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The box and moon crabs of Thailand, with description of a new species of
Calappa (Crustacea: Brachyura: Calappidae, Matutidae)
38 2,851
3 authors, including:
Charatsee Aungtonya
Phuket Marine Biological Center
All content following this page was uploaded by Charatsee Aungtonya on 18 December 2014.
Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge,
Singapore 11920, Republic of Singapore
Phuket Marine Biological Center, P.O. Box 60, Phuket 83000, Thailand
Eleven species of box crabs (Calappidae: Calappa bicornis, C. calappa, C. capellonis, C. clypeata,
C. gallus, C. hepatica, C. lophos, C. philargius, C. bilineata sp. nov., C. undulata, Mursia africana) and
five species of moon crabs (Matutidae: Ashtoret lunaris, A. miersii, Izanami curtispina, Matuta planipes,
Matuta victor) are recorded from Thailand. Of these, one (Calappa bilineata) is a new species allied to
C. philargius, while six are new records for Thailand (Calappa capellonis, C. bicornis, C. undulata,
Mursia africana, Ashtoret miersii, Izanami curtispina). Six species are known only from the Andaman
Sea, western Thailand. The record of Mursia africana is interesting as it was previously only known
from East Africa. Keys are provided for all 16 species now known from Thailand.
surrounding waters of western Thailand (Andaman The specimens examined are deposited primarily
Sea) have obtained numerous calappid and matutid in the Reference Collection at Phuket Marine
specimens, six of which represent new records Biological Center, Thailand. Additional specimens
for the country, viz. Calappa capellonis Laurie, collected from Phuket in the Zoological Museum,
1906, C. bicornis Miers, 1884, C. undulata Dai University of Copenhagen (ZMUC); and Zoological
and Yang, 1991, Mursia africana Galil, 1993, Reference Collection of the Raffles Museum
Ashtoret miersii (Henderson, 1887) and Izanami (ZRC), National University of Singapore, have also
curtispina (Sakai, 1961). One species of Calappa, been included in this study for completeness. For
C. bilineata, is here described as new. Although the study of Calappa philargius and C. bilineata
most of the above new records are not remarkable sp. nov., additional specimens have also been
in that most of the species have an Indo-West examined from the National Science Museum,
Pacific distribution, their presence in Thai waters Tokyo (NSMT), Japan; Berlin Museum (ZMB),
is noteworthy nevertheless. A total of sixteen Germany; Australian Museum (AMS), Sydney,
species from these two families are now recorded Australia; Western Australian Museum (WAM),
from Thailand. Of these, thirteen occur in western Perth, Australia; Queensland Museum (QM),
Thailand. Seven species, Calappa capellonis, C. Brisbane, Australia; Uppsala University Zoological
bicornis, C. bilineata, C. undulata, Mursia Museum (UUZM), Sweden; Muséum National
africana, Ashtoret miersii and Izanami curtispina d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN), Paris, France; Natural
are not yet known from eastern Thailand (including History Museum (NHM), London, England; and
the Gulf of Thailand). With the possible exceptions Nationaal Natuurhistorish Museum (previously
of Mursia africana and Ashtoret miersii, which known as the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie
are only known from the Indian Ocean, we do not (RMNH), Leiden, The Netherlands.
believe that the rest of the observed trends are real, The lobes or teeth of the posterior carapace
with their absence only reflecting poor collecting. margin are counted from the posterolateral corner
Most of the specimens used for this study inwards, with the first tooth being outermost.
were collected during the biodiversity study of the Measurements provided are of the maximum
marine fauna and flora on the Andaman Sea shelf carapace width and length respectively (spines
which was conducted aboard the research vessel, inclusive). The abbreviations G1 and G2 are used
Chakratong Tongyai, and operated by the Phuket for the male first and second pleopods respectively.
Marine Biological Center (PMBC) between 1996– Colour photographs are provided for the species
1998. Additional samples were collected around obtained recently. Unless otherwise stated, all
Phuket Island during the Biodiversity Workshop specimens are from Phuket Island . Complete
on Crustacea in the Andaman Sea (29 November synonymies and author citations for species are
to 20 December 1998). Specimens which were not provided for the taxa treated, and the readers
collected by two other research vessels, R.V. are asked to consult Galil (1997) and Galil and Clark
Paknam and R.V. Chulabhorn, and obtained during (1994) instead.
the 5th Thai–Danish Expedition were also included.
Remarks Remarks
Two specimens collected by trawlers from This is a distinctive species with its large
somewhere off Phuket represents the first record mammilate granules which are distributed all over
of this species from Thailand. The deeply-cleft the carapace including on the clypeiform process.
rostrum of this species is distinctive. The fresh The life colours are also diagnostic among all Thai
colours of this species are diagnostic (Fig. 1A), species, being essentially dark brown all over (Fig.
with the large conical granules on the outer surface 1B). Calappa capellonis can easily be confused
of the chela being blood-red. with C. gallus, but in C. capellonis, the front is
more distinctly cleft, the carapace appears more
transverse (against more rounded) and the
Calappa calappa (Linnaeus, 1758) gonopods are differently structured (Galil, 1997).
Records of ‘C. gallus’ by Nateewathana et al.
Material examined (1981) and Naiyanetr (1998) should be referred to
None from Thailand. C. capellonis instead (see later). Calappa capellonis
was originally described from Sri Lanka.
This is the largest Calappa species in the Indo-
West Pacific (Galil, 1997). The species exists in Calappa clypeata Borradaile, 1903
two colour morphs (one plain beige and one beige (Fig. 1C)
with numerous distinct unecen spots), but as far
as is known, only the uniformly coloured beige or Material examined
light brown form is present in the Indian Ocean. PMBC 16814, 1 male, BIOSHELF St. PB3–4,
The taxonomy of these two morphs is now being 07º51´N, 098º38´E, trawl, 27 m, coll. S.
investigated by the first two authors using Bussarawit, 21.02.1998; PMBC 16828, 1 female,
morphological and molecular methods. Naiyanetr Andaman Sea, trawl, 43 m, 21.04.1997; PMBC
(1998) records this species from western Thailand 16827, 1 female, BIOSHELF St. PB7, 07º45´N,
but we have not examined any specimens from 098º41´E, triangular dredge, 29 m, coll. S.
this area as yet. Calappa calappa is essentially a Bussarawit, 22.04.1997; PMBC 16817, 1 female,
coral-reef species, occurring in the sandy areas BIOSHELF St. L1, 06°49´N, 099°21´E, triangular
between coral heads, usually in the sub-littoral dredge, 39 m, coll. S. Bussarawit and C.
region. Aungtonya, 24.02.1998; PMBC 16823, 1 juvenile,
BIOSHELF St. H36, 07°44´N, 098°17´E,
Ockelmann dredge, 32 m, coll. S. Bussarawit and
Calappa capellonis Laurie, 1906 C. Aungtonya, 09.05.1996; ZRC 2000.1067, 4
(Fig. 1B) females, 1 male; PMBC 17010, 1 female, Andaman
Sea, Pichai Fish Port, trawl, December 1998; ZRC
Material examined 1999.0125, 3 males (1 with sacculinid parasite),
PMBC 2033, 1 male, Phuket; PMBC 16811, 2 18 females (1 ovigerous), Andaman Sea, Pichai
males, 3 females, BIOSHELF St. PB3–4, 07º51´N, Fish Port, trawlers, April 1999.
Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 23(2): 341–360 (2002)
Figure 2 Live coloration. A, B, Calappa undulata (different colour morphs); C, C. lophos (chelae); D, C.
bilineata (chelae); E, Ashtoret miersii; F, Izanami curtispina; G, Matuta victor.
Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 23(2): 341–360 (2002)
Calappa philargius (Linnaeus, 1758) 102.0 by 66.4 mm, Tuas, 15.07.1983; ZRC No
(Figs 3, 4A, 5A, 6A, C) 425, 1 male, 64.8 by 46.1 mm, 1 female, 58.1 by
40.5 mm, Tuas, no date; ZRC 1965.10.11.63–73,
Cancer philargius Linnaeus, 1758: 626. –Galil, 4 males, 6 females, Siglap, June 1933; ZRC
1997: 307, Figs. 17d, 20d, 21, 33. –Ng, 1998: 1965.10.11.75, 1 male, 89.0 by 60.2 mm, Ponggol,
1097. –Sakai, 1999: 20–21, pl. 9a, fig. A. 1941; ZRC No. 1965.10.11.77, 1 female, 106.9
Cancer inconspectus Herbst, 1794: 162, pl. 40 by 74.3 mm, Ponggol, September 1926; ZRC
fig. 3. 1984.5363-5366, 3 males, 1 female, 117.5 by 76.6
Calappa cristata Fabricius, 1798: 346. mm, Horsburgh Lighthouse, 26.11.1982; ZRC
1984.5369, 1 male, 93.5 by 62.3 mm, Horsburgh
(See Galil, 1997: 307, 308, for full synonymy with Lighthouse, 10.09.1983; ZRC 1984.5343–5344, 2
the exception of those listed for C. bilineata sp. females, larger 114.9 by 80.8 mm, Horsburgh
nov.) Lighthouse, 19.09.1983; ZRC 1984.5994, 1 male,
80.7 by 60.3 mm, South China Sea, 24.11.1955;
Material examined ZRC 1984.5997, 1 female, 93.9 by 63.0 mm, South
Types: ZRC 1998.67, 1 male, 81.4 by 56.8 mm, China Sea, no date; ZRC 1984.5998-5999, 1 male,
neotype of Cancer philargius Linnaeus, 1758, and 1 juvenile male, South China Sea, 27.03.1956; ZRC
Calappa cristata Fabricius, 1798, Changi Beach, 1988.2232, 1 male, Singapore, no date; ZRC 5995–
seine, 1.5 m, coll. P.K.L. Ng, 27.03.1998; ZMB 5996, 2 males, larger 103.5 by 68.1 mm,
774, 1 dried female, 52.0 by 49.0 mm (excluding Singapore, 10.01.1956; ZRC 1984.6000–6001, 1
lateral teeth), lectotype of Cancer inconspectus male, 1 female, 103.7 by 66.8 mm, Raffles
Herbst, 1794, Asia. Lighthouse, 17.09.1956; TAIWAN: ZRC 1995.580,
Other material: 1 male, 1 female, off northeastern coast, shallow
UUZM #240, 1 female, 84.0 by 62.0 mm, Linnaean water <100m depth by gill net, June 1993; ZRC
material, Gustavo IV Adolf collection, no precise 1999.0804, 1 juvenile male, 25.1 by 19.2 mm,
data, no date; THAILAND: ZRC 1999.0318, 1 male, I-Lan County, Nan-Fang Ao fish port, Su-Ao, May
2 females, 1 ovigerous female, Pattani Fishing Port, 1999; ZRC 1997.741, 1 female, 30.0 by 23.1 mm,
Gulf of Thailand, April 1999; SINGAPORE: ZRC southwestern coast, Kao-Shiung, port at
2000.1175, 1 female, 07.06.2000; ZRC Tung-Kang, 05.09.1996; ZRC 1998.208, 3 juvenile
1992.10537, 1 carapace, Changi, no other data; males, largest 32.4 by 23.9 mm, ZRC 1997.709, 4
ZRC 2000.2384, 1 ovigerous female, east coast, males, 2 females, 51.5 by 35.8 mm, 43.1 by 30.1
June 1926; ZRC 2000.2385, 1 male, 1 female, mm, Tai-Chi Port, I-Lan County, commercial in-
Tuas, 05.03.1984; ZRC 1984.5356–5357, 2 males, shore trawlers, shallow waters, 03–04.08.1996;
100.2 by 67.8 mm, Tuas, 08.09.1982; ZRC ZRC 1999.0756, 1 male, 77.9 by 51.4 mm, Tai-
1984.5352–5355, 4 males, 109.0 by 71.0 mm, Chi Port, I-Lan County, commercial in-shore
Tuas, 13.09.1982; ZRC 1984.5358–5361, 3 males, trawlers, shallow waters, May 1999; CHINA:
104.3 by 68.5 mm, Tuas, 09.10.1982; ZRC ZMUC 125, 1 male, 72.5 by 51.2 mm, identified
1984.154–157, 3 males, 1 female, 110.3 by 76.1 as Calappa cristata Fabricius, 1798; VIETNAM:
mm, Tuas, 15.07.1983; ZRC 1981.8.14.150, 1 MNHN B 13466, 2 males, 106.3 by 69.2 mm, 70.0
female, 92.7 by 64.0 mm, Tuas, 13.06.1981; ZRC by 47.4 mm, Cape Saint Jacques (Annam), 1962;
1984. 5362, 1 male, 113.5 by 73.5 mm, Tuas, JAPAN: NSMT 6089, 1 male, Kainoura,
16.10.1982; ZRC 1984.5907, 1 male, 90.7 by 59.3 Wakayama, 11.01.1979; NSMT 6112, 1 male, Kii-
mm, Tuas, 15.02.1984; ZRC 1984.5367–5368, 2 Nagasima, Wakayama, 19.07.1979; NSMT 7603,
males, 116.2 by 73.9 mm, Tuas, 07.01.1983; ZRC 1 female, Kii-Nagasima, Wakayama, 16.12.1976;
1981.8.14.138, 1 male, 104.4 by 69.3 mm, Tuas, NSMT 6137, 1 male, Kainoura, Wakayama,
02.05.1981; ZRC 1984.5351, 1 male, 115.3 by 73.0 25.02.1979; NSMT 3027, 1 male, Tanabe Bay,
mm, Tuas, 08.04.1982; ZRC 1984.146-148, 3 Wakayama; NSMT 6159, 1 male, Owase, Mie,
males, Tuas, no date; ZRC 1984.151–153, 3 males, 21.02.1979; NSMT 3060, 1 male, Misaki, Sagami
Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 23(2): 341–360 (2002)
Figure 3 Linnaean specimen of Calappa philargius. Dried female (84.0 by 62.0 mm) (UUZM #240).
International Workshop on the Crustacea of the Andaman Sea
of manus and carpus each with large purple to of the first author and took numerous photographs.
maroon spot. Inner surface of cheliped with red Even though the specimen, a dried female 84.0 by
blotches arranged longitudinally. Dorsal surface of 62.0 mm (UUZM #240), was rather bleached and
carapace uniformly coloured, without markings; one of the median spines was broken, very faint
purple to maroon horseshoe-shaped marking red pigments could still be identified on the manus
surrounding orbit. See also Sakai (1976), Ng (1988, and carpus, and the slight upward tilt of the
1998) and Ho (1996). posterior spines were apparent, with the tilt on the
damaged and regrown spine most obvious. These
Distribution characters conform with what is now diagnosed
Australia, Pacific Ocean to South-east Asia as C. philargius s. str. The problem is that this
and Straits of Malacca. specimen is clearly not one of Linnaeus’ type(s)
of Cancer philargius. The specimen in question
Remarks was labelled as from the collection of ‘Gustav IV
Calappa philargius (Linnaeus, 1758) is one Adolf’. The Gustav IV Adolfo collection was
of the better known species of box crabs in the obtained by Linnaeus only after 1758, and was
Indo-West Pacific and large specimens can grow reported in his paper of 1764 (Holm, 1957: 56)
to sizes of 120 mm in carapace width (Ng, 1998). (see also Wallin, 1997: 16). The present specimen
The taxonomy of Calappa philargius has long been in question was thus obtained only after Linnaeus’s
regarded as very stable, with both Cancer description of Cancer philargius in 1758. While
inconspectus Herbst, 1794, and Calappa cristata Linnaeus himself probably identified the specimen,
Fabricius, 1798, regarded as junior synonyms for it certainly cannot be regarded as a type. The type
over a century (see Galil, 1997). The colour pattern of Cancer philargius Linnaeus, 1758, is thus almost
of this species is very diagnostic, with a prominent certainly lost.
red to purple spot each on the manus and carpus Because two closely related species are
of the cheliped, and a maroon horseshoe-shaped recognised here, there is a need to establish a
marking encircling the orbit. neotype to stabilise the nomenclature and
In the waters off western Thailand, however, taxonomy of the two taxa. It is best to designate a
the specimens which have been referred to ‘C. neotype for Cancer philargius Linnaeus, 1758, for
philargius’ differ from this typical form (which the typical colour morph (without carapace stripes
occurs all over South-East Asia and the western but with cheliped spots) as it is the one most
Pacific) most obviously in its colour pattern—it commonly cited, figured and studied. To this effect,
has two longitudinal maroon stripes on its carapace a male specimen, 81.4 by 56.8 mm recently
and the outer surface of the chelipeds (manus and collected from Singapore (ZRC 1998.67) is here
carpus) do not have spots. The present study designated as the neotype of the species. We have
shows that these two ‘colour morphs’ are actually decided against naming the female lectotype of
distinct species. The problem is to ascertain which Cancer inconspectus Herbst, 1794 (see below), as
is the ‘real’ C. philargius. the neotype of Cancer philargius Linnaeus, 1758,
However, given the rather vague locality as it is dried, bleached and without obvious colours.
description given by Linnaeus (1758) (‘Seas of Selecting a fresh specimen clearly recognisable as
Asia’), C. philargius could well have been collected C. philargius, with colours and tissues (which can
anywhere in the Pacific or Indian Oceans. Thus be used for future molecular work) intact seems
the name C. philargius could belong to either preferable. The same rationale applies for not
morphotype. In the Linnaean collections in choosing the Linnaean specimen (UUZM #240) in
Uppsala, Sweden, there is specimen of Cancer Uppsala as the neotype.
philargius Linnaeus, 1758 (see Holm, 1957: 56). The identity of C. inconspectus Herbst, 1794,
This specimen has not been figured before (Fig. is not a problem. From Herbst’s plates and figures
3). In September 1999, Mr. S. H. Tan examined (1974: 162, pl. 40 fig. 3), it is obvious that they
the dried female specimen in question at the request are the same species as C. philargius. Sakai (1999)
Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 23(2): 341–360 (2002)
prominently granulated, tips rounded in most adults. posterior carapace spines is usually less pronounced
Crest of chela with 7 teeth, distalmost 5 triangular, than in specimens of C. philargius of equivalent
proximal 2 with relatively broader base, sizes, with the median posterior spine subequal in
subtruncate. Lateral margin of fifth thoracic length to the adjacent spines. These spines are
sternite almost straight. Lateral margin of second relatively straight, either rounded at the tips or
abdominal segment angular. G1 curved distally, sharp, and extend further posteriorly away from
tapering apically to spinulate tip. the carapace margin (vs. a shorter median tooth
Colour. – Dorsal surface of carapace with two compared with adjacent teeth, and the teeth not
prominent maroon longitudinal lines medially; extending so posteriorly from the posterior
purplish to maroon horseshoe-shaped marking carapace margin, with the tips slightly turned
surrounding each orbit. External subdorsal surface upwards in C. philargius). The bases and surfaces
of manus and carpus uniformly coloured, both of the posterior carapace teeth are also usually very
without large maroon spots; inner surface of heavily granulated, much more so in C. bilineata
cheliped with red blotches arranged longitudinally. than in C. philargius. The lateral margins of the
second abdominal segment are also relatively more
Etymology angular in C. bilineata compared with C.
The name ‘bilineata’ refers to the two philargius which is usually more rounded and
distinctive longitudinal red stripes on the carapace. broader. The anterior margin of the fifth thoracic
sternal segment is also almost straight whereas it
Remarks is more rounded in C. philargius. The G1 structures
At first glance, the external morphology of of both species are different; with that of C.
Calappa bilineata sp. nov. is very similar to C. bilineata wider basally (before it curves outwards),
philargius (Linnaeus, 1758), the most striking compared with C. philargius which has this part
difference being the colour pattern. While C. appearing somewhat narrower. Most of the adult
philargius possesses a large maroon spot each on specimens of C. bilineata and C. philargius
the outer surface of the carpus and manus of the examined in this study show the above features,
cheliped, these markings are absent on C. bilineata. although in some cases, especially with juveniles
This difference in colour pattern is valid for all the and damaged specimens, discerning these differ-
specimens we have examined of both species thus ences may not be easy. The colour differences,
far. C. bilineata also has two prominent maroon however, are always clear and distinct in fresh
longitudinal stripes flanking the gastric and cardiac specimens. In addition to the specimens listed here,
region, which are absent in the specimens of C. the first two authors have between them, examined
philargius s. str. This pattern is very apparent even hundreds of fresh and/or live specimens of C.
in specimens of C. bilineata as small as 20 mm in bilineata in Phuket and C. philargius in Taiwan,
carapace width. In C. philargius s. str., the median South China Sea and Singapore brought in by
part of the carapace is usually uniformed coloured, commercial trawlers over the years, and the colour
but some specimens may have two greyish differences observed (especially for the chelipeds)
longitudinal stripes but these are never as prominent are completely reliable.
or brightly coloured as those on C. bilineata. Other Although Calappa philargius has been reported
characters that separate the two species are the from the Indian Ocean (see Alcock, 1896), it is
shape of the broad concavity between the posterior unclear whether those specimens were actually
carapace teeth and the relative length of the those of C. bilineata, since it has already been
posterior median carapace tooth in relation to the established that the known range of C. philargius
adjacent ones, shape of the second abdominal, is confined to South-East Asia and the Pacific.
margin of the fifth thoracic sternal segment, relative Calappa philargius occurs in waters south of
length of the posterior carapace spines and structure Phuket through the Straits of Malacca and the west
of the G1. Pacific whereas all the C. bilineata specimens used
In C. bilineata, the concavity between the in this study were from the Andaman Sea, Sri Lanka
Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 23(2): 341–360 (2002)
Figure 4 Calappa philargius, Dorsal views: A, neotype male (81.4 by 56.8 mm) (ZRC 1998.67), Singapore;
B, C. bilineata; holotype male (93.1 by 64.9 mm) (PMBC 15789), Andaman Sea.
International Workshop on the Crustacea of the Andaman Sea
and Red Sea. Alcock (1896) mentioned C. philar- figured clearly identify it as C. bilineata. On the
gius in comparison with C. lophos (actually C. available evidence, specimens previously reported
guerini), and very little detail regarding the life as ‘C. philargius’ from the northern part of the
colour and morphology was discussed. Rice (1999: Indian Ocean at least, should be referred to C.
82) provides a beautiful colour plate of a specimen bilineata. The records of C. philargius by Jones
(which was identified as C. philargius) from and Morgan (1994) from the Indian Ocean along
Ceylon (= Sri Lanka) painted by Pieter de Bevere the coast of western Australia, however, belong
in the Natural History Museum’s Loten Collection to C. philargius, and are clearly not C. bilineata.
of paintings. The markings on the specimen The colour figure of C. philargius in Jones and
Figure 5 Calappa philargius, Frontal views: A, neotype male (81.4 by 56.8 mm) (ZRC 1998.67), Singapore;
B, C. bilineata; holotype male (93.1 by 64.9 mm) (PMBC 15789), Andaman Sea.
Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 23(2): 341–360 (2002)
Morgan (1994) matches perfectly what is here cover the ambulatory legs. Comparisons with
defined for this species, as confirmed through specimens from the South and East China Seas do
examination of their specimens. As such, C. not reveal any differences in colour or morphology.
bilineata seems to be restricted to the northern The pale white carapace with broad longitudinal
part of the Indian Ocean. We also have a large reddish-brown streaks is diagnostic life coloration
female specimen (RMNH 2507) from the for this species (Fig. 1D), and is evident even in
Kossmann collection, supposedly collected from specimens the first author has examined from
the Red Sea—it is clearly referable to C. bilineata Taiwan.
as presently defined, with its colour markings still
Calappa philargius, C. bilineata and C. Calappa undulata Dai and Yang, 1991
dumortieri Guinot, 1962 (Red Sea) form a distinct (Fig. 2A, B)
group within the genus Calappa, with their well-
developed and posteriorly-directed teeth being the Material examined
most diagnostic character. Of these, C. philargius PMBC 16813, 1 female, BIOSHELF St. F2,
has the widest distribution while C. dumortieri 08°15´N, 098°04´E, triangular dredge, 59 m, coll.
appears to be confined to the Red Sea, with C. S. Bussarawit and C. Aungtonya, 16.02.1998;
bilineata occuring in the northern part of the Indian PMBC 16825, 1 female, BIOSHELF St. J2,
Ocean and apparently also entering the Red Sea. 07°15´N, 098°51´E, triangular dredge, 62 m, coll.
Calappa philargius and C. bilineata have not been S. Bussarawit and C. Aungtonya, 04.05.1996;
found sympatrically, although both may be PMBC 14614, 1 male, 47.0 by 34.5 mm,
expected in the northern part of the Malacca Straits BIOSHELF St. E1, 08º30´N, 098º06´E, triangular
which meets the Andaman Sea. dredge, 38 m, coll. S. Bussarawit and C.
Aungtonya, 22.04.1996; ZRC 1999.0121, 1 male,
1 female, Andaman Sea, Pichai Fish Port, trawl,
Calappa pustulosa Alcock, 1896 April 1999.
(Fig. 1D)
Material examined Calappa undulata was originally described
PMBC 14611, 1 female, BIOSHELF St. J3–J2, from the South China Sea. The present record of
07°14´N, 098°37´E, trawl, 76 m, coll. S. Bussara- this apparently rare species from the Indian Ocean
wit and C. Aungtonya, 23.02.1998; PMBC 14612, extends its range substantially into the Indian
1 female, off Rak Island, trawl, 74 m, R.V. Paknam, Ocean. The live colour of this species is very
15.03.1989; PMBC 14613, 2 juveniles, Andaman distinctive, with the posterior part lighter coloured
Sea, 08.04.1997; ZRC 1999.0085, 1 female, than the rest of the carapace, the two colour zones
Andaman Sea, Andaman Fisheries Research being demarcated marked by undulating patterns
Station in Phuket, December 1998; PMBC 17114, and/or blotches (Fig. 2A, B). The darker anterior
1 female, St. 36A, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, trawl, part may be dark maroon-brown (Fig. 2B) to
115–135 m, R.V. Chulabhorn, 09.01.1989. orange-brown (Fig. 2A). One consistent character
seems to be the presence of a bright yellow ocellus
Remarks which has a red rim on the dorsal surface of the
This easily recognised species (originally carpus of the cheliped. Chen (1993) had also clearly
described from the Indian Ocean) is characterised described and figured this colour pattern. Ng et
by deep carapace grooves and poorly developed al. (1999) provides additional comments on several
clypeiform processes which do not completely aspects of the nomenclature of this species.
International Workshop on the Crustacea of the Andaman Sea
Figure 6 A, C, Calappa philargius: A, neotype male (81.4 by 56.8 mm) (ZRC 1998.67), Singapore; C,
male (77.9 by 51.4 mm) (ZRC 1999.0756), Taiwan. B, D, Calappa bilineata; holotype male (93.1 by
64.9 mm) (PMBC 15789), Andaman Sea. A, B, male abdominal segments 1-6 (schematic); C, D, left G1.
Scales: A, B = 5.0 mm, C, D = 1.0 mm.
Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 23(2): 341–360 (2002)
Galil (1993), is that the three posterior carapace character is difficult to determine, but from what
lobes are low and rounded. This is certainly not is known with many other calappids, it may well
the case with the Andaman Sea specimen, with vary (e.g. through wear and tear) and may not be
the above mentioned structures being sharp and reliable. For the moment, we think it is better to
clearly dentiform, with the median lobe rounded regard the Thai specimen as belonging to M.
but still distinctly triangular. The value of this africana.
Galil and Clark (1994) commented that in this Matuta planipes Fabricius, 1798
species, there is no prominent median granule on
the posterolatral margin, but this is not the case. Material examined
The series of specimens at hand indicates that the PMBC 14615, 1 male, Andaman Sea, Pichai Fish
median posterolateral granule is often present, Port, Phuket, trawl, December 1999; ZRC
although its strength does vary and may be small. 1999.0129, 1 male, 1 female, Andaman Sea, Pichai
In some specimens, the granule is not clearly Fish Port, trawl, April 1999; ZRC 1999.0303, 1
discernible. In some specimens, the strong ridges male, 1 female, Pattani Fishing Port, Gulf of
on the outer dorsal surface of the palm are also Thailand, 25.10.1998.
relatively weaker and less prominent. In other
aspects, however, the present specimens agree well Remarks
with the description and figures of the species by This is well-known and widely distributed
Galil and Clark’s (1994). Ashtoret miersii was Indo-West Pacific species.
originally described from nearby Madras, India,
and has also been reported from Sri Lanka and Matuta victor (Fabricius, 1781)
Japan (Laurie, 1906; Sakai, 1976). (Fig. 2G)
Material examined
Izanami curtispina (Sakai, 1961) PMBC 16998, 1 male, 1 female, Cape Panwa, reef
(Fig. 2F) outside PMBC, 24.12.1971; PMBC 17020, 1 male,
PMBC reef, Phuket, 08.12.1998; PMBC 17008, 1
Material examined male, 2 females, 2 juveniles, Yao Yai Island,
PMBC 16815, 1 male, BIOSHELF St. A3, 09º31´N, Phangnga, 02.07.1983; PMBC 14616, 1 female,
097º38´E, triangular dredge, 87 m, coll. S. Bus- Satul, 1994; PMBC 16972, 4 males, 9 females (2
sarawit and C. Aungtonya, 19.04.1996; PMBC ovigerous); ZRC 1998.1121, 6 males, 2 females,
16812, 4 females (3 ovigerous), trawl, 76 m, R.V. Andaman Sea, Pichai Fish Port, 11.12.1998; ZRC
Paknam, 17.03.1989; PMBC 16822, 1 male, 1999.0130, 5 males, 4 females, 1 juvenile,
BIOSHELF St. B3, 09°15´N, 097°42´E, triangular Andaman Sea, Pichai Fish Port, April 1999; PMBC
dredge, 80 m, coll. S. Bussarawit and C. Aung- 17017, 1 female, Andaman Sea, Pichai Fish Port,
tonya, 18.02.1998; PMBC 16826, 29 females (22 13.12.1998; PMBC 17023, 1 female, Hua Hin
ovigerous), BIOSHELF St. I3, 07°30´N, 098°10´E, beach, Satun Province, 15.12.1994; ZRC
triangular dredge, 78 m, coll. S. Bussarawit and 1999.0307, 1 male, Pattani Fishing Port, Gulf of
C. Aungtonya, 02.05.1996; ZRC 1998.1114, 5 Thailand, trawl, 25.10.1998.
males, 7 females, Andaman Sea, Pichai Fish Port,
trawl, December 1998. Remarks
The long standing problems with the taxonomy
Remarks of Matuta lunaris (Forskål, 1775), M. banksi
This is a common species in the waters off Leach, 1817, and M. victor (Fabricius, 1781) was
Phuket. The species agrees well with the resolved by Galil and Clark (1994) who regarded
descriptions of Sakai (1976), Galil and Cark (1994) the first two names as synonyms and referred it
and Ng and Huang (1997). The species was to Ashtoret, while retaining M. victor in Matuta.
described from Japan, but has been reported over As noted earlier, many of the older records of these
a wide area from Madagascar to Japan. species are probably not reliable. The specimens
Surprisingly, it has not been formally recorded from we have examined all belong to M. victor as
Thailand before. The colour of the many specimens defined by Galil and Clark (1994). In western
examined is very uniform, being an even pinkish- Thailand at least, the specimens we have examined
red on all dorsal surfaces, with a semi-reticulate supposedly of ‘Matuta lunaris’ thus far all belong
pattern of pale red lines on the median part of the to Matuta victor (Fabricius, 1781). The fresh
carapace (Fig. 2F).
Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 23(2): 341–360 (2002)
colours of the specimens examined agree well with him for the workshop (and the free beer), as well
each other, all of which have a pale yellow carapace as the staff of the Andaman Fisheries Development
background and covered with numerous, very Center for their kindness and help in obtaining
small and evenly scattered black dots. The specimens. Peter Davie, Patsy McLaughlin,
pereopods are usually brighter yellow (especially Somnuk Chaitiamvong and Ladda Wongrat
the dactylus), the areas near the joints often have provided fantastic field support and
purplish-red patches (Fig. 2G). encouragement. The authors are grateful to the
curators of the various museums for their very
kind help in sending specimens for study. Thanks
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS are especially due to Torben Wolff for his help in
resolving the problems with the Fabricius’ types.
The first author is grateful to the PMBC and Tan Swee Hee kindly helped check the Linnaean
DANIDA for arranging for his stay and research specimens in Uppsala. The study has been partially
stint in Thailand. He is grateful to the head of the supported by a research grant to the first author
Reference Collection, Somchai Bussarawit, for his from the National University of Singapore.
support, Matz Berggren and Niel Bruce for inviting
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