Bom Customer Grievance Redressal Policy
Bom Customer Grievance Redressal Policy
Bom Customer Grievance Redressal Policy
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Customer Grievance Redressal Policy 2023-24
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Customer Grievance Redressal Policy 2023-24
Table of Contents
SNo. Particulars Page No.
A Customer Grievance Redressal Policy
1 Introduction 5
2 Scope 5
3 Principles of Grievance Redressal 5-6
4 Objective 6
5 Customer 6
6 Query, Service Request & Complaint 6
7 Reasons for complaint 6-7
8 Types of complaints 7
9 Framework for Grievance Redressal 7-11
10 Structure of Customer Service Department (CSD) at Head Office 11
11 Roles and Responsibility 12-15
12 Suspected Fraudulent Transactions and its Treatment 15-16
13 Time Frame 16-17
14 Internal Review Mechanism 17-23
15 Feedback on Social Media 23
16 Mandatory Display Requirement 23
17 Record Keeping 23
18 Grievance Redressal for Intermediary under National Pension 23-24
Scheme (NPS)
19 Grievance Redressal under PMJDY 24
20 Complaints/Suggestion Box/Complaints Book/Register in branches 25
21 Interaction with customers 26
22 Sensitising Operating Staff on handling complaints 26
23 Standardised Public Grievance Redressal System 26-27
24 Enhanced Disclosures on Complaints Norms 27-28
25 Guidelines on Customer Service 28
26 Periodicity of Review of Policy 28-29
27 Appendix I Salient Features of Reserve Bank-Integrated 30-36
Ombudsman Scheme, 2021
28 Appendix II Design of the Notice Board to be displayed in Branches 37
29 Appendix III Cyber Security Tips for customers 38
30 Appendix IV Safety Tips for Digital Transactions for customers 39-41
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1. Introduction:
Customers are important stakeholders in the Bank’s overall sustainable business growth and
maintaining high standards in rendering customer service is one of the objectives in pursuit
of business growth. As a service organization, customer service and Customer Satisfaction is
the prime concern of bank. The Bank believes that providing prompt and efficient service is
essential not only to attract new customers, but also to retain existing ones. This policy
document aims at minimizing instances of customer complaints and grievances through
proper service delivery and review mechanism and to ensure prompt redressal of customer
complaints and grievances. The review mechanism will help in identifying shortcomings in
product features and service delivery
Need for Revised Customer Grievance Redressal Policy: The previous Policy on
Grievance Redressal has been circulated vide Cir No AXI/customer Service/2022-23 dt 26th
August 2022. Because of changes in the regulatory guidelines as well as to further
strengthen the Internal Grievance Redressal Mechanism, there is a need for revising &
revamping the existing policy guidelines. The present policy also aims at putting in place a
defined Escalation Matrix to ensure that the customer complaints are attended and
resolved, in a time bound manner, at various levels of the bank.
2. Scope:
This Grievance Redressal Policy shall cover the Grievance Redressal function of all the
domestic Branches/Offices PAN India of the Bank.
The Bank’s policy for redressal of grievances follows the under noted Principles:
In order to make Bank’s redressal mechanism more meaningful and effective, Bank will have
a structured system. Such system will ensure that the redressal sought is just and fair and as
per rules and regulations. The policy document will be made available at all branches. All the
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employees will be made aware about the complaint handling process to ensure better
customer service and general awareness in the Bank.
4. Objective:
4.1 The objective of the Policy is to minimize customer complaints and grievances through a
proper delivery and review mechanism.
4.2 To ensure prompt redressal of customer complaints and grievances.
4.3 To ensure quick and efficient response to customer expectations through a robust review
4.4 To ensure Root Cause Analysis of complaints received with the aim to minimize/eradicate
grievances by bringing necessary changes in the process and systems.
4.5 To keep customers informed of the channels available to escalate their
Grievances/complaints within the bank and their rights to alternate remedies if they are
not fully satisfied with the response of the Bank.
5. Customer:
Customers interact with banks for various products and services. Most of the
interaction from customers are related to clarify issues / queries on their account,
account servicing requests or complaints, issues with payments, etc. The incoming
customer interactions are classified under three categories given below:
6.1 Query: Query is request to the bank by or on behalf of a customer or Non customer, for
information regarding the products, services or related processes, or to carry out a
transaction or action in relation to any such product or service.
6.2 Service Request: Service request is when customer makes request to avail services that
bank has promised to provide. It can be resolved through a process set by the Bank within
definite time line. Service Request is an extended arm of Query.
Any enquiry/ clarification/ seeking status/ request processing which is placed with Bank
may be categorized as Query or Request before expiry of Turnaround Time (TAT) of
maximum 15 business days prescribed by the Bank.
6.3 Complaint: When Query or Request of customer does not get resolved it turns into
complaint. A Complaint is communication to the Bank through any means
(Oral/written/Email etc.,) which express the dissatisfaction about any aspect of the Banks
Products, Services, Employee behaviour/attitude, Processes, systems etc.
7. Grounds /Reasons for complaints: The customer complaint arises due to below
mentioned scenarios but not limited to the following:
8. Types of Complaints:
a. Branches: Customers can submit written Complaints to branch officials for resolution of
the issues. They can also drop their complaints in complaint box in branches or write in
complaint register maintained at branches. Branch Official will submit Complaint in the
SPGRS Portal.
b. Call Centre Complaints can also be lodged at Bank’s Call Centre on toll free number
18002334526, 18001022636 accessible 24 hours from MTNL/BSNL fixed phones throughout
India. It will also handle Queries / complaints related to NEFT/Internet Banking. The Call
Centre agent will submit Complaint in SPGRS Portal.
c. Mails / Emails: Customers can submit complaint by post or through e- mail. The customer
can e-mail the complaint / grievance to the branch at brmgr<branchcode> or bom<branchcode> Branch Official will submit
Complaint in SPGRS Portal.
d. Online complaints. Complaints can be lodged by the customers, through Online Grievance
Portal, link for which is provided on Banks website (
Customer, who lodges the complaint online through Bank’s Website, receive automatic
acknowledgement of his/her complaint along with a reference number on his/her
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Registered Mobile No/ email. With this reference number customer can track the status of
their complaint. The Complaints received online are automatically integrated into the
Banks Web based SPGRS portal.
e. CPGRAM: The customer can also lodge their complaints on Centralized Public Grievance
Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS), the complaint management portal of
Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of
Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances. The CPGRAMS website can be accessed via
the link
f. INGRAM: The customer has an additional facility to lodge his/her complaint(s) via the
INGRAM portal. The said portal is monitored by Government of India, Ministry of Consumer
Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, and Department of Consumer Affairs. The portal can be
accessed via the link
g. Social Media: Customers may give their feedback on social media. Our Bank has its
presence on the following Social Media platforms: Twitter, Face book, Instagram, Linkedin
h. Customer Service Department: Customers can also escalate complaints to the Principal
Nodal Officer for at the following address:-
The contact details of Principal Nodal Officer are available in all branches of the Bank on
the Comprehensive Notice Board and also in the Banks website.
9.2 Acknowledgement / Interim reply:
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Level-1 – Branch
Branch Manager/Dy. Branch Manager/Call Centre
Level - 2 – Zonal Office
Zonal Manager/ZONO ie Dy.Zonal Manager/ BONO at ZO
Level - 3 - Head Office
Customer Service Department/ Principal Nodal Officer
The Contact details (Direct Line as well as E-mail ids) shall also be displayed in
Bank’s Website for Head Office and Zonal Office Level.
The URL for accessing the SPGRS portal (in ULC) is as below:
Branches/ZO/HO may login to SPGRS Portal in the following
User id: PF No
Password: (As set by User) > Click on Submit
Select Standadized Public Grievance Redress System > Enter
Appropriate arrangement for receiving complaints and suggestions will be made by the
branch. Every Branch Head and Officers will be primarily responsible for extending
courteous, efficient and prompt customer service and thereby avoiding scope for customer
grievances. Resolution of complaints to the satisfaction of complainant will be their
Branch Head will be primarily responsible for the resolution of complaints /grievances in
respect of customer’s service by the branch. He/she will be responsible for ensuring
closure of all complaints received related to his/her branch. It will be his/her foremost
duty to see that the complaints are resolved completely to the satisfaction of the customer
and if the customer is not satisfied, then he/she will be provided with alternate avenues to
escalate the issue given in Escalation Matrix at Point No .9.8 below.
If the branch manager feels that it is not possible at his/her level to solve the problem,
he/she will refer the case to Zonal Office for guidance. Similarly, if Zonal Office finds that
it is not able to solve the problem, such cases may be referred to the CSD at Head Office.
Branches will submit weekly report of pending complaints to Zonal Offices, Zonal Offices
will submit a fortnightly report of pending Complaints to CSD Head Office where the
concerned Officer at CSD will ensure redressal. If Complaint remains unresolved further
escalation to PNO/CGRO will be done by CSD Officer. CSD will ensure redressal of such
complaints within two weeks.
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Bank will endeavor to redress complaints within a maximum period of 15 business days.
However, specific turnaround times (TAT) depending on the nature of complaints has been
stipulated by NPCI, RBI and various other regulatory authorities. In case, the bank requires
more time to redress the complaint, Bank will intimate the customer and interim response
will be sent.
9.8 Escalation Matrix: The Bank has a three-tier escalation mechanism for customer
grievances, as given below:
a. Branch Level: The complaints forwarded to the branch through SPGRS and by email
followed-up from the end of CSD if not resolved in time (TAT stipulated for Branch) will be
escalated to: Dy. Zonal Manager/Zonal Manager of the respective Zone [ Branch> ZONO
(ZO)] on Last day of Branch TAT.
b. Zonal Office Level: The Complaints forwarded to the Zone by Branches and by email
followed up from the end of CSD if not resolved in time (TAT stipulated for ZO) will be
escalated to the Head of CSD at HO [ ZONO (ZO) > CSD > Head CSD(HO) on last day of ZO
c. Head Office Level: Complaints assigned to Customer Service Department official if not
resolved within TAT will be escalated to the Head, CSD and further to the Chief Grievance
Redressal Officer/Principal Nodal Officer. [CSD > Head (CSD) > PNO/CGRO
The Contact details of the Principal Nodal Officer/Chief Grievance Redressal Officer is
provided at Point No 9.1.h above as well as on the banks website.
The Internal Ombudsman of the Bank is appointed as per guidelines of Internal Ombudsman
Scheme 2018 of RBI. The Internal Ombudsman is an Independent Authority. Bank shall
internally escalate all complaints, which are fully rejected or partially redressed to IO
(Internal Ombudsman) before conveying the final decision to the complainant.
In case the customer is not satisfied with the response from the Bank (duly examined by
Internal Ombudsman), customer may approach the Banking Ombudsman (RBI). The details
of BO are made available on the Bank’s website, and displayed on the notice board at the
The Bank shall, accordingly modify its Grievance Redressal Process in the light of any
change as per notification by the Regulators or as per requirement of the Bank as such.
Root cause Analysis is an important tool in the hands of the Banks that aims to minimize
instances of customer complaints. Bank shall make efforts to conduct root cause analysis in
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areas where Bank receives large numbers of complaints/ complaints of repetitive nature to
identify weak areas if any. This review mechanism will help the Bank in identifying
shortcomings (in product features, services or technology) and taking necessary corrective
measures to address the same.
The bank identifies the categories of complaints which require a root cause analysis based
on the frequency and gravity of the Complaints. The Concerned vertical heads to whom the
category belongs will conduct root cause analysis and make necessary changes or
implement changes if required as per the analysis. Quarterly meeting of executives of ITD,
DBD, Vertical Heads and CSD, (minimum of the Rank of Scale-V & above) to be held
regularly. CSD (Team-CSD) will be coordinator of the meeting. Minutes to be prepared and
forwarded to PNO/CGRO, CSD Head and Respective Vertical Head to bring in improvement
in the area of concern, so that recurrence of complaints do not take place. Minutes of RCA
to be a part of reporting by CSD in Customer Service Committee of the Board.
Internal Ombudsman
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All Complaints shall be handled courteously and professionally and redressed quickly by all
Branch Managers and Deputy Branch Managers. Branch Head & Officials at the Branch
should ensure that Queries & Complaints received directly at Branch or through SPGRS or
any other modes are redressed as given below:
a. All queries/service request should be redressed at the initial stage to avoid its escalation
to complaint by contacting to the customer immediately. Reply to the customer should be
sent invariably.
b. All complaints received at the branch either verbally, by emails, letters etc., should be
uploaded in the SPGRS portal and should be escalated to the ZONO at Zonal Office for
resolution if the same remains unresolved in the branch .
c. The branch manager should sensitize its front line staff for proper handling of customer’s
queries and service request.
d. The BM/Dy.BM should access the SPGRS portal on a daily basis and attend the
complaints, if any registered in it, and resolve the complaint within the stipulated TAT. On
resolution of the complaint the BM/Dy.BM should obtain a satisfaction letter from the
Customer and upload the same in SPGRS Portal recommending closure of the case.
e. To ensure that complaints are resolved within two days maximum at branch. If complaint
remains unresolved it should be escalated to ZONO within TAT so that complaint does not
get escalated to Banking Ombudsman.
f. In case of Banking Ombudsman complaints, the Branch Manager/Dy.BM should ensure that
the reply is submitted to the BONO within the stipulated TAT along with the requisite
supporting documents, if any.
11.2 Roles and Responsibilities of ZONO’s at ZO’s (Other than BO Complaints): The
Deputy Zonal Manager is designated as Zonal Office Nodal Officer (ZONO) in the Bank.
11.3 In Case of CMS/RBI Banking Ombudsman cases: BONO (ZONO): RBI has set up 22 Banking
Ombudsman offices across India for redressal of BO complaints. The Zonal offices of the
Bank shall act as the Nodal Offices for handling BO cases at centres where the Offices of
the Banking Ombudsman are located, and the ZONO of such Zones also act as a Nodal
Officer for the Banking Ombudsman and designated as Banking Ombudsman Nodal
Officers (BONO). The Roles & Responsibilities of BONO are as under:
a. To access CMS package on Regular/ Daily Basis and ensure updation of the BO complaints in
SPGRS Portal under the Banking Ombudsman Menu and forward the same to respective
concerned Zonal /Branch Offices.
b. To initiate immediate process of resolution to provide timely reply to BO.
c. To ensure that the concerned ZO’s and concerned Branches are attending SPGRS Banking
Ombudsman package on regular/ daily Basis.
d. In case of acceptance of claims by concerned ZO, BONO to present the complaint to BO and
accordingly close it in the system.
e. Nodal Officers at concerned ZO (ZONO) to inform the decision of the ZO to BONO,
immediately within two days in case of acceptance of claim.
f. To ensure that the replies are submitted to BO, maximum within 3 to 5 days in case of
accepted claims.
g. In cases involving Rejection/Partial Redressal the view of the IO shall be obtained by
concerned ZO/ BONO / Zonal Manager through CSD before submitting the replies to the BO.
concerned ZO, and BONO to ensure that the replies duly vetted by IO, stands submitted
to BO maximum within 15 days from the date of receipt of complaint in CMS.
i. To ensure that replies in case of rejected claims do not remain pending at ZO for
submission to IO through CSD for vetting beyond 2 days.
j. ZONOs of concerned ZO to ensure that replies are collected from concerned Branches &
DCRD/DBD Dept. , so that it can be submitted to BOs well in time.
M. To ensure that replies duly vetted by IO through CSD are submitted to BO within a period
of maximum 15 days from the date of receipt of complaint in CMS.
n. In case of advisories/awards received in matters where the reply submitted to the BO
without being vetted by IO, explanation to be called from the official responsible for
submitting the reply directly to BO without vetting.
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o. The explanation received from such official must be submitted to the Principal Nodal
Officer i.e. GM / DGM Customer Service Department/Alternate GM under copy to office of
p. Initiating necessary steps for making appeal against the Award of BO, in consultation of ZM
/ DZM, on the merits of the case. The Appeal shall be made within 30 days from the date of
acceptance of Award by the Complainant. The draft Appeal, with recommendations of ZM,
shall be forwarded to CSD, HO, for approval from competent authority.
q. BONO has to ensure that the explanation on delay beyond TAT is submitted without fail in
time. Undue delays without proper reasons, may lead to explanation.
11.4 In case of Information sought by Statutory Authority: At times, the Enforcement
Agencies seek various types of information, KYC Data, Account Statement and the same to
be coordinated with the Branches. ZONO to ensure that requisite information is submitted
within the stipulated TAT through DGM / AGM Government Business Department, HO.
a. On receipt of the email from the Head Office the Branch Manager/Dy. BM, should
immediately (on same day) submit the documents/information to the Head Office within
the stipulated TAT period.
b. In case where old records (beyond 08 years) are sought or are cumbersome in nature
which may take some additional time to retrieve, the Branch Manager/Deputy branch
Manager should take it up with ZONO and ZM for extension of time, and in turn ZM should
ensure that the extension is obtained from the Statutory Authority. The request to
statutory authority should be routed through CSD-Head, under copy to PNO.
a. To ensure that the policy guidelines are implemented across all branches / Zones;
b. The superintendence over the implementation of applicable regulatory guidelines of
Banking Ombudsman Scheme and Internal Ombudsman Scheme in the Bank.
c. To ensure that complaints received through various channels as well as at various levels in
the Bank are captured in SPGRS.
d. To ensure that the SPGRS is as per the regulatory standards / requirements and cater to
the needs of effective customer redressal mechanism.
e. To ensure that customer complaints are attended & resolved expeditiously and in any case
within the prescribed timeline / TAT, at various levels viz. Branches, Zonal Offices, HO
Verticals, etc. Ensuring effectiveness of the Escalation Matrix wherever there is delay or
likelihood of delay in redressal of complaints.
f. To ensure that wherever the Awards of BO are recommended for review or making appeal
to Appellate Authority, the matter is put up to competent authority for approval,
g. To initiate steps / programs aimed at minimizing customer complaints, based on the
outcome of root cause analysis, conducted on quarterly basis / half yearly basis.
h. Sharing of the underlying causes of complaints with concerned departmental heads and
following up & ensuring that action is taken for addressing the causes.
i. To ensure proper record maintenance & timely submission of returns / information / data,
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including EDSP / DAKSH Portal, to regulator/s, authorities, agencies, etc. as well as timely
internal reporting.
j. To ensure conduct of periodical meetings of various HO level customer service committees
and ensure compliance with the actionable points / directions of the Committee/s.
k. Payment of compensation to customers, arising out of customer complaints / grievances, in
terms of Customer Compensation Policy.
l. Overseeing & monitoring performance of Call Centre and ensuring that the Call Centre runs
smoothly and effectively.
m. To provide inputs as well as active participation in conducting training programs on
Customer Services.
n. To ensure disclosure of information / data on Customer Complaints as per regulatory
12. Suspected Fraudulent Transactions (Other than where credentials are shared by
Customer with fraudster) and its Treatment:
12.3 Appeal against Awards issued on the Bank to the Appellate Authority at RBI.
In the event of the bank deciding to prefer an appeal against the Award issued by the BO,
an appeal may be preferred to the Executive Director looking after CEPD at Central Office
of RBI as per the guidelines provided in the Integrated Ombudsman Scheme 2021. The
PNO/CGRO/CSD Incharge has to put up a note to the MD & CEO / Executive Director
seeking prior Approval / permission with their recommendation, together with views of IO.
Draft Note to be got vetted by Chief Law Officer at HO before placing before MD & CEO.
The appeal against Award shall be filed within the period of 30 days from the date on which
the Bank receives the letter of acceptance of Award by the Complainant. The Appellate
Authority may allow a further period, not exceeding 30 days, for making the appeal, where
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the Appellate Authority is satisfied that there was sufficient cause for the Bank for not
filing appeal in the initial period of 30 days
Complaint has to be seen in the right perspective because they indirectly reveal a weak
spot in the working of the Bank. Complaint received shall be analyzed from all possible
angles. Time Schedule set up for handling complaints and disposing them at all levels
including Branches, Zonal Offices and Head Office will be as under-
a. Branches: The complaint will be redressed within 2 days.
b. Zonal Office: The complaints will be redressed within 1 Week (Inclusive of initiation of
complaint at Br level).
c. Head Office: Complaints received by different departments at Head Office will be
redressed within 2 Week (Inclusive of initiation of complaint at Br level).
d. Complaints escalated from branch to Head Office will be redressed maximum within 2
e. Complaints unresolved for 30 days or more will be forwarded to the Nodal Officer
concerned under Banking Ombudsman Scheme.
Bank shall strive to adhere to the time limits defined by the regulators for resolving
common types of complaints.
13.1 Turn Around Time (TAT) in resolving complaints: The TAT for various types of complaints
and information sought by Statutory Authority is furnished in hereunder:
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For disputed transaction as per Master/Visa guidelines, 30 days’ time for Retrieval Receipt
and further 45 days for charge back claim.
The Turn-Around Time (TAT) for resolving the complaints should be adhered to strictly at
all levels of the Redressal Mechanism of the Bank. Any omissions /commissions or delays in
redressal of Complaints beyond TAT are liable for Staff Accountability as per the Staff
Accountability Policy provisions of the Bank. The Extant Staff Accountability Guidelines will
be followed to fix responsibility in case of delay, default or dereliction in performance of
duties on resolving of complaints.
At branch level, branches will take necessary steps for strengthening the branch level
committees with greater involvement of customers. It will also include customers, senior
citizens per guidelines issued from time to time. Branch Level Customer Service Committee
would be headed by Branch Manager, and include One Officer, One Front Line Staff and at
least 2 to 3 members from Customers (one member should be senior citizen/Pensioner.)
Such reconstituted committee should meet on the 15th day every month to study
complaints /suggestions, cases of delay; difficulties faced / reported by customers /
members of the Committee and evolve the ways and means of improving customer service.
Branch Manager/ Dy. Branch Manager, shall act as coordinator of the meeting at the Branch
The branch level customer service committees will submit monthly Branch Level Customer
Service Committee meeting reports in ULC portal. The BLCSC will submit Quarterly Report
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to Zonal Office giving inputs/suggestions to the Standing Committee on Customer Service,
thus enabling the Standing Committee to examine them and provide relevant feedback to
the Customer Service Committee of the Board for necessary policy / procedural action.
14.2 Zonal Office Customer Service Committee.
At Zonal level, Zonal Office Customer Service Committees will take review of complaints
in the Zone. They will submit their quarterly report to Standing Committee on customer
service. The punishment for the rude behavior be decided at zonal office level.
The tenure of non-executive public members will be maximum 1 year and tenure cannot be
extended further. However, the same member can be nominate again for a new tenure but
with minimum gap of 1 year between two tenures.
The same committee (non-executive members are not mandatory) will be empowered to
finalize non-executive members.
Zonal Office Customer Service Committee will have the following members –
Zonal Head - Chairman
Deputy Zonal Head (Nodal Officer) - Member & Convener
Planning Officer - Member
Law Officer - Member
CPC Head - Member
2 Branch Head from the Zone - Member
Select Customers - Invitee (Non-Executive Members)
Quorum – Zonal Head / Nodal Officer, Planning / Law Officer, 1 Branch Head and select
In absence of the Zonal Head, Deputy Zonal Head will chair the meeting.
14.3 Nodal Officer and other designated officials to handle complaints and grievances.
a. The Bank nominates Principal Nodal Officer as Nodal Officer of the rank of General Manager
(or its equivalent) of the Bank who will be responsible for implementation of customer
service and complaint handling for the entire Bank.
b. Zonal Manager shall act as Grievance Redressal Authority at the Zone to handle Complaints
/ grievances in respect of zone / branches under their control.
c. The Bank designates Zonal Office Nodal Officer (ZONO) at Zonal Offices to handle the
complaints/grievances in respect of branches falling under their control for quick redressal.
The name and contact details of Zonal Office Nodal Officer (ZONO) and PNO to be
displayed on branch notice boards. The Dy Zonal Manager of Zone is designated the Zonal
Office Nodal officer (ZONO) in our Bank.
d. The ZONO before communicating his decision of rejection / or partial relief, the decision
will be referred to the Internal Ombudsman of the Bank for his View through CSD. If the
customer is still not satisfied he may have option to go to Banking Ombudsman with his
complaint or other avenues available for grievance redressal.
e. At the branch level, Branch Head will act as Grievances Redressal Authority. The Deputy
Branch Manager will act as Nodal Officer for grievance redressal.
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The Standing Committee on Customer Service will be chaired by the Executive Director of
the Bank. Besides two to three senior executives of the Bank, the committee will also have
two to three eminent non-executives with domain experience drawn from the public as
members. The tenure of non-executive public members will be maximum 3 years and the
same cannot be extended further.
Quorum – (1) Executive Director, (2) General Manager/ Dy General Manager In-charge
Customer Service, (3) General Manager IT, (4) General Manager/ Dy General Manager DBD,
(5) Any Two General Managers from other Verticals as detailed above, (6) Internal
Ombudsman (Invitee).
Presence of Chairman is mandatory & in absence of General Managers of IT & DBD who are
permanent members, the next in-charge ie Deputy General Manager/ Asst General Manager
shall attend the meeting.
The statements/ reports placed to the Customer Committee of the Board & Standing
Committee on Customer service should be based on the analysis of complaints received viz.
Identification of customer service areas in which the complaints are frequently received,
identification of frequent sources of complaints, identification of systemic deficiencies and
initiation of appropriate action to make grievance redressal mechanism more effective.
Banks shall have a Customer Service Committee of the Board and experts and
representatives of customers will be invited as invitees to the meetings of the Board to
enable the bank to formulate policies and assess the compliance thereof internally with a
view to strengthening the corporate governance structure in the banking system and also to
bring about ongoing improvements in the quality of customer service provided by the
All the awards given by the Banking Ombudsman shall be placed before the Customer
Service Committee of the Board by CSD to enable them to address the issues of systemic
deficiencies existing in the Bank, if any, brought out by the awards. All the awards
remaining unimplemented for more than 3 months, with reasons, shall be placed before the
CSCB to enable the committee to report to the Board such delays in implementation and
for initiating necessary remedial action.
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Besides, the Committee could also examine any other issues having a bearing on the quality
of customer service rendered.
The Reserve Bank of India shall appoint one or more of its Officers as Ombudsman and
Deputy Ombudsman for the period not exceeding three years at time to carry out the
functions entrusted to them under the Scheme. The Centralized Receipt and Processing
Centre located at Chandigarh shall receive the complaints filed under the Scheme. The
Ombudsman shall consider the complaints of customers relating to deficiency in service. To
operationalize the new scheme, RBI has expanded the Banking Ombudsman Offices across
the county to 22.
Customer before making a complaint under the scheme, made a written complaint tothe
Bank and the complaint was rejected wholly or partly by the Bank and the complaint is
not satisfied with the reply or the complaint had not received any reply within 30 days
after the Bank received the complaint (proof of having made a complaint is to be
The complaint would be deemed to be resolved when it has been settled by the Bank with
the complainant upon intervention of the Ombudsman or the complaint has agreed in
writing that the resolution of the grievance is satisfactory or the complainant has
withdrawn the complaint voluntarily. The Salient features of the Scheme are furnished n
Given that the Banker-customer relationship is the primary relationship, the main
responsibility of customer grievance redressal lies with Banks. With a view to ensure that
Banks discharge this responsibility effectively, the cost of redressal of complaints will now
be recovered from those Banks against whom the maintainable complaints in the OBOs
exceed their peer group average. However, grievance redress under Banking Ombudsman
Scheme for customers will continue to remain cost-free. To operationalize the cost-
recovery framework for Banks, peer groups based on the asset size of Banks as on March 31
of the previous year will be identified, and peer group average of maintainable complaints
received in OBOs would be computed on the following parameters:
a. Average number of maintainable complaints per branch;
b. Average number of maintainable complaints per 1000 accounts (total of deposit and credit
accounts) held by the Bank.
c. Average number of maintainable digital complaints per 1000 digital transactions ex- ecuted
through the Bank by its customers.
The cost of redressing complaints in excess of the peer group average will be
recovered from the Bank as follows:
a. Excess in any one Parameter- 30% of the cost of redressing a complaint (in the OBO) for the
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number of complaints in excess of the peer group average.
b. Excess in any two parameters-60% of the cost of redressing a complaint for the number of
complaints exceeding the peer group average in the parameter with the higher excess.
c. Excess in all the three parameters-100% of the cost of redressing a complaint for the
number of complaints exceeding the peer group in the parameter with the highest excess.
d. The cost of redress to be recovered in this respect will be the average cost of handling a
complaint at the OBOs during the year.
A team of Marketing Department works 24X7 for taking up the issues posted on social media
platforms like Face Book, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube etc. These issues are taken up for
providing solution with the respective verticals & resolved immediately.
For the above the Bank Offices will display the names of ZONO/PNO on Branch / Offices /
Notice Board immediately. Zonal Office shall prepare the tri-lingual notice board at local
level and the same may be supplied to their branches. The design of the notice board to be
displayed in the branches is enclosed as Appendix-II
The records of complaints are maintained for a minimum period of eight years from the
date of resolution. Backup copies are maintained as per the latest Backup Policy under the
Information Systems Security Policy.
a. Non Opening of Account, Non Receipt of PRAN, Non-reflection of contribution in NPS ac-
count of customer, Non-updation of changes requested by customer, Non receipt of I-
PIN/T-PIN, Non-activation of Tier-II account and Non-receipt of withdrawal.
i. The Nodal Officer of Branch shall preserve records pertaining to grievance/complaint
received, resolution and closure of the grievance.
ii. The Nodal Officer of Branch shall submit required reports to Zonal Office Nodal Officer
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a. Any subscriber whose grievance has not been resolved within 30 days from the date of
receipt of the grievance by the Bank, or who is not satisfied with the resolution provided
can escalate the grievance to the National Pension System Trust.
b. The subscriber whose grievance has not been resolved by the Bank, within 30 days from the
date of submission of the grievance to the National Pension System Trust, or who is not
satisfied with the resolution provided by the National Pension System Trust shall prefer an
appeal to the Ombudsman against the concerned Bank or entity.
Every grievance shall be disposed of within a period of 30 days of its receipt and a final
reply shall be sent to complainant, containing details of resolution or rejection of the
complaint, with reasons thereof recorded in writing. A grievance shall be considered as
disposed off and closed in any of the following instances namely:
a. When the Bank has acceded to the request of the complainant fully;
b. Where the complainant has indicated in writing, its acceptance of the response of the
c. Where the complainant has not responded within 45 days of the receipt of the written
response of the Bank;
d. Where the Zonal Office Nodal Officer has certified under intimation to the Complainant /
subscriber that the Bank has discharged its contractual, statutory and regulatory
obligations and therefore closes the complaint;
e. Where the complainant has not preferred any appeal within 45 days from the date of
receipt of resolution or rejection of the grievance communicated by the Bank or National
Pension System Trust, as the case may be;
f. Where the decision of the Ombudsman is appeal has been communicated to such
Provided that the closure shall not be applicable where the Ombudsman or the Authority,
as the case may be has allowed filing of the appeal/ revision, beyond specified period.
“The redressal of Grievances pertaining to National Pension Scheme (NPS) subscribers shall
be governed by provisions of Grievance Redressal Policy of NPS Trust under PFRDA
(Redressal of Subscriber Grievance) Regulations 2015”.
With a view to ensure prompt redressal of grievances relating to accounts under PMJDY,
the complaint will be identified under PMJDY Category in SPGRS and then will be routed to
specific CSD Officers for timely resolution.
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20.2 Complaint book / Register , as per IBA Design, with perforated copies in each set shall be
introduced, so designed as to instantly provide an acknowledgement to the customers and
intimation to the controlling office. Complaint register be kept at prominent place in
the branch.
The branches shall maintain a separate complaints register in the prescribed format given
for entering all the complaints/grievances received by them directly or through
ZO/HO/Government. These registers shall be maintained irrespective of the fact whether a
complaint is received or not in the past.
The Bank recognizes that customer expectation/ requirements/ grievances can be better
appreciated through personal interaction with customers by the Bank’s staff. Customer day is
observed on 15th day of every month at all the offices of the Bank to enable customers to voice
their Grievances or offer suggestion for improvement in Customer Service. Planned Structured
Customer Meets, will give a message to customers that the Bank cares for them and values
their feedback/suggestions for improvement in customer service. Many of the complaints arise
on account of lack of awareness among customers about Bank services and such interactions
will help the customers appreciate Banking services better. As for the Bank the feedback from
customers would be a valuable input for revising its products and services to meet customer
requirements. Suggestion Box should be provided and be fixed at prominent place in the
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branch/office of the Bank. Further, at every branch of the bank a notice requesting the
customer to meet the Branch Manager shall be displayed regarding grievances is the grievances
remains unredressed.
Bank also celebrates every Wednesday as Digital Banking Day and every Third Week of the
month as Mega Digital Banking Week to maximize onboarding of customers to Digital Banking
Staff shall be properly trained for handling complaints. Bank officials are dealing with
people and hence difference of opinion and areas of friction can arise. With an open mind
and a smile on the face we should be able to win the customer’s confidence. Imparting soft
skills required for handling irate customers is to be an integral part of the training
programmes schedules to include training session on imparting soft skills recquired for
handling irate/agitated customers and Customer Service and Behavioural Science also. It
would be the responsibility of the Nodal Officer to ensure that internal machinery for
handling complaints / grievances operates smoothly and efficiently at all levels. Nodal
Officer should give feedback on training needs of staff at various levels to the Human
Resources Department at Zonal Office. Field executives will conduct staff meetings during
their visits to branches and sensitize the staff on handling complaints and for extending
good customer service.
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same should be quickly escalated to ZO who is to redress the same as per the TAT. If the
same is not redressed at ZO, the same is to be escalated to HO where it should be
redressed within the overall TAT of 15 days. These are the outer limits for redressal.
h. Customer can punch the complaints on the Bank’s official website > helpline > Complaint grievances > click here to fill online
complaint form.
i. On the same page of Bank’s official website, customer can track the real time status of
j. Customer can submit feedback on quality of redressal through Bank’s website.
Further, Bank will place the detailed statement of complaints and its analysis on their web-
site for information of the general public at the end of each financial year. This will include
all complaints pertaining to ATM cards issued by them in their disclosures.
25. Guidelines on Customer Service: The Bank has in place Board approved guidelines on
Customer Service.
The guidelines comprises of following four polices –
1. Compensation Policy
2. Grievances Redressal Policy
3. Policy on Collection of Cheque /Instrument
4. Customer Rights Policy
All the four policies are on display in the Banks website
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The existing Customer Grievance Redressal Policy was last reviewed on 28.06.2022 and is
valid upto 31.03.2023. However, the revision of the policy will become effective from the
date of adoption of this policy and shall be valid up to 31.03.2024. The further continuity
of the policy may also be extended for a further period not exceeding three months with
the specific approval of Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of the Bank.
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RBI has integrated the three Ombudsman schemes of RBI namely, (i) the Banking Ombudsman
Scheme, 2006; (ii) the Ombudsman Scheme for Non-Banking Financial Companies, 2018; and (iii)
the Ombudsman Scheme for Digital Transactions, 2019; into one “The Reserve Bank - Integrated
Ombudsman Scheme, 2021”. The Scheme adopts ‘One Nation One Ombudsman’ approach by
making the RBI Ombudsman mechanism jurisdiction neutral.
The Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 is effective from November 12, 2021.
Following are the salient features of the Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021:
2. There is no limit on the amount in a dispute that can be brought before the Ombudsman for
which the Ombudsman can pass an Award. However, for any consequential loss suffered by the
complainant, the Ombudsman shall have the power to provide a compensation up to Rupees 20
lakh, in addition to, up to Rupees One lakh for the loss of the complainant’s time, expenses
incurred and for harassment/mental anguish suffered by the complainant.
3. Reserve Bank of India has established the Centralized Receipt and Processing Centre (CRPC) at
Chandigarh for receipt of the complaints Pan India.
4. The complaint can be lodged online through the RBI portal (
5. The complaint may also be submitted through electronic or physical mode to the Centralized
Receipt and Processing Centre, Chandigarh at the given address:
Additionally, a Contact Centre with a toll-free number – 14448 (9:30 am to 5:15 pm) – is also
being operationalised in Hindi, English and in eight regional languages to begin with and will be
expanded to cover other Indian languages in due course. The Contact Centre will provide
information/clarifications regarding the alternate grievance redress mechanism of RBI and to
guide complainants in filing of a complaint.
(a) the complainant had, before making a complaint under the Scheme, made a written complaint
to the Bank concerned and
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(i) The complaint was rejected wholly or partly by the Bank, and the complainant is not
satisfied with the reply; or the complainant had not received any reply within 30 days after
the Bank received the complaint; and
(ii) The complaint is made to the Ombudsman within one year after the complainant has
received the reply from the Bank to the complaint or, where no reply is received, within
one year and 30 days from the date of the complaint.
(b) The complaint is not in respect of the same cause of action which is already :
(ii) pending before any Court, Tribunal or Arbitrator or any other Forum or Authority; or,
settled or dealt with on merits, by any Court, Tribunal or Arbitrator or any other Forum or
Authority, whether or not received from the same complainant or along with one or more of
the complainants/parties concerned;
(d) The complaint to the Bank was made before the expiry of the period of limitation
prescribed under the Limitation Act, 1963, for such claims;
7. No complaint for deficiency in service shall lie under the Scheme in matters involving:
8. Bank on receipt of the complaint, should furnish written reply along with all the relevant
documents to the Ombudsman within 15 days of receipt of complaint. Provided that the
Ombudsman at the request of the Bank in writing to the satisfaction of the Ombudsman, grant
such further time as may be deemed fit to file its written version and documents.
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9. In case Bank omits /fails to file its written version and documents within 15 days, then
Ombudsman may proceed ex-parte based on the evidence available on record and pass
appropriate Order or issue an Award.
10. The Bank will not have any right to appeal in case the Bank omits or fails to file its written
version and documents within the time as provided in terms of Clause 15(1)(a) of the Integrated
Ombudsman Scheme.
11. The Award shall lapse and be of no effect unless the complainant furnishes a letter of
acceptance of the Award in full and final settlement of the claim to the Bank, within a period
of 30 days from the date of receipt of the copy of the Award.
12. The complainant aggrieved by an Award or rejection of a complaint by Ombudsman Office may
prefer an Appeal before the Appellate Authority within 30 days of the date of receipt of the
Award or rejection of the complaint
13. The Appellate Authority may, if it is satisfied that the complainant had sufficient cause for not
making the appeal within the time, may allow a further period not exceeding 30 days.
For more details, please refer to the Scheme details available on Bank of Maharashtra website or at RBI website
The copy of the Scheme is also available in our branches, which will be provided to the customer
for reference upon request.
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6 Chennai Reserve Bank of India Tamil Nadu, Chennai
Fort Glacis, Chennai 600 001 Union Territories
STD Code: 044 Tel No. 25395964 of Puducherry
Fax. 25395488 (except Mahe
Email: Region) and
Andaman and
Nicobar Islands
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12 Kanpur Reserve Bank of India Uttar Lucknow
M. G. Road, Post Box No. 82 Pradesh (excluding
Kanpur-208 001 Districts of
STD Code: 0512 Ghaziabad,
Tel. No. 2305174/2303004 Gautam
Email: Buddha
and Amroha
(Jyotiba Phule
13 Kolkata Reserve Bank of India West Bengal and Kolkata
15, Netaji Subhash Road Kolkata-700 Sikkim
001 STD Code: 033 Tel. No. 22310217
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17 New Delhi (I) Reserve Bank of India, North, North-West, Delhi
Sansad Marg, New Delhi STD Code: West, South-West,
011 Tel. No. 23725445 New Delhi and
Email: South Districts of n Delhi
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1. LEVEL-1: Customers can lodge their grievances with Branch Manager or ONLINE through
channels like:
2. LEVEL- 2: If the grievance is not redressed, customer can directly approach to the Zonal
Office Nodal Officer (ZONO) for Redressal at the following address.
3. LEVEL-3: If grievance is still not redressed, customer can approach to Chief Grievance
Officer/Principal Nodal Officer at following address:
4. LEVEL –4: Name and Address of the Regional office of the RBI Ombudsman
(Zonal Offices to enter the details of the Regional Offices of the RBI
Ombudsman under whose jurisdiction the Zone Falls.)
5. In order to lodge a complaint with the Banking Ombudsman under the Integrated
Ombudsman Scheme 2021 you may choose any of the following channels:
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Review your passwords periodically. Make sure they are strong and complex.
Bank never asks confidential details like OTP, Pin and password. Keep them confidential.
Using two factor authentication process makes harder for the hackers to get into your device.
Keep strong passwords for your phone as well as your UPI application.
Don't share your personal details by filling up forms on Social media sites.
Always keep on eye on your card during transaction and promptly take it back
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Be aware of shoulder surfers. Be extra careful while typing confidential information such as
your account details and password on your mobile in public places
Install an effective mobile anti-malware/anti-virus software on your smartphone and keep it
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Press the 'Cancel' key before moving away from the ATM.
Remember to take your card and transaction slip with you
If your ATM card is misplaced, report to your card-issuing bank
If your card gets stuck in the ATM, or if cash is not dispensed after you having keyed in a
transaction, call your bank immediately
If you have any complaint about your ATM/Debit/Credit card transaction at an ATM, you
must take it up with the bank that issued the card to you
Skimming is a method used by fraudsters to capture your personal or account information from your
credit/debit card by stealing your confidential details at ATM Centres, Point of Sale Machines at
Restaurants or shopping malls or any shops etc.
Protect your PIN by covering with other hand when entering PIN
If you see anything unusual, suspicious, strange with ATM or keypad, please stop your
transaction and inform the bank
If it appears to have anything stuck onto the card slot or key pad, do not use it. Cancel the
transaction and walk away. Never try to remove suspicious devices
Keep your PIN a secret. Never reveal it to anyone, even to someone who claims to be calling
from your bank or a police officer
Check that other people in the queue are at reasonable distance
Regularly check your account balance and bank statements, and report any discrepancies to
your bank immediately.
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