f session 2014-15
Financial Accounting –I
Internal Assesment-20 Marks
Time: 3Hrs.
Theory Paper Max Marks-80
Note: The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical and THREE theoretical questions in
the question paper. .
Suggested Readings:
1.Gupta R.L. and Radha Swami M., Financial Accounting, Sultan Chand and Sons., New
2.Monga J.R., Ahuja Girish and Sehgal Ashok: Financial Accounting, Mayur Paper Back,
3.Shukla M.C., Grewal T.S. and Gupta S.C.; Advanced Accounts, S. Chand and Company,
New Delhi.
4. Goel, D.K., Financial Accounting, Arya Publications, New Delhi
5. Jain & Narang by Kalyani Publishers
6. P.C.Tulsian
B.Com I First Semester w.e.f session 2014-15
Business Mathematics-I
Theory Paper Max Marks-80
Internal Assesment-20 Marks Time: 3Hrs.
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question
No.1 will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks
each. The rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set
two questions from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting
one question from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical and THREE theoretical
questions in the question paper.
Suggested Readings:
1. Allen B.G.D: Basic Mathematics; Mcmillan, New Delhi.
2. Volra. N. D. Quantitative Techniques in Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. V.K. Business Mathematics: Sultan chand and sons, Delhi
4. Elements of Business Mathematics Semester-I : Jeevan Sons Publications
Internal Assessment: 20
1. Attendance 5 Marks
2. Assignment 5 Marks
3. Class Test/ House Exam 10 Marks
B.Com I First Semester w.e.f session 2014-15
Business Economics-I
Internal Assesment-20 Marks
Theory Paper Max Marks-80 Time: 3Hrs.
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested Readings:
1. Dr. Raj Kumar, Prof. Kuldeep Gupta, Business Economics, UDH Publishing and Distributors
P(Ltd.), New Delhi.
2. R.K Lekhi, Business Economics, Kalyani Publishers.
3. V.G.Mankar, Business Economics, Himalaya Publishing House.
4.H.L.Ahuja, Business Economics, S. Chand and Company Ltd.
B.Com I First Semester w.e.f session 2014-15
Business Management-I
Internal Assesment-20 Marks
Theory Paper Max Marks-80 Time: 3Hrs
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested Readings:
1. Druker. Peter F. Management Challenges for the 21st century; Butter worth Heinemann
2. Weihrich and Koontz, O. Donnel: Essential of Management Tata Mc Graw Hill, New
3. Parsad L. M., Principles and Practice of Management.: Sultan Chand and Sons.
4. R.K.Singla by V.K.Publication
B.Com I First Semester w.e.f session 2014-15
Business Communication Skills
Internal Assesment-20 Marks
Theory Paper Max Marks-80 Time: 3Hrs
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested Readings:
1.Murphy, Herta A., Herbert W. Hildebrandj and Jane P. Thomas, Effective Business
Communication, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Konera Arun, Professional Communication, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. McGrath, E. H., Basic Managerial Skills for All,PHI, New Delhi.
4. Meenakshi Raman and Parkash Singh, Business Communication, Oxford University Press,
5. C.K.Raydu
6. Jin Khushal by V.K.Publications
7. Herald A Murphy by Tata McgrawHill
B.Com I First Semester w.e.f session 2014-15
Basics of Computer-I
Time : 3 Hrs
Theory Paper Max Marks-50 Marks
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 5 small questions of two marks each.
The rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two
questions from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one
question from each unit. All the questions shall carry 10 marks each.
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical and THREE theoretical questions in
the question paper.
Suggested Readings:
1.Gupta R.L. and Radha Swami M., Financial Accounting, Sultan Chand and Sons., New
2.Monga J.R., Ahuja Girish and Sehgal Ashok: Financial Accounting, Mayur Paper Back,
3.Shukla M.C., Grewal T.S. and Gupta S.C.; Advanced Accounts, S. Chand and Company,
New Delhi.
4. Goel, D.K., Financial Accounting, Arya Publications, New Delhi
B.Com I Second Semester w.e.f session 2014-15
Business Mathematics-II
Internal Assesment-20 Marks
Time: 3Hrs.
Theory Paper Max Marks-80
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical and theoritical questions in the
question paper.
Suggested Readings:
1. Allen B.G.D: Basic Mathematics; Mcmillan, New Delhi.
2. Vohra. N. D. Quantitative Techniques in Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Kapoor V.K. Business Mathematics: Sultan chand and sons, Delhi.
4. Elements of Business Mathematics Semester-II: Jeevan Sons Publications
Internal Assessment: 20
1. Attendance 5 Marks
2. Assignment 5 Marks
3. Class Test/ House Exam 10 Marks
B.Com I Second Semester w.e.f session 2014-15
Business Economics-II
Internal Assesment-20 Marks
Time: 3Hrs.
Theory Paper Max Marks-80 Marks
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested Readings:
1. Dr. Raj Kumar, Prof. Kuldeep Gupta, Business Economics, UDH publishing and
distributors p (Ltd.), New Delhi.
2. R.K Lekhi, Business Economics, Kalyani Publishers.
3. V.G.Mankar, Business Economics, Himalaya Publishing House.
4. H.L.Ahuja, Advance Economic Theory.
B.Com I Second Semester w.e.f session 2014-15
Business Management-II
Internal Assesment-20 Marks
Time: 3Hrs.
Theory Paper Max Marks-80 Marks
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested Readings:
1. Druker. Peter F. Management challenges for the 21st century; Butter worth Heinemann Oxford.
2. Weihrich and Koontz, O. Donnel: Essential of Management. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Parsad L. M., Principles and Practice of Management.: Sultan Chand and Sons.
B.Com I Second Semester w.e.f session 2014-15
Business Environment
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Unit-IV Role of Govt. in Indian Economy: Monetary and Fiscal Policy; Industrial
Policy; Privatization. 22
Suggested Readings:
1. Agarwal A.N. , Indian Economy, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
1. Mirsra and Puri; Indian Economy; Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
2. Hedge Lanl, Environmental Economics; McMillan Hampshire.
B.Com I Second Semester w.e.f session 2014-15
Basics of Computer-II
Time: 3Hrs.
Theory Paper Max Marks-50 Marks
Practical Paper Max Marks-100 Marks
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 5 small questions of two marks each.
The rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two
questions from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one
question from each unit. All the questions shall carry 10 marks each.
Practical Examination will be held on the syllabi of 1st and 2nd Semesters taken together.
Suggested Readings:
1. Introduction of Information System ALEXISLEON
2. Introduction to essential tools. Sushila Madan.
B.Com II -IIIrd Semester w.e.f. session 2015-16
Paper: Corporate Accounting-I Code: 3.01
Time: 3 Hours
Theory Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note: - The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each. Important: The Examiner will set at
least THREE numerical and THREE theoretical questions in the question paper.
Suggested Readings:
1. Shukla M.C, Grewal T.S and Gupta S.C. Advance Accounts: S.Chand & comp., New Delhi.
2. Gupta R.L & Radha Swami M. Company Account: Sultan Chand, New Delhi.
3. Monga J.R ,.Ahuja Girish and sehgal Ashok Financial Accounting: Mayur paper backs,
4. Goel, D.K., Corporate Accounting. Arya Publications, New Delhi
B.Com II - IIIrd Semester w.e.f. session 2015-16
Paper: Business Statistics- I
Code 3.02
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note: - The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each. Important: The Examiner will set at
least THREE numerical and THREE theoretical questions in the question paper.
Internal Assessment: 20
1. Attendance 5 Marks
2. Assignment 5 Marks
3. Class Test/ House Exam 10 Marks
B.Com II - IIIrd Semester w.e.f. session 2015-16
Paper: Business Regulatory Framework- I
Code: 3.03
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80 Internal
Marks: 20
Note: - The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested Readings:
1. M.C.Kuchhal, Business Laws, Sultan Chand & Co., New Delhi.
2. N.D.Kapoor, Merchantile Law. Sultan Chand & Co., New Delhi.
3. Texman
4. Resai T.R. Partnership Act, S.C.Sarkar and Sons, kolkata.
5. Ashok Sharma by V.K.Publications
B.Com II - IIIrd Semester w.e.f. session 2015-16
Paper: Corporate Law- I
Code: 3.04
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note: - The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested Readings:
1. Kuchal M.C. Modern Indian Company Law Shri Mahavir Books, Noida.
2. Kapoor N.D. Company Law Incorporating the provisions of the companies Amendment Act.
3. Singh Avtar Company Law Eastern Book Company, Lucknow.
4. D.P.Jain Dhanapat Rai Publications
5. M. Bansal & Sonia Narula Kalyani Publishers
B.Com II- IIIrd Semester w.e.f. session 2015-16
Paper: Macro Economics
Code: 3.05
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80 Internal
Marks: 20
Note: - The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested Readings:
1. Macro Economics M.L.Jhingan
2. Macro Economics Theory & Policy : Aggarwal Vanita Pearson Publications
3. Principals of Macro Economics: C. Rangarajna
4. Macro Economis Theory and Policy: H.L. Ahuja, S.Chand Publications
5. Development Economics: Debroy Ray
B.Com II - IIIrd Semester w.e.f. session 2015-16
Optional Paper: Human Resource Management
Code 3.06 (ii)
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note: - The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Note: - The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical and THREE theoretical questions in
the question paper.
Suggested Readings:
Shukla M.C, Grewal T.S and Gupta S.C
Advance Accounts: S.Chand and Comp., New Delhi. Gupta R.L & Radha Swami M.
Company Accounts: Sultan Chand and sons, New Delhi. Monga J.R. ,Ahuja Girish and
Sehgal Ashok
Financial Accounting: Mayur Paper Bags, Noida. Goel, D.K., Corporate Accounting. Arya
Publications, New Delhi
B.Com II - IVth Semester w.e.f. session 2015-16
Paper: Business Statistics- II
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note: - The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical and THREE theoretical questions in
the question paper.
Internal Assessment: 20
1. Attendance 5 Marks
2. Assignment 5 Marks
3. Class Test/ House Exam 10 Marks
B.Com II - IVth Semester w.e.f. session 2015-16
Paper: Business Regulatory Framework – II
4.03 Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note: - The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested Readings:
1. M.C.Kuchhal, Business Laws, Sultan Chand & Co., New Delhi.
2. N.D.Kapoor, Merchantile Law. Sultan Chand & Co., New Delhi.
3. Texman
4. Resai T.R. Partnership Act, S.C.Sarkar and Sons, kolkata.
5. Ashok Sharma by V.K.Publications
B.Com II - IVth Semester w.e.f. session 2015-16
Paper: Corporate Law- II
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note: - The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note: - The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested reading:
1. Kotler Philip Marketing Management Prentice Hall of India New Delhi,1986
2. Pride Willian M and Ferrel O.C. Marketting Houghton-Mifflin Boston
3. Stantan W.J., Etzel Michael J. and Walker Bruce J. Fundamentals of Marketting MC
Graw-Hill,New York.
4. Ashok Jain by V.K.Publication
5. T.N. Chabra
6. Rama Swami Nama Kumari
B.Com II - IVth Semester w.e.f. session 2015-16
Optional Paper: Banking and Banking Law
4.06 (ii)
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note: - The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Time- 3 Hrs
Max Marks- 80
Internal Marks- 20
Note: - The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1
will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The
rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions
from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question
from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested reading:
1. Swapna Pradhan
2. Bajaj & Tuli by Oxford press
3. Dr. Rekha Goel & Dr. Jyoti Rana Avichal Publications
B.Com.III Pass Vth Sem w.e.f. from 2013-14
Paper: Taxation Law-I
Code 5.01
Time: 3 Hours
Theory Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1 will be
compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The rest of the
eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions from each unit
out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit. All
the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested Readings:
1. Direct Taxes law & Practice – Dr. H.C.Mehrotra & Dr. S.P. Goyal, Sahitya Bhawan Publications,
2. Direct Taxes & Practice – Dr. V.K. Singhania Taxmann Publication.
3. Direct Taxes law & Practice – Dr. Bhagwati Prasad – Wishwa Prakashan, N.Delhi.
4. Simplified Approach to income Tax: Dr. Girish ahuja & Dr. Ravi Gupta – Sahitya Bhawan
Publishes & Distributors, Agra.
5. Saklecha & Saklecha Satish Printers & Publishers
B.Com.III Pass Vth Sem w.e.f. from 2013-14
Paper: Cost Accounting – I
Code: 5.02
Time: 3 Hours
Theory Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note: The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1 will be
compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The rest of the
eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions from each unit
out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit. All
the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested Readings:-
1. S.P. Iyengar – Cost Accounting, Sultan Chand & Sons, Educational Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Jain & Narang – Cost Accounting – Principles and Practice Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana.
3. Maheshwari and Mittal – Cost Accounting – Sh. Mahavir Book Depot, Delhi.
4. S.P.Gupta by V.K.Publications
5. M.L.Aggarwal Sahitaya Bhawan Agra
6. Shukla & Grewal S. Chand & Company
7. A.K.Jain
B.Com.III Pass Vth Sem w.e.f. from 2013-14
Paper: Accounting For Management
Code : 5.03
Time: 3 Hours
Theory Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1 will be
compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The rest of the
eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions from each unit
out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit. All
the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1 will be
compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The rest of the
eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions from each unit
out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit. All
the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested Readings:
1. Chandler M.V. and Goldfield S.M.: Economics of Money and Banking & Harper & Row
2. Gupta Sural b: Monetary Planning in India: Oxford, Delhi.
3. Gupta Sural b: Monetary Economics: S.Chand & Co. New Delhi.
4. Bhole L.M.: Financial Market Institutions; Tata Mc Graw-Hill, New Delhi.
5. Hooda, R.P,: Indian Securities Markets- Investors View Point; Excell Books, New Delhi.
6. Alok Goyal by V.K.Publications
B.Com.III Pass Vth Sem w.e.f. from 2013-14
Paper: International Business Environment
Code : 5.05
Time: 3 Hours Theory
Marks: 80 Internal
Marks: 20
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1 will be
compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The rest of the
eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions from each unit
out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit. All
the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Unit-I Recent global trends in international trade and finance; dimensions and
modes of IB; structure of IB environment; risk in IB; motives for
internationalization of firms; organizational structure for IB; world 24
trading system and impact of WTO; exchange rate systems; global
financial system; barriers to IB; international business information and
Unit-II Foreign market entry strategies; country evaluation and selection;
factors affecting foreign investment decisions; impact of FDI on home
and host countries; types and motives for foreign collaboration; control 28
mechanisms in IB.
Unit-III Decisions concerning global manufacturing and material management;
outsourcing factors; managing global supply chains; product and
branding decisions; managing distribution channels; international 22
promotion mix and pricing decisions; counter trade practices;
mechanism of international trade transactions.
Unit-IV Harmonizing accounting difference across countries; currency
translation methods for consolidating financial statements; the
LESSARD-LORANGE Model; cross cultural challenges in IB; international 16
staffing decisions; compensation and performance appraisal of
expatriate staff; ethical dilemmas and social responsibility issues.
Suggested Readings:
1. Daniels, J.D. and H. LEE Radesbaugh, International Business-Environment and Operation (New Delhi;
Pearson Education).
2. Hill, Charles W.L., International Business – competency in the Global marketplace (New Delhi: Tata
McGraw Hill).
3. Sundram, Anant K and steward J Black, The International Business environment: Text and Cases (New
Delhi: Prentice Hall of India).
4. Sharan, V., Internatinal Business: Concept, Environment and strategy (New Delhi: Person Education)
5. Beth V. Yarbrough and Robert H.Yarbrough, The World Economy – Trade and Finance, Thomson Leaning,
B.Com.III Pass Vth Sem w.e.f. from 2013-14
Paper : Secretarial Practices
Code : 5.06 (i)
Time: 3 Hours
Theory Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note: The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1 will be
compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The rest of the
eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions from each unit
out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit. All
the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested Readings:-
1. Company Secretarial Practice – N.D.Kapoor
2. Text Book of Company Secretarial Practice – P.K.Ghosh
3. Company Law & Secretarial Practice – Dr. M.R.Sreenivasan.
4. Company Law Secretarial Practice Manual by – K.R. Chandratre.
B.Com.III Pass Vth Sem w.e.f. from 2013-14
Paper : Tax Planning and Management
Code: 5.06 (ii)
Time: 3 Hours
Theory Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1 will be
compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The rest of the
eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions from each unit
out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit. All
the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Unit-I Concepts of Tax Planning, Tax Evasion, Tax Avoidance, Tax Management
Feature of Tax Planning, Need for Tax planning, Precautions in Tax
planning, Limitations of Tax planning, Difference between Tax planning, 20
Tax evasion, Tax avoidance, Tax Management.
Unit-II Tax planning in relation to residential status and non-residents Tax-
planning in relation to Employees remuneration: Tax planning for
employer, Tax planning for employees. Tax Planning in relation to 24
income from House Property Tax planning in relation to income from
Business & profession.
Unit-III Tax planning in relations to income from capital gains and other
sources. Tax planning in relation to individuals and H.U.Fs. 23
Suggested Readings:
1. Direct Taxes Law & Practice – Dr.H.C.Mehrotra & Dr.S.P.Goyal Sahitya Bhawan Publications,
2. Corporate Tax Planning & management – Dr.H.C.Mehrota and Dr.S.P.Goyal – Sahitya Bhawan
Publications, Agra.
3. Direct Taxes & Practice – Dr.V.K.Singhania Taxman’s Pulications.
4. Saklecha & Saklecha by Satish Printers & Publishers
B.Com.III Pass (Pass Course) VIth Sem w.e.f. from 2013-14
Paper: Taxation Law – II
Code: 6.01
Time: 3 Hours
Theory Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1 will be
compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The rest of the
eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions from each unit
out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit. All
the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Unit-III Income Tax Authorities & their powers, procedure for assessment,
Deduction of Tax at source (TDS) Advance payment of Tax. 18
Unit-IV Recovery & Refund of Tax, Appeals & Revision, Penalties, Offences & 18
Suggested Readings:
1. Direct Taxes Law & Practice : Dr. H C Mehrotra & Dr. S P Goyal, Sahitya Bhawan Publications, Agra.
2. Direct Taxes & Practice : Dr. V K Singhania, Taxman Publications.
3. Direct Taxes Law & Practice : Dr. Bhagwati Prasad, Wishva Prakashan, New Delhi
4. Simplified Approach to Income Tax : Dr. Girish Ahuja & Dr. Ravi Gupta – Sahitya Bhawan Publishes
& Distributors, Agra
5. Saklecha & Saklecha by Satish Printers & Publishers
B.Com.III Pass (Pass Course) VIth Sem w.e.f. from 2013-14
Paper: Cost Accounting -II
Code: 6.02
Time: 3 Hours
Theory Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1 will be
compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The rest of the
eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions from each unit
out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit. All
the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Unit-I Unit and output costing : Meaning and objectives. Cost sheet –
Meaning, Performa, Types, Preparation of Cost sheet. Determination of 24
tender price. Production account – main types. Job and Batch Costing.
Unit-II Reconciliation of cost and Financial accounts : Meaning, objectives,
procedure. Contract Costing - Meaning; Main features; preparation of 23
contract account, Escalation clause; Contract near completion; Cost
plus contract.
Unit-III Process Costing : Meaning; Uses; Preparation of process account,
Treatment of Normal Wastage, Abnormal Wastage, Abnormal 22
Effectiveness; Treatment of opening and closing stock (Excluding Work
in Progress): Joint - Product and By - Product: Main methods of
apportionment of Joint cost. Inter process profits.
Unit-IV Operating Costing : Transport Costing, Hotel Costing, Cinema Costing 21
and Power House Costing. Cost Control Account : Non-Integrated and
Suggested Readings:-
1. S.P. Iyengar – Cost Accounting, Sultan Chand & Sons, Educational Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Jain & Narang – Cost Accounting – Principles and Practice Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana.
3. Maheshwari and Mittal – Cost Accounting – Sh. Mahavir Book Depot, Delhi.
4. S.P.Gupta by V.K.Publications
5. M.L.Aggarwal Sathiya Bhawan Agra
6. Shukla & Grewal S. Chand & Company
B.Com.III Pass (Pass Course) VIth Sem w.e.f. from 2013-14
Paper : Financial Management
Code: 6.03
Time: 3 Hours
Theory Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.1 will be
compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks each. The rest of the
eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions from each unit
out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit. All
the questions shall carry 16 marks each.
Suggested Readings:
Note:- The Examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question
No.1 will be compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of 2 marks
each. The rest of the eight questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set
two questions from each unit out of which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting
one question from each unit. All the questions shall carry 16 marks each.