Interventions To Enhance The Spiritual Aspects of Dying: Journal of Palliative Medicine February 2005

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Interventions to Enhance the Spiritual Aspects of Dying

Article in Journal of Palliative Medicine · February 2005

DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2005.8.s-103 · Source: PubMed

225 2,885

2 authors, including:

Harvey Max Chochinov

CancerCare Manitoba


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Volume 8, Supplement 1, 2005
© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

Interventions to Enhance the Spiritual Aspects of Dying



In recent years, medical and allied health publications have begun to address various topics
on spirituality. Scholars have posited numerous definitions of spirituality and wrestled with
the notion of spiritual pain and suffering. Researchers have examined the relationship be-
tween spirituality and health and explored, among other topics, patients’ perceptions of their
spiritual needs, particularly at the end of life. This paper summarizes salient evidence per-
taining to spirituality, dying patients, their health care providers, and family or informal care-
givers. We examine the challenging issue of how to define spirituality, and provide a brief
overview of the state of evidence addressing interventions that may enhance or bolster spir-
itual aspects of dying. There are many pressing questions that need to be addressed within
the context of spiritual issues and end-of-life care. Efforts to understand more fully the con-
structs of spiritual well-being, transcendence, hope, meaning, and dignity, and to correlate
them with variables and outcomes such as quality of life, pain control, coping with loss, and
acceptance are warranted. Researchers should also frame these issues from both faith-based
and secular perspectives, differing professional viewpoints, and in diverse cultural settings.
In addition, longitudinal studies will enable patients’ changing experiences and needs to be
assessed over time. Research addressing spiritual dimensions of personhood offers an op-
portunity to expand the horizons of contemporary palliative care, thereby decreasing suffer-
ing and enhancing the quality of time remaining to those who are nearing death.

INTRODUCTION care providers, and family or informal caregivers.

We examine the challenging issue of how to de-

I N RECENT YEARS, medical and allied health pub-

lications have begun to address various topics
on spirituality. Scholars have posited numerous
fine spirituality, and provide a brief overview of
the state of evidence addressing interventions that
may enhance or bolster spiritual aspects of dying.
definitions of spirituality and wrestled with Finally, we suggest several avenues for future
the notion of spiritual pain and suffering. Re- spiritually-focused research in end-of-life care.
searchers have examined the relationship be-
tween spirituality and health and explored,
among other topics, patients’ perceptions of their SPIRITUALITY IN PALLIATIVE CARE
spiritual needs, particularly at the end of life.
This paper summarizes salient evidence per- Among Western health practitioners, interest
taining to spirituality, dying patients, their health in attending to the spiritual concerns of dying pa-

1University of Manitoba, Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit, Cancer Care Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba,

Canada. Dr. Chochinov holds the Canada Research Chair in Palliative Care, funded by the Canadian Institutes of
Health Research.
2Palliative Care Research Unit, Cancer Care Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.


tients is a relatively recent phenomenon. Al- samples in which patient acceptance of physician
though religion and medicine were linked in an- inquiry into their spiritual needs and other spir-
cient times, the Renaissance witnessed the sepa- itual matters were studied. Of the patients,
ration of science and religion.1 Cartesian dualism, 40–94% were interested in having their physi-
the separation of body and mind, established a cians consider their spirituals needs. Variations
paradigm in which science dealt with the physi- in regional religiosity may have accounted for the
cal world, whereas the noncorporeal, spiritual variability in findings. A 1997 Gallup survey of a
realm was left to the clergy.2 Certain conse- representative sample of 1200 American adults
quences naturally followed; for instance, “suffer- found that just over half of respondents antici-
ing” in modern medicine became understood pated a need for companionship and spiritual
mostly in terms of its physical dimensions.3 In- support in their dying days. Although most
deed, some argue that the ensuing scientific tra- would look to their family (81%) or close friends
dition hampered our ability to empathize truly (61%) for these sources of comfort, 36% would
with our patients.4 This thinking continues to choose the clergy, and 30% would choose doctors
dominate contemporary medicine, although its for such support. Nearly 40% of respondents in-
edges have been blunted by ideas such as Engel’s dicated that, if they were dying, having a doctor
biopsychosocial model, which asserts that psy- who was spiritually attuned to them would be
chological and social factors, in addition to bio- very important.14
logical factors, are responsible for disease pro- Existential questions may be particularly rele-
cesses.2 vant to individuals facing life-threatening illness
Despite this dualistic paradigm, the impor- or death. In one study, 16 hospice patients were
tance of spirituality in care of the dying is interviewed about their attitudes toward dis-
increasingly acknowledged by clinicians, re- cussing spiritual issues with their physicians.
searchers, and educators in end-of-life care. The They had favorable attitudes toward religious or
Institute of Medicine5 lists spiritual well-being as spiritual discussions with doctors, but they did
one of six domains of quality supportive care of not want to be “preached” to. Moreover, patients
the dying. Some investigators suggest, therefore, indicated that they wanted to be treated as whole
that there be routine inquiry by physicians about persons and with sensitivity.15 In Norway, 20 pa-
the relevance of spirituality to the patient within tients with advanced cancer were asked to re-
the context of taking a medical history.6 Guidance spond to the inclusion of faith as a topic in con-
for discussing religious and spiritual issues with versation with a medical oncologist. Of the 20
dying patients has been published.7,8 By 1999 subjects, 18 expressed positive interest in an open
nearly one half of 126 medical schools in the question about religious faith.16
United States taught courses on spirituality and Moadel and colleagues17 identified the nature,
medicine,9 and it was anticipated that by the turn prevalence, and correlates of spiritual and exis-
of the century most medical schools would have tential needs in 248 ethnically diverse, urban can-
similar courses.10 Several standard palliative care cer outpatients in the U.S. They found that “un-
textbooks now include chapters on spiritual- met spiritual or existential needs” ranged from
ity.11,12 In a survey of empirical studies published 25% to 51%. In order of prevalence, patients
in leading palliative care journals between 1994 wanted help in overcoming fears (51%), finding
and 1998, 6.3% of studies included spiritual or re- hope (42%) and meaning in life (40%), finding
ligious variables, compared to 1% reported in a spiritual resources (39%), and having someone to
similar study of the Journal of the American Med- talk with about the meaning of life and death
ical Association, The Lancet, and New England Jour- (25%). Patients reporting five or more needs were
nal of Medicine.13 more likely to be Hispanic or African American,
more recently diagnosed, and unmarried. Al-
though the authors discussed the implications for
Spirituality and patient perspectives
developing interventions in this setting, the study
There is evidence that some dying patients, and did not identify who patients would like to ad-
those with life-threatening illnesses, would like dress their spiritual needs.
health practitioners to be attuned to their spiri- Ehman and colleagues18 studied a group of 177
tual needs. Post and colleagues6 cite four Amer- ambulatory pulmonary outpatients regarding
ican surveys of inpatient and ambulatory patient their acceptance of a question introducing spiri-

tuality as part of the medical history. In all, 45% vices on a weekly or monthly basis, and 79% re-
reported that religious beliefs would influence ported a strong religious or spiritual orientation.
their medical decisions if they became gravely ill; Only a small percentage (4.5%) reported that they
of those, 94% agreed or strongly agreed that doc- did not believe in God.22 A survey of 231 family
tors should ask them whether they have such be- physicians in Missouri indicated that 96% of re-
liefs if they became gravely ill. Almost half of re- spondents considered spiritual well-being an im-
spondents who did not have religious or spiritual portant health component, 86% would refer hos-
beliefs still agreed that doctors should ask about pitalized patients with spiritual questions to
them. Nearly one quarter of patients found the chaplains, and 58% agreed that physicians should
idea of their physicians discussing religion or address patients’ spiritual concerns.23 In addi-
spirituality with them objectionable, with just less tion, in one recent U.S. survey of 299 hospital-
than 10% reporting strong reservations. The in- based bedside nurses, between 92% and 100% of
vestigators did not pursue the rationale of the 13 respondents believed that spirituality could give
respondents who expressed these reservations, their patients inner peace, give them strength to
nor did the researchers report demographic char- cope, bring about physical relaxation and self-
acteristics of this small group. They speculated awareness, and give them a sense of connection
that respondents may have misunderstood the with others.24 Of hospice social workers, 83% re-
question or were offended by even an interme- ported that religion and spirituality were very to
diate question about spirituality. extremely, important to their clients.25
Some studies regarding patient’s attitudes to- One argument for health care providers at-
wards spiritual dimensions of care are more tending to the spiritual needs of patients is the
equiviocal. Murray and colleagues19 compared possible connection between religion and health,
the spiritual needs of two groups of dying pa- a relationship that has been investigated exten-
tients, namely, those with lung cancer and those sively. Research has examined the relationship
with end-stage heart failure. The authors noted between religion or spiritual beliefs and a variety
that the extent to which patients and their care- of issues, including patients’ reliance on health
givers wished to have spiritual care incorporated professionals to meet their psychosocial needs
into their health care was unclear, with people of- (depending on the patients’ degree of religious
ten expressing reluctance to raise spiritual issues faith),26 coping behaviors,27 bereavement,28 and
with “busy” health professionals. morbidity and mortality.
The Ironson-Woods Spirituality/Religiousness
Index identified four factors associated with
Spirituality and health care provider perspectives
longer survival in people living with HIV/AIDS:
One study, a survey of family physicians and sense of peace, faith in God, religious behavior,
adult outpatients in Vermont, reported signifi- and compassionate view of others. Long-term
cant discrepancies between physicians and pa- survivors of AIDS, that is, individuals who lived
tients pertaining to beliefs in God, engaging in beyond twice the median expected survival time,
regular prayer, and feeling close to God. Doctors scored significantly higher on these factors than
endorsed these beliefs or practices significantly did the HIV-positive comparison group.29 In
less often than patients (P  0.01). Nonetheless, 1998, Larson and colleagues published a system-
the majority of physician respondents made in- atic analysis of 329 peer-reviewed studies and 35
quiries about their patients’ religious beliefs review articles on religion or spirituality and
either occasionally (77%) or frequently (10%).20 A health.30–34 A major conclusion drawn from the
recent survey of American physicians, conducted review was that there is a positive association be-
by the National Opinion Research Center at the tween religiosity or spirituality and health. How-
University of Chicago, found that 81% of re- ever, the generalizability of the findings to
spondents agreed that a patient’s spirituality populations other than Caucasian, American,
could directly affect clinical outcomes and 91% Christian subjects is questioned.35 Mortality re-
agreed with the importance of doctors under- search over the last three decades demonstrates
standing the religious and spiritual beliefs of their significant associations between frequent atten-
patients.21 Similarly, a survey of members of the dance at religious services and reduced risk of
American Academy of Family Physicians found early mortality.36 A meta-analysis of data from 42
that 74% of respondents attended religious ser- independent studies of the association of reli-

gious involvement and all causes of mortality nitional themes: relationship to God, a spiritual
found that religious involvement was signifi- being, a Higher Power, or a reality greater than
cantly associated with lower mortality (odds ra- the self; not of the self; transcendence or con-
tio  1.29).37 On the other hand, religious distress nectedness unrelated to a belief in a higher being;
may put seriously ill patients at increased risk for existential, not of the material world; meaning
earlier death by as much as 28%, and persons who and purpose in life; life force of the person, inte-
refuse medical treatment for religious reasons grating aspect of the person; and summative de-
may incur higher mortality.36 The robustness and finitions that combined multiple themes.43
implications of these findings have been vigor- Kearney and Mount44 distinguish “the spiri-
ously debated.38–41 tual” from “religion.” “The spirit is a dimension
Cohen and colleagues42 establish the ethical of personhood . . . a part of our being. Religion,
grounds for physician inquiry into patients’ reli- on the other hand, is a construct of human mak-
gious and spiritual beliefs asserting that “the ing that . . . enables conceptualization and ex-
question of whether religious and spiritual beliefs pression of spirituality” (p. 359). According to
improve [patient] outcomes is misplaced . . . The Rousseau,2 “Religion encompasses structured be-
real issue is not whether religious and spiritual lief systems that address spiritual issues, often
commitments improve patients’ health, but with a code of ethical behavior and a philosophy”
rather whether physician inquiries into such com- (p. 2000). As a construct, it would appear that
mitments honor patients as . . . whole and inte- spirituality is broader than religion.45 Although
grated persons” (p. 32). Similarly, even in the face some authors have cautioned for the separation
of scientific evidence for the salutary effects of of psychosocial from spiritual domains of care,
spirituality, respect for patients as persons pro- Brady and colleagues used the spirituality sub-
hibits proselytizing by physicians. As medicine scale of the Functional Assessment of Chronic Ill-
continues to move away from paternalism and to- ness Therapy (FACIT) Scale to show a unique as-
ward a partnership model with its attendant re- sociation with quality of life (QOL) within an
spect and support for patient autonomy, respect ethnically diverse sample of 1610 cancer patients,
for patients’ values and beliefs is essential. which was equal in its association with physical
well-being.46 Clearly, although parsing out these
domains provides an opportunity to discuss them
WHAT IS SPIRITUALITY? separately, they are overlapping, interconnected
constructs experienced by whole persons.
Palliative care endeavors to attend to the whole There is little empirical evidence available of
person. Inroads have been made in the areas of how dying patients define spirituality. However,
physical and psychological symptom control as- Chao and colleagues studied six Buddhist and
sociated with advanced disease in the final phase Christian terminally ill patients in Taiwan, ask-
of life, but there are aspects of suffering and dis- ing them what the essence of spirituality meant
tress toward the end of life that too often remain to them. Ten themes in four broad categories
beyond the abilities of contemporary palliative emerged: communion with self (self-identity,
care. To understand this more fully requires a wholeness, inner peace); communion with others
careful examination of the spiritual and existen- (love, reconciliation); communion with nature
tial domains of patients’ experiences. Although (inspiration, creativity); and communion with a
these are always embedded within the complex- higher being (faithfulness, hope, gratitude).47
ities of conventional symptom distress, dis- Hermann interviewed 19 hospice patients who,
cussing them separately, artificial though that after initially defining spirituality as relating to
may be, offers an opportunity to explicate these God or religion, later acknowledged that spiritu-
aspects of patients’ suffering. ality was part of their total existence.48
Acknowledging a spiritual dimension to one’s Increased secularism has witnessed diminu-
personhood may be relatively easy; defining tion of the explicit and implicit religious conno-
what that means, and examining it through a sci- tation associated with the term “spirituality.” In
entific lens, is more challenging. Definitions of the context of palliative care, spirituality “. . . has
spirituality abound. One comprehensive review come to describe the depth of human life, with
of the health literature documented 92 definitions individuals seeking significance in their experi-
of spirituality. The authors identified seven defi- ences and in the relationships they share with

family and friends, with others who experience most did not seek religious comfort in response
illness, and with those engaged in their treatment to the challenge of their illness; a minority held
and support”(p. 954).49 Within the religious realm conventional religious beliefs. McGrath reports
of this broad framework, spirituality aligns itself that maintaining an intimate connection with life
with a sense of connectedness to a personal God, through family, home, friends, leisure, and work
whereas within the secular realm, it invokes a is just as vital spiritually to individuals as tran-
search for significance and meaning. Although scendent meaning making (religious or other-
the source or inspiration for such significance will wise). She believes that her findings highlight the
vary from person to person, what they hold in importance of maintaining a clear distinction be-
common is their ability to imbue life with an over- tween religion and a more generalized notion of
arching sense of purpose and meaning, including spirituality, that is, finding meaning.54,55 Palliative
a sustained investment in life itself. care researchers may make this distinction more
Puchalski and Romer50 emphasize the relation- frequently than other researchers who typically
ship between spirituality and experiencing tran- have measured spirituality and religiosity in
scendent meaning in life. Karasu51 views spiritu- terms of religious affiliation. Of 1117 empirical
ality as a construct that involves concepts of faith studies published in five palliative medicine/hos-
and meaning. The faith component of spirituality pice journals, researchers assessed spirituality us-
is most often associated with religion and reli- ing variables such as spiritual well-being, mean-
gious belief, whereas the meaning component of ing or transcendence (32%), followed by religious
spirituality appears to be a more universal con- affiliation (29%), and spiritual/religious services
cept that can exist in religious or nonreligious in- provided (19%).13
dividuals. According to Frankl,52 meaning, or Chochinov and colleagues have examined no-
having a sense that one’s life has meaning, in- tions of meaning and purpose, using the para-
volves the conviction that one is fulfilling a unique digm of dignity. They have shown that patients
role and purpose in a life that is a gift: a life that are readily able to access discussions pertaining
comes with a responsibility to live to one’s full po- to dignity, which can include matters of spiritual
tential as a human being, thereby achieving a investment, meaning, purpose, and various other
sense of peace, contentment, or even transcen- social, physical, and existential considerations
dence through connectedness with something relevant to dying with dignity.56–58 Their work
greater than oneself. has also demonstrated the connections between
Bergman sounds a cautionary note. Docu- existential considerations—such as hopelessness,
menting the shift in meaning of the spirituality being a burden to others, and dignity—and a loss
concept over the last 20 years, she calls spiritual- of will to live.59 If the essence of spirituality is
ity a “glow-word,” occupying a niche once occu- connectedness to something that imbues life with
pied by the term “faith” or what sociologists once a sense of purpose or meaning, a paucity of either
called personal or invisible religion. She argues would logically correlate with a disinvestment in
that the term is variably applied as a vaguer syn- life itself.60,61 It is therefore consistent that spiri-
onym for religion, the personal side of religion as tual well-being may be a buffer against depres-
distinguished from organized religion, and that it sion, hopelessness, and desire for death in pa-
has taken over the existential core human di- tients with advanced cancer.62–64
mension, once the domain of humanistic psy-
chology. She suggests that spirituality becomes a
“handy” term shifting its meaning with various WHAT IS SPIRITUAL OR
historical nuances and, consequently, may be- EXISTENTIAL SUFFERING?
come virtually meaningless.53
McGrath suggests the need for a new language Just as the term spirituality needs definition, so
to articulate spirituality and affirms the recent too do the terms “spiritual suffering” and “exis-
move away from conflating religion with spiritu- tential pain.” Spiritual pain may manifest itself as
ality. She examined the concepts of spirituality symptoms in any area of a person’s experience—
and spiritual pain among hospice patients, their physical (e.g., intractable pain), psychological
formal and informal caregivers, as well as cancer (e.g., anxiety, depression, hopelessness), religious
survivors in Australia. Of 14 people living at home (e.g., crisis of faith), or social (e.g., disintegration
with a prognosis of less than 6 months to live, of human relationships). However, it is not pos-

sible to recognize spiritual pain on the basis of point in time, should they experience uncon-
symptoms alone; it is the combination of the trolled pain, severe physical symptoms, a dimin-
symptoms with characteristic descriptions and ished quality of life, or find themselves a burden
behaviors that help identify this form of suffer- to others. In addition, 12% would have requested
ing.44 As Cassell65 describes it, “Suffering is ex- a hastened death at the time of the interview, if
perienced by persons, not merely by bodies, and it were legally available, for reasons of drowsi-
has its source in challenges that threaten the in- ness, weakness, a sense of loss of control and loss
tactness of the person as a complex social and of interest, hopelessness, and a desire to die.71 Re-
psychological entity. Suffering can include phys- ports on the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon
ical pain but is by no means limited to it” (p. 639). indicate that patients who sought out a hastened
One study asked hospital chaplains, palliative death did so largely because of suffering based
care physicians, and pain specialists to define ex- on a perception of lost autonomy and loss of con-
istential pain. In their definitions, chaplains more trol.72,73 In fact, every study reporting on the ex-
often stressed issues of guilt and religious ques- periences of patients who chose, or expressed an
tions, whereas palliative care physicians related interest in death-hastening measures, indicates
existential pain to annihilation and impending that the most salient issues refer to suffering and
separation. Although some pain specialists em- its various dimensions (loss of autonomy, loss of
phasize that living is painful, they concluded that control, fear of being a burden to others, hope-
existential pain is most often used as a metaphor lessness, and general despair). Clearly, loss of
for suffering.66 In a qualitative study of 12 sur- control, feeling burdensome to others, hopeless-
vivors of hematological malignancies, McGrath45 ness, and a desire to die begin to cross over from
found that a key ingredient in the subjects’ spir- the domain of conventional symptom distress
itual pain was “the sense that the normal network and into the realm of spiritual and existential suf-
of relationships and experience with life is failing fering.
to meet the individual’s needs, and thus the ex-
pected satisfaction and meaning-making from life
are not forthcoming” (p. 639).
Spiritual crisis towards the end of life some-
times takes the form of losing one’s will to live,
or expressing a heightened desire for death. A
A systematic search of the major medical, al-
great deal of work has been done in this area,
lied health, social science, and humanities re-
showing these are often, although not always, as-
search data bases yielded few rigorous evalua-
sociated with a high prevalence of syndromal de-
tions of spiritual interventions using randomized
pression, pain and a paucity of social support.61,62
controlled trial standards.* Similar to Cohen and
McClain and colleagues demonstrated significant
colleagues’ analysis published in 1997,74 we
correlations between spiritual well-being and de-
found largely descriptive studies and scholarly
sire for hastened death (r  0.51), hopelessness
discussions. Highlights of our review are sum-
(r  0.68), and suicidal ideation (r  0.41).
marized below.
They concluded that spiritual well-being offered
some protection against end-of-life despair based
Spiritual care and who should provide it
on the additional findings that depression was
significantly correlated with desire for hastened Lunn75 defines spiritual care in terms of “meet-
death in patients low in spiritual well-being (r  ing people where they are and assisting them in
0.40) but not in those high in spiritual well-being connecting or reconnecting to things, practices,
(r  0.20).64 Loss of dignity is also frequently ideas, and principles that are at their core of their
cited as the reason patients make (and in the being—the breath of their life, making a connec-
Dutch experience, receive) death hastening mea- tion between yourself and that person” (p. 154).
sures such as euthanasia or assisted sui-
cide.61,67–70 Wilson and colleagues asked seventy *Data bases included: Medline, CINAHL, Humanities,
dying patients about whether they would choose and PsycINFO. Search terms included: religion, spiritu-
ality, faith, existentialism, hospice, palliative, or terminal
physician hastened death now, if it were avail- care, end of life, dying, death. We focused on interven-
able. Of the patients, 58% could imagine using it tional studies, clinical trials or randomized clinical trials,
under particular circumstances at some future and literature reviews in English language publications.

A Swedish national survey of hospital chaplains cal and physical symptoms, among dying pa-
identified categories of questions posed to them tients.79 Similarly, Nelson and colleagues used
by patients with terminal illness. Five main cate- the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness
gories were identified, in order of frequency in- Therapy Spiritual Well-Being Scales (FACIT-Sp)
cluding: meaning; death and dying; pain and ill- to examine the impact of spirituality and reli-
ness; relationships; and religious issues. Religious giosity on depressive symptoms in a sample of
issues accounted for only 8% of the questions terminally ill cancer and AIDS patients. They ob-
posed to chaplains. The authors conclude that served a negative association between meaning
physicians and other professionals should be able and peace and depression scores, but no such as-
to address many of the questions posed to chap- sociation for religiosity.63
lains.76 A study of nurses’ spiritual interventions In summarizing the literature, Breitbart con-
found that the majority used the following five cluded that there is clear evidence that traditional
“therapies”: holding a patient’s hand, listening, group psychotherapy interventions for cancer pa-
laughter, prayer, and being present with a pa- tients are effective in improving quality of life and
tient. More than 90% of 299 respondents indi- reducing psychological distress, anxiety, and de-
cated that they would offer, suggest, or provide pression, and in reducing physical symptoms,
spiritual help in the following situations: when a both in populations of early-stage cancer patients
patient explicitly request spiritual support, is and in patients with advanced disease. These
about to die, is grieving, or receives bad news.24 therapeutic approaches largely fall within the cat-
Walter77 argues that spiritual care in palliative egories of patient education or psycho-education
settings may not be so much an opportunity as it interventions; supportive–expressive interven-
may be a burden for some caregivers. He sug- tions; and cognitive–behavioral interventions. He
gests that we drop the assumption that any health further notes that few cancer group psychother-
care provider can provide spiritual care to any apy intervention trials have focused specifically
patient and find ways instead of acknowledging on existential or spiritual themes.80
the differing spiritual or religious needs of indi- Chochinov and colleagues 81 reviewed various
vidual patients as well as what spiritual care each psychotherapeutic approaches that have been
team member can or cannot offer. On the other considered within the context of end-of-life care.
hand, Derrickson78 believes that, at the very least, They note that supportive therapy has been the
each member of the hospice team should be able mainstay of therapy for patients who are termi-
to recognize spiritual work when it is being done nally ill. The goal of supportive therapy is to bol-
and to listen respectfully to a patients’ individual ster adaptive coping mechanisms, minimize mal-
expressions of their spirituality. adaptive ones, and when possible, attenuate
anxiety and fear. Other interventions such as in-
sight-oriented therapy or interpersonal therapy
General spiritual care approaches to
may have limited application for patients nearing
end-of-life care
death, because of the longer time frames associ-
Palliative care is an interventional approach ated with these therapeutic approaches. Several
aimed at improving quality of life, enhancing investigators have begun to explore intervention
spiritual well-being, and reducing suffering. In a strategies, largely targeting constructs such as
study of 88 patients admitted to five palliative meaning and purpose or their antithesis–hope-
care units across two distinct regions of Canada, lessness, burden to others, loss of will to live, and
Cohen and colleagues used the McGill Quality of suffering.
Life (QOL) Questionnaire to document self-rated Kearney and Mount44 describe “surface-work”
QOL of patients on admission to the palliative and “depth-work” as psychotherapeutic re-
care unit and again 7–8 days later. The question- sponses to spiritual pain. Surface-work refers to
naire was supplemented with semistructured in- interventions aimed at alleviating distress at the
terviews. Significant improvements in quality-of- conscious or concrete level of the individual’s ex-
life scores, including subscore improvements in perience. Depth-work is an approach that moves
physical, psychological, and existential well-be- a person toward deeper levels of the psyche, help-
ing, were demonstrated. This is one of the few ing the individual to reconnect with simple and
studies showing that palliative care can improve ordinary aspects of life that, in the past, brought
existential well-being, in addition to psychologi- that person a sense of significance. Examples of

depth-work interventions include art and music in regaining your health? Are you part of a spir-
therapy, image work, dream work, and certain itual or religious community? How should
types of meditation. these issues be addressed by the health care pro-
Rousseau2 offers practical guidance for treat- vider? MacInnis and colleagues have developed
ing spiritual suffering among dying patients. He a spiritual assessment tool to guide interdisci-
describes a framework that includes the follow- plinary palliative care team assessments of spir-
ing: control of physical symptoms; providing a itual pain with strategies for alleviating suffer-
supportive presence; encouraging life review to ing throughout the illness trajectory.84 Whether
help the patient recognize purpose, value, and using formatted approaches or more open-
meaning; exploring guilt, remorse, forgiveness, ended questioning, the goal is to demonstrate
and reconciliation; facilitating religious expres- openness to ongoing dialogue regarding spiri-
sion; and focusing on meditative practices that tual concerns, however broadly patients frame
promote healing rather than cure. or define them.
Another treatment approach is based on the Some investigators85,86 suggest that music and
construct of demoralization. Clarke and Kissane art may contribute to spiritual healing, particu-
advocate the adoption of demoralization syn- larly for those who are dying. The alternative mo-
drome as a relevant diagnostic entity in palliative dalities used in the service of spiritual care of the
care.82,83 Demoralization syndrome is defined as dying include acupuncture, therapeutic touch,
“a psychiatric state in which hopelessness, help- biofeedback, relaxation, guided imagery, and
lessness, meaninglessness, and existential dis- aromatherapy.85 Evaluation of the therapeutic ef-
tress are the core phenomena” (p.13).83 Their ficacy of these modalities is largely descriptive
treatment approach for Demoralization Syn- and exploratory.
drome consists of the following elements: provide Cole and Pargament87 describe a pilot psy-
continuity of care and active symptom manage- chotherapy program that integrates spiritual is-
ment; explore attitudes toward hope and mean- sues and resources for people diagnosed with
ing in life; balance support for grief with promo- cancer. The program aims to address four con-
tion of hope; foster search for renewed purpose cerns including control, identity, relationships,
and role in life; use cognitive therapy to reframe and meaning. In psychotherapeutic groups, par-
negative beliefs; involve pastoral counseling for ticipants are encouraged to reflect on the four the-
spiritual support; promote supportive relation- matic spiritual issues and to draw on internal
ships and use of volunteers; conduct family meet- spiritual resources that support adaptive coping.
ings to enhance family functioning; and review The language used in the therapy sessions is
goals of care in multidisciplinary team meetings. overtly religious. For example, therapists en-
Future studies using this approach will answer courage participants to visualize God’s presence
the questions of feasibility and efficacy in this pa- and to view God as partner in their group ther-
tient population. apy work. A study is currently underway to as-
sess the efficacy of this program. An important
limitation of this approach may be its inaccessi-
Specific spiritual care interventions
bility to patients who do not believe in God, or
for end-of-life care
whose religion is not of the Judeo-Christian tra-
Acknowledging spiritual distress, in and of dition. It is also not clear whether the therapy
itself, can be interventional. Providing such ac- would be appropriate for persons in the late
knowledgement requires being able to find lan- stages of their illness.
guage that patients and physicians find com- Miller and colleagues have developed a sup-
fortable and accessible, and the development of portive–affective program that focuses on three
assessment approaches that evaluate spiritual main areas: spirit, emotions, and relationships.
well being. For example, Puchalski and Romer50 The program targets adults experiencing heart or
recommend the mnemonic “FICA” as a way of lung disorders, HIV/AIDS, cancer, or geriatric
structuring spiritual inquiry. FICA stands for frailty, with a life expectancy of at least 6 months
Faith or beliefs, Importance and influence, but likely not more than 24 months. Special at-
Community, and Address. Some of the specific tention is devoted to the needs of African Amer-
questions in each category include: What is your ican patients and their caregivers. Participants
faith or belief? What role do your beliefs play meet for monthly group discussions and are en-

couraged to raise issues related to spirituality, Based on their model of dignity, Chochinov
emotions, and relationships. The program is also and colleagues have developed a therapeutic in-
designed to accommodate participants from di- tervention coined Dignity Therapy, targeting de-
verse religious backgrounds and also for patients pression and suffering, along with enhancing a
who do not participate in an organized religion. sense of meaning, purpose and will to live in pal-
A randomized controlled trial demonstrated sig- liative care patients.57, 91 Briefly, the Dignity Ther-
nificant improvement on depression and mea- apy protocol poses questions that offer an op-
sures of religious well-being but not existential portunity for patients to address aspects of life
well-being. Patients in the intervention groups that they feel most proud of or that were most
were more likely to raise spiritual issues with meaningful; the personal history that they most
their primary physicians.88 want remembered; or things that need to be said.
Breitbart80 and Breitbart and Heller89 are ap- This allows the patient to address grief-related is-
plying the work of Viktor Frankl and his concepts sues, to offer comfort to soon-to-be bereft loved
of meaning-based psychotherapy, to address ones, or to provide instructions to friends and
spiritual suffering amongst ambulatory patients family. These sessions are tape recorded, tran-
with advanced cancer. Their application of a scribed and edited, and then returned to the pa-
Meaning-Centered Group Psychotherapy aims to tient. This creates a tangible product, a legacy, or
help participants to sustain or enhance a sense of generativity document, which in effect allows the
meaning, peace, and purpose in their lives, and patient to leave behind something that will tran-
to make the most of each group member’s re- scend death. In contrast to other psychotherapies,
maining time. This approach uses a combination Dignity Therapy is brief, can be done at the bed-
of instruction, discussion, and experiential exer- side, and aims to affect both patients and their
cises in eight group sessions, with each session loved ones.
organized around a specific meaning-centered Within a cohort of 100 terminally ill patients,
theme. Because the therapists view the search for Chochinov and colleagues found that 91% re-
meaning as a creative, individual, and active pro- ported being satisfied with Dignity Therapy; 76%
cess, patients are encouraged to be active partic- reported a heightened sense of dignity; 68% an
ipants in the group process. Preliminary evalua- increased sense of purpose; 67% a heightened
tion points to favorable results. Before the sense of meaning; 47% an increased will to live;
intervention, approximately 40% of study partic- in addition, 81% reported that it had been or
ipants did not report a sense of meaning or pur- would be of help to their family. Post-interven-
pose in their lives; after the intervention, none of tion measures of suffering showed significant im-
the participants perceived life as meaningless, provement (P  0.023), and reduced depressive
and at 2-month follow-up, beneficial treatment ef- symptoms (P  0.05). Patients who felt that Dig-
fects continued to mount. A version of this inter- nity Therapy helped their family reported feeling
vention for individual use is currently being de- that life was more meaningful (r  0.480; P 
veloped.90 0.000), accompanied by a heightened sense of
Chochinov and colleagues have developed an purpose (r  0.562; P  0.000), will to live (r 
empirically derived model of dignity towards the 0.387; P  0.000), and a lessened sense of suffer-
end of life. This model is based on a qualitative ing (r.327; P.001).91 They concluded that Dig-
study of 50 dying patients and their perceptions nity Therapy showed promise as a novel thera-
and concerns related to dignity.56 Three major peutic intervention for suffering and distress at
categories emerged from the qualitative analysis: the end of life.
illness-related issues that threaten to or actually One feature of interventions that target the bol-
impinge on a patient’s sense of dignity; the reper- stering of dignity, hope, and meaning is that they
toire of perspectives and practices that patients may reduce existential or spiritual distress, with-
use to conserve dignity; and an inventory of so- out an explicitly religious or faith-based focus.
cial interactions that either detract from or en- Whether religiously framed, or more secular in
hance one’s sense of dignity. The Dignity Model nature, there may be various useful approaches
provides caregivers a therapeutic framework in- to alleviating suffering. As Marrone stated, “In
corporating a broad range of physical, psycho- the midst of dealing with profound loss in our
logical, social, and spiritual/existential issues lives, the ability to re-ascribe meaning to a
that may affect a person’s perception of dignity. changed world through spiritual transformation,

religious conversion, or existential change may be track these constructs, to understand more fully
more significant than the specific content by the spiritual needs of the dying, and to correlate
which that need is filled” (p. 495).92 them with variables and outcomes such as qual-
ity of life, pain control, coping with loss, and ac-
ceptance are warranted.13 Framing these issues
RECOMMENDATIONS from a religious or faith-based perspective, fur-
FOR FUTURE RESEARCH ther research is needed to examine various di-
mensions of a person’s religious life and how
The intangible nature of spiritual and existen- these correlate with similar outcomes. Multicen-
tial issues related to dying raises the question of ter studies to ensure generalizability are neces-
whether any amount of research will enable us to sary,74 with longitudinal studies needed to assess
unravel fully this aspect of terminal care. Never- patients’ changing experiences and needs over
theless, it is important to try to understand, as time.58,74
best we can, all facets of suffering toward the end
of life, and to determine what actions may best What are the methodological issues in
provide necessary comfort. To that end, holistic spirituality research?
clinicians should be mindful of these issues, and
Cohen and colleagues74 assert that a lack of ap-
researchers will need to follow a deliberate and
propriate or robust outcome measures, especially
systematic path within the realm of spiritual and
those tracking existential and spiritual issues,
existential enquiry.
have proved a barrier to the scientific evaluation
of palliative care interventions and programs.
Who should be doing spiritually
Qualitative research may provide an important
focused research?
methodological approach in that it enables the as-
Research addressing the topic of spirituality sessment of subjective experience of illness em-
is being undertaken within various health dis- bedded within its historical, cultural, social, and
ciplines, including medicine,10 nursing,24,47 so- spiritual contexts.58,94 Although quantitative ap-
cial work,25 occupational therapy,43 and chap- proaches may suit particular protocols, qualita-
laincy.84,93 For the most part, researchers tend tive methods may provide a greater understand-
to work within their disciplinary silos, publish- ing of spirituality and religiosity and enable the
ing in their discipline-specific journals. Most of subjective reporting of experiences for which ro-
the English publications have been produced in bust measures are only starting to emerge.63,74
the United States; hence, they tend to reflect
American attitudes and practices. Research in- What are the interventional challenges?
terest also exists in the United Kingdom,19
A number of interventional opportunities to
Canada,58–61,79,94 Australia,83 Sweden,66,76 Nor-
enhance spiritual well being are now being in-
way,16 and Taiwan.47 Future research needs to
vestigated. Some, such as Dignity Therapy and
engage expertise across a broad spectrum of
Meaning-Centered Group Psychotherapy have
perspectives, integrating the insights and profi-
shown initial promise, and are currently under-
ciencies that each of these vantage points has to
going more rigorous testing using a randomized
offer. To the extent that religiosity and spiritu-
control trial design. Other conceptual approaches
ality are culturally or ethnically bound, research
that provide frameworks or clinical guidelines for
of this nature needs to take place across a broad
the provision of spiritual care need to be formally
range of international constituencies.
tested to answer the questions of feasibility and
efficacy. The role of chaplains in spiritual care,
What should spiritual research be addressing?
and how they can best identify and meet the
There are many pressing questions that need needs of their clientele, merits further investiga-
to be addressed within the context of spiritual is- tion. Moreover, the way that we use language to
sues and end-of-life care. Framing these issues broach spiritual aspects of care needs to be eval-
from a secular perspective, constructs such as uated, to ensure that patients are approached in
spiritual well-being, transcendence, hope, mean- a fashion that is comfortable and accessible, no
ing, dignity, and demoralization have begun to matter what their individual religious or secular
appear in the literature.83 Efforts to measure and orientation.

CONCLUSION Palliative Care, and Journal of Pain and Symptom Man-

agement. Palliat Support Care 2003;1:7–13.
Palliative care is often described in terms of a 14. The George H: Gallup International Institute. Spiri-
holistic approach. This notion of holism or “total tual beliefs and the dying process. Princeton: The
George, 1997.
care” “turns on the insight that the physical, the
15. Hart A, Kohlwes RJ, Deyo R, Rhodes LA, Bowen DJ:
psychological and the spiritual are but distinctive Hospice patients’ attitudes regarding spiritual dis-
perspectives upon what is, in reality, a unity”(p. cussions with their doctors. Am J Hospice Palliat Care
952).49 Honoring this “unity,” or whole-person 2003;20:135–139.
care, requires a heightened sensitivity to the spir- 16. Norum J, Risberg T, Solberg E: Faith among patients
itual aspects of end-of-life care. Research ad- with advanced cancer. A pilot study on patients of-
dressing these dimensions of personhood offers fered “no more than” palliation. Support Care Can-
cer 2000;8:110–114.
a unique opportunity to expand the horizons of
17. Moadel A, Morgan C, Fatone A, Grennan J, Carter J,
contemporary palliative care, thereby decreasing Laruffa G, et al: Seeking meaning and hope: Self-re-
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18. Ehman JW, Ott BB, Short TH, Ciampa RC, Hansen-
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