MANU2518 - Assignment 1
MANU2518 - Assignment 1
MANU2518 - Assignment 1
Table of Contents
Question 1 [2 pts]: 3
Question 2 [1 pts]: 4
Question 3 [2 pts]: 4
References: 11
Question 1 [2 pts]:
Estimate peripheral milling time for the initial machining operation.
Enter your student number and calculations for the estimated machining time in the table below.
Show all working out.
X digit: 2
Firstly, we need to machine the top and the bottom surface each with 1 mm.
We were given:
f =0.25 mm /tooth
Depth of cut for cutting tool:
Diameter of cutting tool:
D=40 mm
Width of cutting tool:
w=50 mm
Number of teeth of cutting tool:
nt =8
Length of workpiece:
L=200 mm
Total machining time of workpiece:
T M =?
L+ A V
T M= = [1, p.57]
fr R MR
For the workpiece cutter offset of peripheral milling, the formula will be:
For the rotational speed of the cutter, the formula will be:
v 32000 800
N= = = rev /min [1, p.57]
π D π × 40 π
For the feed rate of the cutter, the formula will be be:
800 1600
f r=8× 0.25 × = mm /min
π π
With the workpiece cutter offset, spindle speed and feed rate found, the total machining time will
T M =π ¿ ¿
However, this total machining time of the plate is only for one surface with the part width of 50
mm. We need to machine 200 mm of each surface. This implies that for the total machining time
for the top and bottom surface will be:
Question 2 [1 pts]:
Calculate the required spindle RPM for the recommended linear cutting speeds for both tools in the
table below.
Enter your calculations for the spindle speed below. Show all working out.
D=10 mm
Length of the Tool 1:
l=100 mm
Recommended feed rate of the Tool 1:
f r=300 mm /min
v=36 m/min
We know that:
Linear cutting speed formula:
Using the formula of the linear cutting speed (peripheral speed), the spindle speed of the Tool 1 in
revolutions per minute will be:
v 36 × 1000
N= = =1145,9156 rev /min
πD π ×10
Therefore, the spindle speed of Tool 1 will be:
D=6 mm
Length of the Tool 2:
l=100 mm
Recommended feed rate of the Tool 2:
f r=150 mm /min
v=48 m/min
We know that:
Using the formula of the linear cutting speed (peripheral speed), the spindle speed of the Tool 2 in
revolutions per minute will be:
v 48 ×1000
N= = =2546,4791 rev /min
πD π ×6
Thus, the spindle speed of Tool 2 will be:
Question 3 [2 pts]:
Determine the X and Y coordinates of each of the holes which require drilling in the plate as per
Figure 1(d). Assume that the bottom left corner of the plate is the origin of the X and Y axes. The
origin of the Z axis will be the top surface of the plate.
X digit: 2
Note: X digit is the last digit of your assigned group number (for example, if your group number is
18, your X digit is 8)
Enter the coordinates of your hole locations below. The hole locations in the inner arc correspond
to time on a standard wall clock.
Note: The data on the parameters of holes and cuts have low amplitudes in the range below ± 0.01
Question 4 [14 pts]:
Develop the G-code required to machine the plate.
Enter your G-code here including comments to describe what the program is doing.
Also, save out your project file from CAMotics and submit it along with your report.
N100 G01 Z0. F100. - Cut down Z = 0mm, and set feed to 100mm/min
N110 G00 X100. Y100. Z12. - Move to the point (100, 100, 12)
N120 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N130 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N140 G00 X25. Y25. - Move to the point (25, 25, 12)
N150 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N160 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N170 G00 X25. Y175. - Move to the point (25, 175, 12)
N180 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N190 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N200 G00 X175. Y25. - Move to the point (175, 25, 12)
N210 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N220 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N230 G00 X175. Y175. - Move to the point (175, 175, 12)
N240 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N250 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N260 T1 M06 - Load Too1: 10x100mm Cylindrical
N270 G00 X25. Y25. - Move to the point (25, 25, 12)
N280 G01 Z-6. - Cut down to Z = -6mm (Linear Interpolation)
N290 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N300 G00 X25. Y175. - Move to the point (25, 175, 12)
N310 G01 Z-6. - Cut down to Z = -6mm (Linear Interpolation)
N320 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N330 G00 X175. Y25. - Move to the point (175, 25, 12)
N340 G01 Z-6. - Cut down to Z = -6mm (Linear Interpolation)
N350 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N360 G00 X175. Y175. - Move to the point (175, 175, 12)
N370 G01 Z-6. - Cut down to Z = -6mm (Linear Interpolation)
N380 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N390 G00 X100. Y100. Z12. - Move to the point (100, 100, 12)
N400 G00 Y185.Z-6. - Move to the point (100, 185, -6)
N410 G02 I0. J-85. - Circle cutting: ø170mm, 10mm thickness and 6mm depth
(Circular Interpolation, CW)
N420 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N430 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N440 G03 X40. Y160. I0. J-85. - Start cutting from (100, 185, -12) to (40, 160, -12) with
ø170mm and 10mm thickness (Circular Interpolation, CCW)
N450 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N460 G00 X15. Y100. Z12. - Move to the point (15, 100, 12)
N470 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N480 G03 X40. Y40. I85. J0. - Start cutting from (15, 100, -12) to (40, 40, -12) with
ø170mm and 10mm thickness (Circular Interpolation, CCW)
N490 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N500 G00 X100. Y15. Z12. - Move to the point (100, 15, -12)
N510 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N520 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N530 G03 Y40. X160. I0. J85. - Start cutting from (100, 15, -12) to (160, 40, -12) with
ø170mm and 10mm thickness (Circular Interpolation, CCW)
N540 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N550 G00 X185. Y100. Z12. - Move to the point (180, 100, 12)
N560 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N570 G03 Y160. X160. I-85. J0. - Start cutting from (180, 100, -12) to (160, 160, -12) with
ø170mm and 10mm thickness (Circular Interpolation, CCW)
N580 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N590 G00 X100. Y100. Z12. - Move to the point (100, 100, 12)
N600 T2 M06 - Load Too2: 6x100mm Cylindrical
N610 G01 Y141. Z-6. - Linear cut to the point (100, 141, -6) (Linear Interpolation)
N620 G02 I0. J-41. -Circle cutting: ø82mm, 6mm thickness and 6mm depth
(Circular Interpolation, CW)
N630 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N640 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N650 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N660 G00 Y129. X71. Z12. - Move tool to the point (71, 129, 12)
N670 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N680 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N690 G00 X59. Y100. Z12. - Move tool to the point (59, 100, 12)
N700 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N710 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N720 G00 X71. Y71. Z12. - Move tool to the point (71, 71, 12)
N730 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N740 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N750 G00 X100. Y59. Z12. - Move tool to the point (100, 59, 12)
N760 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N770 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N780 G00 X129. Y71.Z12. - Move tool to the point (129, 71, 12)
N790 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N800 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N810 G00 X141. Y100. Z12. - Move tool to the point (141, 100, 12)
N820 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N830 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N840 G00 X129. Y129. Z12. - Move tool to the point (129, 129, 12)
N850 G01 Z-12. - Cut down to Z = -12mm (Linear Interpolation)
N860 G00 Z12. - Lift tool to Z= 12mm (without cutting)
N870 T1 M06 - Load Too1: 10x100mm Cylindrical
N880 G00 X100. Y100. Z12. - MOVE TO THE CENTRE OF THE CIRCLES (100, 100, 12)
N890 G01 Y185. Z-6. - Linear cutting from (100, 100,-6) to (100, 185, -6)
N900 G00 Y100. - Move to the point (100, 100, -6)
N910 G01 X185. - Linear cutting from (100, 100,-6) to (185, 100, -6)
N920 G00 X100. - Move to the point (100, 100, -6)
N930 G01 Y15. - Linear cutting from (100, 100,-6) to (100, 15, -6)
N940 G00 Y100. - Move to the point (100, 100, -6)
N950 G01 X15. - Linear cutting from (100, 100,-6) to (15, 100, -6)
N960 G00 X100. - Move to the point (100, 100, -6)
N970 G01 X40. Y160. - Linear cutting from (100, 100,-6) to (40, 160, -6)
N980 G00 X100. Y100. - Move to the point (100, 100, -6)
N990 G01 X40. Y40. - Linear cutting from (100, 100,-6) to (40, 40, -6)
N1000G00 X100. Y100. - Move to the point (100, 100, -6)
N1110G01 X160. Y40. - Linear cutting from (100, 100,-6) to (160, 40, -6)
N1120G00 X100. Y100. - Move to the point (100, 100, -6)
N1130G01 X160. Y160 - Linear cutting from (100, 100,-6) to (160, 160, -6)
N1140G00 X100. Y100. - Move to the point (100, 100, -6)
Figure 4.2 - Camotics
Picture 1 information:
1. Tool table:
2. Workpiece:
Dimension Offset
X 200.00mm 0.00mm
Y 200.00mm 0.00mm
Z 12.00mm -12.00mm
Table 4.3 - Dimensions and Offsets of Three Axis
Figure 4.4 - NCViewer - GCode
In order to minimize machining time, the simplest way of accomplishing this task is to determine
an optimal method of holding the workpiece so that the machine can perform as many machining
operations as possible in a single allocation of the workpiece. This will effectively reduce the total
machining time since there will be less effort required to rearrange the location of workpieces. In
addition, it is also crucial to find a way to simplify the G-code as much as possible so that the
loading time for the controller can be reduced and if possible, use G81 for canned cycles for any
repetitive drilling operations as it requires less lines of code. Furthermore, the sequence of
operations can be wisely arranged which in turn reduces the time for machining. From those
suggestions above, reducing the machining time directly increases the productivity of any
products as more products will be produced in a certain amount of time. As productivity
increases, the price per product will be reduced significantly. This can lead to a higher demand
for the products, which in turn, will benefit the company producing them. To keep up with their
competitors, other rival companies will have to discover different strategies to develop a more
effective way of production to prevent their product sales from declining. In conclusion,
minimizing the machining time will lead many corporations into a more challenging economic
scenario. In that way, some of them will quit producing any products which they may not be as
competitive enough. However, this will boost the development of mass production as a whole.[1]
In order to inscribe the part details such as: part ID, material, manufacture date and which engine
assembly that part can be assembled with, using a laser engraving technique can help engrave
the details listed above in a quick and efficient manner. For instance, with a fast and repeatable
approach, using a hand held laser marking device can be beneficial in inscribing letters, numbers
and important information [2]. Specifically, for the injector plate material called Inconel 625 Nickel
Superalloy, a laser can carve deep engraving marks depending on the laser power, leaving a clean
result that can reduce the time needed to refine the surface [3]. To inscribe the essential details,
the user simply transfers the file containing the information (part ID, material, manufacture date,
and part assembled for engine assembly) into a USB [4]. Afterwards, users insert the USB into the
device to transfer the file needed into the device [4]. The handheld laser marking device will then
display the graphics of the file onto the screen to which the user can then adjust the layout of the
font, size and position of the text [4]. The graphics will then be selected and chosen in the settings
to be filled [4]. Users can pick the settings of the parameters, speed and power of the laser to start
the engraving process [4]. Finally, to start marking, confirm the graphics by selecting the start
button and holding the button of the hand held laser to mark the surface of the product [4]. The
laser marking system not only provides an effective and fast paced approach but also provides a
simplistic and repeatable method of inscribing the details needed onto the plate.
and-supporting-documentation?module_item_id=4544614 (accessed Nov. 26, 2022).
[2] Pryor Technology Inc. “Laser Marking 150,000 Names on 1138kg Superalloy Heart Made Easy.”
Pryor Marking Technology.
engraving-150000-names-on-1138kg-superalloy-heart-made-easy (accessed Nov. 25, 2022).
[4] YouTube. “How to operate Portable Handheld Laser Engraver Machine For Metals? Check Now!.”
YouTube. (accessed Nov. 25, 2022)