Abiya Seminar New
Abiya Seminar New
Abiya Seminar New
ID; RU5487/13
NOV, 2023
LIST OF ACCRONYMS AND ABREVATIONS......................................................................................3
1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................5
1.2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................6
2. CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................................8
3. Recommendation..................................................................................................................................9
ETC / Extra
KMS/ kilometers
M/ meter
LIT / Litter
SEC/ Second
HR / hour
The study will be conducted to find out the challenge of urban land use management at Bule
Hora town. The data for this study will be gathered from primary and secondary source,
sampling techniques and sample size will be selected under stratified and /or systematic random
sampling and the size of this study will be noted in number, constituted, square settler, slum
dwellers, other legal resident official and expert of municipality in order to achieve the study,
the data will be analyzed by descriptive method. The output come of the study will include the
major finding of the study consist , the financial capacity , human power, boundary dispute and
lack of regular control of land forwarded to recommend, municipality and other concerned
bodies in order to fill the gap human and to assert possible solutions based on identified
problem .
Over the course of the twentieth century, the population of the world grew more rapidly than
ever before in human history, passing from 1.65 billion in 1900 to 6.06 billion in 2000. This
fourfold increase in the overall population growth has resulted in major demographic phenomena
by thirteen told rise in the number of persons living in urban area that occurred during the same
period form just 220billion in 1900,(Tony caption ,2004)
The urban population of Asia and Africa are expected to continue experiencing rapid growth
during the period between 2000-2030, by 2030 they will rank first and second in terms of urban
dwellers 2.7 billion in Asia and 0.8 billion in Africa in addition , their rates of urbanization will
continue to be among the highest in the world (tony chapion,2004).
In recent years urban development experience in developing countries highlights land use
management problems as being the most complex and difficult with which to deal (tony
champion 2004).
The issue of urban land, its availability and the level of its use for various member of society will
be an increasingly important determinant of the future scenarios of social and economic
development of the country As a developing country of the world Ethiopia share these
complexities and difficulties (wondimu Lemma;2003]
Most urban areas In Ethiopia are facing failure on achieving effective urban land use
management and low human and material capacity in solving social and economic problem of
urban area (wondimu.Lemma ;2003) among these urban areas Bule Hora tow takes part from
these failure.
1.2 Literature Review
1.2.1 Introduction
In this chapter the theoretical that enable for the researcher to see the problem in relation to eh
existing knowledge in the study town that used to act as a bases for the research. Under the
theoretical literature urban land administration, challenges, urban land, urban land management,
urban land administration and urban land policy were briefly discussed.
However, the effectiveness of land administration is usually constrained by different barriers, the
major barrier for effective land administration are the following.
A. Jurisdiction barriers
Their existence of numerous jurisdiction with in large urban area each with limited
authority, if this is so, it leads to an coordinated land management, competition between
local government in urban obstacle for addressing city wide problems and it also effect the
overall development of the town (ZekariasWolde,2000).
B. Economic barriers
Sustainable land is required clear economic signal of local urban government lack financial
resources. It cannot path for official inspector and other necessary support staffs or pay
them to be form corruption and unable to provide proper service (yimer nigatu,2004EC)
C. Professional Barriers
Land use planning system is socially and culturally unacceptable or inappropriate; planning
is poorly integrated with provision of service and lack of integration of function among
municipal department (zekarias,2000)
D. Institutional barriers
Weak institutional and professional capacity to manage the land, human resource,
technical problems, complex land regulation, duplication of effort of the agencies and
absence of accountability and transparency may inhibit the management of urban land
(zekarias, 2000)
E. Technological barriers
Land management involves the collection analyze, monitoring and mapping of land and
land related data. Municipalities use for the effective administration and management of
their available scarce land resource. However in many of the third world countries
municipal department lack the latest technique life GIS and cadastres than in its turn
prohibits the proper utilization and management of land information.
From the above description one can conclude that land demonstration is concerned with
three commodities the ownership value and use of the land within the overall context of
land resource management. Many developing countries share common problem for
effective and efficient land administration such problems are jurisdictional complexity
economical problem, institutional problem professional and technological problems ,
The recently rapid process of urbanization with limited demand for land to various uses and the
attractiveness of people to urban centers seek an appropriate urban land use management issue.
This issue demands for effective urban land use management in bringing together and increasing
the provision of urban services, infrastructures and improving capability of local government.
This section focuses on to draw major conclusions with the help of finding and issues discussed
about urban land use management in Bule Hora town.
The municipality of Bule Hora town unable to provide developed land for majority of its land
seekers mainly for residential purpose is very limited. The existence of squatter and unplanned
settlement has impact on the efficient utilization of land and implementation of newly prepared
plan. It also affects the budget of the municipality for paying of compensation instead of using
for necessary projects.
The major factors affecting land allocation system for residential purposes and other uses in the
town are; the interference of different bodies in the responsibility and duties of the municipality,
financial constraints to supply developed land, lack of commitment by some officials of the
municipality, the shortage of human power and in part the topography of the town seen as a
constraint on efficient land allocation system. These constraints exacerbate to in efficient urban
land use management in the town.
The squatter settlement is increasing because of the gap created between demand and supply of
land. The price of formal land also increase and this lead to land speculation of some area of the
town most of them at the periphery furthermore the slum becomes also increasing in the central
part of town. On the other hand, the newly prepared structural plan of the town was not
implemented. These all becomes challenges of urban land use management in the town that
requires appropriate solutions.
Effective urban land use management is critical to achieve the proper function of urban area. In
order to achieve or improve the existing poor urban land use management system and to achieve
efficient and effective urban land use management the following recommendations are
The municipality and other concerned bodies should fill the gap of skilled human
The municipality should encourage the environment of private sectors and other
NGOs in mobilizing resource and housing provision.
The town municipality should revise its land administration system which promotes
appropriate valuation of land and establish the mechanism.
The municipality should provide the necessary facility and infrastructure.
The municipality to make the central part of the town attractive and suitable.
The municipality should reduce the long procedures for land delivery system and
implement efficient and effective cadastral system.
The municipality should made appropriate implementation and controlling
mechanisms for the recently conducted structural plan and cadastre to control further
squatting. To implement the proposed plan appropriate capacity building schemes
should be given to the implementing body especially the municipality technical staffs.
Abraham W. (1995) Urban land in transition, policy problem and prospect, Addis Ababa
Birkeyami (1996), Urban Management in Ethiopia; Problem and Prospect, Addis Ababa
Catherine and Patrick, (1992), Reforming Urban Land Policies and Institution in Developing
Countries, World Bank Washington D.C
Desselegn R. (1994), Land Tenure and Land Policy in Ethiopia after Derge, Proceeding Of the
Secondary Workshop on the Land Project
Hagos K (2003), Urban Land Management Problems (The Case of Korem Town), Addis Ababa
Harasot Alemu (2002), Urban Land Management (The Case of Mekele Town) B.A thesis
E.C.S.C Addis Ababa
Lyons et al, (2001), Land Administration Are Land Rights Registration and Management; Land
Use Management and Allocation; And Land Valuation and Taxation.
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B.A thesis E.CS.C. Addis Abeba
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Tibia Juka (2006), From the Rate of the Rural Population in Africa and Land Use Management
Problem as Complex and Difficult Which to Deal