2622-227-239 03.harry G. Poulos
2622-227-239 03.harry G. Poulos
2622-227-239 03.harry G. Poulos
International Journal of
December 2015, Vol 4, No 4, 227-239
High-Rise Buildings
This paper discusses the design parameters that are required for the design of high-rise building foundations, and suggests
that the method of assessment for these parameters should be consistent with the level of complexity involved for various stages
in the design process. Requirements for effective ground investigation are discussed, together with relevant in-situ and
laboratory test techniques for deriving the necessary strength and stiffness parameters. Some empirical correlations are also
presented to assist in the early stages of design, and to act as a check for parameters that are deduced from more detailed testing.
Pile load testing is then discussed and a method of interpreting bi-directional tests to obtain pile design parameters is outlined.
Examples of the application of the assessment process are described, including high-rise projects in Dubai and Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Case histories; foundations; geotechnical parameters; laboratory testing; in-situ testing; pile load tests
ciated design parameters are developed, which are then meters require assessment:
used in the foundation design process. 1. The ultimate skin friction for the various strata along
Increasingly, geophysical methods are being used to the pile.
supplement data from conventional borehole drilling. Such 2. The ultimate end bearing resistance for the founding
methods, which include downhole and cross-hole techni- stratum.
ques, have a number of major benefits, including: 3. The ultimate lateral pile-soil pressure for the various
1. They provide a means of identifying the stratigraphy strata along the pile.
between boreholes; 4. The ultimate bearing capacity of the raft.
2. The can identify localized anomalies in the ground 5. The stiffness of the soil strata supporting the piles,
profile (e.g., cavities, sinkholes or localised pockets in the vertical direction.
of softer or harder material); 6. The stiffness of the soil strata supporting the piles,
3. They can identify bedrock levels; in the horizontal direction.
4. They provide quantitative measurements for the 7. The stiffness of the soil strata supporting the raft.
shear wave and compression wave velocities. This It should be noted that the soil stiffness values are not
information can be used to estimate the in-situ values unique values but will vary, depending on whether long-
of soil stiffness at small strains, and hence to provide term values are required (for long-term settlement estima-
a basis for quantifying the deformation properties of tes) or short-term values are required (for dynamic res-
the soil strata. ponse to wind and seismic forces). For dynamic response
The site investigation works are desirably supplemented of the structure-foundation system, an estimate of the
with a program of instrumented vertical and lateral load internal damping of the soil is also required, as it may
testing of prototype piles (e.g., bi-directional load cell provide the main source of foundation damping.
(Osterberg Cell) tests) to allow calibration of the founda- Moreover, the soil stiffness values will generally vary
tion design parameters and hence to better predict the with applied stress or strain level, and will tend to dec-
foundation performance under loading. Completing the rease as the stress and strain levels increase.
load tests on prototype piles prior to final design can pro-
vide conformation of performance (i.e., pile construction, 5. Empirical Relationships for Preliminary
pile performance, ground behaviour and properties) or Design
else may provide data for modifying the design prior to
construction. For piles in soil, initial assessments for preliminary des-
ign are often based on the results of simple in-situ tests
3. Stages of Design such as the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and the Static
Cone Penetration Test (CPT). For piles in rock, the correla-
There are commonly three broad stages in foundation ting factor is usually the unconfined compressive strength
design: (UCS). Some common correlations are summarized below.
1. A preliminary design, which provides an initial basis
for the development of foundation concepts and 5.1. Correlations with SPT
costing. Typical of the correlations that the authors have emplo-
2. A detailed design stage, in which the selected found- yed are those based on the work of Decourt (1982, 1995)
ation concept is analysed and progressive refine- using the SPT:
ments are made to the layout and details of the foun- Raft ultimate bearing capacity:
dation system. This stage is desirably undertaken
collaboratively with the structural designer, as the pur = K1. Nr kPa (1)
structure and the foundation are an interactive system.
3. A final design phase, in which both the analysis and Pile ultimate shaft resistance:
the parameters employed in the analysis are finalized.
It should be noted that the parameters used for each fs = a. [2.8 Ns + 10] kPa (2)
stage may change as knowledge of the ground conditions
increases, and the results of in-situ and laboratory testing Pile ultimate base resistance:
become available. The parameters for the final design stage
should desirably incorporate the results of foundation load fb = K2 . Nb kPa (3)
Soil Young’s modulus below raft:
4. Design Parameters
Esr = 2Nr MPa (4)
Many contemporary foundation systems incorporate
both piles and a raft, and in such cases the following para- Young’s modulus along and below pile (vertical loading):
Geotechnical Parameter Assessment for Tall Building Foundation Design 229
Table 1. Correlation factors K1 and K2 (after Decourt, 1995) 5.2. Correlations with CPT
K2 K2 Two broad approaches have been adopted for utilising
Soil Type Displacement Non-Displacement CPT data to predict pile capacity:
Piles Piles 1. Correlations between cone resistance values and both
Sand 90 325 165 ultimate shaft friction and ultimate base capacity
Sandy silt 80 205 115 (e.g., De Ruiter and Beringen 1979; Bustamante and
Clayey silt 80 165 100 Gianeselli 1982; Poulos 1989)
Clay 65 100 80 2. Correlations between sleeve friction and ultimate
pile shaft friction (Schmertmann 1975, 1978). This
Table 2. Typical Parameters for Small-strain Shear Modu- approach is often considered to be less reliable than
lus Correlations (after Hasancebi and Ulusay, 2007) the above method because of the difficulties in accu-
Soil Type X y rately measuring sleeve friction.
Sandy soils 90.8 0.32 A useful adaptation of the method of Bustamante and
Clayey Soils 97.9 0.27 Gianeselli (1982) is summarised by Frank and Magnan
All soils 90.0 0.31 (1995). The ultimate shaft friction fs and base capacity fb
are given by the following expressions:
Table 3. Ultimate Shaft Friction Correlation Factors for CPT Tests (MELT, 1993)
Clay and Silt Sand and Gravel Chalk
Pile Type
Soft Stiff Hard Loose Med. Dense Soft Weathered
ks - - 751 - 200 200 200 125 80
fsl (kPa) 15 40 80 40 80 - - 120 40 120
Drilled removed ks - 100 1002 - 1002 250 250 300 125 100
casing fsl (kPa) 15 40 60 40 80 - 40 120 40 80
Steel driven ks - 120 150 300 300 300
closed-ended (3)
fsl (kPa) 15 40 80 - - 120
ks - 75 - 150 150 150
Driven concrete (3)
fsl (kPa) 15 80 80 - - 120
(1) trimmed and grooved at the end of drilling
(2) dry excavation, no rotation of casing
(3) in chalk, fs can be very low for some types of piles; a specific study is needed.
230 Harry G. Poulos and Frances Badelow | International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
Table 4. Base Capacity Factors for CPT (after MELT, 1993) In employing such correlations, it should be recognised
Soil Type qc (MPa) kb kb that, in the field, they may be influenced by geological
A soft <3 features and structure that cannot be captured by a small
Clay and generally intact rock sample. Nevertheless, in the ab-
B stiff 3-6 0.40 0.55
Silt sence of other information, such correlations provide at
C hard (clay) >6
A loose <5 least an indication of the order of magnitude.
Sand More detailed correlations for rock mass modulus are
B medium 8-15 0.15 0.50
Gravel provided by Hoek and Diederichs (2006), who relate the
C dense >20
A soft <5 0.20 0.30
rock mass modulus to the Geological Strength Index, GSI,
Chalk and a disturbance factor that reflects the geological struc-
B weathered >5 0.30 0.45
ND=non displacement pile; D=displacement pile
5.4. Parameters for lateral pile response
Table 5. Parameters A and B for Ultimate Bearing Capacity The above correlations are for vertical loading on piles
of Square Shallow Footings and Rafts (after MELT, 1993)
and rafts. For lateral response analyses of piles, the above
Soil Type Condition a1 a2 correlations need to be modified, and as a first approxi-
Clay, silt All 0.32 0.35 mation, the following adjustments are suggested:
Loose 0.14 0.4 1. Young’s modulus values for vertical loading should
Sand, gravel Medium 0.11 0.4 be reduced by multiplying by a factor of 0.7, to allow
Dense 0.08 0.4 for the greater soil strain levels arising from lateral
Chalk - 0.17 0.27 loading.
2. The ultimate lateral pile-soil pressure, py, can be
approximately related to the ultimate end bearing fb,
q0 = overburden pressure at level of base as follows:
D = depth of embedment below surface
B = width of footing or raft. py = η · fb (11)
Table 5 gives recommended values of a1 and a2.
The small strain shear modulus G0 has also been corre- where η = 0.22 (1+z/d) ≤ 1.0
lated to the measured CPT value, for example, as sugge- z = depth below ground surface
sted by Mayne et al. (2009) and Mayne and Rix (1993). d = pile diameter or width.
The latter source gives the following relationship:
6. Laboratory Testing
G0 = 406(qc)0.695 / e01.130 kPa (10)
6.1. Triaxial and stress path testing
where qc = cone resistance, in kPa Conventional triaxial testing is of limited value for
e0 = initial void ratio. assessing design parameters for pile foundations, as the
method of stress application does not reflect the way in
5.3. Correlations with unconfined compressive which load transfer occurs from the piles to the surroun-
strength ding soil. However, cyclic triaxial testing may be useful
For piles in rock, it is common to correlate design in providing an indication of the potential degradation
parameters with the unconfined compressive strength, qu, effects on the stiffness/strength properties of the founda-
at least for preliminary purposes. Some of the available tion ground material due to cyclic loading. For the Burj
correlations are summarised in Table 6. Khalifa project, cyclic triaxial test results indicated that a
Figure 3. Comparison of modulus values from pressuremeter and cross-hole seismic tests (Haberfield, 2013).
Geotechnical Parameter Assessment for Tall Building Foundation Design 233
as the definitive test and the one against which other types stiffness at the design load. However, it is expected to be
of test are compared. The test may take a variety of forms, increasingly inaccurate as the load level approaches the
depending on how the reaction for the applied pile load- ultimate value.
ing is supplied. This is the type of test that the designer For heavily loaded foundations such as those supporting
would like to carry out, as it best simulates the way in tall buildings, dynamic load testing is generally not fea-
which a structural load is applied to the pile. Unfortuna- sible as insufficient energy can be imparted to the pile to
tely, the ideal test cannot usually be achieved in practice, fully mobilise its capacity. The test may however provide
and the reaction system interacts with the test pile, thus a convenient means of obtaining the head stiffness of a
creating some problems with the interpretation of the test single pile.
The usual basic information from such a test is the load- 9.2.4. Bi-directional (Osterberg cell) test
settlement relationship, from which the load capacity and This test was developed by Osterberg (1989) while a
pile head stiffness can be interpreted. However, such inter- similar test has been developed in Japan (Fujioka and
pretation should be carried out with caution, as the meas- Yamada, 1994), and has been used increasingly over the
ured pile settlement may be influenced by interaction bet- past decade or so. A special cell is cast in or near the pile
ween the test pile and the reaction system. Such interac- base, and pressure is applied. The base is jacked down-
tion tends to lead to over-estimates of both capacity and wards while the shaft provides reaction and is jacked
stiffness, and therefore can lead to unconservative results, upwards. The test can continue until the element with the
unless appropriate allowances are made for the effects of smaller capacity reaches its ultimate resistance. Using the
the interaction between the test pile and the reaction and/ Osterberg cell, load tests of up to 150 MN have been
or settlement measuring system. carried out. Despite its ability to provide “self-reaction”,
the Osterberg cell test (like all tests) has its limitations
9.2.2. Static lateral load test and shortcomings, including the following:
There are several forms of lateral load test, but the most 1. it is applicable primarily to bored piles
common and convenient is that which involves the jack- 2. the cell must be pre-installed prior to the test
ing of one pile against one or more other piles; for exam- 3. there is interaction between the base and the shaft,
ple, ASTM Standard D3966 outlines a procedure for lat- and each will tend to move less than the “real”
eral load testing and test interpretation. movement so that the apparent shaft and base
As with the static vertical load test, there are “side stiffness will tend to be larger than the real values.
effects” if two piles are jacked against other piles. In par-
ticular, because the direction of loading of each pile is 9.2.5. Statnamic test
different, the interaction between the piles will tend to Statnamic testing was jointly developed in Canada and
cause a reduced pile head deflection, and as a conse- the Netherlands (Middendorp et al., 1992; Bermingham et
quence, the measured lateral stiffness of the pile will be al., 1989), and has also found considerable use and devel-
greater than the true value. opment in Japan. Comparative tests on piles subjected to
conventional static testing and Statnamic testing have
9.2.3. Dynamic load test shown good agreement in load-settlement performance
The principles of the dynamic load test are very well- (Bermingham et al., 1994).
established (Rausche et al., 1985; Goble, 1994). The test Statnamic testing appears to offer some advantages over
procedure is now accepted as routine, especially for qua- other test types, including:
lity control and design confirmation purposes. Despite its 1. the test is quick and easily mobilized
widespread use, the dynamic pile load test has a number 2. high loading capacity is available
of potential limitations, including the fact that the load- 3. the loading is accurately centred and can be applied
settlement behaviour estimated from the test is not unique, to both single piles and pile groups
but is a best-fit estimate. Two measurements (strain and 4. the test does not require any pre-installation of the
acceleration versus time) are taken, and from these, the loading equipment
complete distribution of resistance along the pile, as well 5. the test is quasi-static, and does not involve the dev-
as the load-settlement behaviour, are interpreted. Also, the elopment of potentially damaging compressive and
load is applied far more rapidly than in most situations in tensile stresses in the test pile.
practice, and hence time-dependent settlements are not Inevitably, there are also some potential shortcomings,
developed during the test. Fortunately, under normal des- including:
ign load levels, the amount of time-dependency (from both 1. certain assumptions need to be made in the interpre-
consolidation and creep) is relatively small as most of the tation of the test, especially in relation to the unload-
settlement arises from shear deformation at or near the ing of the pile
pile-soil interface. Hence, the dynamic test may give a rea- 2. it cannot provide information on time-dependent
sonable (if over-estimated) assessment of the pile head settlements or movements. While this may not be of
234 Harry G. Poulos and Frances Badelow | International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
great importance for single piles, it can be a major then the parameters for the curves derived via a process
limitation when testing pile groups, especially if of trial and error.
compressible layers underlie the pile tips. If an elastic-plastic soil model is assumed, then a distri-
bution of Young’s modulus and ultimate shaft friction
9.3. Test interpretation with depth must be assumed and again, a trial and error
9.3.1. Ultimate axial capacity process will generally be required to obtain a fit between
For conventional static load testing, it is common for the load-settlement behaviour from the theoretical model
the test to be stopped prior to complete plunging failure and the measured load settlement behaviour. More often
being achieved. A vast number of suggestions have been than not, there will be no instrumentation along the pile
made on how the ultimate axial load capacity can be esti- so that there is no detailed load transfer information along
mated from such tests, some of which have been reviewed the pile shaft. Thus, an assumption has to be made regar-
and assessed by Hwang et al. (2003). They can be classi- ding the distribution of soil stiffness and strength with
fied into the following categories: depth. This needs to be done in relation to the geotech-
1. “Conspicuous turning point of the load-settlement nical profile in order to obtain reliable results.
curve”. This is often a subjective assessment. If instrumentation has been installed in the pile, and if
2. Settlement S of the pile head, including: proper account is taken of residual stresses in the inter-
a. S =10% of diameter typically (Terzaghi, 1943). pretation of the results, then the value of Young’s modulus
b. Tangent flexibility of pile head, for example, of the ground, Es, between each adjacent set of instrum-
Fuller & Hoy (1971). entation can be interpreted by use of the following rela-
3. Residual settlement (Sp) of pile head. Examples tionship developed by Randolph and Wroth (1978).
include Davisson (1972), who suggests that the ulti-
mate capacity is the load at which the pile head settle- Es = (τ/ws)d(1+υ)ln(2rm/d) (14)
ment = 0.15 + 0.1d (inches), where d = pile dia-
meter, in inches, and DIN4026 (Germany) in which where τ = local shear stress
the residual settlement upon unloading from the ulti- ws = local settlement
mate load is 2.5% of the diameter. d = pile diameter
4. Creep rate of head settlement, where the ultimate υ = ground Poisson’s ratio
capacity is taken as the load at which a sudden rm = radius at which displacements become
increase in the slope of the settlement-time curve very small
occurs τ/ws = the slope of the derived load transfer (t-
5. Coordinate transformation of the load-settlement z) curve.
curve, with the procedure of Chin (1970) being typi- Randolph and Wroth (1978) give an expression for rm
cal. This involves plotting the ratio of settlement to and indicate that it is in the order of the length of the pile.
load as a function of settlement, and defining the
ultimate capacity from the slope of the straight line 10. Example 1 - The Emirates Towers,
portion of this plot. Dubai
6. Employing a specified shape of load-settlement cur-
ve, such as that employed by Hirany and Kulhawy 10.1. Ground investigation and site characterization
(1989). The detailed investigation involved the drilling of 23
Hwang et al. (2003) concluded that the approach attri- boreholes, to a maximum depth of about 80 m. The deepest
buted to Terzaghi (1943) was preferable to many of the boreholes were located below the tower footprints, while
other approaches. boreholes below the low-rise areas tended to be consi-
The emergence of the bi-directional cell test has derably shallower. SPTs were carried out at nominal 1 m
facilitated the interpretation of the ultimate load capacity, depths in the upper 6 m of each borehole, and then at 1.5
since a well-designed test will permit full (or almost full) m intervals until an SPT value of 60 was achieved. SPT
mobilization of both the shaft and base resistances. values generally ranged between 5 and 20 in the upper 4
m, increasing to 60 at depths of 8 to 10 m. Rotary coring
9.3.2. Ground modulus values was carried out thereafter. Core recoveries were typically
Interpretation of the pile load test to assess the pile and 60-100% and rock quality designation (RQD) values were
ground stiffness characteristics requires that account be also between about 60 and 100%.
taken of the site stratigraphy. For the model of ground be- It was found that the stratigraphy was relatively uniform
haviour assumed in the pile analysis, the relevant ground across the whole site, so that it was considered adequate
parameters need to be interpreted from the measured to characterize the site with a single geotechnical model.
load-settlement behaviour. For example, if a load transfer The ground surface was typically at a level of +1 to +3
(t-z) approach is adopted, the initial slope and subsequent m DMD, while the groundwater level was relatively close
shape of the load transfer curves must be assumed and to the surface, typically between 0 m DMD and -0.6 m
Geotechnical Parameter Assessment for Tall Building Foundation Design 235
MPa. This value assumes that there are no cavities in the Such parameters can be used for preliminary design
area of influence of the base of a pile. and checks on parameters derived by other means.
2. Detailed assessment via in-situ and laboratory tests.
11.2.3. Analysis of foundation system These will usually form the basis for detailed found-
The foundation analysis has been described by Poulos ation design.
et al. (2013). The initial foundation analyses assumed that 3. Parameters derived from pile load testing. These can
no significant cavities exist below the pile toes. If cavities be used to confirm the design assumptions and the
were to be found during construction, then it would be adequacy of the construction techniques, and can also
necessary to re-assess the performance of the foundation provide information for adjusting the foundation de-
system and make provision for grouting of the cavities if sign before, or during, the construction process.
this was deemed to be necessary. Thus, subsequent to the Two examples have been provided of how the combin-
foundation design, a further series of analyses was under- ation of the three stages of parameter assessment can be
taken to investigate the possible effects of cavities on the used to characterise the ground conditions and provide
settlements and also on the raft bending moments and pile the necessary information for the foundation design.
loads. For these analyses, the commercially-available finite
element program PLAXIS 3D was used. References
Firstly, the effect of a single cavity at different locations
along the centre line of the raft at different depths was Bermingham, P. and Janes, M. (1989). “An Innovative App-
examined. The cavity was introduced into the finite ele- roach to Load Testing of High Capacity Piles”. Proc. Int.
ment mesh at various depths. Generally the locations of Conf. Piling & Deep Founds, 1, pp. 409~413.
cavities beneath the foundation are not known, and only Bermingham, P., Ealy, C. D., and White, J. K. (1994). “A
cavities found in specific boreholes can be precisely loc- Comparison of Statnamic and Static Field Tests at Seven
FHWA Sites”. Proc. Int. Conf. Des. and Constrn. of Deep
ated. The effect of cavities at random locations and of
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random sizes was therefore gauged. To this end, a random
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Geotechnical Parameter Assessment for Tall Building Foundation Design 239
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