Inc MPPT Algorithm
Inc MPPT Algorithm
Inc MPPT Algorithm
Abstract - The Photovoltaic power generation systems are are overcome by interleaved boost converters due to current
connected to the load via DC-DC converters. The DC-DC sharing between the elements. Compared to the conventional
converter circuits are controlled by Maximum Power Point converter the cost of TEC is high due to paralleling of multiple
Tracking (MPPT) controllers to extract maximum power from converters. But, on the other hand the current sharing
the source. Modeling and simulation of Interleaved Boost technique results in utilization of low power components and
converter (IBC) with Incremental Conductance (InC) MPPT
switches for the converter [6].
algorithm for PV application is discussed in this paper. The
mathematical model of PV module, interleaved boost Converter The MPPT algorithms are used to control the duty
and MPPT controller are simulated using MATLAB/Simulink. cycle of the converter or power conditioning circuit connected
The PV system is simulated for various temperature and in between the PV and load to extract the maximum power
irradiation level and the results are obtained. from the source and to feed it into the load. The MPPT
algorithms proposed in the literature are Perturb & Observe
(P&O) , Incremental conductance (InC); Constant voltage and
Keywords - Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), parasitic capacitance algorithm are discussed in [7]. The other
Incremental Conductance (InC) algorithm, Interleaved Boost algorithms are such as short current pulse [8], open circuit
Converter (IBC), MATLAB/Simulink, solar power. voltage [9] and short circuit current [9] algorithm.
The P&O and InC algorithm are widely used
algorithms among the MPPT algorithms. The P&O algorithm
Depletion of fossil fuel, rise of its cost and the is simple and easy to implement. But, the algorithm oscillates
environmental impact of using fossil fuels for power around the maximum power point (MPP) at steady state [10].
generation has forced industrialist, scientist and general public Improvement of algorithm results in slower response i.e.,
to tum into renewable energy sources such as wind power, tracking is improper under rapidly changing weather
bio-mass, hydro, thermal and solar power generation. Solar conditions and drags efficiency of algorithm down during
power generation has many advantages such as no wear and cloudy days [7,11]. The InC MPPT algorithm tracks faster
tear, less maintenance and no waste is produced during than the P&O algorithm and also it has better accuracy [7].
generation and it is completely environmental friendly. InC MPPT based PV system with two phase interleaved boost
converter is presented and discussed in this paper. The
The European and western countries are leaders in
complete PV system is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink.
solar power generation. Agua Caliente Solar Project in USA is
known as the world's largest individual PV power generation
plant. The capacity of this plant is 250 MW[ I]. The Charanka II. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF PV MODULE
Solar Park in India with a capacity 214 MW is holding the The equivalent circuit for simplified model of PV cell
second place in the list [1] and it is also the Asia's largest PV consists of a current source (Tpy), a diode(D), and series
plant [2]. Germany is the world's top photovoltaic (PV) resistor (Rs) connected as shown in Fig. I.
installer, with a solar PV capacity of 33,877 gigawatts (GW)
at the end of May 2013[3]. In July 2013, a new world record
for solar power production is set by Germany. 23.95 GW of -
power is produced at midday of 23 July 2013[4].
The DC-DC boost converters are connected between
the PV Modules and load in order to regulate and boost the v
output voltage of the PV. The DC-DC boost converters
produces high ripple in input current and output voltage [5]. 1
These issues with the conventional DC-DC boost converters
Fig.l Equivalent Circuit of PY Cell
M pv
power maximum or at MPP when I pv + Vpv = 0.
�V pv
{ ( J }
Equation 1 can re-written as
The V-P characteristics curve of PV module with MPP is
I pv - I, exr V + IR", - l
I =
Ak N,
presented in Fig. 2.
PV Power (ppv)
I pv =
[l,c + Kj (Tc - T,. )]. G (3)
. (J3 [(
-- J]
� > O
T,.. qEg 1 1 I1Vpv
1s = 1rl - exp ---
T,. A" T" T,.
o PV Voltage (V pv)
Fig. 2 Voltage-Power Characteristics of PV Module
Mpv 0 or MIN >0 at the left side of MPP
1 pv+ Vpv > (8)
/l..Vpv L',Vpv
I1l pv
1 pv + Vpv < 0 or Min < 0 at the right side of MPP
The converter circuit is designed for V,=17V,
11 Vpv
� VI" Vo=36V, and lo=I.66A. The improtant components of the
(9) circuit are inductors (Ll,L2) and capacitor (C). The values of
The algorithm continuously tracks the PV output and the componets are calculated using the following equations.
adjusts the duty cycle (D) of the converter by increasing or
decreasing the perturbation (�D) based on Eq. 7, Eq. 8 and Eq.
L=�D (10)
9 in order to achieve MPP. The flowchart of InC MPPT is /,ML
shown in Fig. 3.
C= �D (11)
The switching frequency lfs) of the converter is
The InC MPPT based PV system with interleaved
boost converter is shown in Fig. 4. The system consists of PV 10kHz. The input current ripple ( /IJL) and the output voltage
Source, MPPT Controller and mc with load. ripple (tl�) are generally considered as 30% and S%
respectively. D is the duty cycle of the converter which can be
obtained from
D = 1- V, (12)
The value of inductors L I,L2 is 18S0uH, capacitor is
C is SOuH and the load resistor RL is 22Q. The converter is
modeled and connected to PV source. The converter switches
are controlled by the PWM pulse generator which generates
the pulses based on the reference. The reference signal is
Fig. 4. Block diagram of InC MPPT based PY system generated by the InC MPPT block. The InC MPPT block
tracks the PV module voltage, current and adjusts the
The complete system shown in Fig. 4 is modeled in reference signal accordingly.
MATLAB/Simulink. Solarex MSX60 PV Module is selected
as source. The MSX60 module has Vmp=17.IV, Imp=3.5A and
the maximum power P m (Jx=60W[19]. The PV model presented V. SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS
in[17] is used in this work. The circuit diagram of 2 phase mc The subsystem of InC MPPT is shown in Fig. 6 (a).
is shown in Fig. S. The InC MPPT controller with the PWM pulse generator is
shown in Fig. 6(b). Fig. 7 shows the interconnection of PV
The 2 phase mc is made up by connecting two
Module and the mc. The circuit of 2 phase mc shown in Fig.
conventional converters in parallel. The switches of 2 phase
() S is implemented and it is simplified as a subsystem for
mc are turned ON with 180 phase shift. The mc circuit
illustrative purpose.
reduces the input current ripple and output voltage ripple by
current sharing technique. As the switches are operated with
180() phase shift between each other the input current ripple is V pvin
cancelled with each, the input current ripple is theoritically Vpv p, : to SWI
zero when the duty cycle (D) of the converter is SO%.
I n c Con MPPT B l o dl:
Fig. 6(a). InC MPPT Controller subsystem
V. 4 ������====�---.�
Tc=2SoC, G=� OOW/m2�: , _ ,_ '
3 I;-:-""""'-'"'�.-- -=-""""'
-=- '1="- = X: 17.1
"- ==,--:-��-' .-
- =---o
" - -=-""""''"
Ii:' Tc=40"C, G=I\OOW/m2 ,-- - . Y: 3.501
'i:' f-------'L---...I--_ X 15.68 ----- --
� 2 :re"'sPe,-G.�BWfm -. - '- - "-.2.832 - :
� , X: 12.79 ,
is: ------r---- Y:2.112
R o�----�------�----���-- ��
o 5 10
R l' PV voltage(V)
G N D""'""
h �' _
P ---C=
C --,
Vl oad
Fig. 8(b) V-I Characteristics of Solarex MSX60 PV
Fig. 7. Subsystem for PV Module and 2 phase lEC
---- : ---�
- - - � ---
to Tc=750C, G=600 Wlm and continues until 300 msec. The 5 0.2 - - + - - - � - - - - :- - - - -: - - - + - - -
ranges of values are selected as given only to simulate the
o 50 100 150 200 250 300
model under different irradiation and temperature levels. The Time(mSec)
V-P characteristics and V-I characteristics of Solarex MSX60 Fig. 9. Dutycycle of Two phase lEC under different cases
PV module for the given conditions are shown in Fig. 8(a) and
This signal is used to generate the PWM pulses for
the converter switches. The MPPT controller tracks and
adjusts the duty cycle whenever the changes occur in The duty cycle of the converter is close to 50% for all
temperature and irradiation to extract the maximum possible the selected conditions. The efficiency of the converter is
power from the PY. The output power the converter for the around 95% , the input current ripple and the ripple in output
given conditions is shwon in Fig. 10. voltage are very less.
r I I Simulation of Incremental Conductance MPPT based
I � ---�-
--- --------
Two phase Interleaved Boost converter with PV is presented
in this paper. The model is simulated for various conditions
20 ----i- - - � - - - - �
- - ;
- - - � - ------- and the results are obtained. The input current ripple and
output voltage ripple of the TEC are close zero at 50% duty
cycle. The converter circuit operates at the duty cycle close to
O �����L-������� --�
o 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 50% for all the selected conditions. The ripple of input current
Time(sec) and output voltage are also analyzed and found very less. The
Fig. 10. Output Power of 2 phase TEC overall efficiency of the system is around 95%.
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