1st Year MCQs
1st Year MCQs
1st Year MCQs
b) 90° b) 60
c) 120° c) 90
d) d) 120
57. The magnitude of dot and cross product of two
46. If the line of action of force passes through axis of
vectors are 6√3 and 6 respectively. The angle
rotation or the origin, then its torque is:
between them will be
a) Maximum
b) Unity a) 0°
c) Zero b) 30°
d) None of these c) 45°
47. The magnitude of a vector can never be: d) 60°
58. The magnitude of cross-product and dot-product of
a) Positive two vectors are equal, the angle between them is
b) Negative a) Zero
c) Positive and negative b) 45°
d) None of these
c) 90°
48. The minimum number of unequal forces whose d) 180°
resultant will be zero: 59. Two vectors to be combined have magnitudes 60 N
a) 2 and 35 N. The correct answer for the magnitude of
b) 3 their resultant will be:
c) 4 a) 15 N
d) 5 b) 20 N
c) 70 N
49. Torque is defined as.
d) 100 N
a) Turning effect of force Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans.
b) Cross product of force and position vector 1 c 21 c 41 d
c) Product of force and moment arm 2 b 22 c 42 d
d) All a, b and c are correct
3 d 23 c 43 b
50. SI unit of torque is: 4 b 24 d 44 b
a) Nm 5 c 25 a 45 c
b) Nm 6 c 26 c 46 c
c) Nm 7 c 27 c 47 c
d) None 8 d 28 b 48 b
51. A body will be in complete equilibrium when it is
9 c 29 d 49 d
10 a 30 c 50 b
11 b 31 a 51 c
a) 1 condition of equilibrium 12 c 32 a 52 a
b) 2 condition of equilibrium
st nd 13 b 33 b 53 a
c) Both 1 and 2 condition of equilibrium 14 c 34 a 54 a
d) Impossible 15 b 35 b 55 c
52. For a body to be in complete equilibrium, 16 d 36 b 56 d
a) =0 =0 17 b 37 d 57 b
b) ∑ = 0 18 c 38 a 58 b
c) ∑ = 0 19 b 39 a 59 c
d) None 20 c 40 c