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Rahu Ketu Forever Retrograde: Komilla Sutton
21 Apr 2019

Why are Rahu Ketu always retrograde? - OMG Astrology Secrets 226
22 Jul 2020

Predictions of Rahu and Retrograde Planets | Saptarishis Astrology Magazine
15 Aug 2023

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3. People also ask

Are Rahu and Ketu always moving in retrograde motion?

What happens if Rahu is in a retrograde horoscope?

Are Rahu and Ketu in retrograde astrology?

Do Rahu & Ketu move backwards?

4. www.astroyogi.com › planet › retrogradeRahu Retrograde 2024 - Effect of Planet

Rahu Retrograde in ...
According to the 12 houses mentioned in astrology, the effect of retrograde Rahu is different.
If Rahu is in a retrograde state and sits in the first house of the horoscope, then the person is likely
to face problems in family life. Also, it can make the person hostile, mentally impatient and

5. astroonly.com › planet › retrogradeRetrograde Rahu - AstroOnly

Ketu. Retrograde Rahu. Of all the planets, Rahu is considered the most inferior and inauspicious
planet. Whatever SunSign in Rahu enters it becomes the cause of misery. All the works of native
gets stopped suddenly. The life of native gets full of darkness and can not do any work with

6. astrosanhita.com › effects-of-retrograde-planetsEffects Of Retrograde Planets In

Horoscope - Vedic Astrology
Feb 28, 2022 · Among 9 planets Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde, on the other hand, Sun and
Moon never retrograde at all. So I am going to discuss what I found to be true in my practice life
remaining 5 planets that go into the retrograde state from time to time. Those are Mars, Jupiter,
Mercury, Saturn, Venus.

7. blog.astrologylover.com › everything-aboutEverything You need to know about

Retrograde Planets in Vedic ...
According to accepted principles of Vedic Astrology, the Sun and the Moon are always in direct
motion (that is, they never move backwards) and Rahu and Ketu are aiways retrograde (that is,
they always move backwards).

8. www.astrogle.com › forums › astrology-discussionsRahu and Ketu are NOT always

Retrograde - Astrology Forums
May 12, 2015 · Recently i discovered that Rahu, Ketu always do not move backward, but
sometimes move forward too.This, i discovered when someone asked me what is causing frequent
Asc reversal in sports (reasons and patterns for asc reversal are different though).I always take
TRUE nodes instead of MEAN nodes in KP.Guruji Krishnamurti had taken only TRUE nodes ...
o Author: Virinchi

9. www.astroyogi.com › planet › retrogradePlanet Retrograde 2023 - What is Retrograde

in Astrology?
As mentioned earlier, Rahu and Ketu are always moving in retrograde motion. Both Rahu and
Ketu are shadow planets in Vedic astrology and are called the lunar nodes of the Moon. In Vedic
astrology, both Rahu and Ketu are considered malefic planets.

10. astrologymag.com › retrograde-planets-meaning-andRetrograde Planets Meaning And

Effects In Birth Chart
Oct 15, 2014 · RAHU/KETU- Always moves retrograde, they never move direct. In your
astrological chart you will see Rahu and Ketu , it is understood that they are in retrograde motion.
This is applicable for every single chart on this planet.

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