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Academic Task Number: 01 Course Code: CIV469

Date of allotment: 23.08.2023 Course Title: TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING

Date of submission: 23.08.2023 Maximum Marks: 30
Academic Task Type: MCQ

Question Question Statement Course Bloom’s Marks per Rubrics

Number Outcome level Question
1 Consider the following statements in the context of the CO1 2 2 NA
geometric design of roads

I: A simple parabolic curve is an acceptable

shape of summit curves

II: Comfort to passengers is an important

consideration in the design of summit curves.

The correct option for evaluating the above

statements and their relationship is

a) I is true, II is false

b) I is true, II is true, and II is not the

correct reason for I

c) I is true, II is true, and II is the correct

reason for I

d) I is false, II is false

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2 A road is being designed for a speed of 110 km/hr on a CO1 3 2 NA
horizontal curve with a superelevation of 8%. If the
coefficient of side friction is 0.10, the minimum radius of
the curve (in m) required for safe vehicular movement is

a) 115.0

b) 152.3

c) 264.3

d) 528.5

3 Consider a car running at 90 km/h speed. if the reaction CO1 3 2 NA

time is 2.5s, the coefficient of friction is 0.7 and brake
efficiency is 50% in both the case, the minimum sight
distance required to spot without collision -

a. 154 m

b. 188 m

c. 212 m

d. 236 m

4 Minimum length of overtaking zone is CO1 2 2 NA

a) Equal to SSD

b) Equal to OSD

c) 3 Times of OSD

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d) 5 Time of OSD

5 Slope of Camber in WBM road for light rain – CO1 2 2 NA

a) 2%

b) 2.5%

c) 3%

d) 4%

6 What is the PCU for Truck – CO1 2 2 NA

a) 0.5

b) 1.0

c) 3.0

d) 6.0

7 Grading for the mountainous slope is – CO1 2 2 NA

a) 0-10%

b) 10-25%

c) 28-60%

d) >60%

8 If 4 bike, 3 Car, and 5 buses are moving on the road, CO1 22 2 NA

what is the value of passenger car unit –

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a) 12

b) 10

c) 20

d) 25

9 Maximum width of vehicle recommended as – CO1 22 2 NA

a) 2.5 m

b) 2.7 m

c) 3.0 m

d) 3.5 m

10 The stopping sight distance of a vehicle moving with CO1 2 2 NA

45kmph and having a coefficient of friction as 0.4 is?

a) 49

b) 50

c) 51

d) 52

11 If vehicle is running at 60 kmph speed what is the lag CO1 2 2 NA

distance –

a) 41.67 m

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b) 150 m

c) 49.98 m

d) 180 m

12 What is the value for SSD for vehicle speed for 80 kmph CO1 2 2 NA
a) 90 m

b) 120 m

c) 180 m

d) 210 m

13 If the camber is x%, then the cross slope is CO1 2 2 NA

a) 100X

b) 100/X

c) X/100

d) 100+X

14 The design speed of NH on a cross slope of up to 10% is CO1 3 2 NA


a) 100kmph

b) 80kmph

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c) 60kmph

d) 50kmph

15 The braking efficiency mainly depends on ___________ CO1 3 2 NA

a) Sight distance

b) PIEV theory

c) Friction

d) Length of the curve

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