BIC 101 - Q.B. 25 - Agri Junction

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A. Choose the best answer:

1. The number of asymmetric carbon atoms in glucose
a. 4 b. 3 c. 5 d. 6
2. The possible optical isomers for glucose
a. 14 b. 16 c. 12 d. 8
3. Which is an aldopentose?
a. Ribulose b. Ribose c. Erythrose d. Xylulose
4. Identify the non reducing sugar from the following
a. Lactose b. Maltose c. Sucrose d. Galactose
5. The epimer of glucose is
a. Galactose b. Fructose c. Ribose d. Erythrose
6. Lactose consists of
a. Glucose and fructose b. Glucose and Galactose c. Glucose and Mannose
d. Mannose and Galactose
7. The pyranose and furanose ring structures of sugars was proposed by
a. Fisher b. Haworth c. Sanger d. Edman
8. The glycosidic linkage present in cellulose is
a.  1- 6 b.  1- 4 c.  1- 4 d.  1- 4 &  1- 4
9. The isomers which differ in configuration around carbonyl carbon are
a. Anomers b. Epimers c. Stereoisomer d. Diastereoisomer
10. Which one of the following is not a homopolysaccharide?
a. Cellulose b. Starch c. Hemicellulose d. Chitin
11. The constituent monosaccharide unit of Chitin is
a. N- Acetyl Galactose b. N- Acetyl Glucosamine c. N- Acetyl Galactosamine
d. N- Acetyl mannosamine
12. A triose is made up of three
a. monosaccharides b. carbon atoms c. sugar atoms d. aldehyde groups

13. An example of heteropolysaccharide is

a. Amylose b. Hemicellulose c. Cellulose d. Amylopectin

14. Acid catalysed dehydrated product of sugars is

a. Uronic acid b. Aldaric acid c. Aldonic acid d. Furfurals

15. Identify the aldohexose from the following

a. Ribose b. Ribulose c. Glucose d. Xylose

16. Identify the linkages present in amylopectin

a. b. c. d. 
 Which one of the following is not a reducing disaccharide?
a. Lactose b. Maltose c. Cellobiose d. Sucrose

18. The principal storage polysaccharide is

a. Cellulose b. Starch c. Chitin d. Hemicellulose

19. Which one of the following pair are epimers?

a. Glucose and fructose b. Glucose and Galactose c. Mannose and Galactose
d. Fructose and mannose

20. Which of the following pair are diastereoisomers?

a. D- Galactose and D- Glucose b. D- Glucose and D- Fructose
c. D- Glucose and L- Glucose d. D- Fructose and L- Fructose

21. The enantiomer of D- glucose is

a. D- Galactose b. L- Glucose c. L- Galactose d. D- Fructose
22. The epimer of glucose is
a. Fructose b. Mannose c. Ribose d. Cellulose

23. Which one of the following sugar is not dextro rotatory?

a. Glucose b. Mannose c. Sucrose d. Fructose

24. Which one of the following sugar does not exhibit mutaraotation?
a. Lactose b. Maltose c. Sucrose d Glucose

25. Which is the most common microfibrillar polysaccharide found in the plant
kingdom ?
a. Cellulose b. Starch c. Chitin d. Inulin
26. Amylase hydrolyse --------- linkages in starch
a. b. c. d. 
The stereoisomers which have mirror image relationship are referred as
a. Enantiomers b. Diastreoisomer c. Epimer d. Anomer
28. Carbon atom which is attached to four different groups is referred as --------
a. Asymmetric b. Reducing c. Anomeric d. Symmetric
29. Which is the dextrosugar that on hydrolysis yields the laevorotatory products
a. Glucose b. Mannose c. Sucrose d. Fructose

30. Which is a branched component of starch.

a. Amylose b. Amylopectin c. Dextrin d. Cellobiose
B. Say True or False
1. Sucrose is a reducing disaccharide.F
2. Dihydroxy acetone is an optically inactive sugar. T
3. Anomers are isomers that arise due to difference in position of groups around
carbonyl carbon. T
4. Fructose is a dextrosugar. F
5. Glucose contains three asymmetric carbon atoms.F
6. Starch is a Glucan. T
7. Cellulose is a storage polysaccharide F
8. Glucose on oxidation forms sorbitol F
9. Sucrose can exist in forms. F
10. Starch is a structural polysaccharide.F
11. All monosacchrides are reducing sugars.T
12. Glucose is a ketohexose. F
13. Glucose and mannose are epimers. T
14. Amylopectin is a branched component of starch T
15. Oxidation of glucose with H2O2 gives Gluconic acid. T
16. Pentose sugars are constituent of nucleic acids. T
17. Invert sugar is sweeter than sucrose. T
18. Sorbitol is oxidized product of glucose. F
19. Glucose is a dextrosugar T
20. Amylose contains 1-4 and 1-6 linkages F
21. Sugars on reduction forms Alditol. T
22. Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar T
23. Presence of asymmetric carbon is a criteria for compound to be optically active T
24. Maltose contains two galactose units. F
25. Invert sugar is mixture of sucrose hydrolysates T
26. Molisch’s test is a test specific for Keto sugars. F
27. The change in optical rotation is referred as Mutarotation. T
28. Sucrose give positive results with Benedict’s Reagent F
29. HFCS refers to High Fructose Corn Syrup. T
30. Carbohydrates are polyhydric alcohols with aldehyde or ketone as functional
groups T
Short Answers:

1. Define : Mutarotation
2. Why Sucrose is a non reducing sugar?
3. Give the structure of β- D- Ribofuranose.
4. What is the monomeric unit present in the following sugars and the nature of
a. Starch b. Cellulose c. Chitin d. Sucrose e. Maltose f. Lactose
5. Define : Anomers
6. Explain the reaction of sugar with acids
7. Explain the reactions of Sugars with dilute alkali
8. What do you mean by a reducing sugar?
9. Define: Epimers
10. Define: Stereoisomer
11. Differentiate : Starch and Cellulose
12. Differentiate : Amylose and Amyl pectin
13. Differentiate : Storage Polysaccharide and Structural Polysaccharide
14. Differentiate: Homopolysaccharide and Hetero polysaccharide
15. Differentiate: α anomer and β anomer
16. Differentiate : Dextro and Levo sugar
17. Differentiate : Enantiomer and Diastereo isomer
18. Differentiate : D and L Sugars
19. Explain the basis for colour reactions of Carbohydrates
20. What is a Chiral / asymmetric Carbon ?
21. What do you mean by invert sugar?
22. Give the Haworth ring structure of α – D Gluco Pyranose and β- D Fructofuranose
23. How are the hemiacetal ring structures of Glucose formed?
24. Give the classification of Polysaccharides based on their function
25. Why cellulose is not digested by Human beings?

Essay Questions:

1. Classification of Carbohydrates
2. Explain the structure of Starch
3. Explain the structure of Cellulose
4. Explain the structure of Disaccharides
5. Detailed account on properties of Carbohydrates – Stereoisomerism, Optical activity,
Reducing Property & Mutarotation
6. Explain the industrial uses of Carbohydrates

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