Harmonize 2 - Scope and Sequence 2024

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Welcome p4 • Sports ​• Free-time activities ​• In a town ​• Animals ​• Animal body parts ​• Food

Video How to do project work • Question words ​• like + -ing / noun ​• Quantifiers ​• Present simple ​• Present continuous ​
About the projects • Present continuous: future arrangements ​• Possessive pronouns

Vocabulary Grammar Reading

1 Then and now p8 • Verbs and their opposites • Past simple: regular and irregular Blog: The birth of teenage culture
• Adjectives for feelings verbs Skill UP! Reading for gist
Video Opening a time capsule
• Past simple: (there) was / were

PR JECT Create a time capsule   Project Builder 1 p9   Project Builder 2 p11

2 Art and design p20 • Adjectives and synonyms • Past continuous Article: You know the picture, but
did you know … ?
Video Today we’re doing art • Materials • Past continuous and past simple
Skill UP! Focus on the most
important words when reading

PR JECT Create an art and design gallery    Project Builder 1 p21    Project Builder 2 p23

3 Fresh air p32 • Outdoor activities • will / won’t for predictions Leaflet: Teens for greener cities
Video Designing a park • Outdoor events • First conditional
Skill UP! Using your own knowledge
to help you understand a text

PR JECT Design a park    Project Builder 1 p33    Project Builder 2 p35

4 A helping hand p44 • Personality adjectives • be going to for future plans and Article: Four things you can donate
intentions to charity
Video A day for doing good • Phrasal verbs
• be going to and will for predictions Skill UP! Guessing the meaning of
unknown words

PR JECT Record or film a radio interview    Project Builder 1 p45    Project Builder 2 p47

5 Let’s play p56 • Senses • can / can’t, could / couldn’t Blog: Memory
Video Welcome to the games • Gaming verbs • Comparative and superlative Skill UP! Using pronouns
club! adverbs

PR JECT Make a set of games and challenges    Project Builder 1 p57    Project Builder 2 p59

6 Move it! p68 • Exercise and the body • Present perfect Article: Dump the junk!
Video Good morning? • Personal hygiene • Present perfect with ever and never Skill UP! Using your own language to
understand English

PR JECT Create a health and fitness infographic    Project Builder 1 p69    Project Builder 2 p71

7 Skills for life p80 • Verbs and their noun forms • should / shouldn’t, must / mustn’t Article: You don’t have to be an
adult to be the best!
Video How to learn with the • Verbs • have (got) to + infinitive without to
Skill UP! Scanning

PR JECT Create a how-to video    Project Builder 1 p81    Project Builder 2 p83

8 What a year! p92 • Things to do during the • Reflexive and indefinite pronouns Online text chat: And the award
summer holidays goes to …
Video Looking at our yearbooks • Question tags
• Jobs Skill UP! Recognizing informal style

PR JECT Create a group yearbook    Project Builder 1 p93    Project Builder 2 p95

My grammar reference & practice p104–121  Culture 360° p122–126   Irregular verb list p127–128

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Listening Speaking Writing PR JECT
Short oral histories: Creepy Video Making and responding to A personal message Create a time capsule p18
places! suggestions Skill UP! Using linkers Project skills:Deciding together
Skill UP! Using pictures and Skill UP! Showing interest during Project coach:Choosing ideas for your
labels to predict vocabulary conversations project
Project Builder 3 p13    Project Builder 4 p15    Project Builder 5 p17

Podcast: Looks good, works Video Describing a photo or scene An illustrated story Create an art and design gallery p30
well Skill UP! Explaining unknown words Skill UP! Making your illustrated Project skills:Planning and creating your
Skill UP! Listening for context story fun to read display together
Project coach:Creating a project planner
Project Builder 3 p25    Project Builder 4 p27    Project Builder 5 p29

Video Outdoor events Video Asking for and offering help A speech Design a park for the whole
Video focus: Round-up videos Skill UP! Showing that you are happy Skill UP! Writing a speech community p42
to help Project skills:Giving a group speech or
Project coach:Using body language
Project Builder 3 p37    Project Builder 4 p39    Project Builder 5 p41 in presentations

Video Feeling good about Video Asking for, giving and A formal email Record or film a radio interview about
doing good reacting to advice Skill UP! Writing a formal email, helping others p54
Video focus: Joining video calls Skill UP! Using phrases that give you letter or message Project skills:Practising in groups
time to think
Project coach:Using your voice in
recordings and videos
Project Builder 3 p49    Project Builder 4 p51    Project Builder 5 p53

Vox pop: Gaming Video Interacting during games An online advert Make a set of games and
Skill UP! Listening for examples and activities Skill UP! Writing an online challenges p66
Skill UP! Asking, explaining or advert Project skills:Writing instructions
checking something during a game
Project coach:Giving feedback to other
Project Builder 3 p61    Project Builder 4 p63    Project Builder 5 p65

Radio programme: Personal Video Talking about health A survey report Create a health and fitness
hygiene problems Skill UP! Writing a survey report infographic p78
Skill UP! Listening for detail Skill UP! Expressing sympathy Project skills:Dealing with disagreements
Project coach:Using font and colour in
Project Builder 3 p73    Project Builder 4 p75    Project Builder 5 p77

Video Sharing skills Video Giving spoken instructions Instructions and cue cards Create a how-to video p90
Video focus: Using on-screen text Skill UP! Using intonation when giving Skill UP! Writing cue cards Project skills:Teamwork and skills
in videos instructions Project coach:Editing videos

Project Builder 3 p85    Project Builder 4 p87    Project Builder 5 p89

Video Dream jobs Video Expressing and responding A reflective essay Create a group yearbook p102
Video focus: Asking the viewers to thanks Skill UP! Writing a reflective Project skills:Thinking about design
questions in videos Skill UP! Responding to thanks with essay Project coach:Creating a project design
Thank YOU

Project Builder 3 p97    Project Builder 4 p99    Project Builder 5 p101

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