ENG3098.Career Development. Course Guide

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University of Languages and International Studies

Faculty of English Language Teacher Education



Course tittle: Career Development


1. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Vân, MA

Position: Lecturer Email: thvanvnu@gmail.com

2. Nguyễn Thụy Phương Lan, PhD

Position: Lecturer Email: ntplan1011@gmail.com

3. Lê Thị Hồng Duyên, PhD

Position: Lecturer Email: hongduyen.yhp@gmail.com

4. Hoàng Thị Mỵ, MBA

Position: Lecturer Email: mymau84@gmail.com

5. Cấn Thị Chang Duyên, PhD

Position: Lecturer Email: changduyen.can@gmail.com

6. Trần Thu Hà, MA

Position: Lecturer Email: thuha283@yahoo.com

7. Nguyễn Thanh Thủy, MIB

Position: Lecturer Email: thuy.nguyenthanhcnn@gmail.com

8. Dương Thị Lê Dung, MA

Position: Lecturer Email: dtldung5012@gmail.com


Program BA
Course title Career Development
Couse credit value 3
Course code ENG3098
Course status Compulsory
Credit hours 135
+ In-class lectures: 26
+ In-class discussion and practice: 19
+ Self-study: 90
Faculty in charge Faculty of English Language Teacher Education


Career Development is a three-credit hour course designed to give you a very early start on
the process of career planning and development. The process involves thoughtful self-
assessment, career exploration, planning and follow-through with preliminary employment
strategies. The philosophy of the course is that this process is ongoing, systematic, and aimed
toward a fulfilling work life, which is part of your overall plan for personal
development. Engaging in this ongoing process should be challenging, interesting, and
enjoyable. Taking advantage of the options in this course will aid you in your transition from
college student to professional employee and give you a more direct route to your long-term
career goals by anticipating and acquiring the requisite skill sets, courses, and experiences for
an entry-level job that will be the best starting point on your chosen career path.


In general, students will be able to:
• explore their own interests, values and skills and to begin developing those skills and
qualities that will enable them to be highly successful in the workplace;
• discuss a variety of career options and evaluate real-world feedbacks on what an actual
career in a particular area;
• engage in thoughtful academic, extracurricular, career and lifelong planning.

By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to:
In terms of knowledge:
• explain the fundamental theories concepts and terminologies related to career
• present and explain steps in decision making process in career development;
• apply learnt knowledge to explain problems in career development, job search and
labor market.
In terms of skills
• develop a career plan;
• evaluate potential effects of career choices on physiological, social and psychological
well-being in order to have suitable career choices equivalent with their own
personalities and qualification as well as career and education targets;
• conduct research on potential majors and careers;
• explain the steps involved in a decision-making process;
• apply techniques and skills in writing curriculum vitae and having job interviews;
• develop appropriate independent study skills and collaborative skills in language
learning and lifelong learning.
In terms of attitudes
• develop appropriate concern about common issues, activities and trends in career
development in Vietnam and around the world;
• be self-aware of ability and virtue that are necessary to enhance their knowledge and
skills to determine the drive for future career development.


CHAPTER 1. Career Planning and Development

1.1. Career planning and development
1.2. How important career planning and development is
1.3. Career planning process
1.4. Guidelines for career planning and development
CHAPTER 2. Testing Your Career Savvy
2.1. Confirming Core Values
2.2. Appreciating Generational Differences
2.3. Differentiating between a Job and a Career
2.4. Analyze How to Choose and Change Careers
CHAPTER 3. Building Your Career Success Profile
3.1. I Am Building Positive Self-Esteem
3.2. Mind-sets and Techniques Needed to Develop Your Career Fitness Profile
CHAPTER 4. Confirming Core Values
4.1. Defining Values
4.2. Clarifying Your Values
4.3. Needs and Motivators
4.4. Work–Life Balance
4.5. Creating Your Mission Statement
CHAPTER 5. Assessing your personality and interests: Express your real self
5.1. Exploring personality
5.2. Identifying fields of interests
5.3. Deciding on a Major
CHAPTER 6. Evaluating your skills
6. 1. Defining Skills
6. 2. Identifying Your Skills
6. 3. Identifying Transferable Skills
6. 4. Your Most Valuable Assets: Your Personality Traits
CHAPTER 7. Examining the world of work
7. 1. Societal Influences on career choices
7. 2. Striving for equality in the workforce
7. 3. Other barriers versus Valuing
7. 4. The changing workplace
CHAPTER 8. Exploring career information: expand your horizons
8. 1. Generate career options that align with your career fitness profile
8. 2. Understanding Career paths and typical organizational divisions
8. 3. Strategies for researching career options
8. 4. Resources for conducting research government employment opportunities

CHAPTER 9. Develop your decision-making
9. 1. The Decision-Making Process & A Decision-Making Model
9. 2. Managing Your Financial resources
9. 3. Stress Management
9. 4. Researching Education and Training Options
CHAPTER 10. Targeting your job search
10. 1. Develop a Strategic Job Search Campaign
10. 2. Networking: The Essential Job Search Strategy
10. 3. Interviewing for Information
10. 4. Essential Job Search Strategies
10. 5. Starting Your Own Business, Franchise or Freelance Job
10. 6. Using Career Services
10. 7. Planning for Action—Promoting Your Brand
10. 8. Implementing Your Job Search: A Lifelong Venture
CHAPTER 11. Crafting a winning resume and portfolio
11. 1. Your résumé as a Marketing Tool
11. 2. Portfolio and Digital résumé Alternatives
11. 3. Résumé Formats
11. 4. Cover Letter Guidelines
11. 5. Application Forms
CHAPTER 12. Growing your career
12. 1. Standout performance
12. 2. Positive relationship
12. 3. Changes in the workplace
12. 4. Reset your career
CHAPTER 13. Your career portfolio
13. 1. Your career portfolio
13. 2. Plan for your career portfolio
13. 3. Save and collect career portfolio materials
13. 4. Organize and assemble your career portfolio
13. 5. Practice and present your career portfolio
13. 6. Reflect, refine and edit
CHAPTER 14. Contemporary issues in the workplace
14. 1. Employee assistance programs
14. 2. Health-related issues
14. 3. Family care issues
14. 4. Workplace ethics
14. 5. Nondiscrimination Laws
14. 6. Workplace harassment


Diane S. & Lisa R. (2016) The Career Fitness Program Exercising your options (11th
Edition). Pearson.
Donna J. Yena (2020) Career Directions New Paths to Your Ideal Career (7th edition).
McGraw-Hill Education.
Robert R., Janet L., Gary W P., James S. (2019) Career Development and Planning: A
Comprehensive Approach (6th edition).
John J. Liptak, (2008) Career Quizzes: 12 Tests to Help You Discover and Develop Your
Dream Career. JIST Works, an imprint of JIST Publishing.
Frank S. & Gary D’Orsi ,(2003). The Career Portfolio Workbook Using the Newest Tool
in Your Job- McGraw-Hill Education.



Teaching organizational form
Week Content Total
Theory Practice/ discussion Self-study
Week 1 Chapter 0 0 1 6
Week 2 Chapter 1 2 1 6
Week 3 Chapter 2 2 1 6
Week 4 Chapter 3 2 1 6
Week 5 Chapter 4 2 1 6
Week 6 Chapter 5 2 1 6
Week 7 Chapter 6 2 1 6
Week 8 Chapter 7 2 1 6
Week 9 Chapter 8 2 1 6
Week 10 Chapter 9 2 1 6
Week 11 Chapter 10 2 1 6
Week 12 Chapter 11 2 1 6
Week 13 Chapter 13 2 1 6
Week 14 Chapter 14 2 1 6
Week 15 Revision 0 1 6
28 7 90 135

WEEK 1. CHAPTER 0. Career Planning and Development
Class organization Time/ Place Main content Students’ preparation
Theory In class • Career planning and development Study the course guide carefully.
Exercise In class • How important career planning and development is Read Chapter 1
Practice In class • Career planning process
• Guidelines for career planning and development
• Discussion on the provided case(s) and exercises
Self-study At home Take notes to answer the provided questions to summarize the main content of chapter 1

WEEK 2. CHAPTER 1. Testing Your Career Savvy

Class organization Time/ Place Main content Students’ preparation
Theory In class • Confirming Core Values Notes on the main content of
Exercise In class • Appreciating Generational Differences Chapter 2
Practice In class • Differentiating between a Job and a Career
• Analyze How to Choose and Change Careers
• Confirming Core Values
• Discussion on the provided case(s) and exercises
Self-study At home Take notes on the provided questions to summarize the main content of chapter 2

WEEK 3. CHAPTER 2. Building Your Career Success Profile

Class organization Time/ Place Main content Students’ preparation
Theory In class • I Am Building Positive Self-Esteem Notes on the main content of
Exercise In class • Mind-sets and Techniques Needed to Develop Your Career Fitness Profile Chapter 3
Practice In class • Confirming Core Values
• Discussion on the provided case(s) and exercises
• Quiz 1
Self-study At home Take notes on the provided questions to summarize the main content of chapter 2

WEEK 4. CHAPTER 3. Confirming Core Values

Class organization Time/ Place Main content Students’ preparation
Theory In class • Defining Values Notes on the main content of
Exercise In class • Clarifying Your Values Chapter 4

Practice In class • Needs and Motivators
• Work–Life Balance
• Creating Your Mission Statement
• Exploring personality
• Identifying fields of interests
• Deciding on a Major
• Discussion on the provided case(s) and exercises
Self-study At home ● Take notes on the provided questions to summarize the main content of chapter 4
WEEK 5. CHAPTER 4. Assessing your personality and interests: Express your real self
Class organization Time/ Place Main content Students’ preparation
Theory In class ● Exploring personality ● Notes on the main
Exercise In class ● Identifying fields of interests content of Chapter 4
Practice In class ● Deciding on a Major
● Discussion on the provided case(s) and exercises
Self-study At home ● Take notes on the provided questions to summarize the main content of chapter 4

WEEK 6. CHAPTER 5. Evaluating your skills

Class organization Time/ Place Main content Students’ preparation
Theory In class ● Defining Skills ● Notes on the main
Exercise In class ● Identifying Your Skills content of Chapter 5
Practice In class ● Identifying Transferable Skills
● Your Most Valuable Assets: Your Personality Traits
● Discussion on the provided case(s) and exercises
● Mini test 2
Self-study At home ● Take notes on the provided questions to summarize the main content of chapter 5

WEEK 7. CHAPTER 6. Examining the world of work

Class organization Time/ Place Main content Students’ preparation
Theory In class ● Societal Influences on career choices ● Notes on the main
Exercise In class ● Striving for equality in the workforce content of Chapter 6
Practice In class ● Other barriers versus Valuing
● The changing workplace
● Discussion on the provided case(s) and exercises
Self-study At home ● Take notes on the provided questions to summarize the main content of chapter 6

WEEK 8. CHAPTER 7: Exploring career information: expand your horizons
Class organization Time/ Place Main content Students’ preparation
Theory In class ● Generate career options that align with your career fitness profile ● Notes on the main
Exercise In class ● Understanding Career paths and typical organizational divisions content of Chapter 8
Practice In class ● Strategies for researching career options
● Resources for conducting research government employment opportunities
● Discussion on the provided case(s) and exercises
Self-study At home ● Take notes on the provided questions to summarize the main content of chapter 8

WEEK 9. CHAPTER 8: Develop your decision making

Class organization Time/ Place Main content Students’ preparation
Theory In class ● The Decision-Making Process ● • Notes on the
Exercise In class ● A Decision-Making Model main content of Chapter 9
Practice In class ● Managing Your Financial resources
● Stress Management
● Researching Education and Training Options
● Further discussion on the assignment package
● Mini test 3
Self-study At home ● Complete the case report

WEEK 10. CHAPTER 9. Targeting your job search

Class organization Time/ Place Main content Students’ preparation
Theory In class ● Develop a Strategic Job Search Campaign ● Notes on the main
Exercise In class ● Networking: The Essential Job Search Strategy content of Chapter 10
Practice In class ● Interviewing for Information
● Essential Job Search Strategies
● Starting Your Own Business, Franchise or Freelance Job
● Using Career Services
● Planning for Action—Promoting Your Brand
● Planning for Action
● Implementing Your Job Search: A Lifelong Venture
● Discussion on the provided case(s) and exercises

Self-study At home ● Take notes on the provided questions to summarize the main content of chapter 11

WEEK 11. CHAPTER 10: Crafting a winning resume and portfolio
Class organization Time/ Place Main content Students’ preparation
Theory In class ● Your résumé as a Marketing Tool ● Notes on the main
Exercise In class ● Portfolio and Digital résumé Alternatives content of Chapter 11
Practice In class ● Résumé Formats
● Cover Letter Guidelines
● Application Forms
● Discussion on the provided case(s) and exercises
● Mini test 4
Self-study At home ● Take notes on the provided questions to summarize the main content of chapter 12

WEEK 12. CHAPTER 11. Interviewing strategically

Class organization Time/ Place Main content Students’ preparation
Theory In class ● Growing your career ● Notes on the main
Exercise In class ● Standout performance content of Chapter 12
Practice In class ● Positive relationship
● Changes in the workplace
● Reset your career
● Discussion on the provided case(s) and exercises
Self-study At home ● Take notes on the provided questions to summarize the main content of chapter 13

WEEK 13. CHAPTER 13. Growing your career
● Your career portfolio
Class organization Time/ Place Students’ preparation
Main content
Theory In class ● Your career portfolio ● Notes on the main
Exercise In class ● Plan for your career portfolio content of Chapter 13
Practice In class ● Save and collect career portfolio materials
● Organize and assemble your career portfolio
● Practice and present your career portfolio
● Reflect, refine and edit
● Discussion on the provided case(s) and exercises
Self-study At home ● Take notes on the provided questions to summarize the main content of chapter 14

WEEK 14. CHAPTER 14. Contemporary issues in the workplace

Class organization Time/ Place Main content Students’ preparation
Theory In class ● Employee assistance programs ● Notes on the main
Exercise In class ● Health-related issues content of Chapter 14
Practice In class ● Family care issues
● Workplace ethics
● Nondiscrimination Laws
● Workplace harassment
● Mini test 5
Self-study At home ● Complete the final assignment and presentation
● Reflect the content of the course


Class organization Time/ Place Main content Students’ preparation
Theory In class ● Prepare the final version of the assignment to be submitted in week 15
Exercise In class ● Make a presentation
Practice In class
Self-study At home


Students are supposed to:

• complete all the requirements of the course as transcribed in the course guide;
• submit all the assignments on time. In case of late submission, 10% of the total point
is deducted for 1 day late; 20% for 2 days late. Students who are three days behind the
deadline will receive mark 0;
• attend at least 80% of the total class hours. If a student is absent for more than 20% of
the total class hours, he/she is no longer qualified for the course, which is equivalent
to mark 0 for the final assignment;
• actively prepare for the class as guided in the course outline;
• actively participate in in-class discussions and presentations; and
• refrain from discussing things irrelevant to the lessons.



Assessment task Weight Requirements and Justifications
1.1. Quizzes 20% Requirements:
• Individually, students do FIVE 15-minute quizzes in
week 3, 5, 8, 11, 14.
• Each quiz consists of 20 questions.
• Students are expected to understand theoretical
knowledge. Moreover, the ability of linking theory and
practice drawn from each chapter to respond to the
questions is also assessed.
1.2. Group 20% Requirements:
presentation on • Students work in groups to complete this assignment.
cases of • There are 13 presentations (from chapter 2 to chapter
professional 14). Each group prepares ONE presentation on ONE
development assigned content in a chapter.
• Their task is to compose report, including (1)
summarizing the related theoretical aspects, (2)
analyzing a profession or a career on the basis of the
related theoretical aspects and references and (3)
compose a written report to summarize the content of
the presentation.
• The assessment allows students to review related
literature and apply what they have learnt to explain
and analyze what is really happening in the world of
1.3. Professional 60% Requirements:
portfolio • Students individually prepare their personal
professional portfolio to complete this assignment.

• The assessment allows students to apply what they have
learnt to create their own professional portfolio for their
future career development. Also, students are exposed to
their own creativity in designing an attractive and convincing


Students individually do FIVE 15-minute quizzes in week 3, 5, 8, 11, 14 in class.

In terms of format, there are two parts in each quiz including:
• multiple choice questions
• true or false
In terms of test content, 20 items in each quiz revolve around concepts, theories and
phenomenon involved in learnt chapters.
There will be NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES to those who turn up late.

ASSESSMENT TASK 2. Group presentation on cases of professional development


The class is divided into 12 groups, being equivalent to 12 presentations from week 3
(chapter 2) to week 14 (chapter 14).
Each group is assigned with ONE main content in the chapter and follow the procedure:
• read and summarize the required material into that point of theory
• choose ONE profession or career of interest
• apply the presented theoretical concepts to analyze the profession/ career of choice
• compose a report to summarize the content of the presentation. The report should
be no longer than 2,500 words.
At least 3 days prior to the presentation, each group is required to submit the preparation
package including:
• the PowerPoint slide
• the outline of the presentation
• the assigned roles and responsibilities of each member
The written report is required to be submitted one week after the presentation.


Criteria 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

● Demonstrates an ● Demonstrates an ● Demonstrates a
Identification of the acceptable understanding of the accomplished understanding of the sophisticated understanding of the
main issues and/or topic(s) and issue(s) topic(s) and issue(s) topic(s)
problems. ● Identifies and understands ● Identifies and understands ● Identifies and understands
20% few of the main issues in the case most of the main issues in the case all the main issues in the case study
study study.
● Answer irrelevant to ● Constructs an analysis ● Constructs a clear and
Content theoretical aspects or the problem approach with evidence of most insightful answer to the problem
70% related to contextual factors. relevant contextual factors in with relevant theoretical aspects
● Limited research and adequate details based on the covering all relevant contextual
Theoretical review associations between the problems theoretical aspects. factors.
20% or questions and key course ● Good research and ● Excellent research with
concepts and little (1 or more) use documented associations between clearly documented associations
of corroborating sources problems or questions and key between problems or questions and
course concepts and some (2 or key course concepts and good (3 or
more) use of corroborating sources more) use of corroborating sources

● Insightful and thorough ● Insightful and thorough ● Insightful and thorough
analysis of some of the key issues analysis of most of the key issues analysis of all the key issues
● Makes appropriate but ● Makes appropriate ● Makes appropriate and
somewhat vague connections connections between the issues powerful connections between the
between the issues and concepts identified and the strategic issues identified and the strategic
studied in the reading; concepts studied in the reading; concepts studied in the reading;
demonstrates limited command of demonstrates good command of demonstrates complete command of
evaluation, and the strategic concepts the strategic concepts the strategic concepts
recommendations of ● Supports diagnosis and ● Supports diagnosis and ● Supports diagnosis and
the key opinions with limited reasons and opinions with reasons and opinions with strong arguments and
issues evidence; presents a somewhat evidence; presents a fairly balanced evidence; presents a balanced and
40% one-sided argument view; interpretation is both critical view; interpretation is both
● Presents realistic or reasonable and objective reasonable and objective
appropriate recommendations ● Presents specific, realistic, ● Presents detailed, realistic,
supported by the information and appropriate recommendations and appropriate recommendations
presented and concepts from the supported by the information clearly supported by the information
reading presented and concepts from the presented and concepts from the
reading reading
● Incomplete in many ● Complete in most respects; ● Complete in all respects;
Completeness respects; reflects few reflects most requirements reflects all requirements
10% requirements

Presentation ● Writing lacks clarity or ● Writing is accomplished in ● Writing demonstrates

skills conciseness and contains terms of clarity and conciseness a sophisticated clarity, conciseness;
30% Writing mechanics numerous errors; gives insufficient and contains only a few errors; includes thorough details and
detail and relevant data and includes sufficient details and relevant data and information;
information; lacks organization relevant data and information; extremely well-organized.



The ultimate goal is to have students design their own professional portfolio by applying the
specific concepts, principles and theories that they have learnt in class.
The portfolio process involves several stages.

Students can create an online portfolio. There are several online tools available that can serve
as an online portfolio. Below are some options in case you would like to create your own
electronic career portfolio. All the tools listed here allow you to create an account for free.
You can create files or folders and share those links with the teacher.
• Dropbox – www.dropbox.com
• Skydrive – www.skydrive.com
• Google Docs – docs.google.com

• Statement of Originality and Confidentiality: a short paragraph indicating this is your personal
work and is confidential.
• Table of Contents
• Description on your values and beliefs as it relates to work, PERSONALITIES, INTERESTS
• Career Goals: Your professional goals for the next two-five years.
• Skill Sets: skills related to your area of study and to the position you are seeking (i.e.
communication, leadership, customer service, flexibility, knowledge of your specific industry).
• Field/ Job / work position
• Organization / company → sector
• Job requirements
• Responsibilities
• Academic Plan of Study: List of courses you have taken and courses that will follow.
• Resume
• Work Samples: Projects, reports, posters, newsletters, budgets, flyers, videotape and/or
photos of your performance in a specific situation. Include an overview/caption of each work
• Works in Progress: brief explanation of related projects that you are presently working on or
• Letters of Recommendation: Letters of support, thank you letters, client evaluations
performance evaluations, etc.
• Relevant Certifications, Diplomas, Degrees, Transcripts and/or Awards: Copies of originals.
• References

Criteria 0-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
• does not explain the • explains the importance • explains the importance • explains the importance • clearly explains the
importance of the entries of a few entries of entries of entries in details importance of each entry
• provides no information • provides minimal • relates information • relates information to and reflects on personal
on how entries relate to information on how directly to future career future career goals and experiences
Clearly future career goals entries relate to future goals links to future plans • relates information
states the • does not identify skills career goals • identifies basis skills • identifies and describes a directly to future career
reasoning needed for success in the • identifies a few skills needed for success in the number of skills needed goals and reflects on
for including chosen profession/ needed for success in the chosen profession/ career for success in the chosen future plans
information career chosen profession/ career profession/ career • identifies skills needed for
success in the chosen
profession and assesss
these skills against
current skill level
Analyzes, • does not relate values • minimally relates values • relates values and • relates values and • identifies an reflects on
researches and interest within a and interests within a interest within a career interests within a career values and interests
and gathers career career • provides basic reasoning in an interesting manner within a career
information • no explanation of career • minimal explanation of for career choice • gives detailed explanation • gives specific examples
to reach a choice career choice for career choice and convincing reasons
conclusion for career choice
• provides incomplete or • provides incomplete • lists basic information on • explains basic • explains specific
inaccurate information information on courses courses needed to pursue information on courses information on courses
Demonstrates on courses needed to needed to pursue a a chosen career needed to pursue a needed to pursue a
knowledge pursue a chosen career chosen career • provides examples of chosen career chosen career with back-
of chosen • provides no examples of • provides incomplete current skills related to • provides additional up plans
occupation current skills related to examples of current skills goals examples of current skills • relates current skills to
and training goals related to goals • provides basic information related to goals goals
require • provides no examples of • provides minimal on the skills, education or • explain some skills, • describe specific skills,
skills, education or information on the skills, volunteer work that would education or volunteer education or volunteer
voluteer work that would education or volunteer work that would help in work that would help in

help in achieving work that would help in help in achieving achieving professional achieving professional
professional goals achieving professional professional goals goals goals
• provides incomplete • includes few examples of • includes some examples • includes a number of • includes diverse related
work samples best work, achievements of best work, related examples of best examples of best work,
• lacks format, no graphics and skills achievements and skills work, achievements and achievements and skills
Content and • presents information • presents information skills • presents information in a
organization using confusing formats using basic formats and • presents information skillful and engaging wat
and inappropriate appropriate graphics effectively using different of using a number of
graphics layouts, media and layouts, media and
appropriate graphics graphics
• provides written • provides written • provides printed • provides information that • provides information that
information that is information that is information that is clear is easy to read and is easy to read and
incomplete or difficult to comprehend and reader-friendly enhances portfolio engages readers
undecipherable • the portfolio is not • the portfolio is organized • the portfolio has logical • organization enhance
• no organization is evident organized in logical order in logical order and interesting understanding and
organization inspires readers

Student’s name: …………………………………………………………………………………. Class: ………………………………. Date: ……………………………….

Assessment criteria General comments Mark

Clearly states the reasoning for

including information

Analyzes, researches, and gathers …………/10

information to reach a conclusion

Demonstrates knowledge of chosen …………/10

occupation and training require

Content and organization …………/10

Appearance …………/10

TOTAL …………/10


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