Filtering Geophysics
Filtering Geophysics
Filtering Geophysics
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ahmed Abd El Gawad on 02 January 2022.
Because the Regional Gravity Anomaly is often much larger in
size than the Local Gravity Anomaly it is imperative that we
develop a means to effectively remove this effect from our
gravity observations before attempting to interpret the gravity
observations for local geologic structure.
1) Graphical Estimates:
These techniques are based on simply plotting the observations,
sketching the interpreter's estimate of the regional gravity anomaly,
and subtracting the regional gravity anomaly estimate from the raw
observations to generate an estimate of the local gravity anomaly.
2) Mathematical Estimates:
This represents any of a wide variety of methods for determining the
regional gravity contribution from the collected data through the use
of mathematical procedures. Examples of how this can be done
o Moving Averages: In this technique, an estimate of the
regional gravity anomaly at some point along a profile is
determined by averaging the recorded gravity values at several
nearby points. Averaging gravity values over several observation
points enhances the long-wavelength contributions to the
recorded gravity field while suppressing the shorter-wavelength
o Function Fitting: In this technique, smoothly varying
mathematical functions are fit to the data and used as estimates
of the regional gravity anomaly. The simplest of any number of
possible functions that could be fit to the data is a straight line.
3) Filtering: These are more sophisticated mathematical techniques
for determining the long-wavelength portion of a data set. Those
interested in finding out more about these types of techniques can
find descriptions of them in any introductory geophysical textbooks.
8) The regional anomaly map reveals more simpler and smoother
contours than the Bouguer gravity anomaly map.
9) The discrepancies arisen between the regional and Bouguer
gravity maps may be observed in the absence of the local
anomaly, reduction in the size,
10) The residual gravity anomaly map represents actually the
distribution of the gravity field after removing the regional effect.
It reveals the local positive and negative gravity anomalies of
shallow nature.
11) Also, the gradients separating the fore-going positive and
negative residual anomalies may reflect the effect of faults of
shallow origin.
12) Added, the residual anomalies can be interpreted through the
fact that, the crowded distribution and considerable relief of the
residuals are related to structures and density contrasts of the
basement complex.
13) On the other hand, the gentle relief and large areal extension
reveal local and widely separated structural and lithologic
variations lie within the depth range of the sedimentary section
of these parts.
14) The residual anomaly map is characterized by the presence of a
number of local gravity anomalies of variable areal extension,
vertical relief, directions and shapes. In other words, each of
them reflects a certain causative body of certain mass
distribution, density, depth and configuration.
A regional filter is defined as a filter, which passes long
wavelengths and rejects all wavelengths smaller than the cut-
off wavelength.
A residual filter emphasizes short wavelengths and eliminates
wavelengths larger than the cut-off wavelength.
A band-pass filter passes wavelengths within a certain range.
Wavelengths longer than the upper cut-off limit or smaller than
the lower cut-off limit are rejected
The terms; regional and residual filters correspond exactly to
the term low-cut filters and high-cut filters as utilized in the
information theory; high and low referring to frequency or wave
It is considered more practical to use wavelengths instead of
wave numbers where possible, because the user of a map
measures lengths and would have to go into additional
calculations in order to derive wave numbers.
The filters are named according to their cut-off wavelengths.
The aim is to separate anomalies of different sizes from each
other, in order to define better anomaly trends and
configurations and other features that are not easily detectable
on the original map, which can be brought out with more clarity.
Filtering the maps serves to improve the understanding of the
geological configuration of the basement and the overlying
sedimentary cover.
The filtering theory regarding the mathematical principles,
practical filters and convolution process was dealt with in
details in the work of Zurflueh (1967). Three sets of filtering
coefficients have been used in this work. These sets are as
(1) Coefficients of the 8-unit regional filter
(2) Coefficients of the 16-unit regional filter and
(3) Coefficients of the 21.3-unit regional filter (Table 3).
For applying the filtering technique, the Bouguer gravity
anomaly map must be digitized through the interpolation of the
given gravity data, checked and stored in the computer under a
file name. Then, the filtering process is preceded, using the
low-cut, high cut and band-pass filters
o The differences between them are implied in the
decrease of anomalies reliefs and gradients magnitudes,
o In addition to the absence of some local anomalies that
present in the 8-unit regional filter map.
o This is essentially due to the larger depth at which the
filtering process is carried out.
The gravity map filtered with 16-unit residual filter
o reveals more or less identical pattern for the distribution
of the produced gravity anomalies, as compared with the
8-unit residual filter.
o The similarities can be observed in the polarities,
locations and trends of the residual anomalies.
o The minor discrepancies can be observed in the more
integration of the residual anomalies (due to the decrease
in the number of the residual anomalies) and the slight
increase of the gradients.
The increase of the filter operator of the residual separation
from 8-unit to 16-unit allows the passing of wider local
anomalies on the expense of the narrower ones, in addition to
the decrease of irregularities in the anomalies contours.
The gravity map filtered with 21.3-unit residual filter
o Reflects nearly closer anomaly style to the 16-unit
residual filter, but with slight increase of the gravity
gradients, in addition to more integration for the residual
o The increase of the filter operator of the residual
separation from 16-unit to 21.3-unit permits the passing
of more wider local anomalies on the expense of the
relatively intermediate local ones.
As shown, with the increase of filter operator, the depth of
investigation increases, which passes the shorter wavelengths
within the high-cut, filters.
Accordingly, the gravity map filtered with 8-unit residual filter is
the best residual filter allover the others, because of the
harmony in the distribution of the produced local gravity
anomalies, as correlated with the residual anomalies of the
Bouguer gravity map.
The exceptions are in the decrease of the resolution of the
anomalies and the increase of the gravity gradients.
characterize the upper part of the studied section, consequently
reflect residual affinity.
The gravity map with 21.3-16-unit band-pass filter reveals the
gravity anomalies restricted in the lower-intermediate interval
(between intermediate-cut filter and high-cut filter).
This map exhibits more or less similar configuration, but with
lower frequency content of larger lateral extension and smaller
vertical relief anomalies, which characterize the lower part of
the studied section, consequently reflect regional affinity.
The gravity map with 21.3-8 unit band-pass filter shows the
integrated gravity anomalies located within the entire range of
the intermediate interval (between the low-cut filter and the
high-cut filter).
Such a map exhibits the highest frequencies with the sharpest
relief and steeper gradients thus reflect the optimum band-pass
filter allover the others.
o The gravity map with 21.3-unit regional filter is more or
less similar to the regional gravity map of gridding
method, but with minor exceptions regarding the
decrease of the anomalies reliefs and gradients
o The gravity map with 8-unit residual filter is more or less
analogous to the residual gravity map of gridding method,
but with small discrepancies concerning the increase of
the anomalies reliefs and the decrease in the resolution
of the anomalies.
o The 8-unit residual filter is optimum for delineating the
smaller elements of shallower depths on the expense of
the 16 and 21.3-units.
o The 21.3-unit regional filter is better for defining the larger