RIT CommuniQue
A Quarterly Publication of Alumni Association
V O L U M E - 11, I S S U E - 2 APRI L - JU NE 20 21
‘RIT MBA Online Alumni Get Together’ was organized by Department of Management Studies
in collaboration with RIT Alumni Association on May 08, 2021 at 06.30 p.m. through MS
Teams platform. Brief agenda of the get together was to develop a strong network between
Alumni to Alumni, Alumni to Institute & Alumni to Students and to discuss changing market
situations & opportunities for the MBA students. RIT MBA pass out alumni from all over India
and abroad were participated to share their views and suggestions. The get together was
started with interactive and motivational address by Dr. Mrs. Sushma S. Kulkarni (Director,
Mr. Shekhar Harebasur (2001) (UK), Mrs. Shobha Harebasur (2001) (UK), Emmah Wanjiku
Thuo (Ndungu) (2006) (USA), Shrikant B. Chavan (1997), Murali Krishna R Eaga (2001), Anil
V. Ghewari (2002), Vinay Joshi (2001), Rahul Kumar Rawal (2001), Sidheshwar Sharma
(2004), Kuldeep Pal (2007), Mr. Azaruddin Jamadar (2013), Mr. Swapnil Shah (2014), Mr.
Aniket Tile (2016), Mr. Dhanaraj Patil (2017) enthusiastically participated in this meet and
shared their views, experiences and express readiness to support students, department and
institute in all possible ways for its growth. Also, they have privided valuable inputs for curricu-
lum development of MBA programme. Mr. Nazir Shaikh (President, RIT Alumni Association),
Dr. L. M. Jugulkar (Dean, Student Development), Prof. Dr. S. M. Sawant (Alumni in-charge),
Dr. Mrs. Hemlata Gaikwad (Head, Dept. of Mgt. Studies) interacted with the participated alum-
ni. Prof. S. S. Karanjkar coordinated the meet & Prof. S. D. Jadhav presented vote of thanks.
PAGE 2 Website:- www.ritalumni.org
Distinguished Alumnus
Department of Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering
Professional experience
After graduation opted for Maharashtra public Service Exam.Selected as a Range Forest
Officer in the year 2016.Completed training period of 18 month at CAFE (CENTRAL ACADE-
MAY OF FOREST EDUCATION) located in Kurseong , Dist- Darjeeling, West Bengal.
Posted as a RFO (Range Forest Officer) at Akkalkuwa Territory range (Satpuda Ranges), Dis-
trict Nandurbar since March 2018
Work Profile:
Main work is protection and conservation of forest and wild life.
Protect forest from elicit felling, fire, cutting, looping and encroachment like activities.
Wild life protection: protect wild life from poachers and there illegal trade like sand boa
Controlling man and animal conflict mainly the conflict between leopard and local people.
Employment generation for people through MREGS and various state plan.
Joint forest management committee work with local people to protect forest. JFM is a
partnership in forest management among state forst department and local communities.
To help people for collection of non timber forest produce (NTFP) from forest to livelihood
generation like Honey, Moha flower, Tendu patta.
To work with forest area accordance plan, it is a ten year plan given by
state government and approved by central government.
PAGE 3 Website:- www.ritalumni.org
Alumni Interactions
Department of Automobile Engineering
PAGE 4 Website:- www.ritalumni.org
Alumni Interactions
Department of Automobile Engineering
interaction for Final Year B. Tech. students of Automobile Engineering. The agenda
of this interaction was to guide the students for the scheduled campus drive of Tata
AIG General Insurance Company Limited on May 25, 2021, using the MS Teams
platform. Mr. Nitin Ghuge and Yogesh Dongare (UG2017 RIT Automobile Alumni)
from HDFC Ergo General Insurance Company Limited, Mumbai shared their experi-
ences, and requirements of the motor insurance field, and future for automobile en-
gineer. Prof. Surajkumar G Kumbhar and Prof. Sanjay T. Satpute coordinated the
PAGE 5 Website:- www.ritalumni.org
Alumni Interactions
Department of Automobile Engineering
RIT Automobile Engineering Department successfully conducted the online alumni
interaction for Final Year B. Tech. students of Automobile Enginnering to guide stu-
dents for the scheduled campus drive of HDFC Ergo General Insurance Company
Limited on May 5, 2021, using the MS Teams platform. Mr. Sourabh Bhabad
(UG2019 RIT Automobile Alumni) from Digit Insurance, Pune shared his experience,
and requirements of the motor insurance field. Prof. Surajkumar G Kumbhar and
PAGE 6 Website:- www.ritalumni.org
Alumni Interactions
Department of Automobile Engineering
online workshop on 'Resume Writing and Group Discussion' under the SPDP
scheme for the Final Year B. Tech. Automobile and Mechanical Engineering stu-
Our Alumni, Prof. Kanhaiya P. Powar delivered sessions on resume writing, cover
PAGE 7 Website:- www.ritalumni.org
Alumni Interactions
Department of Computer Engineering
3. Data storage – this category includes Database as a Service offerings for SQL
and NoSQL, as well as unstructured and cached cloud storage.
PAGE 8 Website:- www.ritalumni.org
Alumni Interactions
Department of Computer Engineering
6. Media and content delivery network (CDN) – these services include on-
demand streaming, encoding and media playback and indexing.
7.Hybrid integration – these are services for server backup, site recovery and
connecting private and public clouds.
8. Identity and access management (IAM) – these offerings ensure only author-
ized users can employ Azure services, and help protect encryption keys and other
confidential information.
9. Internet of Things (IoT) – these services help users capture, monitor and ana-
lyze IoT data from sensors and other devices.
10.Development – these services help application developers share code, test ap-
plications and track potential issues. Azure support a range of application program-
ming languages, including JavaScript, Python, .NET and Node.js.
PAGE 9 Website:- www.ritalumni.org
Alumni Interactions
Department of Electrical Engineering
and industrial automation. Being a resource person for the webinar, he guided 70 stu-
dents of Third year B. Tech. class under the subject Power system operation and
control. He resolved all queries raised by the participants. He interacted with the fac-
PAGE 10 Website:- www.ritalumni.org
PAGE 11 Website:- www.ritalumni.org
Upcoming Events
Alumni Get-together
Batch : 1995+1996 (Silver Jubilee)
With all seniors
Saturday, 14th August,2021
Venue: RIT Campus
All are cordially invited for the get-together
PAGE 12 Website:- www.ritalumni.org
———-Editorial Board———
Prof. Dr. L. M. Jugulkar (Dean, Student Development)
Published by
RIT Alumni Association
Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar, Sakharale
(Islampur), Tal - Walwa, Dist. Sangli, 415414 (M.S.) INDIA
Phone: 02342-220329, Fax: 02342-220989
E-mail: editor@ritindia.edu, alumni@ritindia.edu