Israel Vs Palestine

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Israel and Palestine Conflict Bank remained under the control of the Palestinian

Authority, which is dominated by the Fatah party

- long-standing & complex dispute over territory,
national identity, & security * Hamas-Israel Wars w/c resulted in significant casualties
and damage
- revolves around the historical and competing claims to
the same land, particularly in the area known as Israel • 2008-2009
and the Palestinian territories (West Bank, Gaza Strip, and
East Jerusalem) • 2012

* late 19th and early 20th centuries – conflict started • 2014

when Jewish immigration to Palestine and some part of • 2021
the Ottoman Empire, began to increase
* Hamas officials cited long-simmering tensions:
* After World War I - the League of Nations
granted Britain the mandate to govern Palestine • dispute over the sensitive Al-Aqsa Mosque (sacred to
both Muslims and Jews) that led to the surprise attack
- tensions between Jewish immigrants and Arab out of Gaza.
residents grew
• expansion of Jewish settlements on lands Palestinians
* 1947 – the United Nations proposed a plan to partition claim for a future state
Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states,
with Jerusalem as an international city. Jewish leaders • Ben-Gvir – a Israeli religious nationalist’s who imposed
accepted the plan, but Arab leaders rejected it, leading to tougher restrictions on Palestinian prisoners in Israel
violence * The attack by Hamas resulted in the Israeli government
* 1948 – Israel declared its independence, leading to the declaring war. The surprise attack included militants
Arab-Israeli War. Arab states intervened, and a ceasefire blowing through a fortified border fence and
was eventually declared in 1949. killing civilians and soldiers in Israeli communities along
the Gaza frontier during a Jewish holiday.
* Arab-Israeli War – resulted in the displacement
of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs, creating * Israel continues to strike back with airstrikes on the
the Palestinian refugee crisis. Israel has since occupied Gaza Strip, including one that flattened a 14-story tower
various territories, including the West Bank, Gaza Strip, that held Hamas offices.
and East Jerusalem, as a result of subsequent * October 9th – Israeli Defense Minister said that he has
conflicts. Israel’s establishment of settlements in ordered a “complete siege” on Gaza and that authorities
these occupied territories has been a major point would cut electricity and block the entry of food and fuel
of contention, as it’s seen as a violation of international to the Palestinian territory. There continues to be
law and a hindrance to peace. captives held on both sides and isolated conflicts arising
* Palestinians have sought self-determination and in the area.
statehood, with the Palestine Liberation Organization * Western nations – support Israel
(PLO) representing their interests. Negotiations between
Israel and the Palestinians, often mediated by the * Middle east nations – support Palestinians and the
international community, have been ongoing for resistance of Hamas and its fight against Israel
decades but have made limited progress
How does Hamas play into the Conflict?
* Hamas – a militant group serving as a significant player
in the conflict
- it is a Palestinian militant and political organization
founded in 1987, emerged as an offshoot of the Muslim
Brotherhood and opposes Israel’s existence
* 2006 – Hamas won legislative elections in the Gaza Strip
and subsequently took control there, while the West

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