Gad Action Plan 2023
Gad Action Plan 2023
Gad Action Plan 2023
FY 2023
2. Low access of 10 Senior Citizen (5 Female & 5 Male), 1 pregnant Repair and Rehabilitation of Pathway with Two 110 mtrs x 2 pathways concreted on 3rd
woman, 1 Male PWD , 9 students ( 4 Female & 5 Male), 24 workers measure of 110 mtrs length with 2ft width to Quarter of 2023 to ensure the access of 10
(11 Female & 13 Male) in Barangay and LGU health and ensure the access of 10 Senior Citizen (5 Female Senior Citizen (5 Female & 5 Male), 1 pregnant
educational program and services due to poor and risky condition of & 5 Male), 1 pregnant woman, 1 Male PWD , 9 woman, 1 Male PWD , 9 students ( 4 Female &
pavement leading to Barangay Hall, Barangay Health Center and students ( 4 Female & 5 Male), 24 workers (11 5 Male), 24 workers (11 Female & 13 Male) and
eduactional institutions. Female & 13 Male) and 8 Farmers of Brgy Mate 8 Farmers in Brgy & LGU health and
,Purok 3 & 5 in Brgy & LGU health and educational program and services
8 Farmers encounter difficultuies in transporting agricultural educational program and services
products to market that causes low productivity due to poor Completed the 10 days timeline and laborers
pathway condition. sourced out from barangay constituents. P100, 365.00 for
MATERIALS- P76, 365.00
100 % of Barangay Contituents of Sitio/Purok 3 SKILLED LABOR-
& 5 have accessed the programs and services P11, 000.00
offered by the Barangay and LGU LABOR- P13, 000.00
Sub Total A P144, 365.00
Sub Total C
GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C) P172, 295.00
Gender Issue or GAD Mandate GAD Project/Programs/Activites Performance Indicator and Accomplishment Approved GAD Actual Cost or GAD Variance or Remarks
(PPA's) Target Budget Expenditure
2.Low access of 10 Senior Citizen (5 Female & 5 Repair and Rehabilitation of Pathway with Two 110 mtrs x 2 pathways concreted Two 110 mtrs x 2ft pathway P100, 365.00 for The pathway have been
Male), 1 pregnant woman, 1 Male PWD , 9 students measure of 110 mtrs length with 2ft width on 3rd Quarter of 2023 to ensure the concretes executed in 2 MATERIALS- P76, constructed, with a
( 4 Female & 5 Male), 24 workers (11 Female & 13 to ensure the access of 10 Senior Citizen (5 access of 10 Senior Citizen (5 Female & consecutive quarters of year 365.00 remaining budget
Male) in Barangay and LGU health and educational Female & 5 Male), 1 pregnant woman, 1 Male 5 Male), 1 pregnant woman, 1 Male 2023 in Purok 3 & 5. SKILLED LABOR- amounting of P3,735.00
program and services due to poor and risky PWD , 9 students ( 4 Female & 5 Male), 24 PWD , 9 students ( 4 Female & 5 Male), P11, 000.00 from the 20%
condition of pavement leading to Barangay Hall, workers (11 Female & 13 Male) and 8 24 workers (11 Female & 13 Male) and LABOR- P13, 000.00 Development Fund
Barangay Health Center and eduactional Farmers of Brgy Mate ,Purok 3 & 5 in Brgy 8 Farmers in Brgy & LGU health and
institutions. & LGU health and educational program and educational program and
services services.Completed the 10 days
8 Farmers encounter difficultuies in transporting timeline and laborers sourced out from
agricultural products to market that causes low barangay constituents.100 % of
productivity due to poor pathway condition. Barangay Contituents of Sitio/Purok 3
& 5 have accessed the programs and P96,000.00
services offered by the Barangay and
Subtotal C
GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C) P170,930.00
Prepared by; Approved by; Date Approved
Repair and
Rehabilitation of Two 110 mtrs x 2
Repair and Rehabilitation of
7 Pathway with measure pathways concreted/ P100, 365.00 P111, 730.00 Implemented
of 110 mtrs length constructed
with 2ft width