04a Surveying Tools

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Surveying Tools

Schlumberger Private
Malek Abed
RSS, Drilling Instructor
UK Training Centre
Surveying Tools

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

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- Describe the type of commonly used survey tools
- Describe the principle of magnetic surveying
- Describe the principle of gyroscopic surveying
Types of Surveying Tools
1. Magnetic survey tools

- Magnetic Single shots & Multi-shots

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- Steering Tool

- MWD Tools

2. Gyroscopic tools

- Free Gyro

- Surface Recorded Gyro

- North Seeking Gyro

Magnetic Single-shot or Multi-shot

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Steering Tool
Electronic Multi Shot
- The EMS instrument provides the same
information as the magnetic multi-shot.

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- It is using a system of magnetometers and
accelerometers very similar to the one of
the steering tool but is battery operated.

- The tool is programmed on surface, shots

are taken are programmed time intervals
and stored in memory, data are dumped
from the memory and processed when the
tool is back on surface after the run.
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MWD Tools
MWD - Measurements While Drilling
Core Services
• Inclination, Azimuth, Toolface
• Real Time Data transmission to surface

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Additional services (Schlumberger MWD)
• Continuous inclination and azimuth
• Drilling Mechanics Data (Shocks, DWOB, DTOQ)
• Washout detection
• GR and Resistivities

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- +
- +


• Are only sensitive to forces along their Reference
Axis (i.e. one accelerometer per axis)
• The output ranges from (1.0 g) to (-1.0 g).
• The orientation of each inclinometer and therefore

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the downhole tool can be deduced from it's
Direction of Gravitational Field

MASS =0G = 1G

MWD Continuous Wave Telemetry
Mud Pulser and Turbine Assembly

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• Reliable strong signal
• Wide flow range
• Long life components
• Good resistance to jamming due to solids
• LCM compatible
MWD (PowerPulse) Signal Generation
Fully Closed Partially Open Fully Open

MWD Modulator
Rotor & Stator

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• Process of transferring information signals onto a carrier wave.
• Schlumberger MWD tools currently use two types:
• Transmitting information by changes of frequency in the

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• MSK (Minimum Shift Keying)
• Transmitting information by changes of phase in the wave
• BPSK (Binary Phase Shift Keying)
• QPSK (Quadernary Phase Shift Keying)
MSK Waveform

• Frequency f0 transmits a 0
• Frequency f1 transmits a 1

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1 1 0 1
BPSK Waveform

• BPSK modulation uses two discrete phase changes.

• 0 = no phase change, 1 = 180º phase change.

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Actual waveform generated
by MWD tool

1 0 1 1
MWD Telemetry - Signal Pressure

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1/4” NPT Thread
Depth tracking - Drawworks Encoder

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Hookload - Clamp-Line Tensiometer

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Schlumberger MWD


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New Technology - TeleScope

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MWD benefits– PowerPulse
• MWD for 73/4 in. and larger hole sizes
• 3 magnetometers measure the AZIMUTH
• 3 accelerometers measure the INCLINATION

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• HIGH DATA RATE 0.5 to 16.0 bps
• Continuous D&I surveys
• MWD system can be configured downhole to reduce trips
• Optional measurements include:
– Gamma ray
– Downhole weight and torque (DWOB, DTOR)
– 4-axis vibration measurement
• Combined with LWD services for real-time formation
evaluation and GeoSteering services
MWD Limitations - Magnetic

• Batch setting conductors

• casing string

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• Drillstring*
• Fish*
• formations
• magnetized mud / cuttings
• magnetic variations (daily, storms)
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Gyroscopic surveying tools
Gyro surveying tool

Gyro theory
• Balanced spinning mass

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• Free to rotate on one or more axis
• Is resistant to external forces
• Gyro is accurately aligned to reference before use
• Maintains this heading throughout survey interval
• Is used when compass heading not dependable
• Corrections for change in heading can be applied later
History of gyroscopes
9 12th Sept 1743 "Serson's Speculum" sextant was first tested. Basically this is a spinning to top that has a
flat mirror like surface on the top. It was designed to be used at sea in foggy or misty
conditions. By looking through the line of sight through a quadrant at the reflected
image of the sun in the mirror (Seron's speculum) and aligning this with the direct light of the
sun, a angle can be taken. Halving this angle gives the true horizon (even if the horizon
cannot be seen). The idea is that the Seron's speculum (spinning top) can be aligned with the

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9 1754 Details of "Serson's Speculum" are published in "The Gentleman's Magazine" 1754 Vol 24 p. 446-

9 1831 Professor Walter R. Johnson of the University of Pennsylvania exhibited a "Rotascope".

9 1836 Scotsman Mr. Edward Sang suggested an experiment using a device like a gyroscope to the Royal
Scottish Society of Arts.

9 1852 The French scientist Jean Bernard Leon Foucault (1826-64) first used the name gyroscope.
Conducted many experiments with gyroscopes and was credited with the invention of the

9 1852-1868 A new style of demonstration gyroscope is created that uses gravitational torque to get a
gyroscope to rotate around a center base. The design was created by Julius Plücker 1801-1868 and
Friedrich Fessel 1821- ca. 1860.

9 1898 Original patent of an Austrian engineer M. Obry was finalized after being sold to Whitehead Torpedo
Works Fiume.
History of gyroscopes
9 17th July 1906 Gyrostabilizer experiments carried out by Herr Otto Schlick on the "Sea-bar" torpedo-

9 1908 First working gyrocompass developed by H. Anschütz-Kaempfe

9 1908 First apparatus for steadying a ship in England was installed in October, 1908 to R.M.S Lochiel.

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Construction was carried out at the Neptune Works of Swan, Hunter And Wigham Richardson (Newcastle).

9 1909 Elmer A. Sperry built the first automatic pilot for aircraft using gyroscopes.
9 1911 Elmer A. Sperry started selling gyrocompasses in US and later in Britain
9 1915 Sperry Company (Elmer A. Sperry) installed the first Sperry gyrostabilizer to stop roll on ships.
9 1916 The Anschütz Company completed and installed the first automatic pilot for a ship.
9 1916 First artificial horizon in aircraft used.
Drawing of Foucault Gyroscope

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Multi-Gimballed Gyroscope

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Torpedo Gyroscope
3 axis electric driven gyroscope

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How does It work ?

When the gyroscope is spinning it can contain large

amounts of stored energy. Newton's first law of motion
states that any body will continue in its state of motion (still
or traveling) until outside forces change it

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If you have ever played with toy gyroscopes, you know
that they can perform all sorts of interesting tricks. They
can balance on string or a finger; they can resist motion
about the spin axis in very odd ways; but the most
interesting effect is called

In the general case, precession works like this: If

you have a spinning gyroscope and you try to
rotate its spin axis, the gyroscope will instead try
to rotate about an axis at right angles to your

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force axis, like this:

In figure 1, the gyroscope is spinning on its axis.

In figure 2, a force is applied to try to rotate the spin axis.
In figure 3, the gyroscope is reacting to the input force along
an axis perpendicular to the input force.
The Cause of Precession
Why should a gyroscope display this behavior? It seems
totally nonsensical that the bicycle wheel's axle can hang in
the air like that. If you think about what is actually
happening to the different sections of the gyroscope as it
rotates, however, you can see that this behavior is

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completely normal!

As forces are applied to the axle, the As the two points rotate, they
two points identified will attempt to continue their motion.
move in the indicated directions.

This is the gravity-defying part of a gyroscope. The

following video shows you the effects of precession

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using a bicycle wheel as a gyro:

Play Video
Free Gyro Surveying Tool
- Uses a similar photographic
instrument as the MSS or MMS.
- Powered by battery and run on
slick line or wire line.

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- Once accurately aligned to a
reference point before use will
maintain this heading throughout
survey interval.
- Corrections for changes in
heading can be applied later
Surface Recorded Gyro
• A down-hole electronics package replaces camera
angle-unit and timer.

• A wire line supplies power and connects the probe

with a surface computer that monitors probe

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performance and prints survey data as it is gathered.

• Accelerometers are used to measure hole

However the system still relies on conventional two
degrees of freedom gyros for directional data.

• Problems with battery powered mechanical cameras

are eliminated and survey data is supplied in real time.
The surface computer can monitor probe
performance, therefore time wasted by mis-runs is
(Universal Bottom Hole Orientation) Sub

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North Seeking Gyro
NORTH SEEKING – Each required survey station depth is an independent
calculated value. Compared to conventional gyro survey tools, North
seeking gyroscopes provide substantially more accurate survey data. No

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manual foresight reference is required and other possible gross (human)
errors are eliminated.
The gyroscope used by Gyrodata is a dual-axis,
north-seeking, rate-gyroscope
Dual-axis refers to the measurement of values Y
in the X and Y axes of the tool
Both the gyro and the accelerometer record X
values in these two axis
North-seeking rate-gyroscope refers to the
method used to determine the tool position and
hence, the wellbore azimuth
North Seeking Gyro - Theory

Earths rotational rate = (360°/24hr)+(360°/365.25dys/24hr)= 15.041 degs/hr. This is constant for

any position on the globe and can be defined as consisting of a horizontal and vertical component.
However, these individual components are not constant and are dependant on the Latitude.

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The horizontal component (Eh) = 15.041 x Cosine Lat. (Aberdeen 57°N, Eh = 8.192)

It can be observed that this horizontal component of the Earths

Eh spin vector is always pointing to geographic North,
i.e. it is a perfect True North reference.

It is the accurate measurement of the horizontal earth rate vector

that is the basis for all North Seeking gyroscopes. In gyro
compass mode the tool is held stationary at each required survey
depth and the survey data is calculated independently at each
point. This method is commonly referred to, as Gyro
Effect of Rotation of the Earth

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With the gyro stationary, a certain amount of torque will be generated in the gyro due to the
Earths rotation.

Due to the principles of gyro precession, this generated torque causes an angular change of the
gyro spinning wheel.

The tool electronically measures the components of the force required to restore balance to the
gyro spinning wheel (in the gyro X and Y axes). This restoring force corresponds to the current
Earth rate sensed by the gyro X and Y axes for the tools current position. i.e. current toolface,
inclination and azimuth.

Therefore, any azimuth calculations must also involve data from the accelerometer package. At
any inclined position, the cross-borehole components (Gx and Gy) are mathematically projected
onto the horizontal plane.
The accurate measurement of the Eh components (Gx,Gy) are
mathematically projected onto the horizontal plane to determine
wellbore azimuth. Therefore, in the azimuth calculation, data from
True the accelerometer is also used, i.e. current toolface and inclination.

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If the tool is in a exact vertical position (0° inc), the gyroscope X
and Y axes are in the horizontal plane and provide two orthogonal
components of the horizontal earth rate vector.

Gx Mathematically projected onto the horizontal plane, the measured
Gy Eh components (Gx,Gy) are used to determine the wellbore

Survey interval - gyro compass multishot surveys normally provide

survey data at 100ft /30m intervals. This can be changed to any
depth interval as required (however, the required survey run time
will be increased). Approximate tool running speeds 200 foot per
minute. Stationary for approx. 1 min.
Continuous Navigation Gyroscope
The main objectives of the continuous mode were to optimize survey accuracy at high
inclinations (to horizontal and above) whilst keeping survey run time to a minimum.
The tool operates by accurate angular measurement of rates of change around two
axes. Gx and Gy. Therefore, in continuous mode the inclination and azimuth are both
calculated from the gyroscope.

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Rate around this axis
measures Azimuth

Rate around this axis

measures Inclination

Rotating Mass (gyro)

NSG Running Modes

Real Time Surface Readout on


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Orientation – BHA, whipstock,
packer, pre-cut window,VSP,
Low angle – Gyro toolface
>3º inc. – Highside toolface UBHO sub
locates survey
tool to provide
BHA / toolface
NSG Running Modes
Real Time on electric wireline,
casing/drill-pipe multishots

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Tool positively
decentralised for
higher inclination
casing surveys
Tool centralised for vertical
conductor / casing surveys
NSG Running Modes
Gyro compass in memory mode. Can be run
on slickline (non-conducting line), added onto
logging tool, soft-set release.
drogue assembly

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d-pipe centroller

battery barrel

d-pipe centroller

gyro barrel

d-pipe centroller Pump-down/ drop tool (no wireline required).

Survey on trip out of hole and recover at surface.
decelerator Stationary survey data recorded when drill-string in
slips. Does not require NMDC section in BHA. Can
survey into cased hole sections.
NSG Running Modes
For higher angle (>65° inc.) and horizontal wellbores, the
survey tool is pumped down the drill-string to reach TD.
This is possible using a circulating head and pack-off, or
a side-entry sub.
Both systems allow the drilling mud to be circulated,

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pumping the survey tool down the drill-string with the
wireline within the drillpipe. This can be performed in drill-
pipe in cased hole or in open-hole sections.

Circulating-head and pack-off

Located on rig floor when used

Side-entry Sub
Located in drill-string, below
rotary table
NSG Running Modes

Schlumberger Private
Latest tool development:
GWD tool – 2 x 2 axes gyroscopes with 3-
axes accelerometer, in shock isolation unit.
Adaptable to existing MWD systems.
Gyroscopic tools benefits
- INCREASED ACCURACY interference, e.g. batch setting conductors, casing
9 Improves the ellipse of string, drill-string, fish, formations, magnetised
uncertainty mud/cuttings or magnetic variations (daily, storms)
- RESURVEYS – e.g. of old wells, re-entries.

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Surveying in cased hole/tubing can not use magnetic
survey tools.
NSG limitations

Limitations of North Seeking Gyroscopes – although they provide a high level of quality
control there are limitations to their application.

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Above inclinations of approximately 80° the mathematical projection of the cross-borehole
plane into the horizontal plane loses accuracy, giving a larger uncertainty in the azimuth
calculation. Below an inclination of 70° any errors in the mathematical projection are negligible.
At horizontal, it is not possible to calculate an azimuth by this method.

The maximum latitude of operation is approximately 80° N/S due to the reduction of the
horizontal component of the Earth rotational vector, reducing the ability of tools to North seek.

Another operational function of gyro compassing is the time required to ensure the tool is static
and enable accurate survey data to be calculated. Standard depth intervals for gyro compass
surveys are 30m/100ft. If a short survey interval is required (e.g. 10m/25ft) the overall survey
time will be increased
Inertial Gyroscopic tool

• Most accurate as of Nov 2004 (Huges – RIGS tool)

Schlumberger Private
• Limited to cased hole, Tool diameter = 5 ½ “

• At higher inclinations (above 70°), a wireline tractor

device needs to be used.
Gyro Surveying - Examples

Single shots for verticality and anti-collision

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TD Conductor survey (for accurate tie-on)
and orientation for kick-off

Section Multishot and orientation

out of casing
T.D. horizontal
continuous Continuous survey to reduce
survey uncertainty before drilling
horizontal section

- Types of commonly used survey tools

Schlumberger Private
- Magnetic surveying tools

- Gyroscopic surveying tools

Schlumberger Private
End of module

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