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Technical Editor: IM Sergey Soloviov

Cover design by: Kalojan Nachev

Translation by: GM Evgeny Ermenkov

The publishers would like to thank Phil Adams for advice regarding
the English translation.

Copyright© Igor Lysyj, Roman Ovetchkin 2012

Printed in Bulgaria by "Chess Stars" Ltd. - Sofia

ISBN13: 978 954 8782 88-3

Igor Lysyj Roman Ovetchkin

The Open Games for Black

A complete black repertoire with l.e4 e5 against

everything except the Ruy Lopez

Chess Stars

Opening for White Ace. to Anand (vol. I) by Khalifman, Chess Stars 2003
Beating the Open Games by Mihail Marin, Quality Chess 2008


Repertoire books:

Opening for White Ace. to Kramnik l.�f3 by A. Khalifman

Volume 1a: Old Indian, rare lines in the Classical Variation, 2006
Volume 1b: The Classical Variation, 2006
Volume 2: Anti-Nim-Ind, Anti-Queen's Indian, English, 2008
Volume 3: English (1 ... c5), English (four knights), 2011
Volume 4: Maroczy, Modern, Trifunovic, 2011
Opening for White According to Anand l.e4 by A. Khalifman
Volume 8: The Sicilian, Paulsen-Kan and rare lines, 2006
Volume 9: The Sicilian, Paulsen-Taimanov and other lines, 2007
Volume 10: The Sicilian, Sveshnikov, 2007
Volume 11; The Sicilian, Dragon, 2009
Volume 12: The Sicilian, Rauzer Attack, 2009
Volume 13: The Sicilian, English Attack, 2010

Opening for Black According to Karpov by Khalifman

Current theory and practice series:

The Sharpest Sicilian by Kiril Georgiev and At. Kolev, 2007
The Safest Sicilian by Delchev and Semkov, 2nd rev.ed. 2008
The Queen's Gambit Accepted by Sakaev and Semkov, 3rd. rev. ed., 2008
The Easiest Sicilian by Kolev and Nedev, 2008
The Petrosian System Against the QID by Beliavsky and Mikhalchishin, 2008
Kill K.I.D. by Semko Semkov, 2009
The King's Indian. A Complete Black Repertoire by Victor Bologan, 2009
The Scotch Game for White by Vladimir Barsky, 2009
The Modern Philidor Defence by Vladimir Barsky, 2010
The Moscow & Anti-Moscow Variations by Alexey Dreev, 2010
Squeezing the Gambits by Kiril Georgiev, 2010
A Universal Weapon l.d4 d6 by Vladimir Barsky, 2010
The Meran & Anti-Meran Variations by Alexey Dreev, 2011
The Safest Grunfeld by Alexander Delchev and Evgenij Agrest, 2011
Fighting the French: a New Concept by Denis Yevseev, 2011
The Modern Reti. An Anti-Slav Repertoire by Alexander Delchev, 2012
The French Defence. Reloaded by Nikita Vitiugov, 2012
The Berlin Defence by Igor Lysyj and Roman Ovetchkin, 2012

More details at www. chess-stars.com


Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Part 1. All White Lines wfo 2 .c!Of3

l.e4 e5

1 Rarely-Played Moves. Centre Game 2.d4 exd4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2 King's Gambit 2.f4 dS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3 Vienna Game 2.ltlc3 ltlf6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4 Bishop's Opening 2. .ic4 ltlf6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Part 2. All White Lines wfo 3 .ib5 •

l.e4 e5 2.c!Of3 c!Oc6

5 Rarely-Played Moves. Ponziani Opening 3.c3 dS . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

6 Belgrade Gambit 3.ltlc3 ltlf6 4.d4 ed S.ltldS i.e7 . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
7 Glek Variation 3.ltlc3 ltlf6 4.g3 dS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
8 Four Knights Game 3.ltlc3 ltlf6 4.i.b5 i.b4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Scotch Game 3.d4 exd4

9 Goring & Scotch Gambits 4.c3 dS; 4.i.c4 i.cS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
10 4.ltlxd4 ltlf6 wfo S.ltlxc6; S.ltlxc6 be wfo 6.e5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
11 4.ltlxd4 ltlf6 S.ltlxc6 be 6.e5 �e7 7.�e2 ltldS wfo 8.c4 . . . . . . 138
12 4.ltlxd4 ltlf6 S.ltlxc6 be 6.e5 �e7 7.�e2 ltldS 8.c4 .ia6 . . . . . . . 144

Giuoco Piano 3 . .ic4 .ic5

13 Evans Gambit 4.b4 hb4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
14 4.d3 ltlf6 various; S.i.b3 0-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
15 4.ltlc3 ltlf6 S.d3 h6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
16 4.0-0 ltlf6 S.d4 hd4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
17 4.0-0 ltlf6 S.d3 0-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
18 4.c3 ltlf6 various; S.d4 exd4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
19 4.c3 ltlf6 S.d3 0-0 wfo 6.0-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
20 4.c3 ltlf6 S.d3 0-0 6.0-0 dS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223

Index ofVariations . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . 241


My main opening weapon throughout my chess career, from 1998 to

2010, was the French Defence. However, in the last five years of this
period I played a large number of games in the strongest tournaments
in Russia, mostly against players rated over 2600, and I suffered many
humiliating but well-deserved defeats.

These losses made me reconsider the situation and I came to the

conclusion that the cramped positions in the French Defence are stra­
tegically risky and do not quite suit my playing style. At the beginning
of 2010 I qualified for the World Cup and I had to make up my mind
how I was going to try to neutralize effectively Ostap Bender's favourite
move (l.e4). *

The overwhelming majority of the world's theoretical experts con­

sider that in reply to l.e2-e4 there are really only two good moves.
Since the sharp Sicilian positions might turn my hair prematurely grey,
I decided to study the calmer move l...eS.

I managed to study the new positions quickly and easily and I felt
quite comfortable with them in practice. By the summer of 2011 I was
already playing nothing but l...eS and had no opening problems with
Black, either in the Finals of the Championship of Russia or in the
World Cup.

In this book I have presented all my analyses and my discoveries

during the World Cup. I believe that it will be useful for chess players
at all levels to study them, together with the excellent annotations and
explanations of Roman Ovechkin.

*English Editor's note: Ostap Bender is the hero of the famous Russian comic
novel The Twelve Chairs, by Ilf and Petrov

The reader might justifiably pose the following question: "How to
cope with the Ruy Lopez if you are Black?". In fact, almost every vari­
ation of this opening deserves to be analyzed in a separate volume, so
we shall reveal to you the tremendously complicated and fashionable
Berlin Defence in our next book.

Finally, I and my co-author R.Ovechkin should like to express

our immense gratitude to our friends, Grandmasters I.Kurnosov,
P.Ponkratov and A.Riazantsev, as well as to my long-time coach
N.Ogloblin, for their generous contributions and invaluable help dur­
ing the writing of this book.

Igor Lysy
Ekaterinburg, February 2012

Part l
l.e4 e5

All White Lines without 2.tLlf3

try to advance d7-d5 as quickly as

possible. His free piece-play and
the fight for the centre enable him
to equalize effortlessly. The read­
ers should pay special attention to
the line: 2 .. A�f6 3.f4 d5 4.exd5
�xd5 ! - we think this quite fash­
ionable variation will reduce con­
siderably the adherents to the Vi­
enna Game.
Nowadays, even some of the
In Chapter 1, we deal with strongest grandmasters in the
White's least popular moves. The world are trying to avoid the
most serious among them seems Petroff Defence and the Ruy
to be 2.d4 - the Centre Game, Lopez by playing 2 . .ic4 and
but it went practically fell out of we suggest Black develops his
use after the game Nepomniacht­ knights to c6 and f6. After this
chi - Vallejo Pons, Moscow 2007. White can hardly find anything
We base our analysis on this par­ more sensible than transposing to
ticular encounter. the Giuoco Piano, which is stud­
In Chapter 2, we study the om­ ied in Part 2.
nipresent opening of the roman­ We ask our readers not to be
tics - the King's Gambit (2.f4). amazed that in the main lines of
Unfortunately, the 21st century several of these chapters Black
computer programs have dealt even obtains an advantage, while
a severe blow to chess romanti­ in some of the side variations
cism. We recommend to Black White somehow maintains the
to play 2... d5 3.exd5 exf4, after balance. This is because in the
which White is forced to fight for main line of every variation we
equality. have tried to present either the
In Chapter 3, we analyze the most popular, or the most ambi­
Vienna Game - 2.c!L! c3. Just as in tious moves for White in his fight
the King's gambit, Black should for an advantage on the opening.

Chapter 1 l.e4 e5

Rarely-Played Moves
Centre Game

kov - Vukanovic, Internet 2004,

Black seizes the initiative and ob­
tains the advantage of the bishop
pair with 6...lt:laS 7.i.b3 lt:lxb3 8.
axb3 dSt) s ..d6 6.h3 i.g7 7.d3

i.e6 8.i.b3, Nakamura - Mitkov,

Minneapolis 200S (It is even
worse for White to play 8.lt:lbc3?
lt:lb4 9.ri!fdl o-m= -his king is
stranded in the centre and im­
pedes the coordination of his own
In this chapter we shall ana­ pieces.), 8...0-0 9.0-0 lt:ld7 10.
lyze some rarely played moves for i.xe6 fxe6 ll.�g3 �e8= Black's
White, among which the most pawn-structure has been disrupt­
popular is ed, but he has excellent play on
2.d4 the opened f-file.
For 2.c3 dS 3.exdS �xdS 4.d4 2.d3 - This move is solid, but
exd4 (it is also good for Black to somewhat passive. 2...lt:lc6
simply develop a piece 4...lt:lc6!?=)
S.cxd4 lt:lc6 6.lt.'lf3 i.g4 - see
Chapter 9.
2.�hS - Naturally, we shall
have a look at this move only be­
cause it has been played several
times, against grandmasters at
that, by GM Nakamura. We can­
not find any other pluses of this
move, though... Black equalizes
effortlessly, to say the least. 2... 3.lt:lf3 lt:lf6, or 3.c3 dS 4.lt.'ld2
lt:lc6 3.i.c4 g6 4.�f3 lt:lf6 S.lt:le2 lt:lf6 S.i.e2 aS 6.lt:lgf3 i.cS - see
(after S.c3 i.g7 6.d3, Shaposhni- Chapter S.

Chapter 1

3.li:Jc3 lLlf6 4.f4 ( 4.lLlf3 d5 - see has an excellent game thanks to

Chapter 7; 4.g3 d5 5.exd5 lLlxd5 his perfectly deployed pieces and
6.i.g2 lLlxc3 7.bxc3 i.c5 - see the passivity of White's bishop on
Chapter 3) 4...exf4 5.hf4 d5 6.e5, g2, Maninderpal - I.Ibragimov,
Kuehn - D.Trifunovic, Gladen­ Sangli 2000.
bach 1999. Now, Black's best re­ 2 . . . exd4 3.Ybd4
ply seems to be 6...d4 7.exf6 dxc3 3.lLlf3 lLlc6 - see Chapters
8.bxc3 �xf6 9.i.d2 i.a3t - his 9-12; 3.c3 d5 4.exd5 �xd5 5.cxd4
pieces are much more active than lLlc6 6.lLlf3 i.g4 - see Chapter 9;
their counterparts and White 3.i.c4 lLlc6 4.lLlf3 (4.c3?! lLlf6 5.
might fail to develop altogether. lLlf3 lLlxe4 6.0-0 d5+) 4...i.c5 -
3.g3 d5 4.i.g2 (it is worse for see Chapter 9.
him to opt for 4.exd5 '\&xd5 5.lLlf3 3 • • . lLlc6
i.g4 and now White loses after 6.
i.g2? e4-+, but even after the
more precise reply 6.lLlbd2 f5+
Black is better, because he has oc­
cupied the centre and leads in de­
velopment) 4...dxe4 5.he4 lLlf6
6.hc6+ bxc6+ White must fight
for equality, since his light­
squared bishop is absent from the
board and the light squares on his
kingside are vulnerable, Meijers
- Krivonosov, Latvia 1994.
3.f4 d5 4.exd5 (after 4.lLlc3 4.�e3
dxe4 5.lLlxe4 lLlf6 6.lLlxf6+ '\&xf6 This is the main move for
7.fxe5 lLlxe5+ Black is considera­ White and it is considered to be
bly ahead in development, Jan­ the most aggressive. His queen is
turin - Feoktistov, Moscow 1996) ready to go to g3 attacking Black's
4...'\&xdS 5.lLlc3 i.b4 6.i.d2 (6.fxe5 kingside.
\&xeS+ 7.'\&e2, Bardahchiyan - 4.'\&d1 - This move is too slow.
Vasenina, Varna 2010, 7...lLlf6t - 4...lLlf6 5.i.d3 d5 6.exd5 '\&xd5 7.
he leads in development) 6...�e6 lLlf3 i.g4t - Black is far ahead in
7.lLlf3, Nikolin - Markovic, Vrnja­ development, Lange - Paulsen,
cka Banja 1996 (7.i.e2 exf4 8.lLlf3 Leipzig 1864.
lLlf6 - see 7.lLlf3), after 7...exf4+ 4.�d3 - White's queen is not
8.i.e2 lLlf6 9.i.xf4 lLld5 10.i.d2 better placed here than on e3. 4...
lLle3 ll.i.xe3 '\&xe3+ Black obtains lLlf6 5.lLlc3 (5.f3?! d5+) 5...d5 6.
the advantage of the two bishops. i.g5 d4 7.lLld5, Badev - Marholev,
3.lLld2 lLlf6 4.g3 d5 5.i.g2 i.g4 Borovetz 2008 (He can weaken
6.lLlgf3 dxe4 7.dxe4 i.c5t - Black his opponent's pawn-structure

l.e4 e5 2.d4 exd4 3. Wixd4 liJ c6 4. Wi e3 liJf6

with 7.i.xf6 gxf6 8.li:ld5 fSt, but d5 8.0-0-0 Wie7+ Black's pieces
Black's advantage of the two bish­ turn out to be much better placed,
ops and his free piece-develop­ Kalinsky - Rubinstein, Kiev 1903)
ment are much more important.), 5....ic5 6.li:lf3 (6.li:lc3? i.xf2+) 6...
after 7...li:lb4 8.li:lxb4 i.xb4+ 9.c3 h6 7..ih4 g5 8..ig3 dS 9.li:lc3 dxe4
dxc3 10.Wixd8+ l!ixd8 11.0-0-0+ 10.li:le5 e3 11.fxe3 0-0t. He has
l!ie8 12.bxc3 i.xc3+ White can weakened his castled position,
hardly prove that his slight lead in but has tremendously active piec­
development is sufficient to com­ es thanks to his opponent's king
pensate Black's extra pawn in this stranded in the centre, for exam­
endgame. ple: 12.li:lxc6 bxc6 13..id3 i.xe3
4.Wic4 li:lf6 5.li:lc3 (S..id3 dS 6. 14.Wixc6 .id7 15.Wixc7 Wixc7 16.
exd5 '\WxdS+ - Black leads in de­ i.xc7 l'!fe8 17.1!if1 .id4� White has
velopment and after 5..ig5 .ib4+ succeeded in exchanging queens,
6.c3 i.e7 7.li:lf3 dS 8.exd5, T.Bauer but has great problems coordinat­
- Simi, Plzen 2004, he should ing his pieces.
keep the queens on the board and 4 .c!t)f6

after 8... li:lxd5+, his superior de­

velopment provides him with
good attacking prospects.) 5...
.ib4 6..id2 d6 7.0-0-0, Gunsberg
- Mortimer, London 1887, after
7....ie6 8.li:ld5 i.xd2+ 9.fud2 0-0t
Black has better development and
is ready to begin active operations.
4.Wia4 - White's queen does
not impede the development of
his own pieces on this square. 4...
li:lf6 5..ig5 (5.li:lc3 .ib4 6..id2 0-0
7.0-0-0 d6 8.a3, Amit - Hai­ 5.li:lc3
movich, Israel 2002 and after 8... 5.i.c4 .ib4+ 6.li:lc3 0-0 7..id2
.icS+ Black gains important tempi i.xc3 - see 5.li:lc3.
for the organization of his attack 5.e5 li:lg4 6.'%1/e2 d6!
due to the misplacement of the
enemy queen; 5.li:lf3 i.cS 6.i.b5
Wie7 7.li:lc3 liJeS! 8.li:lxe5 Wixe5 9.
f4 Wie7 10.e5 0-0 11..ie2 li:lg4!+
White has delayed the evacuation
of his king away from the centre
and might be sorry for that, Prie
- Relange, Nice 1994; in the vari­
ation 5.i.f4 .icS 6.li:ld2 0-0 7.f3

Chapter 1

7.exd6+ .ie6 8.dxc7 Wxc'T+ rate for White to play 8.lt:lxd5

White has won a pawn, but he WxdS 9.lt:le2 .ifS+, although even
may fail to develop his forces. then Black's chances are prefera­
7.f3 lt:\h6 8.exd6+ (8..ixh6 ble thanks to his perfectly central­
Wh4+ 9.g3 Wxh6 10.exd6+ .ie6 11. ized pieces.) 8...lt:lcb4 9.lt:lxd5 (M­
d7+ �xd'T+ Black has lost his cas­ ter 9.0-0-0 lt:\xc3 10.bxc3 lt:\xa2+
tling rights, but has obtained the White loses after 11.�b1 .ie6 12.c4
advantage of the two bishops, bS! 13.�xa2 bxc4-+, as well as af­
having a considerable lead in de­ ter ll.�b2 lt:\xc3 12.�xc3 .if6+
velopment too.) 8....ie6 9.dxc7 13.\t>b3 Wd4-+ Hernandez Mu­
Wxc'T+ noz - Guadamuro Torrente, Lin­
7.h3 lt:\gxe5! White fails to win ares 2007 and in both cases,
a piece. 8.f4 lt:ld4 9.�e4 Wh4+ Black's attack is decisive.) 9...
10.�d1, Taubenhaus - Gunsberg, WxdS 10..ixb4 (10.Wxg7? lt:\xc2+
Hamburg 1885, 10... lt:\e6 ll.g3 11.�d1 lt:\xal 12.Wxh8+ .if8 13.
Wf6 12.lt:lc3 c6+ Black ends up �c3 .ie6-+ White's kingside piec­
with a solid extra pawn. es have completely failed to come
5..id2 - This modest looking into action.) 10...�e4+ 11.lt:le2
move is necessary anyway and Wxb4+ 12.Wc3 �b6 13.0-0-0
seems reasonable, since it pre­ 0-0+ Black has an overwhelming
vents the development of the en­ advantage with his superior de­
emy bishop to b4, where it would velopment and a powerful bish­
be most active. 5....ie7 6.lt:\c3 (6. op-pair in a position with an open
.ic4 dS 7.exd5 lt:lxdS 8.Wg3?, Ca­ centre, Sanchez Castillo - Otazo
brera - Suasnabar, Lima 2000, Sanchez, Merida 2001.
opening of the central files is in 5.lt:lf3.ib4+!?
Black's favour, since he has supe­
rior development. White's last
move has enabled Black to start
an immediate attack with the
move 8...lt:\d4!+) 6...d5 7.exd5 lt:\xd5

This is a standard resource

and the readers will encounter it
very often in this book. Black forc­
es the enemy pawn to c3, where it
occupies the best square for the
8.Wg3 (It would be more accu- development of White's knight.

l.e4 e5 2.d4 exd4 3. Wfxd4 tt:lc6 4. Wi e3 tt:lf6

6.c3 (after 6.i.d2 0-0 7.hb4 It is bad for White to opt for
tt:lxb4 8.i.d3 d5+ White cannot 7.'fffg3? d5+ and Black opens the
evacuate his king from the centre central files to his advantage,
without material losses) 6...i.a5 while after 7.i.c4? i.xc3 8.i.xc3
7.i.c4, Neira Garcia - Flear, San tt:lxe4+ he wins his opponent's
Sebastian 2005 (in reply to 7.i.d3, centre pawn and White is unable
Hajagos - Csikos, Hungary 2010, to retain the advantage of the
Black can exploit the exposed po­ bishop pair, Kupreichik - Lein,
sition of the enemy queen to acti­ Voronezh 1969.
vate his pieces with 7...i.b6 8.'ffff4 7 . . . ges
d5 9.e5 tt:lh5 10.Wffa4 i.d7+) 7...i.b6
8.'fffd3 0-0 9.0-0 Wfe7 10.tt:lbd2
d6t White has problems with the
development of his queenside in
view of the vulnerability of his e4-
5.i.e2 Wffe7! - This surprising
move enables Black to open the
position to his advantage. 6.tt:lc3
d5 7.exd5 tt:lb4 8.i.d3, Mason -
Schlechter, Paris 1900, 8...tt:lxd3+
9.cxd3 i.f5 10.tt:lge2 Wffxe3 ll.he3
o-o-m=, or 8.Wffxe7+ he7 9.i.d3, s.eg3
Schiffers - Schlechter, Nurem­ White is trying to organize a
berg 1896, 9...tt:lxd3+ 10.cxd3 piece-attack against the enemy
i.f5+ and in both cases, Black re­ king, but he is likely to fail due to
gains his pawn, preserving his ad­ his lag in development.
vantage of the two bishops. 8.tt:lge2 d5! 9.tt:lxd5 tt:lxd5 10.
s . . . .lb4 6 . .ld2 o - o Wfff3 hd2+ 11.l=!xd2 tt:lcb4! 12.exd5
tt:lxa2+ 13.Wb1 tt:lb4+ White's king
position has been weakened and
Black's pieces come into action
easily and effortlessly.
8.Wff4 i.xc3 9.hc3 l'!xe4 10.
'fffd2 (or 10.Wffg3 d5+) 10...d5 ll.f3
l'!e8 12.tt:le2 Wffe7 13.tt:lf4 d4! 14.
hd4 tt:lxd4 15.Wffxd4 i.f5t - Black
has mobilized his forces and seiz­
es the initiative thanks to his cen­
tralized pieces.
8.f3 d5 9.'ffff2 (In answer to
7.0-0- 0 9.i.e1, Chigorin - Gunsberg, Ha-

Chapter 1

vana 1890, it is good for Black to It is not good for White to

play 9...'?tfe7! 10.tt:lxd5 tt:lxdS 11. choose 9.li?l(e2 i.cS 10.'?tfg3 tt:leS
ElxdS .ie6--+ and he completes the 11..ib5, Zezulkin - Hudecek, Lito­
activation of his forces and begins mysl 1994, because after the con­
an offensive; 9.'1!9g5 d4 10.tt:ld5 crete reply 11...tt:lh5 12.'?tfg5 '?tfxgS
.ixd2+ ll.Elxd2 tt:lxd5 12.'1!9xd5 1!9e7+ 13..ixg5 c6 14..id3 tt:lg4+ Black
Black is considerably ahead in de­ forces a transition into an end­
velopment and this provides him game and succeeds in winning at
with excellent attacking chances.) least a pawn.
9...dxe4 lO ..igS (In the variation After 9.h3, Ljubojevic - Rosi­
10.tt:lxe4 .ixd2+ 1U!xd2 1!9e7 12. no, Venice 1966, Black solves his
tt:lxf6+ '?tfxf6t, unlike his oppo­ problems with 9....ie6 10.i.xe6
nent, Black has no problems with Elxe6 11.tt:lge2 dS+ and maintains
the development of his forces, an edge thanks to his active piec­
Meisling - Em.Lasker, Copenha­ es.
gen 1919.) 10....id7! 11.tt:ld5, O.Ka­ After 9.tt:lh3 tt:leS 10..ib3, Ja­
linina - Z.Mamedjarova, Chisi­ kobsen - Lhagva, Siegen 1970,
nau 2005. White's kingside stands Black can play 10...c6 11.f4 tt:leg4
idle and Black begins an attack 12.'?tfd3 h6+ and he covers the im­
with the help of the energetic line: portant dS-square and restricts
11...e3! 12.'?tfh4 .id2+ 13.@b1 .ifS both his opponent's knights.
14.tt:lxf6+ gxf6 15..ixf6 1!9d6--+ 9.tt:lf3 i.e6 10.he6 Elxe6 11.
8..ic4 d6 tt:lgS Ele8 12.f4 h6 13.h4 '?tfd7 14.
1!9f3 '?tfg4+ White's aggressive ac­
tions have led to the appearance
of the excellent g4-outpost for
Black's pieces and problems for
White with the protection of his
e4-pawn, Winawer - Janowski,
Vienna 1896.
8 .tbxe4 9.tt:lxe4 gxe4

9.f3 - With this move White

fortifies his e4-pawn, but weak­
ens the dark squares in the centre.
9...tt:le5 10.i.b3 aS 11.a3 i.cS 12.
'1!9e1 bS! 13.tt:lxb5 a4 14..ia2 c6
15.tt:lc3 '1!9b6--+ - White's kingside
forces have not yet come into ac­
tions, Pieroni - Rada Equiza,
France 2008.

l.e4 e5 2.d4 exd4 3. Wixd4 ltJ c6 4. Wi e3 ltJf6

1 0 . .if4 2004) 13...g6 14.Wffh6 lt:le5 15..ie2

10.i.h6? �f6 11.i.g5 Wie6-+ d5 16.lt:lf3 lt:lg4 17.�xh4 Wixh4 18.
After 10..b:b4 �xb4 ll.a3 �b6 lt'Jxh4 �xe2+ White loses at least
12.lt:le2 d5+ Black has a solid extra another pawn, Shumyatsky - Van
pawn in the centre. Riemsdijk, Sao Paulo 2009.
He manages to comfortably 1 0 . . . §'f6 11.c!Llh3
regroup his pieces in the centre in After 11..b:c7? d6 12..b:d6
the variation 10.i.g5 i.e7 ll.h4 d5 Wih6+ 13.c;t>b1 .b:d6-+ White's
12.f3 �e6 13.i.c4 �d6+ Ostberg­ back rank was so weak that he lost
Eriksson, Sweden 2008. his bishop in the game F.Mayer -
10.c3 i.e7! White is unable to Geske, Offenbach 2005.
exploit the exposed position of n . . . d6 t2 . .id3
the enemy rook. 12.f3? �d4 13.�xd4 Wixd4-+
12 . . .c!Lld4

After ll.lt:lf3 d6 12.h3 lt'Je5+

Black has a solid extra pawn in
the centre.
ll.f4 - White weakens the 13 . .ie3
light squares in the centre. 11... 13.c;t>b1? - This move loses by
d5 12.lt:lf3 (12.i.d3 i.f5 13..b:e4 force. 13...lt:le2 14.Wif3 i.a3!! 15.
.b:e4+) 12....if5! 13..id3 Wid7 14. bxa3 (15.c3 lt:lxc3-+; 15.i.c1 Wixf3
.b:e4 .b:e4+ Rudd - Avrukh, Lon­ 16.gxf3 �e8-+ Rigby - Tuvshin­
don 2010. White has won a pawn, tugs, Las Vegas 2008) 15...lt:lc3+
but Black's attack against his 16.c;t>c1 lt:lxa2+ 17.c;t>b1 lt:lc3+ 18.
king will be deadly after lt:la5, �a4 c;t>cl .b:h3 19..b:e4 .b:g2! 20.Wixg2
etc. §'xf4+ 21.c;t>b2 lt:lxe4-+ Nepom­
ll.i.d3 .ih4! - the rook must niachtchi - Vallejo Pons, Moscow
return to base. 12.Wif3�e8 13.�h5 2007.
(13..ic2?! d6 14.lt'Jh3 lt'Je5 15.�h5 It is not good for White to play
g6 16.Wih6 .b:h3 17.gxh3 lt:lf3-+ 13..ig5?! Wffe6 14.c3 Wixa2 15.cxd4,
and after i.g5, Black will enter an Masliakov - Orlov, St. Petersburg
easily winning endgame, Waschk 2007 and now Black wins with
Schoenrock, Mecklenburg 15...�xd4! 16..b:h7+ (16.lt:lf4 .if5!

Chapter 1

17.i.xf5 1!c4-+) 16 . . . 1!7xh7 17.1!xd4 this i� GM Korchnoi's recommen­

�a1+ 18.1!7c2 .tfS+ 19.1!7b3 .ie6+! dation 13 . . . 1!g4!?
20.1!7c2 �a4+ 21.1!7d3 1!e8!� 14.Yff3 ges 15 .tg5
• %YeS
White's king is completely bare 16.c3 hc3!
and he is helpless against his op­
ponent's mating attack, despite
his extra rook: 22.�h4+ l!?g8 23 .
.ie3 �bS+ 24.1!7c2 c5-+

Black obtains more than suffi­

cient material equivalent for the
piece and completely open up the
enemy king.
13 .tM5!?
•• 17.bxc3 %Yxc3+ 18 .tc2 (18.

In the diagrammed position l!?b1? %Yb4+ 19.1!7a1 ltld4-+) 18•••

even young Capablanca failed to �al+ 19.1!7d2 (19 . .ib1? 1!e5-+)

find the right path and he ended 19 �xa2+. White's bishop on gS

up an exchange down after 13 . . . not only prevents his knight from

.ig4? 14.ltlg5 1!xe3 15.�xg4 ltle2+ using this square, but does not
16.he2 1!xe2 17.ltle4 1!xe4 18. participate in the protection of his
�xe4± Mieses - Capablanca, Ber­ king either, so there is no doubt
lin 1913. that in the near future he will have
There is an interesting alter­ to trade the queens and defend a
native to the move in the text and rather unpleasant endgame.

Chapter 2 l.e4 e5 2.f4

King's Gambit

4... lDf6 - see 3.exd5, or 3.lDc3 lDf6

- see Chapter 3, variation A.
All other alternatives for White
are clearly worse, for example
after 3J'9h5 lDf6 4.'Wxe5+ .ie7-+
Black's lead in development is so
great that he should be able to set­
tle the issue very quickly.

2 . . . d5
Black's main move in the dia­
gram position is 2... exf4. It has
been analyzed in GM K. Sakaev's
book "The Petroff: an Expert
Repertoire for Black".
The basic advantage of the
move we recommend is that
White does not get the type of
game he would like - with sacri­ 3 . . . exf4
fices of pawns and pieces, and This move is much more natu­
mating attacks. After 2... d5, Black ral than 3... e4, which was consid­
effortlessly completes his devel­ ered as a refutation of White's en­
opment in most variations and tire attacking concept by the world­
occupies the only open file; this famous "knight" of the King's
provides him with chances not Gambit - Rudolf Spielmann.
only of equalizing, but of seizing Black restores the material
the initiative as well. balance, has the unpleasant threat
3.exd5 4... �h4+ and his pieces come into
For the moves 3.lD f3 exf4 4. play effortlessly. His f4-pawn re­
exd5 (4.lDc3 lDf6 - see Chapter 3) stricts the mobility of White's

Chapter 2

dark-squared bishop and enables li:lf6 8.li:lf3 0-0+ and he may fail
Black's pieces to fight for the e3- lo-develop his queenside owing to
square. the unfavourable placement of his
queen on e2.
After 4. .ie2 �h4+ 5.\!ffl .id6
6.d4 c6 7.li:lf3 �d8 8.dxc6 li:lxc6+
White's king is totally misplaced
and he will have to return with in­
terest the tempi lost by Black on
manoeuvres with his queen.
4.�f3?! - White has protected
his d5-pawn and parried the threat
of �h4+, but his lag in develop­
ment is so great that he cannot even
equalize, and here after 4... li:lf6
It is not good for White to play
4.d4?! �h4+ 5.1!fd2, Tartakower
- Szabo, Ljubljana 1938, 5...
�d8!+ Black removes his queen
from any possible enemy attack
with tempo, while White's king is
bound to remain stranded in the
centre for a long time; or if 4.
li:lc3?! 'W'h4+ 5.1!fe2 (in the gambit
variation 5.g3 fxg3 6.'W'e2+ ie7+ 5. .ib5+ c6 6.dxc6 li:lxc6 7.d4,
White has no compensation what­ Spielmann - Nimzowitsch, Mu­
soever for the lost pawns) 5... nich 1906, 7... .ib4+ 8.c3 0-0-+
.ig4+ 6.li:lf3 id6+ and Black will Black's attack is decisive.
continue with li:le7 and li:ld7, as in After 5.li:lc3 .id6 6. .ib5+ c6 7.
the 4. .ic4 variation. It would not dxc6 0-0 8.cxb7 �e7+ 9.�e2
be in the spirit of the position for �xb7 10.li:lf3, Wheatcroft - Ser­
White to choose 4.�e2+?!, be­ geant, Margate 1939, it seems
cause in this version of the King's very attractive for Black to play
Gambit White's queen is mis­ 10... li:lc6 11.0-0 l'!e8 12.�d1 .if5�
placed on the e-file and will come and he has an overwhelming lead
under attack with tempo. 4... .ie7 in development.
5.li:lc3 li:lf6 6.d4 0-0t After the more accurate re­
It is rather dubious for White sponse for White 5. .ic4 c6 6.li:lc3
to opt for 4. .ib5+?! c6 5.�e2+ .id6 7.�e2+ 1J.e7 8.d4 (after 8.d6?
(5.dxc6 li:lxc6 6.li:lf3 li:lf6 - see 'W'xd6 9.d3 0-0 10. .id2 b5 ll. .ib3
4.li:lf3) 5... .ie7 6.dxc6 li:lxc6 7.li:lc3 a5+ Black has an extra pawn and a

l.e4 e5 2.f 4 d5 3.ed ef4 ..!Llf.3.!Llf6

dangerous initiative, J.Polgar - 12.c4 .ig4+ Black will double his

Benjamin, Buenos Aires 1992, rooks on the c-file and White will
while he obtains a great lead in lose his c4-pawn, Dekic - Ninov,
development after 8.dxc6 lt:Jxc6 9. Ulcinj 1998.
d3lt:ld4t) 8... 0-0 9.hf4 cxdS 10. 6.lt:Jf3 �hS 7.lt:Jc3 lt:Je7 8.d4
�b3 .ib4+ White's his queen proves 0-0 9.@f2 (The endgame arising
to be misplaced on e2 and White after 9.lt:Je5 �xd1+ 10.lt:Jxd1 lt:Jd7
will lose more tempi later, Enders ll.hf4 lt:Jb6 12.i.b3 lt:JbxdS 13.
- Moehring, Salzwedel 1982. .id2 is nearly hopeless for White,
4..ic4?! �h4+ S.@f1 .id6 De Wit - Winants, Haarlem 1997,
and now 13... a5+ and despite the
exchange of queens White has
considerable difficulties, connect­
ed with the fact that his king is so
misplaced that he cannot coordi­
nate his forces.) 9... lt:Jd7 10.!%e1
(10..ib3?! lt:Jf6 1U%e1 i.g4 12.h3
.ixf313.�xf3 �h4+ 14.@fl lt:Jf5-+
Hartmann - G.Schmidt, Bayern
2000) 10... lt:Jb6 ll. .ib3 lt:JexdS 12.
Black has protected his f4- lt:JxdS lt:JxdS 13.c4 lt:Je3 14.he3
pawn and wishes to prepare the fxe3+ 15J'%xe3, J.Polgar - Topalov,
penetration of a knight to the e3- Mexico City 2010. Here it would
square. This outpost will inevita­ be very strong for Black to con­
bly become available to Black be­ tinue with 15... c5! - he controls
cause White cannot continue the the dark squares and restricts the
game without d2-d4 or d2-d3. mobility of his opponent's light­
6.lt:Jc3 lt:Je7 7.lt:Je4 (after 7.d4 squared bishop. Black's hands
0-0 8.lt:Jf3, it is good for Black to would then be free for active op­
play 8... �h5 - see 6.lt:Jf3, or 8... erations on the kingside.
�h6!?+ Bronstein - Beliavsky, 4 ... �{6
Kislovodsk 1982) 7... 0-0 8.lt:Jxd6
(in reply to 8.�e1, Westerinen -
Agdestein, Espoo 1989, it seems
logical for Black to avoid the ex­
change of queens with 8... �h6
9.lt:Jf3 lt:JfS 10.d3 lt:Jd7-F and his
knight will head for the g4-square;
or if 8.lt:Jf3 �h6 9.i.b3?! .ig4 10.
lt:Jxd6 cxd6-+ White will be una­
ble to develop his pieces) 8... cxd6
9.lt:Jf3 �f6 10.d4 lt:Jd7 ll. .ib3 lt:Jb6

Chapter 2

In the diagram position White White's vulnerable e3 and e4-

usually plays the moves A) squares.
5.i.b5+ ?! and B) 5 .ic4.
• S.c4 c6!
For S.tt:lc3 ttJxdS - see Chapter
3, variation A.
S..ie2?! - The bishop is rather
passive on this square. After 5...
ttJxdS 6.c4 tt:lb4! 7.d4 .ifS 8.tt:la3
gS 9.0-0 .ie7+ Black has succeed­
ed in keeping his extra pawn.
S.d4 ltJxdS

Black is trying to exploit his

lead in development and at the
same time eliminate his oppo­
nent's cramping pawn.
6.tt:lc3 cxdS 7.cxd5?! (for 7.d4
.ib4 - see 6.d4) 7... ttJxdS+ Even if
White regains his pawn, he will
end up with an isolated pawn. In
6.tt:lc3 .ib4 - see Chapter 3; 6. the game Borrowdale - Pante­
.ic4 .ie6 - see variation A. leyev, Email 2007, there followed
6.c4? .ib4+ 7.Wf2 tt:le3!- Black later 8.�e2+? .ie6 9.�b5+ tt:lc6
quickly completes his develop­ 10.�xb7 ttJdb4 ll..ibS .id7-+ and
ment and organizes a decisive at­ White was losing a lot of material.
tack against White's king strand­ 6.dxc6?! - This move only en­
ed in the centre, Hisler - Murey, hances Black's piece-develop­
Metz 2003. ment. 6...ttJxc6 7.d4 .ib4+ 8.tt:lc3
6..id3 �e7+ 7.�e2 (if 7.Wf2 (after 8..id2? 0-0--+ Black's attack
tt:le3 8.�e2 eSt Black controls the is decisive) 8...0-0 9..ie2 tt:le4 10.
dark squares in the centre and ob­ .id2 ttJxd2 11.�xd2 .ig4+ White
tains excellent attacking pros­ will be faced with a long and dif­
pects.) 7...tt:lb4 8..ixf4 tt:lxd3+ 9. ficult defence in view of the ab­
cxd3 tt:lc6+ - Black is clearly bet­ sence of his dark-squared bishop
ter thanks to his bishop pair and and his weaknesses in the centre,
White's weaknesses along the d­ Hermanowski - Grube, Ruhrge­
file. biet 1998.
6..ie2 .ib4+! 7.c3, Tartakower 6.d4 .ib4+ 7.tt:lc3 (If 7..id2?!
- Alekhine, New York 1924, 7... then after the exchange of the
.id6+ Black has a stable advan­ dark-squared bishops White will
tage owing to his extra pawns and have great problems protecting

l.e4 e5 2j 4 dS 3.ed ef4 . lt:lf3lt:lf6

his e3-square and will need to re­ �g6� White will be unable to
capture the enemy f4-pawn with maintain his knight on the e4-
his queen, which will provide outpost and after its disappear­
Black with additional tempi for ance his king will be terribly en­
the activation of his pieces. 7... dangered.
hd2+ 8.W/xd2 cxdS 9.W/xf4 0-0 13.Wh1!? This is a useful move,
10.lt:lc3 lt:lc6+ Martinez Martin - since it removes his king from a
Meszaros, Peniscola 2002.) 7... very dangerous diagonal. 13...
cxdS 8. .ixf4 0-0 9.�e2 dxc4 10. .b£3 (in answer to 13... �c7!?,
hc4 (10.0-0 lt:lc6 11.hc4 �g4 - Ageichenko - Kholmov, Moscow
see 10. .ixc4) 10... lt:lc6 11.0-0 �g4 1968, White has the response
12.a3. White should drive the 14.�gSoo with a very complicated
enemy bishop to the aS-square. position) 14.1'%xf3 W/xd4 1S.Wif1 lt:le5
(12.�e3?! 1'%c8 13.�b3, Handoko - 16.heS W/xeS 17.1'%e1 W/d4 18.1'%d1
Matanovic, Surakarta 1982, 13... W/h4!
lt:laS+) 12... �aS

White has excellent compen­

There has arisen a complicat­ sation for the pawn, but tourna­
ed position with a dynamic bal­ ment practice shows that it should
ance, in which White's d4-pawn be sufficient only for equality:
more often than not proves to be a in the game Winberg - Weg­
weakness rather than a strong man, Email 2007, after 19.1'%h3
central passed pawn. WigS 20.1'%g3 W/eS= Black's queen
13.�gS?! .b£3 14.1'%xf3 W/xd4+ was well placed in the centre.
1S.W/xd4 lt:lxd4+ White has ended White failed to create serious
up a pawn down and has prob­ problems for his opponent with
lems on the c-file, Bronstein - 19.g3 W/h6 20.b4 !c7 21.1'%d4 �es
Nikolaevsky, Leningrad 1971. 22.1'%h4 WigS 23.lt:le4 lt:lxe4 24.1'%xf7
In the variation 13.dS lt:ld4 14. lt:lxg3+! 2S.hxg3 1'%xf7 26.Wixf7+
Wh1 lt:lxf3 1S.gxf3, Angelov - Ma­ Wh8 27.1'%hS �g4 28.�d3, Niewia­
rinescu, Bucharest 199S, Black domski - Pietruske, Email 2007,
can obtain a very good position since at the end of the forced line:
after 1S... 1'%c8 16.W/d3 !hS 17.lt:le4 28... W/d1+ 29.Wg2 W/xd3 30.1'%xeS

Chapter 2

�c2+ 3l.li>h3 �c8+ 32.1i>h4 b6= 8.d4 0-0 9.hc6 bxc6 10.0-0
Black has exchanged his oppo­ :!'!eSt (Black's powerful threat
nent's most active pieces and the .id6, followed by the transfer of
game will inevitably end in a his knight to the e3-square, forces
draw. White to sacrifice his queen.) 11.
hf4 il.a3! 12.�xe8+ �xeS 13.
lt:lxa3 .ie6+ and owing to the unfa­
vourable position of his knight on
A) 5 . .ib5+ ? ! a3, White's compensation is in­
The bishop is better placed on sufficient.
c4 than on b5. 7.hc6+ bxc6 8.0-0 il.d6 9.
5 . . . c6 6.dxc6 :i'!e1+ il.e6 10.d4 (10.lt:lg5 0-0 11.
For 6.�e2+?! i.e7 7.dxc6 lt:lxc6 lt:lxe6 fxe6+ White is considerably
- see 6.dxc6. behind in development and can­
6 . . . tDxc6 not win a pawn: if 12.l'!xe6? il.cS+
13.1i>h1 f3! with a decisive attack
for Black) 10... 0-0+ with the
bishop pair and a powerful pawn
on f4.
White cannot equalize with
7.lt:lc3 il.d6 8.�e2+ il.e6 9.lt:ld4 (It
is slightly better for him to opt for
9.hc6+ bxc6 10.lt:lg5 �d7 11.
lt:lxe6 �xe6 12.0-0 0-0t when
Black's f4-pawn considerably
cramps White's position, but the
absence of queens should enable
White's centre can hardly be him to gradually equalize, Sirotti
advanced owing to the weakened - Schmidt, Email 2008.) 9... 0-0
complex of squares on the e-file, 10.lt:lxe6 fxe6 11. .ixc6 bxc6t
while Black's pieces have no diffi­ White is a long way behind in de­
culty coming into play. velopment and may come under a
7.d4 dangerous attack, for example
White loses a piece after 7. after the greedy 12.�xe6+? li>h8
0-0?? �b6-+; it is also bad for 13.0-0 �b6+ 14.1i>h1 l'!ae8! 15.
him to opt for 7.lt:le5? �b6 8.�e2 �h3 (Black mates quickly after
il.e7 9.lt:lc4 �dB 10.c3 0-o:i= - he 15. �xd6? �f2!! 16. �xf8+ lt:lg8-+)
has transferred his knight to a 15... �f2 16.\1;lff3 '11;lrh4-+ White's
very bad square and lags consid­ queenside is undeveloped, while
erably in development. all Black's pieces are participating
7.�e2+?! - This loses an im­ in the action.
portant tempo for White. 7... .ie7 7 . . . .id6

l.e4 eS 2/ 4 dS 3.ed ef4. tt:\j3 tt:\f6

9.c4 .ig4 10.tt:lc3 :Bc8 ll. .ixc6

bxc6 12.tt:le2 tt:lh5+ Van Eijk -
Swinkels, Dieren 2005, or ll.'it>h1
.ib8 12. .ixc6 bxc6+ Cordel -
Flecher, Email 2007 and in both
cases Black's f4-pawn considera­
bly cramps White's pieces.
9.tt:lbd2 .ig4 10.tt:lc4 (Black
leads in development and has an
excellent position on the kingside
with control of the only open file.
8.t'fe2+ He has long-lasting initiative and
8.tt:lc3?! 0-0 9.0-0 �b6 - see in the variation 10.c3 :Be8 ll. .id3
8.0-0. h6 12.tt:lc4 .ic7t) 10... .ic7 ll. .ixc6
White loses after 8.d5? tt:lxd5- (11.c3 :Be8 12. .ixc6 bxc6 13.tt:lce5
+ and Black's knight is untoucha­ .ixe5 14.dxe5 �b6+ 15.�d4 tt:lh5+
ble in view of .ib4+. - he succeeds in preserving the
Black has no problems after powerful pawn on f4, Nowak -
8.0-0 0-0. Daenen, Email 2009) ll... bxc6 12.
�d3 :Be8 13.h3 (in the line: 13.b3
hf3 14.:Bxf3, Pedersen - Pordzik,
Email 1995, it looks very attrac­
tive for Black to continue with the
centralizing operation 14... :Be4
15. .ib2 �d5t; 13.tt:lfe5 i.f5! 14.
�xf5 �xd4+ 15.'it>h1 .ixe5+ White
will regain his pawn, but Black's
rook will penetrate to the seventh
rank. White cannot solve his
9.c3 .ig4 10.tt:lbd2 :Be8 - see problems even after the more ac­
9.tt:lbd2. curate reply 13.tt:lce5 .ixf3 14.
9. .ixc6?! bxc6 10.tt:le5, R.J. tt:lxf3 �d5t since Black's pieces
Fischer - Witeczek, Detroit (sim) are considerably more active than
1964, 10....b6 ll.:Be1 �b6+ Black their counterparts.) 13... .ixf3 14.
exerts powerful pressure against :Bxf3 :Be4 15.c3 c5+ Richter -
the enemy centre. Schueler, Email 2000.
9.tt:lc3?! �b6 10.'it>h1 .ig4 11. 8 . J.e6
. .

.ixc6 bxc6+ Black has obtained (diagram)

the bishop pair and has superior 9.�g5
development, while White's king­ 9.tt:le5? 0-0 10. .ixc6 bxc6+
side is weak, Green - Aitken, Sun­ Black has an obvious advantage
derland 1966. with his powerful bishop-pair,

Chapter 2

has a lot of pieces for the queen,

but they will be unable to come
into play.) 12...4Jxe2 13.4Jxf6+
gxf6 14..b:e2 l"\e8 1S.'it>d1, Gysi -
Vayser, Email 1995 and here
Black wins easily after 15...l"\xe2!
16.\t>xe2 �c6-+ - the coordinat­
ed actions of his queen, bishop
and f4-pawn are quite sufficient
to win the game.
In answer to 11.0-0, Black's
better development and great attack is crushing after 11...f3!?
piece-activity and after White's 12.l"\xf3 l"\ae8 13..b:c6 l"\xe6 14.
greedy attempt 1l..b:f4? �b6 12. �d3 bxc6--t
c3 'LldS, followed by .b:eS, Black's 11. .. �xc6 (ll...bxc6!?t) 12.
attack becomes decisive, Long - 0 - 0 (after 12.4Jxf8?? l"\e8-+
Wygle, Columbus 1977. White obtains two rooks for his
9 . . . 0 - 0 1 0 .4Jxe6 queen, so material is not his real
10..b:c6? i.g4 1l.�d3 �aS+ problem: his king has no safe
12.i.d2 �xgS-+ White's king will shelter and will come under a very
will be stuck in the centre, McTav­ dangerous attack.) 12 . . . lUe8 13.
ish - Puri, Winnipeg 1985. �f3 �xf3 14.l'!xf3 l'!xe6 15.lik3
10 •. . �b6! (In the endgame after 1S.i.xf4?
l"\e1+ 16.'1t>f2 l"\h1 17..b:d6 4Je4+
18.'1t>e2 4Jxd6+ White has an extra
pawn, but his entire queenside is
practically immobilized.) 15 . ••


Jakubiec - Bulski, Cracow
11.4Jxf8? 4Jxd4 12.4Jxh7 (12.
'Lld7 'Llxd7 13..b:d7 4Jxe2 14.\t>xe2
l"\d8 1S.i.f5, Petrovic - Petran, White cannot advance his cen­
Novi Sad 1981, 15...�c6-+ White tral pawns and his bishop and

l.e4 e5 2f 4 d5 3.ed ef4 . tt'lj3 tt'lf6

rooks are restricted by his oppo­

nent's f4-pawn. In addition, Black
controls the only open file and
can improve his position at lei­
sure. He can transfer his king to
g6 and prepare the penetration of
his knight to the e3-outpost.

B) 5.J.c4 i.b4+ White will fail to regain his

This calm move is White's pawn, or he will end up with a
best. weakened pawn-structure on the
5 . . . .!Llxd5 queenside.) 8...tt'lc6 - see 6.0-0.
7.\!9e2 i.b4+ 8.c3 i.e7 9.0-0
0-0 10.i.xd5 i.xdS ll.i.xf4 cS+
Black has a stable advantage with
his powerful bishop-pair in this
open position.
6.i.b3 i.e6 7.c4 (7.0-0 cS - see
6.0-0; 7.d4 .ib4+! - He deprives
the enemy knight of the c3-
square, which is its best and after
8.c3 i.e7 9.0-0 0-0 10.c4 tt'le3
ll.i.xe3 fxe3+ Black obtains the
bishop pair.) 7...tt:le7 8.d4 tt'lg6
6. 0 - 0 9.0-0 i.e7 10.tt'lc3 0-0 ll.tt'le2
For 6..!Llc3 .!Llxc3 - see Chapter i.g4+ White can regain his pawn
3. in several ways indeed. He will
6.\!9e2+ ?! i.e7 7.0-0 .!Llc6 (it is present Black with the bishop
less energetic for Black to contin­ pair, which will provide him with
ue with 7...i.e6 - see 6.0-0) 8.d4 long-lasting initiative, or after
0-0 9.tt'lc3 tt'lb6+ White is faced 12.tt'lxf4 tt'lh4! the pawn-shelter of
with an unpleasant choice - to re­ White's monarch will be weak­
main a pawn down, or to present ened.
his opponent with the bishop Black should not be afraid of
pair, D.Sokolov - Bykhovsky, 6.i.xd5 \!9xd5 7.tt'lc3 (7.0-0? tt'lc6
Pavlodar 1991. 8.d4 i.e6 - see 6.0-0, or 8.tt'lc3
6.d4 i.e6 \!9f5 9.d4 J.e6 - see 7.tt'lc3; 7.d4
(diagram) i.b4+ 8.i.d2 \!9b5+ Black preserves
7.0-0? tt'le3 - see 6.0-0; or 7. his extra pawn and prevents
i.b3 i.b4+! - see 6.i.b3. White from castling kingside.) 7...
7..ixd5 \!9xd5 8.0-0 (8.tt'lc3 \!9f5!

Chapter 2

extra pawn and he only needs to

play accurately to realize his ad­
8.d4 1i.b4 9.�e2+ (after 9.0-0
0-0 10.tt:le5 hc3 11.bxc3 it would
be interesting for Black to play ag­
gressively with ll...g5!?oo, while
the simplest way for him to equal­
ize would be ll...tt:ld7 12.1i.xf4
8.�e2+ Ji.e7 (8...�e6 9.d4 1i.b4 tt:lxe5 13.1i.xe5 �d7 14.�d3 f6 15.
- see 8.d4) 9.d4 tt:lc6 10.0-0 (10. Ji.g3 b6 16.d5 1i.b7 17.c4 E!fe8=) 9...
tt:lb5 0-0 ll.tt:lxc7? �a5-+ Joita­ �e6 10.1i.xf4 0-0 11.�xe6 he6
Nikolaevsky, Leningrad 1960; 10. 12.'it>f2 (in the variation 12.hc7
d5 tt:lb4 ll.tt:ld4 �f6 12.d6 �xd6 E!c8 13.1i.xb8, Mista - Georgiadis,
13.tt:ldb5 �c5 14.1i.xf4 0-Q=i= Black Plovdiv 2008, Black can force
maintains a great advantage with simplification into a very pleasant
his bishop-pair in a position with endgame, with equal material but
an open centre, Kucherenko - where his bishop is superior to
Kharchenko, Kharkov 2006) 10... the enemy knight, with 13...E!xc3
ii.e6 ll.d51i.xd5 12.tt:lxd5 �xd5 13. 14.bxc3 hc3+ 15.\t>e2 Ji.xa1 16.
Ji.xf4 0-0-0+ Black has an extra E!xa1 E!xb8+) 12...1i.xc3 13.bxc3,
pawn in a quiet position, Jalas - Zhang Pengxiang - Nisipeanu,
Latal, Email 2009. Trignac 2002, and after 13...tt:ld7t
White plays only very seldom he maintains a long-lasting initia­
8.0-0?! tt:lc6 9.d4 Ji.e6 10.tt:lh4 tive thanks to his superior pawn­
(after 10.tt:le5 tt:lxe5 1U3xf4 �g6 structure and more active minor
12.dxe5 1i.c5+ 13.'it>h1 0-0+ he re­ pieces.
gains his pawn, but falls consider­ 6 . . . J.e6
ably behind in development, Far­
kas - Lyell, Kecskemet 2010; 10.
tt:le2 g5 ll.b3 0-0-0 12.1i.b2 i.g7
13.c4 g4 14.tt:le1 f3 15.gxf3 E!hg8-+
Black has a crushing attack in a
position with material equality,
Eames - M.Adams, Canterbury
2010) 10...�a5. Now, after ll.tt:lf3
0-0-0 12.1i.xf4 tt:Jxd4 13.tt:lxd4
E!xd4-+ Sharma - Kislik, Kec­
skemet 2010, or ll.d5 0-0-0 12.
ii.xf4 tt:lb4 13.�f3 tt:lxd5 14.tt:lxd5
E!xd5-+ Keller - Pirrot, Bad Wo­ 7.J.b3
erishofen 2008, Black has a solid Black ·is threatening 7...tt:le3,

l.e4 e5 2.f 4 d5 3.ed ef 4 . tL!j3 ttlf6

so White should try to neutralize retains some good trumps, Mar­

this threat quickly. chisotti - Satici, Email 2008.)
7.hd5?! - This move will only 10.hd5 hd5 ll.tt:lxd5 �xd5 12.
make matters worse. 7.. .'�xd5 8. hf4 ild6 13.�d2 (13.hd6?
d4 ttlc6 9.hf4 0-0-0+ Black has tt:lxd4!+ with an extra pawn for
a clear advantage with his two Black) 13... hf4 14.'�xf4 gae8 15.
bishops, free piece-development c3 �d7 16.Eiae1 f6 17.b3 tLle7 18.c4
and a clear-cut plan of operations c6= and White's d4-pawn will be
on the kingside, Ovetchkin - much more of a liability than a
Tarasova, Belgorod 2008. dangerous passed pawn, Krzyza­
7.'�'e2 - This is a harmless nowski - Patrici, Email 2009.
move but it enables White to keep 7 c5 !

the position balanced: 7... !le7 Black is fighting for the centre
and the dark squares.

8.ttlc3 ttlc6 (The position would

be much more complicated after
8... c6!? 9.d4 g5oo) 9.d4 0-0 10.
tLlxd5 hd5 ll.hd5 �xd5 12.hf4 8.d3
.td6 - see 8.d4. 8.tLle5?! fld6 9.!la4+ l!if8 10.
8.d4 - This is objectively the �e2 �f6 ll.tLlc4 flc7 12.d3 a6+ -
best move for White, but the aris­ Black has lost his castling rights,
ing position does not present any but is considerably ahead in de­
problems for Black. 8... 0-0 9.ttlc3 velopment and preserves his ex­
(9.!lb3?! .tf6 10.c4 tLle3 ll.he3 tra pawn, Villwock - Lyell, Buda­
fxe3 12.�xe3 Eie8t - Black occu­ pest 2009.
pies the only open file and his 8.ttlc3?! c4! 9.fla4+ (9.flxc4?
dark-squared bishop exerts pow­ tLlxc3-+) 9... tt:lc6 10.d4 cxd3 11.
erful pressure on the a1-h8 diago­ cxd3 fle7 12.tLlxd5 hd5 13.i.xf4
nal, Schaub - Svendsen, Email 0-0+ White's pieces are discoor­
2000) 9... tLlc6 (There arises a dinated and his d3-pawn is weak,
fighting position after 9... tLlxc3!? Lanzani - Godena, Milan 2002.
10.bxc3 hc4 11.�xc4 .id6 12.�b5 8.c4 tLlf6 9.tLlc3 ttlc6 10.tLle2
tLld7 13.�xb7 ttlb6?, but White .td6 ll.d4 tt:lxd4 12.tLlexd4 cxd4

Chapter 2

13.Wxd4 (13.lt:'lxd4 i.cS �xf4 14...i.xb3 15.axb3 Wd4! 16.Wxd4

o-m= Black will quickly occupy lt:'lxd4+ - Black has weakened his
the central files with his rooks.) opponent's queenside pawn­
13...Wc7 14.<i>h1 h6+ White has structure and forces his knight to
failed to regain his pawn and his go to the a3-square.) 12...lt:'lc6 13.
bishops are passive. Wxf4 WxdS+ White's king is insuf­
8.<i>h1 i.e7 9.d4 0-0 10.c4 lt:'le3 ficiently protected and he lags in
11.i.xe3 fxe3 12.d5 i.g4+ Black's development, Lyell - Haslinger,
bishop has gained access to the Great Yarmouth 2007.
important a1-h8 diagonal, while 8 ••. c!Dc6
White's bishop resembles a pawn,
Fier - Saralegui, Turin 2006.
8.d4 cxd4 9.lt:'lxd4 (Black
should not be afraid of the line:
9.<i>h1 lt:'le3 10.i.xe3 dxe3 11.
Wxd8+ <i>xd8 12.i.xe6 fxe6 13.
lt:'lgS i.d6, lngylfsson - Lukase­
vicius, Email 2004 and here,
White's only move is 14.lt:'lf7+
<i>e7, but he ends up in a difficult
position after 15.lt'lxh8? lt:'lc6 16.
lt:'lc3 :B:xh8+ and Black's central
pawns should settle the issue. 9.i.xd5
White fails to equalize with 15. After 9.lt:'lc3 lt:'lxc3 10.bxc3 .id6
lt:'lxd6 e2 16.:B:e1 <i>xd6 17.:B:xe2 11.i.xe6 fxe6 12.We2 We7+ White
lt:'lc6+ and Black remains with an fails to regain his pawn.
extra pawn and a more active 9 . . . 'fbd5 1 0 .ixf4 J.e7 11.

king.) 9....ic5 10.<i>h1 i.xd4 11. lt:'lc3 Wd7+ Black has obtained the
'\Wxd4 0-0 12.i.xd5 (12.i.xf4 lt:'lc6 bishop pair and dominates the
13.Wf2 lt:'lxf4 14.'\Wxf4, Hague - centre, Hynes - Sochor, Email
Berzinsh, West Bromwich 2004, 2008.

Chapter3 l.e4 e5 2.ltlc3

Vienna Game

White has developed a piece 3 . . . d5 !

and covered the dS-square and is Here, in contrast to the King's
now ready to sharpen the game by Gambit, this move is definitely
advancing f2-f4. Black's best.
Black has several good moves White's main attempts now to
in the diagram position; we rec­ fight for the advantage, are Al)
ommend 4.fxe5 and A2) 4.exd5, al­
2 . . . �f6 though he has also tried some
Just as in the King's Gambit, other moves in practice.
Black should strive to advance 4.�f3, R.J.Fischer - Holger­
with d7-d5. son, Sacramento (sim) 1964. The
Now White can play 3.i.c4 only virtue of this move is that the
�c6, transposing to the Bishop's eleventh World Champion played
Opening (see Chapter 4), or 3.�f3 it once in a simultaneous display.
�c6 (see Chapters 6-8), but his After 4... dxe4 s.�xe4 exf4 6.d3
most principled moves are A) i.e7 7. .hf4 0-0 8.0-0-0 cS 9.
3.f4 and B) 3.g3. �e2 �c6+ Black obtains a lead in
development and an advantage in
the centre.
A) 3.f4 4.�f3- This developing move

Chapter 3

often transposes to variation A2 . not bring him any dividends in

4...exf4 5.e5 (5.exd5 tt:lxd5 or 5. the game Mayo - Hulme, Grange­
tt:lxd5 tt:lxd5 6.exd5 '\Wxd5 - see mouth 2005; 8.d4 g4 9.tt:lg1 '\Wh4+
variation A2) 5... tt:le4 10.@e2, Gunsberg - Mieses, Vien­
na 1903, 10...i.h6+ Black pre­
serves his extra pawn and his lead
in development and has good
attacking chances against the
enemy king stranded in the
centre.) 8...g4 9.tt:ld4 c5 10.tt:lb3
tt:lc6 ll.hf4 i.g7 12.d4 (The c5-
pawn is untouchable owing to
12.tt:lxc5? '\Wa5+ and White loses
both his pawns on c3 and e5.) 12...
6.d4?! - White weakens im­ c4+ Black has excellent prospects
portant central squares with this for active operations on the
move. 6...i.b4 7.i.d2, Plajnsek - queenside, Haida - Molisch, Brno
Pavasovic, Pokljuka 1991, after 1937.
7...c5 8.i.d3 i.xc3 9.bxc3 c4 10. 4.d3 exf4
i.e2 tt:lc6 11.0-0 g5+ Black re­
mains with an extra pawn and a
powerful knight in the centre.
It seems rather strange for
White to try 6.i.e2?! since after
6...g5 7.0-0 tt:lc6 8.i.b5 a6 9.
hc6+ bxc6+ Black preserves his
extra pawn, obtains the advan­
tage of the bishop pair and has
good attacking prospects, Spiel­
mann - Bogoljubow, Berlin 1919. Strangely enough, only four
After 6.'\We2 tt:lc5 7.d4 tt:le6 8. moves have been played to reach
i.d2 c5 9.dxc5 tt:lc6 10.0-0-0 this position and yet White needs
hc5+ Black is not behind in de­ to react very accurately in order
velopment and he keeps his extra not to lose quickly.
pawn. In the variation 5.e5 d4! 6.
6.d3 - White ejects the enemy tt:lce2 tt:ld5 7.tt:lxf4 i.b4+ 8.@f2
knight from its wonderful square, tt:lc6 9.tt:lf3 0-0+ Black has man­
but acquiesces to the fact that he aged to keep the enemy king in
will be unable to regain the f4- the centre and achieve a consider­
pawn. 6...tt:lxc3 7.bxc3 g5 8.h4 able lead in development, and af­
(The piece-sacrifice after 8.i.e2 ter White's careless reply 10.i.e2?
g4 9.0-0 gxf3 10.hf3 i.h6-+ did tt:le3!--+ Black's attack became de-

l.e4 e5 2.l!J c3 l!Jf6 3.f 4 d5

cisive in the game Lombardy - 5.d4? - White fortifies his e5-

Smyslov, Teeside 1975. pawn, but leaves his opponent's
Or 5..txf4 .ib4 6.exd5 (6.l!Jge2 powerful knight in the centre and
0-0 7.e5 l!Jh5 8..ie3 f6+; 6.e5 d4 as a result is unable to develop
7.exf6 dxc3 8.'�fe2+ .ie6 9.b3, his pieces. 5....ib4! 6.Vfid3 (6.'!Wf3
Chigorin - Levitsky, Moscow t!Jxc3 7.bxc3 Vffh4+ 8.g3 Vffxd4 9.
1899, 9...'!Wxf6+ and in both cases t!Je2 .ig4!-+ Albin -Weiss, Vien­
Black is clearly ahead in develop­ na 1890) 6...0-0 7.l!Jf3 .if5 8.Vfie3
ment) 6...t!Jxd5 7..id2 hc3 8. c5 9..id3 t!Jc6 10.a3 cxd4 11.t!Jxd4,
bxc3 0-0 9.l!Jf3 �e8+ 10..ie2 Vffe7 Gusev - Leonov, Donskoj 2007,
ll.c4 l!Jf6+ White's king is strand­ Black can turn his tremendous
ed in the centre and impedes the lead in development into material
coordination of his own pieces, gains in the simplest way with the
Spielmann - Em.Lasker, St. Pe­ line: ll...t!Jxd4 12.axb4 Vffh4+ 13.
tersburg 1909. g3 t!Jxg3 14.Vffxg3 '!Wxg3+ 15.hxg3
After 5.exd5 t!Jxd5 6.t!Jxd5 hd3 16.cxd3 t!Jc2+ 17.'i!?d1 t!Jxa1-+
Vffxd5 7.hf4 .id6 8.hd6 (8.Vfid2 Black should not be afraid of
0-0+) 8...Vffxd6 9.Vffd2 0-0 10. 5.l!Jxe4 dxe4 6.d4 (6.Vffe2 Vffd5+)
t!Jf3, Bronstein - Matanovic, 6...exd3 7.cxd3 (even after White's
Vienna 1957, by playing 10...�e8+ more accurate response 7.hd3
ll..ie2 c5 12.0-0 t!Jc6+ Black es­ '!Wh4+! 8.g3 '!We7 9.l!Jf3 t!Jc6 10.
tablishes control over the centre 0-0 .ig4t his king is very poorly
and easily deploys his pieces to protected and this provides Black
excellent squares. with excellent attacking chances)
7...t!Jc6 8.l!Jf3 .ig4+ White's cen­
tral pawns are weak and Black
Al) 4.fxe5 t0xe4 completes development before
his opponent, Marshall - Napier,
New York 1896.
5.Vffe2 - White's queen only
impedes his development on this
square. 5...t!Jc6 6.l!Jf3 (6.t!Jxe4?
t!Jd4+) 6....if5 7.d3 t!Jxc3 8.bxc3
d4 9.�b1 (after 9.c4? .ib4+ 10.'i!?f2
0-0 ll..ig5 Vffd7-+ White is com­
pletely incapable of completing
the development of his pieces,
Fries Nielsen - Matthiesen,
Aarhus 2003) 9....ic5 10.'!Wf2 Vffe7
Ala) 5.d3 11.�b5 a6 12.�xb7, Castro Rojas­
Alb) 5."Bf3 Rajna, Budapest 1977 and now
Ale) 5.t0f3 after the aggressive line: 12...

Chapter 3

0-0-0! 13J'l:b3 ltlxe5 14.ltlxe5 placed there either, Y.Shaposh­

Wxe5+ 15.i.e2 dxc3 16. Wf3 !!he8+ nikov - Korchnoi, Sochi 1958.
Black ends up with a so_lli:Lextra Black has good attacking
pawn and good attacking chances prospects after 8. .id2 .ie6 9.cxd4
against White's king stranded in ltlxd4 10.c3 ltlxf3+ 11.Wxf3 i.e7
the centre. 12.Wxb7 i.h4+ 13.'i!?d1 0-0t
8.cxd4 .ib4+! 9. .id2 .ixd2+
10.Wxd2 ltlxd4 11.c3 (It would be
Ala) 5.d3 over-optimistic for White to
White forces the exchange of a choose 11.0-0-0 0-0 12.We3,
powerful enemy piece. Niedermaier - Panteleev, Germa­
5 . . . �xc3 6.bxc3 d4 7.�f3 ny 2010, since after 12... c5+ he
There is a transposition of will have serious problems with
moves after 7.i.e2 ltlc6 8.lt'lf3 i.c5, the safety of his king, while in the
or 7.i.d2 ltlc6 8.ltlf3 i.e6 - see 7. variation 11.i.e2 ltlxf3+ 12. .ix£3
ltlf3. Wd4+ he loses his e5-pawn) 11...
ltlxf3+ 12.gxf3 0-0 13.1'!g1 (13.
0-0-0 Wd5 14.d4 c5 15.1'!g1 g6
16.c4 We6 17.i.e2 cxd4 18.Wxd4
Wa6+ Black has managed to de­
stroy the enemy centre and his
king is much safer, Tushev - Ka­
zantsev, Email 2009; 13.d4 Wh4+
14.Wf2 Wf4+ White will have prob­
lems with his centre very soon.
Black will either undermine it
with f7-f6, or he will play c7-c5, or
both... ) 13.. .f6 14.f4 fxe5 15.fxe5,
7 . . • �c6! Winterfeld - Goehring, Germany
Tournament practice has 1993. White's king has no safe
shown that Black can easily ob­ shelter, therefore Black should
tain an edge if he ignores his op­ complete his development and at­
ponent's c3-pawn. He leads in de­ tack the enemy centre only later.
velopment and his pieces have The best way for him to begin is
excellent squares. with the move 15... i.e6+
8 . .ie2 8 . J.c5

After 8.i.b2 i.g4 9..ie2 dxc3 Black effortlessly deploys his

10.i.xc3 i.c5 11.�d2 0-0 12. pieces to excellent squares and
0-0-0 �d5 13.Wf4 i.e6+ White maintains an edge. White's cen­
succeeds in evacuating his king to tral pawns are only a liability for
the queenside, but it is not well him.

l.e4 e5 2.tt:l c3 tt:lf6 3.f 4 d5

ll . .• �d4

9. 0 - 0
White solves the problems
with the safety of his king but sac­ 12 .idl

rifices a pawn, and regaining it 1V Lixd4? .b:d4 13.�g3, Broo­

may be a difficult task. kes - Haast, Haarlem 2011, 13...
9.cxd4 .b:d4 10.E!b1 0-0 11. E!e8 14.i.h5 g6+ - Black hopes to
.ib2 E!e8 1V Lixd4 tt:Jxd4+ Black attack the enemy eS-pawn and his
forces his opponent either to sac­ kingside is securely protected.
rifice a pawn, or to go in for an In the variation 12.�xc3 .ib6
unpleasant position with bishops 13.�d2 tt:lxf3 14..b:f3 .id4 15.E!b1
of opposite colours. .b:eS+ White will have problems
9..ig5 §'d7 10.c4 h6 11..id2 with the defence of his kingside,
0-0 12.0-0 §'e7+ White will have because Black is threatening �h4,
difficulties with the protection of Yusubalijev - Filev, Teteven
his pawns on d4 and eS. 2004.
9..ib2 0-0 10.cxd4 tt:Jxd4 11. 12 �xfJ 13.hf3, Opl -

c3, Lewandowski - Paprocki, Tor­ Donchenko, Dresden 2010, and

farm 2005, 11...tt:Jxe2 12.�xe2 .ie6 here Black can play 13 c6+ re­ •••

13.d4 i.e? 14.c4 .ib4+ 15.g;,f2 c6+ stricting his opponent's light­
White can hardly organize mean­ squared bishop and preserving
ingful counterplay with his light­ his extra pawn. Later he can at­
squared bishop absent from the tack the enemy eS-pawn, while
board and his pawn centre is White's piece-activity is almost
harmless for Black, since it can harmless and cannot compensate
easily be undermined with f7-f6, for the material deficit.
or even with b7-b5.
9 dxc3 1 0 .g;,hl 0 - 0 ll.ti'el
.•• Alb) 5.ti'fJ
11..if4? ! tt:ld4+ - After the ex­ The queen is better placed
change of the knights, Black's here than on e2, because it does
bishop will occupy the excellent not prevent the development of
d4-outpost. White's bishop, but in many vari-

Chapter 3

ations it comes under attack with 7.dx:c3

tempo. This is White's best option.
His e5-pawn may be a bit weak,
but his pieces come into play
without any difficulties.
After 7.'<&xc3 Wh4+ White lags
in development and has problems
with the protection of his e5-
7.bxc3 '<&h4+ 8.g3 '<&e4+ 9.
'<&xe4 dxe4 10 . .ixc6+ (10.d4 exd3
11.cxd3 .id7 12 . .if4? ltlxe5! 13.
hd7+ ltlxd7 14.'it>d2 0-0-0+
Black has a solid extra pawn, Ca­
5 . . . �c6 6.i.b5 tozzi - Daniel, BesaDJon 1949)
6.lt)xe4?! ltld4 7.'<&c3 (7.'<&d1 10.. . bxc6 11.ltle2 (11.d4 exd3 12.
dxe4 8.c3 ltlc6 9 . .ib5 '<&d5 10.'<&e2 cxd3 .if5 13.'it>e2 l'!d8 14.d4,
i.d7 11.hc6 i.xc6-+ - The light Koeniger - Maier, Munich 1993,
squares in his camp are cata­ after 14 . . . c5+, Black emphasizes
strophically weak, Spielmann - the vulnerability of his opponent's
Moewig, Coburg 1904) 7 . . . dxe4 central pawns) 11 . . . .ic5 12.d4 (12.
8.ttle2 ltlc6 9.ltlg3 V9d5 10 . .ic4 ltld4?! 0-0 13.ltlxc6 l'!e8 14 . .ib2
'<&xeS 11.0-0, Tzermiadianos - A. .id7 15.ltlb4 l'!xe5+ White has
Mastrovasilis, Athens 2002, 11 . . . failed to win a pawn, his knight on
f5!+ Black has an extra centre b4 might be lost and his bishop is
pawn and can effortlessly develop very passive, Antal - Bick, Witley
his pieces, so this provides him 2001.) 12 . . . exd3 13.cxd3, Vojta -
with a clear advantage. Spacek, Czech Republic 2011 and
6 • . • ltlxc3 by playing 13 . . . .ia6 14.d4 .ie7+
White is faced now with a Black controls the light squares in
rather difficult choice. the centre and after completing
his development he can begin un­
dermining White's pawn-chain.
7 Wh4+
. • •

It looks very good for Black to

try here 7 . . . a6!? 8.hc6+ bxc6=
when his advantage of the bishop
pair guarantees him equality, but
he can try for more, Paulsen -
Blackburne, Breslau 1889.
8.g3 ti'e4+ 9.ti'xe4 dx:e4
The e5-pawn is considerably

l.e4 e5 2. tt:\ c3 tt:\f6 3.j4 d5

weaker than the e4-pawn and Pilgaard, Villagarcia de Arosa

White must play precisely to 2002, after 13.. J:!hf8 14J!e1 h6t
maintain the balance. Black completes his development
and is ready to begin active opera­
tions. The greedy attempt 15.l'!xe4
tt:\a5 16.tt:lf3 .ic6 would lead to the
loss of the exchange for White:
17.!J.d3 (17.l'!e3? g5-+) 17...f6! 18.
exf6 hf6+, because after 19.l'!e3?
g5-+ he would lose a piece.
1 0 bxc6 11./t)e2 i.c5 12.

li)d4, Swanson - Savage, Hinck­

ley Island 2009.

1 0 . .ixc6+
White disrupts his opponent's
pawn-structure, but now Black's
light-squared bishop might be­
come very active.
It is not good for White to opt
for 10..ie3 .id7 11..ixc6 .ixc6 12.
tt:le2 g6 13.0-0-0 .ig7 14.tt:\d4
.ixe5 15.tt:\xc6 bxc6 16..id4 .ixd4
17J'!xd4 f5 18J!hd1 o-m= and he
must play very energetically; oth­ Now it would be very strong
erwise, Black's central pawns will for Black to play 12 i.b6 ! 13.a4

promote, Adamko - Pheby, Email (13.tt:lxc6?! !J.h3 14.tt:\d4 0-0-0�

2009. White might fail to complete his
After 10.tt:le2 .id7 11.hc6 development and his e5-pawn is
.ixc6 12.tt:ld4, Baljon - Knox, seriously endangered.) 13 a5 •••

Teesside 1978, Black can preserve 14.J.f4 h6 15.h4 J.g4t White

his important bishop, avoiding must find several very precise
any defects of his pawn-structure, moves to neutralize Black's active
with the move 12....id7t pieces.
10..if4 .id7 11.0-0-0 (White
cannot reach complete equality
with 11.tt:le2 0-0-0 12.i.c4 .ie6 Ale) 5./t)f3 J.e7
13..ixe6+ fxe6t Black's e4-pawn This is the ideal square for the
is safe, while White's e5-pawn will bishop. It cannot be attacked on
need protection.) 11...0-0-0 12. e7, it covers the g5-square and as­
.ic4 !J.e7 13.h4, Paredes Corda - sists in the preparation of f7-f6.

Chapter 3

bxc3, Androni - Sapera, Eretria

2011, 10...f6 ll.exf6 .ixf6t White's
c3-pawn is weak and he has no ac­
tive counterplay, so he must think
about defending.
6.d3 - White gets rid of the
powerful enemy knight, but the
arising pawn-structure is in
Black's favour. 6...tt:Jxc3 7.bxc3 cS
8..ie2 (8.g3 0-0 9..ig2 tt:lc6 10.
0-0 .ig4+ White has problems
6.�e2 with the protection of his eS-pawn
White must fight against and his c3-pawn is a liability too,
Black's centralized knight, other­ Heinz - Pelt, Mehlingen 1992)
wise he may end up in a worse po­ 8...tt:lc6 9.0-0 (in response to 9.
sition. .if4, Black's energetic reaction 9...
6.d4 cS 7..id3 (White would gS! 10..ig3 hS+ emphasizes that
not equalize with 7..ib5+ tt:lc6 8. White's king has no safe shelter,
0-0 0-0 9..ixc6 bxc6 10.�d3, so he has no compensation for his
Menzel - Buchholz, Mecklenburg weakened pawn-structure) 9...
2000, because Black can continue 0-0 10.�e1 (otherwise, Black's
with 10....if5 ll.tt:lh4 cxd4 12.tt:lxf5 play follows the already familiar
dxc3 13.bxc3 .icS+ 14..ie3 .ib6+ script: after 10J:l:b1 f6 ll.exf6 .ixf6
and he gains an edge, thanks to 12.d4 c4t Malienko - Karnaukh,
his powerful knight in the centre Kiev 2010, or 10.d4 �aS ll..id2,
and White's weakened pawn­ Schmidt - Beckmann, Germany
structure.) 7...tt:lxc3 8.bxc3 c4 9. 1988, ll...c4 12.h3 f6 13.exf6
.ie2 tt:lc6 10.0-0 0-0 ll..ie3 (Af­ l:l:xf6+ Black fixes his opponent's
ter 11.�e1 .ifS+ the vulnerability vulnerable queenside pawns and
of White's c2-pawn is empha­ exchanges the eS-pawn, which
sized) ll...bS+ Black's position is cramps his position. In answer to
preferable, owing to his clear-cut 10..if4, it seems reasonable for
plan of queenside attack, Span­ Black to choose lO ...�aS 11.�d2
genberg - An.Karpov, Buenos f6t eyeing the enemy c3-pawn
Aires 1994. and depriving White of his only
6..ie2 0-0 7.0-0 cS 8.'it>h1 trump - his space advantage.)
(White can get rid of his oppo­ 10...f6 ll.d4 {ll.exf6 .ixf6 12..id2
nent's powerful knight with 8. �d6+ Black has deployed his piec­
tt:lxdS �xdS 9.d3 tt:ld6 10.exd6 es aggressively and exerts pres­
.ixd6+, but Black would maintain sure against the weak c3-pawn.)
an edge in view of his control over ll...fxeS 12.dxe5 .ifS 13.c4 'it>h8
the centre.) 8...tt:lc6 9.d3 tt:lxc3 10. 14.cxd5 �xdS+ White has pro-

l.e4 e5 2. ltJ c3 ltJf6 3.f 4 d5

voked radical changes of the 7.dxc3

pawn-structure, but has not White's position would be
equalized yet, because his eS­ worse after 7.bxc3 0-0
pawn and all his queenside pawns
are vulnerable, Kutsenko - Kar­
naukh, Kiev 2011.
6..id3! ? ltJcS 7..tb5+ (7..te2?
d4+) 7...c6 8.d4 cxbS 9.dxc5 .ie6
10..ie3 ltJa6 11.WI'd3?! (White fails
to equalize even after the more ac­
curate line: ll.ltJxbS ltJxcS 12.0-0
0-0t, but although Black's bish­
ops can hardly be activated for the
time being, his position is prefer­ Now:
able owing to the weakness of 8.W/e3 f6 9.c4 ltJc6 10..ib2 fxeS
White's eS-pawn.) ll...b4 12.c6 ll.cxdS W/xdS+ - The position has
bxc3 13.cxb7, Lu Shanglei - been opened up and Black has a
V.Malakhov, Chaongqing 2011. big lead in development, Meijer -
White will inevitably regain his Euwe, Utrecht 1926.
piece, but we believe that Black 8.d4 f6 9.We3 (9..if4 fxeS
can still create problems for him lO ..txes .tg4 11.�e3 ltJc6 12..te2
with the aggressive line: 13...ltJb4! ttJxeS 13.dxe5 b6+ White's king is
14.W/b5+ .td7 1S.bxa8W/ ttJxc2+ 16. stuck the centre, Becker - Cygon,
'i!ff2 W/xa8 17.WI'e2 ttJxa1 18.bxc3 Espelkamp 1975) 9...fxe5 10.
0-0 19J''! xa1 �b7+ - The forced ttJxeS, Pashkin - Akhromeev,
play has ended, leaving Black with Simferopol 1989, and now the
the advantage, thanks to his pow­ best way for Black to exploit his
erful bishop-pair and White's lead in development is to ex­
rather weak pawns. change his opponent's only active
6 ••• l0xc3 piece with the move 10...ltJc6+
8.g3 cS 9..ig2 ltJc6 10.0-0 .ie6
ll.d3 Wd7 12..ig5 !iae8 13.!iae1 h6
14.he7 !ixe7+ White has de­
ployed his pieces relatively well,
but he is not likely to improve his
position in the near future, while
his queenside weaknesses remain
a cause of concern for him, Olsze­
wski - Malaniuk, Kowalewo Po­
morskie 2006.
7••• c5

Chapter 3

Tatranske Zruby 2008. It is more

accurate for White to play 9.b3
�e6 10.�d3 ltJd7 ll.c4 dxc4 12.
bxc4 Vfic7� Black's position is a
bit cramped, but if White fails to
exploit this, his queenside weak­
nesses are bound to tell.) 9... 0-0
10.0-0 c4!?= Black has given the
d4-square to his opponent, but
has radically solved the problem
of protecting his kingside. White
8 . .if4 can hardly avoid the exchange of
It is not so good for him to opt queens and only he may have
for 8.�e3 ltJc6 9.'\Wf2 '\WaS 10.'\Wg3 problems in the endgame.
�e6 11.�e2 (ll.�d3 0-0-0 12. 8 .. )l)c6
0-0 hS� Black's chances of or­
ganizing an attack against the en­
emy king are not worse than those
of his opponent) 11...'\Wa4 12.�d3,
Kujovic - Panchanathan, Dallas
2004, after 12... 0-0, Black is
threatening to win a pawn with
the move cS-c4, while after 13.b3
Vfig4+ White is faced with the rath­
er unpleasant choice between an
inferior endgame and an attempt
to protect his weak pawns in the
coming middle game. 9. 0 - 0 - 0
8.'\Wf2 Vfib6! - Black prevents 9.'\Wd2 h6 10.�e2 (10.0-0-0
the development of the enemy �e6t Black controls the centre
bishop on cl. 9.�e2, Hector - and is ready to begin an offensive
Docx, Gothenburg 200S (In reply on the queenside.) 10... gS 11.�e3
to 9.'\Wg3, Black is ready to trans­ g4 12.lLlg1 d4 13.�f4 dxc3 14.
fer his queen to the other side '\Wxc3, Aaberg - Barkhagen, Swe­
of the board: 9... '\Wg6 10.'\Wxg6 den 1996, 14... '\WdS+ - He not only
hxg6=. It would be worse for attacks the g2-square, but his oth­
White to continue with 9.c4 �e6 er pieces are all perfectly prepared
10.cxdS hdS ll.c3 lLlc6+ - he has to come into action immediately.
got rid of his backward pawn, but 9.'\Wf2 �e6 10.Vfig3 'WaS (It is
lags in development and his eS­ less energetic for Black to contin­
pawn would be more of a target ue with 10... '\Wb6 11.0-0-0 0-0-0
than an asset, Vojta - Rachela, 12.lLlgS hgS 13.hgS :i!d7 14.�f4

l.e4 e5 2. llJ c3 llJf6 3.f 4 d5

g6=, although he would not have also good to play ll ... �d7 12.i>b1
any problems even then, Ponkra­ �f5t when Black has deployed his
tov - G.Timoscenko, Satka 2008.) pieces perfectly and is ready to
ll.a3 (ll.�xg7? 0-0-0 12.�h6 begin active play on the queen­
d4+ - Black has begun a decisive side) and after ll...�d7 12.h3 0-0
attack against White's king, at the 13.g4 �ab8-+ with the idea b7-b5,
price of only a pawn.) ll...h6 12. Black begins a direct attack
h4 (It would be worse for White to against the enemy king.
opt for 12.�xg7? 0-0-0 13.�g3 10.i>b1 - This is a useful pro­
�a4+ and Black's threats are tre­ phylactic move for White. 10...
mendously dangerous, or 12. �a5 ll.a3 (in the endgame after
0-0-0 g5 13.�e3 o-o-m: and 11.�b5 �xb5 12.�xb5 0-0t, Black
here he has a very unpleasant has no problems at all) ll...h6 12.
plan of advancing with d5-d4.) h4, Sorensen - Z.Polgar, Tunja
12...0-0-0 13.0-0-0 i>b8� White 1989. The best place for Black's
has prevented his opponent from king would be on the queenside,
occupying additional space on the so she must prepare active opera­
kingside, but Black's position has tions on the queenside with
no weaknesses and he has excel­ 12...0-0-0� followed by a mov­
lent counterplay on the queen­ ing her king to the aS-square.
side. 10.�f2 �aS ll.a3 (in answer to
9 . . . .te6 ll.i>b1, Ballester - Haslinger, Dos
Hermanas 2004, it seems very at­
tractive for Black to begin a direct
attack with ll...d4 12.c4 b5 13.
llJd2 �b8-+) ll...h6 12.�e3 b6� -
Black has obtained a very solid
position and after moving his king
to a8 he can start to prepare the
central pawn-break d5-d4 or or­
ganize an attack against the ene­
my king.
10 • . • h6 11.g3
11.�f2 �a5 12.a3 0-0-0�
1 0 .h4 ll • • . Yfd7 12 .tg2

10.c4 - White is fighting for In answer to 12.�f2 it seems

the e4-square, but this only helps very reasonable for Black to con­
Black organize active operations tinue with 12...0-0-0. White's
on the queenside. 10...d4 11.llJd2, only attempt to put this move in
Hector - Ivkov, Cannes 1989 (in doubt would be connected with
response to ll.h4, Hector - 13.�e3, but Black can counter this
Inkiov, Copenhagen 1990, it is with 13...d4! 14.cxd4 cxd4 15.

Chapter 3

l2Jxd4 \Wd5t - he will inevitably re­ A2) 4.exd5

gain his pawn and his pieces will White plays this move quite
be tremendously active. often, even at grandmaster level.
12 ••• 0 - 0 - 0 13.h5 He wishes to fight for the ad­
13.\Wfl l'!he8 14.�h3 hh3 15. vantage in a position with an ex­
\Wxh3 \Wxh3 16.l'!xh3 f6= - Black tra pawn after 4...e4, but...
eliminates the enemy e5-pawn, 4 •• . �xd5 !
which cramps his position, and he This natural move is the most
completely equalizes, Barreras precise for Black.
GarcHa - Piccoli, Email 2008.
13 ••• i.g4

Now White can choose be­

tween several possibilities A2a)
14.'tf.>b1 5.�xd5? ! , A2b) 5.�f3 and A2c)
14.\Wfl \We6 15.'tf.>b1 (after the 5.fxe5.
exchange of the light-squared Among his alternatives, we
bishops with 15.i.h3 hh3 16. must mention that in the varia­
\Wxh3 l'!d7 17.liJd2 a6 18.'i!?b1, Mo­ tion 5.\Wh5 l2Jxf4 6.Wxe5+ l2Je6+
rales Pecino - Kozlov, Email White's queen will come under at­
2007, Black can play 18...\Wxh3 tack with tempo by Black's devel­
19.l'!xh3 i.d8t emphasizing that oping pieces, Noble - Braunberg­
White's e5-pawn might become a er, Frankfurt 2010, while after 5.
weakness.) 15... l'!d7 16.a3 l'!hd8 \Wf3 l2Jxf4 6.i.c4 l2Jc6+ Black ends
17.l'!d3, Morales Pecino - Albano up with a solid extra pawn, Blanch
Rivares, Email 2008, and after - Janev, Balaguer 2011.
17...i.f5 18.l'!d2 l2Ja5t Black ob­
tains excellent attacking pros­ A2a) 5.�xd5? ! Wxd5
pects. Black's queen is perfectly
14 ghe8 15.Wfl We6 16.
••• placed in the centre of the board,
i.h3 .hh3 17.Wxh3 gd7 18.g4 because it impedes White's devel­
ged8 19.a3 d4= Glukhovtsev - opment and cannot be attacked at
Koronowski, Email 2010 all.

l.e4 e5 2.tt:l c3 tt:lf6 3j 4 d5

6 . . . �c6 7.�£3 i.g4 8 .i.e2


For 6.tt:lf3 tt:lc6 7.fxe5 .ig4 -
see 6.fxe5.
6.tt:le2?! - White fails to evict 9.d4 (In the variation 9.0-0
the enemy queen from the centre .ic5+ 10.<i>h1, Inkiov - Dobrev,
with this: 6... .ie7 7.d4 (the seem­ lraklion 1992, Black maintains a
ingly more consequent 7.tt:lc3? stable advantage, thanks to his
i.h4+ forces White to give up a lead in development and control
whole rook.) 7... .ih4+ 8.tt:lg3 exd4 of the centre, with 10... tt:Jxf3 11.
9.c4, Halpin - Blumbergs, Email hf3 hf3 12.l'!xf3 0-0+) 9 • . •

2005, and now with 9.. .'�c6+ � xf3 + 1 0 . h£3 hf3 11. �xf3
Black impedes the development �xf3 12.gxf3 0 - 0 - 0 t Black
of his opponent's light-squared has a much better pawn-structure
bishop and is quite ready to on the kingside and a lead in de­
launch a decisive attack in a few velopment, Sanz Alonso - Mala­
moves. niuk, Warsaw 2008.
After 6.\1;Ye2 tt:lc6 7.c3 .ie7 8.
fxe5 .ih4+ 9.<i>d1, Van de Berk­
mortel - Gorla, Switzerland 1992,
the simplest for Black would be to A2b) 5.�£3 exf4
regain his pawn with 9... tt:Jxe5
10.tt:lf3 (Black does not lose his
knight, because in the variation
10.d4? .ig4 ll.tt:lf3 0-0-0-+
White is unable to capture it.)
10... i.g4 11.\1;Yb5+ \1;Yxb5 12.hb5+
c6 13. .ie2 tt:Jxf3 14.hf3 hf3+ 15.
gxf3 0-0-0+ - The material is
equal, but Black has a superior
pawn-structure and his pieces
come into play very quickly.

Chapter 3

This position is reached much protection of his king would hurt

more often from the King's Gam­ him.) 12...0-0-0 13..ie3 .if6+
bit, but for the sake of a conveni­ Kieninger - Eliskases, Stuttgart
ent presentation of the theoreti­ 1939.
cal material, we shall analyze it 6..ib5+?! c6 White has lost a
here. tempo, but now Black's knight
6 .ic4
• has no immediate access to the
6.d4?! - This move weakens c6-square. 7.\11ie2+ .ie6 8..ic4 .ie7
the important e3-square and pro­ 9.lt'lxd5 cxdS lO ..ibS+ lt'lc6 11.d4
vides Black with several tempi for \11lc7+ White has not regained his
his development. 6....ib4 7..id2 pawn yet and lags in develop­
.ixc3 8.bxc3 o-m= ment, Rubinstein - Tarrasch,
6..ie2?! - White's bishop is Merano 1924.
more passive here than on c4. 6... 6 . . . lt'lxc3 7.bxc3
lt'lxc3 7.bxc3 .id6 8.d4 0-0 9.0-0 7.dxc3 \11ixd1+ 8.'tt> xd1 .id6 9.
lt'ld7+ !'le1+ 'tt> f8 10.lt'le5 .ixeS ll.!'lxeS f6
6.lt'lxd5?! \11i xd5 Black's queen 12.!'lc5 c6 13..ixf4 b6 14.!'ld5
is perfectly placed in the centre. (White's compensation for the ex­
7.d4 .ie7 8.c4 (8..id3 lt'lc6 9..ixf4 change is insufficient after 14.
gS! 10..ig3 g4 ll.c4 \11ie6+ 12.lt'le5 .ixb8 bxcS 15..id6+ 'tt> e8 16..ixc5
lt'lxeS 13.dxe5 .ib4+ 14.'tt> f1 .id7+ .ifS+) 14...cxd5 15..ixd5 gS! (Black
and Black will evacuate his king to frees the g7-square for his king in
the queenside) 8...\11i e4+ 9.'tt> f2 (9. case of an eventual check from
.ie2 lt'lc6 10.0-0 .ig4 ll.dS lt'leS the d6-square!) 16..ie3 (16..ig3?!
12.'tt> h1 0-0 13.lt'lxe5 .ixe2 14J�e1 .ig4+ 17.'tt> e1 lt'lc6 18..ixc6 !'lc8 19.
.ixd1 15J�xe4 .ic2 16.!'le2 .id6+ .ibS 'tt> t7+ Black has coordinated
White has played quite sensibly his rooks and has no problems
so far but has failed to equalize. with the realization of his advan­
He either remains a pawn down, tage.) 16....ig4+ 17.'tt> d2 lt'lc6 18.
or must fight against his oppo­ .ixc6 !'ld8+ 19..id4 !'ld6+ Although
nent's powerful bishops in an White's bishop on d4 is a beauti­
open position, Tellier - Schmidt, ful piece, it cannot compensate
Email 2009.) 9....if5 10.c5 (the for the lost exchange.
endgame after 10.\11i e2 �xe2+ 11. 7 .id6 8.\11ie 2+

.ixe2 gS+ is very difficult for White's position in the middle

White, not least because of the game is clearly worse: 8.0-0 0-0
missing pawn.) 10...lt'lc6 ll..ibS 9.d4 lt'ld7 10..id3 !'le8 ll.c4 cS 12.
�d5 12..ixf4 (it would be more ac­ c3 lt'lf6+ White has failed to regain
curate for White to play 12.!'le1 his pawn and his central pawns
.ie4 13.�e2 fS 14..ixf4 0-0-0+, are weak, Nobel - Cipka, Email
but even then, the vulnerability of 2005.
his d4-pawn and the insufficient 8 ••. 9e7 9.Wxe7+ 'tt>x e7

l.e4 e5 2. lt'l c3 ll'Jf6 3.f 4 d5

would be completely irrelevant

with his king stranded in the cen­
6 . . . Wfh4+ 7.�e2 .i.g4+ 8 .
ll'J f3 c!Oc6 9.Wfe1
9.d4? 0-0-0 10.i.d2, Hamppe
- Steinitz, Vienna 1859 (for 10.
Wfe1 WfhS - see 9.Wfe1, while after
10.if4 f6 White will be unable to
parry his opponent's attack). Here
Black forces mate with 10...E:xd4!
10.0-0 ll.cxd4 ll'Jxd4+ 12.<.!id3 i.fS+ 13.
After lO.lLJgS i.e6 ll.ll'lxe6 fxe6 �c3 ll'lxf3 14.V9xf3 V9b4#
12.0-0 ll'Jc6+ Black has the better 9 . . . V9h5
prospects, thanks to his extra
1 0 . . . .i.e6 1u;e1 �d7 12.
he6+ fxe6+ Farley - Kazh­
galeyev, Yerevan 1996.

A2c) 5.fxe5

1 0 .d4? !
Objectively speaking, this is
not the best move for White, but it
is the most ambitious. He pre­
serves his extra pawn and hopes
to gradually consolidate his posi­
tion. Black must react with maxi­
mum energy in order to refute
This move has been tried by this plan.
grandmasters Ivanchuk, Naka­ The best move for White leads
mura and Ponkratov. The best to a much calmer game after 10.
that White can rely on is an ap­ �d1! i.xf3+ ll.gxf3 0-0-0 (Black
proximately equal endgame. can obtain a very good position
5 .. .ti)xc3 6.bxc3 even with the riskier line: 11...
After 6.dxc3? Wfh4+ 7.�d2 icS Wfxf3+!? 12.i.e2 WfdS�) 12.V9e4
8.ll'Jf3 V9g4--+ White's extra pawn (White loses by force after 12.d4?

Chapter 3

lt'lxd4! 13.cxd4 �xf3+ 14..te2 This move is forced; other­

:B:xd4+ 15..td2 :B:xd2+ 16.�xd2 wise, he cannot develop his king­
�xh1-+ Donkers - Haast, Haar­ side.
lem 2011.) 12...�xe5 13.d4 (The 11 . . . {6 !
position would remain approxi­
mately equal after 13.�xe5 lt'lxe5�
White has the advantage of the
bishop pair, but his pawn-struc­
ture is bad and he has problems
with the coordination of his
pieces.) 13...�a5 14..td2, Naka­
mura - Milliet, Cap d'Agde 2010
(it is no better for him to play
14.�d3 .ta3+). It is essential here
for Black to take the fS-square
under control by playing 14 ...
g6. After this pawn-advance, it be­
comes obvious that White's king
will not be safe on the kingside ei­
This is a principled move, but
it loses by force. Black must react
very energetically though ...
It would be more accurate
for White to continue with 12.
.tbS fxeS 13..txc6 bxc6.
Black plans to advance his
pawn to fS, restricting White's
light-squared bishop and moreo­
ver he is threatening to play .th6.
After 15.a4 .th6 16.f4 (16..txh6?
�xc3-+) 16...:B:he8 17.�f3 lt'le7+,
or 15..tc4 .th6 16.f4 :B:he8 17.�f3
fS+ he is able to force his oppo­
nent to place a pawn on f4, where
it will become an easy target
for attack, while in the variation In this position, no matter how
15..td3 .b3 16.:B:b1 :B:he8 17.�h4 he recaptures on eS, White must
�dS 18.�h3+ fS+ White will be fight for a draw:
unable to coordinate his pieces. 14.lt'lxe5 .td6 15.h3 :B:hf8+ 16.
1 0 . . . 0 - o - o u.q;,f2 q;,g1 .txeS 17.�xe5 (after 17.hxg4

l.e4 e5 2. llJ c3 llJf6 3/ 4 d5

�xg4 White has to give up his 24.�g3 W/d4+ 25.'tt> g2 �e4+ 26.
queen in the variation 18.'1Wxe5? 'tt> g1 E:f3-+
E:de8 19. .if4 E:xe5-+, but even af­ 13 . • . 'tt>b 8 14.gxf3 gxf6
ter 18.E:h4 .ig3 19.E:xg4 .ixel+
White is still a long way from
equality) 17... �xe5 18.dxe5 E:d1+
19. ci!fh2 E:xh1+ 20.'tt> xh1 E:fl+ 21.
'tt> h2 .ifS+ - The presence of bish­
ops of opposite colours on the
board provides him with some
chances of saving the game, but
no more than that, Gavrilov -
Pavlikov, Email 2009;
14.�xe5 �g6 15.E:e1 (15.�e2
.id6+) 15... .id6 16.�g5 E:df8 17.
E:e2 E:fS 18.�xg6 hxg6 19. 'tt> e3 It looks as if White has a solid
.ixh2t Black has regained the centre, an extra pawn and the ad­
pawn and his pieces continue to vantage of the bishop pair, and it
be very active, Diogo - Debevec, is his move... Nevertheless, he is
Email 2009. defenceless. Black successfully
12 • • . .txf3 ! 13.Yfe6+ breaks his opponent's centre and
White practically loses by has a decisive attack, with various
force after 13.gxf3 �h4+ 14.'tt> e2 spectacular sacrifices.
�xf6 15.Yfh3
White cannot save the game
with 15.h4 E:e8 and after the re­
treat of his queen Black's attack is

15. .ie3 (He must develop,

protecting his d4-square in the
process.) 15... .ib4! 16. .ih3+ 'tt> b8
17.cxb4 (the d4-square was
impossible to defend anyway... ) 16.W/c4 .id6 17. .ie2 E:hg8 18.
17... llJxd4+ 18.hd4 �xd4 19. .if5 �d3 llJeS! 19.dxe5 .icS+ 20.'tt> e1
E:he8+ 20 . .ie4 E:xe4+ 21.fxe4 �xeS 21.f4 �e7-+;
�xe4+ 22. 'tt> f2 E:f8+ 23.'tt> g1 W/g4+ 16.�b3 .icS! 17.E:b1 b6 18. .ic4

Chapter 3

ll:lxd4 19.cxd4 hd4+ 20.@f1 l'!e3 19...l'!e8 20.'Wf3 l'!xd3 21.cxd3 'Wc3
21.he3 'Wxf3+ 22.@e1 l'!e8 23. 22.l'!b1 i.b6 23.i.b2 'Wc2 24.l'!e1
@d2 he3+ 24.@c3 i.d4+ 2S.@b4 l'!xe1+ 25.@xe1 'Wxb2-+ Black has
�hS 26.'Wd3 l'!e3-+ ; obtained more than enough
16.'Wxf6 i.d6 17.'Wh6 'WdS 18. pawns for the exchange and the
l'!b1 ll:lxd4 19.cxd4 l'!hg8-+; enemy king is quite open, with
It is no better for White to opt queens present on the board.
for 15.id3 ib4! 16.l'!b1 (16.cxb4 19 ... �d3+ 2 0 .cxd3 J.d4 21.
'Wh4+ 17.@f1 l'!he8 18.'Wg4 'We1+ ie3 he3 22.�xe3 ge8+ 23.
19.@g2 'Wc3 20.'Wf4 l'!g8+ 21.@f2 �f3 ti'd5+ 24.�g4 f5 + 25.�h4
�xa1 22.'Wxc7+ @aS!-+) 16... ge6 26.Yffl 'ifd8 + 27.�g3 ge3+
�h4+ 17.@fl l'!de8 18.'Wg4 'We1+ White loses his queen, and more­
19.@g2 'We7-+ over all his weak pawns are drop­
15 . . . 'Wa5 16.f4 ping, 0-1 J.Andersen - Frey Beck­
White loses even faster after man, Email 2002.
16.i.b2 i.a3 17.ha3 'Wxc3!-+
16 . . . �xd4! !
This is an important resource B) 3.g3
for Black, to deprive White's mon­ This is a less risky move than
arch of any shelter. 3.f4 - White obtains a solid pawn­
17.cxd4 gxd4 18.id3 ic5 structure on the kingside and
postpones active operations until
he has completed his develop­

White's centre has been de­

stroyed and no matter where his
king goes Black's pieces will be all
over it. 3 . . . d5
19.@f3 It is also good for Black to play
19.@g2 l'!g8+ 20.@f3 l'!xd3+ here 3...i.c5.
21.cxd3 i.d4-+ 4.exd5 �xd5 5.J.g2
19.@fl - This is evidently the S.lLlf3 lLlc6 - see Chapter 7.
most tenacious defence for White. S.�hS? - White plays analo-

l.e4 e5 2. lt:Jc3 lt:Jf6 3.g3 d5

gously to the famous variation of

the Scotch Game (l.e4 eS 2.lt:Jf3
lt:lc6 3.d4 exd4 4.lt:lxd4 V9h4!?),
but the superfluous move g2-g3
worsens considerably his posi­
tion. S... lilc6! 6.i.b5, Proehl -
Kruppa, Berlin 1993. Here, Black
can complete his development
with 6... i.e7 7.i.xc6+ (7.V9xe5
lt:ldb4 8.@d1 0-0 9.i.xc6 bxc6! -
see 7.i.xc6) 7... bxc6 8.V9xe5 lt:lb4
9.@d1 0-0 10.lilge2 �e8 ll.VNhS 7.lLle2
c5-+ and he should win quickly, 7.lilf3 - There is no doubt that
thanks to his overwhelming lead this is the most dangerous move
in development and the vulnera­ for Black and after 7... lt:lc6, there
bility of the light squares on arises the Glek variation, see
White's kingside. Chapter 7.
S.lt:lge2?! - The idea to capture For 7.d3 lilc6 8.lilf3 (8.lile2
with a piece on c3, after an even­ 0-0 - see 7.lile2) 8...0-0 9.0-0
tual exchange there, is not good, i.g4 or 7.V9e2 0-0 8.d3 lt:lc6 9.lt:lf3
because in that case the b-file is �eB 10.0-0 i.fS - see Chapter 7.
not opened. S... lt:lxc3 6.lilxc3 (but 7.�b1 0-0 8.lile2 (White loses
not 6.bxc3? VNdS+ and White is after 8.i.xb7?? i.xb7 9.�xb7 VNdS
forced to play 7.�g1, after which 10.V9f3 e4-+) 8... lilc6 9.0-0 V9d6!
his king cannot be evacuated to - see 7.lile2.
the kingside, his only possible 7.f4N - This move has not
safe place.) 6... lilc6 7.i.g2 i.e6 been tried in practice yet, but
8.0-0 V9d7 9.d3, Mieses - Napier, Black must be well prepared
Hastings 1905, his knight has against it. 7... lilc6!? (The position
been removed from the kingside is less clear after 7... exf4 8.d4oo)
and this enables Black to obtain 8.fxe5 (after 8.lLlf3 exf4 9.d4 i.d6
excellent attacking chances with 10.i.xf4 i.xf4 ll.gxf4 0-0 12.0-0
the help of the standard move 9... lt:le7!+, it becomes clear that not
hSt only does White need to protect
5 . . . lLlxc3 6.bxc3 .ic5 his weak pawns on f4 and c3, he
Black plays 6... i.d6 more of­ also has weak squares on the e­
ten, but we believe that the bishop file, which require defending.) 8...
is more actively placed on cS, i.xg1 9.hc6+ (9.�xg1 lLlxeS 10.
while if White advances withd2- i.a3 i.g4 ll.VNb1 lilf3+ 12.i.xf3
d4, tension arises in the centre i.xf3 13.V9b5+ V9d7 14.V9e5+ @dB
and it is not in his favour to re­ 1S.@f2 �e8 16.vgf4 �e6t - White's
duce it. light squares in the centre are vul-

Chapter 3

nerable and this provides Black i.g4 - see 8.0-0) 9... l'%b8 10.0-0
with good attacking prospects.) (10.hc6? W/f6+ - Black regains
9... bxc6 10.13xg1 0-0� White's the piece and dominates the light
king has no safe shelter and the squares in his opponent's camp.)
presence of bishops of opposite 10... .ig4 - see 8.0-0.
colours on the board will lead to a 8.i.b2?! White prepares active
powerful attack for Black. operations in the centre, but plac­
7.W/h5?! - This queen-sortie, es his bishop in a very passive po­
in combination with the develop­ sition. 8... 0-0 9.d4 .ib6 10.0-0,
ment of the bishop on c4, does not Karacsony - Pinter, Budapest
seem logical and should not yield 2011, 10... W/f6+
any advantage for White. 7... 0-0 8.d4!? i.b6 (in the variation
8.lt:'lf3 lt:'ld7 9.0-0, G.Szabo - Bon­ 8... exd4 9.cxd4 lt:'lxd4 10. .ib2 lt:'lfS
te, Galatzi 2007. Black should oc­ ll.W/xd8+ '.t>xd8 12.0-0-0+ .id7
cupy the centre here with 9... e4 13.lt:'lf4� White's pieces are very
lO.lt:'lgS (10.lt:'ld4?! .ib6+ and his active, at the cost of a couple of
pawn is untouchable, because pawns) 9.ia3, Ivitza - Satholm,
after ll.he4? lt:'lf6 12.W/h4 lt:'lxe4 Krakow 1964 (Black should not be
13.�xe4 l'%e8+ the light squares afraid of 9.d5 W/f6 10.0-0 lt:'laS+
around White's king are defence­ since White has voluntarily fixed
less.) 10... lt:'lf6 ll.W/e2 l'%e8 12. his weaknesses.) 9... W/f6 10.0-0
lt:'lxe4 lt:'lxe4 13.he4 .if5 14.d3 Wf6 ig4+ Black has deployed his piec­
15. .id2 .ixe4 16.dxe4 �c6 17.l'%fe1 es with meximum effectiveness
l'%e6 18.'>t>g2 fSt Black regains his and is ready to evacuate his king
pawn and preserves the activity of to the queenside.
his pieces. 8... 0 - 0
7••• lt:'lc6

8. 0 - 0 9.'>t>h1? i.e6 10.h3 .idS+ White
For 8.l'%b1 0-0 9.0-0 W/d6 - will have great problems with the
see 8.0-0; 8.d3 0-0 9.l'%b1 (9.0-0 protection of his kingside after

l.e4 e5 2.4Jc3 lt:Jf6 3.g3 d5

the exchange of the light-squared

bishops, Tarrasch - Trenchard,
Vienna 1898.
In response to 9.i.b2?!, Fele­
can - S.Vajda, Bucharest 1997, it
would be good for Black to con­
tinue with the prophylactic move
9....tb6 10.4Jc1 �g5 ll.lt:Jb3 i.g4
12.�c1 �f5t and White cannot
avoid the exchange of the light­ n ..te3 i.xe3 12.fxe3 b5!+ and
squared bishops. Black fixes his opponent's weak
9J:'!:b1 �d6! - This is the best queenside pawns.
square for Black's queen, because It is no better for White to opt
it does not impede the develop­ for ll.@h1 i.g4 (the move 10... l:'!:b8
ment of the rest of his pieces or also turns out to be useful here,
the advance of his f-pawn and it since Black's b7-pawn is protect­
also protects the knight on c6. ed.) 12.h3 (after the risky 12.f4?
:!:'!:feB+ White is helpless against
Black's piece-activity) 12....te6 13.
c4 f5 14.4Jc3 a6 15.@h2 (the ag­
gressive attempt 15.4Jd5 b5+ in­
creases the number of weaknesses
in White's camp) 15....td4 16.i.d2
b6+ Black controls the centre and
has excellent prospects on both
flanks. Still, he is a long way from
a win...
After 10.d4 i.b6 ll.dxe5, Ver­ ll.c4 - White wishes to deploy
hovodko - Miton, Mureck 1998 his knight quickly to the centre of
(ll.d5?! tt:Ja5+ leaves White's the board. 11...i.g4 12.h3 i.e6 13.
queenside pawns securely block­ tt:Jc3 �d7 14.@h2 b6t Black can
aded), it is reasonable for Black to evict his opponent's knight from
enter an endgame with ll...�xd1 the d5-outpost by preparing c7-
12J:'!:xd1 tt:Jxe5t - his pieces are c6.
much more active, while White's 9 . . . i.g4
queenside pawns are vulnerable. (diagram)
In answer to 10.d3, Steffens - 1 0 .h3
Ljubarskij, Germany 2007, Black For 10.l:'!:b1 l:'!:b8 ll.i.e3 i.xe3
can play 10..J:'!:b8!? 12.fxe3 tt:Je7 - see 10.i.e3
(diagram) After 10.i.e3 i.xe3 ll.fxe3 l:'!:b8
The idea of this move can be 12.l:'!:b1 lt:Je7 13.c4 (White's greedy
best illustrated in the variation attempt 13.l:'!:xb7? l:'!:xb7 14.hb7

Chapter 3

ll.c4 �d7 12.<i!?h2 !i:ab8!t -

Black not only protects his b7-
pawn, but is also ready to counter
the deployment of his opponent's
knight on dS with the move b7-b5.
ll .id5
. . . 12.c4 hg2 13.
mxg2 YlYd7+

c6-+ loses a bishop.) 13... c6 14.

�d2 bS 15.cxb5 cxbSt the main
drawback of his position is the ab­
sence of a good square for his
10 ••. .ie6
lO... i.hS?! llJ'i:bl !i:b8 12.g4
.ig6 13.tt:\g3oo Shirov - Rytshagov,
Tallinn (rapid) 2004. After the exchange of the light­
u.mh2 squared bishops White will have
After ll.!i:bl !i:b8 12.c4 �d7 great problems with the defence
13.mh2 b6 14. .ie3 tt:\d4t Black's of his king and the organization of
piece-activity provides him with active counterplay, Shennum -
excellent attacking prospects. Rodin, Email 2001.

Chapter 4 l.e4 e5 2..ic 4

Bishop's Opening

6.�xg6 hxg6 7.'Llf3 d6? provides

Black with an excellent position
for the endgame.
3.a3?! - White saves his bish­
op from an exchange, but loses an
important tempo. 3... 'Llf6 4.'Llc3
(it is preferable for him to play
4.d3 i.c5 - see 3.d3) 4... 'Llxe4 5.
/Oxe4 (5.i.xf7+? �xt7 6./0xe4 d5
7.'Llg3 i.c5 8.�f3+ �g8+ Black
has occupied the centre, obtained
2 .•. /0c6 the advantage of the bishop-pair
In the diagrammed position and has a clear-cut plan connect­
the overwhelming majority of ed with the pawn-advance h7-h5-
players prefer the move 2... /0f6, h4.) 5... d5 6.i.d3 dxe4 7.i.xe4
but in that case they must be pre­ i.d6=
pared to enter the variation 3.d4 3.f4 'Llf6 4. 'Llf3 (4.'Llc3 'Llxe4 -
exd4 4.'Llf3!?, while now White's see variation C; 4.d3 exf4 - see
main attempts to fight for the ad­ variation B ; 4.fxe5?! 'Llxe5 5.i.b3
vantage are based on 3.'Llf3 i.c5 - 'Llxe4+ Black has won a pawn and
see Chapters 13-20. Among will create threats against the en­
White's other possibilities, we emy king.) 4... 'Llxe4
shall consider A) 3 .c3, B) 3.d3
and C) 3./0c3 .
The position after 3.�h5 g6,
arises more often after another
move-order: 2.�h5 /Oc6 3.i.c4 g6
and this was analyzed in Chapter
1, while White's other attempt to
checkmate the opponent in a flash
- 3.�f3 �f6 4.c3 i.e7 5.�g3 �g6

Chapter 4

5.d3?! d5! 6.i.b5 tt'ld6 7.i.xc6+

bxc6 8.fxe5 tt'lf5+ Black's doubled
pawns are not at all weak and his
light-squared bishop will become
very active on the long diagonal
or, if White plays d3-d4, on the f1-
a6 diagonal.
5.fxe5?! Steinitz - Steffelaar,
Haarlem 1896, This seems to be
the most natural move, but it is a
mistake. After 5... tt'lxe5! 6.tt'lxe5
vgh4+ 7.g3 tt'lxg3 8.i.xf7+ 'it>d8 9. 6.tt'lf3 tt'lf4+, or 6.d3 tt'lb6 7.i.b5
vgg4 �xg4 10.tt'lxg4 ltlxh1 ll.i.d5 �d5 8.hc6+ bxc6t
i.d6 12.i.xh1 h5 13.tt'le3 i.xh2+
Black ends up with a slight mate­
rial advantage in the endgame.
5.i.d5 - White presents his op­
ponent with the advantage of the
bishop-pair, but obtains a power­
ful centre. 5... tt'lf6 6.i.xc6 dxc6
7.fxe5 tt'ld5 8.0-0 i.e7 9.d4 (9.
tt'lc3 tt'lxc3 10.bxc3 0-0 ll.d3 f6?)
9... i.f5 10.a3 tt'lb6 11.�e2 0-0 12.
c4 �d7 13.ltlc3 f6? Black ex­
changes the e5-pawn, which
cramps his position and it is 6 . . . .te6 !N
White's turn to play very precise­ Black emphasizes quick com­
ly. pletion of his development.
It is more accurate for White
A) 3.c3 to play 7.tt'lf3 exd4 8.0-0 (after
This is an attempt to occupy 8.ltlg5?! �d7 9.tt'lxe6 fxe6 10.0-0
the centre. 0-0-0+ Black has an extra pawn
3 •.• tt'lf6 and superior development) 8...
(diagram) i.e7 9.cxd4 0-0?, but this leads
4.�e2 to a position in which Black has
4.d3 tt'la5 - see variation B. no problems with his develop­
After 4.�b3 �e7 s.vgc2 g6+ ment and can hope to seize the
Black comfortably completes his initiative owing to White's weak­
development. ness on d4.
4 . . . d5 5.exd5 �xd5 6.d4 7 . • . �db4!
It is worse for White to opt for Black launches an attack.

l.e4 e5 2. i.c4 ttJ c6

8.cxb4 14.ttJf3? '1Wc5 15.ti'xg7 0-0-0

White is forced to be greedy. 16.V9xf7 i.g4. White is in a critical
After 8.he6? tLld3+ 9.'i!ld1 (9. situation. His king is stranded in
'tt> fl tLlxcl 10.'\Wc2 fxe6 1l.V9xc1 the centre and his pieces are not
V9d3+ 12.tLle2 !ld8-+) 9... fxe6 10. developed. After 17.V9c4 V9xe5+
ttJd2 V9d5+ White will have diffi­ 18.i.e3 hf3+ 19.gxf3 :B:d4 20.ti'b3
culty completing his develop­ tLlxe3 2l.fxe3 :B:e8+ White's extra
ment. pawn is no consolation at all.
In the variation 8.tLla3 hc4
9.ttJxc4 ttJd3+ 10.'tt>fl V9d5� Black's
lead in development and his pow­
erful knight on d3 provide him
with more than sufficient com­
pensation for the pawn.
8 ••• ttJd4

14 �xe3 15.'1Wxe3 hc3


16.bxc3 ti'g4+ 17.�£J cxb5+

The material is equal, but Black's
bishop is active, while White must
worry about his king stranded in
the centre and his numerous weak
After 9.V9e4 i.xc4 10.tLlc3 hb4 B) 3.d3
1l.i.e3 c5 12.0-0-0 hc3 13.bxc3 The main idea of this move is
!leSt White is very likely to come to enter variations of the King's
under a dangerous attack. Gambit without sacrificing a
9 .•• Af5 1 0 .ti'g3 pawn.
After 10.hf7+ 'tt> xf7 ll.V9c4+ 3 . . . �f6
i.e6 12.V9d3 ttJc6 13.V9f3+ 'tt> g8� (diagram)
only his queen is in action, so 4.f4
White must defend very accurate­ 4.ttJf3 .ic5 - see Chapter 14;
ly in order not to lose quickly. 4.ttJc3 ttJa5 - see variation C.
10 ••• hb4+ ll.�c3 4. .ig5?! (4.tLle2 ttJ aS+!) 5... h6
11. 'tt>fl tLlc2+ 5.i.h4, Spielmann - Schlechter,
ll . . . �c2+ 12.�e2 ti'd4 13. Karlsbad 1907 (after 5.hf6
Ab5+ c6 14.Ae3 V9xf6+, White may be in trouble

Chapter 4

10.0-0?! tt:\a7 11.i.a4 b5 12.i.b3

i.xb3 13.cxb3 tt:\c6t Black's pawn­
structure is better, so White must
play 10.c3 d5+!, although even
then Black has an excellent posi­
tion. He has better development
and a slight space advantage.) 7...

on the dark squares). Now it is

very good for Black to play 5...
tt:\a5!?t gaining the advantage of
the bishop-pair, while White's
dark-squared bishop might prove
to be completely out of play.
4.c3 - With this move White
saves his bishop from exchange, White has the advantage of the
but presents his opponent with bishop-pair, but he is unable to
enough time to equalize. 4... tt:\a5 prevent the exchange of his light­
5.i.b5 c6 6.i.a4 d5 7.tt:\d2 dxe4 squared bishop, so Black will eas­
8.dxe4 i.d6 9.b4 b5 10.i.c2 tt:\b7= ily obtain a comfortable game.
4.a3 - White's bishop is safe 8.c3 h6 Black is trying to re­
now. 4... i.c5 5.tt:\c3 (after 5. tt:\f3 d6 strict the mobility of White's
6.0-0 0-0 7.b4 i.b6 8.i.e3 i.e6 dark-squared bishop. Instead,
9.tt:\bd2, Petrov - Arnaudov, Al­ Black could have equalized easily
bena 2011, Black can try to seize with 8... i.e6!?=) 9.i.b3 i.e6 10.
the initiative with the line: 9... i.c2 d5 11.f3 �e71' White has pre­
i.xe3 10.fxe3 i.xc4 11.tt:\xc4 b5 12. served both his bishops, but Black
tt:\cd2 a5t) 5... d6 6.tt:\a4 (White has occupied the centre and has a
cannot create any problems for considerable lead in develop­
his opponent with 6.tt:\f3 tt:\d4 7. ment, Stukopin - Chadaev, Ta­
h3, Stukopin - Goganov, Kirishi ganrog 2011.
2011, because after 7... i.e6= his 8.tt:lf3 i.e6 9.i.xe6 (in response
most dangerous piece is ex­ to 9.�e2, Ivanovic - Kovacevic,
changed.) 6... i.b6 7.tt:\xb6 (Black Novi Sad 1985, Black can try to
should not be afraid of 7.tt:\f3 i.e6, maintain an edge with 9... i.xc4
since after 8.i.xe6 fxe6 9.tt:\xb6 10.dxc4 h6 11.0-0 0-0 12.l'!e1
axb6 - see 7.tt:\xb6, while in the tt:\d7t with the idea tt:\d7-c5-e6)
variation 8.i.b5 0-0 9.tt:\xb6 axb6 9... fxe6= Schoeneberg - Bisguier,
White must play very carefully: Skopje 1972.

l.e4 e5 2. i.c4 ltJ c6

8.lLle2 i.e6 9.lLlc3, Morozevich kingside with 7.. .'?ff h4+ 8.g3 W/e7+
- Aronian, Moscow (blitz) 2009. 9.ltJe2 i.e6 10.0-0 W/c5+ 1l. �h1
White's knight is better placed on ltJe5+
c3 than on f3, but after 9... h6 7.Wfe2+ , Spielmann - Schlech­
10.0-0 0-0 ll.i.e3 W/d7= Black ter, Nuremberg 1906, 7... i.e6 8.
has no problems at all. hd5 W/xd5 9.lLlc3 (White loses af­
4 . . . exf4 ter the greedy line: 9.hc7? ltJd4
10.lLlc3 i.b4 ll.Wfd2 13c8 12.i.f4
0-0 - he has an extra pawn, but
is unable to complete his develop­
ment without losing material.)
9... W/a5 10.lLlf3 0-0-0+ Black ob­
tains the advantage of the two
bishops and leads in develop­
7.hd5 W/xd5 8.ltJf3i.g4 9.0-0
0-0-0+ Alapin - Chigorin, St.
Petersburg 1881. Black has the
bishop-pair and a better position
5.tl:\c3 in the centre and can continue
After 5.lLle2? f3 6.gxf3 d5 7. with a clear-cut plan for a king­
i.b5 i.d6+ White's kingside is in side offensive: f6, g5, h5 etc.
ruins, while after 5.ltJf3 d5 6.exd5 5 . . J.b4

ltJxd5t he will need to present his

opponent with the advantage of
the bishop-pair; otherwise he
cannot regain the f4-pawn.
5. .ixf4?! d5 ! 6.exd5 ltJxd5

After 6. .ixf4 d5 7.exd5 ltJxd5
8.hd5 (8.W/e2+ ? J.e6 9.J.d2, Ber­
In answer to 7.id2?!, Spiel­ gez - Flear, Narbonne 2008,
mann - Chigorin, Nuremberg Black can play 9... ltJd4 10.Wfd1
1906, it would be very good for 0-0-+ and he maintains an over­
Black to weaken his opponent's whelming lead in development.)

Chapter 4

8...�xd5 9.tt:\f3 .b:c3+ 10.bxc3 side pawns are a juicy target for
0-0t His pieces are perfectly Black's attack.
placed, while White's pawns are
vulnerable. C) 3 .!Dc3

6 . .• d5 7.exd5 c!Dxd5 8. 0 - 0 White does not have any better

After 8.�e2+ i.e6 9..b:d5 square for this knight in any case.
�xd5 10..b:f4 0-0-0+ Black has 3 ... c!Df6
superior development and the ad­
vantage of the bishop-pair and he
controls the centre, Mongredien
- Morphy, Paris 1859.
8 . . . hc3 9.bxc3 0 - 0 1 0 .
hd5 ti'xd5

4.tt:\f3 .ic5 - see Chapter 15.
4.tt:\ge2 tt:\xe4! 5.tt:\xe4 (5..b:f7+
mxf7 6.tt:\xe4 d5 7.tt:\4g3 h5!+) 5...
d5 6..id3 dxe4 7.he4 i.d6t Black
has a slight space advantage.
ll.J.xf4 4.f4 tt:\xe4 5.tt:\f3 (5..b:f7+?
White must regain his pawn, mxf7 6.tt:\xe4 d5 7.tt:\g5+ lt>g8 8.d3
because after ll.c4?! �d6 12J'!b1 exf4 9..b:f4 �e7+ 10.tt:\e2 i.g4+ -
i.g4 13.�d2 (after 13.!!xb7 tt:\d4 14. Black's development is clearly su­
c3 tt:lxf3+ 15.gxf.3 i.h3 16J:!f2 l:'lfe8+ perior) 5...tt:\d6 (Black wins an
he must worry about the safety of important tempo. The position is
his king) 13...hf3 14.gxf3 tt:\d4+ less clear after 5...tt:lxc3!? 6.dxc3
Black has an extra pawn and bet­ �e7 7.f5oo)
ter-placed pieces. In addition, he
maintains excellent attacking
prospects against his opponent's
badly protected king, Knezevic -
Blagojevic, Petrovac 2004.
ll Yfc5+ 12.<!>h1 Wxc3 13.

hc7 (13.tt:\g5 �a5+) 13 .lg4t •••

White has been deprived of any

active possibilities and his king-

l.e4 e5 2. i.c4 lt:l c6

6.i.b3 e4 7.lt:lg5 (It is worse for not succeeded either in regaining

White to opt for 7.lt:le5 �h4+ 8.g3 his pawn, or in obtaining any
�h3 9.�e2 lt:ld4 10.�e3 lt:l4f5 11. compensation for it.
�g1, Schmidt - Thiede, Germany 7.lt:lg5 lt:lb4 8.i.b3 h6 9.lt:lgxe4
1993, ll... i.e7+, or 7.�e2 �e7 8. lt:lxe4 10.lt:lxe4 d5 ll.lt:lf2 �e7+
lt:lg5 lt:ld4 9.�e3 lt:lxb3 10.axb3, 12.�e2 i.f5 13.d3 0-0-0t Black
Prins - Stoltz, Saltsjobaden 1952, has completed his development
10... c6+ and in both cases, White and obtained a slight advantage
will have problems regaining his in the centre, Bronstein - Keres,
pawn.) 7... h6 8.lt:l gxe4 lt:lxe4 9. Parnu 1971.
�e2, Bogoljubow - Romanovsky, 7.�e2 i.e7 8.lt:lxe4 lt:lxe4 9.
Leningrad 1924 (after 9.lt:lxe4 d5 �xe4 lt:lb4 10.0-0?! (White
10.lt:lg3 h5+ White's difficulties should preserve his bishop with
with the coordination of his piec­ the line: 10.i.b3 d5 11.�e2 0-0=,
es are noticeable). Now Black can but his position remains unpleas­
force a very favourable endgame ant owing to the strange place­
with 9... �h4+ 10.g3 �e7 11.�xe4 ment of his pawn on f4, where it
(having provoked the advance of deprives his own bishop of this
the enemy pawn to the g3-square, excellent square. However, he
Black has deprived his opponent should be able to maintain the
of the resource ll.lt:ld5? lt:lxg3+) balance... ) 10... lt:lxd5 11.�xd5 c6
ll... �xe4+ 12.lt:lxe4 lt:ld4+ Black 12.�h5 0-0+ Black has a stable
obtains the advantage of the bish­ advantage, thanks to his bishop­
op-pair. pair, H.Jonkman - S.Ernst, Gro­
6. .id5 e4 ningen 1999.
4 . . • lt:la5

7.lt:lxe4 lt:l xe4 8.�e2 i.e7 - see

7.lt:le5 g6! - Black does not al­
low the enemy queen to go to the 5.c!i�ge2
h5-square. 8.lt:lxe4 lt:lxe5 9.lt:lxd6+ 5.f4?! lt:l xc4 6.dxc4 .ib4 7.�d3
hd6 10.fxe5 he5 11.0-0 0-0 12. (White loses quickly after 7.lt:l f3?
d4 i.g7 13.�f3 'it>h8+ White has lt:l xe4 8.fxe5 lt:l xc3 9.�d2 lt:l xa2

Chapter 4

10.c3 tt:Jxc1 ll.cxb4 tt:lb3 0-1 Gal­ 8.tt:lge2 0-0 9.Wd3, Mok Tze
lagher - Miles, Chicago 1990.) 7... Meng - Nadanian, Tarakan 2008.
.hc3+ 8.Wxc3 (after 8.bxc3 We7 Here Black should complete the
9.tt:'lf3 d6 10.�a3 c5+ White's bish­ development of his queenside
op is shut out of play) 8...0-0 9. with 9...d6�
fxe5 tt:lxe4 10.Wd4 Wh4+ ll.g3 5.a3 tt:Jxc4. Naturally Black
Wg4 12.�f4 f5+ Black has fortified will not allow this bishop to run
his knight in the centre and wish­ away. 6.dxc4 d6 7.tt:lf3 (7.tt:lge2
es, after suitable preparation, to �e7 8.f3, Spangenberg - Miles,
develop his bishop on b7, where it Matanzas 1994, after 8...c6 9.Wd3
will be perfectly placed. White, on �e6+ he cannot be prevented
the other hand, will have a much from preparing d6-d5; 7.We2 �e7
more complex task to activate his 8.�e3 tt:lg4 9.tt:'lf3 tt:Jxe3 10.Wxe3,
bishop. Salwe - Helbach, St. Petersburg
5.We2?! tt:Jxc4 6.dxc4 �b4 7. 1905, 10...c6t - Black deprives
�d2 0-0 8.a3 .hc3 9..hc3 We7 the enemy knights of the d5-
10.tt:'lf3 d6 ll.tt:'ld2 tt:ld7 12.tt:lfl tt:lc5 square and plans to prepare f7-f5.
13.b3 f5+ Black is ahead in devel­ White cannot create any prob­
opment and controls the centre, lems for his opponent with 7.f4,
Hromadka - Duras, Bad Pistyan Korbut - Malysheva, Orel 2006,
1912. because after 7...c6 8.tt:Jf3 Wb6
5.�b5 - White's bishop cannot 9.Wd3 tt:lg4 10.tt:'ld1 exf4 ll..hf4
avoid being exchanged. 5...c6 6. �e6 12.h3 tt:Je5 13.tt:Jxe5 dxe5 14.
�a4 b5 7.�b3 b4 8.tt:lce2 d5 9.exd5 �xeS Wc5 15.�d4 Wxc4=, there
tt:Jxb3 10.axb3 cxd5 ll.tt:'lf3 �d6+ - arises an endgame in which White
In addition to his bishop-pair, must try to hold the balance by
Black maintains a space advan­ accurate play.) 7...�e6 8.We2 c6
tage, A.Sitnikov - Tarlev, Evpato­ 9.0-0 Wc7 10.h3 h6 ll.b3 �e7=
ria 2007. Black's game is quite easy with his
5.�g5 tt:Jxc4 6.dxc4 h6 7.�h4 bishop-pair, Mammadov - Stu­
(after 7.�e3 �b4 8.Wd3, Riemer­ kopin, Kirishi 2011.
sma - Willemsen, Groningen 5.tt:Jf3 tt:Jxc4 6.dxc4 �b4
1989, Black seizes the initiative by
playing 8...tt:lg4 9.�d2 �c5 10.tt:'ld1
d6t; 7..hf6?! Wxf6 8.tt:ld5 Wd8
9.'1Wh5 d6+ White's knight will not
remain for long on the d5-out­
post, while Black's bishops are
much more powerful than White's
knights, which have no secure
squares, Deshmukh - Murali
Krishnan, Chennai 2000) 7...�e7

l.e4 e5 2. .ic4 lt:J c6

After 7..ig5?!, De Dovitiis - make use of the weakness of the

Chtcherbine, Villa Martelli 2004, d6-pawn, Dunlop - Mussainov,
Black should use the opportunity St. Gallen 2008.) 8....ie6 9.b3
to weaken White's pawn-struc­ lt:Jd7 10.0-0 0-0 11.lt:Jg3 \Wf6 12.
ture with 7....ixc3+ 8.bxc3 d6+ \Wxf6 (White should not try to
7..id2 d6 8.\We2?! (White had avoid the trade of queens, because
to maintain the balance here by after 12.\Wd3 lt:JcS 13.\We3 hc3
exchanges: B.lt:JdS hd2+ 9.lt:Jxd2 14.\Wxc3 \Wg6 15.\Wf3, Drabke -
c6 10.lt:Jxf6+ \Wxf6 11.0-0 0-0=.) Michalczak, Bad Woerishofen
8...0-0 9.a3 (in the variation 2005, 15...f5 16.exf5 hfSt Black
9.0-0-0 �e8 10.lt:Jh4 hc3 11. has excellent prospects on the
.ixc3, Cherepkov - Klovans, Al­ kingside.) 12...lt:Jxf6= Rogers -
ma-Ata 1968, Black obtains excel­ Tunasly, Singapore 1997.
lent attacking prospects with 11... S..ib3 tt:Jxb3 6.axb3 dS! - This
\Wa4 12.'i!?bl .ie6 13.b3 \Wc6 14. is the most convincing way for
13he1 bSt) 9...hc3 10.hc3 lt:Jd7 Black to obtain a good position.
11.0-0 lt:JcS 12.b3, Ori - Collutiis,
Alghero 2011. After 12...f5+, he
opens the f-file and greatly acti­
vates his pieces.
7.\Wd3 d6 8..id2 (8.0-0?! hc3
9.bxc3 0-0+; after 8..ig5 h6
9.hf6 \Wxf6 10.0-0-0 hc3 11.
\Wxc3 \Wf4+ 12.\We3 \Wxe3+ 13.fxe3
b6+ Black ends up with a superior
pawn-structure, Jossien - Mar­
holev, Bethune 2006) 8....ie6 9. In the endgame after 7..ig5
lt:JdS (It is less accurate for White .ib4 8.hf6 gxf6 9.exd5 \WxdS 10.
to opt for 9.a3 hc3 10.hc3 tt:Jd7 \Wf3 \Wxf3 11.lt:Jxf3 13g8t Black has
11.b3, Zabojlovich - Acs, Bratis­ a solid centre and very powerful
lava 1993, since this enables Black bishops and he can easily connect
to organize active operations on his rooks, Roeder - Mandl, Vorra
the kingside with 11...0-0 12.0-0 1990.
fSt) 9...hd2+ 10.lt:Jxd2 lt:Jd7? 7.lt:Jf3 - This move leads to
White's knight is beautifully simplifications. 7...dxe4 8.lt:Jxe5
placed on dS, but Black's bishop is exd3 9.\Wxd3 (After 9.0-0, Black
not at all inferior, Chuprov - G. should not try to win a pawn at
Kiselev, Krasnoyarsk 2007. the expense of development. In­
5.\Wf3 .ib4 6.lt:Jge2 tt:Jxc4 7. stead, the simple reaction 9....ie7
dxc4 d6 8.h3 (Black should not be 10.13e1 0-0 11.\Wxd3 \Wxd3 12.
afraid of 8.0-0 c6 9.h3 .ie6 10.b3 tt:Jxd3 .idS= provides him with ex­
\We7?, because White cannot cellent prospects in the endgame.)

Chapter 4

9...'\Wxd3 10.ltlxd3 .ifS ll.ltlbS! of his kingside and after 13...ltlxc3

.id6= - The position is complete­ 14.hc3 f6 1S.'\Wg3 hc3 16.bxc3
ly equal, Casper - Khalifman, aS+ Black is threatening to create
Moscow 1987. a dangerous passed pawn with bS,
7.exdS .ib4! - This is the most a4, while in response to 17.c4 he is
precise way for Black to solve his ready to open the a-file, so that af­
opening problems. He effortlessly ter 17...a4 18.bxa4 gxa4 he can at­
completes his development. tack the enemy c2-pawn.
8.ltlf3 ltlxdS 9..id2 0-0 10.
0-0 (after 10.ltlxdS hd2+ 11.
�xd2 '\WxdS= Black's bishop
seems stronger than the enemy
knight, but White should still be
able to hold the balance) 10...
ltlxc3 11.hc3 (ll.bxc3 .id6=) 11...
.ixc3 12.bxc3 f6 13.'\We2 (in the
variation 13.ge1 aS! 14.d4 exd4
1S.cxd4 '\Wd6 16.'\We2 b6= White's
After 8.'\Wf3 ltlxdS 9.t!Jge2 0-0 position is the centre is prefera­
10.0-0, Braun - Vogt, Oder 1977, ble, but Black's powerful bishop
it would be sensible for him to compensates for this, Heilala -
fortify his knight in the centre Sladek, Email 2008; after 13.d4
with the move 10...c6= exd4 14.cxd4 .ie6 1S.c4 c6=,
After 8..igS '\WxdS 9.ltlf3 .ig4 White can hardly turn his d4-
10.'\We2, Kovacs - Lukacs, Hun­ pawn into a dangerous passed
gary 199S, it is good for Black to pawn, while it might even become
transfer his knight to the e6- a liability later.) 13...'\We8 14J:Ue1
square, starting with 10...ltld7= �c6 1S.c4 ge8 16.�e3 (16.d4 .ig4
8..id2 ltlxdS 9.'\Wf3 (Rather 17.dS '\Wd7 18.'\Wd3 aS=) 16....ig4
dull and drawish positions arise 17.ltld2 aS 18.ltle4 b6= - White's
after 9.ltlxdS hd2+ 10.'\Wxd2 centralized knight is strong, but
�xdS ll.f3 0-0= earlier - Sharif, Black's bishop is not inferior, to
Orange 1994, as well as after 9. say the least, Zautzig - Rosin,
�e2 0-0 10.ltlf3 .ig4 11.0-0 aS=, Email 2008.
while in the variation 9.ltlge2 .ie7 5 . • • .ic5 !?
10.0-0 0-0 ll.t!JxdS '\WxdS 12. The capture ltlxc4 will not run
ltlc3 �c6t Black's pieces are more away, so Black does not need to be
active.) 9....ie6 10.'\Wg3 0-0 11. in any hurry to make it.
�xeS ge8 12.@fl �d7 13.ge1, Rog­ Black has a quite reliable alter­
ers - Taylor, Eerbeek 1978. White native here - S....ie7, but we
has won his opponent's central would like to recommend a more
pawn but lags in the development active move.

l.e4 eS 2. .ic4 tt:\ c6

sive attempt 9.f4 exf4 10. .ixf4

6. 0 - 0 tt:\d7 11.0-0-0 0-0� presents
White loses after 6.a3? tt:\g4-+ Black with the eS-square, Gavric
Vyhnalek - Blatny, Decin 1972, or - Trkaljanov, Kladovo 1991; he
6..igS? tt:\xc4 7.dxc4 .ixf2+ 8.<;!;>xf2 should not fear 9..igS h6 10. .ih4
tt:\g4+ 9.<;!;>e1 WfxgS-+ gS! 11. .ig3 Wfe7t when Black can
After 6.tt:\a4? .ie7+ Black gains evacuate his king to either side of
an important tempo, since the board, so he need not be con­
White's knight will need to go cerned about the weakening of his
back to the c3-square in any kingside; in the variation 9.a3
case. 0-0 10.0-0 tt:\d7 11.tt:\g3 aS 12.b3
6.tt:\g3 d6 7.0-0, Forgo - Lu­ g6�, as well as after 9.0-0 tt:\d7
kacs, Zalakaros 1997 (7.h3 tt:\xc4 10.b3 0-0 11.tilg3 Wfh4� Black
8.dxc4 .ie6 9.�d3 0-0 10.0-0 will prepare the pawn-advance f7-
tt:\d7� Black's plan is based on fS with the idea of opening the f­
Wfh4, followed by g6 and fS; in the file.) 9. . . tt:\d7 10 . .ie3, Doghri -
variation 7.tt:\a4 tt:\xc4 8.dxc4 .ib6 Oms Pallisse, Mallorca 2004.
9.tt:\xb6 axb6= there arises a com­ Here Black should fix his oppo­
pletely safe position for Black. nent's queenside pawns on light
Both sides will have difficulty in squares with 10... 0-0 11.0-0 aS=
finding an active plan, Pereira - 6 . . . toxc4 7.dxc4 d6
Lukacs, Almada 1988) 7. . . .ig4 8.
Wfe1 tt:\xc4 9.dxc4 .ie6 10.b3 0-0
11. .ie3 tt:\d7�
6.h3 tt:\xc4 7.dxc4 d6
8.a3 .ie6 9.Wfd3 0-0 - see
8.0-0 .ie6 9.Wfd3, Tischbierek
- V.Chekhov, Berlin 1984, 9...
0-0 10.tt:\g3 tt:\d7�
8.Wfd3 .ie6 9.b3 (The aggres-

Chapter 4

8.�d3 sa de Mar 2010, he obtains excel­

8.i.g5 i.e6 9.ltld5 (9.�d3 h6 - lent attacking prospects with 11...
see 8.�d3) 9... hd5 10.cxd5 h6 i.d4 12.i.b2 i.xb2 13.ltlxb2 �g5t
ll.i.xf6 �xf6t 9.ltld5 c6 10.ltlxf6+ (In answer
Black can solve his problems to 10.b4, Mitkov - Pavasovic,
with now-familiar manoeuvres Nova Gorica 2003, Black can con­
after 8.h3 (8.a3 i.e6 9.�d3 a5 10. tinue with 10... cxd5 ll.cxd5 i.b6
b3 0-0 ll.ltlg3 ltld7+t) 8... i.e6 9. 12.dxe6 fxe6+t - both sides have
�d3 ltld7 10.b3 0-0 ll.ltlg3 �h4+t weaknesses, but the opening of
White cannot hurt his oppo­ the f-file is in Black's favour.) 10...
nent with 8.ltlg3 i.e6 9.b3 0-0 �xf6 ll.b3 0-0 12.i.e3, Mitkov -
10.ltla4, Valenz - Sodoma, Plzen Gyimesi, Yerevan 2001, 12... i.a3=
2000, since after 10... i.d4 ll.c3 9. . 0 - 0

.ib6 12.ltlxb6 axb6=, despite the

absence of his dark-squared bish­
op Black has an easy game: ltld7,
�h4, g6, f5...
8 . . .ie6

1 0 .ig5

White provokes the advance of

his opponent's pawn to h6, so that
Black will have problems advanc­
ing g7-g6, followed by f7-f5.
9.b3 After 10.i.e3 ltld7 11.�ad1, Bu­
In the variation 9.i.g5 h6 kovec - Krivec, Grize 2001, he
10. .ixf6 (after 10.i.h4?! g5 ll.i.g3 can play ll... a6+t with the idea of
h5--+ Black launches a direct at­ b7-b5.
tack against the enemy king) �xf6 After 10.ltla4 ltld7 ll.ltlg3 .id4
ll.ltld5 hd5 12.cxd5 0-0 13.c3 12.c3 i.b6 13.'i!th1, Roeder - Ren­
a5t Black's powerful dark­ ner, Vorra 1990, it is good for
squared bishop provides him with Black to play more aggressively
a long-lasting initiative, Babujian with 13... �h4t, planning to pre­
- Dolzhikova, Tromsoe 2010. pare f7-f5, while a similar attempt
After 9.ltla4 ltld7 10.ltlg3 0-0 by White to open the f-file with
ll.b3, Forcen - Oms Pallisse, Tos- 14.f4?! exf4 15..ixf4 �feB+ pro-

l.e4 e5 2. �c4 lt'l c6

vides Black with a stable advan­ After ll.M6 Wff xf6+, Black's
tage, thanks to his control of the bishops are much more mobile
e5-square and the weakness of than White's knights, while after
White's e4-pawn. 11.�h4 g5 12.�g3 a61' White can­
10.lt'ld5 - His knight will not not exploit the weakening of
remain on d5 for long and after Black's kingside. In addition, af­
10...lt'ld7 ll.lt'lg3 c6 12.lt'lc3 Wff e7"?­ ter Black advances f7-f5 his g- and
White is practically incapable of h- pawns will join in the attack.
exploiting the vulnerability of the ll . . . �d7 12.lt'lg3 a5 13.a4
d6-pawn. 13.lt'lf5 �xe3 14.Wff xe3 lt'lc5 15.
10.�b2 - The bishop is rather g4 a4?- White is faced with an un­
passive on this square. 10...a6 11. pleasant choice. He must either
Eiad1, Miroshnichenko - Gustafs­ weaken the c4-pawn, or acquiesce
son, Chalkidiki 2002. The stand­ to the opening of the a-file, Ed­
ard reaction ll...lt'ld7 12.lt'lg3 g61' wards - Schloesser, Email 1997.
enables Black to advance f7-f5, 13 :Se8 14.:Sadl he3 15.

with good attacking chances. �xe3 Wffg5 !

After 10.h3 lt'ld7 ll.lt'lg3, Mit­
kov - Finegold, Bolingbrook
2005, it is very good for Black to
play the standard move ll...Wff h4"?­
Black deprives White's bishop of
the h6-square and prepares an of­
fensive on the kingside. In the
game, there followed ll...�d4
12.�e3 lt'lc5 13.'\1;Vd2 he3 14.Wff xe3
f5 15.exf5 hf5 16.lt'lxf5 Eixf5= and
Black equalized completely.
10.lt'lg3 lt'ld7 11.�e3 he3 12.
Wffxe3 a6!?= With this move Black After the exchange of the
emphasizes that besides the plan queens, there arises a completely
of f7-f5, White must be on the equal endgame.
alert about the possibility b7-b5, 16.�f5 hf5 17.�xg5 hxg5
Vogt - A.Petrosian, Riga 1981. 18.exf5 �c5= Bucek - Zidu,
10 ••. h6 ll . .ie3 Email 2007.

Part 2
l.e4 e5 2.�f3 �c6

All White Lines without 3.�b5

without being afraid of weak­

ening his kingside pawn struc­
ture. The reflects the absolutely
concrete approach to solving the
problems of the opening which is
typical of today's chess.
The Scotch Game (Chapters
9-12) is one of White's main
weapons in the open games. In
the main variations White lays
the emphasis on long-term
In the Four Knights Game advantages, but falls considera­
(Chapter 8), readers will become bly behind in development. Ac­
acquainted with a unique opening cordingly, Black must react very
manoeuvre, which was first tried energetically and quite concrete­
in the 19th century and then re­ ly. In the basic position of the
discovered in the 21st century! In main line, arising after l.e4 e5
the Symmetrical (Pillsbury) vari­ 2.�£3 �c6 3.d4 exd4 4. �xd4
ation (l.e4 e5 2.�£3 �c6 3.�c3 �f6 5.�xc6 bxc6 6.e5 fle7
�f6 4 .ib5 .ib4 5. 0 - 0 0 - 0 6.
• 7.fle2 �d5 8.c4 .ia6 9.b3 g6
d3 d6 7 .ig5) Black plays 7 �e7!
• • . • 1 0 .f4

we recommend a move which In the treatment of the Italian
is ultra-modern yet already well Game there is a special place re­
tested at grandmaster level - served for the Evans Gambit
1 0 d6 ! This is the reason that
••. (Chapter 13). This invention of
White began to experiment more the famous captain cannot stand
and more often with 9.�d2 in his up to the theoretical requirements
fight for the advantage and in­ of the year 2011. Having reas­
deed several spectacular encoun­ sessed the key position in the
ters at top level were won using main line (l.e4 e5 2.�f3 �c6
this move. Here again we present 3 .ic4 .ic5 4.b4 .b:b4 5.c3 .ia5

a very reliable defensive method 6.d4 exd4 7.YlYb3 ee7 8. 0 - 0

- 9 g6, followed by the ex­
••• .ib6 9.cxd4 �xd4 1 0 .�xd4
change of queens and the activa­ .ixd4 ll.�c3 �f6 12.�b5 hal! )
tion of the light-squared bishop
with c6-c5.
In the Italian Game, White re­
cently abandoned the idea of ad­
vancing quickly with d2-d4 (in
Chapters 16 and 18 we demon­
strate why) and instead he now
tries to focus on a positional
struggle in the middlegame, plac­
ing his pawn on d3. In such posi­
tions, Black can afford to play
with maximum energy, striving to
advance quickly with d7-d5. This Grandmaster Kurnosov gained
is more or less analogous to the an easy victory in the game
plans based on d7-d5 in the Vien­ Hector - Kurnosov, Copenhagen
na Game and the King's Gambit. 2011.

Chapter S l.e4 e5 2.�£3 �c6

Rarely-Played Moves
Ponziani Opening

ll'lxc3 9.bxc3 i.g4 - see Chapter 7)

8...f6 9.ll'lbd2 ig4 10.c3 �d7�
Black has deployed his pieces in
ideal fashion and has a wonderful
position, Ballmoos - Gysi, Ger­
many 1993.
3.i.e2 ll'lf6 4.d4 - this is the
Taylor Opening (it is preferable
for White to opt for 4.d3 - see
variation B or 4.ll'lc3 - see the
Four Knights Opening). 4...exd4
In this chapter we shall ana­ 5.e5 ll'lg4 6.0-0 (in reply to 6.
lyze some openings which are ll'lxd4 it is strong for Black to con­
played only very rarely, such as: tinue with 6...ic5 7.ixg4 ixd4+
A) 3.d3 - the Philidor Defence and White is faced with the un­
with colours reversed and B) pleasant choice between losing
3.c3 the Ponziani Opening.
- his e5-pawn and playing the move
Black has no problems after f2-f4, which prevents the quick
the move 3.c4?! (the Dresden evacuation of his king away from
Opening). After 3...i.c5 4.ll'lc3 d6 the centre) 6...i.e7 7.i.f4 (after 7.
5.d3 ll'lge7 6.i.e3 0-0 7.i.e2 ll'ld4 ll'lxd4 ll'lgxe5 8.f4, the natural
8.0-0 ll'lec6 Black has a very com­ move 8...ll'lg6+ provides Black
fortable game, dominating the with excellent chances of neutral­
d4-outpost, Kurtenkov - Lukacs, izing his opponent's activity,
Vrnjacka Banja 1985. while retaining the extra pawn)
3.g3 (this is the Konstantino­ 7... d6 8.i.b5 0-0 9.ixc6 dxe5 10.
polsky Opening) 3...ll'lf6 4.d3 (4. ll'lxe5 ll'lxe5 ll.ixe5 bxc6 12.ixd4
ll'lc3 d5 - see Chapter 7) 4...d5 5. i.d6� Black has a good game with
exd5 (5.ll'lbd2 dxe4 6.dxe4 ic5 - his powerful bishop pair in this
see variation A) 5...ll'lxd5 6.i.g2 open position, A.Mueller - Polu­
i.c5 7.0-0 0-0 8.!'1e1 (8.ll'lc3 dnyakov, Email 2006.

l .e4 e5 2. t'iJ.f.3 t'iJ c6 3.d3 t'iJf6

A) 3.d3 or 7.a3 aS 8.b3 V!ie7 9.c3 :gds,

With this, White reaches one there is a transposition to the
of the variations of the Philidor main line - see 4.c3 - while after
Defence with an extra tempo. 9..ib2 dxe4 10.dxe4 :gds ll.Vfie1
3 . . . tt!f6 .ig4 12.t'iJc4 .ixf3 13..ixf3 bS 14.
t'iJe3 t'iJd4 1S..ixd4 .ixd4t White
must play very accurately to neu­
tralize Black's initiative and
equalize.) S...t'iJxdS 6.0-0 .id6 7.
lt:lc3 t'iJxc3 8.bxc3 0-0 9.t'iJgS?! (it
is preferable to play prudently
with 9.:ge1 h6=) 9....ie7 10.t'iJe4
.ie6+ White's knight is unstable in
the centre, while Black's pieces
are more active and he has extra
space, Zilka - Priborsky, Svetla
nad Sazavou 1999.
4.c3 4 . . . d5
White can hardly continue the
game without this move. White
intends to seize extra space on the
queenside and takes control over
the important d4-square, while
his queen gains access to the c2-
4.tt!bd2 dS S.g3?! (his bishop
on g2 will be restricted by his own
pawn on e4, so it would be better
for White to choose S..ie2 .icS -
see 4..ie2, or S.c3 aS - see 4.c3)
S...dxe4 6.dxe4 .icS 7..ig2 0-0 5.tt!bd2
8.0-0 V!ie7 9.c3 aS 10.a4 b6+ S..igS?! - White presents his
Black easily deploys his forces to opponent with the advantage of
active positions and cannot be the bishop pair and he will be
prevented from occupying the d­ forced to fight for equality. S...
file and penetrating to the d3- dxe4 6..ixf6 �xf6 7.dxe4, Loosh­
square, compressing his oppo­ nikov - Smikovski, Moscow 200S,
nent's pieces to the maximum, and now Black's most energetic
Bravo Barranco - Fernandez Gar­ line to seize the initiative would
cia, Barcelona 2000. be: 7...gS!? 8..ic4 g4 9.t'iJfd2 i.d7
4..ie2 dS S.exdS (After S.lt:lbd2 10.0-0 hS ll.lt:la3 0-0-0� with a
.icS 6.c3 aS, or 6.0-0 0-0 7.c3 aS, dangerous attack.

Chapter S

5.Wc2 a5 6.i.e2 (White cannot 6 .ie2


create any problems for his oppo­ For 6.Wc2 !J..c5 7.i.e2 0-0 - see
nent with 6.a4 i.c5 7.i.g5 i.e6 6.i.e2.
8.lt:\bd2 !J..e7 9.1J..e2 lt:\d7 10.he7 6 . .•.ic5
Wxe7 11.0-0 0-0= and he has no
active prospects, but Black will
find it difficult to obtain anything
real out of his slight space advan­
tage, Kurajica - Ivkov, Belgrade
1978. The position is equal after
6.lt:\bd2 !J..c5 7.exd5 Wxd5 8.lt:\e4,
Aubert - Beikert, France 1994,
because with the accurate reac­
tion 8...1J..e7 9.i.e2 h6 10.0-0 !J.f5
ll.lt:\fd2 0-0= Black can hope to
obtain an edge later thanks to his
comfortably deployed pieces.) 6... 7. 0 - 0
i.c5 7.0-0 (in the variation 7.i.g5 7.a4 - This is a purely defen­
!J.. e6 8.lt:\bd2 h6 9.i.h40-0 10.0-0 sive move, depriving White of his
d4= White cannot achieve much only possible active plan, based
from having pinned Black's f6- on the pawn advance b2-b4.
knight.) 7 ... 0-0 8.i.g5 dxe4 9. 7...0-0 8.0-0 �e8 9.Wc2 i.f8 10.
dxe4 h6 10.i.h4, Aleksic - Korne­ �e1 h6 ll.lt:\f1 i.e6+ White's posi­
ev, Assisi 2003, and here, Black tion is solid but very passive, lssa
could consider trying the sharp - Jonkman, Cairo 2003.
line: 10...g5!? ll.i.g3 lt:\h5+! when 7.Wa4 - This move helps White
he obtains a very active position prepare a quick b2-b4. 7... 0-0
at the cost of a deterioration in his 8.b4 i.d6 9.b5 lt:\e7 10.0-0 lt:\g6=
pawn-structure. White has seized space on the
5 ••• a5 queenside, but Black has de­
ployed his pieces in ideal fashion.
7.Wc2 0-0 8.lt:\b3?! (it is better
for White to play here 8.0-0 We7
9.b3 �dB - see 7...0-0; 8.h3?! -
this move weakens the dark
squares on White's kingside 8...
lt:\h5+) 8...i.a7 9.i.g5 h6 10.1J.xf6
Wxf6 ll.exd5 lt:\e7 12.c4 c6 (12...
lt:\ g6!?t) 13.dxc6 lt:\xc6� The vul­
nerability of the dark squares in
White's camp cannot be compen-

l.e4 e5 2. lLlj3 lt:Jc6 3.d3 tt'lf6

sated for by his extra pawn, espe­ .ib2 l'!d8 10.'Wc2. Now it would be
cially since he lags in develop­ premature for Black to continue
ment, Van Riemsdijk - De Souza, with 10... d4?!, because in re­
Sao Paulo 1991. sponse to ll.cxd4 he will need to
7 .•• 0 - 0 8.b3 recapture with his pawn - 11 • . .

8.lt:Jxe5 lt:JxeS 9.d4 .ib6 10. exd4 (in the variation ll... tt:Jxd4
dxeS lLlxe4 ll. .id3 (in the end­ 12.lLlxd4 hd4 13.hd4 l'!xd4 14.
game after ll.lt:Jxe4 dxe4 12.'\Wxd8 'Wc3;!; Black will have problems
l'!xd8= it would be easier for Black with the protection of his eS­
to attack the eS-pawn than for pawn, and moreover White has a
White to target the e4-pawn, but slight lead in development.) 12.
Black cannot obtain any real ad­ a3co, but with 10... .ig4! he can ob­
vantage from this) ll... .ifS= tain a wonderful position,
Black's pieces are active and
White must play accurately to
maintain the balance, Belkhodja
- Azmaiparashvili, Dubai 2002.
8.'�c2 a4 9.b4 (The simplify­
ing combination 9.lt:Jxe5? lt:JxeS
10.d4 hd4 ll.cxd4 lt:Jc6+ leads to
the loss of a pawn for White.) 9...
axb3 10.lt:Jxb3 .ie7= Black has no
"bad" pieces and he can fight for
the advantage, Barle - Pavasovic, for example: ll.h3 (in the vari­
Ljubljana 1997. ation ll.exdS tt:JxdS 12.l'!fe1 lt:Jf4
8 ••• We7 13. .if1 .ifS 14.lt:Je4 .ia7= White's
knight is perfectly placed on e4,
but this is the only plus in his po­
sition.) ll... .ihS 12.l'!fe1 (or12.a3
d4 and after 13.cxd4 hf3 14.lt:Jxf3
lLlxd4 15.lt:Jxd4 hd4+ or 13.b4
dxc3 14.bxc5 cxb2 15.'\Wxb2 l'!a7+
Black obtains the better position,
thanks to his control of the impor­
tant d4-square and his more ac­
tive pieces) 12... d4 13.cxd4 (White
loses if he tries to break the pin
with 13.g4? dxc3 14.'\Wxc3 hg4
9.a3 15.hxg4 lt:Jxg4-+) 13... .ixf3! 14.
For 9.'�'c2!? l'!d8 10. .ib2 .ig4! lt:Jxf3 (if 14.dxe5 lt:Jxe4 15.lLlxe4
- see 9..ib2. i.xe4 16.dxe4 .id4+ Black regains
White can consider trying 9. his pawn and puts his knight on

Chapter S

d4, or 14.dxc5 i.xe2 15.gxe2 trol of the d4-square, which pro­

ltld7!?+ and if White loses his cS­ vides him with a stable advantage,
pawn he will have problems with Piskunov - Keosidi, Krasnoyarsk
the protection of his d3-pawn, but 2009.
if 16.gcl ltlb4 17.'\Wc4 ltlxa2 l8.ga1
llJ b4+ the number of pawns on the
board remains equal, but White B) 3.c3
has numerous weaknesses to wor­ This is the Ponziani Opening.
ry about.) 14...ltlxd4 15.ltlxd4 3 . . . d5
i.xd4+ The dark-squared bishops
have been exchanged and Black
maintains a slight but stable ad­
vantage owing to his control over
the d4-square.
9 ,gds 1 0 .Yl¥c2 d4
. •

This is Black's most energetic

reply, creating maximum prob­
lems for White.
In the diagram position the
most frequently played moves
are: B1) 4 . .ib5? and B2) 4.Yl¥a4.
ll . .ib2 For 4.exd5 YlYxdS 5.d4 exd4 -
After ll.cxd4 i.xd4 12..ib2 (if see Chapter 9; for 4.d3 ltlf6 5.
12.gbl?! ltlhS 13.g3 .ih3 14.gel ltlbd2 - see variation A.
ltlf6t Black's activity is very dan­
gerous) 12...i.xb2 13.V;Vxb2 i.g4+ B1) 4 .ib5?

Black will inevitably exchange his This active move leads to a

bishop for White's knight to gain very difficult position for White.
control of the d4-square. 4 . . . dxe4 5. c!bxe5
In the variation ll.c4 ltlhS+ S.i.xc6+ bxc6 6.ltlxe5 YlYgS -
White is deprived of any active see S.ltlxeS.
play for a long time, V. Pogosian 5 . . . V;Vg5!
- Zhukova, Aix-les-Bains 2011. The double attack against g2
ll . . . .ig4 12.cxd4 hf3 13. and eS presents White with prob­
c!bxf3 c!bxd4 14.c!bxd4 hd4 15. lems that he will be unable to
hd4 gxd4+ Black has firm con- solve.

l.e4 e5 2. ttJj3 tLl c6 3.c3 d5

to opt for 8.lt:lxc6 bxc6 9..ixc6+

@d8 10.W/c4, in view of 10...:Bb8
and after ll.he4 W/g4 12.:Bh1 lt:lf6
13.d3 �d6+ Black retains an
overwhelming advantage, since
White's king is stuck in the centre,
while if 12.f3 .ixf1 13.W/xf1 '?9h4+
14.W/f2 W/xf2+ 15.@xf2 �d6+ Black
should be able to exploit his extra
exchange.) 8...i.d6 9.:Be1 lt:lf6 10.
lt:lxc6 0-0 ll.lt:ld4 c5 12.�fl i.g4+
6.'lfa4 13.lt:le2 (in the line 13.f3 exf3 14.
6..ixc6+ bxc6 7.W/a4 W/xg2 - .ixg2 fxg2+ 15.@c2 .ixh2 16.d3
see 6.W/a4. :Bfe8-+ White has an extra queen
6.d4 W/xg2 7.:1U1 �d6! 8.W/h5 for only a few pawns, but Black's
(In the variation 8.li:lxc6 i.d7 9. g2-pawn is so powerful that White
W/a4 a6 10.lt:la3 :Bc8+ Black re­ is already beyond salvation.) 13...
gains his piece, ending up with a W/xf2 14.h3 �g3 0-1 Nikolov -
great lead in development, while Radulski, Blagoevgrad 2010.
after 9.lt:lxa7 c6 10.�c4 :Bxa7 11.d5 7 • . • bxc6 8.'lfxc6+ @d8
c5 12.lt:la3 :Bxa3 13.bxa3 b5 14.�e2
lt:lf6 15.�e3 0-0+ his compensa­
tion for the exchange is more than
sufficient. White's pieces are un­
coordinated, his king is stranded
in the centre and his pawns are
weak, Hlavacek - Tsenkov, Email
2005.) 8...g6 9.W/h4 .ixe5 10.dxe5
�d7 11.�f4, Velimirovic - Boudiba,
Luzern 1989. Now Black should
complete his development by
playing ll...lt:lge7 12.lt:ld2 0-0-0
13.0-0-0 lt:lf5 14.W/g5 W/xg5 15. 9.gfl
.ixg5 lt:lxe5 16.�e2 :Bde8+ and al­ White's position is hopeless
though White's bishops are after 9.W/xa8 '?9xh1+ 10.@e2 �d6
strong, this cannot compensate ll.lt:lxt7+ @d7 12.lt:lxd6 cxd6-+
for his lost pawn, because Black's and he will be mated or else he
pieces are very well placed. loses his entire queenside.
6 • . • fixg2 7 .b:c6 +
• In the variation 9.W/d5+ .id6
Or 7.:Bf1 �h3 8.@d1 (For 10.lLlxt7+ @e7 ll.W/g5+ 'lfxg5 12.
8..ixc6 bxc6 9.W/xc6+ @d8, see lt:lxg5 �b7 13.0-0 @f6 14.d4 exd3
7.hc6+; it is no better for White 15.f3 @g6 16.lt:le4 he4 17.fxe4

Chapter S

lt:\f6+ White's position is very dif­ Rheinstaedtler, Email 2005;

ficult, because his queenside is it is no improvement for
completely undeveloped, Pech - White to opt for 13.lt:\c6 <;!,?f6 14.
Krupikov, Email 2005. ll:\d4 (after 14.�d8+ .ie7 15.�d4+
After 9.<;!,?d1 �xh1+ 10.<;!,?c2 lt:\h6 <;!,?g6 16.lt:\e5+ <;!,?h5-+ when Black's
1l.�xa8 .id6 12.lt:\c6+ (White pre­ king is completely safe, while its
serves more chances of saving the white counterpart is exposed;
game with 12.lt:\c4 �xh2+) 12... White is also catastrophically be­
<;!,?d7 13.lt:\xa7 lt:\g4 14.lt:\a3 lt:\xf2-+ hind in development and together
White is completely helpless these factors will prove decisive)
against the combined action of 14...�d3+ 15.<;!,?b3 lt:\e7 16.a4 .ig4
Black's forces, Taylor - Hebden, 17.<;!,?a2 c5 18.lt:\b3 .ie6-+ White
Aintree 1998. has neither completed his devel­
9 • • • .ih3 1 0 .�xa8 + <;!,?e7 11. opment, nor ensured the safety of
<;!,?dt his king, Csonka - Vujosevic,
11.lt:\c6+ <;!,?d6-+ Hungary 2005;
ll . . . Yfxfl+ 12.<;!,?c2 .if5 13.�d5 <;!,?f6 14.lt:\d7+ hd7 15.
�xd7 .id6-+
13 • • • e3+ 14.d3
14.<;!,?b2 e2 15.lt:\c6+ <;!,?f6 16.
�xfB e1�-+ Black organizes a de­
cisive attack with his two queens
and a bishop.

The alternatives for White lose
13.lt:\a3 f6 14.lt:\c6+ <;!,?t7 15.lt:\d4
�d3+! 16.<;!,?b3 .ig4 17.lt:\ac2 (after
17.�c6 .id1+ 18.lt:\ac2, Black wins
with GM L.Gutman's recommen­ 14 e2 15 .i.d2 elltJ + 16.
• • • •

dation - 18....id6 19.�d5+ <;!,?g6 hel YrxeH Black needs only to

20.�f5+ <;!,?h6 21.f3i.xc2+ 22.lt:\xc2 complete his development, after
lt:\e7-+) 17...lt:\e7 18.�xa7 .ie6+ which the realisation of his extra
19.lt:\xe6 �d5+ 20.<;!,?a4 �d7+ 21. piece should not be any problem
<;!,?b3 �xe6+ 22.<;!,?a4 ll:\d5 23.b4 whatsoever, Stec - Sedlacek, Slo­
hb4 24.lt:\xb4 gas 0-1 Radoor - vakia 2004.

l.e4 e5 2. ll'lj3 ll'lc6 3.c3 d5

B2) 4.VHa4 move 7...e4! 8.ll'ld4 ll'le5 9.ll'la3

.ic5 10.ll'lac2 ll'le7+; it is no better
for White to opt for 6..ic4 W/e4+ 7.
'it>dl .ie6 8.d3, since Black can
counter this with 8.. J:'!:d8 9.ll'lbd2
l'!xd3 10..ib5 W/xa4+ ll..ixa4 l'!d8+
winning a pawn.) 6....id7 7..ib5?
(The lesser of the evils for White
here is to enter an inferior end­
game with 7.VHc4 W/xc4 8..ixc4
exd4 9.cxd4 ll'lb4 10.ll'la3 0-0-0+)
7...a6 8.c4 W/e4+ 9..ie3 l'!d8-+
Reznicek - Kuzmicz, Karvina
This is the strongest move for 2010.
White, after which and he can ob­ After the move 5.d3, there
tain an acceptable position. arise positions resembling the
4 . . . f6 Philidor Defence with colours re­
Black securely bolsters the e5- versed, except that Black has a
pawn and hopes to complete his pawn on f6 and not a knight. This
development more easily than his circumstance does not preclude
opponent. him from obtaining a very good
position, mainly because the posi­
tion of White's queen on a4 looks
completely senseless. 5....ie6

5 . .ib5
After 5.exd5, the reduction of and now:
the tension in the centre is in 6.ll'lbd2 W/d7 (The inaccurate
Black's favour, since it facilitates move 6....id6?! enables White to
the task of developing his pieces. play 7.d4t and seize the initia­
5...'\WxdS 6.d4 (For 6..ib5 ll'lge7 - tive.) 7..ie2 ll'lge7 8.0-0 a6 9.d4
see 5..ib5; if 6.b4 .id7 7.b5, Black (It is still not too late for him to
can provide an excellent square simplify the position. It is inferior
for his knight by the intermediate for White to opt for 9.b4 ltlg6+

Chapter S

Ljubojevic - Palacios de la Prida, cause after 6.d3?! i.e6 7.0-0 a6

Malaga 1971.) 9... exd4 lO.exdS 8.i.xc6+ ltJxc6 9.�e1 i.e7 10.lLlbd2
(10.cxd4 lLlg6+) lO... i.xdS 11. 0-0+ Black has slightly the better
ltJxd4 0-0-0 12.ltJ2b3 �e8 13. prospects thanks to his two bish­
�d1 ltJxd4 14.�xd4 lLlc6 15.�g4+ ops, Blackburne - Berger, Ham­
'i!?b8= Black has no problems, but burg 1885, while if 6.0-0?! dxe4
White's position has no problems 7.�xe4 i.fS 8.i.xc6+ (8.�e2 a6 9.
either; i.xc6+ ltJxc6 10.d4 �dS+) 8... bxc6
In the variation 6.i.e3 i.d6 7. 9.�a4 i.d3 10.�e1 �d7+ White has
ltJbd2 lLl ge7 8.d4 0-0= Black eas­ great problems with the develop­
ily completes his development, ment of his queenside, and will
Turkov - Nightingale, Email thus be unable to exploit the
2009; weakness of Black's pawns.
6.i.e2 i.d6 7.exd5 (after 7.b4 6 . . . �xd5
ltJ ge7 8.ltJ bd2, B.Savchenko -
Delorme, Rijeka 2010, the sim­
plest way for Black to stop the ad­
vance of White's queenside pawns
is with the move 8... a6=) 7... i.xd5
8.ltJbd2 (In response to 8.d4,
Black equalizes with 8... exd4 9.
cxd4 ltJge7 10.0-0 0-0 ll.lLlc3
i.f7 12.i.c4 �e8=; after 8.0-0
ltJ ge7 9. .ie3 it would be good for
Black to play the natural move
9... 0-0, not fearing 10.c4 in view
of 10... ltJd4! ll.i.xd4 i.c6 12.�c2 7.d4
exd4 and here it is bad for White White should try to gain space;
to continue with 13.lLlxd4? i.xh2+ otherwise, after 7.0-0?! e4, he
14.'i!?xh2 �xd4+, while in the vari­ will have difficulties equalizing.
ation 13.lLlbd2 b6 14.lLlb3 i.cS=
Black maintains his space advan­
tage.) 8... ltJge7 9.0-0 0-0 10.lLle4
fS (the position is equal after 10...
�e8 ll.i.d1 lLld8 12.�xe8 �xe8=)
ll.lLlxd6 �xd6? Black has grant­
ed his opponent the advantage of
the bishop pair but has seized
space and has no problems with
his development.
5 .tL!ge7 6.exd5
• • 8.lLle1 i.d7 9.d3 (It seems rea­
This move seems forced, be- sonable for him to play 9.f3, but

l.e4 e5 2. lLlj3 lt:J c6 3.c3 d5

in the variation 9... exf3 10.lLlxf3 1S.i.e3 lUeS+ Black will inevitably
a6 ll.i.c4 '!WhS 12.i.e2 gSt Black regain his pawn, retaining better
obtains excellent attacking chanc­ development, but even in the line:
es, while if ll.i.e2 0-0-0 12.d4 14.b3 0-0-0 1S.lLlg3 hS 16.h4
'tt> b8+! Black's kingside prospects i.d6+ White will probably be una­
are at least as promising as ble to keep his extra pawn, since
White's active play on the queen­ his pieces are horribly passive. It
side.) 9... exd3 10.lLlxd3 a6 ll.lLla3 is not advisable for him to opt for
(or ll.i.c4 '!WfS 12.'1Wc2 0-0-0+ ll.d4 exd3 12.'i:lxd3 i.b7 13.hc6
with a considerable lead in devel­ hc6 14.'1Wc2 0-0-0+, or ll.lLlxe4
opment for Black) ll... �d8 12.luf4 i.b7 12.hc6 hc6 13.'1Wc2 'i:lfS 14.
(12.i.c4 lLleS 13.'1Wb3 'i:lxc4 14.lLlb4 'i:lf3 0-0-0+ and in both cases
'!Wfl 1S. '!Wxc4 '!Wxc4 16. 'i:lxc4 i.bS Black has the bishop pair and su­
17.b3 lLlg6 18.�e1+ 'tt> :fl+ Black has perior development.) ll... i.b7! 12.
a stable advantage in this position i.e2 'i:ld4 13.i.hS+ g6 14.'\Wxd7+
with an open centre, thanks to his 'tt> xd7 1S.i.d1 'i:ldS 16.cxb6 cxb6 17.
bishop pair, Daenen - Morau, 'i:lxe4 �e8 18.d3 fS 19.lLlc3 i.g7�
Email 200S) 12... axbS 13.lLlxbS Black has mobilized his forces in
'!WeS 14.'i:ld3 '!WfS 1S. lLlxc7+ 'tt> f7 16. ideal fashion and has excellent
'!Wb3+ i.e6 17.'i:lxe6 '!Wxe6 18. compensation for the sacrificed
'!Wxe6+ 'tt> xe6 19. 'i:lcS+ 'tt>fl 20. pawn.
'i:lxb7 �d7 21.lLlcS �dS 22. 'i:le4, 7. . . e4
Schakel - Miettinen, Email 2008.
White has sufficient material
equivalent for his piece, but after
22... 'i:lfS+ Black's pieces are so ac­
tive that White will find it difficult
to advance his pawns much fur­
After 8.i.xc6+ '!Wxc6 9.'1Wxc6+
bxc6 10.'i:ld4 cS ll.'i:lbS 'tt> d7+
White is unlikely to be able to ex­
ploit the weakness of his oppo­
nent's queenside pawns, because
he will have great problems with 8.c4
his development. After 8.i.c4 '!WaS 9.'\WxaS 'i:lxaS
After 8.c4 '!Wd7 9.'i:le1 a6 10. 10.'i:lfd2 'i:l xc4 ll.lLlxc4 i.e6 12.
'i:lc3 Black can consider continu­ 'i:lbd2, Reznicek - Hladik, Havi­
ing with 10... b6!?,with these sam­ rov 2010, Black can play 12... fS
ple variations: 11.cS (In the end­ 13.0-0 lLlg6t and he maintains
game after ll.hc6 '!Wxc6 12.'1Wxc6+ the initiative in the endgame,
'i:lxc6 13.lLlxe4 �b7 14.d3 0-0-0 thanks to his powerful light-

Chapter S

squared bishop, which has no op­ 10.d5?! l2Jd4 11.l2'lxe4 a6+, and it is
ponent. no better to opt for 10.hc6 l2Jxc6
8.l!jfd2 �g5 9. \!;>f1 (White can ll.d5 l2Jb4 12.0-0 (12.l2Jxe4 �f5
hold the balance with the sur­ 13.f3 �e8+) 12 .. .f5+ and Black's
prising line: 9.�fl! e3 10.fxe3 knight will penetrate to the d3-
�xe3+ 11.�e2 �g4 12.�d1 �xe2+ square.
13.�xe2 .ixe2 14.\!;>xe2 l2'ld5=) 9 . . . 1 0 tlJxd4 ll.c5 tlJxb5 12.
• • •

a6 10.l2'la3? (after 10.�e2 �g6+ �xb5 �d7 13.ti'e2

White's position is worse, but But not 13.�c4+ �e6 14.�e2
there is plenty of fight left) 10 . . . h6 15.0-0 f5+ leading to a very
axb5 11.�xa8, Ovetchkin - Ha­ advantageous endgame for Black.
matgaleev, Perm 1998 and here 13 tlJd5 14. 0 - 0 �c6 15.
• • •

Black can immediately settle the .ie3, Mercky - Boychuk, Email

issue with ll . . . �f5, because White 2006.
is helpless against the threat of
12 . . . l2Jd5.
8 • • • �d8 9.tlJfd2
White should avoid 9.d5 exf3
10.dxc6 \!;>f7 11.0-0 bxc6 12.hc6
l2Jxc6 13.�xc6 fxg2 14J:!e1 gbs
15.l2Jc3 �d7 16.�f3 �h3+, because
he cannot exploit the centralized
position of Black's king. Now
there will be an endgame in which
Black will have the better chanc­
es, thanks to his two powerful
bishops. Here Black could have created
9 \!;>f7
• • . problems for his opponent by
playing 15 .ie6 16.ge1 (It is
. • .

worse for White to opt for 16. l2Jbc3

�e7 17.�h5+ g6 18.�f3 l2Jxe3 19.
�xe3 ghe8+ and Black will gradu­
ally eject his opponent's knights
from the centre, while the inevita­
ble exchange of the major pieces
will also be in his favour.) 16 . • •

.ie7 17.�h5+ g 6 18.�£3 .if5

19.tlJbd2 gadS 2 0 .id4 gbe8=

White's pieces are a bit more ac­

tive, but Black has a long-term
1 0 .tlJxe4 plus - his advantage of the two
It is too risky for White to play bishops.

Chapter 6 l.e4 e5 2)i)f3 �c 63.�c3 tLlf6

Four Knights Game

Belgrade Gambit

with the move 4....ic5 - see Chap­

ter 15.
4.lt:\xe5? - this piece-sacrifice
is not justifiable. 4...lt:\xe5 5.d4
lt:\g6 6.e5 llJg8 7..ic4 d5! (this is
the simplest way for Black to solve
the problems with his develop­
ment) 8..hd5 llJ8e7 9..ig5 �d7+
On the next move, Black's knight
will be deployed to the f5-square
and he will take over the role of
All four knights have come attacker.
into play in the first three moves After 4.lt:\d5 .ic5 5.d3 (if 5.
of the game. This is why the open­ lt:l xf6+?! �xf6t Black leads in de­
ing is called the Four Knights velopment) 5...lt:\xd5 6.exd5 lt:\d4
Game. 7.lt:\xd4 .ixd4= Black has no prob­
White's main move in the dia­ lems with his development and
gram position is 4..ib5 - see his position in the centre is not
Chapter 8, but 4.g3 is also popu­ inferior.
lar - see Chapter 7. In this chap­ 4.h3 - This is not exactly a de­
ter we shall deal with all White's veloping move... 4....ib4!? (Black
other reasonable moves. can also play here 4...d5) 5..ic4
4.d4 0-0=
In response to 4..ic4, Black 4.a3 - This is an attempt by
has an interesting counter-blow White to pretend to be Black, with
4... lt:lxe4! - a move which has an extra tempo. He also prevents
been analyzed in the recently the appearance of the enemy
published book of GM Konstantin bishop on the b4-square. 4...d5 5.
Sakaev "The Petroff: an Expert .ib5 (After 5.exd5 lt:\xd5, it is not
Repertoire for Black" - but he good for White to play 6.llJxd5
can also go into the Italian Game �xd5 7.d3 g6 8..ie2 .ig7 9.0-0

Chapter 6

0-0 10J''l e1, Drazic - Blagojevic, rin, Havana 1999; then a reason­
Zadar 2009, since after 10... b6+ able response seems to be 6...�g4!?
Black prepares the development 7.i.g2 (after 7.h3 hf3 8.1!t/xf3
of his light-squared bishop to a l!Jdb4+ White loses his c2-pawn)
wonderful square and, thanks to 7... l!Jd4 8.a3 c6 9.h3 l!Jxc3 10.bxc3
his slight space advantage, he ob­ l!Jxf3+ 11.hf3 �e6+ White has
tains the better prospects. After some problems with castling and
6.�b5 l!Jxc3 7.bxc3 �d6=, White's his light-squared bishop, which is
extra tempo a2-a3, in comparison usually quite active in the Glek
to the position with colours re­ System, has been restricted by
versed in the variation with 4.d4, Black's pawns on b7 and c6.
cannot provide him with an ad­ 4.i.e2 - This developing move
vantage - see Chapter 10.) 5... is too modest. 4... d5 (but not 4...
l!Jxe4 6.1!t/e2 (The position of the �cS S.l!JxeS!t with an initiative for
pawn on a3 cannot guarantee an White) S.exdS (It is also possible
edge for White in the variation 6. to play S.�bS?!, reaching a posi­
l!Jxe5 1!t/g5 - see 4.�e2; in the line: tion with colours reversed in
6.0-0 1!t/d6 7.1!t/e2 l!Jxc3 8.dxc3 which Black's move �f8-b4 is not
f6+ Black fortifies his centre and recommended by theory, and
can gradually compensate for his quite rightly so. s... l!Jxe4 6.l!Jxe5,
lag in development, Starostits - Djuric - Blagojevic, Zlatibor
Colin, Calvi 2009) 6... l!Jxc3 7. 1989, after playing 6... 1!t/g5! 7.
1!t/xe5+ 1!tle7 8.dxc3 �d7 9.1!t/xe7+ l!Jxc6 1!t/xg2 8J''lfl a6, Black ob­
(9.hc6 hc6 10.i.e3 1!t/xe5 11. tains either a crushing attack in
l!JxeS �bS 12.a4 �a6= Visser - the variation 9.l!Jxd5 axbS 10.
Van der Wiel, Hilversum 2006) l!Jxc7+ @d7 11.l!Jxa8 @xc6--+, or a
9... he7 10.i.f4 (or 10.�e3 a6 11. very pleasant endgame in the line:
�a4 bS 12.�b3 �e6=) 10... 0-0-0 9.i.a4 l!Jxc3 10.dxc3 1!t/e4+ 11.1!t/e2
11.0-0-0, Kindermann - Gyime­ 1!t/xe2+ 12.@xe2 �d7 13.�f4 hc6
si, Austria 2004 and after playing 14.hc6+ bxc6 15.hc7 @d7 16.
11... a6 12.�a4 bS 13.i.b3 �e6+ �g3 hS+) S... l!JxdS
Black considerably restricts the
mobility of his opponent's light­
squared bishop, which will not be
activated any time soon.
4.d3 dS S.exdS l!JxdS - Black
has occupied the centre and is
able to harmoniously complete
his development. Only one game
between grandmasters has been
played with this line and it contin­
ued with 6.g3, Slobodjan - Babu- 6.0-0 (The variation 6.�b5

l.e4 e5 2. tt:lf3 tt:lc6 3.tt:lc3 tt:lf6

tt:lxc3 7.bxc3 i.d6, is dealt with in '\!;l!d7 15.i.xb7 !!d8 16.he7 '\!;lfxe7
Chapter 10 with colours reversed 17.'\!;lfa4+ @f8+ Black has a far-ad­
and leads to an equal position; it vanced extra passed pawn and he
is inferior for White to opt for is not going to lose it, so it will cre­
6.tt:lxd5 �xd5 7.d3 i.e7 8.0-0 ate considerable problems for
0-0+ and Black has a stable ad­ White to complete his develop­
vantage thanks to his extra space ment.) 13.. .i.e6 14.i.e4 '\!;lfxd1 15.
and comfortable development.) !!xd1 1'!b8 16.i.f4 i.d6 17.hd6 cxd6
6... tt:lxc3 7.bxc3 (in the endgame 18.1'!xd6 @e7t - Black's superior
after 7.dxc3 '\!;lfxd1 8J'1xd1, Chris­ pawn structure provides him with
tensen - Sobjerg, Denmark 2008, an enduring initiative, Short -
Black equalizes easily after 8...i.f5 Volokitin, Wijk aan Zee 2009.
9.i.d3 hd3 10.cxd3 0-0-0=) 7... 4 .•. exd4
e4 8.tt:ld4 (In answer to 8.tt:le1 an
option worth considering is 8...
f5!? Now, after 9.d3 i.e6? White
is unable to activate his knight, so
Black's prospects are not at all
worse, but even in the variation
9.d4 i.d6 10.g3 0-0 ll.tt:lg2 b6?
White has no advantage, since he
must take care of his weakened
squares on the kingside.) 8...
tt:lxd4 9.cxd4 '\!;lfxd4

This is the Belgrade Gambit.
The move 5.tt:lxd4 leads to the
Scotch Game - see Chapter 10,
variation A.
5 .ie7 6 .ic4
. . . •

6.tt:lxd4 tt:lxd5 7.exd5 (after 7.

tt:lf5? i.b4+ 8.i.d2, Ju.Hodgson -
Orr, London 1985, 8... tt:lf6-+
10.c3 (10J§:b1 i.d6 ll.i.b2 '\!;l!d5 Black should win easily with his
12.d3, Soria Castillo - Mellado extra piece) 7...tt:lxd4 8.'\!;lfxd4
Trivino, Seville 2006, 12 ... 0-0+ 0-0? - after the exchange of all
Black has a solid extra pawn, al­ the knights, White's space advan­
though White has some compen­ tage does not impede the harmo­
sation owing to his active pieces.) nious development of the rest of
10... '\!;l!d5 ll.d3 exd3 12J�� e1 i.e7 Black's pieces, Sax - An.Karpov,
13.hd3 (13.i.a3?! i.e6! 14.i.f3 Tilburg 1979.

Chapter 6

In the variation 6.i.d3 0-0 8.lL\b5 (8.i.e2?! lL\xd5 9.exd5

7.0-0 d6 8.h3 l"!e8+ Black pre­ lL\xd4 10.�xd4 i.f6 11.'?9b4 '?9e7+
serves his extra pawn, Reinsdorf White has problems castling and
Karmann, Dittrichshuette his pawns on b2 and d5 need pro­
2004. tection, Schakel - Braggaar, Ven­
6.i.b5 0-0 7.0-0 d6 8.lL\xd4 lo 2007; 8.lL\c3?! - White reaches
(after 8.i.xc6 bxc6 9.lL\xf6+ .ixf6 a position from the Philidor De­
10.lL\xd4 c5 ll.lLle2 i.a6+ Black's fence, but with two tempi down,
powerful bishop pair gives a sta­ spent on the knight manoeuvre
ble edge, Fletzer - Zimmerman, c3-d5-c3. 8... d5! 9.lL\xc6 bxc6 10.
Venice 1949) 8... lL\xd4 9.�xd4 e5 lL\d7 11.i.d3 l"!b8 12.13b1 lL\c5+
lL\xd5 10.exd5 i.f6 11.'?9d3 a6 Black has the edge, thanks to his
12.i.a4 b5 13.i.b3 g6� Black's superior development, Seeck -
bishops are more active than R.Hess, Bad Pyrmont 1976; 8.
White's, but White has a slight lL\xc6?! bxc6 and here White loses
space advantage, Szilagyi a pawn after 9.lL\xe7+ �xe7 10.f3
Kluger, Budapest 1963. d5 ll.e5 lL\h5 12.'?9d2 lL\xf4 13.
6.i.f4 d6 7.lL\xd4 (The alterna­ �xf4 f6+ Prudnikov - Suglobov,
tives are no better for him. After Kiev 1999, but even after 9.lL\c3
7.i.b5 0-0 8.0-0 i.g4+, or 7.i.d3 13b8+ he can hardly compensate
i.g4 8.h3 .txf3 9.'?9xf3 0-0 10. for his lag in development, Ba­
0-0 lL\e5 ll.he5 dxe5+ Phoo­ ersch - K.Mueller, Goerlitz 1972)
balan - Ashwath, New Delhi 8... lL\xd5 9.exd5 lL\e5�. Black has
2007, or 7.'?9d3 0-0 8.0-0-0 i.g4 an excellent position and exten­
9.h3, Riemens - Erwich, Amster­ sive tournament practice has con­
dam 2002, 9... .th5+ White fails to firmed this. 10.�d2 c5 ll.he5
regain his pawn, while in the va­ dxe5 12.d6 i.g5 13.�d5 �aS+
riation 7.i.c4 i.g4 8.h3 hf3 9. 14.c3, G.Garcia - Aleksandrov,
�xf3, Martensen - Hodl, Meck­ Turin 2006, he is ahead in devel­
lenburg 1998, 9... 0-0+ his bishop opment and can head for a very
pair provides him with some com­ favourable endgame with 14...
pensation, but not enough... ) i.e6! 15.�xc5 (15.�xb7 l"!ab8-+;
7... 0-0 White is unable to evacuate his
king in the variation 15.�xe5?
l"!fe8+) 15... a6 16.h4 i.d8 17.b4
�b6 18.�xb6 i.xb6 19.lL\c7 i.xc7
20.dxc7 l"!fc8+ Black's position in
the centre is better, while White
must worry about the safety of his
6 . • • 0 - 0 7. 0 - 0
It is worse for him to opt for

l.e4 e5 2. ti:J.fJ ti:J c6 3. ti:J c3 li:Jf6

7.li:Jxd4 ti:Jxe4 8.0-0 ti:Jf6 9.ti:Jxc6 pawn in the game Haahr - Sa­
(9.ti:Jxe7+ ti:Jxe7 10. .ig5 ti:Jg6 11. maritani, Denmark 1989.
gel, Nathanail - Skembris, Corfu 9 • • . �xd5 1 0 .hd5
1995, ll... d5 12..id3 h6 13. .te3 After 10.'1Wxd5 .ie6 ll.Vfid3
ge8+ Black has ended up with an Wd7= the position becomes sim­
extra central pawn, while White's plified very quickly.
bishops are bound to remain pas­ 10 . . • .tf6 11.Vfid3 aS
sive.) 9... dxc6 10.ti:Jxe7+ '!Wxe7+
Black's extra pawn is doubled, but
it controls the important d5-
square, Hoffmann - Heimann,
internet 2005.
7 • • • d6 8.�xd4 �xd4

12.a4, Uribe Arteaga - Cabre­

ra, Collado Villalba 2010 (or 12.c3
a4 13.a3 :B:e8 14. .ie3 c6 15. .ia2
.ie6= Black has seized more space
on the queenside and this pro­
vides him with balanced pros­
9.tbd4 pects) 12 ge8 13.c3 c6 14 .tb3
• • • •

After 9.ti:Jxe7+ Vfixe7 10.'1Wxd4 .te6 15 . .tc2 g6= Black will inevi­
Vfixe4 ll.Vfic3 Vfffc6+ White did not tably advance with d6-d5, equal­
obtain any compensation for the izing completely.

Chapter 7 l.e4 e5 2) bf3 tl)c 6 3.tl)c3 tl)f6 4.g3

Glek Variation

It is inferior for White to retain

a pawn on e4, since after 5.d3
dxe4 6.dxe4 �xdl+ 7.'i!;>xdl i.g4t
Black will quickly complete his
5 ••• �xd5 6 . .ig2
For 6.d3 ttlxc3 7.bxc3 .ic5 8.
i.g2 0-0 9.0-0 (9.ttlg5 - see 6.
i.g2) 9...i.g4 - see 6.i.g2.
6 . . . �xc3 7.bxc3
If 7.dxc3? �xdl+ 8.'i!;>xdl i.f5+
According to our database, the Black leads in development, hav­
diagram position was reached for ing stranded his opponent's king
the first time in the game Nim­ in the centre and weakened his
zowitsch - E.Gruenfeld, Karlsbad pawn structure, Straub - Stefano­
1923. It has been tried by some va, Willemstad 2003.
other famous players too, but it 7 .ic5

was GM Igor Glek who analyzed it

thoroughly and began to play the
move 4.g3 regularly and success­
fully at grandmaster level.
4 . . . d5
After this move Black obtains
a slight space advantage.
He has a reasonable alterna­
tive here - 4...i.c5!?, which was
covered in detail in the recently
published book "The Petroff: an
Expert Repertoire for Black" by
Konstantin Sakaev. 8. 0 - 0
5.exd5 For 8.�e2 0-0 9.0-0 �e8 -

l.e4 e5 2.tLlf3 tLl c6 3.tt:J c3 tLlf6 4 .g3 d5

see 8.0-0. Glek - S.Novikov, Moscow 2006.

After 8.d3 0-0 9.tt:Jg5 (9.0-0 Now Black can activate his pieces
- see 8.0-0) 9. .. i.e7 10.'\&h5 i.f5� with the resolute move 13... e4!
White's premature attack has 14.WI'e2 (after 14.dxe4 i.c4+, or
been neutralized and Black has 14.i.xb6 axb6 15.i.xe4 i.h3+
excellent counterplay. White loses the exchange; or if
8... 0 - 0 14.i.xe4 i.h3 15.i.g2 i.xg2 16.
i>xg2 Wfd5+ 17.i>g1 tt:Jes�) 14 . . .
exd3 15.cxd3 i.d5 = The light­
squared bishops are exchanged
and Black has chances of seizing
the initiative.
9.WI'e2 - White's queen is not
always well placed on this square.
9... l"!e8 10.d3 (or 10.l"!e1?! e4!
ll.d3 i.f5 12.dxe4 l"!xe4 13.'\&bS?,
Antal - Gara, Budapest 2002,
13... tt:Jd4! 14.cxd4 l"!xe1+ 15.tt:Jxe1
\!tfxd4-+ and owing to the threat
9.d3 of mate White loses the exchange)
In response to 9.l"!b1, Glek - 10... i.f5 1l.tt:Jg5 Wfd7 12.i.e3 i.b6
Hebden, Dos Hermanas 2003, it 13.l"!fe1 l"!ad8 14.l"!ab1, Lima -
is very good for Black to continue Dervishi, Elista 1998. Black's
with 9... e4! 10.tt:Jd4! (after 10.tt:Je1 forces are ideally placed and he
l"!e8+ White has problems bring­ can start an offensive with 14... h6
ing his knight back into play and 15.tt:Je4 i.g4 16.'\&d2 f5! 17.tt:Jc5
it also remains misplaced after i.xc5 18.i.xc5 b6 19.f3 (19.i.a3?!
10.tt:Jh4 f5+) 10... tt:Jxd4 ll.cxd4 e4+ - Black's knight will attack
Wfxd4 12.i.b2 Wl'c4 13.d3 exd3 the weak light squares on White's
14.cxd3 Wl'g4! (Capturing on a2 kingside) 19... i.h5 20.i.f2 i.f7 21.
seems very risky for Black, be­ a4 tt:Ja5+ Black wants to play c7-c5
cause then White can develop his on his next move. White has ob­
initiative in various ways, for ex­ tained a slight space advantage
ample with 14.'\&h5!?) 15.WI'c2 and his bishops can protect his
i.d6= White's pieces are very ac­ king, but they are bound to re­
tive, but this suffices for equality main passive.
at the most. In answer to 9.l"!e1, Black can
9.WI'e1!? - White's queen pro­ choose between many good
tects the c3-pawn from this moves, but we recommend 9...
square, in contrast to its develop­ 'l&f6!? - Black intends to develop
ment on e2. 9 .. . l"!e8 10.d3 h6 11. his pieces very quickly and this
.ie3 .ib6 12.tt:Jd2 .ie6 13.tt:Jb3, will enable him to seize the initia-

Chapter 7

tive, thanks to his greater control nicki - Gareev, Internet 2005.

of the centre. In addition, he tar­ 10.�e2 .id7 ll.�b1 (ll.d3 e4
gets White's c3-pawn, which 12.dxe4 �xc3 13..id2, Virovlan­
might become very important in sky - Pokrovski, Moscow 1999,
many variations. 13...�a3+ Black maintains a slight
advantage thanks to his very ac­
tive queen and superior pawn
structure.) ll....ib6 12.a4 (12.d3
e4 13.�xe4 �ae8 14.�f4 �xc3t All
Black's pieces are in action and
White's weak queenside pawns
become a telling factor.) 12...�fe8
13.d3 e4 14.dxe4 �xc3+ Black has
a slight but stable advantage ow­
ing to his excellent pawn struc­
After 10.h3 .ie6 11.�e2 �fe8 ture.
1Vl:\xe5?, Brancaleoni - Aglietti, In the variation 10.d3 i.b6 11.
Bratto 2002, Black wins a pawn �e2, Bates - Ledger, Torquay
with 12...ll:\xe5 13.d4 (13.�xe5 1998 (Here it is preferable for
.id7-+) 13...hb3! 14.dxe5 fue5-+ White to opt for ll..ie3 e4 12.ll:\d2
10..ib2?! - The bishop is not exd3 13.ll:\e4 �g6 14.cxd3 .ig4 15.
well placed here. 10....ig4 ll.h3 �b1 �ae8+! his pieces, in particu­
.ih5 12.�e2 (Following 12.g4 .ig6 lar his knight, are very active but
13.d4, Ornstein - Potikha, Aviles it is unable to come to the c5-
2000, Black must reinforce his square in view of the variation
centre with 13....id6 14..ic1 h6 16.ll:\c5? �xe3+, while after every
15.�b1 �ab8 16.h4 exd4 17.cxd4 exchange the vulnerability of
.ih7! 18.g5 hxg5 19.hxg5 �d8+! White's pawns becomes more ob­
White has seized space, but he has vious.), Black can play 11...h6 12.
several weaknesses in his camp.) .ie3 e4 13.ll:\d4 (13.dxe4 �xc3+)
12...�ae8 13.d3 �e6 14.g4 .ig6 15. 13...exd3 14.�xd3 �d8+ and Black
ll:\d2 �h4 16.a4 h5t Black has de­ ends up with the superior pawn
ployed his pieces in ideal fashion structure.
and seized the initiative on the 10.�b1 - This is a very reason­
kingside, Mi.Tseitlin - Hebden, able move, because White's rook
Hastings 1995. will remain active along the open
The aggressive move 10.d4?! file. 10....ib6 ll.d3 h6 12.h3 (after
led after 10...exd4 ll..ig5 �g6 12.�e2, Waitzkin - A.Mikhalevs­
12.cxd4 ll:\xd4 13..ie7 i.xe7 14. ki, Budapest 1997, 12...i.e6 13.c4
�xe7 ll:\e6+ to the loss of a pawn .ig4+!; White does not obtain any
and problems with White's rook advantage with the move 12.i.e3,
stranded in the enemy camp, Zar- Xie - Chapman, Manly Sydney

l.e4 e5 2. ltlj3 ltl c6 3. ltl c3 ltlf6 4.g3 d5

2009, because after 12... e4 13. play on the kingside, because af­
ltld4 exd3 14.cxd3 ltlxd4 15. .b:d4 ter 13.g4?! ltle7+ he weakens the
.b:d4 16.cxd4 1!9xd4 17. .b:b7 l'!b8= important f4-square, Gheorghe -
the position is considerably sim­ Haznedaroglu, Email 2006.) 11...
plified.) 12... .ie6 13.c4 l'!ad8 14. 1!9d7 12.l'!b1 .ih3 13. .b:h3 Wxh3
1!9e2, Quesada Perez - Hernandez 14.'W'e4 (after 14.l'!xb7? .ib6 15.
Carmenates, Cuba 2000, and We4 ltla5+ White loses the ex­
here Black can play 14... l'!fe8 15. change) 14....ib6 15.c4, Fernan­
.ib2 .ic8� Black has strength­ dez Romero - Fernandez Garcia,
ened his centre and his pieces are Lanzarote 2003 (it is better to
ideally placed. play 15.a4 l'!fe8 16.ltlc4 We6= )
9 . . . .ig4 15... We6 16.ltlb3 a51' and Black
seizes the initiative.
10.'W'e2 .ib6!?N This prophy­
lactic move has not yet been tried.
(It seems too risky for Black to
weaken his kingside with 10... f6
ll.d4't, but he has a very reasona­
ble alternative in 10... Wc8 11.1!9e4
.ifS 12.'W'c4 .ib6=) ll.h3 (White
should avoid ll.We4 f5 12.1!9c4+
l!th8 because after 13.ltlg5 Wf6+
Black's pieces are very actively de­
ployed, having fortified the e5-
1 0 .h3 pawn and deprived the enemy
10. .ie3?! - This move leads to knight of the e4-square. In the
a change in the pawn structure endgame arising after 13.h3 .ih5
which is not in White's favour, 14.Wh4 Wxh4 15.ltlxh4 e4 16.dxe4
Rodriguez - Miguel Lago, Mon­ fxe4+ White loses the exchange
dariz 1995, 10... .b:e3 ll.fxe3 e4! with the greedy move 17. .b:e4
12.dxe4 We7+ Almost all White's .ie2+, but even after 17.g4 i.f7 18.
pawns are weak and his bishop is .b:e4 .ic4 19.i.d3 ltle5 20. .b:c4
passive. ltlxc4+ Black has more than suffi­
10.'W'e1 f6 11.ltld2 (For ll.h3 cient compensation for the pawn.
.ih5 - see 10.h3; or ll.l'!b1 Wd7 White's kingside has been de­
12.We4 .ib6= Black has securely stroyed, his f2-pawn is weak and
covered his b7-pawn, fortified his Black's rook is threatening to pen­
centre and developed his pieces in etrate to the e2-square.) ll... i.h5
ideal fashion, Aguilar Melian - 12.g4 .ig6 13.ltld2 (A drawish
Mengual Bolo, Email 2008; after endgame arises after 13.ltlxe5 l'!e8
ll.We4 .ie6 12.1!9h4 l'!b8, White 14.ltlxc6 l'!xe2 15.ltlxd8 l'!xd8 16.
can hardly organize any active a4 i.a5 17. .ie3 l'!xc2 18.i.xb7 .ib6=

Chapter 7

Black regains his pawn and it be­ 10... '\Wd7 11.�e2 i.b6 12.�e4 (12.
comes pointless to continue the tt:lxe5?? tt:lxe5 13.�xe5 l"lae8-+)
game.) 13.. .f5 14.li:'lc4 �d7? 12... l"lad8 13.a4 l"lfe8?
After 10.l"lb1, Nyysti - Sam­
malvuo, Helsinki 2000, the game
becomes greatly simplified after
10... e4! ll.dxe4 �xd1 12.l"lxd1 tt:le5
13.l"ld5 tt:lxf3+ 14.hf3 .txf3 15.
l"lxc5 he4 16J'!xc7 l"lac8= White
has an extra pawn, but his queen­
side pawn structure is in ruins
and he has no advantage whatso­
Black has obtained an excel­ 1 0 . . . i.h5
lent position, which can be con­
firmed by the following varia­
15.a4 l"lae8 16.i.a3 fxg4! 17.
.txf8 gxh3 18. .txc6 �xc6 19.�g4
l"lxf8 20.tt:lxe5 (20.�xh3 l"lf5 21.
'\Wg3 '\Wf6-+) 20... �f6 21.tt:lxg6
.txf2+ 22.'it>h1 �xg6 23.�xg6 (23.
'\Wxh3 l"lf5-+) 23... hxg6 24.'it>h2
l"lf3+ and the advance of the g6-
pawn will be very unpleasant for
15.tt:lxe5 - This is the most ll.g4
principled move. 15... tt:lxe5 16. ll. .ie3?! - Just as on the pre­
'\Wxe5 fxg4 (Black obtains excel­ vious move, this leads to a change
lent compensation after the pa­ in the pawn structure which is not
tient line: 16...c6!? 17.'\Wg3 i.c7 in White's favour. ll... .txe3 12.
18.f4 l"lae8�) 17.'\Wd5+ '\Wxd5 18. fxe3 e4! 13.dxe4 .txf3 14.�xf3
.txd5+ i.f7 19. .txb7 l"lab8 20.i.c6 tt:le5 15.�e2 �e7+ Black's power­
gxh3? The number of pawns is ful centralized knight is stronger
equal and the weakness of Black's than White's bishop, restricted by
h3-pawn is compensated for by the pawn on e4, Belkhodja - Daas
the vulnerability of White's a2- Hossem, Tunis 2001.
and c3- pawns on the queenside. In reply to 11.�e2, Nyysti -
In answer to 10.l"le1, Wieclaw Van Hoolandt, Helsinki 2001, it
- Olszewski, Rewal 2007, it would seems reasonable for Black to
be reasonable for Black to deploy support his e5-pawn by playing
all his forces in the centre with ll... f6 (without the inclusion of

l.e4 e5 2. ttl.f.3 ttl c6 3. ttl c3 ttlf6 4.g3 dS

the moves 10.h3 �h5, this would then Black exchanges his oppo­
have been dangerous for Black nent's active bishop and has no
owing to the vulnerability of problems whatsoever) 13...l"!e8
Black's light-squared bishop) 12. 14.tt:lh4 '!Wd7 15.'\We4, Pel - Van
d4!? (this is White's most princi­ Leent, Hoogeveen 2004, 15...�f7
pled move, although it would be 16.l"!b2 l"!ad8+ Black has massed
more prudent for him to continue all his forces in the centre, while
with 12J"!e1 �f7 13.tt:ld2 �d5 14. White's pieces are scattered round
hd5+ '!Wxd5=) 12...�b6 13.dxe5 the edge of the board.
fxe5 14.g4 �g6 15.�g5 (15.tt:lxe5?! After ll.l"!b1 l"!b8 12.l"!b5, Sper­
tt:lxe5 16.'!Wxe5 c6 17.�e3 l"!e8 18. dokli - Ubiennykh, Athens 2001
'!Wf4 he3 19.fxe3 '!We7+ Black re­ (12.g4 �g6 13.tt:lg5 �e7 14.tt:le4 f5
gains his pawn and retains the 15.gxf5 hf5 - see ll.g4), it would
better prospects, in view of be reasonable for Black to bolster
White's weakened pawn structure his e5-pawn by playing 12...�d6=
and his vulnerable king, which After ll.l"!e1 f6 12.�e3 he3
has been deprived of a secure 13.l"!xe3 it looks very good for
pawn shelter.) 15...'!We8 16.tt:lh4 Black to play 13...'\Wd6=, connect­
�f7 17.tt:lf5 �e6 18.�e4 (18..b:c6?! ing his rooks with the plan of cen­
bxc6 19.tt:le7+ c;t>h8 20.'\WxeS �c4+ tralizing them and then sending
White has lost his king's only de­ his queen to target the weak ene­
fender and is condemned to a dif­ my pawns.
ficult defence.) 18... c;t>h8 19.tt:le3 n . . .tg6

tt:ld8! 20.�4 '!Wa4 21.ttld5 tt:lf7 22.

tt:lxb6 axb6 23.l"!fe1 tt:ld6f! White
has the advantage of the two bish­
ops, but his king is exposed and
his queenside pawns are vulnera­
ll.'!We1 - White attacks the en­
emy e5-pawn and avoids the pin.
ll...f6 12.l"!b1 (12.tt:ld2 '!Wd7 13.tt:le4
�e7 14.�e3 b6 15.f4 exf4 16.gxf4
f5 17.tt:ld2 l'!ae8+ Black has taken
control over the e4-square and
occupies the e-file, Trabert - Vul, 12.tt:lg5
Kecskemet 1991; the position is 12.'!We2 l"!e8 13.tt:lg5 (in answer
about equal after 12.'!We4 �f7 13. to 13.tt:ld2, Jensen - Efimov,
tt:ld2 '!Wd7= Barbaric Vuk - Ra­ Email 2009, it is very good for
kuljic, Stobrec 2004, or 12.�e3 Black to continue with 13...'!Wd7
�b6 13.tt:ld2 �f7= ) 12...�b6 13. 14.tt:le4 �e7 15.l"!e1 f5 16.gxf5 hf"Sf!
�a3 (if 13.tt:ld2 �f7 14.tt:lc4 �d5=, followed by the transfer of his

Chapter ?

knight to e6) 13...h6 14.ll:Je4 �b6 gressive line: 16.f4 \Wd7 17.\Wf3,
15.c;!lh1 (15.\Wf3, Burnett - M.Kan­ Simic - M.Trifunovic, Golubac
torik, Tatranske Zruby 2008, 15... 2008, because of 17...�be8 18.
ll:Je7 16J'!b1 �b8 - he wants to c;!lh2 exf4 19.�4 ll:Jd8t Black
push c7-c6, while after 17.c4 Black plans to advance with b7-b6 and
is ready to retreat 17...ll:Jc6 18.c3 c7-c5, improving his position in
�e7?) 15...ll:Je7? Lupulescu - the centre and strengthening his
Kir.Georgiev, Rijeka 2010. queenside. It is no improvement
12 . . . �e7 13.ll:Je4 f5 ! for White to play 16..te3 \Wd7 17.
c;!lh2 b6+, because Black will cen­
tralize his rook and transfer his
knight to the e6-square, Tirard -
Karpatchev, Avoine 1999.) 16...
\Wd7 17..te3, Lastin - Egin, Mos­
cow 1997, he can continue with
17....te6 18.a4 �f5 19.\We2 �f7+
gaining tempi for the develop­
ment of his kingside initiative.
15 . . . .i.g6
Black can even try to obtain an
edge now with the move 15...
White's pieces gain permanent \Wd7!?? later deploying his knight
access to the e4-square, but the f­ on e6.
file is opened. This provides Black 16.\Wg4 �f5
with attacking prospects and he
can occupy the excellent f4-
square, which is at least as impor­
tant as e4.
14.gxf5 ht'5 15.Yflt5
White merely loses time with
15.ll:Jg3, Glek - Thorfinnsson, Ali­
mini 2011, since giving up his
bishop on g2 for the enemy knight
on c6, might lead to a dangerous
attack for Black. So Black is not
obliged to prevent that capture,
and after 15...�e6 16.\Wh5 g6 17. 17.trh5
�h6 �d5 18.ll:Je4 \Wd7t, with the 17.\Wg3 c;!lh8?
plan of ll:Jc6-d8-e6, he seizes the 17 . . . .i.g6= and the game Ste­
initiative. vie Adams, Plovdiv 2010 ended

After 15.�b1 �b8 16.�h5 (White in a draw after a three-fold repeti­

cannot achieve much with the ag- tion of moves.

Chapter S l.e4 e5 2)ijf3 ltlc6 3.lilc3 lilf6 4.i.b5

Four Knights Game

Double Ruy Lopez

compensation for the pawn, since

it would be bad for him to contin­
ue with ll..ia3? ltld2 12.�f4 ltlxfl
13.hf8 �xf8 14.E:xfl c6 1S..id3
.ie6+ with advantageous simplifi­
cations for Black.
After s.�e2 0-0 6.hc6 (6.
0-0 d6 - see 5.0-0; but not 6.d3?
ltld4 7.ltlxd4 exd4 8.a3 .iaS 9.b4
and after playing 9....ib6 lO.ltldl
aS+ Black obtains a considerable
4 . . . .ib4 lead in development and his piec­
We believe that this ancient es are ideally placed; in answer to
symmetrical response provides 6.a3, he is not obliged to present
Black with excellent chances of his opponent with the advantage
equalizing. He has a good alterna­ of the bishop pair; it is sufficient
tive though. This is the sharper for Black to play 6....ic5 7..b:c6
move 4...ltld4!? - see Konstantin bxc6 8.0-0 E:e8=) Black equalizes
Sakaev's book "The Petroff: an with 6...dxc6 7.0-0 E:e8=. Black
Expert Repertoire for Black". has no weaknesses in his camp
5. 0 - 0 and he has two powerful bishops.
Black has no problems after Later he plans to deploy his knight
S.a3 hc3 6.dxc3 ltlxe4 7.�e2 ltld6 on the e6-square.
8.hc6 dxc6 9.�xe5+ �e7 10. The move S.ltldS leads to sim­
�xe7+ l!txe7= with an absolutely plification, after which White
equal endgame, Bachin - Gutov, must play very carefully. S...ltlxdS
Sochi 2007. 6.exd5 e4 7.dxc6 dxc6 8..ic4 (It is
In the variation S.d4 exd4 simpler to opt for 8..ie2 exf3
6.ltlxd4 i.xc3+ 7.bxc3 ltlxe4 8.�f3 9.hf3 0-0 10.0-0 �f6= when
0-0 9.0-0 ltlxd4 10.cxd4 dS+ Black's development is a bit bet­
White fails to obtain sufficient ter, but he will have difficulty ex-

Chapter S

plaiting this.) 8... exf3 9.'Wxf3 0-0 be prevented from occupying that
10.0-0 'Wh4 ll.i.e2?! (White square later on.
needs to make one more precise 5.hc6 bxc6 - Neither side has
move, and after ll.d3 i.d6= castled yet, so it is preferable to
Black's slight initiative is not dan­ capture towards the centre with
gerous, unless White weakens the the pawn, obtaining chances of
light squares around his king with seizing the initiative. 6.!iJxe5 (6.
12.g3?! 'Wh3+ Falout - Vaindl, d3 d6 7.0-0 0-0 - see 5.0-0; af­
Czech Republic 1999.) ll... l"l:e8 12. ter 6.0-0 d6 7.d4 0-0 8.dxe5
d3 i.d6 13.g3 'Wa4t Black's pieces hc3 9.bxc3 !iJxe4 10.'Wd4 d5, it
are noticeably more active and he would be premature for White to
has a dangerous initiative. The play ll.c4? i.a6 12.l"l:e1 i.xc4+ with
game Y.Meister - Kurnosov, Sat­ an extra pawn for Black and an
ka 2008, ended in a win for him advantage in the centre. After
after 14.c3 i.h3 15.l"l:e1? i.g4 0-1. ll.i.a3 l"l:e8 12.l"l:fel, Salameh -
5.d3 d6 6.i.g5 (6.0-0 0-0 - Myers, Lugano 1968, he can play
see 5.0-0; 6.i.xc6+ bxc6 7.0-0 12... i.a6= not allowing the oppo­
0-0 - see 5.0-0; it is too passive nent to advance with c3-c4.) 6...
for White to play 6.i.d2 0-0 7. 'We7
0-0 !iJe7 8.a3 i.a5 9.i.c4 c6 10.
i.a2 !iJg6= Black has covered the
d5-square and can try to seize the
initiative later with the move d6-
d5, or prepare the transfer of his
knight to the f4-square, Bara­
midze - Kir.Georgiev, Kusadasi
2006; it is no better for White to
opt for 6.a3 i.xc3+ 7.bxc3 0-0 8.
0-0 h6 9.l"l:e1, because by playing
9... a6 10.i.a4 !iJa5= Black de­ White must play very carefully
prives his opponent of his only in this position to maintain the
trump - his advantage of the balance.
bishop pair.) 6... h6 7.i.h4 g5 8. It is bad to continue with 7.
i.g3, Legaspi - Iuldachev, Kuala d4?! d6 8.!iJxc6 hc3+ 9.bxc3
Lumpur 2008. Here it is worth �xe4+ 10.�e2, E.Mamedov - Jo­
considering 8... 0-0!? 9.a3 i.xc3+ erg, Germany 2003, Black can
10.bxc3 !iJa5 ll.i.a4 c6 12.!iJd2 b5 counter this with 10... @d7! 11.
13.i.b3 !iJxb3 14.cxb3 i.g4! 15.f3 'Wxe4 !iJxe4 12.!iJa5 !iJxc3+, regain­
i.e6= With his bishop manoeu­ ing his pawn and maintaining a
vre, Black has deprived his oppo­ lead in development.
nent of control of the important After 7.f4 hc3 8.bxc3 (In re­
h5-square and his knight cannot ply to 8.dxc3, it is strong for Black

l.e4 e5 2. ti:Jj3 ti:Jc6 3. ti:J c3 ti:Jf6 4. i. b5 i.b4 5. 0 - 0 0 - 0

to play 8... 0-0! 9.0-0 c5 10J:�e1 vulnerability of his opponent's a7-

i.b7t and he regains his pawn, pawn but has no other pluses,
while his unopposed light -squared Aripov - Khoroshev, Tashkent
bishop becomes very active.) 2010.
Black must enter a forcing line by 5... 0 - 0
playing 8... d6 9.ti:Jxc6 �xe4+ 10.
�e2 �xe2+ 11.\t>xe2 .ib7 12.ti:Jd4
.ixg2 13.:1'&gl .ih3+. Black has a
strong initiative, thanks to his su­
perior pawn-structure and more
active pieces. If White plays
greedily - 14.:1'&xg7? then his king
comes under the combined attack
of all of Black's pieces: 14... .ig4+
15.\t>fl lt>f8 16.:1!g5 :1'&e8-+, followed
by the subsequent expulsion of
White's rook from the g-file with
the move h7-h6. White has tried various possi­
After 7. ti:Jf3 .ixc3 8.bxc3 (It is bilities in the diagram position.
inferior for White to play 8.dxc3, His best chances of trying to ob­
because after 8... �xe4+ 9.i.e3 tain an advantage are with A)
i.a6t Black regains his pawn and 6.i.xc6 and, of course, with the
prevents the evacuation of White's most natural move B) 6.d3.
king to safety on the kingside.) It is bad for him to opt for 6.
8... �xe4+ 9.�e2 �xe2+ 10.1t>xe2 d4?! hc3 7.bxc3 ti:Jxe4 8.�d3 d5
.ia6+ ll. lt>d1 0-0= A completely 9.ti:Jxe5 ti:Jxe5 10.dxe5 c6 ll.i.a4,
symmetrical position has ap­ Riemann - A.Anderssen, Breslau
peared on the board with Black 1876, since his bishop on a4 re­
having several extra tempi, al­ mains out of play and Black can
though he cannot exploit this in attack the e5-pawn with 11... :1'&e8+
any meaningful way, Cofman - The simplifications after 6.
Pfefferle, Germany 2005. ti:Jd5 ti:Jxd5 7.exd5 e4 8.dxc6 exf3
In the variation 7.ti:Jg4 hc3 8. 9.�xf3 dxc6 10. .id3 i.d6t enable
dxc3 �xe4+ 9.ti:Je3 d6 (9....b6! ? Black to obtain a lead in develop­
10.�d4!=) 10.0-0 0-0= Black ment, Thesing - Werle, Eforie
has a slight advantage in the cen­ Nord 2009.
tre, but the position is practically The position is completely
equal, Kroselj - Novak, Nova symmetrical after 6.a3 hc3 7.
Gorica 2009. dxc3 ti:Jxe4 8.:1'&el ti:Jd6 9.hc6
After 7.ti:Jd3! .bc3 8.dxc3 dxc6 10.ti:Jxe5 :1!e8=
�xe4+ 9.�e2 �xe2+ 10.1t>xe2 6.�e2 - This is an attempt by
0-0= White cannot exploit the White to reach original positions.

Chapter S

6...d6 7.h3 (It is no improvement ty of his opponent's dark-squared

to opt for 7.hc6 bxc6 8.tt:\d1, be­ bishop) 8.. J"!:e8= when Black has
cause by playing 8.. J"!:e8= Black prevented White's possibility of
prevents d2-d4 and prepares the occupying the centre with d2-d4
pawn-advance d6-d5, ending up and has no problems at all.
with a space advantage.) 7...h6 8. After 7.d3, Black's simplest re­
tt:\d1 .ia5 9.c3 .ib6 10.d3 .ie6= sponse is 7...h6=, preventing the
Black has deployed his pieces in pin of his f6-knight.
ideal fashion and has no problems In reply to 7.tt:\d5 Black has a
whatsoever, Santamaria - Mon­ good line which has not been
teros, Barranquilla 1995. played yet: 7....ic5 8.c3 (The risky
6J"!:e1 d6 move 8.d4?! leads after 8...tt:\xd4
9.tt:\xd4 tt:\xd5 10.tt:\b3 tt:\f4+ to a
position where White is just a
pawn down.) 8...a6 9..ic4 .ia7 10.
d4 (After 10.d3 tt:\xd5 ll.hd5 tt:\e7
12 ..ib3 tt:\g6= Black can easily
parry the activity of White's bish­
op by playing .ie6.) 10...h6 ll.h3.
White has not allowed his oppo­
nent to increase the pressure
against the d4-pawn with the
7.d4?! - Black is much better move .ig4, but here Black can
prepared for the opening of the play ll...exd4 12.cxd4 l"!:e8 13.�d3
position: 7...exd4 8.tt:\xd4 tt:\xd4 tt:\xd5 14.hd5 tt:\b4 15..ixf7+ @xf7
9.�xd4 .ic5 10.�d2, Koziel - Wil­ 16.�b3+ d5 17.�xb4 dxe4 18.
iczkiewicz, Slask 1996 and after tt:\e5+ @g8? Although Black's
10 ...c6 ll..id3 tt:\g4 12J"!:f1 f5+ king is a bit exposed, he has two
Black is ahead in development powerful bishops, while White
and has excellent attacking pros­ has difficulty pursuing his attack
pects. since after 19.�b3+ .ie6 20.�g3
After 7.h3 .id7 8.a3, Sharapov �xd4 21.hh6, there arises an
- Burdalev, Yuzhny 2010, Black endgame in which Black's bishop
obtains a very good game with 8... is slightly superior to White's
hc3 9.bxc3 tt:\e7 10.a4 tt:\g6= knight after 21...�xf2+! 22.�xf2
Having doubled pawns, White .ixf2+ 22.@xf2 gxh6 23.l"!:xe4
will find it hard to utilize his ad­ .idS=
vantage of the bishop pair.
It is no improvement to con­
tinue with 7.a3 hc3 8.bxc3 (after A) 6 . .bc6
8.dxc3 it is good for Black to opt This exchange deserves atten­
for 8...h6= restricting the mobili- tion, but Black obtains the advan-

l.e4 e5 2. l:iJ.f3 l:iJ c6 3. l:iJ c3 l:iJf6 4.i.b5 i.b4 5. 0 - 0 0 - 0

tage of the bishop pair and can be 'Wf3 i.g6=) 10... l:iJd6 11.i.f4 �xe1 +
optimistic about the future. 12.'Wxe1 i.f5= The position is sym­
6 . . . dxc6 metrical and its evaluation as ab­
solutely equal cannot be disputed,
Al.Ivanov - Kamsky, Saint Louis
7 . . . i.g4

After 7.!'1e1 �e8 8.a3 (in re­
sponse to 8.d3 it seems good for
Black to opt for 8... h6 9.h3 b6
10.i.e3 .b:c3 11.bxc3 c5= fortify­ 8.h3
ing his position in the centre) 8... In answer to 8.i.g5 it is good
i.d6 9.h3 l:iJd7? - this standard for Black to play 8... 'Wd6 9.a3
transfer of Black's knight to the .b:c3 10.bxc3 l:iJd7=, followed by a
e6-square provides him with an later transfer of his knight to the
excellent position. e6-square.
7.l:iJxe5 �e8 8.l:iJd3 (after 8.l:iJf3 It is no improvement for White
l:iJxe4 9.l:iJxe4 �xe4+ Black has the to opt for 8.i.e3 l:iJd7? since Black
bishop pair and superior develop­ is ready to exchange on c3, fol­
ment, Forgacs - Vidmar, Buda­ lowed by c6-c5, as well as accom­
pest 1913; in the variation 8.d4 plish the standard manoeuvre of
.b:c3 9.bxc3 l:iJxe4= Black has the the knight to e6.
better pawn-structure, but he After 8.'We2 l:iJd7 9.l:iJd1, it is
cannot really exploit this, Tauben­ good for Black to continue with
haus - Chigorin, New York 1889) 9... '?;Yf6t, which would lead to a
8 ... .b:c3 9.dxc3 l:iJxe4 10.�e1 (af­ weakening of White's pawn­
ter 10.'?;Yf3 '?;Yf6 1l.'?;Yxf6 l:iJxf6= the structure.
opponents can agree to a draw, 8 . . . J.h5
Spassky - Ljubojevic, Linares (diagram)
1985; White has no chances of ob­ 9.ee2
taining an advantage after 10.i.f4 It is not very easy for White to
i.f5 11.�e1 l:iJd6= Michiels - get rid of the pin, for example it
Sasikiran, Antwerp 2009, or 11. would be bad for him to opt for

Chapter S

use of the circumstance that the

centre has been closed.) 11....ig6
12.@g2 !!adS (Black wins an im­
portant tempo by attacking the
enemy e4-pawn.) 13.�e2, Nim­
zowitsch - Leonhardt, San Sebas­
tian 1911. Now Black can obtain
an excellent position with 13....ic5
14../t:\d1 �e6 15../t:\e3 f6fZ when
Black has fortified his kingside
and plans to advance his queen­
9.g4? tt:\xg4 10.hxg4 (Black can side pawns.
organize a powerful attack with­ In the variation 9.@h1 tt:\d7 10.
out sacrificing anything after 10. g4 .ig6 11../t:\e2, Nimzowitsch -
tt:\xe5 tt:\xe5 11.�xh5 fs�) 10... Levitsky, St. Petersburg 1914,
hg4 Black ends up with a wonderful
game by transferring the knight to
the e6-square, where it both de­
fends and attacks after 11....id6
12../t:\g3 tt:\c5 13../t:\fS tt:\e6fZ
9 . . .c!Dd7 1 0 .�dl
Or 10.g4 .ig6 11../t:\d1 .id6 12.
tt:\e3 tt:\c5 13../t:\c4 f6 14. ./t:\h4 .if7
15../t:\e3 tt:\e6+ and Black has de­
ployed his forces in ideal fashion
and is well prepared for action on
ll.@h1?, Capablanca - Chajes, the queenside, Soffer - Alterman,
New York 1912 (it is preferable for Israel 1998.
White to play 11.@g2 ixc3 12.bxc3
f5 13.�e1 fxe4 14../t:\ g5 l'U5 15.�xe4
!!xg5 16.ixg5 �xg5+ although
even then his king is exposed,
while Black has two pawns for the
exchange) and here Black can
win by force with 11...f5! 12.!!g1
ixc3 13.bxc3 .ih5 14.!!g5 �e8 15.
exf5 e4! 16.dxe4 �xe4 17.!!xh5
!!ad8-+ and Black regains the
sacrificed material with interest.
After 9..ig5 �d6 10.i.xf6 �xf6
11.g4 (White plans to organize an 1 0 . . .1:�e8 ll.�e3, Tarrasch ­
attack on the kingside, making Rubinstein, Vienna 1922, 11 . . •

l.e4 eS 2. lD.f3 lD c6 3. lD c3 lDf6 4. i. b5 i.b4 5. 0 - 0 0 - 0

.if8+t Black intends to carry out tage in the centre. In reply to the
the manoeuvre lDd7-c5-e6 and careless move 10.c4?!, Bazant -
strengthens the position of his Zeberski, Czech Republic 2008,
king. Black could have played 10...
lDd7!?t with the idea of lD d7-c5
B) 6.d3 and c7-c6.
This is White's main move in
this position. He wants to pin the Bl) 7 . .ixc6 bxc6
enemy knight on f6.
6 . . . d6

With his previous move White
In the diagram position, he weakened his opponent's queen­
can try to fight for the advantage side pawn structure, but gave up
with Bl) 7 .ixc6, B2) 7.lDe2 and
• any chance of deploying his
B3) 7 .ig5.
• knight in the d5-outpost. Accord­
7.lDd5?! (The resulting change ingly, its transfer to the g3-square
in the pawn-structure is in Black's seems to be his most reasonable
favour.) 7... lDxd5 8.exd5 lDe7 9.c3 continuation.
ic5 10.i.c4 i.g4 11.h3 ih5 12.ie3 8.ig5 h6 9.i.h4 (It is inferior
ib6 13.a4 f5+ White's light­ for White to play 9..ixf6 �xf6+
squared bishop is out of play now and Black has a solid centre,
and Black easily gains extra space strong bishops and a clear-cut
on the kingside, enabling him to plan of action based on the pawn­
organize an attack there, Jaffe - advance f7-f5, Weiss - Strathoff,
Capablanca, New York 1910. Dortmund 2003.) 9...%!fe7 10.h3
7.h3 lDe7 8.a3 (8.lDe2 c6 - see %!fe6 1U3e1 lDh5+ Black's knight is
7.lDe2; 8.i.g5 c6 - see 7.i.g5; 8. eyeing the f4-square and he is
lDh4 c6 9.i.a4 d5+t) 8... hc3 9. preparing f7-f5.
bxc3 lDg6= Black has deployed his After 8.i.e3 hc3 9.bxc3 it is
pieces in ideal fashion, preventing good for Black to strengthen his
White from obtaining any advan- centre by playing 9...c5=

Chapter S

8 . • . .ig4 9.1l:lg3 �h5 1 0 .�f5 14.e4 Wi'b8 15.b3 �b6 + 16.c!>hl

In answer to 10.c3, K.Berg - 1Ue8 =
D.Bronstein, Tastrup 1990, be­
fore removing his bishop from an
attack, it would be useful for Black
to weaken his opponent's king­
side with 10...tLlxg3 ll.hxg3 .icSt

Black is preparing to advance

with d6-d5, opening the d-file and
preventing his opponent from or­
ganizing an effective kingside at­
10 • • . .ic5 !?N
This is a logical move, prevent­
ing the manoeuvre tLlf5-e3, but it B2) 7.�e2
has not been tested in practice
ll .ie3

After ll.tLle3 .ixe3 12.fxe3 fS

13.exf5 !!xfS 14.h3 .ixf3 15.!1xf3
�f6= Black completes his devel­
opment and has no problems at
It is no improvement for White
to opt for ll.i.d2 tLlf6 12.tLle3 .ixe3
13.fxe3 tLld7=, preparing t7-f5.
ll .ixf5
• • •

It is also possible for Black to White's knight will be better

try the original idea ll...�f6!? placed on g3 than on c3.
12.hc5 dxcS 13.g3 !!feB 14.!1e1 7 • . • �e7 8.c3
hfS lS.exfS W/xfS 16.tLlh4 WigS 17. For 8..ig5 c6 - see 7..ig5; 8.
tLlf3 Wi'fS= and White is unable to .ia4 tLlg6 9.c3 .ia5 10.tLlg3 c6 - see
exploit the vulnerability of Black's 8.c3.
tripled pawns. 8.tLlg3 c6 9..ia4 tLlg6 10.d4 (10.
12.exf5 .ixe3 13.fxe3 �f6 c3 .iaS - see 8.c3; Black has no

l.e4 eS 2. tiJj3 tiJ c6 3. tiJ c3 tiJj6 4. J.b5 i.b4 5. 0 - 0 0 - 0

problems after 10.i.b3 h6 ll.h3 telin, St. Petersburg 1993, and af­
l3e8 12.c3 i.a5 13.l3e1 d5=, or 10. ter playing 12... tiJg6 13.tiJxg6
h3 d5 ll.c3 J.d6 12.l3e1, Nim­ hxg6= Black fortifies his king­
zowitsch - Maroczy, Karlsbad side;
1907, 12... h6= and in both cases 9.i.g5 tiJg6 10.tiJh4, Godena -
Black even enjoys a bit more Toth, Switzerland 1997, and now
space.) 10... exd4 ll.tiJxd4 d5 12. with 10...c6 11.i.a4 i.b6 12.�h1 d5
exd5 tiJxd5= The position is com­ 13.exd5 �xd5= Black equalizes
pletely equal after the centre completely, since after 14.i.xf6?!
pawns have disappeared off the gxf6 15.tiJf3 l3d8+ White is unlike­
board, Janowski - Burn, Ostend ly to be able to exploit the slight
1907. weakening of his opponent's king­
After 8.h3 c6 9.i.a4 tiJg6 10.c3 side and his d3-pawn needs addi­
i.a5 ll.i.c2 (here it is better for tional protection.
White to play ll.tiJg3 d5 - see 8. 9 . . . c6 1 0 .ta4

c3.) ll... d5 12.i.g5 (12.tiJg3 l3e8 For 10.i.c4 tiJg6 ll.i.b3 h6 -

13.�h1, Korenev - Diulger, Eforie see 10.i.a4.
Nord 1998, 13... i.b6t) 12... h6 13. l O . . . tiJg6
i.e3, Novak - Priborsky, Klatovy
2002 and after 13...l3e8 14.tiJg3
i.b6t Black is deploy his pieces
ideally and obtain a slight space
8 . . . .ta5

ll.l3e1 l3e8 12.J.c2 d5 13.a4
(White can create more problems
for his opponent with 13.i.g5!? h6
14..b:f6 �xf6 15.d4, but after 15...
i.g4 16.exd5 .b:f3 17.�xf3 �xf3
9.tiJg3 18.gxf3 CiJh4 19.i.e4 cxd5 20..b:d5
White has no chance of retain­ exd4 2l.l3xe8+ l3xe8 22.b4 i.c7
ing an edge after the alternatives: 23.cxd4 l3d8 24. .b:b7 l3xd4 25.a3
9.h3 tiJg6 10.tiJg3 c6 11.i.a4 d5 g6� practically by force we reach
- see 9.tiJg3; 9.CiJh4 c6 10.i.a4 d5 an endgame in which Black has
1l.tiJg3 i.b6 12.h3, Gubanov - Pe- more than enough compensation

Chapter S

for the pawn.) 13....ic7= and his opponent's king position.)

Black's position in the centre is 13...exd4 14.tt'lxd4 dS 15.exd5
slightly preferable, Llaneza Vega tt'lxd5=
- Sebastian, Germany 2009.
In answer to ll..ib3, it is good
for Black to play 1l...h6 12.h3 d5=
The position becomes dead
equal after ll.h3 dS 12..ib3, Varga
- G.Timoshenko, Herculane 1996,
12... dxe4 13.dxe4 h6=
ll . . J:�e8

The position is symmetrical

and both sides have similar devel­
opment; nevertheless, they have
to play very accurately, because
after 16.tt'ldf5 �f6 17.�f3 tt'le5 18.
�hS, G.Kuzmin - A. Kharitonov,
Moscow 1991, Black could have
seized the initiative with the move
12 . . . .ib6 !
12 . .ic2 After this move White is una­
White supports his e4-pawn. ble to prevent the freeing pawn­
It would less logical to play break d6-d5.
12..ib3 h6 (But not 12...exd4?! 13.h3
13.cxd4, Alekhine - Euwe, Am­ But not 13.l"i:e1?! .ig4 14..ie3
sterdam 1936, since the e4-pawn d5t
is taboo, because if 13...tt'lxe4? 13 d5 14. �xe5, P.Popovic­
• • .

14.tt'lxe4 l"i:xe4 15..ixf7+ @xf7 16. Pruijssers, Germany 2010.

tt'l g5± White wins the exchange,
so it turns out that Black has sim­
ply given up the centre to his op­
ponent for nothing.) 13.h3 (It
would be more accurate for White
to continue with 13.dxe5 dxeS
14.�c2 .ib6=; in the variation 13.
l"i:e1?! .ig4, he is unable to main­
tain his centre and after 14.dxe5,
Janowski - Tarrasch, Ostend
1907, 14... tt'lxe5+ Black destroys

l.e4 eS 2. 0f3 ttl c6 3. ttl c3 ttlf6 4. �b5 �b4 5. 0 - 0 0 - 0

Now the position becomes to­

tally simplified after the following
practically forced line: 14 �xe5 • . •

15.dxe5 �xe4 16.�xe4 dxe4

17.'ti'xd8 hd8 18.gel gxe5 19 •

.if4 ges 2 0 .he4 .ie7 21 .ic2 •

.ie6 22 .ib3 hb3 23.axb3

.ic5 = and the endgame looks very


B3) 7 .ig5 • 8. �h4

After 8.�e2 c6 9.�a4 ttlg6 10.
c3 �aS 11.b4, Schiffers - Steinitz,
Nuremberg 1896, it seems very
good for Black to aim his bishop
at the f2-square by playing 11...
It is not advisable for White to
play 8.�c4 c6 9.hf6 (For 9.ttlh4
dS - see 8.�h4; it is inferior to
opt for 9.'ti'e2 ttlg6 10.ttlh4,
Janowski - Showalter, New York
1898, since Black can counter this
White bases his hopes of ob­ with 10... ttlf4 11.hf4 exf4+ ob­
taining an advantage on this taining the advantage of the bish­
move. op pair and preparing the open­
7 • • • �e7! ? ing of the central files with the
Black carries out the standard move d6-d5; White also fails to
manoeuvre of his knight to the retain any advantage with the
g6-square, without being afraid of line: 9.ttle2 ttlg6 10.c3 �a5 11.ttlh4,
the break-up of his kingside. He is Matisons - Kostic, Bardejov 1926,
preparing to play in the centre by to which Black can respond with
advancing c7-c6 and d7-d5. 11... d5 12.exd5 cxdS 13.�b3 .ic7=
This ancient move became with a slight advantage in the
fashionable again during the centre.) 9... gxf6 10.ttle2 dS 11.a3
years 2010-2011, mostly owing to .iaS 12.�a2 .ib6 13.ttlg3 ttlg6�
games by the ex-world champion Black has put White's light­
Ruslan Ponomariov against the squared bishop out of play and
strongest Rumanian Grandmas­ has excellent counter- chances,
ter Nisipeanu. Black is trying to based on eventual activity on the
seize the initiative. kingside.

Chapter S

8.h3 c 6 9.i.c4 (9.i.a4 lt'lg6 10.

i.b3 h6 ll.i.d2 i.e6= ) 9 ... lt'lg6 10.
lt'lh4, Zavoronkov - Zjukin, Tal­
linn 2 0 05 (10.lt'le2? ! h6 ll . .hf6
�xf6+ The lack of White's dark­
squared bishop is a telling factor
in this position.) 10 . . . lt'lf4 ll.i.b3
lt'le6 12 .he6 fxe6 ! = Black has se­
curely covered the fS-square.
8.i.xf6 - This is a very princi­
pled move. 8 . . . gxf6
10 .bxc3 cxbS ll.i.gS f6 12 .i.e3
�aS+ and he obtains the better
prospects thanks to the weakness
of White's queenside pawns.
9.i.a4 lt'ld7

9 .d4 (Black can obtain a very

good position after 9.lt'ld5 lt'lxdS
10.exd5 i.g4?, or 9.lt'le2 c6 10.
i.a4 fS ll.exfS, Schiffers - Hal­
prin, Vienna 1898, ll . . . lt'lxfS? or
9.lt'lh4 c6 10 .i.a4 fS?) 9 . . . hc3 Now:
10.bxc3 c6 ll.i.e2 (ll.i.d3 lt'lg6=) 10.a3 hc3 11.bxc3 lt'lc5 12 .i.b3
l l . . . lt'lg6 12J!e1 fS 13.exf5 hfS lt'lxb3 13.cxb3 i.e6 = and Black has
14.i.d3 �f6 15 . .hf5 �xfS = White no problems at all, Y.Gruenfeld -
is unable to exploit the somewhat Baron, Petach Tikva 2011;
insecure position of his oppo­ 10.i.b3 ll:lcS (10 ... h6? ll . .ixe7
nent's king, while Black domi­ �xe7 12.lt'lg6± White ends up with
nates in the centre and has excel­ an extra exchange) ll.lt'lfS hfS
lent prospects after an exchange 1 2 .exf5 h6 13.i.h4 �d7 14.he7
of queens, Bogut - S.Atalik, Neum (in the variation 14.f6 lt'lg6 15.fxg7
2 004. <;t>xg7 16.ig3 fSt Black has excel­
8 c6
... lent attacking chances) 14 . . . �xe7
(diagram) 15.lt'le2 dS+ with a very strong po­
. 9 .tc4 sition for Black in the centre, Ni­
In response to 9 . .hf6?! Black tin - A.Gupta, Dubai 2011;
has the strong line : 9 . . . .ixc3 ! 10.lt'le2 lt'lcS ll.c3 (The game is

l.e4 e5 2. ltJ.f3 tt'l c6 3. ttJc3 ltJf6 4. i.b5 i.b4 5. 0 - 0 0 - 0

equal after ll.i.b3 tt'Jxb3 12.axb3 B3a) lO.hf6

f6 13.i.d2 .ixd2 14.W/xd2 dS= White is trying to prove that
White's rook on a1 has become ac­ the weakening of his opponent's
tive, while Black has obtained a king position is more important
slight space advantage.) ll . . . tt'Jxa4 than the advantage of the bishop
12.cxb4 (12.W/xa4 i.cS 13.d4 i.b6 pair, which he presents to Black
14J'!:ad1 i.g4 ! 15.f3 i.e6+ Black has with this move.
the better prospects thanks to his 1 0 gxf6

bishop pair, Negi - Sargissian,

Sestao 2 010) 12 . . . tt'lb6 13.a4 i.e6
14.tt'lg3 f6 15.i.e3 dS= Black has a
bit of extra space and his king is
quite safe. After White's risky at­
tempt 16.a5 d4 17.i.d2 lt'Jd7 18.f4
exf4 19.tt'le2 tt'JeS 20 .tt'lxf4 i.t7 2 1 .
tt'Jf3, Adams - Clery, Mulhouse
2011, Black could have seized
the initiative by attacking the en­
emy b4-pawn with the move 21 . . .
9 . . . d5 ll.i.b3
ll.exdS cxdS 12 .i.b3 hc3 13.
bxc3 lt'Jg6

Here it is worth analyzing 14.W/h5 - This quite natural

thoroughly B3a) 1 0 .hf6 and and aggressive move was tried
B3b) 1 0 .i.b3. only in the game Schiffers -
In answer to 10.exd5, R. Pon­ Teichmann, Berlin 1897. Black
omariov - A.Mastrovasilis, Rima­ must react very precisely. First he
vska Sobota 1996, it is good for must support his centre pawns :
Black to opt for 10 . . . tt'Jexd5 11.tt'le4 14 . . . i.e6 15J:!ae1 (after 15.d4 l!>h8
i.e7= with unavoidable simplifi­ 16.dxe5, Black has the pleasant
cation. choice between the equalizing

Chapter S

line : 16 . . . ttlxh4 17.�xh4 fxeS 18. i.e6 16.f4 �c7 17.fxeS fxeS+ when
�g3 f6 = and the double-edged his bishop is passive and his c3-
variation 16 . . . ttlf4 17.�h6 fxeS 18. pawn is weak, Koehler - Schmidt,
13ae1 f6 19.g3 13g8 2 0 .'i!th1 tt:lg6�) New York 1898. It is much safer
1S . . .'i!th8 16.ttlxg6+ (It is inferior for him to play 1S.c4 ! i.e6 16.cxdS
for White to continue with 16.d4 i.xdS 17.f4 ®g7 18 .fxeS fxeS=
e4+ since Black's centre is very when White has got rid of his vul­
solid and White's bishop on b3 nerable c3-pawn, but Black has
might remain out of play for long no weaknesses in his camp either,
time to come. 16.g3 �d7 17.ttlg2 Schulz - Hromadka, Trencianske
rtlg7 18.ttle3 d4 ! - Black must dis­ Teplice 1926.) 15 . . . ®g7. After 16.
lodge the enemy knight from its 13ae1, Schiffers - Janowski, Mos­
excellent post, since White was cow 1901, Black can play 16 . . . i.e6
already threatening to advance 17.f4 �c7 18.fxe5 fxeS+ and Black
his f2-pawn. 19.cxd4 exd4 20.ttlg2 obtains a solid centre and can ex­
i.g4 2 1.�dS 13fd8 2 2 .�xd7 i.xd7! = ert pressure against the weak en­
White is unable to make use of the emy c3-pawn.
vulnerability of Black's pawns, In response to 16.f4, Schiffers
mainly because his knight is badly - Suechting, Berlin 1897, it is very
misplaced.) 16 . . . fxg6 17.�h6 aS good for Black to play 16 . . . �b6+
18.a4 13f7 19.f4 �b6+ 2 0 .'i!th1 �c7 17.d4 exd4 18.cxd4 �d6+ White's
21.fxeS fxeS 22.13xf7 i.x£7= White's bishop is incarcerated and any at­
pawn on c3 and Black's eS-pawn tempt to free it would lead to the
are equally weak; appearance of another weak
14.ttlxg6?! - It is not logical for pawn.
White to strengthen his oppo­
nent's king position, although this
move has been played very often.
14 . . .hxg6 1S.�d2 (It is inferior for
him to continue with 1S.f4 e4 16.
c4? ! Arngrimsson - Semcesen,
Reykjavik 2 009. Black can coun­
ter this with 16 . . . dxc4 17.i.xc4 bS !
18 .i.b3 �d4+ 19.rtlh1 exd3 2 0 .
�xd3 �xd3 21.cxd3 i.fS 2 2 .d4 aS+
and he ends up with the better
endgame, thanks to the possibili­
ty of creating an outside passed ll a5 !

pawn. It is also important that This is an important improve­

White's centre pawn cannot ad­ ment on Black's treatment of this
vance beyond the dS-square. position in a game played nearly a
White fails to equalize with 1S.13b1 hundred years ago : ll . . . �d6 12.

l.e4 e5 2. 1:iJ.f.3 l:iJ c6 3. 1:iJ c3 1:iJf6 4. i.b5 i.b4 5. 0 - 0 0-0

'Wf3 <i?h8 13.exd5 hc3 14.bxc3 after14.g3 l:iJf4 ! 15.'Wf3 (15.gxf4

cxd5 15.c4 d4 16.c5 'Wc6oo Tarra­ l'!g8+ 16.<i?h1 .ig4 17.Wxf7 f5 18.
sch - Yates, Karlsbad 1923. l:iJg2 l'!g7+ suddenly White's queen
12.a4 gets trapped.) 15 . . . l'!g8 16.1:iJf5
After 12.a3 i.xc3 13.bxc3 a4 h£5 17.exf5 i.c5 18.<i?h1 1:iJh3 19.
14.i.a2 l:iJg6 (Black can change the Wg2 l:iJf4 2 0 .'1Mff3 l:iJh3= A three­
character of the struggle if he so fold repetition of the position
wishes with the line : 14 . . . dxe4 ! ? arises almost by force.
15.dxe4 '1Mfxd1 16.l'!fxd1 l:iJg6 17. 13 . . . hxg6 14.exd5 hc3 15.
l:iJf5 i.xf5 18.exf5 1:iJe7 19.l'!d7 1:iJxf5 bxc3 cxd5t
20 .g4 l:iJh4 21.l'!xb7 l'!ad8 =) 15.
'Wh5 <i?h8 16.<i?h1 l'!g8+! Black has
solved the problem of the protec­
tion of his central d5-pawn (Black
can also protect it with his rook
from the aS-square, if necessary.)
and prepares active play on the
kingside, Nisipeanu - Ponoma­
riov, Medias 2010.
12 �g6 13.�xg6

It is no better for White to opt

here for 13.1:iJf5 <i?h8 14.1:iJe2
l'!g8+!, since Black will organize Black's set-up in the centre is
counterplay on the kingside. quite secure and his king is rela­
However, it is worthwhile for tively safe. In the endgame he will
White to consider 13.'Wh5 <i?h8. have the possibility of creating an
outside passed pawn by advanc­
ing b7-b5, Saptarshi - Gupta,
New Delhi 2011.

B3b) 10 .ib3 •

In the variations 14.1:iJe2 l:iJxh4

15.'Wxh4 l'!g8 16.exd5 cxd5 17.<i?h1
f5 18.'Wh5 i.e6+!, and 14.exd5
hc3 15.bxc3 cxd5 16.g3 .ie6f!
White will find it difficult to prove
that Black's centre is weak, while

Chapter S

This is the most popular reply compensated for by his advantage

for White. He is convinced that of the bishop pair and the possi­
the possibility of capturing on f6 bility of occupying the d-file.
is unlikely to run away. ll . . . hc3 12.bxc3
1 0 a5
• • •

Black begins immediately ac­

tive queenside play, although it
would be also very good to con­
tinue with 10 . . . �d6 ! ? , Caruana -
Aronian, Moscow 2010.
After 11.a4 �d6 12 .�f3 h6
13 . .ixf6 �xf6 14.�xf6 gxf6 15.f4
(White fails to obtain any advan­
tage with the line : 15.exd5 .ixc3
16.bxc3 tt:lxd5 17 . .ixd5 cxd5 18.f4
l'!a6 ! =) 15 . . . i.e6= White is unlike­ The diagram position was
ly to be able to exploit the weak­ reached in the game Ni Hua - Yu
ness of his opponent's kingside Lie, Guangzhou 2010. Here Black
pawns, while Black has already can already seize some more
occupied the centre. Black has space on the queenside with
nothing to be afraid of after 16. 12 . . . a4! 13 .ia2 YlYd6 14.YlYf3

exd5 cxd5 17.tt:lb5 l'!ad8= Yu Rui­ It is inferior for White to opt

yuan - Harikrishna, Mashhad for 14.f4 dxe4 15.fxe5 (in the vari­
2011. A much more dangerous try ation 15.dxe4 �c5+ 16.@h1 tt:lxe4
is 16.f5, Kotsur - Pashikian, 17 . .ixe7 �xe'l+ White loses anoth­
Khanty-Mansiysk 2011, but here er pawn) 15 . . . �xe5 16 . .ixf6 gxf6
Black can obtain excellent coun­ 17.dxe4 �xc3 18.�d6 tt:lg6 19.
terplay with the far-from-obvious tt:lxg6 hxg6+. White can regain his
idea of 16 . . . i.c8 ! (the right square pawn only at the cost of exchang­
for this bishop is a6 ! ) 17. tt:le2 b6 ing queens, but then the endgame
18.tt:lg3 i.c5+ 19.@h1 l'!d8 ! 20.tt:lh5 will be very difficult for him
l'!d6 21.tt:lf3 (White's attempt to owing to his numerous weak
mate his opponent fails after 21. pawns.
l'!f3 @f8 2 2 . l'!g3 i.f2 23.l'!g4 .ixh4 14 ... h6 15.hf6 Yfxf6 16.
24.l'!xh4 dxe4 25.dxe4 i.a6+) 2 1 . . . fixf6 gxf6 17.f4 (17.l'!fe1 dxe4
i.a6? and Black has succeeded in 18.l'!xe4 tt:ld5t) 17 .. J:!a5? Both
protecting his f6-pawn with his sides have weak pawns on differ­
rook and now the weakness of his ent sides of the board, so the posi­
kingside pawns is completely tion is double-edged.

Chapter 9 l.e4 e5 2.tL�fJ ttlc6 3 . d4 exd4

Goring Gambit
Scotch Gambit

playing 5 . . . a6 6.hc6 dxc6 7.0-0

.ia7+, while after 5.c3 dxc3 6.tt:\xc3
tt:\ge7 7 . .ig5 0-0 8.We2 a6 9 . .ic4
d6+ Black has no problems with
the development of his pieces,
Butarova - Zemlina, Russia
2003) 5 . . . a6 6 . .ia4 (after 6 . .ic4,
Black should react in similar fash­
ion to variation B, by playing 6 . . .
d 6 7.c3 .ig4 and the fact that his
pawn is on a7 and not on a6 is not
White's main move in the dia­ at all detrimental to his position)
gram position is 4.tt:\xd4 (Chap­ 6 . . . tt:\ge7 7.tt:\g5 (Black should not
ters 10-12). Sharper positions can be afraid of 7.b4? ! .ixb4 8.tt:\xd4
arise if White does not recapture 0-0 9 . .ib2 .ic5+ Schiller - I.
this pawn immediately. We shall Ivanov, Los Angeles 1995; it
analyse the Goring Gambit with seems much more insidious for
A) 4.c3 and the Scotch Gambit White to opt for 7.c3 ! ? dxc3 8.
with B) 4 . .ic4. tt:\g5, Akvist - Wedberg, Eksjo
In response to 4 . .ib5 Black can 1979, but Black has at his disposal
play for example 4 . . . tt:\f6 - see the resolute deflecting counter­
Chapter 1 of our book "The Berlin blow - 8 . . . c2 ! 9 . .ixc2 d6 10 ..ib3
Defence", or 4 . . . a6, which is also tt:\e5 ll.@h1 h6 12.f4 and here the
good, transposing to other popu­ simplest response is 12 . . . .ig4 ! ?
lar variations of the Ruy Lopez. 13.We1 hxg5 14.fxe5 tt:\g6 ! 15.
Nevertheless, the best choice is hf7+ @d7, making use of the fact
simply to retain the extra pawn that White loses after 16.hg6??
with the move 4 . . . .ic5. There E!xh2+ 17.@xh2 Wh8+ 18.@g3
might follow: 5.0-0 (in reply to Wh4#, while after 16.e6+ .ixe6
5.tt:\bd2, Black can end up with a 17.he6+ @xe6t Black has an ex­
solid extra pawn in the centre by tra pawn and dangerous threats

Chapter 9

on the h-file, while his own king 4 . .id3?! - On this square the
can be easily evacuated to a safe bishop performs only defensive
zone.) 7 . . .f6 8 . .ib3 (It is more ac­ functions. 4 . . . -icS S.lL!bd2, Scher­
curate for White to continue with bakova - Kozhukina, Odessa
8.lL!f3 0-0 9.c3 dxc3 10.lL!xc3 d6+ 2008, s . . . d6 6.lL!b3 .ib6 7.o-o
and White has some compensa­ lL!f6+ Black has consolidated his
tion for the pawn, although it is extra centre pawn and is ready to
insufficient. White can also try 8. attack the enemy e4-pawn.
lL!f7 Wxf7 9.�h5+ g6 10.�xc5 d6
11..ib3+ , Ryden -Ahlberg, Goth­
enburg 1919, obtaining the advan­ A) 4.c3 ! ?
tage of the two bishops, but Black This i s a n interesting sacrifice
can deprive his opponent of this of the c-pawn, which is usually ir­
trump by giving back his extra relevant in the middlegame, with
pawn with ll . . . .ie6 12 . .ixe6+ the idea of gaining tempi for the
Wxe6 13.�c4+ dS 14.�b3 Wf7 15. development of the pieces.
exdS 'r9xd5 16.�xb7 lL!eS 17. 4 . . . d5 !
�xdS+ lL!xdS+ retaining a consid­
erable lead in development.) 8 . . .
fxgS 9.'r9h5+ lL!g6 lO . .ixgS .ie7 11 .
.id2 , Balinov - Sarakauskas,
Schwarzach 2000. White has sac­
rificed a piece and kept his oppo­
nent's king stranded in the centre,
but after ll . . . b6! 12.f4 .icS ! - +
with the idea of �h4 ! , Black easily
neutralizes all the threats.
White's alternatives do not
create any serious problems for
Black: Black's best way to counter
4 . .ig5 .ie7 S ..ixe7 (It is less this gambit is to decline it and en­
natural for White to play S.h4? ! sure comfortable deployment of
h6 6 ..if4 lL!f6 7.lL!bd2 0-0 8 . .id3 his forces.
dS 9.e5 lL!g4+ Black ends up with 5.exd5
an extra pawn and a superior po­ In several games White has
sition in the centre. His knight is tried S.eS?! - with this he not only
ideally placed on the g4-square, gives up a pawn, but also the light
weakened by White's fifth move.) squares in the centre of the board.
s ... �xe7 6.lL!bd2 lL!f6 7 . .id3 (or After s . . . dxc3, no matter how
7 . .ib5 �b4+) 7 . . . d6 8.0-0 .ig4+ White recaptures on c3, he has no
and White has no compensation compensation for the pawn.
for the pawn. If S . .id3 .ig4!

l.e4 e5 2.tt:\j3 tt:\c6 3.d4 exd4 4.c3 d5

6.0-0 (if 6.WI'b3, Black obtains 6.tt:Jxd4 (after 6.We2 tt:lf6 7.

the better prospects by playing tt:Jxd4 WdS 8.0-0, Bonner -
6 . . . hf3 ! 7.gxf3 tt:lge7, for exam­ Coates, Ayr 1978, the simple re­
ple : 8 . .if4 g6 9.tt:la3 .ig7+ or 8. sponse 8 . . . .ic5 9 . .ie3 .ig4 10.
0-0 Wl'd7 9.exd5 tt:JxdS 10.WI'xb7 hc6+ bxc6 11.Wa6 ib6+ enables
j'!b8 ll.WI'a6 i.e?+ and in both Black to have a lead in develop­
cases White must fight for equal­ ment and occupy the centre) 6 . . .
ity with his ruined kingside. In .id7 7.tt:Jxc6 (White has n o com­
reply to 6.cxd4, Black obtains a pensation for the pawn, even if he
very good position with 6 . . . Wl'd7! tries some other possibilities: in
7.exd5 tt:Jxd4 8. tt:lc3 .ib4 9 ..ie4 the variation 7.hc6 bxc6, after
tt:Jxf3 10.hf3 hf3 11. Wl'xf3 0-0-0 both 8.\1;Ye2 fS 9.0-0 .id6 10.tt:ld2
12.0-0 .ixc3 13.bxc3 Wl'xdS 14. tt:lf6+ and 8.0-0 id6 9.j'!e1 fS
Wl'g4+ �b8 1S.WI'xg7 tt:le7+± and 10.ttla3 tt:lf6+ Black ends up with
his chances are not at all worse in an extra centre pawn ; 7. Wa4 tt:Jxd4
a fight on both flanks, owing to 8.WI'xd4 .ixbS 9.We5+ We7 10.
his well centralized pieces.) 6 . . . WxbS+ c6 ll.WI'a4 fS+ Deev -
tt:lf6 7.j'!e1, Tran Thi Nhu - Nguy­ E.Egorov, Pavlodar 2008; 7.i.f4
en Thi My, Hue 2009, and now .id6 8 . .bc6 bxc6 9.Wd2 tt:lf6+;
Black's most convincing way of 7.0-0 .id6 8.Wa4 tt:Jxd4 9.hd7+
neutralizing White's threats Wxd7 10.\1;Yxd4 fS+ White is a
seems to be 7 . . . .ie7 8.e5 tt:ld7 9. pawn down and his queenside is
.ibS dxc3 10.tt:lxc3 a6 ll.hc6 not developed, Subrt - Horacek,
bxc6 12 .WI'a4 .ixf3 13.gxf3 tt:lb6 Plzen 2 000) 7 . . . bxc6 8 . .ia4, Gar­
14.Wxc6+ Wl'd7 15.Wxd7+ �xd7+ cia Cortes - Pascua Vilches, Vall­
with a favourable endgame for adolid 1992 (8 . .ic4 .id6 9.0-0
Black. tt:lf6+ with an extra pawn and
S.ibS - This is an attempt comfortable development for
by White to continue in the spirit Black) and now it looks very rea­
of the Ruy Lopez, but his pawn on sonable for Black to continue with
c3 impedes the comfortable com­ the aggressive line: 8 . . . .ic5 ! ? 9.
pletion of his development. 5 . . . 0-0 Wh4+
dxe4 5 \1;Yxd5

Chapter 9

(8.c4 �d7 9.�xd3 �xd3 10 .hd3

hf3 11.gxf3 0-0-0 12.!'!:dl (jj ge7+
the bl-knight has gained access to
the c3-square, but White cannot
contest the d4-square and his
kingside is in ruins. After 8.hd3
0-0-0= Black obtains a slight
lead in development, but White
should have sufficient resources
to maintain the balance.) 8 . . .
�xd3 9.hd3 hf3 10.gxf3, Wake­
6.cxd4 ham - McAndrew, Email 2005,
In answer to 6 . .id3 ? ! it is very Black can continue here with
good for Black to play 6 . . . .ig4 7. 10 . . . 0-0-0 ll.i.c2 lt:le5 12.f4
�e2 Ejjge7 8 ..ie4 �d7 9.0-0 0-0-0+ ltlg6? and he reaches a very
and Black has won a centre pawn promising position, thanks to his
and leads in development. superior development and
It is worse for White to play White's ruined kingside.
6.tjjxd4 (jj f6 !+, because his c3- After 6.i.e3 i.g4 (a very inter­
pawn merely impedes the devel­ esting and rather unclear position
opment of his pieces, for example: arises after 6 . . . i.f5 ! ? 7.lt:lxd4
7.tjjx c6 (7 ..ie3 .ie7 8.c4 �a5+ 9. 0-0-0oo) 7.i.e2 (7.cxd4 hf3 -
tjjc3 tjjxd4 10.hd4 0-0+ and see 6.cxd4) 7 . . . d3 ! 8.�xd3 �xd3
Black leads in development, 9 .hd3 0-0-0= Black easily
which guarantees him a growing solves all his problems.
advantage in a position with open 6 J.g4

files in the centre) 7 . . . �xc6 8.ltld2

(Entering an endgame with 8.�e2+
.ie7 9.�b5 .id7 10.�xc6 hc6+
merely highlights White's lag in de­
velopment; after 8 . .ig5, Black can
mobilize his forces faster: 8 . . . .id7
9.�e2+ .ie7 10.ltld2 0-0-0+) 8 . . .
i.g4 9 . f3 , Schrimpl - Tschanter,
Email 2 005 and here Black can
exploit his opponent's develop­
ment problems by playing 9 . . .
0-0-0! 10.fxg4 !'!:e8+ ll.i.e2 �xg2
12 .!'!:fl i.c5--+ and White will be un­ 7 . .ie2
able to activate his queenside. It would be too passive for
After 6.i.e2 i.g4 7.0-0 (7.cxd4 White to opt for 7.lt:lbd2? 0-0-0
i.b4 - see 6.cxd4) 7 . . . d3 ! 8.�xd3 8.i.e2, Munk - Miklos, Bratislava

l.e4 eS 2. ttlj3 tLlc6 3.d4 exd4 4.c3 dS

2 0 04, 8 . . . tLlf6+ - Black has de­ �xa1 10 . .ie2 tLlxb4 11.0-0 �a5 1 2 .
ployed his pieces in the centre in �b3gg and White's initiative pro­
ideal fashion and leads in devel­ vides him with good compensa­
opment. tion for the sacrificed exchange.)
7 . .ie3 i.xf3 8.gxf3 (In the end­ 9.axb4 (9.�xf3? �xf3 10.gxf3
game after 8.�xf3 �xf3 9.gxf3, llJxd4 ll.axb4 tLlc2+ 12 .'kt>d1 tLlxa1
Riemann - Anderssen, Breslau 13 . .ic4 0-0-0+ 14 . .id2 ttle7-+
1875, 9 . . . tLlb4 lO . .tbS+ c6 ll . .ia4 White is unable to trap Black's
.id6 1 2 . 0- 0 llJe7+ he controls the knight, Stojkovska - Atnilov,
important dS-square.) 8 . . . .ib4+ Budva 2003; 9.gxf3 .ixc3+ 10.
9.tLlc3, Rosenzweig - Kupka, bxc3 ttlf6? White's two bishops
Czech Republic 20 06, 9 . . .tLlf6 10. are not sufficient to compensate
a3 .ixc3+ 11.bxc3 0-0 12 . .id3 for the numerous weaknesses in
ttlaS ! 13.0-0 llJc4+ White has the his camp.) 9 . . . �e6+ ! ? (This is
advantage of the two bishops, but Black's simplest route to equali­
here this is not sufficient even for ty.) 10 . .ie2 .ixe2 ll.tLlxe2 tLlf6 12.
equality, owing to the numerous 0-0 0-0 13.b5 llJb4= White's bS­
weaknesses in his camp. pawn considerably cramps Black's
7.tLlc3 .ib4 8.a3 (8 . .ie2 .ixf3 ! queenside, but he can easily ex­
- see 7 . .ie2 ; in the variation 8.i.d2 change it, after which White will
�e6+ White ended up a pawn need to take care about the pro­
down in an endgame after 9. tection of his d4-pawn, Voigt -
�e2 ? ! hf3 10 .�xe6+ fxe6 ll.gxf3 Chandler, Germany 2002.
llJxd4+ Chaplin - Lane, Royan 7 .ib4+ 8.tLlc3

1989, but even after 9 . .ie3 tLlf6 Or 8 . .id2 ? ! .ixd2 + 9.tLlbxd2,

10 . .ie2 tLldS 11.�d2 0-0+ only Klee - Minge, corr. 1994 (after 9.
White has anything to worry �xd2 0 - 0 -0 + Black leads in de­
about.) velopment) 9 . . . tLlf6 10.0-0 0-0+
and White has no compensation
for the weakness of White's d4-

8 . . . .ixf3 (It is inferior for Black

to play the seemingly attractive
line: 8 . . . �a5? ! , Warzecha - Kocks,
Germany 2000, in view of 9.axb4 !

Chapter 9

8 . .ixf3!
.. 13. �g1 (It is a quick draw after
Black is not forced to present 13.i.e2 �dS 14.i.f3 �c4=) 13 . . .
his opponent with the advantage �ge7 14J''k 1 (14.�d2? ! , Warzecha
of the two bishops, but this is his - Fahrbach, corr. 199 2, 14 . . . 0-0
most direct road to equality. 15J''lc 1 �a4+ Black has only one
9.hf3�c4 extra pawn, but he has no prob­
lems with his development and a
clear-cut plan of action against
his opponent's vulnerable d4-
pawn.) 14 . . . �xa2 15J''!:a 1 �c4 16.
!'lc1= , draw, Marshall - Capa­
blanca, Lake Hopatcong 1926.
Black has won a couple of pawns,
but he cannot avoid the repetition
of moves. White has no reason to
decline the draw either; otherwise
he is behind on material and
might come off second best.
1 0 . .ixc6+ 10.�b3 (After the exchange of
White's alternatives are not queens, White will have weak
very promising. pawns on the queenside and this
10.d5? ! �d4 ll.i.d2 0-0-0+ prevents him from exploiting the
- White's king is stranded in the power of his bishop-pair.) 10 . . .
centre and the dS-pawn is weak, �xb3 ll.axb3 (ll.i.xc6+ bxc6 -
Viszlai - Marek, Presov. see 10.i.xc6) ll . . . �ge7 12.0-0 (12.
After 10 .i.d2 0-0-0 ll.i.xc6, i.gS �fS 13.d5 �cd4 14.i.d1 0-0+
Goris - Schott, Davos 2006 (after White has problems coordinating
ll.a3 i.aS+ White will have prob­ his pieces; 12.i.e3 0-0-0 13.0-0-0
lems with his centralized king and �b8 14J''!:h e1 �fS 15.i.xc6 bxc6+
the protection of his d4-pawn.) Black's forces are much more ac­
11.. .�xc6+ White has given up his tive than their white counterparts,
only advantage - the two bishops Borin - Karpatchev, Arco 2003)
- and has gained nothing in return. 12 . . . 0-0-0
In the variation 10.i.e2 i.xc3+
ll.bxc3 �xc3+ 12 .i.d2 �xd4+ the
position is opened and White's
bishop-pair provides some com­
pensation for his two missing
pawns, Mehlhorn - Van Bogaert,
corr. 1992.
10.i.e3 i.xc3 + ll.bxc3 �xc3 +
12 .�fl (12 . .id2 �a3= ) 12 . . . �c4+

l.e4 e5 2 .!Df.3 .!Dc6 3.d4 exd4 4.c3 d5

13 ..ie3 (The move 13.dS leads 1 0 . . . bxc6

to considerable simplification:
13 ....!Dd4 14.l'!xa7 .!Dxf3+ 1S.gxf3
.ixc3 16.bxc3 .!DxdS 17.c4 'it>b8 18.
l'!a3 .!Db4 19 ..ie3, Marie - Veroci,
Belgrade 1989, after playing 19 ...
.!Dc2 2 0.l'!a2 .!Dxe3 2 1.fxe3 c6=
Black enters a double-rook end­
game and can fight for the advan­
tage, because his king can be acti­
vated much more easily.) 13 ...a6
14.l'!fd1 (14..!Da2?! - with this move,
White merely helps the centrali­
zation of Black's monarch. 14 ... 11.1Ne2+
.iaS 1S. .!Dc3 .ib6 16.dS, Schneider After 11.'Wb3 �xb3 12.axb3
- Serrano, Germany 1993, 16 ... aS= the mutual weaknesses on
.!DeS 17..ie4 .ixe3 18.fxe3 'it>b8+ the queenside balance the pros­
Black has obtained excellent out­ pects.
posts for his knights on eS and d6;
14.l'!a4? ! White voluntarily iso­
lates his rook from the action.
14...aS. Now, after 1S ..!DbS .!DdS
16.l'!d1 l'!he8+ White has no com­
pensation for his weak queenside
pawns, Mastrovasilis - Georgiou,
Niforeika 2000, while after 1S.
l'!d1, Olsar - Walowy, Karvina
2003, 1S...l'!he8 16.g3 'it>b8� Black's
piece activity compensates for Tournament practice confirms
White's advantage of the bishop the evaluation of this position as
pair.) 14...l'!he8 1S.l'!a4 (After 1S. favourable for Black.
l'!ac1, Izbinski - Nurkiewicz, Lub­ 13.0-0 0-0-0 14..!Da2 (14.
niewice 2002, 1S...'it>b8 16.g3 .!DfS+ .ie3?! .!De7+) 14....!De7 1S . .!Dxb4
White has great problems in the axb4 16 ..id2 .!DdS 17.l'!a4 'it>d7=
centre. It is more accurate for him Black's position is completely
to play 1S.g3 'it>b8 = Forster - Go­ safe, thanks to his powerful cen­
dena, Switzerland 200S.) 1S...aS tralized knight, Wolff - Kosiol,
16.l'!aa1 'it>b8 17.l'!ac1 .!DfS+ Black DDR 1990.
has deployed his pieces in ideal 13 ..igS f6 14..ie3 .!De7 1S.'it>e2
fashion and begins the siege of 0-0-0 16 ..!Da2 , Burnier - Van
White's vulnerable d4-pawn, Bon­ Beurden, France 1993, 16 ....!DdS=
ner - R.O'Kelly, Morecambe 197S. 13 ..if4 0-0-0 14.0-0 (14.

Chapter 9

0-0-0 lt:'le7+) 14 ... lt:'le7 1S.lt:'la2 19.l'!e1 'i!ld7 2 0.l'!e2 l'!d1+ 2 1.l'!e1
l'!he8 16.lt:'lxb4 axb4 17.l'!fe1 ltJdS. l'!d2 =
Black has no problems at all. 13.'i!ld3 0-0-0 14.�c4 (14..ie3
White's attempt to simplify the ltJfS 1S.'i!lc4 .iaS 16.g4 lt:'ld6+ 17.
position as much as possible with 'i!ld3 i.b6 18.a4 aS 19.l'!ad1 fS 20.
the line 18 ..id2 l'!xe1+ 19.he1 h3 �b7 2 1.'i!lc2 l'!hf8 = and Black
l'!e8 2 0.l'!a8+ 'i!ld7 2 1.l'!xe8 'i!lxe8 has no problems whatsoever, Dos
2 2.f3 'i!ld7 23.g4 cS ! + fails, be­ Santos - Salzmann, Email 2007)
cause despite the fact that the 14....iaS 1S ..igS (1S.b4 .ib6 16 ..ie3
fight continues on both sides of ltJdS 17.a3 l'!he8 18.1'!he1, Kot -
the board, only Black can play for Staniszewski, Warsaw 2 0 0S, 18 ...
a win, since his pieces are notice­ lt:'lxc3 19. �xc3 aS=) 1S ...f6 16..ie3
ably more active, while White's .ib6 17.1'!hd1 ltJfS= The weakness
queenside pawns are weak, of the d4-pawn does not allow
Spooner - MacKintosh, Email White to fight for the advantage,
20 03. Dolgov - Fleischanderl, Email
11 . . . -exe2+ 12.�xe2 lt:'le7 2002.
Black's queenside is in ruins, 13 .. 0 - 0 - 0 14,ghdl

but White will find it difficult to Black has nothing to worry

exploit this effectively, while about after 14.lt:'la4 l'!he8 1S.l'!hd1
Black has a clear-cut plan of ac­ ltJdS= since although White's d4-
tion against the enemy d4-pawn. pawn is securely protected Black
has an easy plan of action on the
e-file, Ruck - Acs, Hungary 1994.
14 .. ,ghe8

13 . .te3
It is no better for White to opt
for 13.l'!d1 0-0-0 14.'i!lfl cS 1S.
dxcS, Havlikova - Miturova, 15.gacl
Czech Republic 2 0 04, because the White has no advantage after
game ends in a draw almost by 1S.l'!d3 ltJfS 16J'!ad1 cS 17.dxc5
force, after 1S ...hc3 16.l'!xd8+ l'!xd3 18.l'!xd3 hcS= Varitski -
l'!xd8 17.bxc3 l'!d3 18 ..ib2 l'!d2 Pedersen, Pardubice 2 0 0S.

l.e4 e5 2. tt:l./3 tt:lc6 3.d4 exd4 4 . .ic4 .ic5

15 .ia5 16.1t>f3 .ib6 = White

• • • Barrio, Valladolid 1990 and here
has no chance of attacking Black's Black can retains a great advan­
weak pawns, while White's d4- tage with 6 . . . tt:le5 7 . .ixe5 'Wxg5 8.
pawn needs permanent protec­ i.g3 tt:lf6+
tion, Zarnicki - Soppe, Buenos 5.e5 tt:lge7 6.0-0 0-0 7.tt:lbd2
Aires 1998. d5 8.exd6 .ixd6+
White cannot equalize with
the aggressive line 5.i.g5 tt:lge7 6.
B) 4 . .ic4 c3 , Regnat - Bildt, Mittelfranken
The Scotch Gambit. This is a 2009, 6 . . . dxc3 7.tt:lxc3 0-0 8.0-0
useful developing move. White h6 9.i.h4 d6 10.tt:ld5 i.e6+ - he
delays the pawn-advance c2-c3 has some compensation for the
for a while, although he can hard­ pawn (having seized some space
ly manage without it. In fact, in the centre), but not enough.
Black's pawn on d4 deprives 5.tt:lbd2 - This move is too
White's knight on b1 of its best slow, Hoferek - Turkova, Lip­
development square - c3. tovsky Mikulas 2 005, 5 . . . d6 6.
tt:lb3 i.g4 7 . 0 -0 tt:lf6+ White has
failed to regain his centre pawn
and needs to think about equaliz­
White can also try 5.tt:lg5 tt:lh6

4 .ic5
• • .

It is natural for Black to pro­

tect his d4-pawn, preventing its
capture. For 6 . .ixf7+ tt:lxt7 7.tt:lxt7 \t>xt7
5. 0 - 0 - see 6.tt:lxt7.
The variation 5.c3 tt:lf6 trans­ After 6.'Wh5 'We7 7.0-0 (The
poses to the Italian Game - see alternatives for White lead to dif­
Chapter 18. ficult positions for him : in answer
5.i.f4? ! We will study this to 7.f4?, Von Eckstadt - Anders­
move only for the sake of statis­ sen, Leipzig 1855, Black can begin
tics, since White has won all the a decisive counter-attack by play­
games so far played with it. 5 . . . d6 ing 7 . . . d5 ! 8 . .ixd5 tt:lb4 9.i.b3 i.g4
6.tt:lg5, Valverde Lujan - Rubio 10.'Wh4 f6- + , it is bad for White,

Chapter 9

for similar reasons, to opt for 7. 9 . . . dS ! This is the most precise

c3? - 7 ... ./tJeS 8 . .ie2 d3 9 ..id1 dS-+ ; way for Black to exploit his lead in
7.tt'lf3? - this move loses a second development. He is trying to or­
pawn. 7 . . . �xe4+ 8.�d1 �fS 9 . ganize an attack against his oppo­
j:'1e1+ .ie7- + ; 7 . ./tJ xfl tt'lxfl 8. nent's king which is stranded in
ht7+ �xfl 9.�xcS, Bassett - the centre. 10.0-0! This is the
Woollett, Dublin 1892, after 9 . . . only move. (10 .exdS? j:'1e8 + 11. �d1
b 6 lO.�bS aS !+ White has re­ j:'1eS 12 .c4 �h4-+ ; 11. �f1 b6 12.
gained his pawn, but is consider­ �c4 .lt'laS 13.�bS .lt'lb3 ! ! 14.cxb3
ably behind in development.) 7 . . . aS-+ and White is unable to com­
d 6 8.h3 (Here i t i s bad t o continue plete his development, Hadden -
with 8.f4? .ig4 9.�h4, Stein - Vnukov, Email 1999; after 10.eS? !
Lobo, Palo Alto 198 1, 9 . . . .ie2 ! 10. j:'1e8 it would be too risky for him
.ixe2 d3+ 11.�h1 dxe2 12,j:'1e1 to play 11 . .if4 �f6 12 . .ig3 j:'1xeS+
.lt'ld4- + , or 8.c3? .ig4 9.�h4 .lt'leS ! 13 .heS �xeS+ 14.�d1 �gs� and
10.cxd4 hd4 11..ib3 f6 12 . .1t'lh3 Black's attack is decisive, while in
.lt'lht7- +) 8 . . . ./tJeS 9 . .ib3 (9 . .ibS+? the variation 11.0-0 j:'1xeS 12 . .if4,
c6 10 . .ia4 .lt'lg8 ! - + Black transfers Mamedov - Grischuk, Internet
his passive knight to a better 2 0 03, 12 . . . j:'1e4 13 . .ig3 .ifS 14 . .1t'ld2
square, with tempo) 9 . . . .id7 10. j:'1e2 1S.j:'1ad1 �d7+ Black remains
f4 .lt'lc6 11.fS (11 ..id2 0-0-0+) with an extra pawn and ideally
0-0-0+ White can capture the placed pieces; White cannot
enemy t7-pawn, but his queenside equalize by entering an endgame
is undeveloped and his e4-pawn with 10.�xdS �xdS 11.exdS .lt'lb4
will need additional protection. 12 . .1t'la3 j:'1e8 + 13.�d1 .lt'lxdS and af­
White can regain his pawn by ter 14 . ./tJbS .ifS 1S.id2 j:'1ad8+ Lin­
playing 6 . .1t'lxt7 .lt'lxt7 7.ht7+ (Af­ diawati - Pokorna, Jakarta 2007,
ter 7.�hS �e7 8.ht7+ �xt7 9. or 14.igS ifS+, Black's central­
�xeS b6 10.�bS aS+ White has ized pieces give him the better
problems evacuating his king prospects.) 10 . . . dxe4 11.c3, Shu­
away from the centre) 7 . . . �xt7 8. mov - Urusov, St. Petersburg
�hS+ g6 9.�xcS (9.�dS+ �g7 10. 18S3, (in the variations 11.if4 j:'1e8
�xeS j:'1e8+) 12 .c3 d3 13 . .1t'ld2 ifS 14.j:'1fe1 �d7+
or 1l.j:'1e1 j:'1e8 12 .igS �d7 13.c3
j:'1eS 14.�c4+ �e6 1S.�xe6+ he6
16 . .if4 j:'1aS+, White's compensa­
tion for the pawn is insufficient)
and now the simplest response
for Black is 11.. . .ifS 12.cxd4 �xd4
13.�bS j:'1he8 14.�xb7 �b6 1S.
�xb6 axb6+ and he has already
completed his development, while

l.e4 e5 2.lt:l.f3 lt:lc6 3.d4 exd4 4. i.c4 i.c5

White must play very accurately rificed centre pawn is obviously

to equalize. insufficient) 7 . . . 0-0 8.c3 (8.i.g5 ? !
5 . . . d6 h 6 9.i.h4 ltle5 10 .i.b3 ltlg6 ll.i.g3
l3e8+ Szopka - Pankiewicz, Wro­
claw 2 006) 8 . . . dxc3 9.ltlxc3 h6+ ­
White has comfortably deployed
his pieces, but Black has no prob­
lems with his development either,
Engelbert - Sammalvuo, Copen­
hagen 2 0 04.
6.b4? ! .ixb4 7.tt:lxd4, Smid -
Michalek, Czech Republic 2008,
7 . . . ltlf6 8.ltlb3 0-0 9.c3 .tc5+
White has not succeeded in solv­
ing the problems, either with the
6.c3 development of his queenside or
The alternatives rebound on with regaining his pawn.
White : 6.i.g5 ?! tt:lf6 7.c3 (7.i.b5 h6 8.
6.tt:lg5 ? ! - This premature at­ i.h4, NN - Em. Lasker, Budapest
tack merely leads to a loss of tem­ 1900, 8 . . . 0-0 9.tt:lbd2 l3e8+; 7.
pi. 6 . . . ltle5 7 ..tb3 h6 8.f4 d3+ 9. tt:lbd2 - White cannot achieve
@h1 dxc2 10.'�xc2 hxg5 11.fxe5 much by quiet development. He is
ltlh6 12.e6 (12.exd6 �xd6 ! - + with a pawn down and has no compen­
the idea of mating the opponent sation for it. 7 . . . h6 8.i.h4 0-0 9 .
after 13 ..ixg5 �xh2+ 14.@xh2 h 3 i.e6 10 .i.e2 l3e8+ Motyka -
tt:lf5+ 15.i.h6 l3xh6#) 12 . . . fxe6 13. Warakomska, Kolobrzeg 20 0 1 ;
e5 ltlf5 14.l3xf5 exf5 15.e6 �f6-+ the move 7.e5 leads to simplifica­
Black has an extra exchange, su­ tions which are advantageous for
perior development and an at­ Black: 7 . . . dxe5 8.l3e1 0-0 9 .ltlxe5
tack, Garcia Ilundain - Shirov, tt:lxe5 10.l3xe5, Kanak - Kalivoda,
Villarrobledo 1997. Klatovy 2000, 10 . . . i.d6 ll.l3e1 h6
6.h3 ? ! - White prevents his 12 .i.h4 c5+ - Black ends up with a
knight from being pinned at the solid extra pawn) 7 . . . h6 8.i.h4
cost of an important tempo. 6 . . . i.g4+ White's premature bishop
tt:lf6 7.l3e1 (7.c3 dxc3 8.ltlxc3 h 6 sortie to g5 has provided Black
9.i.f4 o-m: Helvensteijn - La­ with tempi for the development of
crosse, Netherlands 1996; or 7. his pieces and after the inaccurate
i.g5 h6 8.i.h4 0-0 9.ltlbd2 l3e8 move 9.'�b3? 0-0 10.�xb7 i.xf3
10 .l3e1 ltle5 n . .td3 tt:lg6 12 .i.g3, ll.gxf3 tt:le5 12 . .te2 l3b8 13.�a6 d3
Harvey - Walker, Hinckley 2008, 14 . .td1 fub2-+ White fails to
12 . . . i.e6+, and in both cases complete his development, Rob­
White's compensation for the sac- inson - Roberts, Swansea 2 0 0 2 .

Chapter 9

6J'!:e1 tt'lf6 7.e5 (7.c3 dxc3 8. After 7 . .if4 tt'lf6 8.tt'lbd2 0-0+
tt'lxc3, P.Balogh - Tropp, Liptovs­ Thorsteinsson - Kaidanov, Inter­
ky Mikulas 2005, 8 . . . tt'lg4 ! 9J!fl net 2000, or 7.tt'ld2 dxc3 8.bxc3,
tt'lge5 10.tt'lxe5 tt'lxe5 11.i.e2 a6! + Shumov - Kolisch, St. Petersburg
Black takes care of his bishop and 1862, 8 . . . ll::lf6+ Black remains with
retains an extra pawn) 7 . . . dxe5 a solid extra pawn.
8.tt'lxe5 o-m=. White has opened 7.b4 .ib6 8.�b3 (8.a4 a5 9.b5
the e-file but Black has managed ll::le 5 10 .i.e2 d3 ! 11.hd3, Mac­
to evacuate his king, Galli - Soli­ Donnell - Steinitz, London 1862,
nas, Bratto 1999. 11 ... tt'lxf3+ 12.gxf3 .ih3 13J'!:e1
6 . . J.g4!?
. �h4 14J'!:a2 ll::le7+ Black has de­
Black does not need the extra stroyed the white king's shelter
pawn and he tries to use the time and leads in development.) 8 . . .
that White will spend regaining it 1!t/f6 9 . .ig5 (9.tt'lg5 ? ! ll::le 5 10.h3
to create meaningful counterplay. .ih5 11.g4 h6 ! 12.f4 tt'lxc4 13.�xc4
hxg5 14.fxg5 �e5 15 ..if4 �xe4-+
Albin - Fleissig, Vienna 1890) 9 . . .
�g6 10.tt'lbd2 , Sassi - Jagstaidt,
Switzerland 1995, 10 . . . ll::lf6 11.
l"!:ae1 0-0+ Black completes his
development and has no prob­
lems at all.
In the variation 7 . .ib5 .ixf3 8.
1!tfxf3 �f6 9.�d3 ll::lge7+ White's
bishop pair does not provide him
with sufficient compensation for
the pawn, since Black leads in de­
7.ti'b3 velopment, Em. Lasker - Ruten­
7.h.f7? - This combination berg, Moscow 1899.
loses. 7 . . . @xf7 8.tt'lg5+ �xg5 9.
�b3+ i.e6 10.1!t/xb7, Allen - Adle­
man, Warren 1994, 10 . . . �g6 ! 11.
�xa8 .ih3 12 .g3 1!t/xe4- + and
Black mates quickly.
7.h3? ! - White obtains the ad­
vantage of the two bishops, but
falls behind in development. 7 . . .
.ixf3 8 .�xf3 �f6 9.�e2 ll::lg e7 1 0 .
b 4 .ib6 11.i.b2, Marra - Pinheiro,
Volta Redonda 2001, 11 . . . tt'lg6 12.
g3 h5 and Black begins a decisive
attack. 7 .lxf3!
• • •

l.e4 e5 2.ltlj3 ltlc6 3.d4 exd4 4. i.c4 i.cS

The destruction of the white

king's pawn shelter is much more
important than the loss of the
bishop pair.
After 8.gxf3 lt:Je5 9.cxd4 ixd4
10.f4 (White fails to regain his
pawn with 10 . .ixf7+ lt:Jxf7 11.Wa4+
Wd7 12 .Wxd4, because of 12 . . . lt:Je5
13.lt:Jd2 lt:Jxf3+ ! 14.lt:Jxf3 Wg4+ 15. c6-+ , or 11.�d1 Wd7 12 .b4, Ko­
\tlh1 Wxf3+ 16.\tlg1 lt:Je7-F Carame lisch - Anderssen, Paris 1860,
Gonzalez - Mannion, Catalan Bay 12 ... Wh3 13.\tlh1 (13.bxc5 lt:Je5 14.
2004.) 10 . . . lt:Jxc4 11.Wxc4 i.b6 lt:Jd2 dxc3-+) 13 ... dxc3 14.bxc5 c2
12.lt:Jc3 Wh4! --+ Black has won a 15.We1 Wxf3+ 16.\tlg1 lt:Jd4-+ , or
pawn and begins an attack on 11.We6 lt:Je5 12.Wf5+ \tlg7 13.\tlh1
his opponent's poorly defended \tlh8 14.1"i:g1 g4 15.f4 lt:Jf3 16.1"i:xg4
king, Eliason - Anderssen, Berlin Wh4 ! 17.1"i:g2 �xh2+ 18.1"i:xh2 1"i:g1#
1855. Reiner - Steinitz, Vienna 1860.
8 \tlf8
•.. In answer to 11.lt:Jd2, Kopetzky
- Spielmann, Vienna 1933, the
simplest course for Black would
be to put his king in the corner, so
that it does not get in the way of
his attacking forces : 11 . . . \tlg7 1 2.
\tlh1 dxc3 13.Wxc3+ i.d4 14.Wb3
Wf6 15.�xb7 lt:Je5+
If 11.Wxb7 lt:Je5 12.cxd4 1"i:b8
13.�d5 i.xd4--+ all Black's pieces
are in action and he has a danger­
ous attack against White's ex­
posed king, Kusturin - Saracino,
9. gxf3 Italy 1984.
After 9.i.xg8? 1"i:xg8 10.gxf3 9 . . . dxc3 1 0 . .ixg8
g5+ the d4-pawn hampers White's White must play very accu­
harmonious development and his rately, for example he loses after
king is vulnerable, so Black has 10.bxc3 lt:Je5 11.i.d5 �h4 12 .Wd1
excellent attacking prospects. Wh3-+, while after 10.i.h5 g6 11.
(diagram) i.g4, City Turin - City Edinburgh,
White loses almost by force af­ corr. 1911, Black wins quickly with
ter 11.\tlh1 Wf6 12.f4 gxf4 13.Wxb7, 11 . . . lt:Jd4! 12.Wc4 Wh4 13.lt:Jxc3
Suhle - Anderssen, Cologne 1859, h5-+
13 . . . Wg5 ! 14.�xa8+ lt:Jd8 15.e5 10 ... gxg8 11.�xc3 �d4

Chapter 9

The situation is less clear after Black's monarch at all.

ll gS!?�
. . .

12.'llYd l
White is lost after 1 2 .'llYxb7?
l'l:b8 13.�d5 �h4 14.�g2 g5-+
since Black's attack is decisive.
12 . . . �{6 13.f4
After 13.l2Jd5 �f7 14.�g2 c6 15.
l2Je3 �g6+ 16.�h1 �hS 17.�g2
�g6= the game ends in a draw by
13 g5 ! •••

Black brings his rook on g8

into action. Now Black can play
14.fxg5, Sosnik - Toczek, 14 �f3 ! 15.�xf3+ �xf3+

Mikolajki 1991. 16.�hl �xg5=

14.f5 g4 1S . .tf4 l2Jf3+ 15.�h1, White cannot exploit the open
Von Heydebrand - Mayet, Berlin position of Black's king now that
1839, 15 . . . c6+ and Black deprives the queens have left the board.
the enemy knight of the excellent White's king is cut off and this will
dS-square, after which White's be very important in the end­
pieces will have difficulty in find­ game. However, White's pawn­
ing good squares. Both kings look structure is slightly better, so the
exposed, but White cannot hurt chances are approximately equal.

Chapter 10 l.e4 e5 2.!L!f3 ll::lc 6 3 . d4 exd4 4.ll::lxd4

Scotch Game

5.f3?! - He fortifies his e4-pawn

but weakens the dark squares and
lags in development. 5 . . . d5 ! +
5.W/d3 ? ! - This queen sortie is
premature. 5 . . . .ic5 6 ..ie3 (6.lt:'lxc6
bxc6+) 6 . . . lt:'le5 7.W/b3 lt:'lfg4+ -
Black is ahead in development
and obtains the advantage of the
two bishops.
5 . .ig5? ! h6 6.i.xf6 (After 6 .
.ih4 g5+ White loses his centre
The diagram position charac­ pawn and will have to spend many
terizes the Scotch Game. This tempi in order to regain it.) 6 . . .
opening was very popular during W/xf6 7.c3 .ic5 8.lt:'lf3 0 - 0 9 . .id3
the 19th century, but then it was d6 10.0-0 .ig4 ll.lt:'lbd2 lt:'le5 1 2 .
almost forgotten for a long time. .ie2 . White has maintained the
During the 90s of the last century material balance but presented
it was resurrected, mostly because his opponent with the advantage
Garry Kasparov played it in his of the two bishops, and after 12 . . .
last match against Karpov. Nowa­ lt:'lg6+ White might come under a
days this is one of the main open­ dangerous attack.
ing weapons of GM Sergey 5.lt:'lc3 .ib4 6 . .ig5 (6.lt:'lxc6 bxc6
Rublevsky. - see variation A; 6.lt:'lf5? 0-0 7.
4... �(6 .id3 d5 8.exd5 lt:'lxd5+ White lags
Besides this move, Black often considerably in development.) 6 . . .
plays 4 . . . .ic5, but that leads to po­ h 6 7 . .ih4 g 5 8.lt:'lxc6 hc3+ 9.bxc3
sitions of an entirely different type. dxc6 10.W/xd8+ �xd8 11 ..ig3 lt:'lxe4
5.�xc6 12.0-0-0+ .id7 13 . .ic4 lt:'lxg3 14.
5.lt:'lf5? - White loses several fxg3 �e7 15.hf7 .ig4 16.�d4 �xf7
tempi with this move. 5 . . . d5 6. 17.�xg4 �ae8+ - The almost
.ib5 lt:'lxe4 7.lt:'ld4 'i;!ff6+ forced variation has ended and

Chapter l O

Black's prospects are preferable, Black will have problems realiz­

thanks to his superior pawn­ ing his extra pawn.) 7 . . . '®'b4+ 8.
structure. ltJc3 (in the variation 8.c3 We4 9.
5.�c4? ! - This attempt by ltJe3 ltJc6 10.ltJd2 '®'e6 ll.ltJf3 d5+
White to organize an attack only White will have difficulties)
against the enemy king is prema­ 8 . . . d6 9.ltJe3 �e7 10.�d2 '®'c5 11.
ture. 5 . . . ltJxe4 6.ltJxc6 (After 6. 0-0-0 c6 12.f4 ltJg6 13 .g3 0-0+
0-0 d5 7.�b5 �d7+ Black has an His hasty attack has been neutral­
extra centre pawn. White can re­ ized and Black has a solid extra
gain it with 6.hf7+ \t>xf7 7.'®'h5+ pawn, Rositsan - Ziatdinov, To­
g6 8.'®'d5+ \t>g7 9.ltJxc6, but after ronto 1998.
9 . . . '®'e8 ! 10.'®'e5+ '®'xeS 11.ltJxe5 White fails to create problems
�b4+ 12 .c3, Petrik - Priehoda, for his opponent with the line:
Nova Bana 1983, 12 . . . �d6 ! 13.ltJf3 5.�b5 a6 6.hc6 (It would be
b6+ Black obtains the advantage worse to opt for 6.�a4?! ltJxd4
of the two bishops and his pieces 7.'®'xd4 b5 8.�b3 c5 9.�e5+ �e7+
are very comfortably placed.) 6 . . . White will save his bishop but his
bxc6 7.'®'e2 Vfie7 8.0-0. White queen is exposed in the centre of
leads in development at the cost the board, which will enable Black
of a pawn, but Black can neutral­ to complete his development with
ize his activity with the precise re­ tempo; after 6.ltJxc6 bxc6 7.�d3
sponse 8 ... ltJd6 ! 9.�e1 (9.�e3?! ltJf5 d5= there arises a position from
10.�e1 d5 11.�d3 ltJxe3 12.'®'f3 �e6 variation C, with the inclusion of
13.�xe3 '®'b4+ with an extra cen­ the move a7-a6, which does not
tre pawn and the advantage of the change the evaluation of the posi­
two bishops.) 9 . . . �xe2 10.�xe2 + tion.) 6 . . . dxc6 7.0-0 c5 8.ltJb3
�e7 11.�d3 \t>d8+ Black should '®'xd1 9.�xd1, Kholmov - Reshev­
not be afraid of coming under at­ sky, Moscow 1991. Now Black can
tack, now that the queens have deploy his pieces in ideal fashion
disappeared from the board. After by playing 9 . . . �e6 10.�f4 (It is
the completion of his develop­ worse for White to opt for 10.ltJc3
ment, his advantage will increase. �d6 11.�g5 ltJd7+ - his knight on
5 .e5? ! ltJxe5 6.�e2 . White has b3 is cut off from the action, while
given up a pawn and he needs to Black's bishops are wonderfully
try to create some difficulties for placed and his knight is ready to
his opponent. 6 . . . '®'e7 7.ltJf5. This go to the c4-outpost. His queen­
is his most attractive move, but side pawns will advance easily at
not the best. (He should prefer an opportune moment. Black has
7.�f4 d6 8.ltJc3 ltJg6 9.�e3 a6 no problems either in the varia­
10.0-0-0 c5 ll.ltJf3 �e6 12 .ltJg5 tion 10.f3 i.d6 ll.ltJc3 0-0-0 12.
�f5+, or 7.ltJc3 ltJc6 8.ltJdb5 �xe2+ �e3 b6 13.ltJc1 ltJd7 14.ltJ1e2 h6=)
9 .he2 @dB+ and in both cases 10 ... ltJxe4 11.hc7 �c8 12 . .if4 �d8 !

l.e4 e5 2. tiJj3 tiJc6 3.d4 exd4 4. tiJxd4 tiJf6 5. tiJxc6 be 6. tiJc3 i.b4

13J�xd8+ @xd8= Black has ex­ 11.V!ffe3 i.b7 12 .l'i:e1 '!WeS 13.f4 '!Wd4+.
changed a pair of rooks, his king Black has completed his develop­
is safe and he can think about ment and his pieces are ideally
seizing the initiative. placed. White cannot exploit the
5 bxc6
•.. awkward position of his oppo­
nent's bishop on d6, because in
the variation 14.e5? heS 15.fxe5
l'i:xeS+ he ends up at least a pawn
down.) 8 . . . V!ffe 7 9.0-0 l'i:e8 10.llJf3
i.cS ! (After this accurate move
Black reaches an equal endgame.)
ll.V!ffc3 .ib4 12.1�'c4 dS 13.exd5
cxdS 14.V!ffh 4 tiJe4 15.V!ffxe7 he7=

A) 6.toc3
This position is very often
reached from the Four Knights
In the diagram position White Game.
most often plays 6.e5 V!ffe 7 (Chap­ 6 . . . .ib4
ters 11-12). In this chapter, we
shall deal with some seldom
played moves, among which we
shall focus on: A) 6.tiJc3, B)
6.tiJd2 and C) 6.i.d3.
After 6.i.g5 h6+ White either
loses his e4-pawn, or he must give
up his important dark-squared
bishop for the enemy knight.
In response to 6.'\Wd4, we rec­
ommend the amusing possibility
6 . . . i.d6 ! ?N, which has not yet
been tried (Black has usually 7 .id3

played 6 . . . d5) with the following The alternatives for White re­
sample variations : 7.i.d3 (7.i.g5 duce him to fighting for equality.
V!ffe 7 8.i.xf6 gxf6 9.tiJd2 i.eS 10. 7.i.d2 V!ffe 7 8 . .id3 hc3 9.hc3
V!ie3 hb2 ll.l�b1 V!ffe S+ and de­ tiJxe4 10.0-0 tiJxc3 ll.V!ffh S tiJe2 +
spite the fact that Black's king 12 .he2 0 -0+ Black has a solid
lacks a safe shelter, he has the extra pawn and he will easily
better prospects thanks to his ex­ make up his slight lag in develop­
tra pawn and powerful dark­ ment.
squared bishop.) 7 . . . 0-0 8.tiJd2 7.i.g5 h6 8.i.h4 0-0 9.i.d3 dS
(8.0-0 V!ie7 9.ll:k3 l'i:e8 10.h3 cS 10.0-0 hc3 ll.bxc3 gS 12 . .ig3

Chapter 1 0

dxe4 1 3 . .ic4 '\We7+ Black has won a after 1 2 . 0-0? '\We5-+ with a deci­
pawn, while White will find it dif­ sive attack for Black, while in the
ficult to exploit his opponent's variation 12.'\Wxc6 dxe4 13 . .ie2
weakened king position. l'i:b8+ Black occupies the centre
7.e5 - White's pieces are not and obtains a huge lead in devel­
ready to support his space advan­ opment.) 9 . . . tt:lg4 10.tt:ld1, Eick­
tage. 7 . . . '\We7 8.'\We2 tt:ld5 9 . .id2 hoff - Ljubarskij , Bad Bevensen
tt:Jxc3 10.hc3 hc3+ 11.bxc3 2 005, 10 . . . l'i:b8 11.a3 �f6 12.0-0
O-m: Rapoport - V. Dmitriev, '\We5 13.g3 O-m:, but Black still
Nikolaev 2007. has the better prospects thanks to
After 7.'\Wd4 '\We7, White has his lead in development and
difficulties in maintaining the White's weakened kingside.
material balance. 7 d5

In the variations 8.f3 .ic5 9.

'\Wd3 (9.�a4? l'i:b8 10.a3 0-0 11 .
.ie2 d5-+ Palmiotto - Stoeckl, 8.exd5
Munich 1958) 9 . . . 0-0 10 . .ie3 After 8 . .ig5 h6 9 . .ih4 g5 10.
he3 11.'\Wxe3 d5! 12 .e5 l'i:e8 13.f4 .ig3 dxe4+ Black has an extra cen­
tt:lg4 14.�d2 f6+ E.Semenova - tre pawn.
Haug, Kerner 2009, or 8.e5 .ic5 It is rather dubious for White
9.'\Wh4 (9.'\Wf4 .id6+) 9 . . . '\Wxe5+ to opt for 8.e5? ! tt:lg4. Now, we
10 . .ie2 , Shevelev - Golod, Ramat shall analyze two logical continu­
Aviv 1998, 10 . . . 0-0+, or 8 . .ig5 ations:
'\Wxe4+ 9 . .ie3 0-0+ Livshits -
N.Mamedov, Verdun 1995, Black
wins the enemy centre pawn and
obtains a great advantage.
White can fight for equality by
playing 8 .i.d3 .ic5 9.'\Wa4 (9.�c4? !
tt:lg4 10.tt:ld1 d5 11.'\Wa4, Pons -
Hounie Fleurquin, Mar del Plata
1936, but after 11 . . . 0-0 he loses

l.e4 e5 2.lb.j3 lb.c6 3.d4 exd4 4. 0.xd4 lb.f6 5.lb.xc6 be 6.lb.c3 i.b4

1) 9.0-0 0-0 10 .'\!;!fe1 (White Beach 2 005, 14 . . . h5t with excel­

loses quickly after 10.'\!;!fe2 l"le8 11. lent attacking chances.
f4 i.c5+ 12.'it>h1 0.xh2 !-+ Gunnars­ 8 .. cxd5

son - Hardarson, Arborg 1998, or

10.f4 ic5+ 11.'it>h1 '\!;!lh4 12 .h3,
Kastner - Schiess}, Passau 1999,
12 ... '\!;!lg3-+, or 10.l"le1 i.c5-+ fol­
lowed by '\!;!lh4 ; after 10 .h3 0.xe5
11.i.xh7+ 'it>xh7 12 .'1'9h5+ 'it>g8 13.
'\!;!!xeS i.d6 14.'1'9d4 l"le8+ Black has
two bishops and dominates the
centre, so he has the better pros­
pects, Cid Royo - Baron Rodri­
guez, Spain 2004; 10.a3 i.c5 11 .h3
0.xe5 12 .i.xh7+ 'it>xh7 13 .'\!;!lhS+
'it>g8 14.�xe5 l"le8 15.'\!;!fg3 i.d6 16. 9. 0 - 0
i.f4 '\!;!ff6 17.i.xd6 cxd6+ White has 9.i.g5 0-0 10.0-0 c6 - see
succeeded in exchanging one of 9.0-0; after 9.a3 i.e7 10.0-0
his opponent's active bishops but 0-0, there arises a position from
this has strengthened Black's cen­ variation C2 with a white pawn
tre, Koekoek - Konijn, Hengelo on a3 rather than a2, but this does
1998) 10 . . .f6 11.exf6 Wd6 1 2 .f4 not influence the correct evalua­
0.xf6+ White had to exchange his tion of the position as equal.
e5-pawn, which was cramping 9.i.b5+ i.d7 10.We2 + (10.
Black's position and now his king i.xd7+ ? ! Wxd7 11.0-0 0-0 12.
is vulnerable. '\!;!fd3 !'lfe8+ Black has excellent de­
2) 9.i.f4 f6 10.0-0 (10.exf6?! velopment and dominates the
'\!;!fxf6+ and Black has numerous centre) 10 . . . i.e7 11.i.xd7+ Wxd7
unpleasant threats; in the varia­ 12.0-0 0-0 13.i.g5 h6 14.hf6
tions 10.h3 0.xe5 11.i.xe5 '\!;!fe7 12. hf6+ - Black's bishop is more
0-0 fxe5 13.Wh5+ 'it>d8+, or 10 .e6 powerful than the enemy knight,
i.xe6 11.We2 , Alonso - Nuevo since the latter does not have any
Perez, Seville 2001, 11 . . . �d7 1 2 . secure outposts, Meister - A.
i.f5 'it>fT+ White loses his centre Onischuk, Togliatti 2003.
pawn and is unable to exploit the The inclusion of the moves
uncastled enemy king) 10 . . . 0-0 9.We2+ i.e7 cannot change the
11.exf6 Wxf6 12.i.g3 i.d6 13.Wd2 character of the fight, because
(13.i.e2 0.e5+ Black has a slight White's queen on e2 is less active­
edge with his perfectly centralized ly placed than on the f3-square,
forces, Afek - Gyimesi, Kecskem­ while Black's bishop will occupy
et 1994) 13 . . . !'lb8 14.0.a4, M. the d6-square anyway.
Nikolov - Arnaudov, Sunny 9. 0 - 0

Chapter 1 0

chances on the queenside and in

the centre, T.Kosintseva - Zaiatz,
Sochi 2 005.
1 0 . c6

1 0 . .ig5
This is White's most popular
and aggressive move.
After 10 .h3 c6 11.lLle2 (11.i.g5
h6 - see 10.i.g5) ll .. J'!e8 12.c3
i.d6 13.lLld4 i.c7t Black seizes the In the diagram position,
initiative, Tinsley - Em. Lasker, White's main tries in the fight for
Leipzig 1894. the advantage are Al) ll.c� a4
Or 10.i.e3 c6 ll.lLla4 l'!:e8 1 2 . and A2) ll.Wf3.
i.f4 i.g4 13.f3, Danilovic - Bakic, The alternatives fail to create
Vrnjacka Banja 1999 and after any problems for Black:
13 . . . i.d7+ the weakness of the e3- ll.l'!:e1 h6 12 ..th4 i.e6 13.a3 i.d6
square inside White's camp be­ 14.�f3 l'!:e8 15.b4? (it is more pre­
comes a telling factor. cise for White to opt here for 15.
10 .lLlb5 i.g4 ll.f3 i.c5+ 12 .@h1 h3 a5 =) 15 ... i.g4 16 . .txf6 �d7 17.
i.d7 13.c3 i.b6 14.ltJd4 c5 15.ltJf5 i.f5 '!Wxf5 18.�xf5 hf5+ Black's
l'!:e8+ Black has occupied the cen­ bishops are very powerful, G.Kuz­
tre and his pieces are ideally de­ min - Moldobaev, Krasnodar 1998;
ployed, while White will have in the variation ll.h3 h6 1 2.
great problems in accomplishing i.h4 i.d6 13.lLle2 c 5 14.c3 l'!:b8 15.
the same, P. Dobrowolski - Nurk­ b3 l'!:e8 16.l'!:e1, Zhang Pengxiang
iewicz, Barlinek 1996. - A.Onischuk, Poikovsky 20 07, it
10.lLle2 l'!:e8 ll.c3, Navara - looks very good for Black to play
Held, Olomouc 1999, ll . . . i.d6 1 2 . 16 . . . i.b7? and White must be on
i.f4 e S t Black takes space and the alert all the time for Black's
seizes the initiative. possible pawn-breaks d5-d4 and
The game is approximately c5-c4 ;
equal after 10.i.f4 i.d6 11.�d2 c6 ll.i.h4 i.d6 12 .i.g3 l'!:b8 13.b3
12 .lLle2 l'!:e8 13.lLlg3 .txf4 14.�xf4 i.e6 14.lLle2 c5= White has no ac­
.ie6 = Black has gained a safe and tive prospects, Sermek - Borisek,
solid position and has counter- Bled 2005;

l.e4 e5 2.lUj3 lUc6 3.d4 exd4 4.lUxd4 lUf 6 5.lUxc6 bc 6.lUc3 §ib4

l l.lUe2 - White transfers his the only open file, Koch - Fressi­
knight to the f4-square, but it is net, Evry 2008) 18 ...l'!e5 19.l'!fe1
not very stable there. ll ...h6 12. We7 2 0.Wc3 d4 2 1.Wa5 l'!e8 2 2 .
i.h4 i.d6 l'!xe5 '11;1/xeS 23 . .id3 l'!e7t White's
bishop has no good prospects,
while Black has more space and
good chances of weakening his
opponent's king position.

Al) ll.tLla4

13.lt:Jd4 (13.h3 c5 - see 11.h3;

13 ..ig3 l'!e8 14..ixd6 Wxd6 15.lt:lg3
Wb4 t Bujisic - Blagojevic, Bar
2006; 13.r,th1 l'!b8 14.b3 c5 15.c3
l'!e8 16.Wc2 , Zelcic - Mainka,
Dresden 2002, 16 . . . a5 17.l'!fe1 a4t
Black's queenside initiative is
running unopposed) 13...c5 14.
lt:Jf5 (14.lt:Jb5? ! �b8 15.c4 .ib7 16.
lUc3 d4 17.lUe2 Wd6 18..ig3 Wc6 White's idea is to undermine
19.f3 .ixg3 2 0.lUxg3 l'!fe8+ White Black's centre with c2-c4, or else
has spent too many tempi on ma­ to blockade it with c2-c3 and b2-
noeuvres with his knight and in b4,in which case his knight will
the meantime Black has created a gain access to a wonderful out­
powerful passed pawn and has post on d4.
weakened the e3-square inside ll h6 12 .ih4 .id6
••. .

his opponent's camp, Zifroni - Black has an interesting alter­

Macieja, Rimavska Sobota 199 2 ; native here - 12 ... l'!e8 ! ?
after 14.lt:Jf3 .ig4 15.h3 .ie6 16.c3, 13.gel
Svidler - Kolev, Moscow 1994, After 13.c3 l'!e8 Black has no
the aggressive line: 16 ... g5 17..ig3 problems at all, for example:
.ixg3 18.fxg3 Wb6t enables Black 14.l'!e1 l'!xe1+ 15.Wxe11id7 16..ig3
to seize the initiative) 14 ....ixf5 .ixg3 17.hxg3 Was 18 ..ic2 ge8 19.
15 ..ixf5 g5 16.�g3 .ixg3 17.hxg3 Wd2 .if5= He exchanges his po­
l'!e8 18.Wf3, Baklan - Almasi, tentially "bad" bishop and his po­
Germany 1998 (18.l'!e1 Wd6 19.c3 sition is even a bit more active,
l'!xe1+ 2 0.Wxe1 l'!e8 2 1.Wd2 We5 Potkin - Vescovi, Moscow 2002.
22 ..id3 r,tg7t Black has occupied 13.c4 l'!b8

Chapter l O

tively and his passed pawn is very

14.cxd5 (This seems to be
White's most natural move.) 14 . . .
cxdS 15.b3 i.b7 16J:'k1 i.f4 17.:B:c2
�d6 18.i.g3 i.xg3 19.hxg3 d4f±
Black's d4-pawn is much rather
an asset than a liability, his bish­
op on b7 is very active and his
For 14J'le1 i.e6 - see 13.:B:el. prospects are at least equal, Z.An­
14.b3 :B:e8 15.cxd5 (15.:B:e1?! driasian - Wang Hao, Moscow
:B:xe1+ 16.�xe1 dxc4 17.i.xc4 2 0 07.
i.xh2 + ! 18.'it>xh2 tt:lg4+ 19.'i!lh3 13 :B:b8

tt'le3+ 2 0 . 'i!lg3 �d6+ 21.f4 �g6+

2 2 . 'i!lf2 tt:lxc4 23.bxc4 �c2 + 24.
'i!lg1 �xa4+ Black has regained his
piece and even has the better
chances now, thanks to the weak
light squares in his opponent's
camp. It would be advantageous
for him to exchange the queens,
because his rook is more active
than its white counterpart.) 15 . . .
cxdS 16.:B:c1 .if4 17.:B:c2 �d6 18.
i.g3 i.xg3 19.hxg3, Beck - Van
Hoolandt, Dresden 20 07, after 14.b3
playing 19 . . . i.a6 2 0.i.xa6 �xa6= 14.c3 cS 15.i.c2 (15.b3 i.d7
Black can exchange his passive 16.tt'lb2 gS 17.i.g3 .ixg3 18.hxg3
bishop and can seize the initiative \1;Va5t Black's pieces are very ac­
at an opportune moment, in view tive, Hector - Fernandez Garcia,
of his powerful passed pawn in Komotini 1992) 15 . . . i.d7 16J''lb 1,
the centre. Ki.Georgiev - P.Nikolic, Brussels
14.:B:c1 .if4 15.:B:c2 �d6 16 . .ig3, 1992, 16 . . . :B:e8 17.:B:xe8+ i.xe8 18.
Varga - L.Vajda, Eger 2 0 0 2 , 16 . . . �f3 .ic6+ Black maintains a slight
hg3 17.hxg3 d4t Black has a but stable edge thanks to his dom­
strong central passed pawn. inance in the centre and White's
14.\1;Vf3 gS 15 . .ig3, Spangen­ passive knight on the edge of the
berg - Zarnicki, Buenos Aires board.
1993, 15 .. J''l e 8 16.:B:ae1 :B:xe1 17. 14.c4 .ie6 15.cxd5 (after 15.:B:c1
:B:xe1 i.g4 18.\1;Ve3 d4 19 .�c1 i.xg3 d4 16.c5 i.f4 17.:B:a1 gS 18 .i.g3
20.hxg3 �aS+ Black's pieces are hg3 19.hxg3, Al.Motylev - Der­
deployed considerably more ac- vishi, Guarapuava 1995, Black

l.e4 e5 2. 1:iJ.f.3 1:iJ c6 3.d4 exd4 4. 1:iJxd4 1:iJf6 5. 1:iJxc6 be 6. 1:iJ c3 i.b4

could have played 19 . . .'�aS 2 0 .b3 2 0 .'\Wxg3 ti'a5= Black has de­
l"lfe8t, provoking the weakening ployed his pieces in ideal fashion
of the important c3-square) 1S . . . and taken numerous important
cxdS 16.b3, Pugachov - Shalam­ central squares under control.
beridze, Mlada Boleslav 1993. With so many pieces present on
Now it is worth considering 16 . . . the board, White will find it diffi­
l"lc8 17.l"lc1 '\WaS ! ? , without being cult to prove that his opponent's
afraid of 18 . .ixf6 gxf6, because cS-pawn is weak, Rublevsky -
Black's powerltil bishops will Anand, Moscow 1996.
compensate for the weakening of
his castled position. White cannot
organize an attack on the kingside A2) ll.ti'f3
with the help of his f2-pawn, be­
cause in answer to 19.l"lf1 ! ? Black
has the response 19 . . . '\Wb4 ! �
14 .Ae6 15.1Yf3 gb4 16 .Ag3
•.• •

c5 17.h3
In the variation 17.i.fS i.xfS
18.'\WxfS gd4 19.l"le2 i.xg3 2 0 .
hxg3, Egin - Belozerov, Seversk
1997, Black can solve the prob­
lems with the rather exposed po­
sition of his rook and the protec­
tion of his cS-pawn with the active
pawn-advance 2 0 . . . c4 ! = This is an aggressive move
t7 gbs
.•. with the idea of organizing an at­
It is also good for Black to play tack on the enemy king.
here 17 . . . c4 18.i.f1 i.xg3 19.'1Wxg3 ll h6!

'!WaS = That is Black's simplest re­

12 .hf6

After 12 .i.h4?! gS ! 13.i.g3 i.g4

14.i.c7 .ixf3 1S.hd8 l"laxd8 16.
gxf3 cS+ Black has a small but sta­
ble advantage, thanks to the dis­
rupted pawn structure on White's
kingside, M. Rodin - O.Sepp,
Moscow 2 004.
12 .i.f4? ! id6 13.l"lfe1 (13.h3
i.e6 - see variation C) 13 . . . l"lb8
14.1:iJa4 cS 1S.b3 i.e6t Black has
18.gadl ges 19.�c3 hg3 seized the initiative owing to his

Chapter l O

dominance in the centre, Sutov­ ter 15.lt:lg3 l='1e8 16.tt:\f5 .ixf5 17.
sky - Davies, Rishon Le Ziyyon .ixf5 l='1e7 18.l='1fe1 l='1ae8 = and after
1995. the exchange of all the rooks a
12 . . . ti'xf6 13.'�xf6 gxf6 draw becomes inevitable, Ko­
Black's two powerful bishops vanova - Mkrtchian, Jermuk
fully compensate for the defects 2010, or 15.l='1fd1 .ig4 16.h3 he2
of his pawn structure. 17 . .ixe2 .ie5 18.l='1ab1 l='1ab8 19.b3
14.c!Oe2 .ld6 l='1fd8= Shkuro - Tarlev, Alushta
15 . . . c5 16.c!Of5 hf5 17.hf5

15.c4? ! dxc4 16.hc4 .ie5
17J!ab1 .if5 18.l='1bd1 .ixb2 19.l='1d6 The opponents can agree to a
l='1ac8+ and Black has managed to draw in the diagram position,
win a pawn, E. Berg - Najer, In­ which is exactly what happened in
ternet 2004. numerous games.
In the variation 15.b3 .ie6 16. 17. . . .le5= Skripchenko - Ste­
l='1ad1 l='1fd8 17.c4 l='1ac8 18.cxd5 fanova, Krasnoturinsk 2003.
cxd5 19.l='1c1 l='1xc1 20.l='1xc1 l='1c8
21.l='1xc8+ .ixc8= Black's passed
d5-pawn, supported by his strong
bishops, provides him with equal
In reply to 15.l='1ad1, Votava -
V. Malakhov, Khanty-Mansiysk
2010, it would be fine for Black to
continue with 15 . . . .ie6 16.tt:\d4
(16.b3 c5=) 16 . . . c5 17.tt:\f5 h£5
18 . .ixf5 d4 19.l='1fe1 l='1fe8= and this
endgame, with bishops of oppo­
site colour, is equal.
It is more or less the same af-

l.e4 e5 2. lt':,j3 lt':, c6 3.d4 exd4 4. lt':,xd4 lt':,f6 5. lt':,xc6 be 6. lt':, d2 d5

This is the Tartakower varia­ gens - Matthaei, Germany 1993)

tion, with which White cannot 10 ... c6 ll ..id3 0-0 12 .lt':,f3 l"!e8 13.
gain any advantage. His knight on c3 .ig4+ Black is slightly ahead in
d2 impedes the development of development and his position in
his own pieces, but his position is the centre is preferable, Black­
still quite solid, so he can main­ burne - Janowski, St. Petersburg
tain the balance without too many 1914.
problems. 9 . . . Ybd7 1 0 . 0 - 0 .ie7
6 d5 7.exd5

7 . .id3 .id6 - see 6 . .id3 .

7.e5 ? ! - This move looks ac­
tive, but it leads to an inferior po­
sition for White. 7 . . . lt':,g4 8.lt':,b3
lt':,xe5 9 .�e2 .ib4+ 10.c3 .id6 11.f4
.ig4 12 .�e3 0-0 13.�g3 (after
13 .fxe5 l"!e8 14.exd6 �h4+ 15.g3
l"!xe3+ 16.he3 �f6+ Black's
threats 17 . . . �f3 and 17 . . . l"!e8 turn
out to be too difficult to parry)
13 . . . l"!e8 14.�f2 .id1 15.fxe5 l"!xe5-+
White has come under a crushing ll.b3
attack and he has no satisfactory White has many possibilities
defence against 16 . . . l"!f5+, because to choose from, but he has no
it would not work for him to con­ chance of gaining an advantage
tinue with 16.�g1 hb3 17.axb3 with any of them .
.ic5-+ ll.lt':,f3 0-0 12 . .ig5 (after 12 .b3
7 . . . cxd5 8.J.b5+ lt':,e4= Black immediately neutral­
8 . .id3 .id6 - see variation B2. izes the threats on the long diago­
In response to 8.lt':,f3, Black nal, Rosito - M. Sorokin, Villa Ge­
should continue with 8 . . . .ic5 9. sell 1997) 12 . . . h6 13 ..ih4 l"!fe8 14.
.ib5+ .id7 10.hd7+ �xd7 11.0-0 l"!e1 �b5 15.b3, Tiviakov - Fressi­
o-m= - his bishop on c5 is very net, Pamplona 2 005, 15 . . . '\Wc5= -
powerful and his knight will go to Black is ready to attack the enemy
the e4-square; thanks to this cen­ weakness on c3.
tralization, he will have a slight ll.l"!e1 0-0 12.l!�fl (White does
edge. not achieve much with 1Vt::l f3 ,
8 .td7 9.hd7+
••• Tartakower - Thiellement, Paris
After 9.'1We2 + .ie7 10.0-0 (10. 1955, 12 . . . l"!fe8 =) 12 . . . l"!ab8 13.b3
hd7+ �xd7 11.0-0 0-0 12.lt':,b3 .ib4= Dolukhanova - Turova,
l"!fe8 13. �f3 .id6+ Black occupies Salekhard 2008.
the only open file and his pieces ll.c4 - White has matched his
are comfortably deployed, Lueth- opponent's slight superiority in

Chapter 1 0

the centre, but, as compensation C) 6.i.d3

for his weakened pawn-structure This is a very reasonable and
on the queenside, Black's central­ flexible move. White can develop
ized knight is tremendously his knight on b1 either to c3 or d2 .
strong. 11 . . . 0-0 12.cxd5 lLlxdS 13. However, it is rather difficult for
lt:Je4 l!ad8 14.'\1;Vf3 l!fe8 15.l!d1, E. him to obtain any advantage in
Sveshnikov - Morozevich, St. Pe­ this pawn-structure.
tersburg 1993, after 15 . . . '\1;Vb5 6 . . . d5
16 .h3 c6? Black's prospects are
by no means worse.
ll.lLlb3 0-0 12 . .ie3, Pedersen
- Juergens, Denmark 2 001, 12 . . .
l!fe8 13.l!e1 .id6= At a n oppor­
tune moment Black can exploit
the insufficient protection of
White's kingside.
11 0- 0 12.i.b2 gfe8 13.

Or 13.lt:Jf3 c6=

The most usual moves in the

diagram position are Cl) 7.e5? !
and C2) 7.exd5.
7.lt:Jc3 .ib4 - see variation A.
7.0-0 dxe4 8.'\1;Ve1 (8.'\1;Ve2 i.g4
- see 7.'%Ye2; 8.l!e1 .ie6 and now
White loses after 9.i.xe4?? '\1;Vxd1
10.i.xc6+ YHd7 11.hd7+ lt:Jxd7-+
Geffert - Motycakova, Slovakia
2008, while if 9 . .ia6 YHxd1 10.l!xd1
l!b8 ll.b3 .id6 12 . .ib2 e3! 13.fxe3
13 tt)g4
••• lt:Jg4 14.l!d2 i.xh2 + 1s.'i!?h1 o-m=
This is the simplest way for Mezhetsky - Pushkariov, Chill­
Black to equalize. He plans to ex­ ingham 1996, or 9 ..if1 YHxd1
change the dark-squared bishops. 10 .l!xd1 .id6+ Tellore - Yarmoly­
14.h3 i.f6 15.hf6 tt)xf6 16. uk, Email 2009, White fails to ob­
gfe1 YHd6 17.'%Yc3 c5= Black
- tain compensation for the sacri­
dominates the centre, but White ficed pawn) 8 . . . -ifS ! This is the
has quite sufficient resources to best move for Black and it enables
maintain the balance, Godena - him to equalize without any prob­
Onischuk, Reggio Emilia 2 010. lems. 9.f3 (9 . .ig5?! .ie7 10.i.xf6

l.e4 e5 2. 0f3 tt:lc6 3.d4 exd4 4. tt:lxd4 tt:lf6 5. tt:Jxc6 be 6. J.d3 d5

.ixf6 11 . .ixe4 0-0! 12 ..ixf5 .ixb2

13.tt:la3 �f6 14J'!b1 .ixa3+ -
Black's extra pawn is weak and
almost irrelevant, but he is still
the one playing for a win , be­
cause his pieces are much more
active.) 9 . . . i.c5+ 10.i.e3 i.d4 11.
fxe4 tt:lg4 12 . .ixd4 �xd4+ 13.<;f;>h1
i.e6= - Black's control of the d4-
square completely compensates 10.exd5 (It is premature for
for his damaged queenside pawn­ White to opt for 10.�f3 �e7 11.
structure, Cook - Wyder, Email exd5 �e5 12.�g3 �h5 13.f4 i.c5+
2008. 14.<;f;>h1 cxd5+ - White's kingside
7.tt:ld2 ? ! i.d6 8.0-0 (In the is weak, which, in combination
endgame after 8.exd5 �e7+ 9. with Black's occupation of the
�e2 �xe2+ 10 . .ixe2 cxd5 11.i.b5+ only open file, guarantees Black
i.d7 12 . .ixd7+ <;f;>xd7+ White must the better prospects, Santos Lata­
fight for equality, since Black has sa - Navarrete Espi, Porto Carras
a clear lead in development and 2010; Black also has an excellent
dominates the centre, Csom - position after 10 .E:e1 i.b7 11.exd5
Ribli, Hungary 1972 .) 8 . . . 0-0 E:xe1+ 12 .�xe1 cxd5 13.tt:lf3 c5+
8 . . . 0-0 9.h3 (White merely weak­ Fodre - Balint, Hungary 2005.)
ens the position of his king with 10 . . . cxd5 11.b3 (It is less accurate
the seemingly active line : 9.f4?! for White to play 11.c4 d4 and in
i.g4 10.�e1, Ehrler - Pioch, Ger­ the variation 12.tt:lb3 c5 13.�f3
many 1981 and after 10 . . . tt:Jxe4 E:b8 14.i.g5 i.b7 15.�f5 �d7 16 .
11.tt:lxe4 E:e8+ he cannot exploit .ixf6 �xf5 17.i.xf5 gxf6+ Black has
the weaknesses of Black's queen­ a protected passed pawn in the
side; in the variation 9.E:e1 E:e8, it centre and the advantage of the
would be too optimistic for White two bishops, which more than
to play 10.c4 i.g4 11.�c2 �e7 1 2 .f3 compensates for the defects of his
�e5 13 .g3 i.h3 14.tt:lb3 dxe4 15. kingside pawn-structure, Krause
fxe4 �h5+ and the open position - Vincent, corr. 1990, while if
of his king precludes him from at­ 12.�f3 E:b8 13.tt:le4 tt:Jxe4 14 . .ixe4
tacking the weak enemy pawns, �e7 15.E:e1, Margraf - Van der
Burchfield - Bladyko, Email Veen, Germany 2008, Black can
2008, but even after the more ac­ enter a very pleasant endgame by
curate 10.exd5 E:xe1+ 11.�xe1 playing 15 . . . i.b7 16 . .ixh7+ <;f;>h8
cxd5t Black maintains the initia­ 17.E:xe7 i.xf3 18.E:xe8+ E:xe8 19.
tive, thanks to his superior posi­ id2 i.e2+; after 11.tt:lf3 eSt White
tion in the centre, Callas - Verat, must react very precisely in order
Cannes 1996.) 9 . . . E:e8 to parry the activity of Black's ide-

Chapter 1 0

ally placed pieces, Velimirovic - tralized, Nedoma - Gubas, Email

Kurajica, Banja Luka 1985.) 11 . . . 2008.
�b7 1 2 .�b2 , Brandenburg - Tim­ 8.0-0 - This move is too opti­
mermans, Dieren 2010; here mistic, Johnsson - Buj , corr.
Black can play 12 . . . �f4 ! ?t, pre­ 1983, 8 . . . �g4 9.'1!tife3 (9.f3 'l!tifd4+
venting the enemy queen from 10.�hl �e7+) 9 . . . 1!tife7 10 .�a6 1!tife5
coming to the f3-square. ll.�b7 �d6 12 .hc6+ �d7 13.
White fails to create any prob­ hd7+ ttJxd7 14.g3 0-0+ Black's
lems for his opponent with the forces are much more active.
line: 7.�g5 �e7 8.tLlc3 (8.exd5 The variation 8.he4 ttJxe4 9.
'l!tifxd5! 9.1!tiff3?, Rocha - Cleeve, corr. '!tixe4+ '!tie7 leads by force to an
1987, 9 . . . 1!tifxg5 10.1!tifxc6+ �d8 11. endgame in which Black has a
'l!tifxa8 '!tiel+ 12.�e2 'l!tixhl-+ and powerful bishop pair in a position
Black ends up with an extra bish­ with an open centre, which more
op.) 8 . . . ttJxe4 9.�xe7 '!tixe7 10. than compensates for his weak­
he4 dxe4 ll.'l!tifd4 0-0 1 2 . 0-0 ened pawn-structure on the
�f5 13.Elfel Elfd8 14.1!tifc4 Elab8� queenside, Mieses - Teichmann,
White can probably regain his Berlin 1924.
pawn but Black's piece-activity 8.�g5 �b4+ 9.ttJc3 0-0 10.
and the superiority of his bishop he4 hc3+ 11.bxc3 Ele8 12.0-0
over the enemy knight provide (12 .f3 ? ! 'l!tifd6+ Link - Schulz,
him with sufficient counter Email 2 005. Black is ready to an­
chances, Navarrete Delgado - swer 13.hf6 with 13 . . . gxf6 ! +) 12 . . .
Nava Pereda, Bergara 2 010. �f5 13.f3 'l!tifd6 14.hf6 'l!tifxf6 15.
7.'!tie2 dxe4 'l!tifc4 (After 15.Eladl 'l!tifxc3+, in ad­
dition to his piece-activity, Black
wins a pawn, which, although
weak, is still an extra one, Bertel
- Sapronov, Email 2006.) 15 . . .
he4 16.fxe4 'l!tife6 17.1!tifxe6 Elxe6=
There is hardly any material left,
Pavelek - Rabatin, Frydek Mistek
2 0 07.
8.tLld2 �b4 9 .he4 0-0 10.c3
(10.hc6?, Palmiotto - Bianchi,
After 8.tLlc3 the position is Italy 1961, 10 . . . �b7! 11.hb7 Ele8
considerably simplified. 8 . . . �b4 12 .ha8 'l!tifxa8 13.1!tifxe8+ 'l!tixe8+
9.he4 hc3+ 10 .bxc3 ttJxe4 11. 14.�fl ttJg4� White has failed to
'l!tixe4+ 'l!tie7 12.1!tifxe7+ �xe7 13. coordinate his forces and Black's
�f4 Elb8 14.0-0-0 Elb7 15.Elhel+ attack is decisive.) 10 . . . ttJxe4 11.
�e6 16.Eld4 Elhb8= White's piece­ ttJxe4 �f5 12.0-0 Ele8 13.cxb4
activity has been completely neu- Elxe4 14.�e3 Elxb4= Black is not

l.e4 e5 2. tlJ.fJ l:iJ c6 3.d4 exd4 4. tlJxd4 tlJf6 5. tlJxc6 be 6. i.d3 d5

likely to realize his extra pawn, 8 ••• .ic5

Zahour - Glembek, Email 2 0 04.

Cl) 7.e5? !

9 . .if4
9.CiJd2? \Wh4-+ ; 9 .\We1 \We7!
10.i.f4 gS+
It is rather careless for White
White seizes space but this is to play 9.h3? tlJxeS 10J'!e1 (10.\We2
too optimistic, since his pieces \Wf6 1U'!e1 0-0 - see 10.l3e1; 11.
cannot support this gain. 'it>h1 0-0 12 .i.e3 tlJxd3 13.\Wxd3
7 .li�g4 8. 0 - 0
•• he3 14.fxe3 \Wxb2 1S.CiJd2 aS-+
8.i.f4 i.cS 9 .i.g3 (9.0-0 gS - and White lost several pawns in
see 8.0-0) 9 . . . i.d4 10.c3 (it is the game Nash - Murphy, Email
preferable for him to opt for 10. 2 007) 10 . . . \Wf6 11.�e2 (In reply to
CiJc3 heS+) 10 . . . heS 11.0-0 the more accurate move 11.i.e3 ,
hg3 12 .fxg3 i.e6+ Black has won Jouglet - Dessenne, Lille 20 04,
a pawn, seized space and weak­ Black can enter a favourable end­
ened his opponent's king posi­ game with 11 . . . d4! ? 12 . .ic1 0-0
tion, Fernandez - Congiu, France 13.hh7+ 'it>xh7 14.�hS+ 'it>g8 1S.
2006. �xeS �xeS 16.l3xeS i.d6 17.l3e1
8.f4 .icS 9.\We2 0-0 10.CiJd2 cS+) 11 . . . 0-0 12.\WxeS �xf2 + 13.
i.f2 + 1l.'>�;>fl i.b6+ The material is 'it>h1 hh3 ! 14.gxh3 �f3+ 1S.'it>h2
equal, but White's king is in terri­ i.d6-+ Delmar - Lipschuetz,
ble danger, Storkebaum - Leh­ New York 1888.
ner, Kaufungen 2003. After 9.�f3 0-0 10.i.f4 f6 11.
After 8.\We2 i.cS 9.f3 (9.0-0 �h3 g6+ White loses at least a
\We7 - see 8. 0-0) 9 ... CiJf2 10J'U1 pawn, Klimpel - Held, Wuerz­
CiJxd3+ 11.cxd3, Holzinger - Ba­ burg 1996.
jer, Oeffingen 2 0 0 2 , Black can 9.�e2 �e7 10.if4 gS 11.i.d2
best highlight his opponent's de­ (11.i.g3? hS 12 .i.a6 i.xa6 13.�xa6
velopment problems with the i.b6 14.�a4 \We6 1S.h4 0-0-0 16.
move 11 . . J'!b8+ CiJd2 gxh4 17.i.xh4 l3dg8-+

Chapter 1 0

White's king is weak and his piec­ two bishops, while White is inca­
es are uncoordinated, Brochet - pable of exploiting the somewhat
Hebden, France 1998) 11.. .0-0 open position of the enemy mon­
12 .b4 (after 12 .i.c3 d4, White arch.
merely creates additional weak­ 10 .i.d2 0-0 ll.b4, Kerman -
nesses in his position with the Klengel, Email 2 0 0S, ll . . . i.b6 12.
line 13.b4 i.b6 14.i.d2 �xeS 1S. i.c3 f6 13.h3 (13.exf6? �d6 ! 14.g3
�xeS tt:JxeS 16.hgS tt:Jxd3 17.cxd3 gxf6 ! - + ) 13 . . . tt:JxeS+ Black is
i.fS 18.gd1 aS 19.bxaS gxaS+ ahead in development and has an
Malureanu - Chifor, Baile Hercu­ excellent position in the centre;
lane 2010, but his defence is therefore, White cannot do any­
difficult even after the more thing to exploit his opponent's
precise 13.i.aS �xeS 14.�xeS rather exposed king.
tt:JxeS 1S.hc7 tt:Jxd3 16.cxd3 i.fS 1 0 h5 •••

17.gd1 gfe8+ - his d3-pawn is

weak and Black's light-squared
bishop is so powerful that White
faces a long and laborious de­
fence.) 12 . . . i.b6 13.a4 �xeS 14.
�xeS tt:JxeS 1S.i.e2 aS 16.bxaS
i.xaS 17.hgS i.fS+ Fister - Babel,
Email 2009.
9 g5

ll .ie2

ll.h3? h4 12 .i.h2 tt:Jxh2 13.

�xh2 �e7 14.�e2 (White cannot
ease his defensive task with the
prophylactic line: 14.�h1 �f8 1S.
�e1 g4 16.hxg4 i.xg4 17.tl:Jd2 h3
18.g3 h2 19.£4 Ah3 2 o .gf3 gb8 21.
tl:Jb3 i.gH) 14 . . . i.d4 1S.tl:Jc3 (1S.c3
�xeS+ 16.f4 �xe2 17..ixe2 Ae3 18.
1 0 .ig3
• fxgS hgS+ Haupold - Holl, corr.
10.i.c1, Werner - Michalczak, 1990) 1S . . . �xeS+ 16. �xeS+ heS+
Boeblingen 1999, 10 . . . 0-0 11.tl:Jd2 17.�g1 .ie6+ Black has two strong
tt:JxeS 12 .tl:Jb3 .ib6 13 .�hS tt:Jxd3 bishops and an extra pawn, so his
14.cxd3 f6+ Black has won a pawn position is nearly winning, Kopy­
and obtained the advantage of the lova - Severina, Rybinsk 20 09.

l.e4 e5 2. 4:Jj3 4:J c6 3.d4 exd4 4. 4:Jxd4 4:Jj6 5. 4:Jxc6 be 6. i.d3 d5

White fails to seize the initia­

tive with ll .b4 h4 12 .hh4 i.d4
13.c3 .be5 14.i.g3 hg3 15.fxg3
CiJxh2 16J�e1 + , Ikegami - Hay­
akawa, Email 2 006, because after
the simple move 16 . . . @f8+, Black
has excellent chances of realizing
his extra pawn.
ll ... h4 12.hg4 hxg3 13.
hxg3 f5 !

19 gaf8 !

This is much simpler than the

following line, which leads to a
completely unclear position: 19 . . .
l:Ml 5 20.Wixh5 !!h8 21.Wid1 �h6 2 2 .
Wffd 4+ @g8 23.f4 Wffh 2+ 24.@f2oo
2 o .gf3 .tf5 21.g4 Wffe5 22.
gb3 .th7+ White's extra pawn is
of no importance, because his
king is vulnerable, his bishop out
of action and his major pieces are
14.exf6! passive.
14.i.h5+? @f8 15.g4 Wie7 16.
gxf5 Wffxe5 17.!!e1 Wffxf5 18.�f3 C2) 7.exd5
!!xh5 0-1 Pasternak - Em.Lasker, White gives up the centre and
Switzerland 1898. cannot fight for an advantage, de­
White loses beautifully after spite the fact that his pawn-struc­
14.Wid3? fxg4 ! 15.Wffg 6+ @f8 16. ture is better. Black can centralize
Wffxc6 .ib6 17.4:Jc3 (after 17.Wffx a8 his pieces and equalize easily.
@g7 18.�c6 !!h6 19.Wic3 Wffh 8 2 0 . 7 cxd5

e 6 + d4-+ White i s mated) 17 . . .

@g7 18.4:Jxd5 (18.Wffx a8 !!h6-+)
18 . . . !!h6 19.e6 he6 2 0 .4:Jxb6
cxb6 2 1.Wib7+ .if7- + Black is
threatening to mate after Wffh 8, so
he should easily convert his extra
bishop into a full point.
14 YlYxf6 15 .th5+ �f8 16.
••• •

�c3 �g7 17.�a4 i.d6 18.ge1

18.c4? ! i.a6 19 .g4 .bc4+
18 .td7 19.ge3

Chapter 1 0

The pawn structure in the dia­ 8 •••.te7

gram position is identical to the
one that we analyzed in variation
A. Here, though, Black should not
develop his bishop to the b4-
square, since it will be better
placed on d6 or e7.
Grandmaster practice has con­
firmed that Black's position is
very solid.
8. 0 - 0
It seems a bit strange for White
to make a second move in a row
with his bishop: 8 .i.b5 + i.d7 9. 9.�c3
i.xd7+ �xd7 10.0-0 i.e7 11.c4 9.i.g5 0-0 10 .E:e1 (The posi­
(After 11.ttld2, there arises a posi­ tion is again completely balanced
tion from variation A, except that after 10.tLld2 .ig4 11.�c1, Fercec
Black has an extra tempo; 11.c3 - Fejzullahu, Fuegen 2 0 06, 11 . . .
0-0 12.ttld2 h6 13.ttlf3 i.d6 14.i.e3 h6 12 .i.h4 tLlh5 1 3 . .b:e7 �xe7=)
c5+ Black's central superiority 10 ... E:e8 11.tLlc3 c6 12.tLla4, Am­
gives him the slightly better pros­ bartsumova - M. Krylov, Moscow
pects, Osadchy - M.lvanov, Mos­ 2010, 12 . . . i.e6 13.c3 �c7=
cow 1997; after 11.b3 0-0 12 .i.b2, In the variation 9.c4 0-0 10.
Plenkovic - Jovanic, Zadar 2010, cxd5 tLlxd5 11.i.e4 i.e6 12.tLlc3
the simplest response for Black tLlxc3 13.bxc3 �xd1 14.E:xd1 E:ad8=
would be to strengthen his posi­ Black's pieces are a bit more ac­
tion in the centre with 12 . . . c5 tive, but the position is still equal,
13.ttld2 E:fe8=) 11 . . . d4 12 .i.g5 0-0 Nimzowitsch - Tarrasch, San Se­
13.�d3 E:ab8 14.b3 ttld5 15.i.xe7 bastian 1911.
ttlxe7= Black has a powerful cen­ 9 0 - 0 10 .tg5
••. •

tral passed pawn and can be opti­ Black equalizes comfortably

mistic about the future, Zelcic - after 10.E:e1 E:b8 11.b3, Hackfeld
Varga, Montecatini Terme 1997. - Zili, Email 2 005, 11.. .i.g4 ! 12.
After 8.tLld2 i.d6 9.0-0 0-0 �d2 c5= , or 10.i.f4 c6 11.E:e1 i.d6
10 .c4 (10.c3 c5+) 10 . . . d4 11.h3 c5 12 .�d2, Serner - Piccoli, Email
12 .tLlf3 E:e8+ Black dominates the 2009, 12 . . . �c7 13 . .b:d6 �xd6 14.
centre and has the better pros­ h3 i.d7= , while after 10.ttle2,
pects, Chernyshov - Stebunov, Napoli - Del Rio Angelis, Cutro
Anapa 2009. 2 0 04, 10 . . . c5 11.b3 �b6+ Black's
The position seems completely chances are even preferable
equal after 8 . .ig5 i.e7 9.ttlc3 0-0 thanks to his dominance in the
10.0-0 c6= , or 8.tLlc3 c6= centre.

l.e4 e5 2. 0../3 0. c6 3.d4 exd4 4. 0.xd4 0.f6 5. 0.xc6 be 6. i.d3 d5

1 0 i.e6 ll.'�f3
... dark-squared bishop has no op­
After 11.0.e2 h6 12 .i.c1 c5 13.c3 ponent and gives him the better
B:b8 14.B:b1 119d7 15.B:e1 i.d6 = prospects, Sevillano - Krasen­
Black has nothing to complain kow, Dhaka 1995.
about, Hermann - Gabriel, Ger­ 12 c6 13.h3 i.d6 14.0.e2

many 1993. c5=

ll h6
. . •

White should manage to hold

12 .if4
. the balance with accurate play,
After 12 . .ixf6? ! i.x£6 13.0.a4 Plukkel - Sulypa, Wijk aan Zee
B:b8 14.B:ab1 �d6 15.b3 c5+ Black's 2010.

Chapter ll l.e4 e5 2 . �f3 �c6 3.d4 exd4 4 . �xd4
�f6 5 .�xc6 bxc6 6. e5

Scotch Game
Mieses Variation

1997) 8 . . . �b4+ 9.ll:Jd2 �xb2 10.

i.c4 ll:Jc3 11.�c1 �xc1+ 12.13xc1,
Petrovic - Stojanovic, Nis 2010
and after 12 ... i.a3 13.13a1 i.b2-+
and Black wins the exchange.
7.f4 d6 8.�f3 (8.�d4 dxeS 9.
fxeS ll:Jg4 10.i.f4 f6 11.�c3 ll:JxeS
12 .i.e2 �b4+ Black forces an end­
game with an extra pawn) 8 . . . i.d7
9 .�e3 dxeS 10.�xeS �xeS+ 11.
fxeS, Knapczyk - Sloan, Email
In this chapter, we begin the 2001 and with ll . . . ll:Jg4+ he em­
analysis of White's most natural phasizes the weakness of his op­
move, known as the Mieses Varia­ ponent's eS-pawn.
tion, after its populariser, al­ 7 .ftld5

though it was played for the first

time by Blackburne in 1881, in his
match against Zukertort.
6 . . . �e7
Naturally, it is useful for Black
to force White's queen to occupy
the e2-square, where it prevents
his light-squared bishop from
coming into play.
It is not good to play 7.i.f4?!
ll:JdS 8.i.g3 (8.�d4 ll:Jxf4 9 .�xf4 f6
10 .e6 �xe6+ ll.i.e2 i.d6 12 .�d2 8.b3
13b8 13 .b3 0-0-+ and Black's ex­ After the rather indifferent
tra centre pawn and lead in devel­ move 8.c3?, it is good for Black to
opment guarantee him a quick continue his development with 8 ...
victory, Zurowski - Head, Email g6 9.f4 i.g7 10 .g3 0-0 ll.i.g2 aS+

3.d4 ed 4Jjj xd4 l:iJf6 5Jijxc6 be 6.e5 �e7 7. �e2 l:iJ dS

After 8.�e4?! g6 ! ? 9.i.d3 .ig7 fS 11.0-0 0-0 12 .c4 1:iJb6 13.b3 d6

10 .f4 0-0 11 . .id2 d6+ White will 14 . .ib2 �g6+ Black has dangerous
be unable to hold on to his centre, threats on the kingside. White is
Zhivetjeva - Zaitseva, Russia noticeably behind in development
2004. after 9. 1:iJd2 .ib7 10 .c4 l:iJb6 11.
It is not good to play 8.a3?! g6 l:iJf3 .ib4+ 12 ..id2 .ixd2+ 13.1:iJxd2
9.c4, Dolukhanova - Ivanenko, 0- 0+) 9 . . . 1:iJb6 10.lt:ld2 d6 11.exd6
Evpatoria 2006, since after 9 . . . cxd6= and Black's excellent de­
l:iJb6 10.1:iJc3 .ig7 11..if4 0-0 velopment fully compensates for
12 .�e3 1'3e8+ White must pay for the slight defects of his pawn
the tempo wasted on a2-a3. structure.
8.�d2? ! White's bishop is mis­ 8.g3 g6 9 .b3 (For 9.c4 .ia6 -
placed on this square. 8 . . . g6 9.c4 see 8.c4; after 9.f4 f6 10.exf6 lt:Jxf6
(9.1:iJc3 .ig7 10.f4, Dvornitzky - 11.lt:Jc3 dS= Black's superiority in
Bauer, Hungary 2007, 10 . . . 0-0 the centre compensates for the
11.0-0-0 d6 12.exd6 �xd6 ! t) 9 ... weakness of his doubled pawns;
l:iJb6 10 . .if4 .ig7 1l.l:iJc3 .ia6 12 .b3 9 ..ig2 .ig7 10.0-0 0-0 11.c4 .ia6,
dS+ White lags in development or 11.1'3e1 1'3e8 12.c4 .ia6 - see
and his bishop on f4 would have Chapter 12, while if 10.f4 f6+,
been better placed on b2, Goering Black can destroy his opponent's
- Germann, Germany 2009. centre, after which his lead in de­
In answer to 8.f4, Mieses - velopment will become a telling
Forgacs, Ostend 1907, it is very factor.) 9 . . . .ig7 10 . .ib2 d6 11 . .ig2
strong for Black to follow Garry (in the variation 11.f4 dxeS 12 .fxeS
Kasparov's recommendation : 8 . . . 0-0 13.lt:Jd2 1'3e8 14. 0-0-0 �gS+
�b4 + ! 9.c3 (9.�d2?! l:iJe3 ! ? 10.c3 White will once again be unable to
l:iJxf1 11.cxb4 l:iJxd2 12 . .ixd2 1'3b8 retain his eS-pawn and might
13.a3 aS 14.bxaS 1'3xb2+ and Black then come under a dangerous at­
maintains a stable edge with his tack.) 11 . . .-ixeS 12 .-ixeS �xeS 13.
bishop pair and better pawn �xeS+ dxeS+ Black's extra centre
structure.) 9 . . . �b6 10 .�f3 aS 11. pawn is much more important
l:iJd2 (11.c4 1:iJb4 12 .�e2 .icS 13.a3 than the slight defects of his
l:iJa6+ Black has advantageously queenside pawn structure.
regrouped his forces for an attack 8.lt:Jd2 g6 9.lt:Jf3 (For 9.c4 - see
on the enemy kingside.) 11 . . . �e3+ 8.c4; in response to 9.b3, Black
12.�xe3 l:iJxe3= and after the ex­ maintains better prospects with
change of queens Black has noth­ the line: 9 . . . �cS 10 .�e4 �c3 11.
ing to fear. He cannot be prevent­ 1'3b1 .ih6 12.i.c4 0-0+; in the vari­
ed from exchanging the central ation 9.1:iJe4 .ig7 it is too optimis­
eS-pawn. tic for White to opt for 10.f4 0-0
8.h4 �e6 9.c4 (9.1'3h3 d6! 10.c4 11 . .id2 l:iJb6 1 2 .0-0-0, because
l:iJb6 11 ..if4 dS+; 9.g3 .icS 10 .i.h3 after 12 . . . dS 13.exd6 cxd6 14.i.c3

Chapter 11

)"1e8 15 . .b:g7 �xg7 16.li:Jg3 h5+ 9 .ti:lb6


Black is considerably ahead in de­

velopment, while if 10.c4 f5= , ir­
respective of White's reply, Black
will have no problems at all.) 9 .. .
1Wb4+ 10.1Wd2 (10 .c3? li:Jxc3+) 10 . . .
)"1b8 ll.c3 (ll.c4 1Wxd2+ 12 . .b:d2
li:Jb4 13.�d1 c5= White must play
accurately to avoid to ending up
in a worse position, Schoellmann
- Mikhalchishin, Bled 1995) 11 . . .
1We4+ 12 .1We2 (12 .i.e2 ? ! i.a6i)
12 ... 1Wxe2+ 13.i.xe2 i.g7 14.0-0
0-0 15.c4 i.a6= Black has ob­ 1 0 . .ia3
tained a good game, Vujic - For 10.li:Jd2 a4 11.i.b2 or 10.g3
Blagojevic, Belgrade 2 0 09. a4 11.i.b2 - see 10.i.b2 .
10.a3 - This i s loses a tempo
and weakens the b3-pawn. Black
can play 10 . . . g6 1l.i.b2 i.g7 12.
li:Jd2 0-0 13.f4 and now after 13 ...
d6 ! + he obtains a huge lead in de­
velopment and destroys the ene­
my centre.
With the move 10.a4, White
prevents the opening of the a-file
at the cost of weakening the b4-
square and his b3-pawn. 10 . . .
1Wb4+ 11.li:Jd2 1Wc3 12.)"1b1 i.b4
8 . . a5! ?
. 13.1We4, Grosar - T.Matkovic,
This interesting move aims at Makarska 1994 (The alternatives
the quickest possible organization are even worse: 13.f4 1Wd4 14.g3
of queenside counterplay. 0-0 15.1Wd3 '&c5 16.i.b2 d5+
9.c4 Weteschnik - S.Vajda, Balaton­
If White ignores his oppo­ bereny 1996, or 13.h4 0-0 14.)"1h3
nent's threats he can end up pay­ '&d4 15.1We3 c5 16.'&xd4 cxd4 17.
ing dearly, for example: 9.i.b2 a4 )"1d3, Garma - Chan, Beijing
10.li:Jd2 axb3 11.axb3 )"1xa1+ 12 . 2008, 17 . . . c5+, or 13.�d1 '&d4 14.
.b:a1 1Wa3 13.1Wd1 i.b4+ White has i.b2 '&f4 15.g3 '&h6 16.i.g2 0-0
great problems owing to his lag in 17.i.d4 d5 ! + Uralde - Daus, Email
development and the weakness of 2002 and in all cases White has
his dark squares, Mieses - Marco, obvious problems with his ex­
Hastings 1895. posed king, which not only re-

3.d4 ed 4 . tiJxd4 f1:Jj6 5.tiJxc6 be 6.e5 �e7 7.'ef e2 f1:J d5 8.b3 a5

quires protection but also pre­ ment, with excellent attacking

vents the harmonious coordina­ chances in view of the vulnerable
tion of his pieces.). Here Black position of the enemy king.
can continue with 13 . . . 0-0 14. After 11.g3 axb3 12.axb3 �b4+
.id3 g6 15.0-0 d5 16.�e2 .ig4+ 13.f1:Jd2 gxa1+ 14.ixa1 �aS it
and he retains the better pros­ would be too risky for White to
pects, thanks to his ideally placed opt for 15 .ib2 .ib4 16.�d1 0-0t,
pieces and superior pawn struc­ since after 17.f1:Je4? ! d5 18.exd6,
ture. Chikhaoui - Marin, Turin 2006,
10.f1:Jc3 a4 1 U�bl (ll . .ib2 'e!e6 Black maintains an overwhelming
- see 10.i.b2) ll . . . axb3 12.axb3 advantage with the natural move
�e6 13 . .id2 (13.�e4 .ib4 14 . .id2 18 . . . cxd6-+, while in the varia­
d5 - see 13 . .id2) 13 . . ..ib4 14.�e3 tion 15 . .id4 .ib4 16.ig2 0-0 17.f4
(14.�e4 d5 15.exd6 cxd6= Crouan d5 18.exd6 cxd6 19 . .b:c6 i.fsgg
- Kosten, Sautron 2 005) 14 . . . d6 Black has excellent compensation
15.exd6 �xe3+ 16.fxe3 cxd6 17. for the pawn, because White's
id3 0-0= Black has nothing to king will not find safety anywhere,
fear in this endgame, Tomazini - Fernandez Jimenez - Rizouk, Se­
Vl. Kovalev, Burdur 2010. ville 2010.
10.ib2 a4 11.�c2 'e!gS 12.g3 i.b4+ 13.
f1:Jd2 0-0 14.f4, T.Kosintseva - S.
Guliev, Moscow 2 004, 14 ... �e7
15.ig2 (15 . .id3?! d5 ! 16 ..bh7+?
�h8 17 . .id3 axb3 18.axb3 gxa1+
19.ixa1 dxc4 2 0.bxc4 �c5-+)
15 . . . d5+ Black has a better posi­
tion, since White's king lacks a
safe and secure refuge.
The endgame is equal after
11.�d2 axb3 12.axb3 gxa1 13 .ixa1
In the variation 11.�f3 �g5 �b4 14.'e!xb4 ixb4+ 15.ic3 c5=
12 .f1:Jd2 .ib4 13 .0-0-0 axb3 14. 11.f1:Jc3 �e6 12.0-0-0 (In re­
axb3 0-0+ White's king runs sponse to 12 .f4 it is good for Black
away from the centre, but it re­ to play 12 . . . .ib4 13.0-0-0 0-0
mains unsafe owing to the open 14.'e!f3 axb3 15.axb3 d5 16.exd6
a-file. cxd6t with excellent attacking
It is no improvement for him prospects; 12 .g3 i.b4 13.0-0-0
to play 11.f4 axb3 12.axb3 �b4+ axb3 14.axb3 , Cetina - Osolin,
13.f1:Jd2 gxa1+ 14.ixa1, because Bled 2001, 14 . . . 0-0 15 . .ig2 ixc3
Black can continue with 14 .. .'\WaS 16 . .b:c3 d5+ and Black exposes
15.i.b2 i.b4 16. �d1 0-0t and he White's king. After 12 .�e3, it is
obtains a clear lead in develop- worth considering 12 . . . ga5 ! ? 13.f4

Chapter 11

i.b4 14.0-0-0 axb3 1S.axb3 dS+) �aS 16.i.b2 0-0 17.�c2 d6+) 1S . . .
12 . . . axb3 13.axb3 i.a3 14.�e4, �a2 ! This important move pre­
Sarenac - Nestorovic, Subotica vents White from developing har­
2007, 14 . . . �e7 1S. @c2 i.xb2 16. moniously. (The game S.Zhigalko
@xb2 �b4 17J''!b 1 0-0 18 ..id3 g6+ - Balogh, Aix-les-Bains 2011,
and Black retains an edge, since continued 1S ... �aS?! 16.@e2 0-0
his opponent's king is exposed. 17.�c2t and White managed to
11.�e3 - This move is played seize the initiative.) 16.@e2 (It is
with the idea of developing the no better to play 16.i.c2 �aS 17.
light-squared bishop centrally i.d4 0-0 18.i.e3 �xeS 19.0-0
and castling kingside. ll . . . axb3 dS+, or 16.i.d4 0-0 17.i.e3 �aS
12.axb3 �b4+ 13.@d1 (It is inferi­ 18.0-0 �xeS+ Van der Weide -
or for White to play 13.�c3 l:'!xa1 Ris, Haarlem 2007 and in both
14.ha1 4Ja4! 1S.�xb4 hb4+ 16. cases White has no compensation
@d1 4JcS 17.@c2 d6 18.i.d3 4Jxd3 for the sacrificed pawn.) 16 . . . 0-0
19.@xd3 i.fS+ 2 0.@e3, because 17.�c2 �xc2 18.hc2 l:'!e8 19.f4
the more or less forced line has dSt White's position looks defen­
ended and after 20 . . . @d7+ Black sible, but Black has the initiative.
has a great advantage, thanks to 1 0 J�'e6 ll .ixt'S
•• .

his powerful bishop pair in an But not ll.i.b2 a4+ reaching a

open position and the unsafe po­ position we analyzed in our notes
sition of White's king; 13.4Jd2 to the move 10.i.b2, but with
l:'!xa1+ 14.i.xa1, Baumegger - Ols­ White having lost a tempo.
en, Bled 2002, 14 . . . �a3+ Black ll J3xf8

has a noticeable lead in develop­

ment.) 13 . . . l:'!xa1 14.ha1 i.cS 1S.
�g3 0-0 16.@c2 �e1 17.f4 �xg3
18.hxg3 dS= White has succeeded
in completing his development
and exchanging the queens, but
Black has nothing to complain
11.4Jd2 axb3 12.axb3 l:'!xa1 +
13.ha1 �a3 14.�d1 (14.i.d4?!
.ib4 1S.�d1, Chandler - Loeffler,
Wuerzburg 1993, 1S . . . cS 16 . .ie3
�b2 17.f4 d6 18.exd6 cxd6+ Black 12.4Jc3!N
has the better prospects, thanks This is the only move to keep
to his lead in development and the position balanced.
the open position of White's king.) In response to 12.a4, it is good
14 ... .tb4 1S.i.d3 (It is much more for Black to play 12 . . . .ib7 13.�e3
passive to continue with 1S . .ie2 0-0-0 14.id3 d6+ with the better

3.d4 ed 4. !jj xd4 &jjf6 5. !jj xc6 be 6.e5 Vff e7 7. Vff e2 !jj d5 8.b3 a5

development and superior pawn

White has also tried 12.Cjj d 2
a4, after which he must already
fight for equality. 13J'l:d1 (He is
unable to keep the balance with
13 .b4 .ib7 14.Vfffe3 0-0-0+, or 13.
l'%c1 .ib7 14.Vfff e 4, Temkov - Mitk­
ov, Skopje 2008, 14 . . . axb3 15.
axb3 0-0-0 16.c5 Cjj d 5+ and in
both cases, White is considerably
behind in development and might 14 '1t>d8 !

lose his e5-pawn.) 13 . . . axb3 14. After this precise move, Black
axb3, Ambarcumova - Zaiatz, can even fight for more than
Sochi 2 004, and here Black can equality.
continue with 14 . . . .ib7 15.Vfffe 3 f6 15.'9'e3
16.Cjj f3 c5+ and he completely The alternatives for White
solves the problem of how to acti­ seem to be worse: after 15.Vfffe 4 f6
vate his pieces. 16.Vfffx h7 Vfffe 7!+ Black restores the
12 a4 13. 0 - 0 - 0
••• material balance, while if 15.�h5
White is unable to prevent the f6 16.Vfffxh7 �e7 17.e6 (17.exf6 �xf6
opening of the a-file, because af­ 18.�c2 l'%a1+ 19.Cjj b 1 d6 20.�b2
ter 13.b4? .ia6+ he loses his c4- Vfffh 6+ 2 l.l'%d2 l'%a8 2 2 .f3 i.f5 23.
pawn. .ie2 Cjj d7+ his compensation for
He obtains no advantage with the sacrificed pawn is more than
the greedy line 13.c5 Cjj d5 14.Cjj xa4 sufficient) 17 . . . d5 18.cxd5 (18.
'it>d8 (Black can also play for a win i.d3? ! he6 19.l'%he1 f5 2 0.l'%e2 Wf6
with 14 . . . .ia6 ! ? 15.Vfffe4 hf1 16. 21.'1t>c2 'it>c8+) 18 . . . l'%a1+ 19.'1t>c2
'it>xf1 f5 17.Vfff d 4 f4gg with excellent l'%xd1 20.'1t>xd1 cxd5+ White has
compensation for the pawn.) 15. succeeded in trading several piec­
Vffe 4 l'%e8 16.0-0-0 &jj f6 17.�f4 es, but his king is still exposed,
Vffx e5 18.Vfffxe5 l'%xe5 19 . .id3 .ia6 while Black dominates the centre.
20 .ha6 l'%xa6= White has failed 15 f6 16 .td3 'ffxe5 17.
••• •

to preserve his extra pawn and the .ixh7 Wxe3+ 18.fxe3 .tb7 19.
position is equal. .te4 (otherwise Black will contin­
13 axb3 14.axb3
••• ue with 19 . . c5) 2 0 .h4 gas=

Chapter 12 l.e4 e5 2 . �f3 � c6 3.d4 exd4 4.�xd4
�f6 5 . �xc6 bxc6 6.e5 �e7 7.�e2
� d5 8.c4

Scotch Game
Mieses Variation

9.a3 - White takes control

over the b4-square but loses an
important tempo and weakens
the b3-square. 9 . . . g6 10.f4 (In an­
swer to 10.�e4, it seems very
good for Black to continue aggres­
sively with 10 .. .f5 11.�d4 ttlb6 12.
ttld2 .ig7 13.ttlf3 d6+ - he leads in
development and wins the enemy
eS-pawn.) 10 . . . ttlb6 ll.ttld2 .ig7
12 .b3 0-0 13 . .ib2 E:ae8 14.�e4
We see in the diagram the ba­ f6+ Black has completed his de­
sic position of the Mieses Varia­ velopment and starts to open the
tion. Black has two possibilities central files, Hughes - R.Stein,
here - 8 . . . .ia6 or 8 . . . ttlb6 and we Email 1999;
choose the former, since it devel­ 9 . .id2 - White's bishop is less
ops a piece and temporarily re­ actively placed here than on b2,
stricts his opponent's pieces. so he will have to lose an impor­
8 . . . .ia6 tant tempo later in order to trans­
The basic drawback of this fer it to the long diagonal. 9 . . . ttlb6
move is that Black's a7-pawn can­ 10.b3 g6 ll ..ic3 .ig7 12.g3 0-0
not come into play any time soon, 13.ig2 E:fe8 14.0-0 .ixeS 15.E:e1
but it is difficult for White to ex­ hc3 16.�xe7 E:xe7 17.ttlxc3 E:ae8+
ploit this effectively. His main at­ Black has ended up with a slight
tempts to create problems for edge thanks to his extra doubled
Black are based on: A) 9.ttld2 pawn, Cabrera - Rego, Cuba
and B) 9.b3. 1999;
White has also tried: 9.h4 - This move has its
9.�e4 ttlf6 10.�e2 (10.�e3? points. White wants to develop
ttlg4 11.�e2 ttlxe5-+) 10 . . . ttld5 - his bishop on gS or his rook to h3,
see 8 . . . .ta6; but his king remains in the centre,

3.d4 ed 4. 0.xd4 0.f6 5. 0.xc6 be 6.e5 W!e7 7. Wfe2 0.d5 8.c4 � a6

which cancels out all the pluses of 1894 and here, after 11 .. .'�'b6 1 2.
this move. 9 ... 0-0-0 10J%h3 0. c 2 0-0 13.W!f3 0.b4 14.l!Je1
(White loses after 10.i.g5? f6 11. i.f2 ! t Black's pieces are tremen­
exf6 and here, instead of the dously active;
equal endgame arising from 11 . . . after 9.g3 g6 10.�g2 (it is pref­
Wffx e2 + 12 .i.xe2 0.xf6= M .Shcher­ erable for White to opt for 10 .b3
bin - Salnikov, Salekhard 2 0 07, �g7 - see 9.b3, or 10.0.d2 �g7 -
Black can strike a powerful tacti­ see 9.0.d2) 10 . . . i.g7 11.0-0 (1l.f4?
cal blow with 11 . . . \Wf7! - + ; after 0-0 12 .b3 f6 13 .�a3 0.b4 14.Wffd 2
10 .b3 f6+ White must play very l:'!:ab8-+ White has failed to en­
accurately to avoid losing quickly, sure the safety of his king, Ma­
since Black's lead in development lienko - A. Rodin, Kiev 2 007) 11 . . .
is becoming threatening.) 10 . . . 0 - 0 12 .l:'!:e1 (after 12 .0.d2 0.b6 13.
0.b6 f4 f6+ White has problems with
the protection of his e5-pawn)
12 . . . l:'!:fe8

11.b3 (White can consider

11.0.d2 ! ? l:'!:e8 12 .l:'!:a3 �b7 13.0.£3,
but after 13 . . .£6 14.l:'!:e3 \Wd8 15. It is bad for White to play 13.
exf6 gxf6 ! + he might start to re­ �d2? l:'!:ab8 14.b3 '<MixeS 15.'<Mfxe5
gret that his king has not been l:'!:xe5 16.0.a3 0.c3 ! + and Black has
evacuated away from the centre not only won a pawn but has sig­
yet.) 11 .. .£6 12 .l:'!:e3 (in the varia­ nificantlylly activated his pieces.
tion 12.a4 l!Jd5+ Black will rede­ It is no improvement for
ploy his knight to the weakened White to opt for 13.0.d2 '<Mfc5 14.
b4-square) 12 . . . 0.d5 13.l:'!:e4 f5 14. '<Mfg4 0.b6+
l:'!:d4 l:'!:e8+ White has great prob­ White's compensation for the
lems with the protection of his pawn is insufficient in the varia­
weak e5-pawn and his queenside tion 13.0.a3 he5 14.W!d2 0.b6+
has not yet been developed, Bak­ In response to 13.'<Mfc2 , Schoch
lan - Nielsen, Internet 2004; - Jenni, Switzerland 1997, Black
9.£4 - This move is too opti­ can win a pawn by playing 13 . . .
mistic. 9 .. .'<Mfb4+ 10.Wd1 .ic5 11. '<Mfc5 14.l!Jd2 l:'!:xe5 15.l:'!:xe5 i.xeS
0.a3, Hardin - Schiffers, corr. 16.i.f1 0.b6+

Chapter 12

A) 9.�d2 This logical move has not been

This is a natural developing tried yet. There might follow: 11.
move. White generally deploys W/c2 (11.\Mff3? ! '1Mfxe5 12.cxd5 hfl
his knight to f3 to fortify his e5- 13. i>xf1 !'!e8+ Black ends up with
pawn. an extra pawn, but he will have
9 . g6
. . problems realizing it) 11 ... \Mfxe5
12.cxd5 hf1 13.i>xf1 !'!e8 14.dxc6
W/xe4 15.W/xe4 !'!xe4 16.cxd7+
lt>xd7 17.i.e3 i.d6= - The activity
of his pieces compensates fully
the slight defect of his queenside
pawn structure.
10.\Mfe4 f5 11.exf6 (in the varia­
tion 11.'!Wd4 l!Jb4 12 .'!Wc3 i.g7 13.
l!Jf3 c5+ all Black's pieces have ex­
cellent prospects) 11 . . . l!Jxf6 12.
\Mfxe7+ i.xe7=

1 0 .�f3
10.b3 i.g7 - see variation B.
It is too risky for White to
choose 10.g3?! i.g7 11.f4 0-0 12.
W/e4, L.Milov - Pinter, Bayern
1999, since after 12 . . . l!Jb6 ! 13.i.e2
(13 .c5 hf1 14.cxb6 i.h3 ! 15.bxc7
d5 16.'1Mfe2 f6-+) 13 .. .f6 14.exf6
\Mfxf6-+ Black's lead in develop­
ment becomes decisive. Tournament practice has
In answer to 10.l!Je4, Gress­ shown that Black has no difficul­
hoff - Dimitriadis, Email 1996, ties in this endgame:
we recommend that Black con­ after 13.i.e2 0-0 14.0-0 !:iae8
tinue with 10 ... 0-0- 0 ! N 15.i.f3 g5 16.h3 h5 17.g3 d5+
White will be faced with an un­
pleasant defence;
it is not no better for White to
opt for 13.b3 0-0 14.i.e2 i.b4 15.
0-0 !:iae8 16.i.f3 d5 17.!:1d1 g5 18.
h3 h5 19.g3 (19.g4 hxg4 2 0.hxg4
i.c5+ Shadrina - Pokorna, Sze­
ged 2 006) 19 ... i.c5 2 0 .i.b2 g4-+
Black has seized control of the f-

3.d4 ed 4. l1Jxd4 l1Jf6 5. l1Jxc6 be 6.e5 Wie7 7. Wie2 l1J d5 B.c4 .ia6

file, Khamrakulov - Perez Cande­

lario, Zafra 2004;
it looks most precise for White
to opt for 13 . .id3, but after 13 . . .
l1Jd5 ! ? 1 4 . .tc2 l1Jf4 15.g3 l1Je6=
Black is able to exploit the weak­
ness of the d4-square.
1 0 . . . %tb4+

14 . . . c5 ! ?
With this move Black ensures
that his a6-bishop will be able
to relocated to the long diagonal
and also prevents his opponent
from gaining space on the queen­
side with the move c4-c5.
15.�c2 0 - 0 16 . .id3
With 16.a4 .ib7 17.a5 l1Jc8 =
This move practically forces White merely helps his opponent
White's king to remain in the cen­ to redeploy his pieces to more ac­
tre, because after ll.l1Jd2 ? ! it is tive positions.
very good for Black to play either After 16J'%d1 E:fe8 17.a4 (in the
ll . . . l1Jb6 or 11.. .i.g7 and he retains variation 17 . .te3 he5 18.hc5
a huge lead in development in ei­ i.f6= White is unable to win the
ther case. d7-pawn, because after 19.hb6?
ll.<.!ldl �b6 12.b3 i.g7 13.'i!:td2 axb6 20.E:xd7 i.c8+ he loses his
It is no better for White to opt a2-pawn) 17 . . . l1Jc8 18.i.e3 d6 19.
for 13.Wc2 0-0 14J�'d2 fixd2+ exd6 cxd6 2 0 . .tf4 .ib7= The activ­
15 . .txd2 d5= ity of Black's powerful bishops
13 ... ti'xd2 + fully compensates for the weak­
After this move Black equalizes. ness of his d6-pawn.
Here Black used to play 13 . . . 16 . . . .ib7 17.gael
Wie7, but i n the game Nepomni­ Black has no problems after
achtchi - Svidler, Moscow 2010, 17.E:he1 d6 18 . .ic3 gae8 19.exd6
White continued with 14 . .tb2 0-0 .txf3 20.gxf3 cxd6= The dark­
15.Wc2 c5 16.h4 t and created real squared bishops are exchanged
problems for his opponent. and Black obtains chances of
14 . .bd2 seizing the initiative by transfer­
Or 14.Wxd2 c5= ring his knight to the centre.

Chapter 12

Now White has two main

moves in his fight for the advan­
tage: B1) 1 0 . .ib2 and B2) 1 0 .f4.
10.%lfe4? - White is trying to
develop his light-squared bishop
to d3 or e2, but Black has a direct
refutation up his sleeve. 10 .. .f5
11.%lfd4 (11.%lfe2 .ig7 12 ..ib2 d6+ -
Black wins the enemy e5-pawn
and retains the better develop­
ment.) 11.. .LLlb4 12 .%lfc3 (12.@d1
17 . . . d5 18.exd6 cxd6 19. .ig7-+ ) 12 ... .ig7 13 . .ib2 d6! 14.
ge7 .ixf3 2 0 .gxf3 d5 21 . .if4 %lfxb4 .ixe5 15 . .ixe5 %lfxe5+ 16 . .ie2
(White has no advantage after %lfxa1-+ Black will have the pleas­
2l ..ie3 .if6 22 J''lb 7 �fb8 23.�xb8+ ant task of realizing his extra ex­
�xb8 24.cxd5 LLlxd5=) 21. .id4 .• change.
22 .ig3 dxc4 23.bxc4 f5 ! =
• In the variation 10.g3 .ig7 11.f4
Black has restricted his oppo­ (it would be better for White to
nent's light-squared bishop and opt for ll . .ib2 - see variation B1)
soon he will either exchange or 11.. .f6 12 ..ib2 (in answer to 12.
evict his opponent's active rook, .ia3 it is very strong for Black to
J .Andersen - Gagliardi, Email play 12 ... LLlb4 13.%lfd2 c5 14 . .ig2
2008. 0-0-0+ - he has completed his
development and exerts pressure
B) 9 .b3 against the enemy centre) 12 ...
White protects his b2-pawn fxe5 13.fxe5 0-0 14.LLld2 �ae8
and in the process ensures that 15.0-0-0 %lfg5+ White's king is
his dark-squared bishop can be exposed and he will be unable to
developed to its most active posi­ hold on to his e5-pawn.
tion. 10.LLld2 .ig7 ll.LLlf3 (ll . .ib2
9 g6• •. LLlb4 - see variation B1) 11 . . . 0-0

12 .%lfb2 LLlb6 13 . .ie2 , Trinh Thi

3.d4 ed 4 . l'iJxd4 ti:Jf6 5. ti:Jxc6 be 6.e5 W! e7 7. W!e2 ti:JdS B.c4 .i a6

Nhu - Nguyen T Tra, Ho Chi 12.a3 (12 .f4 0-0 13.ti:Jc3 d6

Minh City 2001 and here after the 14.0-0-0 dxe5 15.a3 ti:Jd5+ with
simple line: 13 .. .f6 14.W!a3 W!xa3 better development for Black)
15.ha3 !%feB+ Black ends up with 12 . . . ti:Jd5 13.ti:Jd2 (in reply to 13.
an extra pawn. W!e4, E.Semenova - Rysbayeva,
In response to 12 . .ig5, Lovik ­ Voronezh 2010, it is very strong
Sartori, Kerner 2009, it is good for Black to play 13 .. .f5 14.W!e2
for Black to continue with 12 .. .f6 0-0 15.ti:Jd2 d6+ winning the e5-
13.exf6 W!c5 ! 14. 0-0-0 ti:Jxf6t and pawn; after 13 .g3 0-0 14 ..ig2
he has excellent attacking pros­ !%ae8 15.0-0, Kharashkina - Kuz­
pects. mina, Vladimir 2002, it is good
After 12 . .ib2, Fogarasi - Volk­ for him to play in similar fashion
mann, Budapest 1997, 12 .. .f6 13. to the main line of variation Bl:
exf6 W!b4+ 14.W!d2 !%ae8+ 15.'i!id1 15 . . . he5 16.W!xe5 W!xe5 17.he5
W!xd2+ 16.mxd2 ti:Jxf6+ Black's !%xe5 18.cxd5 hf1 19.mxf1 cxd5
lead in development provides him 20.ti:Jc3 c6= Black has occupied
with the better chances, despite the e-file with his rooks and his
the simplification. king will be transferred to the d6-
10 . .ia3 - White loses a tempo, square.) 13 . . . 0-0 14.0-0-0 (14.
hoping to prove that Black's W!e4?! ti:Jb6 15 ..ie2 !%ae8 16.f4 f6+)
knight on b4 is no better placed 14 . . . !%ae8 15.W!f3 (after 15.g3 ti:Jb6
there than on b6. 10 . . . ti:Jb4 ll . .ib2 16.f4 d6 17 ..ig2 d5 18.h4 !%b8t
(ll.hb4? W!xb4+ 12 .Wid2 W!e7 13. Black has a powerful initiative)
W!a5 f6 !+, ll.g3 ? ! ti:Jc2+ 12 .W!xc2 15 . . . ti:Jb6 16.ti:Je4 he5 17.he5 (in
W!xe5+ 13.W!e2 .ig7 14.ti:Jc3 W!xe2+ the variation 17.ti:Jf6+ W!xf6 18.
15. 'i!ixe2 hc3 16.!%c1 .if6+ Ab­ W!xf6 .txf6 19.hf6 c5+ White's ad­
dollahzadeh - Grandelius, Lund vantage of the bishop pair does
2010 and in both cases Black not fully compensate for the loss
has an extra pawn; while in of his important centre pawn.)
the variation 11.f4 d5 12.ti:Jc3 17 ... W!xe5 18.ti:Jf6+ mh8 19.ti:Jxe8
0-0-0 13.W!b2 WieSt his threats W!a1+ 20.'i!ic2 W!a2+ 21.'i!ic3 fue8= .
are extremely dangerous.) 11 . . . I t i s easy t o see that here White
:ll.g 7 cannot avoid the perpetual check,
for example: 22 . .id3 ti:Ja4+ 23.
bxa4 W!xa3+ 24.'i!ic2 W!a2 + 25.'i!ic1
W!a3+ 26.md2 W!b4+ 27.'i!ic2
W!xa4, with a draw.

Bl) 1 0 .ib2

This is an attractive move.

White develops his bishop to its
best possible position.

Chapter 12

1 0 . . i.g7
. 14 ... dxe4 15.axb4 �xb4+ 16.�d2
�xd2+ 17.<±>xd2 !lfd8+ 18.<±>c2
.ic8+ Black's prospects are prefer­
able, because he has an extra
passed pawn, Klausner - Boldysh,
Email 2 005.
12 .lLlf3 c5 13.g3 (In response to
13 .�e4?, it is very good for Black
to play 13 . . . !lb8 !+, while if 13.a3?
lLlc6 14.0-0-0 0-0 15.h4 !lfb8
16. <±>c2 !lb6+ he is ahead of his
opponent in creating threats, Kar­
kuth - Graf, Germany 1991.)
ll.g3 13 ... 0-0 14 ..ig2 d5 15.0-0 l'!ad8
11.lLlc3? ! - After this move,
White loses any chance of exploit­
ing the tactical motifs based on
capturing Black's knight. ll...lLlxc3
12 .hc3 0-0 13.g3 !lfe8 14.f4 d6+
White loses his e5-pawn and will
be unlikely to obtain full compen­
sation for it owing to his lag in de­
velopment, Ikonomopoulou -
Konstantinidis, Iraklion 2 0 07.
ll.lLld2 lLlb4 16.!lfd1 (White cannot trouble
his opponent with the line: 16.a3
lLlc6 17.!lfe1 dxc4 18.bxc4 lLld4 19.
�e4, Altrock - Pellegrinon, Email
2 0 0 2 , since Black can play 19 . . .
lLlxf3+ 2 0 . .hf3 !lb8 21.�c2 hc4
2 2 .�xc4 !lxb2 = , winning a pawn.
His bishop is terribly restricted
however, so the prospects are
equal.) 16 . . . !lfe8 17.a3 (After 17.
lLle1 dxc4, White has no time for
12 .�e4? - This move loses to 18.l'!xd8?, Guinsburg - Offen­
12 . . . d5 13.�b1 .ic8- + born, Email 2000, because after
In the variation 12.lLle4 0 -0 the surprising retort 18 . . . c3 ! 19.
13.f4 d 5 14.a3 (14.lLlf2? dxc4 15. !lxe8+ �xe8 2 0.�e3 cxb2 21.l'!d1
bxc4 !labS 16.g3, Ksir - Makov­ i.xe5+ Black obtains excellent
sky, Czech Republic 1996, 16 . . . winning chances, but even after
!lfd8 17.a3 lLld5 18.!lc1 g5 !-+) the more natural line: 18.bxc4

3.d4 ed 4 . ti'Jxd4 t:j'jf6 5.ti'Jxc6 be 6.e5 'Wfe7 7. fie2 t:j'j d5 B.c4 .i a 6

�xd1 19.�xd1 heS 2 0.heS 'WfxeS Black's extra pawn compensates

21.'W!xeS �xeS+ Schaper - Johans­ the loss of his important dark­
son, England 1998, or 19.'W!xd1 squared bishop.) 1S . . . �fe8 16.
heS 2 0.heS 'W!xeS+ Sukhov - t:j'jf6+ (After 16.h4 dS 17.t:j'jf6+
Daurelle, Email 2002, Black can hf6 18.exf6, he can choose be­
hope to increase his advantage.) tween 18 . . . 'WfcS - see 16.t:j'jf6, and
17 . . . t:j'jc6 18.'W!c2 (18.�e1 'Wff8 19 . complete equality with 18 . . . 'W!e4+
.ih3 dxc4 20.bxc4 t:j'jd4 2 1.fid1 19.fixe4 �xe4=) 16 . . . hf6 17.exf6
.ib7 2 2 .hd4 cxd4+ Black has ob­ 'WicS 18.h4 (It is preferable for
tained a powerful passed pawn in White to opt for 18.fif4 dS 19.'W!h6
the centre, supported by his 'Wff8 20.'W!xf8+ �xf8 = , but Black's
mighty bishops, Sutton - Klaus­ extra pawn and active pieces fully
en, Email 2008.) 18 . . . d4 19.�e1 compensate for White's bishop
fid7 2 0 .b4 t:j'jxeS 21.bS, Svidler - pair.) 18 . . . dS 19.'Wff4 (White
M.Adams, Tilburg 1997 and here should avoid 19.hS gS+) 19 . . . dxc4
Black wins by force with 2 1 . . .d3 ! 20.bxc4 .ic8 ! (This is stronger
2 2 .'W!b3 t:j'jxf3 + 23.hf3 'WffS 24. than 20 . . . �ab8 when in the game
.idS d2 2S.�fl c6 ! 26.hc6 �d3-+ Carlsen - Aronian, Wijk aan Zee
12.0-0-0 2011, there followed 21.�h6 'Wff8
2 2 .'W!xf8+ �xf8 23.hS .ic8 24.
hxg6 fxg6 2S.�xh7 .ifS+ 26.�a1
t:j'jc2+ 2 7.�a2 t:j'jb4+ 28.�a1 with
a draw.) 2 1.'W!h6 'Wff8 2 2 .�xf8+
�xf8 23.hS .ifS+ 24.�a1 cS-+
and White is beyond salvation.
11 . . . 0 - 0

12 . . . t:j'jxa2+ (Here Black could

also consider the less greedy line
12 . . . cS ! ? 13.t:j'je4 .ib7, with the fol­
lowing sample variations : 14.�e3
he4 1S.'Wfxe4 0-0 16.�b1 aS?, or
14.a3 he4 1S.'W!xe4 t:j'jc6 and now
if 16.f4 �b8 17.�c2 0-0t Black's
attack develops effortlessly, but
even after 16.h4 �b8 17.�h3 t:j'jd4?
he has excellent counter-chanc­ 12 . .tg2
es.) 13.�b1 t:j'jb4 14.t:j'je4 0-0 1S. Or 12.f4? f6 13.exf6 'W!b4+ 14.
'Wff3 (In the variation 1S.t:j'jf6+ �d1, Hampl - Goc, Email 2 00S,
hf6 16.exf6 'W!xe2 17.he2 d6= 14 ... �xf6 ! - + with a crush.

Chapter 12

After 12.lt:\d2 d6 13 .�e4 (13. 13 . . . .lxe5 14.ti'xe5

lt:)f3? dxe5 14.lt:)xe5 l:'lfe8-+ ; 14 . For 14 . .b:e5 �xeS 15.�xe5
.b:e5 .b:e5 15.lt:)xe5 l:'lfe8 16.f4 l:'lxe5 - see 14.�xe5 .
f6- + Kradolfer - Wang Yu A, 14 . . . ti'xe5 15 .ixe5 gxe5 16.

Oropesa del Mar 1998) 13 . . . .b:e5 ! cxd5

(after 13 . . . lt:)b4? 14.a3 d5 15.cxd5 Or 16.f4 l:'le3 17.cxd5 .b:fl 18 .
.b:f1 16.�xf1 lt:)xd5 17.�g2;!; White �xfl cxd5 - see 16.cxd5.
has a stable edge thanks to his 16 .bf'1 17.�xfl cxd5

better pawn structure and superi­

ority in the centre, Jones -
Smeets, London 2 009) 14.cxd5
cxd5 15.�e3 .b:b2 ! 16.�xe7 l:'lfe8
17.�e3 d4+ Black regains his
queen, obtaining two pawns for
the exchange, with a powerful
bishop pair and a strong central
passed pawn.
In answer to 12 .i.h3, Ashley ­
Held, Budapest 1997, it is good
for Black to continue in standard
fashion with 12 . . . d6 13 .0-0 .b:e5 18.f4
14.i.g2 (14.he5 dxe5 15.l:'le1 l:'lfe8 18.lt:)d2 l:'lfe8 19 . .if3 (19.lt:)f3?!
16.�d2 lt:)b6=) 14 . . . l:'lab8 15.lt:)c3 l:'le2 2 0 .l:'le1 l:'lxe1+ 2I.lt:)xe1, Lyell
fi.g7= and White's compensation - Truta, Bled 1997, 2 l . . .c6+ - The
for the pawn is sufficient for exchange of rooks in this pawn
equality, but nothing more. structure is in Black's favour.)
12 . . . gae8 13. 0 - 0 19 . . . a5 2 0 .l:'lc1 c6 2 I.lt:)b1 2 l . . .�f8
After 13.f4? ! f6+, Black will not 2 2 . lt:)c3 �e7 23.lt:)a4 �d6 24.tt:lc5
only win the enemy e5-pawn, but l:'lb8 25.i.e2 l:'le7 26.l:'lc2 = . Black
will also bring his rook on f8 into has centralized his king and occu­
action. pied the only open file. White will
find it difficult to improve his po­
sition, because an exchange of
rooks or any opening of files on
the kingside will be in Black's fa­
vour. However, Black cannot do
much without the help of his op­
ponent either, so in the game S.
Movsesian - Bacrot, Chalkidiki
2 0 0 2 , the players agreed to a
It is scarcely any better for

3.d4 ed 4Ji:Jxd4 tlJf6 5. ttJxc6 be 6.e5 W!e7 7. W!e2 ttJ d.S B.c4 � a 6

White to play 1B.0,a3 c6 19.tiJc2 careless 24.�c5 �e1+ 25.'i!;>g2

!UeB 2 0 . tiJe3 (20.i.f3 'i!;>fB 21.tiJb4 �1e4+ gives Black the better pros­
'i!;>e7 2 2 .tiJd3 - see 1B.tiJc3) 20 . . . pects, but even after the more ac­
'i!;>fB 2 1.�d1 'i!;>e7 22.�d4 'i!;>d6 ! = curate 24.b4 �aB 25.tiJc5 �eeB
and now that Black's king has oc­ 26.a4 �abB = Black has nothing to
cupied the d6-square he has no complain about, Ponkratov -
problems whatsoever. Sepman, Samara 20 04.) 23 . . . �e5
1B.tiJc3 c6 24.0,d3 �e6= Rublevsky - Bolo­
gan, Tomsk 2001;
19.�f3 �bB 2 0 .�c1 'i!;>fB =
Black's king i s centralized and he
has no worries, Totsky - Yan­
demirov, Maikop 199B;
19.�d1 �feB 2 0.�f3 ! (White's
idea is to mask the e-file with his
knight on the e2-square and then
to attack the enemy a7-pawn with
his rook.) 2 0 . . . 'i!;>fB 2 1.tiJe2 (It is
White has tried various moves less effective to play 21.tlJa4 'i!;>e7
here, but the essence of the posi­ 2 2 .tiJb2, Berelowitsch - Pliester,
tion is very simple. Black needs to Bussum 200B, 22 . . . �e6 23.�d4
activate his king and this should 'i!;>d6=) 2 1 . . . 'i!;>e7 (Black's position
be enough to equalize. Tourna­ is solid enough and this can be
ment practice has confirmed this best illustrated by the line 2 1 . . .
evaluation: �bB ! ? 2 2 .�d4, Avotins - Maurer,
19.�e1? ! - After the exchange Email 2006, 22 . . . a5 23.�a4 �b5,
of rooks White becomes the de­ with the idea of equalizing com­
fending side. 19 . . . �xe1+ 20.'i!;>xe1 pletely after the thematic varia­
f5+ Smistik - Rychtecky, Brno tion 24.tlJf4 �eB 25.�e2 �c5 26.
2007; tiJd3 �c2 27.�f3 �c3 28.�e2 �c2 =)
19.tlJa4 �feB 2 0.�f3 (Black has 22.�d4 'i!;>d6 23.�a4 �aB 24.�a5
no problems after 20.tiJc5 �5e7 (after 24.h4, Zelcic - Plenkovic,
21.�c1 'i!;>g7 2 2 .b4 �e2 23.tiJxd7 Omis 2 004, it is good for Black to
�xa2= Lupynin - Arppi, Email play 24 . . . a5 ! ? 25.'i!;>e1 'i!;>c7= ; in an­
200B; while in the variation 2 0 . swer to 24.b4, Zelcic - Bozanic,
�c1 � e 2 21.tiJc3, Zezulkin - Du­ Pula 2000, the simplest route to
biel, Ustron 2004, 21.. .�d2+ he equality for Black is to transfer his
can even play for a win.) 20 . . . 'i!;>fB king to the centre in standard
21.tiJc5 'i!;>e7 2 2 . tiJd3 (22.�c1 'i!;>d6 fashion with 24 . . . <;!;>c7=) 24 . . . 'i!;>c7
23.tiJd3 �5e7= Sumets - Moi­ 25.b4 (25.'i!;>e1 'i!;>b6 26.b4 �aeB=
seenko, Kharkov 2000) 22 . . . �e6 Cento - Malyshev, Email 2009)
23.tiJc5 (After 23.�c1 'i!;>d6, the 25 ... a6 26.tiJc1 'i!;>b6 27.tiJb3 �a7

Chapter 12

2B . .ie2 f6 29. lt:\c5 d6 30.lt:\a4+ It is inferior for White to

@b7= The white pieces have de­ choose 20 . .ie4 �d1+ 2 1 . @e2 !!c1
veloped their maximum activity, 2 2 .@d2 �g1 23 . .ic2 �eB 24 . .id1
but White has failed to capture �g2 + 25.@d3 �e1 26.lt:\c3 �xh2+
the a6-pawn and there is no way and he loses his kingside pawns,
of improving his position in sight, Brilla Banfalvi - Clark, Email
Rublevsky - Tseshkovsky, Sochi 200B, or 20 . .ic4 �d1+ 21.@e2 �g1
2005. 2 2 . @f2 �c1 23 . .id3 �eB 24.f5
18 ge3 19.h:d5
•.• !!eel+ and White's queenside is
The tricky move 19 . .if3? ! is completely paralysed, D. Kovacs -
rather dubious, because after 19 . . . Szakall, Hungary 2 004.
�feB 2 0 .lt:\d2 @g7+ Black gains a 2 0 ges 21.@f2 c6 22 .te2
••• •

slight edge, thanks to the possibil­ It is still not too late for White
ity of activating both his rooks. to lose the game: 2 2 .lt:\a3? �d2 +
19.lt:\d2 c6 2 0 .lt:\f3, Turkin - 23 . ..t>g1, Klek - I.Balog, Szeged
U.Eliseev, Moscow 200B (After 200B, because after 23 . . . d5 ! - +
2 0 .�e1? ! �feB 21.lt:\f3 �xe1+ 2 2 . h e i s unable t o coordinate his
lt:\xe1 �e3+, Black's active rook pieces.
and central pawns are stronger 22 gde3 ! 23 .idl gd3 24.
••• •

than White's minor pieces, Lap­ .ie2 gde3 25 .tdl gd3, draw,

enna - Sbarra, Bratto 2 006.), Carlsen - Aronian, Moscow 2010.

2 0 ... �feB 21.lt:\e5 �e7 2 2 .�c1 f6
23.lt:\g4 �3e6 24 . .if3 @g7=
White's rook cannot be activated, B2) 1 0 .f4
owing to the weakness of his back Garry Kasparov introduced
rank. this move into practice some 20
19 gd3
••• years ago in his game against Kar­
pov (Tilburg 1991) and it was con­
sidered to be White's most princi­
pled continuation.
1 0 d6 !?

2 0 .tf3 !

This is the only move to hold

the balance.

3.d4 ed 4. l1Jxd4 l:iJf6 5. l:iJxc6 be 6.e5 �e7 7. �e2 l1J d5 8.c4 .ia6

This has become the most fash­ 11.'ilYb2 l1Jb6 12.l1Jd2 (Black's
ionable move in the last few years defensive task would be more
and White so far White has been complex after 12 .c5 .ixf1 13.cxb6
unable to prove any advantage. .ia6 14.�c3 �d7!+) 12 . . . .ig7 13.
ll.'ilYd2 l1Jf3 0-0 14 ..id2 f6+ - White is
11.�f3? ! - White loses more unable to hold on to his eS-pawn,
tempi and falls considerably be­ Jones - Kovachev, Fagernes
hind in development. 11 . . . l1Jb4 12. 2011.
�c3 (White loses after 12 . .ib2 ? 11.'ilYf2 l1Jf6
0-0- 0 ! 13.e6 Ei:g8 14.�d1 d5-+
Smerdon - S. Hansen, Canberra
2011, or 12.a3? l1Jc2 + 13.�d1 l1Jd4
14.exd6 cxd6 15.�d3 .ig7- +
Brandenburg - S.Ernst, Gronin­
gen 2 0 09, and in both cases White
fails to complete his develop­
ment.) 12 . . . c5+
11 . .ib2 .ig7 12.�f2 (White can
try to win the enemy knight, but
he pays a high price for it, because 12 . .ie2? ! dxeS 13.0-0 lLle4!
after 12 .�f3? dxeS 13.cxd5 exf4+ (This move is stronger than 13 . . .
14.�d2 hb2-+ he ends up a rook �cs 1 4 . .ie3 l1Je4 15.�f3 �xe3+
down, Ronchetti - Gustafsson, 16.�xe3 .icS 17.�xc5 l:iJxcS 18.
Reggio Emilia 2008.) 12 . . . l1Jf6 13. fxe5 0-0= and the weaknesses on
.ie2 dxe5 14.fxe5 (14.he5 ?! l1Je4 eS and c6 cancel each other out,
15.�d4 f6 16.�xe4 0-o:+= Black re­ So - Sargissian, Wijk aan Zee
gains his piece and dominates the 2011.) 14.�f3 fS ! 15.l1Jc3 exf4 16.
dark squares.) 14 . . . l1Jd7 15.0-0 l1Jxe4 fxe4 17.�xf4 .ig7 18.Ei:b1 Ei:f8
o-m= Black can easily exploit the 19.�g3 Ei:xfl+ 2 0.hf1 .ie5 21.�f2
weakness of his opponent's e5- 0-0-0+ Black's powerful passed
pawn, while White has difficulty pawn in the centre makes his po­
in attacking Black's queenside sition preferable.
pawns effectively, Johansson - 12 . .ia3 �e6 13 . .ie2 dxe5 14.
Do Prado, Email 2009. fxeS (It appears more accurate for
11.exd6 - This move has not White to play 14 . .b:f8 �xf8 15.
been played yet, but Black must 0-0 exf4 16.�xf4 �g7= with
be well prepared to face it. After more than enough compensation
11 . . . �xe2 + 12 .he2 .ig7 13.cxd5 for the pawn, Lundberg - Johans­
he2 14.�xe2 cxd5 15.l1Jc3 hc3 son, Email 2008.) 14 . . . ha3 (Here
16.Ei:bl c6+ Black should b able to it looks very good for Black to
capture the d6-pawn in the next play 14 . . . 'ilYxe5 ! ? 15.0-0 0-0-0
few moves. 16.hf8 Ei:hxf8 17.�xf6 �xe2

Chapter 12

18.lt:lc3 \!Ne3+ 19.Wh1 \!Nd4= and 12.Aa3

his extra pawn fully compensates In the variation 12 .c5 hf1 13.
for the temporary passivity of his �xfl dxc5 14.lt:lc3 c4+ White fails
bishop and his disrupted queen­ to obtain compensation for the
side pawn structure, Siefring - pawn, because all Black's pieces
Schneider, Email 2008.) 15.lt:lxa3 can be ideally deployed, Jara­
lt:ld7 16.0-0 (16.lt:lc2 lt:lxe5 17. 0-0 binsky - Kalchev, Email 2009.
0-0 - see 16.0-0) 16 ... 0-0 17. It is not much better for White
lt:lc2 lt:lxe5 18 J:'i:ae1 (It is no better to play 12 . .ib2 .ig7 13 ..ie2 dxe5 14.
for White to opt for 18J:'i:ad1 \!Ne7 0-0 0-0 15.\!Na5 exf4 16 . .b:g7
19.lt:le1, Richter - Zitzmann, Wxg7 17.�f3 .ib7+ - He will prob­
Email 2008, since Black can con­ ably manage to regain one of his
tinue with 19 . . . �c8 = activating his missing pawns, but not both . . . ,
most passive piece. It is more ac­ Szablowski - Kislik, Budapest
curate for White to play 18.lt:lb4 ! 2011.
�b7 19.lt:ld3 lt:lxd3 2 0 .hd3 �adS 12 ... c5 13.�c3
2 1 .�ad1 c5 ! 2 2 .'\Wxc5 \!Nb6 = - 13 . .id3 - This move looks
Black has given back his extra more active, but in fact only White
pawn, but now his bishop is more will have problems now. 13 . . .
active than its white counterpart.) 0 - 0 - 0 1 4 . .ib2 dxe5 15.0-0 1J.g7
18 ... \!Ne7 19.�f3 �b7 2 0 .lt:ld4 \!Nc5 16.�e1 �he8+ - Black's pieces
2 1.b4 lt:lxf3+ 22. lt:lxf3 �xf2 + 23. have been well centralized and his
�xf2 �feB+ Black's bishop looks a prospects are superior.
bit passive, but he has excellent
chances of creating a passed pawn
on the kingside, while he can acti­
vate his bishop via the a6-square
or by advancing with c6-c5, M.
Mueller - Gustafsson, Germany
ll ... �b6

13 . . . Ag7!?
Black shows that he is in a
fighting mood . . .
I t i s sufficient for equality for
Black to play 13 . . . dxe5, for exam­
ple: 14.lt:ld5 lt:lxd5 15.�xd5 �dB
16.�xe5 (in the endgame after

3.d4 ed 4. 1:LJxd4 1:iJf6 5. 1:iJxc6 be 6.e5 Wfe7 7. Wfe2 1:iJ d5 8.c4 .i a 6

16.W/c6+ W/d7 17.W/xd7+ l'!xd7 18. the pawn.

fxeS .ib7= Black has no bad piec­
es, Rovchakov - Primakov, Email
2 008) 16 . . . .tb7 17 . .ib2 f6 18.
W!xe7+ mxe7 19.l'!g1 mt7= White
cannot exploit the weakness of
Black's queenside pawns, since he
is unable to attack them, Rosen -
Nilsson, Email 2008.
14. 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 15.W/f2
After 15.exd6 cxd6 16 . .ib2
l'!ad8 17 . .id3 V9c7, White must
play very accurately, because after
the natural move 18.l'!he1? ! Black 15 .ib7!

can seize the initiative with 18 . . . After 15 . . . l'!fd8?! 16 . .id3 dxeS

d S 19.lt:lxd5 .ixb2+ 20 .W/xb2 1?Jxd5 17 . .ie4 l'!ab8 18.hc5 W/f6 19 .f5 !
21.cxd5 c4 2 2 .bxc4 l'!xdSt, but White has neutralized his oppo­
even after the prophylactic move nent's threats on the a1-g8 diago­
18.mb1 dS ! 19.1?Jxd5 I?Jxds 20. nal, Kotronias - Gustafsson, Aix­
hg7 <JJ xg7 21.cxd5 hd3 + 2 2 . les-Bains 2011.
W/xd3 W/xf4 23.W/c3+ <JJ g 8 24.V9xc5 16 .id3 a5+± - The a-file will

l'!fe8gg White's king is so open that be opened and this will provide
Black has full compensation for Black with excellent counterplay.

Chapter 13 l.e4 e5 2 . ttlf3 ttlc6 3 .J.c4 J.c5 4.b4

Evans Gambit

fending but has excellent chances

of seizing the initiative.

This aggressive move was in­

troduced into practice more than
150 years ago.
4 . . . J.xb4 6.d4
Capturing the pawn is Black's White's alternatives here lead
most principled reply. at best to a transposition of moves
5.c3 back to the main line.
White plans to use the tempo 6.Wb3 We7 7.d4 (White must
gained as a result of the pawn­ play energetically, since it would
sacrifice to occupy the centre. It be inferior to opt for the indiffer­
often happens that the best square ent line 7.0-0 tt:lf6 8.d4 0-o:t= and
for his dark-squared bishop is a3, Black succeeds in evacuating his
so it is bad for him to play 5 . .ib2 ? king away from the centre with­
d6+ or 5.a3? .ia5+ out any positional concessions,
5 . . . J.a5 while after 7.J.a3 d6 8.d4 tt:lf6 9.
Black can choose between sev­ d5, he has the tactical shot 9 . . .
eral possibilities to retreat his tt:ld4 ! 10.tt:lxd4 exd4 11.Wa4+ .id7
bishop. We have decided to rec­ 12.Wxa5 Wxe4+ 13.�d1 0-0--+
ommend this one, because with with a decisive attack.) 7 ... exd4 -
this move Black is not just de- see 6.d4.

l.e4 e5 2. f:Dj3 f:Dc6 3. �c4 �c5 4.b4 i.xb4 5.c3 �a5

6.�a3 d6 7.0-0 (7.d4 exd4 - solid extra pawn.) 9 . . . f:De7 10.

see 6. 0-0) 7 . . . f:Df6 8.d4 .ig4. Now W/a4+ c6 ll.dxc6 0-0+ and White
White's only chance of continuing has failed to obtain compensation
the game is with 9.dS f:De7 10. for the pawn.
W/a4+ c6 ll.dxc6 f:Dxc6+ and 8.dxeS 0-0 9.W/dS (it is worse
Black's extra pawn is not decisive to continue with 9.W/c2 dS 10.
yet. exd6 f:Dxd6+, or 9.i.a3 d6 10 .W/c2
6.0-0 f:Df6 7.d4 f:Dxe4 f:DgS+ and in both cases Black has
an extra pawn and superior devel­
opment. After 9.idS f:DcS Black
neutralizes his opponent's initia­
tive in the variation 10 .i.a3 ib6
ll.f:Dbd2 f:De7 12.ixcS ixcS 13.
f:De4 d6+, while in response to 10.
f:DgS, Chigorin - Schabelsky, carr.
1884, Black can now capture a
second pawn, obtaining a great
advantage, because after 10 . . .
8.dS f:De7 9.f:DxeS 0-0. Black f:DxeS ll.f4 c 6 12 .ib3 f:Dxb3 13 .
has removed his king from the axb3 f6 14.fxeS i.b6+ 1S.�h1 fxgS
centre and retained the extra 16.ia3 l'!xfl+ 17.W/xf1 dS ! 18.exd6
pawn, and after White's nest con­ W/f6+, or in this line 14.ia3 ib6+
tinuation 10 .l'!e1 d6 ll.l'!xe4 �fS 1S.�h1 f:Dg6 16.hf8 W/xf8 17.f:De4
12 .l'!e2 dxeS 13.l'!xeS W/d7+ White dS 18.f:Dg3 aS+, his bishops are
regains his pawn, but at the cost tremendously active.) 9 . . . f:Dxc3
of a noticeable lag in develop­ 10.f:Dxc3 ixc3 11.igS (ll.l'!b1 d6+)
ment. 11.. .W/e8 12 .l'!ad1 (the more ag­
In response to 8.l'!e1, it is very gressive variation 12.l'!ae1 he1
good for Black to play simply 8 . . . 13.l'!xe1 W/e6+ does not help White
dS ! 9.�bS o-m= when White can either) 12 . . . heS 13.l'!fe1 d6-+
regain one of his pawns, but and Black should win easily with
achieves little else. his three extra pawns, Fraser -
8 .W/b3 0-0 9.l'!e1, Maslik - Neumann, Dundee 1867.
Gavrilov, Pardubice 1996, 9 . . . 8.f:DxeS ! ? 0-0 9.f:Dxt7 (in the
f:Df6 ! ? 10.dxeS d S ! 11.�d3 f:De4+ line : 9 . .ia3 d6 10.f:Dxc6 bxc6 11.
White must grant his opponent W/a4 WigS ! 12 .ic1 W/hS 13.W/xc6 i.fS
the advantage of the two bishops 14.f3 f:Df6 1S.g4 W/g6+ Black has
if he wants to regain the sacrificed mobilized all his forces, unlike his
pawn. opponent) 9 . . . l'!xt7 10 . .ixt7+ �xt7
8 .i.a3 d6 9.dS (after 9.dxeS ll.dS (after ll.W/hS+ �f8 12 .W/xh7
0-0+ Black evacuates his king f:Df6 13.Wfd3 dS 14.igS W/d6+ Black
from the centre, ending up with a completes his development with-

Chapter 13

out any problems, while retaining .ie6+ and Black has good chances
a slight material advantage) 11 . . . of gradually realising his extra
ti:J e 7 12 .�a4 .b:c3 13.ti:Jxc3 ti:Jxc3 pawn, W.Hort - Wassermann,
14.�c4 ti:Jcxd5 (14 . . . ti:Jexd5 ! ?) 15. Email 2001.
�g5 'it>g6 ! ? 16.�xd5 ti:Jxd5 17. 7 . .ia3 - This development of
hd8, Mavlyaveev - Mrykhin, Ar­ White's bishop is premature. 7 . . .
mavir 2010 and after 17 . . . b6� d 6 8. 0-0 (8.�b3 �f6 ! 9.0-0
Black has more than sufficient ti:Jge7 10.cxd4 0-0 ll . .ib2 ti:Jg6+
compensation for the exchange, White's centre looks beautiful,
thanks to his powerful passed but it cannot compensate fully for
pawns, which will be advanced the sacrificed pawn, since Black's
soon. position has no weak spots.) 8 . . .
6 . . . exd4 dxc3 9.\Wb3 .ig4 ! Black i s fighting
for the initiative. White is practi­
cally forced to play 10.hf7+ 'it>f8
ll.hg8 l'!xg8 12.�xb7 \WeB 13.e5
l'!b8 14.�a6 l'!b6 15.�c4 �e6 16.
�xe6 he6 17.exd6 .if5 18.dxc7+
'it>f7+ and he is left temporarily
with an extra pawn, but this can
only be a small consolation for
him, because he can hardly de­
velop his queenside without ma­
terial losses.

White's main moves in the di­ A) 7. 0 - 0

agram position are A) 7. 0 - 0 Strangely enough, this natural
and B) 7.'#Nb3. and often-played move is serious
His other possibilities are infe­ inaccuracy, after which White will
rior. be forced to fight for equality.
After 7.e5 d5+, Black seizes the However, this became clear only
initiative, ending up with an extra during the process of the evolu­
pawn, Marache - Morphy, New tion of this variation and mostly
Orleans 1857. owing to the analytical and practi­
It is not good to play 7.ti:Jg5 cal contributions of the English
ti:Jh6+, since that just helps Black's grandmaster Michael Adams.
king get away from the centre, 7 �ge7

Llaneza Vega - Farran Martos, (diagram)

Formigal 2002. Al) 8.cxd4
It seems a bit strange for White A2) 8.�g5
to continue with 7.ti:Jxd4 ti:Jf6 8 .
ti:Jxc6 dxc6 9.�xd8 + 'it>xd8 10.f3 In the variation 8 . .ia3 0-0

l.e4 e5 2. tDj3 tD c6 3 . .ic4 .ic5 4.b4 hb4 5.c3 .ia5 6.d4 ed

1 0 .ta.3

This is a very reasonable move,

since it enables White to keep the
enemy king in the centre.
lO.I:iJgS? ! 0-0 U.l:iJxh7 <j;lxh7
12 .�h5+ <j;lg8 13.hd5 .ig4 ! 14.
�xg4 (White can regain his pawn
in other ways too, for example:
14.hf7+ 1!xf7 15.�xg4 �xd4 16.
�xd4 l:iJxd4+, but he will have
great problems completing his
9.cxd4 (9.1:iJxd4? ! d6+) 9 . . . d6+ development.) 14 . . . �xd5 15.1!d1
White's centre is beautiful but 1!fe8+ - the d-pawn is weak and
Black effortlessly completes his his queenside is undeveloped,
development, retaining the extra Glidzhain - Vaseptsov, Izhevsk
pawn, while White's bishop on a3 2010.
is obviously misplaced. After 10.'\!;!!b 3 White increases
It is no improvement for him his pressure against the enemy
to opt for 8.�b3 0-0 9.cxd4 .ib6 centre, but Black has more than
lO.dS (otherwise Black will play sufficient defensive resources.
d7-d5 himself, seizing the initia­ 10 . . ..ie6
tive) lO . . . I:iJaS 11.�b4 (it is more
or less the same after 11.'\!;!!c3 or
11 .�c2) 1l.. .l:iJxc4 12.�xc4 d6+
Black has an extra pawn and the
bishop pair and White's space ad­
vantage cannot fully compensate
for both these factors.

Al) 8.cxd4 d5 9.exd5 ttlxd5

and now:
ll . .ia3 1!b8 ! (Black protects his
b7-pawn and is not afraid of the
pressure of the enemy bishop
from a3, since he will easily neu­
tralize it later by playing .ib4.)
12 .1!d1 (12 .1:iJbd2 .ib4 13 ..ixb4
l:iJcxb4+ Black is ready to evacuate
his king and he has retained his
extra pawn.) 12 . . ..ib4 13 .!xb4
l:iJcxb4 14.a3 l:iJc6 1S.I:iJc3 l:iJxc3

Chapter 13

16.�xc3 .bc4 17.�xc4 0-0 18.dS coordinated, T.Warakomski -

'Lle7+ White has gained space and Batchuluun, Olomouc 2010.
has good chances of a draw, but 1 0 . . . .ie6
nothing more than that, Nowak ­
Potrata, Email 2006;
it is bad for White to be greedy
with 11.�xb7 'Lldb4. In the varia­
tion 12 .dS �b8 13.�xb8 �xb8
14.dxe6 fxe6 1S.'Llc3 0-0 16.�b1
�e8+ he fails to obtain sufficient
compensation for the queen, Sui­
skis - Svidler, Moscow 2001.
White cannot equalize with the
line: 12 .i.bS 0-0 13.hc6 �b8 14.
�xa7 'Llxc6 1S.�cS .idS
ll ..ib5
11.�b3 �b8 ! - see 10.�b3.
ll.'Llbd2 ? ! .ib4 12 .hb4 'Llcxb4
13.�a4+. Now, after 13 . . . �d7 14.
�xd7+ c,ilxd7 1S.'Lle4gg White's ac­
tive pieces compensate for the
sacrificed pawn, so Black should
instead play 13 . . . ll:\c6.

For example:
16.'Llbd2 �e8 17.'Llb3 .ib4 18.
�c2 hf3 19.gxf3 �dS+ all his
pawns are weak and his king is ex­
posed, E.Sveshnikov - Graf, Ke­
merovo 199S;
16 ..igS f6 17 ..ie3 i.b6 18.�c2,
Shlegin - Lysyj 2 010 and here
Black's most precise move is 18 . . . 14 ..ibS 'Llde7 !? 1SJ'!ab1 0-0
fS ! --+ when his attack becomes de­ 16.hc6 bxc6 17.�b7 aS+ Black's
cisive; extra pawn is almost irrelevant,
after 16 . .ia3 16 . . . �e8 17.'Llbd2 but his bishop is superior to the
.ib6 18.�c3 .bf3 19.�xf3 ll:\xd4+ enemy knight, so his position is
White's queen must retreat to the preferable, A.Muzychuk - Ko­
d1-square, after which Black has steniuk, Heraklio 20 07.
an overwhelming advantage, be­ Nevertheless, White can equal­
cause his pieces are much better ize, but he has to find a series of

l.e4 e5 2. tiJj3 tiJ c6 3. i.c4 i.c5 4.b4 hb4 5.c3 i.a5 6.d4 ed

practically only moves to do so:

14.h6! �c8 15J�fcl ! 0-0 16.hb7!
�xb7 17.�xc6 �xc6 18.fuc6 E:tb8=,
although at the end it is still only
Black who can play for a win.
ll ... .ib4! 12.hc6+ bxc6
13.hb4 tiJxb4 14.�a4

give up the extra piece with 11 . . .

dxc3 12 .d6+ @e8 13.dxe7 �xd1
14.E:xd1 tiJc6 15.i.g5 i.fS+ and he
will inevitably regain the e7-
pawn, ending up with a great ad­
vantage, thanks to his far-ad­
vanced passed c-pawn.
9 . . . c!Oe5
14 . . . �b8 !
Black provokes advantageous
15.a3 tiJd5 16.�xc6+ ti'd7
17.�c5 �d6 18.�xa7 0 - 0 19.
tiJbd2 gas 2 0 .�c5 ti'xc5 21.
dxc5 �a4= This almost forced
variation has led to an endgame
in which Black has returned the
pawn and can try to prove that his
bishop is stronger than the enemy
knight. In addition, White's cS­
pawn can be attacked much more 1 0 .ib3

easily than Black's c7-pawn. After 10.l'i:e1?! tiJxc4 11.�a4+

c6 12 .ti'xc4 0-0 13.d6 tiJfS+ Black
A2) 8.c!Og5 d5 has the two bishops and an extra
(diagram) pawn.
9.exd5 If 10.i.b5+ c6 ll.dxc6 bxc6
9.tiJxf7 - This piece-sacrifice is 12.cxd4 cxbS 13.dxe5 �xd1 14.
interesting but not quite sound. E:xd1 i.f5+ Black's bishops are tre­
9 . . . @xf7 lO.exdS tiJeS ll.i.b3, mendously active in this open po­
Hughey - South, Alberta 2000. sition, E.Sveshnikov - Wu Shao­
Now, it is reasonable for Black to bin, Beijing 2008.

Chapter 13

If 10.'&a4+, Mitlasovszki - pensate for the m1ssmg pawn,

Shiomi, Budapest 1998, Black Tanti - V.Szabo, Email 2008.
equalizes easily with 10 ... .id7 11. After 13.CLJe6 CLJ7g6 14.'&h5
WxaS tLlxc4 12 .Wc5 tLld6 13.Wxd4 he6 15.dxe6 tLlxc4 16.Wb5+ c6
0-0= and White is unable to con­ 17.Wxc4 tLleS 18.We2 0-0+, White's
solidate his position in the centre queenside is undeveloped, so
owing to his lag in development. White's pawn on e6 is much more
After 10.Wxd4 f6 ! White is un­ of a liability than an asset.
able to exploit the weakness of 13.tLlf3 - This is White's most
the e6-square. 11.1"1e1 (If 1l..ib3 accurate move. 13 . . . CLJ7g6 14.'&h5
.ib6 12 .We4 .ifS 13 .Wa4+ Wd7 14. 0-0 15.Wxf5 tLlxc4 16.tLlbd2 tLlceS
Wxd7+ , Segovic - I.Saric, Sibenik 17.c4, Fritsche - Fritz, Email
2008, then after 14 . . . tLlxd7+ Black 2008 and now with 17 . . . :1'1£7?
maintains the better prospects, Black gains more than adequate
because if 15.tLle6 he6 16.dxe6 counter-chances.
tLlcS 17.1"1d1 tLle4+ White's pieces 1 0 ... 0 - 0
are undeveloped and he is unable
to support his far-advanced pawn,
which he is likely lose before long.
Instead, several games have con­
tinued ll ..ibS+ c6 12.dxc6 bxc6 13 .
.ie2 MS+, also with the better chanc­
es for Black, in view of his lead in
development.) ll ... .ib6 12.Wh4 .ifS

White's alternatives are much
ll.Wxd4?! - this move pro­
vides Black with important tempi
for the organization of a decisive
13 . .ia3 tLJ7g6 14.'&g3 Wd7 15. attack. ll . . . CLJ7g6 12 . .ic2 .ib6 13.
CLJe6 he6 16.dxe6 Wc6 17 . .ie2 (17. Wd2 h6 14.tLle4 Wh4-+ White is
.ib3? 0-0-0-+ - White cannot unable bring his queenside pieces
develop his queenside.) 17 . . . Wxe6 into play, Baker - Collins, Sun­
18.tLld2 0-0-0+ Black's forces are ningdale 2009;
ideally developed and centralized, ll.cxd4?! - after this move
so White's advantage of the two White's centre pawns are doomed.
bishops is not sufficient to com- ll ... tLlg4 12.Wf3 (12 . .ia3 tLlxdS 13.

l.e4 e5 2. CiJj3 CiJ c6 3. �c4 �c5 4.b4 hb4 5.c3 �aS 6.d4 ed

hf8 W/xgS and here after 14.�a3 than their white counterparts and
CiJf4-+ White cannot save his king White's dS-pawn will soon be­
without huge material losses, De­ come weaker than Black's c7-
scroix - Ruch, France 1997, while pawn, Chorfi - Zimmer, Email
if 14.hd5 �xdS 15.�a3 �d7+ 2001.
Black's pieces become extremely
active, which more than compen­ B) 7.'M>3
sates for the sacrificed exchange,
Anderssen - S.Mieses, Breslau
1867) 12 . . . CiJf6 13.�a3 h6 14.CiJe4
CiJxe4 15.W/xe4 1"le8 16.�b2 CiJfS 17.
�f4 �b4+ White's central pawns
are weak and this prevents the ac­
tivation of his own bishops, Mo­
rozevich - Mi.Adams, Wijk aan
Zee 2001.
n . . . <i!?xh7 12.�hS+ <i!?g8 13.
�xeS CiJf5

This is White's best move. He

does not allow his opponent to
develop his g8-knight to the e7-
square and this enables him more
easily to organize active play in
the centre.
7 V!le7 8 . 0 - 0

Now Black has problems evac­

uating his king away from the
centre and so the effect of this
move is even greater.
14 .id2
• 8 .tb6

In the variation 14.cxd4 1"le8

15.�f4 W/d6 16.�xd6 cxd6 17 . .id2
.ib6t Black regains the pawn, re­
taining some pressure thanks to
the greater activity of his pieces,
Canizares Cuadra - Grazinys,
Email 2 0 03 .
14. . . ge8 15.iff4 ifd6 16.
i!Yxd6 �xd6 17.cxd4 .ib6 18.
�c3 hd4=i= Black's pieces are
much more aggressively placed

Chapter 13

The move 9.i.g5? is not good
and after 9 . . . f6 ! 10.i.f4 ltJa5 11.
1Wa4 ttJxc4 12 .1Wxc4 1Wf7 13 .1We2
d3 ! 14.1Wxd3 d6+ Black obtains
the advantage of the two bishops
and has prevented his opponent
from breaking through in the cen­
tre, Daulyte - N. Kosintseva,
Dresden 2008. cxd6 15.he6 fxe6 16.cxd4 '!Wd7+
9 .i.b5 - With this move White he succeeds in ensuring the safety
presents his opponent with an of his king, while retaining the ex­
important tempo for develop­ tra pawn.) 11 . . . ttJxd4 12.tLlxd4 (12.
ment. 9 . . . tLlf6 10.i.a3 d6 11.e5, E. 1Wc3?! To Ngoc Minh - Nguyen
Christiansen - Joensen, Torshavn Phu, Hanoi 2002, 12 . . . 1Wf6 and
2 0 03, 11 . . . ltJg4 12 .hc6+ bxc6 despite the fact that White can
13.cxd4 0-0+ Now, even if White prevent his opponent from cas­
manages to regain the pawn, his tling kingside with 13.e5 dxe5 14.
position will still be worse, be­ �ae1, Black can evacuate his king
cause he will have problems com­ away from the centre to the other
bating his opponent's active light­ side of the board by playing 14 . . .
squared bishop. i.e6 ! +) 12 . . . hd4 13.�ae1 0-0
A very interesting position 14.e5 c5 15.ltJf3 heS 16.i.b2 b5 !
arises after 9.i.a3 ! ? d6 10.tLlbd2 ! ? Black gives back his extra pawns,
(for 10.cxd4 ttJxd4 11.tLlxd4 hd4 in order to exchange as many
12 .tLlc3 lLlf6 - see 9.cxd4 ; if 10. pieces as possible. 17.i.d5 (It is
e5? ! tLl a5 11.1Wa4+ i.d7 12 .i.b5 a6 important that after 17.1Wxb5 ltJg4
13.hd7+ 1Wxd7 14.1Wc2 ltJe7 15. 18.h3, Black has the resource 18 . . .
cxd4 0-0+ Black has succeeded in 1Wc7!+ and h e retains a t least one
preserving his extra pawn, while extra pawn, while if 18.1Wb3 i.e6
ensuring the safety of his king) 19.he6 1Wxe6 2 0.1Wxe6 fxe6 21.
10 . . . tLlh6! (Black needs to prepare he5 ltJxe5 2 2 .tLlxe5 dxe5 23.�xe5
castling, but the e7-square is oc­ �ac8 24.�xe6 �fd8= his passed c­
cupied. Putting his knight on f6 is pawn, supported by both his
no good either, because then rooks, guarantees Black at least a
White's pawn-break e4-e5 be­ draw.) 17 . . . .ie6 18.ltJxe5 hdS 19.
comes much more effective.) 1Wxd5 dxe5 20.�xe5 �adS 21.1Wb3
(diagram) 1Wh4 2 2 . �xc5 a6= White's piece
11.cxd4 (Black should not be activity provides full compensa­
afraid here of the thematic move tion for the sacrificed pawn, but
11.e5, because after 11 . . . 0-0 1 2 . nothing more than that.
�ae1 tLl a5 13.1Wb2 i.e6 14.exd6 9 �xd4
. . .

l.e4 e5 2 .tiJj3 lLl c6 3. �c4 �c5 4.b4 hb4 5.c3 i. a5 6.d4 ed

With 9 . . . lLla5 Black can obtain an extremely rash move. With

the advantage of the two bishops, 13 . . . d6 14J�xa1 0-0 15J'�e1 a6 16.
but he falls further behind in de­ lLld4 cS 17.e5 dxeS 18.lLlf3 i.e6-+
velopment. After 10.11tla4 lLlxc4 Black parried all his opponent's
11.11tlxc4 d6 12.a4� White has a threats and retained an extra ex­
powerful initiative, exploiting his change and several pawns as well,
lead in development and space Hector - Kurnosov, Copenhagen
advantage. Black's queen is mis­ 2 011) 13 . . . \t1d8 (13 . . . \t1f8?, Thiele
placed on e7, since he must con­ - Schlemermeyer, Berlin 2 007,
stantly watch out for the possibil­ 14.i.a3 d6 15J�xa1 W!xc7 16.e5�)
ity for White to open files in the 14.lLlxa8 i.d4
centre, Sutovsky - Smagin, Essen
1 0 .�xd4 hd4 11.�c3
ll.i.a3 d6 12 .lLlc3 lLlf6 - see
ll . . �f6

Black's position looks very

dangerous. His king is stranded in
the centre and his extra pawn
might not make up for this. How­
ever, White's knight on a8 is out
of action, and this enables Black
to parry the enemy threats and to
retain the better prospects with
12 . .ia3 precise play, for example:
12-ltl bS ! ? - This is an interest­ 15.i.b2 11tle5 16.i.xd4 W!xd4 -
ing, if somewhat adventurous, see 15.i.e3 ;
move, forcing Black to tread a 15 . .ia3? - White pushes the
very narrow path and find a series enemy queen to a better square,
of only moves. If he manages to with tempo. 15 . . . 11tle5 16.i.d5 lLlxe4
do so, however, White will have to 17.he4 11tlxe4 18.i.b2 hb2 19.
fight for equality. 12 . . . i.xa1! (After 11tlxb2 b6 2 0 .lLlxb6 .ib7 2 1.Wxg7
the less greedy line : 12 . . . i.e5? 13. ge8-+ It looks as if White has
i.a3 d6 14J�acl c6 15.f4 ! a6 16. achieved a lot, but now in the end
lLlc7+ 11tlxc7 17.fxe5 dxeS 18. he still loses his knight;
11tlg3 ! + - Black is beyond salva­ 15.i.e3 ! ? - White wants to ex­
tion.) 13.lLlxc7+ (13.i.a3? - this is change the active enemy bishop,

Chapter 13

but he must pay for this with a re­ E:f8 2 0.i.d5 E:xf1+ 21.'it>xf1 �f6+
duction in his attacking potential. 2 2 .i.f3 b6-+ and suddenly Black's
15 . . . V!!/c5 16.i.xd4 �xd4 17.i.d5 counter attack becomes decisive)
(after 17J�d1 �c5+ White has no 17 . . . i.c5 18 .i.e3 i.xe3 19.fxe3 E:f8
more attacking resources and 2 0.�a5+ b6 21.ttlxb6 axb6 2 2 .
his knight remains in exile, Cotu­ V!!/xb6+ �c7 23 .�d4 E:xfl- + Black
ra Vida - Kristjansson, Email should be able to turn his extra
2010) 17 . . . ttlxd5 18.exd5 d6 19. bishop into a full point.
V!!/g3 (after 19 .�f3 E:e8 20.�xf7 In the variation 16.i.d5 E:e8
i.d7+ White will be unable to save 17.i.g5 (or 17.i.xfl? E:f8 18.i.d5
his knight) 19 . . . �xd5 20.�xg7 ttlxe4-+ and Black's counter
V!!/e5 2 1 .V!!/xf7 i.d7 2 2.h3 E:e8+ The attack along the open f-file is
material is equal, but it will be crushing) 17 . . .i.c5 (It is inferior
much easier for Black to pro­ for him to choose the hasty line
mote his passed pawn than for 17 . . . b6? 18.�a4 i.c5 19.i.c6�
White to advance his kingside since White's knight is safe, un­
pawns. like Black's monarch.) 18.i.xf7
In reply to the most principled E:f8 19.i.d5 �e5 20 .i.h4 g5 2 1.ig3
move for White, 15.i.f4, Black �e7 2 2 .e5 ttlxd5 23.�xd5 i.e6 24.
should not be greedy, because af­ exd6 i.xd5 25.dxe7 + 'it>xe7 26.E:c1
ter 15 . . . ttlxe4, Ibrahim - Mathews, b6+ After this long and almost
Khanty-Mansiysk 2010, 16.i.d5� forced variation, Black ends up
White's activity might be trouble­ with the advantage of the two
some for Black, so it is better for bishops in an endgame with an
him to opt for 15 . . . d6! open centre.
16.E:d1 - This is clearly the
best move for White. 16 . . . i.c5 17.
e5 (After 17.i.e3, Black can boldly
capture his opponent's central
pawn : 17 . . . ttlxe4 18 . .b:c5 ttlxc5 19.
�a3 b6 2 0 .�g3 i.d7 21.�xg7 E:e8+
and White is unable to bring his
knight into play.) 17 . . . ttlg4 18.i.b5
(18.exd6? �f6-+) 18 . . . i.xf2 + 19.
'it>h1 i.c5 20.i.g3 i.e6 21.exd6
After 16.i.xd6? White is una­ i.xb3 2 2 .dxe7+ 'it>xe7 23.E:d7+
ble to exploit the open d-file, be­ 'it>f6 24.axb3 E:xa8 25.E:xb7 E:d8
cause after 16 . . . V!!/x d6 17.E:d1 26.i.e2 ttlf2 + 27 . .b:f2 .b:£2+ The
i.g4 ! - + Black will easily realize position has been simplified and
his extra bishop. is close to a draw. However, it is
If 16.i.xf7? ! ttlxe4 17.�d5 (or White who will have to struggle
17.i.e3 ttlc5 18.�a3 i.xe3 19 .fxe3 for the half-point.

l.e4 e5 2JiJj3 tt'l c6 3. i.c4 i.c5 4.b4 hb4 5.c3 �aS 6.d4 ed

12 .i.g5 ! ? - This aggressive White's best choice here is

sortie has only rarely been played. 15.�c4 ! , but even then, after 15 . . .
It is in fact a perfectly reasonable a4, Black obtains the better pros­
move, because Black will have pects almost by force: 16. Wb4+ d6
great problems against his excel- 17.:B:ad1 tt'lg4 18.g3 Wh5 19 .h4 tt'leS
lently developed opponent. 12 .. . 20.i.e2 tt'lf3+ 21.i.xf3 �xf3 2 2 .
WeS ! ? (12 . . . c6? ! 13.e5 ! --+ ; 12 .. . 'i!>h2 i.cS 23.�b5 \Wg4 24.i.f4 b6+
0-0?! 13.tt'ldsgg) 13.hf7+. White White definitely has some com­
is playing for a win. (Black's de­ pensation, but he has no direct
fence would be much easier after threats, while Black has built up a
13 . .hf6 Wxf6 14.tt'ld5 Wd8 15.:B:ad1 very reliable defensive fortress
cS 16.Wg3 0-0 17.Wd6 b6 18. and he should gradually be able to
tt'le7+ 'i!>h8 19.tt'lf5 i.b7 20.tt'lxd4 consolidate his position.
cxd4 21.:B:xd4 �c6 2 2 .�dsgg White 12 . . . d6
will inevitably regain his last
missing pawn and a drawish end­
game will ensue, Claridge - Pap­
pier, Email 20 05.) 13 . . . \!>fS ! 14.
�d2 ! (this is the only move) 14 ...
aS ! ! This far-from-obvious move
is the only one that enables Black
to preserve the balance.

White can regain one of his
pawns with 13.hf7+ Wxf7 14.
Wa4+ �d7 15.Wxd4 0-0+, but this
will hardly be sufficient, because
Black has already completed his
The idea can be best illustrat­ development and has no weak­
ed by the variation 15.a4 :B:a6 ! 16. nesses whatsoever, Bohm -
�c4 tt'lg4 17.g3 :B:f6-+ and Black's Kraidman, Netanya 1977.
attack is decisive. It is also bad for 13 . . ..b:c3 14.Ybc3 ti'e5
White to choose 15.:B:ad1 (after It is premature for Black to
15.:B:ac1 or 15.:B:ab1, Black's reply play 14 . . . 0-0 15.:B:fe1 tt'lg4 16.f4 ! gg
would be the same), in view of and White obtains excellent com­
15 . . . a4 ! 16.�c4 b6+ and he loses pensation for the pawn, Cosenti­
material. no - Nowak, Email 2010.

Chapter 13

19.g4 Vfh4 2 0 .i.b3 i.e6+ and he

will exchange the light-squared
bishops, returning some of his ex­
tra pawns.
16 We7

This is the ideal square for the
queen; from here it not only helps
the development of White's bish­
op to b2, but is ready to be trans­
ferred to the kingside at any mo­
ment. 17.e5
15.Vfb3 ? ! 0-0 16 . .tb2 Wffe 7 17. 17.f4 ! ? - This is an interesting
!l:fe1 .te6+ and Black succeeds in alternative for White. Black faces
exchanging one of his opponent's great difficulties, which can be il­
powerful bishops, at the cost of lustrated by the following varia­
one of his extra pawns. tions : 17 . . . .te6 18 . .td3 :B:fe8 19.f5
In the endgame, arising after .td7 20.:B:f3--+ and White's rook is
15.Vfxe5 dxeS 16.f4 .te6 17.he6 transferred to the g-file, with de­
fxe6 18.fxe5, Kovalevskaya - Ste­ cisive threats. After 17 . . . lDxe4 18.
fanova, Antalya 2002, White will :B:fe1, Black loses after 18 ... c6?
still need to fight hard for a draw 19.:B:xe4 Wffxe4 20.Wic3 Wffg 6 21 .
if Black plays 18 . . . lDg4 ! + :B:xd6 .te6 2 2 .f5 ! +-, while some of
15 0 - 0
• • • his other options lead to com­
15 . . . lDg4? - This attempt to or­ pletely unclear positions. Howev­
ganize a counter-attack leads to a er, he can solve all his problems
very difficult position for Black with 17 . . . b5 !
after 16.f4 Wff aS 17 . .tb2 0-0 18.
White cannot create any seri­
ous problems for his opponent
with the consolidating move 16.
f3?! Wff aS 17.e5 WffxeS 18 . .tb2 ,
Mozzino - Defore!, Email 2002,
because Black can play 18 . . . Wffh 5

l.e4 eS 2. Ci:Jj3 Ci:J c6 3. � c4 �c5 4.b4 hb4 5.c3 �aS 6.d4 ed

White will end up in a difficult

situation if he tries to keep his
bishop on the a2-g8 diagonal.
18 .�b3 �b7 19.eS dxeS 2 0 .fxeS
It is slightly better for him to
opt for the greedy line 18.i.xbS
Ci:Jxe4 19.fS (19.�c6 �b8 20.�fe1 fS
2 1.�d4 �e6+) 19 . . . �b8 2 0 .�c6
(20 .f6? Ci:Jxf6 2U!xf6? �xbS- + ;
Black's position remains very sol­
id after 2 1.i.xf6 gxf6+, followed by ly, but the second pawn provides
f6-fS) 20 . . . �b7 2 1.i.xg7 mxg7 2 2 . Black with sufficient compensa­
i.xe4 �f6 ! + Black has parried all tion for the fact that White's bish­
the enemy threats and activated op is superior to his knight.
his bishop, while retaining an ex­ After 18.f4 dxeS 19.h3 (Or
tra pawn. 19.fxeS?! �e6+ and White's dark­
18.eS! - An equal endgame squared bishop is no longer so ac­
arises after this move. 18 . . . bxc4 tive; 19.�a3 cS 2 0 .h3 Ci:Jh6 ! 2 1.�dS
19.exf6 �e4 20.fxg7 (20.�d4? �fS �d8! 2 2 .i.xcS �c7 23 .�e3 �xcl
2 1.�f3 �e8+ and Black is ready for 24 . .ixc1 exf4 2S . .b:f4 i.e6 26.
a powerful counter attack on the i.xb7 �xd1 27.�xd1 �e8 28 .a3
light squares.) 20 . . . �e8 21.�fe1 Ci:JfS= White's bishops are very
�c6 2 2 .�xc4 �b7 23.�xc6 i.xc6= strong and provide full compen­
White's most prudent line here sation for his missing pawn, but
would be to exchange all the nothing more than that.) 19 . . .
rooks, but the arising ending with �cS+ 2 0 . mh1 (20 .i.d4 �as 2 1 .
bishops of opposite colours is a fxeS Ci:JxeS 2 2 .heS �xeS. Now it
dead draw. is bad for White to opt for 23.
17 .1t:�g4
•• ht7+? ! mh8+ and Black com­
It is bad for Black to play 17 . . . pletes his development, retaining
dxeS, because after 18.�a3 �e8 at least one extra pawn, while in
19.i.xf8 �xf8 20.�b2--+ White's the variation 23.�xt7 i.e6 ! 24.
piece activity more than compen­ �xc7 �ac8 White must continue
sates for his minimal material with 2S.�dd7! �xc7 26 . .b:e6+
deficit. �xe6 27.�xc7, which leads after
(diagram) 27 . . . �e3+ to a completely drawn
18.exd6 rook and pawn ending.) 20 . . . Ci:Jf2 +
In the variation 18.�b3 �e6 ! 21.mh2, Pellen - Iniguez, Email
19.exd6 cxd6 20.�c3 �f6 2 1.�d2 2 0 09. All White's pieces are very
�g6 2 2 .�c2 �fS= White can re­ active, but Black has sufficient re­
gain one of his pawns immediate- sources to simplify the position:

Chapter 13

2 1 . . . .ie6 ! 2 2 . .ixe6 '\Wxcl 23.E:xcl

l2Jd3 24 . .ib3 l2Jxb2 25.fxe5 (25.
E:xc7 e4 26.E:xb7 l2Jd3 27.E:e7 l2Jc5
28 .1d5 E:ad8=) 25 . . . c6 26.E:f3 b5
27.fuc6 l2Jc4= entering an equal
endgame with four rooks on the
18 cxd6 19 .ia3
••• •

This is White's most aggres­

sive line.
The seemingly attractive line
19.E:fel?! Wfh4 20.'\Wf4 i.e6+ pro­ reached in the game Aberbach -
vides Black with superior pros­ Janosi, Email 2008. White's bish­
pects, because after any retreat of ops are so powerful that they fully
White's bishop, Black continues compensate for the two missing
with 2 1 . . .g5 ! , exchanging the pawns, so we suggest that Black
queens. should seek to simplify the game
Or 19.E:del i.e6 ! 2 0 . .ixe6 fxe6 as much as possible with 2 0 .•.

2 1.'\Wc4 l2Je5 22 . .ixe5 dxe5 23.E:xe5 Y;\'h4! 21.Y;\'f4 Y;\'f6 ! 22.�g3 (In
E:fe8 24.E:fel E:ac8 25.'\Wb3 E:c6 the variation 2 2 .'\Wxf6 l2Jxf6 23.
26.f4 Wfd7= and White will soon E:xd6 i.e6 = Black can exchange
regain his pawn, while Black will the light-squared bishops and a
activate his pieces. pair of rooks, at the cost of the ex­
It is less precise for White to tra pawn. He obtains equal pros­
play 19.'\Wf4 l2Je5 2 0 .E:fel .ie6! 2 1 . pects, however, since his pieces
.ixe5 dxe5 22 .'\WxeS E:ad8 23.E:xd8 are centralized and he can even­
E:xd8 = , because he will need to tually create a passed pawn on the
follow up with several very pre­ queenside.) 22 .tbe5 23 .id5
•. •

cise moves to maintain the bal­ .ig4! 24.f3 .if5 25.hb7 gabS
ance, Corbat - Dayants, Email 26.hd6 gxd6 27.gxd6 �xd6
2002. 28.�xe5 �xe5 29.gxe5 .ie6
19 gds 2 o .gfel
••• 3 0 .ie4 ha2 31.gas .ie6 32.

(diagram) gxa7= This almost forced line

The diagram position was has led to a dead-drawn position.

Chapter 14 l.e4 e5 2 .lt)fJ lt)c6 3 .ic4 i.c5

Giuoco Piano

moves and is fighting for equality.

4 .c!l:\f6

In this chapter we shall deal

with some very rarely played
schemes with which White tries to
obtain an edge - quiet variations 5 . .tb3 ! ?
without the early moves c2-c3 I n general, this prophylactic
and 0-0. move is useful for White.
4.d3 For 5.lLlc3 - see Chapter 15;
4.d4 exd4 - see Chapter 9. for 5. 0-0 - see Chapter 17.
4.i.b3 lLlf6 5.lLlxe5 (5.d3 0-0 5.W/e2 d6 6.h3 (After 6.i.e3
- see 4.d3) 5 . . . W/e7! 6.lLlxc6 W/xe4+ !xe3 7.fxe3 .ie6= Black obtains a
7.Wfe2 W/xe2+ 8.<i>xe2 dxc6= Black slight lead in development, but he
is better developed and he has no can hardly exploit it effectively; it
problems at all, Firman - is inferior for White to opt for 6.
Laznicka, Germany 2008. 0-0 0-0 7.i.g5, Spencer - Blake,
4.W/e2 d6 5.lLlc3? ! (it is prefer­ Liverpool 1923, because Black can
able for White to play 5.c3 lLlf6, or respond with 7 . . . h6 8.i.h4 g5
5.d3 lLlf6 6.c3 a6, or 5.0-0 lLlf6 9.i.g3 g4 10.lLlh4 lLlh5t with ex­
6.c3 0-0 - see Chapter 19) 5 . . . cellent attacking prospects; after
.ig4 6.W/d1 lLlf6+ - White has 6.ig5 h6 7.ih4, Bohatirchuk -
wasted a couple of tempi on queen Ludwig, Kirchheim 1947, it looks

Chapter 14

very good for Black to isolate has no weaknesses in his position

White's dark-squared bishop and in response to 6.lt:lfl, Rabiega
from the action with 7 . . . gS 8 ..ig3 - Jussupow, Germany 2007, he
.ie6+) 6 . . . .ie6 7 . .ib3 , Nestler - can play 6 . . . lt:laS 7 . .ib3 lt:lxb3 8 .
Milner Barry, Helsinki 19S 2 . Now axb3 dS+ obtaining the advantage
it is reasonable for Black to opt for of the two bishops and starting
the prophylactic move 7 . . . h6=, active operations in the centre.)
depriving the enemy knight and 6 ... d6 7.c3 aS ! ? Black prevents his
bishop of the gS-square. opponent from seizing extra
S . .igS - Black has not yet space. 8.a4 h6 9J'�e1 .ie6 10.�b3
played d7-d6 and so this pin is �e8=
not dangerous. S . . . h6 6 . .ih4 .ie7 S ..ie3 .ixe3 6.fxe3 d6
(Much sharper positions arise af­
ter 6 . . . gS ! ? 7 . .ig3 d6 8.c3oo) 7.tt:lc3
(7.c3 0-0, or 7.tt:lbd2 0-0 8.c3 d6
- see Chapter 19; 7.0-0 0-0 - see
Chapter 17) 7 . . . d6 8 . .ixf6 (This
move is almost forced, because if
8.0-0?! tt:Jxe4 9.he7 tt:Jxc3 10 .
.ixd8 tt:Jxd1 11.hc7 tt:lxb2 12 . .ixd6
lt:lxc4 13.dxc4 f6+, or 8.h3?! lt:lxe4
9 .he7 lt:lxc3 10.hd8 lt:lxd1 11.
hc7 lt:lxb2 12 . .ixd6 lt:lxc4 13.dxc4 This position is completely
f6+ Although White regains his safe for Black, as can be confirmed
pawn his queenside pawn struc­ by the following variations:
ture is just terrible, so he must 7.0-0 .ie6 8 . .ixe6 fxe6 9.lt:lc3
fight for a draw.) 8 . . . .ixf6 9.lLldS 0-0 - see 7.lt:lc3 ;
(it is preferable to opt for 9.0-0 7.c3 0-0 8 . .ib3, Lacrosse -
lt:le7=) 9 . . . tt:laS 10.lt:ld2, Pelikan - Hamsany, France 200S (8.0-0? !
Rossetto, Villa Gesell 1971. Now lLlaS 9.lt:lbd2 tt:Jxc4 10.lt:lxc4 c6't -
Black can continue with 10 . . . .igS't Black is preparing d6-dS and his
and White's knight will inevitably bishop is more powerful than ei­
be ejected from its excellent ther of White's knights, Messe­
square and his light-squared maker - Olland, Amsterdam
bishop will be exchanged for 1887), and here Black can play 8 . . .
Black's knight. In addition, Black .ie6 9.he6 fxe6= , retaining a
can activate his rook with fl-fS. slight lead in development;
S.lt:lbd2 0-0 6 . 0-0 (6.h3 d6 7.lt:lc3 ie6 8 ..ib3 (8.lLldS 0-0
7.c3 aS 8.0-0 .ie6= Black has 9.0-0 hdS lO . .ixdS lLlxdS 11.
completed his development and exdS tLJ b8= Black is ready to fight
neutralized his opponent's most for the centre with c7-c6, followed
active piece in the process. Black by �b6 ; after 8.he6 fxe6 9.0-0

l.e4 e5 2. t:tJj3 t:tJ c6 3 . .ic4 .ic5 4.d3 l:tJf6 5 . .ib3 0 - 0

0-0, White cannot create any better development and domi­

problems for his opponent with nates the centre, but White's
10.d4 V!ie7 11.Vfid2 a6 12 .a3= light-squared bishop is very
Anand - Aronian, Moscow 2009 strong. Black's plan includes de­
(blitz), or 10.l:tJd2 t:tJd7 11.'!9e2 V!ie7 ploying his major pieces in the
12 J'!xf8+ :!! xf8 13.:1!f1 :!!xf1+ 14. centre and exerting pressure
V!ixf1 a6 1S.a3 V!if6 16. V!ixf6 t:tJxf6 against the enemy d3-pawn,
17.t:tJf3 h6 18.h3 @f7 19.@f2 @e7 which will become even weaker
20.\!;>e2, draw, Bronstein - Spas­ after every exchange of pieces.
sky, Moscow 1981.) 8 . . . 0-0 9.0-0 6 . . . h6! ?
.ixb3 10.axb3 dS ll.exdS t:tJxdS White's move order i s tricky;
12.t:tJxdS V!ixdS= Black's pieces are its point is that after the appar­
slightly more active, but he will ently attractive 6 . . . dS? ! 7.exdS
find it difficult to exploit this, Mo­ t:tJxdS 8 .h3 t:tJb6 9.:1!e1 aS 10.a4
rovic Fernandez - Leko, Yopal .id6 ll.l:tJc3 ! .ifS 12 .l:tJbS;!; Black
1997. was faced with difficulties in the
5. . . 0 - 0 game Movsesian - Naiditsch,
Odessa 2010.
The other natural move 6 . . . d6
leads after 7.c3 .ib6 8.t:tJbd2 t:tJe7
9.t:tJc4 t:tJg6 10.a4 c6 ll.l:tJxb6 axb6
12 .h3 h6 13 . .ie3t to a position
where White has the advantage of
the two bishops, but it is difficult
for him to prove an edge. Howev­
er, there is no easy equality for
Black in sight either . . . , Andriasian
- Sargissian, Yerevan 2008.

6. 0 - 0
It would again be harmless for
Black for White to play 6 . .igS h6
7 ..ih4 .ie7 ! = or 6 ..ie3 .ixe3 7.fxe3
d6 8.0-0 .ie6.
6.t:tJbd2 aS ! ? 7.c3 d6 8.t:tJfl
(The position is equal after 8.0-0
.ie6 = , or 8.h3 .ie6= since Black
neutralizes the pressure of his op­
ponent's light-squared bishop
and obtains an excellent posi­
tion.) 8 . . . dS 9.exdS t:tJxdS 10.l:tJg3 7.c3
f6 11.0-0 .ie6+! . Black has the 7.t:tJbd2 d6 8.c3 (8.h3 .ie6 9 .

Chapter 14

!!el i.xb3 10.axb3 dS= Black has In the variation 8.�e2 dxe4
no weaknesses and comfortably 9.dxe4 \We7 10.ttlbd2 , Tian Tian -
develops his pieces.) 8 . . . aS 9.1'!el Liang Xiaoning, Xiapu 2 00S, it is
�e6 10.ttlc4 (It is also possible for good for Black to continue with
White to try 10.�a4 \Wb8 ! ? with lO . . . aS= , with the idea of gaining
active play on the queenside; 10. space on the queenside by ad­
i.xe6 fxe6 ll.a4 �e8= and Black vancing aS-a4, or preparing the
can organize active play on the development of his bishop to the
kingside ; 10.ttlfl i.xb3 ll.axb3 a6-square.
dS= , or ll.�xb3 a4 12 .�c2 dS= After 8.ttlbd2 dxe4 9 .ttlxe4 (or
with a slight space advantage for 9.dxe4 aS=) ttlxe4 10.dxe4 �f6=
Black) 10 . . . bS ll.ttle3 a4 12 .�c2, Black's position is a bit more ac­
Hasan - Lodhi, Dhaka 2008 (it is tive.
better for White to play 12 .i.xe6 8 . . . �xd5 9.�bd2
fxe6?) and by playing 12 . . . �b6 In answer to 9.1'!el, Black can
13.d4 exd4 14.cxd4 dS lS.eS ttle4t protect his eS-pawn indirectly
with the idea of f7-f6, or even f7- with the surprising line 9 . . . ttlf6 !
fS, Black firmly seizes the initia­ 10.�c2 (10.ttlxeS? i.xf2 + ! ll.'.!?xf2
tive. ttlxeS--+ with a very powerful at­
It is no better for White to opt tack; White cannot capture the
for 7.�e3 i.xe3 8 .fxe3 d6= fol­ knight on eS owing to the fork,
lowed by �e6 and Black neutral­ while after 12 .d4 ttlfg4-+ his
izes White's light-squared bishop. king is doomed.) 10 . . . 1'!e8 11.ttlbd2
After 7.1'!el d6 8.c3 �e6 9 .d4 a6=
(9.h3 aS ! ? = ) i.xb3 10.axb3 �b6= 9 .ttlxeS ttlxeS (9 ... i.xf2 + ? ! 10.
the pressure against White's cen­ !!xf2 ttlxeS ll.h3;t White has a sta­
tre pawns provides Black with ble advantage thanks to his two
equal chances. powerful bishops, Miranovic -
7 . . . d5 !? Balog, Sombor 2010) 10.d4 ttlb4
ll.dxcS (after ll.dxeS ttld3= he
will be unable to preserve his ex­
tra pawn) ll . . . ttlbd3 12 .f4 (after
12.ttla3 �g4 13.f3 �fSt Black's
pieces are so active that he will re­
gain his pawn no matter what rea­
sonable move White chooses.
Black will play �e7 and after that
he is likely to maintain an edge.)
12 . . . �g4 13.�d2 ttlxcl 14.fxeS
�xd2 1S.ttlxd2 ttld3= Black re­
gains his pawn and the position is
8.exd5 considerably simplified.

l.e4 e5 2.ti:JfJ ttJ c6 3. i.c4 i.c5 4.d3 tlJf6 5. i.b3 0 - 0

square, but White will find it dif­

ficult to exploit this.
1 0 . . . ges ll .ia4

In the variation ll.ttJcxe5 ttJxe5

12.l2Jxe5 l"1xe5 13.d4 hd4 14.cxd4
l"1e4 15 . .ie3 c6= White obtains the
advantage of the two bishops, but
ends up with an isolated pawn on
d4. In return, Black has the won­
derful d5-square for his pieces.

9 . . . tLlf6 ! N
I t would b e worse for Black to
try the natural line : 9 . . . i.f5? ! (9 . . .
i.g4? 10.tlJe4 i.b6, Segura Perez ­
Uvasnani, Internet 2 0 04, 11.
i.xh6 ! and since Black loses after
1l.. .gxh6 12 .hd5 �xd5 13.l2Jf6+­
he will remain a pawn down . ) 10.
ttJe4 i.e7 ll.tLlg3 i.g6 12 J!elt
White will retain an enduring
initiative by exerting pressure
against the enemy e5-pawn and ll e4! 12.dxe4 Bxd1 13.

along the a2-g8 diagonal. gxd1 gxe4 14 . .ixc6 bxc6 15.

1 0 .c!bc4 gd8+ �h7 16.c!be3 .ie7 17.gd1
After 10.�e2 l"1e8 ll.tlJe4 l2Jxe4 c5+! White cannot effectively ex­
12.dxe4 �f6 13.i.e3 i.b6 = the only ploit the weakness of his oppo­
drawback of Black's position is nent's queenside pawns, owing to
the relative weakness of the d5- the great activity of Black's pieces.

Chapter 15 l.e4 e5 2 . �f3 �c6 3 .J.c4 J.c5 4 . � c3 �f6

Giuoco Piano
Italian Four Knights Variation

and now:
6.0-0 0-0 7.d4?! (7.d3 h6 -
The Italian Four Knights vari­ see 5.d3) 7 . . . ll:lxd4 8.i.g5 i.g4+
ation is not considered to be dan­ White's compensation for the sac­
gerous for Black; nevertheless, he rificed pawn is obviously insuffi­
must play accurately. cient;
5.d3 6.d4 ll:lxd4 7.ll:lxd4 (7.b4 i.b6
White can hardly manage to 8.i.g5 c6 9.i.xf6 gxf6 10.ll:lxb6
continue the game without this Wxb6+ Black has ended up with
move. an extra pawn in a solid position)
For 5.a3 a6 6.d3 h6 - see 5.d3 ; 7 . . .i.xd4 8.i.g5? (This is the only
5.h3 d 6 6 . 0 - 0 (6.d3 - see 5.d3) way for White to justify his pawn
6 . . . h6 7.d3 - see 5.d3 ; 5.0-0 0-0 sacrifice on the previous move.)
6.d3 (6.h3 a6 7.d3 h6 - see 5.d3; 8 ... i.xf2 + 9.'i!ifl ll:lxd5 ! 10.Wxd5
6.a3 a6 7.d3 h6 - see 5.d3) 6 ... h6 (10 .i.xd8 ll:le3-+) 10 . . . Wxg5 11.
- see 5.d3. Wxf7+ 'i!id8 12.'i!ixf2 We7+ and
In response to 5.'?;1/e2, it is very Black has a solid extra pawn;
good for Black to play 5 . . . ll:ld4! 6. after 6.c3 ll:lxd5 7.exd5 (7 . .b:d5
ll:lxd4 i.xd4 7.0-0 d6= and he has 0-0 8.0-0 �f6 9.d3 h6 - see 5.
no problems with the develop­ d3) 7 ... ll:le7 8.0-0 0-0 9.d4 (9.d3
ment of his pieces. h6 - see 6.d3) 9 . . . exd4 10.ll:lxd4
5.ll:ld5 d6 ll:lf5 = Black easily completes his

l.e4 e5 2. 0../3 0.c6 3. i.c4 i.c5 4. 0. c3 0.f6 5.d3 h6

development and has the d5- 0-0 - see 6.0-0) 8 . . . i.xe3 9.fxe3
square safely blocked by a white i.e6 = after the exchange of the
pawn. White's space advantage is light-squared bishops, the posi­
almost irrelevant, since only a few tion has become absolutely equal;
minor pieces will remain on the 6.0.e2 - White wants to trans­
board. fer his knight to the f5-square. 6 . . .
5 h6! ?
••. d 6 (If Black wants t o obtain a
Black prevents his knight from double-edged fighting position,
being pinned by i.g5. he can continue here with 6 . . . d5 ! ?
7.exd5 0.xd5 8.0.g3 0 - 0 9.0-0
i.e6 10J:%e1 f6oo - Black has a
slight space advantage, but the
light squares on his kingside are a
bit weak, A.Kogan - Stefanova,
Brena Baja 2 005.) 7.c3 0-0 8.0.g3
(8.h3 i.e6 =) 8 . . . i.e6 9.i.b3 d5 10.
�e2 �e8 = Black has completed
his development and has no prob­
lems at all, Carraminana Lopez -
Kosten, Tarragona 2007;
6.i.e3 he3 7.fxe3 d6 8.d4
Here, we shall analyze in detail (8.0.d5 0.xd5 9.hd5 0-0 - see
A) 6. 0 - 0 and B) 6.0.d5. 6.0.d5; after 8.h3 i.e6 9.i.xe6 fxe6
6.i.b3 0-0 7.0-0 d6 - see 10.0-0 0-0= a completely equal
6.0-0; 6.h3 0-0 7.0-0 (it is infe­ symmetrical position arises; the
rior for White to play 7.g4 0.a5 ! t) same approach can be recom­
7 . . . a6 - see 6.0-0. mended for Black after 8.�d2
White has also tried: i.e6 = , or 8.a4 i.e6=) 8 ... 0-0 9.
6.a3 a6 - White has prevented 0-0 i.g4 10.h3 (after 10.i.d5
the exchange of his light-squared 0.xd5 ll.exd5 exd4 12.exd4 0.e7t
bishop for the enemy knight and Black seizes the initiative, because
it is good for Black look after his White's d5-pawn will need pro­
own dark-squared bishop in the tection. Following an exchange of
same fashion. 7.i.e3 (7. 0-0 0-0 the major pieces, Black's pawn­
- see 6.0-0; 7.h3 0-0 8.0-0 d6 majority on the kingside might
- see 6.0-0; 7.0.e2 d6 8.0-0 0-0 become a telling factor.) 10 . . . i.h5
9 .0.g3 i.e6= ; 7.b4 i.a7 8.0-0 d6 11.�d3 �e8= White has obtained
9 .i.e3 0-0 10.i.xa7 �xa7 ll.h3, a slight space advantage, but the
Galego - Garbisu de Goni, Mond­ tension in the centre is not in his
ariz 2 0 0 2, ll . . . i.e6= Black neu­ favour, because only Black can re­
tralizes his opponent's most ac­ solve it favourably; otherwise
tive piece.) 7 . . . d6 8.h3 (8.0-0 White's doubled pawns might be-

Chapter 15

come very weak, L.Garcia - Alva­ White fails to obtain the advan­
rez Fernandez, Spain 1997. tage of the two bishops, since af­
ter 10 . . . .ie6= , he must either trade
the light-squared bishops, or
A) 6. 0 - 0 0 - 0 withdraw his bishop to bl.) 9 . . .
.ie6 10 . .ixe6 fxe6= Black has ex­
changed his opponent's most
dangerous piece.
7 a6

Both sides have ensured the

safety of their bishops against the
enemy knights.
8 . .ie3 d6

For 7.tLld5 d6 - see 6.tLld5; 7.
h3 a6 (It is useful for Black to pre­
vent the threat of tLla4.) 8.a3 d6
9 . .ie3 .ixe3 10.fxe3 .ie6 - see
White cannot achieve any­
thing with the immediate 7.tLla4
!J.e7 8.tLlc3 .ic5= 9.h3
The variations arising after 7. 9.b4 .ixe3 10.fxe3 .ie6= Black
!J.e3 d6 will be dealt with after the has neutralized White's active
move 7.a3 and the fact that here bishop, Karpatchev - Galdunts,
the moves a2-a3 and a7-a6 have Germany 2007.
not been included is not signifi­ White fails to obtain any ad­
cant. vantage with 9 . .ixc5 dxcS 10 . .id5
After 7.a4 d6 8 .tLld5 tLlxd5 9 . tLle7 11.tLlxe5 tLlexd5 12.exd5 tLlxd5
!J.xd5 tLl e 7 10 . .ic4 a S 11.c3 c 6 1 2 . 13 .Wf3 .ie6 14.tLle4 b6= Black has
E1 e 1 tLl g 6 = Black securely protects no weaknesses in his position and
the e5-square and will prepare the neither side has any active pros­
deployment of his knight on f4, pects.
Zautzig - Brobakken, Email 9 .b:e3 1 0 .fxe3 .ie6 11.

2008. .b:e6 fxe6 12.d4 exd4 13.exd4

7 . .ib3 d6 8.tLla4 .ib4 9.h3, e5 14.dxe5 li)xe5= White has
Vallejo Pons - Ginzburg, St Lor­ failed to obtain anything with this
enzo 1995 (After 9 .a3 .ia5 10 . .ia2 variation and the position is com-

l.e4 e5 2. Ci'Jj3 Ci'J c6 3. 1i.c4 1i.c5 4. Ci'J c3 Ci'Jj6 5.d3 h6

pletely equal, Al.Motylev for 8.exd5 Ci'Je7 9.0-0 0-0 1 0 .d4

Harikrishna, Minneapolis 2 005. exd4 ll . Ci'J xd4 Ci'JfSt, since the
bishop on c4 is restricted by his
B) 6.lt:ld5 d6 d5-pawn, while Black's bishops
are active.
8. . 0 - 0

Black has a very reasonable

alternative here in 8 . . . li:le7 9.
�b3 li:lg6 10.d4 �b6= ; although
White's centre pawns are beauti­
fully placed, he might have prob­
lems maintaining them, while af­
ter 1l.dxe5 li:lxe5 12.li:lxe5 dxe5 13.
�xd8+ in the game Belozerov -
Smikovski, Omsk 2 001, the oppo­
nents agreed to a draw. It is im­
7.c3 portant that in the variation 13 . . .
Or 7.0-0 0-0 8.�e3 (8.c3 i>xd8 14.hf7? ! �f8+ Black re­
li:lxd5 9.hd5 �f6 - see 7.c3) 8 . . . gains the pawn, even ending up
li:lxd5 9 .hd5 �b6 10 .hb6 axb6= with a lead in development.
and in view of the inevitable move
�e6, the prospects are absolutely
balanced, Pepic - Laveryd, Stock­
holm 1994.
The move 7.h3 is generally
useful, since it restricts the mobil­
ity of Black's light-squared bish­
op, but on the other hand it can be
harmful, because White's king­
side is weakened. For example, he
can have problems protecting the
f4-square. 7 . . . li:lxd5 8.hd5 �f6 9.
�e3 li:le7 10 .�b3 li:lg6� Robatsch 9. 0 - 0
- Reshevsky, Maribor 1967. 9.h3 �e6 10.he6 fxe6 = Black
7.�e3 li:lxd5 8.hd5 he3 9. has exchanged his opponent's ac­
fxe3 0-0 10.0-0 li:le7= Black tive bishop and has a slight lead
plans to transfer his knight to g6 in development. Black has also
and improve his position in the opened the f-file, but has ended
centre with c7-c6 and d6-d5, And. up with doubled pawns on the e­
Sokolov - Tkachiev, France 2 0 07. file, A. Kogan - Eljanov, Helsingor
7 .. .lt:lxd5 8 . .ixd5 2008.
It is inferior for White to opt 9.d4 exd4 10.cxd4 (Here it

Chapter 15

would be inferior for White to side, while White has no active

play 10.li:Jxd4 tt:lxd4 ll.cxd4 .tb4+ ideas anywhere.
12 . .id2 .txd2+ 13.Wfxd2 Wlh4 ! t ll . . . .ig4 �
and Black seizes the initiative,
thanks to the weakness of his op­
ponent' s centre pawns.) 10 . . .
i.b6 ! ? 1 1 . 0-0 tt:lb4 12 . .tb3 .tg4 1 3 .
.te3 ttlc6� White has obtained a
beautiful pawn-centre, but Black
is exerting powerful pressure on
9 . . . 1U6 1 0 . .ie3
After 10.b4 .tb6 ll.a4 aS 12 .b5
tt:le7 13 . .ia2 tt:lg6t Black is threat­
ening a rather unpleasant pin and
his knight is headed for the excel­ Black is threatening to play
lent f4-outpost. tt:lg6-h4 and White cannot avoid
1 0 tt:le7 11 ..ib3
. • . being saddled with doubled f­
Or ll.ttld2 tt:lxd5 12 .exd5, Roy pawns. Subsequently, White will
Chowdhury - Grover, Le Touquet have to try to prove that his light­
2009, 12 . . . .tb6+ and Black has squared bishop is superior to
very good prospects on the king- Black's knight.

Chapter 16 l.e4 e5 2 . �f3 �c6 3.i.c4 i.c5 4. 0 - 0

Giuoco Piano

ans Gambit with 6.c3 .ia5 - see

Chapter 13) 6 . . . exd4 7.e5 (The
play is forced after 7.c3 dxc3 8.e5
dS 9 . .ib5 tt:le4 10.V9a4 0 -0 ! 11.
hc6 c2 12 .hd5 �xdS 13.�xb4
cxbl� 14J'%xbl b6-+ and Black
should realize his extra pawn
without any problems, Bulgarini
Torres - Badolati, Email 2 0 05.)
7 ... d5 8.a3 (the absence of the b2-
pawn is important in the varia­
White's main move in the dia­ tions 8.exf6 dxc4 9.fxg7 E:g8 10.
gram position is 5.d3, which we .igS .ie7+, or 8 .-ibS tt:le4 9 .tt:lxd4
shall analyze in the next chapter, .id7+) 8 . . . -icS 9 .exf6 dxc4 10.fxg7
while here we shall take a look at E:g8+ and Black has excellent
some gambit possibilities. chances of winning with his extra
5.d4 central pawn.
This gambit was often tried 5 . . .hd4 6.tt:lxd4 c!Llxd4
during the 19th century, but then
Black found adequate ways of
countering it and it went out of
fashion. In 2 009, however, GM
Sergey Movsesian played it
against GM Michael Adams. His
victory again brought attention
towards this aggressive scheme
and many players decided to fol­
low his example.
White has another gambit pos­
sibility here - 5.b4 hb4 6.d4?!
(It is better to transpose to the Ev- 7.f4

Chapter 16

White exploits the somewhat only captured several pawns but

unstable position of Black's also leads in development, Viel­
knight on d4 and opens the f-file, wock - Stauss, Ueberlingen
hoping that this, together with his 2000.) 9 . . . .b:d1 10 .i.xd8 gxd8 11.
advantage of the two bishops, will c3 (It is less accurate for White to
provide him with attacking pros­ play u.gxd1 tLlxc2 12.tLlc3 tLlxa1
pects. 13.gxa1 exf4+ and Black has too
After 7.c3?! tLle6 8.f4 d6 9.fS many pawns, Perez Garcia - Ar­
tLlcS 10.tLld2 c6+ White will have eas, Lorca 2006.) ll . . . i.e2 12.cxd4
problems protecting his e4-pawn, i.xc4 13.gc1 i.a6 14.gxc7 exd4 1S.
Chelushkina - Abramovic, Obre­ tLla3, Langheld - Profitlich, Email
novac 2 00S. 2 009. Of course, Black could try
After 7.i.e3 tLle6 8.tLlc3 d6 9.f3 to realize his extra pawn, but
0-0+ White's two bishops do not at the very least he can force a
fully compensate for the lost draw by playing 1S . . . gd7 16.gc8 +
pawn, since Black has no weak­ gd8 =
nesses in his camp. 7 . . d6

White can try to transpose After 7 . . . �e7? 8.fxeS �xeS 9.

moves with 7.i.gS d6 8.f4 (8. i.f4 '?;YeS 10 . .b:f7+ 'it>xt7 ll.i.e3±
tLlc3 ? ! c6 9.f4 i.e6 10.i.xe6 tLlxe6 White regains his piece and re­
1 1.fxeS dxeS 12 . .b:f6 gxf6+ - tains his lead in development and
Black's extra pawn looks weak, pressure on the f-file.
but White's e4-pawn also needs
protection.) 8 . . . i.g4

9.i.xf6 (But not 9.�d2? tLlxe4 ! 8.fxe5

Now if 10.i.xf7+ 'it>d7 11.hd8 There is no doubt that White
tLlxd2 12 .tLlxd2 tLlxc2 13.gac1 tLld4 must continue very aggressively
14.i.h4 tLle2+ 1S.'it>h1 tLlxc1 16. in order to create play. Slow con­
gxc1 ghf8+, in addition to a rook, tinuations such as 8.tLlc3 ? ! .ie6+
Black wins a third pawn for two or 8.c3 tLlc6 9.fS h6+ would enable
minor pieces, while if 10 .�e1 Black to consolidate his position
tLlxgS ll.fxgS 0-0-+ he has not simply and effortlessly.

l.e4 e5 2. liJ.f3 liJ c6 3 . .ic4 1J.c5 4. 0 - 0 liJf6 5.d4 hd4

8 . . dxe5 9 . .ig5
. the extra pawn, Steinitz - City
It is less energetic for White to Liverpool, corr. 1893) 11 . . . 1Mfxe6
continue with 9.c3? ! .ig4 10.1Mfa4+ 12.i.xf6 gxf6 13.c3 liJbS 14.WI'e2
(10 .'<MI'e1? liJc2-+) 10 . . . i.d7 11.'<MI'd1 liJd6 15.liJd2 l'=1g8 16.l'=1f3, Da Silva
liJe6+ Black completes his devel­ Filho - Weber, corr. 1998. Here,
opment without any problems after the natural response 16 . . .
and will later begin to attack the 0-0-0+, Black retains a slight
weak enemy e4-pawn. edge. He has an extra pawn and
after the transfer of his knight to
the d6-square he will tie down the
opponent's forces to the protec­
tion of the e4-pawn.
10.l'=1f2 - This move is a bit too
slow. 10 . . . Wfc5 11.i.xf6 gxf6 1 2.
'<MI'd3 (12.liJa3 liJ e6 13.'<MI'e1 liJf4 14.
'it>h1 i.g4+ Windhausen - Zitz­
mann, Email 2006) 12 . . . b5 13 .
.idS c6 14.c3 liJe6 15.i.xe6 i.xe6+
Claridge - Lueddeckens, Email
9 . . . We7 ! 10.liJc3 - White's knight is
This is Black's most ambitious misplaced on this square. 10 . . .
move (9 . . . '<MI'd6 leads only to equal­ i.e6 11.i.xe6 fxe6 12.liJa4 0-0-0+
ity) with which he is trying to gain Black has completed his develop­
an edge. Now his queen protects ment and strengthened his
the t7-pawn and this will allow centre, Lipecki - Kern, Email
him to evacuate his king to the 2010.
queenside, preventing White 10.i.xf6 gxf6 11.'it>h1 (11.c3 liJe6
from regaining his pawn. - see 10.c3 ; in response to 11.
l O .liJd2 liJc3, Black can continue with 1 1 . . .
This is not the most popular i.e6, making use of the Circum­
move for White here, but it is a re­ stance that his f6-pawn is protect­
liable one. He has opened the f­ ed, unlike in the variation in
file and now completes his devel­ which his queen is on f6. After for
opment. example: 12 .liJd5 i.xdS 13 .i.xd5
10.'it>h1 i.e6 11.i.xe6 (11.liJa3?! 0-0-0+ Black has an extra pawn,
0 - 0 - 0 12 .c3 , Heyne - Feher, Iasi despite its being weak.) 11 . . . l'=1g8
2011, 12 . . . liJb5+ Black disrupts his 12.c3 i.g4 13.'?tfa4+ i.d7 14.'?tfd1
opponent's queenside pawn­ liJe6+ - Black leads in develop­
structure; 11 . .id3 0-0-0 12 .'<MI'e1 ment, Petsetidi - Markantonaki,
h6 13 . .ixf6 gxf6+ - Black is ahead Ermioni 2 006.
in development, having preserved 10.c3

Chapter 16

was previously considered the

main line.

10 ... ltle6! (The game men­

tioned at the beginning of the
chapter, Movsesian - Adams,
Wijk aan Zee 2 0 09, continued 11.�e1 i.e6+
here with 10 . . . .ie6 ll.ltla3 ltlc6 ll . .ixf6 gxf6 12.@h1 i.d7+
12.@h1gg and Black had failed to ll.@h1 a6 12.c3 tt:le6 13 . .ixf6
evacuate his king away from the gxf6 14.�e1 .id7 15.�d1 0-0-0+
centre, so White had excellent Bodnaruk - Kosteniuk, Moscow
compensation for the pawn.) 11 . 2010. Black retains the extra
.ixf6 (or ll . .ixe6? .ixe6 12 .@h1 pawn in all cases, completes
�d7 13.�e2 o-o-m= Black is will­ development and obtains excel­
ing to give back his extra pawn. lent play on the open g- and d­
He leads in development and has files.
occupied the only open file, Zelcic 11.�d3 - This is clearly the
- G.Giorgadze, San Sebastian best move for White. ll . . . i.d7 1 2.
1991.) ll . . . gxf6 12.ltla3 (in reply to �g3 (12.�e3 tt:l e 6 13 . .ixf6 gxf6 14.
1 2 .ltld2, Lanzani - Arlandi, Ce­ �ad1 b6 15.tt:lb5 0-0-0+ Black's
senatico 1986, it is good for Black attack on the g-file is very danger­
to play aggressively with 12 . . . h5 ous, Stefanov - Janosi, Email
13.@h1 tt:lf4+) 12 . . . tt:lf4 13.@h1, 2 0 08) 12 . . . �c5 13.@h1 0-0-0 14.
Stanila - Badiu, Sovata 2002, .ixfl �gf8 15.i.xf6 (15 ..id5 c6 16.
13 . . .h5+ - This pawn move en­ .ixf6 �xf6 17.�xf6 gxf6 18 .i.b3
sures that his bishop can go g4 tt:lxb3 19.axb3 �d4 2 0 . tt:lc4 i.e6t
and is also ready to advance, forti­ Black maintains an enduring ini­
fying the position of Black's tiative thanks to his control of the
knight and preying on his oppo­ only open file and the superiority
nent's nerves . . . of his bishop over the enemy
10.tt:la3 �g8 ! - This fantastic knight, Tucci - Lounek, Email
resource (a "mysterious rook­ 2009) 15 . . . gxf6 16.i.h5 @b8 17.
move", to use Nimzowitsch's ter­ �ad1 �b6 18.c3 ltle6+ - Black's
minology . . . ) enables Black to fight knight will go either to c5, exert­
for the advantage in this particu­ ing pressure against the weak en­
lar variation of the gambit, which emy e4-pawn, or to the f4-square,

l.e4 e5 2. t:tJj3 t:tJc6 3. i.c4 i.c5 4. 0 - 0 t:tJj6 5.d4 hd4

supporting the attack along the

g-file, Tamburro - Antonov,
Email 2010.

The diagram position was

reached in the game Just - Paet­
zold, Email 2 0 07. By playing 15 •..

ttJe6 16.'1Wxf6 '!Wxf6 17.gxf6 gds

10 ttJe6 ll . .ix£6 gxf6 12.
.•. 18 .he6 he6 19.gf2 <!>e7=

'!Wf3 ttJf4 Black has successfully solved the

White will regain his pawn, problem of equalizing and can
but he must weaken his kingside. now even fight for the advantage,
13.g3 ggs 14.<!>h1 .tg4 15. since his bishop is slightly more
'!Wf2 active than White's knight.

Chapter 17 l.e4 e5 2 . tt:\f3 tt:\ c6 3 . .ic4 .ic5 4. 0 - 0
tt:\f6 5.d3 0 - 0

Giuoco Piano

since he can counter this with 9 ...

he3 10.fxe3 hc4 ll.lLlxc4 b5 12.
lLlcd2 a5= and he exerts pressure
on the queenside, equalizing com­

A) 6.i.g5
A15 usual, this pin is not dan­
gerous for Black if he can go back
to the e7-square with his bishop.
6 . . . h6 7.i.h4
White has several reasonable It is inferior for White to opt
moves in the diagrammed posi­ for 7.hf6 �xf6+ - after the trans­
tion. Some of them have already fer of the knight to g6, Black will
been analyzed, for example: 6. have excellent attacking pros­
lLlc3 h6, has been dealt with in pects and White will have prob­
Chapter 15, 6.i.b3 h6 ! ?, or 6. lLlbd2 lems neutralizing the activity of
d6 - in Chapter 14. The main line his opponent's dark-squared
with 6.c3 d5 is analyzed in Chap­ bishop.
ter 20 (via the move order 4.c3 7 . . . i.e7
tLlf6 5.d3 0-0 6. 0-0 d5) . All
White's other sensible moves will
be dealt with here: A) 6.i.g5, B)
6.h3 and C) 6.1!el.
For 6.i.e3 he3 7.fxe3 d6 8.
lLlc3 i.e6 - see Chapter 14; for 6.
a4 a6 ! ? 7.c3 d5 8.exd5 l2Jxd5 9.!'1e1
i.g4 - see Chapter 20. Black
should not be afraid of 6.a3 d6 7.
b4 i.b6 8.i.e3 i.e6 9.lLlbd2, M.
Petrov - Arnaudov, Albena 2011,

l.e4 e5 2. li:Jj3 li:J c6 3. ic4 ic5 4. 0 - 0 li:Jf6 5.d3 0 - 0

8.�c3 Black's knight is headed for the

In answer to 8.c3, the simplest f4-square, in addition, the pawn
route to equality for Black is 8 . . . advance f7-f5 figures in his future
tt:lhS 9.he7 W!xe7= and his knight plans. It is also important that
will go to the f4-square, providing White cannot play lO.tt:lxeS? ltlxeS
him with counter-play. ll.he7 V!Jxe7 12.Vfixh5 i.g4-+
8 . .ig3 d6 9.c3 (Even after the since he loses his queen.
more accurate line : 9.h3 tt:laS 10. 8 ... d6 9.h3 �a5
ibS c6 ll.ia4 bS 12 .ib3 ltlxb3
13.axb3, Balsai - Koti, Hungary
2003, 13 . . . V!Jc7f2 Black is ready for
a fight on both sides of the board.)
9 ... tt:la5 10.tt:lbd2 ltlxc4 ll.tt:lxc4
tt:lhSt - Black will exchange his
opponent's remaining bishop and
advance f7-f5, if necessary, creat­
ing attacking chances, Dorado
Martin - Gallach Perez, Email
8.i.b3 d6 9.h3 tt:laS 10.i.a4 cS
ll.ltlc3 i.e6 12.tt:lh2 a6+ Black will 1 0 . .tb5
inevitably gain the advantage of 10 .i.b3, Sermek - Gostisa,
the two bishops, while White will Bled 2002, 10 . . . a6 1l.�e1 bS"fZ
be unable to exploit the weakness when Black has neutralized the
of the dS-square, Torre - Tim­ opponent's light-squared bishop
man, Moscow 1994. and made his position secure.
8.d4 - Black is well prepared 1 0 . . . c6 n . .ta4 b5 12 . .tb3
for the opening of the central files. �xb3 13.axb3, Goergens - Kle­
8 . . . exd4 9 J'!e1, Roganovic - Acs, schtschow, Germany 2 0 0 2 .
Hungary 2010. After 9 ... d5 10.
i.xf6 .ixf6 ll.exdS tt:le7+ he opens
the position completely and his
two strong bishops give him the
better prospects.
8.ltlbd2 d6 9.a4 (Or 9.c3 tt:lhS"fZ
and after 9 .h3 �aS 10 .c3, Izbinski
- Grabarczyk, Krynica 1997,
Black obtains a very good game
by exchanging the enemy bishop:
10 ... tt:lxc4 11.ltlxc4 i.e6 12.tt:le3 c6f2)
9 . . . tt:lh5f2 - The dark-squared
bishops are exchanged and Black has several good moves

Chapter 17

here, but we recommend 13 ••. 7.a4 h6 8.c3 a6 9.b4 i.a7 10.

ftc7� Black gives eS-pawn fur­ @h1 (lO.bS? White is trying to in­
ther support and is able to com­ crease his space advantage on the
fortably develop his pieces close queenside, but he loses a pawn:
to the centre. After completing his lO . . . axbS 11.axbS hf2 + 12.1!xf2
development, he can start active 1!xa1 13.i.b2 E:xbl+) 10 . . . ll:\e7 11.
play on both sides of the board, as ll:\bd2 ll:\g6 12 .i.b3 i.e6� - White
well as in the centre. has maintained his space advan­
tage on the queenside, but has not
achieved anything real, while
B) 6.h3 d6 Black is well prepared for an of­
fensive on the kingside, Zubarev
- Stefansson, Las Vegas 1999.
7 .te6

This is Black's simplest route

to equality, although he has a
good alternative here in 7 . . . ll:\aS ! ?

7.i.gS h6 8.i.h4 (8 . .txf6 Wxf6+)
8 . . . gS 9 . .ig3 (White's position be­
comes very difficult after the dan­
gerous move 9.ll:\xgS? hxgS 10.
i.xgS, Fedorov - Khruschiov, St.
Petersburg 2001. Black must re­ 8 . .b:e6
act accurately, though . . . After For 8 .ll:\bd2 aS - see Chapter
10 . . . @h7! White loses after 1l.ll:\c3 19.
1!g8 12 .h4 i.g4 13 .ftc1 ftd7 14.i.xf6 After S .igS? ! i.xc4 9.dxc4 h6+
i.f3- + and Black forces mate, but White will have to play ixf6, after
even with the more precise line which Black's dark-squared bish­
11.h4 1!g8 12 .i.xt7 1!g7 13.i.c4 op will remain without an oppo­
Wf8+ White is helpless against his nent, enabling him to dominate
opponent's coming attack.) 9 . . . the dark squares. White loses af­
ll:\hS 10.i.h2 ll:\f4� Black's king is ter 10.ih4? gS ll.ll:\xgS hxgS 12 .
exposed, but White is unable to .ixgS aS ! 13. @h2 fte7 14.f4 exf4
exploit this because Black's pieces 1S.E:xf4 WeS-+ His attack has
are very active. reached a dead end, he is a piece

l.e4 eS 2. EDj3 EDc6 3. i.c4 i.cS 4. 0 - 0 EDJ6 5.d3 0 - 0

down and his queenside i s unde­

After 8 . .ib3 a5 9 . .ic2 , Black
obtains an excellent position with
the move 9 . . . d5=
8 . . .fxe6

fxe6 =, 7.EDc3 .ie6 8.i.xe6 fxe6= ,

o r 7.i.e3 i.xe3 8.fxe3 11:Je7= and in
all cases the alteration to the pawn
structure is in Black's favour.
7.i.g5 h6 8 ..ih4 (8.i.xf6?!
exf6+) 8 . . .g5 9.i.g3 (If 9.EDxg5?
hxg5 10 . .txgs mh7! 11.ef3 mg6 1 2.
9.eb3 .ih4 �g8+ Black easily parries his
Black should not be afraid of opponent's hasty attack.) 9 ... EDa5?
9.b4 .ib6 10.EDbd2 a6 ll.EDc4 Black weakens his castled posi­
.ia7= White has no active possi­ tion but gains the advantage of
bilities with which to create prob­ the two bishops, which provides
lems for his opponent. him with sufficient counterplay.
White should avoid 9.d4 i.b6 7 a6! ?
• • •

10.dxe5 EDxe5 11.EDxe5 dxe5 12.'1Wxd8 Black has a n apparently good

�axd8 13.EDd2 �d3+, when he has alternative in 7 . . . .ie6 ! ? 8.he6
isolated Black's doubled pawns fxe6 9.b4 .ib6 10.11:Jbd2 (10.EDg5?
on the e-file, but has failed to De Beer - Roelfse, Tromsoe 2 009,
complete his development, so his 10 ... hf2 + n.mxf2 EDxe4-+) 10 . . .
e4- and f2- pawns are vulnerable. a 6 ll.EDc4 .ia7=
9 ti'c8 l O .EDg5 ges ll . .ie3

.ixe3 12.fxe3 h6 13.EDf3 b6=

Both sides have problems finding
any active ideas in this position,
Hemmer - Gach, corr. 1994.

C) 6.gel d6
White does not achieve much
in the variations 7.h3 .ie6 8.i.xe6

Chapter 17

8 . .ib3 .ig4 12 .'Wd2 'it>h7 13 .d4 .ia7 14.\t>h1

This accurate move is the most (White loses after the apparently
popular for White at this point. attractive line 14.f4 exd4 15.'it>h1
8.b4 - This pawn-advance is lt>g7 16.'Wf2 l'l:h8 17.'Wg3 'Wd7- + ,
pointless, since Black was pre­ o r 16.e5 lt:lhS 17 . .ixd8 lt:lg3 ! - +)
pared to retreat his bishop to a7 in 14 . . . l'l:g8 15.f4 l'l:xgS 16.fxg5 lt:lhS
any case. Now, unlike in the vari­ 17.l'l:fl lt>g7 18.l'l:xf7+ lt>g6 19.'Wd3
ation with 7 . . . .ie6, the bishop can 'WxgSt The position is completely
go to a7 in one move: 8 . . . .ia7 9 . unbalanced and neither king is
.igS h6 10 . .ih4 gS 11 . .ig3 (After safe. In fact, Black's monarch is
11.lt:lxg5? hxgS 12 . .ixg5 .ig4 13. completely exposed. On the other
'Wd2 'it>h7+ - Black leads in devel­ hand, he can activate his queen­
opment and is ready to use his ex­ side pieces much more easily and
tra piece in the attack) 11 . . . lt>g7� this factor enables him to face the
8.lt:lbd2 - This is a harmless future with optimism.
move, which fails to create any 8 . .ie6
. .

problems for Black: 8 . . . .ie6 9.a4

.ia7 10 . .ib3 h6 11.lt:lc4 bS 12.lt:le3,
Fries Nielsen - Brinck Claussen,
Tarnby 1983 and with 12 . . . 'Wd7=,
Black connects his rooks and is
ready to deploy them in the cen­
8 . .ig5 h6 9 . .ih4 gS 10.lt:lxg5 ! ?
(In the only game with this line,
White played 10 . .ig3, Rodriguez
Vila - Sarin, Buenos Aires 2010,
but after 10 ... .ia7 11.lt:lbd2 g4
1 2 .lt:lh4 lt:lh5� Black had an excel­ 9.�bd2
lent position.) 10 . . . hxg5 11 . .ixgsgg 9 . .ic2 - White retreats his
bishop from its active position
and this provides Black with the
opportunity to fight for the centre
with 9 . . . d5 10.'We2 l'l:e8 11.h3 h6�
Ganguly - Fressinet, Dresden
9.h3 .ixb3 10.axb3 (in re­
sponse to 10.'Wxb3, Kaidanov -
A.Ivanov, USA 1994, it looks at­
tractive for Black to centralize his
White has some compensation pieces in standard fashion with
for the piece, but not enough. 11 . . . 10 . . . 'Wd7 11.lt:lbd2 l'l:fe8 12.lt:lfl

l.e4 e5 2. 0f3 ti:J c6 3. �c4 �c5 4. 0 - 0 ti:Jf6 5.d3 0 - 0

h6=) 1 0 . . .d 5 11.�e2 h 6 12.ti:lbd2 d3-d4, and then put his knight on

!'1e8 = Black's forces are ideally g6.
placed and he has no problems 1 0 . . . .ia7 ll . .lg5 h6 12 . .lh4
whatsoever, Boskovic - Sargis­ ges ! 13.tt:!bd2 ge6 =
sian, Rijeka 2010.
After 9 .�g5 h6 10 .�h4, Van
der Wiel - Huebner, Wijk aan Zee
1986, Black can evade the rather
unpleasant pin by playing 10 . . .
�a7 ll.ti:lbd2 �e7! 12 .h3 hb3 13.
�xb3 !'1ab8 14.a4 �e6=
9 . . . h:b3 1 0 .ti:!xb3
After 10.axb3 aS= , Black se­
cures the wonderful cS-square for
his bishop and from there it is ac­
tive on both sides of the board.
White does not achieve much This rook manoeuvre has ena­
with 10.�xb3, Kudrin - Brooks, bled Black to neutralize the pin.
Chicago 1988. Black should coun­ He equalizes completely with the
ter this with 10 . . . �d7 ll.ti:lf1 h6 subsequent transfer of his knight
12 ..ie3 .b:e3 13.ti:lxe3 b6= and to the g6-square. Huebner -
continue with !'1fe8, preventing Smyslov, Velden 1983.

Chapter 18 l.e4 e5 2 . �f3 �c6 3 .i.c4 i.c5 4.c3

Giuoco Piano

queenside, Karker - Bang, corr.

This is the main line for White White can regain his pawn
in the Giuoco Piano. with 6 . .id5 li:)f6 7 . .ixc6 dxc6 8 .
4 . �f6 5.d4
. . li:)xeS 0-0 9.d4 .ie7 1Q.li:)d2 cS+,
This ancient move was played but in return Black obtains the
more than four hundred years ago advantage of the two bishops and
and was analyzed in the manu­ opens files in the centre, Em.
scripts of the Italian masters Lasker - Walker, New York 1894.
Greco and Polerio. Interesting complications arise
The contemporary treatment after 6.d4 dS 7.li:)xe5 li:)xe5 8 . .ib3.
of the Italian Game for White is In the game Kupreichik - V.
based on the move 5.d3 and we Smirnov, Minsk 1976, Black con­
shall analyze this in the following tinued with 8 . . . .ib6 9.dxe5 �h4
chapters. 10 .�e1 .ie6 ll . .ie3 0-0= and
It is rather dubious for White equalized, but he could have re­
to play 5.0-0?! li:)xe4 tained an edge with the more en­
(diagram) ergetic line: 8 . . . 0-0 9.f3 li:)f6 10.
6.b4? dS 7 . .ib3 .ixf2 + ! 8.l'!xf2 dxcS .ifS+ ; White's cS-pawn needs
li:)xf2 9. 1!ixf2 e4-+ - White's protection, while Black's minor
king is completely exposed and pieces will soon attack the weak
his pieces are isolated on the d3-square in White's camp.

l . e4 e5 2. lt:Jj3 lt:J c6 3. �c4 �c5 4.c3 ltJf6

5.�e2 - White's queen often preparation of the d6-d5 break.

stands worse on this square than 6.d3 a6 7.ltJbd2 (7.�b3 �e7=
on dl. 5 . . . d6 Black should be in no hurry to
castle before his opponent; other­
wise, he must reckon with the
possible �g5-pin; it is premature
for White to play 7 . .ig5 ? ! h6 8.
�h4 g5 9.�g3 �a7 10.ltJbd2 �e7
ll.a4 .id7 12 .b4 ltJh5+, since Black
ends up with the advantage of the
two bishops.) 7 . . . 0-0 8.ltJfl (after
8.�b3 �a7 9.h3 .ie6 10 .�c2 h6=
Black completes his development
6.h3 0-0 7.d3 �e6 8.�b3, Poz­ and equalizes easily, Zepeda - Pi­
gaj - Plenca, Sibenik 2010. Black arnpuu, Turin 2 006) 8 . . . h6 9.h3
has completed his development .ie6 10.�b3, Paleologu - Schoen,
and can begin active play on the Cappelle la Grande 2006, and
queenside with the move 8 . . . a5= now it is possible for Black to con­
6.b4 - White cannot benefit tinue with 10 . . . d5= , followed by
from the extra space on the �d7, l%ad8, l%fe8.
queenside when his queen is on 6.0-0 0-0 7.d3 a6 8 . .ig5 (It is
e2 : 6 . . . �b6 7. 0-0 (7.h3? ! 0-0 slightly preferable for White to
8.0-0 ltJe7 9.d3 ltJg6 10 .�e3 c6 opt for 8.1%d1 .ia7 9.�b3 ltJe7! ?
ll.ltJbd2 ltJh5t Black's knight 10.d4 ltJg6 = , but even then, owing
comes to the f4-square with tem­ to the weakness of his f2-pawn, he
po and he obtains good attacking is unable to exploit the "X-ray" of
chances, Coudari - Lantos, Mon­ the enemy queen by his rook,
treal 1966; after 7.a4 aS 8.b5 ltJe7 Feygin - Fleck, Essen 2002.) 8 . . .
9.d4, Black can gain a slight edge h 6 9 .ih4 �a7. This i s a n impor­

with the temporary pawn sacrifice tant move. Now Black's bishop
- 9 . . . exd4 10.cxd4 d5 ll.exd5 need not fear either d3-d4 or b2-
o-m= - he is ahead in develop­ b4. A possible continuation is
ment and will inevitably regain 10 . .ib3 (After 10.ltJbd2 ltJ a5=,
the d5-pawn. Later he will exert Black exchanges his opponent's
pressure against his opponent's most dangerous piece.) 10 . . . g5
d4-pawn.) 7 . . . 0-0 8.d3 ltJe7 9.a4 ll . .ig3 (Black should not be afraid
c6 10.a5 �c7 11.�g5, Martucci - of ll.ltJxg5 hxg5 12 .hg5 @g7 13.
Zielinski, Email 2006, and here, @h1 l%h8+ since White is not well­
with the most natural move 11 . . . enough-developed to venture
ltJg6?, Black obtains excellent such aggressive play.) ll . . . ltJh5t
counterplay based on possible oc­ Black's king is exposed but White
cupation of the f4-square and cannot exploit this, because

Chapter 18

Black's forces dominate the king­ S ... dS 9.exdS lLlxdS= - Black has a
side. wonderful position, since White
S.b4 ! ? .ie7! ? Black wants to cannot win a pawn with 10.lLlxeS
advance d7-dS in one move. The lLlxeS 11. �xeS, because with 11 . . .
move S . . . .ib6, with the same pur­ lt:lxb4t Black regains i t immedi­
pose, is less appropriate because ately, retaining a lead in develop­
Black needs to be able to control ment.
the gS-square. 6.d4 exd4 7.eS (In answer to
7.bS, Black's most precise re­
sponse seems to be 7 . . . dS ! Now, in
the variation S.exdS lLlaS 9 . .ie2
0-0 10.cxd4 a6 11.bxa6 b6+ Black
easily regains both his sacrificed
pawns and maintains a stable ad­
vantage, thanks to his better pawn
structure, while if S.hdS lLlaS 9 .
�a4 lLlxdS lO.exdS b6 11.�xd4
0-0 12.0-0 .ib7gg his lead in de­
For 6.d3 0-0 - see Chapter 19; velopment provides him with ex­
for 6 .'\1tfb3 0-0 7.d3 aS! - see cellent compensation for the
Chapter 19. pawn.) 7 . . . lt:le4 S.bS lLlaS 9 . .id3
6.�e2 0-0 7.0-0 (White can­ lt:lxc3 10.lilxc3 dxc3
not win a pawn for free, because if
7.bS lLlaS S.lLlxeS lt:lxc4, after 9.
�xc4 a6 10.bxa6 :gxa6+, or 9 .
lt:lxc4 lt:lxe4+, Black's lead i n de­
velopment is overwhelming.) 7 . . .
a 6 8.d3 (8.:ge1? ! dS ! 9.exdS lLlxdS
and here it is very dangerous for
White to play 10.lLlxeS because of
10 . . . lLlf4 11.�f3 lLlxeS 12 .:gxeS .id6
13.:ge1 �h4� and White's unde­
veloped queenside pieces are un­ 11.0-0 (In response to 11.�c2,
able to assist in the protection of Black's most convincing response
his king, while if lO . .ixdS �xdS appears to be 11 . . . dS 12.exd6 cxd6
11.lLlxeS, Reed - Eldridge, Email 13.0-0 .if6 14.:ge1+ .ie6+ and
2011, Black can play 11 . . . lLlxeS 12. White is unable to trap the enemy
�xeS �xeS 13.:gxeS .id6 14.:ge1 aS king in the centre, while if 11.�a4
1S.bxaS :gxasgg and he obtains ex­ it is good for Black to play simply
cellent compensation for the 11 . . . c6 12 .�g4 0-0 13.i.h6 g6 14.
pawn with his two powerful bish­ hf8 hf8+ and his two pawns for
ops and superior development.) the exchange, supported by his

l.e4 e5 2. l:iJj3 l:iJ c6 3. �c4 �c5 4.c3 l:iJf6 5.d4 ed

powerful bishops, make his posi- 6.b4 i.b6

tion preferable.) ll . . . dS 12.1!9c2
(12 .exd6 cxd6+) 12 ... c5 13.bxc6
l:iJxc6 14.%!ixc3 o-m= White has
seized space on the kingside, but
his compensation for the pawn is
insufficient, because Black has no
problems with the comfortable
development of his pieces, Everts­
son - Eriksson, Ronneby 1998.
5 . . . exd4
After 7.b5 dS ! 8.exd5 %!le7+
9.\!;>fl l:iJaS 10.�a3 �cS ll.hcS
%!!xeS 12 .�d3 %!ixd5 13.cxd4 0-0+
Black leads in development and
exerts pressure against the weak
In answer to 7.e5 it seems very
good to play 7 . . . d5 ! ? 8.exf6 dxc4
9.fxg7 %!fe7+ 10.\!;>fl l'!g8 11 .b5 l:iJd8
12.l:iJxd4 �f6+; White loses his g7-
pawn and Black's king, unlike
White's monarch, has a safe ref­
In the diagram position White uge on the queenside.
generally chooses either A) 6.e5 6.0-0?! This pawn-sacrifice is
or B) 6.cxd4. not justified. 6 . . . l:iJxe4
It is premature to play 6.i.g5
h6 7.hf6 (After 7.�h4 gS 8.i.g3
l:iJxe4 9 . 0-0 dS lO .�bS, Biela -
Murawski, Sielpa 2004, Black can
continue with 10 . . . 0-0 ll.cxd4
�b6+, holding on to the extra
pawn while remaining with very
active pieces.) 7 . . .%!ixf6 8.e5, Uru­
sov - Petrov, St. Petersburg 1853.
Here the active move 8 ... %!if4+
presents White with difficult 7.l'!e1 dS 8.i.g5 f6 9.cxd4 �e7
problems. His c3-pawn is hanging 10.�h4 dxc4 ll.l'!xe4 �fS 12.l'!e1
and capturing on d4 would sim­ 0-0+ - Black has won a pawn and
plify the position in Black's fa­ gained the advantage of the two
vour. bishops.

Chapter 18

7.�d5 ttJf6 8J'!e1+ �e7 9.ttJxd4 9.\Wxd8+ l!?xd8 10J'!d1+ (10.

ttJxd4 10.\Wxd4 0-0+ - Black has ttJgS ttJxgS 11.�xg5+ f6 12J'!d1 +
a solid extra pawn, Enrique - Ma­ �d7 13.�f4 ttJb4 14.ttJc3 ttJd3+ -
tras, Rio de Janeiro 2001. The presence of bishops of oppo­
In the variation 7.�e2 dS 8. site colours on the board provides
cxd4 ttJxd4 9.ttJxd4 hd4 10.ttJc3 White with good chances of sav­
hc3 11.bxc3 �e6+ Black already ing the game, V.Okhotnik - An.
has two extra pawns but he should Kovacs, Eger 1990 ; 10.�e3 �e6
not forget to evacuate his king 11.ttJd4 ttJxd4 12 .hd4 l!?d7 13J'!e1
from the centre, Keres - Raud, ttJf6 14.ttJa3 \!?c6+ - White is likely
Tallinn 1935. to regain his pawn, but Black has
After 7.b4 �b6 8.b5 ttJe7 a stable advantage in this end­
9.cxd4 dS 10.�b3 �g4+ Black has game thanks to his more active
the initiative as well as an extra king, Engelbert - Neffe, Germany
pawn, Anderssen - Riemann, 1994) 10 . . . �d7 11.tLlg5 (11.�e3
Breslau 1876. l!?c8+) 11 . . . ttJxg5 12 .hg5+ l!?c8 13.
7.cxd4 - This is the best move ttJa3 �e6+. Black's king is closer to
for White, but it is still inade­ the centre than White's and the
quate. 7 . . . d5 8.dxc5 (After 8.�b5 pawn on cS is a target, rather than
�d6 9.ttJe5 0-0 10.ttJxc6 bxc6 11. a fighting unit which cramps the
hc6 hh2 + 12.\!?xh2 \Wd6+ 13.g3 opponent, Ninov - Marholev, La
\Wxc6-+ Black has won a pawn Fere 2008.
and weakened the light squares 9 .\We2 \Wd3 10J'!e1 fS 11.ttJc3
on his opponent's kingside, Sun­ (11.ttJbd2 0-0 12.tLlxe4 fxe4 - see
day - Korneev, Velden 1993) 8 . . . 11.tLlc3; it is no improvement for
dxc4 White to play 12.ttJxc4 ttJxcS+ with
unavoidable simplification into
an endgame with an extra pawn
for Black, or 12.�xd3 cxd3 13.
ltlxe4 fxe4 14.l'!xe4 �fS+ and his
far-advanced passed pawn on d3
provides Black with slightly the
better prospects.) 11 . . . 0-0 12.
ttJxe4 (after 12 .\Wxd3 cxd3 13.ttJd5,
Borm - Oei, Hilversum 1984,
White will inevitably regain his
9.�e1?! \We7 10.ttJc3, Pashiki­ pawn, but Black can continue
an - Sargissian, Yerevan 2003, with 13 . . . b6! 14.ttJxc7 l'!b8 15.cxb6
and here Black can continue with l'!xb6't and he completes his de­
lO . . . �fS+, comfortably developing velopment, retaining the initia­
his pieces and keeping the extra tive thanks to his powerful passed
pawn. pawn in the centre.) 12 . . . fxe4 13.

l.e4 e5 2. 0J3 lt:l c6 3. �c4 �c5 4.c3 lt:Jf6 5.d4 ed

�xe4 .if5 14.�h4 (14.�xd3 cxd3+) 7 . .ie2 - This move is much

14 .. J'!ae8+ Black has the better better than its reputation. 7 . . . lt:Je4
development, T.L.Petrosian - (It is less reliable for Black to play
Grischuk, Internet 2004. 7 . . . d3 8 .exf6 dxe2 9 .�xe2 + @f8
10 . .ig5 gxf6 ll . .ih6+ @g8 12.0-0
A) 6.e5 .if8 13.�d2gg, because his rook is
White seizes space. stuck in the corner and his pawn
6 d5
..• structure is in ruins. White can
look to the future with optimism.)
8.cxd4 .ib6 9 . 0-0 (after 9.lt:lc3
0-0 10 . .ie3, Schlechter - Reti,
Baden 1914, Black can eliminate
White's eS-pawn which is cramp­
ing his position with 10 .. .f6 11.
exf6 lt:Jxf6 =) 9 ... 0-0 10.lt:lc3 .ie6
11.�e3 f6 1 2 .exf6 (after 12.�b3
lt:Jxc3 13.bxc3 fxeS 14.dxe5, in the
game M .Socko - Pogonina, Plov­
div 2010, Black obtained a very
good position by playing 14 . . . .ixe3
7.�b5 15.fxe3 lt:JaS 16.�a3 b6= , but it
White is fighting aggressively would have been even stronger
for the dark squares in the centre. for him to keep the f-file open
It is less active for him to play with 14 . . . �e7+) 12 . . . �xf6 13 . .id3
7 . .ib3 lt:Je4 8.cxd4 .ib4+ 9 . .id2 lt:lxc3 14.bxc3 .ig4 15 . .ie2 l'!ae8=
(after 9.lt:Jbd2 .ig4+ White cannot Rebeggiani - G.Gonzales, Email
shake off the rather unpleasant 2000.
pins without making positional . 7 . . �e4 8.cxd4
concessions) 9 . . . lt:Jxd2 10.lt:lbxd2 8.lt:Jxd4? ! 0-0 9 . .ixc6 (9.
.ig4 ! (Black must play aggres­ lt:Jxc6? bxc6 10 . .ixc6 .ixf2 + n . ..t>fl
sively, because after the indiffer­ .ia6-+) 9 . . . bxc6 10.0-0 f6+ White
ent reply 10 . . . 0-0 ll.h3± White considerably lags in development
maintains his space advantage for and must play very accurately to
free.) ll.�a4 hf3 ! N 12.�xf3 avoid losing quickly, Ayyad -
.ixd2 + 13 . ..t>xd2 �h4 14 . .ixc6+ Aleksandrov, Abu Dhabi 2009.
bxc6 15.�e3 cS ! 16.dxc5 (The end­ 8 . .ixc6 bxc6 9.cxd4 .ie7t Black
game is equal after 16.g3 cxd4 cannot be prevented from playing
17.gxh4 dxe3+ 18.fxe3 0-0-0=) c6-c5, getting rid of his weak
16 . . J'!b8 17.b3 o-ogg White's king pawn and maintaining powerful
is stuck in the centre and this pro­ pressure with his two bishops and
vides Black with excellent attack­ powerfully centralized knight.
ing chances. 8 . . . .ib6

Chapter 18

tains good counterplay, thanks to

his powerful knight and the ad­
vantage of the bishop pair.) 10 . . .
c S 11.i.e3 (In the variation 1 1 .
dxc5 lLlxc5 12.lLlc3 c 6 13.b4 lLle6?
White has difficulty in attacking
his opponent's weak c6-pawn ef­
fectively, while Black's knight is
well placed on e6, from where it
controls the important gS- and
d4- squares, and his dS-pawn
9.�c3 might become a dangerous passed
White should avoid 9.a4 aS pawn later.) 1l...cxd4 1 2 .lLlxd4 cS
10 .hc6+ bxc6 11.i.e3, V.Svesh­ 13.lLlb5 0-0+ - Black has solved
nikov - Samolins, Riga 2006 (in all his problems and thanks to his
response to 11.�c2 , Pekin - H. mobile central pawns and the
Yildiz, Izmir 2002, it is good for powerful unopposed light­
Black to play 11 . . . c5+, getting rid squared bishop, Black's position
of his weak pawn and activating is preferable.
his bishop), since after 11 . . . i.a6+ 9.i.e3 0-0
he can keep the enemy king
stranded in the centre.
After 9 .�c2 Black can prevent
his pawns being doubled on the c­
file by playing 9 . . . i.d7 10 .hc6
i.xc6 11. 0-0 (11.lLlc3 0-0 12 . .ie3
fS 13.0-0 f4 14.i.c1 �d7? Black's
bishops are not very active yet,
but he has seized space on the
kingside and White will have
problems coping with the power­ For 10.lLlc3 i.g4 - see 9.lLlc3 ;
ful enemy knight on e4, Szewczyk 10.0-0 .ig4 - see 9.0-0.
- Borawski, Lazy 2010) 11 . . . 0-0 10.hc6 bxc6 11.�c2 (11.0-0
12 ..ie3 i.d7 13.a4 c6? Bestian - c5 - see 9.0-0; 11.lLlbd2? ! - after
Liss, Haifa 1989. this move Black is able to shed his
9.i.xc6+ bxc6 10.0-0 (10.lLlc3 weak c6-pawn. 11 . . . c5+ Doghri -
i.g4 - see 9.lLlc3 ; 10.i.e3 0-0 - G.Giorgadze, Manila 1992) 11 . . .
see 9 . .ie3 ; it is too passive for .ia6 12 .�xc6 l!b8 13.Vtfa4 �csgg -
White to opt for 10.lLlbd2? ! cS+; in Black has completed his develop­
the variation 10.Ytfc2 cS 11.dxc5 ment and has more than enough
i.xcS 12.0-0 0-0? Black gets rid compensation for the pawn, be­
of his weak pawn on c6 and ob- cause White's king is stranded in

J.e4 e5 2. (jjj3 (jj c6 3. !i.. c4 !i.. c5 4.c3 l:jjf6 5.d4 ed

the centre, Makovsky - Szalai, 10 .i.e3 i.g4 ll.i.e2 f6 12.exf6

Email 2001. \!;Yxf6 13.(jj c3 !1ad8= - Black has
10.\!;Yc2 .td7 ll.i.xc6 (it is pref­ completed the development of his
erable for White to play 11.(jj c3 forces and has no problems at all,
.tf5 - see 9.(jj c 3) ll . . . .txc6 12. Paoli - Bernstein, Amsterdam
(jj b d2 \!;Yd7t Black has no weak­ 1954.
nesses in his position and he can 9.h3 i.d7! ? 10.i.a4 (White pre­
gradually activate his bishops, sents his opponent with impor­
Hjertenes - Abrantes, corr. 1988. tant tempi with 10 .i.d3?! (jj b 4 ! 11.
9.0-0 0-0 i.e2 c5 12 .i.e3 cxd4 13.(jj xd4 (jj c 6
14. 0-0 (jj x e5 15.\!;Yb3 (jj c4 16.i.xc4
dxc4 17.\!;Yxc4 0-0+ - Black has
completed his development and
his pieces will become extremely
active in this position with an
open centre, Vachier Lagrave -
Eljanov, Wijk aan Zee 20 07) 10 . . .
f6 !

For 1Q.{jj c3 i.g4 - see 9.(jj c3.

After 10J�e1 i.g4 ll.i.xc6 bxc6
12.(jj b d2, Petrova - Vlckova,
Czech Republic 2008, Black can
play 12 . . . (jj g 5+ and he either wins
the d4-pawn or breaches White's
castled position.
10.\!;Ya4 !i..g4 ll.i.xc6 bxc6 12.
(jj b d2 (jj x d2 13.(jj x d2 f6+ - Black's After 11.(jj c3 0-0 12.0-0 fxe5
bishops are active and White's 13.dxe5 i.e6? White needs to play
d4-pawn is weak, Bock - Van den accurately, because after the in­
Doel, Germany 2004. different line: 14.i.e3 i.xe3 15.
10.i.xc6 bxc6 11 .\!;Yc2 (in an­ fxe3 (jj g5 16.i.xc6 bxc6 17.{jj d4
swer to 11.(jj c 3, or ll.i.e3, Black Black can respond aggressively
obtains a good position with the with 17 . . . {jj xh3 + ! 18 .gxh3 \!;Yg5+
standard reply ll . . . c5?) ll . . . c5 19.�h2 (19.�h1? .txh3-+) 19 . . .
12.dxc5, Okorn - Sedonja, Posto­ \!;Yxe5+ 20.�g2 !1xf1 2 1.\!;Yxf1 !1f8
jna 2008, his knight will be no 22 .\!;Ye1 i.xh3+ ! 23.�xh3 :1'1{6 24.
less active and secure on e6 than (jj c e2 !1h6+ 25.�g2 !1h2 + 26.�g1
on e4, so with 12 . . . (jj xcS+ he can \!;Yh5+ White loses either a rook, or
transfer it to this great square, queen for rook, and in both cases
gaining an edge. Black's connected passed pawns

Chapter 18

on the kingside provide him with

the better prospects. It might ap­
pear more precise for White to
play 14.i.b3 but then Black again
has a tactical resource at his dis­
posal : 14 . . . lt:Jxf2 ! 15Jlxf2 lt:JxeS 16.
i.xdS i.xdS 17.�xd5+ �xdS 18.
lt:JxdS i.xf2 + 19.1!lxf2 l:!f7 2 0.1!le2
lt:Jxf3 21.gxf3 l:!af8 2 2 .f4 l:!e8+ 23.
l!lf3 !!d7 24.lt:Je3 l:!d3 = and this al­
most forced variation leads to an
endgame in which Black's pieces Chalkidiki 2003; White fails to
are much more active, but he will create any problems for his oppo­
still find it difficult to breach nent with 11.0-0 cS+! and Black
White's defences. has excellent counterplay, since
After 11.0-0 0-0 12 .i.b3 i.e6 his dark-squared bishops comes
13.lt:Jc3, Januszewski - Zielinski, to life.) and Black now has the
Ostroda 2 009, it would be sensi­ pleasant choice between the quiet
ble for Black to remove his king move 11 . . . i.g4 - see 10.i.e3 - and
from the dangerous diagonal and the somewhat risky line: 11 . . .
after 13 . . . \!?h8 14.exf6 �xf6 lt:Jxc3 ! ? 12 .bxc3 i.a6oo. White's
15.lt:Jxd5 i.xdS 16.i.xd5 lt:Jxf2 17. king is stranded in the centre, but
l:!xf2 lt:Jxd4 18.\!?h1 lt:Jf5� his com­ Black's dark-squared bishop is
pensation for the piece should be very passive here.
sufficient for a draw, for example: 10 .h3 - White prevents his f3-
19.i.g5 (White loses after 19.l:!fl? knight from being pinned, but
lt:Jg3+ 20.I!lh2 �d6-+ ; in the vari­ loses an important tempo. 10 .. .f6
ation 19.i.xb7 lt:Jg3+ 20.I!lh2 !!ad8 11.0-0 (11.i.xc6? ! bxc6 12 .i.e3
21 .l:!d2 �f4= White cannot avoid lt:Jxc3 13.bxc3 i.a6t - White's king
the perpetual check) 19 . . . �d6 is stuck in the centre and this pro­
2 0 .i.xb7 !:labS 21.�xd6 cxd6 2 2 . vides Black with excellent attack­
l:! d 2 l:!xb7= White will find i t dif­ ing chances, Alzate Londono -
ficult to prove that the isolated Vittorino, Neiva 20 05) 11.. .fxe5
d6-pawn is weak, because Black's 12.lt:Jxe4 (12.dxe5 i.e6 13.i.e3 d4
piece-activity provides compen­ 14.lt:Jxe4 dxe3+ Black's bishops
sation. are extremely active, Horbach -
9. . . 0 - 0 P.Schneider, Email 2 003) 12 . . .
(diagram) dxe4 13.lt:Jg5 exd4 14.�b3+ l!lh8
1 0 .i.e3 15.i.xc6 bxc6 16.lt:Jf7+ l:!xf7 17.
After 10.i.xc6 bxc6 11.i.e3 (11. V9xf7 i.a6 18.l:!e1 i.d3+ Black's
�c2? ! - this just loses time - 11 . . . powerful pawn-mass in the centre
i.f5 12 .�e2 cS+ Leks - K. Pelletier, more than compensates for the

l.e4 e5 2. 1:D.f.3 I:D c6 3. 1lc4 i.c5 4.c3 I:Df6 5.d4 ed

sacrificed exchange, Nozdrachev izing the activity of his opponent's

- Granovski, Obninsk 2009. pieces, Sweety Dadello,
10.0-0 i.g4 Chalkidiki 2 0 07.
1 0 .ig4
• ••

After 11.h3 hf3 12.gxf3 I:Dg5

13.hc6 bxc6 14.�g2 I:De6+
White's d4-pawn is weak and his
king is not well protected, so ll.Y«c2
Black's position is preferable, 11.�a4 I:De7 12 .i.d3 (After 12.
Lyubimtsev - Ant. Petrov, St. Pe­ h3? ! hf3 13.gxf3 I:Dxc3 14.bxc3,
tersburg 2 000. Sarakauskiene - Makropoulou,
In reply to 11.1:De2 , Biro - Plovdiv 2008, Black can play 14 . . .
Veroci, Hungary 1995, it looks I:Df5+ emphasizing the weakness
very attractive for Black to try 11 . . . of his opponent's kingside) 12 .. .f5
hf3 12.gxf3 I:Dg5 13.�g2 I:D e 6 14. 13.exf6 I:Dxf6 14.1:De5 i.f5 15.i.e2
hc6 bxc6t followed by c6-c5. I:Dg6 16.0-0 c6 17.1:Dxg6 hg6t -
After 11.1:Da4 f6t Black can Black has no weaknesses and his
bring his rook into play, respond­ pieces are easily activated, while
ing to 12 .1:Dxb6, Al Rufei - Ciuk­ White's d4-pawn needs protec­
syte, Elista 1998, with the natural tion, Macieja - Malaniuk, Wro­
move 12 . . . axb6+ claw 2011.
11.hc6 bxc6 12 .h3 (12.i.e3 11.hc6 bxc6 12.�a4 (after 12.
I:Dxc3 13.bxc3 f6+ White has prob­ �c2 c5 13.dxc5 1:Dxc5+, the change
lems with his kingside; 12 .�d3 in the pawn structure is in Black's
i.f5 13.�e3 c5+ - His weak d4- favour; it is more accurate for
pawn is exchanged, but his e5- White to play 12 .h3 hf3 13.gxf3
pawn is weak and Black's dark­ I:Dxc3 14.bxc3 �d7 15.f4 i.a5 16.
squared bishop is becoming very �d3 f6t when Black has a power­
active, Pallardo Lozoya - Amin, ful initiative on the kingside, but
Oropesa del Mar 2000) 12 . . . .bf3 White's position is solid, and after
13 .�xf3 hd4 14.1:Dxe4 dxe4 15. 17J!b1 fxe5 18 .fxe5 :B:f3 19.�d2
�xe4 �d5 16.�xd5 cxd5t White :B:af8 2 0 .�a6 .ib6 21.:B:bg1 :B:xf2 +
will have great problems neutral- 2 2 .hf2 :B:xf2 + 23.�e1 :B:f3 24.�d2

Chapter 18

Elf2 + 25. 'i!?e1 Elf3= both sides have sure against White's centre) 13 . . .
nothing better than to acquiesce tt:\xf3 14.�xd5 �xd5 (Here Black
to the draw, Vinchev - Friis, can play the greedy 14 . . . tt:\cxd4 ! ?
Email 2009) 12 .. .f6 13.�xc6 15.�e4 c 6 16 . .ic4 Ei:e8 17.hd4
(White has failed to evacuate his tt:\xd4 18.tt:\a4 c5 19.f4 �e7oo and
king, so opening the centre with although White has some com­
13.tt:\xe4 dxe4 14.tt:\d2 fxe5+ is in pensation for the pawn it is diffi­
Black's favour.) 13 . . . tt:\xc3 14.bxc3 cult to assess whether it is
hf3 15.gxf3 fxe5 16.dxe5 .ixe3 enough.) 15.tt:\xd5 hd4 16.hc6
17.fxe3 Elxf3 18.'i!?e2 , Macieja - De he3+ 17.fxe3 bxc6 18.tt:\e7+ 'i!?h8
la Paz Perdomo, Merida 2 005, af­ 19.tt:\xc6 Elae8 20.Eld5 a6 21.h3
ter 18 . . . Elf8 19.Elafl Ele8+ Black re­ Ele6 2 2 .tt:\d8 Elee8=
tains an edge owing to the oppo­ l l.h3 .ih5 (The position is
nent's exposed king and his many rather unclear after l l . . . .ixf3 ! ? 12.
weaknesses. gxf3 tt:\xc3 13.bxc3 tt:\e7 14.f4 Elc8
11.0-0 f6 12.exf6 (12 . .ie2? ! 15.0-0 c5oo White has the advan­
fxe5 13.dxe5 he3 14.fxe3 tt:\xc3 tage of the two bishops and a
15.bxc3 'i!?h8t White's centre beautiful centre, but his king lacks
pawns are weak, Cardelli - Mahl­ protection and his centre pawns
ing, Email 2010) 12 . . . tt:\xf6 13 . .ie2 might turn out to be weak.)
�d6 14.h3 (14.Elc1 Elae8 15.a3 tt:\e7
16.tt:\e5 he2 17.tt:\xe2 tt:\f5+ Krug
- Schlesinger, Wiesbaden 199 0 ;
after 14.tt:\b5 �d7 15.tt:\c3 Elae8
16.tt:\a4 .ih5 17.tt:\xb6 axb6 18.h3
�d6 19.�b3 tt:\e4t Black's pieces
are very active and in particular
White must consider the possible
exchange sacrifice on the f3-
square on every move, Niewold -
Wingo, Email 2008) 14 . . . .ih5= - 12 .g4? .ig6 13.tt:\e2 f6+ White
Black will prepare to plant his has weakened his kingside with­
knight on e4 by playing Elae8, out obtaining anything in return,
Carrettoni - Van Damme, Email Blatny - Beckemeier, Germany
2010. 1996.
11.�b3 hf3 1 2 .gxf3 tt:\g5 13. 12.0-0, Loewenthal - Staun­
0-0-0 (This move is more logical ton, London 1853, 12 . . . tt:\xd4 ! ? (It
than 13 .hc6 bxc6 14.�d1, Vega looks like a good alternative for
- Otero Acosta, Cuba 2000 and Black to try 12 . . .f6 ! ? 13.exf6 tt:\xc3
after 14 . . . tt:\h3 ! 15.f4 �h4 16.�f3 14.bxc3 �xf6 15 . .ie2 Elae8 16.�c2
Elae8 17.�g3 �h5 18.tt:\e2 f6+ h6 17.Elfe1 a6 18.tt:\d2 he2 19.
Black is able to exert strong pres- Elxe2 �f5=) 13.hd4 hf3 14.gxf3

2 04
l.e4 e5 2. tiJj3 tiJc6 3. i.c4 i.c5 4.c3 tiJf6 5.d4 ed

WigS+ 1S.'i!th1 WffS 16.fxe4 (There and lively after 18.f4 i.e4 19.'i!th2
is also a perpetual check after Wfd6 20.�c1 cS 2l.Wfa4 hS 2 2 .gS
16.hb6 �xh3+ 17.'i!tg1 tiJg3 ! 18. cxd4 23.cxd4 aS 24.a3 �d8 2S.�c6
fxg3 Wfxg3= , but White can even Wfe7?. White's knight is very pow­
lose if he plays 16.tiJxe4? dxe4 17. erful in the centre, but Black's
l!tg2 �ad8-+) 16 . . . Wfxh3+ 17.'i!tg1 bishop on e4 is also a wonderful
hd4 18.Wfxd4 �g4= piece.
12 .hc6 bxc6 13.0-0 ! (this is ll . . . .if5
stronger than 13.Wfa4 f6 14.exf6, It is too risky for Black to opt
Caposciutti - Pantaleoni, corr. for ll . . . i.xf3? ! 12.gxf3 tiJgS 13.
1990, because after 14 . . . hf3 1S. hc6 bxc6 14. 0-0-0 tiJxf3 1S.
gxf3 tiJxc3 16.bxc3 Wfxf6+ White's Wfe2 tiJh4 16.�hg1� when White
king has nowhere to hide) 13 .. .f6 ! has excellent attacking prospects,
- the opening of the f-file pro­ Ni Hua - Marin, Reggio Emilia
vides Black with more than suffi­ 2008, but there is a very good al­
cient counterplay, for example: ternative for Black in ll . . . tiJxc3 ! ?
14.g4 tiJxc3 1S.bxc3 .ig6 16.exf6
Wfxf6 17.tiJeS �ae8

There is a draw by perpetual 12.'Ml3

check after 18.tiJd7 Wfh4 19.tiJxf8 12 .�a4 tiJe7 13.tiJh4 (13.0-0
fue3 20.tiJxg6 �g3+ 2l.fxg3 Wfxg3= a6 14 ..ie2 tiJc6 1S.Wfb3 tiJxc3 16.
After 18.Wfd2 �xeS 19.dxeS bxc3 h6 17.tiJd2 Wfd7 18.h3 f6= )
Wfh4 2 0.'i!tg2 (20.hb6? �f3-+) 13 . . .f6 ! 14.tiJxe4 he4 1S.exf6
20 . . . .ie4+ 21.f3 hf3+ 2 2 .�xf3 �xf6+ Vera Gonzalez Quevedo -
(22.'i!th2 hg4 23.�xf8+ l!txf8 24. Lukacs, Havana 1986.
�fl + l!tg8+ Black has more enough 12 .hc6 bxc6 13.tiJxe4 (13.Wfa4
pawns for the exchange) 22 . . . �xf3 cS 14.dxcS hcS 1S.tiJxe4 he3
23.'i!txf3 Wfxh3+ 24.'i!te2 Wfxg4+ 16.tiJg3 i.d7 17.�aS i.b6 18.�xdS
2S.'i!te1 Wfg3= Neither side has any Wfe8+ Black's bishops are ex­
reason the avoid the repetition of tremely active, which more than
moves. compensates the sacrificed pawn,
The struggle is very interesting Strzemiecki - Rutkowski, War-

Chapter 18

saw 2010) 13 ... dxe4 14J'!dl (14. 18 c5


tt:lgl c5 15.dxc5 .ta5+ 16. \t>fl �d5 After 18 . . . tt:Jxc3 19.bxc3 .ie6
17.\Wb3 \Wc6 18.tt:le2 �a6 19.h3 2 0.�d3 i.f5= Black can force a
.td7+ - Black's pieces are very ac­ threefold repetition of the posi­
tive, J.Andersen - Ludwig, Email. tion, because if White's queen
20 04) 14 . . . exf3 15.�xf5 fxg2 16. abandons the fl-a6 diagonal Black
:!:!gl �d5 17.�g4 (17.�g5?! .ta5+ will seize it with his queen, keep­
18 . .td2 , Eggleston - Haslinger, ing the enemy king stranded in
Hawick 2004, after 18 . . . g6+ Black the centre.
neutralizes all his opponent's 19. 0 - 0
threats on the kingside) 17 .. .f5 ! t It is inferior for White to opt
- Black seized the initiative i n the for the risky line 19.d5 tt:Jxc3 20.
game Kashtanov - Lugovoi, St. bxc3 �g6 2 1.tt:lh4 .id3 22 .tt:Jxg6
Petersburg 2002. .ixc4 23.tt:Je7+ 'it>h8 24 . .id2 .idS+
12 ... �a5 13.�b4 when Black regains his pawn and
White loses after the greedy maintains a stable advantage,
13.�xd5? �e7! 14.tt:lxe4 i.e6 15. thanks to his superior develop­
tt:lf6+ gxf6 16.�e4 �b4+ 17.lt:Jd2 ment and better pawn structure.
\Wxb5- + Bukojemski - A.Ga­ 19 �xc3 2 0 .bxc3 cxd4

vrilov, Cracow 2011. 21.�xd4 i:!ac8 22.�e2 .id7= ­

After 13.�a4 tt:Jxc3 14.bxc3 c6 Black regains his pawn, retaining
15 ..te2 .ic7+ Black cannot be pre­ an excellent position, Merrow -
vented from advancing with b7- Kamanel Zamora, Email 2010.
b5 and then deploying his knight
in the c4-outpost.
13 c6 14 .ie2
• .• • B) 6.cxd4
For 14 . .id3 tt:Jc4 15 . .ixc4 .ia5 - This is a natural move. White
see 14.i.e2. occupies the centre with tempo.
14 ... �c4 15 . .ixc4 .ia5 16. This line was played as early as in
�b3 dxc4 17.�xc4 �b6 18 .icl • the 16th century in Greco's games.
6 .ib4+
• • •

l.e4 e5 2. 1:iJ.f3 l:iJ c6 3. i.c4 i.c5 4.c3 l:iJf6 5.d4 ed

White's main attempts to

claim an edge in this position are
based on the moves Bl) 7 .td2 •

and B2) 7.1:iJc3.

7.'i!?fl d5 8.exd5 l:iJxd5 9.1:iJc3
(The alternatives for White are
worse: 9.a3 i.e? 10.1:iJc3 l:iJxc3 11.
bxc3 0-0+; 9.W'b3 l:iJa5+; 9.i.g5
i.e? 10 .i.xe7 l:iJcxe7+; 9.W'e2+ i.e6
10.a3 i.e7+ and in all the cases va - Broeker, Wolfsberg 2 0 04)
White has lost several important 9 . . . 1:iJxd2 lO.I:iJxd2 (After 10.i.xd2
tempi.) 9 . . . i.e6 ! 10 .W'b3 (Black i.xd2 White cannot gain any ad­
need not fear 10 .i.xd5 i.xd5 11. vantage with 11.W'xd2 d6 12.!'1fe1
W'e2 + i.e7+ or 10 .W'd3 i.e7+; an in­ 0-0= because Black completes
teresting fight flares up with 10. his development without any
l:iJxd5 hd5 11.W'b3 i.xc4+ 12. problems, although it will not be
W'xc4 0-0 13.d5 i.a5 14.i.f4 l:iJe7 easy for him to exploit his extra
15J=!:d1 l:iJg6 16.i.g3 l"le8? when pawn; if instead 11.d6 cxd6
White's position in the centre is 12.W'xd2 d5 ! 13.i.xd5 0-0 ! = when
better, but he has problems bring­ Black will need to give back his
ing his rook on h1 into play.) 10 . . . extra pawn to complete his devel­
l:iJa5 11.W'a4+ i.d7 12 .i.b5, Casillas opment, Ponkratov - Al.Aleksan­
Pellat - Norgaard, Mexico 1995, drov, St. Petersburg 2011; instead
12 ... i.xb5+ (Black has a good al­ of Black's last move, it might seem
ternative here in 12 . . . i.xc3 !?) 13. very attractive to play 13 . . . 1:iJxd5?
W'xb5+ c6 14.W'e2+ W'e7 15.W'd3 but in that case White can win
0-0 16.i.d2 !'1ae8?. Black's knight spectacularly with 14.!'1fe1+ ! l:iJe7
on a5 is out of play, but his other 15.!'1xe7+ ! l!?xe7 16.W'g5+ f6 17.
pieces are very active and after, W'xg7+ 'i!?d6 18.1:iJd4 ! +- and it be­
for example, 17.g3 W'd7 18.'i!?g2 comes clear that despite his extra
i.xc3 19.i.xc3 l:iJf4+ 20.gxf4 W'g4+ rook Black is helpless against the
21. 'i!?fl W'h3+ 2 2 .'i!?g1 W'g4= it can attack by his opponent's perfectly
end in perpetual check. coordinated pieces) 10 . . . 0-0
7.1:iJbd2 - This move has been
played only rarely; nevertheless,
it is quite playable. 7 ... 1:iJxe4
8.W'e2? d5+
8.d5 l:iJe7 9.0-0 (9.a3 - This
loses an important tempo for
White - 9 . . . hd2 + 10 .i.xd2 d6 11.
W'e2 l:iJxd2 12.W'xd2 0-0+ Kartse-

Chapter 18

ll.a3N (11.lt:le4 ? ! d6 12 .W/a4 White's pieces are active, but it is

i.c5 13.lt:\xc5 dxc5 14.i.g5 Wd6 15. unlikely that he has any advan­
l'!fe1 lt.Jg6+ - Black has preserved tage here because Black has an
his extra pawn and the change in extra pawn and a potentially pow­
the pawn structure is in Black's erful bishop.
favour, since he can organize an 9.hd2 hd2 10.W/xd2 (10.
offensive on the queenside, Kriv­ lt:\xd2 0-0 ll.d5 lt:\e7+; White los­
odedov - Moiseyenko, Yuzhny es a tempo after 10.We2 + , Rich­
20 09.) ll . . . i.a5 12 .b4 (A drawish terova - Blechova, Havirov 2008,
endgame arises almost by force because Black can play 10 ... lt:\e7
after 12 .d6 cxd6 13.lt:le4 d5 14. ll.W/xd2 d5 12 . .id3 0-0+, com­
hd5 lt:\xd5 15.W/xd5 d6 16.i.g5 pleting his development and gain­
i.e6 17.hd8 hd5 18.lt:lf6+ gxf6 ing the better prospects) 10 . . . lt:le7
19.ha5 i.c4= - Black will almost ll.d5 (after ll.l'!ac1 d5 12 .i.d3 c6
certainly be unable to realise his 13.l'!fe1 0-0 14.W/c2 lt:\g6+ White's
extra pawn, but it compensates compensation for the pawn is in­
adequately for his kingside weak­ sufficient, Fister - Gurmen, Email
nesses.) 12 . . . i.b6 13.d6 cxd6 14. 2010) ll . . . d6 12.l'!fe1 0-0 13.l'!ac1
lt:\e4 d5 15.hd5 lt:\xd5 16.Wxd5 d6 (If 13.W/a5? ! lt:\g6 14.l'!ac1 c5+
17.i.f4 i.e6 18.Wxb7 d5 19.lt:lc5 i'k8 Black no longer has a backward c­
20 .l'!ac1 W/f6 2 1.g3 l'!fe8= White's pawn, Ait Chaouche - N.Maiorov,
pieces are a bit more active, but Lille 2011) 13 . . . l'!e8 14 . .id3 h6 15.
Black has a passed pawn in the i.e4 i.d7+ - White will find it dif­
centre and still has his bishop pair. ficult to exploit his space advan­
8 . 0-0 lt:\xd2 tage, since Black's pieces are de­
ployed quite harmoniously and
although his c7-pawn is backward
he is a pawn up, Bojovic - Castel­
lano, Email 2 006.

Bl) 7 .ld2

After 9J'1e1+ lt:\e7 10.i.xd2 hd2

ll.Wxd2 d5 ! (11. . . 0-0 12 .W/g5 d5
- see 11.. .d5) 12 .W/g5 (White has
no advantage after 12 .i.d3 0-0 = ,
o r 12 .hd5 Wxd5 13J':1e5 W/d6 14.
l'!ae1 0-0 15J:1xe7 i.e6=) 12 . . . 0-0
13J:1xe7 dxc4 14.l'!ae1 i.d7= all

l.e4 e5 2. /:jj.fJ /:jj c6 3. fi.c4 fi.c5 4.c3 l:jjf6 5.d4 ed

This is a very solid move. the simplification Black can ex­

White has occupied the centre ploit his opponent's weaknesses
and hopes to be able to continue much more easily.
the game without sacrificing any­ 10.0-0 0-0
7. . . hd2 + 8.�bxd2 d5
After this move White's two
beautiful centre pawns turn into
one isolated pawn.
9.exd5 �xd5

11.�b3 /:jj a5 12.�c2 /:jj xc4 13.

/:jj xc4 i.e6t, or 13.�xc4 i.e6t, or
11./:jj e4 fi.g4t Stanley - Rousseau,
New Orleans 1845, and in all cas­
es Black has no problems at all,
having blockaded his opponent's
isolated pawn.
After 11.h3 /:jj b 6t White is
1 0 .�b3 faced with an unpleasant choice
This is the main line for White - either to give up his powerful
and for a long time it was consid­ bishop for the enemy knight, or to
ered that he could create some remain a pawn down, Machan -
problems for Black with it. Sergienko, Nachod 2011.
10 .�c2 0-0 - see 10 .�b3 /:jj a5 In the variation 11. /:jj b3 i.g4
11.�a4+ /:jj c 6 12 .�c2. 12 .h3 i.h5 13J:k1 /:jj f4t Black has
After 10.�e2+ i.e6 11.0-0 good attacking prospects, Vila
0-0= Black has no problems at Gazquez - O.Korneev, Solsones
all. He has excellent development 2004.
and exerts pressure against the 11.:1%c1 (jj b 6 12 .i.b3 a5 13.a4
enemy d4-pawn. /:jj d5 14.:1%e1 !e6 15.h3 (15.i.c4
10./:jj e S /:jj xe5 11.dxe5 0-0 12. /:jj cb4= ; 15./:jj e 4 i.g4 16./:jj c3 /:jj f4
0-0 /:jj f4f! Black can activate his 17.h3 i.h5 =) 15 . . . /:jj cb4 16./:jj e 4
forces very quickly, Karpatchev ­ /:jj f4 17.he6 /:jj x e6 18./:jj cS /:jj xc5
Korneev, Arco 2003. 19.:1%xc5 b6= White dominates the
In the variation 10 .i.b5 �e7+ e-file, but he will difficulty in ex­
11.�e2 �xe2+ 12.�xe2 !d7+ only ploiting this effectively, while his
White can have problems. His d4- d4-pawn is weak, Lebedev - Fil­
pawn needs protection and after ipchenko, Email 2009.

Chapter 18

11.tt:'le5 tt:'lxd4 12.tt:'lb3 (12.tt:'le4?

tt:'lf4+) 12 . . . tt:'lxb3 13.i.xd5. The
threat of i.xf7 + followed by '?t/h5
looks very dangerous, but Black
can counter this with 13 . . . '?tff6 !
14.'?t/xb3 (14 ..bf7+ E:xf7 15.'?t/xb3
'?t/xe5 - see 14.'?t/b3) 14 . . . '?t/xe5 15.
i.xf7 + (It is inferior for White to
play 15.E:fe1 '?tff6 16.E:e3 c6 17.i.f3
E:b8+ Pribe - Robles Sanchez,
Hessen 2 003, or 15.E:ae1 '?t/f6 16.
E:e3 c6 17.i.f3 E:b8+ Antoszkiewicz ended in a draw here by threefold
- Haupold, corr. 1979 and in both repetition: 12.Wfb3 tt:'la5 13.'?t/a4+
lines Black ends up with a solid tt:'lc6 14.'?t/b3 tt:'la5 15.'?t/a4+ tt:'lc6=
extra pawn.) 15 . . . E:xf7 16.E:ae1 (It After 12 .'?tfc2 0-0 13.0-0 tt:'lb6=,
is slightly inferior for White to opt or 12 .'?t/b5 tt:'lb6 13.0-0 (13.d5?!
for 16.E:fe1 i.e6 17.E:xe5 i.xb3 18. a6+ White loses his d5-pawn)
axb3 E:d8 = when he must play 13 . . . 0 - 0 = Andreikin - Romanov,
very accurately to prevent his op­ Yerevan 2 007, he either loses his
ponent from exploiting the weak­ d4-pawn, or must give up his
ness of his doubled pawns. How­ strong bishop for Black's knight.
ever, the position is still within 12 .tt:'le5 0-0 13.tt:'lxc6 (It is no
the bounds of equality, Deretic - better for White to play 13 .i.xd5
Mejak, corr. 1980 .) 16 . . . i.e6 17. tt:'lxe5 and here after 14.dxe5
Wfxe6 '?t/xe6 18.E:xe6 E:d8 = - Black '?t/xd5+ his e5-pawn is a liability
has forced a transition into a and Black's bishop is stronger
dead-drawn endgame. than the enemy knight, Boyd -
1 0 . . . �a5! V.Szabo, Email 2007, while after
The move has dealt a serious 14.i.e4 tt:'lg4 15.0-0 c6= Black has
blow to the fans of this variation no problems either; after the
for White. transfer of his bishop to d5, he
ll.Wa4+ will fight for the initiative, Be­
The other retreats of his queen lanoff - Schuster, Email 2 009.)
would enable Black to capture the 13 ... '?t/e8+ 14.\t>f1 (White's king
powerful bishop on c4, solving all will be in danger in the centre af­
his problems. ter 14.1t>d1 tt:'lb6 15.'?t/b5 bxc6 16.
ll . . �c6
. '?tieS tt:'lxc4 17.tt:'lxc4 i.e6+ Reberc
(diagram) - Kolaric, Postojna 2008.) 14 . . .
12.J.b5 tt:'lb6 15.'?t/b5 bxc6 16.Wfc5 tt:'lxc4
The overwhelming majority of 17.tt:'lxc4, Hatting - Herman, corr.
games reaching this position have 1985, and after 17 . . . i.a6+ Black

l.e4 e5 2. tiJf3 tiJ c6 3. i.c4 i.c5 4.c3 CiJf6 5.d4 ed

targets the enemy knight and will

try to exploit his lead in develop­
In the endgame arising after
12.1Mia3 �e7+ 13.�xe7+ CiJcxe7=
Black has no problems, because
without the queens on the board
White can scarcely gain the initia­
tive and the weakness of his iso­
lated pawn will hurt him even
more now that the position has
simplified. 15 . .ifl
12 . . . .id7 15.hc6?! hc6+ - Black's
bishop has found a working diag­
onal and cooperates with his
knight, which is headed for the
wonderful f4-square, Goncalves -
Cerqueira Filho, corr. 1995.
15.i.d3 CiJcb4 16.�b3 CiJxd3 17.
�xd3 f6 ! t White's knights have
no stable squares in the centre, so
Black can begin to attack the weak
15 . . . .ie6= - Black has no
weak spots in his position, but the
13. 0 - 0 board is still full of pieces and
It is inferior to play 13.�b3 Black will not find it easy to prove
�e7+ 14.ci!;>fl i.e6+ - White has that the enemy d4-pawn is weak,
lost his castling rights and his Laine - Pesonen, Email 2 010.
rook on h1 will find it difficult to
come into play any time soon, Mi­ B2) 7.CiJc3
ettinen - Buzas, Email 2009.
After 14.�b3 a6 15.ha6 gxa6
16.�xd5 i.e6 17.�c5 ga4 18.gfe1
CiJxd4= Black regains his pawn
and White is forced to play very
precisely, since his knight is po­
tentially weaker than the enemy
bishop, Laine - Salonen, Email
14 a6

Chapter 18

This sharp move was recom­

mended and analyzed quite deep­
ly more than 400 years ago by
7 .ti�xe4 8. 0 - 0

In a few games White has tried

s :rge2? d5 9.0-0 hc3 10.bxc3
o-m=, but Black completes his de­
velopment, remaining with a sol­
id extra pawn. 10.i.b5 0 - 0 11.1Mfc2 (ll.hc6?!
White cannot even equalize bxc6+ - His extra pawn is not a
with the aggressive line 8.d5 lLlxc3 telling factor yet, before Black has
9.bxc3 hc3+ 10 .i.d2 hd2 + 11. advanced c6-c5, but his pieces are
�xd2 lLle7 12.0-0 (It would be much more active.) ll . . . i.f5 12.
better to continue 12.d6! cxd6 i.d3 l'%e8+ - White has the advan­
13.0-0 d5 14.hd5 0-0+ and tage of the two bishops, but this
Black would need to give back one does not fully compensate for the
of his extra pawns to complete his lost pawn, Zuriel - Sarquis, Coro­
development.) 12 . . . d6 13.:1Ue 1 nel Suarez 2004.
O-m= Villing - Horn, Baden 10.i.a3 dxc4 ll.l'%e1 f5 12 .lLld2
2002. .ie6 13.lLlxe4 fxe4 14.1'%xe4, Chek­
After s:rgb3 0-0 9 . 0 - 0 hc3 hover - Pogrebissky, Kiev 1940
10 .bxc3 d5 ! ? 11..id3 (ll.hd5? and after 14 ... �d7! 15.d5 0-0-0
lLla5- +) ll . . . b6+ Black has a solid 16.1'%xe6 �xd5+ Black evacuates
extra pawn, Letay - Nyland, Bu­ his king from the danger zone and
dapest 2008. remains with an extra pawn.
8 ... .ixc3 10 .1'%e1 0-0 ll . .id3 (11.1Mfc2 i.f5
12 .i.d3 l'%e8 13.1'%b1 b6 - see 10 .
.id3) ll . . . lLlxc3 12 .1Mfc2 lLle4 13.
he4 dxe4 14.1Mfxe4, Pons Martos
- Clanchet Olle, Martorell 1997,
and now Black should transfer
his knight to d5 by playing 14 . . .
lLlb4 ! +
10 .i.d3 0 - 0 11.�c2 l'%e8 12.1'%b1
b6! 13.1'%e1 i.f5 14.i.f4 (14.i.g5?!
lLlxg5 15.1'%xe8+ 1Mfxe8 16.lLlxg5
i.g6+ The simplification is in
Black's favour, Vetter - Heil­
9.d5 ! mann, Email 2 004) 14 . . . .ig6+ -
9.bxc3 d5 Black has won a pawn and should

l.e4 e5 2. tqf3 ltJ c6 3. 1J.c4 1J.c5 4.c3 ltJf6 5.d4 ed

now try to simplify the position, @g2 E:f8 2 0 .i.e3 E:f6 2 1.W/hl E:g6+
Silva - Jensen, Email 20 04. 2 2 .@fl E:gl+ 23.Yixg1 tt::l xg1 24.
9 . ttle5
.• @xgl Ylxh3+ - White has parried
This is not the most popular the direct threats against his king,
move for Black, but it is complete­ but Black's h-pawn will soon start
ly reliable. to advance.) 13 . . . 0-0 14.he5
dxeS 15.W/d3 .hf3 16.Yixf3 W/d6+
and Black has an extra centre
pawn, Lukyanov - Ponkratov,
Belgorod 2009.
White has not yet tried the
move 10 . .ie2 , when Black must
find the far-from-obvious re­
sponse 10 . . . tt::l xf2 ! ll.i"ixf2 tt::l xf3+
12 .hf3 1J.e5 13.Yie1 d6 14.1J.f4 0-0
15.he5 E:e8 16.E:e2 dxeS 17.E:xe5
.id7+ ending up with a solid extra
1 0 .Yfe2 1 0 0 - 0 ll.bxc3

10 .bxc3 tt::l xc4 lUl:el (after 11. ll.tt::l xeS? heS 12.Yixe4 E:e8 13.
Yld4 0-0, every possible capture Yld3 (13.Yic2 d6 14.i.d3 g6 15.f4
transposes to the main variation .id4+ 16.@h1 Ylf6 17.f5 fJ.x£5-+)
- see 10.Yie2) ll...tt::l c d6 1 2 .tt::l d 2 13 . . . Yif6 14.f4 .id4+ 1S.@h1 d6-+
0-0 13.tt::l x e4 tt::l xe4 14J'l:xe4 d6+ Black should win easily with an
There are bishops of opposite extra pawn and superior develop­
colours on the board and ment, Wuppinger - Hasenoehrl,
White's pieces are very active, so Hallein 1988.
Black will find it very difficult ll.W/xe4 tt::l xf3+ 12 .Yixf3 .ieS
to realize his extra pawn, Geroni­ 13.:Be1 d6+ - Black completes his
mi - Van Wely, Ajaccio (blitz) development, retaining the extra
2007. pawn.
10.1J.b3 ? ! d6 ll.bxc3 .ig4 12. ll .ttlxc4 12. Ylxc4

:Bel fS ! 13 . .if4 (It is too risky for After 12 .Yixe4? ! tt::l d 6 13.W/c2
White to play 13.h3 ix:f3 14.gxf3, b6 14.E:e1 .ib7 15.c4 Ylf6 16 . .ib2
Barnes - Meisel, USA 1972 , since �f4 17.E:ac1 f6+ Black has devel­
Black can respond with 14 . . . 0 -0 ! oped harmoniously and neutral­
1S.fxe4 Ylh4 16.1"ie3 fxe4 with a ized the activity of the enemy
strong attack, because the major­ bishop, retaining the extra pawn,
ity of White's pieces are out of F.Perruchoud - Zednik, Email
play on the queenside, for exam­ 2008.
ple : 17.1"ig3 :Bf3 18.:Bxf3 tt::l xf3+ 19. 12 . . . �d6

2 13
Chapter 18

Budva 2009.) 24 . . . 'it>d8 25.a3 Ei:a2

2 6.tt:ld6 'it>e7 27.tt:lf5+ 'it>d8= -
Neither side can avoid the repeti­
tion of the position.
13 . . . ti'f6

13 .ti'g4? b6 14.i.g5 f6 15.i.h6,
Chorba - Bezkorovainaya, Niko­
laev 2 0 07, and with 15 . . .'�e7+
Black parries his opponent's pre­
mature attack.
White cannot create any prob­ 14.gel
lems for his opponent with the White needs to play very accu­
line 13.'\Wd4 tt:lf5 14.'\Wd3 d6 15. rately here.
i.g5 f6 16.i.d2 ti'e8+ and the 14.i.a3?! b6 15.Ei:fe1 (In the
transfer of Black's queen to the endgame after 15.'\Wd4 ti'xd4 16.
g6-square neutralizes his oppo­ tt:lxd4 i.a6 17.i.xd6 cxd6 18.Ei:fe1
nent's activity, Berezjuk - Sosna, g6+ Black's bishop gains scope,
Vsetin 1997. emphasizing the weakness of his
The position is equal after 13. opponent's d5-pawn, Guizar -
Wf4 b6 14.i.a3 i.b7 15.c4 Ei:e8 16. Wilson, Email 2008; with the
Ei:fe1 ti'f6 (16.i.xd6? ! cxd6 17.'\Wxd6 variation 15.i.xd6 Wxd6 16.tt:lg5
Ei:c8 18.Ei:fc1 h6 19.tt:ld4, Leite - ti'g6 17.'\Wxg6 hxg6+ White fails to
Parkes Navea, Email 2008, and weaken Black's pawn structure,
with 19 . . . i.a6t Black seizes the Kravchenko - Otroshenko, Kiev
initiative, emphasizing the weak­ 2000.) 15 . . . i.b7 16.Ei:e5 (if 16.tt:le5
ness of White's pawns.) 17.'\Wxf6 Ei:fe8 17.tt:lxd7 ti'g6 18 .ti'xg6 hxg6+
gxf6 18.i.xd6 cxd6 19.tt:ld4 i.a6 White loses his d5-pawn and he
20.Ei:xe8+ Ei:xe8 2 1.tt:lf5 Ei:e2 2 2 . must look after his knight, since
tt:lxd6 (22 .Ei:c1 'it>f8 23.tt:lxd6 'it>e7 Black threatens t7-f6.) 16 . . . Ei:fe8
- see 2 2 . tt:lxd6) 22 . . . 'it>f8 23.Ei:cl 17.i.xd6 Wxd6+ Verde - Kurkows­
'it>e7 24.tt:lf5+ (After the inaccu­ ki, Toronto 2008.
rate 24.'it>f1? Ei:e5 25.f4 Ei:xd5 26. 14.i.g5? ! '\Wf5 15.'\Wxf5 (15.'1Wd2
tt:lc8+ 'it>d8 27.tt:lxa7 Ei:c5+ Black tt:le4 16.'1Wc2 d6+ - Black has re­
wins a pawn with excellent win­ tained his extra pawn and seized
ning chances, Anicic - Godena, the initiative, Molina Munoz -

2 14
l.e4 e5 2. liJfJ li'Jc6 3. :ic4 :ic5 4.c3 li'Jf6 5.d4 ed

Sundararajan, Internet 2004; 15. otherwise, after 16.�d4 i.a6 17.

�d4 li'Je4 16.i.h4 c5 17.�d3 li'Jg3 ! i.e7 E1fe8 18.i.xd6 cxd6t Black's
18.�xf5 li'Jxf5+ Black has solved extra pawn is not very important
all his problems by the exchange yet, but his pieces are very active,
of queens, Vetter - Berger, Email Brown - Reilly, Email 2006.
2004) 15 .. .lijxf5 16Jl:fel (The ac­ 16.�xf5 17.g4 f6 18 . .if4
tive line 16.g4 f6 17.i.f4 li'Je7 18.c4 �d6 19.hd6 cxd6 2 0 .�d4
d6+ would merely lead to the ap­ In response to 20.E1e7, Loren­
pearance of additional weakness­ zana - Schandorff, Dresden
es in White's camp, Kornilovich - 2008, Black can activate his bish­
Ar.Sobolev, St. Petersburg 1997.) op, highlighting the weakness of
16 ... h5 17.h3 (17.i.e7 E1e8 18.i.a3 his opponent's pawns with the
fuel+ 19.fuel b6+ Watson - Grott, move 2 0 . . . i.a6t
Email 2 008) 17 . . .f6 18.i.d2 b6+ 2 0 . . . .ib7=
and Black completes his develop­
ment, with excellent prospects of
realizing his extra pawn, Mergard
- Schultheiss, Email 2009.
14 . . .b6 15 . .ig5 �f5

In this position, in the game

Gashimov - Dominguez Perez,
Nice 2010, the players agreed to a
draw, although Black was by no
means obliged to offer it, since the
16.Wxf5 onus is now on White to play ac­
White must enter an endgame; curately.

2 15
Chapter 19 l.e4 e5 2 .ti�f3 � c6 3.ic4 ic5 4.c3 �f6
5.d3 0 - 0

Giuoco Piano

and he has no compensation for

After 6.h3 dS 7.exd5 li:JxdS 8.
BgS, Lesnic - Marczuk, Kerner
2007 (here it is better for White to
play 8.0-0 - see Chapter 20),
Black can continue with 8 . . .f6 9.
i.e3 i.xe3 10.fxe3 i.e6 11.0-0
li:JaS+ and he exchanges his oppo­
nent's active bishop, ending up
with a stable advantage.
White's main move in the dia­
gram position is of course 6.0-0. A) 6.b4 i.e7!
We shall analyze this in the next Black's bishop is better placed
chapter. Here we shall deal with here than on b6, since it supports
White's alternatives and our anal­ the preparation of the pawn-ad­
yses will focus on the moves: A) vance d7-d5 in one move by cov­
6.b4, B) 6.�d2, C) 6.-*.b3 and ering the important gS-square.
D) 6.i.g5.
For 6 .'?;Ve2 dS 7.exd5 li:JxdS
8.0-0 i.g4 - see Chapter 2 0 .
After 6 . .ie3 i.xe3 7.fxe3 li:JaSt
Black seizes the initiative, ex­
changing his knight for his oppo­
nent's active bishop, exploiting
the fact that it would be bad for
White to play 8.li:Jxe5? �e7+ and
Black regains his pawn, gaining a
huge lead in development. It is no
better for White to opt for 8.i.b5? !
d S 9.exd5 '?;VxdS 10.li:Ja3 e 4 11. 7.ti'b3
dxe4 �xe4+ - his e3-pawn is weak This is the most insidious

l.e4 e5 2. 0,j3 11J c6 3. :ic4 :ic5 4.c3 11Jf6 5.d3 0 - 0

move for White and it forces his initiative, Bologan - Kraidman,

opponent to find the only reply. Gausdal 1991.
This is more than sufficient for 8.b5 a4 9.Yfc2 0Ja5 1 0 . 0Jxe5
Black, though . . . It is too risky to capture the a4-
7.0-0 d S 8.exd5 0Jxd5 - see pawn, because after 10.Yfxa4 dS 11.
Chapter 2 0 . exd5 0Jxd5+ White falls catastroph­
7.b5?! - White wins a pawn ically behind in development.
with this move, but falls consider­ White cannot equalize with 10.
ably behind in development. 7 . . . 0Jbd2 dS 11.exd5 0Jxd5 12 .:ixd5
0Ja5 8.0Jxe5 0Jxc4 9.0Jxc4 d S 10. \Wxd5 13.c4 \Wd6 14.0Je4 \Wg6 15.
0Jcd2 (10.exd5 \WxdS 11.0-0 :ifS 0-0 f6+ since Black's two bishops
12 .0Je3 \Wxd3+ Black has regained and solid centre provide him with
the pawn, completed his develop­ a stable edge, Mergard - S.Muel­
ment and obtained the advantage ler, Email 2 009.
of the two bishops.) 10.dxe4 11.
0Jxe4 (in response to 11.dxe4, it is
again very good for Black to play
11 . . . a6 12.bxa6 l:!xa6+) 11 . . . a6+ -
Black has completed his develop­
ment and now begins an attack on
White's vulnerable queenside
pawns, Vysochin - Godena, Inter­
net 2 0 08.
7.:ib3 a6 (Black prevents his
opponent from capturing the e5-
pawn.) 8.:ig5 h6 9.:ixf6 :ixf6 10.
0Jbd2 d6= - Black has not man­ 10 d5 ll.exd5 .i.f5 ! (This

aged to advance with d7-d5, but move is even stronger than 11 . . .

White has had to exchange his 0Jxd5 1 2 . 0 - 0 :if6 13.l:!e1 l:!e8 14.f4
bishop for the enemy knight to 0Jxc4 15.dxc4 0Jb6+ Martinez -
prevent this, Reefat - Grover, Godena, Bratto 20 07) 12.Yfdl
Dhaka 2009. J.d6 13.f4 0Jxc4 14.dxc4 0Je4+
After 7.0Jbd2 dS 8.:ib3 , Berto­ Black is two pawns down, but
ni - Terreni, Vitinia 1998, it is White will find it difficult to com­
once again reasonable for Black to plete his development without in­
fix the enemy pawn on b4 by play­ curring even greater material
ing 8 . . . a6 9.0-0 :ie6= losses.
7 a5!

After the natural line : 7 ... d6 B) 6.�bd2 a5! ?

8.a4! aS 9.b5 0Jb8 10.0-0t White's With this move Black prevents
battery along the a2-g8 diagonal his opponent from seizing further
provides him with an enduring space on the queenside.

2 17
Chapter 19

After 6 . . . d5 7.exd5 tt:lxdS 8. 7 . . . d6

tt:le4 ! ? White's knight occupies Black's bishop will inevitably
the e4-outpost with tempo and af­ come to e6 and this will solve all
ter this the pin on his knight on f3 his problems, because the pres­
is less dangerous, in view of the sure of White's light-squared
possible manoeuvre h3, i.hS, tt:lg3. bishop against Black's kingside
will be thus removed.

7. 0 - 0
In response to 7.tt:lf1, Black has 8.h3
the powerful riposte 7 . . . d5+ 8.l!e1 i.e6 9.i.b3, Situru -
7.h3 d6 8.ttlf1 (8.0-0 i.e6 - Bouchaud, New York 1994, (It is
see 7.0-0) 8 . . . i.e6 9.i.b3 dS 10. no better for White to opt for 9.
exdS hdSt - Black is clearly he6 fxe6 10.�b3 �e8, since now
ahead in development and this he loses his queen after 11.�xb7??
becomes quite clear after the ex­ i.b6-+, while if ll.a4 tt:lhSt Black
change of bishops, or even if creates very dangerous threats on
White avoids it, Koubek - Korsa, the kingside.) 9 . . . hb3 10.axb3
Czech Republic 2006. dS= and despite the fact that
7.i.b3 d6 8.tt:lfl (8.0-0 - see Black advanced d7-d5 in two
7.0-0; following 8.h3, Pelekh - moves, he has no problems at all,
Serik, Evpatoria 2 005, the sim­ because he has succeeded in neu­
plest way for Black to neutralize tralizing the pressure of White's
his opponent's dangerous bishop light-squared bishop.
is with the move 8 . . . i.e6=) 8 . . . b5 8.i.b3 i.e6 9.i.c2 (In response
9.a4 b4 10.tt:lg3 i.e6 11.0-0 l!b8 to 9.a4, Black equalizes easily
12 .he6 fxe6= - White has seized with 9 . . . d5 10.�c2 h6= - He ends
space on the queenside and forced up with a slight space advantage
the exchange on e6. This has ena­ and his bishop has the excellent
bled Black to activate his rook and e6-square.) 9 . . . h6 10 .h3 dS ll.i.a4
cover the fS-square, Baisaev - S. dxe4 12.dxe4, De Ia Paz Perdomo
Kuzin, Dagomys 2009. - Rodriguez Sorribes, Barbera del

l.e4 e5 2. Ci'Jj3 Ci'J c6 3. �c4 �c5 4.c3 Ci'Jj6 5.d3 0 - 0

Valles 2004. Black's e5-pawn 6 d5


needs protection, but after 12 . . .

Wfd6 13 .Wfe2 Ci'Jh5? not only he
has defended it securely, but he
now obtains excellent counter­
play thanks to the threats of Ci'Jg3
and Ci'Jf4.
8 ... i.e6 9.gel
After 9.a4, Slawinski - Ha­
raldsson, Email 2007, 9 . . . h6 10.
Wfb3 �d7 ll.he6 fxe6 12.Ci'Jc4
Ci'Jh5 = , or 9.he6 fxe6 10.a4 Wfe8
ll .Ci'Jb3 i.b6= Ticleanu - Voicules­
cu, Email 2007, Black's kingside 7.Ci'Jbd2
counterplay is very strong. For 7.exd5 Ci'Jxd5 8.0-0 �f5 ! -
see Chapter 2 0 .
7.�e2 aS

9 . . . �d7 l O .tl:l fl .ixc4 11. After 8.0-0 a4 9.i.c2 Eie8t,

dxc4 �e6 12.�d3 Ci'Jh5 t - It is Black has forced his opponent's
extremely difficult for White to bishop off the active a2-g8 diago­
prevent Black's pawn advance f7- nal and Black now has a much
f5, opening of the f-file for his more active position, having
rooks, Schaack - Zuyev, Hanau gained extra space on the queen­
2008. side, Herzog - M.Szabo, Email
C) 6.i.b3 8.�g5 - This pin can easily be
This is a standard idea for neutralized : 8 . . . dxe4 9.dxe4 h6
White. He protects his bishop 10.�h4 a4 ll.i.c4 (11.�c2 , Guada­
against the threat of Ci'Ja5, and if muro - Gomez Ledo, Balaguer
Black plays d7-d5, White will have 2011, 1l.. .Wfd6! 12 .Ci'Jbd2 Ci'Jh5t)
more options, other than just ex­ ll . . . Wfd6 ! 12.Ci'Jbd2 Ci'Jh5t - Black
changing or retreating the bishop. forces his opponent to defend,

Chapter 19

Kobalia - Lysyj , Khanty-Mansi­ fectively, since White has no

ysk 2011. weaknesses in his camp, Mame­
8.i.a4 l'!b8 9.0-0 (It is inferior dov - Cheparinov, Moscow 2011.
for White to play the greedy 9. 7 . .ie6
. .

hc6 bxc6 10 .tt:lxe5 since after

10 . . .'�e8 11.d4 i.d6 12 .exd5 tt:lxd5+
he lags considerably in develop­
ment and his light-squared bish­
op, which could have covered the
f1-a6 diagonal, has disappeared
from the board. In the variation
9.i.g5 b5 ! 10.exd5 bxa4 11.dxc6
�d5 12 .hf6 gxf6 13.0-0 �xc6+
Black has the better prospects,
since he has two very active bish­
ops and open files for his rooks, as
compensation for his seriously 8.�e2
weakened pawn-structure.) 9 . . . b5 8 .i.c2? ! - White avoids the ex­
10 .i.c2 (It is better for White to change of his bishop, but gives
try a line which not yet been test­ Black a tempo for the develop­
ed in practice: 10.exd5 tt:Jxd5 11. ment of his initiative. 8 . . . dxe4
hb5 ! l'!xb5 12 .d4 l'!b8 13.dxc5 9.dxe4 (It is better for White to
�e7 14.l'!e1 �xeS, and here not play here 9.tt:lxe4 tt:Jxe4 10.dxe4
15.tt:lxe5? l'!e8-+ when Black wins i.c4t, but his king will be stuck in
a piece, but 15.b3 15 . . . l'!e8t with the centre for some time to come,
good chances for equality for so his h1-rook will be out of action
White.) 10 . . . d4 11.h3 �d6 12.cxd4 for a while.) 9 . . . tt:lg4 10.0-0 i.xf2 +
hd4+ The weakness of the d4- 11.l'!xf2 tt:le3 12 .�e2 tt:Jxc2 13.l'!b1
square provides Black with better i.xa2+ Black's knight on c2 will
chances, Herzog - Uifelean, undoubtedly be lost, but, he will
Email 2008. obtain a rook and three pawns
8.a4 i.e6 (The game is much in return for his two minor piec­
more complex after 8 . . . d4 ! ? 9. es, Herman - Hess, Ledyards
0-0 h6 10.tt:lbd2 �e7oo Radjabov 2006.
- Shirov, Baku 2009.) 9.i.c2 dxe4 8.0-0 dxe4 9.dxe4 hb3 10.
(9 . . . h6 ! ? 10.0-0 d4 11 .h3 l'!e8oo axb3 (10.�xb3 a6= Black pre­
Hou - Naiditsch, Khanty-Mansi­ vents - 11.�xb7? tt:la5-+) 10 . . .
ysk 2 009) 10.dxe4 h6 11.h3 �e7 �d3 11.b4 .ib6 12.tt:le1 �b5 13.tt:lc2
12 .tt:lbd2 l'!ad8= and in this sym­ (13.�c2 a5 =) 13 ... �d3= His queen
metrical position, Black has the is very actively placed on d3 and if
better development, but he will White tries to oust it from there
find it difficult to exploit this ef- with his knight he will have to ac-

l.e4 eS 2. 11Jj3 11J c6 3. §J.c4 §J.cS 4.c3 11Jf6 5.d3 0 - 0

quiesce to a draw by repetition. D) 6.i.g5

8 dxe4 9.dxe4
••• Black can easily parry this pin
9 .11Jxe4 11Jxe4 10.�xe4 �d7 11. when his pawn has not been
he6 �xe6= Black's pieces are a moved to d6.
bit more active, but he will have 6 h6 7.i.h4

difficulty exploiting this.

9 ti'e7 1 0 . 0 - 0

10.h3 h6 11.11Jf1 l'!ad8= Jedras

- Muszynski, Chelm 2010.
10 .b:b3 ll.axb3

7 i.e7!

This is a typical idea !

In response to 8.�b3, Black
can solve all his problems in
ll a5! ?N
••• standard fashion with 8 . . . 11Jh5
Black's bishop should retain 9.he7 �xe7= and his knight will
the possibility of retreating to f8 go to the f4-square.
in some lines, so he makes it dif­ 8.0-0 d6 9.h3 (9.11Jbd2 l:iJhS ­
ficult for White to advance with see 8.11Jbd2) 9 . . . 11Jh5 10.�g3 11Jxg3
b3-b4. ll.fxg3 l:iJaS+ Black's bishops are
The game Radjabov - Carlsen, stronger than the enemy knights,
Nice 2 0 09, continued ll . . . a6 12. Zocchia - Bokros, Email 2009.
b4 §J.a7 13.11Jc4 �e6 14.11J a5 l:iJxaS 8.i.g3 d6 9 .h3 l:iJaS 10.11Jbd2
15.l'!xa5t - White managed to iso­ 11Jxc4 11.11Jxc4, Verdu Vazquez -
late the enemy dark-squared Garijo Martinez, Valencia 2009,
bishop from the action on the ll ... �e6 12.11Je3 aSt - Black seizes
kingside. space on the queenside, making
12.ti'b5 i.b6 13.11Jc4 �xe4 use of the fact that White's bishop
14.�xb6 cxb6 15.i.e3 �d6 16. on g3 is cut off from the action.
ti'xb6 f6+t White has captured 8 d6 9.i.g3

his opponent's dark-squared In answer to 9.11Jf1 l:iJaS ! ? 10.

bishop, but in return Black has �bS, Kisonova - Chorvat, Slova­
obtained a superiority in the cen­ kia 1998, Black's most energetic
tre. response is lO . . . dS 11.�e2 (It is

Chapter 19

inferior for White to release his 9 4:la5

• • •

pressure on the eS-pawn : 11. The attractive-looking 9 . . .

ltl3d2 ? ! i.e6+) ll . . . c6 12 .i.a4 dxe4 ltlhS? loses a pawn for Black after
13.dxe4 bS 14.i.c2 ltlhS 15.i.g3 lO.ltlxeS ltlxg3 ll.ltlxc6 bxc6 12.
i.f6+. Black is threatening to play hxg3;!;. He has the bishop pair but
ltlf4, either immediately or after this is not sufficient to compen­
preparation, while if now 16 . .b:e5 sate for the missing pawn.
i.xeS 17.4:lxe5 ltlf4 18.Wif3 WigS 19. 1 0 .J.b5 �h5 ll.d4 �xg3
g3 ltlh3 20.4:ld3 i.g4 2 1.W/g2 ltlc4+ 12.hxg3 exd4
he keeps White's king stranded in It is logical for Black to open
the centre and obtains excellent the game, since he has two strong
attacking chances at the cost of bishops.
only a pawn. 13.�xd4
9.0-0 ltlhS 10 .i.g3 (White los­ Here it is inferior for White to
es after the greedy 10.4:lxe5? ltlxeS opt for 13.cxd4 eSt since it is ad­
ll . .b:e7 W/xe7 12.W/xh5 i.g4-+ and vantageous for Black to open the
his queen is lost, Chen - Sprin­ position for his bishop pair. If
gelkamp, Bagneux 2001; 10.i.xe7 White plays d4-d5 there arises a
V9xe7=) 10 . . . 4:lxg3 ll.hxg3 i.f6= Benoni pawn-structure in which
Black's bishop frees the e7-square Black's powerful dark-squared
for the knight manoeuvre ltlc6-e7- bishop has no opponent, giving
g6, Thorhallsson - Godena, Saint him the better prospects.
Vincent 2 005. 13 . . . a6 14.J.d3 c5 15.�c2,
9.a4 ltlhS 10.i.g3, Tate - Tiviakov - Naiditsch, Sibenik
Sanchez Jerez, Benidorm 2 009, 2010.
and here Black can play 10 ... 4Jxg3
ll.hxg3 i.f6= , followed by trans­
ferring his knight to the g6-
square, solving all his problems.
9 .i.b3 ltlhS 10.i.g3 (White
does not achieve much with 10.
he7 W/xe7 ll.ltlc4 ltlf4 12.ltle3
W/f6= Kosintseva - Lahno, Chis­
inau 2 005.) 10 . . . 4Ja5N (The care­
less move 10 . . . 'it>h8 enables White
to win a pawn: ll.ltlxeS ! ltlxeS 12.
i.xeS dxeS 13.W/xh5 W/xd3 14.Wxe5;!;
Tiviakov - Narayanan, Bhubane­ Black can now play 15 . . . d5
swar 2009.) ll.i.c2 c5 12.0-0 J.e6= 16.exd5 YlYxd5= and he equalizes
Black's position is at least equal. completely. His powerful bishops
His pieces are ideally placed and compensate for the unfavourable
he is ready for a fight in the centre. position of his pawn on cS.

Chapter 2 0 l.e4 e 5 2 . �f3 � c 6 3 . .ic4 ic5 4.c3 �f6
5.d3 0 - 0 6. 0 - 0

Giuoco Piano

6 . . . d5 ! ? Now White's main attempts to

Black's main reply i n the dia­ fight for an edge are connected
gram position is 6 . . . d6. That is with A) 8.b4 and B) s.gel.
also a good move. However, we If 8.d4 exd4 9.cxd4 (9.l2Jxd4?
recommend advancing the d­ l2Jb6+) 9 . . . i.e7= Black's bishop is
pawn one square further, because redeployed to the f6-square, from
with this Black immediately ob­ where it not only attacks the iso­
tains a slight advantage in the lated pawn, but assists in the de­
centre and a clear target for attack fence of his king.
- White's d3-pawn. 8.l2Jg5 - White is trying to or­
The drawback of the move 6 . . . ganize an attack against the ene­
d S i s that for Black t o maintain my king, just using the forces he
his advantage in the centre he has already developed. 8 . . . h6 9.
needs to coordinate his pieces, l2Je4 (in the variation 9.�f3 hxgS
which requires very precise lO.i.xdS g4 ll.�e4 i.fS ! ? - or 11 . . .
play. �d6 = - 12.�xf5 �xdS 13J!dl
7.exd5 �ad8 14.�xg4 fS� Black obtains
This move is forced. excellent compensation for the
7 . . . ttlxd5 pawn, owing to the weakness of

Chapter 2 0

White's d3-pawn and his undevel­ 11.�e2 , Fluvia Poyatos - Camp

oped queenside) 9 ...!J.e7= (Black UltraChess, Calella 1999, then af­
loses a pawn after 9 . . . !J.b6? 10. ter 11 . . . lt:Ja5= Black either ex­
hh6 ! ± and White's bishop is ta­ changes his knight for the enemy
boo, since capturing on dS fails to bishop, or dislodges the enemy
a fork on f6.) 10.ltlbd2 , Iftime - bishop from the dangerous a2-g8
M.Szabo, Buzias 2002, and here diagonal ; if White avoids the ex­
Black can play 10 . . . lt:Ja5+, either change of his bishop, Black's
gaining the advantage of the two pawns on b7 and c7 will join in the
bishops or banishing the enemy action.) 9 . . . exd4 10.cxd4 !J.b6 11.
bishop to a4, after which he can lt:Jc3 !J.e6 12J'1e1 !J.fl= Black has
win the d3-pawn with lt:Jf4. succeeded in keeping control of
8.!J.b3 ifS 9.!J.g5, Cunha - the dS-square, so his position is
Koziel, Email 2008, (it is slightly perfectly playable.
preferable for White to opt for 8.lt:Jbd2 ltlb6
9 .ltlxe5 lt:JxeS 10.d4 lt:Jb4 ! 11.dxc5
lt:Jbd3= , but Black's piece-activity
is quite threatening) 9 . . . !J.e7 10.
he7 lt:Jdxe7+ - Black has com­
pleted his development and will
go on to attack the d3-pawn.
8.�e2 !J.g4 9.b4 (Black does
not need to fear 9.h3 !J.hS 10 .g4? !
!J.g6 11.ltlxe5 lt:JxeS 12.�xe5 c6+
when White has won a pawn but
lags considerably behind in devel­ 9.!J.b5 i.d6 10.lt:Je4 (10.Eie1 !J.g4
opment and his king is in danger.) - see variation B) 10 . . . !J.g4 11.h3
9 . . . !J.b6 10.a4 a6 11.h3, Morozov (11.Eie1 Eie8 12 .h3 ihS - see varia­
- Bascetta, Email 2009, Black tion B) 11 . . . !J.h5 12.ltlg3 !J.g6 13.
should maintain the pin with 11 . . . Eie1, Bronstein - Plachetka, Kiro­
!J.hS?, since h e need not fear the vakan 1978. Here Black should
loss of his pawn, because White's support his eS-pawn with the
king would then be exposed. move 13 . . . Eie8 = , not fearing the
8.!J.g5 f6 9.d4N. This is a prin­ doubling of his pawns on the
cipled move for White. (After 9. queenside, since in that case the
!J.h4?! <;!;>h8t, Black has moved his power of Black's light-squared
king off the dangerous diagonal bishop would be increased con­
and now seizes the initiative, siderably.
thanks to his superior develop­ In response to 9.ltle4, Hofae­
ment and dominance in the cen­ cker - Zumbuelt, Germany 1991,
tre, Borisov - Popvasilev, Sofia Black should allow the exchange
2 011; if 9 . .ie3 he3 10.fxe3 .ie6 of his bishop and after 9 . . . lt:Jxc4

l.e4 e5 2. t:lJ.f3 t:lJ c6 3 . .ic4 .ic5 4.c3 t:lJf6 5.d3 0 - 0 6. 0 - 0 d5 7.ed t:lJxd5

10.CiJxc5 CiJd6= the weakness of ence of bishops of opposite col­

White's d3-pawn might become ours on the board increases
an important factor. White's chances of a successful
After 9.b4 White wins a pawn: defence, I.Saric - Brunello, Sze­
9 . . . ie7 10.b5 CiJaS ll.CiJxe5 tt:laxc4 ged 2 007.
12.CiJdxc4 CiJxc4 13.CiJxc4, Bauer ­ 9 ..ib3 .if5 10 ..ic2 Ele8 11.�e2
Bacrot, Belfort 2010 (13.dxc4 (In answer to ll . .ie3? Black ob­
�xd1 14J:!xd1 .ie6t and White will tains a better pawn structure and
have serious problems with the a considerable in development
protection of his c4-pawn, while with ll . . . he3 12 .fxe3 hd3 ! 13.
the position is open and Black's �xd3 �xd3 14.hd3 e4+; if ll.CiJg5
bishops are very powerful), but ig6 12.CiJe4 .ie7 13 .CiJbd2, Neved­
after Black plays 13 . . . a6 14.bxa6 nichy - Roganovic, Novi Sad
Elxa6 15.Ele1 .ie6� and he obtains 2009, Black can seize the initia­
more than sufficient compensa­ tive by playing 13 .. .f5 14.CiJg3
tion for the pawn owing to his ac­ �d7t when he controls the fourth
tive pieces and White's weak rank completely and has no prob­
queenside pawns. lems with finding good squares
8.h3 CiJb6 for his pieces) ll . . . CiJd5 12 .Ele1
�d7 13.�f1 Elad8+ - Black has
completed his development and
retains an edge thanks to his extra
space, E.Alekseev - Kazhgaleyev,
Tashkent 2011.
9 . .ib5 .id6 (Here it is also pos­
sible for Black to play 9 . . . f6 ! ?
10.a4 a 6 ll.hc6 bxc6oo and his
two strong bishops, plus the
weakness of White's d3-pawn,
9.b4?! - This move only weak­ provide Black with an excellent
ens his queenside, Kurmann - game, but the neglect of his pawn
Brkic, Budva 2 009 and after 9 . . . structure might not be to every­
CiJxc4 10.bxc5 t:lJ4a5 11.Ele1 f6+ body's liking . . . ) 10.Ele1 (10.CiJbd2
White's problems with the protec­ id7=) 10 . . . CiJe7
tion of his pawns become clear. (diagram)
9.ig5 �d6 ! 10 .b4? ! tt:lxc4 11. ll.d4 exd4 12.cxd4 (Black has
bxc5 �g6 12.dxc4 e4 13 .ie3 exf3 no problems after 12.CiJxd4 tt:lf5
14.�xf3 CiJe5 15.�g3 �xg3 16.fxg3 13.tt:lxf5 .ix£5= when he easily
CiJxc4+ - Black has regained his completes his development, L.Va­
pawn and has an edge thanks to jda - Fressinet, Bastia 2010.) 12 . . .
the many weak pawns in his op­ .if5 13.CiJc3 c 6 14.if1 t:tJbd5= -
ponent's camp, although the pres- Black has securely occupied the

Chapter 2 0

even after White's most tenacious

defence 19 . .ie3 �xh3 2 0 .�f3
�h2 + 2l.�fl lt:lh4 2 2 .�dl E:xe3 !
2 2 .fxe3 lt:lfS-+ Black regains the
sacrificed material with interest;
the position is equal after 14.
lt:ld2 bS lS.�dl (or 15.�c2 ifS
16.lt:ldf3 heS 17.lt:lxe5 f6 18.lt:lf3
hd3= ) lS ... heS 16.E:xe5 �xd3
dS-square and has the more ac­ 17.a4 a6= ; or 14.lt:lf3 ifS 15.if4
tive pieces, E.Alekseev - Shirov, ix£4 16.�xf4 �xd3= and in both
Foros 2008. cases Black regains his pawn but
ll.lt:lxeS - White wins a pawn, White completes his develop­
but presents his opponent with ment.
the advantage of the two bishops,
Guido - Godena, Bratto 2005. A) 8.b4
ll ... c6 ! ? (We believe that this The main benefit of this move
move is more precise than ll . . . a6, is that it wins a pawn, but its basic
as played in the game.) 12 . .ia4 drawback is that White lags in de­
lt:lxa4 13.�xa4 E:e8gg velopment and now weakens an­
other pawn, on c3.
8 . . . i.e7

and it is easy to see that Black

has enough compensation for the
pawn :
14.d4? ! - This move looks at­
tractive, but is not White's best. 9.b5
After 14 . . . lt:lg6 15.lt:lf3 E:xel + 16. This is his most consistent
lt:lxel hh3 ! 17.gxh3 (otherwise continuation.
Black will have a very strong at­ 9 .ib3?! a6 10 .ic2 ifS ll.ie3
tack in addition to his two bish­ �d7+ White has great problems
ops, in a position with material with the protection of his pawns
equality) 17 . . . �h4 18.�dl E:e8� on d3 and c3 , Tairova - Samokhi­
his attack is already decisive and na, Urgup 2004.

l.e4 e5 2. liJj3 liJc6 3 . .ic4 .ic5 4.c3 liJf6 5.d3 0 - 0 6. 0 - 0 d5 7.ed liJxd5

9.�b3? ! liJb6 10J'%e1 liJxc4 11. he4 18.dxe4 c6 19.i.b2 f6 2 0.e5

dxc4 f6 12 .c5+ l!lh8+ - Black has cxbS+ and White is unable to ex­
strengthened his position in the ploit the long diagonal;
centre and obtained the advan­ 10.i.a3 �e8 11.liJbd2 bS 12.hd5
tage of the two bishops, Rjanova (In reply to 12 . .ib3, Smirin - De­
- Ponkratov, Moscow 2010. lorme, Rijeka, 2010, it looks very
9.h3 .if6 10.liJfd2 (in reply to attractive for Black to bring his
10 .1Mfb3, Black can gain the bishop aS-rook into action with the move
pair by playing 10 . . . liJb6+) 10 . . . 12 ... a5!+) 12 ...1Mfxd5 13.liJe4 .ie7 14.
liJb6 ll . .ibS (ll.liJe4 liJxc4 12.dxc4 i.b2 aS 15.a4, Ponkratov - I.Khai­
.ie7+) ll . . . .id7 12.liJe4 a6 13.hc6 rullin, Zvenigorod 2008 and here
hc6+ - without his light-squared it is very good to play 1S . . . axb4
bishop White is unlikely to pre­ 16.axb5 �xa1 17.1Mfxa1 1Mfxb5 18.c4
serve his d3-pawn, Djurhuus - 1Mfa6+ As a result of the exchanges,
S.Arkhipov, Gausdal 1991. Black's passed b4-pawn might be­
9J'%e1 .if6 come very dangerous, particularly
if the position is further simplified.
9 liJa5
• • •

After 10.�b3 liJb6 11 . .ie3 liJxc4

12.dxc4, Gassanov - Aliyev, Baku
20 07, it seems good for Black to
activate his queen with 12 . . . �d3+
10.b5 liJaS ll . .ia3 (ll.liJxeS 1 0 .ixd5

liJxc4 12.dxc4 liJb6 13.�xd8 �xd8 It is no better for White to opt

14 ..if4, Kuczynski - Panczyk, for 10.liJxe5 liJxc4.
Wroslaw 1987, 14 . . . g5 ! 1S . .ig3
.ie6+ - Black prevents the normal
development of White's queen­
side.) ll . . . �e8 12 .hd5 1Mfxd5 13.c4
1Mfd8 14.liJc3, Areshchenko - Slo­
bodjan, Munich 2010. Here Black
can win the exchange with 14 . . . e4!
1S.liJxe4 (this is the only move)
1S . . ..ixa1 16.1Mfxa1 .ifS 17.1Mfc3

Chapter 2 0

Now, after ll.dxc4 tt:lb6 12 . .ia3 tion i s the passive position o f his
ha3 13.�xd8 l!xd8 14.tt:lxa3 tt:la4 knight on the edge of the board.
15J'l:ac1 f6 16.tt:lf3 .ig4 17.tt:ld4 White is trying to exploit this.
tt:lxc3 18.l!xc3 l!xd4+, Ruan Lufei 12.tt:lc3. Black might make use
- A.Kosteniuk, Antakya 2010, of the fact that his e5-pawn is un­
Black gained a small but stable touchable at the moment and
advantage, since the bishop is bring back his knight closer to the
stronger than the enemy knight in centre with 12 . . . c6 13.bxc6 (13.
a position with an open centre. tt:lxe5? �d4- +) 13 ... tt:lxc6 14.tt:ld5
In response to ll.tt:lxc4, Ficco b6= and although White has com­
- Godena, Lugano 2007, it is very pleted his development, but Black
good to continue with ll . . . a6! 12. has no problems whatsoever.
bxa6 l!xa6+ and Black's bishop 12 . . . e4 13 . .ixa5
pair, combined with the weakness After 13.dxe4 tt:lxc4+, Black's
of White's queenside pawns, more knight easily gets back into play.
than compensate for Black's sac­ 13 . . . exf3 14.�xf3 a6
rificed pawn.
1 0 , . .'rgxd5 ll.c4 �d7!

15 ..ic3
We shall take a look at White's
This excellent move is far from alternatives:
obvious. Black blocks the access 15.bxa6 l!xa6 16 . .ic3 l!d8 17.d4
of his bishop to the f5-square, but (17.l!e1 c5 18.tt:ld2 l!d6 19.tt:le4
in some variations he will exert l!xd3+ Black regains his pawn and
pressure on White's d3-pawn retains his advantage of the two
with the move l!d8 and when he bishops.) 17 . . . b5 18.tt:ld2 l!f6 19.
advances a7-a6 or c7-c6, he will �e3 l!e6 2 0.�f3 .ia6 ! 21 .d5 l!g6
win an important tempo, since his 2 2 .cxb5 hb5 23.l!fe1 .if8+ White
opponent's b5-pawn will need loses his d5-pawn and the one on
protection. a2 is more of a weakness than an
12 . .id2 outside passed pawn;
The only defect of Black's posi- 15.b6 cxb6 16 . .ixb6 (after 16.

l.e4 e5 2. tiJ.fJ ti:J c6 3. i.c4 i.cS 4.c3 ti:Jf6 5.d3 0 - 0 6. 0 - 0 d5 7.ed ti:Jxd5

i.c3 �c6 17.ti:Jd2 �xf3 18.t?Jxf3 �fS+ er unclear after 17 . . . �xd3 18.hc7
White's queenside pawns are much E:xal l9.E:xal �xd2 20.i.xd8 �xd8
weaker than Black's) 16 . . .i.f6 17. 21.E:a8 g6oo; if Black could move
d4 hd4 18.:E'!dl (It is obviously an his pieces off the back rank with­
improvement for White to play out losing material, he would
18 .hd4 �xd4 19.ti:Ja3 �cS+ but have excellent winning prospects.
Black's bishop is clearly superior However, it is difficult to see how
to White's knight on the edge of he can manage this without allow­
the board, and his position is ing White to obtain a passed
more compact.) 18 . . . ha1 19J:!xd7 pawn.) 18.E:a3 �f5 19.d4 �xf3 2 0 .
hd7 2 0 .�xb7 (20.ti:Ja3 i.c6 21. t?Jxf3 h S 2 1.h3 b 6 22 .i.b4 E:xa3
�b3 E:fe8+) 20 . . . E:ae8 2 1.i.e3 E:b8 23 .ha3 hd4= The position has
2 2 .�e4 E:fe8 23.�c2 i.a4 24.�cl been transformed into an end­
i.b2 25.�el E:bd8-+ Andriasian game with bishops of opposite
- A.Mastrovasilis, Rijeka 2010; colours and most likely a draw.
White can maintain equality 15 axb5 16.cxb5 �xb5 17.
. . •

with a line which has not been played �g3

yet: 15.a4N axbS 16.axb5 E:d8

White still has some difficul­

ties to overcome, for example: 17. . . �g5 !
White loses the exchange after Black releases the pressure
17.E:dl? i.b4+; against the d3-pawn, but avoids
after 17.�e3 i.f6 ! (This is bet­ weakening his kingside and in
ter than 17 . . . i.b4 18.hb4 E:xal fact now plans an offensive
19.i.c3 E:xb1 20.E:xbl �xd3= when against the enemy monarch.
White has regained the exchange 18.�xc7 ga6
and the most likely result is a From this square the rook can
draw.) 18.E:a3 i.b2 19.E:a2 .id4 be redeployed in the centre or on
20 .�d2 i.cS+ Black will inevitably the kingside, and it also supports
regain his pawn and will have the a possible i.d6.
edge thanks to his strong bishops ; 19 . .id2 �f6 20 . .ic3 �h4
17.ti:Jd2 ! i.f6 (The game is rath- 21.�g3

Chapter 2 0

2 1 . . . %Yxg3 ! to a transposition of moves. 10.

This is stronger than 2 1 . . .Yfh6 .ib5 (10.tt:le4 tt:lxc4 ll.tt:lxc5 tt:ld6
2 2 .%Ye3 i.g5 23.f4 i.d8 24.tt:ld2oo 12 .h3 .ih5 - see 9.h3 .ih5 10.
when White has completed his tt:lbd 2 ; 10.b4 .ie7 ll.h3 .ih5 - see
development and kept his extra 9 .h3) 10 ... .id6 ll.tt:le4 (ll.h3 .ih5
pawn, Macieja - Fressinet, Wat­ - see 9.h3 ; ll.hc6 bxc6 12 .h3
tenscheid 2011. .ih5 - see 9.h3) ll . . . Eie8 12 .h3
22.hxg3 b5+ Black has more .ih5 - see 9.h3.
than enough compensation for White has a good alternative
the pawn, despite the exchange of here in the form of the less popu­
queens. His bishops are very lar move 9.a4 ! ? played in Krivo­
strongl, while White will have kapic - Nestorovic, Subotica
problems protecting his pawns on 2010. The idea behind this insidi­
d3 and a2. Furthermore, after the ous move is to push the pawn to
exchange of queens White will a5 and deprive Black's knight of
find it difficult to organize any ac­ the b6-square and at the same
tive counterplay. time ensure the safety of White's
own light-squared bishop. Black's
B) s.gel best response seems to be 9 . . . a6
This is the main line. White 10.a5 (10.tt:lbd2 tt:lb6 ll.h3 .ih5 -
has already opened the e-file, so it see 9 .h3) 10 . . . �h8 ll.h3 .ih5 -
is logical use it to exert some pres­ see 9 .h3.
sure on Black's e5-pawn. In several games White has
8 . . . .ig4 played 9.b4? tt:ldxb4 ! 10.cxb4
(diagram) hf3 ll.Yfxf3 i.d4+, but he re­
9.h3 mains the exchange down.
White should force Black's bish­ After 9.Yfe2 Eie8 10 .h3 Black's
op to the h5-square, from where it most reliable reply seems to be
cannot return to the centre. 10 . . . .ie6 ! ? ll.Yfc2 .ib6 12.tt:lg5
After 9.tt:lbd2 and Black's best i.f5=
reply 9 ... tt:lb6! it generally amounts 9 . . . .ih5

l.e4 eS 2. 0,j3 'Ll c6 3. 1ic4 ticS 4.c3 'Llf6 5.d3 0 - 0 6. 0 - 0 dS 7.ed ttJxdS

Souleidis - Ragger, Germany 2007;

it is too risky for White to opt for
14.1i.g5 �b6 15.l'!e2 cxd5 16 . .ie3
�a6 17.l'!d2 f5� Smola - Wiewio­
ra, Kolobrzeg 2008) 14 . . . cxd5 15.
�f3 1i.c7� and Black's kingside at­
tack procedes effortlessly, Stjazh­
kina - Arnaudov, Varna 2010.

Bl) 1 0 .b4 .ib6

Bl) 1 0 .b4
B2) 1 0 .a4
B3) 1 0 .�bd2
10.g4 .ig6 ll.'Llxe5 (11.b4 .ib6
- see 10.b4) ll . . . tt:Jxe5 12J%xe5 c6
13 .hd5 (If 13.d4? fi.d6 White
loses after 14.l'!e1 �h4 15.�f3
l'!ae8-+ since compared with the
Marshall attack his kingside is ir­
reparably weakened, while after
14.1i.g5 f6 15.1i.h4, Maslak - Vasta,
Dos Hermanas 2004, 15 . . . he5 ll.b5
16.dxe5 �b6-+ Black wins the ex­ 11.hd5? - White cannot win a
change and retains the better de­ piece like this, because after 11 . . .
velopment; or 13.�f3 �c7 14.l'!e1 �xd5 12.c4 h f3 13.gxf3 �d4-+
l'!ae8+ and Black has more than he cannot protect his rook.
enough compensation for the It would be too aggressive for
pawn, because White's queenside him to weaken his kingside
is undeveloped and his kingside is with ll.g4? ! .ig6 12.a4 (12 .hd5?!
very weak.) 13 . . .1i.d6 (Black ob­ �xd5 13.c4 �xd3 14.c5 lt:lxb4 15.
tained excellent compensation in cxb6 lt:lc2+ Black obtains a rook
the game Glidzhain - Ponkratov, and several pawns for two minor
Moscow 2010, with 13 . . . cxd5 ! ? 14. pieces.) 12 . . . a6 13.a5 (13.lt:lxe5
�f3 Wfc7 15.l'!xd5 l'!ae8�, but he �f6+ Black regains his pawn and
was two pawns down neverthe­ White's kingside weaknesses will
less . . . ) 14.l'!e1 (after 14.l'!g5 cxd5 be hurting him even more after
15.�f3 f5 ! 16.gxf5 fi.e7 17.f6 hf6 the opening of the e-file.) 13 . . . 1i.a7
18.�xd5+ l'!t7 19.�xd8+ l'!xd8 20 . 14.lt:lxe5, Kubasky - Speisser,
l'!xg6 hxg6+ White is an exchange Email 2006. Here Black can play
down in an endgame and his 14 . . . lt:lxe5 15.l'!xe5 c6+, gaining
queenside is still undeveloped, more than enough compensation

Chapter 2 0

for the exchange, owing to his lead

in development and the weakened
position of White's king.
After ll.a4 a6 1 2 J''!:a2 (12.l"!:a3
f6 13.lt:lbd2 .tf7 14.a5 .ta7 15.ll'le4
�d7 16.�b3 l"!:fd8= it is difficult
for both sides to improve their po­
sitions.) 12 .. .f6 13.ll'lbd2 �h8 14.
l"!:c2, Vasiukov - Opl, Dresden 2006,
Black should deploy his major
pieces in the centre and the best
way to begin this is to play 14 ... �d7= �cS 21.�g3 ll'le4! 22.dxe4 �xc4
ll . . . ll'la5 12.gxe5 23 ..td6 �xbS 24.i.xf8 EMS= Black
12 .g4?! - White has weakened will create an outside passed
his queenside with his previous pawn on the queenside and this
move and now he is doing just the will guarantee him at least a draw.
same with his kingside. 12 . . . .tg6 Black has the same tactical re­
13.ll'lxe5 (if 13J�xe5? ll'lf4 14.hf4 source even if White protects his
ll'lxc4+ Black regains his pawn bishop on c4 in another way: 13.
and quickly activates all his piec­ ll'lbd2 hf3 14.�xf3 .ld4 ! 15.l"!:e2
es; or 13.hd5 �xd5 14.ll'lxe5 l"!:fe8 hc3 16.l"!:b1 l"!:e8 17.ll'le4 ll'lxc4 18.
15.d4 cS+ White might fail to de­ ll'lxc3 fue2 19.�xe2 ll'lb6= The sim­
velop altogether.) 13 . . . ll'lxc4 14. plification of the position is in Black's
dxc4 �h4 ! -+ Black's forces are favour, because the more pieces
tremendously active and White is he manages to exchange, the weak­
almost helpless against his oppo­ er White's d3-pawn will become.
nent's attack, for example : 15.�f3 13 . . . ll'lxb3 14.axb3 ges 15.
(15.cxd5? �g3+ 16.�h1 �xh3+ 17. gxe8+ �xeS 16.g4
�g1 �g3+ 18.�hU.xf2-+) 15 ... l"!:ae8! White's bS-pawn is hanging
16 . .ta3 (16.cxd5 f6+) 16 .. .f6 17. and he has no other defence
.ixf8 ll'lf4 18.�xf4 fxe5-+ and Black's against 16 . . . .txf3 .
threats on the f-file are decisive.
12 . . . ll'lf6N
13 . .tb3
13.ll'la3 hf3 14.�xf3 .td4 ! 15.
cxd4 (after 15.l"!:e2 hc3 16.l"!:b1 l"!:e8
17.l"!:xe8+ �xe8 18.ll'lc2 h6= Black
will easily eliminate White's ad­
vantage of the two bishops) 15 . . .
�xd4 16.l"!:e1 �xa1 17 . .ld2 �b2 18.
haS �xa3 19.hc7 l"!:ae8 20.l"!:f1

l.e4 e5 2. l:C,j3 I:C, c6 3. �c4 �c5 4.c3 I:C,f6 5.d3 0 - 0 6. 0 - 0 d5 7.ed l:i',xd.S

16 0,xg4! ?
. • • simplification, because all his
This is the most precise move pieces are in play, while White's
for Black, although he can also queenside is undeveloped and his
play 16 . . . �g6. king is insufficiently protected,
17.hxg4 ixg4 18 . .if4 (after Silva - Jelic, Email 2 0 0 2 .
18.0,bd2 \WxbS ! 19J:�a4 'IWhS 20. n ... whs !
\We2 \Wg6 21.<;t>hl \Wh5+ 2 2 .<;t>g1 A complicated position has
\Wg6= the most logical outcome of arisen, one which has not yet
the game would be a draw by rep­ been analyzed thoroughly, so
etition) 18 J�d8 19.�bd2 gxd3
.• we shall deal with it at some
2 0 .Wfel ti'xel+ 21.<!Llxel gxc3 length.
22.�c4 h5 23.�xb6 ax:b6=
White will lose both his b-pawns
in the next few moves, in return
for the b7- and c7- pawns, so
Black's prospects in this endgame
are perfectly acceptable.

B2) 1 0 .a4!?

This is the most natural devel­
oping move for White.
He loses after the hasty 12.
\Wb3? � 13.gxf3 \Wh4 ! 14.d4
exd4 15.hd5 Eiae8 16.'1Wd1 dxc3
17.�e3 he3 18.Eixe3 Eixe3 19 .fxe3
cxb2 2 0 .Eia2 Eid8-+ Black regains
This move is played with the his piece and ends up with extra
same idea as 9.a4, which is to en­ pawns and an attack.
sure the safety of White's strong The position is double-edged
light-squared bishop. after 12 .d4 exd4 13.cxd4 �b4 14.
10 a6 11.a5
• . • �d2 hd2 15.0,bxd2 /:i)f4? when
ll .l:i',bd2 l:i',b6 - see 10.I:i',bd2 . White has seized space on the
ll.g4? ! �g6 12./:i)xeS l:i',xeS 13. queenside but his d4-pawn needs
EixeS c6 14.hd5 cxdS 15.\Wf3 ti'c7 protection and his king might
16.Eixd5 Eiad8 17.Eixd8 Eixd8 18.d4 come under attack.
hd4+ Black's prospects are pref­ A very complicated struggle
erable, despite the considerable arises after 12 .b4 �a7 13.b5 axbS

Chapter 2 0

14.hb5 f6 15.i.a3 l:'le8 16.a6

�c8+± Black has the better posi­
tion in the centre and eyes the
kingside, but White has made
some progress on the queenside.
12 .g4 - White wants to in­
crease his pressure on the queen­
side. 12 . . . i.g6 13.�b3 e4 ! 14.dxe4
lt::l e5 ! 15.lt::l xe5 �h4 ! � . Black has
begun an attack after several very
strong moves and the difficulty
of White's defence can be best il­ 15 ht'2 + ! 16.'i!i>xf2 �h4+

lustrated by the following varia­ 17.�g1

tions : 16.lt::l d3 (16.�c2? l:'lae8 17. It is inferior for White to con­
hd5 �g3+ 18.\!i>fl �xh3+ 19.'i!i>e2 tinue with 17.g3 �xh3 18.'i!i>xf3
l:'lxe5- + White's queenside forces fxe4+ 19.'i!i>e2 �g4+ 2 0.'i!i>d2 l:'lad8
cannot come into play.) 16 . . . �g3+ 2 1.�xd8 l:'lxd8+ 2 2.'i!i>c2 lt::l e 5+
17. \!i>fl �xh3+ 18.'i!i>e2 (18.'i!i>g1? with an approximate material
�xg4-+) 18 ...he4 19.'i!i>d2 (White balance on the board, but Black's
loses by force after 19.lt::l xc5 lt::l f4+ pieces are much more active than
2 0 .hf4 �xg4+ 21.'i!i>e3 �f3+ 2 2 . their white counterparts, while
'i!i> d 2 �xf4+ 23.l:'le3 �xf2 + 24.l:'le2 White's king has no safe refuge.
�f4+ 25.\!i>e1 �g3+ 26.\!i>fl i.f5-+) 17 exe1 18.gxf3 gadS 19.
• • •

19 ... hd3 20 .hd3 lt::l f4 21.i.f5 �c5 gd6 2 0 .exf5 c!Lle5

lt::l g 2 2 2 .l:'le2 �f3 23.�c4 lt::l f4 24.
b4 l:'lad8+ 25.\!i>c2 lt::l x e2 2 6.�xc5
lt::l x c1 27. \!i>xc1 c6+ and the materi­
al is approximately equal, but
Black's prospects are better, since
all his pieces are active, while
White's king is unsafe and his
pawns on g4 and particularly on
f2 are quite vulnerable.
12 f5 13.li�fl
• • •

After 13.d4 exd4 14.lt::l b 3 �d6

15.�d3 l:'lae8+ the opening of the
e-file is in Black's favour, because 21.ee3
he is the better-developed side. The attempt to solve his prob­
13 e4! 14.dxe4 .ixf3! 15.
. • • lems tactically by playing 21.
Y«xd5 i.h6 leads after 2 1 . . .lt::l xf3+ 2 2 .'i!i>h1
White loses quickly after 15. �e8 23 . .if4 �e4 24.�e3 �c6 25.
�xf3 fxe4-+ , or 15.gxf3 �h4-+ �e2 lt::l d 2+ 2 6.�g2 lt::l xc4 27 . .ixd6

l.e4 e5 2JiJj3 11Jc6 3. i.c4 i.c5 4.c3 11Jf6 5.d3 0 - 0 6. 0 - 0 d5 7.ed l:iJxdS

�xd6+ to material equality, but d3-pawn, while his bishop has an

White's position is worse, since excellent square on a7.) 1 2 . . . 11Jxc4
his king is completely exposed. 13.11Jxc5 11Jd6 14.d4 (after 14.g4
21 gdl 22.'ffx el �el 23.
••• i.g6 15.11Jxe5 l:iJxeS 16.l'!xe5 b6 17.
�f2 (The attempt to play for a 11Jb3 11Jc4 18.l'!e1 �xd3t Black's
win with 23.b3 11Jxc4 24.bxc4 gds pieces are considerably more ac­
25.l'!b1 l'!dd1 26.l'!xb7 fuf1+ 27. tive) 14 . . . exd4 15.g4 i.g6 16.cxd4
'i!lg2 l'!g1+ 28.'i!lf2 l'!gf1+ 29.'i!lg3 l'!e8? White's knight has a great
l'!g1+ 30.'i!lh4 h6+ does not pro­ outpost on cS, but his d4-pawn is
vide White with sufficient com­ potentially weak; Black should
pensation for the exchange.) 23 • • • therefore try to bring about ex­
�c1 24.gxcl �xc4 25.gdl �g8 changes.
26.b4 �d6 27.11Je3 �xf5 28.
�xf5 gxf5 29.gd7 M7 3 0 .gd8+ B3a) 11.11Je4 �xc4 12.�xc5
gf8= The position is drawish, ir­ �d6 13.g4 .tg6
respective of whether White ex­
changes the rooks or not.

B3) t o .tobd2 �b6

This is White's most consist­
ent move.
In reply to 14.�a4, it is good
for Black to play 14 . . . l'!e8 ! - he
B3a) 11.�e4 consolidates his position in the
B3b) 11 .tb5
• centre, ignoring his opponent's
B3c) 11.b4 queenside threats. Now after
15.11Jxb7 11Jxb7 16.�xc6 l'!e6 17.
The position is equal after 11. �xb7 l'!b6 18.�xa8 �xa8 19.11Jxe5
a4 a6 12.11Je4 (It is inferior for f6 20.11Jxg6 hxg6+ Black ends up
White to play 12.a5 11Jxc4 13.11Jxc4 with a slight material advan­
f6+ when, having strengthened tage .
his centre Black stands ready to 14 ..tg5 �c8 15.11Jh4, Corte -
exert pressure against the enemy Redol:fi, Buenos Aires 1955 (it is

Chapter 2 0

preferable for White to opt for In answer to 16.ltlb3, Black

15.d4 exd4 16.cxd4 b6 - see 14. can play for a win with the help of
d4) and after 15 .. .f6 16.li:lxg6 hxg6 the move 16 .. .f5 ! ?�. Sarthou -
17 . .ie3 b6 18.ltle4 �d7+ Black is Naiditsch, France 2010, or ensure
ready to attack the enemy d3- the safety of his king by playing
pawn. 16 . . . ltlc4 17.:Be1 �xd3 18.�xd3
14.d4 exd4 15 . .ig5 (15.cxd4?! .ixd3=
b6 16.�a4 ltlxd4 17.�xd4 bxcS 18. 16 �c8 ! 17 .ie7 bxc5 18.
••. •

�xeS �f6 19J�e3 ltle4 2 0 .�xc7 .bf8 �xf8 19.�c5 ltle4 2 o .gas
:Bfd8+ White's king is vulnerable After 20.:Be5 lt'lcS 2 1.d4 ltld3
and he has considerable problems 22 .:Be3 lt'lxb2 23.�e2 :Bb8 24.c4
with the development of his h6 25.h4 �d6 26.h5 .id3 27.:Bxd3
queenside.) 15 . . . �c8 16.ltlxd4 (16. lt'lxd3 28.�xd3 �f4= Black re­
cxd4 b6 17.ltle5 ltlxeS 18.dxe5 gains his pawn and White must
bxcS 19.exd6 cxd6= It will not be play very accurately to maintain
easy for Black to exploit the weak­ the balance.
ness of White's king and after the
exchange of queens the position
will become a dead draw.) 16 . . .
lt'lxd4 17.�xd4 b 6 18 .ltlb3 :Be8=
Tzermiadianos - Markidis, Kal­
lithea 2009.
14 lt'lxe5 15.gxe5 b6

2 0 ttlc5 21.d4? ! (White is


trying to play for a win. Instead, it

would be preferable for White to
continue with 2 1.f4 .ixd3 22.b4
ltlb7t, with some initiative for
Black in view of the fact that
White's king is completely ex­
16 .ig5
• posed.) 21 ttld3 22.�£3 :Be8
. • .

It would be too risky for White 23.gxa7 .ie4 24.�g3 (24.�e3

to play16.ltla6? ! , because the fS! 25.f3 f4 26.�d2 .ig6 27.:Bfl
transfer of the knight from that �e7- + ; 27.:Bxc7 :Be3-+) 24 f5 • . •

square to the kingside would take 25. �xc7 (After 25.gxf5 .txfS it is
too long. 16 .. .f5 17.d4 �h4 18.�f1 bad for White to play 26.:Bxc7
:Bac8--+ :Be6-+ , or 26.�xc7 .ixh3 27.�c4+

l.e4 eS 2. li:Jj3 li:J c6 3. i.c4 i.cS 4.c3 li:Jf6 5.d3 0 - 0 6. 0 - 0 d5 7.ed li:JxdS

a:e6- + , and Black's attack is deci­ After 12 .i.xc6 bxc6 13.li:Je4 (13.
sive in both cases.) 25 fxg4 ••• g4 i.g6 14.tt:lxe5 heS 15J!xe5
26.ti'c4+ lt>h8 27.ti'f7 ti'xf7 28. �xd3 16.�f3 �d6+ the weakness
gxf7 gxh3 29.gdl lt>g8 3 0 .gc7 of Black's queenside will only be a
h5 31.b4 h4-+ Despite the ex­ factor in the endgame, but at the
change of the queens Black's at­ moment White's queenside is un­
tack is crushing, White's king is developed and his king is weak,
incarcerated and he has no satis­ Gremmer - Leisebein, Email
factory defence against the threat 1999) 13 .. .f5 14.ltlg3 i.xf3 15.ti'xf3
of 32 . . . .ig2 . �d7? Kofidis - Dervishi, Katerini
B3b) ll.J.b5 12 ges
• • .

White tries to attack the ene­

my eS-pawn.
ll J.d6

This is the natural completion
of White's knight-manoeuvre.
12.li:Je4 In reply to 13.ig5?! f6 14.i.e3,
The transfer of the knight to g3 Burtasova - Ir.Semenova, Sochi
enables him to get rid of the un­ 2004, it is useful for Black to
pleasant pin without weakening eliminate his opponent's light­
the position of his king. squared bishop with 14 . . . a6 15.
For 12.li:Jfl a:es 13.li:Jg3 i.g6 - i.xc6 bxc6?
see 12.li:Je4. If 13.a4 a6 14.hc6 bxc6 15.a5
12.a4 a6 13.i.xc6 bxc6 14.tt:le4 (after 15.i.d2 li:JdS 16.li:Jg3 i.g6?
fS 15.li:Jg3 .ix£3 16.ti'xf3 �d7? Black obtains excellent counter­
White is unable to exploit the play, thanks to his strong light­
weakness of his opponent's squared which now has no oppo­
queenside pawns, but Black's ad­ nent, Kusturin - Kasperski, corr.
vantage in the centre is over­ 1998) 15 . . . li:Jd7 16.a:a4, Kalugin -
whelming, Guido - Brunella, E.Alekseev, Olginka 2011 (in re­
Bratto 2 007. sponse to 16.i.e3 Black can im-

Chapter 2 0

prove his position i n the centre by impede the pressure of the major
playing 16 . . . c5 17.g4 .ig6 18.lt:Jfd2 pieces against White's d3-pawn.
E:b8 19.lt:Jc4 i.f8?), and after 16 . . .
f6? Black bolsters his eS-pawn
and enables his bishop to retreat
to f7, where it is better placed
than on g6.
13 . . . .ig6 14.a4
There is no advantage for
White in simplifying the position
with 14 . .igS �d7 1S.lt:Jh4 a6 16 .
.ixc6 �xc6 17. lt:Jxg6 hxg6= Hase
- Amado, Buenos Aires 1983.
14 ... a6 15.hc6 bxc6 16.a5
lt:Jd7 17.�e4 h6 18.�a4 12 .g4
18.d4 exd4 19.lt:Jxd6 cxd6 20. We shall examine White's al­
lt:Jxd4 Wff c 7= Wallinger - Colucci, ternatives:
corr. 1990. after 12 .bS lt:JaS 13.E:xeS .ig6
14.E:e1 E:e8 1S.lt:JeS i.f6 16.lt:Jxg6
hc3 ! 17.E:xe8+ �xeS 18.E:b1
hxg6, Black is not worse, since at
any moment he can exchange his
terribly misplaced knight on aS
for White's strong bishop. For ex­
ample: 19 .�c2 lt:Jaxc4 20.dxc4
.ixd2 2 1 . .ixd2 �e2 2 2 .E:c1 lt:Jxc4
23.i.b4 �xc2 24.E:xc2 lt:Jb6 2S.
E:xc7 lt:JdS 26.E:c4 lt:Jxb4 27.E:xb4
E:d8 28.E:c4 E:d7= with complete
18 ... c5= Black has consolidat­ 12 .�b3 .if6 13 . .ib2 (13.-ibS
ed his position in the centre, and aS ! ? 14 . .ixc6 bxc6 1S.lt:JxeS E:e8
it is now difficult for either side to 16.d4 axb4 17.�xb4 cS ! 18.�xcS
make any progress in this posi­ lt:Jd7 19.�c4 heS 20.dxeS lt:JxeS
tion without making positional 2 1.�d4 Wfff6� Black's piece activity
concessions, Lazic - Gligoric, more than compensates for his
Kladovo 1990. sacrificed pawn.) 13 . . . aS 14.a3
axb4 1S.axb4 lt:Jxc4 16.�xc4 �d7
17.g4 (17.bS?! lt:JaS+ White's
B3c) ll.b4 .ie7!N queenside pawns are an easy tar­
Black's bishop is better placed get for Black's attack.) 17 . . . .ig6
here than on d6, since it does not 18.lt:Je4 i.e7? White's pieces are

l.e4 e5 2. l'Dj3 l'D c6 3. �c4 �c5 4.c3 l'Df6 5.d3 0 - 0 6. 0 - 0 d5 7.ed l'Dxd5

more active, but Black has no thanks to the many weak pawns
weaknesses in his camp and has in White's camp.) 20 .. .'1Wxc3 21.
two strong bishops; �e4 i.f7=
in the variation 12.a4 a6 13. 16.bxa6 l'Dxa6 17.g4 i.f7 18.
�a3 (after 13 .�b3?! l'Dxc4 14.�xc4 dxe5 ltlc5� White's king is ex­
:!'!e8 15.l'Dxe5 ix:b4 ! 16.d4 l'DxeS posed and his queenside pawns
17.�xb4 l'Dd3 18.1'!xe8+ �xe8 19. are weak; if we factor in Black's
�xb7 �e1+ 20.@h2 :!'!e8t Black bishop pair, this all adds up to ex­
obtains good attacking chances) cellent compensation for the
13 . . . l'Dxc4 14.l'Dxc4 f6 15.b5 l'Db8 pawn.
16.he7 �xe7= and the position is 16.l'De3 - This is White's most
simplified. aggressive option. 16 . . . exd4
12 .�e2 - White is preparing
d3-d4. 12 . . . l'Dxc4 13.l'Dxc4 f6 14.b5
l'Db8 15.d4 a6!

17.l'Df5 (17.cxd4?! axb5 18.

�xb5 .hf3 19.gxf3 l'Dc6 2 0 .l'Dc2
�c8t - White's king is endan­
White has managed to cramp gered and might come under at­
his opponent a little, but the posi­ tack) 17 . . . �d6 18.�c4+ (18.bxa6
tion will inevitably be opened up, l'Dxa6 19.�c4+ @h8 20.l'D3xd4
when the power of Black's bish­ l'Dc5 2 1 .ltlxd6 cxd6 22 .ltlb5 i.f7
ops will increase considerably. 23.�g4 �e8= White is unable to
16.�e4 axb5 17.�xb7 :!'!a4 18. create pressure against the ene­
l'Db2 (18.�xb5 �d7 19.�xd7 ltlxd7 my d6-pawn) 18 . . .�f7 19.�xd4
2 0.ltlb2 :!'!a3 21.l'Dd1 :!'!a5= - Black axb5 2 0.�g4 g6 21.ltl3d4 h5 (this
will inevitably regain the a2- is the most concrete reply) 2 2 .
pawn) 18 ... 1'!a3 19.dxe5 :!'!xc3= The ltlh6+ @h7 23.l'Dxf7 :!'!xf7 24.�f3
threat of M3 promises Black l'Dc6 25.l'Dxb5 l'De5 26.�d5 c6 ! ?
good prospects for the future. 27.�xd6 cxb5 28.�xd8 :!'!xd8 29.
16.1'!b1 axb5 17.1'!xb5 �d7 18. �e3 @g7= The pawn-weaknesses
:!'!xb7 �c6 19.1'!b2 l'Dd7 2 0 .l'Dcd2 of both sides cancel each other
(after 2 0.dxe5 hf3 21.gxf3 ltlxe5 out.
22.ltlxe5 fxe5� - Black has excel­ 12 .lg6 13.b5 c!Oa5 14.c!Oxe5

lent compensation for the pawn .lf6

Chapter 2 0

15.�xg6 18 ... .ie5

After 15.i.a3 i.xe5 16J'!xe5 l'!e8 The careless move 18 . . . a6? !
17.l'!xe8+ �xeS 18.i.c5 �bxc4 19. leads to a loss of a pawn for Black
dxc4 l'!d8 20.�e1 f6 2 1.�xe8+ after 19.bxa6 l'!xa6 20.�xd8 l'!xd8
i.xe8 2 2 .i.e3 b6= White's extra 2 1.hc7 l'!d5 2 2 . a4:t
pawn is irrelevant. Next move 19.�e2
Black plans to advance c7-c5, fix­ 19.�f3 f5 20.l'!ad1 fxe4 21.�xe4
ing the weakness and restricting E:xf4 2 2 . E:xd8+ E:xd8 23.�xg6
the enemy bishop. E:d6 24.�e8+ E:f8 25.�e7 E:fl=
15 . . . hxg6 16.�e4 19 . . . .ixf4 2 0 .�xc4 c6 21.
In the variation 16.�c2 l'!e8 gadl (21.bxc6 l:k8= ) 21 . . . �c7
17.i.a3 �d7 18.l'!ad1 c6 19.bxc6 22.bxc6 gac8=
�xc6= Black regains his pawn.
16.i.b2 �d7 17.�e4 (after 17.
�c2 �axc4 18.tt:lxc4 �xb5+ White's
bishop is bad and his d3-pawn is
weak.) 17 . . . tt:lbxc4 18.dxc4 �xd1
19.l'!axd1 tt:lxc4 20.tt:lxf6+ gxf6 21.
.ic1 a6 2 2 .a4 axb5 23.axb5 l'!fe8=
The endgame is by no means
worse for Black.
16 . . . �axc4 17.dxc4 �xc4
18 . .if4
After 18.�b3 tt:ld6 19.tt:lxd6
cxd6 2 0.i.d2 l'!c8= the pawns on White's king is exposed, so he
d6 and c3 are equally weak. must head for an endgame in
After 18.�f3 a6= Black opens which the activity of his rooks will
the a-file and brings his rook into be fully matched by the power of
play. Black's bishop.

Index of Variations

Part 1. l.e4 e5 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8

Chapter 1 l.e4 e5
various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
2 .d4 exd4 3.1!Nxd4 tt:lc6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Chapter 2 l.e4 e5 2.f4 d5 3.exd5 exf4

various . .. . . . . .
. . . . 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.tt:lf3 tt:lf6 various .. . 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A) 5 . .ib5? ! c6 . . . . . . . 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

B ) 5 . .ic4 tt:lxd5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5

Chapter 3 l.e4 e 5 2.tt:lc3 �f6

A) 3.f4 d5 various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Al) 4.fxe5 tt:lxe4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 .

A2) 4.cxd5 tt:lxd5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

B) 3 .g3 d5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Chapter 4 l.e4 e5 2 .lc4 �c6 •

various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
A) 3.c3 tt:lf6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
B) 3.d3 tt:lf6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
C) 3. tt:lc3 tt:lf6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Part 1. l.e4 e5 2.�:f3 �c6 • • • • • • • . . • . . • • • . • • . • . • • . • • . • . • . • 64

Chapter 5 l.e4 e5 2.�:f3 �c6

various . . . . . . . .
. . 66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A) 3.d3 tt:lf6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
B) 3.c3 d5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bl) 4 . .ib5 dxe4 . 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

B2) 4.1!Na4 f6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Chapter 6 l.e4 e5 2.�f3 �c6 3.�c3 �f6

various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.d4 exd4 5.tt:ld5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Index of Variations

Chapter 7 1.e4 e5 2 . c!Of3 c!Oc6 3.c!Oc3 c!Of6 4.g3 d5

S.exdS lt:JxdS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Chapter 8 1.e4 e5 2.c!Of3 c!Oc6 3.lt:Jc3 lt:Jf6 4 .ib5 .ib4 •

various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5 . 0-0 0-0 various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
A) 6 . .ixc6 dxc6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
B) 6.d3 d6 various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
B1) 7 . .ixc6 bxc6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
B2) 7.lt:Je2 lt:Je7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
B3) 7 . .ig5 lt:Je7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Chapter 9 1.e4 e5 2 . lt:Jf3 lt:Jc6 3.d4 exd4

various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
A) 4.c3 dS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
B) 4 . .ic4 .icS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Chapter 10 1.e4 e5 2.lt:Jf3 lt:Jc6 3.d4 exd4 4.c!Oxd4 c!Of6

various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
S.lt:Jxc6 bxc6 various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
A) 6.lt:Jc3 .ib4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
B) 6.lt:Jd2 dS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
C) 6 ..id3 dS various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
C1) 7.e5 lt:Jg4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
C2) 7.exd5 cxdS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

Chapter 11 1.e4 e5 2.lt:Jf3 lt:Jc6 3.d4 exd4 4.lt:Jxd4 c!Of6 5.c!Oxc6

bxc6 6.e5 YlVe7 7.YlVe2 c!Od5
various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
8.b3 aS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Chapter 12 1.e4 e5 2.c!Of3 c!Oc6 3.d4 exd4 4.c!Oxd4 c!Of6 5.c!Oxc6

bxc6 6.e5 We7 7.ti'e2 c!Od5 8.c4 .ia6
various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
A) 9.lt:Jd2 g6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
B) 9.b3 g6 various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
B1) 10 . .ib2 .ig7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
B2) 10.f4 d6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

Chapter 13 1.e4 e5 2 . c!Of3 c!Oc6 3 .ic4 .ic5 4.b4 .ixb4 5.c3 .ia5

various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
6.d4 exd4 various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

Index of Variations

A) 7.0-0 tt:lge7 various ... . . . 160 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A1) 8.cxd4 dS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 1
A2) 8.tt:lg5 dS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
B) 7.�b3 �e7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

Chapter 14 1.e4 e5 2.tt:lfJ tt:lc6 3 .ic4 .ic5 •

various . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.d3 tt:lf6 various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

S.ib3 0-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

Chapter 15 l.e4 e5 2 .!DfJ c!Dc6 3 .ic4 .ic5 4.c!Dc3 .!Df6 • •

various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
S.d3 h6 various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
A) 6. 0-0 0-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
B) 6.tt:ld5 d6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

Chapter 16 l.e4 e5 2 .!DfJ c!Dc6 3 .ic4 .ic5 4. 0 - 0 c!Df6 • •

S .b4 ixb4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

S.d4 ixd4 6.tt:lxd4 tt:lxd4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

Chapter 17 1.e4 e5 2 . .!DfJ c!Dc6 3 .ic4 .ic5 4. 0 - 0 .!Df6 5.d3 0 - 0 •

various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
A) 6.ig5 h6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
B) 6.h3 d6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
C) 6.l:%e1 d6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

Chapter 18 1.e4 e5 2.c!DfJ c!Dc6 3 . .ic4 .ic5 4.c3 .!Df6

various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
S .d4 exd4 various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
A) 6.e5 dS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
B) 6.cxd4 ib4 various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
B1) 7.i.d2 ixd2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
B2) 7.tt:lc3 tt:lxe4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

Chapter 19 1.e4 e5 2 .!DfJ c!Dc6 3 .ic4 .ic5 4.c3 .!Df6 5.d3 0 - 0

• •

various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
A) 6.b4 !J.e7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
. . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

B) 6.tt:lbd2 aS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 17
C) 6.!J.b3 dS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
D) 6.!J.g5 h6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221

Index of Variations

Chapter 2 0 l.e4 e5 2.�f3 �c6 3.i.c4 .ic5 4.c3 �f6 5.d3 0 - 0

6. 0 - 0 d5 7.exd5 �xd5
various . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A) 8.b4 i.e7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

B ) 8.!1el .ig4 9.h3 .ih5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 0

Bl) 10.b4 .ib6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 1
B2) 10.a4 a6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
B3) 10.tt:lbd2 tt:lb6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235


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