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Matoshri Education Society’s


A/P : Dhanore, Tal-Yeola , Dist.-Nasik, 423401

Micro Project Report

Academic year: 2023-24

Title of Project

Name of Student : Gaikwad Umesh V.

Class : TYCE
Semester : Fifth
Roll No : 03
Enrollment No : 2111710004
Seat No : 445311
Program : Civil Engg.
Course : Estimating and Costing ( EAC )
Course Code : 22503
Name of Teacher : PROF.Sanvatsarkar O.N.

Matoshri Education Society’s
A/P : Dhanore, Tal-Yeola , Dist.-Nasik, 423401


This is to certify that Mr.Gaikwad Umesh V. Roll

No.03 Of Fifth semester of Diploma in Civil Engineering of
Institute, MIT POLYTECHNIC, DHANORE Code(1171)
has successfully completed the Micro Project in Estimating
and Costing ( EAC ) for the Academic year 2023-24 as
prescribed in MSBTE curriculum under the guidance of
subject teacher.

Place: Yeola Enrollment No: 2111710004

Date: Seat No: 445311

Subject Teacher HOD Principal

Prof.Sanvatsarkar O.N. Prof.Shinde R.M. Prof.Gujrathi G.S.

Micro Project Report Index

Academic Year:- 2023-24 Program:- Civil Engineering

Class:- TYCE Course:- EAC
Course Code:- 22503 Roll No:-03
Enrollment No :-2111710004 Exam Seat No:-445311
Title of Micro Project:- Estimate

Sr. No. Contents Page No.

1 Rubrics
2 Project Proposal
3 Log Book
4 Introduction
5 Details
6 Conclusion
7 References

Signature of Student Signature of Faculty

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Prof.Sanvatsarkar O.N.

Rubric For Evaluation of Micro Project

Academic Year: 2023-24 Program: Civil Engineering
Class: TYCE Course: EAC
Course Code: 22503 Roll No: 03
Enrollment No: 2111710044 Exam Seat No: 445311
Title of Micro Project: Estimate

Sr.No. Roll No. Name of Candidate

1. 02 Ahire Charudatt N.
2. 03 Gaikwad Umesh V.
3. 11 Pawar Ajinkya A.
Co Coverage: ( )
Indicators for different level of Performance
(Evaluation Scale 0 to 2)
Sr. No Criteria Obtained (
Out of 2) Poor (0) Average (1) Good (2)

Submission of Project proposal &

Not Submitted proposal or project
1 Project project report
anything in time report submitted in
proposal/Report submitted in time
CO/PRO Not attained any Attained maximum
2 attainment Attained some CO/PRO
Content of Not contains Contains maximum
Contains some relevant
3 project/ Formation relevant relevant
g information information
Total Marks
Answers (04)
Total (10) :

Additional Comments (if any): Name of Teacher & sign

Prof.Sanvatsarkar O.N.

Micro Project Log Book

Semester: Fifth Program: Civil Engineering

Course: EAC Class: TYCE
Topic of the Micro-Project: Estimate
Sr.No Roll No. Name of Group Members Sign.
01 02 Ahire Charudatt N.
02 03 Gaikwad Umesh V.
03 11 Pawar Ajinkya A.

Week Discussion & Details Date’s Teacher’s

No. Sign.
1 General discussion about micro project activity.
2 Guidelines for micro project.
3 Discussion on different
industry/application/study oriented topics
4 Group member are finalized and the topic is
decided, as
5 Work distribution to collect the information
regarding topic by each member.
6 Gathered information through the various
sources, such as internet, book, magazine,
joutrnar and newspaper.
7 Discussed the difficulty faced during the
collection of necessary information among the
group member.
8 Discussion with the guide to sort out difficulty
faced while collecting the information.
9 Prepared a rough draft & Shown it to the guide.
10 Necessary instructions are given by the guide for
its better presentation & Finalized project.
11 Presentation is given on the topic, Report is
prepared on the topic & final submission of
micro project and Report.

Name & Signature of project Guide Name & Signature of

Prof.Sanvatsarkar O.N. Prof.Shinde R.M.

 Estimation or estimating is the process of calculating the quantities of various items
of works involved in the project.
 Estimate is a document which furnishes the quantities of different works involved,
their rates and the expenditure anticipate in a project.


 To know about the approximate cost of the building construction.

 To calculate the tax of the building
 To fix the rent of building
 The know about the various items of works involved in the building construction and
arrange the available materials of the construction.
 To arrange the labours of the construction works.
 Take the approval for the government projects.
 To having the loan from the bank.


 Plans: Preparation of drawings plan, section, elevation, with full dimension and
detailed, specifications meeting the requirements of the proposed structure.
 Estimation: Preparation of an estimate is for arriving the cost of the structure to
verify the available funds or to procure the required funds for completion of the
proposed structure.
 Execution (construction): It is a grounding the proposed structure, for construction
as per the provision contained in drawings and estimation. In, Estimation and costing
there are two basic points involved in construction of structures are:
 Quantity: The quantity aspects is with reference to the measurement in the drawings
(plan, elevation, section)
 Quality: The quality aspects is with reference to the specifications, i.e properties of
materials, workmanship etc.

 The estimation and costing of any structure is defined as the process of determination
of quantities of items of work, and its cost for completion. Estimate of a project is
therefore, a forecast of its probable cost.
 The process of calculating the quantities (The quantity with reference to the
measurement in the drawings, i.e., plans, elevation, section) and cost of various
construction items i.e., excavation, concreting, masonry, plaster etc. of the project is
called an “estimate”.
 Estimating is the technique of calculating or Computing the various quantities and the
expected Expenditure to be incurred on a particular work or project.


1. Estimate give an idea of the cost of the work and hence its feasibility can be
determined Estimate gives an idea of time required for the completion of the work.
2. Estimate is required to invite the tender sand Quotations and to Arrange contract.
3. Estimate is also required to control the expenditure during the execution of work.
4. Estimate decides whether the proposed plan matches the funds avail or not.
5. To know the quantities of various items of work, a material and labour and their
source of identification.
6. To decide whether the proposal can match the available funds to complete the
7. To obtain the administrative and technical sanction of estimate from the competent
authorities to release the funds for construction.
8. To invite tenders or quotations based on the estimate quantities for entrust of works to
the execution.


Drawings: The detailed drawings of plan, elevation and section, drawn to a scale are
necessary to take the details of measurements of various items of work.

Specifications: The specifications give the nature, quality and class of materials, their
proportion, method of execution and workmanship and the class of labour required.
The cost of the work varies with its specifications. The cement mortar with 1:3 is
costlier than cement mortar with 1:6.
Rates: The rates for various items of work, the rates of various materials to be used in
construction, the wages of different categories of labour should be available for
preparing an estimate. The location of the work and its distance of source of materials
and cost of transport should be known. These rates may be obtained from the Standard
Schedule of Rates prepared by the engineering departments.

To prepare an accurate estimate, a detailed estimate of quantities of various items of work

and an abstract estimate of the quantities and their unit rates are required.


 The units of different works depend on their nature, size and shape. In general, the
units of different items of works are based on the following principle.
 Massive or volumetric items of work such as earth work, concrete for foundations,
R.R Masonry, Brick Masonry etc. The measurements of length, breadth, height or
depth shall be taken to compute the volume or cubical contents.
 Shallow, thin and surface work shall be taken in square unit or in area. The
measurements of length and breadth or height shall be taken to compute the area, Ex.
Plastering, white washing etc.
 Long and Thin work shall be taken in linear or running units and linear measurement
shall, be taken. Ex: Fencing, Rainwater pipes, ornamental borders etc.
 Single units of work are expressed in numbers. Ex. Doors, Windows, Rafters, Trusses

 The quantity surveyor must be well versed with the drawing of work.
 He should be able to read the drawing correctly and bill the quantities accurately.
 He should have the knowledge of the construction procedure.
 He should be able to write the description of different works.
 He should able to prepare the schedule of the project.
 He should be able to value all variations under the contract.


a. The quantity surveyor must be well versed with the drawings of works.
b. He should be able to read the drawing correctly and bill the quantities accurately.


 Plinth area
1. It is the covered built-up area measured at the floor level of any storey.
2. Plinth area is also called as built-up area and is the entire area occupied by the
building including internal and external walls.
 Carpet area
1. This means area in building which is useful on i.e area of drawing room, dining room,
kitchens staircase, stores, verandas, Entrance hall, bathroom.
2. It is generally 50% to 60% of plinth area.
3. Carpet Area is the area that can be covered by a carpet.
4. This area does not include the thickness of pillars and inner walls.
5. The common areas are also not included. Common areas are the lifts, staircase, lobby,
play area etc.


a. Preliminary/Approx./Abstract/Rough Cost Estimate

b. Plinth Area Estimate
c. Cube Rate or Cubical Content Estimate
d. Appx. Quantity Method Estimate
e. Detailed Estimate or Item Rate Estimate
f. Supplementary Estimate
g. Revised Estimate
h. Sub-Estimate
i. Annual Repair or Maintenance Estimate (A.R or A.M Estimate)
j. Complete Estimate
a. Preliminary or Approximate estimate:
 This estimate is prepared to decide financial aspect, policy and to give idea of the cost
of the proposal to the competent sanctioning authority.
 It should clearly show the necessity of the proposal and how the cost has been arrived
at. The calculations for approximate estimate can be done with the following data.
 The data can be had from a similar construction already complete in the nearby area,
executed by the department.

The following documents should be attached with it.

i. Detailed report
ii. Site plan of the proposal
iii. It should also clearly mention about the acquisition of land, Provision of electric and
water supply etc.

Types of Approximate Estimate:

1. Plinth area method

2. Cubical content method
3. Unit cost (or) service unit method
4. Typical bay method
5. Carpet area method

Rough quantity method

1. Plinth area Estimate:
 P.A. is approximate estimate Plinth area should be calculated for covered area by
taking external dimensions of the building at the floor level.
 Courtyard and other open area should not be included.
 For multi storied building Plinth Area for each storey is determined separately.
 Plinth area rate is known from cost of similar building in the locality.
 Approx. Cost of the building = Plinth area Rate/ m2 x Plinth Area
2.Cubic Contents Estimate:
 Cube rate estimate is again approximate estimate.
 Cubical content of the building is determined by multiplying length, breadth and
height of the building.
 External length and breadth at the floor level are calculated for the purpose.
 Height should be taken from the floor level to the top of roof.
 For multi storeyed building height is taken from floor level of one storey to top of
next higher floor.
 Cube rate estimate is more accurate as compared to the plinth area estimate.

3.Unit cost (or) service unit method:

 The unit method of estimating is the simplest and quickest method.

 In this method, the quantity surveyor counts the number of units which are going to
be accommodated in a building, for example the number of occupants or main
furniture objects used by an individual.
 The number is then multiplied by the cost per unit to get the total estimated cost of
the project.

4.Typical bay method:

 This method is useful and is generally followed in case of building having several
 The cost of the one class room is worked out and then multiplied by the number of
bays in that building.
 The extra cost of the end walls and difference in framing. If there is any, should be
made, so as to arrive at the correct cost.

5.Carpet area method:

 Carpet area the covered area of the usable spaces of rooms at any floor.
 It is measured between walls to walls within the building and is the sum of the
actual areas of the rooms where you can carpet.
 Floor area = Plinth Area –Area of Walls.
 This includes the floor areas of all rooms, verandahs, passages, staircase rooms,
bathroom etc.
 In residential building, the carpet area will be about 55% to 65% of the plinth area.

1. Prepare a preliminary estimate of building of a building with a total plinth area of all
building is 1500sq.m. and from following data.

Plinth area rate - Rs. 9500/ m2

Special architectural design – 1.5% of building cost.

Water supply and Sanitary - 5% of building cost.

Electrical Installation - 14% of building cost.

Services - 6% of building cost.

Contingencies - 3% of building cost.

Supervision - 8% of building cost.

Determine the total cost of building project.

2. Estimate the quantities of brickwork and plastering required in a wall 4 m long, 3 m
high and 30 cm thick. Calculate also the cost if the rate of brickwork is Rs.320.00 per
cu.m and of plastering is Rs.8.50 per sq.m.


Quantity of brickwork = L x B x H = 4 x 3 x .30 = 3.6 cu.m

Quantity of plastering = 2 x L x B = 2 x 4 x 3 = 24 sq.m

(Two faces)
Cost of brickwork = 3.6 x 320.00 = Rs.1152.00
Cost of plastering = 24 x 8.50 = Rs.204.00
Total Cost = Rs.1152.00 + Rs.204.00
= Rs.1356.00.

Annual repair estimate:

 In order to keep building and roads in perfect condition, annual repairs should be
carried out as follow: -
 In case of a building-white washing, painting of doors and windows, cement plaster
repairs (inside & outside), repairs of floors etc.
 In no case this annual repair amount should increase more that 1.5 % to 2 % of the
capital cost of the building.
 In case of a road-filling patches, maintenance of berms etc.

Special repair estimate:

 If the work cannot be carried out of the annual repair funds due to certain reasons
resulting in the genuine increase in cost, then special repairs estimate is to be
prepared. The reason of increase may be: -
 In case of a building-opening of new doors, change of floors, re-plastering walls etc.
 In case of roads-if the whole surface is full of corrugation & patches, then the total
surface is to be scarified.
 The old metal is taken out, consolidation by adding more metal is done and top
surface is repainted.

Revised estimate:

 When the sanctioned estimate exceeds by 5% either due to the rate being found
insufficient or due to some other reasons, a fresh estimate is prepared which is
called a Revised Estimate.
 A comparative statement on the last page of the estimate is attached giving there in
the reasons of the increase of cost in case of each item.

Supplementary Estimate:

 This is fresh detailed estimate in addition to the original sanctioned estimate

prepared when additional works are deemed necessary during the progress of a work
to supplement the original works.
 The abstract of cost should show the amount of the original sanctioned estimate as
well as the supplementary amount of the original sanctioned estimate as well as the
supplementary amount for which sanction is required.


The calculations of quantities of materials can be done using various methods of

estimates. The application of an individual method depends upon the design and shape
of the building. The different methods are as under:

1. Centre line method

2. Crossing method
3. Out to out and in to in method
4. Bay method
5. Service unit method
1. Centre line method:
 This method is suitable only if the offsets are symmetrical and the building is more
or less rectangular in shape.
 The centre line of the building is determined carefully after doing deductions for
repeated measurements.
 This centre line acts as length for the complete calculations of the estimate.
 If the deduction is not cared for the results of estimates may be wrong.
 All the walls should have the same section.
2. Crossing Method:
 In this method, lengths and breadths of the masonry walls at plinth level are taken
(internal dimension of the room + thickness of the walls) for calculating quantities.
 The symmetrical offsets are a must as in the case of centreline method.
3. Out to out & in to in Method:
 This method is most practicable under all circumstances and is generally followed in
the P.W.D. for computing the quantities of various items.
 The estimation in this book has been done using this method.
4. Bay Method:
 This method is useful and is generally followed in case of building having several
 The cost of the one class room is worked out and then multiplied by the number of
bays in that building.
 The extra cost of the end walls and difference in framing.
 If there is any, should be made, so as to arrive at the correct cost.
5. Service Unit Method:
 This method is followed in cases such as school building where there are so many
class rooms.
 The cost of one class room us worked out and then multiplied by the number of
class rooms to be constructed.
 In case of Hospitals, the service unit is a bed, in case of Water Tank, it is a litre and
in case of Cinema Hall, the service unit is a seat.


 While preparing an estimate, it is not possible to work out in detail in case of petty
items. Items other than civil engineering such items are called Lumpsum items or
simply L.S. items.
 The following are some of L.S. items in the estimate:
 Water supply and sanitary arrangements. ✓ Electrical installations like meter, motor,
etc., Architectural features.
 Contingencies and unforeseen items.

 In general, certain percentage on the cost of estimation is allotted for the above L.S.

Work Charged Establishment:

 During the construction of a project considerable number of skilled

supervisors, work assistance, watch men etc., are employed on temporary
 The salaries of these persons are drawn from the L.S. amount allotted towards
the work charged establishment.
 That is, establishment which is charged directly to work. An L.S. amount of
1⅟₂ to 2% of the estimated cost is provided towards the work charged


The estimation of building quantities like earth work, foundation concrete, brickwork
in plinth and super structure etc., can be workout by any of following two methods:

1. Long wall – short wall method

2. Centre line method.
3. Partly centre line and short wall method.

1.Long wall – short wall method:

 In this method, the wall along the length of room is considered to be long wall while
the wall perpendicular to long wall is said to be short wall.
 To get the length of long wall or short wall, calculate first the centre line lengths of
individual walls. Then the length of long wall, (out to out) may be calculated after
adding half breadth at each end to its centre line length.
 Thus, the length of short wall measured into in and may be found by deducting half
breadth from its centre line length at each end.
 The length of long wall usually decreases from earth work to brick work in super
structure while the short wall increases. These lengths are multiplied by breadth and
depth to get quantities.

2.Centre line method:

 This method is suitable for walls of similar cross sections.
 Here the total centre line length is multiplied by breadth and depth of respective item
to get the total quantity at a time.
 When cross walls or partitions or verandah walls join with main wall, the centre line
length gets reduced by half of breadth for each junction.
 Such junction or joints are studied carefully while calculating total centre line length.
 The estimates prepared by this method are most accurate and quick.

3.Partly centre line and partly cross wall method:

 This method is adopted when external (i.e., around the building) wall is of one
thickness and the internal walls having different thicknesses.
 In such cases, centre line method is applied to external walls and long wall-short wall
method is used to internal walls.
 This method suits for different thicknesses walls and different level of foundations.
 Because of this reason, all Engineering departments are practising this method.


1. Prepare a detailed estimate of a part of a wall of a building from the given plan and
section. Calculate,

 Earthwork excavation in foundation

 Lime concrete in foundation
 First class brickwork in foundation and plinth
 Brickwork in superstructure.

Centre length of walls= 5.3+ 4.3+5.3+4.3

= 19.20 m

Contents No. L B H Quantity
1.Earthwork 1 19.2 0.9 0.9 15.55 m³
excavation on (0.3+0.3+0.3)
2. Concrete in 1 19.2 0.9 0.3 15.18 m³
3. Brickwork in
foundation and
Plinth 1 19.2 0.6 0.3 3.46 m³
1st Footing 1 19.2 0.5 0.3 2.88 m³
2nd Footing 1 19.2 0.4 0.6 4.61 m³
3rd Footing
10.95 m³
4. Brickwork in 1 19.2 0.9 3.5 20.16 m³
Super structure

Long wall = c/c length + one

= 5.3 + 0.9 = 6.2 m

Short wall = c/c length – one


= 4.3 – 0.9 = 3.4 m

Contents No. L B H Quantity
1. Earthwork
excavation on
foundation 0.9
Long Wall 2 6.2 0.9 (0.3+0.3+0.3) 10.04 m³
Short Wall 2 3.4 0.9 0.9 5.51 m³

15.55 m³
2. Concrete in
Long Wall 2 6.2 0.9 0.3 3.35 m³
Short Wall 2 3.4 0.9 0.3 1.83 m³

5.18 m³
3. Brickwork in
foundation and
Long Wall
1st Footing 2 5.9(5.3+0.6) 0.6 0.3 2.13 m³
2nd Footing 2 5.8(5.3+0.5) 0.5 0.3 1.74 m³
3rd Footing 2 5.7(5.3+0.4) 0.4 0.6 2.74 m³
Short Wall
1st Footing 2 3.7(4.3-0.6) 0.6 0.3 1.33 m³
2nd Footing 2 3.8(4.3-0.5) 0.5 0.3 1.14 m³
3rd Footing 2 3.9(4.3-0.4) 0.4 0.6 1.87 m³

10.95 m³
4. Brickwork in
Super structure
Long Wall 2 5.6(5.3+0.3) 0.3 3.5 11.76 m³
Short Wall 2 4.0(4.3-0.3) 0.3 3.5 8.4 m³

20.16 m³

2. Prepare a detailed estimate of a part of a wall of a building from the given plan and
section. Calculate,

 Earthwork excavation in foundation

 Lime concrete in foundation
 First class brickwork in foundation and plinth
 Brickwork in superstructure.

Centre line method

Horizontal = 0.15 + 5 + 0.3 + 5 + 0.15 = 10.6 m

Vertical = 0.15 + 4 +
0.15 = 4.3 m Middle
wall = 0.15 + 4 + 0.15
= 4.3 m

c/c length = 10.6 + 10.6 + 4.3 + 4.3 + 4.3 =
34.1 m [OR ] Centre length of walls = 5.3 +
5.3 + 5.3 + 5.3 + 4.3 + 4.3 + 4.3 = 34.1 m.
NOTE: > for 2 rooms Formula to find out the length.

L = c/c length –
[ No.of.units/2 x 1 breadth ]
To find actual length :
L = c/c length – [ No.of.units/2 x 1 breadth ]

= c/c length –[ 2/2 x 1 B ]

= 34.1 – 1B

= 34.1 – 0.9 = 33.2 m.

Contents No. L B H Quantity

1. Earthwork 1 33.2 0.9 0.9 26.89 m³
excavation on (0.3+0.3+0.3)
2. Concrete in 1 33.2 0.9 0.3 8.96 m³
3. Brickwork in
foundation and
Plinth 1 33.2 0.6 0.3 5.976 m³
1st Footing 1 33.2 0.5 0.3 4.98 m³
2nd Footing 1 33.2 0.4 0.6 7.968 m³
3rd Footing
18.924 m³
4. Brickwork in 1 33.2 0.3 3.5 34.86 m³
Super structure


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