Am 2023-24 G.pode Section
Am 2023-24 G.pode Section
Am 2023-24 G.pode Section
AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - I for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
B.T. surface
Name of the Road Single Lane Double Lane
Reach Rate Amount Reach Rate Amount
2 On M-N Road to Mukkamala Road from km 0/0 to 13/4 13.40 km x 24000 = 321600 - - - - - -
AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - II for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
B.T. surface
Name of the Road Single Lane Double Lane
Reach Rate Amount Reach Rate Amount
3 On M-N Road to Yacharam Road from km 0/0 to 13/620 9.80 km x 24000 = 235200 - - - - - -
I Cost of Road Work ( Excluding GST) Err:509
GST @ 12.00% Err:509
Segniorage Charges 13654.00
L.S.for rounding off & unforseen itesm 223.28
Specification Report accompanying to the work slip for the work of " Periodical renewals of
Narketpally - Nalgonda - Nagarjuna sagar road from Km. 21/0 to 26/0 and 31/8 to 37/0.."
The estimate for the above work was technically sanctioned for Rs. 150.00 Lakhs vide E-in-C(R&B) T.S.memo
No. and the work was let out to M/s. PLR Constructions,
Hyderabad at (-)2.25% Less over the estimate contract value Rs.13933676.00 vide SE's LS. AB. No.
During the execution of above road work, some deviations were found necessary to execute as per site
conditions and as per higher authorities during their inspections. The details are as follows.
1 Providing BT patch work for pot holes 484.74 484.740 Err:509 Err:509 Due to heavy rains the
using 40 mm HBG metal Cum Cum Cum existing carriage way is
badly damaged and
patchwork is carried out
to fill the potholes. Hence
Qty is increased
2 Providing and applying tack coat with Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
bitumen Emulsion (Medium settting)
(Bulk) Sqm Sqm Sqm
3 Providing and laying of 50mm thick Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Bituminous Macadam with hot mix plant
Cum Cum Cum
Deduct T.P (-) 2.25% less Err:509
Add Price Escalation Rs. 1100000.00
TOTAL Err:509
The total extra financial implication due to all the deviations is Rs.17,89,971.00
The working estimate is prepared duly incorporating all the above provisions.
The work slip is prepared for Rs.157.05 Lakhs as against the sanctioned estimate of Rs.150.00 Lakhs
Name of
Sl. No. Particular Amount (Rs.)
Road Works
1 Road work 818656.00
2 L.S for Seigniorage charges 7882.71
L.S for DMF 30% on seignoirage + SMET
3 2522.00
2% on seigniorage
4 L.S amount for NAC @ 0.1% 818.66
Total (Part A) 829879.37
1 Add GST @ 18.00 % 149378.00
2 Labour cess 1.00 % 8187.00
Permit fee 6306.17
3 LS for Telangana Green Fund 0.01 % 8.00
4 LS unforeseen items and rounding off 2241.00
Total Cost 996000.00
Name of Work:-
In Kangal section The following Roads are having pot holes and juliflora
jungle and missing measuring stones and it is very dangerous to traffic. as per the
requirement the estimate is prepared with the following specifications.
Note : The above work will be carried out duly considering the approved reaches
in various schemes and due care will be taken such that no overlapping of works
The leads are taken from the approved quarries and the rates adopted are as per SSR
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - I for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda
In Kangal section The following Roads are having pot holes and juliflora
jungle and missing measuring stones and it is very dangerous to traffic. as per the
requirement the estimate is prepared with the following specifications.
Note : The above work will be carried out duly considering the approved reaches
in various schemes and due care will be taken such that no overlapping of works
The leads are taken from the approved quarries and the rates adopted are as per SSR
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
Name of AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - II for the year 2023-24 in
Work: Nalgonda District.
Sl. No. Particular Amount (Rs.)
Road Works
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - I for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
Name of the Road Length Rate/km
1 On Marriguda - Gurrampode Road from km. 25/0-32/6 7.60 0 30000 228000
2 On Gurrampode - Musalamma Chettu Road from km 35/0-40/0 5.00 0 24000 120000
3 On M-N Road to Mukkamala Road from km 0/0 to 13/4 13.40 0 24000 321600
26.00 669600
Sl. No. Description Quantity Rate/per
in Rs.
I Road Work
3 On M-N Road to Mukkamala Road from km 0/0 to 13/4 250.00 372.10 93025.00
3 On M-N Road to Mukkamala Road from km 0/0 to 13/4 200.00 228.20 45640.00
3 On M-N Road to Mukkamala Road from km 0/0 to 13/4 40.00 2393.00 95720.00
Stripping the excess soil from the shoulder surface to achieve the approved
IV level for sectioning the berms/ shoulders as per MORT&H Specification No.
Sl. No. Description Quantity Rate/per
in Rs.
1 On Marriguda - Gurrampode Road from km. 25/0-32/6 600.00 15.31 9186.00
3 On M-N Road to Mukkamala Road from km 0/0 to 13/4 600.00 15.31 9186.00
Total = 541367.00
Say 541367.00
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
Patchwork Details
AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - I for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
Seigniorage Charges
Total= 10980.45
Say 10981.00
Road Works
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - II for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
Name of Road L Sanction/DLP Eligible KM Rate/km Amount
On Nalgonda to Kurampally Road from km
1 14/0 to 21/5 7.5 0 7.50 24000 180000
On M-N Road to Kurampally (via) Regatte
2 Road from km 0/0 to 11/8 11.8 0 11.80 24000 283200
On M-N Road to Yacharam Road from km 0/0
3 to 13/620 13.62 3.82 9.80 24000 235200
On Kangal - Chintagudem Road from km. 0/0-
4 22.6 22.6 12.6 10.00 30000 300000
5 On Kangal - Mall Road from km 3/0-11/0 9 9 0.00 30000 0
I Road Work
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 50 to 70mm ,using 40mm HBG/HBT metal
with required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 42 kgs/1Cum
of work for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-
I 12mm HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose
material in the pot holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack
coat ,filling the pot holes to compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone
dust/sand ,including cost of all materials ,T&P and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 25 to 35mm ,using 20-25mm HBG/HBT
metal with required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72
kgs/1Cum of work for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer
II using 10-12mm HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 80 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the
loose material in the pot holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack
coat ,filling the pot holes to compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone
dust/sand ,including cost of all materials ,T&P and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix
Macadem specification including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at
OMC in Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with
paver in base courses on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the
desired density etc., as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification 406 (5th
revision) for finished item of work.
2 On M-N Road to Yacharam Road from km 0/0 to 13/620
20.00 2334.00 46680.00
3 On Kangal - Chintagudem Road from km. 0/0-22.6
3.00 2229.00 6687.00
Stripping the excess soil from the shoulder surface to achieve the approved level for sectioning the
berms/ shoulders as per MORT&H Specification No. 3003
Up rooting the Juliflora (Prosafis) jungle in the road boundary including uprooting and removing of
V Juliflora stumps rom the road berms and all labour charges and including all incidental and operational
charges, etc., complete for finished item of work and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Making up of loss of material/irregularities on shoulder to the design level by adding fresh approved soil
and compacting it with appropriate equipment
1 Providing B.T. Patchwork for pot holes of depth ranging from 70mm and above, using 40mm HBG metal with
required quantity of 10-12mm size HBG key chips and 80/100 grade Bitumen at 45 Kgs./1Cum. of work for filling
the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG chips and 80/100
grade Bitumen at 80 Kgs/1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot holes, trimming the edges to
provide firm vertical faces, cleaning, applying tack coat, filling the pot holes, compacting and finishing and blinding
the surface using stone dust/sand, including cost of all materials, T&P, and labolur charges for all operations etc.
80/100 Grade Bitumen 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.200 0.00 /1MT 0.00
Add extra for wastage of materials and recarting/inter- 11.77
carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite
Labour Charges :
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 25 to 35mm ,using 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal with require
HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 kgs/1Cum of work for filling the pot holes
Unitand sealing the filled up pot hole
- 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.0345 cum 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 x 1.15 )
0.0039 cum 10-12 mm size key chips ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 )x (13/100)
0.0030 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 )
2.1600 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.055) x 72Kgs/Cum
( Including tack coat )
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter carting of materials
10.00 % on the cost of granite metal chips
Labour charges
2.8600 no
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance carting
15.00 % carting of men, material etc.
20.0 % Municipal Area Allowance
Add hire charges of bitumen boiler, cost of fuel, erection of caution boards, t
tamping, excavation, cleaning and all other items etc., required for finished i
work for patch work
739928810.xlsx.xls Page : 33
Name of the work: A.M. to Roads of Thipparthy Section Package for the year 2013-14
Amount of Revised Estimate : 6.85 Lakhs Name of the Agency : M/s Sri Laxmi WLCCS Ltd
Sl. As per Sanction As per Revised Estimate
Description of item Excess Less
No. Qty. Rate Per Amount Qty. Rate Per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Providing B.T. Patchwork for pot holes of depth ranging from 70mm and
above, using 40mm HBG metal with required quantity of 10-12mm size HBG
key chips and 80/100 grade Bitumen at 45 Kgs./1Cum. the edges to provide
firm vertical faces, cleaning, applying tack coat, filling the pot holes,
compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand,
including cost of all materials, T&P, and labolur charges for all operations etc.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 Up rooting the Juliflora (Prosafis) jungle in the road boundary including
uprooting and removing of Juliflora stumps rom the road berms and all labour
charges and including all incidental and operational charges, etc., complete for
finished item of work and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Tender Contract value 308580.00 758000.00
Difference/excess amount (-) #NAME? Excess sanctioned Estimate amount ( +) 858000.00
Net Excesss Rs. -100000.00 Less
% less = #NAME? Or Say -11.655% Less
739928810.xlsx.xls Page : 36
Supplemental Data
Unit = 1 Sqm
Taking out put = 3500 sqm
a) Labour
0.08 day Mate 188.00 day Rs: 15.04
2.00 day Mazdoor 193.40 day Rs: 386.80
Rs: 401.84
20.00% M.A. 401.84 Rs: 80.37
0.00 % L.I.& L.A on Labour Charges 401.84 Rs: 0.00
Rs: 482.21
b) Machinery
2.80 hour Mechanical broom @ 1250 sqm/hour 290.00 hour Rs: 812.00
2.80 hour Air compressor 250 cfm 370.00 hour Rs: 1036.00
2.00 hour Emulsion pressure distributor @ 1750 sqm/ 690.00 hour Rs: 1380.00
1.00 hour Water tanker 6 kl capacity @ one trip/hour(T 345.00 hour Rs: 345.00
Rs: 3573.00
c) Material
2.10 ton Bitumen emulsion @ 0.6 Kg per sqm 29915.03 MT Rs: 62821.56
Rs: 62821.56
(D) Over head charges @ 6% (10%-VAT)
6.00 % Add for Over head charges @ 6% on (A)+(B)+( C) Rs: 4012.61
(E) Total of (A) + (B)+( C)+(D) Rs: 70889.38
(F) Add Contractors Profit at 10% on (E) Rs: 7088.94
Cost per 3500 sqm (E) + (F) Rs: 77978.32
Rate per 1 sqm Rs: 22.28
Rate to be adopted per 1 sqm Rs: 22.30
3 Forming embankment with Side earth by mechanical means upto SDR including pre-watering of
soil , removal of top soil, excavation of soils , depositing the soils on the embankment, spreading
soil, breaking clods, sectioning , grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes Vibratory Road
Roller @ OMC to meet requirement of table 300-2 of MoRT&H, including all hire and operational
charges of T&P and seigniorage charges, complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H
specification 305 (4th revision) (Payment will be made based on level for finished item of work).
Unit : Cum
Taking out put = 100 Cum Page 70 of MoRT&H SDB
(A) Labour
0.02 day Mate 188.00 day Rs: 3.76
0.50 day Mazdoor unskilled 146.00 day Rs: 73.00
20.00% M.A 76.76 Rs: 15.35
Rs: 92.11
(B) Machinery
100.00 cum Rate as per G.O. Ms No 10, Dt 26/7/2005 13.00 cum Rs: 1300.00
1.00 hour Motor Grador for Grading @ 100 cum per 2600.00 hour Rs: 2600.00
4.00 hour Water tanker 6 KL 345.00 hour Rs: 1380.00
1.00 hour Vibratory roller 8T 1550.00 hour Rs: 1550.00
Rs: 6830.00
(C) Seigniorage charges
100.00 Cum Seigniorage charges 22.00 cum Rs: 2200.00
(D) Over head charges @6% (10%-VAT) on (A) + (B)+( C) Rs: 547.33
(E) Total of (A) + (B)+( C)+(D) Rs: 9669.44
(F) Add Contractors Profit at 10% on (E) Rs: 966.94
Cost per 100 cum (E) + (F) Rs: 10636.38
Rate per Cum Rs: 106.36
Rate per 1 cum Rs: 106.00
1 Cum
Periodical renewals of Narketpally - Nalgonda - Nagarjuna sagar road from Km. 21/0 to 26/0
and 31/8 to 37/0.
Sl.N Source of Lead in Initial cost Blasting Seigniorage stacking Toal Cost
Description of Metal Conveyance crushing
o Supply Kms less stacking charges charges charges for per Cum
3 25 to 27 mm IRC and MoRTH 4 138.00 821.30 70.00 205.33 50.00 -8.70 1275.93
HBG M/c metal
4 19 to 22 mm IRC and MoRTH 4 138.00 836.30 70.00 209.08 50.00 -8.70 1294.68
HBG M/c metal
5 12 to 14 mm IRC and MoRTH 4 138.00 681.30 70.00 170.33 50.00 -8.70 1100.93
HBG M/c metal -do-
6 9.5 to 11.20 mm IRC and MoRTH 4 138.00 551.30 70.00 137.83 50.00 -8.70 938.43
HBG M/c metal -do-
7 5 to 7 mm IRC and MoRTH 4 138.00 421.30 70.00 105.33 50.00 -8.70 775.93
HBG M/c metal -do-
8 2.36 to 5 mm IRC and MoRTH 4 138.00 225.30 70.00 56.33 50.00 -8.70 530.93
HBG M/c metal -do-
9 HBG Stone chips 2.36mm 4 138.00 216.30 0.00 0.00 50.00 -8.70 395.60
and below
1 Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 50 to 70mm ,using 40mm HBG/HBT metal with required quantity
of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 42 kgs/1Cum of work for filling the pot holes and sealing
the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 /Kgs /1Cum.,
including removal of the loose material in the pot holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying
tack coat ,filling the pot holes to compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all
materials ,T&P and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.04950 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1326.55 1.0 65.66
0.00585 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1374.55 1.0 8.04
1.89000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6620 1.0 88.19
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.01995 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1374.55 1.0 27.42
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1126.30 1.0 3.38
1.08000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6620 1.0 50.39
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal
10.00 % 104.50 10.45
TOTAL A= 253.53
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT
2.8600 no metal( (0.070+0.050)/2*400 32.700 1.0 93.52
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 93.52 14.03
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 107.55 0.00
2 Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 25 to 35mm ,using 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal with required
quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 kgs/1Cum of work for filling the pot holes and
sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 80 /Kgs
/1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical
faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes to compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone
dust/sand ,including cost of all materials ,T&P and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.0345 cum 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 x 1.15 ) 1525.55 1.00 52.63
0.0039 cum 10-12 mm size key chips ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 )x (13/100) 1374.55 1.00 5.36
0.0030 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1126.30 1.00 3.38
2.1600 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.055) x 72Kgs/Cum 46.6620 1.00 100.79
( Including tack coat )
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal
10.00 % chips 61.37 6.14
TOTAL A= 168.30
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT
2.8600 no metal( (0.025+0.035)/2*400 16.350 1.0 46.76
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 46.76 7.01
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 53.77 0.00
3 Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix Macadem specification
including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in Mechanical mix plant carriage of
mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in base courses on well prepared surface and compacting
with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc., as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H
specification 406 (5th revision) for finished item of work.
Unit = cum Page 110,111 of MoRT&H SDB
Taking output = 225 cum
(A) Labour
0.48 nos. Mate 580.00 day 278.40
2.00 nos. Mazdoor skilled 589.00 day 1178.00
10.00 nos. Mazdoor 545.00 day 5450.00
0% Municipal Area Allowance 6906.40 0.00
Total 6906.40
(B) Machinery
6.60 hr Wet mix plant of 60 tonne hr. capacity 2028.00 hr 13384.80
6.00 hr Electric generating set 125 KVA 1626.00 hr 9756.00
6.00 hr front end loader 1 cum capacity 2028.00 hr 12168.00
6.00 hr Mechanical Paver finisher 2771.00 hr 16626.00
3.90 hr Vibratory roller 8-10 T 3475.20 hr 13553.28
3.00 hr Water tanker 769.00 hr 2307.00
Total 67795.08
(C) Material
45 to 22.40mm IRC&MoRT&H
89.10 cum 1455.88 cum 129719.25
HBG M/C metal@ 30%
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.06050 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1326.55 1.0 80.26
0.00720 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1374.55 1.0 9.90
2.47500 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6620 1.0 115.49
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.02000 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1374.55 1.0 27.49
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1126.30 1.0 3.38
1.20000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6620 1.0 55.99
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal
10.00 % chips 121.03 12.10
TOTAL A= 304.61
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT
2.8600 no metal( (0.070)* 38.150 1.0 109.11
Unit - 1 Sqm
Rate per sqm 4.00
6 Stripping the excess soil from the shoulder surface to achieve the approved level for sectioning the berms/ shoulders as per
MORT&H Specification No. 3003
Unit - 1 Sqm
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. And assuming average depth of
stripping as 75mm, quantity of earth cutting involved =
7.50 Cum.
0.10 Day Mate 580.00 1.0 58.00
2.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0 1472.50
7 Making up of loss of material/irregularities on shoulder to the design level by adding fresh approved soil and compacting it
with appropriate equipment
Unit - 1 Sqm
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. And assuming average depth of
stripping as 150mm, quantity of fresh material = 15.0 Cum.
0.18 Day Mate 580.00 1.0 104.40
4.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0 2650.50
0.25 Day Excavator 1.0 Cum bucket capacity at 60 cum per hour 3571.00 1.0 892.75
0.10 Add 10% for cost of transportation to cover loading and unloading892.7500 1.0 89.28
12.00 Hr Plate Compactor @25 Sqm per Hour 59.00
Total Rate per 100 Sqm A= 3736.93
Rate per sqm 37.37
Quarry Map
AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - I for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda
Name of Work:
Madgulapally-Gangquarters Road km.0/0-21/0
Nakrekal - Gurajala road Metal Quarry Quarry
Weighted Average lead
From Km 116/0 to to 125/6 of Addanki road = 9.60
Cart Tract from NH65 to Metal Quarry = 3.00
From Km. 0/0 to 2/8 of Tekumatla -Shettipalem road = 2.80
From Km. 21/0 to 26/4 of Madgulapally-Gangquarters road = 5.40
Working reach from Km. 0/0 to Km. 21/0 M-G road = 10.50
Total : = 31.30
Or say : = 32.00 Kms
From Km. 125/6 to 126/0 on NH 65 = 0.40
From Km. 0/0 to 33/8 of Tekumatla Bridge to Shettipalem road = 33.80
From Km. 0/0 to 2/8 of Tekumatla -Shettipalem road = 2.80
From Km. 21/0 to 26/4 of Madgulapally-Gangquarters road = 5.40
Working reach from Km. 0/0 to Km. 21/0 M-G road = 10.50
Total : = 52.90
Or say : = 53.00 Kms
From Vizag to Madgulapally = 536.00
Working reach from km.0/0-21/0 on MG road = 10.50
Total : = 546.50
Or say : = 547.00 Kms
Name of Work: AM to Mahaboob nagar - Nalgonda Road from km 148/0 to 154/0 in Nalgonda District
Nakrekal - Gurajala road Metal Quarry Quarry
Weighted Average lead
Working reach from Km. 6/0 to Km. 11/2 Indloor road = (1.50)(3)+1.10(2.20)
= 3.0+2.20
= 1.33
Or say : = 2.00 Kms
From Km. 125/6 to 113/0 on NH 65 = 12.60
From Km. 0/0 to 12/2 on NW Road = 12.60
Working reach on indloor road km.6/0-11/2 = 2.60
Total : = 27.80
Or say : = 28.00 Kms
From Vizag to Thipparthy = 528.00
From km.17/0 to 11/6 on NW Road = 5.40
Working reach from km.6/0 to 11/2 on indloor road = 2.60
Total : = 536.00
Or say : = 536.00 Kms
Seigniorage Charges
Total= 13653.90
Say 13654.00
Name of work: AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - II for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 50 to 70mm ,using 40mm HBG/HBT metal with
required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 42 kgs/1Cum of work
for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG/HBT
chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot
holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes to
compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all materials ,T&P
and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.04950 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1081.51 1.0
0.00585 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1129.51 1.0
1.89000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6140 1.0
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.01995 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1129.51 1.0
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 881.26 1.0
1.08000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6140 1.0
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 85.31
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070+0.050)/2*400 32.700 1.0
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 93.52
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 107.55
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 25 to 35mm ,using 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal
with required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 kgs/1Cum of
work for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm
HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 80 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the
pot holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes
to compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all
materials ,T&P and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.0345 cum 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 x 1.15 ) 1280.51 1.00
0.0039 cum 10-12 mm size key chips ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 )x (13/100) 1129.51 1.00
0.0030 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 881.26 1.00
2.1600 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.055) x 72Kgs/Cum 46.6140 1.00
( Including tack coat )
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 51.23
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.025+0.035)/2*400 16.350 1.0
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 46.76
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 53.77
Add hire charges of bitumen boiler, cost of fuel, erection of
caution boards, tools for tamping, excavation, cleaning and
all other items etc., required for finished item of work for
0.030 cum 40.00
patch work
(C ) Seigniorage charges
0.030 cum METAL 0.00 1.00
0.00 % Add VAT 212.02 1.0
Providing B.T. Patchwork for pot holes of depth ranging from 70mm and above, using 40mm HBG metal with
required quantity of 10-12mm size HBG key chips and 80/100 grade Bitumen at 45 Kgs./1Cum. of work for
filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG chips and
4 80/100 grade Bitumen at 80 Kgs/1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot holes, trimming
the edges to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning, applying tack coat, filling the pot holes, compacting and
finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand, including cost of all materials, T&P, and labolur
charges for all operations etc. complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.06050 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1081.51 1.0
0.00720 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1129.51 1.0
2.47500 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6140 1.0
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.02000 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1129.51 1.0
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 881.26 1.0
1.20000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6140 1.0
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 98.79
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070)* 38.150 1.0
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance ,l
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 109.11
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 125.48
Unit And
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. - 1 Sqm
assuming average depth of
stripping as 75mm, quantity of earth cutting involved = 7.50
0.10 Day Mate 580.00 1.0
2.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0
Making up of loss of material/irregularities on shoulder to the design level by adding fresh approved soil and
7 compacting it with appropriate equipment
Unit - 1 Sqm
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. And assuming average depth of
stripping as 150mm, quantity of fresh material = 15.0 Cum.
0.18 Day Mate 580.00 1.0
4.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0
0.25 Day Excavator 1.0 Cum bucket capacity at 60 cum per hour 3571.00 1.0
0.00 Day Tipper (L is avg lead in Km for borrowed earth) 2028.00 1.0
0.10 Add 10% for cost of transportation to cover loading and unloading892.7500 1.0
12.00 Hr Plate Compactor @25 Sqm per Hour 59.00
Total Rate per 100 Sqm A=
Rate per sqm
BG/HBT metal
kgs/1Cum of
material in the
ng the pot holes
f all
Mix Macadem
t OMC in
h paver in base
d density etc., as
nished item of
m HBG metal with
m. of work for
m HBG chips and
oles, trimming
mpacting and
and labolur
ving of Juliflora
al charges, etc.,
ng the berms/
AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - II for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
9 6 mm size M.C. Chips do 12.00 209.48 806.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 978.51
10 10 mm size M.C. Chips do 12.00 209.48 957.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1129.51
11 12 mm size M.C. Chips do 12.00 209.48 1057.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1229.51
12 20 mm size M.C. Metal do 12.00 209.48 1108.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1280.51
13 25 mm size M.C. Metal do 12.00 209.48 1098.00 - 0.00 -36.97 1270.51
14 40 mm size M.C. Metal do 12.00 209.48 909.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1081.51
15 Sand for Mortar do 14.00 240.11 600.00 -38.38 801.73
16 Sand for Concrete do 12.00 209.48 662.00 -38.38 833.10
17 gravel do 5.00 102.28 109.00 -38.38 172.90
18 Hume pipes 600 mm Dia Np4 do 45.00 359.56 3708.00 0.00 4067.56
19 Hume pipes 800 mm Dia Np4 do 45.00 440.30 6606.00 0.00 7046.30
20 Hume pipes1000 mmDia Np4 do 45.00 778.81 11195.00 0.00 11973.81
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
13.2 566.7
VG -10 Bulk
Lead Charges
Total 46614.00
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
Name of work: AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - II for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
On M-N Road to Kurampally (via) Regatte Road from km 0/0 to 11/8
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 50 to 70mm ,using 40mm HBG/HBT metal with
required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 42 kgs/1Cum of work
for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG/HBT
chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot
holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes to
compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all materials ,T&P
and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.04950 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1142.77 1.0
0.00585 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1190.77 1.0
1.89000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6500 1.0
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.01995 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1190.77 1.0
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 942.52 1.0
1.08000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6500 1.0
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 90.13
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070+0.050)/2*400 32.700 1.0
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 93.52
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 107.55
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 25 to 35mm ,using 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal
with required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 kgs/1Cum of
work for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm
HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 80 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the
pot holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes
to compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all
materials ,T&P and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.0345 cum 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 x 1.15 ) 1341.77 1.00
0.0039 cum 10-12 mm size key chips ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 )x (13/100) 1190.77 1.00
0.0030 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 942.52 1.00
2.1600 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.055) x 72Kgs/Cum 46.6500 1.00
( Including tack coat )
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 53.76
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.025+0.035)/2*400 16.350 1.0
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 46.76
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 53.77
Add hire charges of bitumen boiler, cost of fuel, erection of
caution boards, tools for tamping, excavation, cleaning and
all other items etc., required for finished item of work for
0.030 cum 40.00
patch work
(C ) Seigniorage charges
0.030 cum METAL 0.00 1.00
0.00 % Add VAT 214.87 1.0
Providing B.T. Patchwork for pot holes of depth ranging from 70mm and above, using 40mm HBG metal with
required quantity of 10-12mm size HBG key chips and 80/100 grade Bitumen at 45 Kgs./1Cum. of work for
filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG chips and
4 80/100 grade Bitumen at 80 Kgs/1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot holes, trimming
the edges to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning, applying tack coat, filling the pot holes, compacting and
finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand, including cost of all materials, T&P, and labolur
charges for all operations etc. complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.06050 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1142.77 1.0
0.00720 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1190.77 1.0
2.47500 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6500 1.0
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.02000 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1190.77 1.0
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 942.52 1.0
1.20000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6500 1.0
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 104.36
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070)* 38.150 1.0
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance ,l
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 109.11
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 125.48
Stripping the excess soil from the shoulder surface to achieve the approved level for sectioning the berms/
6 shoulders as per MORT&H Specification No. 3003
Unit And
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. - 1 Sqm
assuming average depth of
stripping as 75mm, quantity of earth cutting involved = 7.50
0.10 Day Mate 580.00 1.0
2.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0
Making up of loss of material/irregularities on shoulder to the design level by adding fresh approved soil and
7 compacting it with appropriate equipment
Unit - 1 Sqm
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. And assuming average depth of
stripping as 150mm, quantity of fresh material = 15.0 Cum.
0.18 Day Mate 580.00 1.0
4.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0
0.25 Day Excavator 1.0 Cum bucket capacity at 60 cum per hour 3571.00 1.0
0.00 Day Tipper (L is avg lead in Km for borrowed earth) 2028.00 1.0
0.10 Add 10% for cost of transportation to cover loading and unloading892.7500 1.0
12.00 Hr Plate Compactor @25 Sqm per Hour 59.00
Total Rate per 100 Sqm A=
Rate per sqm
/HBT metal with
1Cum of work
n the pot
he pot holes to
l materials ,T&P
BG/HBT metal
kgs/1Cum of
material in the
ng the pot holes
f all
Mix Macadem
t OMC in
h paver in base
d density etc., as
nished item of
m HBG metal with
m. of work for
m HBG chips and
oles, trimming
mpacting and
and labolur
ving of Juliflora
al charges, etc.,
ng the berms/
AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - II for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
9 6 mm size M.C. Chips do 16.00 270.74 806.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1039.77
10 10 mm size M.C. Chips do 16.00 270.74 957.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1190.77
11 12 mm size M.C. Chips do 16.00 270.74 1057.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1290.77
12 20 mm size M.C. Metal do 16.00 270.74 1108.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1341.77
13 25 mm size M.C. Metal do 16.00 270.74 1098.00 - 0.00 -36.97 1331.77
14 40 mm size M.C. Metal do 16.00 270.74 909.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1142.77
15 Sand for Mortar do 14.00 240.11 600.00 -38.38 801.73
16 Sand for Concrete do 16.00 270.74 662.00 -38.38 894.36
17 gravel do 5.00 102.28 109.00 -38.38 172.90
18 Hume pipes 600 mm Dia Np4 do 45.00 359.56 3708.00 0.00 4067.56
19 Hume pipes 800 mm Dia Np4 do 45.00 440.30 6606.00 0.00 7046.30
VG -10 Bulk
Lead Charges
Total 46650.00
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
Name of work: AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - II for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
On M-N Road to Yacharam Road from km 0/0 to 10/0
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 50 to 70mm ,using 40mm HBG/HBT metal with
required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 42 kgs/1Cum of work
for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG/HBT
chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot
holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes to
compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all materials ,T&P
and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.04950 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1395.47 1.0 69.08
0.00585 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1443.47 1.0 8.44
1.89000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6820 1.0 88.23
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.01995 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1443.47 1.0 28.80
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1195.22 1.0 3.59
1.08000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6820 1.0 50.42
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 109.91 10.99
TOTAL A= 259.55
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070+0.050)/2*400 32.700 1.0 93.52
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 93.52 14.03
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 107.55 0.00
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 25 to 35mm ,using 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal
with required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 kgs/1Cum of
work for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm
HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 80 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the
pot holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes
to compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all
materials ,T&P and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.0345 cum 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 x 1.15 ) 1594.47 1.00 55.01
0.0039 cum 10-12 mm size key chips ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 )x (13/100) 1443.47 1.00 5.63
0.0030 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1195.22 1.00 3.59
2.1600 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.055) x 72Kgs/Cum 46.6820 1.00 100.83
( Including tack coat )
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 64.23 6.42
TOTAL A= 171.48
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.025+0.035)/2*400 16.350 1.0 46.76
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 46.76 7.01
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 53.77 0.00
Add hire charges of bitumen boiler, cost of fuel, erection of
caution boards, tools for tamping, excavation, cleaning and
all other items etc., required for finished item of work for
0.030 cum 40.00 1.20
patch work
TOTAL B= 54.97
(C ) Seigniorage charges
0.030 cum METAL 0.00 1.00 0.00
(A+B+C) 226.46
0.00 % Add VAT 226.46 1.0 0.00
Rate per sqm 226.50
Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix Macadem
specification including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in
Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in base
courses on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc., as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification 406 (5 th revision) for finished item of
Unit = cum Page 110,111 of MoRT&H SDB
Taking output = 225 cum
(A) Labour
0.48 nos. Mate 580.00 day 278.40
2.00 nos. Mazdoor skilled 589.00 day 1178.00
10.00 nos. Mazdoor 545.00 day 5450.00
0% Municipal Area Allowance 6906.40 0.00
Total 6906.40
(B) Machinery
6.60 hr Wet mix plant of 60 tonne hr. capacity 2028.00 hr 13384.80
6.00 hr Electric generating set 125 KVA 1626.00 hr 9756.00
6.00 hr front end loader 1 cum capacity 2028.00 hr 12168.00
6.00 hr Mechanical Paver finisher 0.00 hr 0.00
3.90 hr Vibratory roller 8-10 T 0.00 hr 0.00
3.00 hr Water tanker 769.00 hr 2307.00
Total 37615.80
(C) Material
45 to 22.40mm IRC&MoRT&H HBG
89.10 cum 1524.80 cum 135859.75
M/C metal@ 30%
(Av. of 40-45, 25-27, 19-22mm )
118.80 cum 22.4 to 2.36mm IRC&MoRT&H HBG M/C metal@40% 1413.07 cum 167872.41
(Av. Of 19-22mm, 12-14mm, 9.5-11.2mm, 5-7mm,
2.36 - 5mm )
89.10 cum 2.36mm to 75 micron @ 30% (2.36mm & below) 1195.22 cum 106493.88
Total 410226.04
(D) Over head charges
5.00% Over head charges 5% on (A) + (B)+(C) 454748.2 22737.4
(E) Total of (A) + (B)+( C)+(D) 477485.7
(F) Add Contractors Profit at 10% on (E) 47748.6
Cost per 225 cum (E) + (F) 525234.2
Rate per 1 cum 2334.37
Rate to be adopted per 1 cum 2334.00
Providing B.T. Patchwork for pot holes of depth ranging from 70mm and above, using 40mm HBG metal with
required quantity of 10-12mm size HBG key chips and 80/100 grade Bitumen at 45 Kgs./1Cum. of work for
filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG chips and
4 80/100 grade Bitumen at 80 Kgs/1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot holes, trimming
the edges to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning, applying tack coat, filling the pot holes, compacting and
finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand, including cost of all materials, T&P, and labolur
charges for all operations etc. complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.06050 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1395.47 1.0 84.43
0.00720 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1443.47 1.0 10.39
2.47500 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6820 1.0 115.54
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.02000 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1443.47 1.0 28.87
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1195.22 1.0 3.59
1.20000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6820 1.0 56.02
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 127.28 12.73
TOTAL A= 311.57
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070)* 38.150 1.0 109.11
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance ,l
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 109.11 16.37
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 125.48 0.00
Unit And
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. - 1 Sqm
assuming average depth of
stripping as 75mm, quantity of earth cutting involved = 7.50
0.10 Day Mate 580.00 1.0 58.00
2.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0 1472.50
Making up of loss of material/irregularities on shoulder to the design level by adding fresh approved soil and
7 compacting it with appropriate equipment
Unit - 1 Sqm
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. And assuming average depth of
stripping as 150mm, quantity of fresh material = 15.0 Cum.
0.18 Day Mate 580.00 1.0 104.40
4.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0 2650.50
0.25 Day Excavator 1.0 Cum bucket capacity at 60 cum per hour 3571.00 1.0 892.75
0.00 Day Tipper (L is avg lead in Km for borrowed earth) 2028.00 1.0 0.00
0.10 Add 10% for cost of transportation to cover loading and unloading892.7500 1.0 89.28
12.00 Hr Plate Compactor @25 Sqm per Hour 59.00 0.00
Total Rate per 100 Sqm A= 3736.93
Rate per sqm 37.37
9 6 mm size M.C. Chips do 33.00 523.43 806.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1292.47
10 10 mm size M.C. Chips do 33.00 523.43 957.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1443.47
11 12 mm size M.C. Chips do 33.00 523.43 1057.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1543.47
12 20 mm size M.C. Metal do 33.00 523.43 1108.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1594.47
13 25 mm size M.C. Metal do 33.00 523.43 1098.00 - 0.00 -36.97 1584.47
14 40 mm size M.C. Metal do 33.00 523.43 909.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1395.47
15 Sand for Mortar do 14.00 240.11 600.00 -38.38 801.73
16 Sand for Concrete do 33.00 523.43 662.00 -38.38 1147.06
17 gravel do 5.00 102.28 109.00 -38.38 172.90
18 Hume pipes 600 mm Dia Np4 do 45.00 359.56 3708.00 0.00 4067.56
19 Hume pipes 800 mm Dia Np4 do 45.00 440.30 6606.00 0.00 7046.30
20 Hume pipes1000 mmDia Np4 do 45.00 778.81 11195.00 0.00 11973.81
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
13.2 566.7
VG -10 Bulk
Lead Charges
Total 46682.00
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
Name of work: AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - II for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 50 to 70mm ,using 40mm HBG/HBT metal with
required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 42 kgs/1Cum of work
for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG/HBT
chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot
holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes to
compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all materials ,T&P
and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.04950 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1311.24 1.0 64.91
0.00585 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1359.24 1.0 7.95
1.89000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6580 1.0 88.18
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.01995 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1359.24 1.0 27.12
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1110.99 1.0 3.33
1.08000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6580 1.0 50.39
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 103.31 10.33
TOTAL A= 252.21
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070+0.050)/2*400 32.700 1.0 93.52
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 93.52 14.03
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 107.55 0.00
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 25 to 35mm ,using 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal
with required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 kgs/1Cum of
work for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm
HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 80 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the
pot holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes
to compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all
materials ,T&P and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.0345 cum 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 x 1.15 ) 1510.24 1.00 52.10
0.0039 cum 10-12 mm size key chips ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 )x (13/100) 1359.24 1.00 5.30
0.0030 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1110.99 1.00 3.33
2.1600 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.055) x 72Kgs/Cum 46.6580 1.00 100.78
( Including tack coat )
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 60.73 6.07
TOTAL A= 167.58
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.025+0.035)/2*400 16.350 1.0 46.76
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 46.76 7.01
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 53.77 0.00
Add hire charges of bitumen boiler, cost of fuel, erection of
caution boards, tools for tamping, excavation, cleaning and
all other items etc., required for finished item of work for
0.030 cum 40.00 1.20
patch work
TOTAL B= 54.97
(C ) Seigniorage charges
0.030 cum METAL 0.00 1.00 0.00
(A+B+C) 222.56
0.00 % Add VAT 222.56 1.0 0.00
Rate per sqm 222.60
Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix Macadem
specification including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in
Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in base
courses on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc., as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification 406 (5 th revision) for finished item of
TOTAL A= 303.06
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070)* 38.150 1.0 109.11
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance ,l
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 109.11 16.37
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 125.48 0.00
Unit - 1 Sqm
Rate per sqm 4.00
Stripping the excess soil from the shoulder surface to achieve the approved level for sectioning the berms/
6 shoulders as per MORT&H Specification No. 3003
Unit And
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. - 1 Sqm
assuming average depth of
stripping as 75mm, quantity of earth cutting involved = 7.50
0.10 Day Mate 580.00 1.0 58.00
2.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0 1472.50
Making up of loss of material/irregularities on shoulder to the design level by adding fresh approved soil and
7 compacting it with appropriate equipment
Unit - 1 Sqm
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. And assuming average depth of
stripping as 150mm, quantity of fresh material = 15.0 Cum.
0.18 Day Mate 580.00 1.0 104.40
4.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0 2650.50
0.25 Day Excavator 1.0 Cum bucket capacity at 60 cum per hour 3571.00 1.0 892.75
0.00 Day Tipper (L is avg lead in Km for borrowed earth) 2028.00 1.0 0.00
0.10 Add 10% for cost of transportation to cover loading and unloading892.7500 1.0 89.28
12.00 Hr Plate Compactor @25 Sqm per Hour 59.00 0.00
Total Rate per 100 Sqm A= 3736.93
Rate per sqm 37.37
9 6 mm size M.C. Chips do 27.00 439.20 806.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1208.24
10 10 mm size M.C. Chips do 27.00 439.20 957.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1359.24
11 12 mm size M.C. Chips do 27.00 439.20 1057.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1459.24
12 20 mm size M.C. Metal do 27.00 439.20 1108.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1510.24
13 25 mm size M.C. Metal do 27.00 439.20 1098.00 - 0.00 -36.97 1500.24
14 40 mm size M.C. Metal do 27.00 439.20 909.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1311.24
15 Sand for Mortar do 14.00 240.11 600.00 -38.38 801.73
16 Sand for Concrete do 27.00 439.20 662.00 -38.38 1062.83
17 gravel do 5.00 102.28 109.00 -38.38 172.90
18 Hume pipes 600 mm Dia Np4 do 45.00 359.56 3708.00 0.00 4067.56
19 Hume pipes 800 mm Dia Np4 do 45.00 440.30 6606.00 0.00 7046.30
20 Hume pipes1000 mmDia Np4 do 45.00 778.81 11195.00 0.00 11973.81
VG -10 Bulk
Lead Charges
Total 46658.00
Name of Work: AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - I for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
Nakrekal - Gurajala road Metal Quarry Quarry
Weighted Average lead
From Km 116/0 to to 125/6 of Addanki road = 9.60
Cart Tract from NH65 to Metal Quarry = 3.00
From Km. 0/0 to 2/8 of Tekumatla -Shettipalem road = 2.80
From Km. 18/0 to 26/4 of Madgulapally-Gangquarters road = 8.40
Working reach from Km. 0/0 to Km. 20/0 K-P road = 10.00
Total : = 33.80
Or say : = 34.00 Kms
From Km. 125/6 to 126/0 on NH 65 = 0.40
From Km. 0/0 to 33/8 of Tekumatla Bridge to Shettipalem road = 33.80
From Km. 0/0 to 2/8 of Tekumatla -Shettipalem road = 2.80
From Km. 18/0 to 26/4 of Madgulapally-Gangquarters road = 8.40
Working reach from Km. 0/0 to Km. 20/0 K-P road = 10.00
Total : = 55.40
Or say : = 55.00 Kms
From Vizag to Kukkadam = 512.00
Working reach from km.0/0-20/0 on KP road = 10.00
Total : = 522.00
Or say : = 522.00 Kms
From Chennai to Kukkadam = 490.00
Working reach from km.0/0-20/0 on KP road = 10.00
Total : = 500.00
Or say : = 500.00 Kms
Name of work: AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - II for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 50 to 70mm ,using 40mm HBG/HBT metal with
required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 42 kgs/1Cum of work
for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG/HBT
chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot
holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes to
compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all materials ,T&P
and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.04950 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1326.55 1.0 65.66
0.00585 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1374.55 1.0 8.04
1.89000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6620 1.0 88.19
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.01995 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1374.55 1.0 27.42
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1126.30 1.0 3.38
1.08000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6620 1.0 50.39
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 104.50 10.45
TOTAL A= 253.53
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070+0.050)/2*400 32.700 1.0 93.52
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 93.52 14.03
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 107.55 0.00
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 25 to 35mm ,using 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal
with required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 kgs/1Cum of
work for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm
HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 80 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the
pot holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes
to compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all
materials ,T&P and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.0345 cum 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 x 1.15 ) 1525.55 1.00 52.63
0.0039 cum 10-12 mm size key chips ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 )x (13/100) 1374.55 1.00 5.36
0.0030 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1126.30 1.00 3.38
2.1600 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.055) x 72Kgs/Cum 46.6620 1.00 100.79
( Including tack coat )
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 61.37 6.14
TOTAL A= 168.30
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.025+0.035)/2*400 16.350 1.0 46.76
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 46.76 7.01
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 53.77 0.00
Add hire charges of bitumen boiler, cost of fuel, erection of
caution boards, tools for tamping, excavation, cleaning and
all other items etc., required for finished item of work for
0.030 cum 40.00 1.20
patch work
TOTAL B= 54.97
(C ) Seigniorage charges
0.030 cum METAL 0.00 1.00 0.00
(A+B+C) 223.27
0.00 % Add VAT 223.27 1.0 0.00
Rate per sqm 223.30
Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix Macadem
specification including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in
Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in base
courses on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc., as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification 406 (5 th revision) for finished item of
Unit = cum Page 110,111 of MoRT&H SDB
Taking output = 225 cum
(A) Labour
0.48 nos. Mate 580.00 day 278.40
2.00 nos. Mazdoor skilled 589.00 day 1178.00
10.00 nos. Mazdoor 545.00 day 5450.00
0% Municipal Area Allowance 6906.40 0.00
Total 6906.40
(B) Machinery
6.60 hr Wet mix plant of 60 tonne hr. capacity 2028.00 hr 13384.80
6.00 hr Electric generating set 125 KVA 1626.00 hr 9756.00
6.00 hr front end loader 1 cum capacity 2028.00 hr 12168.00
6.00 hr Mechanical Paver finisher 0.00 hr 0.00
3.90 hr Vibratory roller 8-10 T 0.00 hr 0.00
3.00 hr Water tanker 769.00 hr 2307.00
Total 37615.80
(C) Material
45 to 22.40mm IRC&MoRT&H HBG
89.10 cum 1455.88 cum 129719.25
M/C metal@ 30%
(Av. of 40-45, 25-27, 19-22mm )
118.80 cum 22.4 to 2.36mm IRC&MoRT&H HBG M/C metal@40% 1344.15 cum 159685.08
(Av. Of 19-22mm, 12-14mm, 9.5-11.2mm, 5-7mm,
2.36 - 5mm )
89.10 cum 2.36mm to 75 micron @ 30% (2.36mm & below) 1126.30 cum 100353.37
Total 389757.70
(D) Over head charges
5.00% Over head charges 5% on (A) + (B)+(C) 434279.9 21714.0
(E) Total of (A) + (B)+( C)+(D) 455993.9
(F) Add Contractors Profit at 10% on (E) 45599.4
Cost per 225 cum (E) + (F) 501593.3
Rate per 1 cum 2229.30
Rate to be adopted per 1 cum 2229.00
Providing B.T. Patchwork for pot holes of depth ranging from 70mm and above, using 40mm HBG metal with
required quantity of 10-12mm size HBG key chips and 80/100 grade Bitumen at 45 Kgs./1Cum. of work for
filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG chips and
4 80/100 grade Bitumen at 80 Kgs/1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot holes, trimming
the edges to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning, applying tack coat, filling the pot holes, compacting and
finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand, including cost of all materials, T&P, and labolur
charges for all operations etc. complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.06050 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1326.55 1.0 80.26
0.00720 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1374.55 1.0 9.90
2.47500 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6620 1.0 115.49
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.02000 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1374.55 1.0 27.49
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1126.30 1.0 3.38
1.20000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6620 1.0 55.99
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 121.03 12.10
TOTAL A= 304.61
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070)* 38.150 1.0 109.11
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance ,l
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 109.11 16.37
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 125.48 0.00
Stripping the excess soil from the shoulder surface to achieve the approved level for sectioning the berms/
6 shoulders as per MORT&H Specification No. 3003
Unit And
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. - 1 Sqm
assuming average depth of
stripping as 75mm, quantity of earth cutting involved = 7.50
0.10 Day Mate 580.00 1.0 58.00
2.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0 1472.50
Unit - 1 Sqm
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. And assuming average depth of
stripping as 150mm, quantity of fresh material = 15.0 Cum.
0.18 Day Mate 580.00 1.0 104.40
4.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0 2650.50
0.25 Day Excavator 1.0 Cum bucket capacity at 60 cum per hour 3571.00 1.0 892.75
0.00 Day Tipper (L is avg lead in Km for borrowed earth) 2028.00 1.0 0.00
0.10 Add 10% for cost of transportation to cover loading and unloading892.7500 1.0 89.28
12.00 Hr Plate Compactor @25 Sqm per Hour 59.00 0.00
Total Rate per 100 Sqm A= 3736.93
Rate per sqm 37.37
9 6 mm size M.C. Chips do 28.00 454.52 806.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1223.55
10 10 mm size M.C. Chips do 28.00 454.52 957.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1374.55
11 12 mm size M.C. Chips do 28.00 454.52 1057.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1474.55
12 20 mm size M.C. Metal do 28.00 454.52 1108.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1525.55
14 40 mm size M.C. Metal do 28.00 454.52 909.00 0.00 0.00 -36.97 1326.55
18 Hume pipes 600 mm Dia Np4 do 45.00 359.56 3708.00 0.00 4067.56
19 Hume pipes 800 mm Dia Np4 do 45.00 440.30 6606.00 0.00 7046.30
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
VG -10 Bulk
Lead Charges
Total 46662.00
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - II for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
Name of work: AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - I for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
On M-N Road to Mukkamala Road from km 0/0 to 13/4
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 50 to 70mm ,using 40mm HBG/HBT metal with
required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 42 kgs/1Cum of work
for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG/HBT
chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot
holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes to
compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all materials ,T&P
and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.04950 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1433.75 1.0 70.97
0.00585 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1481.75 1.0 8.67
1.89000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6700 1.0 88.21
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.01995 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1481.75 1.0 29.56
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1233.50 1.0 3.70
1.08000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6700 1.0 50.40
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 112.90 11.29
TOTAL A= 262.80
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070+0.050)/2*400 32.700 1.0 93.52
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 93.52 14.03
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 107.55 0.00
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 25 to 35mm ,using 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal
with required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 kgs/1Cum of
work for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm
HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 80 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the
pot holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes
to compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all
materials ,T&P and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.0345 cum 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 x 1.15 ) 1632.75 1.00 56.33
0.0039 cum 10-12 mm size key chips ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 )x (13/100) 1481.75 1.00 5.78
0.0030 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1233.50 1.00 3.70
2.1600 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.055) x 72Kgs/Cum 46.6700 1.00 100.81
( Including tack coat )
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 65.81 6.58
TOTAL A= 173.20
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.025+0.035)/2*400 16.350 1.0 46.76
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 46.76 7.01
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 53.77 0.00
Add hire charges of bitumen boiler, cost of fuel, erection of
caution boards, tools for tamping, excavation, cleaning and
all other items etc., required for finished item of work for
0.030 cum 40.00 1.20
patch work
TOTAL B= 54.97
(C ) Seigniorage charges
0.030 cum METAL 0.00 1.00 0.00
(A+B+C) 228.18
0.00 % Add VAT 228.18 1.0 0.00
Rate per sqm 228.20
Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix Macadem
specification including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in
Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in base
courses on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc., as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification 406 (5 th revision) for finished item of
TOTAL A= 315.34
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070)* 38.150 1.0 109.11
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance ,l
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 109.11 16.37
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 125.48 0.00
0.25 Day Excavator 1.0 Cum bucket capacity at 60 cum per hour 3571.00 1.0 892.75
0.00 Day Tipper (L is avg lead in Km for borrowed earth) 2028.00 1.0 0.00
0.10 Add 10% for cost of transportation to cover loading and unloading892.7500 1.0 89.28
12.00 Hr Plate Compactor @25 Sqm per Hour 59.00 0.00
Total Rate per 100 Sqm A= 3736.93
Rate per sqm 37.37
Lead Charges
Lead from Chennai to working site 525.00
Lead charges for bulk 2/km 2100.00
Total 46670.00
AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - I for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
Name of work: AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - I for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
On Gurrampode - Musalamma Chettu Road from km 35/0-40/0
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 50 to 70mm ,using 40mm HBG/HBT metal with
required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 42 kgs/1Cum of work
for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG/HBT
chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot
holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes to
compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all materials ,T&P
and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.04950 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1326.55 1.0 65.66
0.00585 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1374.55 1.0 8.04
1.89000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6380 1.0 88.15
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.01995 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1374.55 1.0 27.42
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1126.30 1.0 3.38
1.08000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6380 1.0 50.37
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 104.50 10.45
TOTAL A= 253.47
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070+0.050)/2*400 32.700 1.0 93.52
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 93.52 14.03
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 107.55 0.00
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 25 to 35mm ,using 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal
with required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 kgs/1Cum of
work for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm
HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 80 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the
pot holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes
to compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all
materials ,T&P and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.0345 cum 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 x 1.15 ) 1525.55 1.00 52.63
0.0039 cum 10-12 mm size key chips ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 )x (13/100) 1374.55 1.00 5.36
0.0030 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1126.30 1.00 3.38
2.1600 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.055) x 72Kgs/Cum 46.6380 1.00 100.74
( Including tack coat )
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 61.37 6.14
TOTAL A= 168.25
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.025+0.035)/2*400 16.350 1.0 46.76
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 46.76 7.01
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 53.77 0.00
Add hire charges of bitumen boiler, cost of fuel, erection of
caution boards, tools for tamping, excavation, cleaning and
all other items etc., required for finished item of work for
0.030 cum 40.00 1.20
patch work
TOTAL B= 54.97
(C ) Seigniorage charges
0.030 cum METAL 0.00 1.00 0.00
(A+B+C) 223.22
0.00 % Add VAT 223.22 1.0 0.00
Rate per sqm 223.20
Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix Macadem
specification including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in
Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in base
courses on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc., as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification 406 (5 th revision) for finished item of
TOTAL A= 304.53
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070)* 38.150 1.0 109.11
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance ,l
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 109.11 16.37
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 125.48 0.00
Unit And
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. - 1 Sqm
assuming average depth of
stripping as 75mm, quantity of earth cutting involved = 7.50
0.10 Day Mate 580.00 1.0 58.00
2.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0 1472.50
0.25 Day Excavator 1.0 Cum bucket capacity at 60 cum per hour 3571.00 1.0 892.75
0.00 Day Tipper (L is avg lead in Km for borrowed earth) 2028.00 1.0 0.00
0.10 Add 10% for cost of transportation to cover loading and unloading892.7500 1.0 89.28
12.00 Hr Plate Compactor @25 Sqm per Hour 59.00 0.00
Total Rate per 100 Sqm A= 3736.93
Rate per sqm 37.37
Lead Charges
Lead from Chennai to working site 517.00
Lead charges for bulk 2/km 2068.00
Total 46638.00
AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - I for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.04950 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1369.94 1.0 67.81
0.00585 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1417.94 1.0 8.29
1.89000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6500 1.0 88.17
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.01995 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1417.94 1.0 28.29
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1169.69 1.0 3.51
1.08000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6500 1.0 50.38
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 107.90 10.79
TOTAL A= 257.24
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070+0.050)/2*400 32.700 1.0 93.52
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 93.52 14.03
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 107.55 0.00
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 25 to 35mm ,using 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal
with required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 kgs/1Cum of
work for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm
HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 80 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the
pot holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes
to compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all
materials ,T&P and labour charges for all operations etc., complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.0345 cum 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 x 1.15 ) 1568.94 1.00 54.13
0.0039 cum 10-12 mm size key chips ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 )x (13/100) 1417.94 1.00 5.53
0.0030 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1169.69 1.00 3.51
2.1600 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.055) x 72Kgs/Cum 46.6500 1.00 100.76
( Including tack coat )
TOTAL A= 170.25
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.025+0.035)/2*400 16.350 1.0 46.76
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 46.76 7.01
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 53.77 0.00
Add hire charges of bitumen boiler, cost of fuel, erection of
caution boards, tools for tamping, excavation, cleaning and
all other items etc., required for finished item of work for
0.030 cum 40.00 1.20
patch work
TOTAL B= 54.97
(C ) Seigniorage charges
0.030 cum METAL 0.00 1.00 0.00
(A+B+C) 225.22
0.00 % Add VAT 225.22 1.0 0.00
Rate per sqm 225.20
Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix Macadem
specification including cost of all materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in
Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in base
courses on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc., as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification 406 (5 th revision) for finished item of
Unit = cum Page 110,111 of MoRT&H SDB
Taking output = 225 cum
(A) Labour
0.48 nos. Mate 580.00 day 278.40
2.00 nos. Mazdoor skilled 589.00 day 1178.00
10.00 nos. Mazdoor 545.00 day 5450.00
0% Municipal Area Allowance 6906.40 0.00
Total 6906.40
(B) Machinery
6.60 hr Wet mix plant of 60 tonne hr. capacity 2028.00 hr 13384.80
6.00 hr Electric generating set 125 KVA 1626.00 hr 9756.00
6.00 hr front end loader 1 cum capacity 2028.00 hr 12168.00
6.00 hr Mechanical Paver finisher 0.00 hr 0.00
3.90 hr Vibratory roller 8-10 T 0.00 hr 0.00
3.00 hr Water tanker 769.00 hr 2307.00
Total 37615.80
(C) Material
45 to 22.40mm IRC&MoRT&H HBG
89.10 cum 1499.28 cum 133585.49
M/C metal@ 30%
(Av. of 40-45, 25-27, 19-22mm )
118.80 cum 22.4 to 2.36mm IRC&MoRT&H HBG M/C metal@40% 1387.54 cum 164840.07
(Av. Of 19-22mm, 12-14mm, 9.5-11.2mm, 5-7mm,
2.36 - 5mm )
89.10 cum 2.36mm to 75 micron @ 30% (2.36mm & below) 1169.69 cum 104219.62
Total 402645.18
(D) Over head charges
5.00% Over head charges 5% on (A) + (B)+(C) 447167.4 22358.4
(E) Total of (A) + (B)+( C)+(D) 469525.7
(F) Add Contractors Profit at 10% on (E) 46952.6
Cost per 225 cum (E) + (F) 516478.3
Rate per 1 cum 2295.46
Rate to be adopted per 1 cum 2295.00
Providing B.T. Patchwork for pot holes of depth ranging from 70mm and above, using 40mm HBG metal with
required quantity of 10-12mm size HBG key chips and 80/100 grade Bitumen at 45 Kgs./1Cum. of work for
filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG chips and
4 80/100 grade Bitumen at 80 Kgs/1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot holes, trimming
the edges to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning, applying tack coat, filling the pot holes, compacting and
finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand, including cost of all materials, T&P, and labolur
charges for all operations etc. complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.06050 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1369.94 1.0 82.88
0.00720 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1417.94 1.0 10.21
2.47500 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6500 1.0 115.46
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.02000 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1417.94 1.0 28.36
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1169.69 1.0 3.51
1.20000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6500 1.0 55.98
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter
10.00 % carting of materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 124.96 12.50
TOTAL A= 308.90
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal(
2.8600 no (0.070)* 38.150 1.0 109.11
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance ,l
15.00 % carting / re-carting of men, material etc. 109.11 16.37
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 125.48 0.00
Making up of loss of material/irregularities on shoulder to the design level by adding fresh approved soil and
compacting it with appropriate equipment
Unit - 1 Sqm
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. And assuming average depth of
stripping as 150mm, quantity of fresh material = 15.0 Cum.
0.18 Day Mate 580.00 1.0 104.40
4.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0 2650.50
0.25 Day Excavator 1.0 Cum bucket capacity at 60 cum per hour 3571.00 1.0 892.75
0.00 Day Tipper (L is avg lead in Km for borrowed earth) 2028.00 1.0 0.00
0.10 Add 10% for cost of transportation to cover loading and unloading892.7500 1.0 89.28
12.00 Hr Plate Compactor @25 Sqm per Hour 59.00 0.00
Total Rate per 100 Sqm A= 3736.93
Rate per sqm 37.37
Lead Charges
Lead from Chennai to working site 520.00
Lead charges for bulk 2/km 2080.00
Total 46650.00
AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - I for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda District.
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 50 to 70mm ,using 40mm HBG/HBT metal with required quantity of 10-12 mm
size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 42 kgs/1Cum of work for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a
15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose material in
the pot holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes to compacting and
finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all materials ,T&P and labour charges for all operations etc.,
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.04950 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1249.98 1.0 61.87
0.00585 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1297.98 1.0 7.59
1.89000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6420 1.0 88.15
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.01995 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1297.98 1.0 25.89
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1049.73 1.0 3.15
1.08000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6420 1.0 50.37
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter carting of
10.00 % materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 98.50 9.85
TOTAL A= 246.87
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT
2.8600 no metal( (0.070+0.050)/2*400 32.700 1.0 93.52
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance carting /
15.00 % re-carting of men, material etc. 93.52 14.03
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 107.55 0.00
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 25 to 35mm ,using 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal with required quantity of 10-12
mm size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 kgs/1Cum of work for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole
with a 15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 80 /Kgs /1Cum., including removal of the loose
material in the pot holes ,trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes to compacting
and finishing and blinding the surface using stone dust/sand ,including cost of all materials ,T&P and labour charges for all operations etc.,
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.0345 cum 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 x 1.15 ) 1448.98 1.00 49.99
0.0039 cum 10-12 mm size key chips ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.030 )x (13/100) 1297.98 1.00 5.06
0.0030 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1049.73 1.00 3.15
2.1600 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.055) x 72Kgs/Cum 46.6380 1.00 100.74
( Including tack coat )
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter carting of
10.00 % materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 58.20 5.82
TOTAL A= 164.76
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT
2.8600 no metal( (0.025+0.035)/2*400 16.350 1.0 46.76
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance carting /
15.00 % re-carting of men, material etc. 46.76 7.01
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 53.77 0.00
Data-M-N Road
0.00 % Add VAT 219.73 1.0 0.00
Rate per sqm 219.70
Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix Macadem specification including cost of all
materials and including premixing the material with water at OMC in Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site,
laying in uniform layers with paver in base courses on well prepared surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired
density etc., as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification 406 (5 th revision) for finished item of work.
118.80 cum 22.4 to 2.36mm IRC&MoRT&H HBG M/C metal@40% 1267.58 cum 150588.04
89.10 cum 2.36mm to 75 micron @ 30% (2.36mm & below) 1049.73 cum 93530.60
Total 367015.11
(D) Over head charges
5.00% Over head charges 5% on (A) + (B)+(C) 411537.31 20576.87
(E) Total of (A) + (B)+( C)+(D) 432114.18
(F) Add Contractors Profit at 10% on (E) 43211.42
Cost per 225 cum (E) + (F) 475325.59
Rate per 1 cum 2112.56
Rate to be adopted per 1 cum 2113.00
Providing B.T. Patchwork for pot holes of depth ranging from 70mm and above, using 40mm HBG metal with required quantity of 10-12mm
size HBG key chips and 80/100 grade Bitumen at 45 Kgs./1Cum. of work for filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a
15mm thick layer using 10-12mm HBG chips and 80/100 grade Bitumen at 80 Kgs/1Cum., including removal of the loose material in the pot
4 holes, trimming the edges to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning, applying tack coat, filling the pot holes, compacting and finishing and
blinding the surface using stone dust/sand, including cost of all materials, T&P, and labolur charges for all operations etc. complete.
Unit - 1 Sqm
Pot hole filling:
0.06050 cum 40 mm HBG/HBT metal ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045 x 1.10 ) 1249.98 1.0 75.62
0.00720 cum 10-12 mm size key chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x (13/100) 1297.98 1.0 9.35
2.47500 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.045) x 42 Kgs/Cum 46.6420 1.0 115.44
( Including tack coat )
Sealing the pot hole:
0.02000 cum 10-12mm size HBG/HBT chips (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 x 1.33 ) 1297.98 1.0 25.96
0.00300 cum Stone dust / Sand (1.00 x 1.00 x 0.003 ) 1049.73 1.0 3.15
1.20000 Kgs VG 10 Grade bitumen ( 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.015 )x 72 Kgs/1Cum 46.6420 1.0 55.97
Add extra for wastage of materials and re-carting / inter carting of
10.00 % materials @ 10% on the cost of granite metal chips 114.08 11.41
TOTAL A= 296.90
Labour charges
Man Mazdoor for Pot hole filling with 40 mm HBG/HBT metal( (0.070)*
2.8600 no 38.150 1.0 109.11
Add 15 % of labour charges towards mobility/ conveyance carting / ,l
15.00 % re-carting of men, material etc. 109.11 16.37
0.0 % Municipal Area Allowance 125.48 0.00
Data-M-N Road
(C ) (excluding seigniorage) charges
0.045 cum METAL 0.00 1.00 0.00
(A+B+C) 424.17
0.00 % Add GST 424.17 1.0 0.00
Rate per sqm 424.20
Up rooting the Juliflora (Prosafis) jungle in the road boundary including uprooting and removing of Juliflora stumps rom the road berms and
5 all labour charges and including all incidental and operational charges, etc., complete for finished item of work and as directed by the
Unit - 1 Sqm
Rate per sqm 4.00
Stripping the excess soil from the shoulder surface to achieve the approved level for sectioning the berms/ shoulders as per MORT&H
6 Specification No. 3003
Unit - 1 Sqm
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. And assuming average depth of stripping as
75mm, quantity of earth cutting involved = 7.50 Cum.
0.10 Day Mate 580.00 1.0 58.00
2.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0 1472.50
Making up of loss of material/irregularities on shoulder to the design level by adding fresh approved soil and compacting it with appropriate
7 equipment
Unit - 1 Sqm
Taking out put of 100 Sqm. And assuming average depth of stripping as
150mm, quantity of fresh material = 15.0 Cum.
0.18 Day Mate 580.00 1.0 104.40
4.50 Day Mazdoor 589.00 1.0 2650.50
0.25 Day Excavator 1.0 Cum bucket capacity at 60 cum per hour 3571.00 1.0 892.75
0.00 Day Tipper (L is avg lead in Km for borrowed earth) 2028.00 1.0 0.00
0.10 Add 10% for cost of transportation to cover loading and unloading 892.7500 1.0 89.28
12.00 Hr Plate Compactor @25 Sqm per Hour 59.00 0.00
Total Rate per 100 Sqm A= 3736.93
Rate per sqm 37.37
Data-M-N Road
VG -10 Bulk
Basic Price 44570.00
Lead Charges
Lead from Chennai to working site 518.00
Lead charges for bulk 2/km 2072.00
Total 46642.00
MN Road
Kanagal-Mall Road
150/2 0/0 3/0
From km 28/0 to 21/7 on NNN Sagar road = 6.30 km
From km 163/2 to 150/2 on M-N Road = 13.00 km
Working reach on Kanagal-Mall road km 0/0-3/0 = 1.50 km
Total = 20.80 km
Say 21.00 km
Bitumen Lead
From Vizag
From vizag to Nalgonda = 545.00
NNN Sagar road km 18/2-21/7 = 3.50
MN Road km.150/2-163/2 = 13.00
Working reach on KM Road = 1.50
Total = 563.00
Say 563.00 km
From Chennai
From chennai to Nalgonda = 525.00
NNN Sagar road km 18/2-21/7 = 3.50
MN Road km.150/2-163/2 = 13.00
Working reach on KM Road = 1.50
Total = 543.00
Say 543.00 km
AM to Roads of Kangal Section Package - I for the year 2023-24 in Nalgonda
Quarry Map
On Marriguda - Gurrampode Road from km. 25/0-32/6
MN Road
From km 126/4 to 148/0 on Mahabubnagar- =
Nalgonda Road 21.60 km
Working reach on MN Road km148/0-154/0 = 3.00 km
Total = 24.60 km
Say 25.00 km
Bitumen Lead
From Chennai
Chennai to Nalgonda = 545.00
NNN Sagar Road km.18/2-21/7 = 3.50
MN Road from km.154/0-163/2 = 9.20
Working reach on MN Road km148/0-154/0 = 3.00 km
Total = 557.70
Say 558.00 km
From Vizag
From vizag to Nalgonda = 525.00
NNN Sagar Road km.18/2-21/7 = 3.50
MN Road from km.154/0-163/2 = 9.20
Working reach on MN Road km148/0-154/0 = 3.00 km
Total = 537.70
Say 538.00 km
AM to Mahaboob nagar - Nalgonda Road from km 148/0 to 154/0 in Nalgonda District
Initial Lead
Location Lead Rate less Blasting charges Rate
S.No. Nature of Material Lead crushing
of Quarry charges Stacking charges for initial /Cum
charges lead of
40 - 45mm IRC HBG
1 WAL 23.00 377.94 909.00 -36.97 1249.98
Crushed Metal
25 - 27mm IRC HBG
2 do 23.00 377.94 1098.00 -36.97 1438.98
Crushed Metal
19 - 22mm IRC HBG
3 do 23.00 377.94 1108.00 -36.97 1448.98
Crushed Metal
12 - 14mm IRC HBG
4 do 23.00 377.94 1057.00 -36.97 1397.98
Crushed Metal
9.5 - 11.2mm IRC HBG
5 do 23.00 377.94 957.00 -36.97 1297.98
Crushed Metal
5 - 7mm IRC HBG
6 do 23.00 377.94 806.00 -36.97 1146.98
Crushed Metal
2.36 - 5mm IRC HBG
7 do 23.00 377.94 705.00 -36.97 1045.98
Crushed Metal
2.36mm and below HBG
8 do 23.00 377.94 567.00 141.75 -36.97 1049.73
stone chips
On Mahaboob nagar-Nalgonda Road from km 148/0 to
Note: The lead & lift charges are inclusive of 13.615% Contractor Profit and Over Head Charges
Note: The lead & lift charges are excluding of 13.615% Contractor Profit and Over Head Charges
AM to Mahaboob nagar - Nalgonda Road from km 148/0 to 154/0 in Nalgonda District
Length Rate/km
Name of the Road DLP
1 On Mahaboob nagar - Nalgonda road from km 148/0 to 154/0 6.00 0 30000
Sl. No. Description Quantity Rate/per
in Rs.
I Road Work
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 50 to
70mm ,using 40mm HBG/HBT metal with required quantity of 10-12 mm size
HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 42 kgs/1Cum of work for
filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer
using 10-12mm HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 /Kgs /1Cum.,
including removal of the loose material in the pot holes ,trimming the edges to
provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes to
compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone
dust/sand ,including cost of all materials ,T&P and labour charges for all
operations etc., complete.
1 On Mahaboob nagar - Nalgonda road from km 148/0 to 154/0 200.00 356.20 71240.00
Sqm Total= 71240.00
Providing BT patch work for pot holes of depth ranging from 25 to
35mm ,using 20-25mm HBG/HBT metal with required quantity of 10-12 mm
size HBG/HBT key chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 72 kgs/1Cum of work for
filling the pot holes and sealing the filled up pot hole with a 15mm thick layer
using 10-12mm HBG/HBT chips and VG 10 grade bitumen at 80 /Kgs /1Cum.,
including removal of the loose material in the pot holes ,trimming the edges to
provide firm vertical faces ,cleaning ,applying tack coat ,filling the pot holes to
compacting and finishing and blinding the surface using stone
dust/sand ,including cost of all materials ,T&P and labour charges for all
operations etc., complete.
1 On Mahaboob nagar - Nalgonda road from km 148/0 to 154/0 50.00 219.70 10985.00
Sqm Total= 10985.00
1 On Mahaboob nagar - Nalgonda road from km 148/0 to 154/0 6.00 2113.00 12678.00
Cum Total= 12678.00
Stripping the excess soil from the shoulder surface to achieve the approved
IV level for sectioning the berms/ shoulders as per MORT&H Specification No.
1 On Mahaboob nagar - Nalgonda road from km 148/0 to 154/0 600.00 15.31 9186.00
Sqm Total= 9186.00
Up rooting the Juliflora (Prosafis) jungle in the road boundary including
uprooting and removing of Juliflora stumps rom the road berms and all labour
charges and including all incidental and operational charges, etc., complete for
finished item of work and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
1 On Mahaboob nagar - Nalgonda road from km 148/0 to 154/0 3500.00 4.00
3500.00 4.00 14000.00
Making up of loss of material/irregularities on shoulder to the design level by
adding fresh approved soil and compacting it with appropriate equipment
1 On Mahaboob nagar - Nalgonda road from km 148/0 to 154/0 700.00 37.37
700.00 37.37 26159.00
Say 144248.00
Name of AM to Mahaboob nagar - Nalgonda Road from km 148/0 to 154/0 in
Work: Nalgonda District
Sl. No. Particular Amount (Rs.)
Road Works
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
AM to Mahaboob nagar - Nalgonda Road from km 148/0 to 154/0 in Nalgonda District
Seigniorage Charges
Total= 2488.20
Say 2489.00
AM to Mahaboob nagar - Nalgonda Road from km 148/0 to 154/0 in
Nalgonda District
In Kangal section The following Roads are having pot holes and juliflora
jungle and missing measuring stones and it is very dangerous to traffic. as per the
requirement the estimate is prepared with the following specifications.
Note : The above work will be carried out duly considering the approved reaches
in various schemes and due care will be taken such that no overlapping of works
The leads are taken from the approved quarries and the rates adopted are as per SSR
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Division Nalgonda
Name of Work:-
AM to Mahaboob nagar - Nalgonda Road from km 148/0 to
154/0 in Nalgonda District