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The Right Job for Your Personality
Choosing a career is an important life decision, yet many people settle on one based on the opinions
of friends and family. It’s very difficult to find something you really enjoy doing, but scientists have
devised tests to help people come closer to finding their dream job.
One of the most widely-used tests is the Holland Code. Psychologist John Holland worked for more
5 than 50 years to develop his theories about personality and career choice. He created a set of six
personality types to help people understand what careers might be best for them. Dr. Holland believed
that people work best in environments that match their personalities, and the key to finding a satisfying
career is to match your fundamental interests with an occupation.
Take a look at the six personality types below and see which jobs might be right for you. Most people
10 are a combination of two or three types.
Realistic people like to work with things they can see or touch.
They are inclined to solve problems by doing them, rather than
thinking or talking about them. They generally like to work outside
15 and are good with tools, machines, plants, and animals.
Job matches: carpenter, chef, nurse, pilot
People of this personality type value ideas and are strong at tasks
that allow them to investigate facts and figure out complex problems. They are better at individual
20 work like research and study, rather than leading groups of people or working in teams.
Job matches: computer programmer, historian, psychologist, surgeon
Artists are creative people. They don’t work well with structure
and rules, and thrive instead in environments that allow
25 communication and a free flow of ideas. They enjoy tasks
that allow them to express themselves and mix with people.
Job matches: actor, art therapist, graphic designer, writer
Social personalities love to
30 work with people. They get the most satisfaction out of
teaching and helping others, and are driven to serve the
community as opposed to making money.
Job matches: coach, counselor, social worker, teacher
35 Many great leaders and business people have enterprising
personalities. These are persuasive people who are good at
making decisions and leading teams. They tend to value money, power, and status, and will work toward
achieving them.
Job matches: business owner, event manager, lawyer, salesperson
40 Conventional
Conventional people appreciate rules and regulations, and like having structure to their lives. They are
logical thinkers and have a lot of self-control, making them the perfect people to work with data and
details. Job matches: accountant, analyst, editor, librarian
Nowadays, anyone can take a Holland Code personality test online to find what jobs might be right for
45 them. Why not try it today?
1 Can you suggest another job for each personality type that isn’t already in the
passage? Give reasons for your choices.
2 Do you think personality tests are accurate? Why, or why not?
Vocabulary A Circle the word or phrase that does not belong in each group.
Comprehension The words in blue are from the passage.
Odd Word Out
1 popular decision opinion agreement
2 guess hypothesis politics theory
3 fundamental essential central mistaken
4 take care of inclined to support encourage
5 investigate find out about study ignore
6 succeed prosper thrive reduce
7 romantic forceful strong persuasive
8 order error regulation law
1 What are some jobs in which people investigate things? Would you enjoy doing
these jobs?
2 What is the best way to persuade someone to do something?
3 Do you consider yourself an opinionated person? How so?
4 Do you think regulations are important in a job? Why, or why not?
104 UNIT 8 Chapter 2