32.039 mm
Width of gear “a” .................... (32 e 8)31.911 to31.950 mm
Gear end play ..................................... 0.050 to 0.128 mm
Oil pump cover bore .............(Ø 16 H 7)16.000 to16.018 mm
Oil pump shaft diameter ..................... 15.940 to15.950 mm
Radial play .......................................... 0.050 to 0.078 mm
Shaft protrusion “x” ............................. 16 mm
Force of pressure ............................... 10 000 Nm

Oil pump feed capacities at pump speed

(with oil type SAE 20W/20, at 90 °C and p = 6 bar)
at n = 756 1/min ................................. 12 l/min
at n = 3024 1/min ............................... 80 l/min

4.8 Cooling system

Water pump
Gap between the water pump and the impeller ............................. 0.5 to 0.9 mm
Impeller diameter ........................................................................... 125 mm
Bore for the bearing shaft in the impeller .......................................16.000 to 16.018 mm (Ø 16 H 7)
Bearing shaft diameter....................................................................16.045 to 16.056 mm (Ø 16 x 6)
Overlap ..........................................................................................0.027 to 0.056 mm
Bore for the bearing in the case .....................................................39.958 to 39.983 mm (Ø 40 P 7)
Bearing diameter.............................................................................39.989 to 40.000 mm
Overlap ..........................................................................................0.006 to 0.042 mm
Bore in the hub ...............................................................................20.000 to 20.021 mm (Ø 20 H 7)
Bearing shaft diameter....................................................................20.041 to 20.054 mm (Ø 20 u 6)
Overlap ..........................................................................................0.020 to 0.054 mm

RA - A 14 9.21 - 13

4.9 Electrical system

Type ................................................................................................... Pre-engaged Bendix
Manufacturer ...................................................................................... BOSCH
Nominal voltage .................................................................................. 24 volts
Nominal output ................................................................................... 5.4 kW
Type ................................................................................................... Open claw pole
Manufacturer ...................................................................................... BOSCH
Operational voltage ............................................................................. 28 volts
Maximum current ................................................................................ 120, 180 amps

4.10 Air compressor

Type ................................................................................................... 2-cylinder
Manufacturer ...................................................................................... Knorr LK 4908
Lubrication .......................................................................................... From engine lube system
Cooling system ................................................................................... From engine cooling system
Swept volume ...................................................................................... 600 cm

4.11 Turbocharger

Minimum boost pressures

You can see the boost pressures in SI 96 01 22/0 as a supplementary document to “Complaints about
power and consumption” (SD 087).
Maximum vacuum in the air intake line ............................................... 0.5 bar (500 mm WS)
Minimum oil filter unit .......................................................................... 0.015 mm
Maximum end play of the rotor shaft
KKK ............................................................................................... 0.16 mm
Maximum radial play of the rotor shaft
K 26 ............................................................................................... 0.40 mm
K 27 ............................................................................................... 0.43 mm

4.12 Checking the compression pressure

Good ................................................................................................... Over 26 bar
Permissible ......................................................................................... 24 to 26 bar
In need of repair ................................................................................. Under 23 bar
Pressure difference ............................................................................ Max. 4 bar

9.21 - 14 RA - A 14

5.1 Values, deviating from the works standard

Note: All bolted connections whose use is not listed in the following table are to be
tightened in accordance with the MAN works standard M 3059.
− Lubricate the bolts lightly before screwing them in.
− In accordance with M 3059, the tolerance is up to ± 15% unless otherwise specified.

Screw plugs
DIN 908, M 14 x 1.5, M 16 x 1.5 ................................................................................ 80 Nm
M 18 x 1.5, M 22 x 1.5 ................................................................................ 100 Nm
M 24 x 1.5, M 26 x 1.5 ................................................................................ 120 Nm
M 30 x 1.5 ................................................................................................... 150 Nm
DIN 7604, AM 10 x 1, M 12 x 1.5 ................................................................................. 50 Nm
AM 14 x 1.5 ................................................................................................ 80 Nm

Fuel system
Nozzle holder in the cylinder head ............... M 18 x 1.5 (KDEL) .................................. 70 Nm
Nozzle tensioning nut ...................................................................................................... 45 Nm
Banjo bolt for leakage oil on nozzle holder ... M 6 .......................................................... 12 Nm
Delivery line on the nozzle ........................... M 14 x 1.5 ............................................... 25 Nm
Delivery line on the injection pump .............. M 14 x 1.5 ............................................... 25 Nm
In EDC engines and all inj. lines with clips yellow-passivized ..M 14 x 1.5 ...................... 10 Nm +60°
Spray adjuster on inj. pump shafts ............... M 18 x 1.5 ............................................... 130 ... 140 Nm
Drive gear on injection pump ....................... M 14 x 1.5 ............................................... 80 ... 100 Nm
Drive gear on injection pump ....................... M 24 x 1.5 ............................................... 200 Nm +30 Nm

Oil pressure valve for piston spray nozzle ... M 12 ........................................................ 38 ... 42 Nm
Nozzle screw for piston spray valve ............. M 8 .......................................................... 5 Nm
Oil pump drive gear on shaft ........................ M 12 x 1.5 ............................................... 30 Nm
S.P. for pressure relief valve (in crankcase) M 24 x 1.5 ............................................... 60 Nm
S.P. (oil drain plug) on oil sump ................... M 18 x 1.5 ............................................... 60 Nm
S.P. in oil filter head ..................................... M 30 x 1.5 ............................................... 40 Nm
S.P. in oil filter head ..................................... M 10 x 1 .................................................. 30 Nm
Oil pressure transmitter ................................ M 18 x 1.5 ............................................... 80 Nm
Threaded piece for oil filter fixing ................. M 27 x 2 .................................................. 40 Nm
S.P. in oil filter head ..................................... M 18 x 1.5 ............................................... 30 Nm
S.P. in oil filter head ..................................... M 24 x 1.5 ............................................... 20 Nm
Oil change filter ............................................ M 30 x 2 .................................................. 25 Nm
S.P. in oil sump (or oil reservoir) .................. M 22 x 1.5 ............................................... 30 Nm

Flame start system

Flame glow plug(s) on induction pipe .......... M 20 x 1.5 ............................................... 25 Nm
Temperature transmitter for flame start system M 10 x 1, keg. ...................................... 7.5 Nm
Temperature transmitter for flame start system (bayonet) .............................................. 7.5 Nm
Banjo bolt on solenoid valve ........................ M 10 x 1 .................................................. 10 ... 15 Nm

Exhaust/intake manifold
Exhaust manifold on the cylinder head ........................ M 10 -GA-* (replace loosened screws)
Pretightening .............................................................................................................. 50 Nm +5 Nm
Angle tightening ......................................................................................................... 90° +10°
Connection thread on the flame glow plug ... M 10 x 1 .................................................. 5 Nm
Pivot bolt clip for the turbocharger ................ M 6 .......................................................... 10 Nm

*GA = Mark on screw head for heat-resistant exhaust manifold screws.

S.P. = screw plug

RA - A 14 9.51 - 1

Cylinder head

Special notes for D 08.. engines (SI 97 01 27/0):

Cylinder head bolts
Engines belonging to the D 08.. series have been fitted with angle-tightened cylinder head
bolts with an asymmetrical thread since the beginning of series production.
• The cylinder head bolts of naturally aspirated engines are hexagon bolts.
• Supercharged engines may have hexagon bolts or Torx bolts.

Bolts to be fitted in the event of repairs

• The cylinder head bolts must not be used again after they have been loosened.
• When carrying out repairs, always replace all the bolts on the cylinder head.
When replacing all the cylinder head bolts during repairs to a supercharged engine, you can
use Torx bolts. Do not fit Torx bolts to naturally aspirated engines.
Never use angle-tightened hexagon bolts and Torx bolts together!


Angle-tightened hex bolt (MAN no. 51.90020-0284),

Spanner width 19.
Angle-tightening symbol on the bolt head.

Angle-tightened Torx bolt (MAN no. 51.90020-0356),

Torx spanner width E 18.

Initial tightening of the cylinder head bolts at the factory

The cylinder head bolts are retightened for the first time at the factory.
The engines then receive sticker 51.97801-0211 (German/English)
or 51.97801-0213 (French/Spanish).

7 1 4 6

Tightening diagram
Applies to all D 08.. engines.

5 3 2 8

9.51 - 2 RA - A 14

Torques/angles for initial tightening after repairs

Hexagon bolt -0284 Torx bolt -0356

1. Pretightening ............ 10 Nm 1. Pretightening .............. 10 Nm
2. Pretightening ............ 80 Nm 2. Pretightening .............. 80 Nm
3. Pretightening ............ 150 Nm 3. Pretightening .............. 150 Nm
4. Pretightening ............ 90° 4. Pretightening .............. 90°
5. Final tightening ......... 90° 5. Pretightening .............. 90°
6. Final tightening ........... 90°

Retightening bolts after repairs

Naturally aspirated engines:
The cylinder head bolts are not retightened.
Supercharged engines:
Angle-tightened hexagon bolts are retightened after a repair.
Angle-tightened Torx bolts are not retightened after a repair.

Initial retightening
− Hexagon bolts only
− When the engine is either warm or cold
− After approx. 50 km
− After 20 hours of operation
− Continue to turn by 90° (¼ of a revolution) without prior loosening.
− Check and, if necessary, set the valve clearance.
− Apply sticker -0211 or -0213 to one of the cylinder head covers, and remove any existing stickers.

Erster Nachzug der Zylinder- Premier resserrage des vis de

kopfschrauben erledigt culasses effectué

First retightening of cylinder- Primer reapriete de los tornillos

head-bolts completed de culata efectuado

51.97801-0211 51.97801-0213
Second retightening
− Hexagon bolts only
− When the engine is either warm or cold
− After 20,000 km to 30,000 km
− After 400 hours of operation
− Continue to turn by 90° (¼ of a revolution) without prior loosening
− Check and, if necessary, set the valve clearance.
− Replace sticker -0211 or -0213 with sticker -0212 or -0214.

Zweiter Nachzug der Zylinder- Second resserrage des vis de

kopfschrauben erledigt culasses effectué

Second retightening of cylinder- Segundo reapriete de los tornillos

head-bolts completed de culata efectuado

51.97801-0212 51.97801-0214

RA - A 14 9.51 - 3

Crankcase and timing

Note: Crankshaft and connecting rod bearing bolts that have been loosened must be replaced.

Crankshaft bearing cap on the crankcase ................... M 14

Pretightening ............................................................................................................. 115 Nm
Angle tightening ......................................................................................................... 90° +10°
Connecting rod bearing cap ........................................ M 12 x 1.5
Pretightening ............................................................................................................. 50 Nm
Angle tightening ......................................................................................................... 90° + 0°
Flywheel on the crankshaft .......................................... M 14 x 1.5 -10.9- (replace loosened bolts)
Pretightening ............................................................................................................. 100 Nm
Angle tightening ......................................................................................................... 90° +10°
Cylinder bolts with hexagon socket for intermediate gear pin
Up to 20.95 ........................................................ M 12 -10.9- .................................. 110 Nm
M 12 -11.9- .................................. 115 ... 120 Nm
Over 21.95 ......................................................... M 14 x 1.75 (replace loosened bolts)
Pretightening ............................................................................................................. 100 Nm
Angle tightening ......................................................................................................... 90° +10°
Collar bolt for camshaft gear ....................................... M 10 x 1.25 .................................. 65 Nm
Vibration damper on the crankshaft ............................. M 14 x 1.5 -10.9- (replace loosened bolts)
Pretightening ............................................................................................................. 150 Nm
Angle tightening ......................................................................................................... 90° +10°
Vibration damper on the crankshaft ............................. M 14 x 1.5 -12.9- (replace loosened bolts)
Pretightening ............................................................................................................. 150 Nm
Angle tightening ......................................................................................................... 2 x 90° +10°
Lock nut on valve adjusting screw ............................... M 10 x 1 ........................................ 40 Nm
Spray nozzle on rocker arm bearing block .................. M 6 ............................................... 6 Nm

Cooling system
Temperature transmitter with warning contact ............ M 14 x 1.5 .................................... 15 Nm
Hose clips
Tension range 12 ... 31 mm, width 9 mm .................................................................. 3.6 Nm
Tension range ≥ 32 mm, width 13 mm ...................................................................... 5 Nm

Alternator/air compressor
Alternator belt pulley (T1) ............................................ M 24 x 1.5 .................................... 120 ... 150 Nm
Hexagon bolt air compressor drive gear
LUH / 213 only.................................................... M 18 x 1.5 -10.9- .......................... 420 Nm
In LUH .. ........................................................... M 16 x 1.5 -11.9-* ........................ 320 Nm +45°
With air compressor drive gear 0100 ................ M 16 x 1.5 -10.9-*
Pretightening ............................................................................................................. 200 Nm
Angle tightening ......................................................................................................... 90° +10°
* Lightly oil bolt before installation. Do not use White T installation paste as previously.
Driver claw on the air compressor drive gear .............. M 8 x 16 ....................................... 22 Nm
Air compressor cylinder head bolts ............................. M 8 x 80 ....................................... 30 Nm
Cylinder liner on crankcase ......................................... M 8 ............................................... 22 Nm
Collar bolt for lamellar valve shim ........................................................................................ 40 Nm
Fixing for pressure discs .............................................. M 6 x 16 ....................................... 13 Nm
Threaded sleeve for intake and pressure connections . M 10 x 1 ........................................ 25 Nm
M 12 x 1.5 .................................... 25 Nm
M 14 x 1.5 .................................... 35 Nm
M 16 x 1.5 .................................... 45 Nm
M 18 x 1.5 .................................... 50 Nm
M 22 x 1.5 .................................... 60 Nm
M 26 x 1.5 .................................... 90 Nm
Air compressor on timing chain housing ...................... M 10 ............................................. 45 Nm
Safety stand on air compressor ................................... M 10 ............................................. 45 Nm
Safety stand on engine ................................................. M 12 ............................................. 70 Nm
Oil pump housing on air compressor ............................ M 8 ............................................... 22 Nm
Cover on oil pump ....................................................... M 8 ............................................... 22 Nm

9.51 - 4 RA - A 14

5.2 Tightening torques in accordance with the M 3059 works standard

Bolt connections for which no torques are specified, with the exception of those that are less important or
used for tacking purposes, should always be tightened using either the torque wrenches generally found in
workshops or precision bolt tighteners.

The actual torque values should not deviate from the specified values by more than ±15%.

Notes on the use of the tables below

– In the case of property class pairings other than those specified, use the tightening torque of the
component with the lower property class (e.g. if the bolt hash a property class of 8.8 and the nut a
property class of 10, use the tightening torque given in the column headed 8.8).
– If you are fastening a component with a slot to one with a hole, tighten from the side with the hole.

Nuts/bolts with an external or internal hexagon and a head without a collar or flange

Thread size Property classes in Nm

x pitch (bolt/nut)
8.8/8 10.9/10 12.9/12
M 4......................................2.5 ...........................4.0 ........................... 4.5
M 5......................................5.0 ...........................7.5 ........................... 9.0
M 6......................................9.0 .........................13.0 ......................... 15.0
M 7....................................14.0 .........................20.0 ......................... 25.0
M 8....................................22.0 .........................30.0 ......................... 35.0
M 8 x 1 ............................23.0 .........................35.0 ......................... 40.0
M 10....................................45.0 .........................65.0 ......................... 75.0
M 10 x 1.25 .......................45.0 .........................65.0 ......................... 75.0
M 10 x 1 ............................50.0 .........................70.0 ......................... 85.0
M 12....................................75.0 .......................105.0 ....................... 125.0
M 12 x 1.5 .........................75.0 .......................110.0 ....................... 130.0
M 12 x 1.25 .......................80.0 .......................115.0 ....................... 135.0
M 14..................................115.0 .......................170.0 ....................... 200.0
M 14 x 1.5 .......................125.0 .......................185.0 ....................... 215.0
M 16..................................180.0 .......................260.0 ....................... 310.0
M 16 x 61.5 .....................190.0 .......................280.0 ....................... 330.0
M 18..................................260.0 .......................370.0 ....................... 430.0
M 18 x 2 ..........................270.0 .......................290.0 ....................... 450.0
M 18 x 1.5 .......................290.0 .......................410.0 ....................... 480.0
M 20..................................360.0 .......................520.0 ....................... 600.0
M 20 x 2 ..........................380.0 .......................540.0 ....................... 630.0
M 20 x 1.5 .......................400.0 .......................570.0 ....................... 670.0
M 22..................................490.0 .......................700.0 ....................... 820.0
M 22 x 2 ..........................510.0 .......................730.0 ....................... 860.0
M 22 x 1.5 .......................540.0 .......................770.0 ....................... 900.0
M 24..................................620.0 .......................890.0 ..................... 1040.0
M 24 x 2 ..........................680.0 .......................960.0 ..................... 1130.0
M 24 x 1.5 .......................740.0 .....................1030.0 ..................... 1220.0

RA - A 14 9.51 - 5

In the case of collar bolts/nuts with a ribbed contact face (e.g. Verbus Ripp), note the following:

– When tightening on nodular cast iron (GGG), always use new nuts and bolts.
– When fastening a hard component to a soft one, tighten from the side of the hard component wherever

Nm ) Value for tightening on harder component materials such as C 45, hardened and tempered
materials, cast iron (GG, GTS) and - for diameters less than or equal to M 14 - nodular case iron

Nm2) Value for tightening on less hard component materials such as frames and frame attachments
(QSTE 340, QSTE 420, ST 2 K 60) and soft component materials such as bodywork sheeting
(ST 12, ST 13, ST 14), fittings made of ST 37, aluminium alloys and – for a diameter of M 16 –
nodular cast iron (GGG).

Nuts/bolts with a collar or flanged head

Thread size Property classes (bolt/nut)

x pitch
Smooth Toothed (M 18 only) or ribbed
10.9/10 100/10 12.9/12
1 2 1 2
Nm Nm ) Nm ) Nm ) Nm )
M 5 .........................9 ............ 10.................. 10..................– ................. –
M 6 .......................15 ............ 17.................. 17..................– ................. –
M 8 .......................35 ............ 40.................. 40..................– ................. –
M 8 x 1 ................40 .............. –.................... –..................– ................. –
M 10 .......................75 ............ 90................ 100..................– ................. –
M 10 x 1.25 ...........75 .............. –.................... –..................– ................. –
M 10 x 1 ................85 .............. –.................... –..................– ................. –
M 12 .....................115 .......... 130................ 130..............145 ............. 170
M 12 x 1.5 ...........120 .......... 145................ 170..................– ................. –
M 12 x 1.25 .........125 .............. –.................... –..................– ................. –
M 14 .....................175 .............. –.................... –..............260 ............. 300
M 14 x 1.5 ...........190 .......... 260................ 300..................– ................. –
M 16 .....................280 .............. –.................... –..............360 ............. 415
M 16 x 1.5 ...........300 .......... 360................ 415..................– ................. –
M 18 .....................380 .............. –.................... –..................– ................. –
M 18 x 2 ..............400 .............. –.................... –..............520 ............. 520
M 18 x 1.5 ...........420 .............. –.................... –..............550 ............. 550
M 20 .....................540 .............. –.................... –..................– ................. –
M 20 x 2 ..............560 .............. –.................... –..................– ................. –
M 20 x 1.5 ...........590 .............. –.................... –..................– ................. –
M 22 x 2 ..............740 .............. –.................... –..................– ................. –
M 22 x 1.5 ...........780 .............. –.................... –..................– ................. –

9.51 - 6 RA - A 14

Every overhauled engine must be run in. This is the only way to give new parts, particularly cylinder
liners, pistons, piston rings and bearings, the smooth surfaces they need to have.
The engine should be run in on an engine test bed. Only if no such test bed is available should the
engine be run in when installed in the vehicle. During the test run, the engine must be fitted with a
thermostat and a V-belt for the water pump.
When running in an engine, use either a special running-in oil (initial operation oil) or normal engine oil
(not heavy-duty oil).
While the engine is running in, the coolant must be kept at the optimal operating temperature of 80 to
85 °C.
Before running the engine in, do the following things:
1. Check the oil level in the engine.
2. Check the fluid level in the cooling system and the fuel reserves.
3. Replace the fuel and oil filter elements/cartridges.
4. Clean and, if necessary, replace the air filter.
5. Set the injection pump, injector nozzles and start of delivery/pumping in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
6. Clean the delivery pump pre-cleaner.
7. Bleed the fuel system.

After running the engine in:

1. Drain off the running-in oil (from the oil filter as well), and fill up with heavy-duty oil.
2. Change the oil filter paper element or cartridge.
3. In D 08.. supercharged engines, retighten the cylinder head bolts by 90°, and apply a sticker to the
cylinder head cover (see 7.22 and 9.51).
Normal oil consumption after running the engine in is approximately 0.5% of fuel consumption.

Running-in procedure – engine in the vehicle

(Only when there is no engine test bed available)
1. Allow the engine to run for 2½ hours at 1200 to 1600 rpm, and then for another 2 hours at 1600 to 2100
2. Turn the engine off.
3. In D 08.. supercharged engines, retighten the cylinder head bolts by 90°, and apply a sticker to the
cylinder head cover (see 7.22 and 9.51). Set the valve clearance, check the oil level, and top up if
4. Start the engine, and warm it up slowly (oil temperature 80 to 95 °C).
5. Increase the revs briefly to the maximum. Then allow the engine to run at 90% of maximum revs for
about 10 minutes.
6. Monitor the oil pressure closely throughout. Connect an oil pressure gauge instead of the oil pressure
switch for this purpose.
7. Check whether the engine is losing oil, fuel or coolant.
8. Load the vehicle with 50% of its pay load, and run it for about 2 hours on as smooth and level a road as
9. After this running in, drain off the running-in oil, and fill up with heavy-duty oil. Replace the paper
element in the oil filter or cartridge.

Note: 1. See the operating instructions for further running-in directions.

2. Running-in procedures and performance diagrams are no longer included in this repair
manual. They can be obtained separately, if required, from TDA 21 – N.

RA - A 14 9.61 - 1
Kapitelnummer - 2 RA - ?

In-line and underfloor engines

D 08..


RA - A 14 9.71 -1

[3] [4] [5]

[5.1] [7]

[8] [9] [10]


[11] [12] [13]

[14] [15] [16]

9.71 - 2 RA - A 14

No. Description MAN no. Section - page

[3] Special socket spanner (SW 17) for pressure injection lines .... 80.99603.0025 2.12 - 3

[4] Light-signal transmitter for start-of-delivery adjustment ............ 80.99605.6002 2.21 - 1

[5] Locking pin for camshaft injection pump ................................... 81.11523.0042 2.21 - 1
[5.1] New version, including Euro 2................................................... 80.99605.0217

[7] Special socket spanner for nozzle holder thrust bolt (D 08..)
– Previous special socket spanner............................................ 80.99603.0121
– New = 3-groove, open for needle-travel sensor .................... 80.99603.0240 2.31 - 2/4

[8] Inertia puller for injector nozzles ............................................... 80.99602.0011 2.31 - 1

[8.1] Adapter for [8] ........................................................................... 80.99602.0059

[9] Holder for injector nozzles......................................................... 80.99606.0008 2.32 - 2

[10] Socket spanner for injector nozzle holder nut ........................... 80.99603.0024 2.32 - 3

[11] Puller for V-belt pulley/flange of the water pump ...................... 83.09143.6060 3.22 - 1

[12] Press-in pin for water pump cassette ring................................. 80.99617.0091 3.22 - 3

[13] Press-in pin for water pump bearing shaft ................................ 80.99635.0008 3.22 - 4

[14] Press-in plate for water pump impeller...................................... 80.99614.0016 3.22 - 4

[15] Oil filter spanner ........................................................................ 80.99606.0343

[16] Press-in tool for oil pump shaft.................................................. 80.99604.0055 4.32 - 2

Consisting of:
Contact bush ............................................................................. 80.99604.0056
Spacing bush ............................................................................ 80.99604.0057

RA - A 14 9.71 -3

[17] [18] [19]

[20] [21] [22]

[23] [24] [25]

[26] [27] [28]

[28.1] [29] [31]

[30] [32]

9.71 - 4 RA - A 14

No. Description MAN no. Section - page

[17] Puller for clutch pilot bearing..................................................... 08.99615.1400 5.21 - 1

[18] Bridge yoke for [17] ................................................................... 08.99615.0005 5.21 - 1

[19] Press-in pin for clutch pilot bearing ........................................... 80.99617.0059 5.21 - 1

[20] Extracting hook ......................................................................... 80.99602.0127 5.51 - 1

[21] Slide hammer puller for [20] ...................................................... 80.99602.0016 5.51 - 1

[22] Push-on grip for all press-in plates............................................ 80.99617.0129 5.51 - 1

[23] Press-in plate for front crankshaft sealing ring.......................... 80.99617.0073 5.51 - 1

[24] Press-in plate for flywheel-end crankshaft sealing ring............. 80.99614.0032 5.52 - 1

[25] Torque angle tool for bearing bolts ........................................... 80.99605.0010 5.56 - 4

[26] Piston ring clamp (universal)..................................................... 80.99625.0001 5.61 - 3

[27] Compressor sleeve (Ø 108 mm) ............................................... 83.09144.0057 5.61 - 3

[28] Engine barring device ............................................................... 80.99626.6006 5.62 - 1

[28.1] Gear ratchet for [28] .................................................................. 80.99627.0001

[29] Dial gauge holder ...................................................................... 80.99605.0172 5.62 - 1

[30] Piston ring pliers........................................................................ 83.09144.6090 5.63 - 1

[31] Cylinder liner puller (complete) ................................................. 80.99602.0019 5.71 - 2

[32] Pulling plate (Ø 107.8 mm) ....................................................... 80.99602.0123 5.71 - 2

Note: There is a whole catalog of MAN special tools.

This catalog contains all the special tools supplied by MAN for maintaining and repairing MAN
trucks, buses and engines (order no.: 81.99589.4092 from the central parts store).

RA - A 14 9.71 -5

[33] [35] [36]

[37] [38]


[40] [41] [42]

[43] [44] [45]


9.71 - 6 RA - A 14

No. Description MAN no. Section - page

[33] Boost pressure gauge from 0 to 2.5 bar (complete).................. 80.99605.6010 6.32 - 1

[34] Dial gauge holder with magnetic base (works standard) .......... 08.71082.0005 6.34 - 1
(no drawing)

[35] Gauge (0.2 / 0.25 / 0.35 / 0.4 / 0.5) for valve adjustment.......... 80.99607.0076 7.13 - 2

[36] Valve adjusting spanner............................................................ 83.09195.0002 7.13 - 2

[37] Alignment ruler for cylinder heads............................................. 80.99607.0044

[38] Compression recorder............................................................... 80.99605.0164 7.24 - 1

– Angle adapter (additional) ...................................................... 81.98110.0099
– Spare recording discs (pack of 100) ...................................... 80.99605.0165

[39] Test connection for compression recorder................................ 80.99607.6003

[40] Valve installing lever ................................................................. 80.99606.0031 7.31 - 1

[41] Sleeve for valve stem seal ........................................................ 80.99606.0287

[41.1] Press-in sleeve for valve stem seal........................................... 80.99604.0106

[42] Tool for pressing valve guides in/out with

Press-in plates for valve seat rings ........................................... 80.99604.0050 7.32 - 1
Consists of:
– Pin for pressing valve guides in/out ....................................... 80.99604.0051
– Press-in bush (spacer sleeve)................................................ 80.99604.0052
– Intake D 08.. ............... 80.99604.0114
– Press/in plate for valve seat ring – Exhaust D 02../ D 08.. 80.99604.0054

[43] Insertion pin for camshaft.......................................................... 80.99617.0060 7.51 - 1

[44] Pin for pressing camshaft bearing bushes in/out ...................... A5.00026.1136 7.51 - 2

[45] Installation plate for air compressor drive gear ......................... 80.99606.0078 8.11 - 2
With Bolts (4 size M 8 x 22 DIN 933) .............................................. 06.01304.7114
Bolt (1 size M 12 x 30 DIN 933) ................................................ 06.01304.7317

[46] Tension gauge for V-belt........................................................... 81.66814.6001 8.51 - 1

Do-it-yourself special tools

Guide pin for flywheel installation
Material: from M 14 x 140 bolt (MAN no. 06.01493.4423)

RA - A 14 9.71 -7

Without drawing:
Tools for closing the holes in the crankcase/cylinder head 7.21 - 2.

Name MAN no.: Chapter/page

Rivets 5 mm..........................................................................06.21641.0603
Rivets 6 mm..........................................................................06.21641.0604
Mouthpiece 5 mm for GESIPA + AVDEL blind rivet gun ......08.08720.9003
Mouthpiece 6 mm for GESIPA + AVDEL blind rivet gun ......08.08720.9004

GESIPA blind rivet gun

with adapter (mouthpiece sleeve) 7009-3008.......................Standard purchase
Alternatively, AVDEL – Pneumatic device, complete .......7349-3036
Comprising: – Pneumatic device ........................7340-0200
– Mouthpiece 3.2 mm.....................7340-6000
– Mouthpiece 4.0 mm.....................7340-6100
– Mouthpiece 4.8 mm.....................7340-6200
– Jaws ............................................7340-0213
– Jaw opener..................................7241-3002
– Buffer disc ...................................7241-3002
– Spring ..........................................7498-4301

Ordering AVDEL products:

• MAN Service centres order from dept......... VLNN – Mr. Lederer
• MAN agency workshops order directly from: AVDEL Verbindungselemente GmbH
Verkaufsleitung – Großkunden
Büro Nürnberg – Herr Bock
Gottlieb von Merkel Weg 33
D-90451 Nürnberg
Tel. (49) (911) 633 921
Fax (49) (911) 642 6345

9.71 - 8 RA - A 14

Do-it-yourself special tools [60]

Pressing-in pin for screw caps (Ø 50.1 mm): 51.91606.0068

Material: ST 37. Machining: ∇∇

Pressing-in pin [60.1] for screw caps Ø 62.1 mm: 51.91606.0067

Material: ST 37. Machining: ∇∇

RA - A 14 9.72 - 1
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft
Dachauer Str. 667 oder Postfach 50 06 20

Reparaturanleitung – A 14, 2. Ausgabe

D 08..- Unterflurmotoren

– englisch –

Druck-Nr. 81.99298.4202

Printed in Germany

9.72 - 2 RA - A 14

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