CIPR Code of Conduct

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11/13/23, 4:34 PM CIPR Code of Conduct

CIPR code of conduct

All members of the CIPR are bound by the Code of Conduct. They
make the commitment on joining and renew this annually when they
renew their membership.

Under the principles of the Code, members of the Chartered Institute

of Public Relations agree to:

maintain the highest standards of professional endeavour,

integrity, confidentiality, financial propriety and personal
deal honestly and fairly in business with employers, employees,
clients, fellow professionals, other professions and the public;
respect, in their dealings with other people, the legal and
regulatory frameworks and codes of all countries where they
uphold the reputation of, and do nothing that would bring into
disrepute, the public relations profession or the Chartered
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respect and abide by this Code and related Notes of Guidance

issued by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations and ensure
that others who are accountable to them (e.g. subordinates and
sub-contractors) do the same;
encourage professional training and development among
members of the profession in order to raise and maintain
professional standards generally.

The above principles apply to all members regardless of the nature of

the work they are undertaking. Members acting in specific capacities
must also adhere to relevant additional professional standards from
the CIPR. The CIPR has published a professional standard for
lobbying, explaining the CIPR Code of Conduct in the specific context
of public affairs (see below)

Where a complaint is brought against a member, the professional

standards panel will consider the alleged wrongdoing in the light of
the relevant sector-specific professional standard when determining
whether the code of conduct has been breached.

Sector-specific professional standard – lobbying

10 Professional behaviours required of lobbyists

1. Professional lobbyists must tell you who they are and whom
they represent – including the nature of their client’s or
employer’s interests.

2. Professional lobbyists do not intentionally mislead in any way.

3. Professional lobbyists provide information that is accurate and

true. Lobbyists should make a reasonable effort to verify
statements and they should be clear about what they don’t
know to be accurate or true. No information should be
deliberately omitted or obscured from briefings, statements or
other material used in the course of lobbying where to do so
would potentially create a misleading impression.

4. Professional lobbyists do not offer bribes or inducements -

which includes gifts or excessive entertainment, whether or not
the intention is to solicit a favour or preference. 2/7
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5. Professional lobbyists manage and avoid conflicts of interest.

They may not represent two clients who compete in the same
market or have a clash of interests. A conflict of interest can also
arise between the lobbyists’ professional and personal political
interests. Where this arises, the professional lobbyist is
expected to cease relevant lobbying until any conflicts can be
resolved. This might arise when lobbying while holding elected
or public office, pursuing a voluntary role in politics or working
as a political adviser.

6. Professional lobbyists respect confidentiality – this is more than

simply keeping a client’s commercial information confidential.
Professional lobbyists, who may know politicians and civil
servants socially, do not misuse privileged information for
commercial gain.

7. Professional lobbyists respect the rules and regulations of the

institutions of government and representation wherever they
work, and the codes of conduct that bind other professionals.

8. Professional lobbyists respect the public’s right to know about

lobbying activity. This means that professional lobbyists should
be willing to publicly identify themselves and disclose the
interests on whose behalf they lobby, as well as disclosing their

9. Professional lobbyists observe rules, resolutions, codes of

conduct and statutes in relation to employing or contracting
elected representatives, members of Parliament or members of
the House of Lords, holders of public office and public servants
– this includes any rules covering the periods of time after they
have left those roles.

10. Professional lobbyists do not use access privileges to lobby –

professional lobbyists who hold passes or otherwise have
privileged access to the precincts of any Parliament, Assembly,
Council or other elected body, or any Institution of Government,
where that pass is not explicitly granted in relation to their role
as a lobbyist, must not make use of it in the course of lobbying or
otherwise abuse this privilege. 3/7
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Putting the principles into practice

Examples of good public relations practice include:

Integrity and honesty
Ensuring that clients, employers, employees, colleagues and
fellow professionals are fully informed about the nature of
representation, what can be delivered and achieved, and what
other parties must do in order to enable the desired result.
Never deliberately concealing the practitioner’s role as
representative of a client or employer, even if the client or
employer remains anonymous: e.g. by promoting a cause in the
guise of a disinterested party or member of the public.
Checking the reliability and accuracy of information before
Supporting the CIPR Principles by bringing to the attention of
the CIPR examples of malpractice and unprofessional conduct.

Capacity, capability and competence

Delivering work competently: that is, in a timely, cost-effective,
appropriate and thoughtful manner, according to the actual or
implied contract; applying due professional judgement and
experience; taking necessary steps to resolve problems; and
ensuring that clients and other interested parties are informed,
advised and consulted as necessary.
Being aware of the limitations of professional capacity and
capability: without limiting realistic scope for development,
being willing to accept or delegate only that work for which
practitioners are suitably skilled and experienced and which
they have the resources to undertake.
Where appropriate, collaborating on projects to ensure the
necessary skill base.

Transparency and avoiding conflicts of interest

Disclosing to employers, clients or potential clients any financial
interest in a supplier being recommended or engaged.
Declaring conflicts of interest (or circumstances which may give
rise to them) in writing to clients, potential clients and
employers as soon as they arise.
Ensuring that services provided are costed, delivered and
accounted for in a manner that conforms to accepted business 4/7
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practice and ethics.

Safeguarding confidences, e.g. of present and former clients and
Never using confidential and ‘insider’ information to the
disadvantage or prejudice of others, e.g. clients and employers,
or to self-advantage of any kind.
Not disclosing confidential information unless specific
permission has been granted or if required or covered by law.

Interpreting the code

In the interpretation of this code, the Laws of the Land shall apply.
With that proviso, the code will be implemented according to the
decision at the time of the Professional Practices Committee.

Maintaining professional standards

CIPR Members are encouraged to

a) raise and maintain their own professional standards by, for


identifying and closing professional skills gaps through the

Institute’s Continuing Professional Development programme;
participating in the work of the Institute through the committee
structure, special interest and vocational groups, training and
networking events;
evaluating the practice of public relations through use of
recognised tools and other quality management and quality
assurance systems (e.g. ISO standards);
constantly striving to improve the quality of business
sharing information on good practice with Members and,
equally, referring perceived examples of poor practice to the

b) raise the professional standards of other public relations

practitioners to the level of CIPR Members by, for example:
offering work experience to students interested in pursuing a
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encouraging employees and colleagues to join and support the

specifying a preference for CIPR applicants for staff positions

c) spread awareness of the CIPR’s role as guardian of standards for

the public relations profession
by, for example:

displaying the CIPR designatory letters on business stationery;

referring to the CIPR Code of Conduct in every contract.

The content of the code is governed by CIPR Council. Members are
welcome to put their views on the code to the Professional Practices
Committee, through the CIPR PR Manager, Jon Gerlis.

For further information or advice on the CIPR Code of Conduct and

the processes that support it, please contact:

Kevin Taylor Chart.PR, FCIPR, Regulatory Consultant
0207 631 6944

Chartered Institute of Public Relations

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7631 6900


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