Neuronal Regulation of Immunity: Why, How and Where?: Maya Schiller, Tamar L. Ben-Shaanan and Asya Rolls

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Neuronal regulation of immunity:

why, how and where?
Maya Schiller1, Tamar L. Ben-Shaanan2,3 and Asya Rolls 1 ✉

Abstract | Neuroimmunology is one of the fastest-growing fields in the life sciences, and for good
reason; it fills the gap between two principal systems of the organism, the nervous system and the
immune system. Although both systems affect each other through bidirectional interactions, we
focus here on one direction — the effects of the nervous system on immunity. First, we ask why is
it beneficial to allow the nervous system any control over immunity? We evaluate the potential
benefits to the immune system that arise by taking advantage of some of the brain’s unique
features, such as its capacity to integrate and synchronize physiological functions, its predictive
capacity and its speed of response. Second, we explore how the brain communicates with
the peripheral immune system, with a focus on the endocrine, sympathetic, parasympathetic,
sensory and meningeal lymphatic systems. Finally, we examine where in the brain this immune
information is processed and regulated. We chart a partial map of brain regions that may be
relevant for brain–immune system communication, our goal being to introduce a conceptual
framework for formulating new hypotheses to study these interactions.

The nervous system and the immune system are both diseases. In recent years, this ability of the immune
crucial for the organism’s survival. Traditionally, these system to impact the CNS has become one of the most
systems were thought to act independently, and the extensively studied aspects of neuroimmunology, in part
interactions between them were associated mainly because it has an enormous therapeutic potential for
with the emergence of brain disease, most notably treating brain disorders through immune modulation.
multiple sclerosis, in which the immune system attacks Nevertheless, here we will focus on the reverse interac-
the brain tissue1,2. However, increasing scientific evi- tion, namely how the brain and nervous system affect
dence3 and even our own life experiences argue for an immunity, specifically peripheral immunity.
active and beneficial dialogue between these two sys- While our knowledge of how immunity affects neu-
tems. One of the classic examples of such neuro-immune ronal activity has increased significantly over the past
communication is the phenomenon known as sick- decade, our understanding of how the brain affects
ness behaviour. Sickness behaviour can be triggered peripheral immunological activity is far more limited.
by a peripheral disease in the absence of direct central This may seem surprising as the effects of mental and
nervous system (CNS) disease4–6. Cytokines induced emotional states on our health are familiar to most of
by peripheral inflammation affect complex activities us from our daily lives. For example, we tend to get
controlled by the brain, such as sleep7,8 and hunger9,10. sick after stressful events18,19, and depression is known
Rappaport Faculty of These behavioural changes are crucial for survival, ena- to reduce the effectiveness of immune activity and is
Medicine, Technion — Israel
bling the optimal allocation of physiological resources associated with increased mortality20–22. Positive men-
Institute of Technology,
Haifa, Israel.
required for the recovery process. However, the collab- tal states, notably those observed in the placebo effect,
Department of Microbiology
oration between these two systems goes beyond just demonstrate that even a sugar pill can have a positive
and Immunology, University sickness behaviour and is not limited to pathological impact on a patient’s disease if the patient expects that
of California, San Francisco, conditions. It is now clear that CNS resident and infil- the pill will improve his or her condition23. Nevertheless,
San Francisco, CA, USA. trating immune cells routinely patrol the brain’s immune negative expectations can lead to negative outcomes if
Howard Hughes Medical compartment (both the parenchyma and tissues encom- one anticipates side effects, a phenomenon known as
Institute, University of passing the brain’s border) and play a central role in the nocebo response24. Lessons about how the brain
California, San Francisco,
San Francisco, CA, USA.
CNS function (Box 1). For example, immune cells and affects immunity can also be derived from the litera-
✉e-mail: rolls.asya@ cytokines were shown to affect cognitive processes such ture regarding stroke. Patients with stroke often expe- as learning and memory11, social behaviour12,13 and psy- rience systemic immunosuppression following this chiatric (for example, depression14,15) and neurodegener- neurological event25,26. The mechanisms underlying
s41577-020-0387-1 ative (such as schizophrenia16 and Alzheimer disease17) such stroke-induced immunosuppression are largely

20 | January 2021 | volume 21


Box 1 | Neuro-immune communication within the brain attributed to the lateralized organization of the brain
and to the distinct anatomical connections of the two
It is now clear that the brain hosts a vibrant immune environment even under hemispheres with the sympathetic nervous system (SNS)
homeostatic conditions. The brain’s immune compartment is composed of resident and the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS)35–38.
cells (microglia) located mainly in the parenchyma and infiltrating immune cells Evidence for the neuronal regulation of immunity
residing mainly in the meninges and choroid plexus. The blood vessels in the central
ranges from epidemiological studies to mechanistic
nervous system (CNS) are separated from the tissue by the blood–brain barrier
(BBB), which controls the transfer of peripheral compounds to the CNS. Yet, direct studies in experimental animals. Although these studies
interactions between the blood and the CNS can occur in circumventricular organs are beginning to establish the connections between the
(CVOs), which are highly permeable and fenestrated capillaries located in specific sites. brain, psychological states and immunity, we still lack
In mammals, these are found in the median eminence and adjacent neurohypophysis, knowledge of fundamental aspects of the underlying
organum vasculosum, lamina terminalis, subfornical organ and the area postrema, and mechanisms and their biological relevance. To gain a
act as important hubs for neuroimmune interactions. deeper understanding of the interactions between these
In this Review, we focused mainly on the effects of the nervous system on the two highly complex systems, we need to study them
peripheral immune response; however, neuronal activity can also affect the immune systematically within a defined conceptual framework.
response within the brain (brain-resident immune cells or the infiltrating immune This will allow us to formulate specific testable hypoth­
population from the periphery). The brain’s borders, such as the choroid plexus,
eses, which can introduce a physiological mechanistic
meninges, CVOs and the BBB, are innervated. Thus, brain activity can affect the
secretion of chemotactic molecules in the meninges and choroid plexus, alter perspective to psychosomatic conditions (Box 2). In this
the permeability of the BBB and impact the activity of epithelial cells in the CVOs. For Review, we offer such a conceptual framework by exam-
example, BBB permeability is disrupted in certain depressive disorders225, and inhibition ining three basic questions regarding the interaction
of synthesis of serotonin (a neurotransmitter thought to be deficit in depression226,227) between the CNS and the immune system: why do these
reduced BBB permeability228. We showed that short sleep deprivation increases interactions occur? How are these signals mediated?
expression of CXCL13 in the meninges, altering B cell homing to the brain’s borders229. And where in the brain are these responses controlled?
It was also shown that severe stress affects leukocyte trafficking through the choroid
plexus in a glucocorticoid-dependent manner230. Blocking the glucocorticoid receptor Why does the brain regulate immunity?
signalling facilitates the recruitment of GATA3-expressing and FOXP3-expressing A key question that emerges when exploring the neu-
T cells to the brain and attenuates post-traumatic behavioural deficits230.
ronal regulation of immune processes is why should the
The complexity of the neuro-immune interactions within the brain is not limited
to the immune cells themselves. The classic immune cells in the brain, the microglia, nervous system affect the activity of an independent and
which participate in tissue maintenance, synaptic pruning and plasticity231,232, are directly effective system, such as the immune system? Is there any
affected by neuronal activity. Microglia express receptors for many neurotransmitters evolutionary advantage for such neuro-immune regula-
(for example, noradrenaline233, acetylcholine234, serotonin235 and glutamate236), and tion? Here we propose that due to the unique features of
the activation of these receptors affects their function237,238. In addition to microglia, the nervous system, such as the type of inputs it receives,
other cells, such as astrocytes239,240, oligodendrocytes241 and even neurons242, respond to its mode of action and its anatomy, it can offer the imm­
cytokines and immune-related receptors. For example, Toll-like receptors can regulate une system unique advantages that can increase the
the differentiation243 and activity244 of neurons. Thus, the neuro-immune dialogue that organism’s fitness: (1) integration and synchronization,
occurs within the brain tissue has unique characteristics and has an evident impact on
(2) prediction and (3) speed (Fig. 1).
the brain’s physiology and function.
Integration and synchronization
unknown. Yet, emerging studies provide interesting The brain is the central regulator of the organism,
mechanistic insights, and one such example was demon- responsible for maintaining the organism’s homeosta-
strated in mice. It was shown that following stroke, the sis. The immune system restores homeostasis following
brain, via sympathetic innervations to the liver, alters pathogenic attacks, development of malignant cells or
the activity of invariant natural killer T (NKT) cells to tissue damage. Thus, it is to be expected that over the
suppress inflammatory responses27. This reaction may course of evolution, the brain would attain at least some
have evolved to protect the brain from an overwhelming control over the immune system, as it has over most
immune response, which is expected following any form other physiological systems. The brain constantly mon-
of tissue damage. However, such immunosuppression itors the external and internal environments and inte-
also attenuates antibacterial immunity, thereby increas- grates this information to generate a detailed depiction of
ing susceptibility to infection, to the extent that one third the organism and its potential challenges. Thus, the brain
of patients with stroke experience pneumonia, a major can prepare the organism for an upcoming danger by
cause of poststroke death28. Furthermore, a number altering behaviour and allocating physiological resources
of clinical observations indicate that lateralization of to cope with an upcoming threat. Accordingly, the brain
the stroke site affects the course of immune-mediated can directly regulate the function of most physiological
diseases. For example, patients with arthritis who systems, including the cardiovascular system, the renal
experienced a stroke were shown to have enhanced system, the digestive system, body temperature, blood
antigen-specific T cell reactivity on the stroke-affected flow, feeding and metabolism. The immune system itself
side of the body29. This effect was proposed to be medi- is affected by many of these physiological parameters.
ated by changes in sympathetic activity30. Accordingly, Thus, synchronizing immunity with these physiologi-
manipulating neuronal activity in either the left or the cal functions may be valuable for an effective immune
right hemisphere of the rodent brain was shown to result response. For example, the immune system is a metabol-
in opposing immunological reactions31–34, suggesting ically costly system. Immune activation in humans and
that the two hemispheres have distinct effects on the other species increases the resting metabolism by around
peripheral immune response. This can potentially be 30%, at a caloric cost of about 2,000 kJ per day39–42.

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Tissue tolerance
However, increasing caloric intake to support immune the organism and its potential exposure to pathogens
The mitigation of tissue activity is not always beneficial. It was shown that shift- or tissue damage49,50. Generally, circulating leukocyte
damage following exposure ing from glucose to ketone bodies and free fatty acid levels peak in the blood during the resting phase, while
to an adverse stimulus. utilization is protective in bacterial sepsis43,44, suggest- leukocyte recruitment to tissues occurs preferentially
ing that fasting may be critical to surviving septic shock. during the active phase of the organism. These changes
Wang et al. demonstrated that fasting, a conduct often are mediated by the expression of cell adhesion mol­
associated with infection10 as part of sickness behaviour4, ecules and chemokines49. Accordingly, it was shown that
is crucial for survival following bacterial infection. This infection in different circadian periods can significantly
behaviour induces ketone bodies that limit the produc- affect the outcome. For example, death rates in mice
tion of reactive oxygen species during inflammation, peaked when LPS was administered during the diur-
thereby increasing tissue tolerance during bacterial nal rest period (~80% lethality) versus the nocturnal
infection45. Loss of appetite, which may facilitate fasting activity period (~10% lethality)51. Moreover, human
behaviour, is mediated by the hypothalamus9,46. Indeed, studies show that vaccinations in the morning induce
it was shown that following lipopolysaccharide (LPS) an enhanced antibody response compared with vacci-
administration, there were changes in activity in the nations in the afternoon52. Immune processes during the
hypothalamus, specifically in the area responsible for homeostatic states are also regulated by circadian signals.
feeding behaviour47. Thus, by generating an integrated For example, the routine egress of haematopoietic stem
representation of the organism’s status, the brain can syn- cells from the bone marrow to the blood demonstrates
chronize behaviour, metabolism and immune activity to circadian oscillations53. In part, the responsiveness of
increase the potential for survival. these stem cells to chemokines, mediated via suppressor
One of the strongest synchronizing factors is the circa- of cytokine signalling (SOCS), is regulated by growth
dian rhythm, which is regulated by an inner clock located hormone54, which is specifically released during sleep.
in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hyopthalamus48. In general, sleep is a central physiological state induced
This inner clock allows various physiological functions by the brain and synchronizes various processes, includ-
to be orchestrated according to the behavioural and ing reduction of heart rate and changes in metabolism.
functional demands imposed by the day–night cycle. According to the systems consolidation theory55, one of
Therefore, physiological functions, which may be oppos- the major processes coordinated during sleep is consol-
ing, interdependent, or compete for similar resources, are idation and stabilization of memories in the brain56,57. It
coordinated throughout the 24-hour cycle. The immune was proposed that the immune memory response is also
system was also shown to be synchronized by the cir- enhanced by sleep58,59 and that sleep promotes the spatial
cadian rhythm. For example, the number of circulating redistribution of immune cells throughout the body58,60.
leukocytes oscillates between the tissue and blood in a From the findings taken together, different forms of
manner proposed to facilitate the physical activity of brain-orchestrated synchronization activity link immu-
nity with other physiological systems. Such synchroniza-
tion enables optimization of the conditions under which
Box 2 | A physiological perspective of the mind–body connection
these physiological processes are executed, prevents
In the seventeenth century, René Descartes separated the notion of mind, which holds interference between processes that compete for the same
abstract thoughts and emotions, from that of the physical body. However, the concept physiological resources and coordinates the organism’s
that these two entities are not really separate and that emotions affect physical health internal state with that of the external environment.
dates as far back as the second-century physician Galen and the medieval physician
and philosopher, Moses Maimonides. Plato, in his famous dialogue Charmides, argued Prediction
that medical treatment alone is insufficient to produce recovery without a certain
One of the brain’s most important roles is to perceive
psychological interaction with the healer245. Schools of East Asian medicine interpret
the human body and its disorders, including emotional and psychosomatic disorders,
and assess threats before they physically affect the
using a holistic approach. Even for Western medicine, over most of its history, medical organism. This predictive capacity enables our body
practice had a limited pharmacological arsenal and consisted mainly of emotional and to prepare for upcoming challenges, ranging from cel-
cognitive manipulations. Moreover, the placebo effect, which has muddled clinical lular changes to behavioural ones. Perhaps the most
trials for the past 50 years, repeatedly reminds us that one’s thoughts and emotions well-known example is the classical Pavlovian condi-
affect physiology. Nevertheless, this aspect of physiology remains largely unexplored tioning paradigm, in which a physiological function
in modern medicine. (for example, increased salivation) is induced by a pre-
One of the limitations in studying these connections in modern clinical settings is that dictive cue (for example, a bell), even in the absence of
we are still confined by our subjective measurements and insufficient understanding food. This capacity of the brain to plan ahead may also
of the underlying mechanisms. However, we can now ‘translate’ this philosophical
benefit the immune response, as preparing the immune
mind–body question into a physiological one. By taking a reductionist approach,
instead of asking how emotions affect immune activity, we can investigate how different
system in advance for an upcoming challenge could
brain areas associated with specific emotions and behavioural manifestations affect induce a more effective and swifter response. Indeed,
immunity246. The analysis of the causal effects of specific neuronal targets on immunity Pavlovian conditioning of the immune system was
became especially accessible with the emergence of new tools in neuroscience. demonstrated in numerous settings. This phenomenon,
These new technological developments, such as genetic manipulations, optogenetics known as immune conditioning, was first demonstrated
and chemogenetics (designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs in Russia in the 1920s and was rediscovered by Ader
(DREADDs))247,248, enable unprecedented specificity of neuronal manipulations. These and Cohen in the 1970s61. Ader and Cohen demon-
tools help us to establish causal relationships between specific brain activity and ensuing strated that repeated coadministration of a naive con-
changes in immune functions, supporting a physiological basis for what may otherwise ditioned stimulus (for example, saccharin) with an
be considered complex and largely uncharacterized psychosomatic processes.
immunomodulating agent (for example, cyclosporine A)

22 | January 2021 | volume 21


a Integration and synchronization Fig. 1 | Why? Why is it beneficial to allow the nervous
system any control over immunity? Presented are some
unique properties of the brain, which offer a functional
External inputs Internal inputs benefit for the immune system. a | The brain’s ability to
(e.g. temperature (e.g. energy demands integrate and synchronize different phsyiological and
and day–night cycle) and cytokines) behavioural processes. The immune response is only
one part of the organism’s response to a challenge.
Thus, immune activity has to be synchronized with other
physiological processes to optimize the effectiveness
of the response. The brain receives external inputs
(for example, the external temperature and the day–night
cycle) and internal inputs (for example, the body’s energy
demands and cytokines secreted in the body). These inputs
are integrated by the brain, which in turn can orchestrate
Orchestrated physiological and immune
response (e.g. synchronizing immunity and adapt the entire physiological response, including the
with the circadian rhythm) immune response, circadian rhythm, sleep, metabolism,
food intake, blood pressure and temperature. Such
synchronized response can also optimize the physiological
conditions for a more effective immune response.
b Prediction b | The brain’s ability to generate predictions and anticipate
challenges. The immune system responds to signals
Sensory and Anticipatory
only after it encounters them, while the brain acts as a
visceral inputs physiological and prediction machine, anticipating upcoming events.
immune response Adding predictive value to the immune system can allow
(e.g. immune it to mount a protective response, even before the exposure
Past experience conditioning)
to the challenge. The brain receives sensory and visceral
inputs, which can be evaluated in light of past experiences,
thus producing anticipatory physiological and immune
responses. A classic example for such prediction is immune
conditioning, whereby a naive stimulus (sucrose) is coupled
with an immunosuppressant drug. After the coupling
c Speed process, the sucrose alone can elicit immunosuppression.
Rapid immune activation during stress c | The brain’s ability to execute fast and systemic responses,
Immune activation
speed. The nervous system reacts within milliseconds,
Acute stress Activation of the stress response (e.g. immune cell while the immune system reacts on a timescale of minutes
(HPA axis and the SNS) mobilization) to days. There are cases in which a swift and systemic
immune response is necessary. For example, during the
Rapid termination of inflammation acute stress response when the body is preparing for an
upcoming threat, there may be a need for a rapid immune
Overwhelming Systemic immune activation. The stress response activates the hypothalamic–
peripheral suppression pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous
inflammation Activation Activation (inflammatory system (SNS), both of which are known to affect immune
(e.g. sepsis) of vagus of vagus reflex) activity. For example, the SNS was shown to induce immune
afferent arc efferent arc
cell mobilization. A different example is the brain’s capacity
to terminate the immune response when it becomes
overwhelming and can cause damage as in the case
leads to coupling of the two stimuli, so administration of of sepsis. During a peripheral infection, the release of
the conditioned stimulus alone (saccharine) can induce cytokines activates the vagus afferent arc, and the vagus
efferent arc suppresses the immune system (a process
immunosuppression61. Immune conditioning has been
termed the ‘inflammatory reflex’).
demonstrated in lupus62, allergy63 and arthritis64, and
was applied for therapeutic effect, enabling reduction
in the dosage of pharmacological agents without reduc- is endogenously activated in anticipation of positive
ing efficiency65,66. Although the specific neuronal path- experiences (such as mating and feeding), boosts the
ways involved are as yet unidentified, it was shown that antibacterial and antitumour immune response69,70. In a
the brain’s insular cortex, amygdala and ventromedial broader perspective, Cole et al. proposed that as different
nucleus of the hypothalamus are important in regulat- socio-environmental conditions expose the organism to
ing different aspects of the conditioning response67,68. distinct immune challenges, the immune profile should
Thus, immune conditioning represents the brain’s abil- be correlated with one’s lifestyle. Thus, for example,
ity to anticipate an upcoming challenge and prepare the social isolation, social threat, and low or unstable social
organism and its immune system. status are associated with differential gene expression in
Prediction can also be utilized in behaviours such leukocytes71. Diverse types of social adversity positively
as eating and mating, which are inherently associated correlated with the expression of pro-inflammatory
with potential exposure to pathogens. Priming the genes and negatively correlated with the expression
immune response in expectation of these activities can of genes involved in innate antiviral responses and
be important for survival. Indeed, we recently showed antibody synthesis. These effects were proposed to be
that direct triggering of the brain’s reward system, which mediated mainly by neuroendocrine pathways72.

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Vagus nerve
Another aspect of this predictive capacity was demon­ cases, a more rapid response may be beneficial. For exam-
The longest cranial nerve strated in several recent studies describing an anticipa- ple, during a stressful event, an immediate mobilization
connecting the brainstem tory immune response at the level of peripheral sensory of immune cells can speed up the reaction to an upcom-
to the periphery via afferent neurons. This response is different from the predictive ing challenge. Indeed, neuronal signals, especially via the
and efferent projections.
The vagus nerve delivers
response mediated by the brain, as peripheral sensory SNS, induce immune cell mobilization92–95. Cytokines
sensory information to neurons can directly sense pathogens and danger sig- such as IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF), which
the brain and regulates nals. The predictive effect is manifested by the capac- characterize the early stages of an immune response,
parasympathetic activity. ity of these sensory neurons to detect the presence of are induced in response to stress and SNS activation96,97.
pathogens even before they cause damage or activate the Furthermore, a rapid immune response is not only rele-
immune system. For example, bacteria can directly acti- vant for the initiation of an immune reaction but may be
vate nociceptors, which in turn affect the local immune especially significant for its termination. An overactive
response73. Cutaneous TRPV1+ neurons directly sense immune response can become an immediate danger for
noxious stimuli, inflammatory cytokines and even the organism, as demonstrated in sepsis, which can lead
pathogen-associated molecules. Their activation is suf- to death within hours. Neuronal inputs were shown to
ficient to elicit a local IL-17-producing T cell-associated provide an effective and timely termination signal ini-
inflammatory immune response and to augment host tiated by the vagus nerve, the stimulation of which can
defence against bacteria74. This effect, defined as an attenuate immune activity systemically (known as the
‘anticipatory immune response’, was shown to promote inflammatory reflex)98 and enhance postsepsis survival99.
elimination of the pathogen75–78. Taken together, we propose that there are unique
Another important site in which the predicative advantages offered by neuronal regulation of immunity.
capacity of the brain may be especially relevant is the gas­ The nervous system can optimize the conditions under
trointestinal tract. The immune system in the gastro­ which the immune system operates by synchronizing its
intestinal tract constantly encounters new antigens. activity with other physiological functions. Moreover,
Thus, there is an ongoing need for rapid decision-making the brain has a broad perspective of the challenges
to evaluate the nature of the encountered antigen. In such facing the organism, and can prioritize and allocate
a case, the predictive capacity of the brain may become resources on the basis of these needs. For example, this
relevant in assessing the environment or the context in could entail prioritizing the physiological and energetic
which the antigen was consumed, to help estimate its resources needed to escape an immediate threat (for
safety. Indeed, the effects of neuronal modulation on example, a lion) over fighting a bacterial infection. The
immune processes was also demonstrated in the case immune system effectively detects pathogens and signs
of the gut–brain axis79–88. For example, the immune of damage, but it can respond to the challenge only fol-
response in the gut to parasitic worms is regulated by lowing its encounter. The predictive capacity of the brain
type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s). ILC2s can be acti- offers the immune system an opportunity to prepare for
vated by the neuropeptide neuromedin U (NMU)89,90, an upcoming challenge and eliminate it in a more timely
which is produced by neurons in the mucosal area that and effective manner. This aspect of a timely response
sense the presence of the invader. NMU treatment is also manifested by the capacity of the brain to deliver
in vivo induces an immediate protective type 2 response, direct and rapid messages to the immune system to ini-
while ablation of the NMU receptor on ILC2s leads to a tiate, modulate or quickly terminate an overwhelming
delayed and impaired type 2 response and poor control immune reaction across the entire organism.
of the worm infection90. While neuro-immune interac-
tions enhance protection of the host from infection by How does the CNS regulate immunity?
some pathogens, other pathogens can exploit the same The capacity of the nervous system to regulate immunity
pathways to facilitate their own survival91. requires an infrastructure that enables signal propaga-
Thus, the nervous system gathers information from tion between these two systems. Here we discuss the
sources that are not available to the immune system major pathways that allow the CNS to regulate the activ-
(for example, visual, auditory, metabolic and mechani- ity of the peripheral immune system: (1) the endocrine
cal stimuli). These stimuli, integrated with information pathway; (2) the neuronal efferent pathway composed
acquired in past experiences, allow the brain to quickly of the sympathetic and parasympathetic arms; (3) sen-
identify potential threats even before they are recognized sory peripheral pathways; and (4) meningeal lymphatics.
by the immune system. This enables the organism to ini- Each of these pathways can transmit unique information
tiate an immediate and more effective immune response between the nervous system and the immune system,
to an upcoming challenge. and uses distinct tools to deliver its messages (Fig. 2).

Speed Endocrine pathways

One of the most prominent differences between the The endocrine system is one of the most potent tools
nervous system and the immune system is their speed available to the brain, allowing it to regulate a myriad of
of reaction. The nervous system can react within milli- physiological processes. Hormones, the release of which
seconds, whereas immunological responses often require is regulated by the brain, are delivered via the blood-
from several minutes up to weeks to develop. While this stream to target tissues. This pathway is an effective and
slower timescale of immune reaction is sufficient for rapid means of simultaneously delivering information
many of its needs (and potentially even advantageous as to different organs and synchronizing physiological
it provides more opportunities for regulation), in some processes. The central regulator of the endocrine system

24 | January 2021 | volume 21


is the hypothalamus. This brain region communicates and nutritional requirements between males and
extensively with other areas of the brain and controls females. Generally, testosterone has an immunosup­
major physiological processes such as hunger, thirst, pressive effect, while oestrogen has an immuno­
body temperature, circadian rhythm and sleep. Two main enhancing one109. Accordingly, females exhibit increased
endocrine pathways are regulated by the hypothalamus; antibody production110,111 and are less susceptible to
the hypothalamic–neurohypophyseal system and the viral infections, but, on the other hand, they are more
hypothalamic–hypophyseal portal system. These path- prone to autoimmune disease112,113. Moreover, preg-
ways differ in the nature of the physiological processes nancy presents the female immune system with unique
they regulate and the number of relay stations they use. challenges (for example, the need to tolerate an abun-
The hypothalamic–neurohypophyseal system pro- dance of non-self-antigens derived from the fetus).
duces hormones in the hypothalamus synthesized by Accordingly, oestrogen was shown to affect the immune
neurosecretory cells. The hormones are then stored in response during pregnancy114. Another example is the
the posterior pituitary and are secreted directly into the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis, which generally
bloodstream. This system is responsible for the secretion enhances metabolic activity and has been associated
of oxytocin (which regulates behaviour during social with immune activation115. Thyroid hormones induce
interactions, including social bonding, or maternal lymphocyte proliferation116. Accordingly, thyroidec-
care)100,101 and arginine-vasopressin (AVP; released in tomy (the removal of the thyroid gland) suppresses the
response to hyperosmolality, increasing the reabsorption immune response117, and patients with hypothyroid-
of water in the kidney)102. Both of these hormones have ism are significantly more susceptible to infection118,119.
been linked to immune activity. Oxytocin was shown to Thus, endocrine signals enable the synchronization of
suppress pro-inflammatory cytokines103,104 and to pro- complex physiological processes and immune activity.
mote wound healing105 (which may be especially impor-
tant in the postpartum period). AVP was shown to have Neuronal efferent pathways
anti-inflammatory effects during sepsis106. Inflammatory The peripheral nervous system comprises a network of
cytokines were shown to activate AVP-producing neuronal pathways that can deliver timely and direct
neurons107, indicating that this endocrine pathway can information to peripheral tissues. The autonomic nerv-
also respond to changes in immune system activity. ous system (ANS) includes the PSNS and the SNS and
The hypothalamic–hypophyseal portal system secretes is known mainly for its control of functions that are not
hypothalamic hormones (for example, corticotropin- under conscious control (for example, blood pressure,
releasing hormone (CRH)), which reach the ante- heart rate and gastrointestinal motility). The SNS and
rior pituitary and stimulate the release of the relevant PSNS have some opposing effects on various physio-
pituitary hormone (for example, adrenocorticotropic logical processes characterized by the ‘fight or flight’
hormone (ACTH)). The pituitary hormone is then response regulated by the SNS and the ‘rest and digest’
released into the bloodstream, through which it ulti- programme of the PSNS. The main neurotransmitter of
mately reaches its target organ (for example, adrenal the SNS is noradrenaline (recognized by α-adrenergic
gland), where it induces the release of the final effector and β-adrenergic receptors), and the main PSNS neuro-
hormone (for example, cortisol). Various physiological transmitter is acetylcholine (ACh; which is recognized by
processes are regulated via this pathway, consisting of nicotinic and muscarinic ACh receptors). Both systems
five main axes: (1) the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal can affect immune activity, although immune organs
axis, which mainly regulates the stress response; (2) the such as the spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes and thy-
hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis, which is responsi- mus are innervated mainly by the SNS120. Functional
ble for the release of thyroid hormones, which participate receptors for neurotransmitters and neuropeptides
in regulation of metabolism; (3) the hypothalamic– secreted by the ANS are expressed by immune cells120–122.
pituitary–gonadal axis, which is responsible for secret- It is important to note that different neuronal factors can
ing sex hormones to regulate reproduction; (4) the also be secreted by the immune cells themselves123, indi-
hypothalamic–pituitary–somatotropic axis, which is cating an even more complex relationship between the
responsible for secretion of growth hormone and insulin- nervous system and immunity.
like growth factor 1 (IGF1); and (5) the hypothalamic–
pituitary–prolactin axis, which secretes prolactin, which is Sympathetic nervous system. Traditionally, SNS activity
best known for inducing the production of milk in females. is associated with the stress response and is responsible
All of these endocrine pathways coordinate funda- for the increase in blood adrenaline and noradrenaline
mental physiological and developmental events, which levels. However, this is only one aspect of the SNS, which
require adaptation of immune activity. Thus, it is not is functionally and anatomically divided into two main
surprising that these hormones also affect the immune arms: the systemic arm and the local arm. The systemic
response. For example, in the hypothalamic–pituitary– arm of the SNS is responsible for the increase in blood
gonadal axis, which regulates sexual development, noradrenaline and adrenaline levels. Sympathetic fibres
gonadotropin-releasing hormone and sex steroids such from the CNS reach the adrenal gland (specifically the
as testosterone participate in the programming of the adrenal medulla), leading to secretion of adrenaline and
immune system108. This connection may be especially noradrenaline by the adrenal chromaffin cells. These
important in adapting immunity to the many physio- neurotransmitters are secreted directly into the blood-
logical and behavioural changes that accompany sexual stream and are thereby delivered to the entire organism.
maturation, and the differences in energy consumption In contrast to this systemic response, the local arm of

naTure RevIeWS | ImmuNology volume 21 | January 2021 | 25


a Endocrine pathway b Sympathetic nervous system pathway

Hypothalamus Hypothalamus

Systemic sympathetic pathway Local sympathetic pathway

Posterior pituitary Anterior pituitary
• Oxytocin • ACTH
• LH
• GH
• Prolactin

Target organ

Fast, systemic inputs from the brain Fast, systemic inputs from the Fast, localized signals from the brain
orchestrating complex physiological brain mediated by adrenaline mediated via a network of innervations
processes and noradrenaline released by to immune organs and target sites.
Immune-related example: the adrenal gland to the blood Secretes noradrenaline and
HPG axis hormones affect T cell response Immune-related example: neuropeptides
Noradrenaline and adrenaline Immune-related example:
induce immune cell mobilization SNS innervations to the liver suppress
to the bloodstream iNKT activity in the liver

c Parasympathetic nervous system pathway d Sensory pathway e Meningeal lymphatic pathway

information Sensory

Neuro- Immune
Sensory– peptides mediators


Fast and localized signals from the Direct detection of potential threats in Delivers specific immune-related
brain to specific target sites. Limited peripheral tissues. Transfers information information regarding the brain’s
innervation of immune organs. from the periphery to the brain, and can also condition
Secretion of mainly ACh. locally interact with the immune system via Immune-related example:
Immune-related example: neuropeptide secretion. Changes in the meningeal lymphatic
Vagus nerve activation suppresses Immune-related example: function in mice affected CNS
pro-inflammatory cytokine release Nociceptor sensory neurons inhibit neutrophil disease, neuroinflammation and
(the inflammatory reflex). recruitment to infection site via CGRP secretion cognitive task performance

26 | January 2021 | volume 21


◀ Fig. 2 | How? How does the brain communicate with the peripheral immune system? can alter adrenaline and noradrenaline levels across the
We depict here the main pathways that connect the brain with peripheral immunity. entire organism, the local arm enables the transduction
a | The endocrine pathway, composed of the hypothalamic–neurohypophyseal system of specific and direct signals to different sites. For exam-
(secreting mainly oxytocin and arginine-vasopressin (AVP)) and the hypothalamic– ple, sympathetic neurons affect tissue-specialized mac-
hypophyseal portal system (secreting mainly adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH),
rophages by switching their gene-expression profiles, and
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing
hormone (LH) and growth hormone (GH)). b | The sympathetic nervous system modulate changes in brown adipose tissue content, ther-
(SNS) pathway, composed of the systemic and local sympathetic pathways. The systemic mogenesis and regulation of weight loss in obese mice140.
pathway is mediated mainly by the adrenal gland, resulting in the systemic secretion Sympathetic innervations to the bone marrow affect the
of adrenaline and noradrenaline. The local sympathetic pathway constitutes local immunosuppressive profile of myeloid-derived suppres-
sympathetic innervation, reaching all parts of the body, including every immune organ. sor cells in tumour-bearing mice70. Innervations of the
c | The parasympathetic nervous system comprises cholinergic innervation, which micro­environment in which tumours develop can also
reaches all parts of the body and secretes mainly acetylcholine (ACh). d | The sensory affect tumour growth141. In rodent breast cancer models,
neurons can detect potential threats in the peripheral tissues. The sensory neurons may growth and progression were accelerated following stim-
directly affect the immune cells in the peripheral tissue (via neuropeptide secretion) ulation of sympathetic nerves in tumours142. Moreover,
or send the relevant information from the periphery to the brain. e | The meningeal
sympathetic denervation was shown to suppress tumour
lymphatic system delivers immune cells and immune-related signals relating to the
brain to the periphery. For each pathway a single representative example of immune growth and to downregulate the expression of immune
effects is provided. CGRP, calcitonin gene-related peptide; CNS, central nervous system; checkpoint molecules (programmed cell death protein 1
HPG, hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal; iNKT cell, invariant natural killer T cell. (PD1) and programmed death ligand 1 (PDL1)142.

Parasympathetic nervous system. Similar to the SNS,

the SNS provides targeted innervation to almost every the PSNS plays a role in regulating several important
tissue in the body. The sympathetic fibres at one tissue functions in the body and was shown to directly regulate
can be activated independently of fibres at another site124, immunity. A crucial component of the PSNS is the vagus
locally releasing noradrenaline. Thus, tissue-specific nerve, which controls heart rate and promotes intesti-
control can be achieved via these descending neuronal nal motility and digestion, bronchodilation and pupil
innervations. In addition to noradrenaline, these neu- dilation. One of the most extensively studied examples
rons are characterized by the presence of varicosities that of the connection between the brain and the peripheral
store neuropeptides (such as neuropeptide Y and vaso- immune system is the inflammatory reflex, which is
active intestinal peptide (VIP)), which can be released induced by the vagus nerve. The inflammatory reflex
along with noradrenaline125,126. These neuropeptides is composed of an afferent arc and an efferent arc. The
participate in diverse physiological processes, includ- afferent arc of the vagus nerve is stimulated by cytokines
ing regulation of metabolism, vascular and immune at the inflammatory site, while the efferent arc of the
function127–131. Nevertheless, it is unclear how the secre- vagus nerve secretes ACh in the periphery, which inhib-
tion of these neuropeptides is regulated, and their effects its inflammation143. The secretion of ACh in the periph-
on the immune system are not fully understood. eral immune organs was shown to inhibit the immune
The effects of the SNS on the immune system have response during sepsis and suppress cytokine release
been studied extensively, mainly in light of the relation- via the α7 nicotinic ACh receptor expressed by immune
ship between the SNS and stress (Box 3). Immune cells cells144,145. Some of the vagal effects are mediated via sym-
express both α-adrenergic and β-adrenergic receptors pathetic nerves99, further highlighting the complexity of
(adrenoceptors), and receptor expression levels vary neuronal control over peripheral immune responses.
with cell state, maturation or activation95,132. The adren- The understanding of this regulatory network may have
ergic receptors were shown to functionally impact the major medical implications; for example, vagus nerve
activity of immune cells, specifically their migration133, stimulation could be applied for treatment of autoim-
cellular activation 134 and cytokine production 135. mune conditions, an approach already clinically tested
Reported effects of the SNS on the immune system are for treating rheumatoid arthritis146.
somewhat contradictory136, with some studies indicat- Taken together, the peripheral nervous system can
ing that SNS activity is mainly immunosuppressive and modulate immunity both locally and systemically. The
others demonstrating the stimulatory effects of the SNS PSNS and the SNS are generally considered to induce
on the immune response. For example, activation of opposing effects (fight or flight versus rest and digest).
the β-adrenergic receptor was shown to induce CD4+ Parallel effects are also often observed at the level of the
T cell proliferation and cytokine production137,138, while immune system. For example, in the context of breast
inhibiting TNF production by macrophages in response cancer, a retrospective analysis of breast cancer speci-
to LPS139. Thus, adrenergic signals have distinct immu- mens from 29 patients revealed that increased sympa-
nological impacts that can be attributed to the duration thetic nerve density and decreased parasympathetic
of exposure to the noradrenergic signal, its intensity nerve density in tumours were associated with poor
(concentration), interaction with other factors such as clinical outcomes and correlated with higher expression
neuropeptides or the functional roles of the adrenergic of inhibitory immune checkpoint molecules142.
receptors on different immune subsets and in various
immunological contexts. Another set of factors that may The sensory nervous system
contribute to the diversity of SNS effects on the immune The sensory nervous system provides an additional
system are the differential effects of the systemic arm pathway of neuronal communication between the brain
versus the local arm of the SNS. While the systemic arm and the periphery. Sensory neurons are categorized into

naTure RevIeWS | ImmuNology volume 21 | January 2021 | 27


Box 3 | Stress and immunity substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and
glutamate as their primary neurotransmitters148,149. They
Stress is an important physiological adaptive response that prepares the organism for respond to a large variety of noxious stimuli, specifically
an upcoming challenge. However, stress has been commonly associated with adverse heat150, chemicals151, inflammation-related factors152,153
effects on health in general and specifically on immunity. and bacterially derived molecules73,77,154. Sensory fibres
The effects of stress on immunity can be broadly divided into those of acute versus
were studied for their ability to communicate with cells
chronic stress, which appear to be different in their physiological and immunological
impact. Studies suggest that acute stress induces leukocyte mobilization to the of the immune system, especially in barrier tissues such
blood92, enhances leukocyte infiltration into the site of inflammation92,249 and affects as the skin77,155, lung156 and gut157,158, where these neuronal
the proliferative response of immune cells250. In humans, acute stress triggered by innervations are particularly abundant, and reside in
different paradigms such as parachute jumping93, a difficult arithmetic examination251 close proximity to immune cells. Immunohistochemical
or confrontational role-play252 increased the activity and abundance of natural killer analysis of rat skin samples demonstrated that these pep-
cells and CD8+ T cells. Conversely, chronic stress mostly has an immunosuppressive tidergic nerve endings are located close to lymphatic
effect253,254 in animals and humans255. Epidemiological and genomic studies demonstrate capillaries in the dermis and the subcutaneous layer159.
alterations in immune cell gene expression during stressful life events72. For example, Exposure to noxious stimuli triggers substance P and
increased exposure to stressful life situations is correlated with elevated expression CGRP secretion, which was shown to have a functional
of pro-inflammatory genes and a decrease in the expression of genes encoding type I
impact on lymphatic drainage160–162. Studies also identi-
interferons (involved in innate antiviral responses and antibody synthesis)71,72,256,257.
Conversely, people practising cognitive–behavioural relaxation methods258 or fied the direct effects of these sensory innervations on
meditation259 were able to reverse these patterns. However, chronic stress also immune cell activity, demonstrating a protective role
increases proliferation of haematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow, leading to against endotoxaemia163 and sepsis164. Selective genetic
the accumulation of pro-inflammatory leukocytes260. Moreover, chronic stress is a risk ablation of TRPV1+ sensory neurons revealed their
factor for the development and progression of many immune-related diseases261. capacity to inhibit the recruitment of neutrophils to the
It was proposed that by altering cytokine secretion (for example, T helper 1 cell-type site of infection via CGRP secretion77. This strategy was
cytokines/T helper 2 cell-type cytokines), long-term stress dysregulates the balance in also applied to demonstrate the immunosuppressive role
the immune response, thereby exacerbating autoimmune conditions262. In the context of sensory innervations in the lungs through their inhi-
of cancer research, chronic stress restructures lymphatic networks within and around bition of neutrophil recruitment156. Moreover, activation
tumours, promoting the escape of cancer cells263. Pharmacological manipulations of
of skin sensory neurons using optogenetics was shown
stress-related pathways such as adrenergic signalling are undergoing testing in clinical
trials for treating women with breast cancer264,265. to induce an IL-17 response74. Thus, the sensory nerv-
The effects of stress on immunity are thought to be mediated via two main path­ ous system can have a systemic effect on immunity by
ways. The first is the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, which results in glucocorti- sending the sensory inputs to the brain, which in turn
coid secretion. Glucocorticoids inhibit the immune response, and are administered can regulate the peripheral immune response, and a local
routinely as potent immunosuppressive drugs266. The second is the neuronal pathway, effect, by secreting neuropeptides directly in the tissue165.
mainly the sympathetic nervous system, which induces noradrenaline and adrenaline
secretion. The effect of the sympathetic nervous system on immunity can be mediated Meningeal lymphatic vessels
either directly by noradrenaline receptors (α-adrenergic and β-adrenergic receptors) A different way in which the brain can affect immune
expressed on immune cells or indirectly via cells residing in the tissue (for example, activity is by introducing brain-specific antigens to the
endothelial cells and epithelial cells) that can also respond to sympathetic signals267–269.
peripheral immune system. All tissues are monitored by
In spite of the clear evidence for the connection between stress and immunity,
evidence in the field is often contradictory270. This is in part because stress is a very resident or patrolling immune cells that collect informa-
complex phenomenon that is likely to have different neuronal manifestations. Stress tion regarding the state of the tissue and potential invad-
accompanies different types of emotional states, and thus the brain activity associated ers. These cells then travel to the lymph nodes via the
with different types of stress is distinct and may have different effects on the immune lymphatic vessels, where they present antigens, induc-
system. In addition, the timing of the stress response is also critical for the outcome. ing a relevant immune response. Recent studies have
For example, it was demonstrated in mice that exposure to glucocorticoids specifically characterized the meningeal lymphatic vessels in the
during the perinatal period reprogrammes the neuroendocrine stress pathway. dura mater of the brain166. These vessels deliver antigens
This results in reduced glucocorticoid levels in adults, leading to attenuated antitumour and immune cells from the brain to the lymph nodes and
and antibacterial CD8+ T cell responses271. Thus, ‘stress’ — as a general term — cannot express lymphatic endothelial markers (for example,
describe the complexity of the phenomenon nor its outcome. The field of neuroscience
VEGFR3, CCL21 and PROX1)167. The lymphatic system
is undergoing a conceptual reframing of the stress response by characterizing the
specific pathways involved in different aspects and types of stress272. This emerging surrounds the brain and drains excess fluid, proteins
understanding will also enable research in neuroimmunology to dissect the various and immune cells from the tissue, which then reach
implications of stress on immunity. From the findings taken together, although stress peripheral lymph nodes168. Ablation of this meningeal
was mostly associated with its maladaptive effects, it is an essential physiological lymphatic system in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
response that plays a central role in synchronizing the immune response with other leads to diminished CNS disease and reduces the inflam-
physiological functions in anticipation of an upcoming challenge. matory response of T cells169. In a transgenic mouse
model of Alzheimer disease, disruption of meningeal
several heterogeneous populations, each responding to lymphatic vessels was shown to promote amyloid-β
different aspects of tactile sensation (for example, ther- deposition in the meninges and aggravate parenchy-
mal, mechanical and chemical)147. Although these sets mal amyloid-β accumulation170. Thus, by transport-
of neurons are predominantly known for their role in ing immune cells and antigens from the brain to the
conveying information to the brain, they can also locally periphery, the meningeal lymphatic system can affect
release neuropeptides. In the context of neuro-immune the peripheral and central immune response.
interactions, the subpopulation of sensory C fibres, also In summary, there are multiple lines of communica-
known as peptidergic neurons, are the most extensively tion between the brain, the peripheral nervous system and
studied to date. These neurons secrete the neuropeptide the immune system. However, it is important to note that

28 | January 2021 | volume 21


these cues can affect not only the activity of immune cells important advantage offered by the brain, is an intrin-
but could potentially alter the function of other cell types, sic characteristic of the nervous system; thus, we do not
including epithelial, stromal and endothelial cells, as part expect it to be represented in a specific brain region. In a
of their capacity to initiate an integrated response. Some of broader context, such a cataloguing approach can also
these pathways, such as the endocrine and the systemic be applied to identify brain areas involved in specific
arm of the SNS, can induce rapid and extensive dissemi- mental and emotional processes to understand how their
nation of information to the peripheral immune system. activity can impact immunity (Box 2).
Other pathways, such as the local arm of the SNS and the In this section, we review the infrastructure needed
PSNS, are characterized by their ability to deliver signals to generate a conceptual map linking different forms of
that are temporally and spatially localized. The effects of brain activity to the regulation of immunological pro-
the sensory nervous system may be both local and sys- cesses (Fig. 3). Nevertheless, we must emphasize that such
temic: the local signals are mediated by sensory neurons, an approach requires oversimplification of the brain’s
which secrete neuropeptides in the tissue in which they complexity and by no means represents an exhaustive
are embedded; the systemic signals are sensory messages view of all the relevant brain areas or the complexity of
that are delivered to the brain, which can then induce neuro-immune interactions.
a systemic response via any of the available descending
pathways. The meningeal lymphatic drainage represents a Brain regions involved in regulation of descending
somewhat different type of communication mode that can pathways
affect immune responses via specific signals that represent Brain areas involved in the regulation of descending neu-
the state and needs of the brain itself. ronal and endocrine pathways, which send signals to the
periphery and affect immune activity, are especially rele-
Where in the brain? vant to our discussion. Many of these regulatory centres
The existence of distinct anatomical and functional are located in the brainstem. The brainstem is an evo-
communication routes between the nervous system lutionarily conserved brain structure containing nuclei
and the immune system highlights the capacity of the responsible for different physiological aspects of periph-
nervous system to modulate immunity. Part of this eral control by the brain. Here, we discuss mainly the
communication, such as the local secretion of neuro- areas involved in autonomic and endocrine regulation.
peptides by sensory neurons, does not require the brain’s
direct involvement in the process. However, most of the Autonomic regulation. Regulation of the ANS, although
neuro-immune interactions discussed in this Review distributed throughout the brain, is associated with the
depend on the brain and its unique capabilities. activity of key areas; for example, the dorsal motor
To understand the brain’s potential to regulate vagal nucleus, which regulates the PSNS172, or the ros-
immunity, we must first identify brain centres relevant tral ventrolateral medulla173, locus coeruleus (LC)174,
for such regulation and characterize how their activity A5 (refs175,176) and the rostral raphe pallidus177,178, which
affects immunity. Some insight into the areas that are regulate sympathetic activity. Manipulation of these
potentially involved in the brain–immune system com- regions was previously associated with immune altera-
munication can be obtained from functional magnetic tions. Optogenetic activation of C1 neurons in the ros-
resonance imaging (fMRI) studies in humans. These tral ventrolateral medulla, which innervates sympathetic
studies demonstrate the activation of specific brain areas and parasympathetic preganglionic neurons, was shown
in response to peripheral acute and chronic inflamma- to protect mice from ischaemia–reperfusion injury by
tory responses. A recent meta-analysis of 24 such stud- modulating T cell responses179. Chemical ablation of
ies revealed effects in the amygdala, hippocampus, neurons in the LC and the A5 cell group in the brain-
hypothalamus, striatum, insula, midbrain, brainstem stem of rats was accompanied by a decrease in cytokine
and prefrontal and temporal cortices during peripheral production (IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF) by LPS-stimulated
inflammation171. These effects on brain activity indicate splenocytes180. In addition, ablation of LC neurons in
that the brain is sensitive to changes in the peripheral rats suppressed the development of clinical signs of
immune system, but such fMRI studies cannot deter- experimental allergic encephalomyelitis181. However,
mine a causal effect between brain activity and immu- studies in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease showed
nity. Other, more mechanistic insights into brain areas that ablation of LC neurons resulted in increased neuro­
relevant for immunoregulation emerge from immune inflammation and neurodegeneration182. The LC also
analysis of patients with specific brain injuries and participates in the stress response183,184, and it is activated
experimental studies in animals, in which we can mon- by CRH. CRH administered into the LC in awake rats
itor the immune changes following targeted lesions and was shown to decrease blood and spleen T cell mitogenic
manipulation of a specific brain region. responses to the phytohaemagglutinin concanavalin A185.
To generate a more comprehensive perspective of Thus, activity of brain areas associated with ANS regula-
brain areas that are potentially involved in immune tion appears to functionally impact peripheral immunity
regulation, we catalogued these areas on the basis of and can provide valuable insights into neuro-immune
their relevance to the concepts discussed in this Review: communication. However, it is important to bear in
regulation of descending pathways from the brain, mind that any effects of these brain regions on the
areas involved in integration and synchronization of immune system might involve indirect communication
physiological processes, and areas involved in predic- via other CNS circuits, and may vary depending on the
tion. Speed, which we indicated before to be another immune and psychological context.

naTure RevIeWS | ImmuNology volume 21 | January 2021 | 29


Endocrine regulation. As previously mentioned, endo- the lateral hypothalamus affect the number of immune
crine regulation is associated mainly with the hypo- cells in the circulation186,187. Moreover, lateral hypo-
thalamus and the pituitary gland. Modulation of thalamic lesions affect peripheral blood natural killer
hypothalamic neuronal activity was shown to affect (NK) cell cytotoxicity188, further supporting the rele-
immunity. Lesions to the paraventricular nucleus and vance of this region for modulating immune activity.

a Brain regions involved in regulation of descending pathways

Neuronal function
Regulation of the endocrine
Immune effects
PVN and lateral hypothalamus affect
the number of circulating leukocytes Brainstem
and antibody production
Neuronal function
Pituitary gland Regulates the autonomic nervous
system (vagal nucleus, RVLM, LC, A5,
Neuronal function rostral raphe pallidus)
Secretes hormones to the bloodstream Immune effects
Immune effects LC and A5 ablation decreases IL-1β,
dw/dw mice (deficient in prolactin, IL-6 and TNF production upon LPS
growth hormone and thyroid-stimulating stimulation
hormone) manifest suppressed humoral
and cell-mediated immunity

b Brain regions involved in integration and synchronization

Hypothalamus Insular cortex
Neuronal function Neuronal function
A central homeostatic site that Related to body awareness and
integrates physiological functions interoception. Crucial for the
including sleep, circadian rhythm organism’s ability to process
and metabolism proprioceptive sensory inputs
Immune effects Immune effects
The immune system is synchro- Lesions to the insula disrupt
nized by the circadian rhythm immune conditioning
(via the SCN)

c Brain regions involved in prediction

Primary somatosensory cortex Hippocampus
Neuronal function Neuronal function
Receives sensory information Important for memory formation
from the somatic, proprioceptive Immune effects
and some visceral senses Regulates IL-1β hippocampus-
Immune effects dependent memory. Involved in
Bacterial antigens activate immune conditioning
peripheral sensory innervations
(connected to the primary
somatosensory cortex)
Ventral tegmental area
Amygdala Neuronal function
Neuronal function A key component of the reward
Has a primary role in memory system. This region is activated
processing and emotional responses during positive expectations
Immune effects Immune effects
Necessary for behaviorally Enhances antibacterial and
conditioned immunity antitumour immunity

Fig. 3 | Where? Where in the brain is immune information processed and regulated? A schematic depiction of
some representative brain regions relevant for brain–immune system communication organized based on their relevance
to the key neuro-immune functions suggested in this Review. a | Brain regions involved in regulation of descending
pathways: the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and the brainstem. b | Brain regions involved in synchronization: the
hypothalamus and the insular cortex. c | Brain regions involved in prediction: the primary somatosensory cortex,
the amygdala, the hippocampus and the ventral tegmental area. For each brain area a single example of immune effects
is provided in the associated boxes. LC, locus coeruleus; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; PVN, paraventricular nucleus;
RVLM, rostral ventrolateral medulla; SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.

30 | January 2021 | volume 21


Neurons in the hypothalamus respond during peripheral in the insula202. Moreover, lesions to the insula were
inflammation189,190, and some areas of the hypothalamus shown to disrupt immune conditioning68,203.
can directly sample the blood and release hormones to
the circulation at specific sites called ‘circumventricular Brain regions involved in prediction
organs’191, which are characterized by dedicated fenes- There are different aspects of the brain’s predictive
trations of the blood–brain barrier. It should be noted capacity. These include different forms of memory and
that the hypothalamus is composed of multiple neuronal representation of relevant information, areas involved in
nuclei, which are responsible for distinct physiological regulation of behaviours that can expose the individual
functions and are interconnected via reciprocal innerva- to potential immune challenges and areas involved in the
tions. Thus, as we discuss in the next section, we expect processing of danger signals.
other hypothalamic nuclei to have distinct impacts on the Prediction depends on previous experience, and thus
immune response. The hypothalamus is anatomically and builds on the memory capacity of the brain204. The most
functionally related to the pituitary gland. As indicated extensively studied aspect of memory in the context of
before, hormones secreted by the pituitary gland were immunity is immune conditioning. The specific brain
shown to regulate the immune system192–197. For exam- areas involved in immune conditioning were studied
ple, dw/dw mice (which are deficient in prolactin, growth in lesioning experiments induced by microinjection
hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone) manifest of toxin to a target area in the brain. It was shown that
suppressed humoral and cell-mediated immunity197. lesioning of the insular cortex and the amygdala disrupts
In general, the hypothalamus–pituitary complex is the acquisition and evocation of immune conditioning68.
essential for the effective activity of the immune system. These brain regions send projections to the nucleus of
the solitary tract and other centres that regulate the
Brain regions involved in integration and ANS, indicating a possible route for brain–immune sys-
synchronization tem communication. The dorsal hippocampus, which is
Different brain processes are relevant for the integration known for its role in memory, was shown to be involved
and synchronization of the immune system with other in heroin-associated contextual conditioning205. Heroin
physiological functions; these include the hypothalamus and other opioids negatively alter host immunity206,207.
as a regulator of homeostasis, the insula, which acts as an Accordingly, following repeated context–heroin pairings,
interoceptive site, and other areas involved in processing exposure to the heroin-paired cue alone was sufficient to
pain, fear and stress. Here we focus on the hypothalamus evoke heroin-conditioned suppression of LPS-induced
and the insula. peripheral immune response208. This form of associa-
As indicated before, the hypothalamus is a central tion learning was shown to be mediated via IL-lβ209, and
homoeostatic site that integrates essential physiological IL-1R1 antagonist disrupted the conditioned immune
functions. It receives inputs regarding the organism’s suppression205.
metabolic state, satiety, thirst, temperature, circadian Prediction can also stem from the anticipation
rhythm, sleep and other processes. Thus, the activity of behaviours that typically expose the individual
of the various hypothalamic nuclei can generate an to pathogens, such as eating or mating. Eating introduces
orchestrated immune response, synchronized with the pathogens via food consumption, while mating and
organism’s physiological and behavioural functions. socializing expose the individual to bacteria and viruses
To integrate inputs from the periphery as well as inputs carried by other individuals. Thus, brain areas involved
from other brain regions, the hypothalamus receives pro- in anticipation of these behaviours may induce some
jections from numerous brain areas, including the brain- form of immune priming. We showed that activation of
stem, the hippocampus, the amygdala and cortical areas. the reward system, specifically the ventral tegmental area,
Notably, one of the major sites that projects to the hypo- which is involved in positive expectations210–212, primes
thalamus is the insular cortex. The insula is involved in antibacterial immunity69. Moreover, rewarding experi-
body awareness. It receives sensory inputs regarding ences are prone to repetition and hence to re-exposure
the positioning of the body (proprioception) and medi- to the same pathogens. Accordingly, exposure to a
ates processing of the internal state of the body (intero­ specific bacterium following reward system activation
ception). Therefore, insular activity is crucial for the resulted in the formation of a stronger delayed-type
organism’s ability to detect proprioceptive sensory inputs hypersensitivity response 69, suggesting that patho-
representing the condition of the entire body and to exe- gens encountered following reward system activation
cute corrective responses to maintain homeostasis198,199. can induce stronger immune memory.
The insular cortex receives multiple layers of informa- Brain areas that encode the novelty of an experience
tion from the body (for example, inputs regarding tissue and predict a potential danger may also be relevant for
damage, metabolism and temperature)199. It integrates immune activation. Behaviourally, the capacity to pre-
these inputs with other sensory and cognitive signals dict a potential threat embedded in new experiences is
(for example, potential threats in the environment and evident in the form of neophobia. For example, rodents
past experiences) to trigger an orchestrated, correc- presented with highly palatable solutions of saccha-
tive response that potentially includes immune activ- rin will consume small amounts on the first exposure;
ity. Indeed, immune challenges were shown to impact on subsequent exposures, the animal learns the new
insular activity200,201. For example, a positron emission stimulus is harmless and drinks more. On the basis of
tomography study in humans showed that endotoxin lesion and early neuronal activation studies (for exam-
administration is associated with increased metabolism ple, involving FOS)213, several areas were implicated in

naTure RevIeWS | ImmuNology volume 21 | January 2021 | 31


neophobia, including the basolateral region of the amyg- health and disease. The brain integrates different types
dala, the medial amygdala, the insular cortex and the of inputs reflecting the internal state of the organism,
gustatory region of the thalamus. For example, lesion- the external environment and memories acquired in
ing of the basolateral amygdala attenuated the neopho- past experiences. The brain uses this integrated view of
bic reaction to a novel saccharin solution214. Although the organism and its surroundings to execute a synchro-
novel experiences can indicate a potential danger that nized and orchestrated physiological response, in which
is also relevant for immune regulation, these areas were the immune system plays a central role. There are multi-
not specifically investigated in the context of immune ple pathways that enable the brain to convey its messages
activity. Analogously, one can expect that areas encod- to the periphery and regulate immune reactions. It can
ing negative odours and taste will also have a predictive regulate the secretion of hormones carried by the blood
value for regulating the immune response. to the entire organism or deliver localized messages to
Another important mechanism for prediction of an specific tissues, which are innervated by sensory, sym-
upcoming danger is pain. The danger theory formulated pathetic and parasympathetic neurons. Concomitantly,
by Matzinger215 suggests that the immune system dis- immune cells and other cell types express the relevant
tinguishes between stimuli that can cause damage and receptors required to respond to these signals. These
stimuli that are benign. Following the same reasoning, neuro-immune interactions have the capacity to rapidly
pain provides information regarding the impact imposed shape immunological processes in a context-dependent
by a given threat. Indeed, pain-sensing neurons were manner. Nevertheless, there are major gaps in our
shown to affect immunity73,216. For example, in a mouse understanding of these complex interactions at every
model of psoriasis, a subset of TRPV1+ pain sensory neu- level, starting from the nature of the signals perceived by
rons were shown to regulate the IL-23–IL-17 pathway the brain, their processing by the brain, the kind of out-
and have an important role in cutaneous immunity217. puts delivered by the brain and how they vary depending
However, these studies focused mainly on peripheral on the specific context. Moreover, the relative contri-
pain processing, and we have far less understanding of bution of the nervous system to immunoregulation is
how the central processing of pain impacts the immune unclear. Namely, does the nervous system merely mod-
response. Multiple pathways in the CNS are involved in ulate ongoing immune reactions or is there a top-down
pain processing. The brain areas most commonly acti- control of the immune processes.
vated by noxious stimuli are the primary somatosensory One strategy to fill these and other gaps in our knowl-
cortex, the secondary somatosensory cortex, the anterior edge, and to make sense of a very complex system, is
cingulate cortex, the insula, the prefrontal cortex, the to generate maps. For example, these would include
thalamus and the cerebellum218. These regions receive maps of brain areas that modulate immune processes
nociceptive input from the periphery via specialized and the effects of these areas on immune activity under
pathways in the spinal cord, the medulla and the peri- different physiological and psychological conditions.
aqueductal grey219,220. The periaqueductal grey, one of the Moreover, although we discussed some of the commu-
primary control centres for pain modulation, was pre- nication pathways between the brain and the periph-
viously implicated in immunomodulation. Stimulation ery, it is important to understand that our knowledge
of this region suppresses peripheral NK cell and T cell of these pathways is still limited. For example, we have
functions221–224, providing additional evidence that areas limited information regarding the SNS and PSNS inputs
involved in central processing of pain can affect immu- to specific organs, the factors these nerves secrete at
nity. Thus, pain, similarly to other cognitive, emotional different target sites and how are they regulated. Thus,
and homeostatic processes that are integrated by the maps of the pathways connecting the two systems will
brain, may also serve as a CNS-integrated guiding cue be especially useful.
for the immune system. We also lack a proper characterization of the periph-
In conclusion, in this section we attempted to provide eral cells that can respond to these signals. It is clear that
a selected example of the brain areas that are potentially immune cells and other cells in the periphery express
relevant for brain–immune system communication. an arsenal of receptors for factors produced by neural
We focused on areas involved in prediction, integration tissue. However, these are mainly scattered pieces of evi-
and synchronization of central and peripheral inputs, and dence that lack the coherent perspective of the expres-
regu­lation of the brain’s output to the periphery. This non- sion profiles and how they vary in different physiological
exhaustive list is only one possible approach to generate and pathological conditions. Thus, we need to generate a
a framework to study neuro-immune interactions. More­ comprehensive map of the receptor’s expression profiles
over, it is important to keep in mind that in spite of our on immune cells in naive and disease states (for example,
artificial cataloguing, different brain areas are intercon- autoimmune diseases, cancer, viral infection and bac-
nected and interdependent. Thus, the same brain area may terial infection). Many of the tools required to address
be involved in different functions, and their outputs these questions (for example, single-cell RNA sequenc-
may vary under different internal and external conditions. ing) and the computational capacity to process the huge
resulting datasets are becoming available. Thus, we are
Summary encountering a unique opportunity to uncover a new
For many decades the nervous and immune systems frontier in physiology, one that will hopefully allow us
were studied independently, but it is now recognized to harness the brain’s therapeutic capacity.
that these systems communicate and that these intricate
connections impact physiological adaptations in both Published online 18 August 2020

32 | January 2021 | volume 21


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