Complex Buying Behavior

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Dissonance-Reducing Habitual Buying Variety Seeking Buying

Complex Buying Behavior

Buying Behavior Behavior Behavior
Consumer buying behavior in Consumer buying Consumer buying Consumer buying behavior in
situations characterized by high behavior in situations behavior in situations situations characterized by low
consumer involvement in a characterized by high characterized by low consumer involvement but
purchase and significant involvement but few consumer involvement perceived significant brand
perceived differences among perceived differences and few significant differences so they engage in
brands. among brands. perceived brand variety-seeking purchasing
differences. behavior.

- This purchasing behavior is - This type of behavior - Consumer tend to buy - It occurs when consumers
often seen when buyers is often observed when their favorite brands or demonstrate a desire for new
purchase items that are consumers purchase brands they use experiences, change, and
expensive, risky, infrequent, expensive, infrequent, or frequently, or products novelty in their purchases.
highly self-expressive, and have risky products but see with low prices. - There are notable differences
significant differences between little difference among - Consumers have no between brands, and consumers
brands. brands; like furniture... brand loyalty in this case, frequently switch from one
Differences - Customers will go through a - These minimal options and they do not conduct brand to another. Because
process learn when engaging in are often defined as the research or request switching items is inexpensive,
complex purchasing behavior. buyer's decision-making additional information buyers can try the newest brands
They will first form an opinion, opportunities in a before making a purchase. for no reason other than
then a corresponding attitude limited mode, and they curiosity, boredom, or simply a
and make a thoughtful tend to buy what is desire to experience new
purchasing decision. available without products.
learning the ropes.
Example I want to buy a TV. And If someone wants to I often buy milk from Jollibee fried chicken restaurant
because it’s a product I don’t purchase a flat-screen Vinamilk to drink and just launched a dish that looks
buy often, I will research the TV, and each model after returning to the delicious and fancy and I want
types of TVs or I will ask my they are looking at has store, I have the habit of to try it so I'll buy it.
friends and family for their the same screen buying the milk I drank
opinions on the best TVs to use. resolution, they may feel before instead of having
a strong sense of conflict to buy milk from another
or tension. The brand.
“dissonance” occurs
when a consumer is
worried they will make
the wrong choice and
will regret their decision
- Understand the information- - Provide evidence and - Focus on advertising - Try to encourage habitual
gathering and evaluation support to help campaigns to promote buying behavior by dominating
behavior of high-involvement consumers feel good buying. shelf space, keeping shelves
What consumers. about their brand - Use price and sales fully stocked, and running
marketers - Help buyers learn about choices. promotions to promote frequent reminder advertising.
do? product-class buying - Do frequent advertising, offer
attributes and their relative lower prices, discounts, deals
importance. and free samples to attract

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