1st Year MCQs

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Physics (MCQ’s) 1 Year (Chapter # 2)


11. When two vectors are anti-parallel, the angle
1. Which one is a vector: between them is:
a) Length a) Zero
b) Volume b) 180°
c) Velocity c) 90°
d) Work d) 270°
2. An example of scalar quantity is 12. The resultant of two forces 30 N and 40 N acting at
a) Displacement an angle of 90° with each other is
b) Speed a) 30 N
c) Velocity b) 40 N
d) Torque c) 50 N
3. Name the quantity which is vector: d) 70 N
a) Density 13. The magnitude of the vector − + is:
b) Power
c) Charge a) Zero
d) Moment of Force b) One
c) Three
4. Rectangular coordinate system is also called:
a) Polar coordinate system
b) Cartesian coordinate system 14. If 6N force act at right angle to 8N force, then the
c) Cylindrical coordinate system magnitude of resultant will be:
d) Space coordinate system a) 6N
5. The direction of a vector in space is specified by: b) 8N
c) 10N
a) One angle d) 14N
b) Two angle
c) Three angle 15. If A⃗ + B⃗ = B⃗ + A⃗, this shows that addition
d) No angle of vectors is
6. If both components of a vector are negative, then a) Associative
resultant lies in: b) Commutative
c) Additive
a) 1 quadrant d) Additive inverse
b) 2 quadrant
rd 16. A body is in dynamic equilibrium only when it is
c) 3 quadrant
d) 4 quadrant a) At rest
b) Moving with a variable velocity
7. In which quadrant the two rectangular components c) Moving with uniform acceleration
of a vector have same sign? d) Moving with uniform velocity
a) 1
nd 17. The unit vector along y-axis is
b) 2
st rd
c) both 1 and 3 a)
d) 4 b)
8. If the x-component of a vector is positive and y- c)
component is negative, then resultant vector lies in d) None
what quadrant: 18. Mathematically, unit vector is described as:
a) 1 quadrant a) A = A A⃗
b) 2 quadrant b) A = ⃗
c) 3 quadrant
th ⃗
d) 4 quadrant c) A =
9. If vector A lies in the third quadrant, its direction d) A = A⃗ . A⃗
will be:
19. A unit vector is obtained by dividing a vector with:
a) 180 − a) Its direction
b) 360 − b) Its magnitude
c) 180 + c) Its magnitude and direction
d) d) None
10. A single vector having the same effect as all the 20.
original vectors taken together, is called  The unit vector in the direction of vector
A = 2 − 2 + is:
a) Resultant vector
b) Equal vector a) 2 − 2 +
c) Position vector b) (2 − 2 + )/9
d) Unit vector c) (2 − 2 + )/3
d) (2 − 2 + )/5
Written and composed by Prof. Muhammad Ali Malik, Govt. Degree College, Naushera, Khushab, 0301-6775811
32. Two vectors A and B are making angle θ with each
21. The magnitude of a vector A⃗ = other. The projection of vector B on vector A is
− written as.
a) +
a) A.⃗ B/

b) −
b) A⃗.
c) +
B ⃗/
c) cos θ
d) − d) Both a and b are correct.
22. Vectors A is along y axis, its component along x 33. The projection of a vector B⃗ over A⃗ is:
axis is: a) cos
a) A b) cos
b) A/2 c) sin
c) Zero d) sin
d) 2A
The angl 34. If = + + and
23. e between rectangular components of vector = + + then:
a) 45° a) . = + +
b) 60° b) . = + +
c) 90° c) . = + +
d) 180° d) . = + +
24. A force of 10N is acting along x-axis, its component
along y-axis is 35. The magnitude of vector product is given by:
a) sin
a) 10N sin
b) 5N
c) cos
c) 8.66N
d) tan
d) Zero N
25. If vector A⃗ is acting along y-axis, its y-component 36. The direction of vector product is given by:
is: a) Head to tail rule
b) Right hand rule
a) A c) Left hand rule
b) cos d) Triangular rule
c) sin
d) Zero 37. The cross product × is equal to
a) zero
26. If = 2 − + 3 , then the magnitude of vector A b) one
is: c) –
a) 4 d)
b) 14 38. Torque has zero value, if the angle between and
c) √14 is
d) None a) 0° b)
27. − −3 = 90° c)
270° d)
a) √5 180°
b) √7
c) √11 39. . × is equal to
d) √13 a) 1
28. If =2 + + 2 , then | | is : b) 0
c) −1
a) Zero d) −
b) 3
c) 5 40. The cross product of vectors will be minimum when
d) 9 the angle between vectors is
29. Dot product of two non-zero vectors is zero, when a) 35
angle between them is: b) 90
a) 0 c) 0
b) 30 d) 45
c) 45
d) 90 41. The direction of torque is
30. The cross product × = × = × is equal to
a) Along position vector
a) 1
b) Parallel to the plane containing and
b) -1
c) Along force
c) Zero
d) None d) Perpendicular to the plane containing and
they are:
31. The scalar product of two vectors is maximum when
a) A
c) 2A
d) Zero
42. A⃗ × A⃗ is
a) Parallel
b) Perpendicular
c) Anti-parallel
43. If the position and force are in same direction,
then torque will be: 54. The magnitudes of rectangular component are equal
a) Maximum if its angle with x-axis is:
b) Minimum a) 45°
c) Same b) 90°
d) Negative
c) 30°
44. The direction of torque can be found by: d) 0°
a) Head to tail rule 55. If = , then the angle between the vector A
b) Right hand rule with x-axis will be:
c) Left hand rule a) 0
d) Fleming rule b) 30
45. At what angle, the two vectors of the same c) 45
magnitude have to oriented, if they were to be d) 90
combined to give a resultant equal to a vector of 56. The resultant of two forces of equal magnitudes is
same magnitude? also equal to the magnitude of the forces. The angle
between the two forces is.
a) 45° a) 30

b) 90° b) 60

c) 120° c) 90

d) d) 120
57. The magnitude of dot and cross product of two
46. If the line of action of force passes through axis of
vectors are 6√3 and 6 respectively. The angle
rotation or the origin, then its torque is:
between them will be
a) Maximum
b) Unity a) 0°
c) Zero b) 30°
d) None of these c) 45°
47. The magnitude of a vector can never be: d) 60°
58. The magnitude of cross-product and dot-product of
a) Positive two vectors are equal, the angle between them is
b) Negative a) Zero
c) Positive and negative b) 45°
d) None of these
c) 90°
48. The minimum number of unequal forces whose d) 180°
resultant will be zero: 59. Two vectors to be combined have magnitudes 60 N
a) 2 and 35 N. The correct answer for the magnitude of
b) 3 their resultant will be:
c) 4 a) 15 N
d) 5 b) 20 N
c) 70 N
49. Torque is defined as.
d) 100 N
a) Turning effect of force Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans.
b) Cross product of force and position vector 1 c 21 c 41 d
c) Product of force and moment arm 2 b 22 c 42 d
d) All a, b and c are correct
3 d 23 c 43 b
50. SI unit of torque is: 4 b 24 d 44 b
a) Nm 5 c 25 a 45 c
b) Nm 6 c 26 c 46 c
c) Nm 7 c 27 c 47 c
d) None 8 d 28 b 48 b
51. A body will be in complete equilibrium when it is
9 c 29 d 49 d
10 a 30 c 50 b
11 b 31 a 51 c
a) 1 condition of equilibrium 12 c 32 a 52 a
b) 2 condition of equilibrium
st nd 13 b 33 b 53 a
c) Both 1 and 2 condition of equilibrium 14 c 34 a 54 a
d) Impossible 15 b 35 b 55 c
52. For a body to be in complete equilibrium, 16 d 36 b 56 d
a) =0 =0 17 b 37 d 57 b
b) ∑ = 0 18 c 38 a 58 b
c) ∑ = 0 19 b 39 a 59 c
d) None 20 c 40 c

53. If a body is at rest, then it will be in

a) Static equilibrium
b) Dynamic equilibrium
c) Translational equilibrium
d) Unstable equilibrium

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