Lockheed Martin Boeing FA22 Raptor Capabilities Brochure

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Lockheed Martin/Boeing

F/A-22 Raptor
Lockheed Martin/Boeing F/A-22 Raptor Component & Systems Overview
Eaton’s Aerospace Group Product Capabilities

The Lockheed Martin F/A-22 The F/A-22 Raptor replaced the With the auxiliary power unit, controlled by the flow limiter/
Raptor is a swept-winged venerable F-15 Eagle as America's emergency power is provided directional control valve, which is a
fighter with blended engine premier front-line fighter jet, by a 27 gpm (102 L/min.), 6,000 4-way variable position, slide, and
intake/wing leading edge starting in 2005. It is the air- rpm, variable displacement, sleeve type metering valve that
root extension. The aircraft dominance fighter of the 21st 4000 psi (27,600 kPa), pressure- is spring centered to its normally-
is powered by two Pratt century. "The Raptor is a flexible, compensated inline piston pump closed position where the control
& Whitney F119-PW-100 adaptable, versatile combat with an electrical depressurization ports are overlapped.
afterburning turbofans, each aircraft capable of seeing all, valve (EDV). Design features
fitted with a two-dimensional include a one-piece housing and Eaton is also providing the electro-
knowing all, and shaping all that
thrust-vectoring nozzle. solenoid valve with pigtail for mechanical seat actuator for
occurs on or above the battlefield,"
vibration isolation from the pump. the aircraft's Advanced Concept
says Chief Test Pilot Bret Luedke,
The advanced tactical Ejection System (ACES II).
one of the pilots responsible for
fighter's engines produce Eaton's components provide
flight-testing the F/A-22. "And do As well, Eaton also supplies
more thrust than any current fluid control and actuation for
all that while flying supersonic and Aeroquip® Kevlar® hoses,
fighter engine, especially in the rudder control, landing gear,
all but invisible to radar," he added. Rynglok® tube fittings, high
the military power regime, electronic warfare emergency
allowing the F/A-22 to cruise Eaton, a recognized leader in power generator, and nose wheel performance fuel tubes, mini-
efficiently in excess of Mach the design and manufacture of steering systems. The rudder modular cooling couplings, cockpit
1.5 without the use of fuel- hydraulics, fuel, conveyance and shuttle valve is designed for air couplings, rotomold ducting,
guzzling afterburners. This actuation products, was chosen use at up to 4100 psi (28,300 landing gear swivels and E-Seals.
capability greatly expands the to provide key products for the kPa) operating pressure, and Aircraft systems monitoring
F/A-22's operating envelope F/A-22. The 4100 psi (28,300 kPa) automatically shuttles hydraulic components such as Eaton's
in both speed and range over hydraulic system on the F/A-22 power to the aircraft's rudder Tedeco® oil level sensors, debris
current fighters. incorporates Eaton's main engine- system from one of two screen chip collectors, and a
driven pumps, auxiliary power independent hydraulic systems by Lubriclone® air/oil separator
It’s key feature is an advanced utilizing the differential pressure
pump, air recharge compressor system can be found on this
avionics architecture using the between the two independent
motor, gun drive motor, fuel transfer versatile aircraft as well. The oil
most advanced fiber-optic and system pressures to initiate the
motor, and main and side weapons level sensor can detect three
digital electronic flight and shuttle. Eaton also provides the
bay door motors. levels of oil: full, add, and low.
weapon and control system in hydraulic motor/control valve
development. All weapons are The F/A-22 employs a hydraulic Magnetic reed switches have
packages for the weapons bay a redundant circuit for high
carried internally. gun drive, which is comprised doors. These consist of a one-
of two discrete component reliability. A reservoir pickup
The F/A-22 is intended piece aluminum manifold within tube is installed in the Airframe
subassemblies integrated into which the hydraulic motor and
for an air superiority role, Mounted Accessory Drive (AMAD)
one assembly. This provides various control valve components
providing much greater range, to assure proper oil flow with
mechanical rotary power to are mounted and interconnected.
payload, time on station, minimum air intrusion when
the gun when commanded by
and agility than the F-15 The heart of the package is an the aircraft becomes inverted.
electric signal or manual input.
and F-16 fighters of today. Eaton fixed displacement and Its magnetic chip collector is
The fuel transfer motor, a variable
A combination of improved variable displacement hydraulic located in the lubricating fluid
displacement 4000 psi (27,600
sensor capabilities, improved motor, which is configured as flow of the AMAD and traps
kPa) inline hydraulic motor, is used
situational awareness and a cartridge. The manifolds also ferrous wear debris of magnetic
in combination with a centrifugal
improved weapons provides provide the hydraulic interface attraction, preventing the particles
fuel pumping element to provide
first-kill opportunity. The F/A- between the side weapons bay from causing damage to key
a fuel pressure compensated
22 features a sophisticated door/main weapons bay door components. The analysis of
fuel boost pump. The 5.9 gpm
sensor suite that allows the (SWBD/MWBD) and aircraft these particles may provide an
(22.33 L/min.) hydraulic motor/
pilot to track, identify, and hydraulic supply systems. early warning of abnormal wear or
fuel pump is used on the F/A-22
shoot opposing aircraft at Hydraulic-mechanical power breakdown of components within
to boost fuel from the main fuel
beyond-visual-ranges while conversions for the side weapons the AMAD, thus increasing its life.
tanks to the main fuel pumps at
having the ultimate in close- bay door and the main weapons
essentially constant fuel pressure.
in dog-fight capabilities. No bay door are provided by the fixed
This is the first time that a
other aircraft has had this displacement hydraulic motor and
variable displacement motor has
combination of characteristics. variable displacement hydraulic
been used to provide pressure
compensation for a centrifugal motor. Speed and direction for
fuel pump. both the SWBD and MWBD are

2 EATON Aerospace Group C5-24D April 2014

Lockheed Martin/Boeing F/A-22 Raptor Component & Systems Overview

11 16
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Engine Solutions Motion Control Hydraulic Systems Fuel & Interting

1. Magnetic Chip Collector 5. Main Weapons Bay Door 12. Main Engine-Driven Pump 22. Fuel Transfer Motor
2. Lubriclone Motor/Package 13. Rynglok Tube Fittings 23. Main Engine
3. Mini-Modular Coolant 6. Side Weapons Bay Door 14. Reservoir Pick Up Tube Fuel Line Assemblies
Couplings Motor/Package 15. Kevlar Hose Assemblies
4. Oil Level Sensor 7. Gun Drive Motor 16. Stainless Steel Reinforced
8. Landing Gear Sequence Valve Hose Assemblies
 9. Landing Gear Control 17. Auxiliary Power Unit Pump
10. Landing Gear Brake Swivels 18. Utility Isolation Valve
11. Rudder Shuttle Valve 19. Electronic Warfare
Control Valve
20. Pressure Switches
21. Pressure Transducer

EATON Aerospace Group C5-24D April 2014 3

Kevlar® Reinforced Stainless Steel Reinforced ECS Air Valves Mini Modular
Hose Assemblies Hose Assemblies Coolant Couplings
Cockpit video display units are
Eaton's Aeroquip product line Stainless steel reinforced hose kept cool using Aeroquip ECS Air Eaton's miniature modular self-
Kevlar® hose assemblies are assemblies for the F/A-22 include Valves. The valves are made from sealing coolant couplings are
utilized extensively throughout the 666 smooth bore, medium lightweight injection-molded nylon used extensively in the F/A-22
the F/A-22 aircraft to optimize pressure hose assemblies and material and aluminum castings. to help keep the aircraft's state
weight reduction throughout the the AE641 convoluted hose Internal valving automatically of the art electronic systems
hydraulic system. The AE319 and assemblies which are used in closes upon removal of the cool. These couplings were
AE355 hose assemblies are rated the low pressure return side of video display units and creates developed in response to today's
to 4000 psi (27,600 kPa) and are the hydraulic system and in the an equivalent pressure drop need for liquid flow through
used in the low pressure hydraulic fuel system. across the valve that simulates avionics packaging technologies.
return system. The AE319 is a Eaton's Aeroquip wire reinforced the pressure drop as if the video The design of these couplings
heavy duty hose and is used medium pressure hose assemblies display unit were still installed. provide unequaled performance
in areas that experience more are rated for pressures up to 1500 in pressure drop and superior
severe service. psi (10,343 kPa) and feature a wire reliability in sealing out dust,
reinforced, Teflon® hose with light particulates and foreign matter,
weight, low profile crimp fittings. while preventing fluid leakage
during connection/ disconnection
Convoluted hose assemblies of system components.
provide increased flexibility and
are excellent for use in areas that
require a tight bend.

Rynglok® Tube Fittings Landing Gear Brake Swivels 2055 Series Coolant Couplings Rotomold Ducting
The fittings for the F/A-22 are the These 4,000 psig (27,600 kPa) Eaton's 2055 series push-pull Eaton's center console and
4000 psi (27,600 kPa) titanium operating pressure swivels are coolant couplings are used canopy defog ducts provide
and the low pressure aluminum used on the F/A-22 landing gear exclusively throughout the F/A-22 environmentally controlled air
Rynglok® fittings. The titanium, system to help deliver fluid to PAO coolant system. The 2055 to the cockpit. These ducts are
axial swage fittings provide the the aircraft's braking system. Series were specifically designed made of seamless lightweight
link to join fluid delivery tubing, Manufactured from high strength for light weight, low profile rotationally-molded nylon material.
while minimizing system weight. 7075 aluminum material to help demanding applications like that There is one each of these ducts
Fittings include permanent and arc keep weight to a minimum, these needed on the F/A-22. per aircraft.
seal connections in straight elbow swivels are capable of a full 360
and tee configurations. degrees of rotation.

4 EATON Aerospace Group C5-24D April 2014

E-Seals Main Engine Electronic Warfare Side Weapons Bay Door
Fuel Line Assemblies Control Valve (SWBD) Motor/Control
The lower exit duct seal is a
The solenoid controlled pilot- Valve Package
metallic E-Seal that is installed Fuel is supplied to each of the
between the primary heat engines in the F/A-22 via two operated spool valve provides This motor/control valve package
exchanger and the exit duct of the main engine fuel line assemblies. two independent spools for is used to control and limit the
F/A-22 aircraft. Each assembly is three inches controlling hydraulic pressure and flow of hydraulic fluid to the
in diameter, and approximately return fluid flow for extension 4000 psi (27,600 kPa) fixed
two to three feet long. The fuel and retraction of two hydraulic displacement hydraulic motor
lines are made from aluminum actuators. There are two of these (FDHM), which in turn will be
material and each contains three valves per aircraft. used to drive the geared rotary
articulating ball joints. Each ball actuator to position the side
joint is capable of 20 degrees of weapons bay door of the aircraft.
angular movement.

Main Weapons Bay Door Landing Gear Sequence Valve Rudder Shuttle Valve Utility Isolation Valve
(MWBD) Motor/Control
The landing gear sequence The rudder shuttle valve is The utility isolation valve provides
Valve Package
valve is used to control hydraulic designed for use up to 4100 psi emergency tow brake operation
This motor/control valve package pressure and fluid flow for (28,300 kPa) operating pressures. for the F/A-22 aircraft. During
is used to control and limit the sequencing the main landing gear It automatically shuttles hydraulic emergency stop conditions, the
flow of hydraulic fluid to the with the main landing gear door. power to the aircraft's rudder solenoid-operated, two-position,
4000 psi (27,600 kPa) variable A pneumatically actuated override system from one of two three-way valve is commanded
displacement hydraulic motor feature is provided for emergency independent hydraulic systems open to provide hydraulic system
(VDHM), which in turn is used to operation, which interconnects by utilizing the differential 2-reservoir accumulator pressure
drive the geared rotary actuator both the "DOWN" and "LG EXT" pressure between the two to the aircraft’s brake circuit.
to position the main weapons bay ports. Since there is no direct independent system pressures
door of the aircraft. pressure source, the operating to initiate the shuttle. The valve is
pressure comes from either electrically operated through a 28
the "DOWN" or "UP" hydraulic solenoid valve for primary system
command lines via a logic circuit isolation and has a return system
which consists of four miniaturized check valve and flow limiter for
check valves. downstream functions.

EATON Aerospace Group C5-24D April 2014 5

Landing Gear Door Solenoid Operated Oil Level Sensor Magnetic Chip Collector
Sequence Valve Switching Valve The 1D7092 and 1D7093
Eaton's oil level sensor senses
The landing gear door sequence The hydraulic switching valve three levels of oil - full, add, and magnetic chip collector is located
valve is a mechanically-operated, control module, is a 6-way low. Magnetic reed switches in the lubricating fluid flow of the
two-position, four-way hydraulic 2-position, solenoid-operated, have a redundant circuit for high Airframe Mounted Accessory
sequence valve that controls non-interflow type, selector reliability. Drive (AMAD) and traps ferrous
hydraulic supply and return fluid valve, with position indicator. The wear debris by magnetic
flow for sequencing the main function of the switching valve is attraction. This prevents the
landing gear door with the main to direct pressure and return fluid particles from causing damage
landing gear. flow from a secondary hydraulic to the drive components. The
system of the aircraft (System 1), analysis of these particles may
during maintenance of the aircraft, provide an early warning of
to power utility functions normally abnormal wear or breakdown of
dedicated to the primary system components within the AMAD,
(System 2) for these functions. this increasing its life.

Reservoir Pickup Tube Pressure Switch Pressure Transducer

Installed in the Airframe Mounted Eaton's pressure switches Eaton's pressure transducer
Assembly Drive (AMAD) to assure are used for main engine and monitors hydraulic system
proper oil flow with minimum Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) pump pressure in the aircraft.
air intrusion when the aircraft pressure indication/monitoring.
becomes inverted.

6 EATON Aerospace Group C5-24D April 2014

Lubriclone® Main Engine Driven Pump Side Weapons Bay Door Motor Auxiliary Power Unit Pump
Separates entrained air from Hydraulic power for the F/A-22 is Hydraulic mechanical power Emergency power is provided
the scavenged lube system oil provided for all flight control and conversion for the side weapons by a 27 gpm (102 L/min.), 6,000
by centrifugal force. Unique utility functions by four 72 gpm bay doors is provided by two rpm, variable displacement,
internal design affords separation (273 L/min.) 4411 rpm, variable 4000 psi (27,600 kPa), 11,200 4000 psi (27,600 kPa), pressure-
efficiencies up to 99%. Wear displacement, 4100 psi (28,300 rpm fixed displacement motors. compensated inline piston pump
particles are also directed to an area kPa), pressure-compensated Displacement is .36 cu. in/rev. with electrical depressurization
where a debris monitor can readily eleven-piston pumps. Each pump (5.89 ml/rev.). Dry weight is valve (EDV). Design features
capture and indicate their presence. is equipped with an Electrical 3.11 lbs (1.41 kg). The motor is include a one-piece housing
Depressurization Valve (EDV) integrated with the Motor/Control and solenoid valve with pigtail
and features a one-piece housing, Valve Package. for vibration isolation from
11 piston-rotating group, and pump. Displacement is
solenoid valve. Displacement is 1.12 cu. in/rev. (18.35 ml/rev.).
4.1 cu. in/rev. (67.15 ml/rev.). Dry Dry weight is 14.1 lbs.
weight is 34 lbs (15.42 kg).

Gun Drive Motor Fuel Transfer Motor High Pressure Actuator Pump
The hydraulic gun drive employs This variable displacement 4000 Eaton's Model 841200 high
a 4000 psi (27,600 kPa), 7250 psi (27,600 kPa) inline hydraulic pressure actuator pump provides
rpm, fixed displacement inline motor is used in combination the "fueldraulics" on the Pratt &
hydraulic motor and control valve with a centrifugal fuel pumping Whitney F119 engine, which is
which is integrally mounted to element to provide a fuel pressure the most advanced engine in
automatically control hydraulic compensated fuel boost pump production and is used on the U.S.
motor speed, acceleration and package. The 5.8 gpm (21.96 Air Force's F-22 Raptor.
deceleration. Valves are also L/min.) hydraulic motor/fuel
included to allow control of pump is used on the F/A-22 to
the gun port and purge door boost fuel from the main fuel
actuators. Displacement is tanks to the main fuel pumps at
0.642 cu. in/rev. (10.5 ml/rev.). essentially constant fuel pressure.
Dry weight is 16.25 lbs (7.37 kg). This is the first time that a
variable displacement motor has
been used to provide pressure
compensation of a centrifugal
fuel pump. Displacement is
0.13 cu. in/rev. (2.13 ml/rev.). Dry
weight is 9 lbs (4.08 kg).

EATON Aerospace Group C5-24D April 2014 7

Aerospace Group
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tel: (949) 452-9500 All Rights Reserved
fax: (949) 452-9555 Form No. C5-24D
www.eaton.com/aerospace April 2014

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