EEET2600 2023c

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RMIT Classification: Trusted

School of Science, Engineering and Technology

EEET 2600: Session 1 – Team 3

Calculation, simulation, and practical experiment results applying amplifiers, filters, and Bipolar
Junction Transistor

Submitted by
Student #1: Nguyen Xuan Nghi – s3938334
Student #2: Truong Nhat Minh – s3975106
Student #3: Le Huy – s3915144

Authors Statement: This lab is the original work of the above authors. We as authors understand
resubmissions of others work without proper citation is an act of plagiarism and is subject to the
penalties as put forth by RMIT University Vietnam and the School of Science, Engineering and

Date Submitted: 05/01/2024

Date Performed: 28/12/2023.
Lab Section: 1
Course Instructor: Mr. Khuong Nguyen

RMIT University Vietnam 1 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

School of Science, Engineering & Technology
RMIT Classification: Trusted

Table of Contents

List of Figures 3

List of Tables 4

Nomenclature 4

Abstract 5

Introduction 5

Labs Report 6

Lab 1 – Negative Op-amp Experiment 6

Experiment setup 6
Experiment Result 7
Results discussion 9
Lab 2 – Passive Filter Experiment 9
Experiment setup 9
Experiment Results 10
Results discussion 11
Lab 3 – Active Filter Experiment 11
Experiments Setup 11
Experiments Results and Result discussion 12
Lab 4 – BJT Operating Mode 15
Experiment setup 15
Experiment results 15
Results discussion 16
Lab 5 - BJT Characteristics 17
Experiment setup 17
Experiment results and Result discussion 17
Conclusions 18

References 20

RMIT University Vietnam 2 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

School of Science, Engineering & Technology
RMIT Classification: Trusted

List of Figures
Figure 1: Real circuit connection for case A and F [3] 7

Figure 2: Circuit in Multisim for F (left) and A (right) 7

Figure 3: Simulation result for case A (left) and F (right) with Vin is channel A and Vout
is channel B 8

Figure 4: Experiment result for case A (left) and F (right) 8

Figure 5: Circuit in Multisim 10

Figure 6: Simulation result for case A 10

Figure 7: Connection of Lab 3’s experiment 1 Multisim (left) and hardware (right) 12

Figure 8: Connection of Lab 3’s experiment 2 Multisim (left) and hardware (right) 12

Figure 9: Bode plot of real experiment at max gain (left) and cut-off frequency (right) 13

Figure 10: Bode plot of simulation at the max gain (left) and cut-off frequency (right) 13

Figure 11: Bode plot of real experiment at the max gain (left) and cut-off frequency
(right), 5 steps per decade. 13

Figure 12: Bode plot of Multisim at the max gain (left) and cut-off frequency (right), 5
steps per decade. 14

Figure 13: Bode plot of Multisim (steps 20) at the max gain (left) and cut-off frequency
(right) 14

Figure 14: Bode plot of hardware (steps 20) at the max gain (left) and cut-off frequency
(right) 14

Figure 15: Lab 4 simulation set up (left) and result for first case (right), cut-off mode
(right) 15

Figure 16: The BJT is now in active (left) and saturation (right) 15

Figure 17: Hardware set up (right) and Multisim setup (left) [6] 17

Figure 18: The Ic-Vce curves (C current characteristic curves) in simulation (left) and in
real experiment (right) 17

Figure 19: Simulation result, all at the point of 767.367mV, current is y2 line. 18

RMIT University Vietnam 3 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

School of Science, Engineering & Technology
RMIT Classification: Trusted

List of Tables
Table 1: Experiment data table for simulation/calculator 8

Table 2: Experiment data for real results 9

Table 3: Lab 2’s Measurement of Multisim simulation 10

Table 4: Experiment data table for measurement with different VBE and VC values 16

Table 5: Experimental current gains comparison to simulation 18

Av: Gain of filter ; Af: Gain of op-amp
� : Current gain of BJT ; I: Current ; R: Resistance
Vin: Input voltage; Vout: Output voltage
BJT Base: B ; BJT Emitter: E ; BJT Collector: C
∆�: Phase difference

RMIT University Vietnam 4 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

School of Science, Engineering & Technology
RMIT Classification: Trusted

Calculation, simulation, and practical experiment results applying amplifiers, filters, and Bipolar
Junction Transistor

EEET 2600


Le Huy, Truong Nhat Minh, Nguyen Xuan Nghi


This report is about 6 laboratory experiments researching the performance and characteristics of
op-amps, filters and BJT in the electronics world. The purpose of these labs is to compare the
results of working on real hardware to the simulation on computer and hand calculations and
figure out why there is such a difference, despite big or small and comment on the results of the
labs. First, calculate the results by hand, then build the circuit on Multisim and compare the
results. Finally, build the circuit on Multisim using real components, measure the results and
found that the results of real hardware are vastly different from what have been taught in class,
simulations, and hand calculations. The major conclusion for this difference is real life hardware
will work with close numbers like calculated, but never be exactly as on paper or computer.
Hardware manufactured always has errors and deviation from the real parameters published by
manufacturers, resistance plays a key role in making this result differences and internal voltage
drops. Other factors to blame are the environment, human errors and hardware that were used to
measure. It is found that in op-amps, despite voltage drops, the gains can still be higher than
calculated but the results do not get equal or higher than calculated. In filters, it is extremely easy
to mistake the Vin signal goes to the capacitor instead of resistor, this will completely change the
filter from high pass to low pass and vice-versa.


RMIT University Vietnam 5 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

School of Science, Engineering & Technology
RMIT Classification: Trusted

Operational amplifiers (op-amp), filters and Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) play a crucial role
in all circuits. This is why it’s important to understand how they work. The first experiment of
this report focuses on gains of negative feedback op-amps. The second experiment is measuring
Vout, gains and phase shifts of a passive RC filter. The third experiment is about active low pass
filter gain and frequency response of a negative feedback op-amp. Lab 4 is identifying BJT
circuit in cut-off, active or saturation mode. Lab 5 is about BJT Collector Characteristic Curves.
This report will include all calculations, simulation and experiment, comments on all results.
This report will not include how to use breadboard or how to install the driver to access ELVIS
instruments. In general, real life circuit building is much harder than simulation. It is easy to
build the wrong circuit and break the components or get wrong results. Even if the right results
were obtained, it is never the same as on a computer or paper. Lab 1 gets us to know more about
op-amps, then using that knowledge to build the negative feedback op-amp in lab 3, while lab 2
is purely about passive RC circuit, then combine lab 2 and 1 for the active filter in lab 3. Lab 4 is
getting to know the modes of a BJT and use that to calculate current gains in lab 5.

The purpose of an op-amp is to amplify a signal. There are many types of op-amps, and they can
be used as filters by connecting them to an RC circuit. It can also do addition, subtraction,
differentiation, integration on current/voltage [1]. BJT is a component that is made up from 3
doped semiconductor regions, but these regions are separated by 2 p-n junctions. There are 2
types of BJT, NPN or PNP. Either way, there are always 3 blocks, so 3 legs come out: The
Emitter (E), the Base (B), the Collector (C). The BJT is also an amplifier, but it can only amplify,
it does not do mathematical operations. It has 3 states: “active”, BJT is now an amplifier,
“saturation”, BJT is now a near short circuit between E and C, “cut-off”, BJT now has nothing
between C and E [2]. In this lab, only 2N2222A and op-amp LM741 were used.

Labs Report
Lab 1 – Negative Op-amp Experiment
Experiment setup

RMIT University Vietnam 6 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

School of Science, Engineering & Technology
RMIT Classification: Trusted

Figure 1: Real circuit connection for case A and F [3]

Figure 2: Circuit in Multisim for F (left) and A (right)

The 2 diagrams above are the same that: Prepare a 15V power source, 1 LM471, 2 resistors R1,
R2. For circuit from A to E, pin 7 of LM471 to V+ pin of 15V power source, pin 4 to V-.
Connect pin 3, or the V+ signal of the op-amp to the ground. Vout from pin 6 will be connected to
R2, then the other head of R2 goes to pin 2. Also, from pin 2, connect to R1 and the other head
of R1 to the positive pin of another DC power source Vin. The negative pin of this Vin source
goes to the ground. For C to E, replace the Vin with a variable DC power source, tune Vin and
watch Vout on the V probe. For F, do everything the same, except Vin is now an AC source, 1V
100Hz. Finally, for oscilloscope, + pin of terminal A on the device connects to live end of Vin
while + pin of terminal B to pin 6 of LM471. – pins of terminal A and B all go to ground. A
thing to keep in mind is that if Vout is expected to be positive, just reverse the polarity of Vin. For
case B, D, E just change the supply+ end of the yellow wire to supply-, the rest is the same. For
case F, detach supply+, supply- from the yellow wire and connect that end to FGEN pin on
ELVIS board instead.
Experiment result

RMIT University Vietnam 7 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

School of Science, Engineering & Technology
RMIT Classification: Trusted

Figure 3: Simulation result for case A (left) and F (right) with Vin is channel A and Vout is
channel B

Figure 4: Experiment result for case A (left) and F (right)

Table 1: Experiment data table for simulation/calculator

Measureme R1 (kΩ) R2 (kΩ) GAIN Vin (V) Vout (V) Gain

-nt (Theory) (Theory) (Theory) (simulate)
A 100.000 100.000 -1.000 +4.000 -4.000 -0.998
B 100.000 100.000 -1.000 -4.000 +4.000 -1.003
C 10.000 100.000 -10.000 +0.500 -5.000 -9.960
D 100.000 1000.000 -10.000 -0.600 +6.000 -10.135
E 10.000 1000.000 -100.000 -0.070 +7.000 -102.489
F 10.000 100.000 -10 1V 100 Hz -10.00 -9.981

RMIT University Vietnam 8 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

School of Science, Engineering & Technology
RMIT Classification: Trusted

Table 2: Experiment data for real results

Measure R1 actual R2 actual Vin Vout (measured, Gain

ment (kΩ) (kΩ) (measured, V) V) (actual)
A 101.150 98.403 3.995 -3.878 -0.971
B 101.150 98.403 -4.017 3.890 -0.968
C 10.074 98.403 0.509 -4.998 -9.819
D 101.150 1000.005 -0.597 6.067 -10.162
E 10.082 1000.005 -0.069 6.976 -101.101
F 10.074 98.403 0.998 -9.748 -9.767
Results discussion
The gains are slightly different from calculated and simulated ones, they all have a deviation of
0.2% to 3% due to internal voltage drop, human errors or the environment [4]. The larger the
gain, the higher the deviation. A notice is in D and E, the gain is higher than the theoretical gains,
but B does not share the same pattern. One best way to reduce the difference between simulation,
calculation and reality is simply just practice. Build more circuits, human errors can all be
reduced by getting more experience and getting used to the components. The final method is to
measure component values first, then put those values into simulation. For example, it’s a 100k
resistor, but measuring returns 98.043k, then put 98.043 into the simulation.
Lab 2 – Passive Filter Experiment

Experiment setup:

The setup requires a 10kΩ resistor, a 0.1µF capacitor, an AC voltage, and an oscilloscope.
Circuit’s connection: The resistor is connected to the pins of the AC voltage and capacitor. Then,
connect the capacitor’s remaining end to the ground. A’s positive (red) clamp of the oscilloscope
is connected to the node between the AC voltage and resistor, and B’s one is connected to the
node that connects the capacitor and resistor. Finally, connect all the negative heads (black) of
the oscilloscope and the negative pin of the AC voltage to the ground.

RMIT University Vietnam 9 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

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RMIT Classification: Trusted

Figure 5: Circuit in Multisim

Experiment Results:

After simulating circuit, set all necessary data. Open the oscilloscope and adjust the cursors.
Then read the value from it.

Figure 6: Simulation result for case A

Applied given formula to calculate other units:

Magnitude of Voltage gain: Aout = 20 log ���� (dB) and phase shift: Δ� = ∆�. 360°. �

Table 3: Lab 2’s Measurement of Multisim simulation

Frequency Simulated Vout Calculated Aout Delta t Simulated Phase

(Hz) (V) (dB) (ms) shift (degree)
1 7.065 -0.016 0.000 0.000
10 7.042 -0.034 0.250 0.900
100 5.952 -1.495 1.049 37.764
160 4.969 -3.063 0.774 44.582
1000 1.103 -16.13 0.234 84.240
4000 0.280 -28.045 0.062 89.280
10000 0.112 -36.004 0.025 90.000

RMIT University Vietnam 10 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

School of Science, Engineering & Technology
RMIT Classification: Trusted

Results discussion
Table 2 showed that Multisim also has inaccuracies compared with the theoretical calculation.
For example, in case A, the Vout should be close to 7.07, but it is just 7.065, which means a
deviation of 0.1%. This difference comes from manually fixing the cursor and setting the
properties of components. Thus, it affects the calculated and simulated phase shifts. It’s possible
to anticipate bigger errors in real experiments because it’s also affected by other factors such as
temperature, humidity, and especially the tolerance of the real capacitor (in most cases, it ranges
from -20% to +80%). A way to narrow the results’ deviation in simulation and real life is using
quality components, those usually have good accuracy to what producers claim. Finally, it is
important to store components in the right condition, for example, too much humidity can rust
the components and make them less accurate or even broken.
Lab 3 – Active Filter Experiment
Experiments Setup
Part 1. Active Low Pass Filter
Prepared components include an Op-amps LM741, two resistors 1kΩ (R1 and R2), a resistor
10kΩ (R3), and a 0.01uF capacitor (C1). The resistor R3 connects with FGEN and pin 3 of op-
amp. Connect one pin of C1 to the node between R3 and pin 3 and another is connected to the
ground. R1 is connected to pin 2 of op-amp and to the ground. R2 is connected to pin 6 and the
node between the R1 and pin 2. Op-amps' pins 4 and 7 are respectively connected to the supply
voltage -15V and +15V. Finally, connect CH0 positive clamp to node between FGEN and R3,
CH1 positive clamp to node between op-amp pin 6 and R2. Finally, all negative heads of both
channels will be connected to the ground.
Part 2. Frequency Response of Op-amps
Prepare 1 LM741 Op-amp and two resistors (R1 = 1kΩ and Rf = 10kΩ) to build negative
feedback op-amp. Connect R1 to FGEN and pin 2 of Op-amp, Rf to pin 2 and pin 6 of Op-amp.
Then, pin 4 is linked to -15V supply voltage and pin 7 is linked to +15V supply voltage. Finally,
connect CH0 positive clamp to node between of FGEN and R1, CH1 positive clamp to pin 6 of

RMIT University Vietnam 11 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

School of Science, Engineering & Technology
RMIT Classification: Trusted

the op-amp. All negative heads of both channels and pin 3 will be connected to the ground.

Figure 7: Connection of Lab 3’s experiment 1 Multisim (left) and hardware (right)

Experiments Results and Result discussion

Part 1. Active Low Pass Filter
Applied given formula to calculate other necessary data [5]:

Figure 8: Connection of Lab 3’s experiment 2 Multisim (left) and hardware (right)
�� ���� ����
Magnitude of voltage gain: �� = =
�� = 20 log
�� .
1+ 2

Maximum gain: ����� = �� = 1 + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2, ����� = 20 log (�� ) = 20 log (2) =
� 2

6.02 �� .
The phase shift between Vout and Vin: ∆� =∆� .360.fcutoff = 0.000132 . 360 . 1591.55=76.63o
1 1
The cut-off frequency: �� = 2�� = 2�×10×103×0.01×10−6 = 1591.55 �� .

Cutoff frequency is 6.02-3 = 3.02. The simulation and hardware slopes are similar, maximum
gains are all almost 6.02. However, there is a frequency difference of approximately 600 Hz,
which is a 30% deviation. This discrepancy is attributed to step per decade set and the actual the
tolerance and capacitance of the capacitor was 0.0165 µF, not 0.01µF like simulation. To

RMIT University Vietnam 12 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

School of Science, Engineering & Technology
RMIT Classification: Trusted

mitigate differences between simulation and reality, control the controllable factors, the
datasheet will provide component’s values at a certain temperature, which can be achieved by
adjusting the air conditioner. Finally, use new components because the quality degrades after
many usages which can change the nature of the components.

Figure 9: Bode plot of real experiment at max gain (left) and cut-off frequency (right)

Figure 10: Bode plot of simulation at the max gain (left) and cut-off frequency (right)
Part 2. Frequency Response of Op-amps
Applied given formula to calculate gain and cutoff frequency = gain – 3:
�� 10000
The circuit’s gain: �� = 20 log − � = 20��� − 1000
= 20.00 (��) -3 = 17dB

Figure 11: Bode plot of real experiment at the max gain (left) and cut-off frequency (right), 5
steps per decade.

RMIT University Vietnam 13 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

School of Science, Engineering & Technology
RMIT Classification: Trusted

Figure 12: Bode plot of Multisim at the max gain (left) and cut-off frequency (right), 5 steps per

Figure 13: Bode plot of Multisim (steps 20) at the max gain (left) and cut-off frequency (right)

Figure 14: Bode plot of hardware (steps 20) at the max gain (left) and cut-off frequency (right)
In simulation and real measurement, max gains are the same. The cursors (5 steps and 20 steps)
couldn’t pinpoint exactly 17 dB, increasing steps per decade will give us closer gains to 17, but
the computer might not handle that. In all parts, cut off frequency of simulation are around 10
times bigger than cut off of real life, this spike is likely due to the capacitance as usual external
factors don’t affect that much. The cut-off gains of Multisim and hardware don’t share a spike,
they are quite close to each other. Deviation is around 88.73% for the real cut-off frequency and
simulation. The other errors are caused by the manual cursor, tolerance of each circuit’s
component and lab’s conditions and devices in the real experiment. Changing frequency doesn’t
change the gains as it’s decided by resistors value, it might affect Vout but gains only change
when resistors values are different.

RMIT University Vietnam 14 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

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RMIT Classification: Trusted

Lab 4 – BJT Operating Mode

Experiment setup
First, collect 2 DC voltage source, set 1 to 0.3v and 1 to 12v, grab 1 bjt_npn1 and 1 1k Ohm's
resistor, ground ends of each voltage source and Emitter pin of the BJT will go to ground, 1 other
end of 0.3v source goes to the Base pin of BJT. 1 end of the 12v source goes to any end of the 1k
ohms resistor, and the other end of the resistor goes to Collector pin of the BJT. Place 1 voltage
probe and 1 current probe between the Collector pin and the resistor, 1 current probe between the
live end of the 0.3v source and the Base pin, 1 current probe on the line between the Emitter pin
and the ground. For the case of 0.7V, just change 0.3v to 0.7v, nothing else changes.

Figure 15: Lab 4 simulation set up (left) and result for first case (right), cut-off mode (right)
Experiment results

Figure 16: The BJT is now in active (left) and saturation (right)

RMIT University Vietnam 15 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

School of Science, Engineering & Technology
RMIT Classification: Trusted

Table 4: Experiment data table for measurement with different VBE and VC values

IB IC VC Working �= �� = ��
(Measure (Measured Voltage mode �� �� 1 + � (Measured
through through at the �� through
simulation simulation) collector simulation)
(μA) (μA) (mV) (μA)
VBE = 54.00*10-6 904 .00*10- 12.00 Cut off 16.74 9.58 *10-4 933.00 *10-6
300mV 6
*103 *100
VC =
VBE = 23.60 *100 3.95 *103 8.05 *103 Active 167.37 3973.53 3.97 *103
700mV *100 *100
VC =
VBE = 241.00 *100 2.92 *103 82.40 Saturatio 12.12 3161.92 3.16 *103
700mV n *100 *100
VC =
Results discussion
The first case, VBE is in cutoff for 2 reasons: It is lower than 0.7v, which is the barrier voltage
required for current to pass. The second reason is it acts as an open circuit, there is nothing
between the C and E pin, VCE equals VCC equals exactly 12V, it is a behavior of a cut-off BJT.
The third case, BJT is saturated because VBE is now 0.7V, also BJT acts as a wire, this means
IR1 = IC= Vcc/R1 and VCE=0. Calculate IR1 = 3V / 1000 Ohms = 3000 μA. Looking at the
simulation result, VCE=0.0824V, which is close to 0 and Ic = 2920 μA, which is close to 3000.
Final case is case 2, VBE=0.7v and when a BJT is in active mode, it’s considered as a node,
apply KCL (Kirchhoff s Current Law) on it, IB+IC=IE and equals 23.6 + 3950= 3973.6 μA. That
is close to 3970 μA IE of simulation, both conditions passed.

RMIT University Vietnam 16 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

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RMIT Classification: Trusted

Lab 5 - BJT Characteristics

Experiment setup
In Multisim, get 1 NPN 2N2222A BJT, 1 DC current source 15�� , 1 DC power source 1 V. E
pin, negative wire of power source, 1 wire of current source go to ground, the last wire of current
source goes to B, the live wire of 1V source goes to C. In the DC Sweep tool of Multisim, make
Source 1 Source V1, starts from 0, stops at 1, increment 0.05V. Tick source 2, make it I1, starts
at 15 �� , stops at 45 �� , increment 15 �� . Then go to “Output” tab and select I(Q1[IC]) on the
left box, click “Add” to show up in the right box. For real experiment, install the BJT on the
ELVIS board, then connect B to “BASE”, E to DUT-, C to DUT+, those can be found in
“DMM/Impedance Analyzer” section of the board. In the instrument menu, choose 3 Wire
Current Analyzer as the tool.

Figure 17: Hardware set up (right) and Multisim setup (left) [6]
Experiment results and Result discussion
In both graphs in two cases, the yellow line represents IB = 15 �� , the red line represents IB
=30�� and the green line represents IB =45�� .

Figure 18: The Ic-Vce curves (C current characteristic curves) in simulation (left) and in real
experiment (right)

RMIT University Vietnam 17 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

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RMIT Classification: Trusted

Figure 19: Simulation result, all at the point of 767.367mV, current is y2 line.
Table 5: Experimental current gains comparison to simulation

IB (A) IC (simulation) (A) IC (actual) (A) � (simulation) � (actual)

15.000e-6 3.100e-3 4.269e-3 206.667 284.600
30.000e-6 6.195e-3 8.665e-3 206.500 288.830
45.000e-6 9.260e-3 13.037e-3 205.778 289.721

At a glance, both graphs have a forward trend and similarities. However, at levels from 0 V to
0.2 V (VCE), IC increased significantly as this is saturation zone. After 0.2V, IC is constant, this
is active mode, it is visible that the higher IB is, the more VCE is needed to get out of saturation.
There are differences between IB, IC, gains between simulation and hardware. The gain obtained
in real experiments has significantly higher value than the simulation due to external factors like
discussed in the previous labs, but this can also be because of the nature, inaccuracy of the
hardware, especially the semiconductive composition material of it, in this case a material that
has VBE larger than 0.2V to 0.4V. To mitigate this, use good equipment, like small resistance
electric wire to ensure a small voltage drop and good measuring devices. Finally, besides
practicing building circuits to prevent breaking components or get bad results, learn how to use
devices needed to be used in the project, like in these labs, the ELVIS board, software like NI
Instrument Menu and ELVIS environment simulation, each project will have different tools so
it’s best to familiarize depends on the project.

This project has 5 experiments, the first is exploring gains, comparing Vin to Vout of negative
op-amp. The second part is finding Vout, gain and phase shift of a passive RC filter. The third
part is finding maximum gains and cut-off frequency of an active filter combining filter of part 2
and op-amp of part 1. The fourth part is identifying a BJT in cut-off, active or saturation mode.
The last part is investigating gains of an op-amp in active mode, using BJT characteristic IC
curves. It is found that circuit building is harder than sitting and calculating or simulating, it’s

RMIT University Vietnam 18 Lab Group Report – 2023C Sem

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RMIT Classification: Trusted

very easy to break the components and read wrong results if circuits are not built right. Only part
1,3,5 required real circuit building with LM741 and 2N2222A. In the first part, an observation
can be made that if Vin is negative, op-amp gains can be higher than calculated while positive
Vin is likely to have smaller gain than calculated. A lesson learnt from the third part was getting
more accurate results requires a lot of processing power, which the tools can crash and saving the
real-time results was impossible. Hardware value differences between real values and
manufacturer claimed values can be significant and affect the results extremely. The fifth part
proved again how significant the differences between paper and real experiment, all real gains in
fifth part are around 44% higher than simulated. This can be due to the settings of components in
simulation too.

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School of Science, Engineering & Technology
RMIT Classification: Trusted

[1]: K. Nguyen. “EEET2600_Slides01_Intro_Opamp_2022C_Official_Note.”
[2]: K. Nguyen. “Lecture 7 - BJT Introduction.” Accessed: Dec. 30, 2023.
[Online]. Available:
[3]: K. Nguyen. “Lab 1 – Experiment Op-amp with Negative Feedback.”
Accessed: Dec. 30, 2023. [Online]. Available:
[4]: K. Nguyen. “Tutorial 1 – Op-amp with Negative Feedback - Sample Solutions.” Accessed: Dec. 30, 2023. [Online]. Available:
[5]: K. Nguyen. “Lecture 5- Active Filters Lecture” Accessed: Dec. 30, 2023.
[Online]. Available:
[6]: K. Nguyen. “Lab 5 – BJT Characteristics.” Accessed: Dec. 31, 2023.
[Online]. Available: h

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