Bit - Csc.lsu - Edu Trianta Journal PAPERS1 Scales1
Bit - Csc.lsu - Edu Trianta Journal PAPERS1 Scales1
Bit - Csc.lsu - Edu Trianta Journal PAPERS1 Scales1
Dept. of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Louisiana State University, 3134C CEBA
Building, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-6409, U.S.A. E-mail: IETRIAN@LSUVM.SNCC.LSU.EDU
Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 4,
2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands.
Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida, 303 Weil Hall, Gainesville, FL
32611, U.S.A.
Professor of Operations Research, Director of SHRIM, The Pennsylvania State University, 118
Henderson Building, University Park, PA 16802, U.S.A.
ABSTRACT: One of the most critical issues in many applications of fuzzy sets is the successful
evaluation of membership values. A method based on pairwise comparisons provides an interesting
way for evaluating membership values. That method was proposed by Saaty, almost 20 years ago,
and since then it has captured the interest of many researchers around the world. However, recent
investigations reveal that the original scale may cause severe inconsistencies in many decision-making
problems. Furthermore, exponential scales seem to be more natural for humans to use in many
decision-making problems. In this paper two evaluative criteria are used to examine a total of 78
scales which can be derived from two widely used scales. The findings in this paper reveal that there
is no single scale that can outperform all the other scales. Furthermore, the same findings indicate that
a few scales are very efficient under certain conditions. Therefore, for a successful application of a
pairwise comparison based method the appropriate scale needs to be selected and applied.
KEY WORDS: Fuzzy sets, pairwise comparisons, membership values, multi-criteria decision-making.
1. Introduction.
One of the most crucial steps in many decision-making methods is the accurate estimation of
the pertinent data. Very often these data cannot be known in terms of absolute values. For instance,
what is the worth of the i-th alternative in terms of a political impact criterion? Although information
about questions like the previous one is vital in making the correct decision, it is very difficult, if not
the relative importance, or weight, of the alternatives in terms of each criterion involved in a given
decision-making problem.
Consider the case of having a single decision criterion and a set of N alternatives, denoted as
Ai (i=1,2,3,...N). The decision maker wants to determine the relative performance of the alternatives
in terms of the single criterion. In a case like this, one may consider the N alternatives as the members
of a fuzzy set. Then, the degree of membership of element (i.e., alternative) Ai expresses the degree
that alternative Ai meets this criterion. That is, in the previous context the membership degrees can
be viewed as the degree the members of a set of objects meet a single criterion. This is also the
approach considered by Federov et al (1982), Saaty (1974) and (1978), and was also discussed by
An approach based on pairwise comparisons which was proposed by Saaty (1977), and (1980)
has long attracted the interest of many researchers, because both of its easy applicability and
interesting mathematical properties. Pairwise comparisons are used to determine the relative
importance of each alternative in terms of each criterion. In this approach the decision maker(s) has
to express his opinion about the value of one single pairwise comparison at a time. Usually, the
decision-maker has to choose his answer among 10-17 discrete choices. Each choice is a linguistic
phrase. Some examples of such linguistic phrases are: "A is more important than B", or "A is of the
same importance as B", or "A is a little more important than B", and so on. When one focuses directly
on the membership issue one may use linguistic statements such as "How much more does alternative
A belong to the set S than alternative B?". The main focus in this paper is not the wording of these
linguistic statements, but, instead, the numerical values which should be associated with such
statements. The importance of evaluating the membership values in applications of fuzzy set theory
in engineering and scientific fields is best illustrated in the 1,800 references given by Gupta et al
The main problem with the pairwise comparisons is how to quantify the linguistic choices
selected by the decision maker during the evaluation of the pairwise comparisons. All the methods
which use the pairwise comparisons approach eventually express the qualitative answers of a decision
maker into some numbers. The present paper examines the issue of quantifying pairwise comparisons.
Since pairwise comparisons are the keystone of these decision-making processes, correctly quantifying
them is the most crucial step in multi-criteria decision-making methods which use fuzzy data.
Pairwise comparisons are quantified by using a scale. Such a scale is nothing but an
one-to-one mapping between the set of discrete linguistic choices available to the decision maker and
a discrete set of numbers which represent the importance, or weight, of the previous linguistic choices.
There are two major approaches in developing such scales. The first approach is based on the linear
scale proposed by Saaty (1980) as part of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The second approach
attempts was proposed by Lootsma (1988), (1990), and (1991) and determines exponential scales.
Both approaches depart from some psychological theories and develop the numbers to be used based
The present paper is organized as follows. The second section illustrates the principals of the
two classes of scales. The second section also presents some ways for generating even more scales
based on Saaty's linear scale and on the exponential scales proposed by Lootsma. The third section
discusses ways for evaluating the performance of various scales. This is achieved in terms of two
evaluative criteria. The next section (section 4) describes the problem of selecting the appropriate
scale (or scales) as a multi-criterion decision-making problem. Computational results presented in the
fifth section reveal that under different conditions some scales are more efficient than others. These
findings are presented in depth in the final section which is the conclusion section.
2. Background Information.
As it was mentioned in the previous section, two classes of scales are considered in this paper.
The first class of scales is defined on the interval [9, 1/9] and is based on the original Saaty scale.
The second class of scales is based on the exponential scales introduced by Lootsma (1988) and
Once the pairwise comparisons are determined by using a scale, they are processed in order
to derive the final values. These values are estimates of the relative magnitudes of the membership
values. Saaty (1980) proposes the use of a method which is based on eigenvalues. Another method,
which is based on a logarithmic regression model, is proposed by Lootsma (1988) and (1991). For a
critical discussion of the eigenvalue approach, along with some other approaches, see (Triantaphyllou,
(1993)). That approach describes how similarity relations among a group of entities can be estimated
by using an efficient quadratic programming formulation. All these approaches are capable of
estimating relative magnitudes. Therefore, final values could only be derived, if at least one of them
were known apriori. However, this is not possible in real applications, thus only relative magnitudes
It should be stated here that when pairwise comparisons are used the entire process may
become impractical when the number of elements becomes large. If N is the number of elements,
then the number of comparisons is N(N-1)/2. For instance, for N = 100 the decision maker would
have to make 4,950 pairwise comparisons. Nor is the approach applicable to the elicitation of
In 1846 Weber stated his law regarding a stimulus of measurable magnitude. According to
his law a change in sensation is noticed if the stimulus is increased by a constant percentage of the
stimulus itself (Saaty, (1980)). That is, people are unable to make choices from an infinite set. For
example, people cannot distinguish between two very close values of importance, say 3.00 and 3.02.
Psychological experiments have also shown that individuals cannot simultaneously compare more than
seven objects (plus or minus two) (Miller, (1956)). This is the main reasoning used by Saaty to
establish 9 as the upper limit of his scale, 1 as the lower limit and a unit difference between
The values of the pairwise comparisons are determined according to the instructions depicted
in Table 1 (Saaty, (1980)). According to this scale (which we call Scale1), the available values for the
pairwise comparisons are members of the set: {9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/7,
1/8, 1/9}. The above numbers illustrate that the values for the pairwise comparisons can be grouped
into the two intervals [9, 1] and [1, 1/9]. As it was stated above, the values in the interval [9, 1] are
evenly distributed, while the values in the interval [1, 1/9] are skewed to the right end of this interval.
There is no good reason why for a scale defined on the interval [9, 1/9] the values on the sub-
interval [9, 1] should be evenly distributed. An alternative scale could have the values evenly
distributed in the interval [1, 1/9], while the values in the interval [9, 1] could be simply the reciprocals
of the values in the interval [1, 1/9]. This consideration leads to the scale (which we call Scale2) with
the following values: {9, 9/2, 9/3, 9/4, 9/5, 9/6, 9/7, 9/8, 1, 8/9, 7/9, 6/9, 5/9, 4/9, 3/9, 2/9, 1/9}.
This scale was originally presented by Ma and Zheng (1991). In the second scale each successive
value on the interval [1, 1/9] is (1 - 1/9) / 8 = 1/9 units apart. In this way, the values in the interval
[1, 1/9] are evenly distributed, while the values in [9, 1] are simply the reciprocals of the values in [1,
1/9]. It should be stated here that the notion of having in a scale a group of values evenly distributed,
is followed in order to be in agreement with the same characteristic of the original Saaty scale. As it
will be seen in the next section, other scales can be defined without having evenly distributed values.
Besides the second scale, many other scales can be generated. One way to generate new
scales is to consider weighted versions between the previous two scales. That is, for the interval [1,
Table 1.
Intensity of
Importance Definition Explanation
where " can range from 0 to 100. Then, the values in the interval [9, 1] are the reciprocals of the
above values. For " = 0 Scale1 is derived, while for " = 100 Scale2 is derived.
A class of exponential scales has been introduced by Lootsma (1988) and (1991). The
(denoted as ei). According to that observation, due to Roberts (1979), the difference en+1 - en must
be greater than or equal to the smallest perceptible difference, which is proportional to en. The
permitable choices by the decision maker are summarized in Table 2. As a result of Robert's
observation the numerical equivalents of these linguistics choices need to satisfy the following relations:
In the previous expressions the parameter ( is unknown (or, equivalently, , is unknown), since
( = ln(1 + ,), and e is the basis of the natural logarithms (please note that ei is just the notation of
a variable). Table 3 presents the values of two exponential scales that correspond to two different
values of the ( parameter. Apparently, different exponential scales can be generated by assigning
Another difference between exponential scales and the Saaty scale is on the number of
categories allowed by the exponential scales. There are only four major linguistically distinct
categories, plus three so-called threshold categories between them. The threshold categories can be
used if the decision maker hesitates between the main categories. In the following section we present
some evidence that human beings follow exponential scales when they categorize an interval. More
Table 2.
Scale of Relative Importances (According to Lootsma (1988))
Intensity of
Importance Definition
Table 3.
Two Exponential Scales
2.3. Examples of the Use of Exponential Scales.
It is surprising to see how consistently humans categorize certain intervals of interest in totally
unrelated areas. In this section we present some examples to show, for instance, how human subjects
a) Historical periods. The written history of Europe, from 3000 BC until today, is subdivided into a
small number of major periods. Looking backwards from 1989, the year when the Berlin Wall was
opened, we distinguish the following turning points marking off the start of a characteristic
1815 170 years before 1989 beginning of industrial and colonial dominance,
1500 500 years before 1989 beginning of world-wide trade and modern
These major echelons, measured by the number of years before 1989, constitute a geometric sequence
with the progression factor 3.3. We obtain a more refined subdivision when we introduce the years:
With these turning points interpolated between the major ones, we find a geometric sequence of
b) Planning horizons. In industrial planning activities, we usually observe a hierarchy of planning cycles
where decisions under higher degrees of uncertainty and with more important consequences for the
company are prepared at increasingly higher management levels. The planning horizons constitute a
The progression factor of these major horizons is 3.5. In practice there are no planning horizons
c) Size of nations. The above categorization is not only found on the time axis, but also in spatial
dimensions when we categorize the nations on the basis of the size of their population. Omitting the
very small nations with less than one million inhabitants, we have:
We find again a geometric sequence, with progression factor 4.0. Furthermore, it seems reasonable
because the respective nations fall typically between the major echelons. The refined sequence of
d) Loudness of sounds. The range of audible sounds can roughly be categorized as follows:
60 dB quiet; conversation,
Although the precision should be taken with a grain of salt because we have a mixture of sound
frequencies at each of these major echelons, we obviously find here a geometric sequence of subjective
e) Brightness of light. Physically, the perception of light and sound proceed in different ways, but these
sensory systems follow a similar pattern. The range of visible light intensities can roughly be
categorized as follows:
30 dB star light,
50 dB full moon,
70 dB street lighting,
Under the precaution that the precision should not be taken too seriously because we have at
each of these major echelons a mixture of wave lengths, we observe that the subjective light intensities
In the previous paragraphs we have used 5 examples to demonstrate that exponential scales
are common in human comparative judgment when dealing with historical periods, planning horizons,
size of nations, perception of light and sound intensities. Therefore, these examples make exponential
scales only plausible. Lootsma (1991) has studied the scale sensitivity of the resulting scores when
exponential scales are used. He observed that the rank order of the scores is not affected by variations
of the scale parameter; the numerical values of the calculated scores are weakly dependent on that
For a more detailed documentation on psychophysics we refer the reader to Marks (1974),
Michon et al (1976), Roberts (1979), Zwicker (1982), and Stevens and Hallowell Davis (1983). The
reader will find that the sensory systems for the perception of tastes, smells, and touches follow the
In order different scales to be evaluated, two evaluative criteria are developed. Furthermore,
a special class of pairwise matrices is developed in the next section. These special matrices are then
used in conjunction with the two evaluative criteria in order to investigate some stability properties of
different scales.
As it was mentioned earlier, reciprocal matrices with pairwise comparisons were introduced
by Saaty (1977) as a tool for extracting all the pertinent information from a decision maker. The same
author also proposed a scale which results in matrices with entries from the set 1, where 1 is the set
of integers 1,2,3,...,9 and their reciprocals (see also Table 1). If a different scale is to be used, then
1 will be the finite set of discrete values which represent that scale. Each entry in these matrices
represents numerically the value of a pairwise comparison between two alternatives with respect to a
single criterion. These matrices are constructed as to be an effective way of capturing the necessary
The Saaty matrices have received wide acceptance as being an effective way of evaluating
membership values in real-world problems (see, for example, Chu et al (1979), Federov et al (1982),
Hihn and Johnson (1988), Khurgin and Polyakov (1986), Lootsma et al (1990), and Vargas (1982)).
The analyses in Triantaphyllou et al (1990b) were based on the assumption that in the real
world the membership values in a fuzzy set take on continuous values. Let T1, T2, T3,..., Tn be the
real (and thus unknown) membership values of a fuzzy set with n members. Each of the Ti values is
assumed to be in the interval [1,0]. If the decision maker knew the above real values then, he would
be able to have constructed a matrix with the real pairwise comparisons. In this matrix, say
That is, the entry "ij represents the real (and thus unknown) value of the comparison when the
i-th member is compared with the j-th member. We call this matrix the Real Continuous Pairwise
matrix, or the RCP matrix. Since in the real world the Ti's are unknown, so are the entries "ij of the
previous matrix. However, we will assume here that the decision maker, instead of an unknown entry
"ij is able to determine the closest value taken from the set 1 of the numerical values provided by a
scale. In other words, instead of the real (and thus unknown) value "ij one is able to determine the
Therefore, judgments about the values of the pairwise comparison of the i-th element when
it is compared with the j-th element are assumed to be so accurate that they are closest (in absolute
value terms) to the true or real values one is supposed to estimate when a scale with the discrete
values 1 is used.
It should be stated at this point that other norms, alternative to the previous one, are also
possible to be assumed as the way a decision maker best approximates real (and thus unknown)
However, any norm which attempts to approximate the real (and thus unknown) ratios with ratios taken
from a finite and discrete set of values, will always allow for the possibility that some real ratios (which
are close enough to each other) will be mapped to the same discrete value from the current scale. The
last statement indicates that Theorem 1 (stated later in section 3.2.) will still be valid if alternative
norms are considered (however, its present proof assumes that the first norm is used).
The matrix with the entries aij that we assume the decision maker is able to construct has
entries from the discrete and finite set 1. We call this matrix the Closest Discrete Pairwise matrix or
the CDP matrix. The CDP matrix may not be perfectly consistent. That is, the consistency index (CI)
values (see the next section for an exact definition of CI) of CDP matrices are not necessarily equal
to zero. More on this inconsistency issue will be discussed in the following section. It is important to
observe here that the CDP matrices are the reciprocal matrices with pairwise comparisons that a
decision maker will construct if we assume that each of his pairwise comparisons is the closest possible
Recall that the decision maker is limited by the discrete values (i.e., the values from the set 1
provided to him by a scale). He can never know the actual values of his pairwise comparisons. He
simply attempts to approximate them. In other words, we assume here that these approximations are
the closest possible. Clearly this is a highly favorable assumption when one attempts to investigate the
effectiveness of various scales. The following example illustrates further the concepts of the RCP and
CDP matrices.
An Example. Let us assume that the real (and hence unknown) membership values, after
normalization, of a fuzzy set with three members are T1 = 0.77348, T2 = 0.23804, and T3 =
0.23848. Then, the RCP matrix with the real values of the pairwise comparisons is:
1 3.24938 3.24342
0.30832 1.00183 1
This is true because 0.30775 = (0.23804/0.77348), 0.30832 = (0.23848/0.77348), and so on. If,
for instance, the original Saaty scale is to be used (as it is depicted in Table 1) then, it can be verified
with a simple exhaustive enumeration that the corresponding CDP matrix is:
1 3 3
1 1
CDP ' 3
1 1
To see this consider the (1,2) entry of the previous RCP matrix. For this entry we have "12 =
3.24938. Therefore, when the values in Table 1 are to be used in order to quantify the (1,2) pairwise
comparison then, the "12 entry is approximated by the value 3. The value 3 is the closest one to the
value 3.24938 when the values in Table 1 are used. Clearly, this is an assumption which is made here
in order to study different scales. A similar explanation holds for the rest of the entries in the previous
CDP matrix.
If all the pairwise comparisons are perfectly consistent with each other then, the following
relation should always be true among any three comparisons ai,k, ak,j, and ai,j (Saaty (1980)):
Saaty expresses the inconsistency of a pairwise comparison matrix in terms of the consistency index
8max& N
CI ' ,
N& 1
where 8max is the maximum eigenvalue of the matrix with the pairwise comparisons and N is the order
of that matrix.
In the following paragraphs we will show that CDP matrices can be inconsistent regardless of
the scale used to quantify the actual pairwise comparisons. This is stated in terms of the following
Regardless of the scale that is used to quantify the pairwise comparisons of N ( N > 3) entities, the
Without loss of generality, suppose that A1, A2, and A3 are three items of a collection of N (N
> 3) items that we need to compare in terms of some criterion. Let the current scale be defined on
[1/Vk, 1/Vk-1, 1/Vk-2,..., 1/V2, 1/V1, 1, V1, V2,..., Vk-2, Vk-1, Vk],
In this proof it will be shown that, when the previous scale is used, then it is possible for the
three comparisons a12, a13, a32 made by the decision maker not to satisfy the consistency requirement:
Suppose that the actual values of the pairwise comparisons that correspond to the previous
A1 3V1 % 1
' "12 '
A2 4
A1 V1 % 3
' "13 '
A3 4
Using the above relations it can be easily verified (since V1 > 1) that the following conditions (I) are
V1 % 1
V1 > "12 >
V1 % 1
$ "13 > 1 (I)
V1 % 1
> "32 > 1.
NOTE: M1 = (V1 + 1)/2, is the middle point of the interval [1.00, V1].
Figure 1.
From figure 1, or conditions (I), it follows that in the corresponding CDP matrix the decision
maker will assign the following three values a12, a13, a32 (taken from the current scale) to the previous
a12 = V1
a13 = 1.00
a32 = 1.00.
Clearly, the consistency requirement does not hold for these three values because:
The previous theorem states that under the favorable assumption that the decision maker is
capable of determining only the closest values of the pairwise comparisons, the resulting CDP matrices
may be inconsistent. The following paragraphs of this section discuss the issue of the maximum
consistency, denoted as CImax, of CDP matrices. The following lemma provides an interesting result
regarding the maximum error *max associated with the pairwise comparisons of a CDP matrix. The
The aij's are the entries of a pairwise matrix and Wi, Wj are the real weights of the items i and j,
Let a scale for quantifying pairwise comparisons be defined on the following (2k+1) discrete values:
Then, the maximum error, *max, of the pairwise comparisons in a CDP matrix is given by the formula:
V j & Vj& 1
*max ' MAX for j' 1,2,3,...,k, and V0 ' 1 .
V j % Vj& 1
Suppose that a pairwise comparison has actual (and hence unknown) value equal to ", where:
1/Vj > " > 1/Vj-1 for some k > j > 1. Let M be the middle point of the interval [1/Vj, 1/Vj-1]. That is:
Then, the largest * value for this particular pairwise comparison occurs when the value of " coincides
with the middle point M. This is true because in this case the closest value from the values permitted
by the current scale has the largest distance from ". That is, under the assumption that the decision
maker will choose the closest value, the value of this pairwise comparison will become equal either to
1/Vj or 1/Vj-1. In the first case the corresponding *, we call it *1, becomes:
1/V j Vj Vj& 1 & Vj
*1 ' &1 ' Vj % Vj& 1 & 1 ' V % V .
M j& 1 j
2 Vj Vj& 1
Vj & Vj& 1
*2 ' , that is: **1* ' **2*.
Vj& 1 % Vj
Since, in general, it is assumed that: 1/Vk < " < Vk, it is derived that the maximum value of *, *max,
Vj & Vj& 1
max ' MAX , for j' 1,2,3,...,k , and Vo' 1.
Vj % Vj& 1
Finally, it is worth mentioning that both the expressions *1 and *2 remain the same if the values Vj and
In the previous considerations, and throughout this paper, it is assumed that the real values of
the pairwise comparisons are within the interval [1/Vk, Vk]. If, instead, the real ratios were allowed to
be from the range zero to infinity, then the associated errors could be infinitely large. In other words,
the real ratios are assumed to take values according to the scale under consideration.
Although this may appear to be restrictive, it eliminates the possibility of having infinitely large
errors when the decision maker attempts to approximate pairwise comparisons by using a discrete and
finite scale. Furthermore, this is a plausible assumption since, most of the time, the elements in a fuzzy
set are assumed to be somehow closely associated (i.e., similar) with each other and do not allow for
extreme cases. Therefore, it makes sense not to permit to have infinitely large errors in the estimation
Next, lemma 1 is used to prove theorem 2 which deals with the value of CImax of random CDP
Let a scale for quantifying pairwise comparisons be defined on the following (2k+1) discrete values:
Then an upper bound of the maximum consistency index, CImax, of the resulting CDP matrices is given
CImax # ,
Vj & Vj& 1
where: *max ' MAX ,
Vj % Vj& 1
for j ' 1,2,3,...,k, and V 1.
The proof of this theorem is based on theorem 7-16, stated in Saaty (1980). According to that theorem
*max = MAX( eij - 1), and eij = aij(Wj / Wi), for any i,j = 1,2,3,..., N.
The aij's are the entries of the pairwise matrix and Wi, Wj are the real weights of items i and j,
respectively. From relation (1), above, we get:
8max & N *max
# or:
N & 1 2
CImax # . (2)
For the case of CDP matrices the value of the maximum *, denoted as *max, can be determined as follows
Therefore, the maximum consistency index, CImax, of CDP matrices satisfies the relation:
CImax # ,
In the original Saaty scale a pairwise comparison takes on values from the discrete set: 1 =
{1/9, 1/8, 1/7, ..., 1/3, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, ..., 7, 8, 9}. Therefore, it can be verified easily that the following
When the original Saaty scale is used, an upper bound of the maximum consistency index, CImax, of
(1/3)2 1
CImax # ' .
2 18
Figure 2 depicts the maximum, average, and minimum consistency indexes of randomly
generated CDP matrices which were based on the original Saaty scale. That is, first a RCP matrix was
randomly generated. Next, the corresponding CDP matrix was derived and its CI value was calculated
and recorded (see also Triantaphyllou et al (1990)). This experiment was performed 1,000 times for
each value of N equal to 3, 4, 5, ..., 100. It is interesting to observe that the curves which correspond
to the maximum and minimum CI values of samples of 1,000 randomly generated CDP matrices, are
rather irregular. This was anticipated since it is very likely to find one extreme case from a sample of
1,000 CI value of random CDP matrices. One the other hand, however, the middle curve, which
depicts the average CI values of random CDP matrices, is very regular. This was also anticipated because
the impact of a few extreme CI values diminishes when a large sample (i.e., 1,000) of random CDP
matrices is considered. Moreover, the same results indicate that the average CI value approaches the
number 0.0145 when the value of N is greater than 20. More on the CI values of random Saaty
matrices (i.e., not necessarily CDP matrices) can be found in Donegan and Dodd (1991).
The results in the current section reveal that CDP matrices (which are assumed to be the result
of a highly effective elicitation of the pertinent pairwise comparisons) are very unlikely to be perfectly
consistent. That is, some small inconsistency may be better than no inconsistency at all! (since no CDP
matrix with CI = 0 was found when sets with more than five elements were considered). This is kind
of a paradoxical phenomenon which is, however, explained why it occurs theoretically by the lemmas
Figure 2. Maximum, Average, and Minimum CI Values of Random CDP Matrices When the Original
3.3. Evaluative Criteria.
In Triantaphyllou and Mann (1990), the evaluation of the effectiveness of Saaty's eigenvalue
method was based on a continuity assumption. Under this assumption the eigenvalue approach in some
cases causes worse alternatives to appear better than alternatives that are truly better in reality.
Two kinds of ranking inconsistency were examined. The first kind is "ranking reversal". For
example, if the real ranking of a set of three members is (1, 3, 2) and a method yields (1, 2, 3) then
a case of a ranking reversal occurs. The second kind is "ranking indiscrimination". For example, if
the real ranking of a set of three members is (1, 3, 2) and a method yields (1, 2, 2), that is, a tie
between two or more members, then a case of ranking indiscrimination occurs. In order to examine
the effectiveness of various scales the concept of the CDP matrices can be used. That is, the ranking
implied by a CDP matrix (which, as mentioned in the previous section, represents the best decisions that
a decision maker can make) has to be identical with the actual ranking indicated by the corresponding
RCP matrix. Therefore, the following two evaluative criteria can be introduced to investigate the
Let A be a random RCP matrix with the actual values of the pairwise comparisons of N alternatives. Let
B be the corresponding CDP matrix when some scale is applied. Then,the ranking yielded when the CDP
matrix is used should do not demonstrate any ranking inversions when the CDP ranking is compared
Let A be a random RCP matrix with the actual values of the pairwise comparisons of N alternatives. Let
B be the corresponding CDP matrix when some scale is applied. Then, the ranking yielded when the
CDP matrix is used should do not demonstrate any ranking indiscriminations when the CDP ranking is
Since the previous two ranking anomalies are independent of the scale under consideration or
the method used to process matrices with pairwise comparisons, the previous two evaluative criteria
Different scales were evaluated by generating test problems and then recording the inversion and
indiscrimination rates as described in criteria 1 and 2. Suppose that a scale defined on the interval [9, 1/9]
(as described in section 2.1.) or an exponential scale (as described in section 2.2.) is defined on the interval
[X, 1/X]. That is, the numerical value that is assigned to a pairwise comparison that was evaluated as:
"A is absolutely more important than B" (i.e., the highest value) is equal to X. For instance, in the original
Saaty scale (as well as in all the other scales in section 2.1.) X equals to 9.00. Under the assumption that
a scale on the interval [X, 1/X] is used, the pairwise comparisons also take numerical values from the
interval [X, 1/X]. In this case the entries of RCP matrices (as defined in section 3.1.) are any numbers
from the interval [X, 1/X]. However, in CDP matrices the entries take values only from the discrete and
finite set that is defined on the interval [X, 1/X]. We call it set 1. For example, in the case of the original
Saaty scale the entries of CDP matrices are members of the set 1 = {1/9, 1/8, 1/7, ..., 1/2, 1, 2, ..., 7,
8, 9}.
For the above reasons test problems for the case of the first and second evaluative criterion were
generated as follows. First, N random membership values of N elements were randomly generated from
the interval [0, 1]. These membership values were such that no ratio of any pair of them would be larger
than X or less than 1/X. After the random membership values were generated, the corresponding RCP
matrix was constructed. Next, from the RCP matrix and the discrete and finite set 1 the corresponding
CDP matrix was determined. Then,the eigenvalue approach was applied on this CDP matrix and the new
ranking of the N elements. The eigenvalue method was used because it is rather simple to apply and is the
method used widely in the literature when only one decision maker is considered. The recommended
ranking of the N elements is compared with the actual ranking which is determined from the real
membership values that were generated in the beginning of this process. If a ranking inversion or ranking
indiscrimination was observed, it was recorded so. This is exactly the testing procedure followed in the
investigation of the original Saaty scale as it is reported in Triantaphyllou and Mann (1990).
A FORTRAN program was written which generated the N random membership values, the RCP and
CDP matrices, and compared the two rankings as described above. Sets with N = 3, 4, 5, ..., 30 elements
were considered. For each such set 21 scales defined on the interval [9, 1/9] (which correspond to the
values " = 0, 5, 10, 15, ..., 90, 95, 100) and 57 exponential scales which correspond to ( values equal
to 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, ..., 1.10, 1.12, 1.14 were generated. The previous scales will also be indexed as
In figures 3 and 4 the results of the evaluations of scales 1,2,3,..,21 (also called class 1 scales) in
terms of the first and second criterion, respectively, are presented. Similarly, in figures 5 and 6 the results
of the evaluations of scales 22, 23, 24,.., 78 (also called class 2 scales) in terms of the first and second
criterion, respectively, are presented. It should be noted here that only 57 exponential scales were
generated because in this way values of ( from zero to around to 1.00 can be considered. In the original
Lootsma scales the value of ( was 0.50 and 1.00. In this investigation all the scales with ( = 0.02, 0.04,
0.06, ..., 0.50, ..., 1.00, ..., 1.14 are considered. For each case of a value of N and one of the 78 scales,
1,000 random test problems were generated and tested according to the procedure described in the
previous paragraphs. The computational results of this investigation are depicted in figures 5 and 6.
At this point it should be emphasized that the present simulation results are contingent on how the
random membership values were generated. Other possibilities, such as assigning membership values from
a nonuniform distribution (such as the normal distribution), would probably favor other scales. However,
the uniform distribution from the interval [0, 1] was chosen in this study (despite the inherited restrictions
of this choice) because it is the simplest and most widely used in simulation investigations.
Figure 3.
Inversion Rates for Different Scales and Size of Fuzzy Set (Class 1 Scales).
Figure 4.
Indiscrimination Rates for Different Scales and Size of Fuzzy Set (Class 1 Scales).
Figure 5.
Inversion Rates for Different Scales and Size of Fuzzy Set (Class 2 Scales).
Figure 6.
Indiscrimination Rates for Different Scales and Size of Fuzzy Set (Class 2 Scales).
5. Evaluation of the Computational Results.
Figures 3, 4, 5, and 6 depict how the previous 78 different scales perform in terms of the two
evaluative criteria. Figures 3 and 4 depict the inversion and indiscrimination rates (as derived after applying
the two evaluative criteria) for class 1 scales. That is, for the scales defined in the interval [9, 1/9].
Similarly, figures 5 and 7 depict the inversion and indiscrimination rates for the exponential scales (or class
2 scales). It is also interesting also to observe here that when both classes of scales are evaluated in terms
of the second criterion (indiscrimination rates in figures 4 and 6), then they perform worse when the size
Clearly, there is no single scale which outperforms all the other scales for any size of set.
Therefore, there is no scale or a group of scales which is better than the rest of the scales in terms of both
evaluative criteria. However, the main problem is to determine which scale or scales are more efficient.
Since there are 78 different scales for which there are relative performance data in terms of two
evaluative criteria, it can be concluded that this is a classical multi-criteria decision-making problem. That
is, the 78 scales can be treated as the alternatives in this decision-making problem. The only difficulty in
this consideration is how to assess the weights for the two evaluative criteria. Which criterion is the most
important one? Which is the less important? Apparently these type of questions cannot be answered in
a universal manner.
The weights for these criteria depend on the specific application under consideration. For instance,
if ranking indiscrimination of the elements is not of main concern to the decision maker, then the weight
of the ranking reversals should assume its maximum value (i.e., becomes equal to 1.00). However, one
may argue that, in general, ranking indiscrimination is less severe than ranking reversal. Depending on how
more critical ranking reversals are, one may want to assign a higher weight to the ranking reversal criterion.
If both ranking reversal and ranking indiscrimination are equally severe then the weights of the two criteria
For the above reasons, the previous decision-making problem was solved for all possible weights
of the two criteria. Criterion 1 was assigned weight W1 while criterion 2 was assigned weight W2 = 1.00
- W1 (where 1.00 > W1 > 0.00). In this way, a total of 100 different combinations of weights were
For each of these combinations of the weights of the two evaluative criteria, the decision-making
problem was solved by using the revised Analytic Hierarchy Process (introduced by Belton and Gear
(1983)). In Triantaphyllou and Mann (1989) the revised Analytic Hierarchy Process was found to perform
better when it was compared with other multi-criteria decision-making methods. For each of the above
decision-making problems the best and the worst alternative (i.e. scale) was recorded.
The results regarding the best scales are depicted in figure 7. Similarly, the results regarding the
worst scales are depicted in figure 8. In both cases the best or worst scales are given for different values
of the weight for the first criterion (or equivalently the second criterion) and the size of the set.
The computational results demonstrate that only very few scales can be classified either as the best
or the worst scales. It is possible the same scale (for instance, scale 78) to be classified as one of the best
scales for some values of the weight W1 and also as the worst scale for other values of the weight W1.
Probably, the most important observation is that the results illustrate very clearly that there is no single
scale which is the best scale for all cases. Similarly, the results illustrate that there is no single scale which
However, according to these computational results, the best scale can be determined only if the
number N is known and the relative importance of the weights of the two evaluative criteria has been
assessed. It is also interesting to observe from figure 7 that sometimes under similar weights of the two
evaluative criteria, the same scale might be classified as the best. The same is also true for the worst
scales depicted in figure 8. This phenomenon suggests that sometimes an approximated assessment of
the relative weights is adequate to successfully determine either the best or worst scale.
Figure 7.
The Best Scales
Figure 8.
The Worst Scales
6. Concluding Remarks.
This paper revealed that the scale issue is a complex problem. The results demonstrated that there
is no single scale which can always be classified as the best scale or as the worst scale for all cases. The
present investigation is based on the assumption that there exists a real-valued rating of the comparison
between two entities, that ideally represents the individual preference. However, the decision-maker
cannot express it, hence he has to use a scale with finite and discrete options.
In order to study the effectiveness of various scales, we furthermore assumed the scenario in which
the decision maker is able to express his judgments as accurate as possible. Under this scenario, it is
assumed that the decision maker is able to construct CDP matrices with pairwise comparisons instead the
unknown RCP matrices. Based on this setting, a number of computational experiments was performed
to study how the ranking derived by using CDP matrices differs from the real (and hence unknown) ranking
implied by the RCP matrices. The computational results reveal that there is no single scale which is best
in all cases. It should be emphasized here that given an RCP matrix (and a scale with numerical values),
then there is one and only one CDP matrix which best approximates it. Moreover, this CDP matrix may
or may not yield a different ranking than the ranking implied by the RCP matrix.
An alternative assumption to the current one, which accepts that there exists a real-valued rating
of the comparison between entities, is to consider the premise that maybe the real entity is the CDP matrix
as given by the decision maker. In this case the RCP matrix is maybe just an illusion. In the later case
the preference reversal leads to a very different conclusion: if the CDP is the only "real" thing, then it
means that the individual should point at the interval [1/Vi, 1/Vi-1] or [Vi-1, Vi] rather than to the values Vi.
That is, the preference reversal effects indicate that two objects will be indifferent (since their ranking
To determine the appropriate scale in a given situation certain factors have to be analyzed. First
the number N, of the items to be compared, has to be known. Secondly, the relative importance of the two
evaluative criteria has to be assessed. These evaluative criteria deal with possible ranking inversions and
ranking indiscriminations that may result when a scale is used. When these factors have been assessed
figure 7 depicts the best scale for each case. Similarly, figure 8 depicts the worst scale for each case.
For instance, suppose that one has to evaluate the membership values of a set with 15 members.
Furthermore, suppose that ranking reversal is considered, in a particular application, far more severe than
ranking indiscrimination. In other words, the weight of the first evaluative criterion is considered to be
higher than the weight of the second criterion. Using this information, we can see that figure 7 suggests
to use scale 22 from class 2 (i.e., an exponential scale with parameter ( = 0.02). Moreover, figure 8
suggests that the worst scale for this case is scale 77 from class 2 (i.e., an exponential scale with
parameter ( = 1.12).
The same figures also indicate that the choice of the best or worst scale is not clear under certain
conditions. For instance, when the number of members is greater than 15 and the two evaluative criteria
are of almost equal importance. In cases like this, it is recommended to experiment with different scales
in order to increase the insight into the problem, before deciding on what is the best scale for a given
The computational experiments in this paper indicate (as shown in figure 7) that exponential scales
are more efficient than the original Saaty scale (i.e., Scale 1). Only two Saaty-based scales (i.e., scales
19 and 21) are present in figure 7. In matter of fact, for sets with up to 10 elements Scale 21 was best
over a wide range of weights. It is also worth noting that all the worst scales in figure 8 came from the
exponential class.
However, as the various examples in section 2.3 suggest, human beings seem to use exponential
scales in many diverse situations. Therefore, exponential scales appear to be the most reasonable way
for quantifying pairwise comparisons. The computational results in this paper provide a guide for selecting
the most appropriate exponential scale for quantifying a given set of pairwise comparisons.
Finally, it needs to be emphasized here that the scale problem is a very crucial issue when
membership values of the members of a fuzzy set are determined by using pairwise comparisons. These
membership values can provide the data for many real life decision-making problems. An alternative point
of view of this study would be to perform in the future a similar investigation with methods which do not
use pairwise comparisons and thus are counterparts of the pairwise comparison methodologies. However,
since pairwise comparisons provide a flexible and also realistic way for estimating these type of data, it
follows that an in depth understanding of all the aspects of the scale problem is required for a successful
The authors would like to thank the referees for their thoughtful comments which significantly improved
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