Star Trek Cocktails
Star Trek Cocktails
Star Trek Cocktails
Cocktails Cocktails
A Stellar Compendium
“Sometimes a man’ll tell
his bartender things he’ll
never tell his doctor.”
Dr. Boyce, The Menagerie, STAR TREK, TOS
Set your taste-buds to stunned,
as 40 STAR TREK-themed recipes will take you
where no one has gone before. With a galaxy of
illustrations, and a witty serving of quotations, this
book will help you celebrate your favorite show.
They’re cocktails, but not as you know them, Jim...
TM & © 2020 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks
and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
A Stellar Compendium
TM & © 2020 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos
are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 2 | C h a p t e r 2 : S h o r e L e ave
4 6 | C h a p t e r 3 : H o l o d e c k H o n ey m o o n
6 0 | C h a p t e r 4 : J o u r n ey t o B a b e l
74 | C h a p t e r 5 : N e e l i x ’s C e l e b r a t i o n C o c k t a i l s
1 0 2 | C h a p t e r 7: F r o m Vi c Fo n t a i n e W i t h L o ve
8 9
10 11
reason for any variation. With Especially in its early days, TNG
the arrival of Chekov, vodka joined had a relaxed air and the inclusion
the drinking menus of the future. of the dimly-lit drinking lounge
The movies added invented underlined this. It became a venue
dangers like Romulan ale. for deep conversation, intimate
moments, a touch of self-analysis.
In STAR TREK: THE NEXT The post-work drink had become
GENERATION Roddenberry an accepted part of starship life,
ventured even further into the a touch that added to the easy
future. Here, there was a terrifying charm of the series.
new development… synthehol,
introduced in ‘Up the Long Ladder.’ The curious android Data became
This was Roddenberry’s ‘dream an amusing lens through which
ticket’ for the future of drink, a to study the human relationship
computer-created copy of alcohol with alcohol, and one scene,
that left the drinker with no side- in STAR TREK: GENERATIONS
effects, namely no hangover. summed this up nicely. After being
fitted with an emotion chip,
Synthehol didn’t mean that Data proceeded to try a drink in
drinking was consigned to the past. Ten-Forward, “a little something
In fact, the opposite was true. from Forcas III.”
The Enterprise’s replicators can
make a perfect martini, and with
the introduction of the bar Ten-
Forward, drinking became even
more established in the fabric
of starship life. And, as Scotty
discovered, Guinan has a few
bottles of the real thing stashed
behind the bar.
12 13
14 15
party on board the U.S.S. Discovery. Warp Core Breach, a cocktail said
Tilly’s post-work de-stressing to be able to relax you for several
involves bouncing a ping-pong ball days afterward, as made by Quark.
into a glass of beer. Such letting Alongside classic cocktails with a
down of hair was unheard of in any STAR TREK twist, we also feature
earlier versions of STAR TREK and completely new TREK-inspired
probably says more about the concoctions, that you will be among
loosening up of the society that the first in the Galaxy to taste.
made the show, than anything else.
So replicate your ingredients
STAR TREK: PICARD was keen and engage your taste buds.
to make the statement that this was Let’s see what’s out there…
a show for grown-ups. Years after
Seven of Nine was so vulnerable
to mere synthehol, she is fond
of “bourbon, straight up.” Raffi,
Picard’s troubled ally, sat at
La Sirena’s controls while swigging
straight from the bottle.
16 17
Firs t Contac t
( Ape ritifs)
Chapter 1: First Contact
Earl Grey Martini
When contemplating your vineyard 2fl oz/50ml gin
or possibly the state of galactic 11⁄4fl oz/35ml cold
politics on the holo-news, this Earl Earl Grey tea
Grey martini will make you feel 1fl oz/25ml lemon juice
as sophisticated as Jean-Luc Picard
½fl oz/12.5ml sugar syrup
and as chilled out as a retired
Starfleet admiral. Picard would Garnish: a twist of
certainly admire the careful lemon peel
Chapter 1: First Contact
Live Long
and Prosper
1½fl oz/40ml tequila As refreshing as the spring winds
Bottle of home-made
on Mount Seleya, this delicious
trixian bubble juice: cocktail combines a discreet level
2 tbsp/30ml grapefruit
of alcohol with a healthy measure
juice of grapefruit juice. While it is not
logical to drink to excess, Vulcans
2 tsp/10ml raspberry
syrup do partake of wine and other
stronger beverages when it is
1½fl oz/40ml soda water
culturally appropriate. This long
drink provides an elegant ratio
of water to alcohol which is also
pleasing to the mathematical mind.
Be sure to serve with the ancient
Vulcan salute.
“You’re welcome,
I believe is the correct response.”
Mr. Spock, ‘Bread and Circuses,’ TOS
Chapter 1: First Contact
Set Chasers
to Stun
1fl oz/25ml lemon juice A bright, cheerful drink to help
½fl oz/12.5ml orange
along any first contact scenario,
curaçao this fruity cocktail blends the
½fl oz/12.5ml lime juice
orange flavors of Grand Marnier
and curaçao with grenadine and
11⁄3fl oz/37.5ml Grand
lemon. Just as a versatile phaser
can be set to disintegrate or merely
2 tsp/10ml grenadine stun, this cocktail can be modulated
(six dashes)
to simply warm the heart or blast
your blues away. After this drink
you will certainly stun your first
contact with your relaxed, happy
vibes and a second contact will
not seem light years away.
Chapter 1: First Contact
Uncle Vanya
Chekov is devoted to all things 2fl oz/50ml vodka
Russian, so he is sure to approve 1 fl oz/25ml blackberry
of this tall, sweet, vodka-based liqueur
cocktail. He would be proud that it 1 fl oz/25ml lemon juice
is named after a play by his writer (preferably fresh)
namesake, Anton Chekhov. To cap
2 tsp/10ml gomme syrup
it all, the star of this production is (a simple syrup with
the blackberry and, since Russia gum arabic)
is one of the world’s greatest berry Ice
producers, even the liqueur could
2 blackberries or handful
be from his homeland. Sipping this, of blueberries
Chekov would be in paradise…
Garnish: 1 lemon wheel
which he assures us is a place just
outside of Moscow.
Chapter 1: First Contact
Say goodbye to your weak human ½in/1cm slice of
side and take back control with pineapple, crushed
Chapter 1: First Contact
By Any
Other Name
A powerful alien who has taken human
form (and is not used to it) suffers when
Scotty introduces him to Scotch.
[Scott’s quarters]
(The last drops of Scotch
go into Tomar’s glass.)
30 31
Shore L eave
(Coc ktails for Chilling)
C h a p t e r 2 : S h o r e L e ave
San Francisco
C h a p t e r 2 : S h o r e L e ave
The barkeeper at Ten-Forward 2 fl oz/50ml gin
knows just what her customers 1fl oz/25ml lemon juice
need. Guinan comes from a race
½fl oz/12.5ml gomme
of listeners and from the slightest syrup
word of her regulars, knows
Cucumber slices
whether to serve this classic fizz
Tom Collins-style, with sweeter Sparkling water (to top)
gin and ice, or classic gin fizz-style, Ice
a shade more bitter. For garnish,
Garnish: a slice of lemon
mint or cucumber provide that or cucumber and mint
summer feeling – with a dash
of cosmic wisdom on the side.
C h a p t e r 2 : S h o r e L e ave
Spock’s “Fascinating.”
Spock, ‘The City on the Edge of Forever,’ TOS
As green as the blood of a Vulcan, 2 fl oz/50ml tequila
this drink is perfect for sharing 1fl oz/25ml Midori (melon
a Spock-like moment of liqueur)
contemplation on your favorite 1fl oz/25ml lime juice
holiday world. It would perhaps
meet with Mr. Spock’s approval,
as the bright green Midori Garnish: melon ball or
generally has half the alcohol maraschino cherry
C h a p t e r 2 : S h o r e L e ave
2fl oz/50ml vodka Bring yourself all the joy of happy
Orange juice, to top up
hour at Quark’s Bar with this
potent Ferengi potion. As the
1 tbsp/15ml green
weather is always bad on the
”Take a sip chartreuse
Ferengi homeworld (they have 178
2 tbsp/30ml Galliano
of this.” Cherry
words for rain) they need can’t-fail
fun drinks to blow away the blues.
Quark, ‘The Way of the Warrior,’ DS9 Ice
The Ferengi like a good trade, and
are happy to exchange an evening
Garnish: orange slice
of partying for a hangover. Be
careful when drinking with Ferengi,
after a couple of drinks they may
wish to exchange ‘Oo-Mox’ – a
sensual ear massage. Just saying.
C h a p t e r 2 : S h o r e L e ave
11⁄4fl oz/35ml white rum This ice spectacular will chill
4 tsp/20ml blue curaçao
you out on even the most sultry
evening. The Klingon prison world
4 tsp/20ml lime juice
of Rura Penthe – known as the
1 tbsp/15ml gomme syrup alien’s graveyard – is the perfect
4 tsp/20ml lemonade place to get away from it all, and
this drink will take you there.
Just as the frozen surface of the
asteroid conceals precious dilithium
crystals, this creation conceals
a precious heart of blue curaçao.
Add a sizzling top-up of lemonade
for that special atmospheric touch…
C h a p t e r 2 : S h o r e L e ave
This Side
of Paradise
On a paradise planet, Dr. McCoy
makes a Mint Julep for Kirk…
44 45
Honey m oon
(Rom antic)
C h a p t e r 3 : H o l o d e c k H o n ey m o o n
C h a p t e r 3 : H o l o d e c k H o n ey m o o n
Smooth Move
Most Klingons need a stiff drink 1 fl oz/25ml white rum
sometimes, especially when 2 fl oz/50ml pineapple
romance is in the air. The rum juice
in this drink evokes the spirit of 2 fl oz/50ml prune juice
adventure, and the prune juice
1 tbsp/15ml lemon juice
speaks to the warrior in all of us.
Prunes have many beneficial 1 tbsp/15ml lime juice
properties, and also help you to 1 fl oz/25ml gomme
keep regular, among the highly syrup
irregular challenges of space. Several slices of
Garnish with a pineapple spear, fresh ginger
if you find it too hard to carve
a pineapple bat’leth.
Garnish: spear
of pineapple
C h a p t e r 3 : H o l o d e c k H o n ey m o o n
C h a p t e r 3 : H o l o d e c k H o n ey m o o n
of Nine
This elegant, distinctive cocktail 13⁄4fl oz/45ml gin
is as cool and impressive as the 1 tbsp/15ml Cointreau
Borg-enhanced Seven of Nine. (orange liqueur)
Like the sometime Voyager crew 1 tbsp/15ml lemon juice
member and Fenris Ranger, this
1 egg white
concoction commands respect
and is bound to make an impression Ice
when ordered on a first date. Garnish: lemon or
Based on the classic White Lady, grapefruit peel.
a favorite drink of spies and
detectives, it has a certain mystique
that goes well with the enigmatic
Seven. After a tough day working
for the collective, you are bound to
rediscover your human side after
one of these and realize that where
romance is concerned, resistance
is useless.
C h a p t e r 3 : H o l o d e c k H o n ey m o o n
C h a p t e r 3 : H o l o d e c k H o n ey m o o n
Star Trek
Data learns to like drinking,
with Geordi and Guinan.
DATA: I believe this beverage has GUINAN: It looks like he hates it.
provoked an emotional response.
DATA: Yes. That is it. I hate this.
LA FORGE: Really? What do you feel?
LA FORGE: Data, I think the
DATA: I am uncertain. Because I have chip is working.
had little experience with emotion I am
unable to ...articulate the sensation. DATA: Yes. I hate this! It is revolting!
58 59
to Babe l
(Ente rtaining)
C h a p t e r 4 : J o u r n ey t o B a b e l
C h a p t e r 4 : J o u r n ey t o B a b e l
C h a p t e r 4 : J o u r n ey t o B a b e l
C h a p t e r 4 : J o u r n ey t o B a b e l
another Combine the vodka, elderflower,
and lime in a shaker, then strain into
satisfied a wine glass. Add the green melon
C h a p t e r 4 : J o u r n ey t o B a b e l
Captain Janeway’s
Irish Coffee
When the perfect dinner party 4 tsp/20ml heavy/double
comes to an end, you can’t make cream
Janeway’s love of the hot black stuff 2fl oz/50ml Irish whiskey
is legendary. She has been known
1 tbsp brown sugar,
to have four cups in the morning or 2 tsp/10ml sugar syrup
and claims coffee helped her beat to taste. Or try hazelnut
or vanilla syrup.
the Borg. It takes patience and fine
judgment to bring a starship back
home across the Delta Quadrant,
qualities also required to pour
the thick cream slowly over the
back of a spoon and top this drink
to perfection.
C h a p t e r 4 : J o u r n ey t o B a b e l
To Watch Over Me
On Voyager, the Doctor teaches Seven
of Nine some human social rituals...
72 73
(P arty Tim e !)
C h a p t e r 5 : N e e l i x ’s C e l e b r a t i o n C o c k t a i l s
Warp Core
For 2 Make your party go with a
11⁄2fl oz/40ml white rum
KABOOM with this unforgettable
treat. On a starship, just about the
2 tbsp/30ml spiced rum
worst thing that could happen
11⁄2fl oz/40ml dark rum (apart from drinking one of Neelix’s
2 tbsp/30ml cointreau cocktails before breakfast) is a warp
core breach. In such a catastrophe,
11⁄2fl oz/40ml lime juice
matter and anti-matter collide
3fl oz/80ml guava juice explosively. In this cocktail, rum
2fl oz/50ml cranberry and fruit flavors collide to similar
juice effect. It’s worth making extra effort
“A few sips of this … 11⁄2fl oz/40ml strawberry with your replicator to create the
juice smoking effect, for full theatrical
and you’ll be relaxed for Crushed ice
impact. Perfect for sharing with
the next three days.” like-minded deep space travelers.
C h a p t e r 5 : N e e l i x ’s C e l e b r a t i o n C o c k t a i l s
C h a p t e r 5 : N e e l i x ’s C e l e b r a t i o n C o c k t a i l s
C h a p t e r 5 : N e e l i x ’s C e l e b r a t i o n C o c k t a i l s
1fl oz/25ml rye whiskey The Sazerac is a real captain’s
1fl oz/25ml cognac
cocktail, a stiff drink to lighten
the load of responsibility. Its
Peychaud’s bitters
(2 dashes)
combination of the mystique of
absinthe and the fire of rye whiskey
Angostura bitters (1 dash)
will warm your heart even in the
Absinthe – a drop or two coldest void. Sazerac is the official
to rinse the glass cocktail of Sisko’s hometown
White sugar cube of New Orleans, where Sazerac
whiskey also originated.
The cocktail has always been a
Garnish: twist of lemon
favorite at his father’s restaurant,
The Creole Kitchen.
C h a p t e r 5 : N e e l i x ’s C e l e b r a t i o n C o c k t a i l s
Ping Pong Beer
Ensign Sylvia Tilly of the U.S.S. Bottle of Mexican beer
Discovery admits to being socially to your taste
C h a p t e r 5 : N e e l i x ’s C e l e b r a t i o n C o c k t a i l s
In Ten-Forward, Guinan seeks
to give Worf some romantic advice,
and broaden his horizons...
86 87
Me di c al
(R elax and Re cov e r)
Chapter 6: Emergency Medical Cocktails
Bone Crusher
“The first tenet 1 tbsp/15ml white rum Sticks and stones may break your
bones, but Dr. Beverly will be there
of good medicine, 1 tbsp/15ml vodka
to restore a 24th-century feeling
is never make the 1 tbsp/15ml gin
of wellbeing with her Bone Crusher
1 tbsp/15ml triple sec cocktail. Its rosy glow of health
patient any worse.” 11⁄2 tsp/7.5ml grenadine (from the grenadine) conceals the
Dr. Crusher, ‘Ethics,’ TNG kick of three white liquors: vodka,
11⁄2 tsp/7.5ml lime cordial
gin, and white rum. If your sickbay
1fl oz/25ml champagne doesn’t run to champagne, you
(held back)
can substitute prosecco with no
Ice damage to your Hippocratic oath.
Dash of lemon juice
(optional) Mix all the ingredients (minus
champagne) in a shaker, and
shake well. Add ice to a tall glass,
then pour in the champagne.
You could make an ice stair if
you are feeling creative. Then
add the shaken ingredients. Add
an optional dash of lemon to taste.
For less serious cases, prescribe
lemonade instead of champagne.
Chapter 6: Emergency Medical Cocktails
Old Fashioned
Captain James T. Kirk is proud 2fl oz/50ml rye whiskey
of his origins. When once asked if (if not available,
try bourbon)
he is from outer space, he proudly
says, “No, I’m from Iowa. I only Angostura bitters – 2
work in outer space.” Iowa is the
state Templeton Rye comes from, 1 sugar cube
the perfect whiskey to make an Old Soda
Fashioned – a cocktail which is said
to have medicinal origins. Now,
Kirk likes to explore but even he Garnish: twist of orange
Chapter 6: Emergency Medical Cocktails
The Lime
Chapter 6: Emergency Medical Cocktails
Chapter 6: Emergency Medical Cocktails
‘Distress Call’ Dawa
Chapter 6: Emergency Medical Cocktails
On Deep Space 9, Quark seeks
to find the perfect remedy to cure
the apparent insomnia of Dr. Bashir...
100 101
From Vic
Fontaine With
L ove
(Lone ly Nights)
C h a p t e r 7: F r o m Vi c Fo n t a i n e W i t h L o ve
C h a p t e r 7: F r o m Vi c Fo n t a i n e W i t h L o ve
Rusty Nail
C h a p t e r 7: F r o m Vi c Fo n t a i n e W i t h L o ve
”Glorious. Glorious.”
The Romulan cloaking device 11⁄4fl oz/35ml vodka
Decius, ‘Balance of Terror,’ TOS
famously conceals the arrival of 11⁄4fl oz/35ml Kahlúa or
their starships, and this drink will other coffee liqueur
help any fallen warrior to hide their 21⁄2fl oz/70ml heavy/
feelings and arm themselves for double cream
future battle. Perfect for any of us
Garnish: grated nutmeg
who have made a failed venture
across the Neutral Zone, and need
to lick our wounds. The White
Romulan is not unlike the White
Russian, the manly embrace of the
vodka and coffee liqueur with the
comforting influence of the cream.
C h a p t e r 7: F r o m Vi c Fo n t a i n e W i t h L o ve
of Khan
C h a p t e r 7: F r o m Vi c Fo n t a i n e W i t h L o ve
C h a p t e r 7: F r o m Vi c Fo n t a i n e W i t h L o ve
114 115
Risan Sunse t
(Afte r Hours)
Chapter 8: Risan Sunset
Midnight Sun
Chapter 8: Risan Sunset
the glow of the sunset with the fires 1fl oz/25ml sambuca
of a Flaming Sirena. Based on the 1fl oz/25ml blue curaçao
classic Flaming Lamborghini, this (or cherry liqueur)
cocktail provides a magic moment
1fl oz/25ml Irish Cream
whether you are watching one sun
go down or two. Just like Rios’s
ship, this cocktail will speed you
far from your troubles.
Chapter 8: Risan Sunset
Mojave Mojito
Chapter 8: Risan Sunset
Chapter 8: Risan Sunset
Chapter 8: Risan Sunset
We’ll Always
Have Paris
128 129
Index 23rd-century Manhattan 62
Kirk’s Old Fashioned 92
McCoy’s Mint Julep 97
To Bibble with Tribbles 67
Boyce, Dr. Phil 114, 115
Cocktail recipes are highlighted in bold. brandy, apricot
Odo’s Chameleon 69
23rd-century Manhattan 62 Riker’s Midnight Sun 118
brandy, cherry
A Riker’s Midnight Sun 118
absinthe Buck’s Fizzbin 78
Sisko’s Sazerac 83
Angostura bitters C
23rd-century Manhattan 62 Captain Janeway’s Irish Coffee 70
Kirk’s Old Fashioned 92 champagne
Sisko’s Sazerac 83 Beverly’s Bone Crusher 91
Sulu’s San Francisco 34 Buck’s Fizzbin 78
aperitifs 20–29 Mind-Meld 53
Chekov 11, 12, 27
B Chekov’s Uncle Vanya 26
Bashir’s London Fog 105 cherry liqueur
Bashir, Dr. Julian 8, 72, 100, 104, 105 Flaming Sirena 120
Bénédictine (maraschino) The Sherry
Klingon Bird-of-Prey 113 on the Edge of Forever 127
Beverly’s Bone Crusher 91 cocktails for
bitters, plum or rhubarb after hours 118–127
23rd-century Manhattan 62 chilling 34–43
blackberry liqueur entertaining 62–71
Chekov’s Uncle Vanya 26 lonely nights 104–113
Borg Queen 28 parties 76–85
Borg, the 14, 29, 70 relaxing and recovering 90–99
bourbon 11, 15, 16 romance 48–55
130 131
coffee liqueur/Kahlúa F
Flaming Sirena 120 Ferengi Wallbanger 41
White Romulan 108 Flaming Sirena 120
cognac Fuzzy Tribble 80
Sisko’s Sazerac 83
Cointreau G
Heaven of Nine 54 Galliano
Riker’s Midnight Sun 118 Ferengi Wallbanger 41
Warp Core Breach 77 gin
crème de cacao, white Bashir’s London Fog 105
T’Pol’s Vulcan Grasshopper 64 Beverly’s Bone Crusher 91
crème de menthe Borg Queen 28
T’Pol’s Vulcan Grasshopper 64 Guinan Fizz 36
Crusher, Dr. Beverly 90 Heaven of Nine 54
curaçao, blue Jean-Luc’s Earl Grey Martini 20
Flaming Sirena 120 Klingon Bird of Prey 113
Ice Planet 43 The Lime Directive 94
Samarian Sunset 125 Grand Marnier
curaçao, orange Set Chasers to Stun 25
Set Chasers to Stun 25 green chartreuse
Ferengi Wallbanger 41
D Klingon Bird of Prey 113
Data 13, 58–59, 125 grenadine
Dax 57 Beverly’s Bone Crusher 91
Drambuie Odo’s Chameleon 69
Scotty’s Rusty Nail 106 Riker’s Midnight Sun 118
Samarian Sunset 125
E Set Chasers to Stun 25
Edouard 128 Guardian of Forever, The 126, 127
EMH 72 Guinan 12, 37, 58–59, 86
Enterprise, the 12, 64, 106 Guinan Fizz 36
132 133
Heaven of Nine 54 maraschino liqueur
The Sherry on the Edge
I of Forever 127
Ice Planet 43 McCoy, Dr. Leonard H. “Bones” 44, 96
Irish Cream McCoy’s Mint Julep 97
Flaming Sirena 120 Mexican beer
To Bibble with Tribbles 67 Sisko’s Sazerac 83
Irish whiskey Midori/melon liqueur
Captain Janeway’s Irish Coffee 70 Spock’s Slipper 38
melon liqueur, green
J Odo’s Chameleon 69
Janeway, Captain Kathryn 14, 70, 71 Samarian Sunset 125
Jean-Luc’s Earl Grey Martini 20 Mind-Meld 53
Jones, Cyrano 81 mint julep 44
Khan Noonien Singh 110, 111 Odo 69
Kirk, Captain James T. 11, 44, 63, 79, 92, 93 Odo’s Chameleon 69
Kirk’s Old Fashioned 92
Klingon Bird-of-Prey 113 P
Klingons 11, 113 Par’Mach on the Beach 56
Korris 113 Pernod/pastis
Bashir’s London Fog 105
L Peychaud’s bitters
La Forge, Geordi 58–59 Sisko’s Sazerac 83
Live Long and Prosper 23 Sulu’s San Francisco 34
Picard, Captain Jean-Luc 21, 24, 95,
121, 128
Pike, Captain Christoper “Chris” 8,
114, 115, 122, 123
Pike’s Mojave Mojito 122
134 135
Q 49 Samarian Sunset 16, 125
Quark 17, 40, 76, 100, 125 sambuca
Quark’s Bar 14 Flaming Sirena 120
Q-Pid 49 schnapps, peach
Fuzzy Tribble 80
R Par’Mach on the Beach 56
Raffi 16 Scotch (whisky) 11, 30
Riker, Commander William T. “Will” 118, 119 Scotty’s Rusty Nail 106
Riker’s Midnight Sun 11 Scott, Lieutenant Montgomery “Scotty”
Roddenberry, Gene 8, 9, 12, 8, 10, 11, 12, 30, 106, 107
Romulan ale 12 Scotty’s Rusty Nail 106
rum, dark Set Chasers to Stun 25
The Grog of Khan 110 Seven of Nine 14, 16, 55, 72
Warp Core Breach 77 sherry, dry
rum, demerera The Sherry on the Edge of
The Grog of Khan 110 Forever 127
rum, white Sisko, Commander Benjamin 82
Beverly’s Bone Crusher 91 Sisko’s Sazerac 83
Ice Planet 43 sloe gin
Pike’s Mojave Mojito 122 Sulu’s San Francisco 34
The Grog of Khan 110 Spock, Mr. 23, 39, 52
Warp Core Breach 77 Spock’s Slipper 38
Worf’s Smooth Move 50 STAR TREK 8, 9
rum, spiced Deep Space 9 14, 40, 56, 66,
Warp Core Breach 77 67, 69, 76, 82, 100, 104
Discovery 15, 85, 123
rye whiskey Enterprise 15, 64
23rd-century Manhattan 62 Picard 16, 121
Kirk’s Old Fashioned 92 The Next Generation 12, 21,
Sisko’s Sazerac 83 29, 37, 49, 51, 86, 90, 95,
To Bibble with Tribbles 67 113, 125, 128
136 137
The Original Series 8, 10, 11, 23, U
27, 35, 39, 52, 63, 79, 81, 93, 107, Uhura, Lieutenant 98, 99
109, 114–115, 126 Uhura’s ‘Distress Call’ Dawa 98
VOYAGER 55, 71, 72
SPOCK 99 Sulu’s San Francisco 34
STAR TREK VI: THE UNDISCOVERED vermouth, extra dry
COUNTRY 40 Borg Queen 28
STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT 119 vermouth, sweet
STAR TREK GENERATIONS 13, 58–59 23rd-century Manhattan 62
STAR TREK NEMESIS 24 Borg Queen 28
Sulu’s San Francisco 34 Sulu’s San Francisco 34
synthehol 12, 14 vodka 12
Beverly’s Bone Crusher 91
T Chekov’s Uncle Vanya 26
tequila Ferengi Wallbanger 41
Live Long and Prosper 23 Fuzzy Tribble 80
Pike’s Mojave Mojito 122 Mind-Meld 53
Samarian Sunset 125 Odo’s Chameleon 69
Spock’s Slipper 38 Par’Mach on the Beach 56
The Grog of Khan 110 Q-Pid 49
The Lime Directive 94 Riker’s Midnight Sun 118
The Sherry on the Edge of Forever 127 Uhura’s ‘Distress Call’ Dawa 98
Tilly’s Ping Pong Beer 84 White Romulan 108
To Bibble with Tribbles 67 Vulcans 11, 64
T’Pol, Commander 64, 65
T’Pol’s Vulcan Grasshopper 64 W
triple sec Warp Core Breach 17, 77
Beverly’s Bone Crusher 91 White Romulan 108
Troi, Deanna 119, 125 Worf 51, 66, 86
Worf’s Smooth Move 50
138 139
Go Boldly. Drink Responsibly.
GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon prudent for vulnerable people such as pregnant
General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages and nursing mothers, invalids and the elderly
during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. to avoid these recipes.
(2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your For further information visit
ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may
cause health problems. This book included recipes made with nuts
and nut derivatives. It is advisable for those
For further information please visit with known allergic reactions to nuts and
nut derivatives to avoid these recipes.
This book contains some recipes made with raw eggs.
These have health risks and may cause Salmonella food It is also prudent to check the labels of pre-prepared
poisoning so they should be treated with caution. It is ingredients for the possible inclusion of nut derivatives.
Published by Hero Collector Books, Project Concept & Management Stella Bradley
a division of Eaglemoss Ltd. 2020 Design Paul Montague
1st Floor, Beaumont House, Kensington Village, Consultant Ben Robinson
Avonmore Road, W14 8TS, London, UK. Proofreader Alice Peebles
TM & © 2020 CBS Studios Inc. Special thanks to Risa Kessler and John Van Citters
STAR TREK and related marks and logos
are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. For more books, order online at
All Rights Reserved. HEROCOLLECTOR.COM