BL Fellowship Selection PracticeProblems - V01

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Programming Areas :

● Basic Logical Programming

● Object Oriented Programming
● Data Structure & Algorithms

Sample Practice Problems:

1.1: Basic Programming
Develop programs using built-in data types, conditions and loops, arrays and
Input/Output Statements.

1. Write a program “PrintFriendsNames” that takes 3 friends’ names as input

arguments and prints out “Hi” to these friends in the reverse of the order given. It
also adds “and “ before the last name.
For example:
Input Arguments : Mahesh, Suresh, Devesh
Output : “Hi Devesh, Suresh and Mahesh”

2. Write a program “PrintInitials” that takes initials as input and prints the initials using
nine rows of asterisks like the one below.
3. Write a program CheckTheSeason if the month number is entered. In this program
check needs to be done if the month number is correct data type and numbers are
between 1 to 12. If not, the program should throw an error and should continue till it
is not correctly entered.
Following table indicates Month numbers and seasons:
2 & 3 : Vasanta
4 & 5: Grishma / Summer
6 & 7: Monsoon / Rainy
8 & 9: Sharada
10 & 11: Hemanta
12 & 1 : Shishira / Winter
12 & 1 : Winter

4. Write a program Quadratic to find the roots of the equation a*x*x + b*x + c. Since
the equation is x*x, hence there are 2 roots. The 2 roots of the equation can be
found using a formula
delta = b*b - 4*a*c
Root 1 of x = (-b + sqrt(delta))/(2*a)
Root 2 of x = (-b - sqrt(delta))/(2*a)
Take a, b, and c as input values to find the roots of x.

5. Write a TemperatureConversion program, given the temperature in Fahrenheit as

input outputs the temperature in Celsius or vice versa using the formula
Celsius to Fahrenheit: (°C × 9/5) + 32 = °F
Fahrenheit to Celsius: (°F − 32) x 5/9 = °C.

6. Write a program which converts each character of an input string as an ASCII

value and stores each of these numbers in an array. Print that array
1.2: Logical Programming:
1. Write a program that takes a range of numbers as input and outputs the Prime
Numbers in that range.

2. Write a program PowerOf2 that takes a command-line argument n and prints a

table of the powers of 2 that are less than or equal to 2^n.

3. Write two programs Sin and Cos that compute sin x and cos x using the Taylor
series expansions as shown below...
Note - Convert angle x to an angle between -2 PI and 2 PI using the following logic
x = x % (2 * Math.PI);

4. Write a program to find common elements between two arrays (string

values). Save the common values in another new array.

5. Write a program to find the second smallest element in an integer array.

6. Write a method to check if two strings are equal or not. If the second string’s size
is more than the first it returns -1. Else it compares character by character. If
equals it returns 0. Else it returns the position wrt the first character where the
difference is found.

7. Write a program SumOfTwoDice that prints the sum of two random integers
between 1 and 6 (such as you might get when rolling dice).
1.3: Object Oriented Programming:
1. Write a program to compute the area of a rectangle by creating a class named
'Rectangle' having two methods. First method named as 'setDim' takes length
and breadth of the rectangle as parameters and the second method named as
'getArea' returns the area of the rectangle. Length and breadth of rectangle are
entered through the keyboard.
Plan creating 2 rectangle objects, provide dimensions of them and then check
which one has the higher area.

2. Stock Report

a. Desc -> Write a program to read in Stock Names, Number of Share, Share Price.
Print a Stock Report with total value of each Stock and the total value of Stock.
b. I/P -> N number of Stocks, for Each Stock Read In the Share Name, Number of
Share, and Share Price
c. Logic -> Calculate the value of each stock and the total value
d. O/P -> Print the Stock Report.
e. Hint -> Create Stock and Stock Portfolio Class holding the list of Stocks read
from the input file. Have functions in the Class to calculate the value of each
stock and the value of total stocks

3. Inventory Management Problem

a. Desc -> Extend the above program to Create InventoryManager to manage the
Inventory. The Inventory Manager will use InventoryFactory to create Inventory
Object from JSON. The InventoryManager will call each Inventory Object in its list
to calculate the Inventory Price and then call the Inventory Object to return the
JSON String. The main program will be with InventoryManager
b. I/P -> read in JSON File
c. Logic -> Get JSON Object in Java or NSDictionary in iOS. Create Inventory
Object from JSON. Calculate the value for every Inventory.
d. O/P -> Create the JSON from Inventory Object and output the JSON String.
1.4: Data Structures and Algorithms
1. Write a program to where it takes 10 integer numbers from a user, puts them in
an array and then through Bubble sort, sorts this array. Input taking and forming
an array should be one method and sorting should be other method.

2. Write a program to sort data using two algorithms and compare the performance.
a. Generate 100,000 random floating point numbers 1.0 to 100.0 Keep these
numbers in an array.
b. Sort this array using Selection Sort and
c. Sort with Quick Sort.
d. Compute the time of execution for both the algorithms in mili-seconds.
e. Check which one is faster and by what percentage?
f. Number generation, Sorting algos and performance comparisons should
be different methods.

3. Given a sorted array of n integers and a target value, determine if the target
exists in the array using the binary search algorithm. If the target exists in the
array, print the index of it.
Input array : 2, 3, 5, 7, 9
Target : 7
Output : Element found at Index 3

Input array : 1, 4, 5, 8, 9
Target : 7
Output : Element Not Found

4. List Handling:

a. Desc -> Read the Text from a file, split it into words and arrange it as Linked List.
Take a user input to search a Word in the List. If the Word is not found then add it
to the list, and if it found then remove the word from the List. In the end save the
list into a file
b. I/P -> Read from file the list of Words and take user input to search a Text
c. Logic -> Create a Unordered Linked List. The Basic Building Block is the Node
Object. Each node object must hold at least two pieces of information. One ref to
the data field and second the ref to the next node object.
d. O/P -> The List of Words to a File.

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