Pipe Specification
Pipe Specification
Pipe Specification
Unreinforced concrete non - pressure pipes For drainage and irrigation use, above ground or
NP1 shallow in trenches
Reinforced concrete, light - duty, non - pressure For drainage and irrigation use, for culverts carrying
NP2 pipes light traffic
Reinforced concrete, medium - duty, non - For drainage and irrigation use, for culverts carrying
NP3 pressure pipes medium traffic
Reinforced concrete, heavy - duty, non - For drainage and irrigation use, for culverts carrying
NP4 pressure pipes heavy traffic such as railway loading
Reinforced concrete pressure pipe tested to a For use of gravity mains, the site test pressure not
P1 hydrostatic pressue to 0.2 Mpa (20 M head) exceeding two thirds of the hydrosttatic test pressure
Reinforced concrete pressure pipe tested to a For use of pumping mains, the site test pressure not
P2 hydrostatic pressue to 0.4 Mpa (40 M head) exceeding half of the hydrostatic test pressure
Reinforced concrete pressure pipe tested to a For use of pumping mains, the site test pressure not
P3 hydrostatic pressue to 0.6 Mpa (60 M head) exceeding half of the hydrostatic test pressure
Sno. ID of pipe OD of Socket Wt./M, PSC Rates/M, PSC Wall thickness OD of Socket Rates/M,NP3 Wt./M, NP4 Rates/M, NP4
for PSC pipes of NP3 & NP4 for NP3 & NP4
(mm) (mm) Kg /mtr. Rs / M (mm) (mm) Rs / M Kg / mtr Rs / M
1 300 500 170 1200 40 487 440 107 500
2 350 548 192 1400 75 555 550 250 725
3 400 608 234 1600 75 615 620 280 800
4 450 660 250 1800 75 680 700 309 900
5 500 707 282 2000 75 735 825 339 950
6 600 830 364 2400 85 850 1030 457 1200
7 700 955 420 2850 85 980 1300 524 1500
8 800 1065 576 3400 95 1100 1500 668 1700
9 900 1195 682 4000 100 ID + 2* thk 1950 786 2300
10 1000 1310 798 4500 115 ID + 2* thk 2500 1007 2900
11 1100 1423 916 5000 115 ID + 2* thk 2700 1098 3100
12 1200 1549 1076 5750 120 ID + 2* thk 3300 1244 3700
13 1400 1322 135 ID + 2* thk 4400 1628 5250
14 1500 1890 6850 ID + 2* thk
15 1600 1700 140 ID + 2* thk 5500 1913 6500
16 1800 2114 150 ID + 2* thk 6800 2298 9000
17 2000 2580 9000 2839 11000
18 2200 13000 3395 15000
For dia 900 mm and above in NP3 and NP4 pipes manufacturer generally makes confined joints. So there OD is only ID plus 2 times the thickness
Rates of PSC pipes has been taken from Vichtra construction for working pressure of 3 - 4 kg
MS pipe rates include PU coating of 1000 microne on OD and Epoxy coating of 300 micron on ID
The appxi. weights of PSC pipes has been taken from the brouchere of Indian Hume pipe co.
Weights and Rates of HS pipe has been calculated on the basis of data given by M/S Bamrah Fabrication and as per IS 1916
Length of RCC pipe is 2.5 M with the tolerance of +_ 1%,
Weights of NP3 and NP4 pipes are appxi. Same, Weights has been calculated keeping the same denisty of cement ie. 2500 kg/m cub.
Rates has been taken from the rate list of M/s Pragati concrete
The rates mentioned above are ex factory, above rates are including rubber rings.
Delivery depends upon the dia and quantity of pipes, while Pragati concrete can manufacture four pipes a day
Sales tax and Excise shall be charged as per applicable
Cartage chargeable on actual basis.
OD of HS Wt./M of HS Rates/M of Wall Wts. Of MS Rates OF MS OD of RDSO Rates of RDSO
thickness of pipe with PU
pipes pipe HS pipe MS pipe pipe and Epoxy pipe design pipe
(mm) Kg / mtr. Rs / M (mm) Kg /mtr. Coating
Rs / mtr. (mm)
386 68 1025 8 61 2999
446 172 2578 8 71 3484 500
496 193 2902 8 80 3968 550
556 236 3543 8 90 4453 600
610 298 4468 8 100 4937 650
710 351 5272 8 120 5906 770
810 405 6076 10 175 7948 870
910 459 6880 10 200 9065 990
1010 512 7685 10 224 10182 1100 3000
1112 602 9028 10 249 11299 1230 3525
1212 659 9882 10 274 12416 1330
1316 801 12019 10 298 13533 1440 4800
1516 928 13927 12 418 17882 1670 6250
1720 12 447 19146
1920 1168 17525 12 477 20411 1880 8250
2124 1309 19634 12 536 22941 2100 10500
2324 1589 23838 12 595 25470
1743 26147 12 655 28000
2. J. K. Spun Pipe
Ph. : 95 - 129 - 5301308, 5241557
Mobile : 9811040447
Sno. ID of pipe Barrel Wall Thickness OD of pipe Wt./M, (NP4) Rates/M, NP4
(mm) (mm) (mm) Kg / linear mtr Rs /M
2 350 75 500 250
3 400 75 550 280
4 450 75 600 309
5 500 75 650 339
6 600 85 770 457
7 700 85 870 524
8 800 95 990 668
9 900 100 1100 786 3000
10 1000 115 1230 1007 3525
11 1100 115 1330 1098
12 1200 120 1440 1244 4800
13 1400 135 1670 1628 6250
14 1600 140 1880 1913 8250
15 1800 150 2100 2298 10500
16 2000
17 2200
For Rates
The rates mentioned above are ex factory, above rates are including rubber rings.
Delivery from ready stock.
Sales tax and Excise shall be charged as per applicable
Cartage chargeable on actual basis.
Details of MS pipe with coating on both side as per RDSO specification
Rates of pipe are without radiography joints as these are for Sewer pipes
Rates of PU coating is for 1000 microns
Rates of Epoxy is for 300 microns
Thickness of pipe is taken as per RDSO specification
Rates/M of pipe Net Rates
Rs / M Rs / M
1823 2999
2119 3484
2415 3968
2711 4453
3007 4937
3598 5906
5253 7948
5992 9065
6732 10182
7472 11299
8212 12416
8952 13533
12535 17882
13423 19146
14311 20411
16086 22941
17862 25470
19637 28000
Sno. ID of pipe Barrel Wall Thickness OD of pipe OD of Socket Wt./M, (NP2)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) as per Jain spun
1 300 30 360 430 84
2 350 32 414 488 103
3 400 32 464 538 116
4 450 35 520 600 143
5 500 35 570 650 158
6 600 45 690 768 217
7 700 50 800 868 250
8 800 50 900 988 326
9 900 55 1010 1112 419
10 1000 60 1120 1230 503
11 1100 65 1230 1350 604
12 1200 70 1340 1472 716
13 1400 75 1550 1714 970
14 1600 80 1760 1934 1193
15 1800 90 1980 2178 1522
16 2000 1888
17 2200 2297
For Rates
The rates mentioned above are ex factory, above rates are including rubber rings.
Delivery from ready stock.
Sales tax and Excise shall be charged as per applicable
Cartage chargeable on actual basis.
Wt./M, (NP2) Rates/M, NP2
Kg / linear mtr.
78 200
96 270
109 320
133 345
147 410
228 465
295 660
334 800
413 975
500 1300
595 1550
698 1750
869 2300
1056 2900
1336 4000
Sno. ID of pipe Barrel Wall Thickness OD of pipe OD of Socket Wt./M, (NP3)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) as per Jain spun
1 300 40 380 487 119
2 350 75 500 555 278
3 400 75 550 615 309
4 450 75 600 680 341
5 500 75 650 735 373
6 600 85 770 850 512
7 700 85 870 980 585
8 800 95 990 1100 749
9 900 100 1100 1215 882
10 1000 115 1230 1330 988
11 1100 115 1330 1520 1076
12 1200 120 1440 1640 1220
13 1400 135 1670 1870 1596
14 1600 140 1880 2100 1875
15 1800 150 2100 2340 2252
16 2000 2839
17 2200 3395
For Rates
The rates mentioned above are ex factory, above rates are including rubber rings.
Delivery from ready stock.
Sales tax and Excise shall be charged as per applicable
Cartage chargeable on actual basis.
Wt./M, (NP3) Rates/M, NP3
Kg / linear mtr. Rs / M
107 440
250 550
280 620
309 700
339 825
457 1030
524 1300
668 1500
786 1950
1007 2500
1098 2700
1244 3300
1628 4400
1913 5500
2298 6800
Sno. ID of pipe Barrel Wall Thickness OD of pipe OD of Socket Wt./M, (NP4)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) as per Jain spun
1 300 40 380 487 119
2 350 75 500 555 278
3 400 75 550 615 309
4 450 75 600 680 341
5 500 75 650 735 373
6 600 85 770 850 512
7 700 85 870 980 585
8 800 95 990 1100 749
9 900 100 1100 1215 882
10 1000 115 1230 1330 988
11 1100 115 1330 1520 1076
12 1200 120 1440 1640 1220
13 1400 135 1670 1870 1596
14 1600 140 1880 2100 1875
15 1800 150 2100 2340 2252
16 2000 2839
17 2200 3395
For Rates
The rates mentioned above are ex factory, above rates are including rubber rings.
Delivery from ready stock.
Sales tax and Excise shall be charged as per applicable
Cartage chargeable on actual basis.
Wt./M, (NP4) Rates/M, NP4
Kg / linear mtr Rs /M
107 500
250 725
280 800
309 900
339 950
457 1200
524 1500
668 1700
786 2300
1007 2900
1098 3100
1244 3700
1628 5250
1913 6500
2298 9000
Details of Prestress concrete pipes
The appxi. weights of PSC pipes has been taken from the brouchere of Indian Hume pipe co.
Details Hume Steel pipes